

| 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Jan 1The Hangover
Jan 4Zippity Doo Dah
Jan 6Straight To The Top
Jan 8Two Against One
Jan 11A Lesson In Demons
Jan 13From A Distance
Jan 15KitsQne
Jan 18Party Building Exercise
Jan 20Of The Essence
Jan 22Your Eternal Reward
Jan 25Empty Den Syndrome
Jan 27Fox Family Channel
Jan 29Punching Bag
Feb 1Going Down
Feb 3Split The Party (Don’t Split The Party)
Feb 5Sufficient Precautions
Feb 8Behind The Scenes
Feb 10First Law Of Thermodemonics
Feb 12The Process
Feb 14Yet Another Sarcastic Valentine Card Set
Feb 15The Sundering
Feb 17Services Rendered
Feb 19What? Demon Is Evolving!
Feb 22The Fall Of Love
Feb 23A Fruity Look
Feb 24The Fetch Of Doom
Feb 25Oops He Did It Again
Feb 26Dreaming Of Love
Feb 27The Best Of All
Feb 28The Possum And The Hare
Mar 1What If They Took The Second Way
Mar 3He’ll Get The Point
Mar 5The Ultimate Question
Mar 8Wipe Your Paws
Mar 10Coming Out Of The Attic
Mar 12The Mortifying Ordeal Of Being
Mar 15Feeling Blue
Mar 17Be Prepared
Mar 19Family Time
Mar 22O Daddy’s Boy
Mar 24We All Scream
Mar 26A Drop In The Eaves
Mar 29Machine That Goes Ping
Mar 31Dot Matrix With Stereo Sound
Apr 2Who Uses Landlines
Apr 5The Muffin Marten
Apr 7The Spicy Licorice
Apr 9Automoweasel
Apr 12Road Hazard
Apr 14Aerial Dynamics
Apr 16Cut You A Deal
Apr 19Cold As Ice
Apr 21Cute As A Muffin Button
Apr 23Blaster From The Pastor
Apr 26Cutting Remark
Apr 28Heavens Kitchen
Apr 30Ambrosia
May 3Table This Discussion
May 5Having An Aard Day
May 7I’ve Been Turned Into An Aardvark, Can I Go Home?
May 10(Ahem, Ahem)
May 12A Furry Little Problem
May 14Sammich Break
May 17The Problem With Perception Filters
May 19Car Lift
May 21No Comic
May 24Put Me Down
May 26Car Talk
May 28Book Review
May 31End Of Year Thirteen
Jun 2I’ve Done Every Other Cliche As A Webcartoonist, Now Get Ready For: The Hiatus Notice
Jul 5A Real Challenge For The K9PD
Jul 7And Then There Were Two
Jul 9Baby What A Big Surprise
Jul 12Scaredy Doggo
Jul 14To The Rescue
Jul 16Hungry Dream
Jul 19Instinct Driven
Jul 21Meet Us In Down Under
Jul 23Monsters In The Dark
Jul 26Muffin Madness
Jul 28Puppet Theater
Jul 30Safety First
Aug 2Tea Time
Aug 6Name That Breed
Aug 9A Spot Of Tea
Aug 11You Got The Touch
Aug 13Three Legged Race
Aug 16Kari Comic
Aug 18Gaming Mouse
Aug 20Never Judge A Book
Sep 1Burn-ger King
Sep 3Moving Pictures
Sep 6Pushing Boundaries
Sep 8Send In The Swat Team
Sep 10A Day At The Beach
Sep 13Overwork
Sep 15Tastes Like Catnip
Sep 17Innocent Misunderstanding
Sep 20Gas Station
Sep 22First Day
Sep 24The Form Of Your Destructor
Sep 28Getting Hot In Here
Oct 5Escape Sequence
Oct 12The Top Of The Ladder
Oct 15Applied Philosophical Quandaries
Oct 22Memento Mortalis
Oct 29The Know Nothing Party
Nov 2Gods And Generalities
Nov 9From The Yawning Mouth Of Babes
Nov 16The Moral Of The Story Is
Nov 19The Gods Must Be Lazy
Nov 26Life Is Gross Kill It All
Dec 3Bored? Lemme Check My PDA
Dec 7As In “Yeah, No” Or “No, Yeah”?
Dec 14Guard. Water. Thirsty. Sick Man.
Dec 21Raise The Roof
Dec 24Get Over Here
Dec 25If Every Day Was Like Christmas
Dec 31It’s Impolite To Stair