HPU - Richardson Valley

You guys apparently do this thing a lot?

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Marine Fox »

Lucky gives Terreilius a slight look for second, suprised he would bow, but he ebcomes a little comforted and a bit at ease
Thinking to himself *Eh I can finish scouting later, just...need...to.. relax.*

"Likewise, and sure that sounds great!"
Lucky gives a slight smile, and then suddenly gets a whiff of the pizza, one of the best smells he's had yet.

"Mmm Smells great"
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Construction Boots »

Walking along side the large moving truck his attention was turned towards the new house. His eyes shined with wonder as this was his first time that he could recall ever living in a house as most his life has been spent in hotels or apartments with is dad. Now they had a house and he had hoped with it would come friends and a yard and oh so many other things.

Nearing the front door he paused having to stand to the side of the door as a man stood in the door way holding up one end of the old couch he had grown up testing his claws on or least he tried to having been caught more than once and punished each time. After a minute or two had passed the men had gotten the couch inside with Widget right behind them searching the house for his dad, it only took two rooms before he heard the sound of his dads clicker sounding. 

Turning a half circle he ran from the room and straight down the hall to another room to where the sound had came from. Entering the room he spotted the aged man who was his dad talking with another man about the house. The two paused a moment both turning towards Widget, his dad held up both hands and through some basic sign language told him it was alright for him to walk around the block but to try and not stray off cause of the thick fog. So with a nod Widget turned running back out the house and down the street still wearing his fathers work coat.
Ok so I'm secretly a mouse who lives in a boot. What you have never seen rescue rangers before?

Widget's stats: S- 4, P- 4, E- 8, C- 4, I- 5, A- 10, L- 7

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by QuartzOrren »

“Yes,indeed. Follow me.”he said with a smile.
“Don't feel scared. There's gonna be a lot of people.” He laughed,thinking of Viking.

“One more thing. The german shepard, Viking. You might want to comfort him a bit. He's so timid.”
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Marine Fox »

Thinking to himself *Uh Oh this might be awkward, try to think of things to start a conversation, and try not to do anything stupid that might draw attention*

Lucky slightly reluctant, follows Terrelius to the house number 44, the wondeful smell growing more intense with each step.

"So who's house is this?"
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by D-Singer »

Blood huffed into the breathing apparatus that’d been so roughly affixed to his face, still feeling the remaining tremors in his body from the shock of what’d happened earlier. Whatever it was they were allowing him to breath didn’t feel like regular oxygen. It was different, heavier and with some unidentifiable scent laced into it. He could only speculate on what it was that he was being forced to breathe. It could have been anything from alien atmosphere to another form of sedative. Around him in his peripheral vision, the shepherd mix could see that he was only one in a row of other captive pets, all of them restrained on platform in the same fashion he was. Right beside him was Rav, and on the opposing side was Cole. What could they be feeling right now towards all of this, this experience that’d no doubt probably leave some, human or animal, with mental scarring?

There was a buzzing noise followed by what sounded like some unknown language consisting of short, mixed hisses, whistles, and clicks from what was probably an intercom system of some sort. Moments later Blood saw his environment blur as if being shook violently in random directions. The motions combined with his current position made his stomach churn a little, but he made the effort not to let himself puke up his breakfast.

Looking as best he could at his neighboring captives, Blood could see Rav making some extremely minute effort to get his attention by tugging his paw and flexing his extremities under the restraining surface of the material pinning him down. As a second set of lights above them lit up, he saw the inside of his friend’s ear tattooed with incomprehensible symbols which glowed bright green under the new lights. It was reasonable to assume there was alien lettering etched in glowing ink inside his ear too.

Out of sight, a door could be heard sliding open. Blood cranked his head against the material holding him, making it crackle slightly. His eyes widened and blinked several times at the sight. The aliens without their protective gear, standing easily over 6 feet with an appearance made up of mixed reptilian and dragon-like features. Some were of varying colors and stature, but Blood was in too much of a confused and panicked state to care beyond that. He attempted shouting again as the collection of pets was separated and brought into different rooms, but failed again at producing anything more than an irritated groan.

When they returned, each of the remaining pets now had two aliens towering over each of them. Blood resumed his objective behavior to the very best of his capabilities. Each time he was prodded at resulted in a muffled whine along with limited spasms of movement. What they did to him was beyond any veterinary examination he’d experienced. The instruments they used, the irritating and bizarre ways they looked over him, the methods they went through with to take physical samples from his body. There was no drug they could hit him with that’d allow him to forget what they'd done. Blood felt horribly violated in different ways.

Once his examiners had gotten their hands-on evaluation, they moved his platform onto some type of machine. The thing hummed as it drew the platform inside, causing the shocked coydog to shiver in confusion and fear, wide eyed and obviously more panicked.

The conversing that occurred between the aliens at this time likely concerned Blood’s physical condition as well as the explanation it offered to all his earlier displayed resisting. Countless scars, remnants of long since healed wounds and bone fractures accumulated after years of enduring the harshness life on the streets had dished out to their captive. It was actually quite impressive even amongst the aliens the sheer number past injuries. Some of which were obviously quite serious at the time they were inflicted, yet none which showed lasting effects to the captives body. His past luck must have been quite strong, to have old injuries that could have easily left crippling results to a dog that age.

Behind the screens, the helpless shepherd thought he could hear faint, anguished whining coming from somewhere else...his fears intensified.

Satisfied with the very thorough and informative exam, the dragon-like abductors moved Blood along to yet another area. Once they’d removed the plastic muzzle from his face, he snorted loudly and growled. The aliens seemed unimpressed, and exchanged words of their unknown language again. While one of them held up a small cone to the end of his nose over one of his nostrils, another leaned overhead, holding a translucent tube containing something which appeared to be alive.

It wasn’t hard for Blood to do the math on what was going to happen next. He screamed into the tube forced into his throat, making what sounded more like a shrill cry of pain, and arched his back as hard as he possibly could, pressing the back of his head against the table in the futile attempt to get away from the skittering device that was about to make its new home within the interior of his skull. Shaking about violently and pulling at the tough but very thin material.

The dragon holding the device withdrew for a moment while the one holding the funnel got a better hold of the unruly dog. It waited for Blood to tire out again before firmly pressing the cone to his nose; making a soft hissing sound and gently petting him, as if trying to hush him into calming down. It wasn’t working. Blood drew a sharp breath as he felt the small metallic creature begin its crawl up his nose than through his sinus cavity.


It happened so quickly there was little time to react, but it looked like all that struggling had finally paid off for the iron-willed attack dog. A tiny rip at the tip of his paw was all it took with enough force for him to tear his arm free of the confining rubber sheet. The aliens immediately backed off as Blood’s thrashing escalated to a dangerous extent now that he was partially loose. Like a wild animal in blind panic, he frantically clawed at his other arm, easily freeing it as well.

Blood pulled the breathing tube out of his throat and clutched the sides of his head, screaming and thrashing his upper body around wildly as he felt the pain of the device burrowing under his skull. The aliens cautiously closed back in, as the agonized coydog made one final, ear piercing yowl, curling himself as far forward as he could as he dragged his claws over his temples, then flinging his upper body backwards, slamming himself back into the platform, his head making a loud *CLUNK* as it hit the surface.

The two aliens that were originally working on him, as well as several others came to the scene. Their captive had thrown quite a fit after managing to escape his bonds, and now was lying out cold, bleeding from the self inflicted scratch marks on his head, and a smaller amount from his nose...The captors looked shocked..

(OOC: Single longest post thus far RPing here. :shock: )
Last edited by D-Singer on Sun Jan 29, 2012 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by QuartzOrren »

“The house belongs to Dimitri I believe, and there's mine.”he said pointing at 46.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Keeshah »

D-Singer wrote: Blood pulled the breathing tube out of his throat and clutched the sides of his head, screaming and thrashing his upper body around wildly as he felt the pain of the device burrowing under his skull. The aliens cautiously closed back in, as the agonized coydog made one final, ear piercing yowl, curling himself as far forward as he could as he dragged his claws over his temples, then flinging his upper body backwards, slamming himself back into the platform, his head making a loud *CLUNK* as it hit the surface.

Bloods attempted escape an outburst brings all 8 of the younger dragonoids over to his table.
Altho none of them has spoken, they all seem to be able to work together as one. 2 go to each of his limbs. One holding it down, while the other ties it down into place.
They move his table back over to the scanner, an run it back over the coydog, examining his head again with the machine. one goes over to a bin an takes out a blue pouch, the dragonoid pulls off the backing an squeezes the pouch so that the blue ooze inside starts coming out, then brings it up to Bloods head where he is bleeding pressing it up against the wound, where it now sticks in place. they then take Blood to a holding kennel. fitting a muzzle onto his muzzle, before they release the bonds holding him to the table. they bind his wrists together behind his back, then ties a second binding across his elbows, an set him into the kennel on the sleeping pad. an quickly exit, making doubly sure the door is closed an locked.

The dragonoid's come back an collect the other two processed pets. pushing Kyle an Rav down to the holding kennels. Altho it seems like there not taking any chances now. they free the two canine pets heads, only to slip two capture poles over there heads, one holding a pole to eighter side of the pet. before removing the plastic muzzle. The pets get a vision in their heads of walking calmly into their assigned kennel
Rav blinks at this. So that.. was weird.
The four holding the poles brace, as the other 4 release the wrapping holding the pets down to the floating tables.
Rav climbs down off the table, an once he is on the floor growls an pulls at one of the capture poles, If i can get this away from him i can beat the... Rav thought, before the most intense pain he has ever felt courses through his body! an Rav crumples to the floor in tears, as quickly at the pain appeared, it was gone. The vision of walking calmly into the kennel appears in his head again. An the trembling shaken shepherd meekly allows himself to be lead into the kennel. the capture poles are slipped off his head, an the door to his kennel is closed an locked. Rav sticks his fingers through the holes in the clear kennel walls to tough Bloods fur, as Kyle is loaded into the Kennel on his other side.
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
Foxy Brown (Zootopia) - M - Coyote/RedWolf: Str-6 Per-7 End-6 Cha-4 Int-8 Agi-7 Luck-4
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by thrasherblades »

Russiarules1 wrote: "Thanks! The government really fetched us a good place" "Yeah... but this place would be nicer if it wasn't for these box lying around" Eliot joked and pointed out the boxes around the kitchen "Yeah... most of the are from your dad" Dimitri said to his 'father' "Yeah. I wonder what he has in those boxes..." Eliot wondered, "Anyway, everyone grab a plate and line up!" he said with cheerfulness.
Viking did as he was told and grabbed a plate. He did not dare to admit it, but he was getting real hungry as the smell of that intoxicating pepperoni cheese pizza started driving his taste buds crazy for a mouthful.
Esper wrote:Alexander's blank eyes fluttered open and darted from side to side before locking onto a woman who was not his mother, this frightened him a little, "O-oh, I'm alright, my pads broke the fall." he sat up and a sudden delight filled his eyes, "Did you see that wipeout!? It was wicked!" Alexander blushed through his snowy white fur, embarrassed at his outburst. He collected his longboard and turned Eva, "My name's Skates, who are you?" Alexander smiled and held out his paw happily
Eva smiled as she extended her hand and shook his soft paw. ''Oh, Ah'm Eva. Eva Hurley. Me and mah pet dog just moved into th' neighbourhood and we were just goin' around and gettin' acquainted with the folks 'ere!'' she said. ''Was originally from Texas and mah Daddy left me an' Viking (that's my dog), a house here in his will when he passed away months ago. It's real nice ta meet ya young maan....jes be more careful next time okay hun?'' she said, petting the Akita on the headfur. ''By th' way, there's a niiiice pepperoni an' cheese pizza at that house over there...'' she said, using a thumb to point in the direction of 44. ''Ya wanna have a bite?''
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Marine Fox »

Lucky turns to look at 46, then looks back at Terrelius

"So do all the pets live around in this area?"
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by QuartzOrren »

“I'm not sure. I've been here for... not a long time. Not a day yet?Maybe, but I know Dimitri lives there.”
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Marine Fox »

Thinking to himself *At least im not the only new pet here*
The smell starts to become intoxicating, as the house starts to take shape in the dense fog.

"Hey, is there anything i should know about beforehand?"
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by QuartzOrren »

Terrelius was reluctant to tell Lucky about the lights and lassoings.Fianally, he said this,“The fog. There is crazy unatural... things in the fog. I suggest you don't wander there.”
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Esper »

Skates listened intently to Eva's story and his tail wagged when she pet him. He was slightly astounded when a woman that he had just met invited him to eat pizza, "I-I..." Skates was unsure of what to do, "That sounds nice, thank you, but, is it okay? I mean, I haven't been invited..." he played with the beads in his fur nervously, but he smiled and his snowy colored eyes looked at the house, then to Eva
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Megawolf »

Kyle lay calmly on the table as it was pushed toward his holding kennel. When the table stopped moving, two of the aliens slipped a pair of capture poles over his head and removed his cone-muzzle. As the muzzle was removed, Kyle saw an image of himself walking calmly into the kennel. The image appeared in his head as though he were dreaming, then vanished.

Where did that come from? As the image subsided, Kyle thought of the thing that had so painfully crawled into his head. Maybe that thing wasn't a parasite? Maybe it was some kind of mental communication device? Two more aliens removed the fabric binding Kyle to the table, and he began to see an opportunity to escape! Just as Kyle was about to attempt an attack on one of the aliens, he noticed the German shepherd he had seen earlier. The dog had climbed down off of his table, and was now growling and tugging at his capture poles. Suddenly, the shepherd fell to the ground in what Kyle thought must have been a most horrifying pain. All thoughts of carrying out his attack plan vanished as he realized that the aliens probably had this same level of control over him. A moment later, Kyle watched as the shepherd picked himself up off of the floor and walked into a holding kennel.

Kyle was still on the table, and the aliens were staring at him impatiently. One of them tugged lightly at the capture pole, and Kyle saw the same image of himself walking into a kennel. Oh, right... Kyle climbed down off of his table and calmly walked to a holding kennel where the aliens removed his capture poles and shut him inside. Sitting inside the kennel, Kyle wondered thought of the shepherd he saw just a bit ago. Perhaps an opportunity would present itself where Kyle and this other dog could work together to get away from their captors? Maybe they could even find a way to free all the captured pets?

While pondering the situation, Kyle wondered if the aliens were able to use the thing in his head to read his thoughts. If so, they must know he planned on eventually making an escape. Kyle decided that it would be best to wait on working out the details of his escape plan until he could find a way to remove or deactivate that hideous centipede.
My RP character:

RV: Kyle - Strength: 7, Perception: 5, Endurance: 7, Charisma: 4, Intelligence: 8, Agility: 5, Luck: 6
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Marine Fox »

"The fog? Oh I meant about like uhh any of the other pets here, ya'know so I dont do anything stupid.
Thinking to himslef *Hrmm he seemed a bit edgy with the fog, well I guess I wouldnt be wandering in there anyways, remember your priority.*
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by QuartzOrren »

“Not really. Only Viking is scared of a group. Here!”he stopped in front of Eva.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Construction Boots »

Having left the safety of the front yard of his new home as he had been given permission to go out and explore the block they lived on Widget was happy at first. Than he began to take notice of just how quiet it was outside adding to already creepiness of the thick fog that covered the street. His mind turned to something that it could call back to giving true reason to feel uneasy about walking around alone, his first thought was that of a game he once played that name of which escaped him but the town it was set in was not so easily forgotten. Nearing the first corner he stopped to look around the fog hide most from him so he was not able to see too far off but all the same he taking notice of the street signs before turning and heading down the side walk.

As he passed by a few of the houses he would stop here and there looking over the front yards trying to see if anyone was home at the moment and there was a couple houses that had their lights on but no one was outside and he didn’t want to be rude and just knock of their door so he would return to his walk. Having reached the third corner which placed him at the cross road of Pear and Richardson and once again he paused looking around as he stood there his attention turned towards the sky and where the sun would on a normal day be but today it was hidden. Looking back down towards the ground for a moment longer before reaching into the pockets of the bright yellow coat and fished out an old looking whistle that he turned over in his paws before placing between his lips and giving it a strong blow. The sound that came from the whistle would easily break the silence of the sounding area. The high pitched sound echoed off into the distance before dropping silent but was quickly followed by another blast this one much shorter and was followed by another short blast.

This would continue for a couple more minutes as he started up the street towards the last corner the finally ending with him begin back home. He would put the whistle away before getting home so to try and avoid some of the trouble he may be in for blowing on it in the first place.
Ok so I'm secretly a mouse who lives in a boot. What you have never seen rescue rangers before?

Widget's stats: S- 4, P- 4, E- 8, C- 4, I- 5, A- 10, L- 7

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by thrasherblades »

"Of course ya can sonny! Ah bought th' pizza!" Eva replied with a sunshine of smile all over her face. "An' Ah'm sure a big boy like yerself could use a slice or two!" Eva said, ruffling the Akita on the head fur.

Eva smiled, her head turning shortly to have her eyes meet with Terrelius, who happened to stroll up to her. "Howdeh 'dere. You ain't goin to git some pi-"

Eva stopped in mid sentence to stare awkwardly at a peculiar fox who was beside him. She tiled her head for a brief moment.

"Uhh Terreh...did ye happen t' have a walk in th' woods or somethin'? Cuz ah think ye jest made a new critter friend, namely...a fox." Rva asked, not sure if he had befriended the fix beforehand, or had he been following him unnoticed.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

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Lucky reluctant because of the "warm welcome" reaches out his paw to the woman.

"My name is lucky, and no i'm not a wild animal, we just moved into the area "
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by QuartzOrren »

“It's ok, and no. I came back to get some.” he gave a look to Skates.
“Hello. I haven't seen you before.”
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by D-Singer »

Though still unconscious, Blood’s body was once again experiencing tremors, making his breathing sound stuttered and erratic. Every few seconds he shook visibly as if he were freezing. But that was far from the case.

The shepherd came to with a sudden gasp, followed by more excited, stuttered breaths. His eyes slowly fluttered open to take in the new dim environment he’d been placed in, everything was blurry. He groaned loudly as the pain of the splitting headache he’d given himself hit like a freight train. The surface he was laying on felt like memory foam, and while comfortable, didn’t ease the distressing feeling of his bound arms and muzzled jaws.

When his vision cleared, he could see Rav standing in front of him, or at least that’s what it looked like. Blood shifted his bound up arms behind his back and tried sitting up, his head pounded even harder as a result, causing him to grimace in pain. “Rav...?” He said sounding both groggy and very irritated. It took him another moment to realize there was a perforated, transparent wall between them, and that he aliens had put them in separate kennels.

He grunted and attempted to lick his snout, the smell and taste of his namesake as prominent as a nosebleed. The muzzle on him just barely allotted his jaws enough space to do this. “Rav...what did they do to us? Where did they go?” His expression was dazed, but still hinted with agitation, as expected from an animal fighting his forced captivity with all his might. He felt a tiny trickle of his namesake on his nose again and tried to lick it.

With how uncomfortable it was trying to sit up, Blood found himself leaning to the side with his muzzled face pressed against the glass-like wall. His breathing was still coming out in drawn out, stuttered huffs.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Construction Boots »

Turning the final corner of his block Widget slipped the whistle back in to the pocket of the bright yellow coat before drawing his paw out. The fog had started to lift quite quickly making it far easier to see more of the neighborhood as well as the orange grove that was just across the street and that set his mind a fire with ideas on games he could play. His pace now quickened as he could see his dads suv as well as the moving truck that was parked in the drive way. With the fog clearing up he would ask permission to explore more of the neighborhood and maybe get his dad to give him some money for food after all it was lunch time by now and his stomach was more than willing to inform him of this.

Reaching the front door once more Widget paused in the door way and called out. “Dad, where are you?” Here he waited the answer which only took a moment as he heard the clicking sound once more and followed it to where his dad was. Finding him in the laundry room working on getting the washer and dryer hooked up. “Hey dad the fog is lifting so can I go explore? Oh also I’m hungry.” From behind the dryer a man of medium height stood up and leaned over the top of the dryer just staring at Widget his face clearly showing signs of debate. “Alright Widget your free to go out but you stay away from the orange grove for now.” As Widget’s owner spoke he slipped a free hand into his right pocket and pulled out his wallet which he removed a bill and returned the wallet to his pocket. “I’m going to give you ten dollars this is to last you the rest of the day so don’t spend it all at once and you leave my coat here. Understood?”

With a nod Widget pulled the coat off dropping it on the floor before grabbing the money and running back out of the house. With money in hand he turned right leaving his house and started jogging along the side walk not even sure as to where he was heading but that didn’t matter as he was happy just to really get the chance to stretch his legs and run
Ok so I'm secretly a mouse who lives in a boot. What you have never seen rescue rangers before?

Widget's stats: S- 4, P- 4, E- 8, C- 4, I- 5, A- 10, L- 7

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by TensaZangetsu »

Matt sighed as he walked back home
I wonder why Cole still isn't back... I'm really worried, and Keri is getting annoying
Matt sighed as he tried to think about where his older brother was
(OOC: im about to post for the alien thingy)
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Esper »

Skates readily reflected Eva's smile and wagged his tail more vigorously. "Thank you, Miss Eva," his stomach rumbled a bit and he blushed a tad, "I think I will have a slice or two."

Skates turned to look at Terrelius and Lucky, "My name is Skates, I just moved in yesterday, who are you two?" He gladly held out his paw, not sensing any threat from the newcomers
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by QuartzOrren »

Terrelius smiled, shaking his hand.
“My name is Terrelius.”he bowed again.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Keeshah »

Megawolf wrote: Sitting inside the kennel, Kyle wondered thought of the shepherd he saw just a bit ago. Perhaps an opportunity would present itself where Kyle and this other dog could work together to get away from their captors? Maybe they could even find a way to free all the captured pets?

Rav whimpered at Blood, but couldn't get at him through the clear kennel walls.
he instead moved over to the other side of his kennel an nosed at the husky on the other side.
strangely he couldn't scent him at all, that bug must have messed up my sense of smell, all i smell is blood.
Hey there, what town did they grab you from? I haven't seen you running around in Richardson Valley before. that is where we are from.
Sweeping his arm to gesture to Blood.
I am Ravage, but i go by Rav now days, an that is Blood.

D-Singer wrote:“Rav...?” He said sounding both groggy and very irritated. It took him another moment to realize there was a perforated, transparent wall between them, and that he aliens had put them in separate kennels.“Rav...what did they do to us? Where did they go?” With how uncomfortable it was trying to sit up, Blood found himself leaning to the side with his muzzled face pressed against the glass-like wall. His breathing was still coming out in drawn out, stuttered huffs.

Rav moves back over to the other side of his kennel when he hears Blood awaking in his kennel.
Rav looks around, I don't see them, I think there letting us settle down and be alone for a while. to get used to are new surroundings. Or there just off working with the others that they have caught.
Rav rubs the bridge of his nose. I think they kinda implanted us with a Babelfish like device. but it's not a true translation device like in "Hitchhiker's guide".
You see pictures in your mind.
Rav rubs his head...
It also seems to be able to stimulate the pain an pleasure centers.. I've strangely felt warm an safe, right after the bug got a foot hold in my head. Then when i tried to escape i was suddenly in pain, massive intense pain, that went away as suddenly as it came over me.
Rav sticks his muzzle into one of the holes in the wall, an licks at Blood's cheek when he gets close enough to do so.
TensaZangetsu wrote: (OOC: im about to post for the alien thingy)
(OOC we will be waiting in anticipation!)
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Megawolf »

Keeshah wrote: Rav whimpered at Blood, but couldn't get at him through the clear kennel walls.
he instead moved over to the other side of his kennel an nosed at the husky on the other side.
strangely he couldn't scent him at all, that bug must have messed up my sense of smell, all i smell is blood.
Hey there, what town did they grab you from? I haven't seen you running around in Richardson Valley before. that is where we are from.
Sweeping his arm to gesture to Blood.
I am Ravage, but i go by Rav now days, an that is Blood.
Kyle nodded his head. He remembered that the instructions had said to not reveal his identity to anyone, but thought it couldn't hurt to give his first name. "Nice to meet you both. I'm Kyle. I had just arrived in Richardson Valley when I noticed a strange pair of eyes in the fog. Next thing I know, my body's paralyzed and I'm brought here." Kyle turned his attention to the dog Rav had identified as Blood. His arms and legs were bound, and he looked like he had been injured. "Are you OK? You got pretty banged up, back there."

Looking around, Kyle noticed that the aliens seemed to have left the room. He still didn't know if the centipede could read his thoughts or broadcast his actions to his captors, but he wasn't going to help his situation by sitting around worrying about it. "There has to be a way we can get off this ship and go home. Maybe the doors on these kennels aren't as strong as they look?" Kyle pressed on the door and tested its strength. It didn't seem to give, but he was going to try to escape anyway. Kyle backed up to the back of the kennel, then rushed forward and plowed into the door, turning to hit it with his left shoulder. To his dismay, the door didn't seem to budge. "So much for that idea..."
My RP character:

RV: Kyle - Strength: 7, Perception: 5, Endurance: 7, Charisma: 4, Intelligence: 8, Agility: 5, Luck: 6
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Seth »

Alex waited for the other pets to line up before grabbing a plate and taking his place at the back of the line.
His tail began to wag in anticipation
Man that smells great!!!
I think in Non-sequiturs

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Keeshah »

Megawolf wrote:"Nice to meet you both. I'm Kyle. I had just arrived in Richardson Valley when I noticed a strange pair of eyes in the fog. Next thing I know, my body's paralyzed and I'm brought here." Kyle turned his attention to the dog Rav had identified as Blood. His arms and legs were bound, and he looked like he had been injured. "Are you OK? You got pretty banged up, back there."

Rav nods his head..
been there, done that.. those eyes have to awaken something primal in us pets, it just draws us in like flies to honey.
Rav looks back an forth between the two dogs.
I am starting to think these aliens don't really mean us harm. Now that i have thought on it.. it seems they're going out of there way to not harm us, or let us cause harm to are selves in panic. Bloods escape attempt not withstanding.
Rva stops an thinks.. remembers Bloods scan screens.
Blood seems to have lived the life of a crash test dummy. with all the breaks in his bones an scar tissue it detected.. wish i could have seen mine.
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by thrasherblades »

Marine Fox wrote:Lucky reluctant because of the "warm welcome" reaches out his paw to the woman.

"My name is lucky, and no i'm not a wild animal, we just moved into the area "
Eva got startled quite a bit when she heard that he wasn't a feral fox. ''Good Lord, Ah'm so sorreh about that. Please do forgive meh....I had no idea...My name is Eva...Eva Hurley...'' Eva said, reaching her hand out to the fox's paw and shaking it. ''And how shall ah call you my dear boy?'' Eva asked.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Marine Fox »

Lucky smiles bit at how friendly she would be, since most humans try to beat him with a broom before they see the collar.
"Lucky is fine"

Lucky turns towards the the Akita, then extends his other hand to him, as he releases Eva's hand.

"Name's Lucky, and you are?"
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by TensaZangetsu »

<blah blah all the stuff I missed... I really don't feel like typing all that... Sorry :P >
I swear to god this day has been just jacked up
Cole sighed
He then wondered about what he could have done to prevented all of this.

(OOC: PLEASE FORGIVE ME! :cry: I just don't have the time to type all that. I beg for forgiveness!)
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by D-Singer »

[OOC: Forgiven, just interact somehow now :/]
Keeshah wrote:Rav moves back over to the other side of his kennel when he hears Blood awaking in his kennel.
Rav looks around, I don't see them, I think there letting us settle down and be alone for a while. to get used to are new surroundings. Or there just off working with the others that they have caught.
Rav rubs the bridge of his nose. I think they kinda implanted us with a Babelfish like device. but it's not a true translation device like in "Hitchhiker's guide".
You see pictures in your mind.
Rav rubs his head...
It also seems to be able to stimulate the pain an pleasure centers.. I've strangely felt warm an safe, right after the bug got a foot hold in my head. Then when i tried to escape i was suddenly in pain, massive intense pain, that went away as suddenly as it came over me.
Rav sticks his muzzle into one of the holes in the wall, an licks at Blood's cheek when he gets close enough to do so.
Blood grimaced again with a grunt of discomfort. He flexed his arms, testing the bindings they’d tied him with. “Well mine must be broken. I sure as hell don’t feel safe, and the only pain I’ve got is this god-awful headache...” He licked his nose again, still tasting the tiny amount of his namesake trickling out and onto his chops. After Rav had licked him, he lifted his face away from the wall, noticing some of the blue gel the aliens had covered his self-inflicted claw marks with smeared off where he was resting his head.
Megawolf wrote:Kyle nodded his head. He remembered that the instructions had said to not reveal his identity to anyone, but thought it couldn't hurt to give his first name. "Nice to meet you both. I'm Kyle. I had just arrived in Richardson Valley when I noticed a strange pair of eyes in the fog. Next thing I know, my body's paralyzed and I'm brought here." Kyle turned his attention to the dog Rav had identified as Blood. His arms were bound, and he looked like he had been injured. "Are you OK? You got pretty banged up, back there."
“I’m just friggin’ peachy...” Blood dryly responded as he glared over the husky two kennels over. His pronunciation while muzzled made it sound as if he were growling through clenched teeth.
Megawolf wrote: ”There has to be a way we can get off this ship and go home. Maybe the doors on these kennels aren't as strong as they look?" Kyle pressed on the door and tested its strength. It didn't seem to give, but he was going to try to escape anyway. Kyle backed up to the back of the kennel, then rushed forward and plowed into the door, turning to hit it with his left shoulder. To his dismay, the door didn't seem to budge. "So much for that idea..."
“Nice one kid.” Blood scoffed. Not that the method was impossible, on the contrary, Blood had on one occasion broken free of a temporary kennel when he was a stray by repeatedly throwing himself at the door. While he eventually bent its framing outward enough for him to slip away, if cost him some serious bruising and a dislocated shoulder. He doubted it would work at all on these glass-like kennels. They probably had qualities similar to plexiglass.

Keeshah wrote:Rav looks back an forth between the two dogs.
I am starting to think these aliens don't really mean us harm. Now that i have thought on it.. it seems they're going out of there way to not harm us, or let us cause harm to are selves in panic. Bloods escape attempt notwithstanding.
Rav stops an thinks.. remembers Bloods scan screens.
Blood seems to have lived the life of a crash test dummy. with all the breaks in his bones an scar tissue it detected.. wish i could have seen mine.
Blood gave Rav a skeptical look before repositioning himself and flopping down on his side on the sleeping pad. His arms and paws tingled from their odd position, and his self-inflicted wounds itched. “Whatever it is they want, they’d better tell us. I don’t bend to freaks who just whisk me away thinking I’m theirs to **** with. I never have and never will.”
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by TensaZangetsu »

Cole listened in on the others, but really didnt wanna say much
Ugh... I'm awful at this kind of thing
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Keeshah »

D-Singer wrote:Blood gave Rav a skeptical look before repositioning himself and flopping down on his side on the sleeping pad. His arms and paws tingled from their odd position, and his self-inflicted wounds itched. “Whatever it is they want, they’d better tell us. I don’t bend to freaks who just whisk me away thinking I’m theirs to **** with. I never have and never will.”

Rav looks around as new pets are brought in an placed into their kennels, another husky next to Kyle kennel, an a cat on the other side of Bloods kennel.
(OOC there, everyone is together an on the same page again.)
I wouldn't get too crazy yet, i may have watched too much Star Trek.
but lets not assume all aliens are bad, an out to get us.

Rav shrugs his shoulders awkwardly.
Even tho they were ummm out to get us. an did... umm yea..
Rav perks his ears up..
Hey, look at grandma there!

A dragonoid has come into the passageway, pushing a cart.. She has muddy brown, an mustard yellow scales. altho her muzzle has gone gray, as well as her long mane. She moves slowly down the line of kennels. sliding a bowl of food through a slot in the kennel wall next to the door. then hangs a water bottle on the wall so that the stem fits in through a hole in the wall.
Rav goes over an laps at the ball on the stem of the water bottle, getting the water to flow..
I haven't had to use one of these since i was a young puppy..!!
He looks back at all the eyes staring in shock at him.
Ummm what!?? you think there going to poison us now??

The dragonoid dubbed Grandma by Rav, comes back down the hallway having dishing out the food an water.
She stops an opens Blood's kennel door, an steps inside, lowering herself slowly..
There is an image of her removing the muzzle an bindings.
there is a pause.. there is an image of Blood nodding his head, or shaking his head no.
She sits back calmly as she awaits his answer.
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
Foxy Brown (Zootopia) - M - Coyote/RedWolf: Str-6 Per-7 End-6 Cha-4 Int-8 Agi-7 Luck-4
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Construction Boots »

After running for a good couple of minutes Widget slide to a halt a very puzzled look crossing his features. It had taken a moment but it now came to the surface of his mind that he had no clue as to where he even was at or going all he knew was he was hungry and it was now nice out. Having stopped on the corner of Lime lane and Pear street near house 33. There he stood looking around seeing all the other houses but at the moment completely overlooking the fact that there were other pets as well as a human standing not all that far away talking.
Ok so I'm secretly a mouse who lives in a boot. What you have never seen rescue rangers before?

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by D-Singer »

Blood’s ears flicked at the sounds coming down the hall, intently watching as the elderly looking alien placed food and water in each of their kennels. He looked at Rav with disdain when he immediately went for the water. Those ridiculous spout, water dispensers were for either rodents or store bought puppies in his opinion. Blood would probably have found equal dignity in licking his water off the floor.

When the alien entered his kennel, he was instantly sitting up again. A series of mental images flashed through his head of his restraints being removed, followed by him showing some indication of his willingness to comply.

“What the...?” It looked like Rav was right about how they could make you see things, and while he already felt biased against any compliance with his abductors, this instance would definitely make things more bearable for him.

Blood stepped off the sleeping pad, his ears pinned back, head lowered, and tail curled down slightly, all while keeping locked eye contact with the dragonoid. His body language was obviously indicating submission, but those deep red eyes of his burned with suppressed aggravation. He nodded his head, and knelt down on one leg.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Keeshah »

D-Singer wrote:“What the...?” It looked like Rav was right about how they could make you see things, and while he already felt biased against any compliance with his abductors, this instance would definitely make things more bearable for him.

Blood stepped off the sleeping pad, his ears pinned back, head lowered, and tail curled down slightly, all while keeping locked eye contact with the dragonoid. His body language was obviously indicating submission, but those deep red eyes of his burned with suppressed aggravation. He nodded his head, and knelt down on one leg.

"Grandma" nods her head back. an unfastens Bloods muzzle removing it, then she unties his wrists, then unties the elbow's bindings.
A vision of an offer to sniff her tail appears. Apparently this one knows pet behavior very well.
a vision of Blood appears. then a vision of Blood with his his tilted in puzzlement or questioning.
"Grandma" also stays down low to the floor, an also in a submissive position, as Blood is.

Rav presses up against the wall of the kennel, his fingers gripping through the holes in the wall that separates the kennels.
What what's happening! whats she saying.. showing you?
Rav barks excitedly, with his tail wagging briskly behind him.
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Esper »

"Mind if I call you Terrel?" Skates asked Terrelius as he turned to Lucky, "My name's Skates, bet'cha can't figure out why." he joked as he brandished his longboard, "I was just about to grab some pizza," he turned to Eva, "Can they come and have pizza too?" Skates asked, eager to make new friends in his new neighborhood
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by QuartzOrren »

Not at all. I was going to get a slice when I ran into Lucky here investigating a sound.
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