Arc 30: The Present

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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by arcict »

I'm probably taking this too seriously, probably.

And I just know I'm going to get a reputation as a whiner sooner or later.

But I'm trying to understand King's mentality in this instance. If he knew, and IMHO it wouldn't take much asking around to find out, that Sasha was supposed to be Bino's girlfriend, why then would he risk further alienation with someone that he already knows doesn't like him? AKA, why would he risk getting Bino even more mad at him by giving his girlfriend a present?

I know King spent the night with her but that was more of a "pity" situation IMHO, this was totally not necessary. I suppose he could be trying to keep friends and such but that begs another question...

King hasn't even been a dog very long, which means that he owns little more then his own fur, he can't even claim his own coller. How then does he acquire a "bigger thing" quickly enough to give away as a present?

I suppose if there was a big roll of torn up insulation or something that he and Pete had cobbled together while re-furbishing the new house or something like that it might make sense. I don't see Pete doing King any favors (like getting him a large allowance or anything) so I've gotta wonder...

Where did King manage to get such a large present?

One thing I love is the little text (I forget it's proper name) that appears when you hover the mouse over the image, just a little additional caption giving you (or Rick in this case) yet another chance to pack in just a little more humor. Plus it tends to load before the picture does when it's being loaded up with the slow speed we have at home, so it helps keep things etertaining while I'm waiting.

I mention this because I love the whole Alternate ending text that "could have been", not to say that it should have been as this also has potential, but I love it anyway.


I love the expressions of Bino in all four panels, semi surprize, emberassment, afffection, annoyance.

going through that many emotions in so short of time cannot be healthy.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Barkeron »

Ebly wrote:You know you guys creep me out, right? The epitome of romance we've seen depicted in the comic has been Grape kissing Peanut. On the cheek.

I don't think something like a romantic relationship between King and Sasha is something that's going to be explored. Like, ever. I think the most that she'll ever be with him is her usual affection that she lathers over everybody, and I think the most that he'll ever be with her is really nice and friendly and great friends: He only stayed the night with her in the first place out of sympathy after all. Sympathy does not equate to interest, and we haven't seen them together since to be able to gauge if there is any.
If you want to bring up that he got her a bighugeawesome Valentine's gift, I would argue that every other dog and their fleas got her a Valentine's gift, and that bighugeawesome is a matter of opinion and it remains to be seen what his gift actually was, and she does seem to like pretty much everything and anything to unexpected degrees.
Ebly, that is the whole point of us fans here. It's to explore the possibilities here. Which is why you have fanfiction. In terms of romantic couples, compared with the Pokemon shippers fiasco, this is quite tame in my opinion. As much as I'm secret King/Sasha fan, I must snap back to reality, its a comic strip and anything can happen. (Oh crap, its not a secret anymore)
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Ebly »

valerio wrote:we, according to your way of thinking, are not even allowed to explore its potentialities? Are we allowed only to read a strip, say 'well, I liked it' and that's it?
Where on earth did you get that from? Am I not allowed to explore its possibilities by saying what I think is going to not happen? Isn't that hypocritical? Call me passive-aggressive, but it is seriously disappointing that you think my view is that you can't have a view.

Okay, fair enough, everyone has their own theories. Can you not use that as an excuse to ignore mine? I didn't say you can't talk about those things, I said that I, personally, don't agree (that I find the ideas strange and basically ridiculous or unlikely) and gave my own impression. My view was that these things won't happen. Fox, don't patronize me by telling me what this topic is for. I know what this topic is for, and I was using it just the same way. Me disagreeing with the ideas is not saying people can't have them. It's not saying nobody should discuss the comic, and it's not saying "oh my god I am so totally obsessed with this comic that I get angry with people for having ideas." I just disagree with the ideas that have been presented. I don't see why it's being taken as anything but a differentiation of opinion. Why try to extrapolate meaning that's not there?

Basically, disagree with what I actually said. Don't say that I'm saying things I'm not and proceed to disagree with them.

On another note, I didn't use phrases like 'creep me out' and 'way too obsessed' with any seriousness. Okay, it wasn't obvious and I'll take the fall for saying them, but it wasn't my intention to offend civil people. I'm sorry for it. Don't get too worked up over it, though, because what I genuinely find creepy is the deep obsession with shipping that only some people have. I don't mean the normal stuff, I mean the kind of things that get warnings and worse. Now that's undeniably creepy.
I was going to make a joke but then I did.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Esquire Fox »

I wrote:She could very well have implied the thoughtfulness of the gift.
Not the size or the amount of it.
Since this arc is called "The Present", I bet it has a lot to do with the gift King got her.
We'll find out Wednesday if Bino focuses his attention on King, tries to snoop around to see what gift he got her, or does something else entirely.
Either way, I am interested in finding out :D.

EDIT: As for Ebly, what I found rude was what I deemed were the personal attacks on the people that "shipped" two characters as a couple, despite all current logic.
But you've pointed out you didn't mean those gestures with any seriousness. I simply took them the wrong way it seems.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Kyderra »

I think the king reference is/was just a small meme by rick.
I hope not, but I think they are not going into it any further
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Barkeron »

bollythewolf wrote:
ReCreate wrote:King is a human turned into a dog.
There needs to be some distinction here. As far as I'm concerned, as a character, King is a dog, and King has always been a dog. Joel, however, was a human, but he was turned into King. King himself has never been human. They are the same being but they are not the same character.

The whole argument about 'King is not a dog' is a moot point. King is a dog. King has always been a dog since KING (not Joel) first appeared. Granted, the fact that King could become Joel again opens up some very interesting plot possibilites, but as long as King is King, he is a dog, and there should be no reason why he and Sasha couldn't fall in love.
Translation: Joel/King are the same but different characters. Joel wasn't a dog to begin with, when Pete turned him into a dog, everything changed. As far as King going back to Joel, who knows, (but rick) It may or may not happen.
Last edited by Barkeron on Mon May 17, 2010 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Ebly »

Esquire Fox wrote:As for Ebly, what I found rude was what I deemed were the personal attacks on the people that "shipped" two characters as a couple, despite all current logic.
But you've pointed out you didn't mean those gestures with any seriousness. I simply took them the wrong way it seems.
Eep! As I said, I'll take responsibility. I'm sorry that I put it across that way.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by IceKitsune »

arcict wrote:I'm probably taking this too seriously, probably.

And I just know I'm going to get a reputation as a whiner sooner or later.

But I'm trying to understand King's mentality in this instance. If he knew, and IMHO it wouldn't take much asking around to find out, that Sasha was supposed to be Bino's girlfriend, why then would he risk further alienation with someone that he already knows doesn't like him? AKA, why would he risk getting Bino even more mad at him by giving his girlfriend a present?

I know King spent the night with her but that was more of a "pity" situation IMHO, this was totally not necessary. I suppose he could be trying to keep friends and such but that begs another question...

King hasn't even been a dog very long, which means that he owns little more then his own fur, he can't even claim his own coller. How then does he acquire a "bigger thing" quickly enough to give away as a present?

I suppose if there was a big roll of torn up insulation or something that he and Pete had cobbled together while re-furbishing the new house or something like that it might make sense. I don't see Pete doing King any favors (like getting him a large allowance or anything) so I've gotta wonder...

Where did King manage to get such a large present?

One thing I love is the little text (I forget it's proper name) that appears when you hover the mouse over the image, just a little additional caption giving you (or Rick in this case) yet another chance to pack in just a little more humor. Plus it tends to load before the picture does when it's being loaded up with the slow speed we have at home, so it helps keep things etertaining while I'm waiting.

I mention this because I love the whole Alternate ending text that "could have been", not to say that it should have been as this also has potential, but I love it anyway.


I love the expressions of Bino in all four panels, semi surprize, emberassment, afffection, annoyance.

going through that many emotions in so short of time cannot be healthy.

Ok first thing first King doesn't like Bino and most likely really doesn't care whether he likes him or not. This one answers your next two questions Pete might have given them to him with magic or something (depending on how big the present is) why he would do this I don't know its just a guess since I agree I'm sure that he doesn't give King any sort of Allowance.

As for the whole Shipping thing I'll say this I think it is more likely that King/Joel will end up being Sasha owner/dad rather then her boyfriend. Now Ebly is right just because he disagrees with you doesn't mean he thinks you can't have your own thoughts on the matter. But as far as Shipping "wars" (if you can even call this one a war for any of the ships) go this has been the most tame one I've ever seen. And I admit I've been in quite a few.

Also everyone is forgetting the possibility that this could still have something to do with her current owner. Now what she would do at this point I don't know but its a possibility that everyone is kind of ignoring.
Edit: Fixed spelling and added more thoughts
Last edited by IceKitsune on Mon May 17, 2010 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Esquire Fox »

Kyderra wrote:I think the king reference is/was just a small meme by rick.
I hope not, but I think they are not going into it any further
If the alternate caption is a clue of any value, then you are probably right.
rickgriffin wrote:You will note that King is not listed. That is because everyone would immediately vote for him and this whole exercise would be pointless.
Heh, isn't that the truth :lol:?
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Barkeron »

IceKitsune wrote: As for the whole Shipping thing I'll say this I think it is more likely that King/Joel will end up being Sasha owner/dad rather then her boyfriend. Now Ebly is right just because he disagrees with you doesn't mean he thinks you can't have your own thoughts on the matter. But as far as Shipping "wars" (if you can even call this one a war)go this has been the most tame one I've ever seen. And I admit I've been in quite a few.
I think you read my mind. I said something about tame in the last post about this shippers thing. Yeah its true, some take this shippers thing a little to the extreme. Now back to the topic, Joel/King ending up as Sasha's new owner is one possibly. That is, if he ever goes back to being a human and manages to avoid jail time for "escaping" the jail. And now there is the thing about Sasha's current owner, what makes up think he would give her up that easy. He basically uses her to get "babes" or some stuff like that.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by IceKitsune »

Barkeron wrote:
IceKitsune wrote: As for the whole Shipping thing I'll say this I think it is more likely that King/Joel will end up being Sasha owner/dad rather then her boyfriend. Now Ebly is right just because he disagrees with you doesn't mean he thinks you can't have your own thoughts on the matter. But as far as Shipping "wars" (if you can even call this one a war)go this has been the most tame one I've ever seen. And I admit I've been in quite a few.
I think you read my mind. I said something about tame in the last post about this shippers thing. Yeah its true, some take this shippers thing a little to the extreme. Now back to the topic, Joel/King ending up as Sasha's new owner is one possibly. That is, if he ever goes back to being a human and manages to avoid jail time for "escaping" the jail. And now there is the thing about Sasha's current owner, what makes up think he would give her up that easy. He basically uses her to get "babes" or some stuff like that.
Sasha could find him a girl and since he has no further use for her he gets rid of her and then Joel picks her up. As for Joel escaping jail time I think that Pete could erase every ones memories of what Joel did so he wouldn't have to go to jail. I mean if he did give King an allowance or magically gave him the presents he could do that for him since Pete seems to think that jail would do Joel no good. But then again in the Christmas strips Pete implied that he would never turn King back into Joel. This leads to the possibility of King/Sasha. And another thought I just had what if Sasha finds her Dad a girl before King becomes Joel again this could lead King to maybe beg Pete to adopt Sasha him self. That would be interesting.

Edit: added more thoughts
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Cerberusx »

Ebly wrote:You know you guys creep me out, right? The epitome of romance we've seen depicted in the comic has been Grape kissing Peanut. On the cheek.

I don't think something like a romantic relationship between King and Sasha is something that's going to be explored. Like, ever. I think the most that she'll ever be with him is her usual affection that she lathers over everybody, and I think the most that he'll ever be with her is really nice and friendly and great friends: He only stayed the night with her in the first place out of sympathy after all. Sympathy does not equate to interest, and we haven't seen them together since to be able to gauge if there is any.
If you want to bring up that he got her a bighugeawesome Valentine's gift, I would argue that every other dog and their fleas got her a Valentine's gift, and that bighugeawesome is a matter of opinion and it remains to be seen what his gift actually was, and she does seem to like pretty much everything and anything to unexpected degrees.

Edit: That's not even taking into account any other point like 'oh but King is Joel turned into a dog, icky'.

Still, the rest of the arc looms, and anything can happen. What I'm basically saying is that all this King and Sasha nonsense reminds me of the extreme Grape and Peanut shipping that plagued the last arc (and all the arcs before it, and you know what, since the dawn of time). Most of you guys are way too obsessed, and that's coming from me. At least Sinder is funny about it you crazy people.
I agree with you comrade Ebly on some, not on some of this and the rest I really don't care, but I don'y think that King and Sasha are going to be having a relationship or "hooking up" persay, (even though I do wish for it to happen) but King is supposed to learn a lot out of being a dog now and this is something I think that will help him A LOT. Then again it could not happen or it could, and King's old persannality kicks back in again at the wrong time and something bad happenes between him and one of the characters.

But this is just my thought and hunch on the subject.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Barkeron »

Cerberusx wrote: but I don't think that King and Sasha are going to be having a relationship or "hooking up" per-say, (even though I do wish for it to happen) but King is supposed to learn a lot out of being a dog now and this is something I think that will help him A LOT. Then again it could not happen or it could, and King's old personality kicks back in again at the wrong time and something bad happened between him and one of the characters.

But this is just my thought and hunch on the subject.

I will agree with you on the part is that primary the reason for Joel being transformed into King is basically to view the world from a dogs point of view.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Liam »

Kyderra wrote:I think the king reference is/was just a small meme by rick.
I hope not, but I think they are not going into it any further
Sasha's meaningful act will be to decide between Bino and King. She thus becomes the Bachelorette and the arc's title refers to that roses they buy from Walmart.

"Do you want a shot of love with Sasha, King?" "But yes! Oh, a plastic rose, how nice."
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Teh Brawler »

Sasha wrote:This is almost as bighugeawesome as the gift that King got me!

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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Barkeron »



He's giving what? o.O
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by ChewyChewy »

IceKitsune wrote:Sasha could find him a girl and since he has no further use for her he gets rid of her and then Joel picks her up. As for Joel escaping jail time I think that Pete could erase every ones memories of what Joel did so he wouldn't have to go to jail. I mean if he did give King an allowance or magically gave him the presents he could do that for him since Pete seems to think that jail would do Joel no good. But then again in the Christmas strips Pete implied that he would never turn King back into Joel. This leads to the possibility of King/Sasha. And another thought I just had what if Sasha finds her Dad a girl before King becomes Joel again this could lead King to maybe beg Pete to adopt Sasha him self. That would be interesting.

Edit: added more thoughts
I don't think Pete necessarily implied NEVER. He certainly implied "not now," but his own words in that comic page said that change takes a long time and rarely ends as neatly as stories would have you believe. Pete was just responding to King's eagerness to return to being human right that moment. Granted, Pete said it in a teasing, jerky way (not definitively SAYING he would ever change King back), but then, that's Pete.

Plus Pete's already said that Sasha's protected, so I doubt he'd waste time adopting Sasha as well. (Besides, why would Sasha's owner be able to finally succeed in using her to meet someone when he's never managed that before, especially knowing what he is?)

I am curious about how King got such a "bighugeawesome" present for Sasha, though, since that's been brought up....
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Dissension »


You mean it's not possible he's just teasing you guys like usual?

Anyway, this comic makes it clear that Bino's a tad embarrassed at regifting all that stuff to Sasha, even if the third panel makes it seem as though he would have gotten her more, or newer, stuff if he knew how much she liked getting presents.

As for his reaction to having King's gift mentioned, I think he handled it rather well. Isn't it sort of impolitic for Sasha to mention it in the first place? Just sayin'.

On the nature of that gift, it's entirely probable that Sasha is just describing whatever King gave her in glowing terms, and not actually referring to size or value. Even if the gift is big and valuable, let's not forget that Joel (before his transformation into King) had been in prison before. Petty larceny, mayhaps?
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Teh Brawler »

Dissension wrote:

You mean it's not possible he's just teasing you guys like usual?
Oh, bah, let me make my baseless accusations that have no real relevance to my own beliefs in peace. :lol:

@Barkeron: I trust you know what shipping is, so I'll say that "fodder" relates to the hay and plants that horses feed off of.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by IceKitsune »

ChewyChewy wrote:
IceKitsune wrote:Sasha could find him a girl and since he has no further use for her he gets rid of her and then Joel picks her up. As for Joel escaping jail time I think that Pete could erase every ones memories of what Joel did so he wouldn't have to go to jail. I mean if he did give King an allowance or magically gave him the presents he could do that for him since Pete seems to think that jail would do Joel no good. But then again in the Christmas strips Pete implied that he would never turn King back into Joel. This leads to the possibility of King/Sasha. And another thought I just had what if Sasha finds her Dad a girl before King becomes Joel again this could lead King to maybe beg Pete to adopt Sasha him self. That would be interesting.

Edit: added more thoughts
I don't think Pete necessarily implied NEVER. He certainly implied "not now," but his own words in that comic page said that change takes a long time and rarely ends as neatly as stories would have you believe. Pete was just responding to King's eagerness to return to being human right that moment. Granted, Pete said it in a teasing, jerky way (not definitively SAYING he would ever change King back), but then, that's Pete.

Plus Pete's already said that Sasha's protected, so I doubt he'd waste time adopting Sasha as well. (Besides, why would Sasha's owner be able to finally succeed in using her to meet someone when he's never managed that before, especially knowing what he is?)

I am curious about how King got such a "bighugeawesome" present for Sasha, though, since that's been brought up....
You have a point he could have been just saying that he won't turn him back now. And I did forget that Pete said Sasha was protected (By who anyway did Pete mean that Sasha is already under his protection somehow?) . However I didn't say that Pete would I just said that King would beg him to. As for Sasha's owner that was more of a random thought for a way the whole thing could go it wasn't completely serious.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Barkeron »

IceKitsune wrote: You have a point he could have been just saying that he won't turn him back now. And I did forget that Pete said Sasha was protected (By who anyway did Pete mean that Sasha is already under his protection somehow?) .
Come to think of it, that's what I thought that Pete meant. but I never brought that up.

@Teh Brawler, yes I know what shipping is. I just didn't understood what the last poster meant by "Shipper Fodder".
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by IceKitsune »

Barkeron wrote:
IceKitsune wrote: You have a point he could have been just saying that he won't turn him back now. And I did forget that Pete said Sasha was protected (By who anyway did Pete mean that Sasha is already under his protection somehow?) .
Come to think of it, that's what I thought that Pete meant. but I never brought that up.

@Teh Brawler, yes I know what shipping is. I just didn't understood what the last poster meant by "Shipper Fodder".
I'm going with that idea as well because the only other person it could be is Bino because its clearly not her dad. So I'm going to stick with Pete is protecting her. Because Bino is not magical nor does he have very many legal rights (being a pet and every thing) so Bino couldn't protect her very well except for maybe emotionally and even that is iffy IMO. Pete's the only one I could think of the could protect her.
Edit: add more thoughts
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Barkeron »

IceKitsune wrote: I'm going with that idea as well because the only other person it could be is Bino because its clearly not her dad. So I'm going to stick with Pete is protecting her. Because Bino is not magical nor does he have very many legal rights (being a pet and every thing) so Bino couldn't protect her very well except for maybe emotionally and even that is iffy IMO. Pete's the only one I could think of the could protect her.
*nods* That may make sense.
Last edited by Barkeron on Mon May 17, 2010 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by 44R0NM10 »

firstly, I agree with the above about Pete perhaps protecting her in more ways then one.

Secondary, Bino is awesome! Best expression circle yet in my opinion!

Thirdly, has this been discussed I didn't see it Bino perhaps gonna do something really bad to King? Say, worse then exploding catnip? Perhaps, I don't know, try intimidating King? Bino isn't for violence, but he does have the respect of the neighborhood. He could use that as a way of telling King to back off. I'd prefer him to talk to Fox or Fido about it first as I'm sure it's be quite funny. So yeah, multiple questions...a single answer that will be here soon as told through the watchful eyes of...the comic!
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by ChewyChewy »

44R0NM10 wrote:firstly, I agree with the above about Pete perhaps protecting her in more ways then one.

Secondary, Bino is awesome! Best expression circle yet in my opinion!

Thirdly, has this been discussed I didn't see it Bino perhaps gonna do something really bad to King? Say, worse then exploding catnip? Perhaps, I don't know, try intimidating King? Bino isn't for violence, but he does have the respect of the neighborhood. He could use that as a way of telling King to back off. I'd prefer him to talk to Fox or Fido about it first as I'm sure it's be quite funny. So yeah, multiple questions...a single answer that will be here soon as told through the watchful eyes of...the comic!
I don't think he'd do that (at least I HOPE we wouldn't)--that seems out of character for what Bino has been like so far. To be honest I would have been surprised he went as far as he did with King, given previous comics.... But I doubt he'll go farther than that.

Your other suggestion sounds more plausible. Besides, Fox is friends with both of them....
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Foxstar »

Teh Brawler wrote:
Sasha wrote:This is almost as bighugeawesome as the gift that King got me!

People started shipping Sasha and King right after the Christmas strips, they didn't need any fodder.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Foxstar »

44R0NM10 wrote:Thirdly, has this been discussed I didn't see it Bino perhaps gonna do something really bad to King? Say, worse then exploding catnip?
Any time Bino gets even remotely aggressive with anyone, it ends up with him spending months in bed or at the vet. If your speaking of a real 'dogfight' however, I would say it wouldn't go very far, due to the fact that Fox is clearly shown himself able to single-handedly beat the daylights out of Bino, Fido, being a cop can handle his younger littermate and King himself is not completely defenseless. Corgis can do damage if riled enough, just ask the Queen Mum.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by IceKitsune »

Foxstar wrote:
Teh Brawler wrote:
Sasha wrote:This is almost as bighugeawesome as the gift that King got me!

People started shipping Sasha and King right after the Christmas strips, they didn't need any fodder.
The Christmas strips were the Fodder so really we don't need any more Fodder but its nice.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by 44R0NM10 »

oops, I didn't mean to involve violence of any kind... :?

Bino is a little careless with who may get hurt through things he considers small through right? As has been noted Bino probably wouldn't be able to stand up to most of them anyway. Bino's faceial expression must've only been because Sahsa kind've spolied a happy moment for him...not intentional of course. He may have some sort of thing against King for some reason or other through right? He (indirectly) put Bino in the hospital even if it was Bino's fault. I just see this as a reason why Bino may want to pull another prank on King. He may pull something a bit bigger.

He may meet Sasha's dad when he leaves the house...yeah this just dawned on me, he is in his property after all.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Alex »

Since this is an arc about Sasha, I don't think we won't see much of Bino. Perhaps King will appear next?

I just wonder what he got her....
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Barkeron »

Dissension wrote:
As for his reaction to having King's gift mentioned, I think he handled it rather well. Isn't it sort of impolitic for Sasha to mention it in the first place? Just sayin'.

On the nature of that gift, it's entirely probable that Sasha is just describing whatever King gave her in glowing terms, and not actually referring to size or value. Even if the gift is big and valuable, let's not forget that Joel (before his transformation into King) had been in prison before. Petty larceny, mayhaps?[/color]

I wonder if what Sasha said was in a symbolic way. Just asking. Something to think about, I guess.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by FlintTheSquirrel »

This strip has got so many Essays of opinions. o.O
I will just keep mine short, I really liked how you made Sasha say something pretty rude which at the same time pointing to a different problem in one way or another, so many things can happen now.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by IceKitsune »

Barkeron wrote:
Dissension wrote:
As for his reaction to having King's gift mentioned, I think he handled it rather well. Isn't it sort of impolitic for Sasha to mention it in the first place? Just sayin'.

On the nature of that gift, it's entirely probable that Sasha is just describing whatever King gave her in glowing terms, and not actually referring to size or value. Even if the gift is big and valuable, let's not forget that Joel (before his transformation into King) had been in prison before. Petty larceny, mayhaps?[/color]

I wonder if what Sasha said was in a symbolic way. Just asking. Something to think about, I guess.
It could be either way she could be hyping up something she really likes or it just could be big. but we will have to wait until Wednesday to find out. (Friday at the latest)
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by GameCobra »

Honestly, i just find it amusing that King got her something. Not that i doubted it, but i had a hunch he would try sticking away from the girls after getting to know the community, but i guess i was wrong =P

but leave it to Sasha to make it sound like his present is the best. XD
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by ChewyChewy »

GameCobra wrote:Honestly, i just find it amusing that King got her something. Not that i doubted it, but i had a hunch he would try sticking away from the girls after getting to know the community, but i guess i was wrong =P

but leave it to Sasha to make it sound like his present is the best. XD
I think he just pitied Sasha, knowing she doesn't have much of anyone in her life that really cares about her. He likes animals, or so he tells himself, and hates to see one abused.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by ctcmjh »

King might show up soon in this arc. And if so, Sasha will most likely super-glomp him, like she did with Fox. If so, I call dibs on an avatar with Sasha glomping King!
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by Enty »

GameCobra wrote:Honestly, i just find it amusing that King got her something. Not that i doubted it, but i had a hunch he would try sticking away from the girls after getting to know the community, but i guess i was wrong =P

but leave it to Sasha to make it sound like his present is the best. XD
Yeah, I kinda thought he'd be a bit squick'd ( out by it... considering he was a human.
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by ReCreate »

ctcmjh wrote:King might show up soon in this arc. And if so, Sasha will most likely super-glomp him, like she did with Fox. If so, I call dibs on an avatar with Sasha glomping King!
Aww crap. >_>
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by ctcmjh »

ReCreate wrote:
ctcmjh wrote:King might show up soon in this arc. And if so, Sasha will most likely super-glomp him, like she did with Fox. If so, I call dibs on an avatar with Sasha glomping King!
Aww crap. >_>
But if there's one where she nuzzles him, like she did with Fox, I call dibs on an avatar of Sasha nuzzling King instead!
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Re: Arc 30: The Present

Post by ReCreate »

ctcmjh wrote:
ReCreate wrote:
ctcmjh wrote:King might show up soon in this arc. And if so, Sasha will most likely super-glomp him, like she did with Fox. If so, I call dibs on an avatar with Sasha glomping King!
Aww crap. >_>
But if there's one where she nuzzles him, like she did with Fox, I call dibs on an avatar of Sasha nuzzling King instead!
You're calling dibs on too many things. >_> No fair. :P Can only call dibs on one thing, Nuzzing or glomping. :roll:
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