HPU?: Apollo City

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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:"That is the relevant idiom, yes." Todd confirms. "I believe though, Jemmy, that Vi is a female so you may wish to update the pronoun with which you refer to her. I am told organics can be sensitive when referred to with the wrong gender pronoun."
Jemmy stopped for a moment, his eyes blinking with what could be described only as...puzzlement. "How remarkable: I forgot this datum despite me having met Vi, previously. I should have my memory banks elaborators checked, later."
Mickey wrote:James searches his memory for the word velocity and it's meaning, but finds none. He mentally shrugs and goes for it.
"I can't go all that fast on my skates, for that would be dangerous to both me and patrons. They go fast enough to get me there on time, but not enough to hurt someone if I bump into them."
James performs a spin jump, landing in his skates. He trips over himself afterward and faceplants. He shakes his head and stands back up.

"I'm cool. I'm fine. I'm alright."

James goes camera mode to see if he caught that, fist-pumping when he found he did.
At James' words, Jemmy scanned the jackal anidroid's body, data rows flowing around the genet's vision. "Minor modifications to your hardware could optimize your performances without putting anyone at risk. Please refer to my owners in case you wished to." With that, he transmitted Doc's shop data to James.
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by The Moon Howler »

The comm within his helmet crackled as his Operator connected
"Alright, Agent, listen up! Today's assignment is teamwork with a random fellow agent on the field. The mission: neutralize enemy units and secure the package. Delivery will be handled by your colleague. Good luck, Agent 7331!"
"Mission acknowledged, operator!" replied the wolf who wore the helmet. In fact, he wore a full set of light body armor made specifically for him.
The canine looked around. He was in an empty room with a single grate he came from and a door, leading to mission grounds.
The wolf cloaked himself with his "Specter" and quietly opened the door, sneaking in the next room. That one was once used as office and workstation. There were Computer terminals and tables with computer hardware and tools everywhere. Some were turned into makeshift barricades, some were just left to gather dust. On the far end of the room there was a door which had a access terminal to it's right. It required a key-card. Two other doors adorned the walls to the left and right from the door with the terminal. Both of them were on the other side of the room he was currently in. Of course it had to be that way!

Suddenly someone moved from behind the barricades! It was a barely noticeable sound, but it was there. He was not alone!

The wolf sneaked to the closest of the barricades and peeked over it. There was no one.

A quiet gasp was heard from the barricade two rows ahead of him. He sneaked through the next row of barricades... and almost ran into one of the enemies. He quickly dispatched that one with one of his stun batons, but wasn't fast enough to grab him before the man fell to the ground. He simply was in bad position.
The rest of the barricade defenders were alerted to his presence now. Luckily for him they did not know where he was and how could they - he was now on the ceiling and counting. He counted 5 more defenders...
Two minutes later he was standing in front of the door with the terminal, wondering where the card would be, for it was not in the six defenders he managed to disable. He had two choices – the door to his left or the one to his right. He thought about using a coin, but he had none, so he just headed to the right door, opening it afterwards.
Inside he saw his fellow agent, as… she was having fun dismantling the helpless surviving android in her paws. She looked at him and shook her head. She was canine… perhaps some sort of shepherd?

Took your sweet time, sweetheart!” she said, her helmet masking her voice as neutral mechanic female one. “Them engineers will have a lot of fun reassembling those.” She said as she pushed the wolf aside and walked through the door, stopping at the one with the card-terminal.
Ugh! No card in me either.” She simply stated and looked at the wolf “Wanna check the other door, partner?

He nodded “Let me, then!” he said as he passed her. He stopped a few steps after.
I have a bad feeling! It’s too easy!” he said.

What do y-” she tried to ask but was interrupted as a portion of the wall in front of them blew up.
From it androids of various types and forms rushed in, guns blazing…


The two agents were cornered behind the third row of barricades as the android platoon was shooting non-stop at them.
Seriously?!” She asked “We’re hiding from them now?

They’re the ones with the guns, you know.” Answered the wolf.

We’re the trained agents here, sweetie.” She replied “And we’re the ones with the cool gadgets, yes?

That we are.” He said in return “Very well, I call dibs on the big ones.

Alright, hotshot!” she said “I’ll take the flyers and the fast ones for ya.


The android were dismantled in front of the two agents and the wolf’s metallic arm was dented in a few places, but luckily nothing bad.
The wolf walked through the blown up wall and a less than a minute later he returned with the card.
A few seconds later the door clicked and opened.
Inside were they saw three things – a man, a purebred husky and another door with a card. Both the man and the dog were unarmed and surrendered quickly. Sadly both of them did not have the key and the one they had was useless.

Oh great, now what?” the wolf asked, looking at his canine colleague as she walked out of the room.

Now, big boy, you will take them civs out of that room and the three of you all will stay safe, alright?

What do y-” the male agent asked as he turned around, just to see a mini missile-launcher in the arms of the she-dog “Whoa! Whoa! How did you get that?

I brought it with me, of course?” she said as the wolf, the husky and the man quickly left the room.

He was almost sure she giggled. Luckily the helmet filtered such sounds. He was also sure she was grinning as she launched the explosive projectile at the door. She was a bit staggered by the blast-wave but her suit took most of the hit. Her colleague was in a slightly better condition, because he was in a better position.

The door held… barely…

She motioned to her colleague to stay put and walked in. A second later they heard as the door was knocked out by what seemed to be a kick.
The wolf stood up and walked to the … what was once a door. Inside, he saw her staring at an object, surrounded by walls of lasers with only a small opening, big enough for the package alone to pass through.

She looked at him and once again shook her head
Told ya to stay out, bad boy!” she said “But since you’re already here – have a show on me. Witness the “Kinesis”!” the female agent said as she stretched her metal arm towards the package, then she curled her fist into a ball as if grabbing something and pulling it. A second later the package flew from where it was placed, through the opening and right into the arms of the male wolf agent.

Nice…” he muttered before she closed the small gap between them, took the package from his paws and pushed him playfully.
He was so surprised that he simply fell on his hind parts, his eyes wide opened from the inside of the helmet.

The female agent simply shook her head once more and said
You’re cute when you’re like this.
He simply blushed from inside the helmet and was quite happy she couldn’t see him right now.
Now, let’s get over with this mission!” she finished as she opened the package, which was a black wooden box, opened it and clicked the big red button inside.

Suddenly, the voice of Mission control was heard throughout the place
Good work, agents! A job well done, Agents 7331 and 5536! The secret door in the surviving room will open in a minute. And agent 5536, please report for explanation about your… additional equipment.

The wolf jumped on his feet and looked at his female colleague
Nicely done, 5536, even if you lacked on the finesse department.
He said as he began taking off his helmet. 5536 quickly interrupted him.
Please, Agent 7331, don’t ruin your charm of your secret identity.” She said, putting a paw on his chest for a second.
If she was to say something else, she didn’t have a chance, because the secret door opened with a loud creak.
“Change of plans, Agents. Conscious Participants and Agent 5536 please help the unconscious to the infirmary. 7331, please come back the way you arrived and report to your superior!

An hour and a half later, the wolf was outside of K-Corp, along with his Owner and Supervisor Admiral Khark and Commodore Khark - the admiral's son. A car arrived in front of the company.
Alright, You have the day free, Polaris. I want you in my office at midnight tonight, though.” The old man said.

Yes, sir!” Polaris saluted.

Good! Off you go, then!” the Admiral said “Now I and Commodore have some business matters t take care of!” he said as he entered the car.

Hey, buddy!” said the commodore as he entered the car after his father “Have some fun every now and then, will ya?” The vehicle departed the moment the commodore closed the door, leaving Polaris without a chance to reply in any way.
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by valerio »

The rescue team stopped as one the moment every single light aboard the space station went off.
The teamleader tried to contact the Ariyongar...only to discover that comm was down as well. And, judging by the other personnel's reaction, he was not the only one with a 'problem'.
Which meant--
"Were you looking for us?" said a voice from the dark. The Gors' natural nightvision could distinguish the much alive Earthlings pointing weapons at them!
And the group was surrounded! They had literally walked into a trap!
"In the name of the interplanetary relationships, I suggest you don't put up ay resistance, my reptilian friends. We are not here to kill you. Honest."
The Gor teamleader knew better than start a fight under such a disadvantage. Useless self-sacrifice wasn't worth the victory.
There was only one hope now...
And it was ironic that such hope depended on the Earthlings
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by Mickey »

valerio wrote:At James' words, Jemmy scanned the jackal anidroid's body, data rows flowing around the genet's vision. "Minor modifications to your hardware could optimize your performances without putting anyone at risk. Please refer to my owners in case you wished to." With that, he transmitted Doc's shop data to James.
James reads over the data in his mind and nods before beginning to skate again.

"I didn't happen to catch anyone's names. I mean, I caught a few of them, but not all of them."
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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"I am Jemmy. Anidroid. Class known: hardware repair, data encryptation, interception. Currently owned by Doc, human, and Asur, a Goryan."
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by Hlaoroo »

"I am Kelly Doyle, Usher Droid First Class of the Doyle Theatre Group. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." answers Kelly, offering James a paw to shake.
"Todd Doyle, Senior Stage Crew and Senior Special Effects Engineer also of the Doyle Theatre Group. And you are...?" Todd recites copying Kelly's action before continuing to follow Avery.
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by The Moon Howler »

valerio wrote:And it was ironic that such hope depended on the Earthlings
While Polaris was still wondering what to do, jumping between running back in the building and back to training and actually socialize with anyone outside of K-corp or military, one of the youngest recruits of the military section of K-corp ran out of the building and stopped in front of the wolf.
"Sir!" he said, saluting "Private Roger Hansen, sir! I am sorry to cut your off-time short, but your skills are needed!"
Polaris barely managed to hide a wide grin, instead smiling barely
"I had some plans for today, but if I am needed - that takes priority." he said "Lead on, private!"
the man turned around and headed towards K-Corp. Behind him, Polaris let himself grin widely and his tail wagging like crazy for a few seconds as he followed the private inside the building. The moment they entered, he forced himself to focus on the task at hand.
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by Esper »

"My name is Caeruleus Springer, personal and business-licensed droid belonging to Annette Springer. My primarey functions are data collection, encryption, decryption, analysis, and configuration." The small rat droid said sweetly, "I am pleased to meet you!"
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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"Virus," the commander of the enemy task force said to the Ariyongar's commander. Every man had secured the strategic positions on the command bridge. From there, the ship was as well as secured. "We tested it the first time on Apollo City, against the anidroids and other AIs, so to...train it to move undetected and strike before anyone could know what was happening.
"As you can imagine, ma'm, when you received the 'data flow' from the space station, you got a nice copy of that virus, which fooled your systems into believing there was few alive and unarmed aboard. Not bad for a bunch of earthlings, eh?"

Sitting on her chair, the Goryan just returned an unreadable expression. "That was...ingenious, we concede that. But what is the purpose of such action? This is an unarmed ship, you cannot use for other means than transportation and scientific research."
The man showed a wicked grin. "Smart girl."
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by Mickey »

James took note of every name given to him, nodding. He look at Todd when he asked for his name.

"Me? I am James Semaj. Middle-class droid. I am a waiter, assistant chef, and and busboy of the Blue Jay resturant, owned by my family, the Semajs. Pleased to meet you!"

James held out his paw for a shake.
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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"And I'm Avery Johnson, the err, Mascot for the Apollo City Fire Department." He waved to James from the side before addressing the entire group. "Shall we get going again?"
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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Jemmy resumed walking. "Assistant chef. Are you support staff in the kitchen?"
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by Civilization »

Veil had just finished a job repairing someone's broken communication lines and was checking his computer to see if Elliott had send him any more jobs that needed to be done. He wasn't looking where he was going and crashed into someone, he fell backwards and hit the ground, he looked up to see a group of animals, "Sorry, didn't look where I was going."
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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James laughed a bit at what Jemmy said.

"Yeah, my parents are often overwhelmed so I help out when I have to."

James quickly helped up Veil, putting his skates away so as not to slip.

"You are alright?"
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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"Oh, I find it most interesting that, despite having the energy input and the technological resources, there should be a human-staffed restaurant. It is...inefficient, considering that an automated system can do the same things with less personnel...Oh," he said to the new arrival. "Can you please identify yourself?"
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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valerio wrote:"Oh, I find it most interesting that, despite having the energy input and the technological resources, there should be a human-staffed restaurant. It is...inefficient, considering that an automated system can do the same things with less personnel...
James looked up from Veil and glared at Jemmy. He marched over and looked him dead in the eye.

"Even with the automated systems, machines can't make it taste better. Machines are given exact instructions and each one comes out exactly the same. It can't do the same things. Humans can add extra spices and other ingredients to make it better. Humans can take it off the original recipe and turn a simple side dish into the main event. You can give a machine instructions, but not a mind to use them correctly."

James took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

"Both my parents taught me that, same thing they taught my little siblings. What it means is, if you're gonna work with a machine, you can't make it better. Even if you give the machine the instructions."
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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Veil dusted himself off, he looked at his computer and turned the screen off. He looked to the group, "Name's Veil." He looked up and down the street, "Sorry to have bothered you." He began to walk away.
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by Hlaoroo »

Kelly looks down as the ferret runs into her and falls over but before she can move to help him up the other droids have already acted. "It is okay. No harm done. I do hope you are uninjured. It was a pleasure to meet you, Veil."
She turns to Jemmy after his outburst.
"Please do refrain form unseemly outbursts, James. It does not reflect well on droid-kind in general. You do make a good point that machines are most adept at following repetitive instructions, however I myself am one exception to that rule as are the other usher droids working for the Doyle Theatre Group. We are programmed to learn from our organic clientèle and learn from them during every encounter so that we may respond appropriately to any situation that may arise as well as presenting a more convincing facsimile of life, thereby putting our guests more at ease with us. It is hoped that one day our user interface my be indistinguishable from that of true organic beings. I would posit therefore that it is within the realms of possibility that a kitchen droid may be programmed to learn to tailor meals to the taste of their individual clientèle using similar logic circuitry. Would you not agree?"
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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Jemmy nodded, showing a smile. "Oh, but I *do* agree. I am programmed to adapt to every technical bug, that is what makes me a good repair droid. I could not keep up with upgrades, otherwise. Creativity is necessary, in order to fix things with improvised materials.
"I was only pointing out that food recipes, once they have been assessed for a diner, do not need to be changed during service, and that a kitchen droid staff can do everything that is needed to perfectly replicate the finest dish, while the expert, organic-lifeform chef, can work in another environment to create new dishes and experiment before submitting them to production. Am I correct, in saying that where you work your recipes are not changed on the moment, but do reflect the menu?"
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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"Our recipes change each day, unless we have to keep or make it a certain way. They're still what's on the menu, but different sometimes. I remember every single recipe, even if it means I have to delete some videos in my memory. But luckily..."

James removed his ear to reveal it be a flashdrive.

"I can just upload them to the computer at home! If my memory backs up, I get really slow and kinda-"

James' eyes became the Blue Screen of Death and he made a noise similar to a fax machine. (beware headphone users!) He cringed and ground his teeth together. He quickly put his ear back in and his eyes displayed him deleting videos from his memory. His eyes made a loading circle and he produced a Dell noise as he started back up. He shook his head and blinked a few times.

"In my head, there is a small computer and a projector. One is better than the other."
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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Veil cringed as he heard the noise coming from Jackal, he decided since he had nothing better to do to turn around. "I can fix that problem for you."
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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Mickey wrote:"Our recipes change each day, unless we have to keep or make it a certain way. They're still what's on the menu, but different sometimes. I remember every single recipe, even if it means I have to delete some videos in my memory. But luckily..."
James removed his ear to reveal it be a flashdrive.
"I can just upload them to the computer at home! If my memory backs up, I get really slow and kinda-"
James' eyes became the Blue Screen of Death and he made a noise similar to a fax machine. (beware headphone users!) He cringed and ground his teeth together. He quickly put his ear back in and his eyes displayed him deleting videos from his memory. His eyes made a loading circle and he produced a Dell noise as he started back up. He shook his head and blinked a few times.
"In my head, there is a small computer and a projector. One is better than the other."
I could easily upgrade your system, but that kind of work requires a permission from your owner. Just keep it in mind.
"What do you mean?" the captain asked.
"Let's just say that...we need a ride to somewhere safer than here.
The reptilian creature's expression didn't betray any emotion.
The man just nodded. "You guys know what I'm taking about, do you." It wasn't a question.
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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"Thank you and I'm sure Mom and Dad would be alright with it. I'll call them later."

James brought out his skates and began skating again, preforming tricks. His synthetic fur blew through the wind, making him feel like he was on a spaceship. He then opened his eyes and saw a woman in his path. Instead of trying to swerve pass her, James continued to skate forward. He didn't move a muscle, and soon, he came to a stop in front of her.

"Sorry miss."

He skated to the side and passed her.

"Just letting things take their course. That's the way to do it."
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Shall we continue to the sanctuary then? We mustn't keep Vi waiting."
"If I let things take their course the theatre would have burned down." Todd tells Kelly via the intelli-com system as the usher droid nods politely to the woman as she passes.
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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Veil paused from leaving again at what the ferret said, "Sanctuary, isn't that place off limits or something?"
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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Civilization wrote:Veil paused from leaving again at what the ferret said, "Sanctuary, isn't that place off limits or something?"
"That is correct," Jemmy said, resuming his walk. "Pure carbon lifeform specimens are hosted there as a precautionary measure. Also, the Sanctuary hosts DNA specimens so to recreate Terran fauna once the global climatic conditions allow for it. The iving specimens serve to make sure that the most flexible species can keep improving their DNA so that their offspring can better adapt to Earth's future conditions."
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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James jumped and his skates retracted into his paws. The robotic jackal landed and took to walking while playing around with the lapis beads that hung around his neck.

"Sanctuary? I don't think I've ever been there. Or really needed to be there."

James balanced the beads over his muzzle and hummed to himself as he continued walking.
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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Kelly suddenly stops walking and Todd crashes into her, knocking her forward a pace.
"Logic Error. If the sanctuary is off-limits then should we not postpone our visit indefinitely until such time as it is open for visitors and we may enter without breaking laws or putting the residents at risk of infection?"
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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Hlaoroo wrote:Kelly suddenly stops walking and Todd crashes into her, knocking her forward a pace.
"Logic Error. If the sanctuary is off-limits then should we not postpone our visit indefinitely until such time as it is open for visitors and we may enter without breaking laws or putting the residents at risk of infection?"
"Unlikely," Jemmy replied. "The sanctuary's entrances are protected by a sterilization system. Said system will be able to detect even the presence of microbiological colonies inside our bodies and prevent any potentially infected from stepping into the sanctuary. As for permissions, certified anidroids and cy-pets suffer of less restrictions given our nature. Legally speaking, as long as we are identified and certified, we are considered less dangerous than a human or a Gorian. Although we are not allowed a long stay in the Sanctuary, of course."
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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Veil shuffled his feet, "Hrm, mind if I join you?" He was now kind of curious and didn't have anything much better to do.
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by Mickey »

Jake's leg began ringing and reached into his "pocket" and pulled out his phone. He flipped it up and saw he had gotten a text. He quickly texted back and kept walking, still humming to himself.
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

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The ferret droids glance at each other and then back at Veil.
"If the others are amenable then we have no problem with that." Kelly informs him. "That is reassuring to hear, Jemmy. Shall we proceed, then?"
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by valerio »

"Without hesitation, I might add. The Sanctuary is nearby, after all... So, James, what kind of food are your owners more specialized with?"
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by The Moon Howler »

The Moon Howler wrote:...
valerio wrote:...
The private led Polaris to the elevator, which opened as soon as they got close. Once inside the young man pushed all the buttons on the keyboard in a specific order, which made Polaris to feel a bit uneasy. What happened next, however, made him wonder how much he knew of the K-Corp HQ, because the elevator did not go up or down, but instead sideways, then forward, then down. When it stopped and the door opened, the wolf was not exactly surprised to see the familiar outlines of an underground tram. This one was heavily armored and filled with sensors, some of which jammed certain functions of his cybernetics as he deemed from the bright red signal on the indicator on his arm.

Merely a precaution, sir!” the private said as he led the wolf to the tram “I cannot go further. I know I shouldn’t jinx it, but I can’t help but to wish you luck on your assignment. Godspeed!” the man saluted as the wolf got in and left the way he came.

The inside of the tram seemed slightly larger than it looked, but that did not trouble Polaris at all. He was used to that feeling. The interior consisted of two walls filled with indicators and monitors on the sides and a large screen on the front end. It also had 3 rows of two single seats (with a path between them), each loaded with a control console, a bottle of water and dried space military rations (Those things may taste terrible, but they are 100 % reliable and non-perishable.)
Polaris sat on the front right seat and activated the control console. The big screen in front of him lighted up. What it showed up, however, made the canine to raise a brow. The screen showed a simple blue transparent shape-changing figure with no sound.
All of a sudden a booming voice filled the tram(cabin?) he was in, which caused Polaris to jump out of his seat and take cover behind I with paws covering his ears.

<“My algorithms tell me that you’re most likely confused, carbon-based operator. Please tell me if you feel otherwise so I could recab-”> the voice stopped as to adapt to the situation <“Did I startle you, agent?”> a second later the voice continued, this time in a more normal, cheerful tone <“Apologies, agent. Some of the human operators tend to make me speak loud. Recalibrating sound according to your latest health data… Done!”> the last word was said in a tone that finally pleased Polaris <“Agent, do you mind taking your seat back?”> the voice asked <“I can still easily monitor you, but I believe your behavior could be considered rude in other circumstances.”>

The wolf moved his paws from his ears and came out, quickly taking his seat.
Alright, yes, what I did was rude, but I usually don’t get brain fried with sound either.” He replied.

<“Fair enough, Agent 7331. Let me introduce myself – My name is Talos. I am advanced AI, superior to any other you’ve seen. However I do not have an android body, but am instead a ship Cephalon and a board AI.n”> Talos stopped for a second <“And I almost spoiled the big surprise.”> The tram slowed down and shortly after stopped <“Speaking of surprises, 7331, yours awaits behind the second door. Good luck, agent!”>

Bye!” Polaris replied and left as soon as the door opened.

He stood in a barely lighted tunnel and in front of a heavily armored door with a big red button on the right side of it. Behind the wolf, the tram's door closed and it headed forward to some unknown location. With no options left, he pushed the red button and entered and the door opened, revealing a small security scanner room. his checkup went smoothly, reactivating his jammed electronics at the end of the procedure. Once clear, the door in front of him opened and he went through...
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by Mickey »

valerio wrote:"Without hesitation, I might add. The Sanctuary is nearby, after all... So, James, what kind of food are your owners more specialized with?"
"We have a lot of different foods, but our specials are always African dishes. Jake is all African, Jay is a French-African, I'm an African animal, so we're more specialized with cooking those types of dishes."

James phone rang again and he pulled out, skimming over whatever was on the screen.
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by valerio »

Mickey wrote:"We have a lot of different foods, but our specials are always African dishes. Jake is all African, Jay is a French-African, I'm an African animal, so we're more specialized with cooking those types of dishes."
James phone rang again and he pulled out, skimming over whatever was on the screen.
"Is there a reason you keep avoiding communicating? Information should not be skipped."
The monitor showed it: an object of about three hundred meters in diameter, roughly a sphere, dark, almost invisible to the naked eye. Even the Ariyongar's advanced technology had to make use of computer enhancing.
"A real rarity," the Terran teamleader said. "And under better...circumstances, I could even appreciate that thing: Pure iron, enough of it to enrich any nation on Earth. The Lunar economy could skyrocket..." he sighed dramatically. "But, alas, that thing is heading straight for our satellite and it is too close for any measure to be taken promptly. Even if Apollo City won't be hit directly, the impact will be enough to cause massive damage anyway. Not to mention the potential debris fallout on Earth. So, my dear Captain, with your cooperation we'll be...abandoning that ship and look out for a better place. Or we'll die together: how's that for a deal?"
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by Mickey »

"I'm not trying to, but my family is telling me the new dishes for tomorrow. When I get back home, I can start cooking them or at least try to cook them. Cooking can't just be programmed, as we have already established."

James eyes flash with words, numbers, and pictures of foods as he stores it in his memory. He texts back and blinks a few times before putting his phone away.

"Maybe you guys could visit the restaurant some time!"
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by Civilization »

Veil followed quietly behind the group, seeing two other ferrets was unique, even though he could tell they were android. He didn't know what to talk about and the conversation on food, well, he didn't know much about that and didn't want to make a fool of himself. He didn't want to be unsocial though, so he walked up next to Kelly, "I'm, sorry I ran into you." He sounded like he came off as a complete idiot.
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by Roarin »

Avery's head turned left and right as he followed the multiple conversations. "African food? Can't say I've had any myself." The Eskimo dog quips idly, not so much to anyone in particular, though the comment did make his stomach rumble a bit...
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Re: HPU?: Apollo City

Post by Hlaoroo »

"It's okay, Veil. No harm done. I do hope you're uninjured." Kelly, noticing Veil's discomfort, decides to talk to him, instructing Todd via the intellicomm system to answer James' invitation politely.
"Why not tell me a bit about yourself, Veil? I'd like to get to know you." she invites as her sensors work to determine the best levels of enthusiasm and correct kinds of questions to promote the optimal response from her friend.

"Thank you for the invitation. Were we capable of the consumption of food fit for organics we would gladly take you up on that offer." the special effects droid replies.
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