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Post by 88superguy »

basically I dream. a lot. daydream, nightdream(?) it doesnt matter. so i thought it would be a good idea to place what i dream here. ill explain the current plot in the posts
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »

So here's the basic summary of my dreams, Ryce is an immortal 15 year old who decided to become the strongest person ever in the whole multiverse so he can save everyone. Currently he traveled to the Housepets! universe, which is negative base universe 9 (the Housepets! universe you are reading is some alternate universe, or you can think of it as the one you read is the Base universe and this is an alternate universe, but i like to think otherwise), a bit before the HECKRAISER arc. more details about my concept of dimensions below.

Due to being a dimension traveler who has wandered the multiverse for around 5 years now, he has gained multiple powers, however he mainly uses The World Over Heaven, a stand, which if you've ever watched JJBA you'd know what that is, that can stop time for 38 seconds and can rewrite reality itself in small areas 10 times before going on a cooldown for 10 minutes, taking 1 minute to regenerate each rewrite, he also wields an axe that can be transformed into other weapons using Over Heaven (abbrv. to OH) that when on his back in axe form prevents him from being hit by anything psychic/spell related, 2 pistols with bullets that can pierce anything, and lightning powers (listen i started this, like, 10 years ago when i was 10 and i thought those were cool) that he uses for mobility. he also trained in negative dimension 2 and is a master of magecraft

With such great power comes its own weaknesses, being a 15 year old he's squishy and can die easily, but can rewrite his injuries with OH, so a strategy most of his opponents without rewriting abilities do is attack him and force him to waste all his rewrites so he cant heal anymore. He has been immortal for about 5 years now so he has gained a lot of PTSD and, although he breaks down rarely, when he breaks down it usually leaves a negative effect on him. Due to gaining such a powerful ability he has been severely weakened, and without using OH to boost his physical capabilities it takes his full 38 seconds to injure an enemy. Lastly, because he wants to be the best, he doesn't use OH to rewrite an enemy out of existence just like that unless he really needs to, so they can have a fair fight.

If you want a reference to how Ryce looks like just check my pfp, you can design him however you like but at least you know the physique.

Finally my concept of dimensions.

There are 2 planes of dimensions, a positive dimension, also known where we live as non-fiction, and a negative dimension, also known in our dimension as fiction, and dimension 0, which is where everything originated from. Negative and Positive dimensions can not hop into each others dimensions, which is why we don't have superpowers, but we can observe each other. This splits up even more into Base dimensions and Alternate dimensions, a Base dimension can be seen as the base of a tree and Alternate Dimensions can be seen as the branches. Hopping Alternate dimensions is a common power such as the demi-gods in Housepets! however hopping Base dimensions is much harder and only a number of individuals can do so, such as Ryce, who hails from negative Base dimension 5. (we live in positive Base dimension 2) traveling through Alternate dimensions is risky since if you encounter another version of yourself the universe will try to erase both of you and you will both cease to exist, unless you have an ability that prevents this from happening. Finally the way dimensions are formed. Negative dimensions are formed when an author in the positive universe creates an ORIGINAL piece of fictional work, which then gets formed into a negative dimension to tell the story, or when somebody from a negative dimension hops into another base dimension that is a blank space and forms one. Positive dimensions are formed in nearly the same way, when a negative person gets an idea, or when positive forms positive. Stories can leak into other dimensions, for example like in Housepets! when they reference anime we know about but they are a part of the Negative set of dimensions, thats a negative story leaking into the mind of someone living in the Housepets! universe and writing the story., when an idea gets leaked, it doesn't form a new dimension as one has already been formed for it, for examples of what works of fiction are a part of the Positive or Negative dimension, JJBA is a negative dimension, meaning its a work of fiction formed in the positive dimension and AoT is a positive dimension, which means the original concept was made in the negative dimension and the idea leaked into our world

WELL THAT WAS LONG, and this is only the introduction post, I'll will be hosting Q&A sessions later on, in case your wondering whats happening or have questions about dimensions or characters
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »

ok so here's what i was dreaming for the past days:


a blue portal opens in an alleyway, out of it enters Ryce, who just so happened to stumble upon this universe.

What dimension is this... I guess I'll ask those people over there for the general information. Ryce walks over to the Wolf house where he hears Kitsune talking to Lois and Marion about the cursed coin. Hey, what are you guys talking about? Oops! looks like a mortal unrelated to this conversation saw me, I'll talk to you guys later, but don't tell that kid about me... Kitsune knows something is off about Ryce since he has no data on him. He tries erasing Ryce's memory of him, however the axe prevented this. Kitsune doesn't know that he remembers everything and Ryce knows that Kitsune tried erasing his memories so he decides to play along.

Wha.. what happened? I think I was about to ask you guys about where am I? Uhhh.... yeah! you just walked into the ECP house and you suddenly fainted! you bumped your head so hard! ECP? what's that? *whispering to Marion* I think Kitsune might have erased his memory a bit TOO much Lois turns to Ryce the ECP? you know? the Equal Chance Program? It's the place where Keene puts all of the animals who joined? Ryce begins to understand the dimension's logic a bit more, but he wants more info on why they were talking with a legendary Kitsune Oh yeah, I see, what about that statue? why were you guys talking to it? Oh don't mind that! we were just leaving anyways! *Marion and Lois leave to go confront Steward about the cursed coin. Ryce decides to follow along, but decides to stay in the shadows to avoid being spotted.

He arrives just as Steward is escaping with Trinket. Ryce -DROP KICKS THAT BI- tackles steward to the ground and pins him down *sputtering* WHERE DID YOU COME FROM! I saw you were trying to escape with something, maybe that coin over there? Ryce goes to pick it up, but notices something is wrong about the coin so he hesitates and instead gestures to it Is that coin yours? Well... no... but we need it anyways, its very important to us! I don't know why it's important to you, but I'll assume its a good reason, I'm glad we could meet! anyways, ill go bring this badger with me andddd hes gone

Having nowhere to go Ryce decides to stay out in an open field, gazing at the night sky.It seems like this world has animals that can walk on 2 legs and are capable of speech. I think I'll find this place interesting. I should probably interact more with the locals to find out more about this place Ryce thinks to himself
Last edited by 88superguy on Wed Nov 03, 2021 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »

typing this down makes me realize how much of a fever dream are the stuff I dream lol
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

You have some seriously great dreams! This story is really nice!
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »

thanks, personally my favorite part are the dimensions because it explains a lot about how characters know different dimensions exist but at their descriptions seem to be just parallel dimensions, it also explains things like character sentience and how dimensions can be formed
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »


Ryce wakes up to a Fox looking down at him OH DEAR GOSH you nearly gave me a heart attack You know you can't sleep in a park overnight, right? why were you even doing that in the first place That's... I fell asleep here... overnight... Well you better hurry back home, I'm sure your parents are worried about you Sure, but before that, can you introduce me to some people around here? Fox is confused Why is this kid asking me to take him around town? Shouldn't he know everything by now? Maybe he's like an animal turned into a human, like a reverse version of King. It would explain why he was sleeping out here. Maybe I'll introduce him to King... Fox thinks.

Alright kid, you can come in now, let me introduce you to my friend King. Hello I'll be leaving now, if he causes trouble just call me. So your this kid Fox told me about? What's your name? The name's Ryce, nice to meet you. Rice? you mean like the food rice? No, Ryce, spelled R-Y-C-E, but yeah its pronounced rice Fox says you might have been an animal before, but then you turned human? I don't know where he got that idea from but he's completely wrong Oh? why don't you tell me about yourself then. Well.. there isn't really much to say.. what about you? I have a wife and some pups, but they went out for the day, so I'm here alone. Well King, how about we talk a bit more over a game of CHESS or PLAYING CARDS heh.. get it? because King? I'll take chess, I have played it before

King and Ryce play chess while talking hey King, what's with that Kitsune statue back there? I'd rather not get into detail on that... Sketchy... but ok. Bailey comes in the door along with the pups and wolves Hey King, who's this? Oh I'm Ryce, I just came to stay here for a while, I'll be taking my leave now. By the way King, checkmate. wh-bu- BUT THAT WAS 6 MOVES! Goodbye King

Ryce heads for the nearby forest so he doesn't get caught by the police again, he sleeps on the branch of tree.
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I love the new addition that you wrote up! It really fits the story!
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »

ok so basically my brain is too impatient to actually have an whole arc with nothing but character interactions so basically ryce made friends with the citizens of the HP universe, he knows about King and THE GAMEEEE, nobody knows about his secret yet and also i forgot to mention that his axe and pistols cant be seen until he pulls them out k thx :))))))


Ryce overhears a conversation about fighting demons. Yes exactly, next question Yeah, I wanna know if I can join in, besides, I probably have the most experience here fighting demons What's that supposed to mean? You'll see. Ryce says with a grin

Alright Ryce, you're with Marion and Lois, good luck and most importantly d̷͕̈́o̶̦̜͇͝ ̷̤̅̑n̸̺̻̰̄ǒ̵̲͓̻͌ṭ̵̹̃ ̷͎̈l̴̨̼̣̈̓͛e̶̡̙̱͑t̷̛͍̩ ̷̨̬͙̇t̶̨̗̯̿h̶̜̱̀͂͘é̴̝̙͚͌͝ ̵͉̞̀d̵̜̪̿̇͒ë̴̗́ṁ̸̞o̵̯͆ń̷̝̠͔͝ ̶̦͈̜͐̿s̷̜͍̊́ṕ̴̦̗̬̓͠ȏ̶͓̜t̶̨̩̀̓ ̷͙̬̖̔̏y̶̺̣̚ò̸̢̻ṷ̵̏̄̓. So what house are we doing first? What about that one? it's right there. The door's locked, I'm gonna go smash the window open with this brick You're going to break in? What will we do when we're done It's fine, heaven said they would handle it Well, while you guys were arguing I picked the door open You.. YOU KNOW HOW TO PICK DOORS OPEN? WHAT KID KNOWS HOW TO DO THAT? by.. experience?

Hey Marion, do you WANT to stay a squirrel? Of course not! All my long-term plans hinge on being human. WAIT, you guys were HUMAN before? Yeah, I'm that boy turned squirrel that was in the news. ... You.. do know about that... right? ... oh... OH.. HAHAHHAA. YEAHHH... THATS where I remember you from... haha.... Well you have to be living under some massive rock to not know about that...

They meet up with Tarot and Todd, but in a different house since they were able to clear houses faster, thanks to Ryce's lock-picking skills, than in the alternate universe HP Hey! you're just in time to see my new invention. What's this, like an ethereal explosive device or something? It looks like the machine that they used in Ghostbusters to find ghosts You mean the P.K.E. meter? That's the one Well your both wrong, it's more like an Aurascope That's also what they also called it.. snif :( well it says that there's one over in the manor, where Keene is and another one downtown, so I guess we're going to town.

They head downtown, WOW do i suck at transitions. Why are there mostly animals? I remember there being more humans walking around here, especially since it's a weekday. I don't know, why don't we ask that conveniently place Aardvark over there the Aardvark joins them. WAIT, the not-P.K.E meter says that there's a demon in this vicinity. Uhh... guys... look right by that building... What are we supposed to be looking at? Really? You don't see the giant demon RIGHT THERE??? Ryce if you just came here to joke around then I'm getting out of the car, you guys can stay here. As Tarot leaves the car, she heard a crunch sound behind her ALRIGHT RYCE I THINK I SEE THE DEMON NOW! YOU THINK???

Well.. because we're currently in a car that's slowly losing oxygen, I guess it's time to reveal my secret. Ryce takes out his axe, revealing his arsenal to everyone and jumps out of the, now chopped up, roof. IT'S TIME TO PULL ALL THE STOPS!
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Nice job with this once again! Your brain is amazing at coming up with these stories!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Interesting premise.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I wish that my brain could work like this sometimes. It would make life more interesting. :P
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »

I have ADHD and I do this whenever important things are supposed to be happening, so not not really the best
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »


You know.. You seem familiar. Steward wasn't it? You. I knew something was off with you. Please. I think everyone knew something was off with me. Steward tried to zap Ryce with his transformation beams, but they all just deflect thanks to his axe. Ryce suddenly appears in front of Steward, axe in his hands ready to strike That's not going to work on me. As Ryce cuts through Steward the others look in shock. That's one down, some others to go. I've always wanted to try out this technique and this is the perfect situation... Synapse break. World Exten- Ryce gets flung to the side by the arm of a now regenerated Steward. ngh- You FOOL! I am a demon, you can't kill me Ryce looks up at the car, then looks at Tarot, who is now hiding behind a wall. That's because I'm not giving it my all.

Ryce teleports to Tarot and picks her up, then teleports to the, now cut in half, car and puts Tarot inside. Using OH to make himself stronger, Ryce picks up the car and uses his lightning powers to dash away, with Steward being left behind. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US ABOUT THIS STUFF BEFORE? I SAID I HAD THE MOST EXPERIENCE HERE FIGHTING DEMONS DIDN'T I? As they arrive at the other side of town, Ryce drops them off. I have to defeat Steward but I can't do it with you guys because you might git hit as collateral damage, so I'll leave you here first. I'll pick you guys up later. WAIT BUT WHAT ABOUT- Tarot wasn't able to finish her sentence as Ryce sprints away, leaving them behind

Alright Steward. It's just you and me. Let's see if you can handle me now. You had to run away from me. I'm sure it will be easy for me. Like I said. I wasn't giving it my all. Steward lifts up his hand, preparing to strike Ryce Let me show you MY WORLD Time comes to a halt. No one can move, nor can they see or feel anything. To Ryce, this is his world, and nobody can enter it. 1 second has passed. Ryce takes out his a pistol from his holster and fires all 12 shots. 3 seconds have passed. Ryce observes Steward closely to observe his weakness while walking around him. 5 seconds have passed. As Ryce gets into position next to Stewards chest, he takes out his axe to strike. Time resume.

Steward looks around to see where he went, but that was all according to his plan, as Steward takes a look at Ryce he gets shot by the 12 bullets that Ryce fired in stopped time. Game over. Ryce quickly chops up Steward as he falls from the building, safely rolling onto the floor below. How did you do that? I gave it my all. Besides, my secrets are not for me to simply reveal... except maybe to the audience. He winks at the screen Anyways, this is the end for you. Ryce takes out his second pistol and aims it at Steward, as Steward looks at him angrily. bang Steward is no more.

Ryce rests a bit before standing up. I have to do this right now, before the other demons find me. He thinks. Ryce takes a deep breath before a blue sigil forms beneath him. Synapse break.... World extend..... each chant makes a rising blue wind grow larger and larger. OVER HEAVEN! REWRITE REALITY TO MY WILL! Ryce touches the ground beneath him and everything starts to spiral into nothingness. If you look far away it looks like the whole universe collapses into a singular white line, before disappearing. (if you want an idea of how it looks like play this video backwards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDcWqidxvz4)
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I love the way that you had this come out! Really neat work!
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »

Spirit Dragon

As the universe finishes reforming itself, Lois, Marion, Todd, and Tarot wake up back in the, now fixed, car with the Aardvark nowhere to be seen. Ngh.. what happene--d?? Marion looks at his, now human, hand, then looks around and sees Todd and Lois are also human again, except Tarot because she was always a dog. Where's Ryce? Was Ryce even reaaaAHHHHHHHHHHH WAIT TAROT ITS US, LOIS AND MARION We're still where Ryce dropped us off, so let's go find him, Lois, STEP ON IT!

Wait, over there, I see him in the middle of the road. They close in on a Ryce, who seems to be barely standing, along with an unconscious Steward, who's still a honey badgerRYCE! What happened? I... Defeated the demons... Were Ryce's last words before fainting


The same thing happens to the other inhabitants of the HP! universe. Pete and Spirit Dragon wake up in Kix and Kitsune's den, back in their demi-god forms. Hmm? HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHHDAHAHDASHAHFAHFABBFEIHETWIEWTIERYHEFUEWUBGUGSEUEFUEU. IM BACK! TAKE THAT KITSUNE! What happened? Oh, hello Pete. Finally, I got rid of that pathetic mortal form cough No offense... But it's time to go back to heaven!... I said HEAVEN!.. Where is the staircase? Weird, I can't summon it either. What's wrong? Wellll, to get to heaven, we summon a magical staircase that we climb to get there, or we just teleport there, but for some reason it's just not happening. Where's Dragon, I'm going to ask her about it What happened...

Spirit Dragon wakes up, now back in her celestial form. She tries reading the future, but nothing happens. Why can't I read the future? I'm not sure, me and Pete tried going to heaven but it's not working. Can somebody PLEASE explain to me what's going on? And where did Craig and Draig go Um... about that.. something about gods and generalities.


A knock is head on the door of the den, Kitsune goes to answer it TAROT! What happened to the demons? I'm not sure, but something definitely happened. Marion drops the unconscious Ryce and Steward Marion? you're human again? Good to know. Not just him, we woke up and suddenly we were like this. Something weird is going on, we can't use our powers. That is weird.
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Not really a fan of the colored text.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »

like, kitsune colored text because its so similar to the normal white or just colored talking text in general, bc idk how else to show what char is talking
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Sometimes it has to be done so you know who is speaking and who isn't. Though maybe find some darker colors? ;)
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by Harry Johnathan »

You could just have it like this:

"Ngh.. what happene--d??", Marion asked.

...and do away with the colored text.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »

it could get confusing fast, seeing as how multiple characters talk at once
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

So it is easier for him to do it like he has been doing. To be fair, Rick used colored text bubbles with the Celestials also.
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »

Spirit Dragon

I can't contact Bahamut or Cerberus telepathically The crystal tab isn't working either Marion and Lois come through the door, along with King who is still a dog All of the humans who were transformed into animals are back to normal What's going on? We just suddenly woke up back down here from heaven.. PETEEEE!!!!!! It's fine, for some reason the celestials can't use their powers and we still don't know why. I can explain.. Ryce gets up slowly from the floor, although a bit shaky and weak looking. I guess it's time for an explanation

Ryce explains to them about the dimension hopping and his abilities I have an ability know as Over Heaven, which lets me rewrite reality 10 times, the spell I used converted everything I have to energy, which is why I'm so weak right now and why I could rewrite the whole universe That doesn't really explain much about why we can't use our powers though. I rewrote the universe of course. I hear about King and the game you guys played, taking over a universe like that without the consent of its inhabitants to play a silly game... That's just not right. I rewrote more about this world though, I got rid of most traces of magic, some I left. Everything related to the gods I got rid of, to be more specific. Sorry it took a while for me to reveal who I really am Your heartbeat went crazy! Every couple of seconds it went from super fast to almost nothing, we thought you were dead. To be honest... That was my first time using that spell. Or rewriting a whole reality for that matter. What would have happened if you messed up then? Do you really need an answer?

So... you're a god? I wouldn't really say that.. I just have Over Heaven. I just hope you can forgive me for waiting this long to tell you. Or that you aren't mad at me like you are with Pete, Kitsune, Spirit Dragon etc. I can't really be mad. I guess annoyed? You did get rid of their powers for me I think... That's good to know. Does that mean I can stay in this dimension for a while? You don't have to ask me. That's also good to know. But I need a place to stay for the following days. I have an idea but I don't really know if it will work. After he says that Ryce goes unconscious again.

The next day King and Bailey open the door to find Ryce standing in front of the door. I'm going to be staying here. What? But isn't this a place for the ECP? Exactly. I asked Keene nicely and he said yes. How he asked Keene: Please. No. Please. No. Please. I saved the whole world. Ryce for the last time, the ECP is a program for animals. Ok, I get that, that's great and all BUT what if I transformed myself into an animal just to get in. ... :D:D:D:D:D:D Back to the present Yeah I just asked him and he let me in, it's REALLY weird.
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »

bruh the stupid auto smilies are ruining my joke
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

It doesn't matter if they are ruining it a little bit because I can still follow the story. I really am enjoying it even more!
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »

if i had titles for these things this would probably be named "character interactions" or something. Also I thought it might be confusing if I didn't specify this, Ryce is still a human, he just transformed himself into an animal JUST to get into the ECP. He's that petty


Backstory: Ryce is doing this thing where he brings all the former gods to a meeting every week so they get used to being a permanent mortal. This is the first week

Alright, is everybody here? Great, so today we'll be talking about how to live without seeing the future every 3 seconds. We wouldn't have to do this if it wasn't for you rewriting reality... Yeah yeah, cry more you oversized pheasant. Maybe if you didn't take over universes for fun every 3 seconds this wouldn't have happened. WHAT did you call me? Pete rushes over to Ryce and pins him against the wall How DARE you. I would recommend you look down before you continue attacking me. Ryce has his pistol out, aiming directly at Pete's chest. Pete slowly puts down Ryce and apologizes profusely.



Alright, I went around the local mall and saw that they had a generic music shop there, so I went and bought a piano and a violin. Why would you buy that, we barely have enough space in the house in the first place, especially now that you moved in. It's fine, it's gonna be in the garden. I doubt it will take up too much space. As the workers bring in the piano, Ryce takes the violin and plays My Castle Town from Deltarune (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivZ9wYvApRI). Sometime in, Bailey gets on the piano and joins as an accompaniment. I never knew you could play the piano. There was one back in the farm. I taught myself how to play it.


Joey overheard one of the previous demigods talking about the identity of Ryce prior to this event, you can choose who, then Joey told Dallas and Lester.

Another thing to note is that the dogs keep their humanoid form and don't go 4-legged like in Galifrax protocol, because entering the portal specifically lets you keep your form from the dimension you came from


Hey, what are you guys talking about. Cool anime stuff, nothing a god like you would understand. Who told you... Whatever, I guess a god like me can't.. y'know... take you to meet an anime character. Or something. You. Can. Do. THAT??? Ryce summons a portal to another Base Dimension I'm close friends with one, hop in this portal to see him. Joey, are you coming with us? YES

Oh hello Jotaro Hello again Ryce, who are your friends. AHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHH Do you want to see us stop time? The three dogs are still screaming incoherently, but nod their heads anyways. Yare yare.. STAR PLATINUM! ZA WARUDO ZA WARUDO

Inside stopped time, Ryce converse with Jotaro Ok, so, here's what's happening. Somebody told them about my Over Heaven abilities, I don't know who, but I also want to get back at them, so I need you to help me position them for this super epic haha funny prank I have. Ok... What do you want me to do.

As time resumes, Ryce takes out a polaroid instant photo camera. They set them up so that Dallas and Lester are kissing each other, and Joey stands there gasping. Ryce takes a photo of them immediately after time resumes and shows them the photo. :D He then proceeds to run away before any of them realize what's going on
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I just love how you are continuing to write it! Hope you will keep up the good work!
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »

Spirit Dragon

Hey Ryce, what did you do with our temples? Pete's temple was destroyed so all I did was get rid of the mana inside i- wait did you say OUR???? Ryce had no idea Spirit Dragon had a temple

Ok, everybody gather around, I need your help to find Spirit Dragon's temple, you guys had experience doing this thing before apparently so I need your help. : o Peanut is excited. Well, do you really need us, because I thought you could do anything. Not really, the reason why I didn't rewrite SD's temple is because I didn't know it existed. I'm not like other gods who just have foresight of every single event, I use current events to predict what will happen in the future. What do we get in return then? Not much, I can't do EVERYTHING you know? Ryce leans in to max and whispers But I do know pets can't buy anything from the pet store, and I'm pretty sure you might be interested in some catnip. Ok let's go. Yay!

I already asked Keene for a flight to Egypt, along with money to buy dune buggies. Marion is taking a trip with his family to Egypt so I just asked him if he wants to come with us and he said he'll drive. Our flight leaves tomorrow so go prepare the hats you guys are going to use when we enter the temple. What hat will you use? I doubt I need a hat... Oh ok, I'll prepare you one just in case.

They arrive at the airport in Egypt, and standing there is Marion, just like Ryce said. Hey Marion, where are your parents? I told them I'll be going out for a while, they're just staying at the hotel. So it's just you? Yeah. Hello Marion! I brought you a hat, that way you can join us inside the temple. Thank you Peanut, but I don't think I can join you for long, I only have 30 minutes and that's probably how long it will take to find SD's temple. I appreciate it anyways, I thought you wouldn't want to come and were done with magic(k) ever since I rewrote the universe. As long as that doesn't happen again, I'm fine.

After 19 minutes, they find the Temple, about 2570 meters away from the Pyramids of Giza. Stop, I think that's it, it looks like Pete's temple. Does everybody have their hats ready? Yup! By the way, here's you hat Ryce. Peanut hands Ryce a paper hat labeled "Ruler of time" with drawings of cogs on it. Well, I better go now, It'll probably take another 10 minutes just to get back to where I'm staying. Alright, stay safe.

They enter the temple and defeat the first waves of Gargoyles, then encounter a small room later on inside with lots of coins. Nice, treasure, you guys can collect them and keep them as a souvenir or something, I'll stay out here and keep watch. Gotcha. Ryce waits outside the room, keeping watch for possible enemies. He hears footsteps of a human turn the corner and pulls out his axe. Who;s there. Show yourself Please, it's not like as if you know who I am in the first place, since I don't know you. That's... kind of the point why I'm asking you to come out.. The woman puts a foot out of the shadow. Please. She steps out fully. Didn't your parents tell you to stay away from strangers. ...Nope still don't know who you are...
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Continuing to enjoy the story you are writing so far! I can't wait to find out who ??? is!
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »

its someone you MIGHT know, or not since she went plop way before
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

When you say that do you mean in the actual comic or in your stories? And plop does it mean she fell on her face or died?
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »

comic and i mean she stopped appearing
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That could be a lot of characters then. I guess we will have to wait and see who exactly it is!
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »


The name is Milton. Celia Milton. That name sounds familiar. I heard Thomas talking about you once. Something about how you betrayed and double crossed him HA! I don't need him anymore after he turned into a camel. I went on my own expedition and found this temple. It seems you found my temple at the same time I did. Excuse me? YOUR temple? That's an overstatement. That doesn't matter now does it. If you can just scurry along now I will do my own business here. Welllll I would.. But I need to ask you to leave. I don't trust you. Something tells me you have ulterior motives. You really think you can ask me to leave just like that? Ever since I entered this temple my outfit got replaced by this jungle man outfit and I could fight enemies with this whip. TAKE THIS CHILD!

Ryce dodges the whip and makes a dash to Celia, hitting her with the knob of his axe, knocking her back. How DARE you hit a lady. EQUAL RIGHTS EQUAL FIGHTS Ryce suddenly appears behind Celia and kicks the ground beneath her, breaking it and dropping her into the ground below. SAYONARA SUCKER A whip suddenly appears from the abyss and grabs on to his ankle. Maybe I was the sucker this whole time. Ryce almost gets pulled down, but latches on to the surface by chucking his axe into a rock. Celia flings herself back up to the floor and jumps on Ryce's head, loosening his grip on his axe and knocking him down to the floor below.

Ryce acts fast and ties a string around one of his bullets and the other end on his pistols, before shooting it at the wall. He pulls himself out of the room below. Celia is ready for him and launches the whip at him, wrapping it around his hand then pulling him to her, before taking out a dagger and cutting his stomach. I don't know who you are boy, but if your a part of a party, you better have that checked by a healer or something. I'm my own healer... Ryce says before rewriting his stomach and healing the wound I think I understand this temple a bit more, it's like a video game where you get randomly assigned a role, I'm assuming your a healer? ... Then I better get rid of you quickly.

Ryce teleports behind Celia punches her behind her head, before teleporting again and kicking her in the back portion of her knees. You're going to kill a kid huh? Don't be crazy, I just need to throw you out of my temple, like a rational human being. She tries to whip Ryce again, but he's prepared for it and catches the whip, then pulls Celia to him and punches her. Celia bends down and clenches her stomach. Is that all you got? Or are you thirsty for more. Celia whips out a pistol and shoots him. He stops time and dodges it, but stumbles, which is when Celia whips his legs again, causing him to trip. Celia stabs him in the eye. He's forced to use another rewrite, and is now down to 5 seconds of timestop. Listen lady, I really don't want to hurt you. Please just leave. Why should I? You're invading my temple, and I don't even know your name yet. The name is Ryce. Why do you need to know? Ryce? I REMEMBER THAT NAME! Me and your mother used to hang out a lot, I remember back when you were still a baby. Really? I never knew, I apologize. Ryce walks up to Celia and hugs her tightly. Celia is preparing her dagger to stab him in the back. I just... I have one more request. Yes... What is it child? Don't ever lie to me again. Ryce lifts up Celia and GERMAN SUPLEXES her. You pushed me too far, I'm going to show you now the meaning of the word "retire". He says before pulling out the paper bag. THE WORLD:RULER OF EVERYTHING
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

We are now watching the return of Celia! Will be good to see her get a comeuppance since she basically got away with her plots last time without punishment.
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »


This is retribution. Ryce says as he picks up a rock on the floor. Celia shields herself, expecting Ryce to throw it at her, but instead, Ryce throws the rock into the air. Celia looks at the rock and watches to see what will happen next, but when the rock goes back down Ryce is no longer there. That is a distraction. Ryce low kicks Celia, causing her to trip and fall, before axe kicking her. Celia dodges it and gets back up, before trying to shoot Ryce. He disappears again. You're too predictable. Celia looks behind her, but Ryce already went behind her again and knees her at her side. RYCEEEEEE!!! We need your help.

Ryce turns around and looks at Peanut, Celia does the same and launches the whip at him. Ryce dashes to Peanut and gets caught by the whip, before being brought to Celia, who stabs him in the gut. Ryce uses his last rewrite. WHO IS THAT! Someone, someone, Milton or something. The name is Celia darling. AND I! don't care. Ryce takes out a pistol and shoots it at Celia, but they all miss her. Celia looks to see where the shots fired. HA! You missed. Celia turns back and sees Ryce isn't there anymore. Ryce punches the back of her head. That was also a distraction. You guys better get back inside the room, this might get messy. As soon as he says that, Celia grabs his leg and causes him to trip, but he retaliates by shooting her in the arm. AHHHH! Ryce try's to get back up, but Celia kicks him in the ribs. How DARE you shoot me. Celia kicks him again, but before she can kick him again he stops time.

5 extra seconds... That's all the hat gave me. I have to use them wisely. Time resumes and Ryce swings his leg at Celia, hoping to hit her in the stomach, but she dodges. I know all about your silly teleportation trick, that won't work on me anymore. Who said it was teleportation? Ryce stops time, before striking Celia's hand. As soon as time resumes, Ryce grabs Celia by the shirt and slams her into his knee. Celia retaliates in a blind rage by swinging her knife without hesitation, but Ryce just takes one step back before punching her in the face. You're getting sloppy. Ryce back up to where his axe is and picks it up. Celia runs at him but he uses his last timestop to kick her away.

This fight is already over. Ryce walks over to the treasure room to pick up his bag. Are you guys ready to go? Well, that's the problem, there are too many coins and they want to bring them all. Alright then I'll help you carry the treasure. Ryce walks over to pick up some coins but stops just as he is about to. What is it even that you want from this temple... Money of course... what other reason would there be? Really? That's it? then you can have it. Ryce picks up a coin and tosses it to Celia. Besides, I don't think you realize. Celia picks up the coin. That was all part of my plan. How so? I have an abilty known as a stand. It acts like a ghost, letting me pick up things from far away. Using this power I can create a very thin gap between my hand and my coin, letting me pick it up without repercussions, since while I may be a human, my stand isn't. What are you going on about? You still don't get it? Let me give you one last hint. Magic coin. Celia suddenly transforms into a mole and Ryce dashes to her, and picks her up with his hand. LET GO OF ME! Ryce summons a portal to the zoo. HEY THOMAS! Thomas looks at him. CATCH! Ryce throws Celia at Thomas, hitting him in the face, before going back in the portal.

Wait, this whole time you could have just used your portal and brought us here? Not really, the way my portal works is by opening a portal to another dimension, but by then opening a portal in that dimension back to here I can pretty much portal to anywhere in this dimension, but I need to know the exact coordinates to get somewhere, otherwise I go somewhere completely random. That's.. confusing? Eh. not really.
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »

might post next one tomorrow, im just conflicted if i should do this arc or skip it because it'll be confusing and a bit of "why didn't Ryce just do this???"
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Re: Dreamscape

Post by 88superguy »

So I tried to draw Mungo lifting Ryce
WIN_20211121_17_52_28_Pro.jpg (54.26 KiB) Viewed 7220 times
as you can see absolutely everything went according to plan and it looks very nice and dear gosh i hate drawing faces and hands
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