Distant Starlight

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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

Distant Starlight - Bellhop

Jax woke up from his bed. It was much better than the beds at the police kennel, but he still thought he preferred his. It didn't smell right. The cat bellhop from earlier carried two bowls of food into the room and placed them on the floor. As he was going to leave, Jax stopped him and asked in a low whisper, "What was that about a rhino."

The cat had already looked nervous, but it seemed to get worse when he mentioned the word rhino, "I have already said to much."

Jax pushed further, "Look at my vest. Check it with the records you have it."

The cat stood firm, "Your vest also says off-duty."

Jax continued, "Off-duty or not, I am assigned to look after him as his ward."

Jax could see him pause, then his face go pale underneath his fur, and his breathes starting to become irregular. He relented, "Ok. Ok. I don't know much. There was a hoax going around that was scaring people, myself included. I didn't see it, but I heard it. Sirius was his owner and another dog. I was told they were private investigators, but they didn't seem like it to me. I haven't wore a name-tag since I was a kitten, and that ward of yours still knew my name without me ever telling him. I vaguely remember other oddities about the group, but that isn't generally a time I mentally revisit. If you want to know more, ask Hilda. She is a security dog, she regularly stops by the pet area."

Jax weighed his options and decided to not push to much further, not right now at least, "Thank you for the information. Can you describe the other dog he was with?"

The bellhop calmed down a slight bit, "Sure. He was tall. Husky or Malamute, something like that, black and white. I don't really get dog breeds. He wore a dark green camo padded vest. Now, please. Enjoy your meal.
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

Distant Starlight - Hilda

Some time after they ate, Zeus started wandering through pet area having been sent down while his Uncle went to the conference. Jax called him over, and despite his protests, he was asked to watch Sirius.

After asking around, he proceeded to the eating area. It was rather minimalist with evenly arranged round tables and stools, though there was hardly anyone sitting at them at this hour. At the backend of the room, there was a simple bar with the same stools manned by a dressed up hound.

He walked over to the female cocker spaniel he heard about, "Hilda is it? Can I ask you about the rhino incident?"

Without turning around, she grumbled, "Just what I needed, another blogger or conspiracy theorist." Turning around, her tone shifted from annoyance to curiosity, "Oh, a police dog. Can't say that is any better, but it is new. I like new. Take a seat."

Jax sat down on a stool beside her. "Do you remember a dog named Sirius?"

"Not particularly. There is a lot of dogs who pass through. I don't make a habit of getting acquainted." she responded, not even trying to remember.

Jax redirected, "There was a private investigator who came to invest. He brought two dogs, one of them was named Sirius. Do you not know anything else about him or who he was travelling with?"

Hilda brushed him off, "There was quite a few people who came regarding that. Though I don't recall any police officers."

Jax pushed, "Do you not recognize the names Alexander or Procyon."

Hilda's ears perked up when she heard the last name, but didn't yield, "It might jog my memory if I seen a warrant." she smirked.

Taking a deep breath, he explained, "Alexander and Procyon are missing. Sirius has been turned over to be my ward."

Hilda ears dropped, "Unfortunate. Look. I don't know what you have been told, but I really don't know much more than anyone else. I didn't even hear it, and was certainly not allowed to poke my head around freely. I spoke with them as a group once, and I had a few drinks with Procyon."

Jax asked, "What do you mean by a few drinks?"

Hilda stopped him, "You can judge me for my poor life choices, but Procyon only had water. We were both service dogs. We had a lot to talk about. Well, I had a lot to talk about and he was a good listener."

"Service as in seeing eye or the other kind?" he asked cautiously.

"The one that other dogs don't even like to say out loud. I don't like talking about other people's business, but I don't think Proxy would like you thinking bad about his owner. I don't know much about the owner in specific, but I do know that someone who adopts a service dog from a pound and treats them well can't be that bad of a person."

Jax prodded, "I have a co-worker concerned about somethings he calls orange flags, like how independent Sirius and his speech pattern. Do you have any comments on that."

She noted how he carefully constructed that, and replied, "A dog being able to wipe themselves doesn't mean that they weren't hugged enough. He probably picked some of it up from Procyon." She paused to think back for a moment, "But now that you mention it, he did speak a bit funny. Though neither the owner or Procyon spoke like that.

Jax nodded, "Thank you. Do you remember anything else."

Hilda paused again, "Look. I am really not one for details on a good night, and those weren't good nights. But, you seem alright. I do remember something odd that I will tell you first. Maybe you can make sense of it. While I only met the owner once, I did overhear him talking with Proxy and I remember them talking about something when the owner said something about how he was lucky that he always wanted a talking dog."
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I love the work that you put into this! Really cool how it all came out!
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

Distant Starlight - Sanctuary

The next few days were uneventful. Jax wasn't entirely sure what Sirius was doing, though he did it quietly in the room. At one time, he heard speak Latin and he thought he might have started to take an interest in zoology. He wanted Sirius to interact more, but he thought he probably shouldn't force it to happen. Especially when it seemed his questioning caused rumors to start about him, it probably wasn't the best environment to socialize in. Zeus complained a lot, but some how managed to stay out of trouble. The one time there was nearly a scuffle, Hilda broke it up before it even started. Jax continued to try to investigate the rhino incident, though whatever new information he did learn contradicted itself. He spent most of the time rationalizing not asking Sirius as trying not to dig up a stressful memory, and rationalizing not telling his owner or the other K9s this information as it was all hearsay by people he couldn't even confirm where actually present for the event. After the convention was over, they packed their belongings, a much quicker process for the pets than the humans, and return to Azure Creek.


The presence, the one that the woodland elders called the Guardian, observed the strange dog called Sirius re-enter her sanctuary. While she did not call him to join her behind the magical barriers, he is no less invited. She had idle curiosities about him, but the only question that mattered was why did her grace seem to disturb or harm him, but now it seemed that was no longer a problem. At this point, it seemed like he was no less attuned to it than her attendants within the woodland. She was also concerned about the strife brewing there, however she had promised them autonomy and thus she shouldn't interfere. At least, not while they maintain their promise of pacifism. Maintaining and expanding the sanctuary was tiring work, but it was noble work. If all else where to fail, her sanctuary would remain a stronghold of life and order. Hopefully, it would never come to that. However, she also was a shepherd to the magical animals within her reach, providing aid to those had no other recourse; whether they were hurt or endangered by the magic of others, or that their magic imperiled themselves or others and needed to be controlled.

She ensured that all was going well, made sure that her newest guest was starting to settle in, and work a bit on the third grounds. She then closed her eyes and allowed herself some rest.
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really enjoyed this once again! You are doing great at writing this!
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

Distant Starlight - Paperwork

Even with the few days that past, Jax returned to a pile of paperwork on his desk. There was only other dog who seemed to care to do the busy work, and Jax didn't trust him to handle it. He keep putting off writing his report regarding Sirius, as he didn't know how to disclose precisely as much information as he wanted while not drawing attention to it or weighing on his conscience.

When he had started, he had flipped the papers so that the newest arrivals were at the bottom. The second to last one caught his attention, it was a request for information from the Bureau of Pet Investigation. He was almost convinced that it got misdirected away from the human department, but noted the request was from another police dog named Sylvia. This is the first time he saw this request form, and he hadn't heard any specific instruction on how to handle it so he thought that most proper thing to do would be hand it off the K9 Chief. However, he scanned it to make sure that it wasn't related to Sirius, and it wasn't. He told himself that it was to ensure that it was handled properly.

He placed it back down on his desk for a moment to cover a yawn. It was large enough that his eyes were forced shut. He didn't realize how tired he was, and he started to think that maybe he should have relaxed a bit more during his vacation. He wiped the sleep from his eyes, and found that he had lost his train of thought. He was surprised at how he needed a moment to remember that he was doing paperwork. He didn't think it would be that boring, but he looked at his desk and noticed that he only one page left, some initial planning for training for later in the month.
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This chapter is another specular that I enjoyed also! Keep it up!
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

Distant Starlight - Invisible

Bella stood out in front the house the new pet moved into. Apparantly, they aren't one for going out and nobody really knew anything about them. While she normally wouldn't care, the timing was weird and she wanted to make sure this wasn't one of Sebastian's tricks.

She had heard a dog speaking, but ignored him. She was surprised when she felt someone tap her shoulder. She felt a sudden jolt of pain, and then a cool relief.

She turned around and saw Sirius. And suddenly, her fur felt frigid cold. "Hello, what do you want."

Sirius' paw lurch forward, causing her to flinch before realizing he was offering a hand-shake, "Hello, I am Sirius. It was suggested that I meet the new pet in town." He paused, his eyes glancing around before ge said, "What has been your general thoughts on the weather?"

Bella took a moment to gather her thoughts, "I am not new here. I have been around awhile now. But you stopped me while I am invisible to talk about the weather? You know it looks your talking to yourself right?"

Sirius stared straight at her for a moment, but she could see what he was doing. Aether poured in and out of his eyes like water, before settling back in place. He stated matter-of-factly, "You are invisible." Then he continued, "If you have lived here for awhile, the novelty of talking to an invisible cat must have worn off."

Bella rolled her eyes, "Sometimes I would think if only." She paused, "You do know magic is a secret right." Looking at his expression right, "Right."

Sirius relented, "I thought worlds with talking animals didn't have a masquerade."

Bella tried not to think to hard about the implications of that statement. She had known about different dimensions, but only in an abstract sense. Though, considering he could casually draw a gate rune, perhaps it shouldn't be to surprising. However, you shouldn't let fear get in the way of opportunity, "Well. When you look at that house, what do you see. Magically."

He stared at it a moment, she felt his concentration disturb the aether in the air. He replied, "Nothing."

Bella replied, "So it means it is safe then. No magic users or tools or anything."

Sirius replied, "Everything has magic. If I can'tsee it, either my senses are impaired or something is keeping it contained within the house."

Taking it as a sign that this was unrelated to Sebastian, Bella left. She didn't know much about this dog, but she could tell he was better at magic than that fraud.

Sirius shrugged, walked up the door and knocked. After a few minutes without a response, he had made his token effort and left. Having touched the door, he could tell that there was some magical impediment, but it seemed to be set-up after he arrived. It didn't seem relevant, perhaps the new resident simply preferred their native magic to the magic of this town. He could not blame them if that was the case.

He was thought that he should be more careful discussing magic. Procyon would not approve if he had caused societal upheaval while he was away.
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This is really coming out in such a wonderful and unique way! Hope you can continue with it!
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

Distant Starlight - Uncertainty

After wandering back to her sister's abode, Bella started talking to her. Neither was particularly pleased with the arrangement, but it started with a simple off-hand comment by Bella, almost her speaking to herself, "I still have the gate rune."

Snow inquired, "Why did you even want it?"

Bella tapped her claw against a table, "The wolf pup was starting to ask a lot of questions about how he was going to leave that woods. I needed something."

Snow took a deep breath, "And you didn't just lie to him. Like you were lying about how you were going to transform him?"

"Look." she said, trying to muster a defense though she could not think of any.

Snow wiped her face with her paw. "Well. Since you don't need to use the incredibly rare and potent magical item as a prop, if you return it, I will consider the favor repaid."

Bella thought for a moment. "I still could use it" she said, with an already defeated defiance.

Snow put her paws together, "Let assume you are even capable of using this rune to that level of potential. You would have no control where you would end up, and no way to know until it is already to late and you have no way to return back home. This is presuming you even up somewhere to begin with."

Bella tried to think of a retort, but sighed when she couldn't. She had heard horror stories about foolish wizards playing with the boundaries of space, and some of them knew what they were doing. She was just a cat that ended up in the wrong home. "Fine. You win."

She pulled the paper from her collar. She didn't have a fancy collar that could store items in a pocket space, but she could fold it up and then make it invisible. It wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world, but she thought it might come in handy. Though she would probably just made things worse. She placed it on the table and walk off. She didn't know where she should go, but she just needed to leave.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Beautifully written chapter that you have written here! It is really good!
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

Distant Starlight - Entwined

Sirius mediated. It was becoming harder, and he felt as though the magic was leaving him quicker. Everything had an aspect of magic, and that magic had its own moments and rhythms. It started to feel like he was swimming against a river's current, and the harder he swam, the faster the current. He considered that it didn't seem to matter how he tried to get move away from it, and how he seemed to keep sinking deeper into it, and thought how a whirlpool might been a more suitable comparison.

He suddenly felt a pull, and then a falling sensation. When he landed, he was in a small den and he could sense forest around it. He wasn't sure if he would be able to tell normally, but this forest was brimming with magic and it was hard to describe exactly, but the closet thing would perhaps be loud. His attention then shifted to his immediate surroundings. A skunk was sitting down, surrounded by crudely made tools and symbols, currently cowering in a corner.

From the tools and symbols present, it seemed like he was trying to perform some type of communication spell. Though, it wasn't a very good spell. There was a lot of pointless garnishes. It didn't seem surprising that the spell misfired, though he didn't know what it honed on to him. Considering that magic is a secret, perhaps it was just a stroke of fortune it was him.

He was reminded about his own training as a pup, and how he benefitted from the kindness of strangers. Using the spell, he seemed to be able to communicate thoughts to the young skunk, though it seemed as though the skunk was unable to reply in kind. Either that, or he choose not to. Sirius told him how to improve the spell, and general best practices.

He was mid-thought when he forcibly woken up by Zeus. This caused him to continue that thought into the waking world, confusing Zeus. When questioned, he replied with a half, perhaps quarter, truth, that he had a strange dream.
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Wonderful work as usually once again! Please continue with this because it is so nice!
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

It is hard to believe that I started this in January, and it is already September.

My motivation to write this series has ebbed and flowed, and I have to admit that the last few characters have been hard to write. I have considered a hiatus myself, but I feel like at this point this project is being carried by inertia.

I have a general idea of the next arc, but I still have not pinned down important details.
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

We understand if you need to take a short break and come back to this! This story is so goof it will be worth the wait so if you have to its fine.
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Take your time. Writing isn't easy.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

Distant Starlight - House

Debbie had been walking around the neighbor when she walked past the house that Ash had told her about. Apparently, a new pet had moved in, but nobody has saw anyone enter or exit the house. It looked like a normal building, but it was somehow unsettling. She didn't know what was quite going on, maybe she had just been getting caught up in fantasy.

Not noticing, she had approached the door. Out of morbid curiosity, she knocked. Nobody answered. She decided to humor herself, and placed on hand on her heart and the other on the door, closed her eyes and tried to call out. She felt rather silly, until she opened her eyes. She was surrounded by a dark void, and she felt herself begin to tremble and her heart pound against her chest.

Something from the inky nothingness rushed towards, but slammed against something that wasn't there a moment ago. Suddenly, she was in a cabin she remember living in with her mother at a point she couldn't quite remember. Any lingering fear immediately vanished despite still being an odd situation and the fact that the darkness remained on the other side of the window. It just seemed far-away and unimportant now. She settled into one old, half-remembered chair and began to rock in it, humming a melody she didn't know.
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This was a really beautiful chapter! It may have been short but it packed a punch!
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

Distant Starlight - Knock

The serenity of the cabin suddenly faded when Debbie heard a knocking at the door. She started to ask questions, and then questioned why she didn't question anything until now. The knocking continued to grow louder, and her thoughts turned to swirling darkness outside. The most pressing concern suddenly became is the darkness trying to get in, and could it. She called out with a shakey voice, "Who is there?"

It answered with a familiar voice, "It is me, Snow."

Unsure or what is real, and what isn't, she followed up, "How do I know you aren't just pretending to be someone I know?"

There was a pause, before she annoyingly replied, "If I was trying to impersonate someone you trusted, why would I choose someone who you barely speak with and not your brother."

That made enough sense. She didn't have mental energy to try to figure if something was mindgames inside mindgames and that stark sounded like her. She examined the door. After the voice on the other end rudely tried to rush her, she meekly answered, "How do I let you in? The door doesn't have handle?"

It snapped, "How I am suppose to know? It is your mental wards."

Tapping her brain, and using whatever nuggets of reference she had, she demanded of the world, "I invite Snow and only Snow instead."

She felt a change in the room, and watched the door eagerly. Thus she didn't see Snow appear behind her, trip over her feet and fall over. She turned around when she heard the thud, and helped her up. Asking if she know what was happening.

Snow glanced around, before narrowing her eyes and said, "Ok, so. Magic is real."

She frowned, "I have started to piece that together. I meant about this cabin."

"I really don't know. My sister mentioned that the new pet's house had some weird magick or something, and whenever I went to look, I found you unconscious. I could tell that you were hit with some kind of magic, and I use a tool to enter your dreams. It seems like you have some type of magical defenses keeping the foreign magic at bay."

Debbie asked, "And so you can wake us both up now right?" When she looked away, "You do have a plan to get us out of this right?" When she didn't answered, she continued, "Why do this if you had no plan?"

"I had to do something. I mean I didn't want it on my conscious, but it also a really bad thing for everyone involved when a mundane dies from magic."

"Mundane? I have did magic. I have made the " she paused to think of cooler sounding word than toy, "inanimate move, and teleported it around." she said.

She dismissed her, "Did it happen to move after you put in on a weird drawing? Activating a rune would mean that you have some mystical talent, but enough people do and never realize it. As for teleportation, did you lose and suddenly find it again? This town is full tiny portals between it and a pocket dimension. Things sometimes fall through it. Magic items can be clingy, and be attracted back to their enchanters."

Debbie was glad to have some explaination, but there was still a more pressing issue, "So what do we do now?"

Sighing, she replied, "We sit down, hope your wards don't fail, and wait until the magic loses potency. We might get help, but I wouldn't count on it."

After a few minutes in silence, Debbie asked, "How do you know about magic. Could you tell that story?"

When she didn't answer, "If you don't want to tell me, I could always start vocalizing all of the questions in my head. Like how can I ever be sure anything is real if people can just sneak into my dreams? How can I be sure this is real. It feels real, but sounds fake."

Snowbelle relented, "You have made your point. I guess you should know how things are for magical pets, and why we do our part in keeping the whole magic part secret."
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

Distant Starlight - Wounds

Snow started, holding one of her paws on her arm, "How I found out wasn't exactly typical. Normally, you are born into it. I was born in a cardboard box with a take-one sign." Debbie noticably averted her eyes when she said, that but she continued, "A magician end up taking me and my sister. I am not sure why she didn't get a pet born into it, but I can take a guess. It didn't seem like she was well-liked by anyone."

Debbie blinked, "I didn't know you had a sister."

Snow looked down, "She is around. A black cat named Belladonna. I would suggest you keep your distance. If you follow her around, you will end up finding trouble." She collected herself, "Anyways. She treated us as servants more than pets. She never paid me much attention, though most of it was taken up dealing with my sister's antics. She couldn't even bother teaching us her self and had a tutor teach us what we needed to know, which was the bare minimum. She didn't exactly keep magical knowledge from us. I remember several times where we had visitors and she would shove a book in my head because it looked more dignifed than me sweeping or something. Then one day, she took us to do this ceremony. It didn't involve anything weird, I mean other than the magic, but I will spare you the technical details. Suffice it to say, she put something in my shoulder and it intwined our magick powers together so that she could be stronger."

Debbie interrupted, "Did it hurt?"

Snow instinctively reached for her shoulder before pulling her paw away, "Not at first. At first, it just felt weird, but I only really noticed when I was paying attention. But one day, our owner did something. I am not entirely sure what, but I knew when it happened because I felt this large pressure on my shoulder where we was bonded. It felt like it was going to burst, and I think it did. I don't remember to much after that, but some men found me and my sister and took us to this compound. They gave a token effort to try to heal us, but the healer they had brought in said our chances were nill. Then one day, the men started acting weird, more mechanical almost. They weren't particularly talkative before, but they didn't have glassy eyes before. They dropped me here, just outside of the gates. Despite being a strange stray who seemingly wonder in, I was quickly adopted. I don't think my new owner knows about magic, and I am not inclined to ask. My sister and I also started to receive medicine for ours shoulders. The only reason I started using it was because she tried it first. Now, let me just tell you the point: if you start to let get around you have magical ability, you will probably end up as a magician's tool for your possible very short life, and if not, something worst will happen."

Trembling slightly, Debbie tried to mutter something out, anything at this point, but could only managed to meakly ask, "What about Sirius?"

Sighing and crossing her arms, "I don't know what Sirius is, and when dealing with magic, what you don't know will probably maim you at least. I was a familiar, which was below my master, who was a magician. I do know of a pet who is a magician, but that dog is something even stronger than that. A rune that is a tenth as complex as the ones he had would be a family treasure, and he casually left several behind. Maybe it was some type of test, maybe he wanted to stir chaos, or perhaps worse of all, he didn't even notice."

Tilting her head, "Why would that be the worst?"

Giving an obviously fake grin, though she probably didn't notice herself, "Because that would mean he would be so far above us, that we would be like ants to him. And it doesn't matter how nice a person is, they still might step on ant by pure accident." Noticing her companion eyes widened, "Yes, it is rather disturbing. If I had any optimism left, I would hope that."

She was cut off, "No. Look out the window. I am not sure if I should be worried."
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Glad that you have started to write this again! I look forward to what you have in the future!
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

Distant Starlight - Stirred

Snow stirred from her slumber, laying beside the couch. Her head didn't hurt, but she didn't feel fully awake. Standing to her feet, she slightly panicked when she saw nobody was on the couch. Quickly looking around, she saw Debbie leaning against the wall holding something. "Do I need to go back over the whole magic being real thing?" she asked.

Debbie shook her head, "I am good. I think. This convinced me." she said, showing what she had in her hands, a piece of paper with an elegantly drawn feather on it.

"I didn't expect you to accept it that easily, but why a picture of a feather" she asked.

"When I woke up, it was glowing red and was hot to the touch." she replied.

There was an awkward silence, before Debbie continued, "What do I do with? Burn it."

Snow thought for a moment, rubbing her paw against her shoulder before quickly pulling it back, "Fire usually makes it worst. Save it for when you are immediate danger and have no better options. A memento like that probably should be fine, just shove it in a closet and hope."

Blinking for a few seconds, "And hope?"

"Welcome to the world of magic. You are now a tiny fish in a giant pond. But being small isn't all that bad. It means you are not likely to draw anyones attention so long as you don't act out." she said, collasping on the couch.

There was another long silence, before Debbie continued, "I guess I should go, and do.. absolutely nothing of note."

Snow smirked slightly, but it quickly faded, "You are catching on. One last piece of advice, if you see a collarless cat in a silk vest named Sebastian, avoid him. He is an oversized rat that is always scheming something. I think exploiting naïve fledgings is one is his hobbies. He lives elsewhere, but I have saw him lurking around here on occasion."

As Debbie left, she tried to remember the cabin but its detail quickly floated away from her. It was such a vivid imagine in the dream. A part of her knew that she was in a cabin exactly like that before, while the rest of her doubted it. She annoyed further that it seems like Snow would only recommand that she became apathetic about the whole experience or experience vague, but terrible consequences. Perhaps apathy was the only defense mechanism she had. Perhaps it wasn't.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Once again really great work on this chapter of the story! It is really breathtaking!
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

Glad you are still enjoying it. Right now, the plan is to have a Christmas-related arc for December and then follow it up with the next major story-line. Because of that, I plan to do some short side stories for November. If anyone has a character that want to see more focus, I am open to suggestions.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Do you take suggestions of what you are gonna do with some characters? :P
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

You are free to make suggestions, though I can't promise that I will act on them.
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

I hope I didn't scary anyone off from making suggestions. To be honest, I am still trying to plan out the December Christmas arc, and still have 4 November chapters to conceptualize and write. Again, I can't guarantee that I can work in any particular suggestion into the story but I am not going to get offended by any suggestion either.
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I was gonna suggest something but if I did I'm sure people would just groan and already expect me to do it so I think I will pass for now.
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Send it to Leo in a PM, Dayzee.
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

It wouldn't matter as people would still know its me and I have a feeling they would be sick of that schtick. I keep on half-expecting to get yelled at by one of the mods over PM because of how I overuse it.
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

Distant Starlight - Cashew

The young skunk, Cashew, toiled to improve his magick. If he wished to help his friend, he would need to become stronger. The strange teacher was wise in the old rites. He must have been a forgotten disciple of the Guardian. His visage appeared as a halo of darkness shrouding splendid light. His words have been a great help, but perhaps far more advanced than he could easily comprehend. He considered seeking the wisdom of the elders, but they would not understand. How could they when he barely could? They would not approved of his independent studies, but it was necessary. He was sure he still had the Guardian's favor.

In addition to wise words, the stranger imparted something else. Something now buried within him, but difficult to decipher. It seemed to be a faded memory. He attempted to use his newly acquired magicks to call it forward to the surface and give it clarity. He felt the energies of the air move at his will and act as he intended, however his power was insignificant. He struggled and faught, but he was simply not good enough. Just as he was about to surrender, he had an odd sensation that someone was watching over his shoulder. He gained a sudden burst of energy that permitted him to perform the spell.

It still was not cast prefectly. The image was blurred and out-of-focus. It was about as undecipherable as before. He could only make a vague shape of an animal, an unknown recognization washed over him. It was a human. The focus shifted suddenly to something seemingly closer. It was far easier to see. It was some type of black and white dog wearing a vest painted like the leaves of the forest. He could see his mouth moving, but the words dissolved into the sound of stone scrapping against stone.

The vision faded. Cashew quickly turned around and saw nobody. He needed to become stronger. He needed to stop being useless. Perhaps the disciple's patience would permit them to teach him further?
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This chapter is just as beautiful as the rest of them! Please keep it up!
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

I feel like I should leave an update, I didn't end up posting much for November and won't end up posting a chapter tomorrow. I have been working on another project, and I didn't have 4 stories worth of material regarding the side-characters. I could have introduced some more, but I feel like the story is transitioning away from the ensemble slice-of-life story and towards more character-driven supernatural adventures. I intended to delve more into the supernatural elements of the story as it progressed, but I do regret that it didn't have a smoother transition. I am not opposed to writing more slice-of-life chapters, but they end up being more difficult for me to write.

Previewing the next two arcs I have planned out, we have the Christmas arc in December regarding Sirius' relationship with the holiday and the briefly mentioned Kris. Followed up by an arc about the K9 unit brushing against the supernatural elements of the settings as they are pushed forward by a character visiting for the arc. It will involve learning more about the mysterious new pets hidden away in his house, and maybe learning more about Sirius.
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Harry Johnathan »

That's alright. I'm often disappointed with how my stories can run away from my vision at times too.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Its alright that you need time to focus on another story. We will still be around and wait for you to come back and start writing again.
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

Distant Starlight - Technically

Sirius went to get another tea-bag to brew someone more tea, however he was surprised when he had none left. He muttered something under his breath about it. As he turned around, the world shifted with him and he was suddenly in a snowy field. He sighed, it was nice to see snow but he didn't expect this to happen until for ten months or so. The snow delicately fell from the sky, creating a pristine carpet of snow. However his eyes quickly found a familiar reindeer, Kris. His head was tilted down and his hooves kept digging at the snow.

After Sirius glared at him, he started explaining, "So sorry about your tea supply. There was just one tiny, small, insignificant detail and well, we need to sort it out." After another harsh glare, he corrected, "Well, I need to sort it out. Or well, they might send me to the coal mines. You aren't going to let a friend go the coal mine would you?"

Sirius sighed, "The coal mine were you are perfectly safe behind a glass pane while you watch an automated conveyer belt and are just there to call maintenance if it jams?"

Kris stumbled, "Yeah. That one. But I mean, my parents were happy that I got this job. I don't want to disappoint them. Please?"

"Ok. What is this inconsequential detail? My memory was sealed." Sirius said.

Kris seemed confused, "You don't remember? Well, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. I needed help getting the gift machines in working order, preparing the wards against the forces of evil, and I needed your help looking over the delivery routes. And then everything went well, and we was going to dinner, and." he paused, trying to think, "And it probably isn't that important. Look, I am already in trouble, lets try not to find anymore. You see, the problem is that I asked for you help."

Sirius started to ponder the situation relating to his memory. This turn it was Kris' glaring at him that caused him to answer, "What is at fault? Don't you have request my assistance every year?"

Offended, "Not every year. I had everything under control three years ago." he said as if that was something to be proud of. "But, I didn't ask for your help. Not according to the regs. I asked for Alex's help and he was allowed to bring you with him."

Sirius replied, "And why I am not permitted? I am not as practiced as Master Alexander, but I have studied well enough for the tasks you need assistance with."

Kris started to dig at the snow again, "Well, you see. Um. I am only suppose to ask people for help when they like Christmas."
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Incredible work as always with this chapter! You truly are a talented writer!
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

Distant Starlight - Consultation

Belle nodded along with Sirius' explaination, "So Santa Claus is real. Is Christmas some universal constant?"

Sirius clarified, "For a certain definition of real. And while they were not forthcoming about the overall structure, I believe that this is apart of a larger Winter Festival Department."

Closing her eyes and putting her paws together, "We are discussing that later." She said, looking around, "Preferably somewhere else than a cramped closet. And so you really hate Christmas?"

"I don't hate Christmas. I don't suppose that I particularly love it either." he clarified.

"And so just to make sure I understand this right, the only thing at stake is that a person you find annoying and isn't even good at his job, will get demoted. Why you do care?" Bella asked.

There was an awkward silence as Sirius thought, "His father is Master Alexander's friend, and"

Interrupting him, "Ok. I guess the why doesn't matter. Some of us don't get to go to Magic Christmas Land every year. What does this Winter Festival Department even do? What do you normally do, and what did you do this year."

"They haven't revealed their agenda, however I have gathered that they collect positive emotions to empower evil-warding magicks. Normally we have to deal with sabotage, a missing delivery, or the occassional locked room mystery. Aftwards, there is a celeboratory feast. There are activities afterwards, but I am usually exhausted and go to sleep shortly afterwards. This year I had my memories blocked for some reason, potentially due to this investigation. Apparently, he was simply underprepared and needed my assistance to not fall behind his quota." he said in neutral tone of voice.

Bella blinked, "This is just normal for you isn't it? How many magic-related trials have you been apart of?" Sirius begin to count on his paw, before being interrupted, "That was rhetorical. Has anything bad happened to you on Christmas? What about before you learned about magic."

"No. The greatest danger I have faced on Christmas was a cookie that Kris tried baking for me." he said, taking a moment to think about the second part of the question, "I don't recall anything special happening in the manor for the holiday."

Before Bella had a chance to question him about living in a manor, there was a knock on the door. Sirius attention turned to the door, and it opened. On the otherside was Kris, wearing a white scarf with a red detailing. "So, the tribunal is about to begin."

When asked when, the reindeer replied, "Umm.. Now" and snow filled the room and they were gone.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I am really loving the work you are putting into this! Nice writing!
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Re: Distant Starlight

Post by Leotamer »

Distant Starlight - Inquiry

Bella appeared in a simple, rustic courtroom. She turned her head and saw Kris and an older reindeer wearing a white scarf with red embroidery. Her turned to follow the sounds of a gavel, seeing a penguin in a bow-tie say, "The Christmas Performance Work Review is no in order."

She looked around, and in a slight panic exclaimed, "Um, where is Sirius?"


Sirius had found himself in the snow. It was not cold to the touch, which wasn't exactly usual for this area. However it also didn't feel like real snow, which it normally did. He tried to walk, and yet found his body stuck to where it was. The more he tried to move, the more the snow around him began to raise from the ground and swirl.

Eventually, it reached above his head and suddenly he was in one of the Christmas workshops. More precisely, a memory of a Christmas workshop that he insisted recognized. It was his first time visiting and he was in awe of the sights and sounds, to the point of being overwhelmed. His master and Procyon were talking with Kris' father and one his sisters, when Procyon realized that it was starting to get to much for him. He guided him to a quieter reading room. He still couldn't move, but the illusion shifted to follow his younger selves perspective.

He meet Kris there, disappointed that he was relegated to responding to Christmas letters, and even more annoyed that most of them were rejected for penmanship. He blamed his hooves, despite writing the letters using magic. He insisted that hooved critters were inherently disadvantaged in this field. The vision blurred as his memory blurred, but he ended up helping Kris write the letters.

Afterwards, the snow appeared from nowhere to take him to another scene. It was simply him spending time with Kris preparing for Christmas. Despite doing to completely separate jobs, they sat next to each other and just talked. It lasted for a brief moment, but he was forced to the next scene. Kris had just received a promotion and joined a team that he had wanted rather than doing random odd-jobs. Sirius helped, but whenever he tried to talk to Kris, he was interrupted. He also ended up doing most of the work.

The snow rose up again and caused the scene to fade into the white. When it reappeared, he was looking up at the workshop and glanced over to a "Days until Christmas" sign with a big 1 marked on it, and a year. Realizing what was about to happen, he silently but defiantly stated, "Enough." The snow began to rise, overlapping with some of the vision and obscuring it. Walls of snow would form before being forced back down. It was quiet, and yet also seemed to overwhelm any noise that should have been made. He didn't try to look, but occasionally found his eyes disobeying him and he saw him talking with Kris, before it escalating into argument and then he ran off. He could feel it trying to push forward, and he knew what he would see next and resisted it. The snow chaotically danced and swooped around trying to form something coherent before it surrendered and all the snow fell down inanimate.

Sirius blinked, and he found himself staring a snow-globe on a table in a dimly lit room. He quickly turned his head from it. He felt the presence of another person, but when he went to look around, careful not to stare to closely at the holiday trinket, they were gone but he could see trances of power where they were at, the other side of the table.
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