HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Read through all pf this while I was acclimating from being away from home during my vacation and I have to say I really enjoyed it a lot! Wonderful work Sean!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Tue Aug 17, 2021 2:37 pm Read through all pf this while I was acclimating from being away from home during my vacation and I have to say I really enjoyed it a lot! Wonderful work Sean!
Thank you! I'm happy to be back working on it! Finale of this arc will come sometime tomorrow (It's a long one but I think everyone waited long enough for this arc to be over. Plus, I want to get to work on the next two stories: the K9 one and the Tarot one).
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Looking forward to both of those arcs and cannot wait foe you to post them! They will be really wonderful I am sure!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by trekkie »

Great job on this arc, Sean!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

It makes me really excited to see what is coming up next!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: Heroes United
Part 1

“Stephen Strange?” Joey asked.
“He’s one of my helpers,” Chronos explained as they led the Rangers through the Sanctum Sanctorum to the dining hall, “When he’s not helping his fellow Avengers here, he helps me keep an eye on all the Dimensions, including the one you lot were in.”
“So, you know about Handsome Jack then?”
“Know him?” Chronos scoffed, “Hawk, I’ve been keeping an eye on him ever since he opened the vault on Elpis in his world, despite all the warnings everyone gave him!” Chronos continued as Dr. Strange led them into a nearby dining hall, excusing himself to prepare them some tea, “As to how he got his hands on Dimension Rings, I’m just as lost as you are. I do know it’s not because of Simon Milton and Loki…”
“Yeah, what happened to those two?” T-Bone asked, “After the incident at the mall, we’ve haven’t heard or seen them for roughly four weeks. Normally, we hear something from them in less than one.”
“You think Jack got ‘em?” Hunter asked.
“Probably but it’s unlikely. I don’t think they even had a Dimension Ring. Did they, Joey?” Joey thought for a bit, “They did when I last fought them in my dimension but I think that got destroyed when we clashed then, which sent them to the SPD Dimension.”
“So, somehow, Jack found a way to get his hands on a Ring,” Hunter said as Doctor Strange returned with a tray of tea for everyone, accepting his cup and taking a sip, “Now the question is where did he exactly get one. You can’t just hop into a local store and find one on the shelves, can you?”
“Nope,” Chronos answered, sipping his tea as he accepted his bowl of fish fingers and custard, “Dimension Rings can only be found on Celestials and other such beings in their respective dimensions. I believe that when Jack opened the Vault and the mercs he hired killed whatever was inside, the creature within had Dimension Rings on them.”
“If it’s so easy to get those rings, then how come Jack’s the only one who’s doing anything with it?” Hawk asked. Chronos was ready to reply but Joey was a bit quicker on the draw, “Perhaps he figured out how to better use them to their fullest and had more practice with them? Honestly, there’s just way too many questions we can be asking when we should be asking a more simple one: Just how can we get back to that dimension and stop Jack from taking over the others?”
“An even bigger question should be; Can we even stop him? Who’s to say he could just send us to another dimension with that ‘bot of his the second we show up?” Tigress asked. As the team and Chronos talked about the situation at hand, Doctor Strange quietly excused himself and left the room for personal reasons.
“Here’s an idea; why don’t me, Ratchet, and Hawk, since we got guns, head there first and take out that robot while the rest of you rescue Cruger and the others?” Jazz said as they were discussing plans. Ratchet and Clank were all for it and Joey and the others were all for their part of the plan, including Hawk, though he had something else in mind. “I like your idea, Jazz,” he began, “But, I think it’d be better if me and Ratchet and Clank went for the bot instead of you and us.”
“Why’s that?”
“Ratchet’s the better technician and I can provide better cover, no offense. Besides...I’m not a Ranger anymore and Ratchet and Clank here were technically never Rangers either…?”
“..So he will be more focused on us, leaving that bot unguarded and, if he does unleash it, it won’t work?” Tigress replied, smiling when she realized Hawk’s plan, “Then you two would get the drop on him and we can quickly end this war!” Hawk smiled and nodded. “I see why Cruger recruited you now,” Hunter chuckled as Hawk finished his tea with a grin, “Well...what can I say?” The crew laughed and, with everyone in agreement, there was still only one more question to ask. A question that Joey ended up asking; “Just how are we gonna get back there? We don’t have any rings.”
“Ahem,” Everyone turned around when they heard the ‘ahem’. Standing at the doorway and fiddling with two rings of his own was Chronos. “One leads to where the bot is and the other to where Cruger is.”
“I was gonna question this but you’re a Celestial and, seeing as I dealt with many in my world, I’ll accept this,” Joey chuckled. Chronos smiled and, wishing the team luck, opened the two Dimension Rings for them. Hawk and Ratchet, with Clank, headed through one while the remaining members headed through the other. They closed up once they were through just as Doctor Strange appeared once more. “Just missed them. Is everything ready?” Chronos asked.
“Everything is ready,” he replied, “Hopefully we won’t have to do it but….” Chronos nodded as he knew what he was referring to.

Back in Dimension SPD, Handsome Jack was kicking back and relaxing in the recently taken over command room, enjoying Cruger’s personal chair while his men and bots continued to set up a new Hyperion base within the SPD HQ. “Man, those rangers - gah even these pretzels suck - Who would’ve thought all I had to do was to blast them with a ring? Man, if I knew it was gonna be that easy, I would’ve showed up eons ago!” Jack laughed, spinning on the chair, “And to think! They were all that was standing in the way of me taking control of all dimensions. Oh think of all the worlds I can conquer, the morons I can take over...ah man, I’m just tearing up in joy!” His joy was soon interrupted as, over the comms, of his men began shouting about a jailbreak.
“What are you going on about?” Jack asked, “Those cells were designed to prevent jailbreaks, how’d they get out?”
“It’s the Rangers! They’re…!” The man’s voice was soon cut off by screaming as the sound of gunfire soon took over the airwaves. “Rangers?” he mumbled, sliding the chair to the nearby console and looking through the security feeds, cursing up a storm as he reached the prison section. There, in glorious high-definition, were the crew of SPD and the Rangers themselves. Somehow, much to Jack’s annoyance, they had returned from wherever his Loader Bot sent them.
“Gragh! DANG IT!” He shouted, flinging the chair across the room before grabbing a small handheld device, “Everyone, with me!” he commanded, pressing a few buttons, “If those cells can’t hold them and they were able to escape their banishment, then maybe I should send them all somewhere they can’t escape!”

“Cruger! Ten o’clock!” Joey shouted over the gun fire! The entire SPD crew and the Rangers were stuck in the main lobby as the Hyperion Forces reigned down on them, giving them everything they got. Although the SPD were tough, it appeared they were no match for the current forces of Hyperion. It seemed for every three they killed, more would take their place. Even Tigress had to resort to using a firearm as she couldn’t even get close due to the firepower. Just then, they heard the familiar sounds of heavy stomping coming from behind as they saw the custom Loader Bot that sent the Rangers away in the first place. Hyperion held their fire as the SPD and Rangers stopped as well.
“I have no idea how you guys escaped and, frankly, I don’t give a crap,” Jack said before looking back at the Loader then back at the SPD and Rangers, “I got the perfect place to send you guys and this time? I made sure you won’t….!” Suddenly, out of the blue, the Loader Bot began to malfunction and fire at everything and everyone, except the SPD and Rangers, much to Jack’s annoyance. Then, as a cherry on top, the bot pointed it’s cannons at itself and fired, destroying itself and the dimension rings it had in one nice explosion!
“Pity about your robot,” a voice then said from above, “But that’s what you get for not having good security on it!” Jack looked up and swore. Standing above him on the upper floor was none other than Hawk Redsky and Ratchet and Clank, the later holding the device that allowed the bot to receive commands from Jack. The SPD crew and Rangers cheered before aiming their weapons at Jack, Cruger ordering him to stand down and surrender. Jack pouted for a bit, leading everyone to think he was surrendering, but suddenly began to laugh. “Yeah about that,” he grinned, pulling out a dimension ring, “I still got a few tricks up my sleeves.” However, before he could act, Hawk suddenly landed behind him and lunged for the ring. Both he and Jack were now in a struggle, each one fighting over the ring to see who would get it first.
“Give it up, Jack! You're fighting a losing battle here!” Hawk growled.
“A losing battle for you, not me!” In a swift and sudden move, Jack reached for a small hexagonal device and spawned in his Conference Call Shotgun and aimed it up at Hawk and pulled the trigger….*bam!*
“HAWK!!!!!” Joey and Tigress screamed in terror. Hawk gasped and coughed up some blood, looking down to see a massive gaping hole in his chest then looking back up at a now smiling Jack before dropping to his knees.
“Well, that was easy,” Jack laughed as he holstered his gun but his laughing subsided as he tried to free his grip, with the ring, from Hawk’s paw. For some reason, he couldn’t get the paw to release, let alone let him go. In fact, it felt like the grip was tightening. He then, along with the others, soon began to hear a different laughter. Suddenly, to everyone’s surprise, Hawk began to stand back up. At first confused, Jack then looked on in horror as the massive hole in his chest? The one he made with his own gun? It began to repair itself, leaving no trace of the shot behind.
“That, which is eternal cannot die,” Hawk growled with a smile as he looked up at a now frightened Jack, “But if it’s any consolation to you, Jack...THAT HURT LIKE HECK!” With a mighty thrust, Hawk headbutted Jack, sending him backwards back into a nearby reception desk. He then turned to the still shocked SPD and Rangers and showed them the ring, “What? I’m immortal.” As he spoke, Jack, winded from the hit, reached for his communicator and tapped a few buttons, sending a signal to the Hyperion Satellite.
“Hey, what’s that rumbling sound?” A nearby techie asked as the ground soon began to shake. Before anyone could even react, there was a blinding flash, followed by an explosion. As a rather cheap shot, Jack sent an order to the remaining crew on the Satellite to fire a moonshot down onto the HQ itself, in an attempt to bury everyone (save him as his personal shield would protect him). Just as quick as it started, it was soon over. The SPD HQ was utterly and completely destroyed, leaving only rubble and debris. The Rangers, some of the SPD Crew, and Cruger were the only ones to survive, each one looking around at the destruction.
“,” Jazz groaned, pointing to the horizon at the now visible, and larger than life, Hyperion Satellite. Below it, a massive army of Loader Bots and Hyperion Soldiers began marching towards them. And who was right out in front, holding his personal shotgun? None other than Handsome Jack himself. “Face it, Rangers!” he shouted, “You lost! I am the hero of this story! None of you will be walking away from this!” The Rangers, surviving SPD, and Cruger, though they didn’t want to agree with Jack, knew he was right. Everyone did, except for Joey. “I’m not giving up.”
“Joey?” Tigress said, “There’s too many of them for us to take on. No way we can win.”
“That’s what I thought when Daisy’s mansion was attacked by the undead. But we survived and came out the victors,” he said, grabbing his damaged helmet that was knocked off in the blast and putting it on, “If I am to die today, then I would rather die knowing I went out fighting and protecting the ones I loved instead of not doing anything.” Hawk stepped up to him, “That day I first came and we had that fight? I said you weren’t a soldier. I was wrong,” he said as he drew his revolvers, “You’re the best soldier I ever knew...and I’m with you until the end.” Joey nodded and smiled.
“I’m with you, too,” T-Bone replied, followed by Hunter, Jazz, Ratchet and Clank. Cruger and the remaining SPD members were next, followed by Tigress who stepped up next to Joey and nodded, looking out at the approaching Hyperion forces. “We may be alone in this fight...but dang it we will go out fighting,” She said to Joey. However, just before they could do anything, another voice soon spoke up, one that the rangers recognized: “But you’re not alone.” Behind them, a Dimension Portal opened up as, from within, Chronos and Doctor Strange stepped out, along with the other members of the Sanctum Sanctorum, much to everyone’s surprise.

“Chronos? What are you doing here?” Joey asked.
“We saw you guys needed some help,” Doctor Strange replied. Joey chuckled as Hawk replied, “Well, that’s nice and all but…” he looked over at the Hyperion Forces, “Pretty sure you guys came to a losing fight.” Chronos, however, just smiled, “Not quite.” Just then, more Dimension Portals* began opening all around them. To Tigress’ shock, her fellow Furious Five team walked out of one, along with Poe, Master Shifu, and the other Kung-Fu masters and volunteers. To Hunter’s surprise? His Road Rovers team, alongside another Road Rovers squad, walked out of two portals, along with his dimension’s armies and the S.W.A.T Kats. T-Bone’s own team, The Extreme Dinosaurs, were next, followed by Rivet and Kit, Ratchet & Clank’s friends. But to Joey’s utter surprise, coming from a close-by portal, Zach Arbelt and his protector Cthulhu walked out, alongside Anubis, Dragon, and Zodd, both with their own armors and weapons.
“Is that everyone?” Strange asked Chronos, who just smiled as more suddenly opened up. The roar of motorcycles were heard as three biker mice rode out alongside a human who was dressed similarly to Hawk The cracking of knuckles were soon heard as well as seeing the shining of teeth as muscular humanoid street sharks appeared from another. More amphibians soon appeared as the Battletoads walked out of another. Even more portals opened up, these in the sky as various ships appeared. From the S.P.A.C.E (Sentient Protoplasm Against Colonial Encroachment.) Organization, led by Captain Bucky O’Hare to the Great Fox and the Star Fox team themselves. Handsome Jack could only look on in disbelief and shock. He had no idea these Rangers had an army this huge, let alone of this magnitude. Joey meanwhile, with a little help from Chronos, stepped up in front of his friends and fellow soldiers and pulled out his Masked Rider blade. Raising it to the sky and with all the strength he could, shouted as he pointed the blade towards Handsome Jack and Hyperion: “RANGERS...UNITE!” With a massive roar, the army for good charged forward as Jack’s own army charged at them. The Dimensional War had begun.

*Click the link as I feel this music is very fitting for this scene :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Lovely job as usual on this chapter! You are really great at writing these!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 4:27 pm Lovely job as usual on this chapter! You are really great at writing these!
Thanks :) I will admit this arc was just me winging everything which I will no longer do (seeing as that is half the reason why these stories take so long to come out). But still, glad you're enjoying it and I also hope you like the last part of this chapter with all the heroes arriving :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That truly for me was one of the highlights. Keep up the good work Sean! This is so great!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Minor Update: Next chapter's coming tomorrow. Giving myself just small break as, hehe, I worked three-four straight days on finishing this arc, I think I deserve a nice little wolfy break :) Still, hope you guys are excited for the finale of this arc! Let me know what you guys think of the recent chapters!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Harry Johnathan »

These new chapters are incredibly surreal. Dr. Strange interacting with Joey and Handsome Jack is something I'd never thought I'd read.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

It was also probably something you never knew you needed until it was shown in the chapter wasn't it? :mrgreen:
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Rydr Warklub wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 6:29 pm These new chapters are incredibly surreal. Dr. Strange interacting with Joey and Handsome Jack is something I'd never thought I'd read.
Fun Fact: Doctor Strange wasn't gonna appear this early in the story. Instead, it was gonna be the Ranger appearing in Spyro The Dragon's world, where'd they meet Spyro (a bit older version) instead.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Harry Johnathan »

SeanWolf wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 6:36 am
Rydr Warklub wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 6:29 pm These new chapters are incredibly surreal. Dr. Strange interacting with Joey and Handsome Jack is something I'd never thought I'd read.
Fun Fact: Doctor Strange wasn't gonna appear this early in the story. Instead, it was gonna be the Ranger appearing in Spyro The Dragon's world, where'd they meet Spyro (a bit older version) instead.
Yo, what
Yo, what
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Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Rydr Warklub wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 8:48 am
SeanWolf wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 6:36 am
Rydr Warklub wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 6:29 pm These new chapters are incredibly surreal. Dr. Strange interacting with Joey and Handsome Jack is something I'd never thought I'd read.
Fun Fact: Doctor Strange wasn't gonna appear this early in the story. Instead, it was gonna be the Ranger appearing in Spyro The Dragon's world, where'd they meet Spyro (a bit older version) instead.
maxresdefault (1).jpg
Yeah...see why I'm trying to end this Galactic Rangers arc now? Having all these dimensions in the story...started to kind of make the world a huge mess xD
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I can kind of see why you are all over the place with this storyline but not how your head hasn't exploded yet. :D
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 3:41 pm I can kind of see why you are all over the place with this storyline but not how your head hasn't exploded yet. :D
HAH It came close a few times! Just trying to remember all who is in this story line xD I will admit, there was a GREAT idea here! I may have just bitten off way more than I can chew xD
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well it is all coming together really nicely so you seem to be getting the hang of it now so that is good! Can't wait to see what else you have!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: Heroes United
Part 2

The battle raged on as warriors from many dimensions fought alongside the Galactic Rangers to stop Jack and his ever growing Hyperion Army. Though the army was great and massive, the warriors from many dimensions were greater. Even though he wasn’t a ranger, Hawk showed he still was a force to be reckoned with as he easily dispatched many Hyperion goons with impressive feats of gun-kata.
“Say, Hawk!” Blasting another loader, Hawk then heard someone calling him over the fight. It was the same human who was dressed similar to him, minus the hat, calling to him.
“Yeah?” He shouted back, taking out another soldier.
“Care to switch dance partners for a bit? Think the girls here would love to dance with you!” The man said, showing his custom handguns. Hawk looked at first then laughed, tossing his revolvers to the man as they did the same, “Hope you don’t mind strong dancers!” he shouted as he grabbed the two pistols, whose names were Ebony and Ivory.
“And I hope you don’t mind fast dancers!” The man said as he whipped Hawk’s revolvers around, “Name’s Dante, by the way!” Elsewhere, Handsome Jack was doing his best to take out the other dimension’s warriors but was quickly intercepted by Zach, who floated down in front of him.
“I’m not gonna let you take over my world, Jack,” Zach growled.
“Rabbit, I don’t even know who you are.” Jack said. Zach growled then smiled, “You will.” Suddenly, Jack found himself floating a few feet above the ground as Zach, using his magic(k), began an all out assault on him, seemingly beginning to crush him in his armor. With no other options, Jack reached for his communicator and shouted, “FIRE THE MOONSHOT ON MY LOCATION NOW!”
“But sir!” the voice on the other end said, “Your troops!”
“DO IT!” he roared. The Eye of Helios, the main cannon of the Hyperion Satellite, lit up and began firing upon the field. Many of the folks fighting ran for cover or, in Hyperion's case, were caught in the blasts. Zach, as a shot came towards his area, had no choice but to drop Jack and dive for cover, with Jack popping his special shield up to cover him from the hits. However, just as quickly as it started, the firing soon ceased.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Jack shouted, lowering his shield, confused as to why the firing stopped. Seeing an opportunity, Joey charged forth in an effort to finally take down Jack. However, much to Joey’s dismay, Jack was paying attention. With a clean kick, he sent Joey backwards a few feet into a nearby destroyed loader bot.
“Think you can get a leg up on me?” Jack laughed, pulling out a dimension ring, However, before he could even breathe, the Hyperion Satellite began to explode.
“WHAT THE HECK?!” Jack shouted as he watched his satellite explode in a massive ball of fire.
“Hawk, did you make that shot?” T-Bone asked to which both Hawk and Dante shook their heads. Jack, however, was even more furious, dropping more swears then ever as the satellite crashed to the ground. “That DOES IT!” he roared, lifting the ring up, “Now, it’s….”
“PUNCHING TIME!” Before Jack could react, he was soon sent back to the ground as a massive fist connected with his face. Joey, bit winded from the hit from earlier, looked up and could only stare in absolute shock. Standing before him was a human that was even more buff and muscular than Mungo was.
“You OK?” the man asked in a deep voice as he helped Joey up.
“I’m fine, just a bit winded,” Joey replied, “Thanks.”
“No problem! Name’s Brick,” he replied, then spotting more Loaders and Hyperion goons, “We’ll have a better chat later. Right now? IT’S PUNCHING TIME!” To Joey's surprise, he watched as Brick charged forth and began to seemingly take out the oncoming soldiers without even breaking a sweat. But perhaps he should’ve been paying attention to Jack who, at this time, had gotten a second wind and, activating his shield once more, threw the last Dimension Ring he had behind him. The ground suddenly began to quake and shake as the thoughts of an oncoming earthquake entered the minds of many of the soldiers. Those thoughts were soon dispelled as, from deep below the ground and through the portal, Jack’s final weapon made it’s horrifying appearance.
“This isn’t over yet!” he shouted, “You’re all too late to stop me! The greatest alien power from my dimension...and it’s MINE TO CONTROL!”

“HOLY FRAG!” Hawk yelled while destroying another loader. Like Smaug emerging from Misty Mountains, a reborn Warrior roared to life as it crawled out from the portal. It’s molten-like skin shimmered in the light as bits of lava dropped from its mouth onto the field, melting a few unlucky Hyperion soldiers and bots to nothingness. The Star Fox team tried to blast it but to no avail as their laser fire merely bounced off the skin.
“WARRIOR!” Jack screamed from the safety of his shield, getting the attention of the massive beast who looked down at him, “...Kill.” With another deafening roar, the Warrior marched forth onto the field. Many Hyperion Soldiers and bots were either crushed under its feet or incinerated by it’s fiery breath as the others did their best to avoid the carnage.
“OK, any ideas?!” Tigress yelled over the attack.
“Don’t look at me! I never fought a dragon!” Poe shouted back as he took out a few soldiers. Hawk tried firing a few rounds but was surprised to see them doing nothing, diving back into cover next to Joey, who was trying to catch his breath.
“Got anything in that suit that can take out...that?!” he asked as he reloaded his revolvers, shooting another Hyperion Soldier without looking. As his breath returned, Joey shook his head but then remembered one thing. Back when he and Tigress were researching Hawk, he had taken a quick break to read up on his dimension a bit and came across an entry about his armor, specifically an upgraded set. Risky, he thought, but what has he got to lose.
“Well, I got an idea,” Joey said with a gulp, “I just hope I can use it without…”
“Joey, listen to me,” Hawk said, taking out a few more Hyperion soldiers, “You’re a great kid and an excellent soldier and I trust you know what you’re doing. I’m behind you all the way to heck and back.” It wasn’t much of a speech (Hawk hated speeches) but it was enough to give Joey that little kickstart to his heart he needed. So, with a nod and a deep breath, he leaped out of the trench and began making a bee-line to the Warrior. “Hey, where’s he going?!” Tigress shouted but Hawk patted her on the shoulder, “Trust me, he knows what he’s doing.” Tigress could only nod before returning to the fight. Joey, meanwhile, continued to run, jumping over various Hyperion forces as he did. Here goes nothing, he thought as he ran up a destroyed Constructor then shouting with all his might as he jumped towards the Warrior: “HENSHIN A-GO-GO MAX!” His own armor then began to change, morphing into a set that was once destined for a different purpose. What was once worn by the wife of King was now worn by the brother of Fido and Bino. What was once used as a weapon for selfish needs was now used for heroic deeds. The armor that once belonged to the fallen gryphon now had a new home. Joey, once a simple dog turned Masked Rider, had unlocked the coin’s final ability. He had unlocked the real White Avenger armor. As his armor changed, he could’ve swore he heard an all too familiar voice speaking to him as if he was next to him. But, unlike before? This time he felt at ease and at peace with the voice.
“To the one who wears this armor, thank you for giving this bird one final chance at redemption. While I may no longer exist when you get this armor and my words may fall on death's ears, let it be known that I am truly sorry for what transpired that caused me to go down this path and ruin the lives of everyone I came into contact with.” Joey could only smile behind his helmet, “Pete? You’re forgiven.” With a roar that would make any metal head jealous, Joey flew up high above the Warriors head. Just as the Warrior readied it’s fire breath, Joey came flying back down and, with the power of the massive sword known as Excalibur, sliced the Warrior in two. Handsome Jack screamed as he watched his Warrior fall to pieces while Joey landed back on the ground. Turning around, he then thrust the sword into Jack’s shield, destroying it as Jack stood there.
“No, no, no… I can’t die like this… Not when I’m so close… And not at the hands of a filthy ranger! I could have saved this planet and all dimensions! I could have actually restored order! And I wasn’t supposed to die by the hands… Of a psychopath!! You’re a savage! You’re a maniac, you are a bandit, and I am the dang hero! The Warrior was practically a god! How- How in the heck have you killed my Warrior? You idiots! The Warrior could have brought peace to all dimensions! No more dangerous creatures, no more rangers - it would have been a PARADISE! JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO DENY ME MY VICTORY?!” Jack cried as everyone looked over at him. Hawk tapped Joey on the shoulder and handed him his revolver, “He’s not worth your sword.” Though he was tempted, Joey nodded. Gripping Hawk’s custom revolver in his paw, he pointed it at Jack and cocked the hammer and said the final words Handsome Jack, CEO of Hyperion, would ever hear: “We’re the Galactic Rangers


“Looks like our fears were not right, hm?” Chronos smiled as he and Doctor Strange watched everyone repair the SPD HQ. Strange nodded, “It’s nice being wrong for a change, I will admit. There is still one concern I do have.”
“What’s that?”
“If it was that easy for Jack to get a Dimension Ring and use it with ease, who’s to say the other villains of their worlds could do the same?”
“It’s a thought that occupies my brain as well,” Chronos lamented, “Everyday, I fear that we may have another Dimensional War.” He then looked back at Strange and smiled, “Hey, as long as us two keep an eye on things, now that all Dimensions can interact with each other, along with the SPD? I think we’ll be fine for the time being.” Strange smiled back, turning his attention back to the field. “You know? I believe you’re right.” Strange pointed to where he was looking, Chronos turning his head to look and chuckling. Throughout the battlefield, everyone was helping each other to not only clean up but to rebuild the SPD HQ. Joey as well was helping to get some of the destroyed loaders off the field when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning around, he smiled as Hawk stood there, this time wearing a tank shirt and jeans rather than his usual attire.
“Need some help, Joey?” He asked. Joey nodded and Hawk bent down and helped him lift the destroyed loader. Chronos smiled too as he observed the moment, looking back at Strange, “Don’t suppose we should head down there and help too, eh?” Strange chuckled and nodded, both of them then heading down to help with the cleanup efforts.

When the time comes once again, the Galactic Rangers will return...


Upon a rather peaceful hill overlooking the town of Babylon Gardens, the tranquility of the area was soon broken as clouds began to swirl and darken over the hilltop. Lightning began to strike the ground as a swirling vortex formed, revealing a rather dark and menacing landscape. From within, a massive beast stepped out, towering over the trees. The vortex closed and the skies returned to normal as the beast looked out towards Babylon Gardens with a smile.
"I may have failed to bankrupt Keene thanks to that magic(k) dog in my world, but I won't rest until I completed my life's work," It said in a menacing yet twisted tone as their lower wings unfolded, "Even as I was banished to the Netherworld, Eudoant's gift continued to flow through me, granting me powers like I never imagined. It cost Trinket her life but she was nothing but a hindrance." The beast placed his paw on a nearby tree, instantly killing it much to his approval, "It seems I'm even more powerful here. Good." His attention turned back to Babylon Gardens, "Steel yourself, Keene. Your end has arrived. I may have been defeated in my world but here? I will be unstop..." Suddenly, and without warning, the beast became engulfed in a green glow before completely ashing into nothingness. If only the beast had even bothered to look behind him and on the ground instead of gloating. Behind him and sitting on a lawn chair under an umbrella and holding a now-smoking Jörmungandr was none other than Mungo, who had his feet up on a cooler containing an assortment of drinks. Next to him, holding a similar smoking weapon, was an armored man, whose helmet was hanging off his chair.
"Who the heck was that?" The armored being asked in a deep tone. Mungo looked and shrugged as he took a swig from his drink, "Dunno. Looked like Steward but with butt-wings. Eh, it was probably a coincidence. All that matters is that it was another idiot from the Netherworld that needed to be ever fought something like that, DoomSlayer?" The armored being or the DoomSlayer, who was visiting from his dimension as he wanted to meet the canine who went and took on the forces of the Netherworld twice and survived, simply chuckled and nodded, Mungo smiling back in response as the DoomSlayer blasted another creature appearing from a portal. For many, the exploits of Mungo and DoomSlayer are legendary stories never to be forgotten and are some of the most important tales out there and must be told. But for Mungo and the DoomSlayer? It's just another Tuesday.

Next Time...The K9's get a new recruit...
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Just want to say...THANK YOU for sticking with me through this arc! I didn't want this arc to take as long as it did (Seriously, I had planned on getting this story done much earlier. Like 'MIDDLE OF JULY' earlier) but stuff happened and yeah. Hopefully, the next stories for HPZ won't take as long to write and get up.

Otherwise, next up is Roar Of The K9's, a simple one-shot story introducing a new character that I teased very early this year (And, perhaps, Mungo' girlfriend ;) ), then the next main story line is Imaginarium, the long-awaited Tarot storyarc I've been wanting to do that may or may not have some inspiration from the current mainline HP story line Heckraiser ;) After that? I dunno. I still have some ideas I want to do for HousepetZ (like following up on what happened to Loki and Simon for one and doing a story involving Slayder among others) so HousepetZ isn't ending any time soon.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I liked everything truly and undeniably minus the part where Mungo gets a new girlfriend because I was hoping Elena would get back together with him. Anyway this next arc sounds really good.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 2:58 pm I liked everything truly and undeniably minus the part where Mungo gets a new girlfriend because I was hoping Elena would get back together with him. Anyway this next arc sounds really good.
Well, I say 'perhaps' as I may end up scrapping the current idea and wait 'till later for Mungo to get a girlfriend again. Right now, I'm still planning out everything for the next arc (for once) and deciding on what I want to happen in it.

*EDIT: It turns out I messed up >.< The character I was teasing earlier, the bear? Yeah, he wasn't supposed to be a she and was already revealed as a he....somehow I got my mental notes mixed up once again.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I always hate it when I get things mixed up and it seems to happen more often than not for me. Good thing I'm not a solo fanfic writer. ;)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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Just a little tease for the Imaginarium arc as to what to expect via the official synopsis:

Even though she claims she's doing better, Tarot is still bitter over not being able to be the hero as, everytime she tried, someone else got all the fame and glory. One day, she overhears Dragon and Zodd talking about an amulet that once belonged to Dragon - she had it during the last U&U game - and that it was a wish-giver of sorts (like the Monkey Paw). Thinking she could use this to help her, Tarot begins to look into this amulet to learn all she can and where it's currently located and ends up heading to the mysterious Imaginarium. However? Her quest for glory may end up unleashing Heck on Earth...

(Roar Of The K9's is now being worked on and should be ready by this weekend)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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Update: Officially changing the way I do HousepetZ. To ease up production on my part and to allow more work to be done on the main story lines (instead of me winging it), I'm gonna be doing it like this: Let's say a main story arc will have five arcs in it. Whenever one arc is done, I will do a quick little fun side-story (all still canon to the HPZ world). So it'll go MAIN-Side-MAIN-Side-MAIN-Side and so on. Not only will these ease up my work load on HousepetZ but it will help with not only preventing burn out but end the long waits per each HousepetZ story.

Lastly, just a small question to everyone: Did you guys feel the 'Galactic Rangers' arc was, admittedly, the weakest/worst arc in the entirety of HousepetZ? I will admit there was a good idea I had but it just became to convoluted and admittedly very confusing to follow. To be honest, I'm tempted to retcon this series of arcs and have it be simply that Joey wrote them as fun little fan-fics.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Harry Johnathan »

SeanWolf wrote: Fri Aug 27, 2021 9:05 am Lastly, just a small question to everyone: Did you guys feel the 'Galactic Rangers' arc was, admittedly, the weakest/worst arc in the entirety of HousepetZ? I will admit there was a good idea I had but it just became to convoluted and admittedly very confusing to follow. To be honest, I'm tempted to retcon this series of arcs and have it be simply that Joey wrote them as fun little fan-fics.
Nah it was fine just weird
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

If you feel like you have to do it like this then it will be alright with all of us I'm sure! We just can't wait to see what you have next! As for your second question, I liked the arc but only because I was interested in Hawk. If Mungo and Elena don't reconcile then send her Hawk's way. :D
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

(Meet the first installment of the new HousepetZ Tails: Smaller yet still canon HPZ stories to help hold you guys over until the next major arc starts/continues)

HousepetZ Tails
The Roar Of The K9s

“Big day today, huh Terrance?” Weston said as he passed by Terrance in the locker room, who could only offer a small nod as a reply. Yesterday, he was called into Ralph’s office and was informed he was going to be training a new K9 officer, one who was a transfer from Pavillion, but that wasn’t what was worrying him. What was worrying him was the fact that the new K9 officer was a grizzly bear. All throughout the day and into the night, all he could think about was the new officer and, unfortunately for him, ways he could get out of training them. He was fine with training dogs, cats, and foxes but bears? “Ugh this is getting stupid,” me mumbled, shutting his locker with a huff, “Might as well just get this over with. Who knows? Maybe the bear would end up transferring back to Pavillion.” With a sigh and a cracking of his neck, Terrance left the locker room and headed to Ralph’s office, hearing some chatter from inside. He stood outside the door, took a few deep breaths to calm his nerves, and knocked.
“Come in!” he heard Ralph say.
“Here goes nothing,” he mumbled once more as he opened the door. Ralph looked up as Terrance entered, “Ah, Terrance, you’re here!” he said as he introduced the person sitting across from him, “Say hello to our new officer!” Terrance watched as the bear stood up from the chair and faced him. His brown fur shimmered ever so slightly as the light hit him. His uniform hugged his toned muscles as the sound of his boots hit the floor. While a very threatening first look, there was a gentle, almost peaceful look, to his eyes. One that contrasted greatly to his appearance.
“How do you do, sir?” The bear spoke, offering his giant paw for a shake, “I’m Officer Adrian Shepherd; The new transferee from Pavillion.” Terrance stared for a bit before accepting his shake, “Huh? Oh uh yes...uh please to m-meet you, Shepherd,” he then said, snapping out of his mind, “I’m Sgt. Terrance and I guess I’ll be…” Before he could continue, Shepherd suddenly chuckled, “Look, I know it’s not what you probably expected when hearing that a new member joined the K9’s. Heck, I’m very certain you didn’t expect a bear to join. Trust me, I heard it all when I first joined up back in Pavillion.” He then smiled reassuringly, “But I am not a normal bear, as you can see. I may not also be a typical K9 but I can assure you I am a good officer and I am willing to learn and listen to whatever you have to say, sir.” Terrance, though still dumbfounded, just nodded then cleared his throat, “Well, if you’re ready to me outside at my patrol car in Lot 5. I’ll meet you out there in a bit.”
“Yes sir!” Shepherd said with a salute and, after giving one more salute to Ralph, left the office, leaving only Terrance and Ralph there.
“Everything he said is true, Terrance,” Ralph said, “Got high marks and no blemishes on his reports.” Terrance, however, was still worried, “Yeah but..” he then stopped himself, seeing as he didn’t want to get into an argument so early in the day with Ralph. Instead, he nodded and, with a salute, left the office and headed outside to where Shepherd was, to his surprise, chatting with a nearby mother and young child. The mother was asking if he was the new officer and the child was seemingly fascinated with the, in the child’s words, walking teddy bear. Shepherd then gave the mother a handshake and the child, who requested it, a hug before letting them be on their way.

The patrol was a bit quiet for the two, the only sounds being the gentle breeze from the open windows of their car. Though watching Shepherd interact with the mother and child was nice, Terrance was still a bit uneasy about having a bear on the force for some reason. This was something that Shepherd himself noticed as, passing by Dragon’s and Zodd’s game store, he looked over at Terrance. “Something on your mind?” he asked. Terrance looked over and shrugged. “Look, if there’s something bugging you, you can tell me.”
“There’s nothing, really.” Terrance said. Of course, he was lying as there was, something that even Shepherd could see. “It’s me, isn’t it?” Terrance heart sank to his stomach, looking back at Shepherd with a saddened look, “Look I don’t mean to be like this. I really don’t! It’s just that…” Shepherd raised his paw, “You’re not the first one and I doubt you’ll be the last to have those thoughts about me. Listen, you can’t judge everyone from the outside. If we did, no one would be happy and we wouldn’t have all these amazing families. The most threatening looking person could very well be an amazing kindergarten teacher with a heart of gold, while the best looking person could be a grade-A idiot.” He leaned back in the seat, “You know, I used to have the same thoughts you’re probably having about cats.” Terrance looked over, “Really?”
“Yeah! I thought all cats were nothing more than lazy animals that will never amount to anything. Then I joined the Pavillion K9’s and saw how many felines they had working and you know something? They were some of the most hard working folks I’ve ever seen. Point is? We can never truly be rid of negative thoughts of anybody or anything in the world but we can do our best to not act and give those thoughts power.” Terrance was surprisingly stunned by Shepherd’s words of wisdom and was ready to reply when, over the CB? “To any K9’s near West Dodgson Street. We have a report of a golden retriever with a gun held up in a shed near the fifth house on the right. Few shots fired, no casualties or wounded but still proceed with caution, over.”
“This is K9 Car 54, we read you loud and clear and are proceeding to the area, over.” Terrance answered back, then looking over to Shepherd, “Looks like you get your first taste of action today!” Shepherd chuckled.

“THIS IS THE K9 PATROL! DROP THE GUN AND COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!” Terrance echoed over the loudspeaker towards the store as Shepherd crouched beside him, quickly ducking as the man inside fired a few rounds off.
“Don’t come any closer!” The man yelled, popping off a few more rounds, one whizzing past Terrance’s head. “Not much of a gunman, is he?” Terrance quipped to Shepherd, who wasn’t paying attention to him at that moment. There was something about the man’s voice that seemed very familiar to him.
“I ain’t gonna!” The man shouted once more and fired off one more round, causing Terrance to duck once more.
“Man, if he keeps this up…” Terrance said while checking his gun. However, he soon saw Shepherd’s paw grabbing his gun, shaking his head as he did. “Shepherd, what are you…?”
“Listen, if he wanted to kill us, he would’ve,” Shepherd said, “I don’t think he wants to hurt anyone...I think he’s just scared.” He then stood up out from behind the car and started walking towards the shed slowly.
“Shepherd! Get back here!” Terrance shouted, another K9 Patrol coming up behind them as Fido and his partner for the day Soap (German Shepherd) jumped out and ran over to Terrance.
“What’s the new guy think he’s doing?” Soap asked as they watched the bear approach the shed, the dog inside continuing to fire and miss.
“Acting stupid, that’s for sure,” Fido said. Though he didn’t want to admit it, Terrance had to agree with Fido. This act was probably going to get Shepherd killed, he thought. However, amazingly? That wasn’t what happened. In fact, what happened was equally amazing as it was surprising. Shepherd, to their shock, walked right up to the shed and entered, then, after a few moments, walked out with the gun in one paw and the still alive dog in the other.
“What the…?” Fido mumbled as Shepherd handed the dog to them, “How did you…?”
“I realized that the dog had no intention to kill anyone as there was an inflection to his voice I caught when he first shouted at us. He was simply scared of going to the vets for a rabies shot as he heard from a crazed feline that they can make dogs behave like cats.”
“Oh good grief…” Fido groaned, realizing which cat he was referring to.
“So I told him what the rabies shot actually does and he agreed to surrender peacefully and get his shot.” The three stood there in silence before Soap spoke up, “Shepherd, normally I would call you crazy for what you did but...that was impressive. Good job!”
“Yeah, what he said,” Fido replied before looking back at the dog as they got in their car, “Well, guess we should get him to the vets now. Should we even bother arresting him?”
“Nah, he learned his lesson,” Soap answered as he got in, “Don’t listen to folks like Delusional Steve.” They soon drove off, leaving only a dumbfounded Terrance and Shepherd standing there.
“Well?” Terrance turned to Shepherd as he spoke, “How’d I do for my first day?” Terrance thought for a bit, then smiled, “I think you’ll make for a great K9, Officer Shepherd.” Shepherd smiled and saluted, “Thank you, sir!”

Next Time...It's time to take a journey into imagination as Tarot raises heck in her quest to finally be the hero she wanted to be
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Love the idea of more small-scale, personal stories in this universe.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Rydr Warklub wrote: Sat Aug 28, 2021 5:49 pm Love the idea of more small-scale, personal stories in this universe.
Thanks! I figured I could do these along side the major stories to not only ease up my work on this story but to expand the world of HPZ (and also have some fun as well :) )
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Harry Johnathan »

SeanWolf wrote: Sat Aug 28, 2021 5:51 pm Thanks! I figured I could do these along side the major stories to not only ease up my work on this story but to expand the world of HPZ (and also have some fun as well :) )
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I'm sure that you also have some nice ideas about how to build the universe up! I can't wait to see what you got!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Sat Aug 28, 2021 5:58 pm I'm sure that you also have some nice ideas about how to build the universe up! I can't wait to see what you got!
Mean like this (Title of the first part of the upcoming arc) :)
HousepetZImaginariumLogo.png (49.24 KiB) Viewed 10371 times
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Ooooh I love the way that logo looks that you put together! If the arc is gonna be anything like the logo we are all in for a treat!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Sun Aug 29, 2021 6:19 pm Ooooh I love the way that logo looks that you put together! If the arc is gonna be anything like the logo we are all in for a treat!
Heh that's the title of the first part of the AMULET ARC (That Dragon Amulet is the key item in this arc). I have the others all ready to go and, trust me, you are in for one heck of a treat :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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HousepetZ: Imaginarium
Chapter 1: It Was The Night Before…

“Sorry about that; I had some issues trying to find it. This what you wanted?” The Celestial Dragon asked the wolf, holding a copy of the recently released special collectors edition of the RPG video game set within the Pridelands world, aptly titled Pridelands IV. The GamersUnited Store, ran by the Celestials Dragon and her boyfriend Zodd, is considered by many of Babylon Gardens to be one of the top places for all gaming and media needs, with many praising the store for having rare and heavily sought after items and for being a prime hangout location. Not only were there shelves of media for anyone - gaming, movies, music, etc. - there were also places for tabletop RPG players to play their games, PCs set up for LAN battles on popular titles, TVs for console matches, and couches and chairs for those who just want to relax and chill with their friends. Dragon and Zodd were also always on hand to help out with finding items or giving tips for any of the games in there or for just striking up a fun conversation. Like with Dragon in this case, who was helping out a wolf with his purchase of Pridelands IV.

“That’s the one!” The wolf said as he held the massive special edition box, which came with a variety of stuff, including a desks-sized statue of the main character decked out in the iconic armor, “ Talk about going all out, huh?”
“Wouldn’t be the first time a company went all out,” Dragon chuckled while ringing him up, “Remember the special edition for Darksiders 3? Came with four statues alone!”
“Gah I remember that! Honestly, if I liked the series, I would've so dropped some cash on that! But there lies a big question: Just where the heck would you put those things?” As the two laughed and chatted, off in the corner, sitting on one of the couches with their nose firmly in a book was a small Pomeranian. A small Pomeranian who, on the outside looked to be a cheerful little dog, but on the inside not much so. Her name was Tarot and for years a certain hatred held on to and wrapped around her like a winter’s skin. A hatred that started back when she and her friends tried to stop Keene at Pete’s old temple. Ever since then and then some, she always hated that she was never allowed to be a hero and hated how she was always made to be the fool whenever something like that happened. But even during the zombie apocalypse, she was never allowed to be anything more than just Tarot. Everyone else has done something great, she always thought to herself everyday, Why can’t I do something great? For years, she tried to think of things that she could do to finally achieve that goal. But for every thought she had, there was always something stopping her, be it either Celestials, her friends, or just something completely different. Getting frustrated would be putting it gently. Even her one sole chance at being something more was thwarted by Cerberus when she tore her from her conjoinment with a Celestial named Zenyako; the brother of Kitsune. Even today, as she sat within the store, reading her personal book, her mind was still racing with these thoughts and more. If she could have just one shot at glory, just one, she thought before sighing heavily. It didn’t help that, earlier in the year, Bino had broken up with her as her obsession with this path was hurting their relationship and Bino just wanted Tarot to be herself and not one to obsess over not having things go her way. As she pondered these thoughts and more, the doors to the store opened up as Zodd entered the establishment, passing by the wolf with the Pridelands IV special collectors edition and waving hi to Tarot, who waved back before quickly returning to her book.

“Man, I forgot that thing was that big,” Zodd commented as he and Dragon exchanged a quick kiss, then handing her a bag from a nearby fast food restaurant, “I brought us some lunch.”
“Thanks, honey.” She smiled while taking the bag, “Yeah, it’s also pretty expensive. Though what can you say? Gamers have been anticipating this game for a while now.” Zodd laughed and nodded, taking a seat to enjoy his own meal. Seeing as there were only a few other customers inside, Tarot hanging out at the couches and the other four doing a quick game of the Pridelands Tabletop RPG, the two continued to chat with each other and enjoy their lunch. Tarot, in the meantime, felt she needed to get away from them and head to the park for a bit. The park always relaxes and calms me, she thought and was about ready to hop off from the couch when she caught wind of Zodd’s and Dragon’s conversation. Usually one to ignore them as of late, the topic that Zodd brought up caught her immediate attention.
“You know, speaking of stuff in collections, I’ve been meaning to ask: What ever happened to that amulet you had during the last game? The one with your paw on it?” Tarot’s floppy ears perked up, Amulet? she thought as Dragon replied while finishing off a nugget, “I don’t know, to be honest with ya. I know I stashed it somewhere but, for the life of me, I don’t remember where.”
“Not even Marko can find it?”
“Oh, I know he can find it, I just don’t want to ask him.”
“I just want that part of my life to be left forgotten you know? That whole thing with the game, Pete...the incidents in Australia...I want that to be dead and buried in the past. I just want to move on with who I am now and what I’m doing now.” Zodd nodded, understanding what she meant by leaving things in the past and gave her a quick peck on her cheek. “Besides,” she added as she took a bite out of her burger, “What would I need it for anyway when I got everything I need here?” Both her and Zodd shared a laugh as they continued to chat and eat their lunch. Dragon had an amulet?, Tarot thought, scratching the bottom of her chin as she did. Though once again upset that Dragon hid some information from her like she did when she never told him about Slayder, a fact that even Dragon didn’t know about, she wondered if maybe, just maybe, she could use this information for her own gain for once? Perhaps, maybe, using it to finally achieve hero status? I’ve been denied every other chance, she thought as she left the store to head back home, so what have I got to lose? However, as she scurried home, she realized she needed to keep this info to herself and not let anyone else know what she had planned. Knowing her friends, they would probably talk her out of it or, worst case, return the amulet to Dragon and let her deal with it instead of actually putting it to good use. It was days like this that she wished Keene was still himself and that Pete was still alive. Grumbling, she could only shake her head in annoyance as she rounded the corner, passing rather rudely by Grape and Max, almost knocking over Max as she did.

As the afternoon birds began their concert, Tarot arrived back at her’s, or rather Dragon’s, home. Locking the door behind her once more, she ran to her room and began looking around for a specific item of hers. In contrast to many of the pets of Babylon Garden’s rooms, her room was fairly standard and, yet, very clean and organized, with everything arranged in various ways. While she did have a small collection of entertainment, most of her belongings were situated in the realms of magic(k) and Celestials as those were topics she was more interested in, much to the annoyance of some of the pets. While many would spend the day either playing games or watching the latest movie, Tarot would relax by reading books on magic(k). Unlike her friend Sabrina, Tarot longed to have her magic(k) flowing through her once again, something that was taken from her when the last U&U game ended. Closing her bedroom door and heading to her shelves of books and tomes, she began looking through them, hoping to find the one book that could help her on this day, giving off a small yet cute cough as she forgot to dust in the one area of the shelf the day before. It took a bit but she eventually found the book she was looking for. Entitled ‘Mysteries Of The Garden: A Look Into The History Of Babylon Gardens', this book was the prime source for many looking to learn more about their town and the mysterious happenings that had occurred throughout the years, ranging from the explainable to the outright other worldly. One of the many books that she read countless of times, Tarot knew the entire book by heart, to the point where she could easily quote anything from the book with 100% accuracy. But on this day, she’d be using the book for a new purpose and that was to see if there was any sort of info on this mysterious amulet that Dragon had once and, for that matter, it’s exact purpose. She scoured the pages left and right and front and back, looking for any sort of passage or, at the very least a picture, of the amulet in question. A task that proved harder than she thought as, aside from a section about the first time they showed up in their town, there was little to no information about either the amulet or Dragon and Pete in the book. She was getting frustrated at the lack of any progress and was ready to, quite literally, throw the book when, on the page discussing the events of the first encounter with the two, she thought she noticed something around the neck of Dragon. Grabbing a nearby magnifying glass to see if she was right, she could only smile at the sight she saw. Sitting around the neck of Dragon was a necklace with a round object hanging off of it. I think this is it, she thought before grabbing a sheet of paper and a pencil so she could draw the image out. Though crude and not the best as she was working with an almost tiny image, Tarot could only again smile, believing she was now one step closer to her goal. There was only a slight problem, one that she didn’t even think of until now; Just where would she start looking for such an amulet? Dragon mentioned someone named Marko, Tarot thought as she placed the drawing in her desk drawer for the time being, I wonder if he would know. Again, a good starting place but there was another issue, which was she didn’t even know who Marko was. “Gragh!” she groaned, facepalming for effect, “I swear the world doesn’t want me to be successful!” Her books probably wouldn’t have anything about this person and she definitely didn’t want to ask Dragon as she knew she’d get suspicious but she needed someone that could help. Guess I could ask him, she pondered as she reached for her phone, it’s worth a shot if anything.

“Anubis? It’s Tarot.”
Tarot! How are ya? Haven’t heard from you in a while now!
“I’m doing...good, yourself?” She was lying but she didn’t want Anubis to know.
I’m doing pretty good. Just came back from grocery shopping...hold on, Olive! You can put that bag by the fridge, I’ll handle it then….Sorry, I’m babysitting King’s pups as he and Bailey are celebrating their wedding anniversary today.”
“Cool, cool. Tell the pups I said hi. Say, I got a question for you.”
Sure, what’s up?
“Do you know of anyone named Marko? I overheard Dragon mention him today and I was just...curious to who he is.” The line went quiet for a bit, save for Anubis telling Rook to keep his nose out of the bag with the cookies in for the time being. sounds familiar...did she say anything else?
“Other than that he can find stuff? Nope.”
I see. Well, the only Marko I know of works at the movie theater so I doubt that’s the one she’s talking about.” Tarot sighed, thinking she hit another dead end. “Unless she’s talking about The Dream Master,” until her ears perked up once more, “Dream master?” she asked.
Yeah, he’s an old Celestial. He has authority over mortal’s dreams and such. I haven’t seen or heard from him for a while now, though I’ve been meaning to change that. Why do you wanna know about him?
“No reason,” Tarot replied, “I just got curious and Dragon was...eating lunch and looked busy so I didn’t want to interrupt her.” She heard Anubis chuckle on the other end, “I see. Well, hopefully I answered your question…” she then heard a small crash in the background, followed by the voice of Rook yelping, “...Oh crap...Look, I gotta go. Rook just fell into one of the bags and knocked it to the floor. Don’t be a stranger, Tarot. Bye
“I won’t. Bye.” Tarot answered as she hung up, tossing the phone onto her bed and flopping down onto it. While he did answer her query about who Marko is, that still left her with one question, namely where she could find this Dream Master.
“If they’re a Celestial, then they’re either up in Heaven or somewhere hidden here on Earth,” she said aloud while facing her ceiling and rubbing her paws on her face in annoyance, “Meaning he could be anywhere. I can’t ask Dragon...can’t ask Zodd either...I daren’t ask Kitsune…” an idea then sparked to life in her, “I wonder…”

It was now getting close to evening as Tarot was wandering through the woods on a familiar path she once trekked a few years back. Arriving at a familiar part of the woods and, to her delight, there was a familiar rock. A rock that once comforted her on that fateful day. A rock that held a special gift for her. A rock that was empty? Tarot was confused. Where was the mask, she thought while she looked around the area, there was supposed to be a mask here. Much to her chagrin, the mask was nowhere to be found. What she didn’t realize was that, when she had the mask, Cerberus had confronted her and ripped the mask off, which knocked her unconscious, then destroyed it. Leaning up against the rock formation, Tarot could only curse in anger, realizing she was once again…”Well, hello there!” I know that voice, she smiled. Indeed, standing before her was the owner of the voice from the mask.
“Zenyako!” She said happily, running up and embracing the ktisune, “It’s good to see you again!” Zenyako laughed as he hugged back, “Good to see you too, little one! What brings you here?”
“I can ask the same of you!” She said. Zenyako explained that his grounding was up and he decided to come to Earth for a bit for a vacation. “Plus,” he added, “I wanted to see my favorite Tarot again. How have you been holding up?” Tarot’s joy quickly vanished as her smile faded to a frown, “Frankly? Not good. I still feel like the world is preventing me from being what I want to be…” her smile soon returned, “But that changes today. I need your help in finding someone. Someone who will lead me to an object that I’ll be able to use to fulfil my destiny.” Zenyako just shrugged, “Sure, I got all the time in the world to help. Who are we looking for?” Tarot smiled, “I want to find The Dream Master...Marko.”
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
Creator of the ongoing fic - HousepetZ: Survivor Tails
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really nicely done and a great read Sean! You did really nice work here!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Mon Aug 30, 2021 7:23 pm Really nicely done and a great read Sean! You did really nice work here!
Thank you! Felt nice going back to long form chapters again as I wanted to better setup the main plot of the arc instead of how I had been doing it.
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by trekkie »

Great job Sean, I am looking forward to Tarot’s redemption. I really liked the previous arc, though I did find it just a little confusing because of the number of new (to HPZ) characters. It was very enjoyable, though. Keep up the good work!
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Glad that you are gonna be going back to the longer chapters again! I always enjoyed reading those!
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