HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

One FINAL tease for the arc after 'Go, Go Masked Rider' -
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Harry Johnathan »

SeanWolf wrote: Tue May 11, 2021 2:25 pm One FINAL tease for the arc after 'Go, Go Masked Rider' -
Heh. You get Avengers and I get X-Men. How fitting.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

(It's been a while...but it's FINALLY time to continue)

HousepetZ: Go, Go Masked Rider!
Part 1: It's Morphin' Time!

It has been four weeks since Custom Ink's arrest and one week since Peanut and Duchess went on their honeymoon to Disney. Babylon Gardens had been fairly quiet for a while, other then Delusional Steve being his old self and the midnight launch of the heavily anticipated game Pridelands Tales IV; a title that instantly shot to the top of the charts and was universally loved by critics and gamers alike, save for a few bugs and glitches that were quickly fixed in no time. The K9's, on the other paw, didn't have this luxary. For whatever reason, two days after Peanut and Duchess left, someone appeared and began not only cleaning up the crime but stopping the crimes of Simon Milton and the red panda known as Loki. This 'someone', to the K9's confusion and public's wonder, was dressed from head to toe in what could only be described as a superhero outfit with a riding helmet of sorts and seemingly armed with a laser pistol of some type. At first, everyone thought this person or rather canine as the tail quickly gave it away? They thought they were working for Loki and Simon. However that couldn't be farther from the truth as this masked being was constantly stopping them, along with capturing various criminals wanted by the K9's and turning them into the station. It didn't take long for the public to begin trusting this masked being though the K9's were still leary about them; Just who was this masked being? Little did they know that all they'd have to do was to visit a certain house just down the street from the Sanwiches and they would've found their answer.

"Let's see...if I hook this wire to this port then...adjust this area...tweak this....and....EEEEP!" Joey yelped as the project he was working on sparked slightly. It was nine at night and, while some of the Gardens were either asleep or prepairing to hit the hay, Joey was busy. Last Halloween, after an adventure in CarnEvil, he had stumbled across a rather interesting looking coin, one that sported a gryphon on it. After weeks of research and the like, he learned that the coin had been cursed and was the main source for most if not all of the issues in Babylon Gardens; from the zombie apocaplyse to Custom Ink's cult, the coin was, for lack of a better word, trouble with a capital T. However, thanks to his research, he had found a way to remove the curse from the coin and return it to it's original purpose. One that he quickly found out to be similar to a show he love to watch. The coin's original purpose was that of a masked armor for the wielder of a coin, be it they be pure of heart. In Joey's words, this was a Morphin' Coin straight out of Power Rangers or Super Sentai, in his case. For weeks, with help from the coin and in secret (just so he wouldn't reveal that he was the quote Masked Rider), he had been helping the K9's by stopping criminals and Simon and Loki every chance he got. While he enjoyed this power, there was only one thing that bugged him and it was sorta silly; Where was his melee? Every Ranger show he seen, the Rangers had a melee weapon along side their firearms so why didn't he? That's exactly what he was doing this night when he was surprised by a spark; working on a lightsaber-like sword for himself by turning his main sidearm into a combination Laser Pistol and Laser Sword. The problem? It was alot harder then it looked. For some reason, while everything else was hooking into place, there was one annoying little socket in the gun that was proving to be a right pain in the tail for him as, no matter what he did, it either sparked or, best case, did nothing. The window in his room was open, as it was a nice cool night, and music from his computer was playing just slightly loud (but not too loud as to wake everyone up) as he worked, oblivious to a set of ears that were pearing over the window's ledge.
"You see anything, Lester?" Dallas asked, struggling to keep Lester on his shoulders. Lester looked down and replied, "Yeah, he's working on something...I think it's a prop of sorts?"
"Well, keep looking. There HAS to be some reason why he hasn't been at our D&D sessions..."
"Shush" Lester quickly said, watching as Joey fiddled with the weapon on his desk some more. On a hunch, Joey decided to move the one wire he was working with to a different socket and move another to the socket that was being a pain, just to see what would happen. Which something did happen; The moment the wire was placed into the socket, a long beam of light suddenly shot out from the hilt, long enough to reach to just where Lester's nose was, who yelped, causing Dallas to lose control, dropping both him and Lester to the ground with a thud. Hearing the racket, Joey walked over and looked out the window, wondering just what the heck happened and, seeing that there was nothing out there and chaulking it up to some night critters, Joey shrugged and went back to work, this time figuring out how to shorten the beam so it's not as long as Sephiroth's Masamune katana. But, below the window sill? Both Lester and Dallas were laying there, Dallas rubbing his shoulders and Lester laying face first in the grass, sputtering quietly.
"What the heck, Lester? What happened?" Dallas whispered as they stood up and left the yard.
"Dude, that prop was a legit lightsaber."
"A lightsaber?! Man he's really holding out on us!"
"You're telling me! Dang thing came close to burning my nose!"
"Want to confront him tomorrow?"
"Nah. Knowing Joey? That 'lightsaber' is probably for a friend of his and that's why he hasn't been hanging out with us."
Back in Joey's room and after shortening the blade and putting the weapon back togther, Joey closed the curtains in his room as he didn't want anyone to see what was going to happen. He opened his desk drawer and pulled out the coin, which was housed inside a small metal casing of his design, and held it firmly in his paw. With a deep breath, he held the coin out in front and said the transformation words 'By The Might Of The Warrior!' and, in a flash, he turned into the Masked Rider; clad in armor built for both combat and mobility and sporting a helmet that looked like a cross between a dog and a dragon, Joey stood there for a moment. The first day this happened, he of course freaked out like anyone would do. However, that feeling of being scared soon vanished as he felt safe in this outfit, like it was actually his all along. He then grabbed the laser pistol from his desk and activated the Laser Sword mode and, to his delight, the sword activated with no problems. He then switched it back to Laser Gun and, again, it worked with no issues. He upped his speed and, each time, it worked with no issues.
"Perfect," he smiled as he unmorphed and placed the coin back into the drawer, "Now I'll have a better fighting chance against those two."

HousepetZ: Go, Go Masked Rider!
Part 2: Shift Into Turbo!

The next day, all was somewhat quiet in the town as two fellows made their way to the local park, the one holding a small device of sorts.
"A beautiful day, is it not Simon?" the red panda asked while placing the device on the ground.
"Oh yes, very beautiful Loki. Perfect for out little plan," Simon replied with glee. For a long time, both Loki and Simon had been busy with trying to figure out ways to continue Osiris' or Keene's work. Yet, every plan that they tried failed. The Necronomicon Ex Mortis? Failed thanks to Ash Williams coming to get it back. Opening Pandora's Box? Would've worked except they got transported to another area and couldn't have the folks inside help them. Same time, Sabrina made it her quest to capture the escaped beings from the Box and succeeded so that was a fail as well. So, tired of relying on other folks to do their work, they decided to take matters into their own paws and it all starts with the device they had. Constructed out of various parts from a nearby hardware store, this device, as Simon explained earlier to Loki as he was putting the finishing touches on it, transmits a small sound that will make anyone who is able to hear it, in this case humans, come under their control. While sounding very science fictiony at first, a brief test outside a fast food restraunt proved it to be working so, why not up the ante?
"Now, remember: We can't have the frequency up too high or else no one will hear it. Too low and the only ones who'll hear it are animals, mainly the fish for some reason," Simon reminded Loki, who was finishing setting up the device.
"Be at ease, I already know that," he smiled, "But did you remember to bring the power source?" Simon, with a cheery smile, pulled from his fanny pack the source and tossed it to Loki. The power source in question was a ring of sorts that had inscribed on letters that were illegible due to how the ring was used as a power source. But that didn't bother the duo as Loki placed the ring onto the socket and turned it on. The device began humming softly as it powered up, much to the delight of the two as Simon began prepping the sound.
"Once this sound plays, we will be able to succeed where my brother failed," Simon told Loki, who nodded and began to speak when, from behind them..."Causing trouble again?" Loki and Simon turned around, wondering who spoke, only to roll their eyes in annoyance. Standing behind them was, once again, the Masked Rider.
"Don't you two ever give up?" The Rider asked, his paw on his sidearm, "How many times do I have to stop you in order to get it through your heads?" Simon was about to speak when Loki raised a paw and silenced him with a smile. "Let me handle this hero," he said, whipping out two of his knives from his sleeves, "You just work on our device." Simon nodded and went to work as Loki began tossing the knives into the air playfully before grabbing both and lashing out at the Rider. However, to his surprise, the Rider stopped his blades by activating his new laser sword at the right moment, instantly shattering the blades. Annoyed, Loki went for the usual foray of kicks and punches but each strike either missed or had little effect on the Rider. The Rider, in turn, also fought back with kicks and punches, though his were connecting and affecting Loki better then the red panda's attacks on him were. Simon, meanwhile, continued to get the device running, unaware that the ring they were using was beginning to glow, something that it has done before but not to this extent.
"Would you two keep it down?" Simon said smart-alleckly, "I can't work with such...eep!" Before he could finish the sentence, Loki came flying back, thanks to a well-placed kick from the Rider, and slammed into him, knocking both of them into the device and sending it crashing to the ground.
"Now," The Rider said as he approached the two, "I think it's time I finally take you two in." But that wasn't meant to be as, to both the Rider, Simon and Loki's shock, the device, along with the ring, suddenly began to glow intensively before a bright light engulfed the duo. Then, just as quickly as it started, it vanished, leaving no signs of the device or the duo, much to The Rider surprise.
"Huh," they said as they turned to leave, "That's one way to blast off again." Unbeknownst to the Rider and the duo was that the ring in question had more power then anyone imagined. Power to send the duo of Loki and Simon away from Babylon Gardens...

HousepetZ: Go, Go Masked Rider!

A week later, Joey was walking up his driveway after spending the day at Dragon's and Zodd's game store checking out a few titles, the events of last week with Simon and Loki still lingering in his head. Just how did they escape so easily and where did they go cause it wasn't like them to just not do anything for an entire week. As he reached the front door, he began to wonder if they were planning something massive or, best case scenario, they had finally given up and turned themselves in to the K9's.
"I'm home!" Joey shouted, hoping to hear Fido or his owner welcome him home. However, the place was oddly quiet. In fact, it was too quiet. "Guys?" he said as he entered the living room, "Anyone here?" Nothing. Again, it was quiet but there was something amiss in the room. Sitting on the couch, much to Joey's surprise, were two canines. One was a golden retriever wearing blue jeans and a denim jacket. The other was different, unlike any dog he seen before. They looked tall, very tall and was wearing a almost military looking black jacket with a badge on the right arm. Normally, he'd think this was Anubis but there was one odd thing about this canine: Their fur or rather scales? They were blue and white, colors that every dog he has ever seen never had.
"Hello, Joey." The canine said, "I see you're making a name for yourself in this world; Protecting the innocent and stopping the works of one Simon Milton and Loki."
"I...have," Joey replied, worried at where this conversation was going, as he slowly reached down for his coin in his backpack.
"We don't work for them nor are we here to attack you, Joey or should I say Masked Rider?" The figure replied to Joey's surprise, "How did you know I'm..."
"I met folks like you before, each one having the same sense you have," they explained.
"Who are you?" Joey then asked. The figure stood up from the couch and looked at Joey, who saw that it was indeed scales and not fur on this canine. Their jacket was indeed very militaristic, sporting a mixture of black, white and red colors with a popped collar and the same badge from his sleeve on his jacket's chest. "Anubis Cruger; Commander of Earth's S.P.D Branch. This right here is Hunter Wyldhart; Leader of the Road Rovers. We're here to talk to you about joining a team we're putting together: The Galactic Rangers."

Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Harry Johnathan »


Also, that ending. Excite! :D
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Rydr Warklub wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 8:44 am Finally!

Also, that ending. Excite! :D
Thank you and yes...all those hints were leading up to this announcment: The next major arc is HousepetZ: GALACTIC RANGERS, something I've been teasing since Enter The MultiVerse and the arrival of Loki :) Basically, this whole series of arcs is gonna really change HousepetZ and shake things up drastically.
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Harry Johnathan »

SeanWolf wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 9:05 am
Rydr Warklub wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 8:44 am Finally!

Also, that ending. Excite! :D
Thank you and yes...all those hints were leading up to this announcment: The next major arc is HousepetZ: GALACTIC RANGERS, something I've been teasing since Enter The MultiVerse and the arrival of Loki :) Basically, this whole series of arcs is gonna really change HousepetZ and shake things up drastically.

Multiverse, huh? Sounds interesting.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really love the work that you put into this chapter! Nice job!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 10:32 am I really love the work that you put into this chapter! Nice job!
Thank you! Felt good getting back into the swing of things!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Hoping to see more again soon!

A lot more! ;)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

(Just two fun one-offs...and set ups for both a future story AND the next arc)

HousepetZ: A Day In The Life Of The K9's
Part 1: A Day With Mungo

The alarm clock showed 5:30am as the intro to Smoke On The Water began to play, awakening the sleeping Mungo. Sitting up from his bed, he yawns and stretches, the peaking sun bouncing off his toned muscular body and Tali'Zorah body pillow, before stepping out of the comfort of his bed and onto the floor. A trip to the bathroom for a shower was next, followed by another trip to his room for his MP3 Player. As the clock struck 6, he was out the door and jogging, something he does every morning to keep himself in shape (along with giving him the excuse to listen to whatever song he has on his player). The jog lasts roughly half an hour, he was a pretty fast runner mind you, and during this time, he always makes sure to give a quick salute to the grave of K9 Officer Fox Lindberg, who lost his life few years back. Once the jog was done and he was back home, he then makes his breakfast, consisting of the following:
- A plate of three waffles with sryup and butter
- A bagel with butter and a bit of vegemite
- A warm cup of chai tea
He then heads to the living room and turns the TV on. But not for the news or anything of the like. Rather, he turns it to a streaming service and watches an episode of one of his favorite TV shows; Murder, She Wrote. He takes his time eating as eating too fast can lead to some issues, enjoying the meal he created as the show continued. Afterwards, once everything is done, he cleans up, placing the dirty plates and cup into the dishwasher, then heads back to the bathroom to clean up a bit more (teeth brushing, hair combing, the works). It was now 7:30am and Mungo, uniform on, was now ready to head to work.

"Good morning, Fido!" Mungo said cheerfully in the locker room.
"Good morning, Mungo! How you doing?"
"Pretty good, though it seems you had a bit of a night. Anything up?"
"Nah, just not understanding people."
"More idiots?"
"Not really idiots, just something I'll never understand. There's a webcomic I like to read and lately, for whatever reason, two characters are being shipped with each other constantly by the community. I personally never saw those two as anything but good friends so why they feel they need to be shipped togther is beyond me."
"I wouldn't stress yourself out over it; it's the internet. They'll ship anyone."
"Yeah, I know. Just wish that people would understand that sometimes? Not everyone needs to be lovers of some kind. Sometimes a friend is all one needs."
"Good luck telling them that," Mungo grinned as they made their way to the conference room, passing by and greeting both Officer Terry Bogart, a human, and K9 Officer Price. The daily conference came and went, with the officers getting their usual jobs (including the usual watching out for Delusional Steve) and afterwards, it was a surprisingly fairly quiet day in Babylon Gardens.
HousepetZ: A Day In The Life Of The K9's

LOCATION: Planet Rygar IV
DATE: May 10th, 3029
Hawk Redsky was sitting on a log a few miles outside of a makeshift camp made out of a wrecked ship. Normally none of his concern, he had tracked a bounty there prior and, after a firefight, took out the bounty. Sadly, it wasn't it as the price for them dead was not worth the effort. As he sat and pondered where to find his next bounty, he quickly drew his custom revolvers as he heard a sound from behind. He soon tilted his head as, behind him, was an odd looking ring of sorts that was spinning. First thinking it was something else, he cocked the hammers on his guns only to see someone walk out from the ring.
"Who are you?" Hawk growled at the masked being. The being removed his helmet and Hawk was confused. Underneath the helmet? It was another canine like him but he looked young.
"You're Hawk Redsky, right? Intergalactic Bounty Hunter?" they asked. Hawk, still leery, nodded as the being smiled, "I'm Joey! Masked Rider and member of the Galactic Rangers. I'm here to see..."
"No" Joey tilted his head as Hawk answered sternly, uncocking the revolvers and holstering them, "I don't work for any crew nor do I work with those who are more concerned with looks then getting a job done."
"We had a feeling you'd say that," Joey said before clearing his throat, "We can pay you." Hawk stopped and turned around around, "How much?"

(Hawk Redsky has joined the Galactic Rangers....)


HousepetZ: A Day In The Life Of The K9's
Part 2: A Day With Terrance

As the sun peaked through the windows, Terrance slowly woke up, having slept on the couch this time as he wanted to finish up a movie the previous night. The fur on his head was a mess from how he slept so, before any breakfast was to be had, he hopped into the shower and cleaned off, making a mental note to pick up shampoo after work. For breakfast, he made himself a bowl of cereal and read a magazine (the latest issue of Hunters Weekly) before grabbing his uniform and heading to work. After placing his stuff in his locker, he headed over to Sgt. Ralph's office as he was informed he wanted to speak with him before his next shift.
"Morning Sargent." he said.
"Good morning, Terrance. Take a seat."
"Anything wrong?"
"Oh, no, I just wanted to see how you've been doing past few weeks, after the whole Custom Ink fiasco and the stuff with those Deadites."
"Eh could be better. I still have the occasional nightmare but they aren't as strong as they used to be."
"I feel ya. I still have the occasional nightmare about the whole zombie apocalypse we all went through, but can you honestly blame me? We all went through it and I'm pretty sure everyone still has some haunting memories of it."
"Not lying there. Anyway, if that's all..."
"Actually, there's one more thing I wanted to talk to you about," Ralph said, pulling out a document and handing them to Terrance, who picked it up and began reading, "What's this?" he asked.
"It's a letter of recommendation I got yesterday from another station in Pavillion. They're wondering if we'd like to take on a new officer in our ranks."
"Really? That's interesting."
"Yeah and based on the info provided, he sounds like a good fit for us. I'm wondering if you'd like to be his trainer tomorrow. Show him the ropes and such."
"I'd be honored, sir. And yeah, based on this, I'm looking forward to meeting this dog..."
"Actually he's not a dog."
"Come again?"
"He's not a dog. He's...a...grizzly bear."
"Yeah...uh he's a bear. He's one of the best officers and personally requested to be transferred to our unit so..." Ralph shrugged, "There...won't be any issues?"
"N-no," Terrance replied, still shocked over the news, "I-I'll be ready train him tomorrow."
HousepetZ: A Day In The Life Of The K9's

Outside a massive facility, a small shuttle craft lands and lets out it's occupant, one Anubis Cruger. A technician rushes up to meet him, "I'm happy you arrived, Commander," he said with a salute.
"At ease," Commander Cruger replied, following the tech into the building, "What's the sitrep?"
"It's those energy spikes we've been monitoring for the past years. They've reached critical high levels today, higher then they've been." They explained as they got onto the elevator, "Last year, they were fluxuating between high and medium. Now, they're at a max level."
"Another dimension spike?" Cruger asked as they stepped off and into the room filled with scientists and computers. The technician nodded, "Very much but, again, we never seen it at this high of a level." Cruger nodded as he looked at the computer with the info on it, "Point of origin?"
"Unknown," the tech responded. Cruger had created this section of the SPD to monitor such dimensional activities after an event a few years prior and, since then, they've been closely watching every energy spike. "If they're this high..." he muttered before looking back at the tech, "When did this is start?" The tech was about to answer when another suddenly shouted, "Sir! You might want to see this!" Hearing the shout, the lead tech and Cruger rushed over to the other tech's computer, which was showing spikes unlike never before.
"Oh my god," The tech said, "I never seen them get that high." Just then, the room began to shake as a low hum echoed throughout the room. An earthquake, Cruger thought. Suddenly, there was the shattering of glass, followed by an explosion, knocking many of the techs and Cruger to the floor. Though winded, Cruger forced himself up, "Everyone OK?" he then shouted, the other techs signaling they were. At first wondering what happened, their question was soon answered as, in the middle of the room? There was an odd looking device, one that looked haphazardly cobbled together. And in front of it? Two critters, a ferret and a red panda. One of the guards slowly walked over to the duo and slowly paced his hand on the one's shoulder. Just then, the red panda shot to life and fatally stabbed the tech, killing him instantly, as the ferret jumped up and grab said guards laser rifle and opened fire, taking out a few more techs and guards. Cruger jumped behind a table and pulled out his laser pistol, popping out then to take a few shots, only for the red panda to seemingly form a shield in front of them and block the rounds. The duo then quickly ran to the elevator, with the device in their paws, and escaped the facility, Cruger leaping out a nearby window to give chase. However, the duo made it to the shuttle craft he used and took off, much to Cruger's annoyance as he fired a few more rounds at it.
"Commander! Do you cop?" A voice came in then over his headset, "We monitored an explosion at the facility. What happened?" Cruger coughed and brushed some glass off of him, "We had a dimension breach. You monitoring it?"
"Yes sir and it's as we feared: It's a Level Eight."
"Sound the general call. I want all stations to be on Red Alert and looking for a ferret and red panda duo."
"Copy that."
"And get the Galactic Rangers in the meeting room. We're gonna need them."

Next Time....HousepetZ: Galactic Rangers begins
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by trekkie »

Great chapters, Sean, always good to see Joey and Terrance.(and Mungo) Simon and Loki have me kinda worried though, they’re pretty ruthless. Glad you’re back to writing, keep up the good work.
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Just took a bit of a stab at Fungo shippers, didn't you? ;) :lol:
Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Thu May 13, 2021 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Rydr Warklub wrote: Thu May 13, 2021 12:35 pm Juts took a bit of a stab at Fungo shippers, didn't you? ;) :lol:
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Considering that Mungo was dating someone in the previous chapter that was a female I would say in this universe Mungo isn't gay or bi.
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Harry Johnathan »

SURPRISE! 80s style Galactic Rangers poster!
Untitled627_20210514040903.png (813.49 KiB) Viewed 5856 times
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Rydr Warklub wrote: Fri May 14, 2021 5:10 am SURPRISE! 80s style Galactic Rangers poster!

OMG That is awesome!
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Thankies! :D :oops:
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by trekkie »

An awesome poster for an awesome story.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Harry Johnathan »

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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: Galactic Rangers
Part 1: Meet The Team

"So, this is the future?" A wide-eyed Joey said in awe as the elevator rose above the ground. Being someone who was from a modern(ish) time and dimension, just seeing what a future city looked like was enough to make his heart beat with excitement. Same time, he only ever seen glimpses of a future city in media so being able to see one up close was a dream come true. He wasn't the only one impressed with the view as one of the other occupants on board shared his excitement. "It's a wonder, that's for sure!" said Hunter, the golden retriever and one of the first people Joey met prior to arriving, "Makes you almost want to live here."
"It's alright," another voice replied, though not as enthused as the other two, "Frankly, you seen one flying car, you seen them all." Joey and Hunter looked at him then each other then just chuckled as they looked out at the view some more while the elevator rose. It soon came to a rather gentle stop, much to Joey's surprise as he was used to a bit of a bump from elevators stopping. As the doors opened, a waiting guard walked them to where they needed ot be, passing by various rooms and other personal in the building. Being still a young one, Joey waved a small 'hello' at one of the guards they passed who, to the surprise of their guard, smiled back and saluted him. "It looks like you already made a friend, Joey," the guard said, Joey smiling as they were lead to a massive sliding door. The guard saluted the two guards outside the room and the four were let in to the area. Looking like a mixture of something out of Star Wars and a bit of Mass Effect to Joey, this was the main hub of the SPD Operations. Throughout the room, various personal were busy keeping an eye on the various situations at hand and chatting with each other as various holographic computer screens flickered and hummed.
"Welcome to S.P.D HQ," a familiar voice to Hunter and Joey soon said as the trio turned to face it. Standing next to a table was Commander Anubis Cruger, someone both Joey and Hunter but not Hawk were familiar with, "I trust you enjoyed the ride over?"
"Loved it," Hunter replied with Joey adding, "I enjoyed it too! Only time I've seen a city like this was in my video games." Cruger just laughed as he watched Hawk enter the room behind them, his red jacket and black cowboy hat contrasting greatly against the sleek white of the room, "I take it you enjoyed it as well?" Hawk looked over at the dog and shrugged in response. The sights outside was nothing compared to the inside as Joey was once again in awe at what he was seeing, including someone sitting at the nearby table. Someone that neither he or Hawk recognized, though Hunter and Cruger knew who this person or tiger was. Sitting prim and proper with a red vest and black pants, this tigress was a beauty to behold. "Hello there, Joey," the tigress spoke, causing Joey to blush just a bit, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."
"Joey? Hawk? This is Tigress: A Kung-Fu Master and member of the Furious Five," said Commander Cruger as he introduced her to the two, seeing as she and Hunter already met. Joey, being a gentle dog, bowed his head in greetings to Tigress, who bowed back, while Hawk just waved half-heartedly, still unimpressed with everything going on before joining Hunter and Joey at the table and taking a seat. Commander Cruger stood at the other end, facing the four, and began to explain why they were there when Hawk suddenly spoke up, "Hey, doggy. Got a question."
"It's Cruger; Commander Anubis Cruger," Commander Cruger said sternly, furrowing his brow, "And as long as you're working for us, you will address me as Commander or Sir, Hawk."
"I'm only working for you until the job is done," Hawk replied, "Afterwards, I'm taking my pay and getting out of here...sir."
"Fair enough, Hawk. Now, what is your question that you felt is so important to ask?" Hawk looked at around the table at the other three, "You're kidding me right? Type of fraggin' crew is this? Just four people against whatever? Forgive me for being smarter than you, sir, but there is no way you were this stupid to hire just us four."
"It's not just you four," suddenly, another voice came from behind Hawk, causing him to turn around to see who spoke up, only to then raise an eyebrow at the sight he was seeing. Standing at the nearby door and only slightly taller then Joey was a rabbit with a red bandana and a huge gun. At first, Joey thought it was Zach but there was one little detail that made him think otherwise and that was that they were green.
"Sorry, I'm a little late, Commander," the rabbit said, "Took a lil' bit to get convince the guy to help us but he'll be here in a couple seconds." Commander Cruger nodded then watched as the last member of the team entered the room behind the rabbit, one that caused the other three to reel back in shock at the sight before them. His atire meshed perfectly against his muscular body, one that would even make Mungo impressed. But, unlike the other five in the room? While he was an animal like them but he wasn't a furry kind but, rather, a scalely kind. Both he and the rabbit made their way to the table and sat down, the rabbit next to Joey and the beast next to an unamused Hawk who asked, "So it's just six of us?"
"Seven, actually, but they're occupied at the moment," Cruger replied, "You'll meet them in due time. Now, would you two care to introduce yourselves to the others?" The two nodded with the rabbit starting first, "Name's Jazz; Jazz Jackrabbit. Commando from the Planet Carrotus in Dimension EMG." The beast was next, "T-Bone: Leader of the Extreme Dinosaurs in Dimension DV." Hunter, Joey, and Tigress greeted the two members and introduced themselves to them as well.
"Joey: Masked Rider from Dimension HPZ."
"Hunter Wlydhart: Leader of the Road Rovers in Dimension 2xR2."
"Tigress: Kung-Fu Master from Dimension KFP."
"Hawk Redsky....Bounty Hunter...Dimension BOH..." Hawk said, rolling his eyes as he felt this was pretty stupid.
"Well, since we're all situated, let's begin the briefing," Commander Cruger said before tapping a few buttons on the table and activating the holographic projection, "In case it wasn't oblivious before, the fact that you all come from a different dimension shows there are different dimensions out there. For many years, many have tried and failed to prove their existence in many ways, ranging from conspiratorial to somewhat believable. However, back some years ago, technology advanced to where it was easy to prove that they do exist and that communication between dimensions is possible. Thus, S.P.D or Space Patrol Delta was formed and our job is to monitor the activates of these dimensions and to report if anything was out of the ordinary," he then tapped another button and a few more images popped up, one showing a dog that Joey thought he recognized, "Couple years ago, we began monitoring some unusual energy spikes coming from multiple dimensions, with the biggest being in four of them. We didn't know what this was at first until we began hearing reports of beings not of their world, walking around and interacting with the world and such," He then pointed at the one picture, "This fox right here, we believe, was the main cause of these energy spikes."
"How could he do that?" Hunter asked, "I don't think any dimension has that sort of technology available to them."
"That's what we thought too, Hunter. However, we think we have a theory how this fox was able to travel between dimensions," Commander Cruger answered while zooming in on the image of the fox, showing a small container of rings, with one situated in his paw. The other members were confused at what they were looking at but Joey, to his surprise, recognized it almost instantly, "Hey, I seen those rings before. Uh Simon and Loki had one when I dealt with them last time."
"Simon and...Loki?" T-Bone asked with a brow raised.
"Yeah, they're from my dimension. They've been causing trouble ever since the Opener Cult was captured by the K9's."
"Do you recall what these two look like?" Cruger asked.
"Uh Simon Keene's a ferret and Loki's a red can't miss them as the panda's always dressed in a green suit. Why?" Joey replied, curious as to why the commander asked him that question. Cruger, once again, tapped a few buttons and a screen popped up, showing footage from the attack on the lab yesterday, pausing on the one shot of the duo, "Are these the ones you're talking about?" Joey looked at the footage and nodded before a sudden realization hit him, "Last time I fought those two, they had this weird looking device...uh that one that Simon's holding...and I remember seeing one of those ring things on it."
"You suppose that ring you saw is some how linked to sending them here?" Jazz asked Joey who nodded, "It's possible. To tell the truth, that was the first time I seen the thing as I was more focused on stopping them and learning more about these powers from the coins." As he spoke, he brought out his Masked Rider Morpher and showed it to the other members, most of whom was impressed with it with T-Bone complimenting him on his craftsmanship.
"Well, even though we have a name for these two, that still doesn't answer why they were brought here, so we need to exercise caution of the highest level," Commander Cruger then spoke as Joey holstered the morpher, "As of yesterday, we are at Level Eight and I want you all to be ready at a moment's notice in case anything is to occur. For now?" He motioned for one of the guards, "Corporal Newkirk here will escort you to your quarters. Your belongings that you chosen to bring from your worlds are already there and waiting. Dismissed." The rangers stood and returned salute, Hawk simply nodding, before turning to follow Newkirk out of the room.
"I'm already regretting you recruiting that Hawk fellow," a nearby technician commented to Cruger, "What makes you think he won't, you know, stab the team in the back?" Commander Cruger simply smiled and patted the technician on the back as he noticed another person coming through a door, "Don't worry. There's a good reason why he won't betray the team."

"And here we are," Newkirk said, opening the doors to the team's quarters/living space, "Make yourself at home! Your effects are over there near the couch. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to call for a guard." With that, Newkirk saluted and left, leaving the team to tend to themselves in the room.
"So, um...who's calling what bed?" Hunter asked everyone.
"I'll take the one over there," Jazz replied, grabbing his few things.
"Guess I'll grab this one," T-Bone answered next.
"I'll take this one," Tigress replied.
"I don't really care," Hawk said, much to the annoyance of Hunter who, in turn, just grabbed the other bed, which left only one more bed, one that had plenty of tech and gadgets surrounding it, left. The team then began unpacking their bags and placing the items around their area. As he had less to unpack, Jazz was quickly finished and laid there on the bed, getting a feel for the comfort of it. He looked over at Joey's bed and watched him for a bit, unpacking various books and the like, along with a picture frame. "Who's the picture of, Joey?" Jazz asked him. Joey smiled, "It's me and my family: Fido, Bido and our owner. Fido and Bino are K9 Officers, hence their uniforms." Jazz walked over and, after asking, picked up the picture and held it for a bit, "Cute family and, by the way you acted, it sounds like you all have a strong love for each other."
"Yep, we do," Joey replied as he placed the picture onto the nearby desk, "I mean, we did live through a zombie apocalypse so that probably had some help but yeah, we're pretty close."
"Cruger told me about that," Hunter said while placing some CDs out, "Can't imagine having to live through that."
"Trust me, it was not fun," Joey said, "Heck, Bino even had to go to the Netherworld to rescue someone...I tell ya, my dimension is crazy." Hunter and Jazz laughed, though Hawk wasn't finding much amusement in the talk, "So, how come he chose you and not your brother?" Joey looked at Hawk as he spoke, "No offense but you're just a kid. I don't care what super hero power you got, you're still just a little kid."
"Hey, leave Joey alone, " Hunter replied.
"Or what? He'll put on some stupid suit and punch me?" Hawk scoffed, "Listen, powers or no, he's still a kid and kids like him have no place in the field of battle, even if they survived zombies." As he spoke, Joey felt his paw reaching for the morpher, a strong feeling of wanting to prove this jerk wrong slowly overcoming him. He soon, however, felt another paw as Jazz placed his own on Joey's paw and shook his head.
"Hawk, ever since you came here, you've been nothing but rude and hateful," Hunter scowled, with Tigress adding that he barely acknowledged anyone outside of Hunter, Joey, and the Commander, whom he was equally as rude to. "If Commander Cruger didn't have us working together, I have half a mind to..."
"Do what?" Hawk said, looking Hunter square in the eyes almost piercing them with his stare. But Hunter wasn't backing down, "I have half a mind to throw you out of this outfit and back where you belong, scum." Both were now growling at each other like vicious wild dogs, ready to attack. Thankfully, that wasn't going to be the case as T-Bone, having enough of the two squabbling, stood up and grabbed both of them by their shoulders, "Enough, you two," he spoke, "Save your strength for the real enemies, not each other. We all have our own beliefs and that's what makes us different and unique, but fighting over who's right and who's wrong is just stupid. Now, either behave or I will make you behave, capisce?" Though he was still a bit angry, Hunter sighed and nodded, while Hawk just scoffed and pulled himself free from T-Bone's grip. The other members sighed in relief before hearing the door to their room open up, followed by a rather curious sight. "Excuse me for interrupting but you folks, by any chance, happen to be the team Commander Cruger assembled?" The small robot asked in an almost British voice. Tigress responded that it was, "Splendid!" The robot said as he motioned behind him. Another person then enter behind him, one that had ears that looked a bit bigger then Jazz and was about the same size as Joey in terms of height but what stood out the most? They were unlike any critter that anyone of them had seen before.
"Allow me to introduce ourselves; I am Clank and this is my partner Ratchet," the robot said, the grease covered critter behind him holding a massive wrench waved.
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Clank," Tigress said, "I'm Tigress. That's Jazz, Joey, Hunter, T-Bone...and the idiot over there is Hawk." Ratchet laughed, "We heard the whole argument and...we're with T-Bone on this one," he said as he threw the wrench onto his bed, "Anyway, I'd love to stay and chat but as you can see? I need a shower so I'll catch you guys later."
"And I need to get back to Commander Cruger and discuss a few things. A pleasure to meet you all," Clank said before leaving the room as Ratchet headed for the showers. The rest of the team went about their business unpacking while Joey and Jazz chatted a bit more about Joey's family. All the while, Joey could only think what his friends would say to everyone he's meeting and, same time, what they would say to this city.
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Harry Johnathan »

This crossover is turning out to be a bit bizarre (we get Tigress from Kung Fu Panda and Joey in the same room, how? :lol: but I like it! No, actually, I love it! 👍 :D
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Rydr Warklub wrote: Fri May 14, 2021 12:15 pm This crossover is turning out to be a bit bizarre (we get Tigress from Kung Fu Panda and Joey in the same room, how? :lol: but I like it! No, actually, I love it! 👍 :D
I'm glad you're loving it! I said there was a reason I introduced the MultiVerse prior to this arc and now you know (or do you ;) )
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Can't wait to see where this is going to go! Really nice work!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Fri May 14, 2021 3:20 pm Can't wait to see where this is going to go! Really nice work!

And, before I forget, here's the line-up of HousepetZ: Galactic Rangers:

- Joey (HousepetZ)
- Hunter (Road Rovers, but a different version)
- Hawk Redsky (Beacon Of Hope)
- T-Bone (Extreme Dinosaurs)
- Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)
- Jazz Jackrabbit (Jazz Jackrabbit game series)
- Ratchet & Clank (Ratchet & Clank series)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I take it that Hawk is your character that you roleplay with in Beacon of Hope?
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Fri May 14, 2021 9:41 pm I take it that Hawk is your character that you roleplay with in Beacon of Hope?
Yep and star of a prequel series of short stories as well that I'm working on.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

There is nothing about any appearance on him in the story so am I to assume that he has the same appearance as he does in the RP but with a cowboy hat and red coat?
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Sat May 15, 2021 6:06 pm There is nothing about any appearance on him in the story so am I to assume that he has the same appearance as he does in the RP but with a cowboy hat and red coat?
Basically as that is the same outift in the RP as well.
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Since the multiverse is a thing in your fic, I'd love to do a crossover some day with H-Pets if you we're down for it; might make some fun character scenarios, lol. :?:
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Hmm. We have an undiplomatic and confrontational character in this chapter. He dresses almost like a cowboy. He thinks Joey is a little kid who can't do anything.

I think I know how to take him down a few levels and give him some humility! :D
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Sat May 15, 2021 11:22 pm Hmm. We have an undiplomatic and confrontational character in this chapter. He dresses almost like a cowboy. He thinks Joey is a little kid who can't do anything.

I think I know how to take him down a few levels and give him some humility! :D
Well...there *is* another reason for Hawk's know what they say: Looks can be decieving.
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

But still as of now he seems like a massive clod who needs to go down a few pegs.
Last edited by Amazee Dayzee on Tue May 18, 2021 1:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: Galactic Rangers
Part 2: The First Assignment

The moon shone brightly, illuminating the starry skies as the city slept. The rangers themselves were asleep in their beds, save for two; Tigrees, who had decided to do some late reading and Joey, who was just having trouble keeping his eyes shut. He laid there quietly and stared at the ceiling then out the window as he tried to get some rest but that was proving difficult for him for some reason. He tried everything from counting sheep to imagining himself at a very boring lecture, yet nothing seemed to be working. How is it that everyone else was able to get to sleep faster then him, he thought to himself, oblivious to the fact that Tigress was awake herself. So oblivious that, deciding that maybe he just needed something to eat, he got out of his bed and walked to their kitchen, right past Tigress who now just noticed the waken Joey.
"Guess a sandwich would be fine," Joey said quietly as to not wake up the others as he grabbed some ingredients for a simple sandwich. Nothing to fancy, just something quick and simple, alongside a glass of milk. He then sat down at the table and had just taken a bite when he heard a very familiar voice speak to him, "You OK, Joey?"
"Yeah, just...just having trouble sleeping, that's all," Joey said in a low tone to Tigress, who was standing by the counter in her robe, covering up her sleepwear, "I normally don't have any issues sleeping in my home..." Tigress nodded as she sat down across from Joey, "It sounds like you're homesick." Joey looked over at her and slowly nodded as Tigress reached over and gave him a gentle hug, "Homesickness comes to everyone, even to someone like me."
"I know," Joey said as they finished hugging, "I just thought I'd be over it by now, seeing as how long I had to live with some friends during the whole zombie apocalypse. Guess I wasn't."
"Don't fret over it. The more you give power to something negative, the more it can control your know, since we're both up, I do have question I was meaning to ask you." She said as she motioned towards his bed where his morpher was, "That er thing have...a morpher right? Where did you find it?"
"Bit of a long story," Joey chuckled as he ate, "See, every October in my dimension? That's the month where I always try to find something to scare me, be it a horror movie or story and for years? Nothing was working so, last year, I decided to take a ride on a tour of sorts and, long story short, I ended up waking up some dead guy and his freaky carnival and lived to tell the tale. As for the morpher, I found the coin next to the grave and it had a gryphon on it. So, I took it home and spent a good while studying it and figuring out exactly what it was, which was a cursed coin that either turned humans into zombies or animals, I never really got a straight answer. I did however find a way to remove the curse and unlock it's true original nature and, well, that's where the power comes from. As for the morpher? Eh, that was something I made to house it," he chuckled at the last part along with Tigress, who told him he is very creative and knowledgeable. "Just don't let this power go to your head, OK?" she asked him as Joey placed the dishes in the washer, "Power is good but it can easily corrupt." Joey looked over and gave an assuring nod, "I've seen first hand what power can do to people and I won't let it happen to me." Tigress smiled then wished Joey a good night as they returned to their beds, with Tigress finishing up some reading and Joey quickly falling asleep with a full tummy.

The next morning, the team, sans Hawk and Ratchet & Clank with the former who was sitting on the couch as he ate an hour before they did and the later on assignment from Cruger, were all having breakfast together at the table as the nearby television aired the local news.
"Heard you had a rough night, Joey. You doing OK now?" T-Bone asked.
"Yeah. Tigress and I chatted and that was pretty much all I needed...well that and a midnight snack." Joey grinned
"Well, you do sound better," Jazz added, "I was actually worried that Hawk's words kind of got to you." Joey shrugged as he ate his cereal, "They did for a bit but I've learned from my uncle to let the negative comments people give you go in one ear and out the other."
"Sound advice," T-Bone replied as Hunter took a seat next to him, "Negativity can affect anyone, even if they don't know it is. Speaking of advice, anything else you can tell us about those two?" Joey, after some thinking, nodded, "Well, I don't know much about this Loki, other then he's a red panda and I've whooped him every time I saw him. Simon, on the other hand, is an odder one. He's part of the Miltons, a family of rich ferrets in my world, and one of the three who went mad during the zombie apocalypse, the other two being Duke and Keene. Lana, Pit, and Rock were the only ones to stay sane. Why I said 'odd' is because, during the last year of the zombies, a K9 officer that was staying with us had brought back Sasha - long story - and she revealed she killed both and yet?"
"And yet, this Simon person is alive," Jazz replied, "Do you suppose this Sasha was lying when she said she killed them?
"It's possible. I don't know much about her other then what happened during and after the events, other then her taking Lana hostage and eventually being killed by one of the K9's, so she could very well have been a liar and could very well have killed doppelgangers, I really don't know. Honestly, most of my interactions with Simon and Loki are based in current times and not from the past and anything about Simon from the past that I know of? I heard it from others so who knows?" It wasn't much to go on but it was at least some backstory so T-Bone nodded as they went back to their meals, the topic of their hobbies soon becoming the main topic. It was a peaceful topic, with both Hunter and Joey learning that they share similar tastes in anime and T-Bone and Tigress with cooking. But this peacefulness was soon to be ended by a usual suspect.
"How about you, Hawk?" Hunter said as he stood up to put his away to be cleaned, "You got any hobbies?" Hawk turned away from the TV and towards the crew and stood up, an aura of coldness filling the air as he did. He gripped his jacket and pulled it open, showing not only his main outfit but the armaments beneath. "I'm a bounty hunter," he said almost chillingly, "For two thousand years, I've been paid to hunt down the and exterminate the wicked. That's my hobby," he looked at Joey once more as he closed his jacket up, "Which is why i must now ask: Why couldn't you just kill them when you had the chance?" Joey reeled back, "Cause I don't kill, that's why. When fighting, I get my opponents to a weakened state then turn them into the police. If I were to kill them, that would make me no better then the ones I put away." A good answer for sure, one that made T-Bone smile, but Hawk wasn't amused, "Many of those I worked with over the years made the same mistake you're doing and guess where that led them? Nowhere. That one person you said is innocent that you rescued from some low-life criminal? They could very well be the next high-class outlaw. In my line of work, you never take chances on anything; If you feel that in your gut that you should end a life rather than rescue them? Then you fraggin' better pull that trigger cause Lady Luck's love may end up failing on you. So, I ask you again and tell me the truth: Why..."
"Hawk Redsky, stand down!" Everyone, save Hawk, jumped a bit as Commander Cruger shouted at Hawk, "I don't know what your deal is but as long as you're part of this squad, you will follow orders and you will respect others, you got that?" Hawk growled but then nodded, Commander Cruger nodding back, "Now then, you five get prepped up and head to the landing pad ASAP. Got a situation downtown."
"What's going on?" T-Bone asked as he and the others got their gear together; Hunter and his armor, Joey and his morpher, Jazz with his blasters, T-Bone and his armor and gun, and Hawk and his hat.
"Don't know exactly yet but we got reports of gunfire going on and we want you five to investigate." Commander Cruger explained while he led them to the hangers where their ship, a fast-moving VTOL, sat waiting for them, "Whatever the situation is, we want no causalities on any side. Disable them of their weapons and let the other officers deal with them, got it?" The team saluted as they boarded the VTOL, strapping in as the ship took off for downtown, Joey quickly morphing to Masked Rider form.

The VTOL quickly approached the area where the action was taking place as, down below, some of the city's officers were engaged in a gun fight with some folks, each one sporting what seemed to be armor of some type.
"OK, here's the plan," T-Bone said, taking charge as the VTOL began to land, "Hunter? You and Jazz try to flank them and get them caught in a crossfire. Tigress, you and I will focus on the wounded and get them to safety. Joey and Hawk...HAWK!" Before anyone could react, Hawk had jumped out of the VTOL, landing right in the middle of the shoot out. While there was a brief bit of mumbling as to who this wolf was, that was quickly shattered as Hawk whipped out his revolvers and began firing upon the enemy and taking a few out in the act. T-Bone groaned in annoyance at Hawk's actions, actions that were clearly going against what Cruger told them NOT to do, as the VTOL landed, allowing him and the others to exit the craft just as the people shooting raised their hands in surrender. While Hawk was ready to kill the rest, Hunter quickly stopped him and told him to let the law take care of them now, much to Hawk's annoyance. Hunter then proceeded to explain to the officer in charge who they were as the others helped the wounded onto the ambulances and the others onto the prison trucks. As Joey was grabbing the weapons to hand to one of the officers, he quickly spotted another person slowly coming out of a nearby vehicle, one who had said officer in his sight.
"Officer, look out!" he shouted, quickly drawing his blaster and firing, hitting the would-be assailant on their hand. He then pounced him and held him to the ground as the other Rangers and officers rushed over to see what happened.
"What happened?" Hunter asked as Joey lifted the cat up, replying, "Guy here was hidden in the car and hopped out to take a easy kill." As he lifted, he noticed a rather familiar looking design on the guy's jacket. "You're working for Simon and Loki?"
"So?" The feline smirked, "They pay well and offered me riches beyond my wildest dreams and a better world for my kind. How could I say no?"
"Where's your boss, feline?" Hunter asked but, before the cat could answer, a shot rang out, forever silencing the cat as they dropped dead, Hunter cussing from the shot then turning to look at Hawk, who was standing there with a now smoking gun. Hunter shook his head and mouthed to Hawk 'We're going to talk when we get back to HQ' as Joey handed the deceased to the officers. As the events unfolded, across the way and in an hotel room, a red panda was watching from a window via a pair of binoculars.
"Well, I'll be," Loki said to Simon who was laying on the bed watching the events on TV, "Our little Masked Rider friend is here...and it seems he has his own friends with him."
"You don't suppose gasp that they'll try to stop us?" Simon asked in mock fright before they laughed it off, "We're already three steps ahead of them so what could they possibly do?" Loki laughed as he watched the team enter their craft and take off before walking over to the hotel room's kitchen to fix himself a drink, "Plus, we have a slowly building army. They only got five people. What could go wrong?"
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really lovely work on this as usual! I am enjoying this a lot! I really think Hawk needs to be hit in the face with something.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 1:59 am Really lovely work on this as usual! I am enjoying this a lot! I really think Hawk needs to be hit in the face with something.
Ain't wrong there. Fun fact this is actually an earlier Hawk then what was in a previous chapter (Enter The MultiVerse) and what's in Beacon Of Hope. By earlier, I mean this Hawk is from his dimension year of 3029, 21 years before he joined the Beacon Of Hope and when he was still considered a rather notorious bounty hunter.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

OK yeah. I can see how he would be different. I got that.

So is he gonna be hit in the face with something? XD
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by trekkie »

I agree w/Dayzee, he needs to be smacked severely. Great chapter, Sean.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

(Sorry for the rushness of this chapter. The original idea had too many similarities to The Avengers so I had to scrap alot of ideas)

HousepetZ: Galactic Rangers
Part 3: Showdown Between Teams

With a hiss and a thud, the S.P.D VTOL landed back at HQ without a fuss. The team inside each disembarked in silence, each one furious at Hawk for his actions, passing by Ratchet and Clank, both of whom were wondering what happened. The team each wanted to have their say with Hawk as they walked through the halls. But it was instead T-Bone who would speak the first words as they returned to their room, more furious then the team combined.
"Just what the heck were you thinking, Hawk?!" he roared after slamming his fist into the wall enraged, "We were given instructions not to kill any hostiles!"
"What can I say? Situation went bad," Hawk shrugged while tossing his jacket and hat onto his bed.
"That is no excuse for not following orders!" T-Bone yelled, "Commander Cruger made it explicatively clear not to kill any of the hostiles and what did you do? You jumped out of the vehicle and killed just about half of them, INCLUDING the one we were talking to for answers!"
"I had my reasons!" replied Hawk as he unhooked his holsters, "Listen, I don't know who died and gave you authority but I have more years experience in this field then you do, rex!"
"It's T-Bone!"
"Whatever, I don't care, rexy. I have more experience then all of you combined so when I make a call, I KNOW what I'm doing!" T-Bone threw his hands up in utter rage as Tigress decided to try to get a few words in, "Hawk, we all've been trying to be calm and patient with you ever since you got here. But you've been nothing but a grade-A jerk for the past few days now..."
"Jerk wouldn't be the word I use," Hunter mumbled, much to Hawk's anger, "What was that, mutt?" Hunter looked up, "I said I wouldn't call you jerk." The tension in the air was thick as Hawk walked over and looked Hunter dead in his eyes, "Then what would you call me...mutt?" Not backing down as it wasn't in his nature, Hunter stared back defiantly into Hawk's eyes, "I'd call you a self-centered cocky son of a charming dog who thinks the world revolves around him and that everyone else is wrong but he's right...mutt." Hawk stood quietly for a second before smirking, turning around slowly and eliciting a chuckle at Hunter's response, the rest of the team looking at each other wondering what was going to happen. His chuckling soon subsided as, much to the teams horror, he quickly swung back around and landed a punch on Hunter's face, knocking him to the ground with a well place thud. Hunter yelped from the pain, holding his face as Hawk stood over him almost menacingly.
"HAWK! WHAT THE HECK!?" Jazz shouted while Tigress and T-Bone checked on Hunter. But Hawk didn't answer.
"Nothing's broken, but he'll need some ice to stop the swelling," Tigress said to T-Bone, who ran to the freezer to get some as Tigress stayed by Hunter's side. "I'm f-fine," he coughed before glaring at Hawk, "But he won't be when I'm done." Hawk grinned and opened his mouth to speak when quite suddenly? "ENOUGH!" They all turned around to look at Joey, who was standing by his bed and looking almost exasperated from the ordeal. "Sorry, just...ever since we became a team, we done nothing but fight amongst ourselves. Yes, we all have different ideals and beliefs and, yes, we should respect others opinions...but I am in agreement with T-Bone, Hawk; You should've listened to Cruger and not killed anyone."
"Figures the kid would take the side of someone like rexy here," Hawk said, rolling his eyes and turning away from Joey to head back to his bed.
"I ain't done yet, mutt!" Hawk snapped his gaze back to Joey when he heard his insult, "What?"
"I said I ain't done yet, mutt. You are going to stand there and listen for once in your life. Your cocky and 'better-then-others' attitude? That may have helped you before but here? That will get you killed faster then you killed those guys down town! When the zombie apocalypse happened in my dimension, we all had to learn to work and live together. Was it hard? Yes. Did we fight? Yes. Did we soon learn to respect and trust each other? Yes and that is what we're trying to do here as well; Respect and trust each other. But you? You don't give two rats behinds about this! All you care about is showing off and getting paid! That may be how you operate in your world but you have to put that behind you and actually learn to work with others, Hawk. Cause right now? We're all that's standing between whatever Loki and Simon has planned...and I feel that if they knew we were at each other's throats? We would've lost this war before we even stepped foot into this room." The team was silent as Joey's words flowed through them. They were impressed with Joey's speech, with Hunter saying he would've made a great Road Rover. Hawk, meanwhile? He stood there in silence before walking over to one of the windows and staring out at the fields for a few minutes, eyeing a few incoming VTOLs.
"Bomb." Joey looked over a Hawk, "What was that?"
"Those guys I killed, including the guy I killed in your arms? They had a bomb strapped to them," Hawk sighed, "They were going to blow themselves up." Joey was confused at Hawk's reasoning as Hunter, icepack on his face, said in response, "How could you tell, bounty hunter? From where you were standing, there is no way you could've seen anything on the feline." Hawk looked over at Hunter, "I just...know things ahead of time. Don't ask me why, I just do." Just as Hunter was about to speak, the door opened as a guard entered, "Begging your teams pardon, but Commander Cruger wanted me to give you an update on the downtown situation. Hawk was in the right with the folks he shot; each one had a small explosive device strapped to them. They were heading to the nearby precinct on orders of Simon and Loki to blow it up." The team was stunned as they looked back at Hawk, who just stood there and shrugged. How did Hawk know this, Joey wondered and had opened his mouth to ask the question when, suddenly, the room shook.
"Was that an earthquake?" Joey asked before the alarm went off.
"ALL GUARDS AND GALACTIC RANGERS: REPORT TO THE HANGAR! WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! REPEAT: UNDER ATTACK!" The booming intercom voice echoed, the guards all rushing to the hangar in response, the Galactic Rangers following close behind.

The hangar had became a massive warzone as the SPD troops valiantly fought back against the hostile force who had somehow breached their perimeter. Causalities were rising on both sides and neither side so any hint of letting up. The Rangers, having joined the fight, found this to be equally as difficult but they weren't going to let whoever this force was win. T-Bone and Jazz took to the front lines to assist, Tigress and Hunter dealt with disabling the VTOLs, while Hawk and Joey handled the rest. While the rangers were turning the tide, it was becoming very clear that this was going to be a possible loss as the opposing force was surprisingly well equipped and well trained, as Joey found out when a few of the soldiers he took on were still standing, even after he landed some good blows on them. Hawk, meanwhile, was having no issues dealing with the soldiers as his revolvers were strong enough to punch through their armor.
"Hawk! I need help!" Joey yelled as he was slowly becoming over run by the soldiers. Hawk looked over from his position, taking another soldier out without looking. He could run over and help, but that would leave this area open, he thought as he reloaded his firearms, plus Joey's in armor, he can handle it. Hawk continued to take out the ones he was focused on, hearing Joey yell once again, this time from a solider landing a solid hit on his helmet. Hawk looked back at Joey then at his guns, swearing at his own conciseness. "JOEY!" He suddenly roared, spinning the guns on his hand, "CATCH!" Joey looked over at Hawk and watched as he threw his guns towards him. Without missing a beat, Joey kicked himself up from the ground and reached, catching the massive revolvers in his paws. He then swung them around and, without fail, fired each one, taking out the soldiers attacking him one by one. Hawk, meanwhile, finished up with another solider, quickly ending him with a blast from his sawed-off as Joey ran over.
"Nice shooting...Joey," Hawk said to Joey's surprise, "Where'd you learn to shoot like that?" Joey smiled under his helmet as he handed Hawk back his guns, Hawk in turn holstering them, "My uncle Deadeye taught me." Hawk stood there as Joey ran over to T-Bone, who was motioning him over. The fighting was over and they had captured the remaining soldiers and were interrogating them for information. Hawk, meanwhile, sat on a nearby crate, Joey's words from earlier still echoing in his mind. He never wanted to admit it but everything he said was true. He was cocky and he loved working alone but that wasn't going to fly here, as evident by him seeing Joey use his guns to take out those attacking him.
"Saw what you did," Hawk looked over as Hunter spoke to him, "Guess you do have a heart after all." Hawk, for the first time since arriving, just smiled but before he could say anything, "Hey guys! Commander Cruger wants us in the briefing room. He said it's urgent," T-Bone said while he and the other members ran by, Hawk and Hunter following them.

"Firstly, I want to congratulate you team on a successful defense. We lost many a good men today but we would've lost more if you guys hadn't arrived," Commander Cruger told the team, "Now, thanks to info we've gathered from these soldiers, we have gotten the location of Simon and Loki and are sending you guys in to stop them from launching another attack."
"Where are they located?" T-Bone asked.
"Downtown, in a hotel across from where the first attack happened. We'll be sending you guys in via the roof in a standard Transport VTOL as to not arouse suspicion from them. You are to go in and arrest them both and bring them back alive."
"Don't worry, I have no intentions on killing them now," Hawk said, offering a small smile to Joey. With that, the team was dismissed and boarded the VTOL, which then took off to the location in question.
"What's the plan, T-Bone," Hunter asked as the VTOL landed.
"Simple breach and clear," T-Bone replied quietly as they entered the hotel. Inside Simon and Loki's room, the duo was busy relaxing and planning out the next stage of their attack, deciding on where the best place to strike would be. Simon then stood up from the table and headed to the other room to grab something and Loki sat there looking over the plans when he began to sense something was wrong. Slowly he stood up and walked over to where Simon was and whispered something. Suddenly, the door where they once were flew open as the rangers stormed in. To their confusion, there was only papers in the room and, in the next, a ring shaped scorch mark.
"Doggone it," Joey mumbled before looking back at T-Bone, "I think they bailed." T-Bone cussed before getting on the radio, "T-Bone to HQ, do you copy? Targets have escaped, repeat, targets have escaped."
"Escaped? How?"
"We believe through a dimension portal of sorts."
"Darn...alright, come back to HQ. Looks like we got a lot of work ahead of us." T-Bone nodded and informed the others to head to the roof for pick-up. As the others left, Joey stopped at T-Bone's side, "You think we'll find them?" T-Bone looked down at Joey, "I hope so, Joey. Cause I hate to think what will happen if we don't."

(The Galactic Rangers will return....)
HousepetZ: Galactic Rangers

Far above a distant planet, a massive orbiting satellite hovered above menacingly. Inside the satellite and within one of the offices, a figure stood at the window, looking out at the planet below.
"Sir, we have a situation developing," another figure said as they entered the room, "It appears the S.P.D dimension have a new team of sorts which appears to be made from members of other dimensions." The one just chuckled as the other cleared his throat, "They seem to be a very formidable force, judging by why they were picked out from the others and..."
"And what, Blake?"
"And..we fear that a battle with them could lead to wide-spread destruction." Blake replied as he adjusted his tie. The other figure turned around, now sporting a five billion dollar grin as his well-kept face shined in the office's light. He then laughed, much to Blake's shock. "I dealt with Vault Hunters. I can deal with costumed heroes, Blake. Just stick to the plan." Blake nodded, "Very good, Jack." He replied a bit shakingly but the figure quickly raised his hand and smiled, "Ah tut tut tut! Not Jack....Handsome Jack."

(...and a handsome villain is on his way)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Something I just figured out right now but it took me a while because I am a bit slow on the uptake but I figured it out now.

Spoiler alert: Snape kills Dumbledore. Also Hawk Redsky is Rockstar Hawk from a different dimension
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 2:25 pm Something I just figured out right now but it took me a while because I am a bit slow on the uptake but I figured it out now.

Spoiler alert: Snape kills Dumbledore. Also Hawk Redsky is Rockstar Hawk from a different dimension
Nice theory but I can confirm Hawk Redsky is NOT Rockstar Hawk from a different dimension.
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
Creator of the ongoing fic - HousepetZ: Survivor Tails
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