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Harry Johnathan
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Post by Harry Johnathan »

H-Pets: Hero Pets!
H-Pets: Hero Pets!
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Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Sat Sep 11, 2021 4:27 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CHAPTER ONE: An Auspicious Beginning
A story by Harry Johnathan

In the 1800s, during the Industrial Revolution, some species of moth would turn grey colored to better camouflage themselves in the pollution on the streets. In the not too distant future, mega corporations like Milton Technologies would usher in a second Industrial Age, resulting in evolution taking a quick and major leap forward. Animals would begin to develop sentience, and then superpowers, to adapt to living on the streets of the now dangerous and huge cities, some the size of a small country, which were infested with crime and corruption.



Something woke up in the dark crevices of Pandemonium. Something that had been sleeping for thousands of years. Something that wanted revenge.

“Bahamut…”, The Something rumbled.



MAY 9th, 1973

“Hey, Kit, check this out!”

Peter Gaspar, Kit Jackson, and Drana Shapiro were on their high-school field trip to Egypt. Kit and Drana were currently busy spray-painting gang-signs in an old cave. Pete had been mucking around, digging in the sand and had found a strange object. It looked a bit like a wooden chess piece, but had a bird’s head. A dragon was wrapped around the piece, and nine-fox tails were carved on the back, along with an inscription in an ancient language.

“What do you think it means?”, Pete asked the others, when a flash of green light engulfed them. They found themselves in a dark room, with carvings on the walls burning eternally like a piece of paper in the fire. An old man in a purple and gold robe, with a magnificent beard and a glowing, spinning Byzantine halo behind his head, appeared to them. He had a staff which had the golden figure of a whale on it's tip.

“I am Bahamut.”, the old man said in a deep, booming voice. “And you have been chosen to inherit my powers.”

The three teens were too scared too to say anything… except Pete, who was just confused. “What?”

“Silence, boy!”, screeched Bahamut. Pete cowered in fear. He had soiled his pants. Thankfully, both Kit and Drana were too terrified of this deranged wizard man to make fun of him, as they usually did.

Bahamut grabbed his staff and slammed it hard into the ground below them. "You three are not worthy to inherit this great power!" A wave of energy spread around the teens, and they feel into a deep sleep…


MAY 10th, 1973

...awakening on the bus to the airport home.

They all looked at each-other, confirming what they had seen wasn't just a dream. They looked above them. A message, on the ceiling, written in what looked to be blood, dripping down onto them.




Grape Andersen was a stray cat. A stray cat that KNEW how to survive, as evidenced by her current beat-down of three street-dogs.

“N-ugh!”, the first, a Border-Collie, cried as Grape landed a flying kick into his family jewels!


“Gah!”, cried another right as Grape landed a swipe to his face with her claws, drawing blood, even!


AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!”, screamed another as Grape punched him right in the kisser!


Her heart beating wildly, excitedly, Grape ran as fast as she could with the thing that started the fight, her prize...

...a single slice of pie she stole from some old woman's windowsill.



Grape was eating her food in a dark, back, alley-way. She had nothing on her mind other than what to find to eat the very next day.

While, okay, one thing was on her mind...



"Mom, where are we?", asked a purple, periwinkle kitten as her owner, a young dark-skinned woman with a purple-dyed buzz cut, dropped her off from her beat up motorcycle. It was raining.

"Princess, I know this hard.", the human woman said. "But this is better for you. I can't afford to take care of you, not after I lost it all."

"Mommy, don't go!", Princess cried, but the human had rode off.

Princess cried on the curb for what seemed like hours. Why would mommy abandon her? Is this MY fault, she thought aloud. Was I not cute enough? Was I not smart enough? Didn't I help around the house like she wanted me to? Didn't she love me? Was it something I did? She was about to get up, perhaps to search for her owner, when a jogger in bright neon apperal ran past her, spraying mud on her coat.

"Hey!", Princess cried.

"Screw you you stupid cat!", the man said as he kept jogging.

She sat back down and noticed an advertisment for grape soda behind her on the glass window of a food store.

Grape. Huh. She liked that.

She liked that name alot.

She heard footsteps behind her. “Who’s there?” She saw nothing.

Must have been the rats. Grape always hated rats. They were quite sneaky…

Suddenly, as she turned around to see a man in a dark cloak, pushing her forward, stuffing over her mouth a cloth lined with cholorform…

EPISODE I: An Auspicious Beginning
Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Mon Aug 15, 2022 7:02 pm, edited 11 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This story has started out really engrossing! I can't wait to see what you have planned next!
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Re: H-Pets

Post by trekkie »

Nice beginning. I like that Grape is still kicking tail. And nice touch with the pie. Is Pete in the story Pete the Griffin from the canonical HP?
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

trekkie wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 6:07 pm Nice beginning. I like that Grape is still kicking tail. And nice touch with the pie. Is Pete in the story Pete the Griffin from the canonical HP?
Yeah, I felt that aspect of Grape has been missing in my other fics and even in the comic itself as of lately. And yup, Mrs. McGillicuddy exists in this universe. Maybe I should use her for something. :?: :!: Oh! And you'll be seekng more of Pete soon enough.... ;)
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This Grape is my favorite hands down because I love how very authoritarian she is when she is defeating the bad guys and making sure they can't take her down. I do wish that in the comic we would see more of that Grape also.
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

A story by Harry Johnathan


When Grape woke up, she found herself in a warehouse, tied to a chair.

“Well, this sucks…”

She looked around her to see that there were two others by her side. A chihuahua with a blue-scarf and a...puddle of questionable liquid at his feet, and another cat, a tom with black fur, a grey muzzle and underbelly, and a torn ear. He had on a leather jacket. He looked pretty slick as well.

“Well this is just great, isn't it.”

Grape thought about how strange this all was. She had spent her life foraging, fighting and living on the streets. 12 long years of this, and it would all end in some creep’s warehouse where she would no doubt be sold into slavery in some African micronation or be killed and sold as mincemeat.

The chihuahua, who had been asleep, awoke. He started to panic.

“Where am I?”, the terrified dog asked.

The tomcat, who had been awfully quiet beforehand, spoke up. “Hello. I’m Maxwell, but just call me Max. And as for your question, I don't know either.”

The dog took many deep-breaths and finally said, in a calmed down-ish tone “I'm Sten. Sten Rockwell.”

Grape didn't speak. They were all gonna die anyway --- what's the point of introducing themselves?

“Hey, purple cat.”, Max said. “You mute or somethin’?”

“What's his deal?”, Sten asked.

Grape got defensive. “First off, I'm no he, I'm a she. Second off, my name is Grape and we're in Hell.”

Max laughed. “Finally got you to talk.”

“I did it of my accord.”

“Mean streak, much?”, Max said.

Grape sneered at him. “You're a jerk.”

Max looked at her. “And you smell like lütefisk, madam.”

“I'll kill you for that, you mangy-!”

A door in the corner of the warehouse opened. In through it came a thin, gaunt-faced man in a dark suit, with a black mask, a blue cape, a brown, aged fedora and dress shoes.

“Hullo, hullo, hullo, my lovely captives."

“Did you kidnap us?”, Max asked.

The man looked around. "Well, I mean. What does this look like to you? A family reunion?”

“Cut with the crappy jokes. Who are you? And what do you plan to do with us?”, Grape demanded.

The mysterious man in black sat down on a nearby chair. A light turned on, revealing a large, green ALLIGATOR by the side of the chair, which the man petted!

“I can't tell who I am. But I can tell you that I plan to sell you to the highest bidder. You're special, I can tell. It's my power to find extraordinary people like you, after all."

“What's so special about us?!”, Max demanded.

“You have powers no else has. That alone makes you exceptional in the eyes of my associates, who all have a use for each of you. But, as an added bonus, all of you are unknowns. Thrown out, discarded on the streets, unwanted. Maxwell, you were born on the streets. Grape, your owner abandoned you. Sten, your owners were deported to Mexico. That makes you all perfect for shaping, molding, perfecting into mindless machines for work and play.”

“You're big one sicko, you know that?”, Max cried.

“So I've been told. Now, let's begi-”

Suddenly, a group of people burst into the room. Dressed in black leather, these people looked like FBI agents, but they were all animals, save for a few.

Also, FBI agents don't typically have super-powers.

The unexpected heroes freed the captives, restrained the Stranger, and one of them even PUNCHED the alligator. A group of others, all men dressed in suits, came in and started to fight the heroes. Grape grabbed a broom and began beating the men in suits. Max ran into a corner and seemingly vanished into thin air. Grape was shocked. Max reappeared seconds later on a ceiling beam, dropping bricks onto the attackers below. Sten ran into the arms of the human agents, and when one suit man went up to him, he sprayed a giant stream of water at him from seemingly no-where!

When all was said and done, the warehouse was trashed, and Grape stood in the middle of the room with her broom, exhausted. She sat down.

A man in a white suit walked into the room, a ferret draped over his shoulders. The man was clapping. “Well done, kids. Well done.”


He looked at the three captives. “Hello. My name is Henry Milton. Would you like to come with me?”

Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Mon Aug 15, 2022 7:08 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

You always know exactly how to write stories! I love this so much!
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Maxcrawler... Gotta have fun with that.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

If you have it, then you definitely need to play around with it as much as you can!
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Re: H-Pets

Post by trekkie »

Grape, Max, and Sten are a formidable team. I like that you’re using Sten, he is underused. Is Henry Milton going to be like Professor Xavier? Keep up the good work. Looking forward to meeting the rest off the team.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

A story by Harry Johnathan

MILTON TECH, INC., MAY 3rd, 2***

Grape awoke after the long drive. It seemed like hours had passed since Mr. Milton had loaded, Max, Grape and Sten into one of his companys vans and headed towards his business. In fact, it had only been around 30 minutes. She, along with the other two, had fallen asleep during the ride, exhausted.

When she had awoken, she noticed that she had rested her head on Max's shoulders. Eep! She quickly snatched her head away and tried to distance herself from him.

The van stopped, and Sten woke Max up using a small tickle of warm water down his neck. Max had slapped Sten, who began to cry, forcing Henry to comfort him. The trio entered the immense skyscraper Milton owned.

"Welcome to my 'humble' abode.", Henry chuckled.

Grape noticed Henry's pet ferret. He had a bronze nametag reading Keene. He didn't seem very talkative.

"Hey, can you talk?", Grape asked the ferret.

Henry spoke for him. "He was born without vocal chords."

Grape felt sorry for the little guy. Note to self: try not to injure the poor dook too hard, even if he's annoying.


The trio had sat around in Henry's lobby. They were given food, water, and even a soda, when Sten asked for it. Sten was a big eater, everybody found out, but also ran to the bathroom at least 3 times. Sten also wouldn't stop spewing facts about sharks and dolphins, annoying Grape a bit, although she tried not to claw his face.

A brown furred dog in a wheelchair, playing with a 3Ds, came into the room, his chair being rolled along by a yellow Pomerian. "Ooh, these the new kids?", the dog asked, excitedly, to the Pom. He reminded Grape of a young human child with his mannerisms."

"Yes, Peanut, those are the new kids.", The Pom said, in an almost exasperated, but still sweet, tone.

"New kids?", Max asked. He was playing with some red yarn, and had gotten his paws tangled up. He would come to regret playing with it later on.

"Yeah.", Peanut said. "Mr. Milton finds strays living on the streets and adopts them. He's adopted at least 30 pets already!"

Grape, Max and Sten were startled. They had never agreed to be adopted, not like they had a choice in the matter, but it still came as a surprise.

What had they gotten themselves into?


Henry returned to the lobby soon, sweating. "Sorry. The executive board weren't too keen on my idea to buy out PETA."

"Okay, what's going on, old man?", Grape asked, pointing at Henry. She looked ridiculous, pointing fingers at and staring down the much taller human like an angry wife, but she didn't care. "Why did you adopt us, what kind of sick racket you running?"

Henry smiled at her, bending over to look her in the eyes. Grape had to admit, he had a genuinely nice and warm look about him. "I'm looking to start a little group. Something has come to my attention, something that could change life as we know it..."

Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

A story by Harry Johnathan


Grape had fallen asleep fairly quickly. Henry had taken the pets to the courthouse and gotten custody. It was surprisingly easy to adopt 3 pets, but given that Henry was rich, no, make that obscenely rich, it didn't seem surprising it would be easy for him.

Grape awoke in the night to the sound of rummaging in the kitchen. Henry's house was surprisingly small and modest. It was clear it was only meant for him and Keene to live in. His other pets, he explained, lived in a secret annex in his skyscraper. He was letting his new adoptees sleep in his house right now until he could introduce them to the others. Grape wondered and spoke with Max and Sten about this. Why did they live in a secret annex? What was Henry Milton up to?

Grape went into the kitchen, and found some racoons digging around. "What the heck?"

The raccoons were startled, to say the least, and began to make a run for it. Grape wouldn't have it. She chased after them (there were 2) and beat them with Henry's broom. It was fantastic. They were on the floor, unconcious, in mere seconds. Grape wiped her brow. She was sweating. Suddenly, she realized her claws had grown... grown beyond their natural length!

"What the-"

Grape looked behind her to see Henry. Awake. Coffee in hand.




"Meet your new siblings!", Henry said enthusiastically.

"Where's Peanut and Tarot?", Sten asked.

"Oh, they're busy out shopping at the mall. Peanut really wants the new Pridelands comic. Besides, you've already met them."

The trio looked and were greeted by a large, dark brown furred dog with floppy ears and sunglasses. "Hey, I'm Fido. This is my girlfriend, Sabrina."

A black cat went up to them and shook their hands along with Fido. She had a wicked smile and looked much older than the others there, along with Fido. It was clear they were the oldest of the siblings.

"This is Res. He likes writing, and is quite shy, but don't let looks deceive you. When he gets mad, HE GETS MAD."

"H-hi", the shy Maine Coon said. He shook hands with them, but seemed nervous as he shook Grape's. It was clear that, aside from Sabrina, he hadn't even seen many female cats before. Or even just cats in general.

"This is Kevin, he's our bruiser. He can also see ghosts and spirits." Kevin was a large Doberman with one ear noticeably clipped. His tail was a stub.

"Hi", Max said, as he shook a sweating Kevin's hand. Kevin took a drink of an energy drink.

"This is Jata. He's Kevin's partner on the team. He used to date Sabrina, but their relationship didn't really work out." Jata came over. He was a large yellow leopard with black spots and whiter than white fangs with a grin that made Sabrina look almost innocent. It was clear from his somewhat small size compared to most leopards he wasn't purebred. He was a mixed breed, and one half of that was a housecat.

Grape blushed upon seeing Jata. She felt her new collar pop a bit. Max looked peeved at her. She nervously shook Jata's hand. "H-hi, there."

"Hello!", Jata said, grinning.

"Alright, enough of the introductions, let's get some grub!", Henry said, clapping his hands together. He chuckled.


Lunch was good. It was a type of dry food Henry placed into a microwave like device attached to a computer that somehow turned the dust in packets he had placed inside into real food. Chicken, actually.

"I'm proud of this little numbee. I call it the Kibblenator.", Henry beamed.

"What line of business do you work in, exactly?", Max asked.

"Electronics. Loved inventing ever since I was a kid. Keene also likes tinkering, that's why I adopted him. Tarot's better at it, though. She helps me build my inventions, bringing them to life. Like the Spookmaster 3000. But the Spookmaster gained a life of it's own and I was forced to destroy it. It was my only failure. But I managed to build this food device out of it's remains."

Tarot and Peanut had returned, Peanut engrossed in his comic-book. Grape noticed the muscly lion on the cover. Note to self: "Borrow" that comic, and never return it.

Res was busy writing something on his computer. He didn't seem to want to eat. Kevin, who was sitting by him along with Jata, tried to get him to eat.

"You're so skinny. You need to build up some more muscle if you want t-"

Res took a sip of his Not Chocolate and ignored them. When he had enough, he got and GROWLED.

"Shut it, Kev. Remember what happened last time you got me exasperated!"

"Yeah, that scar lasted for weeks."

"Good, you're not completely dumb, then!" Kevin sat back down, whimpering like a puppy.

Grape was astonished by Res' audacity, but even more astonished by the fact Kevin seemed SCARED of him. What could Res have done to make Kevin react the way he did?!


Grape sat by the fireplace in the lobby. Res walked up to her, and seemed nervous.

"Uh, G-Grape?", he asked. Grape took a sip of her Not Chocolate.

"Could I ask you something?"

"Yeah?" Grape was intrigued.

"Would you be my girlfriend?"

Grape pondered that question for at least five minutes.

"Um, sorry but I'm not looking for a boyfriend right now."

"Oh." Res seemed defeated. "Okay then".

As Res began walking away, Grape called for him. "Hey!"

Grape ran up to Res and kissed him on the cheek. Res was shocked, to say the least. He stammered like he just saw a ghost.

"What - I, I, I...-"

"You're still not my boyfriend, but thought I'd give you a consultation prize.", Grape snickered. She walked away, her tail swaying.

Res looked at her for a good while, whistfully, then walked back to the main room.

Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Obbl »

Oh, this is the direction we're going! :lol:
You're character interactions are a lot of fun
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Obbl wrote: Thu Apr 08, 2021 5:20 am Oh, this is the direction we're going! :lol:
You're character interactions are a lot of fun
Thank you. And don't worry, romance is not the main theme of the work. Also, look out for a surprise character from canon. ;)
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CHAPTER FIVE: Hearts & Minds
A story by Harry Johnathan


"Stupid computer malfunctions."

Dr. Orwell Johnson wasn't the kind of doctor that liked working in squeaky clean white offices. He much rather enjoyed working in dark, cramped, dirty rooms. It brought him a certain level of comfort, a nod to his origins in a backwoods nigh-abandoned orphanage in Missouri. His colleaguges would mock him for this, calling him names like Dr. Frankenstein and The Count, but he never cared much for them. Not since the accident that killed his dog and gave him the burns on his wrists he had now.

Orwell liked joking about how cliché his behavior could get at times (he must've practiced his "evil laugh" a thousand times now) but he wasn't always a cackling mad scientist. When he got serious about one of his plans, he got SERIOUS and nothing would stand in his way. He did it for Sophie. Sophie, the little black and gold wire haired-poodle he owned since he left the orphanage to study medicine at Harvard and returned after 10 gruelling years of school to find the orphanage replaced by an apartment complex and the head mother, Sister Nancy, in the hospital with stage 4 cancer.

Orwell motioned to his assistant, Joel Robinson, a 20-something dolt only staying with the creepy doctor for the paycheck. Together, they had formulated a scheme that Orwell knew would change the world. Something that would change it for the better, and Orwell was determined to make his scheme happen, even if he had to kill thousands to acheive his goal.

He was doing it for Sophie.



Grape was eating breakfast with Max and Sten at their own little table. Max and Sten were busy having an arm-wrestling match while Grape watched with amusement.

"Woah!", Sten cried as Max easily overpowered the chihuahua.

"Let's go again, shall we?", Max laughed, flashing his signature chesire toothy grin. Grape had to admit, when he smiled he DID look rather charming.

Sten and Max went at it, and Sten, strangely and surprisingly, managed to win.

"Woah, you're good!", Max said, chuckling.


Grape and Max were walking together alone along the halls of Milton Tech, while Sten was busy... um, relieving himself.

"You let him win, didn't you?"

Max laughed. "I thought it'd boost his self confidence."

"Wouldn't it be better to let him learn how to win things himself, with his own skills?"

"Oh, hush up Grape."


Sabrina was busy meditating in her own little room, filled with candles. She felt someone up behind her, trying to sneak a hug.

"Hello, Fido."

"Hi, dear.", Fido said. The two sat down by each-other, admiring the fire in the candle before them.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Hmmm..." The two began to kiss.

Suddenly, they heard a camera flash behind them, along with the roll of wheels.


Henry was busy at his office, writing some papers. Keene wrapped himself around his shoulders and began making an almost purr-like noise, begging to be petted.

Henry did so, despite being mildly annoyed by his dook boy's interruption of his work. Suddenly, Henry felt a cold chill down his shoulder.

"Something's coming...", Henry said, coldly, without an explaination...


Peanut was drawing an army of dire wolves fighting an army of humans, and watched as they all came alive and started having a messy ink war. Tarot watched him, waiting for Peanut to ask to be loaded into his wheel-chair and walked around.

Doesn't he see that I love him?, Tarot thought to herself as she continued working on her newest device. She sighed to herself. Nope, he doesn't at all.

Tarot felt compelled to look through Peanut's drawer, and found an odd drawing. A dog with a cat's tail, sticking it's tongue out like it was really slick. How odd.

Then she found another picture. A real photograph, taken with Peanut's Kodak camera.

Of Fido and Sabrina. Making out. In B&W.

And colored in with Peanut and Grape's fur colors.

Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CHAPTER SIX: Seventy Times Seven
A story by Harry Johnathan


About two days had passed since Grape, Max and Sten had started living at Henry's office in the hidden annex. They had spent most of their time goofing around, watching superhero movies together or laughing at B-movies and having playful fights. Henry had, strangely enough, seemed to encourage roughhousing amongst the pets.

While playing on Peanut's NES Classic, they heard Henry talking upstairs. The wall of the skyscraper were surprisingly thin so you could regularly hear conversations from the upstairs floors if you were quiet enough.

"What you're proposing, Mr. Gaspar, could have disastrous results. I can't fund your company for very much longer if you continue with this outlandish, absurd, and dangerous idea."

"But don't you see? If we bribe President Griffin to pass this law quickly, quitely and in a hurry, people won't have time to react! By then, all attempts to stop it will be null"

"If we pass it too quickly, a major social upheavel would take place! There would be riots, and-"

"Think about the implactions for animal rights!"

"don't you get it? The violent reactions from the public to this drastic measures would only scare the government! It would, in all actuality, FUEL bigotry and be a damperment to animal rights! Next, you'll be telling me you're gonna turn every human into animals!"

"... that's not outside the realm of possibility, considering the resources we have gathered."

"Get the heck out of my office, Pete. NOW!"

Shocked at that conversation and surprised at hearing Henry angry for once, the trio continued playing Bubble Bobble and pretended they heard nothing.


"Hey, stop that you dink!"

Jata had to pull away Keene from chewing on the telephone wires, to Keene's massive displeasure. The little ferret protested being placed in a protective bubble by Jata, but could do nothing about it.

Sabrina sat down at the counter and took a drink of an orange soda. Jata looked at the clock.

"Heh. It's only 3."

"Time slogs slow when you're not having fun.", Sabrina joked.

Jata snorted. "Say, dear. Why did we break up again?"

"Don't you remember the incident? It's still on one of the security tapes if you're intrested"

"It's not my fault I didn't know you could get drunk on orange soda."

"It was Peanut's 1st birthday. There wasn't even supposed to be any orange soda!"

"That didn't stop YOU from sneaking it in!"

"YOU fought with a bunch of wolves, and then nearly DROWNED me in the swimming pool!"

"It was only about 5 feet deep."

"I was drunk, and never learned how to swim! You were passed out in a corner, so thank Heavens Fido found me and helped me out!"

"Fido was drunk too!"

"Not nearly as drunk as you!"

The two both broke out into laughter over their exchange. Sabrina handed Jata an orange soda.

"Don't drown me, now.", She teased him. Jata scoffed before downing the can in five seconds. "Hand me another, ma belle."



Grape was walking around the Milton Estate later that day when she found Peanut sitting alone in a little doghouse crudely made from redwood.

"Peanut, what are you doing in there?"

"Oh, hi Grape." Peanut blushed. "Tarot told me to come here."

Grape looked confused. "..why?"

"I did something naughty."

"Oh, Peanut!", Tarot called from the Manor. "You can come back inside now!"

"Gotta go. See ya!", Peanut called, before realizing... "Eh, mind carrying me into the house, Grape?"



Dr. Johnson continued tinkering with the device as Joel labored around. "Why do I have to do all the hard work around here?"

"Complain again, and that's another 100 off the paycheck!"

"An, come on, dude."

"Here, have some lemonade."

"Thanks!", Joel replied as he drank it...

Joel spit it out. "Ugh, this carp tastes awful!"

"That's because it's not lemonade, it's pure citric acid."

"...just why, Orwell. Just why."

"You know why, Joel and always have."

Orwell sat there as Joel, in a huff, continued cleaning up around the lab. Orwell chewed on his pencil as he thought about HER again.

"Daddy, what's a Christmas?"

Orwell chuckled at his little black pup. The pride of his life. His daughter. "Honey, Christmas is a holiday created by the Catholic Church to celebrate the birth of the founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ-"

"Daddy, I mean, what do you DO on Christmas?"

"Oh, that you mean, sweetie." He laughed. "Well, on Christmas you just --- spend time with your FAMILY and FRIENDS and give each other gifts and eat and play games and tell stories and..."

Orwell began chewing on his pencil again. He did that when he was feeling uncertain about something.

"You okay, boss?", Joel asked.

"No.", Dr. Johnson said. "In fact, I'm feeling quite horrible."

Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Great job on writing all of this! I really have enjoyed it all!
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

The construction is coming along well.
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

A story by Harry Johnathan


Dr. Johnson looked over the papers for his plans again and again. "Only a metahuman of power higher than 7 gigs and with a high concentration of hormones in the body commonly associated with puberty can power my device."

"Uh, sir?", Joel asked. Johnson was peeved. "What now, Joel?" "I searched through the police database. I found a meta who meets our requirements."


MILTON TECH, MAY 8th, 5:30

Everyone who knew Jill Krenzler said she was fierce, a force to be reckoned with. Her training in the CIA wasn't for nothing, afterall. But one person who knew, a little pup named Peanut Sandwich, also knew another side of her. She was also caring, kind, loyal. It was no secret she had a soft-spot for the little dog.

She had no such soft-spot for his owner, however.

Yes, Earl Sandwich, Milton Tech's pathetic janitor. The man who broke her heart in College.

Now, Jill was walking down the halls of the building one day and came across Earl mopping the floors. Sten had a... bit of an accident earlier, and Keene's latest antics hadn't helped matters, and he had to clean it up.

Jill laughed at him. "Wow. Went from studying astronomy to cleaning up superpowered pee."

Earl grunted as he thrust the mop into the bucket of water, swirling it around as he began to wipe the floors again. "Hey, at least my job's useful. You're just another bodyguard for a man whose entire lineup of pets count as boyguards."

Jill huffed and puffed as she walked away to her room.



Shardul Lamberchild was a tiger with a serious mean-streak. He acted in Hollywood movies before they dumped him after realizing that they could just use CGI instead. Less danger, they said. Tigers could hurt them, after all.

Shardul was placed in a zoo, but a raid on the zoo by The Stranger and his men allowed him to escape into the city sewers, where he was taken in by The local Mafia. Yes, the local Mafia, run by the city's feared and ruthless don Thomas Lamberchild and his sister Cecilia. Of course, Shardul knew that Ceclia was the REAL power behind Thomas's criminal empire, but he wouldn't tell anyone. Not when his pay was so good.

Yes, Shardul was a tiger for hire.

Shardul picked up the phone that evening, expecting Thomas, but instead heard the voice of that doctor. The Mob had already given him quite a bit of money for his services, so what did he want now?

"Mr. Lamberchild, I need you to bring me Peanut Sandwich... alive."

Shardul listened on. Hmmm, he couldn't argue with $500,000 now could he?


Ralph was once the captain of the Babylon City police K9 force. He had gotten old, so he had been hired by Mr. Milton to be his assistant, doing menial labor and being someone to talk to.

Henry was handed a file from the police by Ralph. "Thank you, Ralph."

"My pleasure."

He looked it over. A madman in a lab coat with a younger accomplice had been robbing banks.

He looked at the photo in the file. He noticed burnmarks on the perp's wrists.

Henry's eyes lit up in both terror and great sadness. "Orwell..."


Peanut was playing on his computer when he felt an odd rumbling going on around outside him. "Huh, what's that?" He heard nothing. He went back to playing when, quite suddenly, a wall behind him BURST RIGHT OPEN!

"What the-?"

Peanut saw a van, and out of it came a tiger. A tiger in a bussiness suit with a Tommy Gun.

"Hey!" Tarot ran into the room and towards the tiger, who knocked her over, slapped her face and threw her to the side of the room! Shardul grabbed Peanut by the ears right off his wheelchair and loaded him into the back of the van.

"Hey, what are you going to do with me!"

"Nothing at all. You should be worrying about the man in the driver's seat."

Peanut looked over.

Dr. Johnson and Joel, staring at him, with crooked smiles filled with dirty yellow teeth.

Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:38 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

A story by Harry Johnathan


Grape had seen a van passing by her as she walked to the store for groceries. Nothing out of the ordinary, except for the passenger she saw in the tinted windows with her exceptional night vision.

Peanut... bound and gagged!

"Peanut! I'm coming!"

Without thinking, she ran after the van, knocking over several street venders and confusing many and jumped under it. She grabbed onto the bottom with all her strength, but she didn't dare make an attack given the gas blowing all around her, making even her night vision unreliable.



Henry Milton, followed by Fido and Sabrina, ran into the Manor, alerted to an emergency by the J.E.E.V.E.S supercomputer. When they got inside, they found a giantic, truck-sized hole in the wall and Tarot laying on the floor, bleeding. Fido applied a cold tissue to Tarot's head wound, and Tarot felt herself becoming groggy. She threw up.

"They... took... Peanut.", she croaked out, barely able to speak after being left for dead for hours on the cold mansion floor.

"Who? Who took Peanut?", Henry asked her outwatdly calmly, but hiding an inward fury hotter than even Hell itself! His fists were beginning to shake. "There was this .. Tiger, with a machine gun, and these two men. One was in a brown lab coat, and the other in a green suit and tie."

Henry processed what Tarot had just said to him. He knew who the tiger was. Shardul, the infamous hitman. He had no clue who the man in the green suit could be, but the brown lab coat was a signature of Dr. Orwell Johnson, the acclaimed weapons designer who had been after the... "Incident" years ago. Was he kidnapped as well?

They had no time to find out. But they did have time to find Peanut.



MILTON TECH MAY 8th, 10:00

Henry had arrived at his building, allowing his workers to go home early. He took the H-Pets to his office and explained the situation.

"Peanut's been kidnapped by a hitman we think is working for the Thomasian Mafia. We have no other info other than he is being driven to the city in a black van!"

"Uh, Where's Grape, sir?", Sten said, sipping on a juice box. "We haven't seen her a-all day!"

Henry was now more worried than ever.

He fainted!


The luminescent glow of the hospital TV awoke Orwell Johnson, who was laying in his bed. He began to groan from the pain of his injuries. He remembered vividly the sharp, flaming shrapnel from the accident flying by, grazing his wrists, and the flames engulfing him as he cried out for Sophie admist the chaos, while Henry had run to get help...

Suddenly, the familiar music of the news station blared throughout the dingy hospital room.

"Scientist Orwell Johnson, acclaimed weapons designer and former employee of the Milton Tech Corporation, today is in the hospital after his new creation, the Spookmaster 3,000, an improvement on Henry Milton's failed Spookmaster 2,000 electronic game console, exploded due to intense heat during testing, killing his dog Sophie and severely injuring his hands. When asked about the tragedy, Henry Milton only responded "I warned him." More news at 10:00. Reporter Kate Gelato signing off. This is R&R News."

Orwell Johnson sat in his hospital bed. He punched his radio upon hearing the news. "I warned him?" "I WARNED HIM?" What kind of statement was that?

Still fresh in his mind, Orwell thought about Sophie. The only "person" that ever really cared for him and not for his reputation or money. The only "person" that ever really appreciated him, unlike that clown Henry Milton.

Oh, how Orwell wished he could just forget Sophie's screams! But, no! He never would. This must be his divine purpose. To rid the world of pain and suffering with his inventions.

Even if he had to kill a few people to do it...



Peanut awoke to see lights shining above him. He saw a man, no, make that TWO men standing next to him, preparing some sort of electronic device.

"Where am I?", he asked. He felt slow and sluggish. He noticed salve on his arm and a small prick hole. He had been injected with some sort of numbing drug.

Orwell was in his signature dirty brown lab-coat with his yellow gloves and green goggles and a white facemask. "You're in my world now, Peanut Sandwich."


BABYLON CITY, MAY 9th, 12:00

Dressed in leather stealth suits, the H-Pets set out to find and save Peanut from a grizzly fate. They took one of Milton Tech's vans.

"Hey guys, could we stop? I gotta pee.", Sten meekly said.

"No, Sten. We're kinda on a hurry...", Fido protested.

Suddenly, the car's tires were slashed, no, SHOT by a rifle!.

They got out of the van to see Shardul on the road, approaching them with his shotgun!



Grape had thought she'd seen it all, but seeing Peanut in a chair tied up, eyes wide open like A Clockwork Orange really topped everything up to that point!

She felt a hand behind her.

"Hi there, kitty.", Joel said, laughing. He stuffed a bag over her head.

Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: H-Pets

Post by trekkie »

Oh boy, hope the team comes for Grape and Peanut soon. Nice job on the backgrounds for the characters.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This is a very nice story that you are writing! It is just so awesome!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

A story by Harry Johnathan

"Take cover!", cried Fido, as Shardul began shooting at the pets with his two guns. Other men from the Thomasian Mafia came out of Shardul's van, parked by the side of the highway, and began firing at the H-Pets.

Clearly under stress, Sabrina's face glew a yellowish light and all around her body shone brightly. She then fired projectiles out of her eyes(!) and very soon at least 3 of the mobsters were dust on the ground.

Fido grabbed a Tommy Gun and fired at the Mobsters, causing another several to flee the scene, only to be run over by passing trucks. Jata roared, causing another two to run off. Kevin fought several off, while Res stayed inside the Milton's van, holding Max's hand tightly, breathing heavily and trying to keep compsure in this stressful situation. Shardul looked frustrated and shot at them. "Come back, you dinks!", he yelled, but they were long gone by that point. Rather annoyed by this point, Shardul ran into his van and began to drive towards Sten.

Sten, without thinking, blew a blast of water at Shardul's van, sending it flying through the air! The van crashed through an abandoned house across the street, and smoke rose from the rubble! None of the H-Pets bothered to look for Shardul. If he was alive, he would of learned his lesson. They all doubted he would survived a spectacular flight like that, however. Fido looked behind him to find one of the Mobsters beaten up by Kevin laying on the ground, barely able to breath but still alive and concious. Before Fido could do anything, however, Kevin tackled the poor man , grabbed him by the nape of his shirt, pinned him against a nearby brick wall and interrogated him with his smelly breath, the man's back to Kevin's front.

"Where is Peanut?!", Kevin snarled.

"I dunno, I just-"

Kevin pushed the man harder against the wall. "YOU'RE LYING!"

"Okay, don't hurt me, please man! I, I- ju-they're keeping him in the warehouse by 4th Avenue, good lord!"

Kevin dropped him, the crook's head hitting the sandy ground, ncausing the man to have a splitting headache later! They got back into the van and continued driving.



So this was life, huh?, Grape thought to herself whilst tied to a chair, a rope around her mouth to keep her from speaking. I give it 2 stars.

All her life, Grape had just been running, hiding, and beating other people up. Now, she was going to die because she stopped doing that. If she could travel back through time, she would've told her kitten self, that, while hey, fighting ferals all the time is a crappy life, it's nothing compared to being a superhero.

Grape watched with horror as Peanut was loaded into a large machine.

"What are you gonna do to me?!", Peanut asked, clearly terrified.

Dr. Johnson stared at the boy. "You're a metahuman, or in this case, pet, correct? A creature whose genes have mutated from the pollution in the environment to develope special-abilities suited to surviving on the streets?"

Peanut nodded.

Orwell smiled. "Thought so. I need a Meta to power my device, one who is currently entering puberty, and has a power level of at least 7 meta-points. You, Peanut Sandwich, not only fit all of that criteria, but you surpass it, at 8 meta-points. That makes you very powerful. Albeit, you are hindered from your full potential by your... current disability."

Peanut sighed. "I was born like that."

Orwell stared into the dog's sky blue eyes. Even a tough nut like Grape had to admit, Peanut had very beautiful eyes. "Everyone is born with something blocking them. It doesn't have to be pyshical. It can be a mental illness, feelings of inadequatecy, or even something spiritual. A sense of not belonging, for example. I plan to fix all that. With your powers, my machine will mutate the genes in everyone, not just animals, to become perfect. Death, sickness, pain and suffering will be no more."

Grape looked at Orwell. He was insane. Nobody could cure every problem humanity and animals would face, no matter how smart or rich they were. That was an impossible goal, and Orwell was going to risk other people's lives for nothing.

She felt sick.


"Alright, gentlemen. We at Orwell Technologies are proud to announce our partnership with Milton Tech to create the newest, most revoultionery game console of the digital age! Behind, the Spookmaster 3,000!"

The people clapped as Orwell pulled back a curtain to reveal the slick, black ridged gaming device. Reporters snapped photos, kids began to beg their parents for the device.

Orwell beamed with pride. His little dog, Sophie, grabbed his pant leg. He bent down to look at her.

"What is it, sweeite?"

"Oh, daddy! You're so smart, everyone loves your game! I'm so proud to have a daddy like you!"

"I love you too, sweet-"

"EVERYONE RUN! THE THING'S GONNA BLOW!", someone cried suddenly.

Something then blew up, blowing heated, sharp chunks of metal everywhere!



"No! Get back!"

Flames engulfed the room. Then, darkness...

Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CHAPTER TEN: Meanwhile in Babylon
A story by Harry Johnathan

Henry Milton lie in bed, Keene by his side. He had taken a nasty fall after passing unconcious earlier at the news of Grape's disappearance. He heard a rustling behind him, and, startled awake, grabbed his pistol and pointed at the perp of the noise.

"Who's there?!", Henry cried. He saw a fox sitting there, pointing a Lazer pointer at his face.

"Hey, Mr. Milton. Bet you wished I hadn't come back!"

Henry put the gun down and sighed a deep breath. "You."

The fox smiled. "Yeppers! It's me, the world's most annoying fox, Silverbolt at your service!"

Henry wiped his brow. "As if Kari and Steve weren't enough trouble before they left the friggin' planet on that rocket I made the mistake of adopting YOU. You left to become an actor only seven months ago, and just now you're back? What gives!"

Silverbolt flashed Henry a foxy grin. "Well, turns out the studios don't exactly WANT a troublemaker like me in their movies. But!..." Silverbolt grabbed a small metal ball-like device from inside his fur. "-I heard from a friend of a friend of a friend of my Uncle that you guys were doing superhero stuff again, and I didn't want to miss the fun!"

Henry looked at the fox with pure contempt, before throwing him a set of bronze keys. "Take the bike. And try not to get killed this time. I really don't need Sabrina to use most of her powers reviving you back from the dead again."



The H-Pets had made it in at least 7 minutes to the warehouse from the City Square. And good thing they did, because if they wasted even a second of that time poor Peanut would face a fate worse than death.

The pets looked behind them to see an orange and black motorcycle ridden by a grey-furred fox with red markings across his muzzle and a yellow tattoo over his
left eye riding towards them. Fido smiled and ran towards the fox as he got off, hugging him.

"Silverbolt! You came back!"

"Yeah. I'm ready to chew some butt and kick some gum!... That came out wrong."

Fido laughed and patted the Fox's back. "That's alright, buddy."

Res and Maxwell stepped out of the van to see the spooky, wooden warehouse before them.

"Looks scary", Max said.

"It doesn't scare me.", Res said in a monotone. His fist began shaking. "But it does make me feel rather angry."



Dr. Orwell placed a piece of metal headgear over Peanut's head. He looked into the dog's eyes, feeling pity that he had to take an innocent life, one that reminded him so much of Sophie, but knowing it was for the greater good.

"Alright. I'm gonna count to 20 before I start the machine. Better say your prayers while you have the chance, pup. Ready? 1, 2..."

While Dr. Johnson began counting, Joel, nervously walked over to Grape, and freed her from her restraints.

"What the?", Grape asked him.

"Johnson's crazy. He WANTS to kill us, all of us."

3, 4...

"Why did you turn on him?"

"I never agreed with anything he said! I was poor, I just did it for the money."

5, 6...

"Why did you go with it so long?"

"I had to! But now..."

7, 8...

Suddenly, Joel felt a sharp pain in his back. Warm fluids trickled from a wound near his neck. He looked behind him to see Dr. Johnson holding a smoking gun, a smug smile on his face.

"Did you REALLY think you could get away with betraying me, Mr. Robinson?"

"You slimy-!", Joel screeched as he fell over, dead.

Grape took the opportunity to jump up, avoiding the shots from Johnson's gun as she climbed up the wall using her outstretched claws and hid among the wooden ceiling beams.

"Oh, come on now Grape. You can't hide from the likes of me forever...", Johnson teased, waving his gun around.

"Sure about that?", said a voice behind him.

Maxwell, who promptly punched Johnson in the gut, slashing through his shirt with his claws, causing him to fall over and be tackled by Kevin! Max ran, turned invisible, and the next thing Grape knew, he was beside her.

"Hi!", Max said, smiling.

Grape suddenly kissed him, causing the fur on Max's neck to stand up straight!

"My hero", Grape said sarcasticly, wiping her mouth.

Max just stared at her. "Um, thanks?"

"N-ugh!", cried Johnson under the weight of Kevin, who was reading Pet Fancy whilst sitting atop the doctor.

"You sick creep!", Sabrina said, as Fido, Silverbolt and Jata freed Peanut from Johnson's machine.

Johnson then pressed a button hidden under his coat. He began to chuckle to himself.
Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:39 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: H-Pets

Post by trekkie »

Nice chapters! I love the fact that Kevin is reading Pet Fancy. Silverbolt is an interesting addition to the team, as he appears to annoy Henry but not the pets. The teamwork in taking down Orwell is cool, but Orwell killing Joel and chuckling at the end makes me very nervous.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CHAPTER ELEVEN: Getting Pyshical
A story by Harry Johnathan

Dr. Johnson chuckled as he clicked a button under his coat. Suddenly, the H-Pets heard something rumbling behind them...

Out of the darkness within the warehouse came a robotic, metallic looking figure walking towards the H-Pets in an eerie and unsettling manner. The android had the words B.R.E.E.L painted on it's side, and was colored in purples, blues, and greys. It almost looked like a Pine-Marten in appearance but it was too freakishly long to realistically be a representation of one.

"What the heck is that?", Jata asked as he carried an unconcious, slumped over Peanut on his shoulder.

Dr. Johnson merely continued to laugh like a lunatic. "If I'm going down, then I'm taking you all with me!"

The robot promptly ran towards Jata at inhuman speeds, screeching a horrifying sound straight from Hell as he grabbed Jata by the arm and flung him across the warehouse. The robot then let out a horrible laugh as he stared at Jata's mangled body.

"Jata!", Fido cried as he and Sabrina ran to minister to the injured half-leopard, half-housecat.

Thankfully, Peanut had fallen into the arms of Maxwell, while Res, looking peeved, suddenly and without any warning whatsoever TRANSFORMED INTO A LITERAL TIGER and mauled the robotic monstrosity, destroying it!

Orwell was enraged! He stood up, looking cross, and like an angry wolf attacked each of the H-Pets, shooting Res in the shoulder.

"N-ugh!", Res cried as he fell down, on top of a startled Fido.

"Look at you, you're adorable!", Orwell mocked Res.

Orwell then ran to his computer and cried out to Henry Milton, who could hear him via the headsets on each of the H-Pets: "I hope you hear me, Milton! I'm about to kill everyone of your stupid little friends, and you're gonna hear it happen!" The doctor then heard a mocking voice behind him...

"Hey", said Silverbolt as he threw one of his fox-bombs at Orwell who screamed in terror. The bomb exploded as it impacted the poor doctor's face, burning him to a crisp and reducing his form to ash in seconds.

"Woah", Sten said, looking up at Silverbolt.

Silverbolt flexed his neck. "Man oh man, I missed doing that!"

Grape turned around to see Joel moving. Miraculously, he had survived the shot!

She ran up to hug the human, perplexing the others. She carried his injured form out of some rubble from their fight. "Help me take this guy to safety!" She stared at Res' new weretiger pyshique. "Rwor.", she teased him.

Res merely blushed as they exited the warehouse. It was already sunrise.


A police squad car passed by, with Ralph inside.

"Ralph?", Fido asked.

"I wanted to relive the good ol' days.", Ralph said.

Captain Bill Lindbergh appeared. "Tell Henry Milton I still dislike him. And I always will." Bill turned to Grape. "May I handle the trash?"

Joel walked over to Bill. "I'm terribly sorry."

"Sorry ain't gonna cut it. You're looking at a good few years in the big house."

Joel sighed. "I know." He stepped into the squad car, followed by Ralph and Bill, and they sped off.

Henry spoke with the team via their headsets: "Good work, guys."

"Who was that guy? He seemed to know your name.", Grape asked.

Henry paused. "He was... my greatest regret. Come home now, my H-Pets."

Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Absolutely love this story. Thank you for continuing it!
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Re: H-Pets

Post by trekkie »

Good catch, Max, and good job Silverbolt! Also it’s nice to know that Grape’s fondness for hunks is present. Goodbye, Dr. Johnson, I don’t think many will miss you.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Just dump his remains down the toilet and be done with it! He deserves that!
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Re: H-Pets

Post by trekkie »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Thu Apr 15, 2021 11:25 pm Just dump his remains down the toilet and be done with it! He deserves that!
Might clog the toilet. Find a deep pit and throw threw down there. They can join Orwell in Heck. Glad Joel survived.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I think that the cold toilet water will break up the ashes and prevent them from being a clog really well. If any gets stuck, just continue to flush. XP
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

If you're reading, voice your thoughts! Next update is coming soon!
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: H-Pets

Post by trekkie »

Joel could make a decent member the organization. He is human and not as well known as Henry Milton, so he could help by gathering information in places the pets couldn’t go, and where Henry would be recognized.
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“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I think that would be the best thing for him to do as well. The set up that was recommended will work really nicely!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

If anyone has any questions about the world of my fic of if any characters will show up, let me know!
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

If I do have a question that come sup, don't worry I will. Though it may take a while because I can be kind of bashful.
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »


The Wolf Pack

The H-Pets deal with a criminal family of wolves.


Tiger, Tiger Burning Bright!

An insane pitbull uses toys to cause havoc around the city.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Can one of the toys be a pie launcher?
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: H-Pets

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Sun May 02, 2021 2:27 pm Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Can one of the toys be a pie launcher?
Okay! :D
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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