The FoxWell Chronicles

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The FoxWell Chronicles

Post by trekkie »

Chapter 1 Meeting on a Cold Night

K-9 officer Fox Limburg looked up at the starry night sky and shivered a little. Despite his leather bomber jacket and thick husky fur, he still felt the chill of the late November wind. It was a clear, cold night and some residents of the neighborhood of Babylon Gardens were putting up their bright, cheerful holiday lights. Fox had gone out for a walk to avoid bringing down the mood of his cousin Bailey and her corgi husband King who was Fox’s best friend. They were having their annual date night, and they had asked him to eat with him, it sounded odd to Fox, but the husky admitted he would enjoy sometime with the pair, so he had agreed.

Work had been eventful, Fox thought, there had been three cases, drunk drivers, all women, that involved the K-9s. The first two were relatively okay, with the first woman reluctantly accepting her fate, and the second apologizing for driving drunk and thanking the police for stopping her before she hurt anyone. The third was a different story altogether. She had evaded police, and almost caused multiple crashes. The pursuit ended when the woman ran a red light and smashed into another car. She then got out of the car and run. After ignoring a human officer’s command to stop, Fox tackled her. After he had handcuffed her and took her back to the police SUV, she had whined about being brought down by an ‘inferior creature’ , and that DUI laws were ‘unfair’ . That didn’t really bother Fox, he had heard a variation of it often enough. What made him sad, and angered him was seeing the pain on face of the young man whose car she had hit. He had an open fracture, and was in agony. Fortunately, Mungo, Fox’s fellow officer and part-time therapy dog was comforting the kid, and trying make him feel as comfortable as possible. Mungo had told the K-9s later that the doctors believed the young man would make a full recovery though it would take a while. That was good news to Fox, he still felt unsettled and angry at the unfairness of the situation. Fox sat on a bench in the park and tried to sort out his thoughts.

That same night, the tomcat Maxwell Rufus Sharp was walking towards the park as well. The black and grey cat had fled into the night to avoid the nasty argument between his canine housemate Bino and his owner/father Jeff. The subject of the argument was, once again, Bino’s increasingly reckless and out-of-control behavior, as today the dog had been harassing people until his brother, Fido, a K-9 took him home. Fido had stayed until Jeff got home, despite enduring insults from Bino. Then Jeff and Bino, started arguing. Bino said that Jeff always picked on him, and never yelled at Max. Jeff said that he had yelled at Max plenty of times and that, regardless Max wasn’t the subject. Bino then said that it was easy for Max because Max was “just a worthless scruffy alley cat who should be in the pound, shelter or better yet, dead” and not an officer in the vaunted, (to Bino) Good Old Dog Club. The argument had then devolved into a screaming match and Max had grabbed his messenger bag, phone, and scarf and headed out into the night.

Max dated the purple cat Grape Jelly Sandwich and usually during the arguments between his father and Bino he’d go to her house and spend some time with her and her housemate Peanut Butter Sandwich, who she also dated. Tonight, however, was their date night and while he knew neither Grape or Peanut minded him interrupting their date, as both deeply cared for him, he wanted them to have fun. Max knew that Peanut and Grape’s parents, Earl and Jill cared for him and would lend a sympathetic ear, but they had their date night as well, and Max didn’t want to interrupt them either. Grape had recently encouraged Max to date someone else, as she dated Peanut she wouldn’t mind and it would give Max another place to turn when she and Peanut were unavailable. Max had decided t head to his ex-girlfriend Sabrina’s house, he and Sabrina had recently fully reconciled and Max enjoyed hanging out with the all-black cat and her Pomeranian housemate Tarot. Max had first considered dating Tarot, but the dog assured him that although she cared very much for him, she wanted to remain a trusted platonic friend. Max had also considered his friend Marvin, but the orange cat was seemingly always tied up with his neurotic canine housemate Tiger, whose various issues were enough to confound a squadron of therapists. Max had also decided against the Bigglesworths (too confusing) and Jasper(no desire to deal with that mouse) and had called Sabrina to see if she had any suggestions. Sabrina told him to come over and they’d talk and have their weekly bad movie night. So, after packing to Eurospy movies in his messenger bag, that’s what Max did. Approaching the park bench he saw Fox. Max admired the grey husky for being a K-9 and for standing up to Bino when the latter bullied King. Max smiled as he approached the dog.

“Hey, Fox nice night. Cold though.” Max said

“Oh, hi Max. Yeah, It is kind of nippy. I was just taking a walk, hard day at work.” Fox looked at the cat

“Yeah, I heard a number of sirens a couple of hours ago. Do you want to talk about it? It sometimes helps to talk about things. I’ve learned that from being with Peanut , Tarot and Grape and from my Nippers Anonymous meetings. Well, that and audiences on game shows give lousy advice. That last one was more from hanging out Peanut, Tarot and Grape, but you’d be surprised how often it comes up at Nippers Anonymous.”

“Actually, it would be good to talk about it, I& you don’t mind. I’m trying not to hold things inside so much anymore. I didn’t know that you were giving up catnip. Good for you.” Fox smiled

“Thanks, I finally realized that nip wasn’t really helping me at all. I just used it to escape. And of course I don’t mind, I wouldn’t have asked you if I minded.” Max sat next to Fox on the bench

“Well, today I was involved in three DUI arrests, all women which is odd but not unheard of. The first two were nothing serious, in fact the second lady than,Ed us for getting her off the street before she hurt herself or someone else.” Fox sighed, “The third woman ran from us though, she led us on a vehicle pursuit, she almost hit ten cars that I saw, and ended up smashing into some poor kid coming home from doing his family’s grocery shopping. The drunk driver called me an inferior creature. I’ve heard that often enough it really doesn’t bother me too much. But, what she did to that poor kid...It just infuriates me. I hate to see innocents suffer, and he was doing nothing wrong. Just driving home. Then some idiot crashes into his car and badly breaks his left leg. After I had cuffed the driver and gotten her in the patrol SUV, I turned and I saw his face, he had a open fracture and was in so much pain. Fortunately, Mungo was with him. Doctors think he’ll be okay, but it’ll be a long recovery. Neither he or his family blame us but, it’s hard not to look back and say maybe we should’ve done something different, let the helicopter pursue her or something. I feel bad about it.”

“I’m sorry you saw that Fox, it sounds like a rough scene.” Max said, he put his paw on the husky’s shoulder, “But Fox, this wasn’t your fault. She chose to run, she chose to drink and drive. That driver is the only one responsible for that kid’s injuries. Don’t blame yourself Fox, you’re a good guy, and a good officer.”

“Thanks, Max, I know what you’re saying is true and it’s good to hear it from someone else. Good to have backup I guess.” Fox looked at the cat, “So, what are you doing out of you’re warm home?”

“Actually, I’m meeting Sabrina at her place, we’re going to talk about some things and watch some bad movies.” Max smiled, then the smile faded, “Also dad and Bino were screaming at each other again. Bino was out wasted on anise and orange soda and bothering people. Fido took him home. He called Fido a cat-loving freak, among other things. I think Fido used to Bino’s insults. When dad got home he and Bino really went at it, Bino called me a scruffy alley cat, and worse and they just screamed at each other. It just...It happens so often and it’s so hard listening to,it, because, because I love both of them and I..I don’t know if they love each other. I just can’t take this carp anymore.” The last line was spoken very quietly, almost hopelessly. Tears were streaming down Max’s muzzle, and Fox pulled the cat close to him allowing the cat to cat put his head against Fox’s side. Fox handed Max his bandanna, Maxed thanked him, wiping at his eyes and nose with the yellow cloth.

“I’m sorry Max, I know it’s hard watching those you love fight, but believe me, none of this is your fault. You’re a good guy, and I know it hurts to see these arguments, but you just have to take care of yourself. Make sure your mental and physical well-being is looked after. You really can’t control anyone’s actions but your own” Fox comforted the cat

“Thanks Fox, I guess I just needed to get that out. I’ll be okay until I get to Sabrina’s. For all her sarcasm she’s very good at comforting, and she does really care, I’m glad I reconciled with her.” Max said

“Yeah, she was good to me too, and....” Fox’s cell phone alarm chirped, “Carp, gotta get home. Bailey and King are waiting for me. You’re going to be okay?”

“Yeah, I’ll be able to get to Sabrina’s. Thanks, again Fox.” Max smiled

“No problem, Max. Now, I better get home before they eat my food. Take care of yourself, okay?” Fox patted the cat’s shoulder reassuringly and dashed for home

“Fox wait,” Max called after the dog, “you forgot your bandanna.”

“That’s okay. I have several!” Fox said over his shoulder

Max shrugged, and tucking the bandanna into his messenger bag for safe keeping, headed of to Sabrina’s for advice and movies.
Last edited by trekkie on Tue Sep 28, 2021 6:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

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Re: The FoxWell Chronicles

Post by Obbl »

Cute! This is an interesting ship. Looking forward to seeing where it sails :D
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Re: The FoxWell Chronicles

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Sounds like this is gonna be a really fun story! Can't wait to see how it will end up going!
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Re: The FoxWell Chronicles

Post by NHWestoN »

I'll pull up a chair for this one :)
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Re: The FoxWell Chronicles

Post by trekkie »

Thanks guys! I’ve always liked Max and Fox, so putting them together was fun for me. Also, I think that at one time Max would be aghast at having a mate who was a dog and Fox at having a mate who was a cat. Now, I think both might be open to it. (Max more so than Fox, I think, at least canonically.)

Chapter 2 Max talks with Sabrina and they and Tarot watch some movies

Max arrived at Sabrina’s house and knocked on the door. A minute later, the door opened and his ex appeared at the door, her fur freshly groomed. Max felt inadequate, even though the two were just good friends, Sabrina looked amazing and, he, despite, or maybe because of talking things over with Fox felt completely wrecked. The cat imagined he looked pretty forlorn. This was confirmed when he saw the look of concern on Sabrina’s face, she put her tail around Max comfortingly, and gently steered him towards the couch. She then went to make up some warming tea, jasmine for herself and spearmint for Max. She took the tea out to the living room and set Max’s cup in front of him.

“Here you are, hon, spearmint, your favorite. Careful, it’s hot. So, Bino was mean to you too, huh? I’ll never understand why that dog wants to mistreat those who truly care fore him.” Sabrina said as she sat next to Max and took a careful sip of her own tea.

“How’d you know Bino upset me?” Max asked, “Is it your witch training?”

“Not really, Fidey came here looking very much like you do now, I was able to comfort him a little before he went to work. Also, Max, we’ve known each other for quite a while, haven’t we?” Sabrina smiled through the steam of the tea

“Yes, we have, sorry, I guess I’m not thinking straight. I’m glad you comforted Fido a bit, he didn’t look upset when he left my house but, we’ll, you could tell he was bothered. Understandably so, of course.” Max took a cautious sip of the tea, and let the warmth of the beverage and Sabrina’s care chase away the chill of the night, “I try not to let Bino’s words upset me, especially like today when he was wasted on orange soda and anise. But, it’s hard you know? Sometimes I think, ‘forget you, I’m not answering your next call from the pound’ but then I feel bad. I felt bad that he was in the pound for so long, last time. I felt maybe I should’ve told dad to look in the pound sooner. “ Max then told Sabrina all about the unsettling argument and Bino’s cruel words. As he did so the black cat’s ears flattened back against her head in anger, hearing the vicious words angered Sabrina and a part of her wanted to go to Max’s house and deck the green-eyed dog. She knew that would be useless though, Bino had been smacked plenty of times before, and besides, Max, whether he’d admit it or not, needed her right now.

“You’re a good guy, Max, sometimes I think Bino doesn’t deserve you and Fidey, but I know that you guys see something lovable in Bino even if it isn’t obvious to others like me. When I ask him about it, Fidey says he feels a responsible for Bino because he’s Bino is his brother.” Sabrina said

“Yeah, I guess I feel something similar. I mean I do love the guy. I see what he’s like when he’s all alone. He sits around trying to win the affection of that charming young woman, and it is so heartbreaking to see him in need of a friend but unwilling to accept friendship from anyone he sees as inferior or sullied, knowing that Duchess will, after she gains power toss him aside as surely as next week has a Tuesday. And, I don’t know, maybe I can’t feel too angry at him, because I think, if it hadn’t been for Grape, Peanut, Tarot, Marvin and you, I’d be just as bitter and lonely as him.” Max sighed and sipped the tea again

“I don’t think you’d ever be as bad as him, hon, I don’t think you have it in you. I mean despite how bad things were between us you always sent me flowers on my birthday. Sympathy is admirable, though, and I am glad that you have some for him that dog. I have a feeling he’s going to need a lot of sympathy soon.” Sabrina said

“Yeah, you’re probably right, Duchess seems to be consolidating power, so she won’t need him . Sabs, I’m sorry about how I acted after we broke up, I didn’t know you were with Fido, and I thought you’d rather be alone than with me and, I dunno, guess that hurt. So, I became kind of a jerk about it.” Max said,

“Still you sent me flowers. Aw, hon, if I had known that was how you felt, I would’ve told you.” Sabrina felt bad for Max, “Dunno what I was afraid of, you’ve been so good to me and Fidey. Sending me flowers and him a donut gift card on our anniversary, that is so sweet. It panics poor Fidey, though, he forgets our anniversary, and when he sees the gift card he feels he has to get me a huge bouquet. Doesn’t have to, of course, and I’ve told him that, but I’m not complaining that he does it.” Sabrina smiled

“ Glad I’m doing some good for you two.” Max also grinned, he then took out Fox’s bandana folded it neatly, and tucked it back in his bag

“Oh, you are. Anyway, about who you should date, how about Fox, you’ve talked to him tonight, I see. You have his bandanna.” Sabrina said nodding at the messenger bag

“Fox? Well, he is a good guy, I mean I respected him for joining the K-9s and standing up to Bino for King. But doesn’t he have those huskies in heaven?” Max asked

“Spring and Summer? Yes, but they want him to find someone here on earth. You’re both good guys. I think you could do each other some good.” Sabrina said encouragingly

“Not a bad idea,” Max said, considering it, “it did feel good to talk to him today. I guess I’ll just see if he wants to hang out, and we’ll see how things go from there.”

“Good idea, Max, if it doesn’t work out, we’ll see if we can think of someone else, and I’ll ask Fidey if he knows anyone who is looking for a beau. To change the subject, what movies did you bring ?” Sabrina looked forward to Bad Movie Night

“Two Eurospy movies, Spies Strike Silently and Secret Agent Fireball.” Max said as he took the movies from his bag

“I always do enjoy those Eurospy films, I watched them when I was in Italy with dad. Max, why don’t you spend the night here? It’s supposed to get windy later and I know you hate going out in the wind.” Sabrina said

“Not a bad idea, I’ll text dad.” Max said and did so, getting an okay from his father

“Hi guys,” Tarot came in and waved to the cats, “Just going to pit my crystal and cards away, I’ll be with you guys, in a minute.”

“I’ll go start on the snacks, Max, you set up the film.” Sabrina said, heading towards the kitchen

Max set up the DVD player and TV, putting in Secret Agent Fireball first. He and Tarot then went to the kitchen and helped Sabrina with the snacks. The three carried out sodas, popcorn, chips, dip, and chicken nuggets. Max hit play on the remote control, Sabrina threw a blanket over the three of them, and the friends prepared to watch some enjoyably bad films, while keeping each other warm and safe from the increasing winds.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: The FoxWell Chronicles

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This was a very quaint little chapter that you have posted! I hope to see more like it!
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Re: The FoxWell Chronicles

Post by trekkie »

Thanks, Dayzee!

Thanks to everyone who read, as well.

Chapter 3 Fox’s dinner with Bailey and King

While Max was talking with Sabrina, Fox hurried home to eat with Bailey and King. He still found it odd that they chose to spend their date night with him, but he did enjoy their company as he hadn’t eaten since coffee and donuts with Mungo earlier, he was pretty hungry. As he entered his house the mouth watering smell of Italian food greeted him. Bailey and King were finishing setting the table with the takeout containers, plates, utensils, cups, and cans of root beer and orange soda. Fox took a chilled can of root beer and sat in a chair at the table in between the couple.

“Hi hon, feeling any better?” Bailey asked as she plated some lasagna

“I think so.” Fox said he,ping himself to chicken parmigiana , “I’m not as angry as I was at any rate.”

“That’s good. Hearing about that situation made me angry. I mean, why do all the wrong people get hurt?” King looked at his wife, “You’re not going to admonish me for saying that?”

Bailey shook her head, “Not really, considering what happened, you’re not out of line, in my opinion.” She noticed her cousin’s neck, “Fox, hon, what happened to your bandanna?”

“My bandanna ?” Fox looked up from his plate, and swallowed a bite of breadstick, “Oh, I gave it to Max I talked to him whilst I was out . He was really upset, his dad and Bino got into a rather disturbing shouting match and Bino rather cruelly insulted Max. Seems to be somewhat of a regular thing.”

“Poor guy.” Bailey’s eyes were sympathetic, “It isn’t easy listening to those you love argue. I got the impression that Max tried to hide his feelings, good to know he’s opening up. Just like someone else I know.” She smiled at Fox.

“Yeah, he said he’s quitting catnip, and that, and his relationship with Grape and Peanut, are helping him discuss his feelings more. Good to see, I mean he’s a good guy.” Fox smiled slightly, “And yes, I feel better now that I’m talking about my own feelings more.” The husky took a bite of his chicken.

“I don’t understand Bino at all.” King said, “I mean this goes beyond my disagreement with him. He hurts everyone who tries to help him. Bailey and I saw Fido taking Bino home when we went to order the food. He looked wasted and in a nasty mood. “

“You like Max, don’t you, hon?” Bailey asked

“Well, yeah, I mean I think we’ve felt kind of a bond ever since we were petnapped by that weirdo with the alligator. And honestly anyone who can live with Bino without giving that dog a concussion on a daily basis has way more patience than me.” Fox said

“And me.” King said

“Why don’t you hang out with him then?” Bailey asked, “and maybe after you two became friends, date him?”

“Date Max? He’s a cat. And a guy.” Fox was surprised by the suggestion, but not, he had to admit to himself opposed to it.

“And you said observation skills were slipping.” Bailey teased her husband

“I concede. He’s still got it.” King grinned

“Wait, what?” Fox, who had been thinking about Bailey’s suggestion, looked up from his plate of pasta

“Just kidding, Fox. I agree with Bailey though, the pups like Max, they say he’s fun on the Imaginates and he’s pup sat for Olive a few times. He’s gotten her into Pridelands, and they enjoy reading it and acting out scenes. You’re not opposed to Max because he’s a cat, are you? I thought you were over that.” King said

“I am.” Fox said, “ I guess I never really thought about dating a guy or cat before, but what the howl. It might actually work out.”

“Well, it can’t hurt to try. I mean, if you guys become friends, at the very least, I think it will help the both of you out.” Bailey smiled

“Probably will.” Fox admitted, “Well I’ll swing by his house tomorrow after I talk to Sergeant Ralph.”

“Sergeant Ralph?” King recognized the name of Fox’s C.O. , “ You’re not in any trouble are you?”

“No. He just wanted to make sure I was okay. I was pretty upset about the kid getting hurt. As you guys know.” Fox looked at the couple, “He said he’s going to give me a couple of days off to recover a little. Maybe recommend a counselor. Also he needed me to give my input on the suspect.”

“I’m glad.” Bailey said , “I’m glad you’re not in trouble. Glad too that he’s making sure you’re okay.”

“Me too.” Fox said, “Anyway, enough about me. What have the pups been up to lately?”

As his cousin and best friend filled him in on the antics of their pups, Fox smiled. He enjoyed spending time with pups and he liked to hear about his nieces and nephew. Bailey and King also seemed to take a parental pride(and sometimes frustration) in talking about their kids, and Fox always reassured them that they were awesome parents. Also, the fact that the pups got along with Max was one less worry. He’d see Max tomorrow, though, tonight he’d enjoy the great Italian food and the company of two of his favorite dogs.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: The FoxWell Chronicles

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Glad you are back to writing this story again but I really wanna see you get back to "Resurgemus" at some point soon just for...reasons. :lol:
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Re: The FoxWell Chronicles

Post by trekkie »

Well, this is embarrassing, I’ve been meaning to put up a new chapter for a while but between RL issues and writer’s block, well….Anywho, back at it. Sorry for the long delay, everyone.

Chapter 04

After eating all their fill, Bailey and King returned to the Wolf house and their pups, telling Fox that he and his father could have as much as they wanted. The couple knew that even should Fox and his father Bill eat a full meal each, there would be some food left should King and Bailey return the next day. This wasn’t a guarantee at the Wolf house, where One-armed Jack would try and sell it, passing the food off as his own. He had done it previously, and a famished Bailey threatened to, ‘rip off his other arm and beat him with it’ until Jack’s wife Elaine whipped up a suitable replacement. One might think, that a threat of being beaten with your own arm might dissuade further dishonest activity with food, but Jack was still trying scams, among them a food truck, and an attempted back alley deal with an Albanian food conglomerate. Previous to Jack, the couple, might’ve worried about Darryl & Darryl Wolf, but between their restaurant job, which provided the two with a steady stream of food and their general niceness, those two were no longer a threat to the food of others.

Fox put the styrofoam containers of the Italian food in the fridge, and upon remembering that it was trash collection day, busied himself with throwing away the two dozen cups of coffee, of varying degrees of fullness into the trash bag. As he did so, Fox wondered, not for the first time, why his father kept so many cups of coffee, when he would never finish them all. He then gathered the trash from the rest of the house and put the trash out at the curb. He then washed up, grabbed a bag of chips and a bottle of orange soda, and headed to his room, intending to lose himself in Pridelands. However, despite his interest in the series, Fox couldn’t concentrate. He hoped Max had talked to Sabrina, Fox knew the black cat would take good care of Max, but the fact Max was so disconsolate, still saddened the husky. He knew from his own experiences, what a pain in the tail Bino could be, and since getting together with Duchess, the green-eyed dog seemed have gotten worse. As Fox told King and Bailey, Sergeant Ralph was going to recommend a counselor for the sensitive husky. It’s probably a good idea, Fox thought, as he had , up until recently, kept his feelings inside until they led him to boil over, like a teapot left on the stove. While considering it, Fox heard his dad pull into the driveway and went to the hallway to meet him.

Bill Limburg came in his house, hung up his jacket on the peg by the door, noticing that Fox’s bomber jacket was there and Bailey’s white hooded jacket was not. He had heard about Fox’s rough day, and he hoped his dog was doing better. Dealing with drunk drivers was frustrating, and seeing innocent victims suffering could be infuriating. Still, heaven help you if you stopped caring about the victims. Bill saw Fox approaching the kitchen from the hallway.

“Hi dad.” Fox said, “okay day at work?”

“Yes.” Bill said, he then asked, “you doing okay? Ralph said you had a bit of a rough day.”

“Yeah, I guess so.” Fox said, he then inwardly took a breath, “Dad how would you feel if I had a boyfriend?”

“Are you coming out as gay, Fox?” Bill asked, his voice betraying no emotion

“I don’t know, before dinner I talked to Max, Jeff’s cat, Bino’s housemate, and well, he was really torn up. Bino and Jeff had a vicious fight and Bino said some horrid things to Max. I let him talk and gave him some advice it seemed to do him some good, Max let me talk about my day too, and just made sure I knew it wasn’t my fault. I feel some sort of attraction there, I don’t know whether it’s romantic or platonic but there is something there, unless all my observation skills are slipping away.” Fox told his father about his feelings

His father smiled, “Fox, I just want you to be happy. If that means that you will snuggle with a guy, be it Max or someone else, than that’s what it means. I love you, Fox and I will always will love you. Also, I have been there during arguments between Bino and Jeff and they can get rather bad. It would do Max good to be able to get away. I’ve also met Max at some of Jeff’s parties and he seems like a nice guy. One thing you and he have in common, Fox, is that you’re both a lot stronger than you realize.”

Fox hugged his dad, “ Thanks dad, I love you too. I’m glad you are okay with whomever I love. One other thing, Sergeant Ralph said he was looking for a counselor for me. I am not opposed to the idea at all.”

“Neither am I,” Bill said “hopefully it will do us both some good. If Ralph has no desirable suggestions suggestions , I’ll check with some friends. “

“Great.” Fox said, “Don’t get mad, dad but I threw away all your coffees, There is some Italian food from when Bailey and King came over. They said we can have what we want. I’m going to my room to read now. Good night.”

“I was going to drink those coffees. “ Bill sounded annoyed but quickly changed his mood, “ Good night, Fox. Thank King and Bailey for me, and enjoy your book.” The police officer then headed to the kitchen to heat up dinner.

“I will dad, thanks. “ Fox headed to his bedroom, I was going to drink those coffees Fox thought, amused sure you were, dad.
Last edited by trekkie on Wed Mar 09, 2022 10:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: The FoxWell Chronicles

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I think this chapter was really great! Nice job!
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Krytus The Dreamer
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Re: The FoxWell Chronicles

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Reading this has made me realize how little these two interact in canon despite having a shared traumatic incident. It's interesting to see how you portray Max and Fox's interaction and I'm excited to see how you explore their dynamic.
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Re: The FoxWell Chronicles

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

A great arc for the comic would have been the two in therapy when they were younger for what happened. But it looks like they don't do pet therapy. :|
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Re: The FoxWell Chronicles

Post by trekkie »

Thank you for your kind words, guys.

Chapter 05

Later that night in the DiAngelo house, Max was doing his best to try and sleep. The windstorm had died down, but Max still felt a sense of disquiet. Part of it was, the fight between his father and Bino; it was so distressing. Max knew that he was loved, by his father, Grape, Tarot, Sabrina, the Sandwiches, and others . He didn’t know if his dad loved Bino, he believed his father did, but there was a nagging sense of doubt, he knew that Duchess had nothing had nothing but contempt for the green-eyed hound, but Bino just didn’t see it. He, Joey, and Fido loved Bino, but the Max knew that the dog would rather eat cat food than return those feelings. Then there was Fox, Max really did like the husky, and there was something he sensed in the dog, an overwhelming sense of loneliness that you felt down to your bones. A feeling that made you want to prove yourself, even if it was completely unnecessary. Sabrina had said that Max would do Fox some good. Max still had feelings of disbelief that he could do any good, despite reassurances of his loved ones, the feelings were getting less frequent , but they still stung. Seeing the beginnings of the sunrise over the neighborhood, Max stretched , and made his way downstairs to make breakfast for he and his hostesses.

Entering the kitchen, Max turned on the coffeemaker and programmed six cups, two for each of them. He then added another six cups in case Fox and/or Fido decided to drop by, the cat also brought down some tea put on a teapot, remembering that Tarot liked teal Max then rummaged around in the fridge and cabinets finding bacon, sausage, grated mozzarella cheese, eggs, refrigerated hash browns, onions, red peppers, hot sauce, parsley, garlic salt, and red pepper. He heated some butter in a pan and added the eggs, onion, peppers, bacon and sausage, cooking the until the meats were done but not crisp, he then added the hot sauce garlic salt, and red pepper. Max lightly toasted some bread and put out butter, marmalade, and raspberry jelly. Max heard Sabrina and Tarot coming down the stairs and soon the ladies were in the kitchen with him. Sabrina sniffed the air in delight as Max filled hers and Tarot’s plates with servings of the egg dish, slices of toast and parsley, then served himself, joining the ladies at the table. Tarot smiled appreciatively, upon noting the heated water and tea.

“Careful it’s still hot.” Max said as he joined the ladies at the table, after covering the egg dish to keep it warm.

Sabrina blew on a forkful, then ate a portion, the black cat grinned. “This is amazing. “ Sabrina said, as she nibbled on some toast, “I’m glad that you took up cooking as a hobby. You have a talent for it. “

“It is very good, hon.” Tarot added , sipping at tea, “You should teach Peanut. He’d probably like learning to do it, and it might save us money on our dates.”

“I’ll probably do that, “ Max said, “I’m going to call Grape and see if she’s okay with me maybe dating Fox. You think I should wash Fox’s bandanna? I could wash it with our sheets. Bino,convinced dad to buy us yellow sheets because Duchess said that yellow would be the next ‘in’ color. Of course the next day she said the next ‘in’ color would be turquoise. Bino then tried to get dad to buy turquoise sheets. That didn’t go well. “

“I can imagine.” Tarot sighed, “Max, don’t worry about Grape, she loves you and she’ll be more than happy for you. We’ll work on her hunk-love, too.”

“That’ll be good.” Max looked at the clock, “Well, Peanut has probably woken her up by now so I am going to call her, see how her date was too. Enjoy the food ladies. There’s plenty of coffee.”

Max carried his cup of tea to the living room and called up his girlfriend.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: The FoxWell Chronicles

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I love this new addition to the chapter you put up trekkie! Keep up the good work!
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