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Harry Johnathan
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Post by Harry Johnathan »


PILOT: Don't Let It Break You

A certain Austrailan Shepherd was looking down on the town of Babylon Gardens, snuggling with his girlfriend. He was thinking about the weird events that led him to the town, the somewhat strange things that happened ONCE he got there, and how it all led up to this quiet moment on a clifftop.

That dog's name was Stanley Elliot Jackenell. This is his story.

Topeka, Kansas 2007

Stanley Elliot Jackenell wasn't having a good day by any means (unless you count getting an F in Obedience School... again as a good thing) but getting beaten up savagely by your owner wasn't exactly the most pleasant of things to happen to a Australian Shepard. This wasn't the first time he had been hit, but strangely, it hurt the worst. Maybe it being his birthday had something to do with it, who knows?

"Get on the ground, masthole!", laughed Steve, his owner as Stanley lay, helpless, while his "mother" Tara looked on, laughing like a dumb hick. In fact, she WAS a dumb hick, they lived in a trailer, ate mostly junk food, and watched cable all day anyway. Steve had just lost his seventh job in a row (it had been a busy week) and was, as usual, taking it out on Stan. He liked alternating between making Stan, Tara or his son miserable. Just enough sadness for everybody!

Stanley was hurting from his head, eyes, ears and elbows even as Steve punched him repeatedly. Stan curled up in a fetal position to curb the pain, but that actually made it hurt worse. Eventually, Stanley managed to fall asleep even as he was being beaten and awoke to find that his thumb was bent. It hurt just to even move. "This stings!", he thought to himself, as he rubbed his back, which was very sore. "Good morning", said Steve as he walked past, as if last night had never happened. Tara was smoking a cigar, looking joyful and went up to kiss her husband. "Gross", said Stanley, quietly as to not make them mad again.

"Hello, dimwit.", said Steve's son from a previous marriage, Demas, who flicked a piece of popcorn at Stan's nose. It hurt. It stung even!

Stanley had enough. He ran away. "Where are you going, you little nimrod?", called Steve as Stan ran towards the river near their farm in Kansas. Stan didn't care. Steve shot at him with his old, rusty rifle, but missed. Instead, he had shot his prize hog, Curly, by accident. "Come back here, pup!", cried Demas, but Stanley didn't care. He ran and ran and ran, until...

Babylon Gardens, River Ridge, Missouri. 2007.

"THANK GOD you're up. I almost thought you were dead. Are you alright, son?", said Dr. Stanwick as Stanley awoke. Stanley coughed, puking out a small piece of seaweed.

"Where am I?", said Stan. He was quite confused.

"Babylon Gardens Veterinary Hospital, of course.", said Dr. Stanwick with a weak smile. Stanley had heard of Babylon Gardens before; it was a middle class gated community in the city of River Ridge, with it's own church, vet, shelter and even an arcade. 50 years ago when it was founded, it was considered a special place where animals were given special rights reserved for human citizens, but after Congress passed The Animal Rights Act in 1999 it was wasn't as special as it used to be. Still, it was a nice neighborhood.

"Where did you find me?"

"Some motorist found you washed up from a pond on the side of a road!"


"Get some rest, son. You're gonna need it.", said Dr. Stanwick as he exited the room, turned off a light. Stan looked out the window, the moon light was pretty. The sun light was always prettier, to him at least. Stan said his prayer, the special prayer he had been taught by Father Jackenell, his owner before Steve and fell asleep, dreaming about fields of roses and daisies.

Stanley awoke to find a nurse standing by his bed, making notes. There was only one problem with this: she was a bobcat. A BIG bobcat.

"Oh, you're up!", she said kindly, seemingly not noticing Stanley's sweat soaked face and expression of utter terror.

"Who are you, and where is Dr. Stanwick?", asked Stanley, rather afraid of her imposing figure. However he worded his phrase nicely, to avoid making this beast of a woman mad.

"I'm Gale Milton. Dr. Stanwick is tending to other patients. I could get you a drink if you want."

"Okay, thank you.", said Stan. Anything to get her out of his room, even for a second.

While Gale went to the lobby to get him some water, Stan looked around him. His room was a spotless yellowish white color, with a nice, big window flanked with green curtains, and a small desk by his bed with a tiny TV set and a copy of the Holy Bible. The floor was a standard black and white checkered tile, and by his bed was a big blue rug. Despite being quite small, the room was actually larger than Steve's trailer, something that made Stan rather amused.

Gale returned with the water, and after having time to collect his thoughts, Stan realized that Gale was not someone to be afraid of, quite the opposite in fact, and they began to converse. After an hour, Gale left to attend to another patient, some kid named Bino Costner who was apparently a frequent visitor, and another nurse, this time a human named Joyce, tended to Stan. Joyce was less talkative and more stern than Gale was, but was still very kind.

Stan could stay in this hospital forever. Unfortunately, this was not meant to be.


"Stanley Freedman?", called Joyce. Freedman was Steve's last name; Stanley hated it and mostly used Jackenell, after the late Father Jackenell, his previous owner who was, needless to say, FAR kinder than Steve ever was. Unfortunately, as often happens, Jackenell was an old, old man and died rather suddenly in his sleep, forcing Animal Services to find Stan a new home; the home in question, sadly, was Steve's.

"Jackenell, if you please.", Stan yelled back. "No, Freedman", said a voice that made Stan feel sick at the sound of it; an unmistakeable voice that struck terror into all those all heard it, except for God himself. A voice that reeked of alcohol and savage blood. The voice of Stephen Dunsboro Freedman.



Peanut was sitting on the porch, playing on his Game Boy, as was usual. When suddenly, he felt something poke his leg.

"Ow!", cried out Peanut. "Sorry", replied a small voice beneath the porch steps. "Thank you", said Peanut, before he realized something odd. He called out: "GRAPE! SOMEONE'S UNDERNATH OUR PORCH!"

"Shoot!", cried out the voice, but it was too late. Grape Sandwich had grabbed the poor dog by the tail and dragged him out from undernath the porch. She had to admit, he was kinda cute, but boys who hide under stranger's porches aren't typically the most trustworthy of people.

"Who are you?", asked Grape, looking angry. Indeed she was. "I'm Stanley Free- er, Jackenell" (Stan had a habit of mixing up his names when he was upset) Grape let the dog down. "What are you doing here, Stanley?"


Stanley explained his plight over a cup of hot cocoa, provided by an understanding Jill Sandwich. After Steve had come to claim Stan, Stan had run away and got his leg caught in a bear trap. After getting it mended by a girl named Jessica in the woods, it was dark out and so he slept under their porch.


Jill grabbed the phone. But, to Stanley's horror, she had called Steve. "Mr. Freedman, we have your dog here." Peanut and Grape looked at each other with horror; their own mother did not believe Stan's story, and was calling Steve, who would most likely KILL poor Stan! They had to do something!

And with their help, Stan escaped again.

Stan ran, ran as fast he could but had zero clue where he was going. All he knew was that A. he was running from Animal Control through the woods and that B. no matter how tempting it seemed, trust nobody. He couldn't risk getting sent back to the utter hellhole that was the household of Steve Freedman. To be honest, even a torture dungeon run by alien clowns would be Heaven on Earth compared to Steve's rusted old trailer of a thousand horrors.

And then Stan tripped.


Stan awoke in a white, pristine room. He realized quickly it is was Dr. Stanwick's hospital.

"Crud", sighed Stan. He knew what was going to happen: he would get sent back to Steve's house, and the cycle of abuse would start all over again...

"Hello, Stan.", said an unfamiliar voice. "Who are you?", said Stan, too tired to be concerned by the man sitting in a chair in the corner. "I'm Mr. London, your court appointed lawyer. A certain Mr. and Miss Sandwich have filed a suit against your previous owner Mr. Freedman, who has been put on trial for animal abuse. You are now in the custody of Miles the Wolf until Freedman is released from prison."

Stan felt like he could jump for joy. Even if the arrangement was temporary, at least Freedman's reign of terror over him was delayed until God knows when. Stan thanked Mr. London and walked outside.


Stan went outside. He was given a slip of paper by Mr. London, with Mile's address written on it in faded greenish ink. Stan looked around, only to realize...

"I'm lost."

"Maybe I can help you!", said a friendly, sweet, sweet voice. Stan looked behind him. "Hello!", said a happy looking female German Shepard. "I'm Sasha Hartford! I'll help you find your way!" She sounded ditzy, but Stan really had no one else to help him, so he followed her.

In a manner of minutes, he was at the Wolf House. He went inside, and was welcomed by a single corgi. "Where's everyone else?", asked Stan. "Miles, Poncho, Nat, Jack and the Daryls are at work. Rod and his family are on a holiday. The cubs are at school. Luc's gone shopping, and Deadeye is alseep. Here, let me take your bag..."

"No thanks", replied Stan. It was his special bag, in which he carried Father Jackenell's poems. They were the only thing he kept from his days living with the Father, and they were very dear to him. King nodded, and showed Stan to his room.


Stan awoke to the sound of a large BANG! He looked around, and saw one of the cubs (he assumed) wearing a lab coat with ash all over his face and covered on green goo. Stan realized, that with the rather small size of this house, he must share a room with this kid.

"Hello?", Stan asked. The cub awoke, as if from a trance. "Oh, hi.", he simply stated. "He's creepy.", thought Stan in his head. The cub's name was North Star. Stan went back to sleep...

Stan awoke the next morning sore in his back. No doubt he had slept funny last night and was going to pay the price.

He took a quick shower and looked around. Most of the Wolf Family was still asleep. He took out a glass of milk when suddenly...

"Hi, Stan." He turned around to see Elaine, one of the wolves and Jack's wife, staring at him, reading a magazine. She reminded him a bit of Tara, only covered in fur and not quite as wicked. Stan chuckled a bit nervously before running back to his room, waiting for at least an hour before he went back out again.


Stan was walking to the library. He was told he could meet some friends there by Miles. He highly doubted this but he had no where else to go. He saw Peanut and Grape playing some D&D rip off called Universes and Unrealites with some dog named Joey and his brother Fido.

"Hi, Peanut and Grape.", said Stan as he sat down. He knew you can't be exactly dealed into a match of U&U but nevertheless liked watching them play.

Spo, a little mouse sitting on Fido's head who is quick to remarks, commented on a scar over Stan's nose. Fido shut Spo up with his paw but to be honest Stan thought it was funny.

"Got this one" (Stan pointed to a small mark on his leg) "when my owner pushed me into the stove as a puppy!" Stan chuckled a bit. Nobody was laughing; in fact they looked horrified. Stan decided to leave, but not before checking out a copy of a book called "Selah".



After a wonderful stake dinner with the Wolves (even if it seemed oddly kind of raw) Stan went up to bed. He began to read from his book, while North Star was busy trying to tinker with the chemistry set Miles had bought him with predictable results.

Blessed are my brothers who are peresecuted, for they look after the sacred sheep, and the keepers of the law. Blessed is he who cares for his animal, for he is righteous. May God hear my cries of blood, and smite my enemies with no mercy, until they find the truth.

Stan kept these words, from his book, in his mind and heart as he drifted asleep that night.

Stan walked outside early the next morning, dressed in a scarf. It was only around 7:30. He looked around him. It was snowing. Beautiful, he thought. His inner thoughts were cut off when a snowball hit him right in the kisser. "Oof!", he cried as he fell down to the ground. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?", asked a female black Labrador Retriever with stocky arms above him. He had to admit, she was rather pretty. "Yeah, I've felt worse pain.", he said, rubbing his face. He got up and faced her; he was quite a bit taller than her. "Who are you?", he asked nicely. She chuckled. "Hi, I'm Daisy." "Pleasure to meet you, Daisy!", he held out his hand and shook hers. He then went off on his merry way, humming a tune. Daisy sighed, then returned to helping her brother Rex build a snowdog.

"Merry Christmas, Stanley!", said Lucretia as she handed him a gift. "But it's not Christmas..." "It's almost Christmas, though.", she replied back, sternly. He opened the gift. It was a Nintendo DS. He hugged her. "Thank you, Lucretia.", Stanley said. "You can call me mom if you want.", she replied. Stan had never had a loving family before; he never even called Steve or Tara mom and dad.... the only man he would call "father" was...

"Father Jackenell."

"What, Stan?", asked Lucretia.

"Nothing at all.", Stan said, weakly.

After dinner, Stanley went up to bed. He always went to bed before anyone else; he also woke up before anyone else. It was just his thing.

Stan prayed over his Bible, kissed his cross and went to sleep. Suddenly, he had a terrible nightmare, where a wicked devil with Steve's face tried him before monsturous dogs in Hades before casting him into a pit of boiling raw steak. Stan awoke, sweating, and saw Miles and Luc by the door. "Dear, Mr. London called. The court ordered that you have to return to the Freedmans."

"What's going on, mom?", asked DeeVee, the youngest of the Wolf Cubs, to Luc and Miles, who were looking quite depressed; Luc was sitting in the corner, while Miles was pacing the kitchen, smoking catnip. Miles had never smoked before. "Oh, Stan had to leave, honey.", said Lucretia. "Oh." DeeVee went up the stairs back to his room. "Is he coming back?" "Maybe.", replied Miles. "Maybe."

"This can't be true!", cried out Stanley as Mr. London looked, concerned. "I'm afraid that it is, Stanley.", he said in a depressed voice. Steve grinned like a menace at Stanley; the court had found insufficient evidence in favor of Steve abusing Stan, and ordered Stan to return with the Freedmans. Tara whispered in Stan's ear, faux sweetly: "When you come home, I'm gonna make you wish you were never born."

As they loaded a resistant Stan into the Freedman car, Mr. London returned, waving a waiver. "Wait!", he cried out, looking joyful almost. "The waiver said you can't take him back yet. He still has a week to gather evidence for his case!"


It was the day of the trial. A week prior, Stan had gone through a grueling, cruel look through files, paperwork, and library and state records from the court. Thankfully, Joey and Dallas and volunteered to help him sort the info out.

After about an hour of preperation, Stan walked up to the stand. In the jury was...


RYAN BYRON, age 37

JEFF BYRON, age 47

KAREN WARD, age 48

DR. STANWICK, age 38

and TED BEAUREGARDE , age 59

The defendant? Steve and Tara Freedman.

The prosecutor? Mr. London.

The judge? Maria Felton, PHD.

In attendance were the Sandwich Family, Joey, Dallas, Fido, Sabrina, Demas, the Wolf Pack and Keene Milton.

The judge slammed the gavel. The trail began.

After at least two hours of Stan bleeding his heart out on the stand, Tara was called up.

"I'm an innocent woman! I would never hurt an animal!"

"You let your husband hurt an animal!", cried out Stan, but Grape shooshed him up.

Next, Demas was called up.

"My dad's a great man. He would never do any of the things this mutt, er, the defendant is accusing him of."

Next was Steve himself.


He cleared his throat.

"I admit, I'm a bit of a drunkard, but I would NEVER, not in this life or the next, hurt an animal. Never. Never, never, never, never, NEVER!"

"Appealing to emotion much?", snarked Mr. London, but the judge shut him up with a straight, icey death glare.

Steve looked like he was gonna cry, though he was probably just sweating badly. "Please, Judge. I-i would never hurt Stanley. I love him. We've had our disagreements, but we're still family." He had the audacity to turn to Stan, a pleading look in his eyes, though it was less a 'please forgive me' and more of a 'help me out and I'll make your next beating hurt slightly less'. "Right, Stanley?"

Stan pondered this for a moment. Then he said...

"You're not my family. Never have been. Never will be."

Steve looked enraged. He grabbed at Stanley: "YOU LITTLE SH-"


The judge slammed the gavel again.

"The verdict is GUILTY", said the Judge. "Gulp", said Steve, as cops took him to a cell. "You can't do this! I'm an innocent ma-", but his words were cut off as Officer Bill shut him up. Stan looked around, happy that he was finally free from the abuse of his "parents". He could hear Demas and Tara screaming bloody murder and crying in the background as he walked outside; he didn't care. He could also hear the radio.

Soul Holiday, Soul Holidayyyyyy...

Stan walked home with the wolves. He walked past the Church of St. Anthony Abbot. He looked upon the stained glass window of the Hebrews walking free from Egypt, to their real home in Israel.

That what he was. Free.

And he was going home.


CHANGE LOG: Edited the ages of the jury; edited several of Gale's lines; fixed the italics on Steve's dialog during the trial; shortened the Selah except during Stan's reading time; deleted the introduction; added in extra scenes between Stan and the Wolf Pack; changed Daisy's part; swapped Grape for Peanut and vice versa in several scenes; edited out Mile's inner monologue; edited out all instances of God's name being used as an exclaimation.
Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Wed Jan 06, 2021 11:26 pm, edited 15 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Harry Johnathan
Posts: 2067
Joined: Thu Nov 12, 2020 12:10 pm


Post by Harry Johnathan »

EPISODE ONE: An Unfortunate Opener

Marion wasn't exactly having the best time in the world. Unless, of course, your idea of a "good time" is being beaten senseless against a locked by the school bully Bronson, who was feeling bored and so thought that picking on the smallest kid in class would be a good way to alleviate that boredom.

It also didn't help that Marion's girl, Lois, had broken up with him in favor of an..... interesting choice of mate.

As Marion walked to the county prison to visit his Uncle Chuck, who had locked up for connections to PETA, knew one thing, however: things couldn't get worse, right?

"Dead wrong, Marion. Dead wrong."


Peanut Sandwich was enjoying life. While, enjoying life in the sense that he was playing with his Gameboy, perfectly content to do nothing but jump over exploding turtles, alien spaceships, skeleton fish, and fire breathing sphinxes in Super Mario Land all day.

"Peanut?", asked his girlfriend Grape, who had barged into his room. "Uncle Martin wants to see you." Uncle Martin "Martini" (although he was only called this by Sasha) Foster was the richest man in town.... okay, he wasn't even close to the Milton Ferret's net worth, but he was working his way up. Noted for his work in the animal rights movement, his funding of the new pet shelter, his founding of a school for feral animals, a bad arm and a... ahem, sense of the macabre (unless living in a mansion atop what was formerly a pit fighting animal graveyard seems "normal" to you), Martin was beloved by virtually every pet (and human!) in the gated community of Babylon Gardens, near the town of River Ridge, Missouri, eccentric as he was. Peanut and Grape also had the honor of him being their literal uncle, through some... complicated family ties.

Peanut got up. "Uncle Martin wants to see me? This has got to be interesting!" So, he and Grape walked around the block to Martin's house on Whiteman Street and were greeted at the door by Martin's pets, Alcor and Mizar. "Hello, Alcor. Hi, Mizar.", said Peanut and Grape, almost in unison. Grape muttered under he breath 'you owe me an orange soda...'

"Hello, cousin Peanut. Hi, cousin Grape.", said Alcor and Mizar (again, almost in unison. Is this gonna be a theme?) as they led the brown pointer and the purple tabby into the house. They went up to Martin's study, where of course he was waiting for them.

"Hello, P+G. (Martin liked to call them P+G when he was in an extremely good mood.... which was often, but that's besides the point.) I see you've got my letter, Grape?"

"Your raven friend Nevermore gave it to me. I paid him the postage and slapped him on the beak."

"Well, that wasn't very nice of you.", replied Martin, although he could give less of a care. He turned to Peanut. "Say, my boy, you've grown! Packing on some muscle!"

"A trip to the woods with a pack of wolves will do that to you.", Grape replied.

"Oh, I was thinking Officer Budweiser might've done some sick CIA torture exercise reigime on the poor pup when he was enrolled in the K9 academy last summer!"

"That would be awkward, him being my dad and all.", Peanut responded.

"Budweiser pays no favorites.", Martin warned. He then went straight back to his happy persona. "So, my beloved niece and nephew, have you noticed anything.... strange, any big, burly buildings downtown?"

The two pets thought for a moment. "Oh, there was that big factory by the train tracks!", replied Peanut like a puppy dog.

"Cccccoooooo-rect!", replied Martin like some children's game show host on a really bad sugar high. "And do you know who owns that factory?"

Peanut and Grape thought long and hard. "I thunk it said something like Karlson's on the sign.", said Grape. "Ayup!", replied Martin. "Gordon J. Karlson, my old bussiness partner when I was making pet food!" (Grape and Peanut cringed at this; Martin was a kind man, but his brand of pet food, Canine Cibble, was infamously awful.) Martin started pacing the room. "Karlson's and I have stayed in the touch over the years; he asked me to help fund his new kibble factory, so I did, because that's what friends do. Skip ahead 1 year later, factory's built, and..." Martin pulled out two goldish, shiny tickets. "... And he offers me and and two guests (my choice) to have a free tour of his factory, no strings attached!"

Grape and Peanut gawked in amazement.

"And I'm taking you two with me!"

"This is insane!", said Grape. Martin had insisted on walking for some reason; maybe it was the fact that the neighborhood prankster Max decided it would be a good idea to spray paint the family SUV with owl gang signs. "We're actually going to a real life kibble factory! I wonder what it will be like!", cried Peanut.


Meanwhile, Ringel's bratty younger brother (by half a minute) Naos simply spat at Alcor's face from his baby chair; he didn't need a baby chair anymore, but Naos gladly took any chance he could to make his parents suffer. Poor Mizar's back was almost broken from picking his blasted toys off the floor, and Alcor was a tad busy trying to "entertain" Naos to keep him from resorting to playing cruel jokes on everyone else in the house.


Grape narrowly avoiding Peanut's attempt to hold her hand, and bumped into Officer Mungo, who was walking down the street. "Sorry", she said, but Mungo understood. Grape looked down the street; Sgt. Ralph and his (admittedly) much younger wolf girlfriend Natalie were busy having lunch. Grape was cautious with Peanut in public; she head known how badly Fido's life was tarnished after his battle in Jata on TV and outing as Sabrina's boytoy, and knew that were she and Peanut were to put themselves there would be...



The motley group arrived at the door of the Karlson's factory, there the man himself was waiting. But firstly, Martin and Karlson's exchanged a hug.

"Aww!", said Peanut before Grape shut his muzzle. What none of them knew was that things were gonna get very, very weird, very VERY quickly.

Karlson welcomed the group into the factory. Also present for the tour (although they had to pay) were The Sternfield family (all of whom were complete pyschopaths except for the teen Matt, and even he wasn't exactly right in the head) Duchess and Bino (they were, in all honesty, only there because they were bored out of their minds now that the GOD Club had lost all but one of their members; unfortunately, that member was Sten) as well as Mrs. Holloway, her baby and her watchdog Rex and his sister Daisy, who was looking quite chipper. As well as Tina, the crazy cat lady of the neighborhood, and one of her many Bigglesworth cats; this one being named...

"Claire, you stupid mutt", she said to Peanut when he had called her Mr. Bigglesworth. "And for your information, I'm a girl! G-I-R-L"

"Chamring young woman.", muttered Grape

"You could get lost in this place. Best to hold my hand", Martin said to Peanut, who agreed. A blushing Peanut attempted to apply the same logic to Grape, who responded with turning away from her and staying next to Daisy, who was being unusually tuneful, humming a romance song from "Singing in the Rain".

The group approached a doorway with the words:


...written upon in orange lettering. "Ah!", said Mr. Karlson, looking almost.... nostalgic. "This is where the bacon is cooked and diced up and the grease is made into flavoring for the kibble!" Peanut felt that the situation reminded him of a book he read, but he couldn't remember what it was.


Mr. Karlson opened the door with a set of golden, kitsune themed keys, and...

"Good Lord", said Grape in awe.

The room was covered from ceiling to floor in bright, colorful glass pipes carrying grease and other things to a giant machine in the middle of the room. There was a vat of bacon being sorted by robot servants, who also did tasks like taking notes, operating machinery and levers and caring for a pen of pigs by the door. There was a lovely aroma of meat all around the place, and it was painted like slices of bacon. In the corner, near the edge of the room, was a playground like area styled after an African jungle, illuminated by bright lights.

"Impressive, isn't it?", said Karlson to Martin. "It's a waste of money.", said Matt, who was on his phone, and didn't even so much as take a look at the room. His father, Stan, took the phone from the poor boy and forced him to take a look.

"Neato", said Matt.

"Watch your step. You could fall over and get yourself scaled to death!", said Karlson as the group descended the stairs down into The Bacon Room. Peanut licked a small, teeny tiny bit of grease off of the wall, but Grape promptly slapped his hand away.


"Ow", he said, and they kept walking. Karlson and the group were just about to exit the room, when one of the robots informed Karlson that something was off. "What is it?", he asked before he saw Matt walking dangerously close to the edge of the bacon vat.

"Um, Matthew? I don't think th-"

"Matt!", screamed Mrs. Sternfield as...


"Of course.", said Karlson as poor Matt fell into the vat, and was sucked up a pipe of some kind.

"WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!", screamed a horrified Rex before Daisy shut his muzzle.

"Poor Matt.", said a concerned Peanut, who shook his head.... and promptly went back to licking his fingers of bacon grease.

"Where did he go?", asked a concerned Mr. Sternfield, to which Karlson responded with a shrug. He called for a robot, instructed him to take The Sternfields to the control room to see if Matt could be found with the security system, and the group, sans The Sternfields, went to the next room.



Alcor was busy chasing the hellion that was Naos as he ran about the house like some bloody madman, all while Mizar was giving a bath to a VERY reluctant Ringle, and comforting her brother Alberdean's (who was on a trip with the Wolves and asked her to babysit) pup Mortimer, who was crying because he stubbed his toe.

"Alcor, do you sometimes regret having kids?"

"All the time.", said Alcor as he grabbed Noas, who spat in his face and laughed.

"Let's hope Martin gets home soon."



An old frail man was sitting on a makeshift bed, gripping the crusty blankets with his body hands. He called for someone, and she bought him a plate of what appeared to be cookies. Little did he know, those cookies were the reason he was sick.

The woman went back to see her son sitting on a chair, cutting his hair the way he liked it with scissors and talking with one of his friends, who had just gotten done doing an online pyschiatry class. The woman went up to her son, and whispered something in his ear. He looked troubled, conflicted

But, mother knows best. Right?

Most mothers do.



"How much longer is the next room, my backside is sore!, cried a bratty Duchess, who was being carried by a very tired looking Bino.

"Not much longer", said Karlson, with a hint of irritation in his otherwise cheery voice.

Grape looked at Peanut and sighed. She just wasn't feeling...

"A connection."

Karlson and the group travelled along down a dark, winding hallway filled with smoke of many colors into...

"Ah!", sighed Karlson. The door read in purple letters:


...again, reminding Peanut of a book he read but couldn't quite remember.

"This", said Karlson "is where I test out new formulas for kibble and treats!" He used his golden kitsune keys to open the doors. His gloves stretched a little, making a funny "brp!" noise that made both Peanut and Grape giggle.

The room was built like a witch's kitchen, filled with all manner of ghastly gray machinery and sleek, refined surfaces on which to operate the various clunky devices in which colorful liquids were swished around to make the different products Karlson was offering on store shelves, as well as new ones he was working on. A small cart was zooming on a track above the guests, carrying supplies to the robot workers.

"Ooh!", said Karlson as he turned to a pot of yellow juice, and took out a small cat treat. "This is my newest and greatest invention, the five flavored mystery cat treat!"

Peanut had a bad feeling about this...

"Cat treat, you say?", said Claire. "I like cat treats. A lot, actually. Can I try it?" She reached for it.

Karlson recoiled. "Heck, no! This stuff hasn't even been tested by my workers yet! Who knows what could happen if someone ate it?"

"It's just a cat treat!"

"Look, little Miss Sunshine.", said Karlson almost mockingly. "I've made dog food that caused smoke to rise out of people's nostrils. I've made kitty litter that exploded upon contact with soap. I've made a ball of yarn that could never be unraveled! And it took me MONTHS of refining to get those things working normal again! So if you eat this, all you are doing is playing an unwinnable game of chess with death!"

Claire paused. "So?" She snatched the treat from Karlson's hands and began to chew.

"You idiot!", cried Karlson, but she didn't hear him, as she had walked quite a bit away. "Um! It tastes like fish! Now it tastes like chicken!" (What Chicken was giving her the death glare from the window) "Ooh, now it tastes like crackers! Then Ice Cream! Then potatoes!"

"With sour cream, honey?", laughed Tina.

Suddenly, Claire felt... odd.

"I feel funny!", she said when suddenly...

She disappeared. Claire was no more. She was there one second, and then vanished without a trace!

"Good Lord! Where is she?", cried a terrified Tina, who grabbed an exasperated Karlson by the shoulders. "Where is she? Tell me what you've done to my baby, you monster?"

"She's alright. It wasn't even the treat that did it." He pointed to the ceiling; there was a large camera like device. "You see, as a way to cut down the costs of installing elevators, I put in a small teleportation device above each room. She has simply been zapped away to another room. Here, robot!" He clicked his fingers. He instructed the robot to lead Tina to the control room.

"Is Claire gonna be all right?", asked Peanut.

"I hope so", said Martin, who wiped his brow.



Sgt. Ralph was busy sorting through some papers when Terrance, the K9's forensics expert, walked in his office, a Not Chocolate mocah in hand.

"Terrance! Actually came to work today."

"I'm a busy dog." He muttered "And living with Duchess tires you out._

Sgt. Ralph chuckled a bit. "You look grim."

"Sarge? You know a kid named Marion? Marion Ward?"

"The paperboy?"

"He's dead. Shot. We found his body in the woods."

Ralph looked horrified.

"And we found this on his body..."


Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Fri Jan 08, 2021 4:54 am, edited 4 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Harry Johnathan
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Post by Harry Johnathan »


By all accounts, Tarot wasn't a normal puppy. Most dogs don't usually eat chocolate. Dogs don't usually write on typewriters. Dogs usually aren't best friends with cats. Dogs don't break both of their ears in a battle to the death with a swallow-tailed pigeon. (At least, I hope not.)

And most dogs most certainly don't move objects with their minds.

But, Tarot was all of these things. Okay, maybe the part about the swallow-tailed pigeon wasn't true, but she indeed had two broken ears.

Indeed, Tarot Ambrose was about to face a threat, far worse than just a swallow-tailed pigeon.


Tarot awoke one day to hear yelling and screaming downstairs and smoke rising from the floor. She knew her mom was a terrible cook and assumed that she just started another fire. It must have been around 6:00, so her human "father", Dave, would be at work for the River Ridge Police Department, no doubt working on the case of Marion's murder. But, then she noticed she wasn't even in her room.

"What?", cried Tarot, when quite suddenly a large, booming voice echoed throughout his room. "THE END IS NEAR, MORTALS. THE INVASION HAS JUST BEGUN!" Tarot looked as her room transformed into a battleground. She saw crucified bodies on the war zone, and the leader of the K9 unit, Sgt. Ralph, looking scared out of his wits, and that really disturbed Tatot, as Ralph really wasn't the type to get scared. When, suddenly...

"Tarot, wake up. It's time for school." Stacy Ambrose, Tarot's owner, shook her as she got up. She looked concerned, to say the least.

"What's wrong, honey?"


"Yes, hon?"

"I had that dream again."


Dave was busy eating a donut and reading the paper, on patrol just waiting for some idiot to start speeding when he got a call.

"Dave? It's me, Stacy"

"Hi, hon. Can you wait? There's a-"

"Tarot had that dream again."


Tarot's therapist, Dr. Tim, was a fairly understanding (and suprisingly imposing) voice of authority. He was sipping on an orange soda, texting his fiancé Maria, when Tarot and her parents walked in.

Dr. Tim wasn't the least bit surprised. "So, Tarot. Seems you've been having a recurrent nightmare..."


Tarot was pretending to pay attention to Sgt. Budweiser when her raven friend, Nevermore, passed outside the window. Tarot then spoke up.

"Mr. Budweiser, can I go to the bathroom?"

Bud sighed. "Go ahead, Tarot."

As Tarot went to the door, she could hear Todd, her red fox classmate, quietly whisper: "Ugh, Tarot. What a weirdo." Todd's girlfriend, Tanya, spoke up. "More like a freak."

Tarot winced. She was a weirdo.

And by all accounts, he was, indeed a freak.


Madonna's voice rang loud...

Yesterday things got out of hand... say goodbye to adversity! Bye bye sadness, hello hello! Back in bussiness, oh ain't it grand? Let the good times rollllll...

...from the elevator of the Karlson Factory as the group headed down towards the grain sorting room.

"I thought you said you didn't have elevators!", cried Duchess.

Back in bussiness, babyyyyy...

"Who ever said this was an elevator?", replied Karlson. Suddenly, the group looked around them and saw that they were in a minecart, rushing over a river of kibble.




"Fun, isn't it?", asked Karlson, to which a rather joyful looking Martin agreed. Peanut let out a loud WOOOO!, while a terrified Grape held onto him for dear life.


"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares THE LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:8–9)

Stan pondered these words as he looked behind him at the Television set. The local newsanchors, Katy Gelato and Simon Parker, were reporting on Steve's sentence.

"Earlier this year, Stephen Dunsboro Freedman, a native of River Ridge who had moved to Kansas 7 years ago, has been tried with the abuse of his pet Austrailan Shepard Stan, the pet of his deceased distant cousin Father Henry Jackenell, a Catholic priest. Stephen's sentence is being contested by his family and the hate group VEG, whose former leader Jack Thomas is infamous for the bombing of Senator Whitewish's office shortly after approving the Animal Rights Act of 1999 and the attempted break in of the Henry Milton Estate."


"It's ridiculous, I tell you! This mangy things, taking our jobs, walking around like they own our houses! Dogs and cats should have a cot and a bowl, not be going around, suing their owners and such!"

"Steve has been sentenced to 17 years in prison and has been ordered to pay a $7,777 fine. We'll get back to you with more updates. This is the RRNN, Channel 7."


Stan clenched the remote. His hand was shaking.

He felt... angry.

You're always on my mind, and I never minded being on my own, then something broke in me and I wanted to go home, to be where you are....but even closer to you, you seem so very far.

Jake Singleton, a Sheltie dog with a chunk of ear missing, was sitting in the pysch ward of Dr. Stanwick's hospital, listening to the radio, as Nurse Gale brought him some water. Jake couldn't talk; he couldn't ever since "the incident", so he just nodded to show his appreciation to Gale.

He turned beside him and saw the source of his night terrors; someTHING he called "The Bad Man".

"Look at you. You're a nutboy now, Jake. And nutboys never become singers, Jake. God hates you, Jake. Everyone hates you! They talk behind your back! You're gonna die if you drink that water, Jake! Tell God you hate him, Jake! Tell me you hate him!"

Jake former his fingers like a crucifix and "The Bad Man" disappeared. Jake knew that "The Bad Man" wasn't real; but, he couldn't help it.

And that scared him.

Officer Bill and his partner, Olva, were placing a chalk outline around Marion's body, while the Simon Parker asked Chief Henrik Walton, Jr. questions.

"Chief Walton? Are the rumors true that PETA is invovled in the murder of Marion Ward? Can you hear me, Chief? You deaf? Answer me, Chief! Babylon deserves to know!

"Shut it, Simon.", replied Walton. "This is a horrible tragedy, and the Ward family doesn't need to get anymore grief from the press."

"The world will know the truth!", screamed out Simon as some K9 officers carried him away from a disgusted Walton. "The world will know! So God help me, the world will know!"


Fox was the new kid in town. Okay, it's been months since he came from Kansas, so he wasn't exactly"new" anymore, but he was still adjusting. He had a scar on his right eye, which was from a rather bizarre accident he had working on his Uncle's farm; he'd rather not talk about it. He was shy, had a southern accent, fanatized about being an action hero, dressed in coats, obessed with WWII era weapons and airplanes, classic novels, Japanese monster movies and girls. That's all you really needed to know about him. He walked with a staff and had two main friends; Bino Costner, the neighborhood bully who quickly took a liking to him, and Allegra Jones, a "secret friend" who worked as a waitress and indulged in his love for Japanese horror. Why was she a "secret friend", exactly? Well, because she was a cat. A pink cat. And Bino HATED cats (and the color pink) with a passion.

Zachary Arbelt was a rabbit and the adopted brother of neighborhood crazy Tiger and the local nerd Marvin. Neither treated him with much respect, and the other pets barely acknowledged his existance so he became very lonely for a while, until he made friends with the local ferals; racoons, foxes, wild deer and their ilk. In particular he became close with a possum named Jessica, for whom his feelings rapidly began to change once he reached puberty. He hoped she felt the same. He liked to write stories, enjoyed musical theater and liked to play with an old Civil War playset.

Really, there wasn't much in common with these two. Except one thing.

They both were just kidnapped.



"We can get married when Tarot's case is taken care of.", Dr. Tim said to his fiance, Judge Maria Felton.

"I know, but I'm tired of waiting. I've been living with you
at least 7 years now, it's ridiculous! I'd don't want to be Miss Felton anyway, I wanna be Mrs. Feldman. I wanna have your son." She put his hand to her belly. "I want to get to know you."

"I know. But Tarot needs help. She's special to me. I've
been caring for her since she was a puppy. She's... sh-
she's a pyschological marvel."

The phone rang. Maria answered.

"Tim? It's for you."

"Thanks, Maria. Love you hon." He pecked her on the lips. "Yes, Dr. Tim Feldman? Mrs. Ambrose. Yes?"

His eyes lit up. "Tarot? In shock?"

Tim grabbed his coat. Maria stopped him. "Where are you going?"

"To work.", Dr. Tim said, excitedly.




"The old ways are lost.", Julia Robinson announced to her fellow PETA cultists. "Grand Master Harry is dead. We've lost our leader."

"NO!", screamed all the cultists collectively. "Woe, woe!", cried some more, as they tore their shirts in sorrow.

"But", cried Madam Julia. "Great news! My son, the heir of Harry himself, my own JOEL ZACCHARIAH ROBINSON-." Joel, a scraggily man with wild brown hair and a green suit and tie, stepped from behind a curtain applause, stepping beside his friend Orwell Johnson. "-is our new Grand Master.", continued Julia, to even greater applause.

"And for his first night as Grand Master, he has brought before us two tributes!" She pulled a black bag from over two pets to reveal...

"Foxworth Lindbergh and Zachary Arbelt!"


Sgt. Ralph, Terrance, Fido and Kevin watched as Officer Bill and Chief Walton brought Charlie "Chuck" Ward out from his cell to the interrogation booth.

"What do you want from me now?", said a grumpy Charlie.

"What do you know about PETA?", asked Fido.

Charlie chuckled. "PETA? What are those idiots up to now?"

"Just answer the question!"

"Sheesh! PETA is run by a grand master, they kill animals to "free" them from slavery, and hide in warehouses. What more do you need to know?"

"Chuck, this is serious." Fido lowered his voice, looking quite solemn. "They killed him."


"Marion. They killed your nephew Marion when he was on his way to visit you."

At that last line, Chuck went hysterical. "What? What? I'm gonna kill those monsters! Do you hear me! DO YOU HEAR ME?!"

Guards carried Chuck back to his cell. Ralph sighed, and wrote something on his notepad.


"That's not true! That's just straight up impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible.", said Karlson as he used his kitsune keys to open a door in sky blue lettering:


"Yes, it's true ladies and germs. I sort the grains used in my kibble using only the most advanced, amazing and productive techniques in modern history. I bring to you.... The Grain Sorter 9,000."

The group looked, amazed, at the great blue machine, which had multiple metal tentacles carrying nuts to different stations; from a sorting table manned by robot servants, to a counting press, to a boiler, to a conveyer belt, and a trash vat.

"Amazing!", said Mrs. Holloway. "It's incredible!", replied Martin.

"It's a hunk of garbage.", replied Duchess.

Karlson looked at her.... thoughtfully, before taking the group to another room. "Maybe Duchess, THIS will be more to your tastes."

The room's door read in great, big pink letters:


"The cutting room?", asked Grape.

"This is where I film and edit my advertisements!", said Karlson, almost joyously.

Peanut had a bad feeling again...

"Advertisements?", said a curious Duchess. "My daddy works in advertisements! He worked with Rock Milton himself on commericals for Canine Cibble when Rock's career was just starting!"

Rock Milton was the brother of millionaire Keene Milton, and was known for directing the first film adaptation of the Pridelands book series, but it was infamously terrible, plagued by a trouble production and horrible acting from it's inexperienced all animal cast. He would then stick to directing commericals for several years before making a comeback with the indie biker film "Bravo Charli", which made him famous, followed by a remake of Pridelands which, needless to say, was far more successful than the first and elevated him to the status of an animal Steven Spielberg.

"I wanna see this!", said Duchess excitedly. She dragged in Bino along with her, who looked like he was being choked. Considering that she was dragging him in by the collar, he probably was.

The group waited outside for several minutes. There was great slience for half an hour. Then, Karlson checked his gold watch and...


...they heard a loud scream!

"What the carp was that?", cried Daisy, and Rex ran in to see. Duchess and Bino were nowhere to be found!

"Oops.", said Karlson, chuckling. "It seems that Miss Duchess and her little boyfriend got caught in a reel of filmstock and were dragged off to the editing room by a clumsly robot! Servants!" (He clicked his fingers; a robot appeared in around five seconds, spooking Peanut.) "Robot, my boy, would you go to the security room and check where Duchess and Bino have been taken? Thank you very much!"

The robot complied, and left.

Karlson lighted a cigar. It was going to be a long, LONG night, it seemed.

Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Wed Jan 06, 2021 11:37 pm, edited 12 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really am enjoying how this is coming along! Keep on writing it!
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Harry Johnathan
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Post by Harry Johnathan »

Happy New Year!
Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Sun Jan 03, 2021 11:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Harry Johnathan
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Post by Harry Johnathan »



"Hey, Sarge! Aren't you supposed to be on a date?"

Sgt. Ralph looked at his partner Terrance (who was playing darts with Karishad, who was in the police building for some reason) and sighed. "Me and Nat got into a... bit of a fight, last night. Decided ultimately that it wasn't working out."

"Ah, too bad. Oh, well. There's always plenty of fish in the sea!"

"Sure there are.", said Ralph. He began looking through some files on the Marion case as Terrance accidently poked Karishad in the nose with a dart and was being chased around the room.

"Sarge?", called a voice from outside the room. "There's been a kidnapping case. Two pets: Zach Arbelt, Foxworth Lindbergh? Missing!"



Joel was sitting by himself, admiring his looks in a mirror, as his mother Julia came over and put her hands around his shoulders.

"You're the Grand Master now. Feeding that old bean all those...... 'special' cakes really paid off."

Joel spun a finger through his brown banes. "I didn't want this. You wanted it. In a way, you're the grand master."

Julia kissed her son on the cheek.... before slapping him on the wrist, hard!

"Ow!", cried Joel. His mother began to shrill.

"You idiot! You have too much of your brother's heart. When we ran away from your father, didn't we want to contribute to society? To make sure the things your father did to poor Helias would never happen again? We wanted to save the animals. ALL the animals! And now, we've got our chance. So stop with the heart and don't ruin this for me, Joel. If you do, you will regret it."



"Incredibly sorry about the way our tour turned out today.", called Karlson as the pets and their families left the factory. Claire was babling nonsense, very clearly tramuatised, Matt was covered in burn marks and being attacked by Devo and some other dogs due to his bacony smell, and Bino and Duchess were... well, the less said about Bino and Duchess the better.

The only two families NOT leaving the factory in a state of terror and paranoia, the Sandwiches and the Holloways, had gotten a free little "prize" of a bag of bacon for each pet.

Martin, Grape and Peanut entered the Foster Mansion to find the place in shambles, Mizar comforting a crying Mortimer and Rigel while Alcor was sitting depressed in Martin's chair being attacked by a screaming Naos.

"What in the Good Lord's name happened here?!", Martin asked.

"Everything.", replied Alcor in a dead, monotone voice.



Stan was a bit nervous coming up to the door of the God Club, but nevertheless, an invitation was an invitation. Besides, the free buffet sounded good.

He entered the clubhouse.

Bino, who was sporting cuts around his arms and rather strangely was covered in what appeared to be scraps of wet filmstock, cleared his throat before stepping up to the microphone. "Ahem, folks. Attention! We have a new pet, in town today. His name is Stanley Elliot Jackenell, let's give him a round of applause."

All the pets promptly began cheering, a few lady dogs even began whistling. Fido was sitting in a pew with his brother Joey and friend/co-worker Kevin Beauregard.

"So how Does your whole relationship with Sab work? Does she chase you around?", Kevin whispered to Fido.

"We do a whole lot more than chasing.", Fido replied.

"Wow, what a stud.", Squeak, Joey's mouse girlfriend, said about Stan's appearance while sitting in her boyfriend's hair.

"Please, Squeak, keep it down.", Joey cautioned; mice weren't exactly Bino's favorite animal, if his insane shrieking last Wendsday when he saw Spo running around meant anything.

Fido then saw Sabrina D'Angelo, his girlfriend, at the window, gestures suggestively at him with a doggy biscuit. He promptly left, blushing.

"Where are you going? Aren't you gonna stay for the buffet?", his Kevin asked.

"Snuggle. Love Whip", was all Fido could respond with.

"Suit yourself.", replied Kevin, who was salting and peppering a not very amused What Chicken, who promplty pecked Kevin's arm and ran off. "Ow, she bit me!", he cried.

Joey facepalmed.


Jake Singleton was sitting in his room, admiring the sunset, when he saw something... odd across the street.

Two men, in distinctive PETA cloaks, carrying a rabbit and husky dog into an old warehouse he thought had been abandoned.

Jake turned around and saw "The Bad Man".

"You'd better not tell anyone, Jakie boy."

Jake ignored The Bad Man's ranting and began writing on a price of cardboard he tore from an old box.


"I'm sorry, Peanut."

"Grape! Y-you can't be serious!"

"Never been more serious in my life.", Grape sighed. "Look, Peanut. I-I love you still. As a brother. Trust me on this, Peanut. We just don't have that same spark we once did. When we started dating, I wanted, no, needed you to be happy. Don't you want me to be happy, too?"

Peanut bowed his head, thinking. He knew that he and Grape hadn't really shared a connection for months now. He wanted their love to work, he really did, but it just couldn't. It wasn't time yet. Not now at least.

He hugged Grape.

"I trust you, Grape. I love you."

"I love you too, you big dork."


"The Lion shall lie with the lamb, the wolf with the ram, and a little child shall lead them." Martin got up from his office chair. "I love the Bible. Especially the parts about animals. I like animals. And children. I'm good with kids. Yes sir, I like them a lot."

"What does any of this have to do with us?", a group of men in suits for the Parnok/Gorbachov Pet Food Company asked.

"Well, I was just getting to that. How would you men like an... exclusive bussiness deal?" Martin grabbed out a large piece of paper. "I'm building a new shelter."

"Didn't you already build a shelter?"

Martin snorted. "Yes. But compared to this location, that shelter looks like a children's toy. This is gonna be HUGE! And you know why I'm asking you to provide me with food?"

"Why is that, Mr. Foster?"

Martin grinned. "Because we're building it in Russia."


The K9 had just gotten done questioning Marion's Uncle Chuck about PETA. Nothing they didn't already know.... except for Grand Master Harry's internet history, which they now wanted NOT to know. They had gotten done asking Dr. Stanwick about Zach, who he had treated a week prior for an ear infection, when Jake, one of Stanwick's paitents, came out from his room, brandishing a cardboard sign with the works written on it in marker:



Dr. Tim calmed down a sobbing Tarot, as her concerned parents watched.

"Tarot. Tarot, what's wrong?"

"It's back.", she began wheezing. "It's back and it wants him."

"Who? Who's back, and what does it want?"

"The Forgotten. It wants Peanut. Oh, God. It wants Peanut!"

"Who's the forgotten? Who's Peanut? Tarot? Tarot?"

She blacked out.


"You'll never get away with this you monsters!", Fox hissed as Orwell Johnson tied a rope around his and an unconcious Zach's chairs.

"What makes you think I won't?", Orwell said in a deep, sinful sounding voice.

Fox gulped.

Julia handed Joel a blade. A curved, horrid blade, like one carved from hell's bloody steel.

"Free them, Joel. Free them from this world."

Joel thought for a few moments. He had memories, distant, sad, melancholic memories of playing with his cat Helias, playing the Sega Genesis with her, making up excuses when their dad would find them up early in the morning playing Sonic and Vectorman. He would remember the days when their dad wasn't a drunkard, when he had a job, when his brother hadn't left for college, when things were...


"Joel? Did you hear me? Free them! Free the beasts!" His mother got angry; she started to yell. "FREE THEM!"

"NO!", Joel yelled back sharply.

"Then I'll free you!", screamed Julia as she pulled out a pistol and... shot poor Joel in the stomach!

"N-ugh!", cried Joel as he fell to the ground, apparently dead.

Zach awoke to see Joel's body at his feet, and screamed. Orwell, brandishing a blade, put his hand over Zach's mouth, shutting him up.

Suddenly, a swarm of K9 and police officers rushed into the warehouse, grabbing many of the now fleeing cultists. Officer Bill spoke up.

"Julia Jezebel Robinson, you're under arrest for kidnapping, attempted murder, and cult practices! Do you hear me, Julia? Answer me!"

"I hear you!", shreiked Julia as she was being led into a can, wearing a straitjacket. "I hear you!". She gnashed her teeth. "I killed Marion Ward!", screamed Orwell Johnson as he was being led to a cop car. "I killed him! And I loved it!"

"There truly is no rest for the wicked.", Chief Walton sighed.

"I hate cults.", said Sgt. Ralph.

Jerry Arbelt and Bill then rushed to their pets, freeing them from their ties and chairs. Fox hugged Bill, crying almost, while Jerry led a hysterical Zach to the ambulance outside.

"They were gonna kill me! They were gonna kill me!"

Watching from a window across the street, Jake smiled at his act of heroism. He turned behind him to see The Bad Man.

"You're dead, nutboy. Dead."

Jake grinned, before speaking.

"No. You are. You have no power over me. Go away, jerk."

This was the first time Jake had spoken in 9 years, and The Bad Man was shocked. His main source of power over Jake was gone. Jake was free.

He never saw The Bad Man again.



A big party was held at the GOD Clubhouse following Fox and Zach's return. Neither Fox or Zach, however, were there to celebrate it.

To say Zach was tramuatised by his ordeal at the PETA warehouse was a massive understatement. He had downright been diagnosed with PTSD soon after, and was spending time in Dr. Stanwick's pysch ward. He was roommates with a kid named Jake. Jake didn't talk much but when he did his voice soothed Zach. Something about it sounded like freedom and victory. Zach liked that. He liked it a lot.

Fox, meanwhile, was making up for lost time.

"Hey, Allegra.", said Fox as he approached her at her house.

She hugged him. "I was worried sick about you."

"So was I", Fox replied. They laughed a bit.

"You were on the news."

"I was wasn't I?"


"Allegra? Sorry I haven't visited in a while."

"I understand, Fox."

"Allegra, I wanted to do this for a long time..."

"That's tha-"

Then he kissed her.

And she kissed back.

And they both liked it.

Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Fri Jan 08, 2021 4:54 am, edited 6 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Loving how you have put this story together! I really did enjoy reading it a lot!
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Harry Johnathan
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Post by Harry Johnathan »

Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Fri Jan 08, 2021 5:32 am, edited 4 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really loving the way you wrote this chapter! Awesome job!
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Harry Johnathan
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Post by Harry Johnathan »


"I honestly don't believe it."

"Fudging gold."

"Fox? That's Fox, right?"

"Bino's gonna be livid!"

A group of dogs were watching from the window of their house as Fox was.... well, snogging Allegra.

Oh, and the part about Bino being livid?

They were absolutely correct.



"Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction too, Bino."




Groggy, Joel Robinson awoke to the sound of prison bars. He felt sore all around, and heard a voice say: "Okay, you animals! Time for grub! We've got us a busy day ahead o' us!"

Wait, animals?

He felt his arm. It was... fuzzy. Oh, no this can't be happening...


"King, quiet down.", said a female husky sleeping with him in his cell. Somehow, through some unexplainable means, Joel Zacchariah Robinson was reborn as a Welsh Corgi! Was this some trick, a joke? Was this black magic? Was he dead? Was he in Hell, or Heaven? Is this purgatory! A million thoughts raced through his head, all at once quite a few not really connected.

"My name's not King!", he cried. "My name's Joel! Joel Zacchariah Robinson! Do you hear me, Joel!?"

"Yeah, and my name's Adolf Hitler.", yawned the husky beside him. "Why would you associate yourself with that cultist monster, anyway?"

"Cultist monster! I did more for animal rights than you will EVER know!"

"Mac, I think King's off his meds again!", called the husky girl.

"King doesn't take meds", replied Mac, the pet store owner.

"He might as well be!", joked Bailey.

"What's your name?", asked King.

"Bailey.", the husky replied.

King sat alone. Mac brought him some offal.

King hated offal.

Jake was let out of Stanwick's Pysch Ward. It felt bittersweet, to say the least. Dr. Tim had determined that Jake had been in peak mental condition for the past seven months. As Jake left the building, carrying a bag of his belongings, he turned to Dr. Stanwick and whispered a weak "Thank You."

"What?", cried Dr. Stanwick, amazed that Jake had spoken.

"Thank you."

Jake walked out of the facility, humming a merry tune. He bumped into someone, a cat.

A female cat

"Ouch!", he cried. "I'm so sorry are you okay?", cried the female, almost angelic voice above him. He looked at her; he asked her -

"What's your name?"

"Clarabelle. My friends call me Belle."

"Hi, Belle.", he stammered, butterflies in his stomach. "What brings you here?"

"Visiting my cousins. Wanna come with me?"

"Sure!", he said, following her.



King awoke to the sounds of scrapping metal. He looks around him and saw...

...Bailey, his cell-mate, clawing at the bars on the window of their cell, trying to escape.

"What are you doing?!"

"Escaping. Wanna help?"

"Love to.", said King.

"You're an adventurous spirit.", laughed Bailey. She grabbed his hand, and they fled the shelter, together.



Father Ghetti and his cat, Brother Lazarus, walked around, blessing the congregation and laying hands on their heads when Carl Steward, the executor of Sir Henry Milton's estate, walked in, and gave him a note.

"Interesting.", said Ghetti.

"What is it?", asked a curious Lazarus.

"Keene Milton wishes for the church to officiate the wedding.... of a dog and a cat."



"And what makes you think you'd be a good fit?", Dr. Tim said. He had never done done couples counseling for, well... animals before, but he liked trying new things. Also, he was being paid by the Milton Ferrets, which didn't hurt at all.

"Well, I believe that Miss Sandwich is a kind, loving soul and I'd like to get to know her better. Also my strict Catholic upbringing prevents me from.."

Clarabelle bapped Jake's leg with her tail.

", living with her until marriage." He laughed, nervously.

Dr. Tim sighed. "So, here's a broucher on..."



Fido was snuggling with his girlfriend Sabrina as his brother Joey was playing cards with his... kooky friends.

Sabrina looked at the TV as Jake and Clarabelle we're married by Father Ghetti. "Fidey?"


"Do you ever wanna get married?"

Fido spat out his drink.


"Tonight sounds good.", said Grape over the phone.

"Who was that?", asked a curious Peanut Sandwich, who was, well, making a sandwich.

"Maxwell Costner. He will be my date for the yarn ball."

"Max, really?"

"I like a guy who can take a joke."

"Yeah, because spray painting every house on Saldivar Lane green sounds like my idea of a 'joke'."

"You're just jealous!"

"Am not!"

"Yes too!"

"Snot stew!"

"Mail!", cried Jill, carrying a package into the room. She handed Peanut a small, homemade envelope. This is for you.

"Huh?", Peanut said as he opened it. It read:

peanut sandwich, you are in grave danger.


"Who's Tarot?", asked Peanut.

"No idea."

“No. I-i can't. Sorry.”

Alcor Foster was sitting in the corner of the living room of Clarabelle Sandwich and her husband, Jake Singleton. Jake and Clarabelle had asked Alcor to “donate” for them; i.e, sire children for them. Jake was a dog, Clarabelle a cat. Obviously, (at least, according to the laws of genetics) a dog and a cat can't make… well, babies. So a middle man was often called in to “rectify” the situation.

Thing, is, Alcor didn't want to be the middleman.

“Why can't you?”, asked Clarabelle, attempting to put on a seductive tone to entice Alcor into reconsidering.

Alcor tried putting on weak excuses: “B-because something about it feels… wrong. Like, um, i shouldn't be doing it.” He sighed. “Not that you're unattractive, of course, but I can't do this. I never felt anything for cats before.”

“You just have to do the thing once.”, said Jake in one of his rare moments of speech.

“But-”, replied Alcor, “I… I just can't. You see, Mizar and I had Ralph donate so we could have kids, and look what happened.” He chuckled a bit, but not a chuckle of warmness or humor, but rather a chuckle of cracking sanity. “Little ungrateful cat hating hellions, tormenting me daily for the shocking crime of being a cat! I can't destroy your family the way Ralph did mine. (He started pointing fingers around the room) You know, Ralph and I were friends before all that. Broke off contact once the pups started speaking. Broke it ALL off when I asked them to call me papa…. and they called me uncle back.”

Jake and Clarabelle looked at each other as Alcor started to leave the house, putting on his best scarf.

“See you around. Adopt if you want, or even better, just stay childless”, said Alcor as he walked outside, into the snowy townside of Babylon Gardens.


Sgt. Ralph and Terrance were looking through old files when one caught Ralph's eye.


"Yeah, Sarge?"

"Was I ever the donor for someone named Charlotte Sandwich?"


King and Bailey had snuck onto an airplane runway when they saw a small plane passing by, ready to lift off. Taking the chance, they grabbed onto the plane's wing and hung on tight as it began to take off. They quickly made their way to a window (which, thankfully, was in the bathroom) and snuck into the plane, nobody suspecting their arrival except for the unfortunate man who would later step in to take a dump and be blasted with a gust of air.

King found himself asleep on Bailey's chest when he overheard a... distressingly familiar voice from outside their hiding spot in the luggage.

"It's time to take revenge.", said the chilly voice of...

Orwell Johnson.

And he had a bomb.

Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Perfectly written chapter and marvelously done like always! You are one of this forum's great writers! ^_^
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Harry Johnathan
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Post by Harry Johnathan »

Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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