Ultimate Housepets! (Pg-13)

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Ultimate Housepets! (Pg-13)

Post by furrygamer793 »

So, this is basically an alternate world for Housepets! But darker, The idea (and name) are from Ultimate Marvel, being a darker take on the Housepets! Universe. And this will hopefully have better dialogue than my previous stuff, apparently I've been doing it all wrong. So, without further adieu,
Ultimate Housepets! Issue Zero:
Milton Estate, Babylon Gardens;
Sitting at a desk, Duke Milton, a ferret cast in the shadows of his siblings, was typing on a computer and reading through papers, he read animals can better hold DNA not of themself than humans can causing him to type in Candidate Type: Pet he saved up his work just as the elevator started rumbling, the elevator door slid open to Jeeves, the Miltons' Butler.
"Keene is getting suspicious about your work sir, if you don't finish soon, you will have to cancel the project and destroy the files." He said.
Duke replied, saying "I'm more than ready, let's print the report and get over with."
As Jeeves went to print it, Duke quietly whispers to himself, "I hope that this works."
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Re: Ultimate Housepets! (Pg-13)

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Interesting idea, indeed. I look forward to seeing where this leads :)
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Re: Ultimate Housepets! (Pg-13)

Post by furrygamer793 »

Thanks, I try my best, I think.
Issue One:
Sandwich House Hold, Bablyon Gardens,
It was a calm but boring day for the residents of Babylon Gardens. After the Miltons had mysteriously cut short the one party they had all week, the Milton Estate had locked up, preventing almost all of the exciting things they could do. Peanut 'binges' the Elite Four battles in Pokèmon, having already gotten to gen 4, while Grape rereads Pridelands, again. The week would have been the most uneventful of their lives if it wasn't for a single phone call. Peanut goes to get it.
"Hello," Peanut said
"Hey Peanut, it's me, Apple, I was just coming over to visit when I bumped into Duke, one of the Milton ferrets, coming to visit himself. So can we come visit?" Apple, an Akita Inu, replied over the phone
"Sure." He responded.
A few minutes later, the four were talking on the couch.
"So, Sandwiches and Apple, the reason I came was more important than you could ever believe, I've been researching genetic modification so I can, put it simply, stop a dangerous, suspicious, and all out evil plot, with superheroes. Are you in?" Duke said
"Are we in?" Peanut said, "Of course! This is the only eventful thing that's happened all week!"
Grape kind of shrugged, "I guess."
Apple nodded, "I'd hate to be the only one to say no, so why not."

Secret lab, Milton Estate;
"This might hurt a bit." Duke said, as he poked Peanut with a small needle, "Super Enhancing Fluid, for the muscles, you will either get super strength or super speed, or maybe even both." To Grape, he gives her a small cup, "This strengthens your senses." And to Apple, "You already have powers, you just don't know yet."

Milton Estate, main floor;
"Breel! You don't understand! Don't leave, please!" Keene exclaimed
"I understand all of it, you're making this thing to destroy everyone! All for some stupid revenge! I am leaving!" Breel ran out the door, Keene running after, but then Breel tripped on a fallen log, and onto the road, Keene couldn't look.
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Re: Ultimate Housepets! (Pg-13)

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Great job on this so far! I like what you did with these parts!
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Re: Ultimate Housepets! (Pg-13)

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I agree, nice job :)
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Re: Ultimate Housepets! (Pg-13)

Post by furrygamer793 »

Note: this universe varies greatly from the normal HPU in a few big ways.
Other note: I was listening to French Vocaloid the entire time I wrote this, don't know if that's bad or good.
Other other note: just realized I forgot to mention Apple's gender, well it means that my idea works.
Other other other note: don't get too attached to almost any OC.
Ultimate Housepets! Issue two:
"What is this about, now, Kitsune." A large, mostly blue, gryphon asked to a fox with nine tails, the Great Kitsune.
"The mortal world is becoming very troubled, you need to either go down and fix it yourself, or get someone else to do it, this is very important, Pete." Kitsune said.
"Dragon- Apple, can take care of herself, I mean, she's got super powers."
"This isn't about Dragon, this is a bigger threat, Pets are dying, and I know you have someone who can help."
"Okay, Kitsune, I get what you mean." Pete left.

Joel Robinson's dreams, three weeks ago;
"Get up, King." Joel Robinson 'woke up' to Pete in his dream, but instead of being a normal human, Joel was a corgi.
"What am I doing here, and why do I feel all furry?" Joel said.
"You're gonna have to get used to it, being a dog and all, King." Pete calmly said
"A dog!" Joel exclaimed, "I can't be a dog! I've been a human my whole life and surely that can't change"
"Well, it just did, and it's kind of a long story."
"Wait- this is a dream, which means I can wake up any moment and be fine."
"Sure, just wake up." And Joel did, but he was still a dog. He went back to bed hoping he was still sleeping, but knowing in the back of his head it wasn't.
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Re: Ultimate Housepets! (Pg-13)

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

You are a very great writer! I can't wait to see more from you!
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Re: Ultimate Housepets! (Pg-13)

Post by furrygamer793 »

Quick thing: Technically, Apple could be considered an OC because while yes, Apple is Dragon, (oh boy, only analogy I can think of is something you probably wouldn't get) Apple also is her own person, with Dragon kind of being a voice in her head sometimes or she might get clouded flashbacks of being Dragon.

And also, the whole U&U thing in this universe was actually done in an alternate earth they created, and no that will not be important later on.
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Re: Ultimate Housepets! (Pg-13)

Post by furrygamer793 »

Ultimate Housepets! Issue Three:
Milton Estate;
"Hey Duke, have you seen Simon?" Jeeves asked, the pets had left and Duke was sitting at the desk thinking when Jeeves suddenly interrupted, Duke thought about that and responded, "Now that I think about it, no I haven't. Wait- what if Keene found out!" He ran to the elevator and pressed 3, the most likely floor for it to be, when the doors opened, right outside was Simon, lying on the floor, barely clinging on to life, "Duke," he whispered, "I- he- found out, he's making something big, something dangerous, something only a psychopathic monster would make, a weapon of utter destruction, a flying laser of death, a mass destruction device." "Hold on, I won't let him get away with this monstrosity, so please don't let go to this world, please." as he slowly dragged Simon into the elevator and pressed the secret code, he muttered, "No matter what gets in the way, Keene, you will fall.

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Re: Ultimate Housepets! (Pg-13)

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Wow that brief paragraph actually came out incredibly nice! Wonderful job on writing it up!
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Re: Ultimate Housepets! (Pg-13)

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Interesting! Keep it up :D
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Re: Ultimate Housepets! (Pg-13)

Post by furrygamer793 »

Almost forgot this
Ultimate Housepets! Issue 3.5
The elevator dinged as Duke went into the secret room, "Emergency, Jeeves." He said, wiping away his tears, he couldn't believe that his own brother would do such a terrible thing.


Remote island; Indian Ocean. 3/5 km above sea level
“Doctor Cedric, I presume the reactor is ready”
“Of course, Master Milton, activating reactor surge.”
Keene reclined on his chair, watching the spectacular reactor glow brighter and hotter.
“Reconnect the superlaser.”
“Umm, Keene, sir, the routing systems are overheated… it’s too hot to touch! Reactor at critical mass, somebody get that robot arm thingy!“
The aircraft lights popped all around, the scientists frantically move the arm, barely routing the power in time. A red glow pierced the horizon for many miles, but stops quickly afterwards.
“Scanning all land probes… zero probes online. Test successful, it is ready.”
Keene swiveled his chair a bit, and looked right into Doctor Cedric’s eyes “I’ll expect it over New Mexico by this time tomorrow, nobody’s gonna believe Roswell has another Sci-Fi experience.”
End of issue 3.5
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Re: Ultimate Housepets! (Pg-13)

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Glad that you have gotten back to this! It is almost like you never stopped writing!
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