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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by trekkie »

Oof. Poor Rufus. It’s a good thing Sasha is dead, or Max, Grape, and Peanut would’ve killed her. Or at least severely injured her.
Great chapter.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: The Lost Chapters Of Sasha's Journal
Chapter 1: The Truth Comes Out

After watching the remainder of Disc One and being shocked at everything she was hearing from Sasha, from her being the cause of Rufus' death to her mass body count when she was on the run and hunting down Simon and Duke Milton, she didn't have high hopes that the remainder of the discs were any better. Indeed, moment she popped in Disc Two, the first chapter was entitled 'My New Contract'. With a gulp, she hit play:

"Fun fact about me: Did you know I was supposed to be a Avatar for some fellow back in the day? No joking either! I believe this was after the time my 'daddy' locked me out of the house for forgetting his beer again, which I admit I did as I spent his money buying my own personal blade for that special moment. Anyway, I was sitting on the sidewalk, all 'happy happy' when I felt this, I wanna say, slightly cool breeze brush against me. Next thing I know, sitting next to me? Big ole' bird who called himself Pete. We chatted for a spell then he went ahead and asked if I would like to help him achieve his greatest dream. I asked him what he'd need me to do and he told me to become an Avatar and become his White Avenger! Did I accept? Nah. I told him I was happy with being his hit-girl then donning some silly armor. Oh, didn't I ever tell anyone that? See, before I was 'adopted' by 'daddy', I used to be Pete's personal warrior, a Grim Reaper if you will, going after those who wronged him and those who never deserved a happy ending. Let me tell you, it was the most fun I ever had..." Daisy closed her eyes and sighed as the footage of Sasha continued, listing off all the people she went after by orders of Pete, a few of which she recognized as she was either friends with them or had seen them at various stores.

"...the contracts kept coming, even after he found some poor sap to use, which is where we are today. During this whole 'game' thing, Pete had wanted to use this King fellow as his Avatar in the hopes he would die in combat as payback for telling him off. Alas, he grabbed his wife....ha ha ha I'm sorry but that twerp getting a wife like that? HAH! Anyway, he grabbed her and was going to have her die in his place, which is where I come into the picture. See, after he left with her, he came to me, on that day I was locked out of the house, with the greatest deal ever: Kill King and my place in the afterlife was secured and all my past deeds wiped away with no one knowing what I did, along with the chance to finally get my vengeance on 'daddy.' With a grin and a fire in my heart, I accepted and he handed me this..." she then pulled out a necklace that held a very sinister-looking jewel, surrounded by some very gothic metal pieces, "...he told me that if I were to die before the contract was complete, I would be sent to the Netherworld. But, if I showed this to his brother Setekh, who was then living in the Netherworld as he was banished there, I would rule along side a fellow named Eudoant. A wonderful gift...but I have no intention on dying as I told him: I'm a grim reaper. Nothing can kill me." At that part, Daisy could only laugh at the 'nothing can kill me' part and that, from her recollection, Eudoant was still dead, along side the Forgotten, so she basically nothing down there. She then went from laughing to a sigh of relief as her death also meant that King and Bailey, along with their pups, were safe from whatever Sasha had planned, which judging by her descriptions in the next chapter, entitled 'How To Kill And Deep-Fry A Couple', was going to be very disturbing. The rest of the chapters were pretty tame, surprisingly, though there were a few that went way to far into her fantasies, stuff that would even make the greatest of fan-fic writers jealous, Daisy thought, but at least it was still somewhat tame, right? She then came across the last chapter on the disc entitled 'The Ultimate Contract' and it was here where the awful truth came out. The POV video showed her going to the old Milton mansion and meeting Osiris, the then-brainwashed Keene, after killing her owner and receiving an injector, containing some sort of liquid substance. The video then jumped to her entering a mall and walking up to the first person she saw and..."Oh my dog," Daisy gasped, "SHE started the zombie apocalypse." Indeed, she was. For as the liquid exited the tube and entered the person, said person quickly turned into a zombie and began infecting more people. Sasha, meanwhile, could be heard laughing as she left the mall casually and drove off.

"So Keene really wasn't behind that event," Daisy said to herself as the disc finished, ejecting it and putting it back in the case, "Rather it was Sasha who did it...times like these I am glad she's dead...but man..." She sighed then as she grabbed the last disc, saying to herself that she hoped this disc doesn't have any more surprises.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by trekkie »

Sasha just gets nastier and nastier, great chapter!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This chapter is very informative and still as entertaining as the other ones. Keep up the good work.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

It takes a twisted soul to hate King and Bailey. Sasha's where she belongs :x
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: The Lost Chapters Of Sasha's Journal
Chapter 2: Not All Dogs Go To Paradise

Clicking playing on the final disc, Daisy braced herself for what was to come. The screen popped-up and it showed Sasha there, looking surprisingly solemn: "I feel this disc will be my final entry I'll ever do. Last night, I broke out of jail and began hunting down the Miltons, but not because they ruined my life. That was all an act. Sure, I went and tried to kill Keene but..the truth is...Pete paid me to do this. Because he was disappointed with how the Miltons were defying him, he paid me handsomely to kill them. Duke and Simon were easy but the rest are a royal pain in the tail. I tried drive-by shooting the one but the darn driver was a pro. So...I'm doing the next best thing," Sasha turned the camera and showed, sitting on the chair tied up, Lana Milton, "I kidnapped Lana! Oh, I did the usual ransom note but, thing is? I have no intention of letting her go. Once they meet my demands, Lana's gonna die like the filth she is. After Lana's dead? That's when the fun begins," She then shifted the camera to the other side to show a stockpile of guns and ammo, "See, I just don't hate the Miltons...I just hate this entire world. And the human and animal worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred. And you know something? I always wanted to die in a blaze of glory. This is the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill. And it's time for me to die. My crusade is coming...and I'm gonna enjoy every minute of...of..." suddenly, much to Daisy's surprise, Sasha began laughing, "Oh WOW that was cheesy! Sounded like something Peanut would write in those stupid comics he does...gah those things are a joke! In all seriousness, once Lana's dead, I will be going after the rest of the Miltons. Those little..." Daisy quickly clicked the SKIP AHEAD button as she had a feeling Sasha was going to use some very vulgar words. Words that even she didn't want to hear. In fact, the rest of the DVD was like that until she reached the second to last chapter, which was titled 'Final Day'. She clicked play: "Well, I did it. I shot that stupid Fox. Didn't kill him though, doggone it. I had his head lined up but the shot went for his chest. From what I could tell, he was still breathing, DARN it! I should've went with the .50 cal and not the .308's. Still, all's not lost. I still got a chance to make it up. Kevin should be arriving soon, IF they found my note, so...let's see...I'll kill Kevin first, then I'll kill Lana, then any K9 officers, that's too risky.." Sasha then grinned as she faced the camera again, "You know...if I do end up dying today...I'll probably be heading to the Netherworld, but you know something? I don't care! I'll be with Pete's brother and, with him, I can easily return here and finish the job I was paid to do! And, this time? No one can stop me. Not the K9's. Not even the Celestials themselves. If you are watching this, heed my warning: I am Ripper... Tearer... Slasher... Gouger. I am the Teeth in the Darkness, the Talons in the Night. I am the one who comes when your time is up. I am what comes next! I AM SASHA!" The video then ends on her grim smile, causing a cold chill to ripple down Daisy's next, "I am so glad you are dead," she thinks to herself as she placed the disc back into the case and turns back on her music. She then took one more look at the DVDs, wondering what she should do with them. Deciding that they would be better off at the Police Station, she makes a note to take the DVDs there once she's done cleaning and, placing the note on her laptop, returns to said cleaning as Frank Zappa came on over the speaker. "Still," she thought as she placed the seat back in the humvee, "To know that Sasha was really a sadistic dog is just...mind-blowing. Still, she's where she belongs and that's all that matters...I hope..."
HousepetZ: The Lost Chapters Of Sasha's Journal

"Now, who could that be knocking on my little door this time of the day?" Simon wondered aloud as he walked over to answer his RV's door. Opening it up, he saw standing before him a red panda dressed in a tuxedo with a green scarf and walking with a very beautiful cane.
"Hello, Simon. May I enter your humble abode?" The panda asked and Simon, impressed by their manners, moved aside and allowed them entry, saying in the process, "Please, do come in. Mi casa, su casa."
"Thank you,Simon," the panda remarked, taking a seat on the couch, "Shall we get down to business right away? You want to continue Osiris' work, do you not?" Simon nodded with a grin, the panda replying, "Yet you lack the needs and know-how to do so, correct? Well, I know of a way to help you achieve the dream that Osiris strived for...but there's a small catch..."
"Ain't there always a catch?" Simon remarked, the panda chuckling in response as he then said, "Let me be your helper. I can help you achieve these dreams and so much more AND I can help you acquire the right tools you need. Like say...this?" the panda reached into his jacket and pulled out a very frighten looking book that looked to have been made of a unworldly material, "This is the Necronomicon Ex Mortis: The Book Of The Dead...."
"Say no more," Simon said, much to the panda's surprise, "You sound like you know what you are doing and I do need help with continuing my dear brother's work. So, you're hired!" The panda, while still stunned, smiled as he placed the book onto the table and went over to shake his hand, "It will be a pleasure working for you, Simon."
"Pleasure's all mine...what is your name, anyway?" Simon smiled and the panda replied, "You may call me Loki."
"Well, Loki! We got a big day ahead of us coming up so let's get to work, shall we? By the way, you have a back-up in case this book doesn't work? Same time, where'd you get that book? I don't think you got it from a book store" Simon inquired as he grabbed them some drinks. Loki smiled, "I'm a Asgardian. I have plenty of back-up plans. As for where I got it from? Some dog named Peanut years ago sold it to me. Said he could only read a few of the words before giving up on it..."

(Next Time...Season Finale...HousepetZ: Partners In Crime)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by trekkie »

Another great chapter, Sasha is just evil personified (canineified ? ). Simon and Loki sound like a troubling combo I hope Peanut doesn't blame himself too much for the trouble they cause.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really great work as always. Well worth the wait.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by trekkie »

I have to admit that I am a little worried about Daisy. We’ve seen how vicious Sasha can be, and if she sees that Daisy has her diary, it might not be good news for black and white dog.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: Partners In Crime
PROLOGUE: A New Player Has Entered The Field

"Thank you for these DVDs, Daisy. While not much of a help nowadays, it does reveal a lot about Sasha Hartford, including that she murdered Rufus," Ralph replied, leaning back on his chair in his office, as Daisy nodded, adding that, "It's still mind-boggling to think that this canine we all thought was a lovable dog, turned out to be a mass-murdering psychopath. I hate to be grim, but I'm happy she's dead." Ralph nodded with a sigh before thanking her once more and walking with her to the exit and wishing her a good day. As Daisy left the police building and began walking down the sidewalk, she felt a rather warm presence brushing up against her back. At first thinking it was a warm breeze, she turned around and was shocked at what she was looking at. Standing behind her was what appeared to be an animal of some sort, but, much to her confusion, it looked to have been dead for a year.
"Are you...Daisy?" the being asked, little drips of drool dropping from it's mouth.
"Who wants to know?" Daisy replied, causing the creature to smiling a rather toothy grin, "I bring a message...from my ruler...a girl you once kept in your home as a prisoner...Sasha." Daisy scoffed, "Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Sasha's dead..." though before she could finish, the creature was now staring right in her eyes and was now very close to her, to the point where she smell the rotten flesh that lingered on it's body, "She knows what you did...she knows you saw her videos...she is willing to forgive you if you do one thing for her..."
"Which would be?" Daisy inquired, pushing the creature away from her. The creature, still smiling, replied, "Why, be her servant in the Netherworld for all eternity! Why spend a lifetime up in this worthless world among the living when you can have all the powers of the underworld at your fingertips!"
"Tempting...and if I don't accept?" Daisy asked the creature, who simply replied rather grimly, "Then you will be forever haunted by us, doomed to an eternity of nightmares. Upon your death, you will be brought to us and not paradise as you will be marked by Sasha...which will it be?" Daisy thought about the offer with a worried look, much to the creature's delight. After a couple of minutes of thinking, Daisy had her answer, which she began with a question, "Do you know why I'm known for saying 'Hi, I'm Daisy!' every time people came up to talk to me?" The creature, confused, shook its head, "Well, it's actually a mediation thing I do. See, and this was YEARS ago, when I was a young pup, I was in an car accident. A pretty bad one, to tell the truth, and I would've died right then and there...if it wasn't for someone rescuing me. I don't remember much of my rescuer but I do remember the roar of a motorcycle, the clinking of metal spurs, and a gentle touch...but it was also a warm touch. Very warm. When this person saw me lying there, my previous owner was dead inside the car, he told me that he can help me...but when the day is right, he'll be coming back for me with an special offer. Well, being a young one who just wanted to be alive, I accepted and, some years later, I was relaxing at my new owner's mansion in the front yard when I heard the familiar motorcycle noise..."
"What are you getting at, dog?" the creature hissed and Daisy raised a paw, "I'm getting to it. Anyway, to make a long story short, he told me when he healed me, he gave me something very special. The car wreck? It wasn't some random thing that happened, but a creature, similar to you, cause the car to crash that almost killed me but killed my previous owner. He was hunting that creature as he's, let just say, a demon hunter. He then told he can show me how to utilize this gift as long as I use it to continue his work in this town and not to become corrupted, hence why I always say 'Hi, I'm Daisy!', as a way to remind myself who I am, though I don't really have to worry about it anymore as I have full control over it now," she then started to walk closer to the creature, backing it against a nearby wall in an alley, "Would you like to see that gift?" The creature, thinking it was nothing that spectacular and that Daisy was just stalling, nodded and told her to show the gift. With a smile, Daisy suddenly grabbed the creature by it's shirt's collar, lifted it and pinned it against the wall.
"Wh-what's going on?!" The creature hissed before it felt it's heart start to race faster then ever before. Right before it's eyes, the fur and skin around Daisy's skull began to burn away in a blaze of fire, leaving only a burning skull underneath. A skull that the creature soon recognized as it began to hiss and screech as Daisy spoke, "See, I'm no ordinary dog. That 'gift' I was given? This is what it is...I am the Ghost Rider and I have a message to your Sasha: If she wants to offer me anything, to do it in person...cause I'll be waiting. As for you..." her voice soon became dark and frightening, "Look into my eyes. Your soul is stained by the blood of the innocent. Feel their pain!" The creature viciously screeched as Daisy/Ghost Rider began to stare into it's soul, quickly freeing itself from her grasp and attempting to run off, but she was faster as a fiery-chain lashed out and entangled the creature, turning it into nothing more then a fleeting memory and ash. As the flames subsided and her head returned to normal, Daisy just smirked and walked off, unaware that the events that occurred actually worked in her favor. For down in the Netherworld, all the creatures there and even Sasha herself, after reading up on them, were frightened of the Ghost Riders and, the fact that Daisy could easily wipe them out, made them all agree, for the first time in the Netherworld's history, to not mess with a mortal.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Wow who knew that Daisy had the ability to tear down animals like that? That is cool and frightening at the same time.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by trekkie »

Well, I think we’ve all learned a lesson. Don’t mess with Daisy. Great chapter!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Just to explain this moment: The HousepetZ Ghost Rider, while similar in design, is vastly different then the Marvel incarnation. Mainly cause there is no deal with a devil to get the powers. instead, the celestial Tyr has a special section of her Hunters (The same hunters whom Fox is now a part of) called 'Ghost Riders' and these guys are demon hunters ala Dante of Devil May Cry, though they have flaming skulls and anything they drive/wield becomes a Ghost Rider-variant. Unlike the Hunters, they can be among the living though they tend to have specific clothing (Leather biking outfit) that hides their identity when in Ghost Rider form. In regards to Daisy explaining why she said 'Hi, I'm Daisy', she did it as she wasn't used to the powers yet and said that as a way to remind herself who she is as she was still confused about the powers, though she stopped three days before the first zombie apocalypse when Tyr came to visit her and fully explained everything.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Daisy always gave me secret BA vibes. I was right :D
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

So a few updates. If y'all haven't noticed, there hasn't been a new chapter lately. Well, I've been busy with other stuff, namely my novel and working on a YouTube series, which will mostly be game reviews. See, along with my radio show, I used to do game reviews for The Cove Radio until it's closure in March of this year due to a variety of reasons. I still wanted to do reviews so I was looking into moving to YouTube and, long story short, finally found a device to use and been working on my first episode as well. Plus, with me being a bit busy in real life outside of the computer, I haven't really had the chance to sit down and work on this. BUT BUT BUT I still have plans to continue this story as I have plenty of ideas on where the story will go (Including another Mungo arc entitled Bat Out Of The Netherworld IV) and I got the upcoming Sabrina arcs to do, which consists of a 15 arc long storyline. So yeah, sorry for the delays but I will get back to HousepetZ soon (perhaps this weekend if I get lucky).

Now onto a question: I have already chosen which Horror Characters Sabrina is going against in her arcs (Main story is entitled PANDORA'S BOX) but I'm kind of having trouble deciding on one other one (I originally had her going against creatures inspired by John Carpenter movies but I dropped it as it didn't work out as I planned). So the question is...which horror character could you guys see Sabrina going up against?
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by trekkie »

No problem, Sean your stuff is always worth waiting for, as for what I'd like to see Sabrina face, I'd say a vampire or a witch. A vampire because I think she'd look good as a vampire hunter, and a witch because I just think that it would be interesting to see a black cat ( a witch's pet in legend) go up against a witch.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by NHWestoN »

Always loved Daisy. Thanks, Sean. :D
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

trekkie wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 6:26 pm No problem, Sean your stuff is always worth waiting for, as for what I'd like to see Sabrina face, I'd say a vampire or a witch. A vampire because I think she'd look good as a vampire hunter, and a witch because I just think that it would be interesting to see a black cat ( a witch's pet in legend) go up against a witch.
I like the idea of a vampire villain. As for a witch....well she is going up against three in the one arc (The Three Felines), so there's that :) But yeah, the vampire villain may work!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: Partners In Crime
Chapter 1: The Calm Before The Hurricane

Custom Ink, the last survivor member and leader of her once great Opener Cult, toiled away in a shed, banging away on various pieces of steel. Her toned muscles were soaked with sweat as she swung the hammer down on the steel pieces. "All my life, I tried to make this world better for all animal-kind," she uttered while placing the steel onto a mold, "I tried to help those less-fortunate by bringing them into my family...I showed them how the Opener Of Ways can help us...I even tried to rid this world of humans by creating the ultra-virus...but no matter how far I got, there was always someone getting in my way. The K9's arresting my flock, my two top generals dead by foreign paws, even Skip, my most trusted member, went and soiled his soul by joining the K9's," she began to growl as she placed the mold into a massive furnace before pulling it out and placing it on a dummy of hers, "But no more. No more will I be foiled by those corrupted by the human filth. No more will I be stopped by pets whose minds are soiled. The filth wants me dead...heh, I like to seem them try," walking over to a table, she grips the cloth and yanks it off, revealing a mini-gun underneath with plenty of ammunition, along with a multi-round grenade launchers and spare grenades and a automatic shotgun and plenty of drum magazines. She lifts up the mini-gun and grins, "Before the day is over, I will unleash my vengeance upon Babylon Gardens and no one will be able to stop me. Not even Zach." Holding the grin high and placing the gun back on the table, she walks over to where the make-shift armor she was working on laid and begins strapping it onto herself, "Ned Kelly had the right idea but lacked proper protection...I won't be so dumb," she thinks while she straps the leg protection on. Once she was geared up, she walked back over to her weapons table, opened up the two giant duffel bags, and placed the ammunition for both weapons in both bags, keeping the shotgun ammo separate from the grenade launcher. With both bags loaded, she then placed the bags over her shoulders, along with placing the grenade launcher and shotgun in their respective bags, and began work on the mini-gun itself, inserting the ammo belt, that was protruding from a third bag, into the gun, making sure it was properly connected. Once it was, she grabbed her helmet, placed it on her head, and closed the lid before kicking the shed door open and walking towards Babylon Gardens. "Wakey, wakey, gardens," Custom Ink grinned, "Death is coming to visit."

"Kix! Mind coming in here for a bit?" Ralph shouted as he saw her passing by his office. Kix, who was coming off of break, nodded and entered the room, asking if there was anything wrong as she closed the door behind her. Ralph chuckled, "Nothing's wrong, Kix. I just had a question that's been on my mind for a long time now and I've been wanting to ask you."
"Sure, what's up?" Kix replied, taking a seat on the couch.
"Well, and this is a personal question so, if you don't want to answer it, that's fine: What ever happened to your family? When that Anubis requested you join us, he mentioned that you were lied to?" Ralph asked as this has been on his mind for quite a while. Kix sighed and leaned back on the couch, "He's correct. Years ago, I thought I was being given a second chance when this fox rescued me from being killed and asked me for help with raising his two young pups. I treated them like my own and loved them like my own. When the zombie stuff went down, that's when I learned that my 'pups' were nothing more than a lie: They weren't pups and he wasn't a fox. He was a miserable kitsune and those two were Celestials who lost some sort of a game and were told to live a life time as a mortal. Thing is, that wasn't why I was mad and wanted to kill Kitsune. I was actually mad because...he lied to me. He promised me that, once their time on Earth was up, I would be given a second chance at a life and be able to raise kits of my own. When the zombie apocalypse happened, you know what happened? When I went to that shelter to stay, Kitsune told the officers there to not allow me in as I was a 'wild animal' and was 'more susceptible to being infected' and I was turned away. To rub salt in that wound, he then came up to me and, of course, I yelled and said that he promised me a second chance. He just smiled and said: Wasn't an official promise. I only told you what you wanted to hear and, once they were done here on Earth, I'd be starting the Game up again and you would be Pete's newest White Avenger until you died...basically, your second chance at life would be in Pete's claws then. But, since this whole zombie thing is happening...when I find Pete, you're new life will begin...until you die, which will probably be the first match anyway. Have fun! And just like that? He was gone. So, yeah, you could see why I wanted to kill him." Ralph nodded in agreement, understanding that one should never make a woman, let alone a mother, mad. He then thanked her for her time and allowed her to go back to her shift as he leaned back in his chair, thinking about what Kix told him. "I knew that Kitsune fellow had a streak to him but never knew it was this bad...makes me glad he's not around to mess with us mortals."

"Any luck yet?" Simon asks Loki, who was reading off some of the Necronomicon's inscriptions. Loki shook his head, "Nope. I don't understand it, this phrase should've worked by now. Klaatu barada nikto!" he shouted again but, once again, to no avail, "This worked back in the Middle Ages, I know it did!"
"Maybe it has a recharging period?" Simon adds, placing a cup of tea on the table in front of Loki, "Which would be pretty bad as that means we'd have to find another way of unleashing terror." Loki nodded and, after trying the phrase once more, slammed the book shut and slouched onto the RV's couch, sipping his tea and mentally swearing every word he knew of and then some, "There has to be something we can use to cause a second apocalypse. Think! What can we use?"
"Well, off the top of my head...we can make another virus or find those coins again or...I dunno, find some other mythical cursed object?" Simon replied, equally at a lost. While shaking his head at the first two, Loki's ears perked up at the idea of a cursed object. "That's an idea and I do remember reading about one in this book...give me a second," opening the book, he flipped through the pages quickly and smiled when he found what he was looking for. Turning the book towards Simon, Loki smiled his trademarked smile, "Tell me, have you ever heard of the legend of Pandora's Box?" Simon thought for a bit, "No, but I do know of the band Pandora's Box. They did the original version of Meat Loaf's Good Girls Go To Heaven, Bad Girls Go Everywhere song from Bat 2."
"Wrong one, "Loki chuckled, "No, you see, in Greek mythology, Pandora's Box contains sickness, death and many other unspecified evils. The truth is, the box actually contains Six of the most evil, vile people to ever have walked the Earth. If I'm reading this book right, then who so ever opens the box, controls the evil within, which means we can start the second apocaplyse sooner AND no one will stop us." Simon grinned a toothy grin, "Great idea! Only one issue though...where is Pandora's Box?" Loki raised a paw to respond before dropping it when realizing that even he didn't know where to look, "I have no idea...the Necronomicon here doesn't even say where it is. What do you mortals here use to search for stuff when you can't find it in a book? Ask Jeeves?"
"We just google it," Simon admitted, grabbing his laptop and turning it on. Once they were connected to the internet, instead of looking for the box, both Simon and Loki spent the day getting distracted by videos about old computers. They knew they wanted to find info on Pandora's Box, but every time they did, they found something else to get distracted with. But as they were occupied with Simon's laptop, outside the RV, a heavily armored figure, holding a mini-gun and three massive bags, passed by on their way to Babylon Gardens...
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by NHWestoN »

trekkie wrote: Wed Aug 19, 2020 8:20 am Well, I think we’ve all learned a lesson. Don’t mess with Daisy. Great chapter!
I've always suspected that! ;)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really am liking this story. Glad you are back to writing it.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by trekkie »

Oh man, an armed and mad Custom Ink, Simon and Loki all on their way or planning to go to Babylon Gardens? I have a bad feeling that the quiet times in the town will soon end. Great chapter!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

For some reason now, I am shipping Custom Ink and Simon in my head as a maniacal and bloodthirsty couple. :lol:
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

MungoNetherworldResized1.jpg (179.76 KiB) Viewed 6362 times
As I work on the next chapter, a bit of a tease to the arc after Sabrina's adventures are done...and it is indeed...BAT OUT OF THE NETHERWORLD IV: MUNGO'S INFERNO, which will explore more of Mungo's heritage and give you guys one heck of a battle in the story :) For now, enjoy the photoshop I did :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by trekkie »

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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I'm really regretting Elena breaking up with him now. >_>
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Thanks for the positive reception for the title card! Enjoyed making it so I'll be doing the rest of Bat Out Of The Netherworld IV's arcs title cards as well! Just something different and fun, plus I wanted to give the arcs a more epic feeling :)

(Chapter 2 of PARTNERS IN CRIME is now in development!)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by NHWestoN »

trekkie wrote: Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:59 pmNice!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really looking forward to what you got.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Bit of an update. The next arc is going to be replaced with the Sabrina and The Pandora's Box series of arc (just in time for Halloween!), followed by Bat Out Of The Netherworld IV (which may run until the first week of next month, depending on how long it takes me to get the Sabrina arcs done) and the arc I had planned to come next will come a little later. Same time, Partners In Crime is being shortened to only Two Chapters, due to me wanting to get to the Sabrina and Mungo arcs earlier than I want. So, yeah, just letting you folks know what's to come this month!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by trekkie »

Looking forward to it.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I'm sure that what you have planned will come out great just like the story has been so far.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: Partners In Crime
Chapter 2: 30 Minutes In Babylon Gardens

As it was now lunch time on a Thursday, Babylon Gardens was mostly empty as everyone was either still at work or at home enjoying the peaceful tranquility of the day. But, alas, like all good days, one would only look at the title of this chapter and remember that this is, indeed, a HousepetZ story that any sort of peace in a story would soon giveway to something dire. Indeed, stomping onto the streets from the nearby road that connected to highway, a heavily armed and armored figure made their debut. Clad from head to toe in armor, carrying three duffel bags, and wielding a heavy mini-gun, this nefarious villain was already to unleash their rage onto the peaceful little town. It would've went smoothly too, if it wasn't for a random passerby, a feline named Heathcliff, calling the police and informing them of the 'Iron Man' that had arrived. For parked a few feet from where they were standing, a squad of police and K9 vehicles had made a make-shift barricade, with the police and K9 units all standing behind them, ready to take out the armored being if the need arose.
"This is K9 Captain Weston of the Babylon Gardens K9 Squad," the giant mastiff shouted through the mega phone, "Put down your weapon and bags and put on your head!" After saying the last, Weston leaned down and whispered to Fido, "Points for creativity; You usually see them armed with only two handguns."
"Well, apperently this one decided to up the ante a bit," Fido replied back with a rack of his shotgun, giving Weston a chuckle before looking back out at the armored fellon and repeating the previous order. Underneath the armor, Custom Ink just smiled and slowly counted down from ten for reasons only known to her.
"I'm not liking this," Fido remarked, grabbing his radio and telling everyone to be ready to open fire on his command. Some wires must've gotten crossed because the second he let go of the radio's button, a sound that no one wanted to hear was heard. The sound in question was the whirring of the minigun's engine and loud BRRRRT from the spinning gun as Custom Ink began firing upon the officers, all of whom dove for cover as fast they could.
"HOLD FIRE!" Fido shouted into the radio, "DO NOT FIRE UNLESS YOU GOT A CLEAR SHOT!"
"Define 'clear shot', sir!" a nearby officer shouted as round after round came rushing towards them like a swarm of angry bees. But exactly three minutes later, the firing stopped. Much to Ink's annoyance, the gun had overheated and she needed to let it cool off for a bit. This gave the officers and K9's enough time to pop out from cover, like an old arcade game, and open fire themselves. But no matter what they fired, be it their handguns, their shotguns, or their sub-machine guns, nothing was getting through her armor. As both Fido and Weston ducked for cover to reload, just in time too as Custom Ink began firing once more, Weston swore a few choice words under his breath before looking up at Fido, "Got anything in the squad car or back at HQ we can use against that Iron Mongrel over there?" Fido thought and was ready to say they didn't have anything, until he saw a nearby store which gave him an idea. "Max! Get over here!" he shouted over the gun fire at Max, who was taking cover in an alleyway. As a cat, Max was able to dive into cover alot faster than the others and avoid getting hit by the minigun in question.
"Max, here's what I need you to do," Fido instructed the second Max was safe, "Head over to Jack's Gun Store and see if they have anything that can, at the very least, knock that gunner to the ground. We don't need to incapacitate it. Got it?"
"Yes sir," Max nodded and Fido patted him on the back, telling him to run the moment the gun overheats. As if on cue, Ink's gun overheated for a second time, giving the officers the chance to open fire once more and allowing Max to run like Sonic to the gun store, hoping and praying they had something they could use.

"Max! What the heck is going on out there?!" Elaine, Co-owner of Jack's Gun Store, shouted as Max, in his K9 Feline Unit Uniform, rushed in, shouting and panting, "I...need something to take out that armored unit out there. You got anything that can pierce armor?" Elaine thought for exactly one second before nodding and instructing a nearby employee, a malamute named Duke, to bring out the .50 Cal rifle with a magazine of explosive rounds, which made max surprised, "Seriously? You sell those weapons?"
"Gun collectors love them," Elaine replied as Duke brought the weapon and magazine out, "The rounds are low powered-explosive rounds so they should be powerful enough just to knock that freak to the ground." Max thanked her for the gun as he loaded the rifle, still amazed that places sell these weapons, and asked for access to the roof. Once there, he took position and contacted Fido, telling him he got a gun and has the armored foe in sight..."TAKE THE SHOT!" Fido suddenly shouted and, indeed, once Max had the target sighted, he squeezed the trigger and fired one low-powered explosive .50cal round. It whizzed past a nearby building and the officers as it raced towards it's target...which wasn't the armor but, instead, the one duffel bag that Ink had brought that had a certain type of grenade round for her launcher; Incendiary. The second the round hit, the bag exploded and engulfed Ink's armor in flames, causing her to thrash about and tare off her weapon bags and armor, leaving only herself underneath. This gave Kevin, who was nearby, the perfect chance to run up and tackle her to the ground. "Custom Ink, you are hereby under arrest," he proclaimed as he placed the cuffs on her, the nearby officers cheering as the thirty minute terror was over. Fido sighed in relief as Weston spoke to Max via the radio, congratulating him on the shot and telling him that he'll put him in for a recommendation. Max smiled but thought to himself, "I was aiming for the leg, not the bag." A few minutes later and back at HQ, Lt. Ralph of the K9's entered the conference room where many news reporters sat, waiting to hear what he had to say and what he had to say brought a smile to everyone: "Ladies and gentlemen. At 12pm today...we got her. We have confirmed and captured the last remaining member of the Opener Cult: Custom Ink is now in custody." Indeed, Babylon Gardens and, in fact, the rest of the surrounding area, could breathe a sigh of relief, now knowing that Ink was behind bars. But, this is Babylon Gardens, after all. It doesn't matter what new villain and/or trouble to put away, for there is always another one waiting to strike...

(Next Time...Season 11...HousepetZ: Phenomena Of The Opera...and the start of 'The Three Felines' arc...and the beginning of Sabrina's biggest adventure)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by NHWestoN »

Congratulations for a great shot, Max, and congratulations, Sean, for another dramatic episode! :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This chapter came out better than I expected. Really nice.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Thanks :) Again, I had planned for this to be longer but, you know, life gets in the way so I had to do some edits :)
NHWestoN wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 10:24 am Congratulations for a great shot, Max, and congratulations, Sean, for another dramatic episode! :)
And I'm a bit surprised you didn't notice your cameo (K9 Captain Weston, the mastiff) :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by trekkie »

Great shot Max, collect your snuggles from Grape. Great chapter Sean, looking forward to Sabrina’s arc.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by NHWestoN »

SeanWolf wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 1:33 pm Thanks :) Again, I had planned for this to be longer but, you know, life gets in the way so I had to do some edits :)
NHWestoN wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 10:24 am Congratulations for a great shot, Max, and congratulations, Sean, for another dramatic episode! :)
And I'm a bit surprised you didn't notice your cameo (K9 Captain Weston, the mastiff) :)
I did ... but Mom raised me to be modest. Yor're very kind and I love the character!! :D
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Next arc will either start tonight or tomorrow, depending on how long it takes me to get it typed up :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

So...update: Instead of trying to stretch the arcs of each 'season' to multiple chapters, each 'arc' will be one VERY LONG chapter. Will be a bit easier for me to work on and I can actually get these done by Halloween, if all goes well.
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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