Instant Messaging VS Message Boards

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The Blue Fox
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Instant Messaging VS Message Boards

Post by The Blue Fox »

There are benefits and drawbacks for both instant messaging and message boards

Instant messaging...well, the clue's in the name, it's instant, it's fast, it's great for having quick chats with friends or whoever you want to talk to.

The problem is with large, busy group chats. It's easy for one to get lost in the mire of messages.

Oh! someone mentioned something you're interested in that you wanna talk about...aaaaand it's gone.

When I personally tried to participate in group chats in Skype and Discord in the past, I struggled quite a bit with the actual participating part. I wasn't good at coming up with things to say and ended up leaving without saying much of anything.

Message boards are great for categorizing different types of topics into subforums and specific topics into seperate threads.

You can easily read through what's been posted and pretty much at your own pace too. Plus you can quote a specific post you're replying to, useful if there's a bunch of other replies in the thread so folks better know what you're talking about.

But it is admittedly a much slower means of communication, and in these modern times of more and more people seeking more instant gratification or whatever, one can see how a slow message board isn't everyone's cup of tea.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Instant Messaging VS Message Boards

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Personally I prefer each but for different purposes to be honest. I prefer message boards for having conversations with big groups of people but I like having instant messages to talk with someone one-on-one or to RP with them.
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