Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Sorry about double posting, I am just letting everyone know that I post the Miis around this time right now.



"... Wait... where the heck are we..." King is waking up and notices some thing is different about he and his family. "We're... Humans? I don't believe it!" Upon looking at a reflection, he notes a human form, but completely different from what he had before being transformed for the first time.

"Strawberry Blonde? I don't reconize this body!" The others are awakening as well. "What the heck's going on here?!" He notes that Bailey and the pups are all humans as well, only with the colored hairstyles like his.

"Your guess is as good as ours. The next thing we knew upon awakening, we somehow wound up in this strange world!"

The seven Kingkaigers get their bearings as they're introduced to Master Hand. "This is intended. I gave you new forms to fit in with this world. If you would summon your Ranger Keys." When they did, they noticed that they're completely different from what they usually use.

"These are Fighter Keys. They will allow you to transform into the many fighters, complete with their body structures. They also have alternate forms to take as well. Those Fighter keys will also be in your arsenal. You'll need to use them to fight through Classic Mode's many paths, As well as participate in many events."

"But there is a reason why you brought us here right? Oh yes, you see I have a delimma that involves the destructive forces of both Light and Dark respectively." "They captured all the inhabitants and all the forces that tried to fight against them. They were captured as well."

"How do we fit in all of this? We're not supposed to be here!" "That's why you're Miis." "I thought we turned human." "Techinally yes, but Miis are the custom humanoids of this world. The Brawler, The Swordfighter and the Gunner. They're all styles you can use to fight but you can't go through the likes of Classic Mode with them." "That's why the Fighter Keys are given to us." "Percisely."

"You got the whole team together?" a golden fox with many tails asked the disembodied glove. "Kitsune? Why?" "Why not. A spin off saga sounded like a good idea in the dev's heads. They'll have to publish all of you properly to make it work. Then they could copy your looks by hand to exacting details so that they can enter you to other games."

"But now that you're here Kitsune, you and the assists guide them all through the whole thing. Once they get started, it will be a long time before the smashing is said and done." "Righty-o!"

"And so it will begin, The compainion Spin-off for Smash Bros Ultimate. Find the Kingkaiger Mii Fighters in Shared Content, then if you download them onto your game, you can copy their appearance to the exacting details to put into other games. Heck, you can even modify your Mii Maker copies so that you can have their movesets your way,

Also, with their Fighter Keys, they can always be a part of the Action even in areas that refuses to take Mii Fighters. Will they fight onwards to defeat the conspiracy? Will they battle onward to win as many fights as possible?"

"Victory or defeat! Our battles will be in your hands!"

Thus, the Kingkaigers are ready, the message "Up 2 It?" is shown as they pose stylishily behind a flag with the Smash Insigna front and center.

("Tommy M." Is the Nintendo Switch handle for JamesTCat here. Look for those miis and have them join the fight.)
Challenge James T Cat in SMASH Ultimate plus Switch Online: SW-2695-1793-4587
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really great job writing this! Just keep it up!
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

The following is a fan made series. Housepets, Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Kamen Rider, Metal Heroes are all owned by Rick Griffin, Toei Company, Saban Brands, Hasbro and Ishimori Productions.

Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Shueisa and Akira Toriyama. Dragon Ball Z Abridged is owned by TeamFourStar.
Everything else is owned by their respective owners.

Please support the official release.

Speed Disclaimer: The control speed for the reading a proper episode is around a Half Hour in length. Your reading speed (And thus the length of episodes) may vary.

"The Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Kamen Riders, Metal Heroes and more are the legends that fought against evil! To that end, their powers and everything are inherited by heroes who are ready to continue the fight against the forces of evil!" With that, Cue opening.


♪Forward! lets hoist up the flag of courage♪
♪Dashing through across the seven seas♪
♪Sink or Swim, The invincible wind will guide you all the way...♪

♪Your goal isn't on any sort of map♪
♪It's no illusion that is playing those tricks♪
♪Everyone is searching for their very own treasure in this scavenger that we call life!♪

♪I want to check and make sure that everyone is not the same at all♪
♪Just do what you want, when it comes to your goals♪
♪It's all life or death, when you want something done, do it straight away... without regrets!♪

♪Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!♪
♪Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's take the lead of the fight!♪
♪Forward these uncharted routes in the vast seas of the entire world from coast to coast!♪
♪Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!♪
♪Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's sail through the storms!♪
♪Your persistent recklessness, your mighty battles will be the ones that will change the world!♪
♪Big dreams are ones that are endless!♪
♪Pirate Squadron Kingkaiger!♪


"Last Time on Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

A shady billionaire opened the Griffon's Wild casino night zone with intent on committing insurance fraud by making it a target for Pete T. Griffin's forces by the theme alone.

The Kingkaigers fought a rollerblading Kasha monster who answers to Kashblader. Beating him in a game of Pac-Man by outscoring him dispite the Times Seven multiplier to his score giving him even playing field. A finishing blow afterwards allowed Kashablader to reform, thus him taking up sports instruction.

However, the money was cursed with a transformative effect. The humans who keep their winnings would transform into animal beings, something like that of Pete's spells before he decided to try and take over the world.

The billionaire attempted to get away only to find Elgar piloting the chopper. RangerKeysmiths were in the vacinity and after a commission, gave the family homebrew ranger keys to fill in the gaps of the teams.

Now the whole family can all be complete teams, like when Jack and Queen used the Green Eagle Jetman and Pink Flamingo Jetman keys with their family to save the billionaire from being thrown out of his helicopter. King faced off against Gamma Raizo and just barely won. Before things got out of hand, Alpha 6 used the noise arts to help King retreat for the time being.

To make matters even worse however, The Ace of the Gods can be used for smaller deeds of value, good or evil, as we found out when Elgar used the The Diamond to summon a giant skull monster Gashadowskull thus sending the ace somewhere else.

After winning the day, we begin with King and his family training at Babylon Gardens High. But will they overcome this upcoming challenge?

Find out today on Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger!"



We open mid training session with family morphed into Fivemen. King Five Red Fiveman, Bailey Five Blue Fiveman, Rook Five Black Fiveman, Olive Five Pink Fivemanm, and Ace Five Yellow Fiveman.

Also, Jack and Queen morphed into homebrewed Five Green Fiveman and Five White Fiveman respectively. ("Sorry we started without you, but don't worry about us! These homebrewed Sonic Booms won't go evil!" As they're referencing the infamous Psycho Green.)

The family are dealing with Gormins, Hitokarage and Combatant Wumpers, The Kingkaigers are giving it their all. Bailey is dealing a flipkick to a Gormin, striking it in the chest whilst shooting Twin Rispbees at the other targets.

The Hitokarage aim their Yaris in shotgun mode as they shoot at her. Direct hit as sparks fly right out of her body. Jack is trying his best as he flips to his back on top of a minivan as the Wumpers surround him. He's wielding the Cosmic Knuckle which is activated by firmly grasping the V-Power Grips as it attaches to his gloves.

He tries getting back up but the Wumpers strikes him on the left shoulder and right leg, knocking him off the van.

Queen is wielding the Sniper Bow which is formed by attaching the bow's body onto the V-Power Grips. (Alone, the bow bodies separated make great throwing daggers.) Queen is trying to evade Hitokarage shotgun fire as she flips down for cover, with Olive striking the shooters with her Cutie Circle. She is knocked down quickly.

As too is King as they strike him in the legs. He evades the hitokarage only to be caught by Weaslicer's slicing attack. Sparks are flying as he evasively rolls away to cover. The family meets up with him as they strategize their next move.

"Wow, so many foot soldiers out to play." Queen remarked. "There's so many for the seven of us! No problem if we handle it Intelligently." Rook responds. "So what's the plan Bailey?" "Olive, could you blind them with a Water Element Noise Art?" "Of course I could." "King, you get their attention afterward. The Jack, Queen, Rook and I will attack whilst they're distracted."

What they didn't expect was King dashing into the fray, armed with his V-Sword as he scream out "SPOOOOOOOON!" unleashing the Multi Man Barrage with devastating results, cleaning the entire wave out in one fell swoop.

The rest of the family could not (Wait for it...) believe it. "Simulation Complete. Simulation Complete." The program finishes it exercise as the entire family demorphs back to civilian form. "Did you see how I wiped out the entire wave?!" He turns his back to the family, facing the camera as he laughs. ("HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE!")

"That was supposed to be a team building exercise, but Daigo over here finished it all by himself." Jack sneers at his father.


...Bailey is equally teed of as the rest of the family save for King. "Do you even understand Joel?!" She turns to her husband as she scolds him. "That was a exercise in teamwork! What's the entire point if you attack all alone, going all Leory Jenkins on them?!" King is laid back, hands to his hips as he remarks "But I did wipe out the entire wave, didn't I?" He turns to the others "Didn't I?"

The others were silent as they were looking on. "Having optimism is one thing but I can tell you, it can be a pain when all you spouse thinks about is the thrill of the fight..." Bailey retorts to herself and the audience. "Oh stop, you're making me blush!" His emotion turned to confusion "Wait, what did you mean?" "You know exactly what I said!" "But what exactly did you say?" "What I meant right now." "What did you mean?" "Exactly what I said!..."

"Who's on first?" "Aye. They're having another spat." The pups are watching as the two are bickering ("But what did you mean?" "YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I MEAN! COULDN'T YOU TELL BY NOW?!")

Right at that moment, an arrow shoots through, sticking onto a coinvent spire. The Kingkaigers notices a flipbook as they retrieve it. "It must be from our professors."

Olive filps through the flipbook as Kitsune show up, animated on the flipbook complete with sound. "Build up your Power Level and Skill Level to tame your potential arsenal! They'll then become your own as you'll be free to use them! Don't forget to celebrate when you win!" Kitsune takes out a party streamer as he blows onto it, the streamer shooting in the family's face.

"I thought he's somewhere else." "Tame the potential Arsenal?" They experiment with some of the Zords which wouldn't obey them due to their power levels and skill levels not being high enough. "A disrespectful case in point. At least the core Megazords obey us."

"Wasn't the rule of equal value demonstrated when Elgar unleashed a giant monster using a Ace of the Gods?" as the footage flashes back to that moment. King is charging up power as he got the idea. "Dad, what are you doing?" The charging up wears him out.

"Well, it seemed right in my mind." "We'll have to win many fights to build up Skill Level. Also train to build up Power Level." "All righty then!"


... In the unknown location, Pete is scheming a devious scheme. "I should show you what I've been working on." "I'm all ears Portos." "Combining one of those dangerous Spiders alongside a series of scrapped machines (but mainly a icebox) yelded me a brillant monster to ensnare the Kingkaigers in his web."

What follows is the monster Junkpider showing what he can do. The training dummies are set up as the spider ensnares the dummies, yanking the webbing to get them close so his multiple arms can smash up the others, biting down on the King Oliver dummy as the venom dissolves it into liquid metal.

"Wow, this creature could make us a fortune!" "There's more, whatever he swallows up is put in a refrigerated pocket dimension where we can hold them hostage. They will be released once they give us needed information." "How will we get it?" "Interrogation of course. How else would we get it?"

Goldar and Gamma Raizo were sparring in the base's arena when Pete gives the orders from the intercom "Testing... Testing... The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Am I on?" "You are on the transmission!"

"Okay Goldar, I have an assignment for you and Gamma Raizo. I want you to take Junkpider and capture whoever could give us vital information. Seize and Capture." "No killing. No murder." "That goes double for you Raizo."

And so, the swordsmen and the monster are off on their assignment. Unknown to them a Golden Retriever of Time Force in the year 30XX was watching the events unfold as her monitor turned to a "hall of mirrors" when that point is reached. "Huh. I should ask for their assistance at some point." referring to the Kingkaigers.


... In a mountain, boulders are rolling straight towards our rangers. Our heroes are morphed into Denziman, King being DenziRed, Bailey DenziBlue, Ace DenziYellow, Rook DenziGreen and Olive DenziPink. Jack and Queen are DenziBlack and DenziWhite (Another two ranger form brewed for this series.)

"Let's get going." All the kingkaigers form into a single file line, arming their Denzi Punch Power Gloves. All but King that is as he charged ahead, straying from the intended plan as he punched the boulder into loads of small pieces. The family are not impressed by this.

Next training have them don the Gogo-V suits, King being GoRed, Bailey GoBlue, Ace GoYellow, Rook GoGreen, Olive GoPink, Jack GoSilver and Queen GoPlatz (As in Platinum Purple. Queen's form is homebrewed while Jack's is the Titanium Ranger.)

"All right, let's try this one." Bailey and the others get into position inside the ring of fire, only for King to unleash the ("Shuriken Noise Arts Water Element Technique!") Water Splasher, putting the fire out.


"OKAY! WE GET IT DAIGO! WE ALL KNOW HOW AMAZING YOUR SKILLS ARE! NOW PUT A LID ON IT ALREADY!" Bailey is bickering with King, using KoryuRed's name as a slur.

"Nope, I can't quit now! I have to get much stronger so that I can best Gamma Raizo!" Cue flashback as Gamma Raizo tells king "Next time we meet, try to be stronger!"

"Incorrect!" Alpha piped in "I was there and he mentioned your family in the process!" "Well in that case" Ninjor replies to this situation "Until you're up to speed with King, the rest of you should go train." "No fair, what about me?!" Ninjor responds "As for you, Cool it and think what you're doing wrong." King is baffled but never the less decides to head out.


...King is outside in the city where a white fox wearing a fake mustache glasses (You know the one) is working on a food stand with many tasty things that are modified to be safe for animal consumption. All King is eating are eggs. "What am I doing wrong?" He gives it a thought and shrugs it off ("Who cares? Hey mister, another egg please!") ("With pleasure.")

As soon as the fox doles out the boiled egg, King is amazed that they still have some eggs. "Listen mister, you've been eating nothing but eggs. Why is that?" "Why not have the best part all the time?"

The white fox faces the camera, responds with "I see what you mean... Maybe..." Before covering his mouth concealing a smirking expression.


As soon as Goldar, Gamma Raizo and Junkpider enter the scene to cause mayhem to the city, King's Sixth Sense is responding to the stimuli. "Another Fusion Monster?" King is getting excited about the upcoming fight.

Junkpider is rampaging through the town square, with people and animals running for their lives. "There you are Fusion Monster! Time to put you away!"

With that "IT'S MORPHING TIME!" summoning the Mobilrate in one hand, the ranger key in the other hand as he shouts "GOKAI CHANGE!" inserts the key into the key hole, turns the key in one smooth continuous motion as transforms into... ("KYURANGER!") ... Shishi Red as he hits the ground running.

At the same time, Junkpider is spitting out webbing that entangles the civilians in a tight bond. Using the KyuSword (A mode of Kyu The Weapon) is King able to take out the webbing in front.

"So, this must be the game Pete's hunting? The one who Gamma Raizou is looking forward to duel? The "Man of the Oliver's Doghouse?" This ought to be fun!" As Junkpider strikes with a hook jab, King evades him by rolling, getting behind the creep before being grappled by him after a one-two stab.

"GET A LOAD OF THIS!" is what Junkpider says before stabbing King's shoulders and face in rapid succession. "You must've thought you caught me with my pants down!" Only when King headbutts the refrigerator fusion monster is the grapple broken. "But you weren't wearing your helmet!" King snaps back as he rubs his head backing away Junkpider. ("Why you cheeky little hardhead!")

("Dad! Don't start without us!") The rest of the family caught up to the trail. "Honey, you know you shouldn't run off alone!" Bailey retorts as Ace responds "We'll back you up somehow!" "Thank You! Let's do it to it!" King then is charging head on towards Junkpider. ("WAIT! We haven't morphed yet!")

The rest of the family spawned their mobirates and ranger key ("IT'S MORPHING TIME!") inserting the key into the keyhole, ("GOKAI CHANGE!") and turning the key in one continuous motion. They morph into... ("KYUURANGER!") ...The other members of the Kyuranger team.

Bailey is Ookami Blue, Ace is Tenbin Gold, Rook is Hibitsukai Silver, Olive is Washi Pink, Jack is Chameleon Green and Queen is Sasori Orange.

Only Junkpider had his meter filled as after King missed his attack, Junkpider transforms into a energy web of chaos as he sucks up King and everything in it's wake! ("DARN IT! I'm being sucked in!") Bailey, Ace, Olive, Rook, Jack and Queen are shielding the civilians, acting as weights to keep them grounded as King is sucked up by Junkpider.

As King is sucked in, so too are various other things, including the White Fox and his food cart. After Junkspider's assault did he transform back to his default form. "Mmmm... There's nothing more satisfying than having your enemy for lunch!"

The other Kingkaigers were in shock, Bailey for sure gripping her Kyu Claw as she is compensating vengeance. ("DADDY!") ("Will he be all right?!") ("Are you sure he'll come back?!") ("What shall we do now?!") ("We have to do something! The city is in grave danger!")


...As King rises from his dizzied state (still morphed as Shishi Red) he feels chills all over. "Gee, it's sure cold here." Upon looking around "Oh yeah, I was swallowed by that fusion monster." ("Way to be obvious AND oblivious! Are you okay?") One glance and King realizes the White Fox have been swallowed whole by the fusion monster alongside his oden cart. "It's the oden cart operator!"

"Well, you're half right! Honestly, getting swallowed by a fusion monster... I don't know if i should weep or make a statue out of this!" "Maybe both! What did you mean by that first part?" The white fox simply removes his false mustache glasses as he reveals many tails and a lush gold sheen.

"KITSUNE?! You're the oden cart operator?!" "In the flesh! It's a wonder what a fake nose, mustache, eyebrow glassess combination could do at times like this!"

...Back outside, Ace and Olive were trying to break through with the shooting weapons the Kyu Crossbow and Kyu Shot before being stabbed down by Junkpiders sharp legs. "Everyone, pin his legs down! I have a plan in motion!" Bailey is revving up the Fire Element Technique.

"Not unless you want to fry your husband with me!" Junkpider read Bailey's mind like a book as he brushed his stomach. A shallow story about vengeance at that. ("Don't do it Bailey! Dad's trapped in there!") ("Hey You're right!") Bailey hesitates before her and the entire family are dealt powerful blows knocking them out of their morphed state. ("If you won't attack then allow me!")

"Well I can't just idle by while the family's getting walloped!" King arms his Kyu Sword and proceeds to use the Fire Element Noise Arts to break out! ("SHURIKEN NOISE ARTS! FIRE ELEMENT TECHNIQUE!" "BLAZING HEAT!") But the pillar of fire didn't work. ("No dice it seems." "I'm not done yet!")

The rest of the Kingkaigers were trying to evade the fusion monster as they rush down a flight of stairs. ("Come out, come out wherever you are!") As they duck down to evade the monster, Bailey is planning a stratagem.

"All right, I'll rush him out there!" "Are you mad?! He'll swallow you up too!" "Given the situation, we must take a gamble. If I get swallowed, i'll use the wood element noise arts to wrap my legs in vines. I'll grab King inside his stomach as you pull us out." "Kinda reckless don 'cha think? It's seems his counterparts are rubbing off on you." "Don't be a smart alec Queen, we only have one shot."

Elemental Noise Arts after Elemental Noise Arts did King try as he might, but regardless it yielded the same lack of results. "Don't get distraught King. You may try all you want but for this fusion monster a sneeze may hurt him more." "All right! I'll try another Noise Arts" "JOEL ROBISON! I ORDER YOU TO SIT DOWN AT ONCE!"

Kitsune is serious but he whipped up an oden dish and some udon as well. "It's times like these when you need to take a break, and rethink your strategy. Come on, eat." "You must have nerves of steel considering we're trapped here." As king picked up the dish, he notices that there's no egg in the udon.

The camera's close up on the helmet's visor, intensifying in the reaction as the visor breaks cleanly as King's eyes comically show an expression like that of Ren Hoek being served creamed corn. "Heh heh heh heh... That's very funny..." "OH! SO SUDDENLY YOU'RE VERY PICKY CONSIDERING WHAT'S GOING ON! YOU ATE SO MANY THAT WE RAN OUT!"

"Well... I'll still eat it..." King grabs some chopsticks, says grace over it before digging in to the udon and oden. Each ingredient prepared in a way that delivers flavor. As King eats the parts of the dish, he is savoring every one of them.

At the last point, "OH JOY!" Kitsune found the last boiled egg. "The last egg! It's yours!" As King eats the last egg, he is overjoyed by the sensation "IT'S DELCIOUS!" Kitsune nodded in acknowledgement that he taught his student.

"Now you see it. One flavor can get stale but when you have many ingredients in both udon and oden they work together to bring out something magnificent. Even in the egg as well as the protein!"

"Working together..." A street lamp that is positioned like lightbulb above King's head (Ala optical illusion) turns on at that point "It's like Teamwork Cuisine!" "Now you're cooking!" King is boosted in morale after that meal "Now that I had lunch, I'll need your help Kitsune."

And with that, we enter Act 2.


...Act 2 begins with Rook and Olive shooting with their Gokaiguns (Morphed as Gokai Green and Gokai Pink respectively) trying to shoot down Junkpider. As sparks are flying, Junkpider hides behind some barrels and crates. It's only when Ace reveals herself right behind him ("Guess who?") ("Ace Oliver. ACE OLIVER?!") that she slashes in front and behind him with her Gokai Sabers.

As he tries to scurry out of the way, Junkpider notices Bailey (Who is GokaiBlue now as Ace is GokaiYellow as well) he about face, only to be on a reciving end of two Gokai Spears peircing into him (Courtesy of Jack and Queen, GokaiSilver and GokaiGold respectively.)

As Junkpider is kicked away afterwards, King and Kitsune decides to team up with one more attempt. "I'm counting on you Kitsune. SHURIKEN NOISE ARTS FIRE ELEMENT TECHNIQUE!" ("FIRE ELEMENT TECHNIQUE! BLAZING HEAT!") As Kitsune is forming a "Canine Shadow Puppet" with both of his hands, makes three "barking" motions with the third fully charging the energy beam.

The two proceed to cross their beams, the Fire Element Noise combining with the energy igniting into a extremely powerful fire beam. ("The power of this is incredible! He won't keep us in for long!") ("Hey you give a little, you get a little.")

The beam is then shot by king, creating a power explosion upon impact whist during the process causing Junkpider to regurgitate, spitting King and Kitsune out as he (Junkpider) transforms into the Energy Web state to spit them out alongside all sorts of stuff he swallowed. King crashes into Bailey face first whilst Kitsune spins his tails like a propeller to descend.

("Honey, are you okay?" "Of course sweetheart!") Kitsune makes contact. "There we go! I think we know the time right now! So tear him a new one!" "That I will Zeek!" King chases after Junkpider as he descends a flight of stairs. On the very top of that flight stands King, below the flight are Junkpider, Gormin and Hitokarage.

And with that "IT'S MORPHING TIME!" He spawns his Mobirate alongside his default Ranger Key, shout "GOKAI CHANGE!" inserts the key into the keyhole, and turns the key in one continuious motion

The morphing sequence have his ranger form spawn as the roman numerals "XXXV" passes through him, forming the suit, the helmet, the visor and the Gokaiger insignia as an excited, hammy voice screams out "GOKAIGER!"

When his morphing sequence is completed, The rest of the team appears in a cloud of colored smoke, as they proceed to roll call and shout out their ranks "Kingkaiger 1gou GokaiRed!" "Kingkaiger 2gou GokaiBlue!" "Kingkaiger 3gou GokaiYellow!" "Kingkaiger 4gou GokaiGreen!" "Kingkaiger 5gou GokaiPink!" "Kingkaiger 6gou GokaiSilver!" "Kingkaiger 7gou GokaiGold!"

After King, Bailey, Ace, Rook, Olive, Jack and Queen stated their ranks and default ranger forms (posing stylishly as they did so,) they exclaimed "FIGHTING FOR THE FATE OF THE WORLD! KAIZOKU SENTAI POWER RANGERS KINGKAIGERS ARE ON THE SCENE!"

"Oh how stunning. They think they're a Marvelous Crew." "Instead of typical tomfoolery, we're going guns blazing!" King proceeds to jump down the flight drawing his Gokai Saber and Gokai Gun as he proceeds to mow down some Hitokarage. The rest of the family follows suit.

Bailey is armed two Gokai Saber as she deflects oncoming blows from the Hitokarage, slashing twice before Olive leaps up and over her to fire a barrage from her Gokai Guns. The bullets explode upon impact, with Olive landing stylishly next to Bailey.

Rook and Ace meanwhile are dealing with Gormins as Ace grabs Rook in a rotating over under motion as he fires a slew of shots, taking them down as Rook dizzies. ("Wow, Would you look at that, and I didn't have to spin attack directly..." before collapsing.)

King, Jack and Queen meanwhile are dodging jabs from the Hitokarage in flipping motions, over the Yaris before kicking the foot soldiers away face first then slicing them into two with their Gokai Sabers and Gokai Spears respectively.

"The foot soldiers need to update with the latest benchmark!" "Well you're the last one standing!" "Why you...!" "LET'S MAKE THIS-!" Only King stopped himself (complete with record scratch) remembering "Oh right, the cuisine." as he backpedals to Bailey. "Honey, you should call the shots."

Bailey is stunned by this development "What brought that up?" King makes himself clear

"Basicallly, if I'm the big Egghead..." King's head transforming into the boiled egg (Whist retaining the Gokai Red visor and facial details) "then you're the beef" Bailey's the same transformation with the red meat cooked "Ace is the Broth and greens" Ace same transformation "Olive the Chikuwa and Noodles" Same idea with Olive, "Rook the White Meats" Same idea with Rook "Jack the Shrimp and Seafood" Same idea with Jack "And Queen the Hapien, Tofu and everything else among those lines." Same idea with Queen.

"That sounds too close to Taka's conclusion." "Aside from the that! The point is that we have to cooperate to win the day! It's the only way to draw out our potential!" King assures Bailey "That's why I'll leave it up to you to call the shots Darling~!"

Bailey nods in agreement "Rook, if you would." "Leave it to me!" ("WATER ELEMENT!") "Shuriken Noise Arts! Water Element Technique" ("WAVE SPLASHER!") Rook fires a bullet with bursts into misty haze, blinding Junkpider.

"Hazy as a tarantula's... I have to focus my eight eyes to catch them!" "All right King, if you would catch his attention." "Mind if I use a meter?" "We'll fill it back up in the next round so sure." King charges up the Shot ("VACCUM...!") to distract Junkpider. ("...FIREBALL!")

Upon the shot, Junkpider chips the shot only to realize that upon swiping at the target, he's not there. "Too fast?!" ("GOKAI CHANGE!" "DAIRANGER!") Ace (As KirinRanger Yellow) drinks some soda to pummel the Refrigerator backside of Junkpider with ("FIST OF THE DRUNKARD!") before flipping away so his back is turned.

"WHAT?! HOW DID SHE?!" ("GOKAI CHANGE!" "BIOMAN!") Bailey and Queen dive at Junkpider (As Blue 3 Bioman and Red 1 Bioman respectively) with a "Super Skydiving attack" and the Fire Sword respectively.

It's a direct hit! A Powerful blow even as Junkpider is reeling back before falling! ("You monkeys are going to be sorry!") ("No, you're already sorry enough as it is! What you're about to become is pathetic!")

The variable Bio-electrons unite with the seven heads of Gokaiger, Dairanger, and Bioman visually merge together with Bioman Red 1 overlapping the rest. ("Queen, Lead us as we make this extremely showy!")

("THE FINISHER!") "VARIABLE BIO-ELECTRON! LIGHT SPEED ATTACK FINALE!" The seven proceed to charge up Spin Dashes, charging enough energy to jump up with bio-electron aura, charge up their strike before blasting away-

-proceeding ricochet through Junkpider as they constantly smash through him as they continuously barrage into and through him until the finishing explosion occurs, signaling the end of the fight.("A heck of a finisher that could quash any foe!")

At last, a notification from Alpha 6 is sent to the Kingkaigers "Kingkaigers! A handful of Zords are impressed with your compromise! When the time is right you can call upon them whenever you need them." "Thanks for the notice Alpha!"

But they will need them for at that point Junkpider is arming the Growth Grenade. "I won't let you have that "W" without a fight!" The growth grenade is armed and upon being thrown at his feet, it went off making Junkpider grow.

"WE NEED RADICAL RACING RV ROBO MEGAZORD POWER NOW!" With that summon command, It's also Elgar's cue to try and intercept the combination.


Right in the cockpit of Red Lightning (Red Vehicle) are King and Jack (Jack being in the backseat with both of them operating Ship wheels) eager to get started with combination "All righty then! Let's see if we can learn the maneuvers whilst outwitting the cardshark!" ("I HEARD THAT! AND IT'S A WAR YOU'LL GET!")

Bailey and Queen are operating the Mountain Blaster (Blue Vehicle) complete with ship wheels as well, as they are passing Red Lightning, King giving a thumbs up to his wife as she passes him. ("Looking good so far Bailey!")

Red Lighting is jockeying for position as a Grinder Badnik Machine proceeds to tailgate Red Lighting ("Uh-Oh!") ("King! Jack! We're coming for the save!") As Bailey and Queen proceeds to pilot the Mountain Blaster, making a U-Turn as they ram T-Bone into the Grinder badnik machine, saving the two.

Olive is piloting the Wind Chaser (Pink Machine) as she is getting flanked by a Pao Badnik Machine, getting flustered as she is fixing to fender-bender into Oni Badnik Machine! ("OH NO! Gotta think faster!")

Olive decides to split Wind Chaser to two as Pao Badnik head on Oni Badnik in the process. ("Ol' "Chicken Dinner's" not going to be happy about that!")

Bailey and Queen make a jump as they get the feeling of adrenaline. ("WOW! That's slick operation!") ("Calm down Mom. All right, Let's Combine!") The Wind Chaser splits into the arms of the RV Robo as it docks onto the Mountain Blaster, activating the airbags of the Wind Chaser dispite it being a Shipwheel. ("Kinda rough on the combination, but it'll do.") The two enter the combined cockpit of the Megazord in progress.

("We're coming you guys!") ("All right Ace, Rook! We'll see you in a bit!") As Dune Star (Yellow Machine) and Desert Thunder (Green Machine) passes the combining in progress. ("It looks like a "reshoot to exacting detail salad" from here on out!") ("In fact we have loads of toys to play with more on the way Ace! Now, let's try it together!")

With the timing eventually down, Dune Star and Desert Thunder proceeds to slipstream to each others' sides, making a sharp U-turn together as they begin linking to the Combination in progress. "ALL RIGHTY THEN!" The Dune Star and Desert Thunder link and form the Left and Right Legs respectively.

And all whist a Scorpion Badnik Machine is trying to shoot at them does Ace and Rook enter the cockpit. "Glad you've made it Ace and Rook!" "Right! Now let's belt those suckers to the next episodes!" And thus the sum of the combination thus far proceeds to ram the Scorpion Badnik Machine, defeating it completely.

King and Jack meanwhile are trying to get through to the rest of the family, the Red Lightning being intercepted by Elgar's Machine. ("I see what you're aiming to do! Don't think the tricks of the past will work here!") ("Wow, he does remember Tommy's trickery from way back in '97.") ("So the talking head is out of the question.")

The two vehicles are aggressively trying to crash one another. It's only with tight maneuvering and a bit of Car Fu that Elgar crashes into that same blockade he crashed into back in 1997. ("GG Kingkaigers. GG.")

Red Lightning drives off the upper road to finish the combination sequence, docking into the Mountain Blaster forming the Head and Chest of the RV Robo. King and Jack proceeds to enter the Combined Cockpit, thus the family's all here and accounted for. They verify the protection with their ranger keys, forming into "Accel Changer keys" as they insert and turn the key in the slot,

Flooring the brakes afterward, the Megazord finishes forming as the head reveals itself and the chest lights locks it in place. At last! The Radical Racing RV Robo Megazord is complete! All whist the Badnik Machines drive away in pain, complete with white surrender flags of shame.


Junkpider is rampaging through the city, preparing for RV Robo's "Radical Racing Spin Dash Finale" in advance because so it is written, so it shall be anticipated. Right when they start spinning out to pull off the move, Junkpider spews out webbing to make it trip out, slide flat on it's face trying to get up in futility as if it's stuck in slick oil.

"How did he know of this?!" "The developers had to make extra time for footage that introduces said megazord Kingkaigers! It was practically telegraphed! Everyone saw it coming!"

Without much hesitation, King had to think of something to summon. "I CALL UPON THE POWER OF THE PAONMARU AUXILLARY ZORD!" Good thing it's one of the handful of zords who were impressed.

Paonmaru is summoned, being launched like a gundam out of the Gokai Galleon. As it lands upon a steel sphere, it's balancing on top of it as it rides to the rescue. The Kingkaigers were impressed themselves. ("Like a Three Ring Show even!")

Junkpider tries to spit out webbing only for Paonmaru to suck it up with his trunk. ("Oh, you could be trouble!") Without hesitation King exits the cockpit of the RV Robo Megazord and with a flying leap lands onto Paonmaru. Paonmaru spawns a Ship wheel on where King is piloting. ("He even knows our preferred Zord control method!")

King takes the wheel to operate Paonmaru. "Don't worry everyone! This new zord will do the trick!" Paonmaru spews out chilling steam from his trunk to damage Junkpider heavily. King wastes little time in freeing the RV Robo Megazord from the webbing.

"King! Verify your ranger keys!" "Right Bailey!" With King scanning his ranger keys, the protection verifies that it's theirs and Paonmaru transforms into it's Warrior Mode! The elephant head makes it's torso as Warrior Mode packs a pair of "Barrage Rocket Launchers!" ("Good thing he's on our side!")

With a leap towards Junkpider, Paonmaru fires several missile barrage to destroy the arms connected to his Icebox. "I'm getting to the end of my rope!" "Well let's send you packing! Let's Combine Again!"

RV Robo disassembles as the sum are combining with Paonmaru. Mountain Blaster locks to Paonmaru like pants as Dune Star and Desert Thunder connects to Mountain Blaster like Footgear. Finally, Wind Chaser locks onto Paonmaru as the Armgear as it is split into two to complete the combination, alongside the Paonmaru Shuriken locking onto the head as it forms it's face.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Paonmaru RV Robo Turbo Forme Variable Megazord!" ("The elephant put the four parts on like clothing!") Wielding the Paon Axe Cutters, this Variable Combination Megazord will trample all over Junkpider. And with the seven piloting their ship wheels, the Megazord slashes through Junkpider like he's silk webbing being torn by inattentive humans.

With a shot of ("Paon Jet!") the meter is filled up to ("MAXIMUM LEVEL!") upon the jet burst of chilling steam that put Junkpider into a dazed state. "Let's finish this showdown!" ("RADICAL RACING PAON BOOMERANG! SPIN DASH FINALE!")

The Megazord seemingly teleports away only to have the road needed to charge at high speeds, then spinning out with the Paon Axe Cutters (with the cockpit shot showing the rangers piloting at high speeds as it cuts to camera point of "Center Left, Center, Center Right, Center Left, You get where the shots are going for.) before finally cutting through Junkpider, causing a massive explosion. ("VARIABLE MEGAZORD COMBINATION HYPER COMBO KO!")

Junkpider unfortunately didn't get it through his skull that crime never pays and so he screams "I'LL BE BACK AGAIN! NEXT TIME THE SPIDER WILL GO FOR THE KILL!" as he is sent flying back to normal size. Kingkaigers are willing to accept the challenge. ("You got it Junkpider! Next time you will reform upon defeat!")

Cue the Variable Megazord posing as it blows off some steam from it's trunk.


"Pete T. Griffin, it appears Junkpider is still at large." Portos reported to his boss. "At some point the Kingkaigers will defeat him again to make him turn good." Pete is amazed at the dedication taken to make it more difficult to reform monsters.

"Glad you put in the work to make more challenging reformation." "Thank you boss, I'll put more work on Fusion Monster development. We do have the funding right?" "Well we have plenty of time until the next episode comes out! Keep up the dedication!" Elgar meanwhile is picking up the pieces of his Badnik Machine subordinates as Pete is in the same room as him and the others.

"As for you, I'll take it that these machines will be fixed up. After all, they're your badnik machines." "Yeah Yeah! We're left picking up the peices of our men. Look, You think optimistically, Auntie Divatox think pessimistically." "She did nuke a command center right?" "Well she had more attempts to defeat the Turbo Rangers. As in the Carranger Power Rangers."

Pete T. Griffin takes the complement. ("Sooner or later we'll beat the Kingkaigers at least one time this season. Until then, Keep that Word Processor smoking...") ("Gamma Raizo would you help your college rebuild his subordinates?")


...It's a few days later that a new Fusion Monster is created. "I dub him SatellaGoon. Unfortunately he is defective." "How so?" "He refuses to fight for evil." Upon seeing the training dummies, SatellaGoon realizes he's better at making friends than enemies. ("THAT'S IT! I QUIT KFC! YOU CAN'T DESTROY ME AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME FIGHT THEM!")

Upon SatellaGoon's exit ("Hey, Watch where you're going Space-Man!") Pete is facepalming this very moment. "Would the narrator close this episode right now?"

"Very well then Pete T. Griffin, with the latest Fusion Monster deciding to defect upon creation, Pete sent his men off to find a Ace of the Gods to make a Equal Value command to make SatellaGoon fight against his will."

"But whilst the Kingkaigers are studying hard, they might encounter SatellaGoon sooner than they think in their time off. Will this sheep in wolf's clothing resist the evil forces that created him? Will a new Zord be tamed for future use? Find out next time on Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger."


Cue episode ending credits

♪Live your life, don't stop until it's done♪
♪Once you live for love then you've already won♪

♪When I look up through the infinite sky♪
♪I never thought that it could come to this♪
♪Just take my hand and together we'll fly♪
♪Let's go, I know, how high?♪

♪Soar above the clouds and see such beauty all around♪
♪This irreplaceable world needs us now♪
♪We have to join in the fight♪

♪Live your life like a Vacuum Fireball♪
♪Give your all, don't ever give up!♪
♪When we're together, I know we can win♪
♪I have you to believe in!♪

♪Live your life, don't stop until it's done♪
♪Give your all, don't ever give up♪
♪All you need is love and to believe in yourself♪
♪It's easier when you believe♪


The preceding is a fan made series. Housepets, Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Kamen Rider, Metal Heroes are all owned by Rick Griffin, Toei Company, Saban Brands, Hasbro and Ishimori Productions.

Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Shueisa and Akira Toriyama. Dragon Ball Z Abridged is owned by TeamFourStar.
Everything else is owned by their respective owners.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This really is a marvelous addition! Keep it up!
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

A bit of writers block at the moment. Also I am fearful about Author Existence Failure as I tend to feel like that is about to happen every day.

I want you all to Pray that I'll live a long life so I can make true to my promise of the fic's 100th Anniversary Sentai adaptation being the actual Gokaiger adaptation season before the dominoes start falling in place for the "Absolute Final Countdown to Destruction Season" (The one Where "All Hell breaks loose.")

Also don't do a TVTropes page till the First Season is completed at least. I'll let you know when that happens. Also note that we have absolutely no Episode Cap unlike Network Ameri-satsus.

Alongside that, all the Housepets! & Housepets! styled characters as well as the Kingkaigers themselves (Ranger size creatures In civilian and helmetless forms) are powered by "The Jim Henson Creature Workshop." The rest are done by Toei and their teams.
Last edited by JamesTCat on Sat Oct 05, 2019 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really wish that you didn't bring up that trope in your last post. It makes me worry a lot about what happens if it turns out my life ends because nobody will be able to tell everybody and if someone else ends up passing on that we won't ever get to the bottom of what happened, if it hasn't happened already. :?
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:I really wish that you didn't bring up that trope in your last post. It makes me worry a lot about what happens if it turns out my life ends because nobody will be able to tell everybody and if someone else ends up passing on that we won't ever get to the bottom of what happened, if it hasn't happened already. :?
Sorry about that Dayzee. I really love working on this series, I really do. Discovering information, making a good fight flow, heck even the bonkers Variable Combinations. I hope I didn't disturb you because there's a lot of tension in this world. I'm glad you could care deeply about your fellow forum user, as I am trying hard to be a good person (especially as a LDS) it's just that I'll now have a drive to make sure that the author existence failure doesn't happen.

Thank you Dayzee. I'm glad you care deeply about this project.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

It's not the project I care about. It's the fact that you said it might happen which is now making me worried that you think you are gonna die soon. :|
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

I'm still kicking though. Don't worry, I won't die any time soon. Though there may be some delay on the next episode because I am trying to write an episode with lots of original footage.
Challenge James T Cat in SMASH Ultimate plus Switch Online: SW-2695-1793-4587
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well when you say "Author Existence Failure", that is what it conjures up thoughts for me.

Anyway, hope to see the next installment soon!
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

The following is a fan made series. Housepets, Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Kamen Rider, Metal Heroes are all owned by Rick Griffin, Toei Company, Saban Brands, Hasbro and Ishimori Productions.

Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Shueisa and Akira Toriyama. Dragon Ball Z Abridged is owned by TeamFourStar.
Everything else is owned by their respective owners.

Please support the official release.

Speed Disclaimer: The control speed for the reading a proper episode is around a Half Hour in length. Your reading speed (And thus the length of episodes) may vary.

Note before we begin: All of the Housepets! Characters and the like are powered by the Jim Henson Creature Workshop. It always worked like that. Toei and the Creature Workshop are working together to make the Kingkaigers possible, If this is actually official and real. Just to let you know.

Warning: For compatability, you'll need your system's Japanese Language Pack installed on your computer, otherwise the Japanese will appear as Empty Squares.

"The Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Kamen Riders, Metal Heroes and more are the legends that fought against evil! To that end, their powers and everything are inherited by heroes who are ready to continue the fight against the forces of evil!" With that, Cue opening.


♪Forward! lets hoist up the flag of courage♪
♪Dashing through across the seven seas♪
♪Sink or Swim, The invincible wind will guide you all the way...♪

♪Your goal isn't on any sort of map♪
♪It's no illusion that is playing those tricks♪
♪Everyone is searching for their very own treasure in this scavenger that we call life!♪

♪I want to check and make sure that everyone is not the same at all♪
♪Just do what you want, when it comes to your goals♪
♪It's all life or death, when you want something done, do it straight away... without regrets!♪

♪Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!♪
♪Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's take the lead of the fight!♪
♪Forward these uncharted routes in the vast seas of the entire world from coast to coast!♪
♪Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!♪
♪Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's sail through the storms!♪
♪Your persistent recklessness, your mighty battles will be the ones that will change the world!♪
♪Big dreams are ones that are endless!♪
♪Pirate Squadron Kingkaiger!♪


"Last Time on Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger!

The Kingkaigers faced off against Junkpider as King had difficulty with where to put it "I" in "Teamwork." (You chuck the "I" in the bin when it comes to that word. And no, it doesn't have a "Me" in it.)

After a lesson with some ingredients (Courtesy of Kitsune) King realize that he and his family must cooperate in order to win the day. Following the beginning of the winning round that set, Elgar and his Badnik Machines tried to ruin the formation of the Radical Racing RV Robo Megazord. It went as well as you expected if you're keeping score.

However, after defeating Junkpider, it will be more difficult making even future monsters reform. But don't panic, some fusion monsters are created "Defective" like when SatellaGoon realized he's better off on the side of good than evil. With that regard, another monster had to be created to capture SatellaGoon.

And this time it is a older monster restored from backup data. "I hope this disc still functions. It's been too long since the last read." Little does Portos expects, the disc actually reads. Thus the modifications are ready to be implemented! ("Just have to fix the design flaws is all narrator. No Denotators this time, but thanks for the recap though.")

With that, what dastardly plans does Pete T. Griffin have in store? Will the Kingkaigers find a friend in SatellaGoon? Will the "freak of the week" gain the upper hand with his powers? Find out today on Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger!"



Pete T. Griffin is desperately looking through the schematics of monsters in hopes of finding one to wangle the defective Fusion Monster. "I'm sure I'll find someone to get him on our side!" whist Pete does further searching, Portos meanwhile booted up a "Monster Spawner Program" and loaded backup data to spawn in... A monochrome Chromite.

...A few short moments later. "I have spawned a monster using data backed up from '97!" "That's nice Portos. You spawned a monster from the past." "I'm serious. Although he may not be much, Thermite Chromite have the ability to steal morphing signatures. The only way to get the signatures back is to defeat him."

Pete raises his head to the camera, blinking twice before turning to him. "You ironed out that design flaw right?" "Oh yes! The monster is improved from his last iteration. It may be possible that this time he could score a Royal Flush!" The two scoundrels thought to themselves "Yeah, we're better off being struck by hyperbolical lighting before that happens."


...Thermite Chromite meanwhile is chatting with the other members of Pete's entourage by a water cooler. ("...Upon predicting ten thousand outcomes in Smash Ultimate all in one streak, Sakurai chalked it up to the fact that Octopi are psychics!")

"All right Thermite, you got the target memorized?" "The Boss! Good day "Nickname withheld out of spite of Seth's zombie!" "Shouldn't that be in brackets?" "I'm withholding that nickname at free will!" "Enough with the tomfoolery, what's your power?" "Point me to those training dummies and I'll demonstrate!"

And so the training dummies are set, Chromite uses his "Crack-out Beam" to steal the Dummies' Morphed state forming duplicates with their Gokaiger form but with monochrome heads. ("New millennium, Same great taste!") The lights of the Unknown Location's Base turns out, pitch black. Thermite Chromite's design flaw have indeed been ironed out. ("Golly Peterpottamus, you didn't have to go through that much trouble for little ol' me!")

"The design flaw is indeed ironed out, as if we didn't make that clear by this point." Portos stated in the dark. "Now I'll fill Thermite in of what happened so far." "It all began with a transformation, from human to corgi-"

--Smash Cut as Thermite Chromite finishes reciting what happened thus far, skimming down on the filler. "And now I have to wangle the defector." "Wow, he's sharp as a knife! But will that be enough?" Portos fires the Info Beam "Your target's information is now beamed directly into your mind. Your mission is clear correct?"

Elgar, Gamma Raizo and Goldar stumbles in the dark, trying to find their way to the new monster ("Would anyone turn on the lights?! I can't see Jack Nil!") ("Give it a few moments Elgar! You'll see in the dark in a bit!") ("The Flying Monkey's right! I volenteer for this mission!")

"Gamma Raizo! Goldar! Elgar! You will join the Chromite on his mission! Find the defector and bring him to me!" ("What'cha gonna do to him afterward?") "I'll beam him with the Servitude Program!" Pete responds to the Card Swordsman. "No one have ever fought against it and won!"

And so the group of villains teleport out, ready to hunt down SatellaGoon. As if the title of the episode gave it away, Pete may not need SatellaGoon.


King, Bailey, Ace, Rook, Olive, Jack and Queen were heading out of River Ridge High when their sixth sense are stimulated fiercely. "Another Fusion Monster?!" King noted to the others. "But it feels as if it's a blast to the past." Bailey replies.

"INCORRECT!" The chromite beams in, posing erratically as he responds to Bailey. "No Detonator this time! Not even a measly Cracker!" The family evades the diving Thermite Chromite as he bounces off a wall, kicking King in the back.

Unfortunately, the Idiot Ball is latched on to the Kingkaigers as they decide to morph right away. With a shout of "IT'S MORPHING TIME!" spawning their Ranger Keys and their Mobirates in their hands, they shout "GOKAI CHANGE!" just as Thermite over there uses his "Crack-Out Beam" to steal their signatures. ("Here come the colors!")

The morphing sequence with roman numerals of "XXXV" passes through them forming the Suit, Helmet, Visor and "Gokaiger Insignia" occurs as normal but with the Hammy Excited voice spouting out "GO-Kai---ger...." as he "dies with his Batteries" and the greyscaling of the Ranger Forms in the sequence, it's a sure fire sign that something is wrong.

("YAHOO! NOW THEY'RE MINE!") The Kingkaigers demorphs from the protection as their signatures are stolen. Forming on their shadows are their morphed states, in full color except for the grey with greyscale helmets. They rise up like puppets as they chuckle deviously, striking as the heroes' backs are turned once they finish rising.

"That was a dirty first strike and you know it!" Olive chastises the Shadow Kingkaigers as she and the others are reeling from the sneaky surprise attack. "Looks like I scored the Royal Flush!" Thermite cheers. Back in the Unknown Location, Pete and his men felt a sensation akin to being struck by lightning. ("... Huh. Guess he got that hand first try.")

Now back to the fight at hand, The Shadow Kingkaigers are everything their counterparts are, including getting stronger as they come back from the brink of death. (As per Ranger, Rider, Metal Hero, transforming hero, Morphing Grid Biology.) "What's the matter Kingkaigers? You always wanted to fight with a unfair handicap."


The fight begins as the two factions are facing off against each other. King and his Shadow are jockeying for position as ShadowRanger!King launches himself at his counterpart through the Homing Attack Technique. ("This could make platforming simple!") As he launches into King.

King chips the Homing Attack but ShadowRanger!King throws a barrage of punches and kicks as he deals a massive chunk of chip damage. ("Sonic '06, how I love your ideas!")

Bailey is trying to summon Gokai Sabers but ShadowRanger!Bailey spawns hers with ease. "Looking for a cut above?" she jeers as lunges after her, Bailey is bobbing and weaving trying not to get killed by her own weapons.

Olive and Rook are 'Dancing' as their Shadow Ranger counterparts are shooting at them with their Gokai Guns. "How's the receiving shots, Puppies?" well aware of their artificial age. "It'll keep the flu away!" ShadowRanger!Olive and ShadowRanger!Rook laughs at their counterparts misfortunes.

Jack and Queen meanwhile are taking evasive tactics as best as they can as they're being prodded by their own Gokai Spears. "I didn't realize how skilled these Shadows are!" As they duck down to the shade of the building, the Shadow Kingkaigers enter the shade with Jack and Queen, taunting them as they still exist even in the shadows. ("Look ma, No lighting!")

"So you thought ducking into the shade will work like it did in the past? TOO BAD SAD LADS! NICE TRY SAD LASSES!" Thermite Chromite is posing erratically as the ShadowRanger!Kingkaigers regroup. "Portos fixed the design flaw flawlessly! Now if you want your signatures back, you'll have to defeat them!"

Ace is thinking of something ("If only there was a way to get all our signatures back with just one knockout. Think Ace, Think!") The Shadow Kingkaigers decide to show off their abilities to add salt to their counterparts wounds.

They spawn their mobilrates and ranger keys, shout "GOKAI CHANGE!" as they insert the keys into the keyholes, turning the keys in one continuous motion. A Villainous variant of the Excitable Hammy voice shouts out ("CARRANGER!") as they morph into their respective Carrangers, with Jack and Queen's counterparts being the homebrewed "Black Racer" and "White Racer" respectively. (Complete with Grey Greyscale helmets as the rest.)

(What, just because the actual White Racer is a wannabe doesn't mean the homebrewed forms reflects the wannabes.)

"Aren't I a nice guy or what?" ShadowRanger!King jeers as he's "nice enough" to show the form if Tommy Oliver fell for Thermite Chromite's trap back in 1997. "Well that is an interesting thought" Couterpart responds to Counterpart. "A bad possibility, but still an interesting thought." The Shadow Kingkaigers arm their Auto Blasters before shooting directly at them.

Sparks are shooting out of the Kingkaigers as they impact onto the building. "Nasty Slice Shadow Kingkaigers! Now let the chase begin!" As Thermite takes a massive leap back, dashing away as the ShadowRanger!Kingkaigers follow.

Alpha 6 is contacting the Kingkaigers through their internal telepathic link. "Kingkaigers! Storm Blaster Dragon Cruiser and Lightning Cruiser Pegasus Thunder are royally teed off by that Encore Monster of Pete T. Griffin!"

"Alpha, What's an Encore Monster?" It's time for a world building explanation. "An "Encore Monster" is a "Monster of the Week" revived and patched up to be way more difficult than in their "Past Performance." Hence the name "Encore Monsters."

Ace then chimed in with her Inquirus-style thought "If only there is a way to get all the signatures back with just one knockout." "Wow, a "Genius IQ Level" idea there Ace! I'll let you all figure the rest of the strategy out! As for me, I'll try and bypass the Protection for these two!" ("RIGHT ON!")

And with that the Kingkaigers head off to hunt down Thermite Chromite. Though it will take a while to catch up.


... Meanwhile, SatellaGoon is being his cheerful self as he's handing out balloons to the innocent civilians. ("And here's one for you, and one for you...") Thermite and his Shadow Kingkaigers didn't even so much as notice his power level as they were too busy leading the Kingkaigers on a wild pigeon race.

"Look at those civilian animals! Acting all cute and cuddly! IT MAKES ME SICK!" (In case of much needed cameos, let's just say that Satau have indeed moved in with his descendant Mungo after going through the Time Force's "Temporal Immigration Process.")

The Shadow Kingkaigers were about to steal candy from babies, but decided against it, stating in unison "あんたじゃ、燃えねえな" (Translation: "You're not worth making me burn." One of Kyo Kusanagi's Fight-isms.) "At least you all have moral compasses against such petty acts!" Thermite commentated on the shadows. Mungo catching a glimpse on the Shadow Kingkaigers, is looking through his contacts.

In the mental phonebooks of his, he notes the contact information that the K-9 Squad have given him concerning such matters "In case of "Monster of the Week" or any "Tokusatsu Type Mischief" contact "Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger." The number is a "555" area code as standard for fictional phone numbers.

Within a moment or two, Satau is answered by Alpha 6, the "Street-Talking Assistant" of the Kingkaigers. "Yo-Yo-Yo! You have reached the Kingkaigers' Telepathic Line. Sorry they're out at the moment, they are having a case of a "Grand Theft Thermal Cold-War."

Satau follows the Shadow Kingkaigers trying not to be noticed by them or Thermite Chromite. "Uhh... Yeah, "Pizza Cats?" I'm looking to order a "Sushi Supreme." Satu is speaking code not related to real life "With lots of "octopi sausages" topped off with plenty of colored toppings alongside lots of grey mushrooms. Make it 20 to 40 Sushi Supremes. It's for an office party."

Alpha gets the idea as Satau is trying not to raise suspicions. (Telepathic communication also gives video phone) "...All right, get out "the cash," I'll beam them in a flash!"

King is contacted telepathically "Yo! "Speedy Cervichi!" ("You got the wrong hero.") ("Just Humor Him, He's trailing the Shadow Kingkaigers!) 40 Sushi Supremes for the K-9's Office party, this time don't be tardy Okay?"

"Yes, Francine! Ready the Palor's Pistol, it's the fastest way to get there!"

In a few short moments, The Kingkaigers are teleported directly to Thermite Chromite's location. ("Suddenly, the ancestors' Snooping as usual!") The Kingkaigers have their strategy figured out. "Don't worry about the Shadow Kingkaigers! Whatever you do, Thermite's top prority!"

As such, the Shadow Kingkaigers pull off a "One Hit Knock Out" move on their counterparts in response. ("VARIABLE OHKO FINALE! LIGHT SPEED ATTACK!") as they make contact with their counterparts, the seven Shadow Kingkaigers are instantly charged, ricocheting through the Kingkaigers as they constantly smash into and through the Kingkaigers in a Light Speed Spin Attack Barrage until the Kingkaigers are K.O.ed. ("HYPER COMBO KO!")

The Kingkaigers collapse onto the ground, their heartrate overwhelmed as they are beating quickly in a panicked state. "Fast work Shadows! Now let's take them away to the old Thermite Cave! I can't wait for Pete T. Griffin to give me a Promotion!" As the word Promotion appears over Thermite's head, as he takes the letters and pins a medal that states ("Insert Promotion Ranking Here.")

(This really is sounding a lot like a farcical DiC Cartoon showdown isn't it?)

"I also should give thanks to Portos for doing away with our design flaws! This is the first Encore bout that the world ever witness where the villain wins!" ("Yeah, pat yourself on the back boss.")

"But enough about the banter, let's head to the cave and tell the griffon the good news! Don't forget to plant the seeds of the newest Benchmark! (Water them too so they can grow!) After all we wouldn't want to make it too easy for any challenger to follow us!" The ShadowRanger!Kingkaigers obeys as they plant and water the footsoldier before beaming to their base. ("WATER ELEMENT!" "Shuriken Noise Arts! Water Element Technique!" "WATER SPLASHER!")

And so they're out of the scene. Satau witinessing Footsoldiers steadily growing to their proper size as he equips his energy armor, with blade and shield. What he noticed after equipping are the Kingkaigers' very own Psycho Ranger counterparts.

King have Psycho Red, Bailey Psycho Blue, Ace Psycho Yellow, Rook Psycho Black, Olive Psycho Pink, Jack Psycho Gold and Queen Psycho Silver. Jack and Queen' Psycho Rangers are switched colors and that Psycho Silver is female as to make clear that she's not the fake Psycho Ranger.

You'll also notice that their NeziRanger insignia buckle are replaced with Ranger Key Buckler, all matching their respective counterpart's colors (In example Psycho Black having a Green Buckle to match Rook's GokaiGreen ranger form.)

"Great, the loose cannons known as Psycho Rangers have finally come out to play..." "Not just that, we're to pay our one debt to them for defeating Drakkon!" Psycho!King stated matter of factly "PsychoBlue, Ready to show this fossil what we can do?"

"As easy as breaking a small child's every bone." Psycho!Bailey assured him (This PsychoBlue's a male. I know that because the name "Bailey" is gender neutral so "Psycho!Bailey" he shall be known as. There's also be a female Psycho!Bailey to show up eventually.)

Psycho!Olive is getting rather impatent. "Why are we chosen to save their hide. We're supposed to defeat them! That's our goal in life." "Because if they die in real life, everyone is out of a Job!" "Everyone?" "Everyone. You, Me, Him, Her, Them, Us, EVERYONE! No Kingkaigers..." Psycho!King make the money rub gesture "No Motivation to Live for our writers and dev team."

The rest of the Psychos felt like complete heels upon that revilation. "All right, Let's save the Puppers so we can challenge them in the future!"

The foot soldiers finish spawning as they proceed to brace for battle. The psychos begins the fight to rescue the Kingkaigers.

The Psychos charge ahead at the upgraded Hitokarage, Combatant Wumpers (What "Thermite Chromite" is based off of) Gormins and Kunekune Electron Soldiers (From the Nezirejia empire) as they arm their ranger keys.

"PSYCHO MUTATION! PREDATION!" The ranger keys are summoned as hellhound styled Corgi, Huskies and CorgiHusky Hybrids burst out of their chests to eat their respective keys. What are summoned are... ("GORENGER!") the Gorenger's moveset.

Psycho!Rook equips the Midomerangs as he cuts a path to the next part of the path. Satau using his Energy Blades assists the Psychos as he helps cut a path with them to make it to the next location. ("You're going to save them before you fight them right?")

Psycho!Olive arms a "Beastball Bomber" as she make a fastball pitch, impacting the Kunekunes before dissapearing for a few moments before respawning, exploding a path on impact. (Psycho!Olive's reaction is a fistpump, shouting out a triumphant "YEAH!" before using an Earring Bomb as a land mine to catch a rage of Hitokarage off guard.)

Psycho!Bailey equips the "Blue Cherry" bow before firing many arrows like rapid fire shots. The arrows impact the Gormins before sending a shock to stun them. Psycho!Bailey proceeds to cut them directly using the bow as a melee weapon.

Psycho!Ace equips the "Yellow Sticker" as it's head is a punching fist. She strikes through the Wumpers as they try and intercept the Psychos. Satau meanwhile is clearing a path as he slices and dices the footsolders with his energy blades.

Psycho!King equips the "Red Bute" which is a multiform whip as he lashes out with the sharp attack. Busting the Kunekune Soldiers whilst clearing the path for the others. "This way to the Thermite Cave!"

"Then what are we waiting for?! Let's send them packing!" They ready another Predation, their Hellhounds burst out of their chest as they eat the summoned Ranger Keys. The Equip... ("GO-ONGER!) ...the Go-onger keys.

The Psycho Kingkaigers arm the Super Highway Buster as they lock the weapons together, arm an engine soul before unleashing their ("MAXIMUM LEVEL!") Attack! ("POLE POSITION!") The shot is fired ("SUPER HIGHWAY BUSTER!") as the engine soul pulls off an assault akin to that of the Light Speed Attack as it destroys the foot soldiers.


"...Listen Carefully, Pete's spies are trying to find the other Aces. As soon as they do, follow the radar so we can get that Promotion!" King overhears Thermite Chromite's plan. But as soon as the Shadow Kingkaigers are in agreement, a hole breaks wide open, revealing the Psychos. "And then there's these dolts!"

"Looks like we're paying our debts sooner than you think." Satau is leading the pack of Psycho Kingkaigers. "I hope they won't cause too much trouble for you." "It's fine Satau! After all they are itching for a upcoming challenge at some point. How's the Time Force's Immigration Process?" "Just wonderful! I finally get to move in to the present timeline with my descendent Mungo."

"Can we get on with it! We can exposit our histories later!" Psycho!Olive is getting impatient again. "So you brought Psychos? What sort of trickery can they do?" "PSYCHO MUTATION! PREDATION!" The hellhounds burst out of the Psychos' chest to eat their summoned keys, donning the moveset of ("SUN VULCAN!") Sun Vulcan.

Psycho!King is VulEagle Red, Psycho!Bailey is VulShark Blue, Psycho!Ace is VulPanther Yellow while the homebrewed Ranger Keys have Psycho!Rook don VulSnake Green, Psycho!Olive VulBull Black, Psycho!Jack VulPanther Pink, and Psycho!Queen VulWhiteRose.

The Shadow!Kingkaigers proceed to face off against the Psycho!Kingkaigers as they clash at once. Thermite Chromite watching from the sidelines, knowing that once the Shadow!Kingkaigers are defeated, the signatures will return to the Kingkaigers.

Shadow!Kingkaigers proceed to morph into ("JETMAN!") Jetman, still retaining the colorful suits unlike the actual Shadow Jetmen but still retain those grayscale helmets ("We are not that related to the Shadow Jetmen, move along people.")

Psychos and Shadows jockeying for footing, each one trying to force their opponent to make a wrong move so they can take advantage and have the flow of the fight be in their favor. Several moments later, the Shadow!Kingkaigers tried to throw a jab at the Psycho!Kingkaigers, only for them to block it, leading to the Shadow!Kingkaigers being thrown.

Whilst "Fireballs" are common, the two factions decides to go all melee, Psycho!Queen using her WhiteRoseBlade to fence off Shadow!Queen. ("Wait, You're Silver but you target the Gold Kingkaiger.") ("The last Psycho Silver was a phony designed to fool the OG Psychos. I'm the real deal!")

Parrying the attempted punches and kicks, Psycho!Queen proceeds to link up a uppercut style slice to send sparks flying out of her opponent. The rest of the Psycho!Kingkaigers are facing off against the rest of the Shadow!Kingkaigers as the fights will be detailed enough so that there is a lot of footage.

To make a long fight short The Shadow!Kingkaigers were cutting the outcome close, but after a series of precision strikes in pressure points, the Psycho!Kingkaigers (using a seven man Vulcan ball finisher) defeats the Shadow!Kingkaigers. The Shadows are fading into concentrated lights, leaving burn spots on the grounds.

The Kingkaigers' signatures return to them as they built an immunity to Thermite's weapon like that of a flu shot. "So you had your Psychos get the signatures back for you, and judging by the scenario, you got immunization from my weapon!" ("Thank Dragoon.")

"Oh well, at least I'll have to face all of you head-to-head to cap off the episode! Don't bring your Psychos as you follow me to our final battlegrounds!" ("Don't worry, we'll let them do their jobs.")

The prison bars disintegrates freeing the captive Kingkaigers. This leads to the next Act as they fight Thermite Chromite and his Shadow!Kingkaigers, properly morphed.


"IT'S MORPHING TIME!" Round 2 begins with the Kingkaigers spawning their mobilrates, alongside their main ranger keys, shout "GOKAI CHANGE!" as they insert their keys into the keyhole, turn the keys and morph.

The initial morphing sequence have their ranger form spawn as the roman numerals "XXXV" passes through them, forming the suit, the helmet, the visor and the Gokaiger insignia as an excited, hammy voice screams out "GOKAIGER!"

An additional morphing sequence with GokaiSilver and GokaiGold follows. The Roman Numerals "XVI" pass through Jack and Queen, forming the ranger form's suit with the "X," the visor with the "V," and the "bandanna" with the "I."

The team proceed to roll call and shout out their ranks "Kingkaiger 1gou GokaiRed!" "Kingkaiger 2gou GokaiBlue!" "Kingkaiger 3gou GokaiYellow!" "Kingkaiger 4gou GokaiGreen!" "Kingkaiger 5gou GokaiPink!" "Kingkaiger 6gou GokaiSilver!" "Kingkaiger 7gou GokaiGold!"

After King, Bailey, Ace, Rook, Olive, Jack and Queen stated their ranks and default ranger forms (posing stylishly as they did so,) they exclamed "FIGHTING FOR THE FATE OF THE WORLD! KAIZOKU SENTAI POWER RANGERS KINGKAIGER ARE ON THE SCENE!"

The fun really begin at a construction site. The Shadow Kingkaigers respawn since the stolen signatures are preserved as copied signatures. "Well I copied your signatures at that point, which makes me the biggest pirate of them all!" Thermite Chromite and the Shadow!Kingkaigers start playing footsies with Kingkaigers and Satau to get the first strike.

(Footsies is a fighting game term that means they're trying to get footing that will give them the upper hand.)

"Let's get this geek!" ("FIGHT!") Satau is leading the pack as he faces off against Thermite. The Shadow!Kingkaigers are facing off against their respective Kingkaigers. Thermite fires impact charges from his fingertips as he not only strikes the Kingkaigers and Satau but also commits Friendly Fire as he unwittingly defeats his own Shadow!Kingkaigers.

"What a blast!" The Kingkaigers are trying to strike him as he evades their strikes. Queen tries to leap at Thermite as she grabs onto a ladder, leaping off as it falls to the ground. Thermite fires a impact charge from his fingertip as sparks are spewing out of her upon impact.

("TIME'S RUNNING OUT!") Upon the announcer's call, a refracto detonator spawns and leaks paint out. "OH DRAGOON! TIME IS RUNNING SHORT!" Thermite Chromite realises that the Refracto Denotator spawns, as well as the way to beat him.

King is trying to think of something as he and his team evades the chromite's hasty actions. "I'll give you a hint on how to close this episode before the Refracto dentinator nukes us and the entire nation with it: "Knock his lights out!"

Bailey and Rook leaps onto the top of a structure only to get basted off by the Chromite's impact blast. Ace tries her hand leaping onto a structure where Thermite is standing before kicking some paint cans over. She tries to chop his sides, the strikes being countered before Thermite tears her sides, sparks flying out of her.

Upon that hint (to "Knock his lights out,") a Lightbulb turn on over King's head. The rest of the family regrouping "We'll need one of the megazords to put his lights out." "The devs forcing a time limit with a denotator because of the productivity killers. I get it." The team summons Surikenjin ("We need Throwing Star Gattai Shrikenjin Megazord Power now!") And like that the Otomonin zords are summoned.

They launch from their Gokai Galleon with Shinobimaru, Wanmaru and Dragomaru being launched like gundams, Dumpmaru and Byunmaru being launched like macross.

The combination sequence involves Dragomaru and Dumpmaru being the left and right arms as well as the rest of Dumpmaru being the cockpit. Byunmaru and Wanmaru becoming the legs and hips (with Wanmaru becoming the left shin) and Shinobimaru taking control of the cockpit. The Kingkaigers are piloting with shipwheels and verifies the protection with their ranger keys to take control.

Thermite Chromite on the other hand is looking for the Kingkaigers. "What's taking them so long?! The entire nation is going to get nuked!" Shurikenjin arrives in the nick of time, blocking out the sun and dissolving the Chromite as well as the Refracto Dentinator. ("All right, it's time for me to punch out! I know how this ends, my respective denotator, the method of my defeat! I'm reaping what I sow, I will see you again some day-!")

A few moments later, Thermite Chromite and refracto denotator are history. The Griffon Empire still have the Encore data in reserve and the day is won.


Back in the unknown location, Pete T Griffin is checking the Data Discs to see if everything's there. "Okay good, at least everything is here." Portos noted "The devs had to force that weakness with the spawning of the refracto detonator. Should I make backup copies of all the data discs?" "You should. After all, he said something about seeing them again soon."

"Also we have copied the Kingkaiger's signatures. We may have to engineer a Kingkaiger of our own to try and best them." "Let me guess, the buff lynx Goldar and the others found as they were trying to keep up with Thermite Chromite?" "She could be a great GokaiSpecturm, only if we had the right... Persuasion." As Portos is thinking of capturing Marion to use as leverage upon that thought.


King and his family were heading back to River Ridge High School, upon which they meet with a mascot performer. "I think he wants us to partake in a tournament." case in point, everyone is partaking in a Zandronum tournament as Miles' Offspring took over all the computers' networking, including the devs of this series.

"Well, this isn't the tournament we're expecting." "Isn't the FPS genre of the 90's what took over the dev's time?" "Along with new mobile phones to play them as well, it's sad but true."

The narrator closes the episode "Well this have turned out to be something. Thermite Chromite have copied the signatures of the Kingkaigers to Pete's databases, with Portos scheming of making a Kingkaiger of the Griffon Empire's own, Lois and Marion unaware of this development.

As Satellagoon is unaware, Pete's forces are closing in on him. The devs will now begin work on the next episode of Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger."


Cue episode ending credits

♪Live your life, don't stop until it's done♪
♪Once you live for love then you've already won♪

♪When I look up through the infinite sky♪
♪I never thought that it could come to this♪
♪Just take my hand and together we'll fly♪
♪Let's go, I know, how high?♪

♪Soar above the clouds and see such beauty all around♪
♪This irreplaceable world needs us now♪
♪We have to join in the fight♪

♪Live your life like a Vacuum Fireball♪
♪Give your all, don't ever give up!♪
♪When we're together, I know we can win♪
♪I have you to believe in!♪

♪Live your life, don't stop until it's done♪
♪Give your all, don't ever give up♪
♪All you need is love and to believe in yourself♪
♪It's easier when you believe♪


The preceding is a fan made series. Housepets, Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Kamen Rider, Metal Heroes are all owned by Rick Griffin, Toei Company, Saban Brands, Hasbro and Ishimori Productions.

Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Shueisa and Akira Toriyama. Dragon Ball Z Abridged is owned by TeamFourStar.
Everything else is owned by their respective owners.
Last edited by JamesTCat on Sat Oct 26, 2019 12:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really great job on this! Please continue writing!
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

All right. Though I have until the 27th of December to work on it. Why not a "Green with Evil" styled feature length special called "SPECTRUM MENACE! Rainbow Revulsion of Lois Lynx." Better get working on as much as possible to make Lois Lynx a showstopper sixth ranger of the year. The crunch begins right this instant. 9:02 of 10/26/2019
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I hope that you are able to make it as perfect as you want it to be! I can't wait to see how it turns out!
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Recently, I found out that Lois turned into a Male Lynx. I figured that I keep her a buff Female in this fanmade universe but getting the male ranger variant with her ranger forms.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That actually sounds like a great compromise! You did a nice job figuring that out!
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

I am still working on Kingkaiger. I hope I can keep up the work to the point where I have episodes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Right now, I am working on the "Spectrum Menace" special and I promise working on Kingkaigers when humanly possible will be a new year resolution.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Make sure that you don't end up burning yourself out though. You don't have to take on too much just for us. All you need to do is work on it when you feel comfortable. Don't overwhelm yourself. We all are perfectly fine with waiting for the next installment. :)
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

All right then Dayzee, I will be working on the series any chance I get but I will take occasional breaks before going back to work.

Heck, by the time the first season box set is completed (Compiling all the first season completed in a seamless writing flow) I will have an Development FAQ ready by then to clear things up.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That sounds really good! I look forward to being able to read the Development FAQ when you get it up!
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Only 6 days left to crunch. I am looking to crunch with the time I have left in writing the "Spectrum Menace! Rainbow Revulsion of Lois Lynx" special, because December the 27th is a special date for this special fan fiction project. I will make sure that it will be finished by then as a feature length special. Then it's back to the usual 22-minute episodes.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I can't wait for that and to see what you are gonna reveal for the special and where its gonna make the story end up!
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Yeah with only two days before the deadline, I really have to crunch it. Of course, some things are going to be left out until the Complete First Season's Boxset (Which is the Ninninger adaptation season for Dayzee.)

But I'll have to give it my all when I get the chance because I might have to take my mom to town to get stuff.

Edit: Gonna have to delay the special till around new years. A delayed product is eventually good but a rushed product is bad forever.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Yeah, sorry to keep you waiting for the next installment. Time got away from me and all that. But I have several plans for this series which will mainly consist of working on said projects for a long time with the fic.

Spectrum Menace will be worked on and will be the first feature length special of 2020, by the time Mashin Sentai Kiramager's first episode goes on the air. Then I will try and make a schedule possible so that new episodes will come out in a somewhat frequent basis.

Also, I will be working on a tie in game that will be based off of the Sonic The Hedgehog series of games. The ability to play as any ranger form possible as well as customizing movesets, alongside Retroarch compatibility and allowing mods to be possible in said fan game will be something to look forward to as it will take decades to make the game a complete experience, even with the season type updates with new teams and the like. (I am after all only one man.)

But regardless, I am hoping that I will work onward on Kingkaiger. Looking forward to it.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That does sound really good and a great preview of what is to come! I am looking forward to all of it! ^___^
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Hey guys! I'm still working hard on this series. Though I'll have to hustle to make the imposed deadline. Don't worry, we'll be on time.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

As a thought of Kimberly's personality: she, Tommy and Kat have no Ill will towards each other.

In face, her personality as well as various ranger factions can be described as a mix of Cannon and Vegeta's personality. If vegeta was around 40 to 50 percent friendlier that is.

Just posting so that I have proven I'm not dead.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Nice to see you around and know that you are still with us! XD
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by NHWestoN »

[quote="JamesTCat"]As a thought of Kimberly's personality: she, Tommy and Kat have no Ill will towards each other.

In face, her personality as well as various ranger factions can be described as a mix of Cannon and Vegeta's personality. If vegeta was around 40 to 50 percent friendlier that is.

Just posting so that I have proven I'm not dead.[/quote
Very good to know!! And self-imposed deadlines are written on water anyhow so no big worry. ;)
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Still working on the series. I'm hoping I could do a sort of schedule upon finishing up the "Rainbow Revulsion of Lois Lynx" special. This current may as well be the last special of the season by the looks of things. Life and all that continuing to get in my way.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

If it is then I am sure you will be ending it in a really great way and will then be able to start work on the next season when ready!
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Working on the Special still, but running out of space means I have to either reset to factory clean, or switch to another operating system. I have to back up my work though. Still I have some progress made.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That is great that you were able to get some progress on it done which means that you are almost near the end. I can't wait to read it!
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

I'm sorry. Due to situations beyond forseeable situations, we may not continue the epic at all. Kingkaiger may become Vaporware.

Thank you and may Kingkaiger return eventually.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Awwww. That stinks that you are unable to continue it. I really liked it. But I understand if something has come up and you need to focus on that instead.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

I'm still going to be working on it but I will have to get a lot of episodes done to make it a weekly upload. Give it six months of content.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Then I am glad you will be still working on it! I hope that we can see more from the story soon!
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Then I am glad you will be still working on it! I hope that we can see more from the story soon!
I will. In fact, I will be working on Season one throughout the decade and then some as I try to work on my life. At least the Ninninger season will have all sorts of new ranger keys for our heroes to make use of up to before the 50th-ish Super Sentai series. When Season One ends they will have used all the teams (with homebrewed keys) at least once.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

I will be doing as much stuff as I can. Though seeing today's comic may give me an idea for finishing up that special. Yes, it involves Jess getting her own signature from the morphing grid and going forth as the Birthday Ranger.
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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Post by JamesTCat »

The following is a fan made series. Housepets, Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Kamen Rider, Metal Heroes are all owned by Rick Griffin, Toei Company, Saban Brands, Hasbro and Ishimori Productions.

Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Shueisa and Akira Toriyama. Dragon Ball Z Abridged is owned by TeamFourStar.
Everything else is owned by their respective owners.

Please support the official release.

Speed Disclaimer: The control speed for the reading a proper episode is around a Half Hour in length. Your reading speed (And thus the length of episodes, or in this case the acts) may vary.

Warning: For compatibility, you'll need your system's Japanese Language Pack installed on your computer, otherwise the Japanese will appear as Empty Squares.

Note before we begin: All of the Housepets! Characters and the like are powered by the Jim Henson Creature Workshop. It always worked like that. Toei and the Creature Workshop are working together to make the Kingkaigers possible, If this is actually official and real. Just to let you know.


We open the movie with the benchmark in footsoldiers kidnapping a female squirrel. ("What's going on?! Let go of me!") They put her in a small wooden cage with a locking latch. The Lynx that is the childhood friend of the squrriel finds a notice stating ("We captured your childhood friend. Do what we want or she becomes barbecue. Love The Griffon Empire." "P.S. You will be beamed to "Unknown Location" when you finish reading this...")

Upon the Lynx being teleported to Unknown Location, she witnesses the right hand hired men squabbling to the big bad boss himself. ("But Pete, I keep telling them the censors wouldn't allow the felony to follow through.") ("Well we got leverage to make her our ranger!") Pete's eye catches a glimpse of Lois Lynx. ("Ah and speaking of the Lovely Lynx.")

We cut to the equipping of Lois' own unique signature to access all the powers and modifications the Kingkaigers have. ("You shall be DeathKaiger Gokai Specturm. You're chizeled like diamonds, buff and powerful, able to take on the nemesis of the Griffon Empire. Your mission is beamed to you through the info beam. Make sure when you face them... That you destroy them all...")

With that, cue the opening of the opening. "The Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Kamen Riders, Metal Heroes and more are the legends that fought against evil! To that end, their powers and everything are inherited by heroes who are ready to continue the fight against the forces of evil!"

With that, Cue the full opening complete with haphazard adaption of events that may or may not happen.


♪Forward! lets hoist up the flag of courage♪
♪Dashing through across the seven seas♪
♪Sink or Swim, The invincible wind will guide you all the way...♪

♪Your goal isn't on any sort of map♪
♪It's no illusion that is playing those tricks♪
♪Everyone is searching for their very own treasure in this scavenger that we call life!♪

♪I want to check and make sure that everyone is not the same at all♪
♪Just do what you want, when it comes to your goals♪
♪It's all life or death, when you want something done, do it straight away... without regrets!♪

♪Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!♪
♪Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's take the lead of the fight!♪
♪Forward these uncharted routes in the vast seas of the entire world from coast to coast!♪
♪Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!♪
♪Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's sail through the storms!♪
♪Your persistent recklessness, your mighty battles will be the ones that will change the world!♪
♪Big dreams are ones that are endless!♪
♪Pirate Squadron Kingkaiger!♪

♪Go Ahead! as we raise our anchor onward♪
♪Let's raise our might for freedom and howl mightily♪
♪With our spirits as bullets, the indestructible fire calls out to you and me...♪

♪Open your eyes! Let's go forth on uncharted worlds♪
♪Defending our earth is our travel plan♪
♪There is no such things as limits that are put in place♪
♪For it's the reason that we are still alive!♪

♪Don't give up for even when the fight looks dark and grim...♪
♪Even if your body's tainted over, The thunder lights up♪
♪An immortal future will be what we strive onward... and yonward!♪

♪Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!♪
♪Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's give it our very best!♪
♪The fate we believe to be our very own♪
♪Is the one we're gonna plunder!♪
♪Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!♪
♪Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's triumph over evil!♪
♪Your feeling aren't in pieces, the places you must go♪
♪Is yours and only yours to decide!♪
♪Okay! The compass is in your heart!♪
♪Power Rangers Kingkaiger!♪

♪Let's make a promise to the world♪
♪For as long as there's light in our hearts♪
♪To never lose, we'll earn our victory with effort♪
♪That's our only oath!♪

♪Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!♪
♪Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's take the lead of the fight!♪
♪Forward these uncharted routes in the vast seas of the entire world from coast to coast!♪
♪Let's Go! Let's Go Kingkaigers!♪
♪Go! Go! Let's Go! Let's sail through the storms!♪
♪Your persistent recklessness, your mighty battles will be the ones that will change the world!♪
♪Big dreams are ones that are endless!♪
♪Pirate Squadron Kingkaiger!♪


We're introduced to the Kingkaigers as they're facing off against an Encore Monster who answers to "Mad Mike the Pizza Chef." Only Mad Mike gets the first focus shot as he's waiting for them.

"Ah, look who it is, the Scurvy Dogs who have entire arsenals to play with! only six episodes in and now the development cycle have to marathon a large array of episodes as the crunch goal is when the new Super Sentai Series begins!"

"You know, you're not wrong on that front." Rook replies as the others group. "But I had enough of pepperoni and mushrooms for one day!" King chimes in "We're here to toss your salad! Then we will qualify for the upcoming tournament later this special!"

"Well, let's not waste any more time! You know what to do at-a this point!" As Mad Mike reminds them as they're in civilian form. "Wow, you're right!" And like that "IT'S MORPHING TIME!" the fight begins with the Kingkaigers spawning their mobilrates, alongside their main ranger keys, shout "GOKAI CHANGE!" as they insert their keys into the keyhole, turn the keys and morph.

The initial morphing sequence have their ranger form spawn as the roman numerals "XXXV" passes through them, forming the suit, the helmet, the visor and the Gokaiger insignia as an excited, hammy voice screams out "GOKAIGER!"

An additional morphing sequence with GokaiSilver and GokaiGold follows. The Roman Numerals "XVI" pass through Jack and Queen, forming the ranger form's suit with the "X," the visor with the "V," and the "bandanna" with the "I."

The team proceed to roll call and shout out their ranks "Kingkaiger 1gou GokaiRed!" "Kingkaiger 2gou GokaiBlue!" "Kingkaiger 3gou GokaiYellow!" "Kingkaiger 4gou GokaiGreen!" "Kingkaiger 5gou GokaiPink!" "Kingkaiger 6gou GokaiSilver!" "Kingkaiger 7gou GokaiGold!"

After King, Bailey, Ace, Rook, Olive, Jack and Queen stated their ranks and default ranger forms (posing stylishly as they did so,) they exclamed "FIGHTING FOR THE FATE OF THE WORLD! KAIZOKU SENTAI POWER RANGERS KINGKAIGER ARE ON THE SCENE!"

After the stock footage is done, Mad Mike arms some exploding pizzas, on the announcer's mark ("FIGHT!") he chucks them right at the Kingkaigers, causing small explosions all over as they take damage from the blast. ("FIRST BLOOD!")

As they are trying to get their composure, flying pizzas are trying to strike them. The Kingkaigers thus attempts to evade the pizzas trying to cut through them. One of them explodes through Rook and Bailey then another through King. Soon all seven Kingkaigers are being thrown by the explosions into an alleyway.

"Now to serve you a slice of defeat! Even if I kill you all, you would only get even stronger upon the rematch!" A reminder of the Ranger biology later the Kingkaigers ready the ranger keys, having a strategy in mind. "GOKAI CHANGE!" They transform into ("GO-ONGER!") the Go-ongers. ("Only watched Carranger, who are they?!") ("Boy, you really are behind!")

The Kingkaigers proceeds arm the Go-Ongers weapons. Bailey equips the Garage Launcher (as Go-On Blue) to shoot down several evil pizzas ("Pull!" as Mad Mike throws the pizzas at her.) Using the Racer Bullet, Ace (As Go-On Yellow) revs it up before firing at Mad Mike. The impact of said Zip Charger makes the cretan drop the pizzas as they explode at his feet.

Gormins, Hitokarage, and Combatant Wumpers all arrive to keep the Kingkaigers from outright defeating Mad Mike. ("What took you all so long? Ah, who cares. I need-a your help!") The foot soldiers salute as they ready to fight. King (As "Go-Onger Go-On Red") readies his Road Saber as the foot soldiers are trying to get the advantageous footing.

"Judging by the ever moving benchmark, The foot soldiers chances are a "Million to Zip!" Good time for Garlic Sauce!" Mad Mike is aware of the last fights, readying the Super Soaker as he douses King in slick Garlic Sauce! King couldn't get friction, let alone stand as he tries to get up, falling every attempt.

"What did you do to him?!" "It's not like he'll dissolve! Besides, later this feature-length episode you'll get a taste of your own cooking!" The footsoldiers ready their weapons, firing at King. ("SNAPBACK!") Direct Hit! King is reeling from the exploding shell of the Gormin's clubs as he is forced into ("GOSEIGER!") Goseiger Gosei Yellow ranger form.

"Long as he's armed with that Super Soaker, we're sitting ducks in garlic sauce!" "Oh, sorry about that, I'll call you another time." "Is this a bad time Alpha?" "Yo Yo Yo! How's the Qualifier going? You seem to have breezed through most of it."

"It's a tense situation, a Precarious Pole Position!" "I see you could use a hint. Try washing the sauce off. Then try to evade or parry the streams of Garlic Sauce and counter attack!" Bailey knew which key to use. ("GOKAI CHANGE!") she transforms into ("CARRANGER!") Carranger Blue Racer.

Armed with some specific vinyl shrubs, Bailey tells the others to "Give me some water to wash King with!" Ace, Olive, Rook, Jack and Queen use some Noise to summon "Chemical Extinguisher Shells" of GoGoV before throwing them high into the sky. The shells explode causing the sky to rain Chemical Extinguishing rain. ("Now we're cooking!")

Bailey proceeds to use the Vinyl Shrubs to give her husband a good washing up, "Chemical Extinguishing Suds" forming all over King as Bailey procceds to power wash. Upon finishing, King is able to get traction again. ("Thanks sweetie! Remind me to do something sweet for you. No Choco.")

"Why you little sneaks! I'll soak-a you all in Garlic Sauce!" Mad Mike pumps the Super Soaker a few times but upon firing, the Garlic Sauce turns into suds thanks to the rain. "Suddenly, I'm regretting not bringing that collossal cooker!" ("Excuse me a moment." Footsteps are heard before a Long Scream. Afterwards, footsteps coming back are heard.)

"Let's close his kitchen!" King tries to follow his family's lead but his mobilrate is yet to cool off from the snapback. "Go on ahead honey, I'll follow your lead as best as I can." "GOKAI CHANGE!" The Kingkaigers (Minus King due to snapback) transform into ("SHINKENGER!") Shinkengers.

Bailey is ShinkenBlue, Ace ShinkenYellow, Olive ShinkenPink, Rook ShinkenGreen, Jack ShinkenRed and Queen is ShinkenGold. They arm their Shinkenmaru blades as they rev up power for the Variable Finisher which is (you guessed it) "VARIABLE FINISHER: LIGHT SPEED ATTACK!"

They proceed to launch high into the sky as they ram into and charge through the monster and foot soldiers, slashing in each impact before King finishes the finisher with "MULTI MAN VARIABLE BARRAGE!" Various rangers in the barrage (Regardless if it's a Red Ranger in his case, hence the Variable discriptor) slashes through the monster before King (As Goseiger Gosei Yellow) finishes the 20 ranger barrarge with a slashing "Berzerker Barrage" thanks to the Lanick Claw.

(Hey D-Rock, is it okay to use the term Landick when reffering to Goseiger's powers? Yes, Landick, as in Skyick, Seaick and Landick. Blame the japanese for the naming by the way. Also, I never meant to trigger the filter.)

Mad Mike is reeling as he's fixing to collapse. ( ("RATS!") ("BUMMER!") ("BOGUS!") ("DRATS!") ("CURSES!") ("BOO!") ("GOSH DARN IT!") ) it's only after the premature verbal dismay that Mad Mike is knocked out, exploding upon hitting the ground.


We smash cut to the tournament brackets, where the Kingkaigers are matched. Upon reading the notice, they soon realise why they're going to be fighting. "So we're facing off against various teams, who are weilding the "Mass Produced Ranger Forms" is that true?"

"Well, one thing's for sure, at least we'll see to it that the devs are working harder than ever." Bailey is looking through the brackets to notice their owners being their first opponent. "Is that our owners we're facing off against in the first round?" "Who? Tommy and Kat?" The others take a look and yes, it's them. Halos and all since they're from paradise now.

Meanwhile, as the other fighters are getting psyched "Now Peanut, it is important that we work together to win this tournament. Also, we might fight the heroes of this series if lady luck's on our side." Grape is letting peanut know upfront what to expect.

But aside for a few hopefuls and several veterans, Heidi is in the tournament as well as the Time Force Ranger TimeGold.

Here is something completely different involving Heidi's Time Force Squadron.


Interrupt Act, "Time Force" Begin!

(Heidi is narrating so the writing will be in her perspective. If audio drama will exist, have Heidi's voice actor narrate this Episode within this special.)

My name is Heidi, a Time Force Gumshoe from the year 30XX {Say that as Thirty-Double-X"} working with said Time Force. The Ranger Anatomy is a must for compatibility, hence why I have five digits and have ranger sized body.

I just so happen to join Time Force around the time Jen and her team sacrificed themselves to avert a destructive end to the earth. Drakkon was wiped off the face of the earth thanks to Kingkaigers and to that day, I am looking forward to test my fighting skills against them.

Wait what? You're wondering what my team's adventures were like? All right. I'll get things going. I will tell you about one of my team's adventures. An Apricot Poodle may not look like much but I'll show you why I'm as good as Gold. But first things first a quick rundown.

This side series is known as "Mirai Sentai Power Rangers Time Force Z." Dr. Frax have escaped the X-Vault Inferno Gate Prison and captured the various zones where his hired gangs reign supreme. (Yes, even the likes of the Green Hill Zones.) Frax's target is the Chaos Emeralds. When the seven chaos emeralds are united, they can either bring miracles or unleash catastrophes.

I am Heidi Scotts, the TimeGold Time Force Ranger. There are well beyond One Hundred and Ninety-Nine Time Force Rangers, I think around 200 plus unique Ranger Forms. (What, you think that the Sentai Timeranger is the only power that the Time Force wields? Just think of how many unique ranger forms the Kingkaigers have in store. The horrors.)

Anyways, My team were just leaving the Video Pub after a fierce game of Golden Tee Golf. "You've seen the rest, but tonight you saw the Best!" Alex (The TimeGreen Time Force Ranger) jeers. "Keep Praticing boys!" I'm fear that he may be over his head.

After exiting the arcade, we were wondering what to do next. James (An aquitar being who is my squadron's TimeRed Red Ranger) is complementing on what to do. "After a all night "Golden Tee" tournament, We should probably get some sleep." "Or we could hassle the local Psychos." Janet (TimePink Time Force humanoid from the revived planet Xybria) chimes in.

James takes out a coin "Heads we snooze, tails we hassle." The graphics on that context coin (as it's called) changes depending on what would be done when the side is landed on. One flip...

...And it's lands on it's side with perfect balance. "Huh, neither. Which can only mean one thing..." "Time to head to Tapper's?" Terry (TimeYellow Time Force Ranger and Human of my squadron) responds. "Exactly!"

And so, we enter Tapper's only to find the humanoid mustached cartoon being crying in his arm as his entire supply guzzled up. "What in the world..." "It's horrible... Foot soldiers drank my entire soda supply... I already had teed off patrons give me hell. I also received a ransom note when I closed up shop."

Tapper hands us the ransom note. The ransom was given by a Gas Pump, Gas Attendant Fusion Monster as depicted on the note.

"Greetings Tapper! I know your Time Force Patrons will be gunning after us! Frax had me commissioned from the year 20XX {Twenty-Double-X} to steal all the drinks! Send the Time Force regulars of yours to the "World's Strongest under the Heavens" tournament grounds tonight or all the locals in 30XX {Thirty-Double-X} will never exist again! I will make sure of it too by changing history! Sincerely yours..."

...Sheldon FuelJerk. "Of course! A fusion monster did send his foot soldiers to cause havoc!" Drew (TimeBlue Time Force Ranger of my team and a Animal like me) concludes. Why do I get the feeling we're being coaxed into a trap. "You gotta help me Time Force Regulars!" Tapper pleads "If that fusion monster ruins history then it will be a dystopia for all!" "You can count on us Tapper!" James cheerfully replies.

"But first..." My team zips to the "Daytona USA Championship '3000" linked cabinets to get a quick race in. Tapper resumes crying as I try to console him.


After several long hours of my team playing "Daytona USA Championship '3000," I started to pray to the heavens. The Almighty (Who answers to the name "Bahamut") picks up. ("Hello? Okay, just a second...") Jen gets interrupted from her 501 dart game she's playing at the Tapper's Paradise Chain. ("It's for you Jen." "What did her team do this time?!")

As soon as Jen gets the skinny, Spring Loaded Ejector seats in the cabinet launches my team. Destination, the "World's Strongest under the Heavens" tournament grounds. I followed them to the destination as they Snapback morph upon landing.

"We're here. But where's Sheldon FuelJerk?" Just as I was speaking of the devil "Waiting for you of course!" Here he is, the maniac, the count, the baron of this interrupt episode: Sheldon FuelJerk. "You know the rules of the World's Strongest tournament right?" "Of course!" I have no clue about the rules since last time I heard of this tournament "Could you refresh my memory?"

"Any physical contact outside the ring, you will lose automatically. Getting defeated and not getting back up within a ten count will also make you lose. Giving up will also make you lose. No backup fighters on that point though, You're all fighting me together by the way to make it fair and to make the formula work."

I am getting a feeling that this will invite entire crowds for a simple grudgematch. And a few moments later, every type of footsoldier is here. Yes, including the likes of Piranatrons, Quantrons, Tenga soldiers, and many others that could prove a good rangerwiki search.

And all of them have foam fingers too. (Nice touch.) "Whenever you're ready, give it your best shot." And so, the fight begins with the announcer calling "Round 1... FIGHT!"

After trying to get footing, Sheldon struck first. ("FIRST ATTACK!") Maybe that fuel nozzle could be dangerous with it's reach. Meanwhile, Tapper is providing refreshments to the Foam Fingered Foot Soldiers. ("He may have ransacked my drink fountain but he won't keep me from my appointed job!")

As the FuelJerk proceed to give a trouncing to my teammates, I realize something fierce. They forgot to train. I mean my teammates forgot to train against beings from 20XX. 30XX sure but old fashioned fusion monsters from the previous millennium? That is a problem that will come up time and time again.

I try to get my bearings as the fuel monster downs my teammates. I seemingly am the only one he hadn't challenged yet. Meanwhile, my mind is wandering as I have that blank, slaphappy expression on my face. I was thinking of that game of "President" (You know, the card game with much more vulgar names) where I won that Chaos Emerald from a bunch of grinders.

("Well, we were close to keeping that emerald. Now what are we going to tell the boss." "Tell Dr. Frax to have a nice day.") My mind continued to wander. Thinking back to my training, all I could think about is the time I spent with Ms. Mika, Jen's Sentai counterpart.

Her methods were a bit... dodgy to say the least. "(DODGE!)" (Cue direct punching impact to Heidi, landing her into a pool.) "Help! I don't know how to swim yet!" "(JUMP UP!)" "Maybe, I could bulid a raft." (*Exasperated Groan.*)

Right after getting me to shore, I was hacking up water. "(All right, let's take a break.)" I am now looking to her as she is pleased with the ongoing progress. "(You know, Jen must be very proud to have a house pet to take her place as potential Time Force material. I however am your tutor though this harrowing training. I know this might be taxing so...)" she whipped out an all day pass for every arcade chain.

"(...Let's have a entire day to the arcades as a reward for your months of hard work.)" I didn't know what to expect from the arcades. As it turned out, the arcades had all sort of games to try. Of course since 30XX means everything gaming from the past is emulated 100 Percent, I had a lot to try.

One genre in particular is the Fighting Game. Kinda like fighting in real time except you need hand-eye dexterity and a good strategy. I always thought these fighters were myths. Turns out these fighters were legends of their own time.

Eventually, I encounter a peculiar badvibe generator of a fighter who started playing Street Fighter with me. "You may call me Gouki. Or Akuma. I am a nice guy actually as long as you don't make me mad!" Noted.

"(Ah, Gouki! Still being the Noir Anti-Villain Hero to the Morphin Grid I see.)" "(Yes. I managed to get a Gokaiger style signature. You know the ones. But I still have to master every form.)" "(Oh, that's something to look forward to. And they have the Satsui no Hado favoring too.)"

The two rangers (If you wish to call Akuma that) were chatting as he was dominating me with Boss level skill. Hey, the games knew he was a boss that could brick them so they give him the boss mutator for all characters cause they know better.

...Some time later, Mika and I were eating in the dining hall of the Arcade Chains. "Anything else you want?" "(Can't Talk. Eating.)" And like that, we were gorging ourselves like any Ranger/Rider/MetalHero would.

"You remind me of Jen." I stopped for a moment. "In what regard?" "Well you are a member of the Time Force, You're sensible, heck you're even a Sixth ranger in your own team." "Well, gold is a valuable..."

As I was thinking of the past, the others were getting k.o.ed. "Well since these lot were no big deal, let's see who might pose a challenge?" My mind snapped back to the fight at hand. "Who me? Well I guess I could entertain you."

And like that, I activate the Chrono Morpher. "TIME FOR TIME FORCE!" upon a tap on the morpher, my DNA mixes with the morphing grid signature to become Time Force Gold Ranger. (TimeGold.)

Equipping my Double Vector Blades, my mindset is to at the very least lead to a ring out. I know it wouldn't be impressive considering I'm a B Class Sixth Ranger but I have to try at least.

I struck first ("FIRST ATTACK!") and try to maintain a lead. I didn't forget about blocking and tech throws at least. When Sheldon FuelJerk threw me, I focused on a throw of my own to counteract the throwing.

All that is in my mind is simply defeating Sheldon. What would be a surefire way to defeat him? I didn't have much time for thinking as he is chipping away at my health with fireballs.

Then it hit me. (Cue light-bulb over my head.) I had to reflect the attacks and return them to sender. So with my Double Vector Blades, I focused on rallying the projectiles. Upon them striking Sheldon, it caused a powerful blow, sending him reeling to the edge of the arena several reflected projectile impacts later.

A simple tap on him and he lost the fight, over the edge. ("RING OUT!") At this time, there's another flashback. Well, more like a vision of Kingkaigers fighting against a mad scientist known as Dr. Robotnik. Possibly fighting in place of the usual mobians (Sonic Beings) and Gizoids (Emerl Beings) with their customizable abilities and wide variety of forms.

I see a Badger with specs and a really buff African Cat (cut like a diamond ) aiding the mad doctor as they hunt after the chaos emeralds. There's even hundreds of emeralds to rescue too. The various stages, side modes and many more ideas might I also note that a lot of years would have to be spent for the devs to make everything possible.

I even see fanmade ranger designs, homebrewed by the ranger key smiths with authorization from the respective owners of said designers. In fact, there may be thousands of them, and they're all operated completely by the Kingkaigers sheer will since the "evil forms" can't take control of them since it would be decades since 2020 even that they have such power.

And by the looks of things, there are even people trying to make competing series. Super Samurai Syber Squads and Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills are a couple of competitors.

At that point, Sheldon FuelJerk climbed back into the ring but he stops, as if he's feeling light headed. ("PUT HIM AWAY! KNOCK HIM OUT!") Upon that call to "Knock Him Out," I proceed to charge up a fireball ("VACCUM..." "...FIREBALL!") which hits Sheldon with a finishing blow, thus defeating him in a earth shaking explosion.

... It's only later that my squadron were called upon to enter a tournament of 20XX. I knew that the Kingkaigers were the pirates that instead of treasure hunting, they are strong warriors. "Don't get your expectations so high Hiedi." "What do you mean?" "I mean you and your squadron should just be yourselves. In fact, I'm sure you could test your might in this tournament."

After a heartfelt best wishes, My squadron and I were on our way to the year 20XX. I'm sure that you're dying to get back to the story proper. Just know that there is still more I haven't touched upon.

Anyways, you are now being directed back to the Kingkaigers. I'm sure that the devs are crunching to make it to the deadline. Anyways, wish them the best of luck and give the Kingkaigers Time Force's regards.


End of Interrupt Act.

(Note it's a lot shorter than expected but there will be an extended edition of this special by the Season's Complete Box Set.


Begin Act 2 proper


Lois Lynx is sitting in the locker room as Pete T Griffin shows up to gloat. "You'll be happy to know that this bout will be a showstopper that will close out the day of the 44th Super Sentai Series' premiere." "It's a sure bet. You don't honestly think of killing Maron if I happen to defect." "Honestly? I'm not into that kind of hatred. She'll live."

The initial rounds are getting close to completed. "They arranged Kingkaigers to have a Victory Lap for completing the first few quarterfinals. Possibly to pad out the special."With that, the Kingkaigers have to face off against Elgar as a Bonus round fight.

"At last! Another stab at the literal scurvy dogs!" "Excuse you! We don't do piracy. We'd rather go wild saving the planet from disaster!"

"For making it past the quarterfinals, allow me to thank you for making it this far!" Cue the Gormins arming their clubs to where they're pointed at the Kingkaigers from the camera's perspective on both sides. Cue the club-heads firing at them, explosions covering their Gokai Change into... ("...TURBORANGER!") ...The Turborangers. (No relation to Carranger.)

King is Red Turbo Turboranger, Bailey is Blue Turbo Turboranger, Ace is Yellow Turbo Turboranger, Rook is Black Turbo Turboranger, Olive is Pink Turbo Turboranger, Jack and Queen are the homebrewed Green Turbo Turboranger and White Turbo Turboranger respectively.

Armed with their Turbo Laser Gun and Swords (The Sword of the Turbo Laser detaching the upper back portion from the Turbo Laser,) they use their form's speed to dispatch the Gormin troops with a few high speed slashes. "A funny way to thank us, Now let's fight you yet again!"

"Bring it on Doggos! After all, I am your opponent for this Bonus Round fight!" "Right! Now let's get going!"

And so the Bonus Round Battle is on. ("You can't give it up!" "GO FOR IT MAN!") The Kingkaigers were off to the races as they sidestep Elgar to psyche him out before delivering a blast from their Turbo Laser Guns. ("FIRST ATTACK!")

Elgar is not going down without a fight. He equips his Cardsword to fend off against the Kingkaigers. He parrys the Turbo Laser Gunfire with said Kingkaigers parrying the parry and it turns into a tennis match. The beam shots get faster to the point where it's a blur.

Soon, someone had to get hit by it. One slip up later, the Kingkaigers were hit by the speeding shot. They nearly fell out of the ring, but they manage to get their balance. ("What, you think I'll be satified with a ring out? Come on, get back here and give me a good fight!")

They oblige, and equip their weapons. King equips GT Sword, Rook T Hammer, Bailey J Gun, Ace B Bowgun, Olive W Stick, Jack I Cannon and Queen B Knuckle.

Queen begins by going all rush down, evading as best as she can the slashes and stabs. First overhead slash, evaded, second side slash, ducked down, leading to a uppercut that launches Elgar. Jack charges a few seconds before firing the I Cannon to knock him near the edge. King offers a hand to Elgar stating "You said you won't be satisfied with a ring out."

A wire cage drops upon Elgar and the Kingkaigers return to their starting positions in the ring. "A bend to the rules? All right. I can live with that!" With that, the round begins a new with a sudden recovery to full health. Also, the meter gets maxed out upon that mulligan.

The Kingkaigers upon hearing the starting cries ("LET'S PARTY!" "FACE THE STRENGTH!") They use a different type of Ranger Key to morph into... ("...LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION!") ...The MMPR '95 Movie Armor Variants for All Ranger Forms. (An interesting thought if I do say so myself.)

"Mutator Key right from the mulligan's start huh? Well I'll have to crack open that wannabe football armor for victory!" The Kingkaigers then proceed to use... ("...DENZIMAN!") ...The Denziman ranger keys on top of the MMPR '95 Movie Armor Mutator Keys.

King is DenziRed Denziman, Bailey is DenziBlue Denziman, Ace is DenziYellow Denziman, Rook is DenziGreen Denziman, Olive is DenziPink Denziman and the two Homebrewed Ranger Forms are Jack as DenziBlack Denziman and Queen as DenziViolet Denziman.

(There can be multiple homebrewed forms for various teams, not just the obvious colors colors of Green, Black, Pink, White, Ect.)

The Kingkaigers equip the Denzi Punch as they clash their fists together to send sparks flying off the Denzi Punch. They proceed to wind up as they're evading Elgar's rush in. ("Buckshot! Set! Set! Set! Set! Set! Set!") Elgar is calling Buckshot as he read up on the ranger keys before this bonus round fight.

Elgar ducks under King's punch, leaps over Ace's right hook, slides under Rook's rabbit, swings on and over Bailey's straight, then slash through Olive's collarbone breaker overhead, slicing through Jack and Queen's One-Two Windup Punch behind him. (The kind like Balrog/M. Bison/Boxer from Street Fighter.)

It was a clean hit. ("FIRST ATTACK!") Sparks are sent flying out of of them as they were reeling to the wired cage. "You don't think that just punching your way to victory will solve this bonus fight!" "No but we appreciate the challenge you're putting on!"

The Kingkaigers regroup and proceeds to use their Ranger Keys to morph into... ("ZYURANGER!" "DAIRANGER!") ...The Zyurangers with Dairanger's Kibaranger White.

King is Zyuranger TyrannoRanger Red, Bailey Zyuranger TriceraRanger Blue, Ace Zyuranger TigerRanger Yellow, Rook Zyuranger MammothRanger Black, Olive Zyuranger PteraRanger Pink, Jack is Zyuranger DragonRanger Green and Queen is Dairanger KibaRanger White.

"You do know you have homebrewed keys for Zyuranger right Queen?" "I know that, it's just that Dairanger's Kibaranger can be considered a Zyuranger thanks to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers."

The Kingkaigers proceed to wield their Blade Busters (with Queen's Blade Buster summoned through Noise Arts) as Elgar is coming after them. They evade as Elgar wall jumps off the wire cage to downward thrust his sword to attack. The Kingkaigers dashes to avoid the Pogo Sword and strikes with their might to deal some damage to the lunatic bozo.

They slash upon the third bounce, sending Elgar back first into one of the wire cage's walls. "Must have increased knock back." Elgar is about to unleash his Super. The world dims as the camera focuses on him charging up a fireball type move. His cards disassemble from his sword, into his hands and he launches his "52 CUTUP FIREBALL!"

The cards launch as the Kingkaigers are trying to dodge them. Around a third cut them cleanly and the rest were chip damage after that third. After the attack the cards regroup back to Elgar, forming his cardsword. "Oh yeah..." King and his ranger team were catching their breath after having a little over a third of their health removed. "We started with maximum level."

Bailey gets an idea. "What if we saved our meter until we need it?" Bailey is onto something. She noted that Elgar used up his entire meter with that Super. "That sounds reasonable. Let's tear up his life meter and when it's almost depleted, give it everything we got!"

The Kingkaigers proceed to equip the Zyurangers' Legendary Weapons, the Power Sword Ryugeki, The Power Axe Mothbreaker, The Power Lance Trice-Lance, The Power Daggers Saber Daggers, The Power Bow Ptera Arrow, the Dragon Dagger Zyusouken, and last but not least, The Byakkoshinken Saba.

The fighters are trying to get their footing again, with Elgar striking with a jabbing stab, with the Kingkaigers counter with a throw. After throwing Elgar again, they proceed to do something called a "Combo" in fighting game terms.

King jabbed Elgar a few times followed by a upward thrust of his Power Sword, passing over to Rook who proceeds to do a forward swing of his Power Axe, upon impact passing over to Ace who uses the noise arts ("Shuriken Noise Arts! Water Element Technique!" "WATER SPLASHER!") to launch a splash of water before charging with a few slashing daggers, passing over to Olive who slices through Elgar using her Power Bow as a melee weapon.

Over to Queen who does a overhead collarbone cut, and a kick to the chest following the successful cut. She passes to Bailey who twirls the Power Lance at a damaging speed, catching Elgar and cutting through his health.

With Elgar's health depleted, he tries to get back up but he's dizzy, leaving himself open for the finishing move ("PUT HIM AWAY! KNOCK HIM OUT!")

With that, the Howling Power Cannon is assembled. Rook arms the Power Axe with Olive arms the Power Bow onto it, then Ace with the Power Daggers, Bailey the Power Lance, and finally King, Jack and Queen with their Power Sword, Dragon Dagger, and Byakkoshinken blades.

The Power Cannon is armed and charging. A few moments later, Elgar is defeated with a devisating blast. The Bonus Round Fight is over as the Kingkaigers are victorious. Elgar was shot through the wire cage as the section he is slammed to upon impact broke through, causing a ring out as well.


"I can't stand the wait! Will they fight or won't they?" The writer thought about the length of the special and thought "Yeah Sasha, let's skip to the finals. The extended cut we'll put in the boxed set."


Thus the finals were reached. "So we're fighting Deathkaiger Gokai Spectrum now." King noted. "And Deathkaiger is a female Lynx? Something new but..." "You were expecting maybe Akarenger?"

"Look Lois, let's not draw things out. You must be Pete T. Griffin's latest attempt to defeat us." Bailey hit the nail perfectly. "What a Coinkydink, your owners were once bad rangers!" "We've come to terms with that even after they turned good."

And so, after getting to know their opponent, they get a telepathic call from their assistant Alpha 6. "Yo, Kingkaigers! I have pin point the location of the squirrel. I'll go on ahead and free her from Pete's clutches. You worry about the tournament at hand."

"Could you give us a hint before you go?" "Sure thing King. She can use every ranger key at your disposal with more on the way. She's like fighting a exacting clone in a sense. Dispite this, her strategy may be different. It's up to you to outfox Pete's wonderful cat by figuring her out then counter attack at the right time." "Thanks Alpha!" "Don't mention it pirate boys, now go for Numero Uno!"

And so the finals are about to begin. "You know, this must be a first. The developers are actually having to work on this every day since near the end of January so that there is content by the time the Kiramanger enter the fray!"

("It's Showtime! Fighters Ready?") "IT'S MORPHING TIME!" the fight begins with the Kingkaigers spawning their mobilrates, alongside their main ranger keys, shout "GOKAI CHANGE!" as they insert their keys into the keyhole, turn the keys and morph.

The initial morphing sequence have their ranger form spawn as the roman numerals "XXXV" passes through them, forming the suit, the helmet, the visor and the Gokaiger insignia as an excited, hammy voice screams out "GOKAIGER!"

An additional morphing sequence with GokaiSilver and GokaiGold follows. The Roman Numerals "XVI" pass through Jack and Queen, forming the ranger form's suit with the "X," the visor with the "V," and the "bandanna" with the "I."

The team proceed to roll call and shout out their ranks "Kingkaiger 1gou GokaiRed!" "Kingkaiger 2gou GokaiBlue!" "Kingkaiger 3gou GokaiYellow!" "Kingkaiger 4gou GokaiGreen!" "Kingkaiger 5gou GokaiPink!" "Kingkaiger 6gou GokaiSilver!" "Kingkaiger 7gou GokaiGold!"

After King, Bailey, Ace, Rook, Olive, Jack and Queen stated their ranks and default ranger forms (posing stylishly as they did so,) they exclamed "FIGHTING FOR THE FATE OF THE WORLD! KAIZOKU SENTAI POWER RANGERS KINGKAIGER ARE ON THE SCENE!"

Lois Lynx is already morphed as the seven Kingkaigers took fighting stances. ("Fighters Ready? TRIUMPH OR DIE!") Upon the announcer starting call the two sides of rangers starts strafing around each other, aiming to get the first strike.

"What are they waiting for? They're trying to get their footing sure, but who is going to take the first stab?" The Kingkaigers equip their GokaiGuns and GokaiSabers as they charge with intent on getting that first attack. Lois Lynx proceeds to equip her own set of GokaiGuns and GokaiSabers as she takes aim.

Upon shooting King point blank before he slashes her, she nets her ("FIRST ATTACK!") as King is reeling, Bailey catching him before he hit the ground. "Golly gee wally! She means business!" King then points out "Actually, it's our balancing stats for tournaments making it a fair fight despite it being seven against one."

Lois is dashing towards the two as she readies her GokaiSaber for a cutting slash. Bailey happens to evade her as she lends her GokaiGun to Olive as she returns the favor lending her GokaiSaber. Likewise Rook and Ace lends their respective GokaiSaber and GokaiGun to each other to double their knacks.

("Of course they're making a salad concept with power levels... Why wouldn't they...") The Kingkaigers were trying to win the round as they take turns slashing and shooting, alternating turns as they try to at least break through the super armor that Lois Lynx have.

Lois proceeds to stomp on Ace's foot to throw the alternating timing off. ("MY TOES! MY TOES!") She then deflects Olive and Rook's Gokaigun shots sending the latter shots back towards them. Sparks are spewing out of them as they wind up at the edge.

As the two rangers try to keep their balance, Jack and Queen lends a hand to prevent the two from falling in a Ring Out. As the two were helped onto their feet "Thanks! Now let's try our hand in defeating Pete's wonderful cat!"

Meanwhile, the focus is going with Alpha as he teleports into the stadium where the door enters. His mission, free Marion and reunite her with Lois Lynx. As Alpha entered the corridors, he is looking about for any lead to the squirrel.

As he walked through the halls, he whistled several bars to lure some footsoldiers away from their posts. As they investigated the whistling, they wound up being thrown by Alpha into walls.

After dealing with some of the footsoldiers, Alpha eventually reaches a door guarded by some stronger footsoldiers. "If they really wanted to keep a lid on her, why bother guarding that paticular door."

Sugormins are at that door. Alpha tries throwing a Gormin to them, the Gormin pleading for his mercy from their bullying upon impact. ("Please don't give me the dreaded Purple Nurple! We try to get stronger really!")

They proceed to give him that twister. ("YOW! You'll pay for this at the hands of Pete T. Griffin!") ("Who cares what that turkey thinks! We're having our jollies!") Whilst they were distracted, Alpha sneaks in to the locked squirrel.

Upon entry, Marion is clearly fed up with the Griffon empire's cooking. She is seen flipping the dish to the chief gormin's face "I specifically told you that these sandwiches should at least be decent to keep me here.

I specifically stated that my favorite sandwiches should be no less than three fourths of an inch thick. Upon it, a table spoon of axel grease, a pinch of black peppers, and several pinches of spicy pepper spices. The contents? The club (as in Roast Beef, Turkey, Ham.)

Alongside the club is pepperoni, chicken and several cheeses, the salad inside it should be Pickles, Onions, Hot Spicy Peppers, Spinach, Banana Peppers, Green Bell Peppers (Lots of it) Black Olives (Don't do green olives Cooker, no offense by the way Alpha Racer) and lather it with chipotle southwest. Don't forget it all have to be FRESH! Right Alpha?"

Alpha meanwhile cooked the sandwiches to Marion's specifications, using Ginga Red's key to get his blade to toast the big Dagwood sandwiches. "Weren't you scolded for doing that?" "Hey, I am in a pinch to get your sub toasted. Job complete." He hands her a 'Super Mega Deluxe Club with Marion Squirrel's specifications.'

Marion proceeds to bite down on Alpha's Dagwood sandwiches, upon which she is trying to take big bites with her small mouth as she loves it. "Thank Dragoon! Or should I say 'Thank Griffion.' At least I don't have any more humiliation from that perfectionist!" "Don't mention it."

Back to the Kingkaigers fighting the Rainbow Revulsion. As they're trying to defeat her somehow, Lois equips Goggle V's keys which unwittingly spawned Spotmen. However, these spotmen "they're outright turkeys!" Thank you Lois. It seems you read Peanut Butter Sandwich's Comics, the outright farces of Spot (Superdog.)

"Spotman (Supermen?!) What'dya think we should do?" "I didn't realize these turkeys would take a stab at us!" "Well, the man of steel is weak to magic, so we should try these!" As they got out the Magiranger Keys, the Spotman (Supermen) outright disabled those ranger keys.

"Okay, I don't have time for Superdog Shenanigans. I'm calling a truce." Lois pulls out of her proverbial pocket a white surrender flag. "Next tournament, (depending on the scheduling) I'm going to hold no punches."

"Very well then! Let's make it showy! Pull off all the stops!" King presses his buckle to reveal the Red Turbo Turboranger key. The other Kingkaigers follow suit with their respective ranger keys. What everyone did not realize is that these keys were lucky guesses.

"GOKAI CHANGE!" Upon the morph to ("TURBORANGER!") they rev up a Super Peelout dash before charging at the Spotman (Supermen.) upon a single strike, the magical properties of the Turborangers made it a powerful critical blow.

The Spotman (Supermen) were sent to the ground, clenching their chests as they start to figure out what happened. "Now put them away before they figure it out!"

The Kingkaigers along with Gokai Spectrum waste little time charging up their signature hyper combo. They charge up their spin dash building up energy, until they're completely charged up. "READY...! LIGHT SPEED ATTACK!" The eight proceed to unleash the light speed Spin Dashes, having fully charged up their strike before blasting away-

-proceeding ricochet through the Spotmen (Supermen) as they constantly smash through them as they continuously barrage into and through them all until the finishing explosion occurs.


"...After giving the Sandwich Cartoonist some pointers on how to be a better writer, I told him for some weakness to have magic as a weakness, hence why they disabled the Magiranger Keys before facing off against them."

"Will they be enabled again Portos?" "Why yes, after that fight, the keys are enabled again and they are free to use them however they so choose."

"I take it the devs took too long because of tournament arcs are too consuming." "Indeed. Shall we watch the results with great anticipation?"

And so, Kingkaiger won due to a truce. But another signature of the Kingkaigers happened to form on one Jessica Possum. Let's start it off like another episode, back to back.


End of Part One...
Last edited by JamesTCat on Wed Apr 08, 2020 1:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
Challenge James T Cat in SMASH Ultimate plus Switch Online: SW-2695-1793-4587