Counterfeit Reality

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Temno the wolf
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 38, part 2)

Gizmo fell off of a couch as they were awakened by knocking on the front door
"Who is it?"
The cat said before getting back up but they didn't receive any response

"The least they could do is answer"
Gizmo said to herself as she walked over towards the door

--Gizmo "Who's there?"

"Fin, of the K-"

Gizmo groaned before opening the door slightly, keeping the door chain on as they saw a dog in a vest and their supervisor standing beside them

--Fin "We need to ask you some questions"

"Ask away but I'm not undoing this chain"
Gizmo replied

--Fin "Didn't ask you to, have you been out in the woods as of late?"

--Gizmo "Pets are going missing around here and you two decided that the best course of action is this?"
"And I don't know what you're on about, must have me mistaken for another pet"

--Fin "Firstly we aren't the entire force and secondly, I'm sure we are not mistaken"
"Unless if someone is going about framing you for the recent petnappings, or filming strange lights with this address on their collar"

"Sorry but I've still got no clue as of what you're talking about..."
 Gizmo said as she closed the door

--James "And that's why you don't go knocking on random people's doors"

"I suppose so"
Fin said as he walked down the path & towards the car

--James "Everyone makes mistakes every now and then"

In the woods)

[Camera 4]

There was some rustling in the bushes that the racoons were hiding behind, eyes were seen before disappearing back into the bushes again
Within a couple seconds a small rock was tossed to the cameras side, almost as if they were trying to distract it
Though that's going to prove difficult considering it is a stationary camera

Five minutes and at least half a dozen rocks thrown later the two racoons must have given up, as they ran out of frame

[Camera 3]

The racoons darted across the frame in a blur of grey and brown fur, though they were moving right into the frame of another camera

[Camera 2]

They were seen running towards a tree in the corner of the frame
One of the racoons stood watch as the other one tried taking down the map which they had pinned to the side of the tree
Before the one on watch just decided to tear it off despite what looked like an argument breaking out between the two, as of wether or not they should
Afterwards they disappeared out of frame
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Very awesome chapter that you wrote! Please keep it up!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

I'm getting bad vibes from those raccoons, they're the ones the K9s sound be questioning. Great chapter! :)
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Nice work! It does feel like those raccoons are up to something. I hope Fin and James get around to asking them some questions.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 39)

Echo had left Leo in the chamber, though it wasn't like he could do anything else regarding their current situation
Leo was just waiting at his side of the chamber as Echo was checking up on FR5, or to be more specific their helmet

Moving aside FR5's left arm Echo could see where the sides of the helmet pointed out towards the back almost like cat ears
Noticing a small panel between the visor and the ears, he then tried removing it but upon doing so Echo saw a gauge
However he couldn't make out anything on it, similar to the display on FR5's left wrist
Without warning the lights around the rim of the visor flashed, blinding the border collie for a couple seconds again

"Gotta keep in mind of that"
Echo said to himself, taking a couple steps back and almost falling over

"What is that collie doing this time?"
Leo thought as he could see the flash from inside the chamber as he reluctantly walked out of it

--Leo "Alright, I'm ready to wake up now brain..."

Echo stumbled once more as he turned around to face Leo
"What do you mean, this isn't a dream?"

--Leo "It has to be!!"
"Anyway why am I even bothering to argue with a figment of my imagination"

--Echo "This really isn't though, unfortunately..."

FR5 looked up towards the creature & then grabbed the pistol which was at their side as they got themselves back up slowly
Checking how many shots it had before holstering it
Glancing to their left they could see Echo and started walking towards him

--Leo "See, how else could you explain that alien looking thing behind you?"
"Nevermind whoever is in that costume over there..."

"It,,, is a long story"
Echo said as he looked over his shoulder then back to Leo

--Leo "Who cares, at first I was worried that there was a crazy killer on the other side of the wall..."
"But now it is all just one, slightly incoherent dream"

--Echo "Cut that out, it isn't a dream..."

--Leo "Whatever, so what's the backstory of all this then?"

FR5 looked down at Echo before retrieving their rifle and walking out of the room

--Leo "Uh, wonder where they're going?..."

--Echo "Probably going to have a talk with the rest of their squad"
"They will be back soon, hopefully Grape will be too"
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This was a very interesting chapter! I can't wait to read what happens next!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Well, looks like Leo is kinda coming to his senses. Good to see. Good job on this chapter, I look forward to the next one .
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Nice chapter! Welcome to the real world, Leo. ;)
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 40)

One of the racoons ran into a cloaked figure right in front of him during another downpour,

"Woah, di-didn't see you there"
"About what hap-happened a couple days ago, funny thing that"
The racoon said as he walked back but the figure just turned around before lunging at him
Almost without thought the other racoon tried pulling the attacker away but to no avail and was just dragged along the grass & mud

Alas that attempt to save their friend had failed as they were thrown against a nearby tree
As the racoon was still out cold the thing just looked down at its metallic claw and stared at the racoon which was still holding on
They had grass, twigs and mud all over their soaked fur, as they slowly looked up the rain drops were pelting down onto their head

Without further warning the figure lifted up the racoon whom resisted, struggling to hold onto the claw
Only for them to lose their grip on it as their face was now level with the figure's and their legs were dangling in the air
Then a fog of condensation came from the figure's hood & blew onto their face

A faint sound of a car's engine could just be heard and the attacker dropped the frightened racoon who was reeling from what had just happened
In a moment the figure disappeared into the woods, leaving behind the two racoons
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

I'm dying to know who this mysterious and sinister character is. Great chapter!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Okay, that’s unsettling. I wonder if this figure is related to the petnappings in BG. Keep up the good work.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really great job on this chapter! I would have commented sooner but I was too sick to do anything yesterday. X.x
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Really great job on this chapter! I would have commented sooner but I was too sick to do anything yesterday. X.x
Sorry to hear that (Or in this case, read that)
Hopefully you're feeling better now

Chapter 41)

--James "You do remember where you put the cameras?"

--Fin "Down the path where we saw the light, shouldn't be that difficult to find"

"Alright then let's go get them and see if they've picked up anything"
James said as he stopped the car outside the woods whilst Fin undone the seat belt and got out the passenger side before turning on their flashlight

--James "We are just here for the cameras Fin, nothing more..."

"Suit yourself"
Fin replied whilst running into the woods followed shortly after by James who was trying to keep up

--James "Why are you in a hurry, you didn't mind the rain before?"

--Fin "Doesn't bother me when it is like this, but I don't want to be here when it starts up again"

--James "Fair enough..."

"Oh also, you get the second camera"
Fin looked over his shoulder after taking down the first camera

--James "No, you put it up so you can get it back down"

--Fin "Then go check whatever that thing is on the tree over there whilst I'm busy with this"

James glanced over to where Fin gestured to, there was a piece of paper which was torn
There were words nearer the top of it but due to the way it was torn they were practically illegible
Apart from "Point" which was in the top right corner of it
Looking down at the ground James could see tracks similar to the ones the two had seen a couple days ago

--James "I've got something!!"

"Like what exactly?"
Fin said, hesitantly climbing down the tree before putting the second camera in the backpack

--James "You tell me..."

The german shepherd stopped what they were doing and went to see what their supervisor had found, only to notice where the tracks were leading
Fin started to follow them around the trees and behind a bush, continuing onwards deeper into the woods

Making a sweeping motion with his flashlight as they walked through the woods, the wind blowing through the trees
He stopped when he saw what looked like a racoon which appeared to be tending to another one next to a tree
James finally caught up to Fin

--James "Should we?"

--Fin "Yeah but try to not startle 'em"

"Does anyone require assistance?"
Fin asked as he walked over towards the two racoons, one of which jumped whilst the one over at the tree didn't
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Nice chapter! Hopefully the raccoons will give the detectives some information about that cloaked figure.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

It'd be wise of the raccoons to cooperate with James and Fin. But it'll be best once they get the evidence to a safe place, who knows what's in those woods. Great chapter!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Liking how this chapter has been put together! Keep it up!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by NHWestoN »

We'll wait !!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 42)

"I'll take your response as a yes then, what's the problem here?"
Fin said, watching the racoon helping up the other one

--??? "There's no problem here, just"

"Just what exactly?"
"Looks like you two got into a fight or something..."
James interjected

--Fin "Names?"

--??? "I'm Ranger, and the other one is Dart"

--Fin " What were you two up to?"

--Ranger "We were not up to anything, just bumped into someone"

"You two just bumped into someone and they did this to you?"
Fin gave James the flashlight and pulled out the notepad when he saw weird prints which resembled what they had recorded earlier

--Fin "And you know them?"

--Ranger "Don't know, it is hard to tell when they're wearing a cloak"

--Fin "Was there anything, peculiar about it or them?"

--Dart "The thing was old and torn but misty..."

--Fin "Torn, could you see who was wearing it?"

"Apart from their left leg and foot?"
Dart replied

--James "If you need it, there's a first aid kit in the car?"

--Dart "I'm fine..."

--Fin "Starting with their height and then other features"
"Could you give us an idea as of their appearance?"

--Dart "They were twice as tall as you, kinda"

--Fin "Got it, their left leg/foot now?"

--Ranger "Three claws all pointing inwards, that was all I could see"
"Weirdest thing I've seen for a while"

--Fin "Is that so?"

--Ranger "Yeah, had an odd walk"
"Almost like they had a injury"

--Fin "Strange gait with a limp..."
"Anything else?"

--Dart "Sorry that we couldn't be of any help but we have to be going now"
"Isn't that right Ranger?"

"We are, it is a shame that we are in such a hurry"
Ranger said, waiting for Dart to start walking into the woods before following behind

--James "Something gives me a bad feeling about that lot"

--FIn "Same but if they were up to something in this area then the cameras would've picked them up"

--James "Speaking of which let's go finish getting the rest of them"

"Good idea"
Fin put the notepad into one of the vest's pockets, turning around and returning to where he had mounted the cameras earlier
James came alongside this time, being able to keep up just as the rain started again

Amid the downpour Fin looked for the backpack, which was missing from the tree that he had rested it against
Instead it was lying down in the mud a couple steps away

--James "Is something wrong?"

--Fin "The backpack isn't where I put it"

--James "You probably dropped it before coming over to follow the tracks"

--Fin "No I'm sure I rested it against the tree"
The german shepard lifted the backpack by the right shoulder strap before checking to make sure the two trail cameras were still in there
Whilst James was busy getting the other two cameras down
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I am really loving all of the chapters so far! Please keep on going!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Good job, on this chapter. Fin and James make a good team. I don’t know if I fully trust those raccoons, they seemed in an awful hurry. Could be they’re just scared, heaven knows I would be. Keep up the good work on this!
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 43)

James took one of the cameras down and proceeded to check on Fin, whom was looking in the backpack for the other two cameras
The german shepard breathed a sigh of relief before resting the backpack against the tree

--James "They were still in there?"

--Fin "Don't know if they're working but, the cameras are in there"

--James "Is there anything on them?"

--Fin "No scratches or visible signs of damage, they appear to be good"

"Here, deal with this while I take down the last one?"
James left one of the cameras beside Fin, afterwards he walked over towards the last camera that was still on a tree
However it had some noticeable scratches on the front, though that appeared to be the extent of the damage inflicted

After carefully removing it, James headed back to Fin and placed it in the backpack
Fin looked up for a moment before lowering his head soon after, as he could hear some twigs snapping

--James "Anything?"

--Fin "Probably those two racoons watching us from a safe distance"
"Regardless, we've got the backpack & it is time to get back to the station"

--James "Or we could wait and see what they're up to?"

--Fin "We could but I think they're not going to do anything till they know that we are gone"

"That's a no, then"
James held up the backpack allowing Fin to take it as he made his way back to the car
Fin put the backpack in the trunk, after closing it he then opened the passenger side door and sat in the car waiting for James to start it
Last edited by Temno the wolf on Fri Nov 22, 2019 2:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

You are really great with writing this story! Awesome job!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Great work! Good to see Fin and James are a little suspicious of the raccoons.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Nicely done. Hopefully the evidence reaches its destination safely, it's about time they get some answers.
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 44)

--Echo "What do you mean this is all fake?!"

--Leo "It has gotta be, like your what's it called?"
"Something praxia, it just sounds made up" 

"It isn't..."
The border collie growled

"Fine, whatever"
Leo shrugged, pacing around the room
FR5 came back from the corridor once they heard the two pets getting into a shouting match
Banging on the wall to their right, catching the cat & dog's attention

Echo turned to leave the room, FR5 stepped aside allowing Echo past
Running away into the corridor...
Hurriedly coming to a stop by the window before looking back, leaving Leo in the room with FR5

--Leo "How much is that costume?"

--FR5-- "What did you or that other one do?"

--Leo "I dunno, wait why am I talking to myself?..."

--FR5-- "You're not"

--Leo "I'm pretty sure I am, considering you're part of this dream or whatever it is"

--FR5-- "This is not a dream it but if you feel like it is then do so as you wish"
"I am not going to be the one to blame for your demise"

--Leo "Demise?"
"Alright I'll play along, see where this goes"


--Grape "At the risk of sounding like a broken record, are you almost finished?"

--FR4-- "Just need to power cycle the chambers but the timing needs to be on point"

--Grape "I feel like I'm going to regret asking this but what timing?"

--FR3-- "If one of your friends or anyone is still inside, then they're going to be trapped"
"Once the cycle starts they'd have thirty seconds at most, afterwards it will close up again when the power returns"
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I am still loving how this is all coming out! Please write more soon!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Believe them Leo, sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. Great chapter!
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 45)

FR's boarding craft made a pass at the platform flying in close, tagging the main drives before disappearing back into the dark
Awaiting further instructions but then a blue orb shot out from the platform and was heading straight for them

They made evasive manoeuvres trying to avoid it but as they repositioned themselves the orb was gone
Before long it zoomed past them again and the craft could get a lock on
As the craft was in pursuit of the orb the pilot found it odd how it didn't even attempt to evade

Nevertheless a lock on was made and the boarding craft released an explosive drone
A compartment opened up from the craft's topside, a drone resembling a wedge became visible
Whilst the pilot was trying to maintain a lock, the drone's fins moved away from the back and out to each side

Two drives came out of the drone's sides and launched it, the compartment closed up afterwards
In the matter of seconds it took for the drone to catch up to the orb, the thing tried turning in towards the drone
It was getting brighter before the drone exploded, sending out debris all over
Their pursuer being nowhere to be seen


Above Fin & James the stars were blocked out by the clouds in the night sky, as a thunderstorm could be heard in the distance
With a bright flash a blue ball of fire could be seen before disappearing

After the thunderstorm stopped, James started the car & drove towards the police station


Deep in the woods, Dart & Ranger came across a white oval shaped object which was buried in an impact crater
Dart tried getting closer for a better look however Ranger argued that they should try to find shelter & to not risk their lives
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

I appreciate a good space battle. Nicely done.
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Looks like things are starting to come together. Good work on this, look forward to reading more.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Still really enjoying this a whole lot! Nice chapter that you added to this!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 46)

"Had it for as long as I remember, did I ever ask for any of this?"
"I'll probably never see my owners again but I've just gotta go with the flow..."
Echo looked back for a moment, catching his breath

"Shouldn't have growled, should not have growled..."
Said the collie, walking down the corridor till they saw something in the corner of their eye
Causing him to trip himself over, sending him down onto the hard floor
Once Echo had recovered from the fall he stared out the window

Pausing for a moment as they could hear a loud buzzing sound coming from the room that Leo & FR5 were still in
After narrowly avoiding running into the doorframe, Echo continued onward & turned left into the room

"What's going on?!"
Echo asked, FR5 gestured for Echo to come closer
Nervously looking around the room, he guessed that the buzzing was coming from the broken chamber

--FR5-- "We have to do this in our first attempt, ok?"

--Echo "Do what in our first attempt?"

--FR5-- "When the chambers open up there will be a very short amount of time, in which those inside will be able to leave"
"Could you get them out of the two chambers over there?"

--Echo "Got it, the chambers to the right side of the room"

--Leo "Great so what else, do I just get the one directly across from where I supposedly came from?"

--FR5-- "You get that one,"
"Now when I tell you two to go, you go over to the chamber and help get whoever is in there out"

Leo "Why?"

--FR5-- "Imagine you're where they are, trapped in a simulation of your home or wherever"
"Now imagine that those who care about you will never be able to see you again, all because someone thought it was just a dream"

--Leo "I'm not entirely convinced but I'd rather not be to blame for anything"
"Alright I'm in..."
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Very good job on this! Good to see Leo, is continuing to come around.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Continuing to read the story and enjoy it! Here is to more chapters!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 47)

--Grape "Once this is done, what then?"

--FR3-- "We then go over to where the escape pods are located, on the lower level we will be able to leave this module"
"Inside the main body of the platform is where they should be..."

--Grape "Module?..."

--FR4-- "You didn't think this was it, the platform has four connections for other modules, one for each side"

--Grape "Is that it?"

--FR3-- "I'm not gonna promise that it will go smoothly but that's the plan"

--Grape "Why can't we use whatever ship you came in though?"

--FR3-- "We don't know how many are in those chambers, if each one holds two then that's eight extra that we'll have to fit inside the craft"

"Make that seven, this was all that was left inside the chamber where that creature came from"
Grape held up the crimson stained collar in her right paw, before walking over to the doorway

--FR4-- "Did you know them?"

--Grape "I didn't, that isn't the point though"

--FR4-- "What are you getting at then?"

--Grape "Dunno, the possibility that someone here does?"


Cracks started & spread over the oval object which was singed, lighting up the surrounding area with a dull dark blue light
As if time had came to a halt everything went silent, all of a sudden the light dimmed and went off leaving the area in the dark
Breaking open the object something fell out, unlike a chick hatching from an egg & seeing the world for the first time
Lying twisted in the mud, was the vague shape of a pet
Getting out of the mud the thing untangled itself, then it looked up at the night sky and proceeded to follow a set of tracks
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really great job on this part! I hope whatever got out of the mud and untangled itself is gonna help and not be an evil villain!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 48)

Disorientated & thrashed by the crash, her once pristine white fur now covered in mud...
Tessa was now seemingly far from home with no way back
After looking up at the night sky & her surroundings Tessa could see a set of tracks, boots and what she assumed were the prints left by a pet
Weighing up their options it was either mindlessly wander through the woods or follow a set of tracks that could lead to safety, she chose the latter
At the start of the walk things were going just fine but each step slowly became burdensome

She made it to the edge of the woods where the tracks disappeared and skid marks were in their place, the cat decided to rest there

(At the police station)

James pulled up outside the station, letting Fin out who took the backpack & closed the door allowing their supervisor to park the car
Inside the station was less chaotic than the past couple of weeks when this all started
A missing teenager is the only thing that had happened recently which was out of the ordinary, all things considered

Upon entering James could see that Fin was waiting in the hallway for once & not just going off ahead of him

--James "you still have the backpack in one piece, that's a good sign"

--Fin "We were both there when we retrieved the cameras, remember?"

--James "I know I was just..."
"Nevermind, let's see what those cameras picked up?"

--Fin "Well we should get something from them, maybe not the one with the scratches on it"

--James "Now it isn't too bad, only a couple of scratches..."

(In the facility)

"Why can't we just stand right outside of the chambers or whatever they're called, wouldn't that save time?"
Leo asked FR5

--FR5-- "When they open up remember that there's still someone in there"

"Nevermind the fact that this isn't gonna be something where you want to be the first thing another pet sees, aside from the doubles"
Echo interjected

--Leo "Double?"

"How do I put this?..."
Echo walked over to the destroyed chamber in the centre and brushed the shattered material away from the body of a double

--Echo "You see this thing here?"
FR5 saw the body & assisted Echo with pulling it out from the debris

--Leo "What about it, all I can see is what I'm guessing is a robot?"

--Echo "Not exactly, alright those things can mimic other pets"

--Leo "Don't look like it, guessing there's more to them?"

--FR5-- "Why can't you just wait outside of the chambers?"
"It is because of them, better safe than sorry"

--Echo "Mostly because once the chambers close up, we don't know what they'll do"
"I think I can say that nobody would want to try lifting that off of someone, if the worst comes to worst that is"

--Leo "Still can't we just stay close to it?"

--Echo "Stay close to the chamber but give yourself enough room to get away from something, in case it isn't a pet waiting on the other side"
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Another good chapter! Keep up the good work! Hope Fin and James can get something from the cameras.
Last edited by trekkie on Tue Dec 10, 2019 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Nathan Kerbonaut
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

I really want to know more about Tessa. Nice chapter.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Love how this chapter has come out! Please keep on writing!
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