Counterfeit Reality

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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Glad that this is moving along! Nice job!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Nice chapter! Good to see that evidence is building and that our friends may have a ride home.
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 30)

The power supply for the simulation chambers dissipated as all the lights went out
Leaving the group of three in a pitch black room
FR5's lights turned on

--Echo "Was that suppose to happen?"

--FR5-- "I didn't even give the signal yet..."
"Their vitals are good and the feed is still up"

--Grape "Going to go check on them?"

--FR5-- "I'll be in the corridor"

--Echo "Just gonna leave us here in the dark without a light?..."
 "What if that thing gets in here..."

--FR5-- "I'll be aware of something tunneling through into here, you can't exactly do that silently"
"If it does, best course of action is to stay together and be in the open"

--Grape "I doubt that'll scare it off"

--FR5-- "It won't but it'll make it an easier target"

"Well that just fills me with confidence"
Grape said as she watched the only source of light exit the room

--Echo "Aren't we going to do what they said?"

"If we hear something enter this place, we cou"
Before Grape could finish her sentence a crashing sound came from a chamber to their right
Soon after cracks appeared in it which light escaped from
As smoke was billowing out screams and pounding was heard

 Echo ran over to it as Grape tried to hold him back
"Let go, we've got to"

--Grape "Got to what, we can't open it..."

"What's this commot"
FR5 came to a halt upon entering the room

--FR5-- "You two, away from that"

--Echo "But someone is in there"

 The screams were muffled by a hissing sound before silence after a loud

Just like that the screams stopped but something continued striking the inside of the chamber before it shattered
A tail was seen being dragged across the floor in a fleeting moment before disappearing into the darkness
FR5 removed their weapon from the holster and held it against their shoulder

--FR5-- "Drop!!"

After the two pets dropped low to the ground, FR5 turned off the safety and scanned the room,
Trying to avoid aiming at the chambers

FR5 saw something in the corner of their eye, the creature had four spidery legs with a blade protruding from each of them
The tail was spiny and had a scaly texture just like the body however the head had no eyes,
When FR5 turned around and took aim at this creature, a seam ran down and across the creature's head before it snapped open
All that was visible were a mass of razor sharp teeth and as the creature lunged at FR5, a series of flashes and bangs filled the room
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Ooh. That’s disconcerting. Good job on this chapter!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

That's definitely not a robot. What a cliffhanger! :shock:
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Very disconcerting indeed. I got chills just from reading that. Nice job on putting this chapter together! Things are about to get intense!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 31)

Without any hesitation FR5 parried the attack using their rifle to prevent the teeth from ripping them to shreds,
The creature quickly shook it off before getting a tight grip on their rifle and throwing it to the side

Echo looked over to their left and saw the creature cornering FR5,
He picked up a shard of the broken chamber as he got onto his feet
It was digging into his paw as he sprinted towards the creature obscured by the smoke

Once it came into sight Echo leapt onto the creature's side
Trying to lacerate it though that caused him more harm than the creature
Then it begun thrashing about, FR5 drew their sidearm but couldn't get a clear shot due to Echo

That lapse of time was all the thing needed as it closed its mouth shut and charged FR5
Slamming them against the wall causing them to drop their sidearm
Echo's paw was cut when he was sent flying off of the creature's side and came to rest on the hard floor

As the border collie lay there on the ground motionless, Grape could see the creature approaching him

"Come on Echo, get up"
She thought but it had advanced closer
Without a second thought Grape ran over to the chamber which they had escaped from
And started knocking on the side of it trying to catch the creature's attention, which worked

A loud hissing sound was heard as the creature made a beeline for her
Shattering the empty chamber and disorientating itself in the process

Echo finally came to
Pushing up against the floor and raising their head only to witness Grape being chased by the creature

"What to do, what to do"
Echo glanced over to FR5 and figured they might be able to use their sidearm
He tried getting back onto his feet but fell

After weighing up their options Echo started crawling towards FR5
Upon reaching them he checked his arms and noticed what state they were in
Echo looked down and picked up the sidearm though there was an indentation on the grip

By putting two and two together he realized that only FR5 could fire it but they were out cold
The collie placed the sidearm into FR5's left hand and tried holding it shut

He was able to lift the arm slightly and hopefully he would be able to fire the weapon
Aiming it would be difficult

Echo managed to aim at the creature's back and fired
Though it appeared that the creature wasn't hurt by it the thing started charging in his direction

Each shot landed on the creature's head but nothing, the creature didn't even seem to notice
It then opened up its mouth and Echo continued to pull the trigger as fast as he could
Echo closed his eyes as he heard a series of clicks though when he opened them he watched as the creature collapsed right in front of him
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Nice exciting chapter. Good work.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I keep on looking forward more and more to how these chapters are being written. Really nice job!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 32)

The dust settled as Echo let go of the arm, exhausted due to what had just transpired
FR5's sidearm landed on the empty casings
Grape decided to go check on the pet that was in the chamber the creature came from, but the first thing she saw was far from encouraging

There was a hole going through the facility and into one side of the chamber, splinters of what were the furniture was left covering the floor
Doubles were torn limb from limb in a savage attack with their parts scattered all over the place, however the fate of the occupants?

Only traces of them were left
Grape found a collar buried beneath some fur, her vision got blurry as she went to pick it up

She was about to leave with the collar in paw, when she noticed that the creature's attempts to try & break into the other side left behind a small hole
Through it Grape could see a room of a shelter, not too different than the one she was in
A light brown cat came from around the corner peeping out from the hole, still visibly shaken by the recent events

"W-who are you & what's happening o-out there?"
The cat asked, walking away from the hole

--Grape "I'm Grape and that's a long story"
"What's your name?"

--Leo "Leo..."
"Is someone in danger c-cause I heard screams, are they ok?"

--Grape "Say Leo, do you remember how you got here?"

--Leo "Apart from waking up to screams and somebody spying on me?..."
"Nothing much, no I don't remember how"

--Grape "Notice any changes or odd occurrences?"
"Such as there now being a hole with a blinding light on the other end..."

--Leo "As I've said, I don't remember anything happening between when I was at the shelter and wherever I am now"
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Ooh, a new character. Good job on this chapter.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Still really enjoying how this reads! Please continue to post more of this!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Makes me wonder how many people are being held in this station. Nice chapter :)
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by NHWestoN »

Slam, Bang. always fun!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 33)

The cat paced around the small room in circles for a couple minutes whilst Grape was waiting impatiently for him to make up their mind
--Grape "I'll ask again, are you coming with us?"

--Leo "If I could I'd just stay here though I'm guessing I have no say in that matter?"

--Grape "But this isn't"

--Leo "Isn't home..."
"What difference is there between this place and the shelter in Babylon?"

--Grape "Well actual human beings"

--Leo "Yet I've been here for how long?"
"A couple weeks according to you and I never noticed the difference, perhaps this place is better"
Leo said before sitting on the bed as cracks appeared around the hole in the layer of material

--Grape "Well you aren't to blame for that, even I"

--Leo "The screams, they came from your side..."
"Is anyone else back there or is it just you?"

--Grape "Back here?"
Grape looked over her shoulder before returning her attention back to Leo

--Grape "Like I said, it is a long story"
"Though we have a way to get back"

--Leo "What else is there to lose?"
Cutting Leo's sentence short the crack spread across the material before it broke, Leo could now see a crimson stained collar in Grape's paw

--Leo "On second thought, maybe you'd be best going..."

--Grape "This isn't what it looks like, I can explain"

--Leo "Go ahead but stay there..."

--Grape "Well you see I and another pet escaped and we were planning on releasing the others but..."

--Leo "Escaped from what, these cells..."
"Then what happened?"

--Grape "Something broke into this one, making a quick snack out of whoever was in here..."

--Leo "Interesting story you've got for yourself right there..."
"How do I know you didn't do it?"

--Grape "Clean teeth?"

--Leo "No, could have cleaned up afterwards"

--Grape "How about the lack of cuts?"

--Leo "And attacked them when they weren't looking..."
"What's that thing attached to your collar?"

"This thing?"
Grape rested a finger on the tracker

--Grape "Long story short, this is supposed to be a tracker"
"The real one is probably in my room back in Babylon but this one is fake..."

--Leo "I wonder why you'd ever need one"

--Grape "If I'm guilty of whatever you're implying then wouldn't I have done it already?"

--Leo "Or you're simply trying to lull me into a false sense of security"

"Grape, are they alright?!...."
Echo shouted across the room

--Leo "And who is that?"
"Your accomplice?"
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Another good chapter. You're doing very good on this story.
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by NHWestoN »

Suspicious lad, Leo.....
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This just keeps on getting better and better! It is awesome how you carry on with continuing the story!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 33, part 2)

Echo looked to their side & saw FR5's visor light up before dimming again
"Where's the other two, if something was wrong then why aren't they here?"
The border collie thought to himself before leaving FR5 to check on Grape, however he could hear another voice coming from inside the chamber

Avoiding the shards alongside all the scattered debris as to avoid further injury, having a few cuts from their earlier heroics didn't help either
Though luckily for his sake they weren't too deep

"Grape, are they alright?!...."
Echo shouted from across the room only for it to be answered by silence

"Don't worry about it, if she was in trouble or needed help I'm sure she would've called"
He tried reassuring himself although nothing could prepare him for what he was about to witness

Inside the chamber looked like a warzone on one side, whilst the other side was clean apart from the line of shattered material on the floor
Grape was holding a collar whilst arguing with another cat who was on edge

--Leo "Here they are..."
"Your accomplice"

--Echo "What are you on about?"

"He thinks I'm responsible for it"
Grape whispered to Echo after nudging him

--Echo "Well she didn't"
"You don't have the full picture here, just step out of here and have a look for yourself"

--Leo "I'm not turning my back on you two..."

--Echo "What if we went ahead remaining in sight and you follow behind?"

"And have you two turn on me at once?"
Leo shook his head in disapproval

--Echo "You don't even have to be that close, if you don't like that then"

Grape interrupted Echo
"Then we'll leave you here"
"You'll be on your own and we won't bother you again"
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Wonderful job as always! Continuing to wait for the next installment!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Come on, Leo, they're not so bad once you get to to know 'em. Plus I wouldn't want to be alone and in his predicament. Good chapter, always nice to see this story updated.
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Great job on this, hope Leo comes to his senses.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 34)

"Come on Echo, let's go"
Grape said as she turned around and walked past Echo, exiting the chamber that Leo was in

--Echo "So that's it uh, just gonna walk away?"

--Grape "We aren't, the first sign that something was off for them were screams coming through the wall"
"Considering everything else that has happened since?"

--Echo "But they don't..."

--Grape "They aren't going to believe us straight away, give him time"
"Remember what happened in the cabin?"

--Echo "Oh yeah, sorry about that"
"Isn't it odd how the others didn't come down here?"

--Grape "Don't know, the lights going out were due to that thing"
"However if they didn't come down here yet then it is probably for a good reason"

--Echo "Or they're all dead"

--Grape "Think about it like this, if there was trouble wouldn't they follow through with what they were doing?"

--Echo "I suppose so but how would we know?"

--Grape "Didn't FR3 mention something about a feed?

--Echo "They did but I don't think FR5 is going to be able to help, maybe their suit is locked or something?"
"I don't know..."

--Grape "No not them, if that creature is the same one that took out two members of their squad"
"And it is what got into the chamber..."

--Echo "Then one of their helmets might be in there?"
"And we could use it to get our bearings on the current situation"

--Grape "Got it in one"

--Echo "Who is going to go in for it though?
"Cause I doubt Leo over there believes you"

--Grape "There's only enough room for one of those things"
"Besides, what other option do we have here?"

In Babylon)

--Fin "Now the question is wether or not it is a costume"

--James "To see if we can find who sold it and perhaps question the person behind the mask?"

--Fin "There wasn't a mask..."
"Anyway if it isn't a costume then we are going back into the woods"

--James "Well that's just great"

--Fin "You're the lucky one, imagine how long it took for me to"

--James "Still isn't there a better way?"

--Fin "We could set up some cameras and check on them later but where's the fun in that?"

--James "Not getting soaked?"
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Another good installment. Good to see that Fin and James are still on the case.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Stilll very much enjoying this! Nice job!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 35)

Grape journeyed through the claustrophobic hole that was torn through the chamber
There was a red light off in the distance flickering every few seconds
If it wasn't for that and the light behind her, Grape would've been left in the dark
As she reached the end, there was a tunnel going through the facility heading upwards in a spiral

This wasn't the most ideal spot to be in especially if she had to get away from something
She could smell something which was akin to plastic burning which got stronger the farther up Grape had gotten

With each twist the tunnel had gotten darker till Grape could barely see her paws
Dreading each turn in case she came face to mandible with another one of those things, if she did it would be a gruesome end
And everything she had done would've been for nothing

Soon enough a light entered through the tunnel as Grape found herself in a small cavity
There were scratches on the walls, some even had dents put into them
Pieces of armor were left scattered across the floor

That armor may of protected them from the harshest of conditions but that shell did little to slow down the creature
Grape found a passage in the cavity which led her to a dead end with a helmet lying at the opening of another spiral tunnel
Reaching out for the helmet, Grape got a hold of it & turned it around only to see that the visor was in pieces
There were no remains inside of it

"Must have came loose during the struggle"
Grape told herself before going through the tunnel only to be greeted by two barrels

"This again?"
She said as she was struck by a sense of déjà vu

FR4 relaxed their aim before holstering the weapon

--FR3-- "What are you doing here?"

--Grape "You should know"

--FR3-- "FR5's feed went down, though their vitals appear to be normal"
"No cause for concern"

--Grape "I thought they said you would cut the power?"

--FR4-- "We were going to until the power supply suddenly dipped, I didn't cut it then due to a risk that the life support would be turned off"
"I started working on it until I heard something coming from that hole"
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Very nice job on this, it is tense and exciting.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Great job with these chapters. I'm glad that Grape's exploration yielded something positive. Hopefully Echo and Leo aren't too far behind.
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really wonderful job moving the story along! I really do like coming into the topic and seeing a new chapter has been posted and reading it!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 36)

"Where did she go?"
Leo asked as he looked around the chamber's walls

--Echo "Just wait for her to come back, if she doesn't then we will just have to wait here"

--Leo "Or she left us for dead"

--Echo "Grape wouldn't"

--Leo "Grape, so that is the murderer's alias"

--Echo "Won't you just drop that for a moment and listen?"

--Leo "It didn't make any sense when I did..."

Echo sighed before walking out of the chamber, Leo just inspected the hole that Grape went through

--Echo "Fine but when the others are free you'd have to make up your mind"

--Leo "If the others are freed..."
"I don't even know you lot, why should I believe you?"

--Echo "Even if I told you who we are, you'll say that I made it all up"
"Know what, forget it"


--Grape "How long will it take?"

--FR4-- "Patience, you don't exactly want to rush this"
"One wrong press and not only is the life support cut there's also the systems that may or may not be in place"

--Grape "How so?"

--FR4-- "This isn't our tech that we are working with here, we know the safeguards in place for our equipment"
"And I'm sure none of us want to find out what else this mobile platform has in store"

--Grape "Platform, don't you mean station?"

--FR4-- "A station doesn't just pop up out of nowhere nor does it have main drives..."
"I disabled those first, next up is the power supply to the chambers"

Grape looked at the monitor & pointed at the display which had a chamber in the corner and one in the centre of it as FR4 was scrolling through the list

--FR4-- "That's the level where your friends are at?"

--Grape "It should be"

--FR4-- "Then aren't you going to be there or would the one who got stuck on the ladders be able to?"

--Grape "Echo?..."
"He should be able to but none of the pe,,, abductees know him and that might be a problem..."
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Good chapter! I hope Lei begins to believe Echo and Grape.
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by NHWestoN »

Glad to get back to this saga...!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I just love how this chapter came out! Really nice!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 37)

--Fin "Can't believe they couldn't find a similar thing to it"

--James "They did the best they could, considering it was mostly in the shadows"
"Now tell me that you've got the equipment in that backpack?"

--Fin "Got the trail cameras if that's what you meant by equipment"
"Where to place them though, I thought down the path where we saw that light"

--James "Then we leave them there and return later"
"Hopefully the critters don't take them when we are gone..."

Fin said as he rested the backpack against a nearby tree before mounting a camera on it

--Fin "One down, three more to go"

--James "Well let's get the rest done before it turns dark"

Fin closed up the backpack, lifting it up holding onto the shoulder strap
The woods were different than it was that night apart from the absence of animals

However the presence of the police or K-9 usually does that and it wasn't like any critter could've fit into that thing
Unless if they were standing on each other's shoulders but needless to say, that wasn't high on their list of theories

After a short walk into the woods the two found similar tracks to the first but there wasn't any tracks of critters nearby
Instead the tracks led to some indentations in the mud
Fin decided get out and mount another camera onto a tree which looked over the area

--Fin "Now for a spot to place the two other cameras which has a line of sight of that one"

--James "And nothing else, just gonna put most of them in this area?"

--Fin "They're along the path James, if it does come back this way"
"One of them should pick something up, anyway we don't have enough cameras to cover this entire place"

--James "But we could..."

--Fin "Could do a full scale search with cameras set up all over this place at a later date? "
"Conspiracy theorists would have a field day with that"

--James "What I was gonna say Fin was, whilst the cameras are here"
"We could go through that original footage that was floating around the internet, maybe find whoever was behind the camera?"
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Great to see that Fin and James appear to be making progress. Great chapter.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Nice chapters, you've got me eager to know more about these mysterious aliens. But I have a feeling that our characters will discover something interesting soon. :)
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This chapter is 100% incredible! Keep on raising the bar!
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Temno the wolf »

Chapter 38, part 1)

--Fin "Got something, kinda..."

--James "Let me guess an unrecognisable figure obscured by shadows?"

--Fin "No, a tag with an addres..."
"Had to go through it frame by frame to get a glimpse of the cat but there's an address on their tag"

--James "Isn't that a bit old school?"

--Fin "Old school would be on the collar and not on the tag"

--James "You sure it is an address?"

"If there's no cats there then we will just have to wait & see if the trail cameras pick something up"
Fin explained to their supervisor

--James "So that's it then?"

--Fin "Should be, though having police knock on the door after posting footage of a UFO isn't reassuring"

--James "We aren't the men in black, Fin"

--Fin "We aren't but tell that to the conspiracy theorists out there"


--Trail cameras--

[Camera 1]
A deer was walking down the path not paying any attention to the camera, they soon went out of frame
Birds flew away into the distance

[Camera 2]
The deer soon became visible, continuing on their way heading towards the third camera
Two racoons were picked up in the corner with one pointing at a map or something
Though once they had caught a glimpse of the camera they left the area

[Camera 3]
As the deer walked past the camera, the two racoons could be seen before they ran out of frame

[Camera 4]
The racoons came into frame and decided that they'd hide behind some bushes without realizing they were still in frame of the fourth camera
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by trekkie »

Great job, looks like Fin and James are getting closer getting some clues. Hopefully they find review the footage and out what is going on with those raccoons, too. Keep up the good work!
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Counterfeit Reality

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Ditto with what trekkie said! I hope to see many more chapters of this!
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