Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by GrimD@rk8290 »

CyberDragon wrote: David looked Hope in the eyes. His own electric blue eyes flashed as sparks of energy coursed through him. "...No. It's not normal. Usually when I overcharge, it vents out of me. I've got too much of a charge now because of how long I was on that ship for that to work." He sighed, sounding like breathing into a broken microphone, then turned to Karsos. "Is there some kind of metal cage or lightning rod in the training grounds to draw the discharged electric current safely away from anything that might get damaged?" he asked.
"Well if it makes you feel any better, Dusk and I can make a magical barrier. Maybe then you could, get rid of your energy safely?" Hope suggested, as she looked at David with a troubled expression however he seemed to know what to do.

"This doesn't sound like a new experience for you, so I trust you know what you are doing. Trust in me and Dusk, we can take care of ourselves at least." Hope said as she looked down at Dusk who was looking up at David with his cute red eyes.
CyberDragon wrote:"It'll be a literal one if there's nothing to focus the current." David said a bit under his breath. "Only come if you're OK with standing behind a brick wall or on the other side of the field. The whole reason I'm at this school is to learn control. In other words, I don't know how to aim and getting close to me could be dangerous."

He turned back to Karsos. "Of course, if there's a metal rod I could stick into the ground... that would make things infinitely safer."
"We'll be safe David, I promise. Hope's never let me down before." Dusk said entheusiastically.
Buster wrote:"There's usually a set of training targets set up. one of them might be metal." Karsos starts explaining, though seeing the amount he was straining against his own abilities, and how alarmed his companion was getting his expression shifted, "Tarsos, cover for me." he states coldly.

rapidly rounding the table, he basically picks david up, muttering something and making an odd wave with his free hand, before flapping his wings hard and skating forward on an ice path that hadn't been there a moment earlier faster than any of them could have run. "If you're coming try to keep up!"

"Why're you shouting... my nap..." the voice comes from the bag over his shoulder as something shuffles inside.
"not now."

reaching the door and pushing it open, he sets david down on the grass, "Sorry, it was starting to look like you wouldn't hold up much longer." he explains as he looks around and finds an appropriate practice target in one of the storage alcoves. bringing it out onto the field. after doing that he heads back to the door and casts another spell, causing an ice wall to jut up from the ground. David and the target on one side, himself and the exit on the other.

if they ran the others would probably arrive by the time it's solid.
Hope saw David being carried away, and true to her word she wanted to be there. Seeing the ice path, and the destination she rallied her ethereal to her side. Dusk, you know what to do."

"Got it!" Dusk said as he jumped up and into Hope's shadow, forming a shadowy circle around her as a shadowy aura surrounded Hope's vulpine body. Her normal blue eyes had now turned into Dusk's shade of glowing red. Her body sunk into the shadow drawn by Dusk, and following the trail they found a shadow within the training area to reemerge into. Using the training dummy's shadow Hope and Dusk slipped through and immediately split into their normal selves.

Now onto the training field, Hope decided to do something as she quickly ran with Dusk away from the training dummy. "Well, we have a promise to keep, right Dusk?" She looked down at her ethereal and began to concetrate the light from within, calming her body as an aura of light surrounded Hope's form. Channeling her magic through her gloves, she formed a wall of magical light between her and David.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by CyberDragon »

Buster wrote:"There's usually a set of training targets set up. one of them might be metal." Karsos starts explaining, though seeing the amount he was straining against his own abilities, and how alarmed his companion was getting his expression shifted, "Tarsos, cover for me." he states coldly.

rapidly rounding the table, he basically picks david up, muttering something and making an odd wave with his free hand, before flapping his wings hard and skating forward on an ice path that hadn't been there a moment earlier faster than any of them could have run. "If you're coming try to keep up!"
"AHH! HEY!" David shouted as he was lifted off the ground. "What are you doing?!"

Kass seemed to have a better idea of what was going on, and chased after the two without saying another word. She felt she didn't have time.
Buster wrote:Reaching the door and pushing it open, he sets david down on the grass, "Sorry, it was starting to look like you wouldn't hold up much longer." he explains as he looks around and finds an appropriate practice target in one of the storage alcoves. bringing it out onto the field. after doing that he heads back to the door and casts another spell, causing an ice wall to jut up from the ground. David and the target on one side, himself and the exit on the other.

if they ran the others would probably arrive by the time it's solid.
With his feet back on solid ground, David hesitated. Kass slithered through the entrance to the field, notebook in hand, just before the ice wall appeared. David looked around and saw the target. Sure enough, most of it was made of metal. "Thank you!" David sighed with relief. He hastily pulled off his gloves, and his hands seemed to burst into blue fire filled with sparks of electricity. He pulled off his insulating hoodie, leaving him in the T-shirt he was wearing underneath it. Likewise, he removed the insulating leg-wear off of the shorts he had beneath him.

It was very clear just how overcharged he was from a glance. Sparks of electricity shot from point to point on his skin, and even under his skin, causing him to flash like a lightshow. His hair stuck straight up in every direction. Sparks flew between the strands and from the tips, leaving more of that blue plasma behind and making it look like his whole head was on fire. Plasma clung to his arms and legs, anything where skin was exposed. David clenched up. He could feel a sort of pressure from all of the power inside of him trying to get out. He had no idea how to aim at the target, but he figured his lightning should be attracted to it even without aiming.

"Nngh... RRGH!" He strained, trying to keep the lightning from discharging all at once. Sparks shot from him to the target with a loud series of CRACKs. His skin glowed blue, and the lightning within him flashed violently. He couldn't hold it back for much longer, and the sparks flying to the target were starting to become full on lightning bolts. The plasma clinging to his skin enveloped him, and with the sound of the accumulated thunder from an electric storm, his power was unleashed.

Massive streams of electricity shot from david and struck the target violently. The streams and bolts focused together into what could have been considered a plasma beam as all of the electricity coming off of David focused in on the nearby conductor. The target started to glow red as the intensity of David's lightning heat it up to hundreds of degrees. The more electricity left David, the more violently it left him. "RRARGH!" The blue fire surrounded him, leaving only his silhouette visible, before soaking into him like water into a sponge. There was a loud BANG and a bright flash of light. Where David was standing was now a humanoid golem, an elemental made of fire and lightning and plasma. Bolts of lightning started shooting from him in every direction, scorching the ground where they hit. Most of them still shot out at the target, which now glowed cherry red and was starting to distort from the heat, and luckily the stray shots went straight into the ground, not reaching across the field like he feared they would.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Sylas smiled once again as she placed the ring gently into Rua's hand. "No need to apologize, I was simply returning what was nearly lost." She took a polite step back, not wanting to intrude on Rua's personal space. "But, please, don't let me waste more of your time than I already have. Pleasant sailing to you Miss Rua!" While she could have started jogging back towards the academy, her customer pleasing side was still active, awaiting confirmation that Rua didn't require anything else.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Roarin »

Deske wrote:Tom quickly checked himself over, making sure nothing had fallen out of his pockets. "I'm sure you've your reasons," Tom said, grabbing the other wolf's paw in his own and giving it a firm shake before letting go. "Interesting name, mine's Thomas Watson, pleasure to make your acquaintance." He looked around at the people still standing about before turning back to Fen'rus and gesturing to the papers, "Hrmm, maybe we can find someone who can help us fill these out, yeah?"
Buster wrote:Seeing as tom wasn't getting much help from the others milling about, and was now talking about wandering off to look for help, Tarsos sighs, "I can read it for you if you need, but i would have thought folks coming here would realize they need to pick that up. I know it's not that common a skill, but it's going to be necessary." explains sounding frustrated, he's apparently gone through this more than once today.
"If all you need is someone to read for you Mister Watson I can certainly help with that." The large canine's ears twitched, his hand palm up and open if Thomas was inclined to accept his assistance and pass him the forms. "I may not know all the fancy words Vi does but I'd be a shame to my village schooling system if I couldn't understand common tex-."

"HeyFenI'mgonnagowiththeseguysbyeeee!" The etherial's waving form disintegrated into a trailing stream of glitter as she followed after the group, leaving her other half only a second to watch her disappear.


Ah pssh, don’t worry about me. Besides, I was kinda hoping to get all shot full of alien electricity. But if you’re reeeally concerned I can just lay myself flat on the ground on like... the other side of the field.” She tried to explain as they reached the training grounds.

Oh. Or.” She floated over to where Dusk and Hope were. “I could just get behind this. Really fancy lookin magic shield thing. Very handy.”
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by GrimD@rk8290 »

CyberDragon wrote:
With his feet back on solid ground, David hesitated. Kass slithered through the entrance to the field, notebook in hand, just before the ice wall appeared. David looked around and saw the target. Sure enough, most of it was made of metal. "Thank you!" David sighed with relief. He hastily pulled off his gloves, and his hands seemed to burst into blue fire filled with sparks of electricity. He pulled off his insulating hoodie, leaving him in the T-shirt he was wearing underneath it. Likewise, he removed the insulating leg-wear off of the shorts he had beneath him.

It was very clear just how overcharged he was from a glance. Sparks of electricity shot from point to point on his skin, and even under his skin, causing him to flash like a lightshow. His hair stuck straight up in every direction. Sparks flew between the strands and from the tips, leaving more of that blue plasma behind and making it look like his whole head was on fire. Plasma clung to his arms and legs, anything where skin was exposed. David clenched up. He could feel a sort of pressure from all of the power inside of him trying to get out. He had no idea how to aim at the target, but he figured his lightning should be attracted to it even without aiming.

"Nngh... RRGH!" He strained, trying to keep the lightning from discharging all at once. Sparks shot from him to the target with a loud series of CRACKs. His skin glowed blue, and the lightning within him flashed violently. He couldn't hold it back for much longer, and the sparks flying to the target were starting to become full on lightning bolts. The plasma clinging to his skin enveloped him, and with the sound of the accumulated thunder from an electric storm, his power was unleashed.

Massive streams of electricity shot from david and struck the target violently. The streams and bolts focused together into what could have been considered a plasma beam as all of the electricity coming off of David focused in on the nearby conductor. The target started to glow red as the intensity of David's lightning heat it up to hundreds of degrees. The more electricity left David, the more violently it left him. "RRARGH!" The blue fire surrounded him, leaving only his silhouette visible, before soaking into him like water into a sponge. There was a loud BANG and a bright flash of light. Where David was standing was now a humanoid golem, an elemental made of fire and lightning and plasma. Bolts of lightning started shooting from him in every direction, scorching the ground where they hit. Most of them still shot out at the target, which now glowed cherry red and was starting to distort from the heat, and luckily the stray shots went straight into the ground, not reaching across the field like he feared they would.
While was Hope protected by the translucent shield of magic could see everything that had transpired. She wasn't worried about the streams about electricity, but as David exploded during his transformation this caused her magical light shield to waver if only a bit. Hope was not expecting the explosion and cried out, even though the light shield held firm. She opened her eyes again. "I've never seen such raw power before..." She stood in awe at the sight while Dusk of course stood behind the barrier with Hope's goggles on. There David's place, was a creature of lightning and fire unlike anything she could ever imagined.

"Is this David's true form?" She questioned as she looked at the golem before her unleash wave after wave of electricity.
Roarin wrote:Oh. Or.” She floated over to where Dusk and Hope were. “I could just get behind this. Really fancy lookin magic shield thing. Very handy.”
"Vira, hey you're just in time for the party! Come on in." Dusk insisted as the shield was only facing towards David and not all around Hope. Dusk looked up at Vira with the cute goggles on.
Last edited by GrimD@rk8290 on Sat Sep 14, 2019 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Buster »

"Your guild neglected to mention he was at least a sixth circle shiftier with all the control of black-powder in a bonfire..." karsos grumbled, less than amused as he renewed the ice that was protecting himself and kass from the discharges. glancing over occasionally at the other group behind the lightwall.

"Pretty lights..." the small snowy bird peaking over his shoulder mumbled, entranced by the light show.

Unnoticed by Karsos, a robed canine Vi might find familiar can be seen in one of the balconies overlooking the training field. Observing the group below a moment before blinking away as if he was never there.

- - - - - -

Back at the registration desk, Tarsos is trying to focus on processing the registrations of the other new arrivals while Fen and thomas talk. if they need my help they'll probably ask...

- - - - - -

"Well, thank you again." Rua answers, receiving the ring graciously before darting off again. not leaving anything behind this time. "And Good luck with your magic!" she called out waving as she disappeared into the crowd.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by CyberDragon »

Buster wrote:"Your guild neglected to mention he was at least a sixth circle shiftier with all the control of black-powder in a bonfire..." karsos grumbled, less than amused as he renewed the ice that was protecting himself and kass from the discharges. glancing over occasionally at the other group behind the lightwall.

"Pretty lights..." the small snowy bird peaking over his shoulder mumbled, entranced by the light show.

Unnoticed by Karsos, a robed canine Vi might find familiar can be seen in one of the balconies overlooking the training field. Observing the group below a moment before blinking away as if he was never there.
"We didn't know! He said he was completely untrained and just found out about his ability to use magic recently!" Kass replied, a mix of fear and excitement in her voice. Her notebook was out and she was sketching what she saw at full speed, including a drawing of David's plasma form and as detailed of a verbal description of what was happening as she could write in the time she had. "The most power he's demonstrated before this was when he accidentally zapped the gate guard and made his fur go all funny! Nothing like... this!"
Roarin wrote:"HeyFenI'mgonnagowiththeseguysbyeeee!" The etherial's waving form disintegrated into a trailing stream of glitter as she followed after the group, leaving her other half only a second to watch her disappear.


Ah pssh, don’t worry about me. Besides, I was kinda hoping to get all shot full of alien electricity. But if you’re reeeally concerned I can just lay myself flat on the ground on like... the other side of the field.” She tried to explain as they reached the training grounds.

Oh. Or.” She floated over to where Dusk and Hope were. “I could just get behind this. Really fancy lookin magic shield thing. Very handy.”
GrimD@rk8290 wrote:Hope protected by the translucent shield of magic could see everything thatbhad transpired. "I've never seen such raw power before..." She stood in awe at the sight while Dusk of course stood behind the barrier with Hope's goggles on. In David's place, was a creature of lightning and fire unlike anything she could ever imagined.

"Is this David's true form?" She questioned as she looked at the golem before her unleash wave after wave of electricity.
Roarin wrote:Oh. Or.” She floated over to where Dusk and Hope were. “I could just get behind this. Really fancy lookin magic shield thing. Very handy.”
"Vira, hey you're just in time for the party! Come on in." Dusk insisted as the shield was only facing towards David and not all around Hope. Dusk looked up at Vira with the cute goggles on.
David's discharge wasn't letting up. If anything, it seemed to be getting stronger. His plasma body sent out pulses of electricity at an increasing rate, and more sparks of lightning shot out from him at the target than before. The metal target glowed ever brighter as it heated up, and it's shape distorted even more.

For only a second, everything stopped. Then, the air filled with static.


The largest bolt of lightning yet shot through the air and struck the target, shattering it into white hot pieces. David raised his plasma arms defensively, but any shards that hit him disintegrated. That didn't stop the blast from knocking the lightning golem back a few feet, sending David sprawling out on his back. He was back to normal, laying there motionless in the grass.

At the sound of the final lightning bolt, a startled Kass dropped her notebook onto the ground. Seeing David lying in the grass, she scooped up her dropped items and went over to him as fast as her tail could carry her the second she had the opportunity. "David! David, are you OK?!" She called out to him.

"Ow..." David shifted, moving his perfectly ordinary hand up to his forehead. "Kass?"

"Yeah?" She said, waiting nervously for what David would say next.

"If I ever try to wait that long to discharge again... punch me in the face." David said. "I never want to do that again..." David sat up and rubbed his eyes.

Kass rolled her own eyes. "You're fine. Come on." She said, helping David to his feet.

"Um... Sorry about the target, Mr. Karsos... I didn't realize that would happen..." David said, looking sheepish, once Kass started leading him out of the field.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Deske »

Thomas held the papers out to Fenrus at his invitation. He was slightly taken aback when the aetherial popped up and said something about following David and the rest to the training grounds. "...Uh yeah... I didn't really go to school. My employer taught me. Stuck for a while, you see, but a couple years of running and not using it and it's slipped away a bit." He looked over Fenrus at the hall everyone had run down, "Do you think they're going to be okay?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Buster »

"Kar and I teach advanced countermagic. This is his specialty. Besides, newcomers are rarely above ninth if they have existing abilities at all. He's a Third Circle mage. Nothing to worry about."
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by GrimD@rk8290 »

CyberDragon wrote: David's discharge wasn't letting up. If anything, it seemed to be getting stronger. His plasma body sent out pulses of electricity at an increasing rate, and more sparks of lightning shot out from him at the target than before. The metal target glowed ever brighter as it heated up, and it's shape distorted even more.

For only a second, everything stopped. Then, the air filled with static.


The largest bolt of lightning yet shot through the air and struck the target, shattering it into white hot pieces. David raised his plasma arms defensively, but any shards that hit him disintegrated. That didn't stop the blast from knocking the lightning golem back a few feet, sending David sprawling out on his back. He was back to normal, laying there motionless in the grass.

At the sound of the final lightning bolt, a startled Kass dropped her notebook onto the ground. Seeing David lying in the grass, she scooped up her dropped items and went over to him as fast as her tail could carry her the second she had the opportunity. "David! David, are you OK?!" She called out to him.

"Ow..." David shifted, moving his perfectly ordinary hand up to his forehead. "Kass?"

"Yeah?" She said, waiting nervously for what David would say next.

"If I ever try to wait that long to discharge again... punch me in the face." David said. "I never want to do that again..." David sat up and rubbed his eyes.

Kass rolled her own eyes. "You're fine. Come on." She said, helping David to his feet.

"Um... Sorry about the target, Mr. Karsos... I didn't realize that would happen..." David said, looking sheepish, once Kass started leading him out of the field.
That wasn't the only thing letting up, behind the shield Hope was concentrating all of her attention on making sure he shield wouldn't outright break. Seeing the impending discharge and seeing the target was about to explode she instinctively held both her hands a light with her magic to reinforce the light wall she had made. Shrapnel from the target had been blown everywhere and managed to hit Hope's shield. She held her ground to keep both Vi, Dusk and mainly herself safe from the discharge.

When the dust settled, Hope looked up, realizing her light wall and she had managed to take the full brunt of all the shrapnel that came her way. None of the pieces of shrapnel had managed to actually completely pierce her lightwall though as she dropped her shield a few landed on the ground.

Having done this, her mind racing from mere moments she took a second or so to gather herself before seeing David had returned to human form.

"David?!" She called as the vixen was the second thing to run towards David after the lightning show.

"Are you alright? What was that? Was that really you?" She seemed more amazed by David than scared at this point before looking at Karsos.

"No, it might have been some other David who tranformed into a big firey monalith of death? I dunno Hope, are you sure it was our David?" Dusk said sarcastically before Hope gave him a cute slap with her tail.

"Hey what was that for?" Dusk asked though he clearly knew what it was for. There was however something interesting for Karsos to note. Dusk's familiar wasn't of the light affiliation. Her big goofy doggy familiar was as black night, with eyes practically glowing crimson. Enveloped by shadow, her ethereal wasn't of the same magic affiliation as Hope.

"I mean, now that we know David is okay, is it odd of you to ask to set up a target for me?" Hope asked Karsos.

Sunny Briggs -Golden Labrador Retriever- S3 P5 E7 C6 I3 A8 L10
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Sylas gave a happy nod and returned on her journey towards the Academy, not too surprised Rua had known, or guessed, that she was an Academy student to be. "A bit of a waste of time, that was." Sinbel said, as the Academy building drew near once more.

"Oh, I don't know. It was kind of nice." Sylas responded, as she finally entered the place she had been thinking about for awhile, a place to grow, be free. To be torn between herself and her family again. She shunted those thoughts away as she approached the registration desk, mild paranoid thoughts of 'what if everything isn't in order' flying through her mind. She stopped nearby the registration desk as the one tending to it was busy talking to... well something that looked like a Lunae, but something seemed off to her, which elevated her feelings that told her not to interrupt the ongoing transaction. While she waited she looked to admire the building for all its worth.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Roarin »

"I'm sure they'll be fine, they have someone from the school with them plus Miss Kassalya from the explorer's guild. They should be able to handle themselves. Now about the application, it looks like..." Fen'rus began explaining what was in the stack of papers, handing them back over to Thomas as he went through them, pointing out where the werewolf would have to sign his name or write something down.

"Wooowah!" Vi cried out as David seemed to explode in a thunderous transformation of lightning. "That was awesome! Are we all gonna learn how to do that in the academy? Please tell say yes."
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Buster »

CyberDragon wrote:"We didn't know! He said he was completely untrained and just found out about his ability to use magic recently!" Kass replied, a mix of fear and excitement in her voice. Her notebook was out and she was sketching what she saw at full speed, including a drawing of David's plasma form and as detailed of a verbal description of what was happening as she could write in the time she had. "The most power he's demonstrated before this was when he accidentally zapped the gate guard and made his fur go all funny! Nothing like... this!"
"Wait, you're telling me he's using that transformation entirely by instinct?" Karsos asked, disbelief and a certain degree of alarm, as evident in his voice as it was on his face.
CyberDragon wrote:"David! David, are you OK?!" She called out to him.

"Ow..." David shifted, moving his perfectly ordinary hand up to his forehead. "Kass?"

"Yeah?" She said, waiting nervously for what David would say next.

"If I ever try to wait that long to discharge again... punch me in the face." David said. "I never want to do that again..." David sat up and rubbed his eyes.
"You likely won't have a choice. Going off like that is too dangerous." Karsos states shaking his head as he dispells the ice and walks over, "Until you can actually control that i'm getting a siphon band made for you, to keep your mana pool limited."

The previously cheerful gryphon does not sound happy about doing that in the slightest. a bit distracted trying to think of who he might go to to get one that doesn't look like a shackle or drain the wearer dry...
CyberDragon wrote:Kass rolled her own eyes. "You're fine. Come on." She said, helping David to his feet.

"Um... Sorry about the target, Mr. Karsos... I didn't realize that would happen..." David said, looking sheepish, once Kass started leading him out of the field.
"They're meant to get broken. Don't worry about it. I'm more worried about him being a danger to other students, most won't even have basic barrier formation down yet."
GrimD@rk8290 wrote:Having done this, her mind racing from mere moments she took a second or so to gather herself before seeing David had returned to human form.

"David?!" She called as the vixen was the second thing to run towards David after the lightning show.

"Are you alright? What was that? Was that really you?" She seemed more amazed by David than scared at this point before looking at Karsos.

"No, it might have been some other David who tranformed into a big firey monalith of death? I dunno Hope, are you sure it was our David?" Dusk said sarcastically before Hope gave him a cute slap with her tail.

"Hey what was that for?" Dusk asked though he clearly knew what it was for. There was however something interesting for Karsos to note. Dusk's familiar wasn't of the light affiliation. Her big goofy doggy familiar was as black night, with eyes practically glowing crimson. Enveloped by shadow, her ethereal wasn't of the same magic affiliation as Hope.

"I mean, now that we know David is okay, is it odd of you to ask to set up a target for me?" Hope asked Karsos.
"First day and you're planning on skipping orientation to practice your spells? Unless he's not the only one who needs to vent buildups..." Karsos asks looking hope over, though at least some of his humor is coming back, since he knows it's probably just the student being overenthusiastic rather than either of those factors.

Now that David's unusual issue was dealt with for the time being, he should be getting back...
Neon Icy Wings wrote:Sylas gave a happy nod and returned on her journey towards the Academy, not too surprised Rua had known, or guessed, that she was an Academy student to be. "A bit of a waste of time, that was." Sinbel said, as the Academy building drew near once more.

"Oh, I don't know. It was kind of nice." Sylas responded, as she finally entered the place she had been thinking about for awhile, a place to grow, be free. To be torn between herself and her family again. She shunted those thoughts away as she approached the registration desk, mild paranoid thoughts of 'what if everything isn't in order' flying through her mind. She stopped nearby the registration desk as the one tending to it was busy talking to... well something that looked like a Lunae, but something seemed off to her, which elevated her feelings that told her not to interrupt the ongoing transaction. While she waited she looked to admire the building for all its worth.
Tarsos' ear twitched at the sound of voices very similar to Fen & Vi's coming from a further distance and completely the wrong direction. Sparing a glance over as he finished up trying to reassure the other two that Karsos and their apparent new friends would be fine.
((Just a bit of a joke at you two picking nearly the same color palette.))
Roarin wrote:"Wooowah!" Vi cried out as David seemed to explode in a thunderous transformation of lightning. "That was awesome! Are we all gonna learn how to do that in the academy? Please tell say yes."
"I suspect the focus will be more on how NOT to loose control that badly." the gryphon stated flatly, back to mirroring his twin's perpetual grumpiness near instantly.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by CyberDragon »

GrimD@rk8290 wrote:That wasn't the only thing letting up, behind the shield Hope was concentrating all of her attention on making sure he shield wouldn't outright break. Seeing the impending discharge and seeing the target was about to explode she instinctively held both her hands a light with her magic to reinforce the light wall she had made. Shrapnel from the target had been blown everywhere and managed to hit Hope's shield. She held her ground to keep both Vi, Dusk and mainly herself safe from the discharge.

When the dust settled, Hope looked up, realizing her light wall and she had managed to take the full brunt of all the shrapnel that came her way. None of the pieces of shrapnel had managed to actually completely pierce her lightwall though as she dropped her shield a few landed on the ground.

Having done this, her mind racing from mere moments she took a second or so to gather herself before seeing David had returned to human form.

"David?!" She called as the vixen was the second thing to run towards David after the lightning show.

"Are you alright? What was that? Was that really you?" She seemed more amazed by David than scared at this point before looking at Karsos.
"Yeah..." David admitted, following Karsos back after picking up his insulating clothes. "Yeah, that was me. Not the real me, though. That transformation has only happened once or twice before. The first time being the moment I discovered I had powers in the first place."
Roarin wrote:"Wooowah!" Vi cried out as David seemed to explode in a thunderous transformation of lightning. "That was awesome! Are we all gonna learn how to do that in the academy? Please tell say yes."
"Please no..." the exhausted and exasperated human pleaded. "At least can we learn how to not blow things up by accident first?" He said, gesturing to the smoking, smoldering stump that was the wooden post for the target, as well as the scorched ground beneath it.
Buster wrote:"Wait, you're telling me he's using that transformation entirely by instinct?" Karsos asked, disbelief and a certain degree of alarm, as evident in his voice as it was on his face.
"David, how did you do that transformation?" Kass asked, holding her quill and paper up, ready to take notes. "Normally only a pretty experienced channeler or shaper can do something like that, but you said you had no training!"

"I dunno..." David said, his head hanging slightly as he kept walking. "It's kind of like... flexing a muscle I didn't have before. It's just... a thing i can do, I guess. The other me... it's really good at venting a lot of power at once. The form itself has a high energy cost. I don't think I'll be able to shift again for at least a few hours. And even then the other form would be a lot weaker."
Buster wrote:"You likely won't have a choice. Going off like that is too dangerous." Karsos states shaking his head as he dispells the ice and walks over, "Until you can actually control that i'm getting a siphon band made for you, to keep your mana pool limited."

The previously cheerful gryphon does not sound happy about doing that in the slightest. a bit distracted trying to think of who he might go to to get one that doesn't look like a shackle or drain the wearer dry...
"Oh..." David said, still feeling bad about the whole thing. "Maybe that's-"

"Kind of overkill, don't you think?" Kassalya interrupted before David could agree to anything he might not mean to. "Don't those things, you know, suck a caster dry of all of their mana? How's he going to attend a magic school if he can't build up any magic power? Besides, David didn't you say the only reason it got this far was because you were keeping yourself from venting?"

"Yeah..." David said, pulling the hood over his head and sulking, trying to avoid being seen as much as he could. "Usually it vents passively. But I kept myself from doing that since we were on a wooden ship, and I didn't want small stray sparks to light a fire."
Buster wrote:"I suspect the focus will be more on how NOT to loose control that badly." the gryphon stated flatly, back to mirroring his twin's perpetual grumpiness near instantly.
It seemed every word coming out of Karsos's beak just served to hammer home the shame of what just happened. David had tried so hard to control it, but he was just a normal teen. He wasn't even 20 years old yet, and he only even got these powers a month ago. How was he even supposed to control lightning? It just did whatever it wanted. He went to this school to learn, but now the teachers consider him a danger to himself and others and orientation hasn't even started. David thrust his hood over his eyes to hide the tears of frustration, self-loathing, anxiety, and a little bit of homesickness, all of which was hitting him at the worst time when he was in front of both teachers and classmates.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Buster »

CyberDragon wrote:"Kind of overkill, don't you think?" Kassalya interrupted before David could agree to anything he might not mean to. "Don't those things, you know, suck a caster dry of all of their mana? How's he going to attend a magic school if he can't build up any magic power? Besides, David didn't you say the only reason it got this far was because you were keeping yourself from venting?"
"Only while they're being worn. he wouldn't have it on at all times." Karsos corrects, massaging his eyebrows with one hand as he speaks, his eyes closed. trying to dull the aggressive edge that had crept into his voice, "A good breakfast and an hour or two with it off before classes, would give him enough to get through the morning lessons. They're not that taxing for first years. And that's assuming I cant get a less potent one than the common variety."
CyberDragon wrote:"I dunno..." David said, his head hanging slightly as he kept walking. "It's kind of like... flexing a muscle I didn't have before. It's just... a thing i can do, I guess. The other me... it's really good at venting a lot of power at once. The form itself has a high energy cost. I don't think I'll be able to shift again for at least a few hours. And even then the other form would be a lot weaker."
CyberDragon wrote:"Yeah..." David said, pulling the hood over his head and sulking, trying to avoid being seen as much as he could. "Usually it vents passively. But I kept myself from doing that since we were on a wooden ship, and I didn't want small stray sparks to light a fire."
While Karsos argues with Kassalya, The small snowbird's focus zeroes in on David, watching him, and listening to the bits his partner missed. Taking wing he darts forward.
CyberDragon wrote:It seemed every word coming out of Karsos's beak just served to hammer home the shame of what just happened. David had tried so hard to control it, but he was just a normal teen. He wasn't even 20 years old yet, and he only even got these powers a month ago. How was he even supposed to control lightning? It just did whatever it wanted. He went to this school to learn, but now the teachers consider him a danger to himself and others and orientation hasn't even started. David thrust his hood over his eyes to hide the tears of frustration, self-loathing, anxiety, and a little bit of homesickness, all of which was hitting him at the worst time when he was in front of both teachers and classmates.
David might notice his hood is getting colder, as "It's constant little arcs right? like you've got a tiny storm inside you just under your skin waiting to get out?" a light voice asks as an upsidedown head peaks under the lip of the hood from above, giving a friendly smile as she wrapped her wings around the sides of his hood in what might have come off as a comforting gesture if they weren't partially phasing through the fabric in a wierd looking way.

"So don't hide it. We don't." her smile turning playful as she lets her snow blow and drift off him before reforming hovering in front of david, her eyes having never moved despite being right side up now. "you might be solid but it sounds to me you're more like us than like them. So let your storm out to play." there's a subtle glow to her feathers, and karsos would feel a faint pull on his mana pool, as the bird reaches up and thwaps David lightly on the top of the head, her wing entirely solid just for a moment before the glow dissipates and she's back to being immaterial. "And don't be so gloomy, I know he's being a grump right now but, he just wants to keep you safe okay?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by GrimD@rk8290 »

Buster wrote:"First day and you're planning on skipping orientation to practice your spells? Unless he's not the only one who needs to vent buildups..." Karsos asks looking hope over, though at least some of his humor is coming back, since he knows it's probably just the student being overenthusiastic rather than either of those factors.

Now that David's unusual issue was dealt with for the time being, he should be getting back...
"Actually, no. Well admittedly I do want to show you what I can do, but not for the reason you think." Hope admitted shyly before she showed Karsos her right hand. The fingerless glove had runes on it and Hope didn't even really know how they worked but she went on to explain.

"Before I found these gloves, whenever I would get angry or upset my magic would turn rather volatile. I was but a child then, but I believe I have more in common with David than I think you two may realize. I have a few spells I've been practicing for years, and I wish to show my friend what one can do with your shackles on." She said to Karsos before looking over at David with a sympathetic expression.
CyberDragon wrote:
"Yeah..." David admitted, following Karsos back after picking up his insulating clothes. "Yeah, that was me. Not the real me, though. That transformation has only happened once or twice before. The first time being the moment I discovered I had powers in the first place."
Hope listened intently between her instructor and David, before waiting her turn to speak.

CyberDragon wrote: It seemed every word coming out of Karsos's beak just served to hammer home the shame of what just happened. David had tried so hard to control it, but he was just a normal teen. He wasn't even 20 years old yet, and he only even got these powers a month ago. How was he even supposed to control lightning? It just did whatever it wanted. He went to this school to learn, but now the teachers consider him a danger to himself and others and orientation hasn't even started. David thrust his hood over his eyes to hide the tears of frustration, self-loathing, anxiety, and a little bit of homesickness, all of which was hitting him at the worst time when he was in front of both teachers and classmates.
Hope looked at David, before showing him her gloves. "These are my shackles. They help me keep control, even when I get angry, I can only draw so much light from my body."
She mentions, before turning to a story of her own.

"When I was a young kit, and I got into an argument with my sister...things got out of hand. I got angry, and in my anger I used a spell that caused my sister to forever lose her sight. I haven't forgiven myself, as to this day she has to be possessed by her familiar to see. I still live afraid of hurting others, it is why I am here. I know it's why you are here too David. Even though I practice a few things every day, I can always happen again." She said softly, trying to be encouraging.

Dusk of course was running circles around Hope and David.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Deske »

Thomas listened intently as Fen'rus explained what the application said. When it came to the first section that he had to sign, he patted his pockets and pulled out a small notebook with a vial of ink and a small reed pen. Carefully situating the vial of ink between his fingers so he could hold both it and the paper, he dipped the pen into the ink and scratched out something that resembled his name in jagged cursive. He moved his way down the page with Fen'rus, filling out information as it was read to him. "This language seems to resemble English very closely. It shouldn't be too hard to learn. Easier than whatever was written in those grimoires." Once he finished filling out the form he wiped the pen off on a blotter page he had in his notebook, corked the ink and stuck the items back in his pocket. "Much obliged for your assistance in helping me fill this out," Tom said as he placed the parchment on the registration table. "It looks like the meeting room is beginning to fill up. I do hope the others we saw run down the hallway aren't going to be late."
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Buster »

Despite the similar verbal syntax, Thomas may still find converting from an alphabetic writing system to a logographic one confusing.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by CyberDragon »

Buster wrote:"Only while they're being worn. he wouldn't have it on at all times." Karsos corrects, massaging his eyebrows with one hand as he speaks, his eyes closed. trying to dull the aggressive edge that had crept into his voice, "A good breakfast and an hour or two with it off before classes, would give him enough to get through the morning lessons. They're not that taxing for first years. And that's assuming I cant get a less potent one than the common variety."
"Yeah... Alright..." Kass said, though her tone suggested she was still uncomfortable about the idea. "Can I suggest also looking for ones that, you know, look less prison-y? And a bit inconspicuous? David's a shy guy, I don't think he'll take well to walking around in something that looks like shackles. Or really anything that's too overt."
Buster wrote:David might notice his hood is getting colder, as "It's constant little arcs right? like you've got a tiny storm inside you just under your skin waiting to get out?" a light voice asks as an upsidedown head peaks under the lip of the hood from above, giving a friendly smile as she wrapped her wings around the sides of his hood in what might have come off as a comforting gesture if they weren't partially phasing through the fabric in a wierd looking way.

"So don't hide it. We don't." her smile turning playful as she lets her snow blow and drift off him before reforming hovering in front of david, her eyes having never moved despite being right side up now. "you might be solid but it sounds to me you're more like us than like them. So let your storm out to play." there's a subtle glow to her feathers, and karsos would feel a faint pull on his mana pool, as the bird reaches up and thwaps David lightly on the top of the head, her wing entirely solid just for a moment before the glow dissipates and she's back to being immaterial. "And don't be so gloomy, I know he's being a grump right now but, he just wants to keep you safe okay?"
The enthusiasm of the snow bird, combined with her encouraging words, actually managed to get a small, shy smile on David's face. "Yeah... Thanks. I know he's just trying to look out for everyone. As for the storm..." David fidgeted. "Even if I could now that I've drained myself... that's probably not a good idea. I don't know how to... well... You know how you phased through my hood a bit? I can't do that. Even as plasma, I'm still made of stuff. Stuff that tends to effect things around it. I leave burns on the ground where I walk, and shock things I get too close to..." David was feeling a bit more comfortable, following Karsos and Kass back to the registration desk, or straight to Orientation. Wherever they were going.
GrimD@rk8290 wrote:"Actually, no. Well admittedly I do want to show you what I can do, but not for the reason you think." Hope admitted shyly before she showed Karsos her right hand. The fingerless glove had runes on it and Hope didn't even really know how they worked but she went on to explain.

"Before I found these gloves, whenever I would get angry or upset my magic would turn rather volatile. I was but a child then, but I believe I have more in common with David than I think you two may realize. I have a few spells I've been practicing for years, and I wish to show my friend what one can do with your shackles on." She said to Karsos before looking over at David with a sympathetic expression.
"That's..." Kassalya started, looking a little oddly at Hope. "...not exactly what the siphons do. They don't stabilize you, they take away your mana so you can't cast if you tried."
GrimD@rk8290 wrote:Hope looked at David, before showing him her gloves. "These are my shackles. They help me keep control, even when I get angry, I can only draw so much light from my body."
She mentions, before turning to a story of her own.

"When I was a young kit, and I got into an argument with my sister...things got out of hand. I got angry, and in my anger I used a spell that caused my sister to forever lose her sight. I haven't forgiven myself, as to this day she has to be possessed by her familiar to see. I still live afraid of hurting others, it is why I am here. I know it's why you are here too David. Even though I practice a few things every day, I can always happen again." She said softly, trying to be encouraging.

Dusk of course was running circles around Hope and David.
David looked at Hope for a moment, listening to her story. What little cheer from the snow bird seemed to be gone. He looked down again and pulled his hood over his face once more before responding. "I'm sorry about your sister. But... I get the feeling you don't actually know why I'm here. Not really, anyway."
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Buster »

CyberDragon wrote:"That's..." Kassalya started, looking a little oddly at Hope. "...not exactly what the siphons do. They don't stabilize you, they take away your mana so you can't cast if you tried."
"Unless the glove isnt a siphon. It's probably a sort of practice-wand type item she's using to give the mana a structure she doesn't know how to make properly herself." Karsos interjects coming to her defense. "It's a crutch, but not an uncommon one for beginners."
GrimD@rk829o wrote:(comically missing the point)
"Does not help with sticking your foot in your mouth though."
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by CyberDragon »

Buster wrote:"Unless the glove isnt a siphon. It's probably a sort of practice-wand type item she's using to give the mana a structure she doesn't know how to make properly herself." Karsos interjects coming to her defense. "It's a crutch, but not an uncommon one for beginners."
"Yeah." Kassalya nodded. "I figured it was something like that. I just think there was a confusion of terms and semantics is all." She gestured ahead. "We'll figure out the siphons after orientation. David should have a say in all of this, and he and Hope are about to be late. Shall we?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by GrimD@rk8290 »

CyberDragon wrote:
"That's..." Kassalya started, looking a little oddly at Hope. "...not exactly what the siphons do. They don't stabilize you, they take away your mana so you can't cast if you tried."
She looked at Kass, with an obviously confused look on her face. "A siphon? I've only heard those explained in passing, and I've never actually seen one." Hope admitted to not knowing.
Buster wrote: "Unless the glove isnt a siphon. It's probably a sort of practice-wand type item she's using to give the mana a structure she doesn't know how to make properly herself." Karsos interjects coming to her defense. "It's a crutch, but not an uncommon one for beginners."
"Something like that, I wouldn't begin to know how to explain all the technical workings of it, but yes it does something like that." Hope added, greatful for Karsos intermission. "Thank you."
CyberDragon wrote:David looked at Hope for a moment, listening to her story. What little cheer from the snow bird seemed to be gone. He looked down again and pulled his hood over his face once more before responding. "I'm sorry about your sister. But... I get the feeling you don't actually know why I'm here. Not really, anyway."
"Are you not here to learn how to control your magic? I figured that to be the case given what just transpired. I was only trying to be a bit, encouraging and let you know you aren't the only one who struggles. Maybe not in the same way, and maybe I can't relate what you are going through, but I can try." Hope said simply.
Last edited by GrimD@rk8290 on Fri Sep 20, 2019 12:39 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Sylas quickly grew bored of watching the architecture, not that it wa suninteresting, but more that she slowly started to worry about being late for any one thing that could be. She walked up to the registration desk proper, or at least she hoped it was the registration desk, "Ah, hello. Is this where I register for the academy?" She asked. Sinbel lazily drifting over, seeming more preferred to continue watching the building than keeping closely to his charge.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Buster »

"That's right" comes the answer from he other side, a nod and a few papers passed across the desk following. "just fill these out, um might want to be quick if you don't want to miss anything though, I saw the head master go in the upper door a moment ago... Got a minute, maybe two before he starts." he comments, intending the words just as much for the others still finishing up their forms as for his last arrival.

he was about to wonder where his twin was before hearing familiar voices approaching from the hall.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by CyberDragon »

GrimD@rk8290 wrote:"Are you not here to learn how to control your magic? I figured that to be the case given what just transpired. I was only trying to be a bit, encouraging and let you know you aren't the only one who struggles. Maybe not in the same way, and maybe I can't relate what you are going through, but I can try." Hope said simply.
David fidgeted while he walked. "That's what I hope to do here. It's not exactly why I'm here though. I don't really know if I want to talk about it..." He said. "I just... want to get to the orientation."
Neon Icy Wings wrote:Sylas quickly grew bored of watching the architecture, not that it wa suninteresting, but more that she slowly started to worry about being late for any one thing that could be. She walked up to the registration desk proper, or at least she hoped it was the registration desk, "Ah, hello. Is this where I register for the academy?" She asked. Sinbel lazily drifting over, seeming more preferred to continue watching the building than keeping closely to his charge.
Buster wrote:"That's right" comes the answer from he other side, a nod and a few papers passed across the desk following. "just fill these out, um might want to be quick if you don't want to miss anything though, I saw the head master go in the upper door a moment ago... Got a minute, maybe two before he starts." he comments, intending the words just as much for the others still finishing up their forms as for his last arrival.

he was about to wonder where his twin was before hearing familiar voices approaching from the hall.
David continued on, doing hid best to hide his face from the new people at the registration desk. Some of them were familiar, like Fen'rus and the large wolf man from the docks. There was also a new person he didn't recognize. A Laurae Rou, if Kass's explanation of the different kinds of people in this world was accurate. David still didn't feel like conversation at the moment, so he hurried through the doors to... wherever the orientation was being held. He didn't know if he was expecting an auditorium or stage like deal, or if he was supposed to expect some sort of great hall.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Roarin »

"Eng-what? Is that what the language is called where you're from? Anyways, if you stick around here long enough I'm sure you're bound to pick it up. Aaaand as for the group... they have some time le- hey! I think that's them now!" Fen'rus waved a paw over at David despite his obvious attempts at not making eye contact with them. "You guys have fun out there? I thought I heard something? Like a loud bang or... maybe it was a fizzle?" The wolf grinned, nodding to Thomas before starting to head inside. "Oh! Have you guys seen Vi by the way?"

Maybe it was the large surge of mana, maybe it was all these new experiences frying her brain. Or maybe it was because she got lost in thought like she usually does, but when the metal etherial finally snapped out of her day dream she was floating somewhere high above the courtyard. "Hmm..." There was something tugging at the back of her mind, like she had seen something familiar just a few minutes ago... Tapping her incorporeal fingers against her equally fuzzy chin she floated over to one of the balconies that overlooked the training area.
"Did someone... was I..." The metal glitter stopped and stuttered, grumbling and making a bunch of faces to herself as she looked around the area.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Deske »

"Oh, yeah, it's one of the more major languages spoke where I'm from and it sounds a lot like this language, the alphabet has quite a few differences though." Tom noticed the others walking back in from wherever they'd gone. "Talk about good timing. Almost like we summoned them, he said jokingly. He watched David shuffle past everyone, hood covering his face, "I think he's a mite nervous. Overheard him saying something about his planet being attacked by something while we were at the docks. Poor soul..." He took a step towards the doors, "I guess it's our turn to head in," Tom said, dipping his muzzle towards the auditorium.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Sylas nodded, pouring her attention into filling out the papers, so whatever the others spoke about was lost on her. Sinbel, meanwhile, watched the others with mild curiosity, particularly David's attempts to hide his face and Tom's description of an entire new language intriguing Sinbel. He didn't speak up, his lazy appearance hiding any obvious sign of paying attention even from Sylas who was too busy to notice. He wasn't too worried, as if they were Academy hopefuls he might have a chance to learn more at a later date.

Sylas finished up her paperwork with good speed and efficiency. "Alright, that should be in order." She said, handing her paper back towards the other side of the desk, "Uhm, just in case, which way to the orientation?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by GrimD@rk8290 »

CyberDragon wrote:
David continued on, doing hid best to hide his face from the new people at the registration desk. Some of them were familiar, like Fen'rus and the large wolf man from the docks. There was also a new person he didn't recognize. A Laurae Rou, if Kass's explanation of the different kinds of people in this world was accurate. David still didn't feel like conversation at the moment, so he hurried through the doors to... wherever the orientation was being held. He didn't know if he was expecting an auditorium or stage like deal, or if he was supposed to expect some sort of great hall.
Continuing to talk to David, Hope continued on towards the orientation area. She was just as nervous, and like David had no idea what to expect. Her blue eyes scanned the area and noticed a few others she hadn't before. She walked up to Tom, though she was of course, didn't say anything as she stood next to David. "You're here for orientation too, huh?" She asked Tom.

Hope looked back at Fen'rus. "Last I saw she was at the training ground, I don't think I ever saw her leave but I think given my ethereal isn't with me I am going to say Vira is fine. I'm Hope." The Fenrae also introduced herself to Fen'rus.

Roarin wrote: Maybe it was the large surge of mana, maybe it was all these new experiences frying her brain. Or maybe it was because she got lost in thought like she usually does, but when the metal etherial finally snapped out of her day dream she was floating somewhere high above the courtyard. "Hmm..." There was something tugging at the back of her mind, like she had seen something familiar just a few minutes ago... Tapping her incorporeal fingers against her equally fuzzy chin she floated over to one of the balconies that overlooked the training area.
"Did someone... was I..." The metal glitter stopped and stuttered, grumbling and making a bunch of faces to herself as she looked around the area.
"Hey, watcha doin? You know orientation is about to start right?" Dusk had easily shifted onto the balcony, curious though why Vi hadn't already come and joined the others. Dusk could see something was bothering the metal ethereal, and thought he would indeed inquire as to why she was just looking at this balcony...rather than being with her partner. Dusk hadn't immediately left with Hope as he notice Vira had stayed around.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Buster »

CyberDragon wrote:David continued on, doing hid best to hide his face from the new people at the registration desk. Some of them were familiar, like Fen'rus and the large wolf man from the docks. There was also a new person he didn't recognize. A Laurae Rou, if Kass's explanation of the different kinds of people in this world was accurate. David still didn't feel like conversation at the moment, so he hurried through the doors to... wherever the orientation was being held. He didn't know if he was expecting an auditorium or stage like deal, or if he was supposed to expect some sort of great hall.
Deske wrote:He watched David shuffle past everyone, hood covering his face, "I think he's a mite nervous. Overheard him saying something about his planet being attacked by something while we were at the docks. Poor soul..." He took a step towards the doors, "I guess it's our turn to head in," Tom said, dipping his muzzle towards the auditorium.
Roarin wrote:The wolf grinned, nodding to Thomas before starting to head inside. "Oh! Have you guys seen Vi by the way?"
GrimD@rk8290 wrote:Continuing to talk to David, Hope continued on towards the orientation area. She was just as nervous, and like David had no idea what to expect. Her blue eyes scanned the area and noticed a few others she hadn't before. She walked up to Tom, though she was of course, didn't say anything as she stood next to David.
Neon Icy Wings wrote:Sylas finished up her paperwork with good speed and efficiency. "Alright, that should be in order." She said, handing her paper back towards the other side of the desk, "Uhm, just in case, which way to the orientation?"
Tarsos passes Silas' form over to his twin, who had just taken his seat again, Pausing a moment from looking over Tom's... "writing", to point toards the door the last few straglers seem to be heading toards. "The center hall, in there. there are plenty of seats, so there should still be some left." he explains, going back to the form infront of him and returning to trying to parse, among other oddities, what a the glyph for 'outsider' was doing in the box for race when tom was clearly Lunae.

Through the doors the students would find a large circular room with a raised platform at the far end, the way the two areas are spaced making the lower areas more of a crescent shape. a ring of columns with brazers spaced around the circumference and high windows spaced and angled such that the raised dais is always lit either by them or by reflection from polished stonework. some of the stone showing it's age, but much of it having be replaced by more freshly cut pieces over the years to keep the work of time at bay. the subtle differences in color and quality between the stonework of different generations creating a sort of mosaic effect from some of the arches between the columns hang tapestries showing the great casters of the various ages of the empire, and in the process showing a fragment of their history, the cycle of its creation, expansion, decline, and rebirth. from the rise and fall of the first age thousands of years ago, to the sixth; the modern day. Though everything before the fifth has passed to myth and legend these days, surviving only in song and story save for the paintings and tapestries that remain. Ample space behind the thread works for concealed guards or serving staff, a hold over from when this was a throne room for the king in the days before the empire.

there are a little over two hundred first years present in the hall, and at some point someone set out benches that face the dais, just enough for those gathered. about a third of those present are wearing house crests and colors, or guild emblems, the rest have more common attire.

after a moment things quiet down as an older looking Kigrei is now standing in the middle of the raised dais.
looking around, he begins to speak. it's clear he's trying to be motivational but he's a bit on the long winded side, and it's kind of obvious his background is military rather than scholarly.

((Also i am not even close to in the right state of mind to write a speech right now.))
Roarin wrote:Maybe it was the large surge of mana, maybe it was all these new experiences frying her brain. Or maybe it was because she got lost in thought like she usually does, but when the metal etherial finally snapped out of her day dream she was floating somewhere high above the courtyard. "Hmm..." There was something tugging at the back of her mind, like she had seen something familiar just a few minutes ago... Tapping her incorporeal fingers against her equally fuzzy chin she floated over to one of the balconies that overlooked the training area.
"Did someone... was I..." The metal glitter stopped and stuttered, grumbling and making a bunch of faces to herself as she looked around the area.
GrimD@rk8290 wrote:"Hey, watcha doin? You know orientation is about to start right?" Dusk had easily shifted onto the balcony, curious though why Vi hadn't already come and joined the others. Dusk could see something was bothering the metal ethereal, and thought he would indeed inquire as to why she was just looking at this balcony...rather than being with her partner. Dusk hadn't immediately left with Hope as he notice Vira had stayed around.
as the two etherials pass close to it, a circle remnant flickers to life, having failed to properly dissipate thanks to the residual energy from david still charging the air.

In the blink of an eye, and with a buzz that feels almost like static, the two are inside. In one of the halls, but it's unclear which one. None of the lights are lit, and there's no sound of anyone else, save for one room with a partially open door further down.

"...should suit our purposes quite well. A fortuitous find really, that a student like that should be starting here right when they're needed."
"Master! someone else is here!"
"We'll continue this later."

there's a faint buzz and pop from the room, then a moment later the sound of a rush of flame.
The room is eerily empty long before it can be reached, no indication who the owners of the three voices were.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by CyberDragon »

Roarin wrote:"Eng-what? Is that what the language is called where you're from? Anyways, if you stick around here long enough I'm sure you're bound to pick it up. Aaaand as for the group... they have some time le- hey! I think that's them now!" Fen'rus waved a paw over at David despite his obvious attempts at not making eye contact with them. "You guys have fun out there? I thought I heard something? Like a loud bang or... maybe it was a fizzle?" The wolf grinned, nodding to Thomas before starting to head inside. "Oh! Have you guys seen Vi by the way?"
"It was quite the sight to watch!" Kassalya said excitedly, following close behind David. "Vi was with us, but I don't see them now that you mention it... I'm sure they're back in the training yard. We should get going to orientation though. We should talk more later!"
Deske wrote:"Talk about good timing. Almost like we summoned them, he said jokingly. He watched David shuffle past everyone, hood covering his face, "I think he's a mite nervous. Overheard him saying something about his planet being attacked by something while we were at the docks. Poor soul..."
David tilted his head when he heard Tom talk about him, but only for a moment before turning back forward and heading through the doors. He has no idea. David thought to himself. None of them do.
Buster wrote:Tarsos passes Silas' form over to his twin, who had just taken his seat again, Pausing a moment from looking over Tom's... "writing", to point toards the door the last few straglers seem to be heading toards. "The center hall, in there. there are plenty of seats, so there should still be some left." he explains, going back to the form infront of him and returning to trying to parse, among other oddities, what a the glyph for 'outsider' was doing in the box for race when tom was clearly Lunae.

Through the doors the students would find a large circular room with a raised platform at the far end, the way the two areas are spaced making the lower areas more of a crescent shape. a ring of columns with brazers spaced around the circumference and high windows spaced and angled such that the raised dais is always lit either by them or by reflection from polished stonework. some of the stone showing it's age, but much of it having be replaced by more freshly cut pieces over the years to keep the work of time at bay. the subtle differences in color and quality between the stonework of different generations creating a sort of mosaic effect from some of the arches between the columns hang tapestries showing the great casters of the various ages of the empire, and in the process showing a fragment of their history, the cycle of its creation, expansion, decline, and rebirth. from the rise and fall of the first age thousands of years ago, to the sixth; the modern day. Though everything before the fifth has passed to myth and legend these days, surviving only in song and story save for the paintings and tapestries that remain. Ample space behind the thread works for concealed guards or serving staff, a hold over from when this was a throne room for the king in the days before the empire.

there are a little over two hundred first years present in the hall, and at some point someone set out benches that face the dais, just enough for those gathered. about a third of those present are wearing house crests and colors, or guild emblems, the rest have more common attire.

after a moment things quiet down as an older looking Kigrei is now standing in the middle of the raised dais.
looking around, he begins to speak. it's clear he's trying to be motivational but he's a bit on the long winded side, and it's kind of obvious his background is military rather than scholarly.

((Also i am not even close to in the right state of mind to write a speech right now.))
David cautiously entered the room, in no small amount overwhelmed by the crowd of people gathered there. He looked around, taking in the surroundings. He didn't know much about the tapestries, or the history of the empire. He could tell that this place appeared to be a sort of throne room based on it's design and could tell that the building itself was rather old and had been repaired many times based on the stonework. David wasn't sure where to sit. He didn't want to attract attention, so his own attention was on the back row of benches, but even those were starting to fill up. As if she had read his mind, however, Kassalya called him over to the end of one of the rear benches. Kassalya curled up close to the edge of the bench, leaving enough space on one side for David to sit so he wouldn't have to sit next to someone he didn't know. Partly to make sure David was around familiar faces, Kass waved at some of the people they had met coming in, particularly Hope and Fen'rus.

David started off the first speech with his full attention on the person giving it, trying to learn as much as he could about anything he could. Then he realized that this speech was more about motivating the students rather than explaining how things worked around here. Add on that the Kigrei clearly didn't have experience addressing teenage or young adult people or keeping their attention, and David steadily started to loose focus.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Sylas nodded and with a, "Thank you!" She made her way to the crowded room, Sinbel following slowly. Sylas searched for a free seat, and was only able to find the middle of a bench near the back with some room on either side of her, which she claimed, a tad awkwardly. She tried her best to pay attention to the speech, both to distract herself from the crowd as well as catch anything important, but its long winded nature made it difficult for her to focus on the offhand chance something slightly important could be found amongst the rest of the speech. And she knew Sinbel would be of no help catching anything she missed.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by GrimD@rk8290 »

Buster wrote: Tarsos passes Silas' form over to his twin, who had just taken his seat again, Pausing a moment from looking over Tom's... "writing", to point toards the door the last few straglers seem to be heading toards. "The center hall, in there. there are plenty of seats, so there should still be some left." he explains, going back to the form infront of him and returning to trying to parse, among other oddities, what a the glyph for 'outsider' was doing in the box for race when tom was clearly Lunae.

Through the doors the students would find a large circular room with a raised platform at the far end, the way the two areas are spaced making the lower areas more of a crescent shape. a ring of columns with brazers spaced around the circumference and high windows spaced and angled such that the raised dais is always lit either by them or by reflection from polished stonework. some of the stone showing it's age, but much of it having be replaced by more freshly cut pieces over the years to keep the work of time at bay. the subtle differences in color and quality between the stonework of different generations creating a sort of mosaic effect from some of the arches between the columns hang tapestries showing the great casters of the various ages of the empire, and in the process showing a fragment of their history, the cycle of its creation, expansion, decline, and rebirth. from the rise and fall of the first age thousands of years ago, to the sixth; the modern day. Though everything before the fifth has passed to myth and legend these days, surviving only in song and story save for the paintings and tapestries that remain. Ample space behind the thread works for concealed guards or serving staff, a hold over from when this was a throne room for the king in the days before the empire.

there are a little over two hundred first years present in the hall, and at some point someone set out benches that face the dais, just enough for those gathered. about a third of those present are wearing house crests and colors, or guild emblems, the rest have more common attire.

after a moment things quiet down as an older looking Kigrei is now standing in the middle of the raised dais.
looking around, he begins to speak. it's clear he's trying to be motivational but he's a bit on the long winded side, and it's kind of obvious his background is military rather than scholarly.
Hope sat down more in the middle of the crowd, taking in the surroundings, the culture, the atmosphere. She seemed to be rather interested in the old building, when the speaker began to speak. At first, Hope was rather interested in what he had to say. Out of respect she paid attention to the entire speech although she had found herself at times distracted by thoughts of where her ethereal had gone to and why he wasn't back.

Buster wrote:
Roarin wrote:Maybe it was the large surge of mana, maybe it was all these new experiences frying her brain. Or maybe it was because she got lost in thought like she usually does, but when the metal etherial finally snapped out of her day dream she was floating somewhere high above the courtyard. "Hmm..." There was something tugging at the back of her mind, like she had seen something familiar just a few minutes ago... Tapping her incorporeal fingers against her equally fuzzy chin she floated over to one of the balconies that overlooked the training area.
"Did someone... was I..." The metal glitter stopped and stuttered, grumbling and making a bunch of faces to herself as she looked around the area.
GrimD@rk8290 wrote:"Hey, watcha doin? You know orientation is about to start right?" Dusk had easily shifted onto the balcony, curious though why Vi hadn't already come and joined the others. Dusk could see something was bothering the metal ethereal, and thought he would indeed inquire as to why she was just looking at this balcony...rather than being with her partner. Dusk hadn't immediately left with Hope as he notice Vira had stayed around.
as the two etherials pass close to it, a circle remnant flickers to life, having failed to properly dissipate thanks to the residual energy from david still charging the air.

In the blink of an eye, and with a buzz that feels almost like static, the two are inside. In one of the halls, but it's unclear which one. None of the lights are lit, and there's no sound of anyone else, save for one room with a partially open door further down.

"...should suit our purposes quite well. A fortuitous find really, that a student like that should be starting here right when they're needed."
"Master! someone else is here!"
"We'll continue this later."

there's a faint buzz and pop from the room, then a moment later the sound of a rush of flame.
The room is eerily empty long before it can be reached, no indication who the owners of the three voices were.
Dusk was startled, very startled at the sudden change of venue. Where he had been on the balcony talking to Vira, now he was in a dark hallway...which he didn't really care all that much. He was made of darkness no what worried the doggy ethereal were the voices he could barely hear at the end of the hall, then a plume of fire then....silence. He didn't dare move, but he had wondered where Vira was.

"Hope is so going to be mad at me for being late..." He mumbled.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Deske »

"Ah yeah," Tom replied to Hope, "I heard there was a school for magicks and I felt I'd give it a try," he explained simply. He followed the others into the auditorium and, taking in the new sights and smells, he took a quick look around and a deep breath before sitting down. He guessed that the tapestries hanging around were telling of the academy's history or, judging by the figures on them, at least the important ones.
For the most part Tom listened to the speech, interested as he was in the school, but as the speaker continued to drone on his mind began to wander. By the mid-point of it, once he realized that the speech wasn't as useful as he'd hoped, he was becoming more and more easily distracted by the errant sound or smell. He sighed and leaned back into the chair, resigned to waiting out the speech.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Roarin »

"Shush shush shush..." Vi whispered to Dusk, her incorporeal body slowly swirling around his as she tried to listen to the other people in the room. It seemed like they somehow knew they were there, and by the time she floated over the place was deserted. "Mmh, look I dunno about you but that sounded super conspiracy-like yeah?" The etherial turned around to see if the shadow wolf was following her. "I was trying to see where this guy went that I saw at the market earlier today. He keeps blinking all of the place and... hey wait, where in the heck are we anyways???"

"Well I guess one of us should be in orientation if the other is off, somewhere else." Fen let out a soft groan and shook his head. This clearly wasn't the first time this has happened to him. "I just hope Vi's not gonna be peeved if she misses anything cool." The wolf grumbles, following the rest of the group into the auditorium.

Fen tried his best to pay attention to the speech, smiling and nodding and responding appropriately to all the motivational cues the speaker was trying to hit. He'd have to remember some of this stuff so he could tell his metallic friend.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Buster »

after a bit, the old dragon seems to wind down what he's saying. "Now, I'm sure at least a few of you are curious about the grounds. save for a few practice fields, the dining hall, this hall here, and the kitchens, this central tower is mainly classrooms and work spaces. In the north tower, you'll find the shrine and the grand library, the other four are dormitories." he explains, pausing a moment to look behind the crowd of first years. the students likely wouldn't have noticed yet the arrival of Karsos, Tarsos, two techncolor reptiles, one snakelike the other more of a bipedal lizard, a rust brown Cheetah woman with white spots, and a grey wolf one student in particular might recognise. the six of them standing by the doors three on either side. "And since i'm sure you'd like to take a look, professors Abjuras, Abjuras, Bekkail, Semora, Tolos, And Verek, are here to show the curious among you around. For those without partners, Selection will be held tonight after the evening meal. and classes will begin the day after tomorrow."

The room Vi and Dusk would now find themselves in has a large window in one wall, outside it one would easily be able to see the city wall separating the dockyards from the homes taking up one entire side of the view... except this part of it curves inward, the section near the market place and the school curved outward... this looks like it's near the mouth of the harbor.

Sure enough a familiar tower can be seen in the skyline. It would probably take an hour on foot from here.

The room itself has two beds and is fully furnished but despite being dustless and well kept there is not a single trace of personal effects, as if nobody actually live here.

the lights in the hall flicker to life as a portly old cat walks over to one of the numbered doors, knocking and addressing the occupant. "Miss Yumae? You asked me to make sure you were up 'afore ten." he comments, the individual inside saying something in response. after a few minutes she comes to the door and the two talk a moment before she hands him 20 and leaves, with the old cat thanking her for staying, before moving on to another door...
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by CyberDragon »

Buster wrote:after a bit, the old dragon seems to wind down what he's saying. "Now, I'm sure at least a few of you are curious about the grounds. save for a few practice fields, the dining hall, this hall here, and the kitchens, this central tower is mainly classrooms and work spaces. In the north tower, you'll find the shrine and the grand library, the other four are dormitories." he explains, pausing a moment to look behind the crowd of first years. the students likely wouldn't have noticed yet the arrival of Karsos, Tarsos, two techncolor reptiles, one snakelike the other more of a bipedal lizard, a rust brown Cheetah woman with white spots, and a grey wolf one student in particular might recognise. the six of them standing by the doors three on either side. "And since i'm sure you'd like to take a look, professors Abjuras, Abjuras, Bekkail, Semora, Tolos, And Verek, are here to show the curious among you around. For those without partners, Selection will be held tonight after the evening meal. and classes will begin the day after tomorrow."
"Is... is that it?" David whispered sideways to Kass. "Do we... go up to one of the teachers? Are they going to divide the group between them themselves? Do we wait for something to happen, or are we supposed to do something? Kass, what do you-" David looked over to his friend and saw she had succumbed to the effects of the speech. She was snoring slightly, coiled up on the bench and using her tail as a pillow. David gave her a poke. "Kass, wake up. The speech is over."

Kassalya gave a slight snort, and pushed herself up. "Wha...wha's 'appening now?" she said, yawning widely and blinking and rubbing the bleariness out of her eyes.

"Not sure." David said. "They haven't really given us instructions, but I think we're going to do a sort of tour."
"It's not my job to seek the truth.
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by GrimD@rk8290 »

Buster wrote:after a bit, the old dragon seems to wind down what he's saying. "Now, I'm sure at least a few of you are curious about the grounds. save for a few practice fields, the dining hall, this hall here, and the kitchens, this central tower is mainly classrooms and work spaces. In the north tower, you'll find the shrine and the grand library, the other four are dormitories." he explains, pausing a moment to look behind the crowd of first years. the students likely wouldn't have noticed yet the arrival of Karsos, Tarsos, two techncolor reptiles, one snakelike the other more of a bipedal lizard, a rust brown Cheetah woman with white spots, and a grey wolf one student in particular might recognise. the six of them standing by the doors three on either side. "And since i'm sure you'd like to take a look, professors Abjuras, Abjuras, Bekkail, Semora, Tolos, And Verek, are here to show the curious among you around. For those without partners, Selection will be held tonight after the evening meal. and classes will begin the day after tomorrow."
Hope had her doubts, but as soon as she heard of the Grand Library and the shrine Hope was immediately drawn to these two places as she indeed wanted to know more about the culture she was visiting. Hope had always been intrigued by history and getting a chance like this was an opportunity Hope was not going to miss. Instantly she knew, if there was indeed a tour she knew exactly what she wanted to see first. When the speaker pointed out the other professors, she indeed looked up and as she initially got up from her seat she walked towards the more snakelike of the two reptiles.

"I would like to see the Shrine and the Grand Library, or at least take a tour of the grounds. Are you the professor I should talk to?" Hope asked, double checking just to make sure.

Roarin wrote:"Shush shush shush..." Vi whispered to Dusk, her incorporeal body slowly swirling around his as she tried to listen to the other people in the room. It seemed like they somehow knew they were there, and by the time she floated over the place was deserted. "Mmh, look I dunno about you but that sounded super conspiracy-like yeah?" The etherial turned around to see if the shadow wolf was following her. "I was trying to see where this guy went that I saw at the market earlier today. He keeps blinking all of the place and... hey wait, where in the heck are we anyways???"
"It sounded totally consipiracy-like." Dusk agreed, as Dusk of course was following her.

"So you think this guy whose blinking all over the place has something to do with us being here?" Dusk asked before he of course caught sight of something a little more interesting.

Buster wrote:Elsewhere...
The room Vi and Dusk would now find themselves in has a large window in one wall, outside it one would easily be able to see the city wall separating the dockyards from the homes taking up one entire side of the view... except this part of it curves inward, the section near the market place and the school curved outward... this looks like it's near the mouth of the harbor.

Sure enough a familiar tower can be seen in the skyline. It would probably take an hour on foot from here.

The room itself has two beds and is fully furnished but despite being dustless and well kept there is not a single trace of personal effects, as if nobody actually live here.

the lights in the hall flicker to life as a portly old cat walks over to one of the numbered doors, knocking and addressing the occupant. "Miss Yumae? You asked me to make sure you were up 'afore ten." he comments, the individual inside saying something in response. after a few minutes she comes to the door and the two talk a moment before she hands him 20 and leaves, with the old cat thanking her for staying, before moving on to another door...
"Hey, hey Vira, look? See? How cool is this." He looked at the window with the amazing view of the harbor and the tower. As soon as he heard voices, however, Dusk was quick to hide under one of the two beds.

"Quick Vira, did you hear that? I think someone is coming..."
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Roarin »

"Ah... doot doot doo." Fen'rus hummed to himself, watching everything else stand up and scurry about. The wolf idly tapped his paws against his thighs, drumming them gently to an unknown beat as he continued to look around. He had to admit... being here on his own made him feel a bit lost. At least when Vi was with him he could trust at least one of them to know how to deal with a situation. Seeing the others already branching off to do their own things Fen leaned over to Tom with a grin.

"So, are you lookin' to hop on one of these tours? I dunno about libraries but I wouldn't mind taking a peek at the shrine that they umm..." He paused as his eyes locked onto a familiar looking wolf he saw at the market. The one Vi had so abruptly pointed out to him.

"...umm, sorry what was I saying?"
"Huh, sorry what were you saying?"

Vi turned around to look at Dusk.

"What... wait wait wait!" After the wolf pointed to the window Vi gently floated over, pressing her cloudy form against the glass to look outside. If Dusk happened to be looking at her, he might be surprised to see the faint reflection of a black-furred Laurae with bright yellow eyes mirroring Vi's movements in the glass as she stared out across the city.

'We're... that's... that's the tower from the school! Dusk! We're like... someone across the town! Oh flip... how are we supposed to get back to before orientation! And Feeeen! He's gonna be-" Her voice died down after Dusk's warning and she quickly funneled her body under the same bed as the shadowed wolf.

"So... I think that the teleporty guy definitely has something to do with us being here. Maybe it was David's release or energy or whatever. But I don't think he intended for anyone to tag along on his trip. Like two certain etherials just did."
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

Book Log: I, Claudius - Robert Graves
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Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Post by Buster »

The portly feline from the hall steps through the door, looking around, "coulda sworn i heard summin," he mumbles surprised at the room being empty. "Well, least he paid." he adds to himself, heading over to one of the two nightstands and collecting three coin sized crystals. a moment later, the two would hear the door shut and heavy footsteps heading down a set of stairs. as he's out of the room.
Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
No matter how tempting it may be, as a DM I can't both present a problem and solve it.
Every time a DMPC or NPC fixes something a payer couldn't i'm diminishing and undermining that player's contribution.
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