HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I can't wait to see what the other story is.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:I can't wait to see what the other story is.
It will be set within the HousepetZ Universe and the only thing I'll tease is: Wild and Crazy :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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Wild and crazy is how I roll~ 8-)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

As long as it is very interesting to read, it will be fine.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: Grimm Souls

A lone zombie shambles around an empty gas-station, moaning and groaning. What was once one of the employees of the place was now just another victim of the outbreak. Truth be told, he was one of the first ones many months ago when the attacks happened as he was minding his own business when he spotted what looked like a sickly person walking towards him. Thinking they needed help, he ran out to them to make sure everything was OK before being attacked and becoming the first victim of Z-Day...*FWISH*....*KESPLAT*...*FERFLOP*...suddenly an impact sound emanates before the zombie drops to the ground, now even lifeless and holier then before. Quite literately holy as where it's head once was, a huge hole now resides. Footsteps then emerge as the perpetrator of the act makes themselves known: It was Grape. Armed with a suppressed rifle and with a *ch-click* Grape chambers a new round into it before signaling off to her left the all clear. "Good shot" Bino replies as he emerges from the bushes nearby, a compliment that Grape takes with honor as they both make their way into the station for re-supply. Earlier that day, they were tasked with heading out into The Ruins Of Babylon Gardens for not only a supply run, but to check in on Rex and any survivors he picked up and is housing, along with letting them know if said survivors are heading to the mansion so they can prep some shelters. During the past month, they realized the mansion wouldn't be able to hold ALL the survivors they would come across and potentially rescue they needed to have something for them to live in for the time being and, thus, with help from Deadeye, they would create small shelters (Big enough for at least three) to house the survivors until they feel like leaving for one of the Safe States, which were Pennsylvania, Texas, and Florida. Rick, Marvin, and Tiger already left the mansion for Florida so it was just the original crew there again and while they made it through the past few months with out incident, last month changed everything as their one member, Peanut, revealed that he was in fact infected...with the same virus that's been turning the living into the undead. But how did he get infected was the question on everyone's mind that day so Peanut, for the first time ever and without no comedy from him, goes on to explain:

"It was the day of the Good Ole' Dog's Bake Sale and I was tasked with handing out flyers to potential customers so, I figured the best area to do so would be outside the supermarket. With the flyers in hand, I headed there and began giving them to people who were interested in checking it out. But I don't think I was there for little over an hour when I heard some screaming coming from inside. I honestly thought it was just some customer acting up so I ignored it but then more screaming started. Being the curious one I am, I turned around to see a huge group of people rushing towards the entrance, where I was, so I jumped out of the way and watched as they ran like the building was on fire. I turned around again to see if maybe I could see any smoke or flames...when I saw one person in there slowly walking towards the door. I thought that maybe it was someone elderly so I headed in and went to help him...which is when I got one good look at him and...and...*sigh* he was a zombie. I couldn't react in time and he grabbed hold of me and started to try and bite...and he did...right here on my neck...but then...I dunno this next part was a bit odd...I saw another figure. They came over and pulled the zombie off of me and killed it before looking to me and helping me up. They then took a look at my neck, put their hand on it, said something I couldn't quite make out, and next thing I knew: They were gone...but that infection was still there but it wasn't bothering me like it was when I first got it. Afterwards, I just ran home and hid there with Grape."

The crew sat there that day, listening to Peanut describe the beginning of Z-Day, along with where he was that day and how he got bit. Although the later with the figure confused them, they came to the conclusion that maybe it was a doctor who injected Peanut with something that prevented the virus from taking him over, but since Peanut couldn't describe what the person looked like or tell them if they were still alive or not, they figured the person was already dead and it wouldn't make much sense to search them out. As for Peanut, they agreed that while he hasn't shown signs of the zombification, the best bet would be to keep an eye on him in case he does change, even though Peanut admitted he felt fine. Thing is, what Peanut didn't realize was that there was a reason why the infection never changed him and it had something to do with an incident in his youth. An incident that he had barred from his memory due to the nature of it but would soon reveal the reason of its happening to him in due time. For now, he hooked his collar back onto his neck and went back upstairs to the room Daisy chose for him to continue to work on his own comics, while the rest of the crew discussed their plans for the week, one of which included a supply run to a gas station for both fuel and some sodas as they were running a bit low on the root beer.

Back in the present, Grape and Bino were making their way through the Ruins Of Babylon Gardens as they were going to check in on Rex and any new survivors he had. Time they got there, though, Bino noticed something off. Rex's house? There were no lights on, some of the windows were smashed, and all around the property were dead bodies. "Something's wrong" Bino remarks as both he and Grape readies themselves as they headed over to inspect the house. Seeing the back entrance was open, Grape headed in while Bino inspected the bodies out front to see if anyone of them were someone they recognized or worse. Thankfully, that wasn't the case as they were all just normal zombies, which gave Bino a bit of happiness. Inside, Grape checked the entire house and was surprised to see it completely devoid of any life...or for that matter anything at all: No Supplies, No furniture, nothing. It was empty. Walking back outside to Bino, Grape tells him that the house is deserted and empty, which Bino feared that some crazed survivors looted and captured Rex and they were both ready to head back when...*FWOOSH*...*CHA-CLICK*..."DROP IT!" A voice suddenly cries out along with blinding lights...but thankfully Bino recognized the voice, "Rex! Lower the shotgun, it's us!"..."Bino? Grape? Man, am I happy to see you guys!" Rex shouts as he walks over from his position, which was a heavily converted Greyhound Bus. Rex went on to explain that last week, he rescued a few more survivors, those being Yeltsin, Jessica, and The Bigglesworths, and they were doing fine but they suddenly got ambushed by a horde and Rex realized that the place wasn't safe for either him or the survivors he was housing any more. So he and Yeltsin went searching and came across said bus and after bringing back (and Yeltsin revealing he is an expert mechanic), they packed literately everything from his house into the bus, including the supplies, and were about ready to make their way to Florida when Bino and Grape showed up and, well, there they are! Although Grape tells Rex that he and his band are welcome at their mansion, Rex politely declines and tells them they have enough survivors and he's personally done with the zombie invasion. With that, they said their good-byes (along with Rex placing a call to the mansion to say good-bye to them as well) and Rex and his band left on their Greyhound Bus, called 'The Midnight Maniac', for Florida and away from the zombie plague, while Grape and Bino made their way back to their own vehicle and headed home to the mansion. Even though they were sad they were losing a friend and a safe house in the Dead Zone, they were happy that at least thirteen survivors made it out of there alive and are heading for a safer area.

Bino: "Thirteen?"
Narrator: Yeah: Rex, Yeltsin, Jessica, and The Bigglesworths
Bino: "How many Bigglesworths are there?"
Narrator: I think ten when I last count
Bino: "You sure? I counted eleven"
Narrator: Eleven? No I'm pretty sure it's ten
Bino: "Whatever, I'm just happy you didn't choose to kill them off"
Narrator: Never my intention
Bino: "Still, good on you. By the by, I have to say I am loving your sound-effects. Very Don Martin!"
Narrator: One of my favorite comic creators
Bino: "I can tell, seeing you own the complete collection of his works"
Narrator: *laughs*
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Enjoyed how this one came out! Keep it up!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Enjoyed how this one came out! Keep it up!
Thanks! By the by, is the Narrator Interaction Dialogue easier to read and understand now compared to how it previously was?
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Yay, it's here! Awesome job :D I do think that dialogue is easier to follow
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I do also think that the narrator dialogue is now also easier to read.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: Grimm Souls
Chapter II: Another Fine Day In The Land Of The Dead

It was around 11pm, two hours after Grape and Bino got back from their scavenging, and the crew were either asleep or, in Deadeye's case, on guard duty in case of an attack. But up the stairs in one of the spare bedrooms, a light shined behind a closed door. Inside was Peanut, who was working on the newest issue of his Spot series, his one means of escape from the undead world. In the latest issue, Spot was on a mission to stop the evil Doctor WereChihuahua who threaten the world's supply of KFC...honestly, it wasn't one of his better story-lines but he had a reason for it being lackluster: He still felt bad about not telling anyone he's infected. Truthfully, even if he did tell them earlier, they still probably would've kept him as the virus wasn't affecting him, other then being something people directed their eyes to if they saw it, but he still was upset over this. At the same time, he couldn't ignore the those words that came back to him during the start of Z-Day and why they seemed important to him for some reason. For that matter, the person who told him this...something about him just seemed familiar to him, like he seen him before...*stlip*...placing his pencil on the desk, Peanut shakes his head and decides to head to the kitchen for a late night snack. Exiting his room, he begins to head to the kitchen before his ears perk up at a strange sound...♫♫♫♫♫ was music and it was coming from the back porch. Looking out, he spies Keys out there, softly strumming a guitar and looking out at the night filled land. Knocking on the door, Peanut walks out and tells him that the song in question was really good, something that made Keys smile warmly.
"Thanks" he answers, "It's just something I made a few days and Dynamo..."
"Dynamo?" Peanut interupts as he sits down on a nearby chair
"My guitar. I call her Dynamo and...she's special. See, any guitarist can pick up this guitar and play her to create music like so...*strums guitar once*...but you play the right notes in the right way and with a special touch....♫♫♫♫♫...Dynamo hums beautifully" Keys sighs as he plays a few more chords of the song he was playing earlier as Peanut sits in awe and listens, his fears and thoughts melting away like snow on a warm summery day, being replaced with days of past, from his Imaginite plays to meeting Tarot to his win in the Babylon Garden's Pokemon Tournament. Then, like a kiss from a breeze, the song slowed to a stop and Peanut sat there in bliss. Looking to Keys, he thanked him for playing that song as it was some of the best happiness he ever had in a long while and heads back in to finish his comic, dropping the idea of a late night snack. Keys smiles as he watches Peanut, now with his happiness back, head back in before returning to his guitar and begins to play 'Good Ole Boys'.

Following breakfast the next day, both Kevin and Bino were working on weapon maintenance in the Weapon Room, with Bino cleaning some of the shotguns and Kevin on inventory duty (as in making sure nothing is missing), when Itsuki walked in and requested a few weapons. When asked, Itsuki explained that he and Roosevelt were going to do a run to a nearby fast-food joint and needed just a few weapons, namely two rifles, two handguns, and two suppressors, and just enough ammo for a two-hour run. Kevin nodded and handed him the gear and Itsuki thanked him and headed out to the car where Roosevelt was waiting and they drove off to the destination. Bino, cleaning a double barrel, looks over to Kevin and asks "You notice Peanut seems a bit happier now?" to which Kevin nods and replies that he wonders if their intervention that day did anything to cause that, something that Bino shrugs and replies with "Possibly. Then again, this IS Peanut we're talking about so he could've probably just had a good idea for his Spot comics!", a theory that made them both chuckle a bit. Snapping the gun shut after reassembling it while keeping it unloaded, Bino suddenly decides to be a bit of a goof and, after getting Kevin's attention, goes "Hey, check it out! I'm Doomguy!" and begins acting like he's said character from DOOM and hums the theme to E1M1 while making the little sound effects to go with which Terrance enters the room and sees Bino acting like a doofus. "Hey, DoomGuy!" he said which makes Bino, who was now sporting a red face, turn around and quips "....yes?". Terrance just laughs and replies "The Super Shotgun was in DOOM 2...and I'm just curious to see if you guys needed any help" which Bino shakes his head, still embarrassed, and tells him they're find and they're almost done anyway, to which Terrance, still chuckling, nods and leaves the room. Behind Bino, however, Kevin was on the floor laughing the whole time as Bino places the shotgun back on the rack, with a face that was still redder then the shells for the gun, before grabbing an small empty ammo box and chucking it at Kevin, who just continues to laugh as that was the funniest thing he saw all day.

*Kebam*...*click-shlick-click*....*Kebam*....*click-shlick-click*...On the roof of the High School, K9 Squad Member, and their sniper, Fox Lindberg fires off two round from his rifle at two wandering zombies, dropping them like flies. Staring out at the devastation, Fox begins to wonder if they'll ever find a cure or, for that matter, the reason behind this epidemic as it's been months since it started and, from what they know, there is no cure at all. For that matter, why are some areas infested with zombies while places like Florida, Texas, and Pennsylvania aren't and are living normal lives, though he doesn't think long about that as at he knew that King and his family were safe form the onslaught. Sipping his coffee, Fox goes back to Sniper Patrol and watches for any undead freaks when Ralph arrives via the entrance they made to roof. After a quick salute, Ralph asks hows the situation is going and Fox replies that it's been the same for days now with no end in sight. Ralph nods before telling him that he chatted with Gery, the multi-tailed survivor, an hour ago and all he told him was that he was born with that many tails and it's no big deal. Fox replies to see if Ralph is satisfied and Ralph, while still doubting Gery, nods but said that he'll be keeping a close eye on Gery as he still has his doubts about him. He then adds that he'll send someone up to relive him in a bit before he turns around and heads back into the School, with Fox returning his attention to sniper duty and taking out another zombie.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Aw, that scene with Peanut and Keys is precious <3
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I agree with that. I think it really came out nice!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Narrator: *grunts*
Bino: "Come on now, you should've known not everyone would've got that reference"
Narrator: Man I worked HARD on trying to figure out how to make that pun work!
Bino: "Remember, not everyone is as into classic music like you"
Narrator: Hmmph
Bino: "At least the scene between Peanut and Keys was received well"
Narrator: Yeah...that was nice...but MAN I work hard on that reference and it flies by people.
Bino: "Your other references went over their heads, too. Like I'm pretty sure not everyone knows the metal bands you are familiar with..."
Narrator: I get that but I was hoping...gah!
Bino: "OK...why don't you let me do this chapter and you go play what ever game you have installed?"
Narrator: Right...just use the rough draft I have there and have fun...gonna play some Borderlands...
Bino: "And take a few deep breaths, man! We don't need you all Hulking out!"
Narrator: Yeah...
Bino: "Right...let's get to work. Looking at the notes here and OH! Ah this is going to be fun! But what I think I'll do is, unlike when Tarot took over, I'll keep the font colors the same"

HousepetZ: Grimm Souls

After a few hours, Itsuki and Roosevelt came back from their hunt with the supplies they acquired and were busy putting them away with help from Kevin as they were telling him about the current situation in Babylon Gardens (Spoilers: It's still pretty bad). In the living room, Lana was in there flipping through the channels and trying to find anything worth wild to watch when Jata popped in with some food, saying that he thought she was a bit hungry so he made a snack for her, which Lana accepted with a smile and invited him to join her in the meal. Sitting down on the couch next to her, they both started to munch on the snacks while Lana continued to browse the channels, looking for anything to watch (Bino's Note: For a zombie apocalypse, there sure are a lot of stations still up and running like normal) like a classic show, movie, or even a cartoon about brightly colored horses in a magical land. As she was flipping the stations, both her and Jata started to talk about what happened at the Mall and Lana went on to thank him again for cheering her up, to which Jata smiles and said that she's welcome and adds that while it's good to be mindful of how she looks at times, she shouldn't really dress just to impress everyone cause it is impossible to please everyone. Lana chuckles and agrees, though she brings up that her brother Pit would disagree heavily and, after describing one of his outfits, Jata and Lana break out in laughter (Seriously, imagine a ferret dressed in Elton John clothing). Suddenly, their eyes intercept each other and the laughter slowly subsides as they look at each other not with happiness or sadness, but surprisingly as two long lost lovers. Climbing up the couch to face Jata, Lana places her paw on his cheek with Jata doing the same before their lips connect with a passionate kiss. A kiss that one would think came from Aphrodite herself with how it felt between the two. In that moment, there were no zombies, no destruction, no survival, nothing...just two people and the kiss they shared. As they finished the kiss, Lana, still feeling the effects, chuckle and quips that while it was admittedly a bit random, it felt amazing, a sentiment that Jata shared as he never felt quite like that before either. Jumping back onto the couch, Lana continues to flip through the channels as they both continue to snack, though Lana does move in closer to Jata and nuzzles against him as he places his hand on her for comfort (Bino's Note: Guess Jata/Daisy ain't a thing)...until Lana reaches the sports channel and an ad came on, featuring someone she immediately recognized...


...the ad ends and both Lana and Jata just stare in silence for a few moments before Jata turns to Lana and simply asks if that was Pit....Lana, still bug eyed and in shock, nods. She knew that Pit was a bit 'different' but she never imagined that he would do this! Heck, even the outfit was a bit more outlandish for him, looking like Lord Humongous from The Road Warrior mixed with Jareth from Labyrinth, something she wishes she could bleach from her mind. Still, she was happy that PIt was alive and well(ish) so that was some comfort for her. Looking up at Jata with a face that screamed "He's-Never-That-Crazy", both her and Jata hopped onto her computer and went to the Pit's Slaughter Dome site, which was every bit as loud and bombastic as the owner himself (Bino's Note: I wonder if the Narrator based PIt's idea off of the game Borderlands, specifically Torgue from Borderlands 2) with explosion gifs, pictures of ladies, and the master himself, Pit, along with videos of contestants who all looked like they belonged on the WWE version of American Gladiators. As they viewed the footage, they realized something odd: The zombies? They were missing teeth along with their hands and were wearing explosive collars (as one of the undead's head went boom as they were watching), so checking the FAQ section, they saw this posting:

Why do the zombies not have teeth or anyway to fight back?--We maybe INSANE but we aren't stupid. Any attack from a zombie that can penetrate the skin will infect the person so we went and de-teethed the undead along with removing their hands. But to be on the safest side, we put special collars on them that in case they do decide to do anything zombie-like, their collars go off and BOOM!

Jata, after reading that, was impressed as that is actually pretty smart, something that Lana agreed with as they continued to read the site when an email notification popped up...from Lana's contact. Spying it, Jata asks about it and Lana, who quickly made sure no one else was looking, asks Jata to keep a secret, which he agrees to, and shows him the email...but it wasn't from her contact, so to speak. The email message only included a video that Lana opened but was quickly horrified by what she saw. The video showed her contact, Jeeves, wearing an orange jumpsuit and being pushed into a huge chamber with various body-parts strewn about and a large cage in front of him. Said cage opens up and a loud roar is heard...before a creature that one can only describe as coming from the combined minds of H.P Lovecraft and Clive Barker emerges and makes quick and messy work of Jeeves...leaving nothing but a mangled corpse behind. Jeeves was dead. The video footage then ended with text: "This is what we do to those who betray Osiris. We don't know who you are but when we do find out: You Will Be Next". Lana quickly closes the laptop in a cold sweat and holds onto Jata as tears begin to form...her only friend from the Milton family was dead...Jata embraces her and quietly tries to calm her down and asks her if that is what she wanted to show him. Summoning the courage, Lana, still crest fallen over Jeeves, explains to him that Jeeves was the Miltons butler and he only friend and that when she was kicked out, she emailed him and asked him to keep an eye on them for her and send her anything that they do that seemed out of the ordinary, which included a picture of a folder they had entitled Project: Ragnarok. When asked why she kept it a secret, she admitted that she wasn't sure how the rest of the crew would take it and that even she wasn't sure if they caused the outbreak. Heck, while the video did show Jeeves being killed, it wasn't from Keene or any of her brothers but from someone named Osiris so she still had her doubts. Still embracing her, Jata picks her up in his arms and tells her that he believes and trusts her and will help her get to the bottom of this, a statement that did bring a smile to her but only a little as she was still grieving over her butler's death. She thanked him before they both lean in close and embrace each other as Lana softly wept.

Upstairs in Peanut's room, Peanut was on the bed playing his 3DS, feeling much better then the previous night as it seemed all he needed was good music in his soul, when he started to feel a bit dizzy. Thinking it was from the 3DS, he closed it and placed it on the table next to him and walked over to the mirror to see if anything was off...and to see if the infection did finally get worse. But when he got to the mirror, he yelped in surprise as his eyes were now blue. Not just a was the entire eye! Quickly closing his eyes and reopening them, they were back to normal and all he could do was just stand there, clutching his heart and panting. What in the world just happened? Did he just imagine it? Was the infection actually affecting him? Should he have read the 3DS' Warnings more closely? He had a few more thoughts when he face the mirror again to see if he was dreaming and saw...something that wasn't him but that was something weird too. When Peanut lifted a hand, it lifted a hand. When he opened his mouth, it too opened its mouth. When he did the expected, it also did the YMCA. In his mind, Peanut was trying to figure out who or what this was when it suddenly spoke: "You remember where to find me. I'll be waiting" He immediately recognized the voice as it was the same one from his past but before he could ask anything, the reflection was gone and all he was looking at was his handsome self again, but his attention quickly turned to the words he heard when he was little and now they were clearer to him: "When the graves are shattered and the underworld is king, come find me where the one who took flight rested". It wasn't a cryptic poem or ramblings from a was directions! Peanut was all ecstatic that he finally figured out what that person meant when he was little! There was only two slight problems: Where was that location anyway and how would he get there?

Bino: "Feeling better?"
Narrator: Yeah, playing Borderlands did help
Bino: "Admit it, it was silly getting mad that no one got your reference to that song last chapter."
Narrator: Yeah it was...more I think of it, more I think not a lot of people are familiar with Frank Zappa's songs.
Bino: "Well, you shouldn't have let it got to you like that."
Narrator: Yeah. Well, thanks for doing this chapter for me...I noticed you expanded the Jata/Lana scene.
Bino: "You left out a few bits of info so I filled it in, along with why she didn't tell anyone what she was doing"
Narrator: Smart
Bino: "One question: Is Pit going to make any more appearances or was it just a one-off thing?"
Narrator: There is a chapter later but I wanted to introduce him first
Bino: "OK. Well, next chapter's all yours. I'm going to hop back on your Xbox and actually watch some Netflix. Think I'll check out BoJack Horseman..."
Narrator: Bring tissues.
Bino: "Why?"
Narrator: Trust me, after Season 1, it gets heavy to the point where I was depressed after one episode in particular.
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Reference? I never get any references, I'm too uncultured. :p
There's a lot here I didn't expect! The mystery is building quickly, too. Great job :D
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This chapter came out just as nice as the others! Awesome job!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Bandit1990 »

SeanWolf wrote:(Bino's Note: For a zombie apocalypse, there sure are a lot of stations still up and running like normal)
Hey, someone acknowledges it. I realized a while back that this story is running on Zombieland rules, where the infrastructure just magically keeps going after societal collapse. (In reality, without constant monitoring and maintenance, the US power grid would nearly completely collapse in less than 24 hrs, municipal water systems following over the next few days as the backup generators run out of fuel)

Still the story's fun to follow along.

Check out Lightning Dogs on the Nerdyshow Podcast Network

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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

If a fictional zombie apocalypse followed the rules of what would happen in real life after society collapses, it would be one short story.

Never watched it but I'm pretty sure "The Walking Dead" doesn't even go with what happens if the world was overrun with walkerszombies.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Bino: "Oh, you got a new game?"
Narrator: Yeah. I do reviews so I was sent it for review
Bino: "Ah, so I can't play it until you're done with it?"
Narrator: Yep
Bino: "Darn. You mind if I play Metro 2033?"
Narrator: Oh sure, go ahead
Bino: "Thanks...By the way, Tarot texted"
Narrator: And?
Bino: "She said she knows what you have planned for both this and the next arc but won't tell Sabrina?...What's that supposed to mean?"
Narrator: You'll see...

HousepetZ: Grimm Souls
Chapter IV: Shadows Of The Reaper

*FWAP!*...*KISPLAT!*....An arrow pierces a zombie's head and pins it to a nearby tree, followed by a hand that grabs the arrow, dropping the zombie to the ground, and sheathes it back in it's quiver. The figure from the forest looks about the area they are in, which was outside a small convenience store called 'RoadDog's Simplicity', before heading into the store as they needed to look for any supplies of any kind. Entering the store, they drew another arrow and readied themselves for whatever they would encounter as they made their way to the bakery section, grabbing a max of three loaves for themselves and placing them in a bag they acquired...*clatter*...Suddenly, they dive behind the counter as a nearby noise startles them. Steadying their grip and slowing their breath, they peak around the corner to see if they had somehow disturbed a sleeping zombie. Thankfully, what they saw brought a sigh of relief to them...
"Grape...seriously? Watch your bag. You just knocked a can over..."
"Sorry, Zach, but can you blame me? Darn bag is pretty big"
It was Zach and Grape! The figure smiles and comes out from behind the corner to reveal themselves, which probably wasn't the smartest idea they had as Grape, whom the figure spooked, quickly fires off a round from her suppressed pistol, which thankfully only hits the figure's hood and not their head...although the bullet did end up hitting an alarm which made a loud *CLANG* sound followed by a ricochet and, wouldn't you know? That sound alerted the zombies that were in the store in the back room, along with a few outside as the one window to said store was broken. "Whoops" Grape meekly said as all three readies themselves for a quick fight, with both Grape and Zach ammo checking themselves and the figure readying their bow and arrows as, like shoppers on Black Friday, the undead starting waltzing in! Zach and Grape dealt with the ones coming from the front as the figure dealt with the ones in the back, although those were a bit more higher in numbers as, unbeknownst to them, someone left the backdoor of the shop open so...take a guess. Suddenly, one of the back room zombies grabs hold of the figures cloak and starts trying to pull them down for their meal. Grape, hearing the figure yelp from the grab, grabs her knife and quickly takes out the zombie with one swipe to the head, which knocks not only the zombie down, but the figures cloak as well (whoops!), and what stood there was one tall, muscular, and mad as a rabid dog figure sporting three heads. This figure's name? Cerberus and, yeah, she was madder then the Hulk. The left head then turned to face both Grape and Zach, who both stood there in shock at what they saw, and shouted to get back to their safe house and that they'll handle it. While Grape was still trying to to process what she saw, Zach (who was no stranger to this stuff) nodded and grabbed Grape and their gear and bolted to their vehicle (A small armored car called 'Igniter') and pushed the pedal to the metal and drove off. All the while, Zach looked to Grape and asked her if she was OK, which Grape, still in a bit of shock, nods as she turns to look out the back window at the store and watches zombie after zombie fly out and hit the pavement, along with other parts and, for some reason, the kitchen sink. About ten minutes later, all that was standing was a very mad Cerberus, along with parts of the store that survived the carnage (Narrator's Note: I have to say, that would make for one awesome game!) and one zombie, that quickly became zero as Cerberus curb stomped it with a satisfying smoosh. Panting and calming down, Cerberus reaches down and grabs her bow, quiver, and cloak, along with the bag of supplies she placed behind a counter before the carnage and leaves the store, all three heads discussing what their plan should be now since both Grape and Zach saw them, though they didn't have long before...

"Got caught, huh?" a voice said as Cerberus's left head looks about before spotting the originator and it was the cloaked being, who was just sitting on the hood of a nearby wrecked car, they chatted to earlier that month. "Wasn't intentional" the left head answers as they check their recently acquired supplies, "One of those things got lucky and pulled my cloak off" which was followed by the center one thanking him for the cloak as "It made us look normal among everyone here", a thanks that the figure replies that it was his pleasure before asking what their plan is now since "two mortals now know about you". Cerberus replies that it was only those two that saw her and she does have a good feeling that no one, other then Peanut, will probably believe them if they told anyone, to which the figure chuckles and adds that he did visit Peanut earlier via his reflection, something that Cerberus warns will garner the attention of Kitsune, something that the figure knew but wasn't letting bother him. "Quite frankly" the figure quips "He's nothing compared to me...besides: If it wasn't for him, the duo, and that game, none of this would've occurred." A statement that Cerberus, sadly, agreed with before placing the cloak back on her, bidding her goodbye to the figure, and leaving the figure for her home while the figure leaps off the car and adjusts their hood while thinking that "Guess it's time" then vanishing into thin air, leaving nothing behind other then a burning smell.

Peanut was working on the coloring for his newest Spot comic, just minding his own business and not having a care in the world when he heard some sort of dinging sound that sounded somewhat similar to the Skype sound effect. Looking around, he thought he was either imagining it or it was coming from someone's phone, so he chose to ignore it and went back to coloring when he heard it again. Once again, he looked about and, again, shrugged it off and went back to his comic...then it sounded again, but this time it was a different sound. Realizing that it was his 3DS going off and thinking the batteries were dying, he walked over to it and opened it up to check but noticed something odd that he first thought was a glitch but after a few seconds he realized it wasn't as on the screen, the following words showed up: MEET ME WHERE THE WINGED ONE FIRST TOOK FLIGHT...TELL NO ONE...DON'T BRING ANYTHING AT ALL...CYA!
Realizing what the message meant, he at first was going to grab at least something to defend him with, but something deep within him told him it was safe and so, locking his door from the inside (But placing a note on the outside part that read PEANUT'S ALONE TIME: DO NOT BOTHER), he climbed out the window and, after making sure no one saw him, climbed the nearby wall and began his journey to the place he was instructed to go. After an hour or so of traveling, he arrived at his destination and immediately recognized it as the temple that Pete The Gryphon was freed from. Seeing the entrance was open, Peanut mustered up a good bit of courage and walked in as the door closed behind him and began to explore the surprisingly lit temple. After a few minutes, he shouts that he has arrived and whoever is here "Make yourself known to me!...Please?" a request that was answered by silence before being broken by a voice...a voice from Peanut's past. "'s about time you showed up...I was beginning to worry." Peanut quickly jumps and looks around to find the source of the voice before spotting it: A cloaked figure, leaning against the wall...holding a can of Birch Beer. "I tried to get a hold of you via that rooms computer but you didn't answer so I resorted to using your 3DS! Surprised that worked!" the figure responds while straightening itself and walking towards Peanut, who was visibly a bit frightened. But standing firm and strong, Peanut asks who the figure is and what they want from him and why they required him. The figure, realizing they does look like a member of Organization XIII right now and a look like that in a zombie world isn't smart, hands Peanut their drink and tells him to hold on to it while removing their cloak to show ...a tall, leather Indian jacket wearing, cowboy boots sporting, jackal who went on to reveal their name: "I am Anubis: One of the first Celestials"

Inside the mansion that was now renamed Osiris Inc., Osiris was walking through the newly built labs with one of the lab technicians discussing the current outbreak along with his plans for the city of Ragnarok and his ideas for the Chimera project. As they walked, they stopped by the one window overlooking the area where the Chimera was being held and they stood there and watched it as it was injected with a white fluid. The lab tech that was chatting with Osiris then turns to him and said that he's been meaning to ask where he found him as he wasn't here until Osiris assigned him to Chimera and, with a smile, turns to him and explains:
"A couple days after we unleashed the virus, I saw these two pups on the property hiding in the shed. They told me that their owner told them to stay in the cave where they lived but when they didn't come back, they left to find someone they knew which is when they ended up there as a group of our experiments chased them here. But, I could tell not all was as it seemed with them and after asking where they came from again, the one was going to speak before the other interrupts him and tells him to shut up. But, thanks to the gift, I knew who they were so I invited them into the house and brought them down here to the lab to help them, if you catch my drift. After we separated them and placed them in separate rooms, we hooked the female of the two to a machine and fed the same fluid you see there into her and what it did to her shocked us. I thought 'I have found an ultimate weapon...but it was all for naught as...well turns out she had a adverse reaction to the mana and, to spare you the details, died there. The other was able to accept the fluid and had no I informed him that his sister, I think, was dead and, of course, he was mad but after calming him down, I asked him what is one thing he regrets never being able to do and he told me...he told me he still felt that mortals do not deserve happy endings and that he should've won the game he played. So I made him a deal: I can make him more powerful then anyone anywhere and that he can have his own happy ending that he deserved, to which he agreed and that is what you see now." Osiris then looks out the window to the creature and adds "I have to say, I was worried when he first became Chimera but I think it suits him now..." before pressing the microphone button on a stand in front of him and saying "You enjoying your new life, Pete?" to which the Chimera, which was Pete, just looks up towards the window and offers a smile that could strike fear in the hearts of the weak, for he was enjoying this new life of his.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Looks great! I can't wait to read the next chapters!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Looks great! I can't wait to read the next chapters!
Trust me: We are getting warmed up :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I will keep that in mind and wait for you to finish what's coming up next then!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: Grimm Souls
Chapter V: A Celestial Has Re-Entered The Game

"First...Celestial?" Peanut asks thoroughly confused as the only Celestials he knew of were Kitsune, Pete, and Spirit Dragon so this Anubis calling himself the First Celestial puzzled him to no end, though not as bad as one may think. Seeing the young pups confusion and that he did kind of rushed him into this whole scenario, Anubis began to explain himself:
"So, eons ago, I was one of the first Celestials and we had a simple game we, meaning me and the others, would like to play call Life Of The Avatar, in which we journey here and have someone, with their permission, to be our...well...Avatar. Once they become our Avatar, our job was to keep an eye on them and make sure they stayed healthy, strong, and safe and helping to make sure they lived a good life...sort of like the game you mortals like to play call The Sims, except we can't interact with the environment, just the avatar themselves. Everyone loved playing it, even Bahamut got in on a few sessions though the first time didn't go so well as the guy he chose went on to create that conspiracy site called 'ApeMan: Is He Real?'. Anyway, this lasted for a good long time until one of the Celestials wanted us play a new game he created. Game called Universes & Unrealites, which he said he based it off of the mortals Dungeon's & Dragons games. While most of the folks continued playing Life Of The Avatar, I decided to check it out was good! It was very similar to Life Of The Avatar but with some minor changes, the biggest of which was combat which was the big turn off for many but I was cool with it. Heck, the Avatar's were never killed or anything so combat was there just to spruce it up...or so I thought. See, I was the best player of U&U (I was good at LOTA too but I retired from that after I was getting real good at U&U) and I could tell Kitsy...."
"Kitsy? Who's that?" Peanut asked with a head tilt.
"It's what we called Great Kitsune, who was the creator of the U&U game. Anyway, I could tell he wasn't too thrilled at my style of playing and that I tended to avoid combat whenever I could. He tried to make combat more required in the later editions, namily 2nd, 3rd, and 4th but I still found ways to avoid it. Even when he made the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 9th editions, I found aways to avoid combat...but that all went out the window when 10th arrived."
"What happened to the 8th one?"
"Well that was just a variations of the 7th Edition with minor changes. Basically it was a patch. But 10th? 10th...was were everything changed. I was invited to his room for a session and he told me two other players were joining in. Thinking nothing of it, I went and I saw him and the two players he had: A gryphon named Pete and a dragon named Spirit, both of whom I know you came across. Now I had run ins with Spirit and she was OK, bit of a crybaby but still fine...Pete? Ever since I met him, I knew he was nothing but trouble. His ego got in his way and he seemed more interested in pleasing himself and nothing else. That should've been my cue to leave but, I was still a bit young so I sat down and we began...which is when he introduced the rules. The 10th Edition, unlike the previous nine, required us to get people to worship us and have an avatar act on our behalf, which would share our powers via mana pools we would have in temples. This also meant more combat, something I was against but I figured I could still play the way I wanted to via avoiding combat and going with someone pure of heart and, as for the worship part, I could do a simple T-shirt thing as I was never too big on temples...what, I wasn't that thrilled about that part. So once the rules were read, me, Pete, and Dragon searched for an Avatar and while those two got theirs quickly, I was still looking for a good one when I came across a young woman named Veronica. Not wanting to scare her, I started to make small talk with her in a coffee shop she frequent, I was in disguise as a mortal named Archie..."
"Hey, I was I thought it'd be funny. Anyway, quit after a while, I revealed my true-self to her and, after describing the game, asked her if she would like to be my Avatar...she declined but after I told her I would do everything in my power to help her avoid any conflict with the other two, she then agreed and signed my contract (which she read first and saw I was telling the truth). With our Avatar's chosen and our temples placed, the game began...and then it happened. About a year into the game, Pete decided to challenge my Avatar to a battle because he felt that I wasn't playing by the rules properly (I had a small group of followers but they mainly just used me as marketing and such, but I still had a good bit in my mana pool as I still needed a temple so I placed a small one underground, out of reach) and, even after telling him that I was playing by the rules, Pete still was wanting to battle my guy and Kitsune agreed and told us to prep our Avatars for a battle in any location that Pete chose, which in this case was the Outback...for some reason that escapes me. I went down to Earth and told Veronica that she will be in battle and that there was no way I could've avoided it...she was upset but trusted me so she said she'll do the Veronica, as stated in the rulebook, became Winged Valkyrie, one BEAUTIFUL warrior! She was then whisked to the outback to battle Pete's and the battle was going smoothly! In fact, she was actually winning! But little did I know Pete, the ego-maniac he was, had a ace up his sleeve and, to make a long story short...Veronica....died. Naturally, I flipped out on Pete and...agaisnt better judgement, knocked the ever loving feathers off of him with one good punch and screamed that what he done was not in the rules! Kitsune? He told me...that tricky fox...he told me it was part of the rules and he already told him that he was going to do fact he was in on it as they did not like how I played the game. But I didn't care....I made a promise to Veronica that I would keep her safe as my Avatar and that nothing would happen but they? They modified it to what was played a couple years back here on your plane of living. You remember, when King went to Australia with your friend Tarot?"
"Oh yeah!...oh..."
"Yeah...and it was going to have the same consequence too. Listen to me: Pete had no intention of giving King back his life as a dog nor was he going to give back Bailey. She was going to fight for him until either she died naturally or was killed in combat, which did happen to many of his past Avatars. He wants nothing more then to win and he'll stop at nothing to do so. But color me surprise when King did what he did and got the game to end with Kitsy being OK with it....when I heard that, though, and saw that he, along with his wife and kids, were down in Florida, I went down there personally, showed myself and explained myself to them and told them this: Neither Kitsune, Pete, or Dragon will interfere in their lives ever again as I would be their sworn protector and that, no matter what happens, I wouldn't let anything happen to them."

Peanut stood there listening to Anubis tell his tale, fully engrossed in his history. But after Anubis brought up, quite suddenly, about King and Bailey, he chimed in and asked what happened after the game he was a part of, to which Anubis explained:
"Well...because of my outburst and not because I lost, but that was some of the reason...I got kicked out of the game and was informed by him that I was never allowed back into either that game or LOTA nor was I allowed to interact OR be back up there with them in any way, shape, or form. In other words...he banished me..."
"That's not how they play it..." Peanut then chirps after hearing that.
"What's that, Peanut?" Anubis asks as Peanut explains to him that when Tarot was telling him about the game, she said that the winner would lead the group while the loser would be a mortal for a lifetime...which made Anubis furious to the point where his punch destroyed a nearby wall..."THAT LYIN', CHEATIN', NINE-TAILED FOX! HE TRICKED ME! I KNEW HE NEVER LIKED ME FROM THE BEGINING CAUSE OF HOW I PLAYED AND THIS JUST PROVES IT! GRAAHHH!" he yells in anger, shaking the cave they were in, before calming down and looking to Peanut and saying "Peanut...I need you to come with me and trust me...I'm going to need your help..."

Back in Daisy's Mansion, the crew, sans Peanut, were gathered in the living room, discussing where they should scavenge next, along with where they should look for any survivors when, quite suddenly, Max's phone went off, alerting him to a text. The text read 'MEET ME AT THE SQUARE OF BABYLON GARDENS. I NEED HELP' and the text was from...Dallas? After Max showed the crew the text, they were also skeptical as they thought Dallas was with the K9's at their Safe House, but did decide to at least check it out. So Max, along with Bino, Grape, Terrance, and Itsuki, loaded up on weapons and gear, hopped in the Igniter and drove to the square to look for Dallas. When they arrived, though, they didn't see anything at zombies, no survivors, no bodies, no nothing. Searching around, Grape soon came across one lone standing body at the fountain. Signaling the others, they slowly walked towards it, asking if it is Dallas...nothing...they asked again...nothing...Grape then approached the figure and placed her paw on it and was shocked to see it was....a manniquen. A manniquen with a note taped to it: WE FOUND HIS PHONE IN HIS HOUSE. PREPARE TO DIE. Grape turned to face the others with the note and they all tried to figure out what it meant...before Itsuki shouted and they all looked in the directions he was pointing, something that they wished they hadn't. For what was flying in could only be described as nightmare fuel. Taller then the buildings there with a wingspan the length of the road, razor sharp claws that could cut through steel, and a roar like Godzilla, the creature landed with a heavy thud in front of them..."Pete?" Grape thought to herself as she looks at the creature, but any thought of it being friendly went out the window as the creature roared again and swiped it's claw at them, the crew scattering to avoid it. Pete The Chimera had arrived, via drop off from Osiris, and it had one goal: Kill The Survivors. Over at Osiris's mansion, Osiris was watching the carnage about to unfold via one of the drones he had sent over and, with a chuckle and a smirk, said "Let the game begin."

Bino: O.O
Narrator: Is that O.O face to Pete or the Anubis backstory?
Bino: "Both...I mean, wow. You are really amping up the suspense and action here."
Narrator: Yes I am.
Bino: "But let me see if I got this right: Based on what Anubis is saying, Kitsune is the true bad guy here?"
Narrator: No no no. Anubis was explaining why he was the First Celestial and how he ended up on Earth or Dimension Prime. This whole zombie thing had nothing to do with a way...
Bino: "What do you mean?"
Narrator: Remember when you asked where this would take place and I said an alternate Temple Crashers 2?
Bino: "Yeah...OOooooooh"
Narrator: Now do you understand?
Bino: "I do now"
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Wonderful job on this! You are a really great writer!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

(Didn't want to make you guys wait for the fight so have a special treat :) )

HousepetZ: Grimm Souls
Chapter VI: Dark Souls Of The Blood Born

"HEADS UP!" Terrance shouts as one of Pete's massive claws come crashing down, with both Terrance and Max diving out of the way as Bino, Grape, and Itsuki try in vein to shoot at it, but watch as their rounds behave more like a fly attacking a giant AC-130. In other words: Squat! "Fuh....fuh...foolish mortals" Pete the Chimera spoke as it attacked, "I deserve the hap...hap...happy ending, not...not mortals...." Even after hearing that, the crew there knew this wasn't going to be easy but they had no choice as if they did choose to high tail it out of there, Pete would follow them where ever they went, eventually ending up at Daisy's Mansion and who knows what would've happened then. Suddenly, a scream is heard as the crew looks up to see Pete holding Grape in it's beak, by her collar. "GET ME DOWN!" she screams, trying in vain to cut her collar off but Pete shakes her so her knife falls to the ground and began to thrash her about and is about ready to turn her into Chow Mein when Itsuki grabs Grape's fallen rifle and fires a Grape. But he wasn't aiming for her exactly as the round manages to strike the collar and tears it from Grape's neck...though it occurred when Pete was thrashing again which caused her to be tossed into a nearby car and had the wind knocked out of her badly. "UGH!" she shouts as she connects with the car, hitting the pavement pretty hard, as Itsuki and Terrance run over to check on her to make sure she's OK while Bino and Max continued to distract Pete with their weapons. While they were thankful Pete was slow in terms of movement, they still played careful as they knew one false move and they were deader then the zombies. Bino continued to lay the pressure down on Pete with round after round from his assault rifle while Max fired off with the shotgun and ran from cover to cover, trying to make sure Pete focused on him and not the others, which while a sound plan, he knew that once he ran out of shells, he was a sitting duck. Terrance then rejoined the battle, holding a revolver as he gave Grape his rifle, and took a shot at Pete...which is when a shock happened. *GRRRROOOOOOAAAARRRR* Pete roared in pain as four rounds from Terrance's revolver managed to actually penetrate Pete's body, causing not only pain, but a white fluid to start seeping out. Pete looks at the wounds before turning his fiery eyes at Terrance and swiping at him, his claws connecting with him and severely wounding him..."ARRRRRGHHHH!" he screamed, clutching his arm, which was now bleeding badly, as he hit the pavement. Itsuki and Grape, still a bit woozy from the impact, ran over to him and Itsuki began to try to minimize the bleeding while Max came rushing over as well to help as he was out of ammo completely. Bino, meanwhile, continued to fight before he too ran out. Pete, who was focused on Bino, turned his head towards the three treating Terrance, as he smelled the blood, and with a smile and a hungry, began making his way to them for his meal. Terrance, in the midst of his pain, saw Pete and took a look at his revovler before telling Max to take the gun and give it to Bino and to tell him to make it count. Max nods and rushed like mad to Bino with the gun and handed him to him with the instructions before getting Pete's attention and ran the opposite away from everyone. After checking the cylinder of the revolver and seeing he had one shot, he knew it was no or never...taking a deep breath, he stepped out from behind cover and positioned himself...

"HEY, BIRD BRAIN!" he shouted as he raised the revolver, chambered it, steadied himself, and pointed it at Pete, who turned around to focus on him, "HERE'S YOUR HAPPY ENDING!"...*click*....*BOOM*...with the pull of the trigger, the .500 Magnum round came flying out of the barrel and rocketed towards it's destination and that destination was right between Pete The Chimera's eyes. In a manner of seconds, the round found it's target and...*GRRRROOAAARRRGGHHH!* a bloodcurdling scream of pain emerged from the Chimera as the round exploded inside it's skull, a combination of white and red fluids exploded out, followed by the creature falling to the ground as nothing more then a lifeless corpse as more and more of the odd white fluid leaked out before the creature slowly turned into what it once was...a simple gryphon who, with it's dying breath, looked over to Bino and with a chuckle, said "Guess I'll...never learn..." before unleashing it's last breath. Pete...was dead. The crew, sans Bino, walked over to the dead being and just stared at it as they were trying to figure out what both that white fluid was along with how he became that thing...they didn't have long to think as Bino returned carrying a machete from the Igniter and reliving the body of its head...

"What...WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Grape shouted, to which Bino explained that if you want anything to be dead for good..."Remove the head"...Bino then took a gas container from the Igniter and poured it all over the body before ignited the body and tossing the head onto the fire as well, "Besides...this wasn't a zombie...this was man made and whoever made this thing was watching consider this a message to them." he then adds coldly as he looks up and spots the drone, to which he fires a round from his sidearm (that was knocked out of his hand during the fight) at it, destroying it completely. Back at the mansion, Osiris was furious when the footage ends. How could they kill his Chimera?! They were just simple pets! Yelling in frustration, he then vows to hunt them down and make their lives worst then what they are now as "They made the wrong animal mad!" Meanwhile, as Anubis and Peanut made their way down a hallway, a blue flame suddenly emerges from Anubis' hand. Looking at it, he smirks and thinks to himself "Pity..." before extinguishing the flame and continued walking.

Arriving back at Daisy's, Itsuki and Max rush Terrance to the room they had setup for medical issues while Bino stayed outside looking at the horizon. Grape, who was bringing the gear back in, stops near Bino and tells him Thanks for what he did, and Bino smiles and tells her that she's welcome. Grape then asks if he thinks there's any more where that came from...Bino answers simply "I don't know...but what I do know is that no matter how many of those things are out there, I'm going to keep fighting until there are no more left...then I'm going to find the person responsible for this mess and send him straight to the grave in a paper bag with a note that reads 'With Love, From Bino'...I've been mad before....but now I'm rabid." All Grape could do is nod and tells him that she'll help any way she can before taking the gear inside as Bino continued to look out at the horizon.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Bandit1990 »

Hardcore, committed Bino is pretty awesome.

Check out Lightning Dogs on the Nerdyshow Podcast Network

It's an in-development animated series following a team of Anthro-Dogs trapped in the Wastelands of a ruined Earth.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Bandit1990 wrote:Hardcore, committed Bino is pretty awesome.
Well, thank you! I'll be honest and say I was a bit worried about how these three chapters were going to be taken as what I done with Pete but it seems to be going over well! But yeah I am enjoying making Bino a hero :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Bino is at his best when he isn't being a total ********.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: Grimm Souls
Chapter VII: It's A Dog Beat Dog World...

With the now ashen body of Pete now littering the streets, the crew of Itsuki, Max, Grape, Terrance, and Bino drove back to the mansion in silence, all of them still recovering from the fight and the fact that Bino burned the body to nothingness. While Max drove with Grape in the front seat, Bino stayed in the back with both Terrance and Itsuki, as the later continued to treat Terrance's arm wound (the bleeding was stable but he still needed to patch it up) and not a single word was spoken the rest of the ride home. To say it was an awkward drive home would be an understatement as, quite frankly, no one knew what to say. Why did Pete attack them and, for that matter, look like how he did? What was that white fluid that oozed out of his wounds? And was Bino in the right in what he did? Questions like these haunted their minds as they continued on the road home. Less then an hour later, they arrived and Itsuki helped Terrance to the Medical Room while Grape and Max gathered the supplies, with help from Roosevelt who was outside working with the garden with Bruce and Daisy, and returned them to the supply room, while Bino? Bino just went to the porch steps and just sat there in silence. Seeing Bino sitting there, Joey was about ready to walk over to see if he's OK when Itsuki placed a paw on him and shook his head, telling him to leave him alone for a bit. While confused, Joey nodded and went back to reading his manga of TriGun. An hour goes by and Bino heads back into the house to check up on Terrance to see if he's doing better after the attack. Seeing him up and about, Bino walks about and asks how's he doing when Terrance turned to face him and...*POW*
"AGH!" Bino shouts, holding his jaw as he hits the floor, "What the fur was that for?!"
"You know EXACTLY what it's for!" Terrance shouts in anger, "Your actions to that...that bird! You had NO RIGHT to waste fuel like that!" Standing up, Bino then delivers a punch himself, also hitting Terrance's jaw which, while not dropping him, still disorients him a bit, before shouting "Yeah well I had to! If I didn't, those zombies would've feasted on it and probably turn it into one of them!"
"WHO GIVES A ROADKILL ABOUT THAT! YOU WASTED RESOURCES ON A STUPID ACT!" Terrance shouts, about ready to send Bino through the door.
"...say that again." Bino asks coldly when his now-dead girlfriend Duchess was brought up, to which Terrance complied while looking him right in the eyes: "I said....Gold. Digger. Of. A. Girl. Friend..." Then...all bets were off as Bino launched into a fury of punches, each one directed at Terrance as he did the same. Both dogs were now locked in fisticuffs, each punch landing with a heavy thud on the other or, in one cast, crashing through the door to the supply room and leaving a fist sized hole there. When that sound was heard, everyone in the mansion (Save for Bruce, Joey, and Roosevelt as they were out in the garden still, with Joey coming out to help) came running to the fight and Max tried to break up the fight but ended up getting a fist to the fact and giving him a nose bleed. Suddenly, Terrance delivered a kick he learned back in K9 training and connected it with Bino's chest, sending him right through the supply room door, utterly destroying it. Everyone stood in silence after that blow, with Terrance standing there, bruised and beaten, panting as he watches the dust settle...only to see Bino was gone! Eyebrow raised, he entered the room to see where Bino was...but was greeted with a chambering of a gun, the barrel of said gun pointing right at his face, and a battered, bruised, and teary eyed Bino holding the gun with his finger on the trigger.
"Bino...put the gun down" Max asks hoping to defuse the situation when Bino shouts in both anger and sadness:
"NO! This poor excuse for a leader not only questioned my decision when I was in my RIGHTS to do it...but he went ahead and brought up a past incident to make fun of my now dead love of my life! I could've forgave the previous and left it go but NO! HE had to make it personal! Was Duchess rude? Yes! Did she rarely appreciate anything I did? YES! But you want to know something? Deep down, I KNEW she loved me! Watching her die that day almost killed me! But I moved on! I knew that as long as I stayed alive and remembered the good times with her, the memories would live on in me! But when you brought her up like made this beast mad and that is something I can never forgive...Apologize...or I'm going to splatter your sorry carcass all over the wall" Bino was now in full on tears and anger and was all set at the drop of a pin to pull the trigger, ending Terrance. One false move from anyone could mean the end of Terrance and everyone just stood there, waiting to see who would make the first move. But...before anyone could speak to calm him down or act, Terrance replied the only way he knew how in a situation like quickly grabbing the barrel of the gun, disarming Bino, then proceeding to deliver a quick blow to his head. In a matter of seconds, Bino dropped to the floor unconscious and Terrance stood there holding the gun before turning his attention to the folks watching and saying "He's right...I had no reason to bring up Duchess like that. I also had no right yell and punch him like that. This apocalypse is doing stuff to us mentally and I thought I was stronger then that. I'm not. I see that now. That's probably why I never made the rank of Sargent." He then turned his attention to Daisy and tells her that, while handing her his K9 badge, "From this moment forward, Daisy, you are our leader. You showed that you are a better leader then what I can ever be. Make us proud." He then places the gun back on the nearby table, picks up Bino, and takes him to his room in silence, for when he woke up he was going to apologize to him as well. Everyone stood there in silence, Daisy staring at the badge before putting it on and saying "Go back to what ever you guys were doing. While there are jobs to do here, the best thing we can do right now is find things to make us happy and remind us that hope is not lost. Tomorrow, I'll assign some minor chores for everyone but for now...just relax...I...I need time to take all this in." And with that, everyone departed and the mansion was once again quiet. Outside? Joey was watching the whole event unfold from the window when Bruce asks him what happened and Joey explained the whole thing, to which all three just shrugged and agreed that something like that was building up for a long time and went back to gardening, wit Joey deciding to have a bit of fun and water Roosevelt, who immediately jumped up and chased Joey while laughing as Bruce just shook his head and continued to pull weeds from the garden.

Sometime later, Grape was walking about the mansion just minding her own business when she stopped by Bino's room to see how those two were doing. Peaking in, she saw both Bino and Terrance sitting there just talking like two old friends and laughing as well. Grape chuckles as she was happy they managed to patch things up when Bino turned his head and saw her standing there, to which he said "Don't worry, we got everything sorted out. We were both in the wrong with what we did and we apologized for it." and Terrance agreed and added "Besides, I told him now that once this is done and over with, he should seriously consider trying to apply for the K9s again as I think he matured plenty enough...if he doesn't chew the vests again" to which Bino playfully slaps him and told him "Hey, they smelled like a mail man!" Grape just chuckled and excused herself so they can continue to patch things up. With a smile on her face, Grape decided to head to the kitchen for a quick bite to eat, as she was a bit on the hungry side and knew there was some left over pizza from the previous night. As she made her way to the stairs to head down, however, she started to hear something...odd come from one of the rooms. Following the sound, she arrives at the room of Lana and placed her ear against the door to listen. While she recognized the one sound as bed squeaks, the other sound however made her eyes quickly widened like she just had a huge bowl of catnip for what she heard was both Jata and Lana...along with some sounds which made her turn redder then a rose. Grape suddenly shot up and quickly walked downstairs to the kitchen for not the pizza, but a glass of orange soda. Inside Lana's room, the conversation between both Lana and Jata continued as Lana quips as she removes the vest she was wearing " it seems...*huff huff*...I made this vest too small for me" something that Jata, who was sitting on the floor, holding the zipper of the vest, agreed with as he adds "Why don't you let me measure you this time so you can have an accurate measurement? I take it you're making one as the ones we have won't fit?" to which Lana shrugged and said that they did but they were either too loose or just felt awkward on her so she was going to make a vest herself that would fit her better. Jata, standing up, nodded and grabbed the measuring tape and began to measure her while outside the room and down in the kitchen, Grape was still red in the face as he drank the orange soda when Daisy pops in and sees Grape's shocked look. Realizing what she might've heard, she chuckles and quips "I'll leave you alone for a bit" before mumbling "Wonder who the lucky couple was..."

Bino: "Well! Didn't expect you to do that to me!"
Narrator: Honestly, admit it. Tensions to tend to build up in situations like these
Bino: "True...but at least I got a few good punches in!"
Narrator: Yep!
Bino: "As for the last I am SO glad Sabrina wasn't here to read that"
Narrator: Same! Who knows what she would've done.
Bino: "Same time, that Jata/Lana scene was different."
Narrator: You would not believe how hard it was to keep that between PG and PG-13 without breaking the rating!
Bino: "Oh I agree! It was funny...though I'm pretty sure if this was on that FurAffinity site, the rating would've been nuked"
Narrator: Trust me on think it, they done it.
Bino: "MMhmm. Anyway, what movie do you want to watch?"
Narrator: NOT All Dogs Go To made me a wreck last night!
Bino: "My bad! I didn't realize it effected you like it did!"
Narrator: It never did before last night! I was up all night over that ending!
Bino: "Still, I'm sorry. How about we watch Dark Tower?"
Narrator: Sounds much better.
Last edited by SeanWolf on Wed Feb 20, 2019 9:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Nice job on this! Really came out awesome!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by NHWestoN »

Explosive! ...on several levels. Fun work, fella! ;) Like the little "Postmortem" dialogue at the end...!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

HousepetZ: Grimm Souls
Chapter VIII: Survivor...Karaoke?

Narrator: Hold up...what's up with the title and these notes? These aren't mine.
Bino: "Yeah about that: Those are mine."
Narrator: Seriously?
Bino: "Look, the past chapters of this arc were pretty much all depressing and doomy, so I figured it'd be a nice change to have a chapter dedicated to the Survivors having fun!"
Narrator: Again...Seriously?
Bino: "Plus, I took some of the inspiration from your one film idea Warriors Of Metal"
Narrator: Oh yeah, that film I had in mind that was the 'Power Metal Version Of Sing'
Bino: "Yeah, that one."
Narrator: Well...last chapter did feature some heavy dialogue and that previous ones were the death of Pete, why not.
Bino: "Great!"
Narrator: OK then...though I'm changing this one song
Bino: "How come?"
Narrator: Look, I love Meat Loaf...but I have a different song in mind

It was early in the evening and the crew, sans Grape and Lana, were hanging out in the living room just relaxing and chatting after a meal and trying to figure out who would win in a fight between Terrance and Bino if they went at it again, with most thinking Terrance would win due to his training with the K9's and the rest thinking Bino as he shown he can hold his own. A few minutes later, Grape and Lana returned, but carrying microphones and a speaker set, along with Lana's computer. "What are you two doing?" Bino asked to which Lana replies that she and Grape were chatting and they felt that they all needed some way of reliving some stress so they decided to hold a a fun karaoke contest and showcase their singing! The room went into an awkward silence as Grape and Lana began to set the equipment up, with Deadeye leaning over to Daisy and asking if they're serious, which Daisy shrugged and guesses that they are when Lana pops her head up from behind her laptop and quips if anyone would like to go first they are welcome to before asking Jata to meet her outside on the porch as they needed to discuss something in private, to which Jata just shrugged and followed her out, closing the door behind them. Everyone inside sat in silence and waited for those two to come back in and they eventually did and Jata returned to the couch while Lana returned to the computer and asked again if anyone want to go first, which after a few seconds, Daisy said she'll go first and walked over to Lana and whispered what song she wanted to do, which Lana loaded it up as Daisy walked over to the mic stand, took a deep breath, and nodded to Lana who pressed play and Daisy began singing one of her favorite songs of all time: Vixen's "How Much Love", which came as a surprise to, not the song, but her singing as they never heard her sing before so hearing her voice and how it had not only the power but the gravitas and the talent behind it, was a mind blower to them. Once the song was over, a thunderous applause erupted and Daisy just stood there blushing as this was the first time she ever performed for anyone and once the applause was done, Daisy placed the mic back in the stand and went back to the couch to sit while they waited for the next person to volunteer, in this case it was Itsuki and the song he requested was "Baka Survivor" by Ulfuls, which brought a smile to Joey's face as he immediately recognized it as the theme to one of his favorite animes, one Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (Narrator's Note: I only ever read the manga of that when it was in Shonen Jump about weird). Itsuki, spotting the smile on his face, invited Joey to sing with him and, after Lana restarted the song, they both did a duet of it in perfect harmony as the rest of the crew nodded their heads to the beat, while Max tried to stifle his laughter from the ridiculousness of the lyrics. When the song ended, Joey cheerfully hugged Itsuki, saying thanks for doing the song and bringing one of the biggest smiles he ever had and Itsuki hugged back and said that he was welcomed.

Narrator: Is this whole chapter a Karaoke thing?
Bino: "Yeah. I figured it'd be easy for you to do"
Narrator: Well, no offense, but I'm going to end this chapter with something else, OK?
Bino: "Hey, none taken. You end it however you want to. I just thought you'd like to have something easy to do this time"
Narrator: It is...but dude...I have to really think as to what song I think fits each survivor!
Bino: "Well it's about time you use your brain for something"
Narrator: OK, wise guy, come here!

Lana looked over to Terrance and asked if he would like to give it a shot, to which he politely declined, saying that while he can sing, his jaw is still a bit sore from the punch Bino gave him, with Bino adding he's declining for the same reason and that he's also still a bit sore from being kicked through a door, so instead Grape said she'll go next and began to sing, unsurprisingly, "Love In The Pridelands" from the third Pridelands movie that, while the other survivors thought it was a good song, Lana and Daisy became teary eyed as they knew the exact scene from where the song aired. Following Grape was Max, who decided to do a shorter song as he felt like it and went with none other then "We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister, a song he dedicated to all the zombies who threatened their lives. This was followed up by Bruce and Roosevelt doing "Down Under" by Men At Work, Deadeye, with a guitar, singing Johnny Cash's "I've Been Everywhere", and Sabrina doing "Warrior" by Patty Smith. Lastly, it was Jata and Lana's turn and they both excused themselves as they needed to prep themselves for their song. After a while, they both returned with Lana in a dress and Jata in a outfit that, to put it bluntly, made him look like Meat Loaf, what with the dress shirt, vest, and red rose. This outfit led the crew to think that, of course, they were going to do a Meat Loaf song, specifically "Paradise By The Dashboard Light"...oh how wrong they were. When Lana went to the computer, she didn't type that in, but instead a different song that blew everyone's minds when they started to not only sing, but do a choreographed dance. The song was entitled simply "Dead To The World" by Nightwish. The crew was no longer watching a simple Karaoke dance and instead were watching a mini concert as both Jata and Lana took them all by their paws and lead them into a journey beyond their imagination and through the boundries of space and time as the song enveloped them like a warm blanket on a winters day. It was like nothing they had ever seen or heard before and they didn't want this moment of bliss and relaxation to end. But it did and silence filled the room before everyone clapped and cheered like never before for them as Lana and Jata took their bows...for they knew they not only lifted everyone spirits but proved that in a time of stress and turmoil, all one needs is a little music in their lives to remind them of the happiness they had.

Cerberus was in her hideout in the woods near Babylon Gardens doing some work sit-ups while listening to her workout soundtrack (Narrator's Note: One of the songs is 'Pumping Iron Power' By Grailknights, look it up, it is AWESOME) and thinking to herself what Anubis had in store for Peanut. She knew about his past with Kitsune, Dragon, and Pete and she also knew that he still held a grudge for they did (Something she agreed wasn't right but chose to stay out of it for sanity's sake) so she was worried that if Anubis' plan was revenge, she would need to be ready at a moment's notice to stop them. But at the same time, she knew it would be impossible as both Pete and Dragon were dead (Narrator's Note: She a Celestial so she knew), with Dragon dying at the hands of Osiris when she was injected and Pete dying at the hands of the survivors, specifically Bino, so that only left Kistune and she knew that Anubis had no clue he was here in disguise. After her 1000th sit-up were reached, she headed to the kitchen for something to drink while still thinking and chatting with the other heads about what they think Anubis' plans with Peanut was and, for that matter, if they involved revenge, which was never the Celestial way. One head suggested that Anubis might not have any need for him anymore as Pete and Dragon were dead and, thus, all that leaves was Kitsune and Anubis doesn't even know he's here, as such, he may just give up and send Peanut on his way. While this was plausible, the other head said that maybe Anubis is going to do something to draw out Kitsune then do combat with him, but that would mean Kitsune would have to bring his Avatar out to fight but they didn't know if he even had an Avatar to begin with. Sipping their drink, they sat down and, after turning their music off, turned on the TV and hopped onto Netflix to binge a show, all the while trying to figure out what Anubis' plan was...

(Note: I do understand this was a bit of an odd chapter, but I personally felt it'd be something different and would be a nice change of pace from what the last few chapters had.)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Yeah it really doesn't fit that much in my opinion but it still is a good chapter.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Yeah it really doesn't fit that much in my opinion but it still is a good chapter.
Thanks! I'd say think of it like the typical Anime Beach episode portion :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by NHWestoN »

Daisy: "Hi, I'm leader."

Good musical selections for an apocalypse. Gotta have tunes in ruins ("ru'ns"), chums!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Boo! That joke sucked! Get off the stage!

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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Hey, I haven't forgotten about this story! Sorry, but it's been a hectic week, and it's left me in no mood for reading. But I'm feeling better now, so I'll give my impressions for the last several chapters :)

The inclusion of the celestials really heightens the stakes of the story. I love the amount of detail you put into Anubis' backstory. You even tied it in with the HP storyline, which is cool. And that was an awesome fight scene!

I also think you're doing a great job at writing these characters. The fight between Bino and Terrance had me on the edge of my seat.

And I like the karaoke chapter! It may be different, but it's cute :)

Keep it up! I can't wait for what comes next :D
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Bino: "So it seems last chapter"
Narrator: Which I kind of figured as it was a detour from the story
Bino: "I still liked the idea"
Joey: " least it was better then THAT..."
Bino: "Hey I said it was an idea I wanted to try! You took it down that route, not me!"
Narrator: That is true, Joey. I mean, he got you there!
Joey: "We DIDN'T need to spend half the D&D game last night discussing the logistics of loving a dragoness!"
Bino: "Hey, we were asking some GOOD questions as these are important things to know!"
Kevin: "It was funny though" *munch*
Narrator: Are those my funyuns?
Kevin: " don't mind, do you?"
Narrator: Nah it's cool. Just be sure to brush your teeth as soon as you are done. Dang things will make your breath stink!
Kevin: "Alright"
Bino: "Will you be bringing up the Dragoness scene in the other story?"
Narrator: Yep! I have the whole thing recorded so it'll be easier to transcribe.
Joey: "ugh..."

HousepetZ: Grimm Souls
Chapter IX: Redemption Of The Souls

Sgt. Ralph was relaxing in his make-shift office, doing some reading while having some music play softly (Narrator's Note: For the record, Ralph is listening to some Neil Diamond), when a knock emerged from his door, which he replies saying that the door's open. In walks Pavillion's K9 Squad Leader, one Sgt. Dwayne Rocklin or as he is know by his unit, Sgt. D-Rock. "You got a minute?" D-Rock asks as looks at Ralph laying on the couch reading, to which Ralph replies "Yeah, what's up?" while seeing if he wanted a soda, something which D-Rock accepted as he was a bit thirsty. "Thanks" he answers while taking the drink "Well there's a couple reasons why I'm here but I mainly wanted to see how are you holding up?" Ralph, taking a sip, leans back on the chair and lets out a heavy sigh before answering that he's "holding up..well, as well as one can during this mess. Look, I'll be honest with ya', D-Rock, it's getting to the point where I'm just becoming numb to everything and honestly just want to wake up from this nightmare..but I can't, can I? Nightmare's real and we're living it." The room grew cold as silence filled the air while the duo sat there, both waiting for the other to speak, something that D-Rock was able to do as he responds "I know it's rough right now and, yeah, it doesn't seem like there's any end in sight. But that doesn't mean you should be all depressed and such. You gotta have that one little spark of hope still burning in you. That's what keeping me going and I'm pretty sure the rest of the K9's here along with the people you rescued have as well: One little spark of hope." He then eyes Ralph a bit before continuing "You know what I don't see? I don't see that German Shepherd that join the K9 Academy all those years ago. That dog that, no matter what they threw at him or what happened, never gave up. A dog that in the toughest of times and situations, made sure everyone was safe and watched out for his friends and fellow K9's. A dog who made Sergeant and earned a Medal Of Valor for his bravery when a gunman threatened the lives of at the movie theater. know what I see right now? I see a puppy who wants nothing more then someone to come and hug him and tell him that everything will be alright and that all this was just that: A Nightmare. What happened to you, Ralph?" It was then when Ralph snapped and jumped from his chair and yelled "You want to know what happened? THIS HAPPENED! THIS WHOLE ZOMBIE APOCAPLYSE HAPPENED! None of us was trained for this! Neither you, neither me, neither any of the K9s! Those people out there right now, I feel bad for them 24/7 as I have to lie to them everyday and get their hopes up while keeping the mood all light and fluffy when I KNOW for a FACT that most of them? They just saw their friends, their families get eaten by those things! How can you remove a nightmare like that from someone?! By telling them that 'Everything is going to be alright' and giving them a hug when they know that won't fix anything?!" By now, Ralph was a complete wreck even though what he was saying was true, to a point, and all D-Rock could do was just sit there and listen to him rant and rave as this whole situation, as D-Rock was fearing, was getting to him. It was then that D-Rock stood up from the chair, walked over to Ralph and looked him right in the eye with a paw on his shoulder...and Ralph just lost it. Completely in tears, Ralph collapsed onto D-Rocks arms and, in between tears, said "I...I'm sorry...I just don't know...what to do anymore..." and D-Rock gently told him "shhhh" and just held him there before saying "I do not blame you for lashing out like that. You are right: We can't keep lying them...but we shouldn't dash their hopes either." He then tells Ralph to look him in the eyes and then tells him "Look, why don't you take a nap and get your mind cleared. I can watch over until you wake up, OK?" to which Ralph, wiping away some tears, nods and, before D-Rock could open the door, tells him "Sorry for earlier...and thanks..." which D-Rock smiles and said "Hey, you did the same for me back in the academy. I'm returning the favor" before leaving to let Ralph nap. Outside the room, Fox was coming down off the roof, his replacement was already up there, and spotted D-Rock coming out of Ralph's Office. Walking over, he asks if everything is alright with Ralph, which D-Rock said that they all are dealing with this nightmare in their own ways and that Ralph needed to just let it all out, but that he'll be fine just "don't disturb him as he's taking a nap now". Nodding, Fox then invites D-Rock to a game of poker they were setting up with a few of the survivors, which D-Rock agreed to as it would be something different for him to do.

Meanwhile, back in Babylon Garden Ruins, Deadeye and Jata were rummaging through a book store, grabbing some extra books and magazines for their crew, along with a few extra movies and such. Placing the items in their bags (as they were strong enough to carry such weight), they were making their way out of the building and were ready to head back to the house when Deadeye noticed something odd out of the corner of his eye. Telling Jata to get in cover, both of them look in the direction Deadeye was looking area and spot a group of people in white lab coats by a limo along with a small ferret..."Is that Keene?" Jata asks Deadeye under his breath, which he responds "I looks like him but...what is up with his face?" They continued to watch as the group seemed to be listening to the ferret say something they couldn't make out as they were too far away to hear anything. Thinking they should try to get in closer for a better look, both Deadeye and Jata quietly (as two big muscle bound animals could) started to make their way closer, trying not to make a sound...*crish*...until Jata unwillingly stepped on some broken glass. "Ah shoot" he mumbles, both fearing that they were caught, but surprisingly they weren't so they continued to sneak in closer until the group plus the ferret got back into the limo and drove off, so they both gave chase but made sure they wouldn't be seen. The chase didn't last long though as, due to the noise of the limo, a horde of zombies heard it and started to march towards the origins of the sound...which quickly became a march towards Deadeye and Jata once they saw them. "Crap...RUN!" Deadeye shouts and, like a pair of cheetahs on the chase for it's prey, they both made a mad dash away from the encroaching horde. They quickly realized that if they ran to the house, the horde would be there too, so they quickly made a detour to any building they could find, dove in, and barricaded themselves in, which the building in this case was the police station. "Stroke of luck on our part, eh?" Deadeye chirps as Jata catches his breath which was followed by a chuckle and agreement. Deadeye then added that they "Better find a way out of here as I don't want to be stuck here all night" something that Jata agreed with it again and they both, after drawing their weapons, started to make their way towards the station's Garage to see if there were any vehicles left, but they did make a quick stop at the weapons locker to grab a few extra armaments for their stash at home. As they made their way towards the garage, Deadeye, out of the blue, asks Jata "So, if you don't mind me asking: How come you came back?" which Jata shrugs and said "I needed to make amends and confirm a feeling I had."
"Really?" Deadeye asks while checking one of the hallways to make sure they were still safe.
"Yeah...after that whole incident between me and Sabrina...I just had to confirm something, you know?" Jata replies.
Deadeye looks over to Jata and leans up against a wall before asking "What do you mean?" and Jata goes on to explain:
"Well..see ever since I can remember, me and Sabrina always wanted to get married and raise a family and we made this promise to each other that we would someday. Well, that day never came but instead...well Keene entered the picture and I was told by him I should marry her for a finacial reason. When I saw Sabrina again, don't get me wrong, I was VERY happy to see her! But...there was something missing from us and I could tell right when we embraced each other. That love we shared? Wasn't there. In fact, I honestly felt nothing when we embraced. But I kept up the act and you know what happened from there" something that Deadeye chuckled at as he did ultimately whooped his rear, "Anyway, when I returned home, I just could never shake the feeling that me and Sabrina would never meant to be together so, after a few years to think it over...and recover...I came back here under my own power to speak to Sabrina though i had to wait to talk to her as this whole zombie thing happened but when I did see her? We chatted...and she did confirm my suspicion that we were truly never meant to be." Deadeye closed his eyes and sighed before saying "Love is a weird power. At a young age, you think you love someone but then time goes by and you realize that love was never meant to be. It's why I always told my family, even at a young age: Don't rush love. Wait until you are sure in your heart that this person you are having these feelings for is the one for you. Same time, they should also feel it in their heart as well." Jata nodded and then brought up the scene at the mall between him and Lana, which Deadeye did know about her real self but was surprised that she showed it off to someone else other then him and her brothers...which is when Jata brought up the kiss they shared and said "I know it seem strange...but that kiss? It wasn't like a kiss between to high school honestly felt like a kiss a loving couple would have, you know what I mean?" and of course, Deadeye did know as he replied with a nod as Jata continued with "and I do understand now about not rushing into that's what we did. After the kiss, we spent more time together in the mansion, I taught her things and she taught me some things, we had a night together watching movies, we ate together...I even helped her make a vest for her as the ones we had wouldn't fit her." Then Deadeye chimes in and asks "Jata...what are you getting at?" It was then that Jata stood up from the wall he was leaning against and walked over to Deadeye and said the following while bringing out a small case holding a ring (which he secretly snagged from a ring store they passed by earlier) which brought a tear to Deadeye' eyes:
"Lana told me you are the closest thing to a father she has and both me and her agreed last night that we were meant to be. So, with your permission and blessing: I would like to ask Lana's hand in marriage." Deadeye, for the first time in a long while, was tearing up. Looking Jata in the eyes and seeing that not only was he telling the truth but really meant it that he changed after that day, Deadeye took his hand and said simply "You'll make a great husband for Lana, son" which Jata just smiled warmly and placed the case back into his duffel bag and hugged Deadeye and thanked him...which Deadeye acknowledge before adding "For the record, if I hear of you not treating her right or you going back on your word...*whispers* it?" Which Jata chuckles and said he won't and Deadeye smiled before saying they should get back to looking for the garage and they did. Few minutes go by and they finally found the entrance to the garage and head in...only to be greeted with wrecked cars and nothing driveable...that is until Jata spies something special. "Hey, check it out!" he said as he rushes over to the object in question. Deadeye looks over and, with his ears perking up, is surprised at what he sees as sitting before them was the station's APC (Armored Personal Carrier), which was used by the station's S.W.A.T and K9's. Deadeye then chuckles and said "Thought you wanted Lana's hand in marriage" which got Jata confused until Deadeye adds "Cause right now you found a way to my heart" and they both laughed before climbing into the APC and, after making sure it was gassed up, crashed through the closed gate, smashing some zombies on the way, and drove back to the mansion. When they arrive, Terrance, Bino, Daisy, and Lana rushes out and are surprised at what the duo brought back and they head inside...sans Jata and Lana who just stood outside looking at each other. Walking over, Lana quips that she's happy he's OK and that she was worried, to which Jata said that Deadeye watched over him and they then both chuckled until Lana felt Jata take her one paw into his paw and they both locked eyes. "Lana" Jata begins "..ugh...I hate speeches like I'll be honest: Ever since that day at the mall, I had this feeling in my heart for you. A feeling that made me swear to watch over you and make sure nothing happens to you. Then when we had that kiss? Something in me told me that not only you were the one for me...but that you felt the same way..." something that Lana nodded and agreed with before asking where he was going with this...before cupping her hands over her mouth and tearing up as Jata pulls the small case out of his duffel bag and opens it to reveal a small ring..."Lana...I would like to ask you a small question: Would you marry me?" After a few seconds of silence and starring at the ring, Lana looks Jata right in the eyes and with a huge smile simply answers: "Yes"
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
Creator of the ongoing fic - HousepetZ: Survivor Tails
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Wonderful chapter! I am glad that you are continuing to write!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Wonderful chapter! I am glad that you are continuing to write!
D'awww thanks :) Trust me, this story is no where near done (Already have the next arcs plotted out) ;)
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
Creator of the ongoing fic - HousepetZ: Survivor Tails
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Nathan Kerbonaut
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Jata x Lana is a couple I never expected, but I love it. So cute <3 Another great chapter :)
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