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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Leafolawl »

xhunterko wrote:Miles smiled at the shiba.

"Alright, but remember, unless Above or Hubert says otherwise, you have no powers and are very likely to get yourself killed," he said, "And we don't need any more ghosts around here, just be careful."

The explosion had another effect on entities. If anyone was feeling in distress, doubt, fear, hatred, or any other negative emotion, it was overwhelmed briefly by nothing but pure love. It didn't leave them in that state, it was more of a wave washing over them, then they were left to make up their own minds.
Serence Frostbite wrote:A slow clap can be heard from behind Miles, just outside of his sphere
“I suppose that was a B- , for effort” the wolf’s voice was full of mockery, as she stood there as if nothing from their last confrontation ever happened.
“anyway, you kids better run back to town if you want to live” she said, as a torrent of whispers echoed from the forest, and before their very eyes, a wall of crimson fog rose from the forest, rushing toward them, getting increasingly faster.
Rena shakes her throbbing head, attention turning to the wolf. "Ah ain't just some kid, wolf," she shoots, stepping over next to Miles. "You're right that ah ain't got magic or psychic whatsit, Miles—but they do. Heavenly being or not, ah don't want to see if they can hurt ya, and we ain't got time to wait for Hubert, Heaven, or whatever other powers that be might throw in cards." She takes in a deep breath and takes a defensive stance.

"Ah'll keep her aim off ya, you just handle makin' sure she ain't gonna keep rearin' up again."
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SoujiTheFox wrote:(9:36:35 PM) Steve: THE CHRIST AM I NAMED STEVE FOR
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Leafolawl wrote: Rena shakes her throbbing head, attention turning to the wolf. "Ah ain't just some kid, wolf," she shoots, stepping over next to Miles. "You're right that ah ain't got magic or psychic whatsit, Miles—but they do. Heavenly being or not, ah don't want to see if they can hurt ya, and we ain't got time to wait for Hubert, Heaven, or whatever other powers that be might throw in cards." She takes in a deep breath and takes a defensive stance.

"Ah'll keep her aim off ya, you just handle makin' sure she ain't gonna keep rearin' up again."
"Do you think you can fight me and and get away from that fog in 40 seconds?" The wolf asked with a smirk, her hands on her hip as a loud creaking sound booming above them, as if the sky itself is being pressed and bent by some unknown forces "Make that 20, better choose quickly"

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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Serence Frostbite wrote:A weak, distant voice echoed in Levi’s ears “Brave…..Hardship…..Worthy……Chose” it said, sounding like whoever it came from finally got their long awaited rest, then strange feeling washed over Levi, as if an invisible shroud had been lifted from his shoulders, and his mind no longer clouded by the tempting thoughts.
"Guess I should head back, now," the cat said, confident he wouldn't do anything stupid now.
"yeah, go save the world for your new family. and your old one may come to visit." his mother replied.
and Levi exited the portal back where he began... and didn't like what he saw.
Serence Frostbite wrote:A distant voice echoed in Buster’s ears “To claim the power of those who were forsaken, to carve a future for those within your heart, even if your path will echo of their rejection. You who have the want of a hunter, speak your acceptance, and the first step of your journey shall be yours” it said, each words filled with conviction and determination.
"Stay out of my way, Tara," the rabbit nearly growled.
"Buster, you aren't being yourself," the spirit plead.
"I don't even know what myself is, how can you?" he asked.
"Buster, I-" "No. You knew me as a carefree kid, that used be myself. Then you died and screwed up my life, left me thinking I was crazy for seeing you. Then I was a cold, manipulative ******* who didn't give a **** about friends, that's the me you just sat back and watched for years. Then Janus broke my emotional shield, mostly cause he ******* looks like you, my dead best friend, might i remind you? yes I have noticed that, I'm not dumb. and I'm all lovey dovey with him, fighting for love, and that's been me for a couple days. So now there's a new me, it's a combination of all three. I don't care what you think, and I'm being cold and emotionless for love, risking everything. You know how that feels. you don't get to say I can't make a noble sacrifice when you doing just that is the reason I'm even here."
Buster's words hurt her. she didn't know what to say. "Buster... I'm sorry."
"No, I'm sorry. cause I'm going to get that power. and I'm going to do it RIGHT NOW!"
Serence Frostbite wrote: “It was never about power, was it?” asked a white fox, appearing before the wolf-bear. Meri could probably recognize her as the fox who approached her at that farmer’s house
“It was never about revenge. It was your love for your children that bound you to this world. A life unjustly taken, broken futures withered without one to nurture them. Like us, you want to right this wrong, not for you, but for those young, innocent lives she said, approaching the wolf-bear. Her voice, as well as her eyes, were gentle, caring, with a hint of sadness, like from an old friend who spoke of a loss from their past, one that they have come to accept. Stopping a little further than an arm’s length from the wolf-bear, the vixen extended one of her arm, with her palm up toward them as she continued, now sounding more confident, the sadness now faded, making place for a hint of hope and determination, like a leader talking to her companion: “This is what we offer, not a haven of eternal bliss for those whose lives had ended, but a second chance here in this land of the living, with all the joy and hardship that makes life the miracle that it is. A world where your children never lost their mother, a world where everyone gets a chance to strive for their own future, you, your children, and many generations after them. To this end, we need all the help we can get. Will you help us?”
"We can't turn on everyone like this. Not for empty promises," the wolf half argued. "there isn't proof what she says is possible." but it was too late. the wolf-bear was already slowly reaching towards the outstretched arm. Janus would need a burst of power to overcome Meri's will.
Hlaoroo wrote:
Serence Frostbite wrote: Duke ran in and shut the door behind him
“I don’t think this is a good time to ask question mam, we should make sure the fog, whatever it is, don’t get in here first”
"What?" Ray stops for a moment, startled out of his panic by the seemingly random question and is brought back to reality by Duke's common sense.
"Er, yeah, Duke's right. I'll tell you on the way down. Let's get in there!"
"Oh, unknowable mist doomsday. That's a situation 24, so we'll need Bunker C," she closed the first trap door and moved towards another bookshelf, opening another trap door to another set of stairs. "hurry up and get in, we should have a month of breathable air and supplies if needed."
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by xhunterko »

"Actually Rena, she might have a point," he said, grabbing her arm, "I think we need to head back and regroup at your mother's place. Sorry, that's all I can think of right now. That fog is deadly and there's others in the way. I can save them. You'll get to fight and be a hero later, but right now, I think it's best time to go." Miles looked at her sadly.

Do that and you're dead. Miles thought to Buster, having enhanced hearing as well. You go after that power and your under the wills of it's entities. You won't be yourself anymore. Oh, they'll let you do what you want, but then after that everyone dies. Right now? The world isn't such a bad place. Afterwards? It'll be so much worse. Now you can help change the world and make it a better place and stay and fight. Afterwards? You want hell on Earth than that's what you'll get. You want murder and revenge to be commonplace rather than kindness and forgiveness than that is what you'll get. If you want second chances and liaisons to give way to beheadings and lynchings than that's what you'll get. The world will be full of Busters and Hunters and Taras and it'll all be YOUR fault and EVERYONE will know it. And the last thing Janus will see of his boyfriend is a demonic, tormented chained hell rabbit descending into judgement. Do you really think Janus will last long in that world without his beloved? And before you think it, there is no see you in hell. In the final judgement, you are all tormented alone. Never knowing what happened to the other. Or whether or not he found another, someone stronger willed than you.

She has one thing right Meri. Life is a miracle. Look about you. Every snowflake is unique. Every pine is different. Every bird has a unique call. Life goes on, flows, and changes. When I lost my body it was a different kind of life. But I could still act, be me, have a say, and do some good in the world. Killing all life so that some may live is the very definition of evil. It isn't life's fault your cubs were killed, but fear. Fear causes people to act irrationally, out of confusion, not of malice or hatred. While it may not be a living future, with all the benefits that entails, your cubs are still enjoying a celestial life. They've missed you and they love you. You are so close to enjoying an eternal life with them Without any more pain, any more sorrow. They want their mother to be with them. Can't you feel the pull of the mother towards her cubs? If you do this do you really think you'll be with your cubs in the end? Your being cruelly manipulated by the power's entities for their own gains. Restarting life means ending all the current ones. And this time, not only will you be taken away from your cubs, you'll never see how their lives turn out. You'll never see their cubs. You'll never see them grow up. Once you fulfill your lust the power's entities will use you and drag you into down into judgement. Then you'll never see your cubs again. Or know what happened to them. Right now though? Right now you can be the heroine mom they want you to be. Right now you can refuse the urge of death and join your cubs in celestial life. Right now you can give them big ol' bear hugs and kisses and let them feel your love. Right now you can show them that being a real adult means forgiveness and resisting the temptations of evil. Right now you can save the life of every other cub being born all over the world this instant and truly show a mother's love to them all. Prove it to your cubs that you are the world's greatest mother and resist this temptation Meri. Will you please? Miles pleaded with Meri.
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Serence Frostbite »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote: "Stay out of my way, Tara," the rabbit nearly growled.
"Buster, you aren't being yourself," the spirit plead.
"I don't even know what myself is, how can you?" he asked.
"Buster, I-" "No. You knew me as a carefree kid, that used be myself. Then you died and screwed up my life, left me thinking I was crazy for seeing you. Then I was a cold, manipulative ******* who didn't give a **** about friends, that's the me you just sat back and watched for years. Then Janus broke my emotional shield, mostly cause he ******* looks like you, my dead best friend, might i remind you? yes I have noticed that, I'm not dumb. and I'm all lovey dovey with him, fighting for love, and that's been me for a couple days. So now there's a new me, it's a combination of all three. I don't care what you think, and I'm being cold and emotionless for love, risking everything. You know how that feels. you don't get to say I can't make a noble sacrifice when you doing just that is the reason I'm even here."
Buster's words hurt her. she didn't know what to say. "Buster... I'm sorry."
"No, I'm sorry. cause I'm going to get that power. and I'm going to do it RIGHT NOW!"
The moment Buster finished saying that, his body quickly faded away like a thin cloud of mist being dispersed by a gust of wind in front of everyone's eyes. In Buster's point of view however, he found himself suddenly falling down, through layers of clouds as Miles' voice echoed in his mind
xhunterko wrote: Do that and you're dead. Miles thought to Buster, having enhanced hearing as well. You go after that power and your under the wills of it's entities. You won't be yourself anymore. Oh, they'll let you do what you want, but then after that everyone dies. Right now? The world isn't such a bad place. Afterwards? It'll be so much worse. Now you can help change the world and make it a better place and stay and fight. Afterwards? You want hell on Earth than that's what you'll get. You want murder and revenge to be commonplace rather than kindness and forgiveness than that is what you'll get. If you want second chances and liaisons to give way to beheadings and lynchings than that's what you'll get. The world will be full of Busters and Hunters and Taras and it'll all be YOUR fault and EVERYONE will know it. And the last thing Janus will see of his boyfriend is a demonic, tormented chained hell rabbit descending into judgement. Do you really think Janus will last long in that world without his beloved? And before you think it, there is no see you in hell. In the final judgement, you are all tormented alone. Never knowing what happened to the other. Or whether or not he found another, someone stronger willed than you.
Eventually, the clouds parted, showing that Buster's near the ground, but he wasn't falling, simply floating down. Below him was a small hill, covered with snow and white, strange yet beautiful flowers. On top of the hill, there were two small gravestones next to each other, and a white vixen, wearing a long, white cloak, seemingly praying before them.
As his feet touched the ground, the voice that was calling him spoke once more, but not from his mind.
"It seem you have accepted the call of the hunt...." the vixen said, standing up and turning around to look at him with her sad, yet determined, crimson eyes "Buster"
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote: "We can't turn on everyone like this. Not for empty promises," the wolf half argued. "there isn't proof what she says is possible." but it was too late. the wolf-bear was already slowly reaching towards the outstretched arm. Janus would need a burst of power to overcome Meri's will.
"You who wish not to walk our path....." The vixen said, as the wolf-bear's palm touched hers, and with one gentle motion, led Meri's soul out of Janus' body. "....you need not follow" she continued, as Meri now stood in front of Janus, and strangely enough, the bear could felt the sensation of touch from the vixen's palm, as if she was still alive
"Heed my word, bearer of the Hunter's mark: Return to your loved ones, and spend your time with them in their last moments. This is all you can do for them."
xhunterko wrote:"Actually Rena, she might have a point," he said, grabbing her arm, "I think we need to head back and regroup at your mother's place. Sorry, that's all I can think of right now. That fog is deadly and there's others in the way. I can save them. You'll get to fight and be a hero later, but right now, I think it's best time to go." Miles looked at her sadly.
"well that settles it then" the wolf said as she started fading away "See you kids inside, better run by the way"

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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Leafolawl »

"Be a he–" Rena shoves Miles off. "It ain't nothin' about bein' a hero, Miles, she starts, turning her glare to him. "It's about doin' the things ah know. Ah know fighting, ah know the wilds, ah know ferals, an' ah know what leadin' means, 'specially in failure. Ah ain't out here bein' a hero. Ah'm out here bein' a hunter, tryin' to keep my people safe. An' that's something ah will gladly die for, like my mother before me."

"Beats dyin' hidden in a corner an' whishin' ah'd tried somethin'," she adds, walking towards the fog.
Love me right now! Done.
SoujiTheFox wrote:(9:36:35 PM) Steve: THE CHRIST AM I NAMED STEVE FOR
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by xhunterko »

Miles sighed.

Well, can't say that I didn't try. I guess it's best left to them anyway. I guess I done trucked up big time. I guess you were right, this world isn't worth fighting for anymore. Guess I best watch the world burn from a distance. And I guess I'll be seeing SOME of you, at least, real soon, I suppose. Sorry for interfering in your affairs I guess. I was just trying to offer powerful help and protection, and a solution. IF you get to the mana pool, be sure and drain it. I'll keep the shield around you Rena, but that's all I can do anymore. Try not to be too mad at me when you get up here. Be seeing you. Miles thought to them all.

And with that, Miles too, vanished.
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Hlaoroo »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"Oh, unknowable mist doomsday. That's a situation 24, so we'll need Bunker C," she closed the first trap door and moved towards another bookshelf, opening another trap door to another set of stairs. "hurry up and get in, we should have a month of breathable air and supplies if needed."
Ray is more surprised by the fact that he's not surprised at all than the fact that Nettie has several bunkers.
"How many bunkers do you have?" he queries, clattering down the stairs.

As she's jostled around, Lilly's thoughts turn to her oblivious family at home.
Lord Hubert? she thinks, hoping the dragon will hear. I'm ready to make my wish.
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:As she's jostled around, Lilly's thoughts turn to her oblivious family at home.
Lord Hubert? she thinks, hoping the dragon will hear. I'm ready to make my wish.
"Let it be known, then, my child."
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Serence Frostbite wrote:The moment Buster finished saying that, his body quickly faded away like a thin cloud of mist being dispersed by a gust of wind in front of everyone's eyes.
"BUSTER!" Levi yelled, watching his cousin vanish to who knows where.
"no," Tara whispered. "NO!" she yelled more forcefully. "'UBERT, WHERE THE BLOODY **** DID 'E JUST GO! AND DON'T YOU DARE SAY BLOODY 'ELL!"
Serence Frostbite wrote:In Buster's point of view however, he found himself suddenly falling down, through layers of clouds as Miles' voice echoed in his mind
xhunterko wrote: Do that and you're dead. Miles thought to Buster, having enhanced hearing as well. You go after that power and your under the wills of it's entities. You won't be yourself anymore. Oh, they'll let you do what you want, but then after that everyone dies. Right now? The world isn't such a bad place. Afterwards? It'll be so much worse. Now you can help change the world and make it a better place and stay and fight. Afterwards? You want hell on Earth than that's what you'll get. You want murder and revenge to be commonplace rather than kindness and forgiveness than that is what you'll get. If you want second chances and liaisons to give way to beheadings and lynchings than that's what you'll get. The world will be full of Busters and Hunters and Taras and it'll all be YOUR fault and EVERYONE will know it. And the last thing Janus will see of his boyfriend is a demonic, tormented chained hell rabbit descending into judgement. Do you really think Janus will last long in that world without his beloved? And before you think it, there is no see you in hell. In the final judgement, you are all tormented alone. Never knowing what happened to the other. Or whether or not he found another, someone stronger willed than you.
Eventually, the clouds parted, showing that Buster's near the ground, but he wasn't falling, simply floating down. Below him was a small hill, covered with snow and white, strange yet beautiful flowers. On top of the hill, there were two small gravestones next to each other, and a white vixen, wearing a long, white cloak, seemingly praying before them.
As his feet touched the ground, the voice that was calling him spoke once more, but not from his mind.
"It seem you have accepted the call of the hunt...." the vixen said, standing up and turning around to look at him with her sad, yet determined, crimson eyes "Buster"
Miles's words hit the rabbit's logical mind, and now, in these serene place, he was able to question his decisions. the source of the voice now in front of him, he wasn't ready to give in just yet.
"I have questions first," he said to the vixen. "most important, who are you, and why are you offering me this power?"
Serence Frostbite wrote:"You who wish not to walk our path....." The vixen said, as the wolf-bear's palm touched hers, and with one gentle motion, led Meri's soul out of Janus' body. "....you need not follow" she continued, as Meri now stood in front of Janus, and strangely enough, the bear could felt the sensation of touch from the vixen's palm, as if she was still alive
"Heed my word, bearer of the Hunter's mark: Return to your loved ones, and spend your time with them in their last moments. This is all you can do for them."
Meri stared at her paws, having flesh for the first time in... who knows how long. "You really can bring us back... and you will do the same for my cubs?"
"I'm not giving up, and none of my friends will give up either," Janus retorted. "We won't let you win."
Hubert, we lost Meri to the other side. I don't know if there's any other plans, but we could sure use more of your power, if possible.
Hlaoroo wrote:Ray is more surprised by the fact that he's not surprised at all than the fact that Nettie has several bunkers.
"How many bunkers do you have?" he queries, clattering down the stairs.
"Can you keep a secret?" Nettie asked as she closed the trap door before looking around. she then bent down to whisper in Ray's ear. "Only two, the 'C' is to throw off the enemies." she then gave him a little wink.
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Hlaoroo »

Despite himself, Ray chuckles.
"Very clever!" he grins, carefully standing Lilly on her paws.
"Um... Do you think I have time to run next door and grab my parents before the cloud gets here?"

It's my family, Hubert. My owners have a two year old son. He's far too young to die. My wish is that he survives this and so do my parents so they can raise him. I don't care what happens to me as long as they're okay. If someone has to die let it be me instead of little Jimmy.
So saying, the ferret pings a thought off her companions to get an idea of the layout of the new strangely echoing place they're in.
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Serence Frostbite »

"She's going into the fog" the golden spirit on top of the town said
"Guess the kit failed, where is he?" the wolf said, appearing in the middle of the town, where strange no town people seem to be around.
"Not here. I can get the girl-"
"No time." the wolf objected, drawing a circle around like she was starting a dance as black smokes started spreading around her "shroud the town before the kits manage to force my paws"
Leafolawl wrote:"Be a he–" Rena shoves Miles off. "It ain't nothin' about bein' a hero, Miles, she starts, turning her glare to him. "It's about doin' the things ah know. Ah know fighting, ah know the wilds, ah know ferals, an' ah know what leadin' means, 'specially in failure. Ah ain't out here bein' a hero. Ah'm out here bein' a hunter, tryin' to keep my people safe. An' that's something ah will gladly die for, like my mother before me."

"Beats dyin' hidden in a corner an' whishin' ah'd tried somethin'," she adds, walking towards the fog.
The fog quickly engulfed Rena. As she continued forward, she could see the fog passing over her, deflected by a small, glowing barrier around her. Yet even with this protection. She's still reminded of moment in her life that she wished she could have been more, could have been better.....
Then.....the fog gave way, and around her was a thick, dark forest, under a blue night sky, with two moon, one red, and one blue. All around her were distant sounds of howling, screaming, of struggles and of death. In front of her, seeming very, very far away, a spark of bright light like the sun.
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote: Miles's words hit the rabbit's logical mind, and now, in these serene place, he was able to question his decisions. the source of the voice now in front of him, he wasn't ready to give in just yet.
"I have questions first," he said to the vixen. "most important, who are you, and why are you offering me this power?"
"I'm Serenade" the vixen replied, taking casual steps toward Buster " to call it an "offer" would be........incorrect. Those who answered the call were never meant to arrive here, not until there's only one remain. However, I suppose this is one thing I can agree with my other self, the avoidance of unneeded sacrifices"
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote: Meri stared at her paws, having flesh for the first time in... who knows how long. "You really can bring us back... and you will do the same for my cubs?"
"I'm not giving up, and none of my friends will give up either," Janus retorted. "We won't let you win."
Hubert, we lost Meri to the other side. I don't know if there's any other plans, but we could sure use more of your power, if possible.
"It is a possibility, but with considerable difficulty......and opposition" the vixen replied to Meri's question, turning her attention back to Janus "Of course not. You will fight, no matter how inevitable the outcome might be, but staying here will only lead to your own downfall. Return to your home, and perhaps you will meet us again" she said with a hint of melancholy in her voice, as the red fog rose over them
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:It's my family, Hubert. My owners have a two year old son. He's far too young to die. My wish is that he survives this and so do my parents so they can raise him. I don't care what happens to me as long as they're okay. If someone has to die let it be me instead of little Jimmy.
So saying, the ferret pings a thought off her companions to get an idea of the layout of the new strangely echoing place they're in.
Hubert nodded wisely. "I was hoping you would ask that. SO BE IT!" The dragon's eyes shone like two stars
And then it just...
It wasn't a resolution, nothing was brought back to normal...just everything stopped. As it was.
The now immense and imposing dragon spoke, without any trace of ire or discomfort. "I hope you will forgive this intromission, contenders, but an innocent mortal's wish, the wish that her family be safe from this war, allowed me this intervention. For in order to save a mortal life, I cannot allow the chaos to proceed unidsturbed.
"I am not here to godmod you, to impose my will upon yours, for it would be a mockery of your own free will,and even worse, of your own fate. The fate each one of us is bound and permitted to build...BUT, now my charge has asked for a divine favor, and I am also entitled to respect it, even if it meant interfering with your quarrel.
"So I ask you: rather than seeking the path of chaos and sorrow, what could you do so that innocents would stop suffering for your actions, without giving up your goals? Mind me, I am not judging you, I am beyond that. I just ask you to show that you are better than your own instincts."
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Serence Frostbite »

"I don't know, oh great one" the wolf said loudly and sarcastically, dark mass of energy still circle around her feet "Can we get all philosophical AFTER we take this town away from The Hunt's Call?"
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Leafolawl »

<I thought I've been pretty clear about my goal here, but fine. I'm trying to stop all of this so innocents don't get hurt, or at the least delay it so someone else can do so. If my attempts are bumbling into it as blind as you left me for, then why don't you actually help me out like I've been asking?> the shiba replies bitterly.
Love me right now! Done.
SoujiTheFox wrote:(9:36:35 PM) Steve: THE CHRIST AM I NAMED STEVE FOR
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by valerio »

Leafolawl wrote:<I thought I've been pretty clear about my goal here, but fine. I'm trying to stop all of this so innocents don't get hurt, or at the least delay it so someone else can do so. If my attempts are bumbling into it as blind as you left me for, then why don't you actually help me out like I've been asking?> the shiba replies bitterly.
"Because 'taking side' is not what the Fate of this situation is about. There are conflicting interests, and they degenerated into a reality-threatening situation, in which the conflicting sides want to smite each other. What you should be telling me and asking yourselves is: *why* are you doing this?"
"I don't understand your words," Janus said. By now, he had separated himself from the bear-spirit and the Hunter had receded as well."And why are you doing all of this *now* of all times? Surely you were out to protect me before..."
The majestic figure shook his head. "You did not ask.
The wolfdog's pupils shrunk. "...wut?
"Lily had one miracle available, just like you had. She asked the right thing. You asked for the power to join the battle, I granted that wish. If you had asked for your mate what Lily asked for her beloved ones, this would have been stopped before".
Janus looked almost comical in his attempts to open his mouth and come up with a smart counterpoint...then he gritted his teeth and facepawlmed "Drat..!"
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Leafolawl »

<Because it's my duty as a dog to protect. Why else would I?>
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by valerio »

Leafolawl wrote:<Because it's my duty as a dog to protect. Why else would I?>
The dragon shrunk back to the familiar small size, before perching on Janus' shoulder. "It will do."
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

"I'm already considering other paths, now that my head's cleared," Buster answered the dragon. "I'm stalling and getting more information. Though I don't really have an escape plan, so I may need some help."
"My actions are to stop the death of innocents at the hands of the humans," Meri replied. "I can sense this vixen has known pain similar to mine, and she has the power to end it."
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by valerio »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"I'm already considering other paths, now that my head's cleared," Buster answered the dragon. "I'm stalling and getting more information. Though I don't really have an escape plan, so I may need some help."
Janus hugged the rabbit tenderly. "I know I made some...mistakes in managing this situation but please, include me in your plans."
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"My actions are to stop the death of innocents at the hands of the humans," Meri replied. "I can sense this vixen has known pain similar to mine, and she has the power to end it."
Hubert nodded. "Once, before ascending, I used to be likewise emotionally involved. I had reached a stage where my magic could make the difference, and...in a couple occasions, it did. Much to my regret, I must add, even if I now know it was my destiny to err in order to understand." Suddenly, that chronal limbo transformed into a fresco, an endless scenery of nature at her most violent state, from natural disasters to predators and prey, between animal and plants and bacteria...
"Humans are regarded as the true monsters of nature, those who pervert her supposed 'order' leaving only rubbles in their wake.
"But there is more than that to this. Other animals in this world can be equally cruel, and destructive, given the chance. No one has a moral ground in this, humans are only better in doing their job: eat, drink, reproduce, nesting. And in this they create a temporary imbalance in their favor. And of course, being the butt end of this joke is cause of rancor for all other species. it is like when poor people say money is of no help to happiness, but would do anything to get money.
"But, even with their knowledge, humans cannot see their own fate as species, all of their roads are open. They could colonize space, they could recreate the life lost so far by their own hands, they could evolve into something entirely different, they could extinguish themselves and much of the life on this world, before new life form will take over.
"This is their and your fate. No amount of magic intervention can interfere with that. You all have a right to fight for what is right, to defend your peers, to protect innocent lives, but magic is not a bomb to be thrown on the battlefield, rather a delicate tool to craft. Using magic to a massive level will only cause other magical forces to try and counterbalance the event, leading thus to further chaos and to the disruption of one's goals.
"That is why you all need to set a new path, taking ponderate decisions. I promise I will not arbitrarily interfere, I don't need to: I am beyond mortal needs and I know that in the end..."
another gesture, the fresco, the chronal limbo...
Nothing at all. No light. No matter. Absolute absence. Silence was like a solid thing, an element in itself.
"Our dreams, our hopes, our love and our hate, the victories and the falls, everything ends here, at the end of time. This is the final reward."
Janus felt like suffocating. He felt like holding Buster even stronger to protect him from this thing that had no name, from the final horror... "If it is so..." he managed to say with a whimper. "Why? Why care? Why...live at all?" he knew he was blabbering, but he felt crushed by something that didn't belong to existence. In fact, it felt so bad that even the sight of his enemies made him feel like reaching to them for comfort. How could *anyone* feel hatred in front of...this?
Hubert nodded. "Because this will happen in a length of time you can't even number. This is the finality of the Multiverse, but your lves are still here and now, and they matter, all of them.
"That is why I ask you to partake in a new direction. Not one of you can know what the future history will bring. Those of you who see can only look at a part of it, at possibilities, nothing is definite in life. Only the Finality is certain. Those of you who weld the power to change things, act in wisdom, not in selfishness."
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Serence Frostbite »

valerio wrote:
Hlaoroo wrote:It's my family, Hubert. My owners have a two year old son. He's far too young to die. My wish is that he survives this and so do my parents so they can raise him. I don't care what happens to me as long as they're okay. If someone has to die let it be me instead of little Jimmy.
So saying, the ferret pings a thought off her companions to get an idea of the layout of the new strangely echoing place they're in.
Hubert nodded wisely. "I was hoping you would ask that. SO BE IT!" The dragon's eyes shone like two stars
And then it just...
It wasn't a resolution, nothing was brought back to normal...just everything stopped. As it was.
The now immense and imposing dragon spoke, without any trace of ire or discomfort. "I hope you will forgive this intromission, contenders, but an innocent mortal's wish, the wish that her family be safe from this war, allowed me this intervention. For in order to save a mortal life, I cannot allow the chaos to proceed unidsturbed.
"I am not here to godmod you, to impose my will upon yours, for it would be a mockery of your own free will,and even worse, of your own fate. The fate each one of us is bound and permitted to build...BUT, now my charge has asked for a divine favor, and I am also entitled to respect it, even if it meant interfering with your quarrel.
"So I ask you: rather than seeking the path of chaos and sorrow, what could you do so that innocents would stop suffering for your actions, without giving up your goals? Mind me, I am not judging you, I am beyond that. I just ask you to show that you are better than your own instincts."
In an instant, both Buster and Meri found themselves back in the middle of the town, with the vixen still holding Meri's hand, as they stood behind Buster, facing the dragon
Hlaoroo wrote:Despite himself, Ray chuckles.
"Very clever!" he grins, carefully standing Lilly on her paws.
"Um... Do you think I have time to run next door and grab my parents before the cloud gets here?"
"I.........think you have time" Duke said hesitantly, after checking outside the door, seeing the mist seemingly frozen.
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"I'm already considering other paths, now that my head's cleared," Buster answered the dragon. "I'm stalling and getting more information. Though I don't really have an escape plan, so I may need some help."
"You can return to your loved ones whenever you want" the vixen said "We simply called out to you, you all have a choice, whether to accept, or reject it"
valerio wrote:
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"I'm already considering other paths, now that my head's cleared," Buster answered the dragon. "I'm stalling and getting more information. Though I don't really have an escape plan, so I may need some help."
Janus hugged the rabbit tenderly. "I know I made some...mistakes in managing this situation but please, include me in your plans."
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"My actions are to stop the death of innocents at the hands of the humans," Meri replied. "I can sense this vixen has known pain similar to mine, and she has the power to end it."
Hubert nodded. "Once, before ascending, I used to be likewise emotionally involved. I had reached a stage where my magic could make the difference, and...in a couple occasions, it did. Much to my regret, I must add, even if I now know it was my destiny to err in order to understand." Suddenly, that chronal limbo transformed into a fresco, an endless scenery of nature at her most violent state, from natural disasters to predators and prey, between animal and plants and bacteria...
"Humans are regarded as the true monsters of nature, those who pervert her supposed 'order' leaving only rubbles in their wake.
"But there is more than that to this. Other animals in this world can be equally cruel, and destructive, given the chance. No one has a moral ground in this, humans are only better in doing their job: eat, drink, reproduce, nesting. And in this they create a temporary imbalance in their favor. And of course, being the butt end of this joke is cause of rancor for all other species. it is like when poor people say money is of no help to happiness, but would do anything to get money.
"But, even with their knowledge, humans cannot see their own fate as species, all of their roads are open. They could colonize space, they could recreate the life lost so far by their own hands, they could evolve into something entirely different, they could extinguish themselves and much of the life on this world, before new life form will take over.
"This is their and your fate. No amount of magic intervention can interfere with that. You all have a right to fight for what is right, to defend your peers, to protect innocent lives, but magic is not a bomb to be thrown on the battlefield, rather a delicate tool to craft. Using magic to a massive level will only cause other magical forces to try and counterbalance the event, leading thus to further chaos and to the disruption of one's goals.
"That is why you all need to set a new path, taking ponderate decisions. I promise I will not arbitrarily interfere, I don't need to: I am beyond mortal needs and I know that in the end..."
another gesture, the fresco, the chronal limbo...
Nothing at all. No light. No matter. Absolute absence. Silence was like a solid thing, an element in itself.
"Our dreams, our hopes, our love and our hate, the victories and the falls, everything ends here, at the end of time. This is the final reward."
Janus felt like suffocating. He felt like holding Buster even stronger to protect him from this thing that had no name, from the final horror... "If it is so..." he managed to say with a whimper. "Why? Why care? Why...live at all?" he knew he was blabbering, but he felt crushed by something that didn't belong to existence. In fact, it felt so bad that even the sight of his enemies made him feel like reaching to them for comfort. How could *anyone* feel hatred in front of...this?
Hubert nodded. "Because this will happen in a length of time you can't even number. This is the finality of the Multiverse, but your lves are still here and now, and they matter, all of them.
"That is why I ask you to partake in a new direction. Not one of you can know what the future history will bring. Those of you who see can only look at a part of it, at possibilities, nothing is definite in life. Only the Finality is certain. Those of you who weld the power to change things, act in wisdom, not in selfishness."
The vixen stayed silent, watching as visions already foretold unfolded in front of her eyes, until silence was all that remain.
"Is it wisdom to choose inaction, when you could've done something? Is it selflessness to decide, by yourself, that all those whose future was, and will be lost, deserve no better fate than that which was not decided by themselves, just because eons from their time, oblivion is all that awaits ?" she then spoke loudly to the dragon, before turning to the crowd, pets and wild animals like, and continued.
"Ask yourself, everyone, why did you involve yourselves in this? Was it to protect the entire world, or some distant future, or some kind of balance of the universe? Or did you just want to protect your family, your loved ones who's living right now from the lost each and all of you have felt before."
She then looked slowly over them, directly into their eyes, one by one. Though still calm, the fervor within her is becoming clearer with each words
"To see a loved one suffer, their lives taken by another is a harrowing thing, one that everyone standing here endured. Remember how powerless you felt, how you wish it would have been different. Now ask yourself: if you have a choice, what would it be? If one must die, would it be the wolf who otherwise would continue hunting and killing others like they did your friend, or would it still be your friend, and all other preys like it is right now? Would it be the beastly predator, feasting upon blood and fear to quell not their hunger, but merely their bloodlust, or the unknown victims lost their lives to a rampaging phantom? Now, as it was then, you have a choice, one must die. Would it be all the humans, who you love and care for, who you see as family, or would it be one fox who would otherwise end it all? Answer this, and you will see why we're doing this."
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by xhunterko »

ooc: Yes, it is a ruse.

A small, voice came out from the distant.

"Before you answer, I'd like to ask you something, you vexating vixen," it said, "What gives YOU the right to decide the fate of the world, and humanity? Is it power? IS it this power that I oops *kerplunk flush*. Oh dear."
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Leafolawl »

Rena blinks at the cat. "... What did he drop?" she inquires, looking at the others. "'Cause if we're done now, ah'd like to put forward the notion of askin' why we did this myself."
Love me right now! Done.
SoujiTheFox wrote:(9:36:35 PM) Steve: THE CHRIST AM I NAMED STEVE FOR
Why do I still find this funny?
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Leafolawl wrote:Rena blinks at the cat. "... What did he drop?" she inquires, looking at the others. "'Cause if we're done now, ah'd like to put forward the notion of askin' why we did this myself."
Levi shrugged at the question of what the ghost cat had dropped.
Buster however was more focused on the Vixen's words. "you say it was my choice to come to you, and it was," Buster admitted. "you talk of choice, but the only way to ensure what you promise is to take all choice from others. Why do we deserve choice and they don't? Of course I'd prefer Tara still be alive, but it was her choice to save me, and our choice to play in woods we knew were dangerous. and it was a choice that let me meet Janus, and I don't regret any choices that lead to him. Everyone deserves that choice even if some abuse it."
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by valerio »

"I am my own paradox," Hubert answered the vixen. "When I ascended, I did something no one had ever done, I had become one with everything. And this puts me in a unique condition, literally.
"My whim is my will, my will is my action. Just talking to you is an influence. Imagine for a moment what would be of your world, should I decide to run it as I saw fit, reregardless of everyone's will or fate.
"It would be *my* world, just an extension of me. And I did that already: I experimented, i created and eventually I failed. Because only experience can teach wisdom. observe!"

The scene all around them shifted once again, everything became a display of stars, a splendid tapestry of gems thick in the sky.
And at the center of this tapestry...a star like our Sun, diffusing its warm light in a system of 5 rocky planets, 5 planets like Earth, ranging from a tropical world to an icy world, passing through an Eden world and two other gems orbiting each other.
"The system of Salarius," Hubert said.
Janus was speechless, though because of an opposite feeling this way. He was rapt. "It is...beautiful."
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Serence Frostbite »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote: Levi shrugged at the question of what the ghost cat had dropped.
Buster however was more focused on the Vixen's words. "you say it was my choice to come to you, and it was," Buster admitted. "you talk of choice, but the only way to ensure what you promise is to take all choice from others. Why do we deserve choice and they don't? Of course I'd prefer Tara still be alive, but it was her choice to save me, and our choice to play in woods we knew were dangerous. and it was a choice that let me meet Janus, and I don't regret any choices that lead to him. Everyone deserves that choice even if some abuse it."
"The power that you were promised isn't a definite future. You were promised a power to make changes of the world, a blade to cut away anything, and if you so choose, everything that could harm your love ones. You, as its wielder, would be the one to decide what to cut and what to leave behind. You can choose to warn your enemies of this fact or omit it, they can choose to either concede, or ignore your warning, and you would choose to either let them harm you or you love one, or stop them yourself, your invoke this power that would be in your hands. It is true that this power of mine will in the end override all choices aside from your own, but the events leading up to its usage are themselves choices."
"Or as an old guy once said "with great power comes great responsibilities" , or something like that" the wolf said, taking a sip from a bottle of soda.
valerio wrote:"I am my own paradox," Hubert answered the vixen. "When I ascended, I did something no one had ever done, I had become one with everything. And this puts me in a unique condition, literally.
"My whim is my will, my will is my action. Just talking to you is an influence. Imagine for a moment what would be of your world, should I decide to run it as I saw fit, reregardless of everyone's will or fate.
"It would be *my* world, just an extension of me. And I did that already: I experimented, i created and eventually I failed. Because only experience can teach wisdom. observe!"

The scene all around them shifted once again, everything became a display of stars, a splendid tapestry of gems thick in the sky.
And at the center of this tapestry...a star like our Sun, diffusing its warm light in a system of 5 rocky planets, 5 planets like Earth, ranging from a tropical world to an icy world, passing through an Eden world and two other gems orbiting each other.
"The system of Salarius," Hubert said.
Janus was speechless, though because of an opposite feeling this way. He was rapt. "It is...beautiful."
"Yeah but what does this gotta do with anything?"
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Leafolawl »

Rena growls and steps between everyone. "Enough with the philosophical hullaballoo. Ah don't care why we did it, or who did what. My family, my friends, and possibly a whole world—this world, our world—is being threatened, and yet we're to just stand and talk about the right and wrong of it? Y'all want a choice? Then put me back out there, so at least someone ain't just sittin' around. Ah'm done actin' like ah care about this discussion. Ah know what the choice ah'm makin' is, and ah'm okay with it, so why can't we just end this already?"
Love me right now! Done.
SoujiTheFox wrote:(9:36:35 PM) Steve: THE CHRIST AM I NAMED STEVE FOR
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by valerio »

Leafolawl wrote:Rena growls and steps between everyone. "Enough with the philosophical hullaballoo. Ah don't care why we did it, or who did what. My family, my friends, and possibly a whole world—this world, our world—is being threatened, and yet we're to just stand and talk about the right and wrong of it? Y'all want a choice? Then put me back out there, so at least someone ain't just sittin' around. Ah'm done actin' like ah care about this discussion. Ah know what the choice ah'm makin' is, and ah'm okay with it, so why can't we just end this already?"
Hubert nodded, as the motley group was transported above a magnificent city, an unique blend of organic and artificial, titanic living buildings that gave home to landwalkers and air-dwellers.
"Your world is in no danger as of now. As long as we are gathered, nothing can threaten it. So enjoy the view of what could be the fate that awaits you all..." it was one most beautiful trip, world after world, four inhabited gems that had reached the peak of harmony with themselves and with nature. Man's corrupting presence had always been absent, here. Sure, nature had claimed her share of conflicts, but nothing that could degenerate beyond the tribal scale. Abundant resources had allowed peoples to cultivate their territories, eat their fills. And whenever a drought plagued the land, an earhtquake struck, a storm turned rivers into killers...always, tribes turned to each other for help. Even the wildest and untamed corners of these worlds granted a good life to their inhabitants...
And together with life, magic abunded. Everyone could be schooled in a guild, whatever the purpose was. With time, portals were opened and the worlds were connected. A new destiny awaited those who wanted to reach further, to meet other life forms, explore new worlds...
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Leafolawl wrote:Rena growls and steps between everyone. "Enough with the philosophical hullaballoo. Ah don't care why we did it, or who did what. My family, my friends, and possibly a whole world—this world, our world—is being threatened, and yet we're to just stand and talk about the right and wrong of it? Y'all want a choice? Then put me back out there, so at least someone ain't just sittin' around. Ah'm done actin' like ah care about this discussion. Ah know what the choice ah'm makin' is, and ah'm okay with it, so why can't we just end this already?"
"Wanna know a plot twist curb?" the wolf asked, standing next to Rena as the scenes unfold in front of them
"This is probably what you're trying to fight against" she chuckled, then glanced at the vixen, who continued
"Rena........I'm the one trying to save the world"
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

"By offering unknowable power to the most emotionally compromised among us," Buster stated flatly. "Mortals can't be trusted to wield that kind of power and leave any semblance of a 'saved' world."
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Serence Frostbite »

"No Buster" the vixen shook her head, holding out her right paws, to which the light around them rapidly poured into, like a black hole sucking all that can be seen into that one single point, until all that left was a sphere of light.
"Offering you such power was never meant to be a part of saving Earth. It's meant to keep that power contained and protected after all of this is over, for it is a sword, and a sword must always has a wielder. With you at least it will be in the hand of someone who knows the risk, yet will still willing to use it if he must. Without an appointed wielder, when I'm gone, it will seek out one with the strongest desires, and I, more than anyone, knows how bad it can get...........But that would all be in the future. For now, Buster, Rena, Janus, everyone. What is happening here, as horrible as it is, as painful a lost as it is for each and everyone of you...". She paused, looking around them once more, with the light in her paw the only source of illumination
"It needs to be done, or our worlds will all end. This task falls on me alone, to save Earth from the ruination brought on from my own selfishness , all I ask of you is to stay back, and instead spend your loved ones' last moments with them, and try your best as those who will inherit this world, so that the utopia you've just seen can become a reality for future generation as well"
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by valerio »

Janus stood before the vixen. "Much as it is tempting, utopia brought by means of imposition cannot work! The world is more complex like that! It will be *always* someone wanting something more, or some species feeling more 'blessed' than the others, *especially* once once an all-powerful being decided to change things by one's point of view.
"Mind me, I really wish tings went better for us nonhumans. Sometimes, reading the news of abuses, of the horrors casually inflicted upon us without justice being done makes me want humans disappeared forever..."
he was starting to shake, eyes tearing up, "But what about those humans who really love us, care for us, *fight* for us? What about my mom? And those persons for whom we are here now due a selfless desire?
"You have listened to Hubert so far, no? Are you sure, are you absolutely sure that the world won't go in the right direction? Have you seen all the possible future and there was only this one where the world is saved?! Because..."
The Czech wolfdog held the rabbit to him, looking at him in the eyes. A bitter smile crept upon his mouth. "Because if there is nothing else that can be done, ever...then go for it, but only at the condition he is spared, if no one else can be saved. Mom would die rather than seeing me unhappy and alone. That much I know." he caressed his rabbit's head fur, kissed it.
"I know, it sounds horrible, but...it's like trying to reason with a nuclear device about to explode, right? You either go 'boom' or you don't. Hubert..?"
"I promised to save a family from whatever change will be imposed, so, sorry, but *at least* one human nucleus will survive in this utopia. That much is granted by Lily's wish."
Janus blinked at that. "At least..?"
The tiny dragon nodded, but didn't say more than that.
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Leafolawl »

Rena steps forward, a paw clenched. "You said it can remove anythin', yeah?" the shiba demands, eyes narrowed.
Love me right now! Done.
SoujiTheFox wrote:(9:36:35 PM) Steve: THE CHRIST AM I NAMED STEVE FOR
Why do I still find this funny?
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Serence Frostbite »

valerio wrote:Janus stood before the vixen. "Much as it is tempting, utopia brought by means of imposition cannot work! The world is more complex like that! It will be *always* someone wanting something more, or some species feeling more 'blessed' than the others, *especially* once once an all-powerful being decided to change things by one's point of view.
"Mind me, I really wish tings went better for us nonhumans. Sometimes, reading the news of abuses, of the horrors casually inflicted upon us without justice being done makes me want humans disappeared forever..."
he was starting to shake, eyes tearing up, "But what about those humans who really love us, care for us, *fight* for us? What about my mom? And those persons for whom we are here now due a selfless desire?
"You have listened to Hubert so far, no? Are you sure, are you absolutely sure that the world won't go in the right direction? Have you seen all the possible future and there was only this one where the world is saved?! Because..."
The Czech wolfdog held the rabbit to him, looking at him in the eyes. A bitter smile crept upon his mouth. "Because if there is nothing else that can be done, ever...then go for it, but only at the condition he is spared, if no one else can be saved. Mom would die rather than seeing me unhappy and alone. That much I know." he caressed his rabbit's head fur, kissed it.
"I know, it sounds horrible, but...it's like trying to reason with a nuclear device about to explode, right? You either go 'boom' or you don't. Hubert..?"
"I promised to save a family from whatever change will be imposed, so, sorry, but *at least* one human nucleus will survive in this utopia. That much is granted by Lily's wish."
Janus blinked at that. "At least..?"
The tiny dragon nodded, but didn't say more than that.
"Buster and all other non-humans will be safe, at least from the result of my action, but i'm sorry, at all cost, wee must be certain all of humanity be removed. It is cruel to say, but those who are kind and good don't matter in this. No matter how many of them there are, they can never change the action of the few human who would be willing to end the world for their benefit. If they know what's at stake, if they truly care about you, then they too would see that their end is a necessary sacrifice"
Leafolawl wrote:Rena steps forward, a paw clenched. "You said it can remove anythin', yeah?" the shiba demands, eyes narrowed.
"anything that exist, yes"
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by valerio »

"Then we do have a problem, I fear," Hubert said. "My promise bounds me to obstacolate you, and any attempt of yours will be unavoidably frustrated...unless you are ready to run another path that will satisfy your purpose nonetheless."
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Leafolawl »

Rena nods. "Then ah'm goin' after it," she says, turning to look over everyone to the best of her ability. "You're all free to go, but ah can't sit still when ah still see a way out of this. Anyone still willin' to try?"
Love me right now! Done.
SoujiTheFox wrote:(9:36:35 PM) Steve: THE CHRIST AM I NAMED STEVE FOR
Why do I still find this funny?
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by valerio »

(OOC: Assuming she was answering to Hubert)
Leafolawl wrote:Rena nods. "Then ah'm goin' after it," she says, turning to look over everyone to the best of her ability. "You're all free to go, but ah can't sit still when ah still see a way out of this. Anyone still willin' to try?"
"Your choice is wise."
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Leafolawl wrote:Rena nods. "Then ah'm goin' after it," she says, turning to look over everyone to the best of her ability. "You're all free to go, but ah can't sit still when ah still see a way out of this. Anyone still willin' to try?"
No one mortal should have that power," Buster said flatly. but after a brief pause of thought, he continued. "Let's split it. Itll take more than one of us to get it before its too late, anyway."
Paradigm Shift by me
I do not actually believe any of what I'm saying.
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by valerio »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:
Leafolawl wrote:Rena nods. "Then ah'm goin' after it," she says, turning to look over everyone to the best of her ability. "You're all free to go, but ah can't sit still when ah still see a way out of this. Anyone still willin' to try?"
No one mortal should have that power," Buster said flatly. but after a brief pause of thought, he continued. "Let's split it. Itll take more than one of us to get it before its too late, anyway."
"Please, allow me," Janus said. "Let's hear what will be the answer to Hubert's offer, first."
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Re: HPU:Applegate

Post by Serence Frostbite »

"Before you heed the will of a god, let us show you the vision of a mortal" the fox said, crushing the ball of light in her hand, which exploded, filling the darkness with light and dusty fog. As the dust around them started to move rapidly, the fox continued:
"There are things out there, more ancient than time, so primitive, they were there before existence..." she said, as shadows lurked within the cloud, all around them. Sometimes, the pets could even make out tendril-like limbs, but at the same time, spiraling down within itself.
"And so they long for what you all have taken for granted: to be, to exist, to be able to influence and be a part of something bigger, to be like you to the world". The shadows were now all around them, each of their tendrils alone was so big, it felt like they could block out the sun. One of them rose up.
"or more specifically, to take your place in this world". The tendril creaked and groaned, like a million wooden gears forced to move in ways they were never meant to be moved. Then, it slammed down on top of the group, only to be pushed back moments before contact by an explosion. Then hundred, perhaps thousands of shadows, of wolves, foxes, even bears and lions, sprung forth against the titanic creatures, screams, shouts and warcry echoed the surroundings, as lightings, fire rain down and the battle, though obscured by the fog, was clearly getting more and more violent, and for a moment, the giants would appeared to be overwhelmed by the sheer number of their enemies.
"A prophecy was given, an ancient pact was made, and so since time immemorial, my people walked away from the light which led their ancient brethren, to become the bulwark against the horror of the dark-". With a haunting hiss, the creatures rose again, their limbs slashing wildly, crackling with blinding lights. With each sweep, screams filled the air as dozens of their enemies fell and faded into nothingness, but one by one, the creatures fell in the end.
"It is a loosing battle, yet eons after eons, my people fight on, their only hope comes from tales of the Flame's chosen ones, who carve mountains, change rivers, then take flight upon wings born of fire and earth, harness the storm's power, and reach toward the stars..." the fox continued as the commotion around them died down, a spark of adoration and wonder slipped in her voice, like someone who just discovered a lost joy, only it lasted for a mere moment.
"With each new story, each step of this world's growth, my people's conviction grow, and generations after generations, they throw themselves in a war they have no way to win, to protect those who have long forgotten them, believing that their sacrifices will buy the chosen ones enough time to achieve their greatest potential, so when the world fades away, they shall be able to return, and stand side by side with the chosen ones, on the world they once called home: this world."
The vixen then turned to Janus, and scoffed "They are the ones who fight for you. So that you can be here and shed tears for your human, so that the humans, with their wondrous mind and ingenuity, decides to use this world, and everything in it, as fuel for their wars. What of those who fight for you, you asked? There was never any." the hatred seething through her teeth making it sounds more like she was hissing "You “pets” who lives among them, caring for them, your distant brethren in the wild, even their own kind, all are nothing but insignificants before their thirst for dominance and vanity. Ruling, honor, duty, all excuses for destruction, until each of them meet the same fate. What have they sacrificed? Nothing. Even their loved ones, weeping for their death, still praise their action, and so generations after generations, they throw themselves in a war they can never win, a war against themselves. And. We. Forgave. It. All…..Until……they came for us".
Sounds of panic screaming, gunshots and motors broke the silence
"How do you imagine a perfect weapon?" the fox asked, as the shadows of gunmen and foxes fought all around them "One that can adapt, can evolve, can restore itself, can function without a wielder, can BE its own wielder, a wielder that control forces no one other man can imagine"
Suddenly one of the shadows fell out of the fog, revealing a male arctic fox, his eyes clenched in pain from the hole in his chest. His body turned to dust when it hit the ground
"They came for us without warning, those who fought were killed, for we were gatherers, hunters, not warriors. Those remain, my village, my friends, my family, we were meant to be this weapon. With poisons and irons, they forced our body to change to their will. All who came before me perished....But I….." the vixen paused, for a moment the guilt of the past resurfaced in her mind, but only for a moment. As she continued, her fur turned a bright blue, as she grew more tails, her claws and fangs grew longer and sharper.
"I chose a coward’s path, and became the first of their many monsters"
The fighting and screaming kept on, but now it was the humans that screamed in panic, as they fought against 1 single shadow: that of the vixen, with a bright crimson blade on her wrist.
"The fact that I survive is only the beginning. Those who did this saw it as a sign that they can succeed, and during the years between then and now, more have fallen to their cruelty, some of whom were even pitted against me. The knowledge of our creation has already been discovered and spread over this world in secret. Within the next few centuries, we will become the ultimate weapons for the highest bidder, overpowering all conventional armed forces. Facing imminent destruction, nations will come together to devise a weapon specifically meant for us: A virus, able to change and mutate at a rate even our adaptability could not overcome. Hundreds by hundreds, we shall fall. Yet the virus would not stop, they will go for the closest things to us, other non-humans, like you."
Gradually the dust fog lifted, showing thee group where they now stood, not in the street of Applegate, but on top of a skyscraper, with buildings stretches toward the horizon under the dawning sun. Only there was no sound, no commotion, no bird chirping, nothing.
"Your future generations, they too shall fall. In the matter of years, there will be no healthy ones left. The humans who you put your faith in, for all its worth, they will rage, they will cry, they will prosecute those they see as the guilty, they will try to find a cure. They will fail. And this" she waved her hand, indicating their surroundings "Is all that will remain. Even your precious human will turn their back on this land you once called home, and take their conflict up there, among the stars."
A wind picked up, and like a statue of dust and sand, the vixen started to fade away. "Take this scene before you, and think deeply. If we fail, this will be what awaits, for the end of worlds heed not the plead of the kindhearted. Your dragon, immortal as he is, has forgotten what it's like to be at risk, what it's like to see everything you ever know crumbles before you, to have everything to loose. To be mortal. But you are different. You can stand aside, and rebuild the world, or you could stand against us, to either fail, or become the heralds of the end."
And then, she faded away
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