2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by Keldor »

Poor Keene. He's seeing his life's work go up in smoke here, and not just his, but his father's to. Tarot inadvertantly mentioned what might be one last way to salvage everything, even though anyone who stopped a moment to consider it would rapidly realize it's a very bad idea. But Keene *hasn't* stopped to think about it, and with everyone in the room fighting and Tarot there and things hanging in the balance, he doesn't have *time* to stop to think about, even if ferrets were predisposed to do that sort of thing (they aren't). The situation is desperate.

Still, it would have never worked. Keene still hasn't realized there's no magical way to fix the world, it takes hard work and devotion, and even then most people fail even to make slight progress, or else things would have been fixed a long time ago.

Keene's a realist though, at least to an extent. He knows that putting an end to conflict and pain is a hopeless goal, but maybe he can even the playing field out so that everyone gets a fair shot. So many animals and even humans never had a chance. He himself was nearly there when he was in the pet store, alone, after his mother died, and but for an incredible stroke of luck when Mr. Milton found him, there's no telling where he could have ended up. But the vast majority of animals never get such a chance, so he wants to make darn sure he doesn't waste it.

So what will he do after all this? He despaired once of his goals in heaven and nearly gave up, but I don't see this happening again. Will he have the sense to scale back his ambitions a little bit? Maybe he'll have a new person there to help guide him *coughBreel*.

Or maybe he'll realize that Dragon had a temple out there too, with its own mana pool.
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by CHAOKOCartoons »

NHWestoN wrote:Breel's a very touchy-feely, lovey sort, but he's male and formerly a mortal like Rufus.

However, a couple of questions for you Housepets! scholars ....

1. Since Celestial can shape-shift, assume they can gender switch back and forth?
2. Summer and Spring ... Fox's fan-girls ... are they former mortals like Breel and Rufus or "residential" Celestials who never were mortals (like, say, Cerberus)?

They aren't exactly "celestials", they're beings or souls that reside in part of the celestial plain (that being heaven). The destinction is the Halo. We've seen that Celestials do not have halos upon visiting the mortal realm, but deceased mortals do. That being said, there's no clear indication mortals can alter their form as angels, but there's nothing saying they can. BUT that does beg the question as to how Summer and Spring are un-naturally colored. Either they can change their form to appear how they preffer like in heaven, or Cats aren't the only ones that can have un-natural coats. They do have halo's though, so unless natural angels exist they must have been mortal too.
GameCobra wrote:I'm not sure exactly how long they can brought back to life, but having everyone revived would be a interesting twist.
I'd be a nerd and say it's a 1-day revival, but it's clearly been multiple days already :lol:
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by NHWestoN »

Makes sense to me, CHAOKO.
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by Keldor »

Well, judging by the way everyone looks here https://www.housepetscomic.com/comic/20 ... rly-gates/ it looks like denizens of heaven change to whatever form best reflects them. Also, remember the way Keene turned into a kit again when he met his long dead mother. I don't see any particular reason this wouldn't apply to gender if you rolled that way.

A more unclear question is whether they have control of their form, or if it *just happens*. It might be involuntary, like your heart beating, or maybe slightly controllable, like breathing.
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by Argent »

Keldor wrote:A more unclear question is whether they have control of their form, or if it *just happens*. It might be involuntary, like your heart beating, or maybe slightly controllable, like breathing.



Seems pretty controllable to me.
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by CHAOKOCartoons »

Keldor wrote:Well, judging by the way everyone looks here https://www.housepetscomic.com/comic/20 ... rly-gates/ it looks like denizens of heaven change to whatever form best reflects them. Also, remember the way Keene turned into a kit again when he met his long dead mother. I don't see any particular reason this wouldn't apply to gender if you rolled that way.
Well the big concern is if that works outside of heaven. As you can see, Spring... er, or maybe Summer... the pink one had wings in heaven, but here she does not. Yeah it'd be a dead giveaway (BRICK'D) but so are the Halos unless only people they want to see them can see them. That makes me think this is indeed their true form and they cant change it in the mortal realm. Plus, why wouldn't Rufus make himself appear to be in his prime? I mean I get that he's a chill guy but at that point like, why not?
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by Keldor »


Doesn't look like it's completely voluntary. I'm not sure Keene even consciously realized it happened. I'm going to say it's like breathing. You can hold your breath or take a deep breath or whatever, but the rest of the time it just happens without you thinking about it.
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by Argent »

Keldor wrote:I'm not sure Keene even consciously realized it happened.
Keene didn't know he could do it. Fox and King, who have been told they can, can shift at will.

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure that if I tried voluntarily changing my shape with my mind alone I'd end up looking like the Elephant Man.
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by Buster »

GameCobra wrote:I'm not sure exactly how long they can brought back to life, but having everyone revived would be a interesting twist.
And then the one wishing doesn't think that through, and the mana takes 'Everyone' as it's most literal furthest extreme.

Suddenly heaven is a ghost town and overcrowding all over the world just went insane...
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by Keldor »

Argent wrote:
Keldor wrote:I'm not sure Keene even consciously realized it happened.
Keene didn't know he could do it. Fox and King, who have been told they can, can shift at will.

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure that if I tried voluntarily changing my shape with my mind alone I'd end up looking like the Elephant Man.
I mean I don't think he even realized that he changed at all. If you were to ask him, he'd probably say something about how he felt like he was reliving his childhood. Then the realization might hit.
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by John-056 »

CHAOKOCartoons wrote:
Keldor wrote:Well, judging by the way everyone looks here https://www.housepetscomic.com/comic/20 ... rly-gates/ it looks like denizens of heaven change to whatever form best reflects them. Also, remember the way Keene turned into a kit again when he met his long dead mother. I don't see any particular reason this wouldn't apply to gender if you rolled that way.
Well the big concern is if that works outside of heaven. As you can see, Spring... er, or maybe Summer... the pink one had wings in heaven, but here she does not. Yeah it'd be a dead giveaway (BRICK'D) but so are the Halos unless only people they want to see them can see them. That makes me think this is indeed their true form and they cant change it in the mortal realm. Plus, why wouldn't Rufus make himself appear to be in his prime? I mean I get that he's a chill guy but at that point like, why not?
I think it's based on the term, 'A Form you are comfortable with', since he was interacting with two of his 'Relatives' who'd only ever met him in his 'Old Form'... Or it's because he's already comfortable with the form he died in.

It could also do with what you mentioned, about how Rufus can't alter his form once out of the Celestial Plains. I feel that would be a better option, though. Prevent nasty surprises.

Halos are likely a mark of them being low Tier Celestials, since Kitsune, a Demigod, doesn't have a Halo. If Angels are a step higher than Deceased Soul, then they only keep their Halo when they stop by, but have to hide their wings.
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by NHWestoN »

True, Keene's experiences with Heavenly metaphysics take some different turns than those of Fox and King/Joel. In both cases, all three run into their mothers, but results are rather different. Fox's Mom is startled and embarrassed to meet him. King/Joel's mother's reaction to her son is distant and unkind, made even colder by a snide reference to his father and his low expectations for his son. Keene finds a different reception.

Keene's meeting with his Mom is beguiling and tender. She lifts him into her lap and, as they start talking, Keene becomes aware that Mom is "a lot more prefect than I knew you." ("Paging Dr.Freud....") Mom lovingly assures him that "Heaven tends to mellow out people". She then adds, "But I'm also the way you need to see me."

Interesting. ... What frames Keene's perception of his Mom, his internal longings or Mom's response to her now spiritually guided realizations of the healing Keene needs?

Oh, and there's pie ... Mom conjures a pie (and an oven mitt) out of the ether. Fox and Joel got no pie.

Keene's meeting with Mr. Milton also underscores that shape-shifting takes a role in spiritual development in Heaven. Still the same generous visionary Keene adored when he was his human Dad, Mr. Milton has willingly metamorphosed a ferret himself and clearly revels on the change. He, too, delights in Keene's efforts and shares insights into Keene's psyche that also startle him.

In farewell before he returns to the world, Keene shows a loving, vulnerable side not really apparent before. Mom, "Dad" Milton, and Breel are hugged and snuggled sincerely. Keene does get a little puritanical when Mr. Milton "hits" on his Mom, even though he's shown no discomfort with the affectionate treatment Breel has lavished on him since their first meeting. Heaven, apparently, does not discourage "mushy stuff."

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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by Naro Rivers »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:
leinglo wrote:"It's dangerous for mortals to touch that much mana!"

Hm, how does Breel technically factor into that, then, sanding out in the middle of it like he is? I mean, he may not be mortal now, but he isn't pure celestial either. His is still the soul of a mortal. Could the mana react to him?
I'm taking that to mean it doesn't actually react to celestials or the non-living. I'm pretty sure neither Pete nor Dragon directly used it, rather it was meant for their avatars who would only use it as directed by them.
Pete and Dragon didn't use it on-panel, or at least we didn't explicitly see it used, but the way Pete explained the game when he was on trial casts the mana as the source of their in-game power. I think this line is more that celestials can control how they use it, but mortals can't. It remains to be seen whether it's reactive at all with the non-living.
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by Sleet »

I think the fact that Breel is touching it and he's fine kind of answers that question.
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by NHWestoN »

Yeah, I'm really intrigued to see if his unintended wade in the mana spill changes Breel somehow.

Is this a Hazmat situation? Should they call somebody? Karishad, mebbee?
Okay, bad thinking........
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by Not A Furry »

I'm inclined to believe that heaven denizens lose all their "bad thought" capability when they die and go to heaven.
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by Naro Rivers »

Sleet wrote:I think the fact that Breel is touching it and he's fine kind of answers that question.
I don't think it's physically damaging. I think the danger comes from what can be made real from the mind of someone who makes contact. Either it's non-reactive or Breel hasn't thought of anything.
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by VoidGaming404 »

Naro Rivers wrote:
Sleet wrote:I think the fact that Breel is touching it and he's fine kind of answers that question.
I don't think it's physically damaging. I think the danger comes from what can be made real from the mind of someone who makes contact. Either it's non-reactive or Breel hasn't thought of anything.
I don't know, his halo does look like it's missing. Like others have suggested, maybe he was thinking about being mortal?
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by John-056 »

NHWestoN wrote:Yeah, I'm really intrigued to see if his unintended wade in the mana spill changes Breel somehow.

Is this a Hazmat situation? Should they call somebody? Karishad, mebbee?
Okay, bad thinking........
Breel isn't Mortal anymore. He's a Citizen of Heaven, and isn't even alive anymore, so the Mana doesn't affect him.

Also, I was right about one thing. Mana isn't Toxic, ARGENT. Dangerous? Yes. Toxic? NO.
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by Obbl »

Why are you calling Argent out? I can't find any reference of Argent calling the mana toxic...
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by John-056 »

Obbl wrote:Why are you calling Argent out? I can't find any reference of Argent calling the mana toxic...
He said it in a previous comic discussion.
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by Obbl »

No, I mean, Argent has never referred to the mana as "toxic", ever, I checked...
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by Not A Furry »

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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by D-Rock »

Let's not move the conversation in that direction.
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Re: 2017/12/06 - When Life Spills Your Milk

Post by NHWestoN »

.... Apologies if I set off a row. Like some others, I noticed that Breel SEEMED to have lost his halo which MIGHT indicate his wade in the mana had somehow changed his spiritual status, that's all. Since so much is in flux, it was a valid speculation .. rendered moot by the Friday panel. The crack about Hazmat was just a silly crack.

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