Housepets! Survey

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Housepets! Survey

Post by CanzetYote »

I made a survey!

1.Favorite Dog?
2.Favorite Cat?
3.Favorite Milton Ferret?
4.Favorite Wolf?
5.Favorite Human?
6.Favorite Celestial?
7.Favorite Minor Character?
8.Most Hated Dog?
9.Most Hated Cat?
10.Most Hated Milton Ferret?
11.Most Hated Wolf?
12.Most Hated Human?
13.Most Hated Celestial?
14.Most Hated Minor Character?
15.Favorite Ship?
16.Most Hated Ship?
17.Favorite Arc?
18.Most Hated Arc?
19.If you could hug any character, who would you hug?
20.If you could punch any character, who would you punch?
21.If you could be friends with any character, who would you be friends with?
22.Who would become your arch nemesis if you existed in the HP universe?

My answers:

1.Favorite Dog? Tiger. Hilarious comic relief and psychologically damaged woobie rolled into one.

2.Favorite Cat? Res. Precious cinnamon roll baby.

3.Favorite Milton Ferret? Pit. He seems like he'd be a blast to hang out with. He's like a ferret version of Zack from Dead Or Alive.

4.Favorite Wolf? Yellow Hat Daryl. He's the cutest wolf IMO.

5.Favorite Human? Jill, I guess? I never really payed much attention to the people of the comic.

6.Favorite Celestial? Great Kitsune. Love that grin on his face.

7.Favorite Minor Character? Dallas. He's such a nerdy little cutie pie.

8.Most Hated Dog? Duchess. In the beginning, I would've said Bino but now I pity him more than anything. Duchess is creepy, controlling, mean, heartless and reminds me of this old co-worker of mine who did nothing but insult me at work. I can't think of a single good thing about her.

9.Most Hated Cat? Ptah. He is a textbook example of an overly smug **** and his hat looks like across between a blender glass and the hats seen in Devo's Whip It music video.

10.Most Hated Milton Ferret? Rock. Something about him attitude really rubs me the wrong way. He's by far the jerkiest of the ferrets.

11.Most Hated Wolf? Jack. I lost a LOT of respect for him when he abandoned Bino after egging him on to steal from humans. Sure, this IS Bino we're talking about but what Jack did was just plain cruel.

12.Most Hated Human? The fat PETA guy who tried to kill Fox. He is the worst of the worst.

13.Most Hated Celestial? Pete. What can I say? He's a jerk and unlike Bino, I don't find a lot of comedy value in him.

14.Most Hated Minor Character? Lester. All he really does is rant his head off and complain about anime dubs. Also, he punched poor Dallas in the arm once.

15.Favorite Ship? Fox and Mungo. It's so adorable!

16.Most Hated Ship? Bino and Duchess. It will only end in tears, most likely Bino's tears. I feel that Duchess is incapable of love and will throw Bino away like a used napkin at the first opportunity.

17.Favorite Arc? The one where the ferrets make a theme park of theme parks. I kinda wish it existed in real life.

18.Most Hated Arc? The one where Sasha tried to kill Keene. No motive was ever revealed and it kinda left on an annoying cliffhanger. Hopefully, it gets cleared up in the future and the reason for Sasha's behavior gets revealed.

19.If you could hug any character, who would you hug? Peanut. As much as I want to say Tiger, hugging him could prove dangerous if he's in the wrong mood.

20.If you could punch any character, who would you punch? The fat PETA guy who tried to kill Fox. I'd make sure to break his nose. What a scumbag.

21.If you could be friends with any character, who would you be friends with? Tiger. Poor guy barely has any friends outside of Marvin and suffers from depression and binge eating. Most people either make fun of him or are scared of him so he could totally use a friend. Heck, even Marvin constantly makes snarky jabs at the poor guy! It would be interesting to bond with him and try to find out exactly what goes on in that head of his.

22.Who would become your arch nemesis if you existed in the HP universe? Probably Bino because he makes fun of Tiger. I'd probably tease Bino back by calling him "Beano" and "Fartmeds" at every opportunity. As much as I hate Duchess, I think she'd be a much more dangerous, cunning and ruthless enemy than Bino so I'd try my best to avoid her.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by Obbl »

As a reminder to our new people, we would prefer that you avoid the "Character X Character" ship naming style as it often has stronger implications than we would like.
CanzetYote wrote:The one where Sasha tried to kill Keene. No motive was ever revealed and it kinda left on an annoying cliffhanger. Hopefully, it gets cleared up in the future and the reason for Sasha's behavior gets revealed.
This strip explains Fox's theory that Sasha was brainwashed into claiming blame. This one explains who actually committed the crime. :P

1. Rufus (Down to earth with a great sense of humor)
2. Maxwell (The right amount of playful jerkishness)
3. Keene (Hard working, forward thinking)
4. Poncho (Great guy with great fashion sense) (Jack is close second)
5. Bill Lindberg (Tough but fair, speaks his mind)
6. Kitsune (That smile though :D )
7. Itsuki Kitamura (This guy gets all my yes)
8. Duchess (Hate is a strong word, but she comes pretty close at times)
9. None (It's really hard to hate the cats, they're so classy)
10. None (They're all pretty great)
11. None (How could one conceivably hate any of the wolves?)
12. Orwell Johnson (I mean, if anyone deserves some hate, it'd be this guy)
13. None (I like every Celestial we've been introduced to thus far)
14. None (I don't see them enough to actually hate them)
15. Zach and Jessica (They work really well together)
16. None (Unless we're talking about some of the more crack pairings) (Bino and Duchess isn't my favorite, but there are times I like it)
17. Yes, Jessica, There Is an Opener of Ways (This is a fantastic arc)
18. None (I am a big fan of most arcs. I am a fan of all of them)
19. King (The expression on his face alone would more than make up for anything following :lol: )
20. None (The only characters I might want to punch have already gotten their comeuppance...)
21. Fox (My earliest choice for best friend, and I can't think of a reason to change :D )
22. None (There just aren't any good candidates for arch nemesis that I can see...)
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by SuperStar »

1.Favorite Dog? Peanut easily. Kindhearted and loyal
2.Favorite Cat? Max, he thinks he's all that... and he is.
3.Favorite Milton Ferret? Tied between Duke and Rock. Duke is just an innocent child but Rock is way past cool :P
4.Favorite Wolf? Northstar, the most focused of the cubs, which I find to be the most interesting of the pack.
5.Favorite Human? Earl, his interactions with his pets are heartwarming and he has a pretty good sense of humor.
6.Favorite Celestial? Bahamut hands down. The most benevolent being in the whole comic.
7.Favorite Minor Character? I'm not quite sure what counts as such. Joey, if he's too major, then Fiddler and Keys.
8.Most Hated Dog? Eeeh, I guess Boris. I don't really hate any of the dogs, I just like Boris the least.
9.Most Hated Cat? ...Grape. Recently anyway, my answer will change with time probably.
10.Most Hated Milton Ferret? Keene.
11.Most Hated Wolf? The Other Darryl
12.Most Hated Human? Joel
13.Most Hated Celestial? Cerberus
14.Most Hated Minor Character? Eeerh, Squeak?
15.Favorite Ship? Peanut and Tarot, seems to be one of the most mature couples in the comic.
16.Most Hated Ship? A can open a can of worms with this answer so I'll just say N/a.
17.Favorite Arc? Hrm... I think it's Imaginate, Too! or Gallifrax Protocol.
18.Most Hated Arc? Uh... Heaven's Not Enough perhaps.
19.If you could hug any character, who would you hug? Any of the cats, Peanut, or Tarot :3
20.If you could punch any character, who would you punch? ...Res right now maybe. I know it wouldn't faze him.
21.If you could be friends with any character, who would you be friends with? Peanut. He's nice and nerdy. I may say Joey, but he's a bit too weird for me.
22.Who would become your arch nemesis if you existed in the HP universe? I dunno, maybe Griswold?

CanzetYote wrote: and his hat looks like across between a blender glass and the hats seen in Devo's Whip It music video.
His hat is actually designed after an important piece of Egyptian history.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

1.Favorite Dog? Definitely Peanut
2.Favorite Cat? probably Grape
3.Favorite Milton Ferret? I like Duke, I wish he'd be used more.
4.Favorite Wolf? Do Miles' cubs count as one? they are one tag. I guess Rockstar Hawk.
5.Favorite Human? Mr Sandwich.
6.Favorite Celestial? Kitsune.
7.Favorite Minor Character? what counts as a minor character? is Tiger minor enough or do i need to say something like Delusional Steve?
8.Most Hated Dog? Duchess
9.Most Hated Cat? I don't really hate any of the cats, I guess Marvin's my least favorite cause he's not that developed.
10.Most Hated Milton Ferret? again I don't hate any of them but my least favorite is, I guess, Simon. he could be used more.
11.Most Hated Wolf? geez hate is strong. what's with all the hate. I guess Rodney's kind of underdeveloped?
12.Most Hated Human? that fat PETA guy
13.Most Hated Celestial? Pete, though I don't hate him as a character, just as a person
14.Most Hated Minor Character? um... Duchess again?
15.Favorite Ship? I have a soft spot for Grapenut, but Jessica Rabbit is pretty great
16.Most Hated Ship? I can't think of any I actually hate, I guess Sasha and Bino but that's not much a thing anymore
17.Favorite Arc? I don't really have one
18.Most Hated Arc? don't have on e of these either
19.If you could hug any character, who would you hug? Peanut
20.If you could punch any character, who would you punch? Bino.
21.If you could be friends with any character, who would you be friends with? Peanut, definitely. video games and imaginate are my kinda thing.
22.Who would become your arch nemesis if you existed in the HP universe? Bino maybe, he's a pretty big jerk.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by Douglas Collier »

1. Favorite Dog - King
2. Favorite Cat - Res
3. Favorite Milton Ferret - Lana
4. Favorite Wolf - Daryl
5. Favorite Human - Mr. Sandwich
6. Favorite Celestial - Cerberus
7. Favorite Minor Character - Itsuki
8. Most Hated Dog - Bino
9. Most Hated Cat - I like cats
10. Most Hated Milton Ferret - Rock
11. Most Hated Wolf - Natalie
12. Most Hated Human - Herman Steward
13. Most Hated Celestial - Spirit Dragon
14. Most Hated Minor Chracter - Duchess
15. Favorite Ship - King and Bailey
16. Most Hated Ship - Keene and Breel
17. Favorite Arc - It's A Wonderful Dog's Life
18. Most Hated Arc - Heaven's Not Enough (felt kind of like a rushed ending to a long and large part of the comic's plot with lots of loose ends that still haven't been resolved)
19. If you could hug any character, who would you hug? Mungo (be gentle!)
20. If you could punch any character, who would you punch? I don't like punching
21. If you could be friends with any character, who would you have been friends with? Keene (maybe he'd spare some coins on another human-turned-corgi?)
22. Who would become your arch nemesis if if you existed in the HP universe? Bino (as with every other dog)
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by Buster »

1. Favorite Dog - Daisy
2. Favorite Cat - Steve
3. Favorite Milton Ferret - Keene
4. Favorite Wolf - the unnamed wold from the zoo, still hoping for a romeo & juliette arc between the pack and the zoo wolves, EDIT: though apparently i'd forgotten which was which. It's been a while...
5. Favorite Human - King (HA HA! LOOPHOLE!)
6. Favorite Celestial - Pete
7. Favorite Minor Character - Itsuki
8. Most Hated Dog - Tiger
9. Most Hated Cat - Also Tiger :twisted:
10. Most Hated Milton Ferret - n/a
11. Most Hated Wolf - Jack is a bit too predictable
12. Most Hated Human - fat PETA guy
13. Most Hated Celestial - Kitsune
14. Most Hated Minor Chracter - that tall brown dog who calls duchess mistress. he needs to grow a personality.
15. Favorite Ship - peanut & tarot
16. Most Hated Ship - Grape & Peanut (mainly because it gets in the way of the above)
17. Favorite Arc - changes frequently
18. Most Hated Arc - Heaven's Not Enough, for mostly the same reasons as Doug
19. If you could hug any character, who would you hug? Steve
20. If you could punch any character, who would you punch? Kitsune. stupid smug know it all...
21. If you could be friends with any character, who would you have been friends with? Daisy
22. Who would become your arch nemesis if if you existed in the HP universe? Tiger. i mean come on i picked a dog themed name and a cat themed avatar when i first got here specifically to MOCK HIM is that that hard to see coming?
Last edited by Buster on Sat Aug 05, 2017 2:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by GameCobra »

1.Favorite Dog? Tarot
2.Favorite Cat? Grape
3.Favorite Milton Ferret? Lana
4.Favorite Wolf? Lucrecia
5.Favorite Human? Earl Sandwich
6.Favorite Celestial? Dragon
7.Favorite Minor Character? Marvin. Poor, Poor Marvin.
8.Most Hated Dog? Griswold
9.Most Hated Cat? None
10.Most Hated Milton Ferret? I find this amusing, but Keene. Don't really hate him, but his methods.
11.Most Hated Wolf? The alpha zoo wolf. blocking Poncho!
12.Most Hated Human? Thomas
13.Most Hated Celestial? The snow giant
14.Most Hated Minor Character? The chubby squirrel. so rude!
15.Favorite Ship? Grape and Max
16.Most Hated Ship? I never been one to diss relationships, but Bino and Duchess are just a big magnet for this stuff.
17.Favorite Arc? One Cat's Treasure.
18.Most Hated Arc? Real Stories of the K9PD. It was a great arc, but was waaaaaay too long.
19.If you could hug any character, who would you hug? Dragon
20.If you could punch any character, who would you punch? Bino. Because maybe one day he'll learn.
21.If you could be friends with any character, who would you be friends with? Max ~ Because i need to see what he does on a regular basis :3
22.Who would become your arch nemesis if you existed in the HP universe? Probably Delusional Steve. Stealing my quarters...
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by biddyfox »

1.Favorite Dog? Fox
2.Favorite Cat? Res
3.Favorite Milton Ferret? Rock
4.Favorite Wolf? The cubs
5.Favorite Human? Jeeves
6.Favorite Celestial? Kitsune
7.Favorite Minor Character? Duchess
8.Most Hated Dog? I like all of them but I probably like Rex the least
9.Most Hated Cat? Ptah
10.Most Hated Milton Ferret? Pit
11.Most Hated Wolf? Natalie
12.Most Hated Human? Thomas
13.Most Hated Celestial? Dragon
14.Most Hated Minor Character? Jessica
15.Favorite Ship? Mox
16.Most Hated Ship? None of the above
17.Favorite Arc? Great Water Balloon War
18.Most Hated Arc? Real Stories of the K9PD
19.If you could hug any character, who would you hug? Res, he's the softest of all of them!
20.If you could punch any character, who would you punch? Ptah, mostly just to see how he'd react
21.If you could be friends with any character, who would you be friends with? Fox, he'd be the most fun to hang out with I think
22.Who would become your arch nemesis if you existed in the HP universe? Dont particularly want to be arch nemeses with anyone in the HP universe but if I had to pick i'd say Bino
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by D-Rock »

1.Favorite Dog? Peanut
2.Favorite Cat? Res
3.Favorite Milton Ferret? I'd say the closest is Lana
4.Favorite Wolf? Miles
5.Favorite Human? There haven't been many opportunities to get to know a human, but I guess I'd say Joel.
6.Favorite Celestial? I'd say Pete. There was something about seeing how much of a jerk he is, but then seeing a glimpse of the child he is.
7.Favorite Minor Character? How minor is Ralph?
8.Most Hated Dog? Boris. Complete disregard for an officer, even willing to go full assault. It was fun seeing him break his arm on Mungo. I probably could have easily replaced him with Duchess, but Boris did the action.
9.Most Hated Cat? I can't think of one that I truly hate. I even found enjoyment of Ptah.
10.Most Hated Milton Ferret? Not quite hate, but I really don't like how underhanded Keene is, regardless of his intentions.
11.Most Hated Wolf? Natalie. She's just so mean.
12.Most Hated Human? Orwell. Most of the other antagonistic humans at least are a level of enjoyable. Even Thomas gets a couple laughs over what he goes through.
13.Most Hated Celestial? We've seen so few, and the frost giant was such a minor appearance.
14.Most Hated Minor Character? Lester. He just seems like that one annoying fanboy.
15.Favorite Ship? Zach and Jess. They just look so adorable together!
16.Most Hated Ship? Alright, I guess I'll put Bino and Duchess here, though honestly, I will sorta feel bad for Bino when she dumps him, seeing how dedicated he is to her.
17.Favorite Arc? Can't really choose one.
18.Most Hated Arc? ... :? There was something specific about Heaven's not Enough that irked me. That's about it.
19.If you could hug any character, who would you hug? I'm only a hugger with family or exceedingly close friends, but I guess I would say Peanut.
20.If you could punch any character, who would you punch? Also not a fighter. Worst you'll get from me if I don't like you is me ignoring you. Tick me off, and I'll stop holding back words, but I don't see myself getting physical.
21.If you could be friends with any character, who would you be friends with? Strangely, I'd say Max. I don't seem him interacting with many other characters lately.
22.Who would become your arch nemesis if you existed in the HP universe? Bino, if he doesn't let up.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by Not A Furry »

1.Favorite Dog? Either Fox or King
2.Favorite Cat? Max
3.Favorite Milton Ferret? Mr Milton counts?
4.Favorite Wolf? Deadeye
5.Favorite Human? Earl Sandwitch
6.Favorite Celestial? Kitsune
7.Favorite Minor Character? Can't decide between Dolphins, Karl Lenin Faust, Old man who speaks in limmericks, Pap, Pom, Chauncey or "Who cares" *
8.Most Hated Dog? Duchess
9.Most Hated Cat? Mr. Bigglesworth, I can't decide on which one tho.
10.Most Hated Milton Ferret? Pit
11.Most Hated Wolf? Elaine
12.Most Hated Human? I guess Mr Steward earned this one
13.Most Hated Celestial? Cerberus
14.Most Hated Minor Character? The Kangaroos
15.Favorite Ship? King and Bailey
16.Most Hated Ship? Fox+King
17.Favorite Arc? Save the date was great, but I'd have to say the big arcs centered around king and bailey
18.Most Hated Arc? Snow Joke.
19.If you could hug any character, who would you hug? Grape I guess?
20.If you could punch any character, who would you punch? Kangaroos
21.If you could be friends with any character, who would you be friends with? Fox, probably
22.Who would become your arch nemesis if you existed in the HP universe? Kangaroos

* Who cares is an actual character. I assume Rick was lazy.
Last edited by Not A Furry on Sat Aug 05, 2017 10:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by valerio »

1.Favorite Dog? KING
2.Favorite Cat? RES
3.Favorite Milton Ferret? KEENE
4.Favorite Wolf? MILES
5.Favorite Human? EARL SANDWICH
6.Favorite Celestial? GREAT KITSUNE
7.Favorite Minor Character? SPO
8.Most Hated Dog? DUCHESS. Which is a record, I am totally a dog person
9.Most Hated Cat? (no hateful cats available in database)
10.Most Hated Milton Ferret? No known hateful ferret. Keene is quite shady in his actions, but he IS acting for the good of the furkindred
11.Most Hated Wolf? (no hateful wolves available in database)
12.Most Hated Human? SASHA'S DAD
13.Most Hated Celestial? PETE
14.Most Hated Minor Character? FAT PETA GUY
15.Favorite Ship? KING & BAILEY FOREVER
16.Most Hated Ship? Well, 'ship' implies something we like and encourage in terms of relationship, so the question should really be 'most hated couple'. In which case, no doubt that it's Bino and Duchess, dedicated as they are to make other furs miserable
17.Favorite Arc? Heaven's not enough. This long, 3-part arc finally proved the extension of King's maturity and dedication to his wife, and cementified his and Fox's friendship against all odds. Must love it!
18.Most Hated Arc? (no hateful arcs available on database)
19.If you could hug any character, who would you hug? To quote a wise dog: "I'm gonna hug EVERYONE!" but if I HAD to choose, Kingy <3
20.If you could punch any character, who would you punch? Sasha's dad. And not only once...
21.If you could be friends with any character, who would you be friends with? The wolf pack. That would be AWESOME
22.Who would become your arch nemesis if you existed in the HP universe? In terms of fur, Bino.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by Cesco »

Ok, I tried to do this. It's a good idea. ;)

1. Favorite Dog: Peanut Butter Sandwich, because he's just great! ;)
2. Favorite Cat: Maxwell, because he's my greatest cat! :P
3. Favorite Milton Ferret: Duke, because he's cute and adorable, and he's not any dangerous like his siblings. :P
4. Favorite Wolf: , because he's my favourite one. But really, it's hard to tell... They've all a great personality and are so cool. :D
5. Favorite Human: Earl Sandwich, because he's a great dad with Peanut and Grape, but his jokes aren't great the same way. :P
6. Favorite Celestial: Great Kitsune, 'cause he's the coolest of the demigods gang. 8-)
7. Favorite Minor Character: Jasper, as I wish to know of him some more, and also see him speaking. ;)
8. Most Hated Dog: Bino, but ain't I hate him, he's just good at being an idiot to make him unpleasant. :P
9. Most Hated Cat: Ptah, because he's a big jerk and wanted to steal Grape...
10. Most Hated Milton Ferret: Keene, because of his old errors and attitude, but I can't really hate him after the dangers he got and what he understood about life in the Heaven.
11. Most Hated Wolf: The other Daryl, but no hating with him, he just really needs a diet... :lol:
12. Most Hated Human: Steward, the worst/best jerk and traitor.
13. Most Hated Celestial: Pete, and the reasons are pretty obvious, but he has also his merits, though.
14. Most Hated Minor Character: Sasha's dad, because he's simply shows a very bad behaviour to her. Fortunately he's not always present at home...
15. Favorite Ship: King and Bailey, and words are wasted to explain their cuteness and perfection! :D
16. Most Hated Ship: Bino and Duchess, because well, this couple just doesn't work. Good thing they're hilarious together. :lol:
17. Favorite Arc: Jungle Fever (no. 72), because it has been my first ever story arc I followed from the beginning and I found it really great. :)
18. Most Hated Arc: Spot McCloud Presents: Comics (no. 31), since this one of the oldest Spot (Superdog) arcs isn't that great for me.
19. If you could hug any character, who would you hug: Maxwell, because if I could, I want to hug this adorkable kitty! :D
20. If you could punch any character, who would you punch: Bino, because of the reasons explained about, and then well, why Bailey can punch him and me not? :P
21. If you could be friends with any character, who would you be friends with: Fox, because I see in him some of my personality and so I'd like to make him as a good friend. :)
22. Who would become your arch nemesis if you existed in the HP universe: Bino, probably.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by NHWestoN »

Alright, I'll play...



3. FAVORITE FERRET ... KEENE ... Wonderfully complicated and contradictory, altruistic, manipulative, idealistic, corrupt, compassionate and guilt-ridden ("I can't tell if Keene's good or evil." King Milton).


5.FAVORITE HUMAN ... JILL SANDWICH "MO..OMMMMMM !!" The episode at the zoo where she comforts Grape, sobbing from abandonment terrors, is so charming. JEEVES has real comic possibilities as a commentator on his critter charges.

6. FAVORITE CELESTIAL ... CERBERUS Her cold, officious persona masks the tenderest of hearts.

7. FAVORITE MINOR CHARACTER ... DAISY After years as a one-line, ("HI. I'm Daisy.) walk-on character, she recently revealed a much deeper character - articulate, intelligent, empathetic, and deeply attached to the vulnerable Sasha, Real possibilities for future roles.

"Hate" is such an extreme word, lets say "Dislike."

8. MOST DISLIKED DOG ... KEVIN BINO, TIGER, and DUCHESS are abrasive and neurotic, but they can reveal better sides at times. KEVIN is just a narcissistic, bragging, shallow lout.

9.MOST HATED CAT ... DELUSIONAL STEVE Better "Cathy from the reptile house."

10. MOST DISLIKED FERRET ... PIT oh, he's not that bad.

11. MOST DISLIKED WOLF ... DISCOUNT JACK Cory Skunk is better as a con-man

12. MOST DISLIKED HUMAN ... SASHA'S "DADDY" There's a storyline there.

13. MOST DISLIKED CELESTIAL ... SPRING and SUMMER They're stunningly beautiful but Fox needs a more terrestrial paramour.

14.MOST DISLIKED MINOR CHARACTER ... BORIS Can't he at least have a Russian accent?

15.FAVORITE "SHIP" ... FOX and SASHA. And Zach and Jessica. And Fido and Sabrina. And Ming and Bailey. And, confession, I'm a "Grapenut".


17.FAVORITE ARCS :-).... 1.Peanut and Grape together; 2. The "Imaginate" episodes - the Christmas Pageantate is hysterical! (And would have loved to see what cross-dressing Peanut and Grape did to Romeo and Juliet; Real Stories of the K9PD.

18. NOT SO FAVORITE ARCS ... The "Spot" Comics are just ok.

19.WHO WOULD YOU HUG? ... Maxwell, Zachery, and Fox, they're just so vulnerable. Peanut and Grape, 'cause they love hugs.

20. WHO WOULD YOU PUNCH? Well, Quakers aren't supposed to get violent. (Why, yes, I remember President Nixon. Very thoughtful of thee to remind me.) Let's say I'd have a strong exchange with ORVILLE JOHNSON.

21.WHO BEFRIEND? Wow... So many. Maxwell, Fox, Sabrina, and Custom Ink; there's hurt there. Fido and Miles, brave, decent, and thoughtful visionaries with good hearts. Zach and Jessica, fascinating to watch them and there's a spiritual dimension there. Sasha and Daisy. Fiddler and Keys. Keene. King's a bit of a pill but Bailey is a canine g-ddess. Of course, the Sandwich family.

22. NEMISES - THOMAS and CECILIA INcompetent but obsessed and thus dangerous.

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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by Bandit1990 »

20. WHO WOULD YOU PUNCH? Well, Quakers aren't supposed to get violent. (Why, yes, I remember President Nixon. Very thoughtful of thee to remind me.) Let's say I'd have a strong exchange with ORVILLE JOHNSON.
The american folk musician?

Sorry I don't remember names well, especially if they aren't mentioned often, and if this was a one-off character he's not in the wiki. Can you remind me who this is?

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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by NHWestoN »

Stupid tablet corrections - look away for one minute and....eeeeeegh!

OrWell [NOT] Orville Johnson is identified as the accused in Real life stories of the K9Pd [see 19 December 2016 episode, "Don't Bring Me Down"]. Sergeant Ralph informs Fox that citizen Johnson tried to kill Keene Milton by sabotaging his vehicle and using a front Dog Obedience School to program Sasha to take the rap.

Sorry for the mix up. I enjoy your observations, by the way.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by Tappy Too »

This looks fun, and a great way to get to know people a bit better.


1.Favorite Dog? Bino. I know he's a jerk, but he's hilarious and cute and totally deserves an arc where he attempts to change his ways.
2.Favorite Cat? This is a hard choice since I like them all, but Max. I love his attitude.
3.Favorite Milton Ferret? Rock. He's the most entertaining of the bunch in my opinion.
4.Favorite Wolf? Poncho. I really wish he were used more-
5.Favorite Human? Earl. Even though his dad jokes are unbearable
6.Favorite Celestial? Kitsune. For several reasons that would take too much time to explain.
7.Favorite Minor Character? Terrance. There have been moments when I didn't like what characters did or said and lost respect for them. But, I fell in love and stayed in love with Terrance since he was introduced- Even though he didn't have much of a role, I love how he acts and would love to see him more.

I don't really hate any of the characters in Housepets, so let's just say least favourite out of the options available.
8.Most Hated Dog? (This is the hardest choice in the world-) Do Spring and Summer count? If so, they are exceptions for characters I actually dislike.
9.Most Hated Cat? I guess I'll say Ptah because I can't think of any unlikeable cat characters.
10.Most Hated Milton Ferret? Lana. She's not bad, I just find her the least interesting of the Ferrets.
11.Most Hated Wolf? I'll say Deadeye only because I think he's overrated-
12.Most Hated Human? Mr. Hartford. Ew.
13.Most Hated Celestial? Space whale boi
14.Most Hated Minor Character? Orwell Johnson. (fat PETA guy)

(I'm taking ship In a noncanon sense.)
15.Favorite Ship? FOX AND MUNGO- (aka literally the best ship ever)
16.Most Hated Ship? I can think of three candidates off of the top of my head. But Grapenut is probably the most annoying to see out of them all whoops-

17.Favorite Arc? Wolf's Clothing.
18.Most Hated Arc? The Trial In Heaven. I usually like seeing the celestials but this arc was too wordy and boring for my short attention span-

19.If you could hug any character, who would you hug? Other Daryl. He looks so soft-
20.If you could punch any character, who would you punch? Mungo. Because I know I can't hurt him.
21.If you could be friends with any character, who would you be friends with? Even though Bino's my favourite character, it would probably be more fun being friends with Fox lol
22.Who would become your arch nemesis if you existed in the HP universe? Hopefully nobody. (other than PETA of course)
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by Llyrelated »

1.Favorite Dog? - King! Definitely the most well-developed character in Housepets.

2.Favorite Cat? - Grape. I always forget how few feline characters there are.

3.Favorite Milton Ferret? - Keene. He definitely has the most going on out of all the ferrets, and his unique blend of idealism and practicality makes him the most interesting. For me, anyway.

4.Favorite Wolf? - Probably Miles, but Jack's pretty cool as well.

5.Favorite Human? - Earl is the only one who really sticks out to me.

6.Favorite Celestial? - Kitsune. Obviously.

7.Favorite Minor Character? - Not really a minor character, but because there's no other category that fits him, I'm going to say Zach.

8.Most Hated Dog? - I better not say. A lot of people like this character.

9.Most Hated Cat? - Maybe Marvin. I don't dislike him, but I haven't been able to discern any defining characteristic traits.

10.Most Hated Milton Ferret? - Simon. He just hasn't been developed nearly as much as the rest of the bunch.

11.Most Hated Wolf? - The cubs.

12.Most Hated Human? - The kid who threw King's watch into a lake.

13.Most Hated Celestial? - Dragon. All of the Celestials are pretty good characters, but she seems to be the most annoying of the group.

14.Most Hated Minor Character? - Cilantro.

15.Favorite Ship? - I don't really do ships, but I suppose I appreciate the development that went into King and Bailey's relationship. Bonus points because they're also the only couple we've seen to have a real argument.

16.Most Hated Ship? - Jeeves x Cerberus. I mean, this ship doesn't exist, but if it did...

17.Favorite Arc? King's whole story arc has been fantastic. It's A Wonderful Dog's Life had some really good moments, but Heaven's Not Enough has been the most epic storyline so far.

18.Most Hated Arc? - This one's a fan favorite, so... I'm just gonna skip this question.

19.If you could hug any character, who would you hug? - I feel like Fox could really use a hug.

20.If you could punch any character, who would you punch? - I feel like Bino could really use a punch.

21.If you could be friends with any character, who would you be friends with? - I think need a friend like Fox in my life right now.

22.Who would become your arch nemesis if you existed in the HP universe? - Not sure, but only a Celestial would satisfy my grand egotism. But hopefully not Kitsune.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by NHWestoN »

Yeah, Cilantro is kind of a stinker, ain't he?
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by Gbr23 »

All right, let's do this!

1.Favorite Dog? Fido
2.Favorite Cat? Sabrina
3.Favorite Milton Ferret? Rock
4.Favorite Wolf? Poncho
5.Favorite Human? Mr Sandwich
6.Favorite Celestial? ... can I say Breel ?
7.Favorite Minor Character? The K9 unit
8.Most Hated Dog? I dunno, I kinda like seen them all
9.Most Hated Cat? Ditto
10.Most Hated Milton Ferret? I don´t hate Keene, but I don't root for him
11.Most Hated Wolf? I don't hate Jack, but he´s the one I like the least
12.Most Hated Human? Sasha's owner
13.Most Hated Celestial? Pete McPeterson
14.Most Hated Minor Character? Lester is like an adquired taste... That I haven't adquire
15.Favorite Ship? Fido+Sabrina 4 Life !!!
16.Most Hated Ship? I like all of them, even Bino and Duchess
17.Favorite Arc? Here are just some: Fido´s Return| A Sinister Shadow| Dog Days Of Summer| Scardy Cats| Hope of the Pridelands| The Great Balloon War| The case Of the Aztec Gold| HP Babies| LI: Guys And Dolls| Jungle Fever| Rabit's Foot| The 4 Animasl| Honorable Mention to The Mall, that was the arc in which I discovered HP.
18.Most Hated Arc? I'm not very fond of some of the Spot arcs.
19.If you could hug any character, who would you hug? Probably good ol' Peanut
20.If you could punch any character, who would you punch? Mungo. Just to see what would happen to my hand.
21.If you could be friends with any character, who would you be friends with? Mungo. He look´s like a great friend.
22.Who would become your arch nemesis if you existed in the HP universe? I wanna say... Keene. It would be more of a frenemy mimic
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by NHWestoN »

Some of our newer members might want to give this survey a ponder. Or not.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by Harry Johnathan »

1.Favorite Dog?
Peanut, of course. I see a lot of myself in him.

2.Favorite Cat?
Grape or Res. Grape for being a funny character and Res for his writing skills and adorable shyness.

3.Favorite Milton Ferret?
Rock. He's exactly the kind of guy who I aspire to be.

4.Favorite Wolf?
Yellow-Hat Daryl. He's just a friggin mess and that's funny to me.

5.Favorite Human?
Earl Sandwich. He is the ultimate troll and is also very kind to animals.

6.Favorite Celestial?
Great Kitsune. His personality is very appealing to me.

7.Favorite Minor Character?
Joey, because of course.

8.Most Hated Dog?
BINO. No, Duchess.

9.Most Hated Cat?
Jasper.... because we don't see enough of him! :)

10.Most Hated Milton Ferret?
Lana. She's just such a charming young woman.

11.Most Hated Wolf?
Everyone else said Jack, so why can't I?

12.Most Hated Human?
The fat PETA guy. How pyschopathic can you get?

13.Most Hated Celestial?
Pete, obviously.

14.Most Hated Minor Character?
Sgt. Ralph. He has good intentions, but is utterly clueless.

15.Favorite Ship?
Tie between Tarnut and Mape. Also like Grapenut.

16.Most Hated Ship?
Duchess and Bino.

17.Favorite Arc?
Temple Crashers 2 for it's almost cinematic quality. I doubt this was Rick's intention, but it reminds me a lot of the old Amblin films like E.T and the Goonies.

18.Most Hated Arc?
Good Lord, "Zap". Just so many unfortunate implications.

19.If you could hug any character, who would you hug?
Peanut. Who wouldn't?

20.If you could punch any character, who would you punch?

21.If you could be friends with any character, who would you be friends with?
Peanut and the crew.

22.Who would become your arch nemesis if you existed in the HP universe?
Probably King, since we're polar opposites in terms of lifestyle, beliefs and personality.
Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by NHWestoN »

Yeah, a ponder. Just like that, Rydr. :)
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by SeanWolf »

1.Favorite Dog?
Peanut, King, and The Wolves Pack :)

2.Favorite Cat?

3.Favorite Milton Ferret?

4.Favorite Wolf?
Poncho and Uncle Deadeye

5.Favorite Human?
Can't really think of any, at the moment

6.Favorite Celestial?
Cerberus (The only Celestial I ever liked)

7.Favorite Minor Character?

8.Most Hated Dog?

9.Most Hated Cat?

10.Most Hated Milton Ferret?

11.Most Hated Wolf?
*le gasp* None

12.Most Hated Human?
Again, can't think of any

13.Most Hated Celestial?
Kitsune, Pete, and Dragon (I'm debatable on Bahumat)

14.Most Hated Minor Character?
None, surprisingly

15.Favorite Ship?
I don't ship

16.Most Hated Ship?

17.Favorite Arc?
The Imaginate Jurassic Park

18.Most Hated Arc?
The ENTIRE Heaven's Not Enough series (THIS almost killed my enjoyment of HP)

19.If you could hug any character, who would you hug?
Cerberus :)

20.If you could punch any character, who would you punch?

21.If you could be friends with any character, who would you be friends with?

22.Who would become your arch nemesis if you existed in the HP universe?
Again, Pete.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Can't believe that I never saw this before or took part in it since it will seem fun! I know it was when I was away but I was hoping that I would have noticed and posted my answers. Anyway here I go.

1. Favorite Dog?

2. Favorite Cat?

3. Favorite Milton Ferret?

4. Favorite Wolf?

5. Favorite Human?

6. Favorite Celestial?

7. Favorite Minor Character?

8. Most Hated Dog

9. Most Hated Cat?

10. Most Hated Milton Ferret?
Pit, but I don't hate him as much as I like him the least

11. Most Hated Wolf?
Jack, but I don't hate him as much as I like him the least

12. Most Hated Human?

13 .Most Hated Celestial?
Bahamut, but I don't hate him as much as I like him the least

14. Most Hated Minor Character?

15. Favorite Ship?
Fanon ship Foxsha (Fox/Sasha). Canon ship Zassica (Zach/Jessica)

16. Most Hated Ship?
Fanon ship Fungo (Fox/Mungo). Canon ship Sevin (Sasha/Kevin)

17. Favorite Arc?
All's Fair, Part 2

18. Most Hated Arc?
No Time For Hot Springs!

19. If you could hug any character, who would you hug?

20. If you could punch any character, who would you punch?

21 If you could be friends with any character, who would you be friends with?

22 .Who would become your arch nemesis if you existed in the HP universe?
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by Leotamer »

Here are my thoughts as of the moment, they might change with some more reflection but giving my thoughts now:

Favorite Dog: Peanut. This was difficult, there are a lot of different dogs I like, in particular King, Tarot and Fox. While I generally prefer the cosmic game side of the comic, which doesn't heavily feature Peanut, I do really enjoy his character. He is goofy, but not dumb and probably the nicest character in the comic.

Favorite Cat: Res. This might be a bit of peer pressure, but Res is an enjoyable character and every arc involving him is a treat.

Favorite Ferret: Rock. The only two ferrets I give much notice to are Keene and Rock. I am not fully sure why I made this choice, but between his involvement with King and Bailey's marriage and the gags that came out of it and Tiger's show, he left a positive impression on me.

Favorite Wolf: Miles. Again, I don't pay to much attention to the wolves, but Miles is a swell guy.

Favorite Human: Jill. Not a lot of humans to choose from, and I feel like it would be cheating to choose King. The Sandwiches are the humans we see the most, and they do seem to care for Peanut and Grape, but Earl loses points for making Grape cry. While going through the tags, I also found Jill just starting at Earl at the end of the Christmas play, and it is wonderful. That whole reaction shot is great.

Favorite Celestial: Cerberus. I nearly forgot about Cerberus, but they have been great. They are mostly winning by default, considering Bahamut seems a bit to distant to consider a favorite and Kitsune is currently border-line between just as bad as his friends and being genuinely likable.

Favorite Minor Character: Ralph. This has some competition, especially with what you consider a minor character, but I decided Ralph because I feel like he needs more love. I also like Joey and Zach, but I choose Ralph for being less thought about than those two.

Most Hated Dog: Bino. He is very unpleasant, while being grounded enough to make that land. Tiger and Duchess have comically exaggerated faults, making Tiger funny and Duchess mostly just there.

Most Hated Cat: Ptah. I had to think for a moment, and my mind went to this guy. He was just unpleasant and there is many other cats that left a poor impression on me.

Most Hated Ferret: Jack. There isn't many wolves that left a strong impression on me, he is unpleasant and isn't that funny to me though I did really like his lawyer.

Most Hated Human: Sasha's Owner. There has been a few humans have done terrible things and are unpleasant, but I am not sure how a man who has treated his dog that way in a pet-friendly community lasted as long as he did.

Most Hated Celestial: Dragon. I don't have a high opinion of the celestials, but Pete had the least pretense of not being a jerk, he mostly messed with King and accidentally made him a better person even if was just to win a bet he made against his sister and I really liked his shirt. Dragon on the other hand, pretended to be nice, messed with Peanut and Tarot of people, left Tarot to deal with the fallout of the game, and didn't have as nearly as good of a shirt.

Most Hated Minor Character: Squeak. I don't strongly hate Squeak, but Squeak has made me uncomfortable several times. When they can leave what they do for fun off panel, this might change.

Favorite Ship: King and Bailey. It was a good romance and they have a great relationship. I do like the idea of Peanut and Tarot, but that ship is in turbulent waters.

Most Hated Ship: Fox and Mungo. Mungo is not a terrible character, but I think he is a terrible ship-mate for Fox. He sends to much time trying to fix him, while most of the time only serving to annoy Fox. I don't think that Mungo is what Fox needs, nor do I think that Fox is what Mungo needs.

Favorite Arc: Temple Crashers 2, if I need to be more specific, Temple Crash, if only for Puzzlemaster Peanut. If I had to just list a few others: All of the King Arc, Housepets Babies, and There is an Opener of Ways.

Most Hated Arc: The Arc Specifically About Being Naked. It is a Bino arc. I was considering Wolf's Clothing for also being a Bino arc, except I like how all of the other dogs are now honorary wolves, and thus considering less pointless than this one. I also think several of the earlier arcs are weaker, for example the Game, but for being the first few arcs, I think they deserve more slack. I am also not a big fan of the pure Spot arcs, when it is relatively short and then we see Peanut's perspective, it can be good.

Hug: Peanut. He is very huggable.

Punch: Bino*. If I was also a pet in this hypothetical situation, if not punching a pet as a human just feels bad. Other-wise, Sasha's owner is pretty punch-able.

Befriend: Peanut. For reasons stated above.

Arch Nemesis: Bino*. Same asterisk as before.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by trekkie »

1. Bailey- A sweet country girl who has a good deal of patience and common sense.

2. Maxwell- A guy who has gone through a lot of development, he cares for his friends, is loyal to Grape, and his relationship with Rufus is sweet.

3. Rock-I just love his enthusiasm

4. Poncho- I love his interaction with Lois and Marion

5. Jill- She’s patient with her pets, and I think their boy/girlfriends and is there to give a reassuring hug.

6. Cerebus- She is just so sweet and caring, plus I love the three heads.

7. Marion and Lois(tie)-Love these two they remind me of Max and Grape in a way.

8. Duchess- Bino is close but I think but I think that Duchess is too nasty even for him.

9. None

10. Lana-I just have a bad feeling about her.

11. Jack- A real jerk. Abandons Bino after egging him on. He should’ve been punished more.

12. Orwell-Joel at least had doubts about the mission, Orwell was a PETA fanatic.

13. Pete-The Bino of celestials. A real creep.

14. Spo- He thinks way too highly of himself for me to like him.

15. Canon -Mape-Love these two together. Fan Ship-TaMaGraNut-These four together is adorable to me

16 Canon- Kevin and Sasha- Seemed cruel to Fox Fan Ship- Grax(Fox/Grape)-Like both characters, together, not so much

17. Pagenate or A Maxwell Thing- The first because it is an adorable Christmas arc and the latter because it is characters building for Max and we see Rufus again

18. Temple Crashers 2- Not bad, but just went on for too long for my taste.

19. Max and Peanut- I think they could both use them and would both give awesome hugs.

20. Duchess or Bino- Both creeps, but Duchess more so than Bino.

21. Tiger-He could use a friend outside Marvin also Tarot, Max, Grape, Peanut-I’d just enjoy hanging out with all four of their characters and they’re very cute with each other.

22.Duchess because she’s a charming young lady or Lester because he’s the type of “nerd” or fan I dislike.
Last edited by trekkie on Thu Apr 08, 2021 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by NHWestoN »

The Christmas Pagenate is a favorite of mine, too, trekk. In fact, it's become a holiday read tradition for me. (Hey, at my age and my stage, I've had entirely too much exposure to Grinch specials and Dicken's Christmas Carols!)
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I actually quite like it only because we finally get to see the human owner's faces for the first time.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by Chubbo »

I guess I might as well show mine as well

1.Favorite Dog?
Tarot - She really grew on me since she was first introduced and I love her personality as of late

2.Favorite Cat?
Grape of course - The one I get compared to the most of course

3.Favorite Milton Ferret?
Rock/Pit - Rock because he's a director and that's an interest of mine, and Pit because of how flashy he is, it's just fun

4.Favorite Wolf?
Miles - He's calm and collected and I like how dad like he is muscles are a plus too

5.Favorite Human?
Bill Lindberg - He reminds me of Duke Nukem

6.Favorite Celestial?
Dragon - Out of all Celestial's, I related to her the most out of all of them. Kitsune is fun, but I can't break my connection with Dragon

7.Favorite Minor Character?
Jessica or Jasper or Squeak depending on how minor we're talking about

Jessica because I love opossums, and her personality is just relatable and appealing to me
Jasper because he's basically become an inside joke to me and my friend
Squeak because...paw relatability

8.Most Hated Dog?
Terrance - Aside from being K9PD, he's just the most boring/unappealing out of any dog character that has had actual screentime.

9.Most Hated Cat?
None really, there's too little and I don't hate any

10.Most Hated Milton Ferret?
Don't really hate any, some are just boring/underused. Same with the cats, there's not a lot but all the ferrets don't get much screen time. Simon is boring and Lana has no personality, but they aren't really hateable

11.Most Hated Wolf?
Rodney/Snow - Honestly whenever I think about these two the more frustrated I get. They just have no personality outside of "lovers" and haven't been shown in so long. I just get annoyed thinking about them

12.Most Hated Human?
Sasha's Owner - Need I say more?

13.Most Hated Celestial?
Bahamut - Boring, has little idea of anything going on, his whale form isn't all that interesting. I just don't like him...he at least has dragon form going for him

14.Most Hated Minor Character?
Duchess or Steward probably
Duchess because of how she treats Bino, and I don't like the rich stuck up princess trope all that much. Plus she reminds me of some past relationships.
Steward because he's just a very boring "villain" to me and I don't find his plans or ideas all too interesting or appealing

15.Favorite Ship?
Cannon: Breel x Keene or Jessica x Zach. (These two are just cute) Fan: Grape x Tarot, Grape x Peanut or Grape x Sabrina. (I like Grape, and I have cute pictures of all these ships in my head) Crackship: Poly relationship of Grape/Tarot/Sabrina/Peanut/Max (Big poly ship + Sabrina cause Sabrina deserves better than Fido) or Grape x Bino (I just like these two and seeing Bino with a cat would be..fairly funny as he hides it)

16.Most Hated Ship?
Bino/Duchess - I don't like duchess at all, I love Bino but Duchess just brings him down mostly. Also brings back bad memories for me

17.Favorite Arc?
Cat Tail - I quote this one a lot, plus it sets up Grapenut which is just one of my favorite ships. It sets up the whole cat lover stigma and also gives us a look at Joey, mentions Squeak, and sets up Cat Joey

Mouse Mouse Revolution - Anarchist Grape. That is all.

18.Most Hated Arc?
Jungle Fever - I didn't like Jata at all. Honestly this arc was just a slug to get through for me. Grape as a guy and the one memorable scene of Fido was a plus though.

19.If you could hug any character, who would you hug?
Sabrina most likely, she's soft and gives me mom friend vibes who would hug and pet you if you needed

20.If you could punch any character, who would you punch?
Duchess - As states many times before, don't like them.

21.If you could be friends with any character, who would you be friends with?
Grape I relate to most, but Bino and Squeak I would be friends with too. Bino I just like a lot, hits a sweet spot for pathetic villain for me, and squeak cause uh..paws.

22.Who would become your arch nemesis if you existed in the HP universe?
The K9PD just overall as a group. I'm not going to go too into detail about this. Lets just say me and Grape share a similar ideal as she did in Mouse Mouse Revolution.

I'll happily go into more details if anyone has questions.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I wonder if CanzetYote is even keeping track of all the answers to use them for something since it has been almost 2 years since he was last here.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by NHWestoN »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Thu Apr 08, 2021 11:46 pm I wonder if CanzetYote is even keeping track of all the answers to use them for something since it has been almost 2 years since he was last here.
Yeah, I miss him.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

There are quite a few people I miss and worry that I somehow drove them away.

When I was on a previous forum in the mid-2000s I was a bit of an aggravation to some members and when people started leaving, they would make at first veiled comments about me annoying people to that point before they just outright said it.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by trekkie »

NHWestoN wrote: Thu Apr 08, 2021 1:50 pm The Christmas Pagenate is a favorite of mine, too, trekk. In fact, it's become a holiday read tradition for me. (Hey, at my age and my stage, I've had entirely too much exposure to Grinch specials and Dicken's Christmas Carols!)
Yes, I love how there were times it gently poked fun at the movies, but had a genuine fondness for them. Dayzee, I wouldn’t worry about members leaving being your fault. Sometimes people just lose interest, or move on from a fandom. As for the other forum, that was a while ago, and I can say that you are one of the nicest people on these forum, IMO.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

It doesn't matter how nice I can be because apparently I rub people the wrong way. So much so people might want me gone.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by NHWestoN »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Fri Apr 09, 2021 3:58 pm It doesn't matter how nice I can be because apparently I rub people the wrong way. So much so people might want me gone.
Nonsense, Dayzee, you're a joy. You really are. First of all, this forum's been going for about a decade - given how popular it is, that's a lot of time for people to come and go. I think, as trek said, many just get bored with the games, the role-playing, and the interactions. Many of them probably still read the comic but some just lose interest altogether. We've had a few argumentative sorts for time to time but they eventually calm down or burn out - and they can be avoided.

If people leave the forum because of your comments, chum ... Well, to quote Mindy from Animaniacs: "..... Okay, we love you. Bye, bye." ;)
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Though if that does happen it means the forum has less members to function and I will still feel pretty bad about it.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by NHWestoN »

Well, I hope all departing members will leave a disclaimer absolving you, kiddo. ;)
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Probably too much to ask but I appreciate you trying to assuage my feelings.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by NHWestoN »

It's okay. When I was younger ( mid-40s "younger" ), I became very fond of Robert Asprin, especially his series, Myth Adventures, featuring a greedy demon sorcerer who'd lost his powers and his naive human apprentice.
I read all the books and owned many of them. Over time, however, I lost interest, stopped reading them, and eventually gave them all away. Part of it was none of the later stories had the charm, excitement, and humor of the first two or three, but I just kinda "moved on". I lost interest in Aahz and Skeve, found the newer characters unappealing and dull, and the stories trite. So, cruel as that sounds, I think many lapsed forum members, each in their own context, just moved on from Housepets and participating here.

When I was teaching college, we'd often discuss patterns of thought and behavior that undermined student success. One particular affliction was known as "Imposture Syndrom", the debilitating idea that "I'm a fraud ... I don't belong in college ... I'm not smart enough." The antidote was to counsel individual students that, in fact, they really did belong in college, they were capable of doing the work, but the work IS REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, HARD! After all, college is a whole different world from High School but most students are not experienced enough to recognize that and adjust on their own accordingly. "Welcome to the wonderful world of adulthood, class - it kinda sucks."

Be kind to yourself, Amazz. That always helps.
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Re: Housepets! Survey

Post by DDeer »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Fri Apr 09, 2021 3:58 pm It doesn't matter how nice I can be because apparently I rub people the wrong way. So much so people might want me gone.
Well, you seem easy to get along with to me Dayzee. I'm pretty sure most people just lose interest or lack the time to post. You can't please everyone all of the time in any case.
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