HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

xhunterko wrote:Luke nodded as well as Amber.
"Yeah, no biggie with that, well, back to work then," he said, sizing up the remaining half of the trees on his side of the circle, picked one tree, climbed it, tied a rope, and began slicing at the trunk. Amber made sure to keep one ear on the lessons going on, hoping the horses wouldn't mind, speaking of them though. She walked over to the two of them.
"So, how long have the two of you known each other then?" She asked them. She was well aware of the lesson going on, she figured if he were a good student, Anubis wouldn't be distracted by the idle activity.
"Funny thing, I can't really say," Donau answered. "I mean, I know *exactly* how long we've known each other, but Anubis doesn't know that yet, so I can't spoil that. Time travel rules, you know. Sorry, heh.
"But what about you two? Been always the entwined, or did it sprout all of a sudden?"

xhunterko wrote:Khun looked at the Hubert on his shoulder.
"Is it still dangerous if I can imagine it?" Khun asked.
"I told you he might worry about that," Monique said, "It should be fine."
"Really?" Khun said. Then he looked over to Levi and his girl.
Lucky cat. He thought, drumming his left hand with the ring on it for a few seconds on his thigh, then quickly stopped.
Not the place, OR the time for THAT conversation. He thought again. Though eventually he felt he WOULD have to talk about it sometime. He just didn't like the thought of it.
Janus' eyes were drawn by Khun's fiddling. "Oh, are you married? Nice ring that, I could make it better if you want to."
kurowolfe wrote:The wolf was perplexed seeing everyone vanish, and his paw somehow grasping the bone sceptre. When the Hunter spoke to him, he jumped a bit in surprise. He turned to look at him, and was again surprised, this time seeing the ghastly spirit beaming at him.
"Tank you, Ai am glad Ai was akcepted," he said, a sigh escaping him. One hurdle down in the path of rebuilding the village.
As the Hunter walked back towards the exit and gestured him to follow along, he cocked his head to the right. "Army? Wat arm-- oh."
Outside the hut, awaiting the red wolf, was a sea of apparitions. Wolves of all genders, in full battle gear and adorned with tribal tattoos and markings of warriors, kneeling on the ground with their heads lowered in respect towards him. In front was the wolf shaman who had questioned him before, also on his knees and bowing. These are all the spirits of the former villagers of this enclave, even the ones that had attacked him before
This... was different. Haq had never had anyone give him this much reverence, and having these strong warriors bow down to him in submission was not something he was prepared for. But the heavy weight of the Sign of Command in his hand reminded him. He is now a full-fledged shaman, no longer a lone wolf. The weight sank in his psyche, as he released the wolf tooth on his tattered collar and extended that hand open-palmed towards the crowd.
"Rise," he commanded, his voice as clear as ever. "I am Haq Dzi'ab, and I thank you for your trust in me to lead the village back into peace and success. We'll do this together, and I'll do everything in my power to ensure a bright future for us all."
He glanced at the Hunter again. "Hunter, wat was de name of dis enklave? Ai never knew it."
The warriors stood up as one, before sinking down into the ground. The Hunter grinned. "Because you are not supposed to know it. Names are a powerful thing, and the name of this enclave is bound to death like no other place." a spectral paw caressed Haq's shoulder. "Sever the past, rename this place that soon the living will inhabit once again. You are the builder."
Hlaoroo wrote:"Zee lycaons are zee vild dogs, da? I sink I am not believing charms... Vhat can zey do to ease ze birs zough?" Arina asks. Then, the entire family gasps as the elevator is transformed.
"Zis is so cool! Is like flying! Zis can show anysing? Or just ze island outside?"
Spencers nodded. "Yes, it can show anything. The show is changed on a hourly basis so that the tourists are never bored. And thanks to the latest NASA and ESA's discoveries, we can also set up space scenarios. But don't worry, you'll find plenty of options in your game closets. At that moment, an eagle screamed, and slowly the scenery faded away. Doors opened in the middle of the sky, just in time for the cabin to revert to its normal state.
The bear pushed the wheelchair out into the corridor. "The lycaons have learnt how to make a safe delivery with an ability that edges on the miracolous. I have a medical staff because sometimes either a person just want it, or because nature really needs scalpel and machines from time to time. But you'll be surprised to know that the percentage of human births on this place is quite tilted in favor of our canine friends." He showed a reassuring smile.
hypernovatic wrote:Shukaku shook his head. "No. How did they?"
"It is known: Eons ago, the Lioness Foremother would oversee the rich plains and luscious jungles. Her task was to make sure everyone could hunt and feed so that equilibrium was preserved, and extinction was kept at bay.
"From her High Peak, every morning she called out to the Sun, so that It shone on the hunting grounds and allow for a good hunt as long as it shone in the sky. And when the Hunt was done, the Foremother wuld let the Sun go to rest behind the horizon. And then Moon would come and cast her cold pale light, to remind everyone that it wasn't a light for the Hunt, that night was intended for sleep and loving.
"But then, from the farthest recesses of the jungle, where even in day Sun couldn't shine in full force, one night came Man. This single, brave creature was a tree-dweller like his ape cousins, but he and his kin were smarter, too smart for their own good.
"Man came to the Foremother's den and pleaded to Her for more of Sun's light, so that he too could hunt better without abandoning the safety of the jungle. Because out of the jungle, Man was weak, helpless.
"The Lioness Foremother denied Man, for it was known that things have a reason to be as they are. Sun was not meant to reach beyond the green canopy. And thus did Man devise a devious plan..."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

ooc: That was actually for the horses. Oh well. :)

Khun's whole body visibly cringed. If only just for a moment. A few dozen words went through his head. After about a minute had passed, he released the tension and hung his head low for a moment. Then brought it back up again.

"No thank you, I think the purest form of a memory like this should be kept intact as much as possible," Khun said, with a meek smile, "Was. Was married."
"Bleh, rules schmules, those are no fun," she said, sticking her tongue out, "Well, we did grow up in the same village. Being a chieftain's daughter meant I was fairly active in various tasks, and many young men, and women, tried to woo me for themselves. Luke was not one of them. In fact, he seemed uninterested in charming girls for the longest while. He was trying to train to be a huntsmen. But bumbled, stumbled, and tumbled his way through it. So much so it irritated me to death! He was practicing with his bolas. We were still young. By himself. Time and time again he'd hit himself in the head. I happened to pick the same place to train. And I said, no idiot like this. Then he'd get it, hug me, say thank you, and move on. Honestly it happened so often people thought we were a couple! Ha! Then a dance happened. And of course, he didn't know how to dance! There was a bit of a shock in the crowd as I taught him. Then after three or four dances, he pressed ME for a dance. I SHOULD have said no." And here she smiled.

"But for some reason, I didn't," She said, "My father was a tad upset. Just a tad. It was well known we were a couple, but Luke couldn't bring himself to ask me for my hand. He felt like he had to prove himself. Then rumors of a white stag in the south started flying. He went after it, and was missing for days. My father was a bit relieved. So I left and went after him. My goal was to bring him back, but then this happened." She then turned to the horses.

"So what about you two? How long have you two horses known each other?" She asked.

Luke had downed a few more trees at this point, and was, too, trying to pay attention to the lesson as well. He never did pay much attention to mystical training, but it DID intrigue him when it did happen. He paused, picking up a coconut from the floor, cracked it open. He took a sip, and walked over to Raijda, offering some to her.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote: Spencers nodded. "Yes, it can show anything. The show is changed on a hourly basis so that the tourists are never bored. And thanks to the latest NASA and ESA's discoveries, we can also set up space scenarios. But don't worry, you'll find plenty of options in your game closets. At that moment, an eagle screamed, and slowly the scenery faded away. Doors opened in the middle of the sky, just in time for the cabin to revert to its normal state.
The bear pushed the wheelchair out into the corridor. "The lycaons have learnt how to make a safe delivery with an ability that edges on the miracolous. I have a medical staff because sometimes either a person just want it, or because nature really needs scalpel and machines from time to time. But you'll be surprised to know that the percentage of human births on this place is quite tilted in favor of our canine friends." He showed a reassuring smile.
"Cool! So, zis is in our room too? Is... How do you say? Is working er... Sorry. I do not know ze vord in English. Aвтоматически?* Or can ve be turning it off for night-time or for if we vant to look at view outside instead?" Sasha looks to the bear for help with the unfamiliar word.
"Vich room is ours?" Dinara queries.
"Ze canines? Really? Hmm.. I sink I vill need to discuss vis Ilya if zis is okay for you."

*Avtomaticheski - Automatic
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

valerio wrote:The warriors stood up as one, before sinking down into the ground. The Hunter grinned. "Because you are not supposed to know it. Names are a powerful thing, and the name of this enclave is bound to death like no other place." a spectral paw caressed Haq's shoulder. "Sever the past, rename this place that soon the living will inhabit once again. You are the builder."
Haq watched as the warriors returned to the earth, before glancing over at the Hunter. "Ai hav herd of dat belief, how names arr like prayers for wan's livelihood." He felt both a shiver and heat from the ghostly paw's touch on his shoulder, which made his tail tip twitch a bit without him realizing it.

"Wat name dough... it must be a good name dat will serve as a bles--" He heard something. A faint voice calling out to him. He turned around to where he thought the voice came from, but no one was there. He continued. "As a blessing for everyone here." Again, the voice called out to him, a yearning voice.

Haq turned a complete 360, but still he only saw that he was alone with the Hunter at his side. "Did you hear dat, Hunter? Somewan is calling out to--"

His eyes closed by themselves, and there the voice became clearer, familiar almost. It was calling out a phrase in an unfamiliar tongue, repeating it continuously, and when the wolf concentrated, he could make out what the voice was saying.

"Qariyatul Aman..." he said. He opened his eyes, and the Sign of Command vibrated in his hand. "Qariyatul Aman. Dat sounds rite. Ai decided too rename dis villej Qariyatul Aman, the village of concord and harmony. How is dat, Hunter?"

((OOC: Pronounced 'core-REE-yah-tool amm-MAHN' and means like like what Haq said))

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by hypernovatic »

Shukaku listened to Lyla's story like a young child would. He gasped when she mentioned how Man came to the Lioness Foremother. He swayed his tail, looking up at Lyla. "What happened next?" he asked in anticipation.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Civilization »

valerio wrote:Janus noticed the weasel's attitude. "Sorry for asking, but...can we help you? You look so distant."
"Mmm..." Tutter tilted his head to the side, "I'm fine, thank you. Just waiting I guess." With that he quieted himself again as the group went on conversing.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

valerio wrote:Alyse nodded. "You will find every sort of country to eat, but the stuff is served in the resort's restaurant. Michele, the truck food's owner, works around here because the people working at the archaeological sites rarely have the time to go to the restaurant. And when they have some free time, they like to relax or explore the place, not cram themselves in a building. Often they come to our village and enjoy the coast life. But one thing I can tell you for sure, luv," she added at Levi, "at Lancaster Village they do know how to cook some *good* cullen sink and smoked mackerel with feta cheese pannini."
"Alright, now you're just making me hungrier," the cat said. "I'm good with whatever we can get soon."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis continued to focus on his task of thinking of one thing going into a state of trance as he thought of the word Defense, its meaning its use its creation. Kritaros sat against a tree watching in the distance smiling proudly
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

Flint couldnt help but notice the ring himself once Khun began to fidget, though he only raised an eyebrow to the passing conversation.
"Well, talking about food certainly won't help in getting some into our stomachs! Lead the way!"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

xhunterko wrote:Khun's whole body visibly cringed. If only just for a moment. A few dozen words went through his head. After about a minute had passed, he released the tension and hung his head low for a moment. Then brought it back up again.
"No thank you, I think the purest form of a memory like this should be kept intact as much as possible," Khun said, with a meek smile, "Was. Was married."
Janus' ears lowered with embarrassment. "Sorry, didn't mean to bring you pain." He tried a timid smile. "What was her name? I ask because my doctors said that bad things should be spoken out, shared, or they rot all inside your mind. And they were right, you know." he shuffled his feet. "But I didn't want to talk about me, sorry. If you don't want to..." then the wolfdog ran out of words and blushed.
xhunterko wrote:"Bleh, rules schmules, those are no fun," she said, sticking her tongue out, "Well, we did grow up in the same village. Being a chieftain's daughter meant I was fairly active in various tasks, and many young men, and women, tried to woo me for themselves. Luke was not one of them. In fact, he seemed uninterested in charming girls for the longest while. He was trying to train to be a huntsmen. But bumbled, stumbled, and tumbled his way through it. So much so it irritated me to death! He was practicing with his bolas. We were still young. By himself. Time and time again he'd hit himself in the head. I happened to pick the same place to train. And I said, no idiot like this. Then he'd get it, hug me, say thank you, and move on. Honestly it happened so often people thought we were a couple! Ha! Then a dance happened. And of course, he didn't know how to dance! There was a bit of a shock in the crowd as I taught him. Then after three or four dances, he pressed ME for a dance. I SHOULD have said no." And here she smiled.
"But for some reason, I didn't," She said, "My father was a tad upset. Just a tad. It was well known we were a couple, but Luke couldn't bring himself to ask me for my hand. He felt like he had to prove himself. Then rumors of a white stag in the south started flying. He went after it, and was missing for days. My father was a bit relieved. So I left and went after him. My goal was to bring him back, but then this happened." She then turned to the horses.
"So what about you two? How long have you two horses known each other?" She asked.
Luke had downed a few more trees at this point, and was, too, trying to pay attention to the lesson as well. He never did pay much attention to mystical training, but it DID intrigue him when it did happen. He paused, picking up a coconut from the floor, cracked it open. He took a sip, and walked over to Raijda, offering some to her.
Rajida took the half fruit. "Thank you." She drank slowly, appreciating every drop, then she took a look to her preys. "We should find an use for the furs, as well. We'll end up accumulating some. What do you suggest?"
Botticelli shook his mane lightly, his equivalent of a shrug. "Nothing that fancy, I'm afraid. We were born in the same herd, we spent our life together since we were foals, became friends, then more. We took this job because we too would like to start our own herd. You said you want to raise animals for your ranche...well, if you'll have the patience to see us pass by sickness or old age, our bodies will be made available for you, so please don't use those human medical concotions on us. Getting too old to even stand up is *so* embarrassing."
Boomer sighed. "Forgive him, he tends to be a bit overdramatic sometimes. He also forgot to add that starting a herd means having more blood, so I hope you can handle more of us when the time comes. And don't worry to create a grazing glade: We know where to look for our food. Deal?" She advanced toward Amber...and stopped the moment her snout bumped against something. The impact created a small light in the air, like a flicker.
"Oh dear," Boomer said, bumping her nose against the invisible obstacle again, creating the same effect.

Donau was beaming with pride and looked at the immobile fox. "Well well well, my friend. you are one fast learner, I daresay."
Hlaoroo wrote:"Cool! So, zis is in our room too? Is... How do you say? Is working er... Sorry. I do not know ze vord in English. Aвтоматически?* Or can ve be turning it off for night-time or for if we vant to look at view outside instead?" Sasha looks to the bear for help with the unfamiliar word.
"Vich room is ours?" Dinara queries.
"Ze canines? Really? Hmm.. I sink I vill need to discuss vis Ilya if zis is okay for you."

*Avtomaticheski - Automatic
"All ShoWall facilities except the videogames are automatic and always on. You can set through vocal commands the scenery you most like. You can decide to go sleep on another planet, to take a shower in the rainforest during a storm...your pick. As for the games, my techs developed a special catalog that won't be found elsewhere. In fact, every four years this place becomes the site for a gamer-only convention, a sort of VG-olympics, if you like. At first, though I was reluctant to put up videogames on an island where adventure should be the word, but I soon discovered what it means to deal with bored kids. And, apparently, feeding them to the titanboas wasn't a legit option." Spencers chuckled. He then asked the cats, "Here is your room. Who of you wants to be the first to open the door?" There were two in-built slots in the wall near the door, one slot at human-height, the other at pet-height.
kurowolfe wrote:Haq watched as the warriors returned to the earth, before glancing over at the Hunter. "Ai hav herd of dat belief, how names arr like prayers for wan's livelihood." He felt both a shiver and heat from the ghostly paw's touch on his shoulder, which made his tail tip twitch a bit without him realizing it.
"Wat name dough... it must be a good name dat will serve as a bles--" He heard something. A faint voice calling out to him. He turned around to where he thought the voice came from, but no one was there. He continued. "As a blessing for everyone here." Again, the voice called out to him, a yearning voice.
Haq turned a complete 360, but still he only saw that he was alone with the Hunter at his side. "Did you hear dat, Hunter? Somewan is calling out to--"
His eyes closed by themselves, and there the voice became clearer, familiar almost. It was calling out a phrase in an unfamiliar tongue, repeating it continuously, and when the wolf concentrated, he could make out what the voice was saying.
"Qariyatul Aman..." he said. He opened his eyes, and the Sign of Command vibrated in his hand. "Qariyatul Aman. Dat sounds rite. Ai decided too rename dis villej Qariyatul Aman, the village of concord and harmony. How is dat, Hunter?"
((OOC: Pronounced 'core-REE-yah-tool amm-MAHN' and means like like what Haq said))
The hunter seemed to think about that. "Hm. Sappy, but it rings just right, I like it. Also, wise choice of words, for this is its intent. And now, leader and chieftain, builder of hope, let me introduce you to the next part of your initiation. Your proper appearances. Have you ever been pody-painted?"
hypernovatic wrote:Shukaku listened to Lyla's story like a young child would. He gasped when she mentioned how Man came to the Lioness Foremother. He swayed his tail, looking up at Lyla. "What happened next?" he asked in anticipation.
"Man again went to his knees and wept his eyes and heart out to the Foremoteher, pleading her so that he could at least see Sunrise once. He said to her he wanted to see, feel the warm touch of Sun on his bare skin, and tell the story to his peers, so that at least a good memory was shared. And also not to be sung out as a fool with a nonsense story.
"The Foremother was touched most from Man's words and tears, and so she allowed him to spend the night in her company, so that he could stay at her side when the time came.
"And so, the next day, as the morning hour approached, as every single day she had done, the Foremother roared out to Sun to come out. And the golden disk started to appear, at first bright and orange, then his light stronger and warmer...But then..!"
Civilization wrote:"Mmm..." Tutter tilted his head to the side, "I'm fine, thank you. Just waiting I guess." With that he quieted himself again as the group went on conversing.
The dragon's voice spoke into Tutter's mind. <You know, mortal, rarely I meet strangers on this island as reserved as your are. And believe me, some of them have many and sound reasons to be. Perhaps are you afraid of speaking out your mind?>
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"Alright, now you're just making me hungrier," the cat said. "I'm good with whatever we can get soon."
"This way. Oh, and don't worry about pocket money: The Resorts pays for us." Alise said, leading the group toward the archaeological camp. "Frankly, I don't know why are humans so obsessed with past. Dead things should stay where they are, unless they wanted to talk to us, right?"
Last edited by valerio on Fri Apr 22, 2016 7:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote: "All ShoWall facilities except the videogames are automatic and always on. You can set through vocal commands the scenery you most like. You can decide to go sleep on another planet, to take a shower in the rainforest during a storm...your pick. As for the games, my techs developed a special catalog that won't be found elsewhere. In fact, every four years this place becomes the site for a gamer-only convention, a sort of VG-olympics, if you like. At first, though I was reluctant to put up videogames on an island where adventure should be the word, but I soon discovered what it means to deal with bored kids. And, apparently, feeding them to the titanboas wasn't a legit option." Spencers chuckled. He then asked the cats, "Here is your room. Who of you wants to be the first to open the door?" There were two in-built slots in the wall near the door, one slot at human-height, the other at pet-height.
"Is possible to have ze show-vall just be vall sometimes? I ask because sometimes mine eyes are sensitive because I am albino so sometimes I am needing ze dark."

The two cats grin and play "Scissors Paper Rock" to determine who gets to open the door. Aleksandr wins but because Dinara is older she opens the door anyway and the cats step in and look around.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Is possible to have ze show-vall just be vall sometimes? I ask because sometimes mine eyes are sensitive because I am albino so sometimes I am needing ze dark."
The two cats grin and play "Scissors Paper Rock" to determine who gets to open the door. Aleksandr wins but because Dinara is older she opens the door anyway and the cats step in and look around.
Everything was...black. Just like in the elevator before the displays went on. "Of course, we do have emergency lightning in case of blackout, but ShoWall relies on these absolutely black screens, can't be helped. But since I knew you had a vision limitation, here's something I hope your eyes can appreciate...Computer, Gliese 581-C. Afternoon. Open space."
And there it was! Slowly walls and floor and ceiling became the projection of an alien world! Two dim, red-tinted planet shone in the distance while the sun was a crimson sphere between a thin layer of clouds. Everywhere the light touched, it was painted in shades of red and shadows...
"This is for the full experience, but of course erverything can be set to replicate the domestic environment. Without the least harm for your eyes. Like it?""
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

valerio wrote:The hunter seemed to think about that. "Hm. Sappy, but it rings just right, I like it. Also, wise choice of words, for this is its intent. And now, leader and chieftain, builder of hope, let me introduce you to the next part of your initiation. Your proper appearances. Have you ever been pody-painted?"
Haq tilted his head to one side in confusion. "Sappy? Ai dont tink de name comes from tree sap; a voice wispered de name too me, and Ai immediately knew wat it means."

After hearing the Hunter's question, the wolf rubbed his undermuzzle in thought. "Ai have, but only simple face straips wile hunting. Noting more. Do Ai get a full body paint den?" His weighty tail wagged slowly behind him.

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

"Ha, we'll see what we can do about those meds, Botti, but no promises, we like to keep our animals healthy, and it seems like our fox friend is learning, well done!" She said.

"Oh, the usual, rugs, blankets, mats, clothes, after we get enough of course," Luke said, then after the horses finished, a smile crept on his face. He then placed an arm, carefully, around Raijda's back, and held her close.

"And good, I was hoping you two would have a relationship, I'd hate to force you into something awkward," Amber said, then she waved a hand over the group, "Still, you may want to get started early, we are going to need, more horses eventually. On that note, if he learns that quick, think he might be able to throw a privacy screen for the two of them, so they CAN get started right away?" She said, grinning at the horses, to tease them.

"Privacy screen? Why bother? We're all adults here right?" Luke said. Amber walked over to him with hands on hips.

"Luke Argon...!" She began...
Khun lightened up a little.

"Oh, don't worry about it, I get upset when I'm not in mixed circles like this," Khun said, "Having it discovered leads to having to answer awkward questions that usually destroy friendships in unenlightened circles. Maybe I'll let you in on she who must not be named name but by doing so I'd risk waking the elder gods of the ancient continent. Still, enough about me, let's go eat!"

Khun said, following along and feeling happy about not having to spend so much on food this trip. That meant more time for souvenirs. On the way, he slinked to the back of the group, and readjusted his ring so it was more covered in the fur. He had though, noticed Flint's fingers as well. So he caught his gaze, and then pulled the strange ticket he had picked up earlier up just a smidgen out of his collar, and gave him a wink.

How good are you? Khun thought. Being from New York, he knew no pick pocket could resist a good dare!

Keep your hands off my ring though. YOU might be missing a finger as a result! Khun thought, chuckling.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by hypernovatic »

Shukaku gasped. "What happened?" he asked.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis stayed fast in his trance slowly mkaing the barrier expand outwards as to cover a large portion of groun d to allow safety during construction of the village his mind saw many images soon seeing himself doing the same thing once before in a vivid flash as if his memory showed himself in ancient times. but even that confusion didnt break him only allowing more confidence in his task as he delved deeper in thought and further into his trance even soon causing himself to seek a certain peace that had him hover a few inches above the ground in front of donau
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote: Everything was...black. Just like in the elevator before the displays went on. "Of course, we do have emergency lightning in case of blackout, but ShoWall relies on these absolutely black screens, can't be helped. But since I knew you had a vision limitation, here's something I hope your eyes can appreciate...Computer, Gliese 581-C. Afternoon. Open space."
And there it was! Slowly walls and floor and ceiling became the projection of an alien world! Two dim, red-tinted planet shone in the distance while the sun was a crimson sphere between a thin layer of clouds. Everywhere the light touched, it was painted in shades of red and shadows...
"This is for the full experience, but of course erverything can be set to replicate the domestic environment. Without the least harm for your eyes. Like it?""
"Is very... Er... Red." Dinara answers uncertainly. "Is... Like sunset, da?"
Aleksandr looks around the room and dumps his satchel on his favourite bed before testing out the mattress.
"Cool!" he grins, staring up at the ceiling. "Is like alien planet! Like any boy, I alvays wanted to be in space program and see ze moon and stars up close!"
Meanwhile, Arina, due to her pregnancy, is suddenly more interested in finding the bathroom than stopping to admire the walls and she says as much to the bear, albeit rather politely and discreetly.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

kurowolfe wrote:Haq tilted his head to one side in confusion. "Sappy? Ai dont tink de name comes from tree sap; a voice wispered de name too me, and Ai immediately knew wat it means."
After hearing the Hunter's question, the wolf rubbed his undermuzzle in thought. "Ai have, but only simple face straips wile hunting. Noting more. Do Ai get a full body paint den?" His weighty tail wagged slowly behind him.
The Hunter showed one of his rare smiles. "Nevermind, that is a way of saying I learnt from humans. And yes, you are going to be one well-painted wolf." Then the smile disappeared. "Tell me, why do you think the spirits of the old shamans warned you about being loveless for the rest of your existence?"
xhunterko wrote:"Ha, we'll see what we can do about those meds, Botti, but no promises, we like to keep our animals healthy, and it seems like our fox friend is learning, well done!" She said.
"Oh, the usual, rugs, blankets, mats, clothes, after we get enough of course," Luke said, then after the horses finished, a smile crept on his face. He then placed an arm, carefully, around Raijda's back, and held her close.
"And good, I was hoping you two would have a relationship, I'd hate to force you into something awkward," Amber said, then she waved a hand over the group, "Still, you may want to get started early, we are going to need, more horses eventually. On that note, if he learns that quick, think he might be able to throw a privacy screen for the two of them, so they CAN get started right away?" She said, grinning at the horses, to tease them.
"Privacy screen? Why bother? We're all adults here right?" Luke said. Amber walked over to him with hands on hips.
"Luke Argon...!" She began...
Rajida laughed at that. "Ah, to be young and curious! But don't worry, when the moment comes you will know right away. Trust me, young chieftain." She put a paw on his shoulder and giggled.
xhunterko wrote:Khun lightened up a little.
"Oh, don't worry about it, I get upset when I'm not in mixed circles like this," Khun said, "Having it discovered leads to having to answer awkward questions that usually destroy friendships in unenlightened circles. Maybe I'll let you in on she who must not be named name but by doing so I'd risk waking the elder gods of the ancient continent. Still, enough about me, let's go eat!"
Khun said, following along and feeling happy about not having to spend so much on food this trip. That meant more time for souvenirs. On the way, he slinked to the back of the group, and readjusted his ring so it was more covered in the fur. He had though, noticed Flint's fingers as well. So he caught his gaze, and then pulled the strange ticket he had picked up earlier up just a smidgen out of his collar, and gave him a wink.
How good are you? Khun thought. Being from New York, he knew no pick pocket could resist a good dare!
Keep your hands off my ring though. YOU might be missing a finger as a result! Khun thought, chuckling.
It wasn't long before the air started smelling with the fragrance of freshly fried, baked and other -ed food. It was like a whole Italian restaurant kitchen had just opened the doors!
"Ahh," Alysa said, sniffing at the air. "Matteo has prepared Sartù."
And right behind the corner of what had been some majestic structure, there it was: a red trailer with tables, seats and a couple of smoking chimneys. People were sitting outside and eating happily while a line of customers were waiting from an extremity of the trailer.
Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis stayed fast in his trance slowly mkaing the barrier expand outwards as to cover a large portion of groun d to allow safety during construction of the village his mind saw many images soon seeing himself doing the same thing once before in a vivid flash as if his memory showed himself in ancient times. but even that confusion didnt break him only allowing more confidence in his task as he delved deeper in thought and further into his trance even soon causing himself to seek a certain peace that had him hover a few inches above the ground in front of donau
The rabbit nodded, beaming with pride. "You did very good, now you can stop. My congratulations."
Hlaoroo wrote:"Is very... Er... Red." Dinara answers uncertainly. "Is... Like sunset, da?"
Aleksandr looks around the room and dumps his satchel on his favourite bed before testing out the mattress.
"Cool!" he grins, staring up at the ceiling. "Is like alien planet! Like any boy, I alvays wanted to be in space program and see ze moon and stars up close!"
Meanwhile, Arina, due to her pregnancy, is suddenly more interested in finding the bathroom than stopping to admire the walls and she says as much to the bear, albeit rather politely and discreetly.
"Внутренняя среда: On*," The bear said, and everything was replaced, just as if a brush was rapidly painting over the current scenery, by the walls and colors and lightning of a luxury hotel apartment. Then the bear pushed the chair toward the nearest bathroom.
"I've chosen this apartment," Spencers said, "Because it is studied for a mother, before and after the delivery. You'll find anything you will be needing to make sure your stay is safe and quiet for you and your baby. Oh, and yes, the earlier display was an artistic speculation of Gliese-581c, the first extrasolar rocky planet discovered in the 'Goldilock zone' of its star, a red dwarf. Astronomy does fascinate me as well. Will you all be needing something?"
hypernovatic wrote:Shukaku gasped. "What happened?" he asked.
Lyla mimicked throwing an uppercut. "Man hit the Foremother at her head, knocking her out! And immediately after he used his knife to cut a portion of Sun so to bring Its light and warmth in the darkest of the jungle. There, he showed his most treasured prize to his kind, and they revered him like a new divinity, for no longer they would be subjected to the damp darkness of the jungle. Man then proceeded to gave smaller pieces of his treasure to the other men.
"But Sun wasn't a force to be tamed so easily, and too late Man discovered he couldn't control it. And soon, men started burning and fires were set ablaze in the jungle, consuming everything in its path!" Then Lyla made a sad face. "And when the Foremother woke up from her stupor, she saw that the jungle was no more, that in its place was a new place, the scorching and unforgiving Desert.
"You can imagine how furious the Foremother was. She decreed that since Man loved so much heat and light, he was to live in the desert, and if that he ever wanted to go back to the jungle, he was to pass through the savannah, where she would lead all predators upon him. Forever would be the jungle no longer home to him.
"But she too was at fault for trusting the great deceiver, thus the foremother cut off all of her beautiful mane, leaving her skull exposed as to remind everyone of her shame."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis sat still very slowly coming out of his trance as if it took some effort to do so. the fox's body relaxing as he stood slowly to regain where he was and see everything once more in some form of a double take on the finer details of whats around him he smiles to the rabbit and sighs content that he succeeded with his objective
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

ooc: By the by, what role play time is it?

Done with Luke, a private conversation was spoken between the cats and the cougars. Amber tapped his shoulder, and Luke looked back to Amber afterwards.

"And remember, THINK next time," she said.

"Yes dear," Luke said, sighing.
Rajida laughed at that. "Ah, to be young and curious! But don't worry, when the moment comes you will know right away. Trust me, young chieftain." She put a paw on his shoulder and giggled.
"I'm sure," Luke said sheepishly. Luke turned to her and smiled, then back to the horses.

"Well, we'll talk more about it later I assume," Luke said, then he put his arm back around Raijda's back.

"Ready for our walk?" He asked.

"Two foals already eh? May I ask, do you know of their whereabouts now? And how they are doing?" She asked, she then turned to Anubis, gave a smile and thumbs up, before turning back to the horses.
Khun's nostril's filled with a comforting aroma.

"Mmmm mmmm mmmm," he said, "If I didn't restrain myself, I'd eat so much I'd buy out the truck." He got in line.

"Ohhhhhhh mannnnnn," Monique said, "It's times like this I wish I could eat still!"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

(OOC: it's about 5pm)
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

valerio wrote:The Hunter showed one of his rare smiles. "Nevermind, that is a way of saying I learnt from humans. And yes, you are going to be one well-painted wolf." Then the smile disappeared. "Tell me, why do you think the spirits of the old shamans warned you about being loveless for the rest of your existence?"
Haq looked out at the horizon, a light tinge of red started blending into the sky's blue as evening approached. Without looking at the Hunter, more like monologuing to himself, he said with a small voice.

"Onestly, Ai dont know, but Ai felt dat it is true dat Ai will never be loved totally and truely again." The wolf kept his gaze towards the skyline. "Beeing a bearer of de Sign of Command means dat hardships will follow, tests and trials, dangers ahead. Anywan attachd too me will surely have too endure all dat, and its better too not subjek anywan too dose hardships. Besides--" He turned to look at the ghostly companion straight in the eye."-- you told me dat Ai may never experience death in a normal way, and if Ai were too live forever while everywan else fades away wit age and sickness... dat repeated pain of losing your loved will be unbearable."

The serious look on Haq's face melted into a warm and genuine, yet wan, smile. "At least you will be dere wit me, as we are now wan. Dat is enough for me."

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Haq Dzi'ab (Blue Peaks Shore) || Mikan Kawabe (Applegate) || Hajime (Apollo City)
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by The Moon Howler »

At the edge of the forest, near the newfound village of Argon appeared a figure and stared at the group in the center of the opening in front of him. The stranger appeared to be a feline, an ocelot, wearing an intersting pirate attire: a white shirt, black breeches and belt, a black frock coat, green sash and bandanna on the head, an eye-patch over his right eye and a black leather hat with a green feather on top, covering his eyes. Flashes of green lightning were running randomly around his garb. He wore no weapons at all.
He saw a lot of cut trees between himself and them, but that did not trouble the silent visitor at all. The feline headed towards the group slowly if only to make himself apparent.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

"Mmh, it certainly does smell delicious!" Flint quipped, walking into the line behind Khun. He took in a deep breath and let out a soft sigh and the aroma of food wafted into his canine nose. Though one thing that bothered him was the line in front of them.
"You know, a dog chooses the worst day to leave his food health inspector badge behind..." He smiles, leaving the comment up in the air for a moment before glancing over at Monique.
"Have you ever tried possessing someone? Or does that not work? I'm sure someone wouldn't mind lending their body for a meal so to speak, assuming they had an open mind about it."
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote: "Внутренняя среда: On*," The bear said, and everything was replaced, just as if a brush was rapidly painting over the current scenery, by the walls and colors and lightning of a luxury hotel apartment. Then the bear pushed the chair toward the nearest bathroom.
"I've chosen this apartment," Spencers said, "Because it is studied for a mother, before and after the delivery. You'll find anything you will be needing to make sure your stay is safe and quiet for you and your baby. Oh, and yes, the earlier display was an artistic speculation of Gliese-581c, the first extrasolar rocky planet discovered in the 'Goldilock zone' of its star, a red dwarf. Astronomy does fascinate me as well. Will you all be needing something?"
Aleksandr pulls a bottle of water from the bar fridge and cracks the top.
"I am not needing anysing now." Meanwhile, Dinara has grabbed three oranges from the fruit bowl and is juggling them in one paw.
"Hoopla! I am not needing anysing eiser."
Ilya looks over from investigating a cupboard and locking the family's passports in the safe.
"Zis room is very nice. Is perfect. You even have provide ze diapers and oh! Is "Crocodile Gena" book and video! You have sink of everysing! Sank you!" he exclaims, grinning broadly and holding up his find from in the cupboard, displaying the hugely popular Russian children's character to Spencers and the cats.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

valerio wrote:It wasn't long before the air started smelling with the fragrance of freshly fried, baked and other -ed food. It was like a whole Italian restaurant kitchen had just opened the doors!
"Ahh," Alysa said, sniffing at the air. "Matteo has prepared Sartù."
And right behind the corner of what had been some majestic structure, there it was: a red trailer with tables, seats and a couple of smoking chimneys. People were sitting outside and eating happily while a line of customers were waiting from an extremity of the trailer.
Levi could hardly stop himself from drooling at the smell. "Aaaand now I'm starving. How fast does the line here usually move?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by hypernovatic »

Shukaku jumped back as Lyla threw an uppercut. He gasped as the story ended. "That's sad." he said.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Civilization »

valerio wrote:The dragon's voice spoke into Tutter's mind. <You know, mortal, rarely I meet strangers on this island as reserved as your are. And believe me, some of them have many and sound reasons to be. Perhaps are you afraid of speaking out your mind?>
Tutter slightly opened his mouth and closed it again a few times while they walked on, still not sure how to reply to the dragon entity. With that he wondered just how long he had been here, less than a day was obvious, but the amount of stuff that he alone got to experience was more than enough. Wasn't even the right stuff either, but he made sure to repeat it to himself, it was more than enough. "Okay." He finished thinking and sort of whispered to himself, that's all it could really be for him, just have to take it all in.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

kurowolfe wrote:Haq looked out at the horizon, a light tinge of red started blending into the sky's blue as evening approached. Without looking at the Hunter, more like monologuing to himself, he said with a small voice.
"Onestly, Ai dont know, but Ai felt dat it is true dat Ai will never be loved totally and truely again." The wolf kept his gaze towards the skyline. "Beeing a bearer of de Sign of Command means dat hardships will follow, tests and trials, dangers ahead. Anywan attachd too me will surely have too endure all dat, and its better too not subjek anywan too dose hardships. Besides--" He turned to look at the ghostly companion straight in the eye."-- you told me dat Ai may never experience death in a normal way, and if Ai were too live forever while everywan else fades away wit age and sickness... dat repeated pain of losing your loved will be unbearable."
The serious look on Haq's face melted into a warm and genuine, yet wan, smile. "At least you will be dere wit me, as we are now wan. Dat is enough for me."
"It is more than this," the Hunter answered. "Not even I knew about it before my demise, and when I discovered it..." He sighed. "Our death magic was not always about the underworld plane. In fact, our ancestors tried to help the unrestful spirits to pass to the higher plane of existence. And the souls from that plane would watch over us, giving us strength and peace in time of need, healing those wounds that the magic of life couldn't cure.
"But then the tribal wars started, and our species' numbers started dwindling. The hatred grew beyond control, and more and more of our warriors and shamans turned to the underworld to feed our strength.
"And when the humans came and we were nearly drove to extinction, by then our shamans had all but forgotten the ways of peace, all links with the higher plane severed. Our culture had become corrupted with hatred. yes, that feeling fed us, made us strong, but kept guiding us into the shadows of oblivion.
"When I destroyed my own tribe, lost in the fury of revenge, my beloved looked at tme and told me all of this, leaving me here to mourn while he went to a place I could never reach..."
The Hunter looked at Haq. "You are a rare, kind soul. Never forget who you are, never lose yourself in the ways of darkness. Haq, you are far more for our future than you think."
The Moon Howler wrote:At the edge of the forest, near the newfound village of Argon appeared a figure and stared at the group in the center of the opening in front of him. The stranger appeared to be a feline, an ocelot, wearing an intersting pirate attire: a white shirt, black breeches and belt, a black frock coat, green sash and bandanna on the head, an eye-patch over his right eye and a black leather hat with a green feather on top, covering his eyes. Flashes of green lightning were running randomly around his garb. He wore no weapons at all.
He saw a lot of cut trees between himself and them, but that did not trouble the silent visitor at all. The feline headed towards the group slowly if only to make himself apparent.
Donau's ears flicked. "Well, we still have to finish building a village and already we are building our own supernatural community. It is time you showed up, Captain. Welcome, I hope."
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:Levi could hardly stop himself from drooling at the smell. "Aaaand now I'm starving. How fast does the line here usually move?"
"Fast enough," Alyse said, as the like did indeed keep moving. "Matteo is so good, he doesn't even have to put up a menu: Whatever he cooks, he serves it right away. See? Five minutes and we'll be served. Have you ever tried his Sartù?"
hypernovatic wrote:Shukaku jumped back as Lyla threw an uppercut. He gasped as the story ended. "That's sad." he said.
"Oh, it is. One day, I'll tell you another story. Now ready to learn some cooking?" she asked as they were in sight of Liberation.
Civilization wrote:Tutter slightly opened his mouth and closed it again a few times while they walked on, still not sure how to reply to the dragon entity. With that he wondered just how long he had been here, less than a day was obvious, but the amount of stuff that he alone got to experience was more than enough. Wasn't even the right stuff either, but he made sure to repeat it to himself, it was more than enough. "Okay." He finished thinking and sort of whispered to himself, that's all it could really be for him, just have to take it all in.
<Usually, mortals start talking about themselves to...break the ice, as they say. So, what brings a creature like you here so that you would stay apart and silent?>
Botticelli flicked his tail at Amber's question. "They have grown up and have been moved to the mainland. We agree with Mr. Spencers here: the best way to avoid abusing space is to live and work elsewhere, so some of our young are sent away for such purpose."
When they were far away enough in the forest, Rajida's arm went around Luke's waist in a firm grip. "Was just a talk you wanted or something more?"
Hlaoroo wrote:Aleksandr pulls a bottle of water from the bar fridge and cracks the top.
"I am not needing anysing now." Meanwhile, Dinara has grabbed three oranges from the fruit bowl and is juggling them in one paw.
"Hoopla! I am not needing anysing eiser."
Ilya looks over from investigating a cupboard and locking the family's passports in the safe.
"Zis room is very nice. Is perfect. You even have provide ze diapers and oh! Is "Crocodile Gena" book and video! You have sink of everysing! Sank you!" he exclaims, grinning broadly and holding up his find from in the cupboard, displaying the hugely popular Russian children's character to Spencers and the cats.
Spencers bowed. "Make my staff and customers alike happy is my humble mission. I will leave you alone now. Our artists will report to the entertainment department at 6pm, sharp. Sorry for sounding hurried, but I want to have an evaluation before dinnertime comes." He waited for the woman to stand up, before motioning to the bear to follow him out. "See you later. Anything you needed, just call the reception. Welcome to Meriweather Island." And with that, both he and the bear left the apartment
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

"Oh, I don't know, just to enjoy your company first, for a little while at least," Luke said, watching the setting sun, returning Raijda's grip with his own.

"Maybe more a bit farther," Luke said with a grin, "But for now, Raijda, tell me more about your enclave life. What was a day like?"

"Well, at least you know, most aren't that lucky to even know," Amber said, then she whispered, noticing Maquiss, "We are not done yet, but, walk behind me, slowly." She then walked a distance, with Maquiss half way into the cut trees and stopped.

"That's as far as you come," she said, "You have zero recourse here. This is not your forest, this is not your island, these are not your people, and these are not your trees. Our human friend and our god has given us license to use whatever resources we need however we see fit. And we are starting a large family, and we will need much more than this. THIS is the one thing we CAN and will ONLY promise you."

"We will practice at least by ourselves now, renewable tactics, and only take what we need, but being a large family, we will need a lot, so we will take a lot. But we will attempt to give back at least equal to what we take," Amber said, pausing, "That is all we can promise you. If that is not good enough for you, and you have come with malicious thoughts, then that is as far as you come."
"Oh good, I was hoping to not have to wait that long," Khun said. He looked over to the sunset. Remembering a many of them with someone. Pausing at it for a moment, then he turned back to the line.

"Oh heavens! I would never try that!" Monique said, dashing to Flint's nose, "And besides, I don't think it'd work that way. Although, though, I'd be careful of what you say. You MAY inadvertently advertise yourself open. And not all spirits are benevolent."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis's eyes caught sight of the new visitor he stood firm and let out a loose breath "hm? new? or changed?" the fox thought watching him with some curiousity and caution he walked to the figure with Amber. Kritaros watching from a distance at the sight before him "hmmm no weapons....however from how he was he may be supernatural." he thought his own thoughts linking to anubis who stared at the newcomer and kept himself silent in a somewhat protective manner of amber's well being. one eye scanning him the other making his demeanor all too normal
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

valerio wrote:"Our death magic was not always about the underworld plane. In fact, our ancestors tried to help the unrestful spirits to pass to the higher plane of existence. And the souls from that plane would watch over us, giving us strength and peace in time of need, healing those wounds that the magic of life couldn't cure.
"But then the tribal wars started, and our species' numbers started dwindling. The hatred grew beyond control, and more and more of our warriors and shamans turned to the underworld to feed our strength.
"And when the humans came and we were nearly drove to extinction, by then our shamans had all but forgotten the ways of peace, all links with the higher plane severed. Our culture had become corrupted with hatred. yes, that feeling fed us, made us strong, but kept guiding us into the shadows of oblivion.
"When I destroyed my own tribe, lost in the fury of revenge, my beloved looked at tme and told me all of this, leaving me here to mourn while he went to a place I could never reach..."
The Hunter looked at Haq. "You are a rare, kind soul. Never forget who you are, never lose yourself in the ways of darkness. Haq, you are far more for our future than you think."
"Ai... see," the wolf said ruefully, looking down at the ground. His own tribe's demise, the incurable disease that claimed so many, and the bloodbath that decimated the rest... the village shamans couldn't seek the cure, it was almost inevitable that the Dzi'ab tribe would be wiped out from existence because of the lack of blessing and that unquenchable hatred. Even he himself had accepted that he would die with the rest, and it was only Qonuun's last words that kept him from that.

[Brother, please don't give up hope. It's the only thing we have left. Please live on, for me, for us. I love you...]

Haq's vision blurred in the evening sun, and he felt wetness dampening his red cheekfur and the ground near his toes. With a painful gulp, he answered with barely a whisper, both to the Hunter, and to his brother.

"Ai wont, Ai promiss."
For the first time since he ran away, he sobbed silently, allowing himself time to mourn for his loss. For the Hunter's loss. For their loss.

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

valerio wrote:"Fast enough," Alyse said, as the like did indeed keep moving. "Matteo is so good, he doesn't even have to put up a menu: Whatever he cooks, he serves it right away. See? Five minutes and we'll be served. Have you ever tried his Sartù?"
"Aside from the fact I don't even know what that is, I haven't had anything here, so no," Levi answered.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote: Spencers bowed. "Make my staff and customers alike happy is my humble mission. I will leave you alone now. Our artists will report to the entertainment department at 6pm, sharp. Sorry for sounding hurried, but I want to have an evaluation before dinnertime comes." He waited for the woman to stand up, before motioning to the bear to follow him out. "See you later. Anything you needed, just call the reception. Welcome to Meriweather Island." And with that, both he and the bear left the apartment
Once the gentleman and the bear have departed, the Melnikovs settle in, putting the kettle on to boil and exploring the room. They tip the bell boy as he delivers their bags and pay him a little extra to deliver their cases of equipment back down to a storage area near where they'll be performing. Then Ilya and Arina enjoy a cup of tea and discuss the day's events including the offer of the Lycaons' assistance with the birth while Sasha and Dinara explore the balcony and take in the view. They also chatter in their native tongue about exactly what they have planned for the night's show.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by The Moon Howler »

xhunterko wrote:"Well, at least you know, most aren't that lucky to even know," Amber said, then she whispered, noticing Maquiss, "We are not done yet, but, walk behind me, slowly." She then walked a distance, with Maquiss half way into the cut trees and stopped.

"That's as far as you come," she said, "You have zero recourse here. This is not your forest, this is not your island, these are not your people, and these are not your trees. Our human friend and our god has given us license to use whatever resources we need however we see fit. And we are starting a large family, and we will need much more than this. THIS is the one thing we CAN and will ONLY promise you."

"We will practice at least by ourselves now, renewable tactics, and only take what we need, but being a large family, we will need a lot, so we will take a lot. But we will attempt to give back at least equal to what we take," Amber said, pausing, "That is all we can promise you. If that is not good enough for you, and you have come with malicious thoughts, then that is as far as you come."
The feline listened to the female cougar calmly, almost as if in a trance. When she finished, he spoke.

"Lass, Ah've notic'd ye folks think ta know me." The captain's only visible eye flashed with green, as he took his hat off. His expression was a bit weary, exhausted, like someone who had too little sleep for too long "Ye'r wrong. Me name's Shadowclaw. Captain Shadowclaw. Ah came from a hidden cove close by, cuz Ah heard whispers in da wind. Whispers of dis 'ere camp. Ah came ta see if yer worthy of me treasures."

Shadowclaw tried to smile, but all he could manage was a very weak version of what he meant to do. Suddenly, a quick fiery flash formed a cane in his free paw, which he leaned upon.
"Ah'm need ta seat fer a while, lass. Dis ol' pirate is very tired." suddenly he realized he missed something "Say, lass, Ah've introduced meself, but Ah know not yer name."
I am The Moon Howler - the being with no exact form. I serve the Moon Goddess and in return, she gives me my muse and my shape.

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

kurowolfe wrote:"Ai... see," the wolf said ruefully, looking down at the ground. His own tribe's demise, the incurable disease that claimed so many, and the bloodbath that decimated the rest... the village shamans couldn't seek the cure, it was almost inevitable that the Dzi'ab tribe would be wiped out from existence because of the lack of blessing and that unquenchable hatred. Even he himself had accepted that he would die with the rest, and it was only Qonuun's last words that kept him from that.
[Brother, please don't give up hope. It's the only thing we have left. Please live on, for me, for us. I love you...]
Haq's vision blurred in the evening sun, and he felt wetness dampening his red cheekfur and the ground near his toes. With a painful gulp, he answered with barely a whisper, both to the Hunter, and to his brother.

"Ai wont, Ai promiss."
For the first time since he ran away, he sobbed silently, allowing himself time to mourn for his loss. For the Hunter's loss. For their loss.
Hunter nodded. "Tears are good. It has been long since I saw them on my kind, on this island... Please, allow me." and then the Hunter took control of Haq's body, collecting those tears on a finger and rubbing them on the left cheek, the upper arm, and chest. "Trust me, I know what I am doing. Here we are."
A hut lay in front of them, another bone structure, but smaller, fit for one person.
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"Aside from the fact I don't even know what that is, I haven't had anything here, so no," Levi answered.
They were almost there. The smell was almost intoxicating. "A rice timbale, cooked in the oven, with ragout, peas, mushrooms, provola cheese, meatballs and sausage. That's Matteo's piatto forte, that's why everyone's here. I suggest triple serving."
Hlaoroo wrote:Once the gentleman and the bear have departed, the Melnikovs settle in, putting the kettle on to boil and exploring the room. They tip the bell boy as he delivers their bags and pay him a little extra to deliver their cases of equipment back down to a storage area near where they'll be performing. Then Ilya and Arina enjoy a cup of tea and discuss the day's events including the offer of the Lycaons' assistance with the birth while Sasha and Dinara explore the balcony and take in the view. They also chatter in their native tongue about exactly what they have planned for the night's show.
"Circus? Cool!" said a bird from the other balcony. A seagull, an old one. He waved a wing at them. "Nice to meet you, tovarich. I am Elmo."
xhunterko wrote:"Oh, I don't know, just to enjoy your company first, for a little while at least," Luke said, watching the setting sun, returning Raijda's grip with his own.
"Maybe more a bit farther," Luke said with a grin, "But for now, Raijda, tell me more about your enclave life. What was a day like?"
"Depends. It was a growing escalation of harshness since the moment we started to walk. For example, our teachers pushed us down since our first successful attempt, so that we forged our determination to stand up. Only a few would keep trying until teacher stopped pushing us. The others went back to their families, we never heard of them again. But forgive Rajida: Are you interested in a particular period of my life?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote:"Circus? Cool!" said a bird from the other balcony. A seagull, an old one. He waved a wing at them. "Nice to meet you, tovarich. I am Elmo."
"Ah. Privyet!* I am Dinara and zis is mine brozzer, Aleksandr. Yes, ve perform in circus. You speak good Russian. You have been to Mozzer Country?"
"Privyet!" Sascha waves when his name is mentioned.

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

valerio wrote:Hunter nodded. "Tears are good. It has been long since I saw them on my kind, on this island... Please, allow me." and then the Hunter took control of Haq's body, collecting those tears on a finger and rubbing them on the left cheek, the upper arm, and chest. "Trust me, I know what I am doing. Here we are."
A hut lay in front of them, another bone structure, but smaller, fit for one person.
Haq stayed silent for a bit while the Hunter helped dry his tears, the sobbing continuing despite the pilot change. Even so, he still noted the sudden appearance of the quaint bone hut, and that piqued his interest. Pulling himself out of his reverie, he asked the Hunter in their mind.

[Is.. *sob* this where we're sleeping tonight?]

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

xhunterko wrote:"Oh heavens! I would never try that!" Monique said, dashing to Flint's nose, "And besides, I don't think it'd work that way. Although, though, I'd be careful of what you say. You MAY inadvertently advertise yourself open. And not all spirits are benevolent."
"Hey hey, I ain't sayin I'm open for business or... Possession in this case. At least to strangers" Flint smirked as he raised his paws up in surrender and took a glance around to see if there were any specters sneaking up on him.
"Though I still think it's a shame to lose one of your five primary sense. I myself would give up quite a lot to have this guy workin again." He leans over and points to his left eye, which looked all glassed over and hazy.
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

ooc: I think I've mentioned the greater tribe before and spelled it right, if not, well, hopefully I'll remember this spelling in the future.

"Well, then, heh, I'll be sure and get the triple," Khun said as he got up to the counter, "One triple please."

Monique closely inspected the eye.

"Hm, I can see why you would, though around here, someone might want to offer you something you might not want to give up for it," Monique said, "I wouldn't be surprised. Still, how'd it happen, if I might ask?"
Amber tilted her head one way, then the other, with a skeptical look on her face. Then to the cane. She then walked over to the pirate.

"Good sir, do keep your treasure. I doubt we'd be any worthier than the last person you tried to give it to, nor would we have any use for it, still," she said, then she walked behind him, and scratched away bark on a fallen palm, creating a seat of a sorts.

"As you can see, we are just starting, and this is all I can offer you for the time being, since you have decided to make yourself our guest this evening," she said, "As far as my name, I am Amber Kries de Argon, fiance' to Luke Argon, of the Argon Tribe, of the Kries Tribe, Daughter of the Chieftain of the Kries Tribe, of the greater Montauq Tribe, Granddaughter of the Chieftain of the greater Montauq Tribe, the Argon Tribe's patron god being the god of this island, Hubert. If you'll excuse me a moment, I need to discuss your person with our shaman, Donau of the Ether class. Since, he seems the most familiar with you. Do forgive me if this seems rude. But we have been disturbed by a shape shifter all day. I would like some clarification your matter." She then walked back over to Donau.

"You are familiar with this being Donau? Is he who he says he is? You were fooled by the trickster twice today, is this a third?" She asked Donau. Slightly cross. Only slightly. Arms behind her back. Her tail slightly flickering.

Luke thought about it for a moment. The little gesture of affection seemed easy for Raijda now. Perhaps she didn't like showing her affection towards others to groups? He stopped where they were, pulled her closer, and embraced her in a hug, but not too tight, once more.

"Hm, tell me about Raijda. Let's go back a little. You know you are going to be taken to training. It is your, shall we say, last summer, before you are taken for training," he said, "What are you getting the most out of of that last summer?" He held her loosely, inviting her to take action if she wanted. His fiance' had wanted him to learn to love Raijda. Since apparently she wanted to do so as well. Knowing his weakness, that they would be left with another female, she took action, and he fell right into it. Since she thought it a good idea, he would as well. And he would treat Raijda with the same love, affection, and tenderness as he would treat Amber. As he knew Amber would treat Raijda.