HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Nice job on this update! I love Keene threatening Bino!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

CHAPTER 9: Calm Before Storm; Mending

In the basement of the abandoned D’Angelo residence Grape fought against a green being that appeared to be made from a thing mist. Meanwhile, on the sidelines Max and Sabrina watched while enjoying breakfast.

“She really is taking training seriously now.” Max admiring her fighting.

“Well she is here full time now. And after that fight she had with Bino…” Sabrina thought about the battle just yesterday. “...I would start getting serious too.” Max nodded.

“She reported having been gashed in the arm. Luckily it seems the Vassal’s Blood has mostly healed it...” Max said watching her fight. “But look at how she fights. Her left arm; the one that was injured, she barely uses it.” Max observed. Soon after he said that Grape missed a punch against the mist being and was hit in the left side. “See, she can’t defend her left side as easy.” He said. “I really hope that gets better. Because if it doesn’t there’ll be trouble.” Max said putting his food down. Sabrina looked at Grape, and then back at Max.

“Do you ever wish you were the one?” She asked. Max smiled a little.

“Plenty of times.” Max got up and threw his arm to the side, signaling Grape’s sparring partner to disappear. “Come on Grape, step it up, you and me!” He said. Grape nodded and dashed at him. Max readied himself, and drew both of his paws to his side, glowing with dark blue energy. Just when Grape was close enough Max shot both paws forward.

“Leogun’s Roar!” A blue shock wave shot forward and pushed Grape back. Max dashed at her and punched her to the side. Max then jumped into the air. His claws started glowing blue. “Final Cla-”

“Don’t break the place!” Sabrina shouted. Max stopped midair and thought a moment, shrugged, and landed next to Grape and simply flicked her, causing her to fall down.

“Maybe a Final Claw would’ve been a little over necessary.” Max said with a big smile and shrug. Grape frowned and struggled up. Max quickly grabbed her right arm.

“Hey!” She said.

“Punch me.” Max said with a smile.

“With pleasure! But I can’t punch you when you’re holding my arm-”

“Then use your other arm.” Max said simply. Grape’s eyes faltered a little, but she rose her left arm.

“Hyeah!” She cried as she threw her left fist. However, right before it reached Max she felt a pain zap through her arm and she stopped, crouching down holding the arm. Max looked worried, and signaled Sabrina over. Sabrina helped Grape over to a chair, careful with her arm. Max shook his head.

“This isn’t good.” Max said as he followed them over.

“Don’t worry, it’ll heal.” Grape said.

“It’s already healed, yet there’s still a problem.” Max said. “We need to take a closer look. Not on the physical level, the celestial level. We need a Seer.” Max said clicking his claws together in frustration. Sabrina looked at Max.

“We need to find Tarot.” He said definitely.

“Yeah, I’m getting tired of doing all the cooking.” Sabrina said.

“Not for the cooking!”


Peanut awoke and got himself breakfast. However his owners were not there. He looked out in the front, and the car was still gone.

“They’ve been gone since yesterday…” Peanut said to himself. He heard a dash of wind behind him, and turned to find Joey there. “Joey?” Joey gave him a peace sign.

“Sup?” He greeted. Peanut tried to smile.

“I thought Max said we are ‘enemies’.” Peanut said. Joey shrugged.

“What Max doesn’t know can’t hurt him, right?” He said childishly. Peanut straitened.

“Wait, how did you know my owners were gone?” He questioned. Joey’s smile dropped.

“Eh, what do you mean?” Joey asked.

“You wouldn’t have run in here uninvited unless you knew I was the only one here.” Peanut said sternly.

“Last night… they were grabbed.” Joey said as he looked away.

“Grabbed! What do you mean!?” Peanut questioned. Joey scratched the back of his head.

“Well, it’s like when you take your paw, or hand, and clamp it around something and then-”


“Sorry sorry!” Joey said holding his hands up. “The Miltons, they did something. I don’t know what, but they did something, and now they’re gone.” Joey blurted out. Peanut’s eyes lost their color and shrunk a little. He clenched his teeth and grabbed Joey by the shoulders.

“What!?” He questioned again. Joey whimpered a little.

“I’m sorry, Peanut, but I don’t know what to do!” Joey defended himself. Peanut let go of Joey, and slunked down into a chair. He held his head in his paws.

“Why…” He questioned. “Why is all this happening…?” He asked through sobs. Joey patted him on the back.

“You know… there’s a reason I live in a Dog house…” He said quietly. Peanut looked up at him. “Not long after I found my Fate-Watch… my family disappeared too.” Joey explained. “Just like you, at first I didn’t agree with Max. He tried to warn me, but I wouldn’t listen. But then when the Miltons took away my family, I decided ‘What’s the point? What do I have to loss?’.” Peanut shook his head.

“I won’t join Max.” He said defiantly. Joey laughed a little.

“Don’t worry Peanut, I’m not trying to tell you to join Max.” He said. “But I just hope you’ll consider it. It could save your life…” Peanut stopped and looked at Joey.

“Wait a minute… Joey, how’d you get into my house?” He asked with sudden moodwhiplash. Joey looked around frantically.

“Uh, gotta go!” With a flash of blue Joey was gone. Peanut got up, shaking his head. He stepped outside in his backyard to think. However he was not alone out there. He saw among the trees, the Pomeranian from the other night; Tarot, staring at him.

“You have to choose.”


Bino was looking out the window of the second floor of the Good Ol’ Dog’s Clubhouse. It gave him a view of a lot of Babylon Gardens. But he wasn’t here for the physical view. Bino closed his eyes, and tried energy sensing, a skill that would help a lot. In his mind he saw Babylon Gardens zooming by as he searched. Then he found a power. Bino’s eyes shot open.

“The Avenger of Shrouded Light?” He asked himself in disbelief. “But that would mean…” Bino thought a moment. He quickly got to work.


“He had nowhere else to go at the time, so I was just being friendly.” Fox explained to his Father. “He won’t stay much longer, by the afternoon he’ll be gone. I promise.” His Father rubbed his forehead.

“Fine, just. Make sure he doesn’t do anything dumb.” He said putting on his jacket. “The station wants me to enter early today, so keep track on him.” He said as he left for the door. Fox nodded.

“Right Dad.” He said. After he heard the motorcycle drive away again. He turned back and found that the once asleep hooded dog was gone from the couch. Fox quickly looked around. Then he heard a noise in the kitchen. He ran in and found him opening a can of Orange Soda.

“Hah, just my luck. You do have Orange Soda.” He said taking a sip. “You should check your supplies closer.” He said as he passed Fox back into the livingroom. The hooded dog took a gulp. “Well, now’s my time to leave.” He said heading for the door. “Thanks for giving me a place for the night, I hope we’ll never have to see each other again.” He said as he tried to open the door, but had to fumble with the knob a little.


“What?” The dog asked looking back. Fox held up his finger, about to say something but stopped himselfs. He thought a moment.

“I, just want to know your name.” He said. The Dog’s eyes narrowed. “I think, I might know you.”

“How much do you know?” He snarled. Fox backed up a little.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought…” The dog quickly turned away from Fox, back to the door. He opened the door, and walked out

“Wait!” Fox grabbed the housekeys, and followed after locking the door.

“You gotta tell me, who are you?” He asked catching up with him. The dog turned around, and despite being shorter managed to armlock Fox.

“Look kid. I’m not a very happy person. Want my advice? Stay away from me.” He hissed. He let go of Fox, and continued walking. Fox continued walking too. “I told you, stay away-”

“I’m not going to leave till you tell me.” Fox said sturdily. The dog was about to say some snarky retort when a voice caught them both of guard.

“Well well well, if it isn’t the Avenger of Shrouded Light himself.” Bino appeared out of almost nowhere. “Oh, and dear Foxy.” He said with sarcasm. The dog looked at Bino.

“Who are you?” He asked. Bino smiled.

“I’m the law-keeper here. Not the earth laws though, the laws of… the Griffon.” Bino said plainly. The dog snorted a little.

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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Obbl »

The pieces are all starting to come together. ;)
This is coming along nicely. You've got a lot of threads to weave together, but it looks to be shaping into an explosive clash somewhere down the line. I'm looking forward to finding out who the mysterious, hooded dog is. Bino's character is working really well as a villain here too. :D
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I love how this has come out! Its really cool!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by DigitalBrave3 »

This... is... AWSOME!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

CHAPTER 10: Light's Shroud; Objection

Oh, it’s not a hard job. I just need you to take care of someone. The Gryphon’s orders actually, so you can’t refuse.

The Avenger of Shrouded Light thought over the conversation he had with Bino as he headed for his destination.

And if I say no?

You owe everything to the Gryphon. You can’t refuse. Remember the promise he made you?

Well if you were able find me, can’t you find this person yourself?

He took a swig of the can of orange soda which he still carried.

This person is good at hiding his spirit. Your spirit on the other hand won’t shut up, I swear even people without a watch could sense it.

Fine. Where do I start?

Well, it’s a little more complicated. You have no chances of finding him by trying to find him. But if you find one of his friends, you can lure him out.

Okay, where do I find a friend?

Heheheh, ah yes. His pretty little girlfriend; much like you, won’t silence her spirit. I know exactly where she is.

So again, why don’t you do it?

I have other matters to attend too.

The Avenger walked down the street.

She usually slinks around town during the morning. We’ve seen her multiple times, but we weren’t aware of her affiliation until recently. However, due to the recent battle she is probably wary of coming out. However, I sense her spirit on the outer parts of town.

The Avenger stopped in his tracks. He had found her. Grape turned and looked at the odd dog in the black trenchcoat.

“Who are you?” She asked stepping away slowly. The Avenger smiled.

He threw off his trenchcoat, revealing himself to be a Welsh Pembroke corgi. He wore a black collar with a chess-piece as the tag. He held up a black and green stopwatch. He threw the clock into the air.

“Clock up!”

Time froze, and he started radiating a black aura. “Ms. Auburn, you should have just stayed out of this whole thing!” He took one last swig of his drink, and threw it aside. He then held his right hand out. All the sudden his black aura flowed around his paw, forming into a massive broadsword. It then stabilized into a pitch black sword. He swung it around for intimidation.

“I am the Avenger of Shrouded Light!” He said pointing the giant blade towards her. “King of the Beginning of the End!” He shouted. “Initiator of Armageddon! Harold of Apocalypse! First Life of the Last Life! Knight of-”

“Get on with it!” Grape said annoyed.

“Very well. I am the Avatar of the Gryphon, King!” He said resting the ginormous sword on his small back. Grape summoned her Bastet Staffs and got ready for action. King dashed at her and she dodged, hitting him in the back. However as the energy rods hit him they dispersed and turned into black energy, which then flowed into King’s sword.

“What the?” Grape asked herself as she slided to a stop. King turned to her.

“This is the Hatiskoll, the Blade of Broken Desires.” He said holding the blade as it started shaking. “Fenrir’s Growl!” He shouted as he slashed through the air, sending a black energy wave towards Grape. Grape avoided the wave quickly. She gathered energy in her paws and sent a barrage at King. King casually hit the blasts away with his sword, sending them back around Grape. After the dust cleared, and Grape could see King clearly, he smiled.

“Tell me. Does an inferior creature like yourself ever experience fear?” He taunted. Grape’s eyes flashed.

“Funny…” She said starting to move her paws in a motion. “I was about to ask you the same!” She threw her paws in front of her. “Bastetriu!” She shouted as the giant indigo energy blast flew at King. King casually avoided it matrix-style and threw his sword at her. As it neared her she was about to block, but to her surprise it dispersed back into energy, surrounding her in a paralyzing field of black. King took his time stretching and popping some joints.

“Sorry, give me some time. This is my first fight in awhile.” He said stretching his arms. clapped his hands. “Okay!” He dashed at Grape and released of flurry of punches all around her, before grabbing the black field, pulling it away releasing Grape for a few seconds, and then sending it back as a strong blast.

“Aaaaaah!!!” Grape was flung away into some houses. King watched her fly and sighed.

“They don’t make Vassals like they used to.” He said as he called back his aura. He started walking away. “Didn’t even need to Limit Break that one,” He said. “Honestly, the Dragon is getting way too weak.”

“WAIT!” King turned and saw Grape struggling out of the wreckage.

“What’s this?” He said quietly. Grape slowly stepped out, her head hanging in pain.

“I…” She took more steps forward. “I’m…” She clenched her paws. “I’m just getting started!” She shouted looking straight at King, with purple glowing in her eyes. King smirked.

“Very well, have it your way!” He recalled the energy back into the Hatiskoll. Grape thrusted one paw forward.

“Nile’s Rope!” A purple stream of energy grabbed onto King’s wrist, and it started retracting. King however didn’t think anything of it, and just let himself get pulled over.

“This is your best?” He asked. “Cause if it is, oh man, I am doomed.” He said sarcastically. However he didn’t notice he was within blast range of a-


King skidded back into a building. He stumbled up and prepared to release an attack from his sword. Unfortunately for him, he dropped his sword during the skid, and it was in between him and Grape. Grape scrambled for the blade and grabbed it.

“Hahah!” She tried holding it up, however it forms shifted into a mass of blackness with a mouth and snapped at her. “Dwah!” She threw it away and King caught it.

“You’re such a scaredy cat.” He said with a smirk. “No cat can ever defeat me.” Grape clenched her paws, but then relaxed herself and took on a battle pose. She opened her eyes and a small wave boomed from her, and she was covered in a fiery indigo aura. She dashed at King with her claws out.

“Take this, mut!” She sliced at King continuously. King took each slash as they came, but didn’t seem to falter any. Eventually she stopped and started panting as her aura dispersed.

“Is that all?” He asked. Within a single second Grape had lunged at him and had him on the ground, holding his throat. “Oh, what? Are you gonna kill me?” He taunted.

“I’m considering it.” She said through her teeth. She raised her left arm; overflowing with energy, and brought it down. However it stopped halfway, and she clenched it in pain. King smiled. A dark wave pulsed out and flung Grape into the air. King got to his feet and took out his watch again. He clicked it twice.

“Limit Break!” He shouted as he jumped up to her, with his sword ready.

Elsewhere, away from the battle a human; unfrozen despite the Clock Up, watched the the fight through binoculars. The man wore a white shirt with a yellow tie. He lowered the binoculars and straightened his tie. “Things are getting interesting…”

“Fenrir’s Objection!” He shouted as he brought the blade down on her in midair. However instead of letting her fling to the ground he quickly hit her from below too, and from the sides, and continued this process multiple times keeping her in a seemingly endless chamber of pain in the sky. “Hiyeah!” He then brought one final and stronger blow from above, shooting her to the ground below, breaking the street. When he landed she was still stuck in the crater, not moving. He snapped his fingers and Hatiskall dispersed again into energy in his paw. He approached Grape. “My boss would be upset if I didn’t finish you off right now, so don’t worry, me killing you is nothing personal.” He said as he threw a massive blast of black energy at her. However a dash of blue appeared out of nowhere and she was gone. King looked around jerkily. He saw that apparently Sten and Devo had been watching the battle. Devo was applauding his performance.

“Very nice, very nice! You really are the Avatar of the Gryphon!” He complimented. King growled.

“Where’d she go?!” He barked. Devo and Sten shrugged.


Joey appeared in the D’Angelo residence in a dash of blue light. Sabrina turned around quickly.

“What happened?!” She asked as Joey put Grape down. She quickly started tending to Grape. “Again? She just healed!” She said. Joey slowly walked away. “I asked what happened, Joey.” Sabrina said sternly. Joey didn’t turn around.

“The Gryphon’s Avatar is here. Where’s Max?” He said quietly.

“What?” Sabrina asked in disbelief. Joey turned around.

“King has come!”

So yeah, the Avenger of Shrouded Light is King, but honestly, was there every any doubt?
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Nope. Not really any doubt at all. But this is a very nice update!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by CHAOKOCartoons »

I just saw that this was a thing. I'm glad that I saw this thing, because I am quite enjoying it! Keep it up Super, this is really rad! :D
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

CHAPTER 11: Action Now; Sellout

King was sitting in a corner chugging down Orange Soda.

“This is the Avatar?” Rex quietly asked Bino. Bino shrugged.

“Yeah, he’s not all that.” He said, annoyed at King’s soda related priorities. Bino looked around.

“Where’d Devo go?” He asked Rex.

“I’m not sure, he must of slipped out earlier.” Rex said scratching his head. They heard the door open.

“Oh, it looks like Sasha is here.”


At night the park had a very eerie feel, the moonlight making the giant tree give off a very large and ominous shadow. Devo was leaning against the tree waiting for something. He heard a stir, and turned to see Marvin there.

“A cat?” Devo asked. Marvin nodded.

“Yes, I am a cat.” Devo awkwardly ran over and grabbed him by the scruff.

“You shouldn’t be comin’ round this part of town!” Devo growled. Marvin patted Devo on the paw which was holding him.

“Relax, dog. I’m here to help.” Marvin said, trying to keep his composure. Devo thought for a moment, and then left go of him.

“Thank you.” Marvin took his time patting out his scruff, and then recollecting himself. “Now then,” Marvin looked at Devo with stern eyes. “I can give you the hideout for all the cats.”

“What? Seriously!?” Devo asked in non-belief. Marvin smiled.

“I’ll tell you, as long as you promise to keep the bystanders out of this. You’re fight is with their leader. As long as you leave the other cats alone, I’ll give you the location.”


“I don’t get it Joey, what’s the matter?” Peanut asked as Joey rushed him along.

“Not enough time to explain right now!” Joey said as they arrived at the D’Angelo Residence. He looked around to make sure they weren’t being followed, and then snuck into the house. Joey brought him to the back room, where Grape lay on the floor, Sabrina tending to her.

“What… again?” Peanut asked in worry. Sabrina turned to him.

“Joey has spoken of you. We know that you don’t have a side, but during this time, we ask that you will help us find Tarot, the Caller of Spirits.” She said with pleading eyes. Peanut looked at her, then at Joey, and finally at Grape. She seemed so weak. Grape had always looked strong, even when she was injured at his house she still had energy. But now, she seemed so dead. Peanut nodded.

“I will find Tarot.”


Max sat at a table, with catnip ice tea in hand. Marvin approached him.

“You doing okay, Max?” He asked. Max shook his glass a bit, watching the ice swirl.

“Yeah, never been better.” He said sarcastically, right before taking a swig of the tea.

“Time are getting hard, huh?” Marvin asked. Max nodded. “Almost makes you want to just, give up.”

‘But it’s at times like these that we have to stay the strongest, and it’s at times like these that I’m glad that you’re my friend.” Max said putting his drink down, with a small smile on his face.

“Right.” Marvin said, slowly walking away. Max was about to take another drink when the whole place shook, causing him to drop his drink. He darted up.

“Who did that?” He asked annoyed. He saw all the cats in the room were just as confused as he was. He looked around a little, and then slowly went back into his chair… just as the front wall bursted open. Dust and rubble flew everywhere, and most of the cats scattered to safety. Max sprang up so fast that he knocked away the chair and table. He clenched his paws as he waited for the dust to clear, and for the culprit to be revealed. He saw a silhouette through the dust which walked forward. It appeared to be a scrawny dog, and as the dust cleared he saw it clearer. It was Devo. “Oh no, it’s Devo.” Max said sarcastically. Devo threw his paw up in a pose and an imaginary guitar scree went off.

“Are you ready?!” He asked. Max looked at him weird.

“Seriously? I may not be the strongest cat, but in comparison to you I’m a mighty stone god!” He laughed.. Devo whipped out a fate watch.

“Be prepared!” He said clicking the button. “Clock Up!” Time and everything except for Devo and Max froze.

“So if this what you want…” Max’s right paw glew blue, and it was enveloped in a blue sphere; which then a giant energy claw emerged out of. “The come and get it!” Devo held up his paw and an energy disc formed in it, which he then threw. Max jumped away from it, but it hit the back wall, causing more dust to stir. Max assumed a wild fighting stance, and dashed at Devo.

“Watch me work it!” Devo laughed as he hit Max in the gut just at the right time. While his fist was still in Max’s gut he summoned another disc, and threw Max away.

“Gaaaah!” Max screamed as he was flung away.

“Come back Maxie!” Devo joked. Max stumbled up holding up a finger.

“Is it too late to take back that “stone god” remark?” He asked.

“Yes.” Devo said plainly. Max shrugged.

“Okay, so we’re doing this for real!” He dashed straight at Devo and sliced him aside into the wall. Max watched as Devo lankily got back up, stretching himself in ways that should be impossible.

“You think I can’t take a hit!” Devo growled. He summoned another energy disc, this time grabbing onto it and dashed at Max using it as a weapon to counter his claw.

“You’re asking for it!” Max said releasing a flurry of jabs, which were all countered with the disk. However, with each hit the disk grew bigger. Devo jumped back and kicked Max in the stomach.

“Hahah!” Devo landed and held the disk above his head, and it grew to a large size.

“Devo Disk!” He shouted as he threw the large energy disc at Max. Max squinted his eyes and held his ground. He held his claw to his side until the last second.

“Final Claw!” He shouted as he sliced the disk with his energy claw, causing a massive burst of blue energy to be released around the room. The disc hit Devo back and into a wall. All the sudden time resumed, and that was suspended in the air fell to the ground. Devo rummaged around the wreck for his watch.

“Come on come on, where is it!?” He screamed shuffling the rubble around. When he found it he started hitting it.

“Come on come on! Work! Work!’ He shouted at it. Max started to approach him.

“Looks like your watch isn’t agreeing with you.” He said with a sly smile.

“I don’t want your lip Max!” Devo snapped at him. He looked around the corners of the room, where many cats had retreated. He spied Marvin among them.

“OH! If it isn’t my good friend Marvin!” He said quickly; yet awkwardly, running over and grabbing him by the ear. “You were such a fine help getting me here, why not some more help!?” Max looked at Marvin.

“Marvin… what is he talking about?” Max asked with concern. Marvin looked at Max, and then back at Devo.

“I led him here, okay!” He admitted. All the cats went silent. “I told him where we were…!”

“Marvin… why?” Max asked as his energy claw diminished out of lost of focus.

“I just want things to stop!” Marvin shouted. “I want Babylon Gardens to be normal again! I don’t want to dogs to have their way, not after what they did to Tiger… but… but there’s no way the cats will ever win!” Marvin said biting his lip and looking down.

“Marvin…” Max said quietly.

“It was the only way! I’m sorry Max, that I sold you out… But the rest… they’re safe… that was the deal…” Marvin said looking down. Devo pulled Marvin to the ground and held his claws at his neck.

“Little Maxie will have to give up now, won’t he?” Devo said demeaningly. Max gritted his teeth.

“Devo, we agreed only Max!” Marvin said as the claws were pushed closer.

“I don’t care about what I said, I’m through with that!” He growled. Max walked closer, and then threw down his fatewatch; a sign of defeat. Devo smiled, and dropped Marvin. “Very good!” He said as he grabbed Max by the wrist, as if capturing him. “Now I just need to take you back to Bino, and boy will I be big then!”

“Devo…” Max said quietly.

“What?” Devo asked angrily.

“You forgot something…” Max said with a smile.

“What do you mean?”

“We don’t need our watches to fight!” He shouted as he quickly planted a Final Claw against Devo’s belly.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really great job on this chapter! It came out well.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

Sorry for the sort of late update!!!


Bino laid belly down on the couch as Sasha gave him a massage.

“You’re right, all my problems do seem smaller now.” Bino mused, enjoying the relaxation.

“You’ve been stressed with all your work for the Gryphon, you haven’t had anytime to relax and unwind.” Sasha said gleefully. She noticed Bino started to doze off a little, and she shifted her massaging to one hand. He free hand went into her purse which she left on the nearby table earlier. Out of it she drew a small knife. While still massaging his back she drew up the knife and was about to bring it down.

“Yeah… relax…” Bino said. “By the way, put the knife down.” He said casually. Sasha looked at the knife and giggled.

“Oh dear, how’d that get there?” She asked gleefully, and threw it away into a wall. All the sudden the door flew open and Rex and Sten came in.

“Bino! I’m sorry… but it happened again…!” He said as he put down a mentally unstable Devo.

“Action boy now… Action girl now…” Devo sputtered nonsense. Bino got up and pushed Sasha aside.

“Leave. Go to the kitchen or something.” He ordered.

“Okay Biney-bun-bun-hon-bun!” She said happily as she pranced away, but not before retrieving her knife from the wall. Bino squated down; face to face with Devo, and looked him in the eye. He grabbed him by the muzzle.

“Tell me Devo. What. Happened?” He asked slowly with emphasis on each word. Devo smiled vaguely.


“Smooth what?” Bino asked.


“Smooth Noodle?” Both Bino and Rex said in confusion.

“Smooth Noodle Maps!” Devo said in a burst of insane laughter. Sten squinted in annoyance. Bino shook his head.

“He’s too far gone, we’re gonna have to put him down.” He said as his hand glowed green. “Sorry Sten, but it looks like you’re the last member of your team.” Bino said readying his fist. Rex caught his wrist.

“Don’t Bino, allow me to relieve you of this ruthless act.” Rex said quietly. Bino pulled his arm away, and just walked away.

“Fine, you take care of it.” He said as he left the room. Rex looked at Devo, who was still sputtering nonsense. Rex sighed, and his hands started glowing. The he stomped on the floor causing a floor board to stick up right below Devo flinging him through the ceiling up into the air. Sten and Rex looked up the hole.

“Yep, can’t even see him now.” Rex said quietly. “If the fall doesn’t do it, the shock will. Sten, looks like you really are the last of your team.” Rex said shaking his head, walking away. Sten smiled.

“What a shame.” He said as he took out a fatewatch. He turned away and left. “I know what happened that day…” He said recalling the end of the battle between King and Grape. “I saw who did it… No… I heard who did it.” He said to himself. He stopped in his tracks and closed his eyes. Within seconds his had a sonar map of the whole building, and new exactly where everyone was. He opened his eyes and continued on. “Now to find Joe… to find the mole.”


“I can’t stay here anymore!” Max said hurriedly packing a bag with some belongings. Sabrina watched him through the doorway. He was scrambling all around the room, but not accomplishing much. “Heathcliff’s is compromised, they know my existence. Staying here will endanger us all!” He said throwing random things in his bag. He turned to Sabrina while holding up a picture. “You think I should bring this? It’s sort of nostalgic, but I think I’m making a funny face…” Max said looking at it. Sabrina just stared at him.

“You’re stalling.” She said simply.

“Stalling? Hehehe, I’m not stal-” Sabrina stared at him harder.

“I don’t want to leave, Sabby!” He said collapsing onto her shoulder. She just rolled her eyes.

“Pull yourself together Max.” She said taking ahold of him by the shoulders. “You said it yourself, you can’t stay here anymore! So quit dawdling, and get work done!” Max looked away and nodded.

“I know… I just… don’t want to leave you again…” He said quietly. Sabrina nodded.

“I don’t want you to leave me again either. But it must be done.” She said sternly. Max nodded.

“Yeah... I must return to the woods that protected me during the times after my death.” Max slung the bag over his shoulder. Sabrina saw him off to the back door, where he soon slipped away into the woods. Upon returning into the house she found Joey there.

“I’m sorry to leave you right now, but I need to return to the dogs. I need to keep away suspicion.” He said quietly. Sabrina tried to smile and nodded.



Joey dashed down the streets toward the Clubhouse. He thought about Peanut, about how he promised to find Tarot. He wondered what he had accomplished. While playing with these thoughts Joey did not notice Sten right down the road until it was too late. He skidded to a stop in surprise.

“Sten? What’s going on, lil’bud?” He asked, trying to sound casual. Sten smiled.

“My, you’re in a hurry.” Sten said back. Joey assumed a fake smile and walked around Sten.

“I got to get to the Clubhouse, you know how it is.” He said with a fake laugh. Sten grabbed him by the tail.

“I heard what you did.”

“What?” Joey said turning back to him. Sten turned and smiled deviously. He held up a fatewatch.

“You’re working with the cats.” He said. Joey backed up. “Little known fact, Keene gave me a watch before even Rex had one.” He said with a smile.

“Clock Up!”

Joey pulled down his goggles and immediately tried to get the advantage with his lightspeed, but Sten seemed to have sensed where he was going to appear. He held his arm out and Joey went tumbling onto the road out of nowhere, holding his chest from the hit. Sten smiled and started floating.

“I have been blessed with the Ears of Crepitus! I can hear wherever you are!” Sten boasted. Joey couldn’t help but laugh. “What are you laughing at?!” Sten barked in annoyance. Joey snrked.

“Sorry, it’s nothing.” He said regaining his feet. His smile dropped. “Well then,” He started radiating a bright blue aura. He threw his arms to his side causing what appeared to be blue flames to shoot from his sides. “Bravelue Dash!” He zoomed by Sten, catching him in his flaming trail. He skidded to a stop, and whipped his nose while looking at the aftermath of his fancy footwork. The wall of blue flames were burning bright, but they all disappeared in a second as the were absorbed into Sten’s… Ears!?

“Kyukyukyu!” Sten chuckled. Joey looked at him in disbelief.

“Your EARS!? I’m am both impressed and appalled.” Joey said, just staring at the sight of blue flames going into the chihuahua's large ears. The flame absorption stopped, and Sten moved his hands close together over his mouth. He held his nose.

“Tyrantamium Spiral!” He shouted and a spiral of sickly green flames shot back out of his ears.. Joey freaked and jumped away, but was singed by it around his side. He looked at the path of the flames the Spiral left. Many houses were burning. “Quite spectacular display!” Sten laughed.

“Why are all you guys such big psychos!?” Joey shouted over the flames. Sten threw his hand towards Joey causing a small wave to hit him back.

“In this crazy world, you either adapt to it or go extinct!” He yelled. Joey shot back up and kicked Sten down.

“You get some power and then all the sudden you forget you’re a chihuahua!” Joey snarked.

“What is that? A racial stab!?” Sten said dashing away for better ground.

“No.” Joey sped in front of his. “It’s just fact.” He said grabbing him by his ear and pulling him up, face to face.

“Drop me!” Sten shouted.

“Hm… I need a moment to think about this…” Joey said with a sly smile. “No.” He grabbed Sten’s other ear and started pulling.

“Ow! Come on man, you’re insane!” Sten cried. Joey pulled harder. “Seriously man, stop that!” Joey continued. “You’re gonna tear them! You are crazy!” Joey smiled.

“Oh, I thought you said that we have to become crazy in order to survive…” Joey retorted. He clenched the ears tighter and Sten winced. A bright blue energy pulse shot out, visible from bird’s-eye view, and he threw Sten through a row of trees. Ears first of course.

“Ow…” When Sten’s senses came through he felt his ears. Still there. But they hurt. A lot. Joey slowly approached him, and it was then that Sten realized his ears where ringing. The ringing was so loud he couldn’t hear anything. Joey picked him up again, and said something that he couldn't make out. But he could see his fist glowing.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really great update on this! It fits s perfectly with the previous chapter.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by ChekeBello »

Now, I read all the chapters today and I do really like how this is developing. Great Work Hoshi-san, keep it going! ;)
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

A new chapter? Yes.

Chapter 13: Forest’s Cry; Reflection

Max hurried on into the woods, with his bag slung over his shoulder. The woods was quiet, in an unnerving sort of way. He remembered the days he hid out he hid out here, he was accepted by the Ferals.

“Just how long ago was that…?” Max asked himself. They took care of him and nursed him back to health, and still let him stay for days until he was able to sneak back into Babylon.

“It feels like just yesterday…” Max passed a tree, and noticed a large gash in it. It was old, but the cut was deep enough to still be noticeable. Not far was another tree with a dent in it shaped like head. As he continued on he found more and more trees, with even more visible damage. Finally he came to deep gorge. All the trees around it appeared to have been damaged. He looked down into the gorge.

“But it’s been so long…” All the memories were rushing through Max’s head. Of that night.


Max had entered the woods as he was told. Bino had told him to come, and though normally he wouldn’t listen to anything Bino had to say, this was for the safety of all the cats. Before he knew it he was smashed into tree, head first.

“Hello Maxwell!” He heard Bino’s voice taunt. He was pulled from the tree and hit to the ground. His vision was fuzzy, but he could see Bino standing above him.

“Bino!?” Max coughed. Bino’s hands glew green. “What?!” Max tried crawling away, but was grabbed by Bino around the neck. He could feel the energy burning him.

“You’ve caused WAY too much trouble!” Bino said holding him up face to face. He threw him away, towards the ravine, and then fired a green blast at him. It hit Max hard, and he fell down into the dark ravine. Bino looked down, and winced upon his impact. A small smile creeped up on his face. “Well, that’s taken care of. Heheheh.” Bino turned and walked away. However he started to stumble. He stopped to regain his focus, and found himself starting to laugh. He couldn’t stopped, it just continued, becoming more and more hysterical. He looked up into the sky. “This is the path for me? Is it!? Cause there’s no where else to go now!” He screamed skyward. He stumbled onwards.

“Argh…” Max groaned, his senses coming through. He was in the bottom of the ravine. There were rocks down there, and they were jagged. He tried to move himself, but he felt pain shoot through his abdomen and he screamed to the top of the ravine. He panted heavily, it was becoming harder to breath. He couldn’t stop the pain, it kept getting worse and worse. He closed his eyes, trying to forget it, and then it happened. That’s when he saw it. A green light appeared to him. “Is this end?!” He shouted at it. A spectral hand appeared from the light, and gently lifted him from the rocks. He was lowered down to the ground, and felt his pain stop. He felt his side, despite the pain being gone, he could still feel the gaping wound. He looked at the light. “Who are you?”

“I am the Spirit Dragon, the balance keeper of the world, watcher over those suffering the Gryphon’s pain.” The light spoke to him in a comforting feminine voice. Max looked at himself, still processing that he was alive.

“Why? Why have you saved me?” He asked.

“Do I need a reason? You were in suffering, an unjust suffering inflicted by the Gryphon.” The light answered.

“You mean Bino?” Max asked in confusion.

“No, Bino is merely a servant to the greater evil.”

“What… what can I do to repay this?” Max asked.

“Nothing.” The spirit answered.

“But I must! You saved my life, and aside from that… I want to stop Bino, I can’t let him continue like this! I’ll take any chance I can get!” Max proclaimed. Then he felt a light shining over him, and he felt energy rushing through him.

“Very well.” The spirit said. Max looked at his paws, feeling the new found powers in them. A blue mist like energy flowed from them.

“You are the Searcher of Acceptance. You are to find the single one who can be my Avatar, my Champion.” Max clenched his paws, and looked at the light.

“I will do anything to stop Bino.” Then the light vanished, and Max felt himself losing consciousness again.


Back in the present day, Max reflecting on these events. “Have I done my best?” He asked himself. It had been a whole year since that day, Bino was no closer to being defeated, and here he was again. He felt, his side, parting the fur away to feel his scar. He then remembered the forest animals. “I should be able to take refuge there.” He said to himself. He walked onwards, deeper into the forest. However as he entered the deeper parts of the forest something zinged by his ear, and stuck into the tree behind him. He stared at it. It was a playing card. “A card?” He asked. Just then a barrage of cards fell unto him. He skillfully evaded them, even reflecting a couple of them. “Show yourself!” He shouted. From behind a tree an otter emerged, in his hand a glowing deck of cards.

“Tarmac?” Max asked. The otter dropped the cards.

“Maxwell!” He shouted in amazement. They quickly approached each other.

“It’s been so long!” Max said with excitement. Max’s smiled dropped. “What’s with the energy cards?” He asked with a raised brow. Tarmac’s smiled dropped too.

“A lot has changed in the forest.” He said quietly. He patted Max on the shoulder. “Come on, come with me.” He said leading him onwards. “So, what brings you back here?” Max just sort of shrugged.

“Just hiding out from the heat.” He said quietly.

“Things haven’t changed?” Tarmac asked.

“I think they’ve gotten worse.” Max said directly. As they walked deeper into the woods a muffled cheering noise filled the area. “What is that?” Max asked.

“That is the sound of change.” Tarmac said without looking back at Max. “A change for the worst.” Tarmac looked around, and spied a giant rock shaped like a fist. “Come Max, this way.” Tarmac urged Max over to a hole in a the side of a steep.

“Okay, okay.” Max said slightly annoyed as he urged him into the small hole, and followed after him. As Max crawled through the entrance he heard the cheering getting louder. When his head finally popped out in the other end the noise was full blown. When he and Tarmac fully exited he lead him to a meadow. In the center of the meadow was an ancient temple, and around it was a crowd of forest animals. They were the source of the cheering.

“We can not go on living in this delusional fantasy that the wild life is grand!” Max heard a familar voice call over the crowd. “We must rise up, push away the lowly humans and their tainted animals that take OUR world from us!” As they neared the crowd, a possum leaning against a tree greeted them.

“You can probably tell it’s already started.” She said sarcastically. Then she noticed Max.

“Maxwell?” She asked. He just nodded.

“Heh, finally decided to show your ugly grin again huh?” She joked. Tarmac poked Max.

“Just blend into the crowd, I’ll talk to Zechariah about it after the speech is over.” Tarmac said. Max tried to blend in, but he found multiple of the animals staring at him, judgingly.

“We are the one true inheritors of the world, we are Anymals!” The crowd got louder. “Now go, spread the word of new order, and the good news that we will soon take back what is rightfully ours!” The crowd cheered louder than ever, then started to disperse.

“Looks like the nut show is over…” Jessica said under her breath. As the crowd cleared Max could see who the speaker was. Ironically, despite the loud voice, it was a small gray rabbit. Max recognized him. It was Zechariah, the very same one responsible for nursing him back to health a year ago. When Zechariah’s eyes fell upon Max they brightened in delight, but then darkened, and his face tightened. He approached them quickly.

“Tarmac!” He shouted. Tarmac looked at the ground, away from Zechariah. “Why have you brought one of these tainted ones to our sacred meadow?!” He asked through his teeth. Tarmac, still looking at the ground, breathed in a little.

“Zechariah, do you not recognize the very same cat who you saved the life of a year ago? Does he mean nothing to you?” These words flew through Zechariah’s mind.

”Yes, he does… But I’m not allowed to think for myself anymore…” He thought to himself. He stern face dropped and he looked directly at Max. Max smiled.

“So what’s happening Zach? Starting a new world order?” He said with a laugh. Zechariah’s lip started quivering, and he said something under his breath.

“What was that?” Max asked. Zechariah clenched his fist, and it shined bright green.

“DON’T MESS WITH A BUNNY!” He yelled as he brought his paw against Max and shot him into a tree. Jessica straitened.

“Zach! What are you doing?” She yelled at him.

“Not now Jessica, this is for the good of all of us.” He said pushing her away from him.

"Oh no you don't you little cotton tail!" Jessica said angrily raising a fist, but it was grabbed by Tarmac. She turned to him, and he just shook his head.

“New ideas are always hard to accept.” Zach said as he walked towards Max’s crash site. He developed a green orb of energy in between his paws and held it to his side. The energy increased and a power waves pulsated from it. “Caerbannoger!!!”
This may have to go on a hiatus next week.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Great chapter here! I look forward to seeing the next part whenever!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

FUNFACT: In case you couldn't tell, hiatus has started! I'm not sure how long it'll last, but updates start once I get 4 chapters under my belt!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well I guess we can only wait with anticipation until we get the next chapter then! 8-)
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

Okay, I have worked up enough chapters, and I initially planned to post a chapter before October started. But then I remembered my schedule, so the next chapter will be in October, but soon! Next Saturday there will be a new chapter!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by DigitalBrave3 »

Yay! More new chapters! :D
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well then I guess I will have to contain myself until Saturday then. :D
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »



Max threw the tree off of him, and quickly proceeded to dodge Zach’s energy attack. “What is with you?!” He screamed as he dodged. Zach angrily controlled the Caerbannoger back into his hands and re-absorbed.

“You would never understand!” He said releasing a volley of energy blasts. Max deflected these as he dashed at Zach. Zach threw off his mantle and dashed at Max, and the two collided midway in a flurry of punches.

“Zach! What has changed in the past year? What has made you this way?!” Max asked over the punches.

“I have not been changed, I have thrown away a lie!!!” Zach yelled angrily as uppercutted Max, hitting him back. Max backflipped and landed on his feet.

“I don’t want to have to do this Zach!” Max yelled as he dashed by him, swiping at as he passed. However, Zach grabbed him by the tail and swung him around, and then into a tree a few dozen times. When he was done, he dropped him to the ground like a stiff board.

“Neeyargh…” Max grunted as he struggled up. “If that’s the way it’s gonna be…” He said quietly. “I’m not gonna hold back!” He shot straight towards Zach. Zach held his hands in front of him, and spreaded his feet across the ground.

“What is that suppose to be?” Max asked as he stopped in legitimate confusion. Zach suddenly straightened his feet, and a magic circle appeared below him.

“Forest’s Cry!” He shot his hands skyward and a green light erupted from the ground, shooting Max into the air.

“R’gh!” Max managed to reposition himself midair. “Final Claw!!!” He shouted as blue energy surrounded his hand and formed into a giant spectral claw. “S’yeah!” He shouted swiping it across Zach as he landed.

“Ch’yah!” Zach skidded back into rows of trees, but remained of his feet. Max clenched his fist and the energy claw shrunk down into a dagger like shape. He slowly walked towards Zach.

“Zach… I’ve come here in search of help from an old friend. And instead I am greeted by a new enemy.” Max snarled. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t put you down right now?” He asked through his teeth. Zach smiled. He flicked his fingers, and a green waved shot around the nearby area. All at once, many woodland critters appeared from the woods, all their eyes glowing green.

“This good enough?” Zach asked as critters neared. Max laughed slightly.

“Am I supposed to be intimidated by a bunch of squirrels and raccoons?” Max asked. Zach’s eyes glinted.

“No. But you should be afraid of hurting them.” Zach said as all the sudden the critter stepped in between Max and Zach.

“What?” Max asked.

“Tell me, old friend. Are you willing to shed innocent blood, just like those humans you’ve accepted?” Zach asked, with a taunting like smile.

“If these animals die today, it’s on your paws.” Max hissed.

“Oh please. Don’t even try it. These animals would gladly die for me. They’ll do anything for me.” Zach said with a dull face. “After all, I am…” Zach pointed a finger in the air, and portals appeared around Max. “The Opener of Ways.” Lights appeared in the portals, and starting glowing intensely and increasing in size. Max looked around all the portals. They were all pointed around him.

“You know I can easily walk out of this right?” Max asked, sounding unimpressed.

“Can you?” Zach countered with this question, as the critters swarmed around Max, holding him in place. The energy in the portals were looking about ready to burst now.

“What is this?!” Max asked. Zach shrugged.

“Well since you asked me…” Zach pointed towards Max and the energy stopped charging. “Tozaku Burst!”

Bright lights filled the forest, as did Max’s screams.


Peanut ran through the streets, chasing after someone. “Come on, come on!” He urged himself on. His target took a turn into an alleyway. He quickly skidded to a halt, and turned in. However, upon entering the alleyway he found that reality started turning. “What the…” Everything around seemed to be slowly swirling. He looked behind him and found that the entrance had disappeared. He turned back in front of him and saw Tarot; her head tilted to her side. “Dah!” Peanut screamed in surprise, falling onto his butt.

“You’re following me?” She asked. Peanut awkwardly got back to his feat. He put his hands on her shoulders and looked down at her.

“Tarot, look. Someone really needs your help, you have to come with me!” He urged. Tarot tilted her head again.

“Have you chosen?” She asked, completely ignoring what he just said.

“What?” Peanut asked in slight annoyance.

“Have you chosen?” She repeated.

“This isn’t the time for that!” Peanut said quickly. “Someone is in danger, and if you don’t help, she’s going to die!” Peanut grabbed Tarot by the shoulder, and tried to run off with her. However she didn’t move, and neither did he. He just sort ran nowhere. He realized he was getting nowhere, and ran behind her and tried to push her. Didn’t work either.

“You need to choose.” She said. Peanut ran his fingers through his headfur in annoyance.

“Why’s this gotta be so hard?” He asked himself. He slumped back into the wall, and slid down to the ground, holding his head in his paws. Tarot looked at him, tilting her head once again. “Please…” Peanut said quietly.

“You have to cho-”

“Quiet!” Peanut shouted. Tarot drew back a little. Peanut took his head out of his paws and looked at Tarot with teary eyes. “Someone is going to die! And I can’t let that happen. But I...We need your help! If you don’t come with me, she’ll die because of you!” Peanut yelled in a wavering voice. Tarot looked at him sympathetically.

“This girl… do you care for her that much?” She asked. Peanut looked at the ground in thought, then back at Tarot. His face started turning a little red.

“To be honest… I think I love her…” He said shyly, looking away.

“Then give up.” Tarot said plainly. Peanut looked at her straightly. “You can never be together.” She said.

How’d she know Peanut thought to himself. “How did you know she was a cat?’ Peanut asked.

“I never said it was because she was a cat.” Tarot said.


“I’ll help, but only if you choose.” Tarot said sternly. Peanut got back to his feet. “Don’t worry, you can choose after she is saved. Your mind will be clearer then.” Tarot held out her paw. “Let’s go.” All the sudden reality straightened. Peanut wiped away his tears, and smiled.



Joey walked through the woods, with an unconscious Sten over his back. All the sudden energy cards shot from behind trees, but he quickly caught all of them.

“That’s no way to treat a guest.” He said quietly. Tarmac jumped out at him, but he quickly hit him away with a single punch.

“What do you want?” Tarmac groaned. Joey looked at him.

“I want to talk to your leader, Zechariah.” He said, pulling up his goggles.

“He’s busy.” Tarmac said. Just then they saw a bright light erupt from farther in the woods, and they heard Max’s screams. Tarmac winced upon hearing them, but Joey seemed unfazed.

“I think he’s done with whatever business he had, don’t you?” Joey asked. Tarmac got up, holding his side.

“Very well…” He groaned.

When they arrived they found the meadow more or less ruined, with upturned dirt everywhere and most of the surrounding trees uprooted. Particularly there was a giant crater in one corner. They found Zechariah waiting for them under a tree, upon which Max hung from, unconscious and tied up by his feet. As Joey approached he just gave Max one look, and directed his attention to Zechariah.

“What is it you want?” Zechariah asked in annoyance. “I already fought one urbaner today, I don’t intend on fighting another." Joey smiled.

“I don’t intend on fighting.” He threw down the unconscious Sten. “I just wanna make a deal.”

“You think we’re gonna trade the leader of the cats for this puny dog?” Zechariah asked.

“No.” Joey said, looking down at Sten. “But this guy was one of the dog’s agents. So me bringing him to you should be a good enough reason to trust me, wouldn’t it?”

“What do you want exactly then?” Zechariah asked again. Joey shrugged.

“Just a seat.” He said.

“A seat?” Tarmac asked.

“Yes, a seat. A third seat to be exact.” Joey said with a sly smile. Zechariah’s eyes narrowed.

“What exactly do you have in mind?” Joey smirked.

“Oh, I’ll tell you what.”
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Civilization »

Yay, I've been looking forward to this! Looks unbelievable... Situation in the woods is spiraling out of control, ooo, can't wait to see what happens with that!
Currently traveling across the United States. Still up for any conversations though.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by DigitalBrave3 »

One word, awesome. :shock:
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really awesome how this has turned out so far! Looks very nice!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

The Feragan spoken in this chapter is just Google Translate Swahili, so I don't know how accurate it is, :P

“Jeeves, bring me my mid afternoon snack.” Keene said into his phone, relaxing on his patio in a beach chair. He took a sip of his drink, and laid back. After sometime had passed, and his snack still hadn’t arrived, he called again. “Jeeves! My snack!” Still nothing. Then a shadow blocked his sun. “Rgh..!” He angrily got out of his chair, and then realized what it was that was blocking the sun. A giant figure was in the sky. “Master Gryphon…” Keene said quietly, almost trembling.

“Deliverer of Fate…” The Gryphon said. Keene fell to his feet in a bow.

“Master, what reason do you grace me with your visit?” He asked.

“Bino has been untrustworthy.” The Gryphon said, straight to the point. “You better do something about him, before he gets out of hand. Or else I’ll be forced to compromise this whole battleground.” Keene broke a sweat. He slowly looked up at the Gryphon, but quickly looked back at the ground.

“You don’t mean…?” He asked cautiously.

“If Bino goes too far, we’ll have to erase the evidence here and find a new battleground. That should be motivation enough, shouldn’t it?” The Gryphon asked, in an almost taunting way. “That is all. I expect him to be back in line soon.”

“Y-y-yes… Master…” Keene said weakly. The shadow disappeared, and Jeeves entered.

“You called for your snack, suh?” He said upon entering.

“Take it away, I’m not hungry anymore…” Keene said gripping the floor. He got up, and walked away. He then quickly shot back for moment. “On second thought, I am!” He said snagging the sandwich.


“What is it Bino?” Rex asked coming into the room.

“It appears my girlfriend has tried to kill me again. Please, lead her out the front and tell she can come back tomorrow. I’m getting tired of deflecting knives.” Bino said, pointing to Sasha who right next to him. Smiling as usually. Rex scratched the back of his head.

“Riiiiight.” He said, still unnerved about the whole thing. “But what do you want me to do with the guy behin-” Rex was pointing behind Bino, but was cut off.

“Just take Sasha and leave me alone!” Bino snapped. When Rex and Sasha had left Bino turned around to find Keene had taken his seat.

“Kee-! Eh, Mr. Milton?” Bino asked in surprise. Keene finish his drink, and let the glass cup drop to the floor and shatter.

“How nice of you to notice I arrived.” Keene said as pulled up his shades, revealing his grayish blue eyes. He picked up the tv remote from off the table and turned the tv on. Bino looked at the floor.


“Why am I here?” Keene finished for him. “I’ve been sent here by The Gryphon.” Bino gulped. “He hasn’t been pleased with your work. You’ve been doing more and more freelancing. And as you know… we can’t have that.” Keene said, lazily flipping through the channels. “You got a lousy network deal by the way.” He added.


“I would recommend canceling any plans you have, because the Gryphon would like to talk to you personally. Get to the Temple as soon as possible.” Keene wasn’t even giving Bino any chances to say anything. “And by the way… remember that wabbit you revived? Yeah, well apparently he started a movement in the woods which is against urban society. So good luck getting through there.” Bino wouldn’t take anymore of the ferret’s smug talk, he looked up, to be face-to-face with Keene, but he was gone. He looked around. He scrambled around the room looking for him, but stepped on the pieces of the shattered cup.

“#*%@” Bino said collapsing onto the chair, holding his foot-paw. But then something caught his ear. It was from the tv’s news report.

There still continues the controversy of Feraga’s military secrets. Reports claim that they are in fact holding weapons that go against the treaty signed 10 years ago...” Bino smiled upon hearing this.

“Not everything is lost yet.” He said. Then Rex returned to the room.

“Hey, uh, Bino. Is your meeting over?” He asked.

“What is it Rex?!” Bino asked annoyedly.

“Oh, yeah, uh, someone else is here to see you.”


A yellow-ish in color dog covered in a dark orange hood walked through corridors in a dark underground storage of some kind. He stopped just out of sight of two burly black guards. He held up his paw, and two small orange energy darts whizzed out and struck them in the neck.

“Gyah!” They fell were knocked out cold. The dog casually stepped into the room they were guarding. There was some masses covered with tarps. He grabbed the end of one of the tarps and threw it off. He smiled upon confirming what was under it. Missiles. He threw his paw towards the other piles and their tarps lifted off. He held up one paw towards the ceiling.

“Tri Obierre!” He growled as three streams of orange energy shot upwards and carved open a large hole. One of the guards regained awareness. He struggled for his gun, and aimed at the dog.

“Sterf!” The guard shouted as he fired. The shots hit the dog in the back of the head. The dog slowly turned around, revealing a terrifying grimace, with foamed saliva around the muzzle. He was growling. Some of the foamed saliva dripped down onto the concrete floor as the dog’s growling started becoming louder and more threatening. The dog drew up his paw and started charging an attack.

“Asseblief! Ek het 'n familie!” The man said looking away quickly.

“Ra!” The dog’s was about to launch his attack, but he stopped. ...Family...

“Wa?” The guard looked up to see the dog had stopped. The dog grabbed his own head with his paws and started screaming.

“KYAGH!!!” He shouted into the open sky above him, shaking his head around in madness, spraying foam everywhere. Then all the sudden he stopped, and was leaning over on his feet like a stringless puppet. He clenched his paws and orange energy started radiating off of him. He threw his paws skyward and all the missiles lifted into the air, and up through the hole. He then floated up with them, and took to the skies. The guard looked up as the dog flew away.

“Liewe Here…” He swore silently.


Peanut and Tarot hurried along the backstreets of Babylon, staying out of sight.

“So, uh… how did you join the Dragon?” Peanut asked. Tarot turned to him, with her usual expression.

“Until you choose, that is not of your concern.” Tarot said sternly.
“Oh…” Peanut said, sounding disappointed. They walked a bit longer, halfway to the D’Angelo residence, when they heard pawsteps behind them. Peanut turned around quickly, and found Joey there; holding his paws up.

“Hey, don’t shoot.” He said jokingly. Peanut lightened up.

“Oh, Joey!” He said happily. Joey walked closer.

“Good job Peanut, you’ve found Tarot!” Joey said with excitement. “Now we’ll be able to heal Grape and further her evolution into the Avatar!” Peanut didn’t quite know what Joey meant in that last part, but he nodded.

“Yeah!” He said in agreement. Tarot however wasn’t as happy. She just looked at Joey, as if into his soul.

“You are a pathetic whelp, Joseph.” She said straightly.

“What?” Peanut asked turning to her, away from Joey. Joey popped his fingers, and whacked Peanut in the back of the head, causing him to fall out cold. Tarot backed up, and started glowing green. Joey smirked, and pulled down his goggles.

“We’re gonna have fun.” He said. Tarot quickly lunged behind him, pointed her pointer at him from behind, and snapped her finger. A stream of green light shot out, and towards Joey. Joey disappeared right before it hit him, and then reappeared in the same spot.

“Excurser of Oddity.” She said as her eyes narrowed. Joey disappeared again. “You use your Will to bend physics to your liking.” She said as she lunged away from where she was standing just as Joey appeared behind it. “However, you need time to cooldown.” She said, sounding vaguely mocking. She cross her arms, with both pointers facing upwards in an x-like formation. “Hyah….!” She quietly yelled. Green spirits lifted from the ground, and circled around her. Joey stepped back.

“This is the…” He was in fear. “This is the Hanafuruida technique…” He said, paralyzed with fear.

“Hyaah!” Tarot pointed at Joey, and all the spirits; accompanied with a storm of green lighting shot at him. He trembled in fear, until the last second, when he disappeared. All the energy and spirits hit the ground where he once was, and blew up a storm of dust. Tarot shielded her eyes with her arm, and tried to locate Joey.

“Heh, you really think I’d let myself get hit by that?!” She heard him call. “Your charging gave me just enough time to recharge.” He sounded right behind her. She elbowed the empty space behind her. “Man, you’ve gotten bad at this.” She heard Joey say from a distance. Tarot growled. “I mean seriously, you’ve really let your-” Tarot punched the empty space next to her just as Joey appeared there. He was hit into a wall. “Oi…”

“Heh.” Tarot gave herself a smile. She drew both of her paws to her side, and started charging.

“No no no Tarot.” Joey said, trying to get up. “You don’t wanna do this! I was just, uh… testing you! Yeah that’s it! I was testing you, making sure you could still fight! I’m on your side, no worries! Tarot? Tarot! Tarot, come on, don’t be that-”

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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Civilization »

Hehe, yeah Ferret Power! Great job SuperStar!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This is getting a lot more cooler by the chapter!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

I think I've found HPZ's main theme.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That actually fits very well!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

Sorry for the late update, I got my dates messed up, :P

Peanut rubbed his head, and slowly stood up. However he found he was not in the backstreet like he was when he fell. All around him was darkness. Peanut looked around.

“Tarot!?” He called. “Joey!?” He was frantic. “Where are you guys!” He called.

“Oh don’t worry.” A voice said from nowhere. He turned around.

“Who’s there?” He asked. He looked around the void again, still no one.

“Oh… no one… important.” The voice sounded matured, yet high in a childlike way. Thoughts were running through Peanut’s mind.

“Are you… the Dragon?” He asked, sounding vaguely hopeful.

“Hrm… let me think… Yeaaaaaahh-NO.” The voice sounded slightly annoyed.

“The Gryphon then?” Peanut asked, sounding worried.

“What? Ick, no!” The voice sounded offended.

“Then who are you?” Peanut asked.

“Well let’s see… I hang out in this universe just cause I like you kind of people.” The voice said. “I’m sort of like the Gryphon and the Dragon… but I’m different.”

“You want me to side with you, don’t you?” Peanut asked, trying to sound smart with how little he knew.

“What? No no no. I don’t work like that. Not at all, I’m more of… Your friend. And you can call me “The Kitsune.”.” The voice tried to sound friendly. It wasn’t convincing.

“What do you want then?” Peanut asked, continuing with his questions.

“I just wanna talk… Say, you don’t really like being caught up in those big mean ol’ Dragon and Gryphon’s fight, do you?” The Kitsune asked. Peanut thought a moment.

“I don’t like the fighting… but I think it needs to be done… I think.” Peanut said, unsure of himself.

“Well, want my opinion? Do nothing, don’t pick a side. If you just relax and watch, and try to keep up. You might find that you actually enjoy it. Like any good game, there's plenty of rewards after you earn them." The Kitsune said in a way that Peanut imagined he would be smiling. Peanut felt a finger tap his shoulder.

“D’yah!” Peanut whipped around and found a tall cream colored fox standing there; with nine tails and fiery eyes. It smiled.

“I’m the Kitsune. Now, you can tell you can trust me cause unlike those two bullies, I let my friends see me!” The Kitsune grabbed Peanut around the shoulder and pulled him close just as a camera flash went off. All the sudden The Kitsune was holding a photo. He handed it to Peanut. “See, we just took a selfie together!” He said with a smile. Peanut looked at it. The Kitsune was smiling, but his eyes were wide in surprise.

“Eh, it’s great.” Peanut said awkwardly.

“Say! What’s this?” Kitsune said swiping his hand just in front of Peanut’s chest. He was then holding Peanut’s Fatewatch.

“Hey, how’d you…!” Peanut checked in his satchel and found that the watch was gone.

“You shouldn’t leave these things laying around.” The Kitsune said as he looked at it. He brought it close and sniffed it.

“Hey, don’t sniff it like that!” Peanut said.

“Mmm, it’s still got that ‘freshly made, not yet used’ scent to it.” He said with a laugh. He tossed it back to Peanut, who just barely caught it. “Keep it that way as long as you can. Don’t let those bullies get their stink on it.” Peanut looked at him.

“What about your stink?” Peanut questioned. The Kitsune stopped, and turned to him with a glare.

“Well that’s not a very nice thing to say.” He said through his teeth.

“I’m sorry, but I’m not buying your ‘chum-chum’ act.” Peanut said frankly. The Kitsune threw his arms in the air.

“Well I don’t care!” He said, his mood taking a complete 180. “All that matters to me is if I know I’m being a friend to you. It doesn’t matter if you don’t think I am, cause a friend will help even when rejected.” The Kitsune said leaning backwards, his upside down head looking up at Peanut. Peanut still wasn’t convinced. The Kitsune jumped up into the air and snapped his fingers. All the sudden the void was filled with a lush green forest. Peanut cringed as he got the odd feeling of ground appearing below him.

“Where are we?” He asked, looking around.

“Same place we were before; Nowhere. But now it’s pretending to be somewhere.” The Kitsune said as he patted a tree. “Come on, I have something to show you.” The Kitsune said as he started casually walking into the woods. Peanut looked around the area for a moment.

“Fine…” He said as he followed after. “Where are we going?”

“Oh, nowhere special. Just gonna show you… all the Gryphon’s and Dragon’s dark secrets…” The Kitsune said with a sly smile. Peanut caught up with the Kitsune. They walked along for a bit, through the woods. Peanut could hear birds chirping, but he couldn’t see them anywhere.

“So… Kitsune?” Peanut got his attentioned.

“Yeeeees?” The Kitsune answered in an odd way.

“Uh… How long have you and the others been around?” Peanut asked, curiously.

“Well, that’s simple. Why, we’ve been here since the beginning of world!” Kitsune shouted, pointing towards the heavens. Peanut was amazed.

“Really? You’re over a billion years old!?” He asked in surprise. Kitsune’s ears twitched.

“What? No! I’m only a couple thousand, I’m not THAT old.” He said as he continued along.

“But you said you’ve been here since the beginning of the world…” Peanut said in confusion. The Kitsune turned around and looked at him.

“Look at me. What do you see before you?” He asked. Peanut thought a moment.

“A fox?”


“A fox with nine tails?


Peanut thought a bit harder.

“A trickster?”

“What?! No!” The Kitsune sounded offended. “I am a GOD!!!” The Kitsune said with emphasis. “You see a god before you, and yet you think the world has to be billions of years old? You know nothing. For all you know, the world could be only 1 year old, and you’re all just in an illusion.” Peanut was shocked by what he was saying.

“You mean… my entire world… is just an illusion…?” He asked, sounding scared. The Kitsune turned around and continued walking.

“Heck no, come on.”


Peanut didn’t like where they were, it was a dark and cold cave. He didn’t like what he heard, every noise was louder than it should have been. He didn’t like what he say; death and destruction everywhere. Peanut just watched all of it, wanting to run away, but not moving. The Kitsune took a twirl and bowed just as one last explosion blew, and a lifeless body of a dog fell down next to Peanut’s feat. He tried not to look at it, but he couldn’t resist. He winced and looked away.

“Why are you showing me this?” Peanut asked, trying to keep himself from crying. The Kitsune walked over formally, smiled and picked up the dog.

“You see, this is the fate of all who partake in the battle.” He said as he shook the lifeless dog around, and it dispersed into a mist. “All that you’ve seen was a compilation of many lives lost in the Dragon’s and Gryphon’s petty fight.” Kitsune turned around to behold the destruction all around them. “They don’t even get a satisfying death.”

“What do you mean…?” Peanut asked, worried. The Kitsune kicked another body, and it too dispersed.

“When someone dies in this battle, they don’t just die… They’re erased. Completely. Every bit of their essence is erased from the world. Only others in the battle remember them.” He explained. Peanut stepped back.

“You mean they don’t-” Peanut couldn’t finish his sentence due to his lips trembling.

“Correct Peanut, they don’t even pass on to the next life. They’re gone forever.” The Kitsune answered. “And let me tell you this. No vessel or avatar has ever… EVER escaped the battle through death. Everyone who’s ever entered the battle has met their end in this cruel way.” Peanut’s whole body was trembling now. “You see Peanut? This is the fate of all vessels and avatars. All of them.” Peanut held his paw over his muzzle out of fright.

“That means-” He couldn’t get the words out, and gulped. “Grape will be erased?” He croaked.

“Yes. And what can you do about it?”
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Civilization »

Ooo, Kitsune is so... Erm... Never mind. Poor Peanut has to deal with all that, can't wait to see what happens, or what the others are doing. Great job!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really like how the chapter has come out! Nice job!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

Sorry, late again.
King lay asleep in the corner, surrounded by orange soda cans. Dogs of the club walked by on their normal routine, occasionally shot an annoyed glance at him. Rex shook his head at the corgi, and turned to Bino.

“All this guy has done since he’s got here has been drink up all our funds and then pass out in the corner.” He said, concerned. Bino waved it away with his hand.

“Ah, don’t mind it. He’ll be helpful soon enough.” Bino said, not caring really at all. Rex looked at King again.

“What happens to a dog to make him drink so much? I mean, we’ve gotten topsy before, but I’ve never met a dog who had it this bad.” King turned over in his sleep, gripped himself, and shivered. “It’s like he’s haunted by something…” Rex said. The door opened, and Fox came in. He held his shoulders up and his head low, like he was trying not to be noticed.

“Don’t try it Fox.” Bino said. Fox jerked, and looked at him. “You think we wouldn’t have noticed when you started appearing here again.” Fox turned away, and walked towards King. “Hey! I’m talking to you!” Fox turned back, with a serious glare.

“Fido was a leader, you aren’t.” He said sternly. He looked at King, he seemed to be disturbed by something in his sleep.


King was in the middle of a field, knees to the ground, head in the air, screaming. He looked down, and grabbed the earth. “Why…?” He asked quietly to the ground. His head shot back up. “WHY!?” All the sudden, the sky went dark, and he felt a presence. He turned around and saw a giant figure floating above him, blocking out the sun. “W-who…”

“Greeting King.” The being said. “I’m not here to hurt you, I’m here to help.” King wiped away his tears.

“Well good luck with that.” He said. The being shook his head with a smile.

“No King, I will help.” He said with confidence. “Because I can tell you…” King started walking away, not giving a howl about the being. “ to bring your precious Bailey back.” These seven words stopped King in his tracks. He turned around, and looked up at the being.

“You… You’re serious?” He asked. The being smiled.

“A king once said he would give his kingdom for a horse. Tell me, what are you willing to do for your love?” He asked. King clenched his paws.

“I wouldn’t just give my kingdom, I would give everyone’s kingdom!” King shouted in determination.

“Even though they aren’t yours to give?” The being asked. King bit his lip.

“The world has taken everything from me, it’s only my right that I take whatever necessary to regain what I have lost!” King shouted up. The being smiled and nodded. He held his hand out, and a light appeared in King’s hand. The light died down, and it was a green and yellow watch. “What is this…?” King asked.

“That is your fate.” The being said. “With it in hand, you now have full control over your fate. So tell me, will you join me, and aid me in punishing the one responsible for your’s and many others’ loses?” The being asked. King clenched the watch and nodded.

“Yes.” All the sudden the back of the watch glew, and an emblem appeared on it.

“That is my mark, the Mark of the Gryphon.”


“Peanut, Peanut, Peanut come on.” Peanut slowly came back to consciousness as Tarot shook him awake. He quickly jerked awake and sat up, holding his head.

“Oww… What happened.” He then saw a passed out Joey lodged into the wall of the alley. “J-J-Joey!?” He cried. Tarot held him by the shoulder.

“Do not panic, Peanut, I have put him out of commision.” Tarot explained. Peanut jerked away.

“I can see that, that’s why I’m worried!” He scrambled up and over to Joey.

“He turned on us.” Tarot said, straight to the point. Peanut looked at Tarot, then back at Joey.

“...What?” He asked.

“He appears to have been working for the Gryphon.” Tarot said. Peanut couldn’t believe it.

“But… But… He was… my friend.” Peanut said sadly, trying not to cry.

“There are many devious people in the world, who’ll play with people's’ emotions to get to their goals. Joey appears to be an example of such.” Tarot said.

“But, why…?” Peanut asked, still confused.

“He was working for the Gryphon evidently. I don’t know what he planned to achieve, but it apparently involved you or me somehow.” Tarot relayed. Then they heard Joey laugh a little. And then a bit more. They turned and found him awake.

“Hehehehehe… The Gryphon? Really?” He asked as he struggled up.

“Joey…?” Peanut asked. Joey struggled to stand up straight, and when he coulding he hit his leg. A pop sound could be heard, and his leg straightened.

“Oww…” He said to himself. “Nah, not the Gryphon. It would be a waste of my time…” Joey stretched his back. “I have much more important things to d-”

“Hyaah!” Tarot shot a blast at Joey, flinging him away into the distance. Peanut turned to Tarot with a look of shock. “What? He was just gonna ramble some more than try to attack us again. I believe you were the one who said we had to hurry?” Tarot asked. Then he remembered. Grape!

“Right!” Peanut grabbed Tarots paw and the continued with their run.


King suddenly jerked awake and summoned his sword into his hand. All the dogs except for Bino backed against the walls.

“Wow, no need for action.” Bino said casually. King groped for a can. He shook it and found no soda in it, and threw it away. He grabbed another, this one still had some in it, and he did a swig.

“Someone approaches.” He said pointing a disoriented finger to the ceiling. Everyone looked up, in tense silence. They heard a noise, a scream.

“Aaaaaaayaaaaaaaah!!!” All the sudden Joey fell in through the ceiling and landed with a thud.

“It’s just Joey. Peh, what do you expect from a drunk.” Biono said turning away.

“Wait!” King barked. “There is…” He searched for another can. “Another with him…” He gulped it down and wiped his muzzle. “A cat.” He said right before burping. Everyone’s eyes focused on Joey. Joey got up, and popped his back.

“Owie-zowie-zowie…” He groaned. He saw everyone was looking at him, and realized where he had landed. “Oh, what are the chances?” He asked himself. He snapped his finger, and with a blue blur, an unconscious Max appeared next to him. “Look what I got.” Everyone looked in amazement, except for Fox who looked in horror.

“Good job Joey.” He said, unable to believe it. “How’d you do it?” He asked. Joey pushed a dog out of his seat and sat down.

“I didn’t. That rabbit you saved a few nights ago did. I just convinced him to hand him over.” Joey explained. Bino turned his full attention to Max. He kneeled over him, and his hand started glowing a radiant green. He positioned it above Max’s chest, and was about to bring it down when he was stopped.

“Wait!” King barked again. Bino angrily turned to King.

“I’m getting tired of you trying to-!”

“The Gryphon wants him alive for now.” King said. Bino raised an eyebrow. “I’ve been keeping in contact with him.” He explained.

“I thought you were in a soda induced sleep.” Bino jabbed. King hic’d a little.

“Nah. Being his Avatar, I’m able to contact him wherever and whenever needed.” King said, as if bragging. King approached Max, and held him by the muzzle. “We need him to find Dragon’s avatar.”

“And how exactly is he going to help us? He’s out cold. And even if he was awake, he wouldn’t help us.” Bino snarled, annoyed that King was seemingly taking superiority. King pointed to Fox. “He’ll help.”

“What?” Both Bino and Fox asked at the same time.

“I can sense it.” King threw his paw to the side, and Fox’s shadow followed it. It formed into a ball of energy in his hand. “I’m surprised you can’t.” King said pushing the ball of shadow right up to Bino’s face. Bino sniffed it. He smiled slightly, but then dropped it, not wanting to give King satisfaction.

“You’re right.” He said dully. King threw the ball back at Fox, right in the stomach.

“Ooff!” Fox said as it hit, but then his shadow returned and the pain was gone.

“He obviously hasn’t unlocked it yet, so I’ll leave that to you.” King said heading towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Bino asked. King turned around, looking annoyed.

“Where else? The store, we’re out of soda.” He said as he slammed the door shut. Fox looked at Bino, worried for what may come next.

“Hey Rex.” Bino called over Rex. “Call up Keene, we need a new watch.”
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Civilization »

Joey... Fox, ooo, interesting... Dealing with Keene again, I can't wait!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really like the direction this is going in! Nice job!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

Sorry there was no update last week, I was busy getting a thing with Tails of Babylon done.

Grape found herself in a black void, floating. “Where am I…?” She asked herself. All the sudden there was a red flash, and a silhouette appeared above her. It appeared to be a giant fox with many tails.

“Greetings, Periwinkle.” Grape’s eye twitched upon hearing it refer to her by her real name.

“What do you want?” She asked in agitation.

“Oh, I just have some simple things to talk about like-Oh! Have you ever been to Alaska this time of year? It’s very nice…!” Grape wasn’t quite sure what was happening, but she knew she couldn’t trust this… “fox”. Then, just as sudden as the red light, a green light flash. The fox looked annoyed. “Oh phooey, looks like they want you back. Well, I guess I can let them borrow you for awhile. Tah-Tah!”

“Wait, what?!” Grape cried right before the entire void disappeared into a white light.


White light...

“Ugh…” Grape groaned.

“She’s waking up!” She heard someone exclaim in relief. She slowly opened her eyes. She sat up, and held her side. She was in the (dusty) living room of the D’Angelo house, she was on a couch. “How long have I been out?” She asked through a groan.

“A day and then some.” Her vision was a little foggy, but she could recognize Sabrina’s voice. Grape chuckled a little.

“I guess the Gryphon’s avatar isn’t all that after all, considering I’m still alive.” She said with a small smile. Her vision was becoming clear, Sabrina wasn’t smiling.

“You could have died.” Sabrina said, straight to the point. “The only reason you didn’t… was because Peanut managed to find Tarot.” It was then that Grape realized it wasn’t just her and Sabrina in the room. Peanut and Tarot were there also. Peanut tried to smile a little and waved.

“Well, thanks.” Grape said with a smile. She looked around. “Where’s Max?” She asked. Sabrina shook her head.

“I’m not sure… After King arrived, he made a tactical retreat into the woods looking for sanctum. We aren’t sure where he is by now.” Sabrina explained.

“What?!” Grape shouted, rushing to her feet, holding her side. “He abandoned us?” She asked worriedly. Sabrina shook her head again.

“No, it was for our good. They want him more than anyone else, they won’t bother with us. Rather, they’d be searching for him.” Sabrina said. Grape eased back down onto the couch she awoke on.

“Peanut,” Tarot said, speaking up. “Help Grape to the kitchen, I have important matters to discuss with Sabrina.”


Peanut opened the fridge, and looked around for a moment. It was rather empty, but it made sense considering their situation. He found a bottle of milk, and handed it to Grape, who had seated herself on a chair near the sink.

“Thanks,” She said as she accepted it. She opened it and started drinking.

“So… Grape…” Peanut said.

“Hmm?” She responded through the milk.

“Do you… still want to continue fighting…? I mean, after what has happened.” Peanut said awkwardly. Grape swallowed, put the bottle down on the counter, and wiped her mouth.

“I will do anything… to stop the Gryphon and his vessels.” Grape said sternly. “Nothing's gonna stop me. I’m the only one who can do it. I’m suppose to be the Dragon’s avatar, if I leave… Then the fight is as good as over…” She said straight to the point. Peanut sighed and shook his head.


“What is it?” Sabrina asked Tarot.

“I think you know what it is.” Tarot answered. “While healing Grape… I came across something in her soul…”

“What do you mean?” Sabrina asked, getting sort of worried.

“She… She is not the Hierarch of Predators.” Tarot voice sounded worried too. This revelation, it scared Sabrina deeply, but she didn’t show it.

“What then?” Sabrina asked. “What can we do. Max isn’t here to help us anymore.”

“I don’t know. I still feel betrayed that the Dragon tried to replace me, but I do understand that the Hierarch is our only hope for defeating the Gryphon.” Tarot said. “This concerns me greatly… I must be going. If we ever hope to find the actual Hierarch, it would be better if I start looking now.” Tarot explained. “Tell the dog that I said goodbye.”

“...Alright.” And just like that, Tarot was gone. Sabrina sighed deeply, not sure what to do with not only Max, but now Tarot gone. She slowly went downstairs, to where Peanut and Grape were. “Tarot left.” She told them. Grape scoffed.

“She left before, of course she would again.” She said, angered.

“But, she told me something…” Sabrina said slowly.

“What?” Peanut asked.

“Grape… You… You’re… You’re not the Hierarch of Predators.”


A white van drove along the far side of Babylon Gardens. Driving it was a man in white with a yellow tie, the same man who watched King’s battle against Grape. Taking one hand off the steering wheel he checked his watch, and then taking both hands off for a second straitened his tie. He pulled up infront of an old warehouse.

“This should be it.” He said as he stepped out. It was cold out, so he grabbed a trenchcoat from the backseat and threw it on. He closed the van’s door with a slam, and approached the front of the warehouse. He tested the door. It was locked. He threw his weight against it, and it broke open.

“How old is this place?” He asked himself as he entered. It was dark inside, he could barely see anything. But then there was a red fire burning; like on a candle, in the corner. Upon noticing it, it arose and floated away into another room. The man gulped, and straightened his tie again. He followed the fire. Not just through that room, but into multiple rooms. Eventually it started leading him in circles. He was fed up with it by then.

“Heheheheh…” He heard a laugh. That was the last straw, he grabbed the fire and; burning his hand in the process, smothered it.

“Enough messing around!” He shouted.

“Very well…” There was a red flash, and then he felt something breathing behind him. He slowly turned around, and behold, a giant kitsune sat there. “Y’ello!” It greeted.

“The Kitsune…” The man said quietly. “I don’t want any of your games, I just came for-”

“Yeah yeah yeah, I know, I know.” The Kitsune assured him. “In fact, here it is!” He snapped his fingers, and with a green flash something appeared in the man’s hand. The man examined it. It looked sort of like a lantern, but it released an eerie green glow. The man smiled.

“Perfect.” He said. The Kitsune smiled.

“Good good, you’re happy with my end. You remember your end, right?” The Kitsune said cocking his head to the side. The man nodded.

“Oh yes, yes I do. I won’t be too long now.” He said as he hid the lantern under his coat.

“Well then, I hope for results soon.” The Kitsune said as he vanished. The man hurried out of the building and back to the van. As he got in he removed his coat and covered the lamp in it, and then placed it in the back. He took out his phone and started a call.

“Hello… Yeah, it’s me. I got it, I should be back in River Ridge in a day or two. Get the system up and running, and the subjects ready.”
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Civilization »

Oh dear, that ending of the chapter...
Currently traveling across the United States. Still up for any conversations though.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That ending doesn't sound very good. I can't wait to see what happens next.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

As you could probably tell, there wasn't an update yesterday. This is because my brothers will be leaving soon, so I'm spending these last couple days with them as much as possible. Updates will most likely resume Friday.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Oh its OK. We all understand that family comes first! Take as much time as you need!