Chosen path

What do you call a fic that's not a fic

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Re: Chosen path

Post by Saturn381 »

Nice update, deep winter. :)
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Re: Chosen path

Post by The-J-Man »

very nice job on this part. i do think that king would make a good CO because he has experience as both a dog and a human, it helps him relate better
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Yeah I think that King would definitely be a good choice for a CO.
deep winter
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Re: Chosen path

Post by deep winter »

Thank you everyone for your support So far. But do any of you have any advice as far as my writing goes?
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Just keep on writing as much as you can and you will get better.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by deep winter »

1420 hours(2:20 PM)

Its been a Quiet Afternoon on the bridge Mr. Cooper was keeping himself busy with his SED (Smart Entertainment Device) since he had nothing better to do. Same for the human navigator who is playing Grand Theft Auto on His PSP∞. Lt. Bryron was at his station monitoring the security reports from the red shirt anidroids. But otherwise boredom bogged them down till the only really interesting thing was Lt. Colonel (O-5) Grim and Colonel Xrays conversation. Mainly concentrated on contingencies and Protocols that would be needed for ship operations and dealings with anyone outside their circle.

Below them Off duty personnel Where doing many things. Such as writing, Drawing, shooting, reading, practicing marshal arts, bonding, the occasional intense squabbling between fan boys, and so much more.

But fate, or rather ‘They’, had plans for our heroes.

["Captain X-ray Please report to Medbay ASAP"], the computer Interrupted.

The captain rolled his eyes and announced, “Xo Has the Bridge.”

The XO nodds as The captain Left the chair and makes a bee line to the Medical wing. Along the way he meets peanut. It was odd. So he asked what he was doing on deck one. To which he answered,“ I'm exploring the decks so I dont get lost. What are you doing here.”

“I work here.”

“oh, I didnt know. ”

“How do forget that I'm suppose to be on this floor For most of the day? ”

“I know you work here… its Just that I didnt know where we sleep.”

“…”, he is struck silent. This is followed by the realization of great importance. He felt like an idiot. “Great. I forgot to give you Updated Access cards. Wait here.”

Peanut not knowing what to do, just did as told. It was drilled into him to fallow and lead if nessary. Now was the time fallow and he did so not as a space trooper? Marine? Sailor? Main point not as a subordinate in an organization militant or peaceful. but as the good dog he always is.

Xray returns from his Office with a small collection of Plastic Cards. He looked threw each one until he came upon Peanut's.

“Heres your card.”

“Deck 5 Alpha. Lodging.”

“You and your people will be on two different floors. Most human crew will be on deck seven and eight. I dont want to loose Everyone in a Single blow.”

“Our people?”

“oh… uh I want both of the groups to get use to the idea that we are all far from home. Plus it helps me keep track of whom is from where originally. ”

“Oh that explanes it... but I thought it was so Bino and Sargent Resnov aren't at each others throats.”

The corgi Chuckled at the thought. Sargent Resnov tried, in His mind, take bino down a peg. Though at the time Resnov Really let everything Grow out of control but it was part of his plan. Since he was a lone wolf by nature. Bino tried to take the initiative and take the objective through a TEAM effort. reznov Shot him down. Since then they have an axe to grind with each other.
It was binos half coordinated Wolf pack tactics vs Resnovs lone wolf tactics that could result in the loss of his group.

“ so where are you going?”

“Med bay. ”

“For what?”

“I really dont know, Yet.”

“Hopefully its nothing. Just a checkup or something. ”

He silently agrees with a curt nod. If he remembered correctly there are few things to worry about concerning his breed. At his current age anyways. Just back problems in the future… with a chance oh well.

He pulled out his Service smart Phone. Next he unlocked via password and activated an app for requesting an anidroid. He opened it instantly it was ready. Requested an anidroid to his current location. Within two minutes an otter OPERA class showed up with a smile on her face.

“How may I help you Captain?”

“Can you pass these Updated Access cards to their respective owner?”he hands her the stack

“Yes right away.” She leaves for the bridge. Clad in a otter pattern pedioskin and a smile on her muzzle.

Once the anidroid leaves his sight he assigned her as Official Messenger.

No more than three meters away(9 feet) was the elevator. However with his stride it was a bit more than that. A major down side to being smaller than most on the crew. One he called it he entered. inside he pressed the med bay button on the panel. The lift started going there along the saucer Section.

‘Wonder what it is this time? I already did my checkup, booster shots and everything done… ’ he thought . He shudders at the last thought. Yes Medens where professionals, by programming, but it still leaves you hoping you wont get sick or injured anytime soon because of how uncomfortable an experience it was. It doesn't help that they scan first, then do it old school to confirm their results.

minutes later

“Welcome Colonel Fairchild please go to Med bay Station Charlie three. ” the warden chimed.

The corgi goes to the Charlie quadrant(operatation rooms) which was a lot of glass that can polarized. He enters third room on the left. Inside theres a single table and a Meden Operation Variant. The key differences was that it unlike the models outside this quadrant it was stationary and it has a wifi signal router built in. Plus its plastic shell is Blueish green in color, which contrasted to those outside that had white plastic shells.

It motions for Xray to get on the Operating table. Its then that x ray begins to have doubts about this setup and decides to take a rain check. As ge turned to exit the Meden taps a small computer on its retractable hands 'wrist'. As the captain tries to flee he is intercepted by two four foot tall figures in White scrubs and both are female yellow labs in a appearance. They stop him the edge of the operation quadrant. Just three inches from the tape.

Trapped like a rat and they both knew it. He tries Door one but its locked. The two nurses approach steadily the corgi backs to the wall. The one to the right Pulls out an air pistol loaded with a tranquilizer dart which was concealed in a pocket in her trousers. Once the lab holding the dart gun has the right moment she fired. However the officer caught it in his paws avoiding the needle.

He grins but in a flash the left nurse draws her concealed dart gun that was inside her arm much like a custode model enforcer. The dart sailed through the steril air- it like all projectiles- cared nought for where it sailed to or where from. It nails into his forearm, center mass. It served its purpose, seemingly the only thing it was destined to do.

The corgi failed to stop this dart results in immediate loss of balance and drowsiness . He collapsed to the deck like a jenga tower. The two nurses walked to his location with no worry. they look down at him and Lefty picks him up like a mother does to a small child who fell asleep. Rightsie takes her leave while her Counterpart carried the corgi in her arms to the operating table.

The Surgeon pulled the tranquilizer dart out and placed in one of its internal compartments to hold Sharp objects. He takes the black nylon collar off the captain's neck and stows it in a bag of belongings. Same process with his shirt. The green blue painted surgeon moves without a sound as the corgi sleeps a clear plastic mask over his Muzzle. Now prepping the patient for surgery is now elevated on the priority list. Above surgeon's head two cameras observe. One monitors the patients health and status via the array of sensors located in multiple locations within the room. However camera B records the proceedings much like a black box in a plane. Nothing real special about it.

As it scanned it begins to shave fur on the chest, arms, legs, and near the left eye with a built in Clipper. Done. Next was to vacuum the fur to prevent contamination. Then seal his right eye for surgery. With the amount of surgeries he was requested to do it would take some time for the patient to heal. It mattered little, he would be useful even though he maybe healing or crippled permanently. However if his usefulness has run its course. He'd pay the price, with his existence.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Great job on this update here! I really like it!
deep winter
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Re: Chosen path

Post by deep winter »

Day two

0700 Hours, November 6, 2015 (Earth calendar), onboard the SS Point of No Return, in rout to Unknown Location.

Morning. It was morning and the ships true Captain had yet to show up. Worse yet was the lack of an XO. So as the 3IC he's the acting captain of the ship. Personally King believed that the loss of two Staff members to surgery was ridiculous and stupid on part of who ever was in charge of this fiasco.

It him that Ever since day one he has been, Yet again, been dragged into another cosmic Game run by Higher order nerds. Yet again he and everyone is a Pawn in someones game. On the other paw it was better than dealing with Petes antics.

“XO on the Bridge.” Lt. Fido called as Grim Arrived on the bridge.

“As you were. ”

"Morning Major. ",

“morning Colonel. ”

He tries to get out of the captains chair but the colonel stops him.
“Don't bother. I'm too hyped up on painkillers to command this oversized flying death trap. Thank goodness I Wont be The Head of one once I'm transferred. ”

King looked at him then noted that he had a metal sheet on his forearm. He could ignore the Eye but this was different.

“what is that on your arm. ”

“I'v been upgraded to playing piece. ”, he replied biderly.

“ … and xray?.”

“Worse. Hes got a massive make over. The droids gave him the whole spartan treatment. Till he gets his Act together You Are CO on this boat. Which might as well leave you in charge until tomorrow by which time I'll be gone long gone.”

“what?” King pullout a tablet that resides in a hidden compartment.

“You heard me right Major. You are stuck as the CO for a while. Got it? Good because I frankly dont care cause in half an hour I will be on my own ship by my own rules. And not be a censored -----, ” he is stopped by the Censor.“Like you.”

King said nothing. The tablet confirmed it. He is still in command and the acting XO saunters over to a station half intoxicated by the mix of drugs in his system.

“one more thing. Have you done the Captains log thing. Kinda stupid if you ask me, but it has to be done. In you case any ways. ”

“captains log? Some times i wonder if Pete has something to do with this. Es”

“who the [REDACTED] yamering about. Start speaking history and make it good case this is going in some kids history book once… If we ever go home.”


“Captains log…” Bebep.

“Error cannot comply Voice authorization match not met. Try again.”

“acting captains log," he pauses. “ it appears That I have been dragged into, yet another Celestial beings game. We are on our way to drop off the Acting XO, who intoxicated on pain killers at the moment. Now I must Play captain even though I have no training in leading a mission. Our mission is to transfer currently Lieutenant colonel To the UNSC Cyclops. A Modified light frigate to run on no crew. He will take several of the ex- or current human crew. However it must meet my authorization.”

“king… sorry uh Major we have arrived at the rally point going to full stop.”

“ok so what now?”

Right on cue Lily the otter anidroid, came onto the scene. She takes her place next to acting captain Milton. Right now king was currently running the show and Lily had to take orders from him until Mr. Cardigan… no, correction, its Mr. Fairchild now is back in play.

King took a major intrest in her due to the lack of attention needed on his part at the moment.

“hello King. ”

“hello uh…”


“lily what are you doing here?”

“Havent You been told by the Lieutenant Colonel?"

He nods no. lily smiles in responce and said, “I am here to provide assistance in your bridge operations and serve as the Player messenger. So for the Next Hours you shall carry out the mission since Play peice X-ray is currently out for upgrades.”

“What kind of danger are we looking at?”

“Low danger. However it is possible we could be Caught by a random patrol. Capture is not an option. The ship shall scudle with all of you in it to avoid capture. ”

“… If I refuse?”he asked.

Lilys happy expression changed to Passive. She steps closer to the the corgi and whispered the consequences.

His expression was one of worry and lily kept her expression of passiveness. King reflected upon the consequences then he called “Major Goldman your needed on the bridge. ”

“Roger that Commander.”

Now he waits

Hour and a half later.

Acting captains log supplemental.

Mission complete. Now the SS imagination will bug out of this place for more remote and safer regions of space. Personally I dont like it. A whole Battalion of anidroids are out with captain(O-6) Grim. Worse is that half of the other dementional staff is gone. Thankfully, anidroids can fill in until Brovo Company is ready for deployment. I now know that the armor Will protect us from most naval guns that roam in this sector.

We are going to sit in indi star system for two days. Then we shall go to a distant system in which we are to rondevuis with the LSS Cyclops.

End log.

later. Deck 7 cafeteria.
1800 hrs

It was lunch time onboard the ship and the whole organic crew is going to one place. Minus xray who is understandably still recovering from his operation. None the less things go on regardless of his absence. However king only wished Xray to heal so he could take command once more and he'd be freed of this burden.

After all he had been briefed on the terminus system. What he was told frightened him. This allowed him to see what he took for granted. Everywhere theres more real danger than just sitting in orbit of their planet. Pirates roamed along with every kind of criminal scum out there. It didnt help that they took prisoners for slaves.

He felt venerable, it was like having no armor in a live fire exercise. A whole battalion of troopers- both army and marine- taken by a group with orders to build a full on death squad. In addition a good portion of the ex and current human crew; some of whom are the best in their specific field. It didnt matter if he was covered on all axises with almost a yard of armor and armed with numerous rail guns. The feeling felt the same, a strangling tenceness cased by the environment around him.

It felt like an invisible wight on his head; the fact that his decisions could spell life or death for the crew if he slips. He had less of a safety net without those troops to back him in case of a boarding action or space engagement.

He got in line to get his food.

“good afternoon Major.”

“Morning corporal.”

“no Im PFC Goldson. Hes Corporal goldson” said thing one.

“No Im Corporal Goldson. Hes PFC Goldson. ” thing Two.

He checked the collars. Both only had the black scratchy velcro side showing and they had their Star com still pinned on. They removed their colored patch, rank and ID tag. Both giants looked at him then to the entire crew in the mess hall. Without the colored strip they are similar at a distance. Without their rank its harder medium distace Id is lost, if you take off there ID tag good luck ever figuring it out.

This Common occurrence with them they are identical down to there physical. However their voices can help however they sound very similar. Before this they where distinguishable and they weren't related. They adapted Quicker than most mainly because they could mess with your head. A coping mechanism of sorts that they came up with. This was a normal prank. But this also was a common betting game.

Rather than guess king just continued down the line without a second thought. Soon theyd make someone look a fool and this time he wont be the one. Just as he goes to find a table bino intercepted him. A tablet in his paw.

“King we need to talk. ”


He motions to fallow to a nearby table. King does so deliberately slow. He sits down king sets his plate down and sat down across from him.

X ray once told them that they had two options on this voyage; Work together or die together.

As much as he disliked him as was the feeling mutual he knew he had a reason to talk. This was a business that could possibly spell life or death for someone if he didnt communicate. This was the only reason. He had to agree at invisible gunpoint.

“As much as I hate to say it king. I need your help to complete My job.”

“I know it sounds so nice for you to have.”

“Bino… the only reason I am willing to listen to you is because Anything on this ship can result in someone getting injured or worse; killed. All from a simple lack of communication. So what is it?”

He showed him his tablet. It showed storage pods three in total . However one was colored in red. King tapped the red capsule, resulting in a small window.

access denied
Beta level or higher clearance only.

King looked at Bino with a bewildered expression. In response bino shrugged.

“I looked into when it was locked down.” He collapsed the programmed and went to a text document.“ It was an hour after the captain went under. Leaving the Former XO, Grim, who had clearance to access the valt. However 15 minuets after it was changed. now its you.”

“staged as part of the story?”

“I do not know.”

“Ill look into it.”

Bino gives gives a USB card. King goes to a table with Baily. He keeps the usb in his Collar for the moment. It would wait. What could possibly be in that Container that could be so dangerous?

Sorry about the delay but I have been planning the next few parts. So here it is.

Mod Edit: Fully obliterate swears. Do not leave them only partially redacted.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Saturn381 »

Nice job, deep winter. :)
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really great job on this! It has came out very nice!
deep winter
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Re: Chosen path

Post by deep winter »

Rod sterling - writer and main narrator of the show, The Twilight Zone, appears from behind sliding door in his signature suit and tie. He looked down to king Milton who was playing GO with his CO, Xray. Time slowed ever so slightly then stopped all together. Leaving King frozen in thought.

" This is King Milton. An XO under the command of Colonel XRay on the SS Imagination or SS Point of no Return when in battle. On the outside he would appear to be a Normal Pembroke Welsh Corgi. A corgi that is exemplary for his breed. However this appearance like that of a mask is as deep as intened by the user. Underneath the flesh and blood and bone there is a soul out of place. To truly know him he has to be examined like the inside of a book. A book filled with pages of new feelings that have formed and eclipsed the old. Love, a strong devotion to some, and at the back is the hidden past regrets that many would want to forget.

Yesterday he had no one but himself most of times. But held no certain future. Today he has friends, a wife, and a life with a possibly bright future. Tomorrow is all to be told in time. No future is certain, not even the one you see today.

Tonight he and the crew, gather to help each other cope with the hardships the past has brought them. However the ghosts of your past can haunt you at strange times. Especially when adrift here in the Twilight zone.

Heres a preview for day 3 or 4. I will get on the rest of it soon.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

LOL I really like how you did that. Nice job!