HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

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HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

Maybe I'm posting this too soon, but I feel you all deserve to get the first chapter as soon as it's done, considering how long you've all been waiting.

---CHAPTER 1: Peanut & Grape; A Beginning
A brown dog walked down the street, holding close to him his handbag. It was sunset, the sky red. He was hurrying home. His mother had asked him to pick up some items at the convenience store in the neighborhood and he was returning. When he passed an alleyway a light brown dog with drooping ears and a green collar walked out and approached him. The brown dog stopped in his tracks, a little startled. The green collared dog just waved.

“Hey, you’re the new dog right?” He asked. The dog just nodded. “That’s great. I hear you’ve been here a week already, but this is our first time meeting. In fact unless I’m mistaken you haven’t talked to any of the neighborhood dogs yet.” The green collared one said walking right up to him. “My name’s Bino, and I’m the leader dog around here. It’s my duty to welcome you into the community.” He said with a smile and handing his paw out for a shake. The brown dog didn’t like his smile, it’s seemed fake, forced even. The dog swallowed a little, and accepted the paw-shake. “Welcome to the neighborhood dog. Say, what’cha got in the bag?” Bino asked. The brown dog tightened his hold on the bag.

“Oh, uh, just some groceries.” The dog said. Bino’s face shifted to that of a suspicious dog.

“That can’t be just it. I smell more than just groceries. What else you got in there?” Bino asked.

“Well, uh, just some drawings.” The dog said waverly. Bino laughed a little.

“You’re an artist are you?” He said chuckling. “Let me see some.” The dog clenched his bag tighter.

“N-no…” He said quietly.

“Oh come on,” Bino said reaching for the bag.

“No!” The dog stepped backwards away from Bino, but ended up tripping. As he fell he lost grip on his bag and it landed next to Bino’s feet. The bag was opened a little and piece of paper was sticking out. Bino kneeled down and picked up the paper. The dog gulped. Bino clenched the paper hard, wrinkling the edges. On the paper was drawn a picture of a dog… with a cat’s tail.

“What is this…?” Bino asked quietly. The dog started stumbling up to his feet.

“I-its, uh…”

“What are you, a cat lover?!” Bino snapped. The brown dog shrank a little.

“I’m not a cat lover! I just happen to like… certain features of theirs.” The dog said twiddling his fingers. Bino threw the picture and bag back at the dog, hitting him slightly into the brick wall. Bino walked up to him and grabbed the fur on his chest and pushed him against the wall.

“Here in Babylon Gardens, we don’t allow cat lovers!” Bino said knocking him across the face with his other paw. The dog collapsed to the ground, but Bino pulled him up again, with the same cheek that was just punched against the wall. Bino scraped him across the brick, and then hit him on the left ear. The dog fell over, hearing a ringing in his ears. Bino was about to sock him again when,

“Hey mutt!” Bino turned around and saw a cat leaning at the entrance to the alley. The cat was oddly purple in color, with an indigo color and very striking yellow eyes. “What’s the deal?” The cat asked with a sort of taunting tone.

“Stay out of this Princess Per-”

“Don’t call me that!” Before Bino knew it the cat had caught him in a neck-lock and he was being held up against the wall. “How’s it feel now that the mittens on the other kitten?” She taunted.

“Don’t mess with me cat!” Bino said skillfully swinging himself to the side causing the cat to lose balance. Bino broke free and then kicked her feet away causing her to fall face first onto the ground. “What were you saying?” He shouted into the her ears. He placed his hindpaw on top of her head, and pushed down some. “Enjoying the concrete?” He asked.

“Stop!” Bino felt a small piece of broken brick hit against his back. He turned and saw the dog there backing up against a wall in fright, clenching his bag with one paw, and his other was next to small pile of broken bricks.

“You just keep getting into more and more trouble for yourself.” Bino said angrily. Grape took the chance and rolled away from his foot, sprung up and grabbed a broom off of the wall.

“Let’s do this, cat to dog.” The cat hissed. Bino turned at her, and smiled.

“Very well, kitty!” Bino lunged at her and planted a fist against her face. A slightly loud noise sounded out as it hit her but she just stumbled back a bit. The dog hugged himself in shock. “Oh would you look at that.” Bino said shaking his paw a little. “Guess I forgot to hold back.” He said with a laugh. “But I see that you were able to handle it. Sort of odd.” He said popping his knuckles. “You’re a pretty good fighter, but let’s see how you manage with-” The cat shot her fist into his gut before he noticed.
“You talk too much.” She said with a smirk. Bino crippled down and clutched his stomach.

“Owww…” He said as he collapsed to the ground. The cat dropped the broom, and turned to the brown dog.

“Please don’t hurt me.” He said meekly. The cat smiled a little.

“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna hurt you.” She said offering her paw to help him up. He looked at her paw, and the at her. Her eyes looks nice. He slowly accepted the paw and got up, trying not to blush. The cat’s ears perked up as a noise came from a distance. “I should get out of her before his friends show up, you too.” The cat said. She was about to steal away into the darkness of the alley when the dog grabbed her shoulder.

“Wait! I’m sorry but. Uh, my name’s Peanut. I couldn’t catch your name. Was it, Princess Per-” The cat’s ears jerked up in annoyance. “Sorry, sorry!” He said awkwardly. “But, I want to thank you properly.” The cat’s ears went back to normal. “If you… don’t like your name then… I could give you a nickname.” Peanut said. The cat turned around, wearing a warm smile.

“Well, what do you have in mind?” She asked. Peanut thought for a moment.

“How about… Grape?” The cat stood there, not saying anything, thinking it over. She smiled at him.

“Grape sounds fine.”

Peanut approached home, and saw that there wasn’t a car in the driveway.
“Dad isn’t home yet.” He said to himself. He opened the door quietly, and slunk indoors. He entered the kitchen and placed the groceries onto the table. “Hey Mom?” He called entering the living room. He found Mrs. Sandwich sitting on the couch listening to the news while reading a book.

“Oh Peanut dear, you’re back.” She said not looking up from her book, but sounding sincere.

“I got the groceries; I left them on the kitchen table.” Peanut said. Mrs. Sandwich smiled, and looked up.

“Thank you dear- Oh my.” Mrs. Sandwich’s voice wavered. “What happened?” She asked concernedly. Peanut felt the scrape on the side of his face.

“Nothing, I- I just tripped.” Peanut stammered. Mrs. Sandwich stared at him thinking. Peanut looked away. “Well, I guess I’ll go do the dishes.” Peanut said, trying to avoid the conversation.

“No. You’re going upstairs and taking a shower. Clean yourself off, and tend to that scrape.” Mrs. Sandwich said definitely. Peanut was still looking away. He looked down towards at his feet, and then back at his mother.


Grape was awake in her bed. She hadn’t slept a wink for a reason. She looked around the room. Her younger was asleep in his bed at the other side. She looked at the clock; it was time. She crept out of bed and silently approached the window. The moon was high in the dark night sky. It released an eerie light all over the town. She put her paws on the window and lifted it open; however she heard a stir behind her. She turned around and saw her brother there, still half-asleep, clenching his pillow.

“Peri… are you sneaking out again…?” He asked. Grape’s ears twitched in annoyance.

“I told you, don’t call me Peri. And go back to sleep Res.” She said sharply. Res backed up a little, but didn’t leave.

“Me and Mom are worried about you.” He said, with a small whine to his sleepy voice. Grape’s ears twitched again.

“She’s not our Mom, and you know that.” She said turning back to the window. She opened the window just a little, and she went through with her perfect cat skills. She turned and Res was still there, staring at her. “See you later, Res.” She said quietly, as she slipped off into the night. Res clenched his pillow tighter, and returned to his bed.

Grape arrived at an abandoned house at the edge of the neighborhood. Many people avoided this house, they said it was haunted and all sorts of things. But she knew better, she knew what was actually inside. She let herself in through a passage in the back. She entered a wide room, illuminated only slightly by a single small candle in the center of the room. She looked around and approached the candle. Within seconds she quickly turned around a caught the secret oncoming swipe from behind and flipped the owner of the swipe toward the center. However the mysterious figure stopped mid-air and somehow turned the tables of the fight, and before Grape knew it she was on the floor with the figure slightly twisting her arm onto her back.

“Okay, okay! You win this one, Max.” She spat. The figure let go and stood up, smiling. The figure was a tuxedo cat with a blue bell-collar and turquoise eyes. His smile was very large and white, reflecting light from the candle into other parts of the room. The noise of a switch being turned on sounded out, and the ceiling light turned on. Grape and Max turned to see a completely black cat enter the room, carrying a tray with some food on it. She approached the two, and set the tray on the table that the candle was one, and then put out the candle.

“You’re late.” The black cat said.

“I just took a bit getting here.” Grape said. The black cat looked at her, then at Max. When Max didn’t say anything, the black cat elbowed him in the side.
“Owch! Sabrina, sis, come on!” He said turning to her, however he was greeted by a stare. The stare told him what was up. “OH. Ah.” Max turned to Grape. “You have to make sure no one knows what you’re doing.” He said. “And don’t try to hide it, we all know that you picked a fight with Bino earlier.” Grape released a *meep*, like she was shocked, but at the sometime trying to say something to justify herself, but decided just to shut up before she even started.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t exhibit any Special Powers.” Grape said, turning away holding her arm. Max felt what was left of his left ear.

“Bino is one of the Griffon’s top fighters…” He said. “You can’t risk him seeing your skills. If anyone ever found out I of all people am training you, there’ll be all kinds of danger.” He said.

“I understand that, I’m not scared.” Grape said. Sabrina grabbed her shoulder, and turned her so that she was looking at them.

“Listen Peri, it would be dangerous for not just you, but us, and your own family.” Sabrina said, staring straight at her, as if into her soul. Grape turned away again.

“I don’t have a family.” She said sternly. “And I told you not to call me that.” She said defiantly. Max moaned.

“Then what do you expect us to call you? You’re always like ‘Don’t call me that’, but you never give us a substitute.” Max complained. Grape turned to him with a smile.

“Well now I’m giving you one; Grape.”

Well, that wait was sort of long, but here's the first chapter! What do you guys think of it?
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Mickey »

You have my attention.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I love how this is all being put together! Great job!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by The-J-Man »

i only watched a few episodes of DBZ, so i think i can follow along. Good story by the way.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Buster »

Okay, perhaps it's just the Dragonball reference in the title coloring my expectations, but I'm getting an absolutely awful DB:E vibe from that scene with Bino...

Please never do anything reminiscent of that terrible movie ever again.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

Buster wrote:Okay, perhaps it's just the Dragonball reference in the title coloring my expectations, but I'm getting an absolutely awful DB:E vibe from that scene with Bino...

Please never do anything reminiscent of that terrible movie ever again.
I had no thoughts at all of DB:E while making this. Don't worry, the scene was simply because I wanted a small fight scene, but didn't want to do a full out ki-battle right away. But also remember this, despite the name this fanfic is more than just DBZ inspired, it also takes inspiration from multiple other animes.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I never really saw DBZ:E. Is it really as bad as people make out?

And i am loving this so much right now!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:I never really saw DBZ:E. Is it really as bad as people make out?

And i am loving this so much right now!
It's an okay movie, but it's a terrible Dragon Ball movie.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I will take everybody's opinion for it then. When is the next chapter? :)
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

I'm gonna try to maintain a schedule, so maybe Saturday. If I get enough progress done on the story I'll try for twice a week, though don't hold me to anything.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well then I guess we will have to wait to see how it goes then!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

I've gotten reasonable progress done, so I decided to post the next chapter early. But don't get use to this, the main schedule will still (try) to be every Saturday. And yes, there still will be one posted Saturday.

---CHAPTER 2: Recollection & Confrontation: A Scuffle
When Bino came through he found he was in a traction surrounded by his lackeys.

“Um guys, I’m not that injured. I just had the wind hit out of me!” Bino complained. The large pitbull scratched the back of his head.

“Sorry ‘bout that boss…” He said sheepishly. Bino tore himself out of the bed and got to his feet.

“So B-boss, what happened to you exactly?” Asked a white and brown dog, with a very posh English accent.

“That cat…” Bino said under his breath. There was a silence. Then the white and brown dog bursted out laughing.

“Are you truly admitting that you were in fact defeated by a feline? Oh my, that’s rich. Hahaha.” He said wiping a tear due to his laughing.

“Shut up Griswold!” Within a second Bino had landed a fist into Griswold’s stomach and a small sonic boom went out as Griswold flew back into the wall. Bino’s hand was crackling with dark green energy. He shook his hand and the energy dispersed. He walked over to Griswold and picked him up by the collar. “Since you seem to think you’re up for it, tomorrow I want you and your group to visit the Auburn residence and teach that kitty a lesson, kay?”

“Right, B-boss.” Griswold said collection himself. Bino dropped Griswold and turned around to face the rest of the group. He saw a small light brown dog wearing blue goggles with a patch over his eye cowering in the back. He put on a fake smile and approached the dog. He slammed his paw across the smaller dog’s shoulder.

“DaH!” The smaller dog yelled in fright. Bino spreaded his arm around the smaller dog’s shoulder, as if in a brotherly hug.

“There’s nothing to worry about Joey. I just have a special job for you.” He said slyly. Joey gulped. “I want you to keep an eye on that new dog. What was his name… uh, Sandwich I believe. Keep an eye on the Sandwich residence, won’t you, for me?” Bino’s voice was very intimidating. Joey just nodded without saying anything. Bino rotated Joey so that he was right in front of him and put both of his paws on his shoulders. “Remember Joey. You, are my number one, dog.” Bino said right before pushing him towards a wall with a laugh. Joey picked himself up, and brushed off his cheek. He quietly stole away from the room. Bino didn’t notice, and he wouldn’t care. He walked over to the pitbull.

“What is it boss?” The pitbull asked.

“I’m gonna be gone for awhile. I want you Rex to watch over the club while I’m gone.” Bino said. He grabbed Griswold by the shoulder and pulled him over. “Both of you should receive one of them tomorrow.”

Peanut stood in the shower, the water flowing down his fur. He was staring at the wall; thinking. Thinking about the fight. Though the whole occurrence was only a couple minutes in hindsight it felt like hours to him. He wondered, what would have happened if Per-erh, Grape hadn’t saved him.

“Grape…” He said to himself. The water was stinging his scrape, but he let it be. He slunked down against the wall, and curled up under the shower. He pressed his nose against his knees and continued thinking. About Grape. He quickly darted up and looked into the mirror. He was blushing. He flusteredly brushed his fur on his checks to try hide the blush marks, but they were shining through. He buried his his face into his hands. “Come on Peanut, think this through. You can’t let these kind of emotions get over you. Not again.” He tried to convince himself. “But then again… I’m already gonna be given trouble about Bino being beaten up probably…” Peanut looked at himself in the mirror. “Why’s everything have to be so complicated? And why am I talking to myself in the shower?!”

Griswold waited outside of the Good Ol’ Dog’s Clubhouse on the curb. It was 6 in the morning, still early, but he was nervous. It was to arrive soon, and then he would be expected to take care of the cat. Though he had taunted Bino about it, he knew that he would probably do no better. But with it he could do it. Bino hadn’t used it because it was just a normal street fight. But if Bino had said he needed one of these then the cat probably would be some trouble. Before long a black car drove up to the corner, and Griswold approached it. The shaded window rolled down, and a small dark brown arm came out handing a largish stop watch. Griswold eagerly tried to take the watch, but was stopped by the hand. A face appeared in the window; barely noticeable due to the shading, but appeared to be wearing large black shades.

“Remember, when you use this you pledge ultimate allegiance to the Griffon. Don’t mess up.” Griswold gulped, and took the watch.

“R-right.” He stuttered the answer. The arm went back into the car and the window rolled back up.

“Now get out of my sight.”

“But you came to me-”

“Get out of my sight!’

“Okay okay! Good day to you too sir!”

The next day Grape was sitting on the couch in her living room reading a book. Res was over at the table with his laptop typing up a storm. Their “mother” had left just earlier for some business in River Ridge. They were to stay home all afternoon. Soon Res’ typing stopped

“Hey Peri, do you think tha-”

“Res! Two things! One, don’t call me Peri. Two, I don’t care about your story, it’s just bunch of buff lions in tribal ware!” Grape complained, grabbing her head in frustration. Res shrunk back.

“Sorry… sis…” He said quietly. Soon Res’ typing started up again. Just as Grape started dozing off a noise came from outside. She jerked awake and saw three dogs outside on the patio, banging against the glass. Grape heard the sound of Res’ laptop slamming shut.

“Dogs! Stranger dogs!” Res yelled grabbing his laptop and running into another room slamming the door behind him. Grape couldn’t help but laugh at Res’ reaction. She got up and approached the patio.

“What do you muts want?” She asked grumpily. There were three dogs. Griswold was there, accompanied by a lanky tan and brown patched dog and a small chihuahua. Griswold held his paw out in front of his face in a professional fashion.

“We’re just here about what happened yesterday.” He said plainly. Grape gulped.

“No worries cat, we understand that must have been some form of miscommunication. We are fully willing to accept your apology.” Grape placed her paw on her hip and leaned to the side in thought.

“Apology for what? Making your idiot of a boss look bad?” She asked snarkily.

“Don’t talk about Bino like that!” The lanky dog said looking offended and was about to move forward when Griswold stopped him.

“Not yet Devo, not yet.” Griswold assured. He turned back to Grape.

“All we are asking for is an apology, and maybe some payment for damages.” Griswold said with a sly smile. Grape looked at them for a few seconds. And then shut the slide door.

“No thank you muts.” She said, about to turn away just as a brick was thrown through the glass breaking open a wide entrance. Grape jumped back away from the shattered glass and saw what she missed before. There was a fourth dog, hidden slightly behind a tree in the bark yard. He look as if he was the culprit for the brick. Griswold pointed towards Grape with one paw, while the other was still held up in front of him.

“Sten, Devo, now we attack!” He ordered. Devo smiled and Sten; the chihuahua, popped his neck. They both quickly jumped at Grape. However she jumped at them and intercepted them midair with a flurry of punches. Sten landed out of commision but Devo was still in. He lankily stretched his back and popped his knuckles.

“Nobody bad mouths Bino and gets away with it!” He growled, right before dashing back at Grape. Grape jumped backwards into the backyard for more fighting space. Griswold examined the battle.

“Yeltsin, if you would.” He called. The large dog came out from behind the tree and grabbed Grape across the waist. Griswold slowly approached while Devo quickly and unevenly scrambled over. Devo planted multiple hits against the vulnerable Grape before Griswold stopped him.

“Marvelous display Devo boy.” Griswold said, still holding his paw in front of him. “Now then Princess. I’m giving you one more chance to apologize for your damages.”

“Damages? What about the damages you have inflicted against my house?!” Grape retorted. Griswold responded with a slap across her face.

“Quiet lady! Don’t speak over me!” He spat. “Oh pardon me, where are my manners?” He asked as he recollected himself. “It really is the simplest and safest way out. So if you’d just comply to our-”

“No way sir!” Grape kicked her legs up, managing to catch Devo around the neck with her feet. She threw him to the side causing Yeltsin to lose balance. Grape let herself out of his grip and again grabbed the still confused Devo and threw him against Yeltsin causing both of them to crash into the tree. Yeltsin hit head first, and they were both out cold now. She turned to Griswold with smirk.

“Very nice for a lady.” Griswold said smuggishly. “But that…” Griswold turned his paw towards Grape revealing that he was carrying an odd stopwatch. “Is what this is for.”
So yeah, this chapter hasn't quite gotten into the explosions we all love, but that'll happen next time. That actually another reason why I wanted to post this early, so that you guys wouldn't have to take an "explosionless" chapter as your next scheduled update.
Well, let me know what you think!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Obbl »

Lots of good build-up. I can definitely feel the tension. You've got characters that I am very interested to know more about, and I can see that there will be a lot to learn about them. Looking forward to more :D
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really hope that Grape puts them in the hospital for slapping her. Great job on this chapter!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

I said it would be here Saturday, and it's Saturday. For me anyway. Well, let's get into it!

CHAPTER 3: Grape vs. Griswold; A Battle
“Wait, but thats-”

“Oh, so you do know what this is do you? Well then, how would a simple cat like you know about it?” Griswold asked with a sly smile. He moved the stopwatch around in his paw a bit.

“Clock up!” He called as he clicked the button and threw it into the air. All the sudden time froze and the stopwatch remained in midair. Grape backed away in surprise.

“Oh dear oh my, it appears you are unaffected.” Griswold observed. “I wonder why that would be… Let’s find out!”

Grape jumped away just as Griswold landed where she previously stood with a punch. The punch shook the ground and dirt blew around. He got up and looked at her.

“There’s no use hiding it now, show me lady!” He demanded. Grape slowly took something out of her collar, and showed it. It was another stopwatch. Griswold smiled.

“I knew it-” Grape’s fist was in his face.

“You dog’s all talk when you should be fighting!” She yelled as she grabbed him by the shoulder and threw him away. However Griswold recovered midair and dashed back at her.

“These are the powers of a Vassal!” He announced as he landed a glowing fist against her. Grape was hit back, but managed to keep her footing. The dust cleared and Grape looked straight at Griswold. She clenched her fists.

“Okay, now we’re getting serious.” Her paws crackled with indigo energy as she dashed at him. She threw her paw out in front of her and released a volley of purple energy blasts.Griswold blocked with both arms. The fur on his arms were burnt however because of his foolish move.

“You filthy lady, you have burnt me!” He grimaced. He jumped into the air and released a giant blast at Grape. She kept her position, but assumed a dance like stance and caught the energy blast. She moved the energy around in her paws before condensing it into a smaller ball and throwing it back at him.

“Bastetriu!” She yelled as she launched it at him. It was too quick and Griswold couldn’t dodge it. After the explosion Griswold fell to the ground. Griswold stumbled up and popped his neck.

“Nice Technique. Did the Dragon teach it to you?” He asked. Grape frowned and ran at him with two energy sphere inhand.

“I do not work for the Dragon!” She yelled as she threw the two energy spheres at him. Griswold skillfully dodged the two spheres.

“Oh really. Then please, tell me dear, who taught you?” Griswold slyly smiled. Grape bit her lip.

“Don’t worry, you don’t have to tell me. I’ve seen how you fight, and I can safely say that…”

Come on, don’t know it. Get it wrong, please..!

“You were trained by none other than Maxwell D’Angelo.” Grape looked at her feet. “And now that I know, there is nothing keeping me from relaying this info to the B-boss, Bino. Soon all of the neighborhood will know that Max is alive, and that you are his pawn. It won’t be long until both you are Max are out of the picture for good.” Griswold smiled very widely. “I bet Bino will give me quite a reward, huh? Maybe even my own title. How about… Attractor of Feminines, hahaha.” Griswold couldn’t help but laugh at himself. “Oh look at me, pulling off a dorky smile like this. I bet I look a lot like D’Angelo, don’t I?”

“SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!” Grape dashed at Griswold and threw a flurry of energized punches. Griswold countered with his own flurry, and the two stood there exchanging blows for a bit. Finally Griswold landed a blow to her side and she was sent sprawling away. Grape held her side in the pain. Griswold approached her.

“You sure have gotten yourself into lots of trouble. Lots of it.” Griswold taunted. “However, I’m willing to overlook everything over one condition.” Grape struggled to get up but Griswold swung his foot at her back causing her to collapse again. “Of course none of the other dogs know it, but…” Griswold knelt down and grabbed Grape by the chin, pointing her face in his direction. “I have a little thing for cats.” Grape spat at him. Griswold simply wiped the spit away. “I would mind adding a cat to my collection of girlfriends. So, if you just follow these easy terms, then I will-”

“You cur!” Grape sprang back up and planted both of her feet into Griswold’s face. Defying the laws of physics Grape kicked into his face causing her to jump back a far enough distance to regain herself.

“That’s it, you have sealed your fate!” Griswold angrily growled holding his sprained muzzle. Grape held both of her paws in front of her, and slowly moved them to the sides. Her paws crackled with energy, and as the gap grew wider a purple energy staff was forming in it. When it gained reasonable length she grabbed the staff and assumed a battle stance.

“Weapon Arts: Bastet’s Staff!” She dashed at Griswold and hit him upside with staff causing him to fly into the air. She jumped up after him and delivered a combo of quick motions attacks on him before finally hitting him downwards into the ground.

“K’yah!” Griswold yelled as he hit the ground, forming a small crater. Grape landed, and condensed the energy staff into an energy ball. She was about to launch it, when she realized Griswold was not moving. At all.

She rushed over to his side and felt for a pulse. It was still there. Grape released a sigh of relief. Griswold soon came through. She admittedly grabbed him by his shoulders and pushed him against the tree.

“Listen cur, you lost here!” She said. Griswold was still trying to process what just happened, and just responded with a grunt. “You will tell no one about what happened here. Got that?!” Griswold just stared at her, as if traumatized. “You will not, or else next time, I will not spare you.” Grape said sternly, her yellow eyes no looking like that of the eyes of death. Griswold slowly nodded, and started whimpering. All the sudden the time freeze stopped, and his watch hit the ground. All of the collateral damage disappeared oddly. Accept for the broken glass of course. Grape stood up and stared down at him and then over to his lackeys. They were starting to get up. Griswold looked at Grape and whimpered again..

“Everyone, retreat for now.” He cried, stumbling to his and running away, tripping over himself multiple times. A half conscious Devo passed by Grape carrying Sten over his shoulder. He looked at her in a ghost like way.

“Don’t… bad mouth Bino again…” He mumbled as he passed by. Yeltsin soon followed. He appeared to be fully conscious and battle ready, but he followed Griswold’s orders. He looked at Grape and snarled.

“We will be back.” He growled. Grape didn’t show any emotions till after they were long gone. After they left, she slowly returned to her house, carefully stepping over the broken glass. After a few steps into the living room, she fell over on her knees and started crying. Res crept the door open to the room he was hiding in.

“Hey Peri, are they go- Peri?!” Res rushed over to Grape’s side. “Are you okay Peri?” He asked, half hugging half holding her.

“I… almost killed someone…” Grape said through her sobs. Res was taken back.


“I almost killed someone!”

Peanut awoke in his bed, and checked the time. 6 AM. He quickly put on his collar and rushed downstairs.

“Sorry I slept in!” Peanut apologized. Mr. Sandwich was sitting at the table reading a newspaper and Mrs. Sandwich was in the living room like the day before.

“Don’t worry sweetie,” The Mrs. said. “You’re breakfast is on the table.” Peanut nodded and took his seat. On his plate was a basic breakfast; bacon and eggs. Of course for a dog like him he was served more bacon than eggs, that the eggs ended up being the side dish. He ate his breakfast with much vigor.

“So, Peanut.” Mr. Sandwich said putting down the newspaper. “Jill told me about the scrape on your cheek.” Peanut had forgotten about it. He felt the side of his face, and sure enough there was the roughness of the scab. “Where’d you get that from?” Peanut twiddled his fingers.

“Didn’t she tell you? I tripped.” He said quietly. Mr. Sandwich leaned forward, his hands held together.

“I don’t believe that’s what happened.” He said sternly. Peanut looked down at his food.

“You’re right… that’s not what happened.” Peanut said. Mrs. Sandwich looked up from her book and at him.

“So then what did happened?” Mr. Sandwich asked. Peanut moved his egg around with his fork in thought.

“Well… I was attacked by one of the street dogs.”

“Oh!” Mrs. Sandwich dropped her book and held a hand in front of her mouth.

“Don’t worry, nothing serious. He was just… grumpy.” Peanut tried to explain. “He only hurt my cheek, nothing else. I’m okay…” Peanut tried to assure. Mr. Sandwich got up and walked next to him. He patted him on the head.

“It’s okay boy, just don’t lie to us next time.” He said as he softly patted the side of the face, and then his ear. Peanut felt the pain shoot through him, he had forgotten that Bino had also socked him in the ear. But he didn’t show any sign of pain, he didn’t want his family to worry. He finished his breakfast and put his plate into the sink. “Peanut.” Mr. Sandwich said. “I seem to have left my bag in the car, could you go get that for me?” He asked. Peanut nodded.

“Okay dad.” He said as he left the room. He opened the front door and walked out into the driveway. As he approached the car he saw a dog with blue goggles on the street watching him, smiling.
Well, here it is! What do you guys think? I would like to know so that I can improve.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really like how this is coming together! Nice job!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

Okay, now that y'all have gotten a taste of the battling, it's time to decide the theme. Yes, as HousepetZ! is based on Anime, it's only natural that it should have an Anime theme right? So, I have narrowed my selections down to 4 songs, and I would like to know which ones you guys like better. Keep in mind, this isn't a vote, it's just me asking for outside opinion.

Shounen Heart, by Home Made Kazoku:
Stand By Me, by Stereopony:
Joint, covered by Bentley Jones:
Sense of Wonder, by Idoling!!!:
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by The-J-Man »

you know i listen to all four of these songs and i dont like them (blame my taste in music), but it reminded me of this one song that i used to listen to all the time and i think it would be perfect for a main theme or a fight theme:
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

Interesting song, which reminds me. I was originally gonna use this as the theme:

But I decided that the fanfic should have a Japanese(or Japanese inspired) theme in order to get the idea across that it's, you know, anime inspired.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by The-J-Man »

SuperStar wrote:Interesting song, which reminds me. I was originally gonna use this as the theme:

But I decided that the fanfic should have a Japanese(or Japanese inspired) theme in order to get the idea across that it's, you know, anime inspired.
your gonna hate me but i just noticed that i posted the wrong song from my playlist: this is the real song
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I think that the choices in music are really great ones! Good job!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:I think that the choices in music are really great ones! Good job!
But which do you think works better?
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I think that Bentley Jones's Joint works the best.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Buster »

I must admit, the first themes that came to mind were "Ready, Steady, Go!" From Full Metal Alchemist, and bizarrely enough, "Shojo Q" from Pani Poni Dash...

...neither of which actually fit the story lyrics wise, but they have catchy tunes.

Also my mind seems to have superimposed Mustang's personality onto Rockstar Hawk now... huh... how did that happen?
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Ever since I read the latest comic, I've been picturing DVS as Ed now. xP
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

Hope you guys like talking. Cause there's a lot of it. Talking that is.

CHAPTER 4: Peanut & Joey; A Friendship
Peanut checked to see if the dog was actually watching him. He was. Peanut tried to avoid it, and was about open the car door.

“Hey.” Peanut turned and saw that the dog had approached him. “Hello there, my name is Joey.” The dog introduced himself. He handed his paw out. Peanut cautiously sniffed it.

“So, I heard you’re a cat lover.” Peanut backed into the car. Joey held up his paws. “Wow now, don’t freak out. I’m a cat lover too.” Peanut looked at Joey questioningly. “I’m serious.”

“Wow, I didn’t think I’d meet another one here. Especially not after what happened yesterday.” Peanut sighed in relief. Joey scratched the back of his head.

“It’s really tiring hiding it. There have been more than one occasion when it almost was exposed.” Joey chuckled to himself.

“How’d you keep it hidden so well?” Peanut asked. Joey’s face went dark.

“I have my ways.” Peanut gulped. “But that’s not what is important right now! I heard you do some pretty nice art.” Joey said with a smile.

“Well, I wouldn’t say it’s that good. But I’ll tell you what, I’m busy right now, but later I can show you some. Hrm, I can’t be here for certain reasons… is there anywhere we can meet up?” Peanut asked. Joey thought for a moment.

“My place. Don’t worry, none of the other dogs bother going around there.” He said confidently. Peanut smiled.

“Sounds good.”


Peanut hadn’t expected the inside of Joey’s doghouse to be so big. Sure it wasn’t that large, but it was much bigger than it appeared on the outside.

“These are really good!” Joey said as he looked through Peanut’s sketches. Eventually he came to the dog with a cat tail.

“She looks beautiful, Peanut! This is great!” Joey said enthusiastically.

“It’s nice to actually have a compliment on-”

“I want to wear her skin.” Joey said hollowly. Peanut’s eyes shrunk in surprise.

"What was that? What was that?! Do you even listen to the words coming out of your mouth?" Peanut asked exasperatedly.

"Oh please, Peanut, don't be like Bino and the others; it's just a fantasy." Joey said casually.

"An EXTREMELY disturbing one. What prompted you to say that out loud!?" Peanut questioned.

"Well come on, you're a cat lover too, haven't you ever, you know, wanted to be a cat?" Joey explained.

"Oh! You meant like... roleplaying. Right, sorry, I thought you meant something else entirely..." Peanut said, regaining his breath.

"Yeah, roleplaying! Speaking of, I do lots of D&D!" Joey said getting up and grabbing a thick book off of a desk, he sat back down and handed it to Peanut. “This is the manual I use.” Peanut looked over it.

“Cool! I always wanted to try out D&D, but I’ve never gotten the chance.” Peanut said with a smile, recovering from the previous discussion. Joey snapped his fingers.

“Hey, how bout we do a quick game! You could get some experience.” Joey offered. Peanut handed the book back to Joey.

“Sure, why not.” He said. Joey clapped excitedly.

“This is great! Ever since Bino started controlling the neighborhood dogs I’ve barely gotten a chance to do any D&D, all my former players were… drafted…” Joey said sadly. Peanut scratched his head in thought.

“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to ask. What exactly DOES Bino do?” Peanut asked. Joey let out a sigh.

“It’s all really a little confusing. But I’ll start from the beginning. Some years ago, Bino and my-erh, another dog named Fido started the first form of the Good Ol’ Dog’s Club.” Joey said. Peanut laughed a little.

“Fido and Bino, those names just go together.” Joey tried to smile and nodded.

“Back then the club was what the name said. They helped everyone in the neighborhood. They helped each other out with all their problems, they even helped the dogs that weren’t part of the club. Heck, they even helped humans when they needed something.” Joey said leaning back, reminiscing.

“And whenever Fido could, he managed to help cats out too.” Joey’s smile dropped. “That’s where the two of them were different. They both wanted the best for the neighborhood, but Bino wouldn’t recognize the cats. So for most of the time they had a truce to not attack nor help the cats.” Joey took a sip of water from a cup that was on the desk. “But then, last year everything changed…” Joey said looking down.

“Fido, he… he just disappeared, without a trace. Nobody is certain what happened, but a lot of people think Bino did something. Some even think that…” Joey put the cup back down. “...that he killed him…” Peanut gulped. “Ever since then things have been like this. With Fido gone Bino took complete control over the Good Ol’ Dog’s Club, and it became more of a street gang then a friendly community. They oppress anything Bino doesn’t agree with; cats and cat lovers for example. That’s why you won’t see many around here in the day.” Peanut looked out the window.

“Yeah I was wonder about that.” He said quietly.

“After so many attacks from Bino, most cats hide away in the outer parts of Babylon Gardens. A bit back when, things weren’t as bad for the cats though. Because of the oppression they all joined together into an underground community. They had a leader who could stand up to Bino. Whenever Bino threatened a cat their leader would challenge him. Most of the time Bino declined the challenge, and let the cat be.” Joey said getting up and going over to a drawer. “But one night, Bino attacked him out of nowhere. They fought long, and their battle took them to the forests near town.” Joey said as he rummaged through the drawer. “And then… Bino killed him.” Joey said as he closed the drawer.

“Killed him?” Peanut asked. Joey solemnly nodded. Joey sat down again.

“He really was a great cat.” He said as he handed Peanut a photograph. It was a picture of a black tuxedo cat with a wide smile and enchanting turquoise eyes. In the picture he was hugging a full black cat with yellow eyes. “That was him; Maxwell, and his sister; Sabrina.” Joey said. “Sabrina is still alive, but… no one has seen her since the day Maxwell died.” Peanut handed the photo back to Joey.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know things were so bad here. How does this all happen, can’t the humans do anything about it?” Peanut asked. Joey shook his head.

“The Miltons; the people who own this neighborhood. Whenever a human tries to do something, the Miltons just silence them. They don’t kill them of course, they just, somehow, keep them from doing anything. Because of that word doesn’t get out of the neighborhood either. Everyone outside still think of Babylon Gardens as the pet-friendly community it used to be. And that's, probably why your family came here.” Joey said. Peanut nodded.

“We had no idea it would be like this. And they still don’t. This morning, my Dad told me to tell him anything that happens. But… now I’m afraid that if I do, something terrible will happen…” Peanut said sadly. Joey patted him on the shoulder, and laughed.

“Whoops, look where I slipped off too, enough of this dramatic sobby stuff.” Joey said trying to smile. “Let’s get to some D&D.” Peanut smiled.

“Yeah, sure.” He said. Joey quickly scrambled to his desk and brought over a large sheet off paper.

“This is the map I used in my last game. I haven’t had anytime to make a new one, but I’m sure you won’t care.” He said as he laid it out. Joey slapped his head.

“Oh, silly me. I forgot. You probably should make your character first.” He said handing Peanut a piece of paper. He handed him a guidebook. “Read this part,” Joey said opening it to a page. “That should help you with creating your character.” Peanut read through it a bit, and started building his character. Joey waited, and though a bit. “Hey Peanut, I hope you don’t mind me asking. But how did you escape Bino yesterday?” Peanut put down the piece of paper.

“I was saved by someone. A cat actually.” Peanut said smiling. Joey had to fake his reaction.

“A cat? Really? Who was it?” He asked, sounding genuine. Peanut’s smile becoming bigger.

“It was this amazing purple cat.” He said. Joey put his paws together.

“You mean Princess Periwinkle? Oh...” Joey said scratching the back of his head, and blushing a little. “I hear she’s kind of cute.” He said embarrassedly. Peanut laughed.

“She’s not kind of cute, she’s very cute!” Peanut said, but then realized what he just said and blushed too. The both of them realized how awkward they were both being, and shared a laugh over themselves and eachother.


Peanut arrived home in a good mood. Though short, his game with Joey went well. Despite the scuffle yesterday, he was feeling good. The Mr and Mrs noticed his change in behavior, but they didn’t question it, they were glad about it. When Peanut went to sleep that night, he carried with him the joys of the day and the hopes for tomorrow. However, he did not anticipate what would happen to him that very night. It would change everything.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by The-J-Man »

I've never played D&D, but I've always wanted to build a character...hmm...welp I'm off to the comic store To pick up a book, may e I'll post what I make somewhere...
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really wonderful job on how this chapter has come out!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

Some serious trash get's real, NOW.

CHAPTER 5: Odd Encounters~The Forest
~Woodland critters ran through the woods as gun shots sounded out. Many fell as they were hit; their crimson droplets gently sprinkling the forest floor. But despite all the pain around him, one rabbit kept on running. He kept running. Then a hunting dog appeared from a bush in front of him and he froze in his tracks.

“No…” He said backing away. “Not now, NOT AGAIN!” He yelled as the dog pounced him.~

All the sudden the rabbit awoke, under the shelter of a tree in the middle of a groove. Out here in the forest, the stars in the night sky showed clearly. He jerked as he awoke, and that sent a pain through his side, where his injury was. He wasn’t alone, there was an opossum there, keeping an eye on him. The opossum quickly comforted him.

“Zechariah, calm down!” She said as drew the blanket around him. “You’ll disturbing your wound.”

“It… it was the dream again…” Zechariah gasped, his deep blue eyes stricken with fear. He pushed the opossum away, and struggled up to his feet, clenching his side. “I can’t keep running like this, Jessica.…” He said to the opossum as he stiffly walked away. “I must become stronger…” He said to himself. However he quickly collapsed to the grass. Jessica quickly rushed to his side.

“You dummy, your wound is starting to bleed again.” She quietly scolded as she fixed the blanket around his wound to try to stop the bleeding. However Zechariah didn’t hear her. He was slipping back to unconsciousness.

“Stronger… I must become… stronger…” He mumbled to himself as he slipped away.

Suddenly an otter broke through some bushes and entered the grove.

“I came as fast as a I could!” The otter said rushing over. “How is he?” Jessica looked at him and shook her head.

“Darnit! What was he thinking? Trying to attack a human like that…” The otter said clenching his fist.

“Calm down, Tarmac.” Jessica said.

“Calm down? Look at Zechariah! He is going to die.” Tarmac said facing reality. Jessica was about to say something when Tarmac stopped her. “I know Jessica, but there is no chance of him surviving like this. And after attacking a human like that, we lose the option to go to them for help.” Tarmac said running his paw through his headfur.

“Your friend doesn’t have to die.” All the sudden a green glow came from behind them. The turned to try to see what it was, but all they could see was the blinding green light.

“I can save your friends life.” The voice said. Jessica frowned.

“Oh yeah, and what do we have to do for you to save him?” She asked angrily.

“Nothing, I will save out of the goodness of my heart, no strings attached.” Jessica snorted.

“I don’t believe you.” She said.

“Fine, be that way. But I didn’t need your permission anyway.” The voice said.

“Wait,” Tarmac turned back to Zechariah. A green light was glowing from where his wound was, covered by the blanket. He rushed over and removed the blanket. The light had left, but the injury was gone completely, the fur had even grown back. “Sweet mother of…” Tarmac turned back to where the light came from, but found that it had left.

“What… just happened?” Jessica asked. Tarmac shook his head.

“I don’t know, but whatever it was, it saved Zechariah.” Zechariah stood up all the sudden. He turned to Jessica and Tarmac, and opened his eyes. They were lime green.


Peanut awoke quickly and looked around. There was no one there, but he knew he heard a voice.

“Must have been a dream…” He said to himself. He was about ease back into bed when it happened again.


Peanut looked around, and then all the sudden; through the window, he saw a green light shine in the far in the forest behind the house. Peanut stood there watching the light.


Peanut gulped and grabbed his collar. Within minutes he had quietly exited the house and was silently running to the forest.

He ran for a awhile, following in the direction of where the green light shown from. However he stopped when he heard a peculiar noise. He looked around him into the dark woods. All the sudden a lion like beast that appeared to be made of blue energy pounced from behind the trees at him. Peanut scrambled away for shelter. He ducked behind a tree and held his paws over his head, waiting for the end. However, the end did not come. Not today.

“Hanamesatsu!” A voice cried as a green light glew around the area and shook the ground. Peanut waited a moment, and then slowly got up. He turned back to where the beast used to be, and found that it was gone. A pile of oddly blue ashes was on the ground, and next to it was a small yellow pomeranian. The pomeranian’s eyes oddly where glowing green, but stopped soon after Peanut noticed her. Peanut backed away a little. However, the pomeranian slowly teleported towards him in a sporadic fashion. Appearing in a different area every second, getting closer slowly and slowly. Then all the sudden she was right in front of Peanut.

“Yah!” Peanut yelped as he backed up into a tree.

“There is no need for fear, oh ‘End of Flowers’.” The pomeranian said quietly. Peanut eased a little, but was still confused. “That Ion wished to take you as a sacrifice. But that is not your destiny.” The pomeranian drew her opened paw out at Peanut. She closed it, and opened it again to reveal a stopwatch. “Take this Watch of Fate. With it, your true destiny will be revealed.” She said. Peanut slowly drew his paw over, and accepted the stopwatch.

“What is this…? Who are you?” He asked. However the pomeranian did not hear his questions.

“I trust you make the right choice.” Then just as she approached Peanut; the same sporadic teleporting fashion, the pomeranian backed into the trees out of sight. Peanut looked at the watch. It was a two toned stopwatch just big enough to fit in his paw. One half was black, the other red, which was accompanied by a red wrist strap. There was a working digital clock on it, giving the time of night: 1:57. However, the digital display of the battery level appeared to be empty. Peanut clenched the watch in his hand.

“What is happening in my life…?”

Bino walked through the woods. He had entered into a secret forest grove of sorts, none only to few. As he passed by the rows of trees and bushes of flowers he was deep in thought.

Now that the mitten is on the other kitten… Bino rolled this phrase all around his mind, but he couldn’t quite remember where he had heard it before. But why did it bother him so much? If he couldn’t remember where it came from, then it wasn’t important right. He stopped in his tracks, looking at a empty meadow in front of him. He reached into his collar and took out a dark green stopwatch. He clicked the single button and the whole world darkened around him as all stopped moving. The branches stopped swaying and the wind stopped blowing. Even the flower petals and leaves stopped in the air. However, more happened than just the world freezing. The once empty meadow was now inhabited by a large archaic designed temple. Bino approached the large door, and it slid open on it’s own. He entered into a large empty chamber. The door slid shut. He walked into the center of the room, and sat down. He crossed his arms and started meditating.

Grand Gyphon, The Executor of Guile, My Lord…

Midpoint of Dominance…

It has been 10 days since you were suppose to return, and Babylon Gardens is starting to restless. There has been more fighting back…

Patience my boy, patience. All good things come in time. So until then… STOP CALLING ME AT 2 IN THE MORNING!

Bino’s closed eyes squinted and his ears twitched.

Apologies Grand Gryphon! But, if you will allow it, I wish to stay here longer for my own thoughts

Carry on, Midpoint of Dominance, I will not stop you

Back at the Good Ol’ Dog’s Club, Rex was having in interesting conversation. Earlier that night, Griswold after wandering all throughout the neighborhood returned to clubhouse and just fell against a wall. Devo and Sten were present as well, but all they could tell Rex was that they were knocked out by the Princess. Yeltsin hadn’t showed up oddly enough. Rex tried to ask him what happened but he wouldn’t get any answers. Rex held Griswold firm by the shoulders.

“Griswold, please, for both of us, tell me… what happened?” Rex asked sincerely. Griswold slowly looked at Rex, and then started a mixture of hysterical laughing and crying. Rex dropped Griswold and paced away thinking.

“Griswold… you know I don’t want to have to do this…” Rex said. “But if Bino was here, he would do it no question. And he left me in charge…” Rex said turning to Griswold with his eyes narrowed. “I must do what Bino would, or else I have failed him.” He took out a gray stopwatch. “Griswold, tell me, now. Please.” Rex asked a final time. Griswold however just kept on with his hysteria, cradling his face in his hands while curled up in the corner. Rex sighed. “I’m sorry, Gris.” He clicked the button and time froze. Rex pulled a fist back and it crackled with dark red energy. He dashed at Griswold. “Hi-mach-doi!” Rex yelled as he threw the punch. A giant red fist of energy radiated from his hand, but before it could do anything Griswold started glowing. "Oh come, I never get to use this thing!" Rex said as he turned off his attack.

“Ehhheheh, wa?” Griswold said painfully. All over his body was dematerializing into white particles.

“Oh my…” Sten said in surprise.

“...Dog.” Devo finished. Rex clenched his fists. "What happened to him?"

“I’m sorry Gris, I truly am.” Rex said as the last of Gris disappeared. Rex, his head down low. He turned to the two other dogs. "It was a late affect of some sort of injury he suffered earlier. That's all I can assume anyway." He left the room silently. Devo and Sten looked at each other.

“What are we going to tell his girlfriends?” Devo asked.

“How am I supposed to kno-Wait, ‘girlfriends’? As in plural?” Sten asked. Devo nodded.

“This guy was sick now that I think about it.” Sten said quietly.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by The-J-Man »

Awesome...just awesome
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This is simply a beautiful piece of work.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

CHAPTER 6: Turning Point~Reveal

Peanut climbed in through the window back into his room. He lazily put the watch onto his desk, and pulled back the sheets to get back into bed. However just then Mr. Sandwich opened the door.

“Oh Peanut dear, good you’re awake, would you come down to breakfeast?” She asked. Peanut lazily put the sheets back into place.

“Just making my bed…” He said tiredly.

Peanut slapped his face to awaken himself, and followed her downstairs. After some breakfeast Peanut told the Mr. and Mrs. about the yesterday, about Joey. It seemed to put them at ease to know that he had a friend, and Peanut hoped that would hold the ground for now.

Before Peanut left yesterday they agreed to meet up at Joey’s place again the next day, so Peanut grabbed his bag and got ready to head out.

“Wait…” Peanut said to himself. He saw the stopwatch from the night before on his desk, and remembered everything. “How could I have forgotten about this…” Peanut said picking it up. He decided he’d ask Joey about it, so he put it into his bag and was just about to leave.

“Peanut.” Mr. Sandwich called to him right as he reached the door. “Me and Jill will be out for most of today, here.” Mr. Sandwich handed him a housekey. “We’ll probably still be gone by the time you get back.” Peanut took the key and nodded.

“Kay, dad.”

Peanut didn’t think he’d ever feel so comfortable walking through Babylon Gardens. However he soon felt tense again. All the sudden it seemed that the whole world went dark and everything appeared to freeze. Except for him.


All the sudden he heard a loud booming noise and something crashed into the tree not to far from him. He quickly turned to see what it was and saw a glowing indigo light dash out of the tree into the sky towards an oncoming green one. Peanut quickly scrambled behind a bush and watch from the sidelines. The two lights seemed to be fighting in midair. He heard loud noises, like fists hitting each other accept they echoed everywhere.


An even louder noise went out as the indigo one was hit to the road below. It caused a small crater in the road, and the aura disappeared. Peanut cautiously approached it, and found that inside the crater was Grape.

“Grape?!” Peanut asked startled. However the cat didn’t seem to notice him. She struggled up and then ran out of the crater, building up another crackling aura around her.

“Nile’s Rope!” She shouted as she released a line of energy up at the green aura. The energy wrapped around it, and she pulled it down to her level. When the green hit the ground it’s aura dispersed, revealing it to be Bino.

“What the-” Peanut covered his mouth to make sure no one noticed him.

“I knew you were trouble kitty.” Bino said crackling with energy. “You may of beaten me last time, but now it’s for real. Today, I’m gonna put you down!” Bino threw his arms to his side and two giant aura wings appeared around him.

“Wings of the Gryphon!” He dashed at Grape and sliced her with the energy. Grape was hit back crashing through one of the houses. Peanut starting backing away hoping he wouldn’t be seen, when all the sudden a bright blue light was in his eyes, and then he found himself behind a house. Joey was there with him.

“Peanut? What are you doing here?! Why you moving?!” The dog asked astoundedly. Peanut just shrugged. Joey grabbed Peanut by the shoulders.

“You got to tell me, are you sided with the Gryphon?!” Joey asked quickly.

“What Gryphon?” Peanut asked. Joey let out a sigh of relieve.

“Oh thank goodness… where’s your watch?”

“What watch?” Peanut asked.

“A stopwatch, don’t tell me you’re here and you don’t have one.” Joey said.

“How’d you know I have a stopwatch?!’ Peanut asked amazed. Joey rolled his eyes, and revealed that he was carrying a bright blue watch.

“Wow…” Peanut said. Joey suddenly grabbed Peanut and jumped to the side. Just as Bino came crashing through the house they were hiding behind.

“You’re in deep with the dogs!” He shouted as he ran out. Joey recollected his thoughts.

“Okay, we got to get this done quick. I need to get you to Max.” He said quickly.

“Max? As in the cat?” Peanut asked. Joey nodded.

“I thought you said he was dead.” Peanut said.

“Yeah well, I HAD to keep out the later part!” Joey said grabbing Peanut and running quickly to the next house. “The battle perimeter doesn’t engulf the whole town though, so we got to head to my place to prepare.

“Prepare with what?” Next thing Peanut knew they were inside Joey’s doghouse. Joey was rummaging through a drawer, and took out what appear to be a clutter of blue fur. He threw it at Peanut to catch. Peanut clumsily caught it.

“What is this?”

“There’s no time to explain, just put it on!”

Through an alleyway on the outer parts of Babylon Gardens where the battle did not reach, and time flowed normally, two awkward cats walked down. Their fur didn’t match their faces, one being a dark orange the other an odd green-blue color. Oh, also their faces looked like dogs. The orange once seemed confident, but the green-blue one looked uneasy.

“Just stick close to me, Peanut and everything will go well.” The orange one said.

“Right, Joey. Just would you tell me, uh, WHY ARE-”

“Shh! We’re here.” At the end of the alley there appeared to be a planked off area. In front of it was an orange cat with purple eyes. Joey approached the cat.

“We’re here for him.” Joey said while making an odd hand signal. The cat nodded, and backed up. He pushed against some of the planks, and shifted his weight a little. The planks moved just enough for someone to slip through. Joey ushered Peanut through the opinion. The orange cat looked at Peanut oddly. “New guy.” Joey explained with a shrug. Just as he was about to follow in, he turned to the cat. “Take it easy Marv.” The cat nodded.

“Yeah you too.”

Beyond the planks was what appeared to be some sort of hidden hideout for cats. It was sort of like a pub, but not nearly as dangerous. As soon as they entered they were greeted by a grey tabby cat waitress.

“Welcome to Heathcliff’s.” She said.

“We’re here for Max.” Joey said. The cat nodded. It was at this point that Peanut actually started getting suspicious.

“Right this way.” She led them to a door that appeared to lead into a small shack. “Good day, cats.” The waitress said in an almost joking way. Peanut wondered if she could tell. She probably could. Any idiot with half a brain could tell.

Upon entering the shack Joey started taking off the fursuit. “You can take yours off too if you want.” He said as he fumbled with it. “I may like cats, but I can’t stand this thing! Sure at the start it’s okay, but then you get all hot and sweaty, and when you take it off it sort of stick to your own fur!” Joey complained all the while Peanut fumbled with his own. Peanut had to admit, it was very weird. Joey lead Peanut into the back of the shack, where they found a black tuxedo cat enjoying a drink.

“What is so important, that you have to disturb me now?” The cat asked without looking up.

“Eh, Max. What are you doing? And what’s with the drink?” Joey asked. Max stopped.

“I was uh, doing a thing.”

“Well, I found another Vassal, Max.” Joey said plainly. The cat threw his drink away leading to a loud shatter noise and looked up. Upon seeing Peanut, he grabbed him and pulled him down onto the table.

“Where did you get that watch?” He hissed. Peanut whimpered a little.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to get one! It just happened!” Peanut said in defence.

“But where did you get it?” Max asked again.

“I don’t know exactly, a Pomeranian gave it to m-”

“This Pomeranian, was it a girl.” Peanut nodded.

“Did she have yellow eyes?”

“Yes.” Max let Peanut off the table, and thought a moment.

“What was on her collar?” He asked. Peanut tried to remember the events of last night.

“I believe it was an old Egyptian symbol, an eye of some kind.” He said a little slowly. Max slammed his fist into his open paw.

“That settles it!” He said as if in triumph. “Where did you see her, and when?” He asked.

“It was in the forest, last night.” Peanut said. Max snapped his fingers.

“Carp! She’s probably long gone by now!” He said to himself. There was a moment of silence.

“So… I thought you were dead.” Peanut said bluntly. Max looked at him as if in question.

“Joey, he told me that you; Max, were dead.” Peanut said again. Max simply nodded.

“Yes, Max did die that day against Bino. When he was revived, he was no longer the cat he use to be. He is now just a Vassal, the Searcher of Acceptance.” Max said while looking away. He then looked Peanut straight in the eye.

“You have know idea what you did accepting that watch. You have accepted to partake in the Game, and you can’t leave.” Max said directly. “You need to make a decision. Will you fight for the Gryphon along with the likes of Bino, or will you stand with the oppressed and fight for the Dragon? What you say next will make you either our ally, or enemy.”
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This chapter really is intense! Marvelous job on it!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by The-J-Man »

oh fateful decisions, they always bring on the right kind of drama!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

Sorry, no Chapter this week. I've been having issues with my chapter buffer. I haven't run out, it's just that recently my environment hasn't been as relaxing, so progress has been slower. I want to enlarge my buffer a bit before resuming updates. Don't worry, hopefully there'll be an update next week.
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by The-J-Man »

i know what you mean
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Its understandable that you need a break! I'm sure we all look forward to seeing what the next chapter will be when you get around to it!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

Okay, a little late, but here it is! Note, this chapter includes a bloody arm, but nothing detailed really. Also, hope this chapter doesn't seem to awkward.

CHAPTER 7: Undecided Decision~Reunion

Peanut slowly seated himself. “I don’t know! How am I supposed to make a decision like that? I don’t know anything that’s happening!” Peanut answered, a little annoyed. Joey looked at Max.

“Does that make him our ally or enemy?” He asked. Max facepalmed.

“Come on, Joey! This is why nobody wants to hang out with you!” Max grumbled. Max took his seat again.

“Okay, I guess I’ll have to do the exposition.” Max said as Peanut got a little comfortable. “How do I put this simply… oh well, you’ve seen weird stuff already right? Good, so. Our world, or rather our universe, isn’t alone.” Max said bluntly.

“We live in just one of the many different Dimensions. Dimension are all connected like a tree, some higher some lower. The are sub dimension which or like pocket realities, then there are dimensions like our own, consisting of an entire universe. And then above those is the Celestial Plane. The Celestial Plan is higher than our own, so the inhabitants of that dimension have powers over reality which we cannot grasp.

“One of these celestial beings, who we know only as “the Gryphon” came to our dimension, to try and… well we don’t really know why, but, throw the balance of the world out of control. Rules that have been set since the beginning of time would be forgotten. But another celestial being followed after him to stop him, she is called “the Dragon”. We aren’t really sure how long they’ve been here, but it’s been a long time.” Max took a pause, and took a gulp of his drink.

“We aren’t sure when, but the Gryphon recruited Bino and started working on gaining the authority over Babylon Gardens. Again, we aren’t sure why here. I would often clash with Bino, trying to keep balance in the community. But then he broke out on me, he revealed he had joined forces with the celestial being and killed me.” Max said directly.

“But I wasn’t dead for long, the Dragon revived me. She told me to leave Babylon as fast as I could, but I refused. The Dragon had given me new life, I wasn’t gonna leave her without anything in return. So I vowed to help her against the Gryphon. And here I am now, the Seeker of Acceptance, the one chosen to train that which will be the Dragon’s champion.” He said as he toyed with his cup a little in his paw.

“After I was revived I went into hiding, if Bino knew not only that I was alive but working for the Dragon all of Hel would be broken loose. But with the help of a select few of my old friends I was able to find someone with promise of being a champion. It was… erh, Princess Periwinkle.” Max said as the atmosphere broke.

“You mean Grape?” Peanut asked. Max looked at him.

“How do YOU know her nickname?” He asked. Peanut scratched the back of his head.

“I gave it to her actually.” He said with a small laugh. Max stared hard at him.

“You mean you’ve already met her?” He asked. Peanut shrugged.

“Well, I met her once, she saved me from Bino.” Peanut said.

“Is that so…” Max said thinking. “Anyway. Before I go any further, I must explain to you who that Pomeranian was… She used to be the Dragon’s Champion. However, she went through too much.” Peanut looked at him.

“What do you mean by “too much”?”

“Well, I only know as much as the Dragon has told me, but here is what she says. The Pomeranian’s name is Tarot, and supposedly her body and mind wasn’t strong enough to handle the Celestial powers, and eventually it ended up clouding her mind. When she was told that she would be replaced, she appeared to take this as an offense and refused to stop fighting against the Gryphon. She left claiming that she would fight till her last breath, that she would help defeat the Gryphon, however… Due to her clouded mind she believes that handing Fate-watches someone will automatically make them fight against the Gryphon.”

“What’s a “Fate-watch” exactly?” Peanut asked.

“Well, it’s what you have. What it does is supposedly limitless. It grants the holder access to untold celestial powers. It also allows users to cloak their supernatural battles.” Max explained. “There’s still so much more to them, but we can only access so much. Anyway, Tarot has been handing appearing and disappearing all over handing out these watches. Some people have no idea what happened and just throw away the watches, while some find out their potential and get lost in this whole mess. They don’t know what’s happening and have to choose a side, or end up getting crushed in between. Joey was one of those who Tarot gave a watch. Luckily I found him before anything could happen.” Max further explained. Peanut rubbed his forehead in thought.

“All of this info… but there’s just one thing I need to know…” Peanut said quietly.

“And that is?” Max asked.

“What will happen if the Dragon wins?” Max’s ears dropped a little.

“I… I don’t know…” Max admitted. Peanut rose out of his chair.

“Seriously?! You are working for this otherworldly being, you want me to do the same, and yet you don’t even know the being’s highest goal?” Peanut questioned. Both Joey and Max looked down a little.

“...True, you have no reason to trust us… But I’ll give you one.” Max said. Peanut was about to leave, but turned when he said that.

“And that is?”

“If you step out that door right now, you become our enemy.” Max said, his claws starting to appear. Joey looked at Max worriedly.

“But Ma-”

“Not now, Joey.” Max said as clenched his fists. “So… what will it be?”


Peanut scrambled out of the alley as quick as he could. He looked behind him, but no one appeared to be chasing him. He ran for a bit, and then ducked into another alley for cover. He slid down and caught his breath. However, he found that of which he did not expect in the alley. Slumped behind a dumpster was an unconscious Grape! Peanut rushed over. Her pulse was okay, but her left arm was red with blood, he cringed at the site of it.

“I should get some help-No wait… no, not in this society.” Peanut said. He thought a moment, when an idea struck him. “I hope this works…” He took out his Fate-Watch and clicked the button. Sure enough everything around him froze. He gently picked up Grape, but paused upon realizing that he was touching her. Despite her tough nature, she felt rather fragile. He crept from out of the alley, and did his best to hurry home.

On the way to his house he found multiple dogs on the lookout, but none of them appeared to have had watches, as they were frozen with everything else, but nonetheless Peanut still remained on lookout. When he reached home he quickly unlocked the door, entered, and locked the door.

“Should I…” Peanut said to himself as he considered whether he should turn the watch off. However the watch answered for him, and the timefreeze turned off on it’s own. “Huh, must be a time limit or something…”

He set Grape on the couch and started silently panicking. What was he suppose to do? What if his folks got back at a time like this. He had to do something about her injury and the bleeding. He knew he should probably get a towel something, but what would happen if someone found a bloody towel?

“Ugh, stupid Peanut!” He said to himself, deciding that this wasn’t the time to worry about afterwards. He grabbed a towel and examined the wound, only to find that it appeared to have healed completely. Sure, the blood was still there, but there was no injury. Peanut gently taped the towel against her arm to soak of the blood, when all the sudden Grape jerked awake, and Peanut fell back in surprise. Grape lunged at him and pressed him against the floor.

“Ow! Hey hey hey!” Peanut complained. Grape let him go upon realizing who he was. She felt a pain through her arm, and fell back onto the couch. Peanut darted up. “Okay, don’t worry! I found you out cold in an alleyway, you appear to have an injury on your arm.”

“Yeah, I know, thank you.” Grape said snarkily, holding her arm. Peanut quickly poured her a glass of water and handed it to her. She was about to accept it with her right arm, but then grabbed it with her left. She quickly took a swig. “Thanks.” She said, this time sincerely. Peanut awkwardly sat down on the couch, sort of next to her, but a bit away.

“So... “ Grape said quietly, unsure of what to say about the whole matter.

“It’s okay, don’t worry, I know everything.” Peanut said. She looked at him in surprise.

“What? How?”

“...Max.” Peanut said after some thought. He then revealed his watch. Grape looked at it.

“So then… you’ve joined the fight?” She asked. Peanut shook his head.

“No, I don’t plan to join any fight.” He said putting the watch away. Grape quieted herself. When she was about to say something Peanut spoke.

“Max said that I’m his enemy now.” He said. Grape thought for a moment.

“I don’t think an enemy would help me.” She said. Peanut nodded.

“I know, but Max seems very set on his views.” He said. Grape just nodded.

“He is very determined to get his job done without complication. He doesn’t want to believe there is a gray, he wants everything to be black and white. But when he tried to make it so, he just ends up making more gray.” She said after finishing her water.

“Then why do you stick with him?” Peanut asked. Grape looked down in thought.

“I believe in his cause. To stop Bino.” She answered.

“But you don’t need Max,” Peanut said as he got up and refilled her glass. “There’s got to be another reason.” He said handing her the glass. “You like him don’t you?”

“What?! No!” Grape denied, blushing through her fur. She quickly took the glass and gulped it down. “That’s nonsense! It’s just he’s… influential. Back in the day, he’s what made me believe that cats really could stand up to Bino, he’s what made me start trying my own.” Grape said slowly lowering her glass down onto the table. Peanut looked at her, and there was a moment of silence. Peanut then remembered her bloody arm.

“Maybe you… want to clean that?” Peanut offered. Grape looked up at him. “You could use the shower, it’s the second door to the left upstairs.” Peanut said, stumbling with his words. Grape was quiet a moment, and then nodded. She slowly got up, and left for the shower.

“Thanks.” She said, again being sincere. Peanut just remembered.

“You probably should hurry, my folks will be back soon. I wouldn’t want them coming back and finding I invited a… uh… a girl while the were gone.” Peanut said awkwardly. Grape looked at him.

“You’re such a gentleman.” She said with a laugh.


Peanut was watching TV when Grape came back down.

“Well, this is ‘later’ for now.” Grape said.

“Is your home safe?” Peanut asked. Grape shook her head.

“Now that Bino knows who I am I can’t go back there. I’m gonna have to hideout with Max for now.” She said.

“Well then, see you later… Grape.” Peanut said, trying to smile.

“Right, later.” Grape said as she opened the back door, and vanished into the dark. Peanut stood there, just staring out for a bit.

“Grape…” He quickly recollected his thoughts and shut the door.


Res was deep asleep when the window silently opened. A shadow crept in, and loomed over Res. The shadow was Grape. She gave Res a light kiss on the forehead.

“Goodbye Res…”
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This chapter is very emotional near the end! Wonderful job!
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Re: HousepetZ!: Babylon Saga

Post by SuperStar »

Sorry for late update!

CHAPTER 8: Soberness; New Relations

A gray husky lay across the couch reading a book. He wore headphones, listening to Swimming With Dolphins. The door opened and a burly blonde man walked by.

“Dad.” The husky said formally.

“Hey there, Fox.” The man said ruffling up the dog’s headfur.

“Anything?” Fox asked. The man shook his head.

“Sorry, nothing.” Fox just sighed and nodded. He picked up his book and left to his room. He got cozy on his bed, and grabbed a letter from of his dresser.

~Dear Fox,
How are things over there “City-Slicker”? Things have been okay here. Me and Daddy finally got the old tractor working again, it was fun to help. Do you remember Marge? From the neighboring farm? Well, she had a litter just recently, and they are adorable! Wish you could see ‘em!
And the greatest thing happened to me recently. You know how you’re always saying I need to get a boyfriend? Well now I do! His name is King, he’s the sweetest corgi you’ll ever meet. We met when he and his owner; who is a friend of Daddy’s, came to help fix around the house. Despite his small size, he has lots of energy and strength. I can’t wait for you two to meet each other, I’m sure you’ll be fast friends! Looking forward to your next visit!
Signed, Your Country Cousin; Bailey~

Fox smiled reading through the letter again. But this letter was a month old. Usually the letters were fast in getting here, but ever since this one they seemed to have stopped coming. Fox wasn’t a social person, not ever since Bino started running things. He spent most of his time indoors, and the one thing that kept him positive in the messed up town was keeping in contact with his cousin. But now that even seems to have stopped. He heard a motorcycle start up. His father was off again. Fox got up and looked out the window, watching the motorcycle drive off, but then he noticed something else. An odd, hooded figure was stumbling along the streets, and then appeared to faint.


Tarmac sat in front of the river, staring at his reflection. Then a second reflection appeared in the water, and Tarmac turned to see Zechariah standing there. His eyes were still unnervingly green, but he now wore some sort of green mantle. “Zechariah.” Tarmac said, acknowledging his presence.

“Tarmac.” Zechariah said in response.

“I hear you’ve been busy.” Tarmac said. Zechariah nodded.

“Yes I have. The forces I have put together are strong, but I still need you.” He said directly.

“Zechariah, don’t you think that maybe you are going a little too far-”

“Tarmac! We are talking about humans here, there is never too far with them. You know that yourself.” Zechariah said sternly. Tarmac looked back into the river, and remembered the reflection of another otter. “They killed Gambit, you remember that.” Tarmac nodded slowly.

“Fine, I will stand with you, but only because you are my friend. I trust in you.” Tarmac said putting his paw on Zechariah’s shoulder. Zechariah smiled.

“Fine decision, friend.” He whipped his paw around, and pointed it towards the sky. All the sudden lightning struck his hand, and when it stopped there was a glowing light in his hand. He gave it to Tarmac.

“You will be my second-in-command. Together, we will finally take vengeance to the humans for all the animals they have killed.”


Fox rushed out into the streets and up to the now collapsed hooded person. He looked around to see if anyone else was around. No, of course not, it was night. Upon being closer, he could now tell that it was a dog, but it was covered by a black trenchcoat of some sort. The dog still seemed to be conscious, just couldn’t walk.

“Hey, uh, sir. Do you need help?” Fox asked nervously.

“Naaaaa man… Im alriiiiit….” The dog moaned. Fox then realized the intoxicating odor of a Orange Soda.

“Ugh, Dad’s gonna hate me for this.” He said as he hoisted up the dog. He felt what seemed to be surge of energy run through him as he touched the dog. He however just shrugged this off.

“H-h-heeeeey man… Wheeeere d'ya think yeeeeer taking me?” The dog said as he brought him inside. The dog struggled and fell down onto the floor. He pulled himself up and leaned on the couch. “Ah yeeeeeeeah… this is a nice couuuch.” Fox groaned and sat down on the chair a bit away from the couch.

“What am I doing…?” He asked himself.

“Har! I was just about to ask you the same!” The hung-over dog joked.

“Ugh.” Fox said getting up. He went into the kitchen and got a glass of water. He handed it to the dog. “Take this, it might help you.” He said. The dog took it and sniffed it.

“Now what you tryin’ to pull on meh? This is wata’!” He complained. Fox groaned.

“I’m sorry, but I believe we are all out of Orange Soda.” He said through his teeth. The dog snorted.

“Very well.” He said as he drank it. All the sudden his eyes popped, and he gulped the rest of it down. He threw the cup at Fox, who just managed to catch it. “Get me some more!” Fox hurriedly refilled it and handed it over. The dog took another gulp. “That’s pretty good.” He said quietly. Fox eased back into the chair.

“So… You from around here?” Fox asked. The dog shook his head.

“No, I’m from out of state.” He said. Fox nodded.

“I see. So, uh, what brings you here to Babylon Gardens?” Fox asked. The dog put his cup down.

“I’m looking for someone.” He said quietly.

“And your hangover is because?” Fox asked. The dog chuckled a little.

“I got drunk, duh.” He said.

“No, I mean like, why did you get drunk?” Fox asked clearer.

“Just a hobby of mine.” The dog replied casually. “Well, I should probably get moving.” The dog said getting up to his feet.

“No wait,” Fox said. The dog looked at him. “You’re still hungover, and it’s night time. Just stay here the night. Don’t worry, I’ll explain it to my Father.” Fox assured. The dog sat back down, and smiled a little.

“You call your owner “Father”, how quaint.” The dog couldn’t help but smile. The dog got comfortable on the couch. “Well, I’m gonna get a little shuteye now. Thanks for helping me.” He said.

“Wait, one last thing.” Fox said. The dog’s ears pointed signifying he had his attention. “What’s your name?”

“Heh, like I’d tell you.”


“Bino! I’m glad you made it back!” Rex said as Bino entered. “I saw your fight! You did rather well!” Rex said, trying to be applauding.

“Cram it Rex.” Bino said angrily. “The cat got away.” He snorted.

“Oh, also Bino. I should tell you, the Deliverance of Fate is here.” Rex said. Bino turned to him. “Why didn’t you tell me?!”

“Sorry Bino, he’s in the main room.” Bino hurried into the main room, and found a mostly brown furred ferret with black shades sitting with his legs propped up on the table.

“Ah, you’re back.” The ferret said with some indifference.

“What is it, Keene?” Bino asked. The ferret looked offended.

“Not Keene, Mr. Milton if you will.” He said proudly. “Let’s not forget who it was that gave you your power.” Keene said as he swung a Fate-Watch around his finger by the strap.

“I don’t even need you anymore.” Bino growled. “You know very well that I have reached the same level as you.”

“Oh yes, I’m quite aware of what you did in the woods. Quite a noble deed actually, saving the life of that rabbit.” Keene mused. Bino snorted.

“It was about nobility, it was strategy. That rabbit will be a valuable member very soon.” Bino said. “He carried a “Will” not seen that often in souls. The “Opener of Ways” Will, it’s a truly influential will, it will garner him many followers.” Bino explained. Keene laughed a little.

“But not quite as powerful as my “Deliverance of Fate”.” He said as two Fate-Watch appeared in his hands, and he started juggling them in an almost bragging way. All the sudden they heard a loud noise and lightning flashed out in the wood. “What was that?” Keene asked unnerved a little. Bino held his muzzle and laughed.

“Look around yourself old man, pretty soon the kids will be surpassing you.” Bino said smuggly.

“I’m not old.” Keene retorted. Bino smiled.

“You sure will feel old when you’re left eating wet pet food through a straw.”