SRP: Snow Tunnels

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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Happiness Designer »

Quinn kept following the wisps forwards to Markus's home. As he walked he relayed the ways to cast the spells he had learned, making sure not to forget them.
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by kurowolfe »

Maut listened intently to Gunthar's explanation on the healing spell, and using one unsheathed claw, he drew the glowing symbol he saw hovering over the baker's paw with the dirt on the ground. An equal sign with three diagonal lines hovering inside a potion bottle symbol, he thought. How interesting, the life's equal, crossed by the three facets of the living psyche inside the international symbol for magical healing.

He was so focused that he failed to notice the blue and orange collie dog rushing up to him and bopping him on the nose. As expected, this immediately triggered his sneezing, only this time he went in a fit. Trying his best to cover his muzzle with both paws, he sneezed into them about 15 times in rapid succession before finally stopping, each sneeze causing an echo to emanate through the caverns. By the end of that bout, the mutt was physically exhausted and slumped onto the very symbol he drew on the ground, wheezing and grunting for breath, massaging his covered chest with one paw.

It took Maut a few minutes before he finally recovered from that fit, with a sigh of relief. His eyes were now watery and red from the exertions though. He growled under his breath, his teeth bared in a snarl and his eyes burning a spot on the empty ground.

"That is why I can't let anyone touch my nose, that hurts!"

He turned around, the growl still resounding through his vocal cords looking for that **** collie. But he was gone!

"Now where did that rascal go?"

((OOC: TL;DR - Maut sneezed a lot, and now's he cross at Jack lol))

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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Ace11 »

"For one who knows nothing of Diamas you speak its language well." A slight shock made its way through Echos body as he felt the link allowing them to have this conversation begin to erode at a rapid pace"However there is not enough time to linger on that.Please tell me all you can of this location before the link breaks I'm afraid I can't hold it for much longer."
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by xhunterko »

Gunthar nodded.

"There's specialty magic just for that," he said to Cyro, and, then placing his hand over Maut's nose, "Just like there's specialty magic, just for this." A strange archaic symbol quickly flashed over Maut's nose.

"That, should take care of THAT problem," Gunthar said.
All it took was a noise and a poof of smoke. It was then that Echo suddenly found himself inside the throne room of a crystalline ice palace.

"There, I like communicating face to face any ways," said a lady she-wolf sitting on the throne dressed in white robes.

"In case you were worried about this so called, weakening line, this should put your mind at rest, now," she said, "Arreserth, is a plane. A mirror to your own. How or why you are here is of no consequence. I can only guide you for a short time as to what to do. That is our job. If you want it, that is."
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

"This healing magic isn't limited to being used on others, right?" Flynn asked. "I could heal myself while fighting?"
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Roarin »

Gil continued to snooze and rest. Hopefully some REM sleep would help organize his thoughts and help make a plan for what to do next.
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Serence Frostbite »

kurowolfe wrote:Maut listened intently to Gunthar's explanation on the healing spell, and using one unsheathed claw, he drew the glowing symbol he saw hovering over the baker's paw with the dirt on the ground. An equal sign with three diagonal lines hovering inside a potion bottle symbol, he thought. How interesting, the life's equal, crossed by the three facets of the living psyche inside the international symbol for magical healing.

He was so focused that he failed to notice the blue and orange collie dog rushing up to him and bopping him on the nose. As expected, this immediately triggered his sneezing, only this time he went in a fit. Trying his best to cover his muzzle with both paws, he sneezed into them about 15 times in rapid succession before finally stopping, each sneeze causing an echo to emanate through the caverns. By the end of that bout, the mutt was physically exhausted and slumped onto the very symbol he drew on the ground, wheezing and grunting for breath, massaging his covered chest with one paw.

It took Maut a few minutes before he finally recovered from that fit, with a sigh of relief. His eyes were now watery and red from the exertions though. He growled under his breath, his teeth bared in a snarl and his eyes burning a spot on the empty ground.

"That is why I can't let anyone touch my nose, that hurts!"

He turned around, the growl still resounding through his vocal cords looking for that **** collie. But he was gone!

"Now where did that rascal go?"
"Let it go darling , he was just having some fun , just like the rest of us should" Muiva said , smiling while tapping Maut's shoulder
xhunterko wrote:Gunthar nodded.

"There's specialty magic just for that," he said to Cyro, and, then placing his hand over Maut's nose, "Just like there's specialty magic, just for this." A strange archaic symbol quickly flashed over Maut's nose.

"That, should take care of THAT problem," Gunthar said.
"That's pretty neat , say Gunthar , would there happen to be somewhere like a spell book library somewhere ? just asking ."
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Legotron123 »

Jack ran up to Anubis as he watched the marks disappear.Thank goodness, pant, I found you before the marks completely disappeared. He said, still exhausted from the ran. Gunthar said any marks you made wouldn't last long, pant, so I ran to make sure we didn't lose you. That and I was worried that guy would get upset for me bopping him on the nose. I know I shouldn't have, but once I heard it'd make him sneeze, pant, I couldn't resist. He paused as realization hit. Now that I think about it, my paw prints aren't going to last long either, so the rest of the group still has no way of tracking us.
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis patted jack on the shoulder. "gunthar should be able to give them instructions or another map. Decides im very curious of this markus fellow, Lets go." Anubis said leading him and jack ahead following the map. Anubis made equal markings on the map as they went bettering his ways of travel if needing to go elsewhere
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by hypernovatic »

"Cool." Cryo said, bouncing up and down a bit.
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Happiness Designer »

Quinn kept walking along the snowy path. As he walked small snowflakes fell around him. I have to be getting close, he thought as his paws padded down on the had snow.
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by kurowolfe »

Maut very much flinched when Gunthar cupped his nose with his hand, and braced himself for the incoming sneezes. What happened instead though was one of the most calming sensations enveloping his muzzle, and his nasal passage clearing up immensely after all these years. He breathed in, and his sense of scent was markedly improved.

"Wow, that was awesome!" Even his voice sounded a little more lively, akin to a young cub's. "Thank you Gunthar!" All traces of vengeance against Jack was soon forgotten, and the dog wagged his tail.

He then tried practicing the healing spell the baker had just taught, but instead of just imagining the symbols to came up, he swiftly drew the symbol on the air. His hand moved elegantly in quick strokes, in stark contrast to his foreboding look, and when the image appeared, he appeared to 'push' the symbol with one paw like a palm strike.

<I dunno whether the stones have regenerated. If not, no stones. If yes, 3 stones to attempt drawing the symbol and executing the spell at no one in particular>

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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Ace11 »

Echo coughed as he waved his hands in fornt of him in an attempt to clear the smoke from his eyes.Once he accomplished this he took in his surroundings marveling in its beauty before his eyes landed on the she-wolf.Quickly he pulled down his hood and kneeled"Forgive me Goddess I did not know you were the one who I had contacted."
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by xhunterko »

ooc: The pets have been taken to Sparkton and the roleplay is on break until I get back from vacation. RandomGeekNamedBrent will be in charge on 7/8 until 7/24. Have fun! Remember, the turn sequence has been dropped! So anyone may post whenever now! But be nice and let everyone have at least 1 post in Sparkton!

"Yer welcome, just don't forget this kindness," Gunthar said to Maut.

"You could definitely do that, but then you wouldn't be able to attack, or anything else, one spell at a time," Gunthar said to Flynn.

"The book would be in the fourth tier floor in the university of healers in the city of Antwain 500 miles from here. So no, you won't be reading it any time soon, travelers like yourselves are limited to certain areas of Arreserth only. And it usually isn't very large," Gunthar said to Muiva. Then a curious thing happened, a glittering disco ball pumping pop music from nowhere appeared in the faces of each of the pets. It lit up to an ultra bright, brilliant light, and then in a moment, each were gone.

"Oh dear," Gunthar said.
"Mhmm, I haven't been called goddess in a long while, but to each his own," the she wolf said, "Now, as you were saying...oh no." The disco ball appeared before Echo and made him disappear as well.
In another pocket dimension, an island floating in space, the pets reappeared in a town center with Gothic buildings and cobbled streets and gas lamps, and monsters of every shape and size as residents milling about. They appeared in the town center, which was arranged like an 8 pronged wheel, with streets heading away from the prongs. There were shops, and diners, and it seemed as if the whole town was in celebration of, Halloween? The center of the town was flat and circular, with a stone sign bearing the towns name, Sparkton. On each of the central spokes, there were identical circles with with buildings in between them. This went on so that there were five circles to the north, four to the east, three to west, and one to the south with circles at their spokes. At the very edges of the town where the cornfields and residences. In the center were the municipal buildings and main shops. The disco ball floated around the collect pets and said the following.

"Weclome to Sparkton! Enjoy your rest, your carouse, or whatever is your fancy! This is a town of weary travelers, of rest and relaxation, of romance and fun! Rest your mind, body, and soul! Rest your tails your paws your soles! Welcome to Sparkton! Rest as long as you can! But only for a limited time! But who knows how long that is? Welcome to Sparkton!" It said rather cheerfully and then flew off, disappearing as it arrived.
Last edited by xhunterko on Thu Jul 03, 2014 1:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

xhunterko wrote: "You could definitely do that, but then you wouldn't be able to attack, or anything else, one spell at a time," Gunthar said to Flynn.
"Better than dying, I suppose," Flynn said.
xhunterko wrote:"Weclome to Sparkton! Enjoy your rest, your carouse, or whatever is your fancy! This is a town of weary travelers, of rest and relaxation, of romance and fun! Rest your mind, body, and soul! Rest your tails your paws your soles! Welcome to Sparkton! Rest as long as you can! But only for a limited time! But who knows how long that is? Welcome to Sparkton!" It said rather cheerfully and then flew off, disappearing as it arrived.
Flynn blinked, looking around at his new surroundings. "Oh great, Can I please just go one day without being dragged to a new dimension?" Flynn asked to no one in particular.
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by kurowolfe »

Maut cringed hearing the all-too enthusiastic voice coming from the bizarre disco ball. Seeing how he had just been chased by robot spiders and almost died from being attacked by a slime, of all things, a quick detour to a rather lively yet odd town inhabited by various monsters by a disco ball sounded right at home. It's the chirpy voice that irritated him though.

"Well, might as well enjoy our time here? Wanna go somewhere then?" he asked the rest.

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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Roarin »

Despite all the noise Gil snored through the introduction, enjoying his moments if sleep while they lasted. He'll be in for a surprise when he woke.
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis was walking untill the disco ball appeared. "aaaaaaaaah! too bright!" Anubis said before closing his eyes. he opened them a moment later finding the town in front of him, and heard what the person in front of him said. and with fervor he began exploring the town.
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Serence Frostbite »

"well , speaking of having fun" Muiva chuckled "Hey anyone wanna go get a drink ?"
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by kurowolfe »

"Count me in." He only knew Muiva's and Gunthar's name, and it looked like everyone wanted to go somewhere different. He wanted to stick to who he knew first.

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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Legotron123 »

Jack was confused by the pop-playing disco ball before it teleported him to the city. He looked around in awe at all the different species here. From toas to yautja to silurians, he was so amazed he barely noticed what the ball was saying. Seeyouguyslaterimgonnagolookattheshopsbye! He blurted out before running down the streets to see what shops there were. If he was lucky he might find a black market store that might have some rare toys like gao panda or the g2 protectobots.
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Ace11 »

Echo once more shook his head as he began feeling slightly nauseous.Teleportation was not something he enjoyed.Sighing he looked around not having noticed or heard the disco ball.The town in front of him seemed to call to him as if the flow beckoned him towards it.Pulling up his hood he once again sat on the floor closing his eyes drawing on the flow in hopes of it guiding him once more.
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

serence ice fox wrote:"well , speaking of having fun" Muiva chuckled "Hey anyone wanna go get a drink ?"
"A drink actually sounds good," Flynn said. "Hopefully we have enough crystals... and crystals are the currency here."
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

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"Ohh yeah ! " Muiva snapped her finger "forgot about that for a sec , shoulda ask that disco ball thingymajic , welp , might as well as somebody around here I guess ."
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by xhunterko »

ooc: Just to clear something up, the npcs did NOT go to Sparkton.


Gunthar sighed and went back to his shop. One of these days, he thought, going back to work, he'd get to go there. One of these days.

What the daft are you doing? Get up! Walk around! Find something you'd like to do! I am SO seething with jealousy right now that you are there and I can not be there! But really you should! Not all of life is about quiet contemplation you know? Get up! Go about! Experience! There's even a small stash of gems for trade someone's left at your feet for crying out loud! And if it were too much, meet some of your fellow travelers! They're easy to spot! Now go on! The she wolf thought to Echo.
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis followed jack just as quick and soon caught up with him. "so jafk what shops do you think there are? Maybe we fan get something for later like weapons or some new spells or something"anubis said looking around
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Legotron123 »

I have no idea. Jack said to Anubis, still running down the streets, dodging to avoid running into a dalek. I'm just doing what I always do when I visit large markets like this. Look for places that sell exotic foods and rare toys. Besides, I'm pretty sure that disco ball said to relax. I don't want to have to think about a fight for at least another hour.
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

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Cryo quietly looked around, wondering what just happened.
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Serence Frostbite »

hypernovatic wrote:Cryo quietly looked around, wondering what just happened.
"still surprised huh buddy ? don't worry you'll get used to it" Muiva chuckled "hang on a sec" she said , then came over to the sleeping dog "Yo , Gil , wakey wakey"
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Roarin »

Gil grumbled, staying asleep for another moment before slowly opening his eyes. Looking up he noticed Muiva's standing over him. His sleep addled brain figured they were about to start moving through the tunnels again and the dog yawned and stretched, getting ready to get back to it.
Then he froze, his eyes finally noticing what his brain failed to see before.
"Where... are we?" He finally asked.
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

"looks like we've been teleported against our will again," Flynn said to Gil. "The disco ball said this place is called Sparkton."
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by kurowolfe »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:
serence ice fox wrote:"well , speaking of having fun" Muiva chuckled "Hey anyone wanna go get a drink ?"
"A drink actually sounds good," Flynn said. "Hopefully we have enough crystals... and crystals are the currency here."
"Oh, right." Maut didn't grab any of the fallen gems after the battle, so he's pretty much broke. "Guess I'll just tag along and read up on this novel again." He patted the paperback twice on the front cover.

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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis looked around before spotting a predator as a blacksmith. He then went over and entered his shop seeing the many different styles of metal crafted into fine blades. The bell behind anubis jangled till it stopped. Anubis then checked his bag seeing his gems and belongings still there. "hello? I was wondering if i could ask some questions"anubis said seeing no one else
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by xhunterko »

The panther looked up to address his customer.

"Aye sir, what can I do for ya?" He said.
It is then that Maut notices a bag at his feet with a loop tie with his name on it. Inside is about 20 gems.
There is a similar gift in front of Echo's feet as well. With the extra words 'from your goddess' written on them.
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by kurowolfe »

The mutt picked up the bag, a surprised look on his face seeing that his name was there, on a tag. He opened the bag, and sure enough, there's some crystal inside.

"This is too convenient," he mused to himself, resealing the bag and pocketing it. He soon stood there, waiting for Muiva to make a move after waking the other guy up.

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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

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"yes would you happen to know what this symbol means?" Anubis said taking the piece of metal he saved out of his bag to show.
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Ace11 »

Echo nearly jumped out of his robe as the voice of the goddess entered his mind.He had hoped a local spirit would answer his calls.Sighing he stood and grabbed the small gift confused as to why such precious stones were inside.Pushing his curiosity aside he began wandering into the town he entered a blacksmiths shop withought much thought.He ignored the currently busy blacksmith and gazing at the assortment of smithed items on the walls
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Legotron123 »

As Jack admired the various weapons on the walls while Anubis talked, he noticed a Shepard-husky mix walk in and do the same. Jack couldn't explain why but he just had a feeling that he'd be seeing that dog again. Might as well get to know him. Nice robe you have there. I've been wanting to get one myself but my dad says it's not "socially acceptable." He said, making quotation marks with his hands on the last part. He stuck out his hand for the dog to shake. My names Jack, and I'm in town because a weird disco ball thing teleported me here. Why are you here?
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by xhunterko »

The panther shook his head.

"I have absolutely no idea. However the university library WILL have something on it. It is south of here," he said.
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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Post by Ace11 »

Echo stared at the hand being offered to him before realizing he was meant to shake it.He quickly grabbed and shook Jacks hand as a light blush began to form on his check,partially hidden by his hood"It is nice to meet you Jack-san as for why I am here I do not know the goddess was going to tell me but I was taken from her palace before she could."Echo turned to face the wall admiring at a beautifully crafted katana with a black blade and small wooden hilt he had noticed before Jack had introduced himself
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