HPU?: Apollo City

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HPU?: Apollo City

Post by valerio »

Orion woke from another nightmare. He remembered the screams from the dream Those horrible screams. It was 3:00am. Although, you couldn't tell since the sky rarely changes. He rubbed at both eyes, but only one cleared up. The other remained black. Orion fiddled with the switch on his face until the other eye powered on. Orion slid down the bed and attatched his ani-droid legs.
Orion listened to his legs connect to his spine piece. They made a quiet whirring sounds to indicate they were working. Orion walked out of his bedroom into the main room. Robin was making coffee. He, too had puffy eyes.
I'm going to be late for work. He said as he put sugar into the coffee.
Dad. It's 3 in the morning. Orion said as he walked over to the fridge.
Orion touched the button in the center.
Hello. What can I make for you today? The fridge asked.
It's been weird since apple started to make kitchen appliances. Orion chuckled.
Robin ignored the joke. He put his coffee down and went back to bed.
Milk please. Orion said to the fridge.
A new appliance lit up, which looked ruffly like a vending machine. Orion put a bottle into the machine.
The bottle spun around and sucked up to a valve. It filled with milk and went back to the entrance.
Orion took the bottle and drank the milk. Orion put the bottle into the fridge, where it was washed and dried. Orion decided to take in the night (or morning) air.
Orion opened the front door, which siri gave him 3 choices. Atlas Inc., Ground level, or just outside.
Orion chose ground level. The floor dropped from under him. A tube allowed him to control descent. Orion looked out over the city, with so many buildings. When he landed, Orion was at the front doors of Atlas Incorporated. Orion called a taxi, and almost immediatly a yellow hover car drove up.
Orion stepped into the vehical and closed the door.
<Hello! My name is Puerto (harbour), and I will be your taxi driver for the morning.> The taxi driver said in spanish. Orion only got the name, so he just told the Serpiente to go to the memorial park.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by The Moon Howler »

Once again Polaris was reading a history book in the pent-house on top of K-Copr. He knew that it wasn't healthy to read so late, but he couldn't sleep... again. He just put the book on the small table next to his bed, when a sound caught his attention - the emergency alarm. The system showed that his current owner wasn't in the house - one less worry for the wolf to think about. he opened the hidden door on the wall, grabbed his stun-batons and activated his mods. Once they were charged, he ran down the stairs until surprisingly, he ended up in an almost-completely dark room, spare for the some of the red emergency lights.
The Cyber-pet felt the presence of others - humans. the first one that saw how, however, opened fire on the canine. Polaris activated his Blink, teleporting behind the man and swiftly hitting him with both his stun-batons, causing the human to simply fall down, paralyzed. Before the wolf could examine him, other humans and one or two of those aliens - Serpientes, opened fire upon him as well. The wolf jumped sideways and activated his "Specter" stealth melting away in the dark. Three of the attacker-humans and one of the Serpientes came to investigate. The wolf used that to sneak past the group and headed to the second group, consistent of two humans and the other Serpiente. The wolf sneaked behind the alien and used his stun batons to take the Serpiente out of the picture, revealing himself of his stealth. Two of the humans had stun-batons like the cyber-wolf and one had a ranged weapon. After a short fight, the numbers began to overwhelm Polaris' skill and the canine was forced to use the burst teleportation, teleporting behind each of the three humans and swiftly dispatching them, placing his batons on his back and taking the gun from the last human. After a quick examination, he found that the gun was a stun-gun. His were charging and he had to think fast if he was not to be overwhelmed.
Polaris looked at the incoming humans and Serpiente, covering behind a table and opened fire on the enemies. In the following gunfight only one human and the first Serpiente remained. The mod indicator showed he had power for one teleport and his stun-gun was out so he did what anyone should do in his place - he teleported between the two and stood there. By that time the two have already turned their guns to the wolf and shot. The wolf simply ducked, causing the man and the Serpiente to shoot each other. Once they both fell down, the light went back on and from behind the corner on his right came his owner, along with two K-Corp guards.

"Well done, Polaris. Training was a success." James said.

"Was it really necessary?" Polaris asked.

"You must be prepared at all times, Polaris." the man answered. "Now, it's almost 4 AM and I need my sleep. You are free for the next 24 hours. Make the best of them."

"Yes, sir!" Polaris saluted and headed out of the building. Once there, he called his personal driver and ordered him to drive to the memorial park.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by CrystallineWolf »

Gionni's systems whirred on. She blinked, lying there in her recharge station, wondering why in the world she was woken up at such an hour. The fox's batteries were full, so there be no point in powering off again......

Stiff from a reluctance to get up, Gionni swung her legs off her station, and with a small clang! dropped her feet on the floor. With her eyes and ears open, she could tell everyone else was fast asleep, as they should be. Traveling to her father's room, Gionni proceeded to prod him awake.

"Papa....Papa!" She turned up her volume as loud she dared.

"Perche mi."Her father groaned. "Gionni, bambino, go back to sleep."

"Papa, I can't!" The fox let her proccessors catch up to the specific moment in time before continuing. " Can I go to the park, Papa? Please? We're right across from the it!"

"No, it's too early to go to the park....too...." At that moment Benito Santorinni opened his eyes wide enough to catch sight of Gionni's new app...the puppy face. "Perche ho ancora...., fine- go....just be at the shop in time to help metoday......" Snores could be heard as Benito fell back into the rem cycle.

Grinning, Gionni quickly skipped out of the huge apartment, took the elevator down, and rolled out the door. She could see the American flag waving to her, beckoning her to come and sit, to admire. It was a very easy thing to do, admire the flag set down long ago by extraordinary pioneers. Checking left and right for cars, even though there couldn't be any at such an hour, Gionni quickly sped across the street towards her favorite spot.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by MrNeonShot »

Rosie sat for the early morning trolley. Her father had just dropped her off with his new taxi.
<Good luck, my flower!> Puerto said in spanish.
<Thank you Daddy> She replied. Puerto drove away, waving goodbye.
Rosie exhaled, cooling her internal systems. Her first day as an engineer on moon base!
How exciting! She watched as the trolley dropped from the sky.
Seeing space from a whole new level! I wonder how it looks.
Rosie turned her imagination function on. Her visual switched to a security camera on base.
Wow! I can see the--
Wealthydog117 is online
Hey, girl. You like the view? the dog asked.
How did you get in the base's server?
Same as you. I'm your engineer partner from now on. K?
Rosie has logged out
That dog had done the thing she hated most. Responding with the letter K.
She got back to reality and watched the trolley doors open. A couple humans got off. Probably working the night shift.
Rosie stood and walked up to the trolley.
Well... Best get started.
Rosie walked onto the trolley. The trolley has to wait 15minutes before it launches, so Rosie gets on the internet.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by Legotron123 »

Noah woke up to James practicing his Yugi Moto impression. He got out of bed, tested his cybernetics, then went into the kitchen to address the Internet reviewer. Little kuriboh, you are not. James turned to look at him with a smile on his face. The guy practically had a hundred voices, I can barely do ten. Besides you need to get ready for work. My show isn't the only thing paying the bills. Yea yea, just keep doing your impressions, I'll have my nutrient shake and be on my way. Noah walked over to a machine That he and James modified to look like the tardis. Computer, give me nutrient shake number six please. <CERTINLY> The machine then opened a panel where there were two needles pointing directing at each other. The needles then started sparking and a glass cup with a smoothie in materialized between the needles. Once the sparking stopped Noah picked up the glass and drank it. Mmmmmmmmmmm.... Mountain dew flavored. Noah then put the glass down and deployed his stun gun before performing his routine first thrill of the day. Jumping out the tenth story window while using his stun gun to slow his fall. After reaching the ground, he brushed off the dust, called a cab and went to his job at the police station.
Last edited by Legotron123 on Mon Oct 07, 2013 5:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by CyanShinobi »

"Screw mornings."

Erik laid awake in his bed, rubbing his eyes. he stared at his bedroom ceiling, glancing over the several screwy faces he had molded into the ceiling while he was bored. He got up, and checked his clock.

"4:00? Crap." Erik yawned, and, walking over to his closet, picked out his power suit, and put it on. "Well, no way I'm getting back to bed now."

Pulling on his gauntlets, he set the suit to its med. level, and checked its power, aiming it at the ceiling. He carved in a new face, one with an upturned sneer and it's tongue up its nose, and smiled at his good work. Turning on his heels, he magnetically slid the door open, careful not to wake Mr. and Mrs. Moor. Both were still asleep, Mr. Moor snoring loudly. He headed for the kitchen, silently made himself some iced coffee and waffles, then headed out the door.

where to go, where to go... He wondered as he walked along the street. he decided to head for the memorial park.

who knows, he thought to himself, picking up the pace. maybe there'll be something fun to do.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by MrNeonShot »

Orion watched as a K-Copr vehicle driving by.
Waste of good company property. Why would someone from K-Copr be driving at 4:00am? Orion said to himself.
Why am I driving around the city at 4:00am? Orion asked himself.
Puerto only caught the time from the dog.
"me... drop off... daughter... 4 job." Puerto said, holding up 4 digits.
<Very good!> Orion said. He only knew a handful of spanish himself, but he was glad an alien species did all they could to learn a human language, even if it wasn't english.
The taxi drove up to the park.
"<Here?>" Puerto asked.
Yes. Thank you. Orion said as he paid the guy.
Then Orion got out and walked to the nearest walkway.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by CrystallineWolf »

Rolling leisurely along the walkway, Gionni deactivated her skating mod once she got the spot where the flag was planted. It was beautiful, and she promptly sat, tail curled around her knees as she admired the star-spangled banner. The fox exhaled, processing what it must have took, to come to the moon without the advanced technology that the world had today.

It was quiet, in the early hours. So quiet that she could hear her systems running, the quiet creaking of machinery as she moved her knees, ever so slightly. Gionni knew when she got to the shop, there'd be busy hours, and she would barely have anytime to just let her motherboard run where it wanted to. To just sit was nice.....she'd have to wake up early more.

The ani-droid's reverie was broken by the quiet sound of a taxi.....so that meant someone else was up as well....
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by MrNeonShot »

Orion walked to the flag. He noticed a pet sitting down.
His robotic eye highlighted her robotic structure.
He walked casually to where she sat.
Hello there. Good night or morning to you. Orion said as he stopped in front of her.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by CrystallineWolf »

The newcomer was a Cy-pet. Gionni was familiar with them, her father usually called to fix a prosthetic or two- and usually, she'd be there to help him.

"Ciao, and I believe it's morning right now." She got up and made an effort to be polite, extending a servo to shake his. "My name is Gionni Santorinni. Do you always come to the park at this hour?"
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by MrNeonShot »

No, not every morning. Couldn't sleep. Orion replied.
Is that seat taken? Orion asked pointing next to her.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by Legotron123 »

[Noah stepped out of the taxi when it stopped outside the police station. Once he was in the police station, he was greeted by the always friendly face of Summer Landsdown, the secretary for the apollo citys police department. Hey Noah. Did you REALLY pull that stunt during last nights raid? Noah smirked at the memory. Last night his unit did a raid on a small criminal hangout. While the others were trying to decide how to get in, Noah put on a affro that was red on one side, white on the other, shot down the door played the mirror b theme, moonwalked in, and knocked all the criminals out with his stun gun while they were in shock. His unit members were laughing their fur off and his captain told him off once he stopped laughing too. He said that because Noah's trick worked this time, he wouldn't get in trouble. But if he ever did it again, he would be suspended. Yes, Summer. I did pull that sunt. Unfortunately, the captain said I can't do it anymore. After work I'm gonna go watch so old tv shows to get some ideas and what stunt to do next. Summer then did a face palm while shaking her head. Just go to the K9 room. I want deniability when you next trick happens. Noah started chuckling when she said that. Alright summer, you'll have your deniability. Just keep answering those phones. he said before walking towards the K9 room.
Last edited by Legotron123 on Mon Oct 07, 2013 5:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by hypernovatic »

Dust woke up to the sounds of his dad working on cybernetics. He rolled out of bed, and walked into his dad's work space. "Dad, it's 4:00 in the morning, go to sleep." Dust told his father. "I'm almost done. Hey, could you help me with the wires?" his dad asked. "Sure, whatever. Where are they?" the cat asked. "They're over on the right." Rock replied. Dust walked over to the wires, and transformed his hand into a Mega Buster. Tentacles came out of it and worked their way into the wires, and attached them. "There you go." Dust said as his hand turned back to normal. "Thanks." his father replied as he turned around and started placing parts together. "Well, I'm awake now. I might as well go somewhere." he told his dad. "Okay, but don't get into trouble." Rock told him. "Bye, dad." Dust called as he walked out the door. He called a taxi and told the driver to take him to Memorial Park. Once he got there, he saw two pets talking. He walked over to where they were. "Hi." Dust said.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by MrNeonShot »

[Just a heads up, but there is an OOC thread that needs to be checked for updates.]
Orion looked to where the noise was coming from. Hello! Orion said cheerfully.
Hey. Your that Cy-pet that's owned by the guy who does my prosthetics! Orion exclaimed, offering a paw.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by CyanShinobi »

Arriving at the park, Erik looked about. The day had just broken, and there were Cy-pets, Ani-droids, and other pets all around the park. A few dogs were playing a game of lo-grav ultimate frisbee. He decided to go climbing. climbing always made him feel better and helped to clear his head.

The particular tree--or flagpole--that caught his eye was already occupied: a green medical ani-droid and a cy-pet dog sat beneath it, talking.

He climbed silently until he was directly over them and watched them talk. with any luck, they wouldn't notice him and begin to chase him.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by The Moon Howler »

Once they got close to the Memorial park, Polaris asked the driver to give him his backpack. The driver nodded and clicked one of the many buttons on the panel on his right. The seat next to Polaris opened and a mechanical stand holding a slim camo-backpack with a couple of half-liter canteens of water on the sides, a spare battery and everyday-rations* and a tablet. Polaris took the backpack and the driver stopped the vehicle, allowing the wolf to get off. He took the tablet from his backpack and quickly checked out the time of today's sunrise on earth, Central European time. Once he received his answer, he put the tablet back in his backpack and proceeded to a specific spot that had a nice view to Earth.

* - special non-perishable snack made specially by K-corp specifically for Cy-pets.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by CrystallineWolf »

MrNeonShot wrote:No, not every morning. Couldn't sleep. Orion replied.
Is that seat taken? Orion asked pointing next to her.
"No, though I'm not sure whether that particular spot is qualified enough to be considered 'a seat'"
hypernovatic wrote:"Bye, dad." Dust called as he walked out the door. He called a taxi and told the driver to take him to Memorial Park. Once he got there, he saw two pets talking. He walked over to where they were. "Hi." Dust said.
MrNeonShot wrote: Orion looked to where the noise was coming from. Hello! Orion said cheerfully.
Hey. Your that Cy-pet that's owned by the guy who does my prosthetics! Orion exclaimed, offering a paw.
"Ciao," Gionni said to the Cy-cat that had come up to them. A cross search by her internal database soon confirmed what Orion had previously said. "It is nice to meet someone related to Rock Glacia. My Papa has an admiration for his work.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by hypernovatic »

MrNeonShot wrote:Orion looked to where the noise was coming from. Hello! Orion said cheerfully.
Hey. Your that Cy-pet that's owned by the guy who does my prosthetics! Orion exclaimed, offering a paw.
"Yeah, my name's Dust." he told the other Cy-pet as he shook his paw.
CrystallineWolf wrote:"Ciao," Gionni said to the Cy-cat that had come up to them. A cross search by her internal database soon confirmed what Orion had previously said. "It is nice to meet someone related to Rock Glacia. My Papa has an admiration for his work.
"That's good to hear. So, why are you two here at 4 am?" Dust asked.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by MrNeonShot »

Orion had a sort of flashback at the screams of his dream.
N-n-no reason. Orion stuttered. He shook the feeling off as he reached down to his leg.
Oh, I almost forgot. I believe you left this while you were working... Orion handed Dust one of his tentacle things.
So, why is your arm mod so big? Do you have to add extra processing power into the arm, or do you build more arms as you go?
Orion asked, geeking out at the modification he'd learned about via the internet.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by hypernovatic »

MrNeonShot wrote:Orion had a sort of flashback at the screams of his dream.
N-n-no reason. Orion stuttered. He shook the feeling off as he reached down to his leg.
Oh, I almost forgot. I believe you left this while you were working... Orion handed Dust one of his tentacle things.
So, why is your arm mod so big? Do you have to add extra processing power into the arm, or do you build more arms as you go?
Orion asked, geeking out at the modification he'd learned about via the internet.
"Oops, sorry about that. They tend to end up in random places." Dust said as he took it from him. "No I don't build more arms as I go, but like you said earlier, I do add extra processing power for more things." he replied.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by MrNeonShot »

Cool! Orion said, wagging his fake tail.
So do you have any other mods? Orion asked.
What about you, what are your mods? Orion asked Gionni, not wanting to leave her out of a conversation.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

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"Well, I have one more, but I don't think I'd be able to show it without getting into trouble with someone." Dust replied.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by CrystallineWolf »

MrNeonShot wrote:Cool! Orion said, wagging his fake tail.
So do you have any other mods? Orion asked.
What about you, what are your mods? Orion asked Gionni, not wanting to leave her out of a conversation.
" I don't have such cool mods," Gionni replied. "But I do have x-ray vision, and roller blades. They are to help Papa in his shop." The ani-droid was slightly worried over the stuttering Orion showed earlier, and also sort of concerned about the cat spying on them from a tree. But she didn't let the matter over take her thoughts, and fully applied herself to the conversation.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by hypernovatic »

"Those are cool mods, though." Dust replied. He looked around to take in the scenery. The cat looked up and saw a cat in the tree above them. "You could always come down and talk to us you know. Instead of just watching us from a tree." Dust called to the cat.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by MrNeonShot »

What kind of work do you do? Orion asked Gionni.
Orion looked around for the cat in the tree.
What cat? Orion looked around, almost everywhere except where the cat was.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by CrystallineWolf »

"Grazie."She replied to Dust, smiling. "We fix machinery. Papa is especially good at repairing ani-droids and cy-pet prosthetics."

Gionni pointed to the calico up in the tree. "That cat." She increased her volume. "Ciao! Would you come down and talk to us, per favore?"
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by CyanShinobi »

"Why my dear lady," Erik called down from the pole, attracting attention to himself at last."where would be the fun in that?"

Magnetically detaching himself from the flagpoles, Erik flipped once in the air to land in front of the group, performing a small bow.

"Erik Moor, at your service."
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by MrNeonShot »

Orion Atlas. Orion introduced himself, offering a paw.
So your the son of THE Mr. Moor? The guy who does prosthetics? Orion asked.
Orion remembered getting his arm prosthetics from that company. The operations had to be modified do to his brain damage.
So, we have 3 high class pets, and one ani-droid with an amazing field of work, awake at 4 in the morning, who illegally tresspassed into the park at 4 o'clock. Orion stated.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by CrystallineWolf »

".....Oh mio! I-I did not realize that coming here was illegal! I just wanted to look at the Flag.....è bello al mattino... " Gionni looked around worriedly for authorities that were sure to arrive any minute. "I cannot be in the shop on time if I break the law! Questo è terribile! Papa will be so mad..."
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by CyanShinobi »

"It seems so" Eeik said, shaking Orion's outstretched hand.So, we should probably get out of here." He began to walk to the exit.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by Legotron123 »

Noah stepped into the K9 room in the police station, and saw that people were already lining up at the dispatch machine to get their potrol jobs for the day. Noah got in line and 2 minutes later it was his turn to get a job. <NOAH WALKER. TODAY YOUR JOB IS TO POTROL MEMORIAL PARK UNTIL 11AM. PLEASE LEAVE IMEDIANTLY> Okie dookie. Noah said as he turned away and left the police station and headed towards memorial park. Once he got there, he saw two cypets, one pure per, and one ani-droid. The park didn't open for an hour, so they weren't supposed to be here. He started walking towards them. Excuse me civilians. The park doesn't open for a hour. I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
Last edited by Legotron123 on Mon Oct 07, 2013 5:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by The Moon Howler »

While he was walking to his destination, Polaris saw a group of pets - 2 cy-pets like him, a pure pet and an ani-droid. A law enforcement cy-pet was heading towards them, asking them to leave.
Polaris smiled at the opportunity to test out his mods against something more standard than trained mercenaries. He simply teleported behind the law enforcement dog, waved at the others and used his "Specter" mod, his figure melting in the air (a.k.a stealth).
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by Legotron123 »

Noah felt something behind him. He deployed his stun gun and turned around, but nothing was there. He deployed his force field as well to be safe. He turned back to the trespassing pets. Did any of you see something behind me a couple of seconds ago? Or am I going more insane than the abridged version of Marik Ishtar?
Last edited by Legotron123 on Mon Oct 07, 2013 5:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by MrNeonShot »

Yeah. A dog or wolf just suddenly appeared, then left. Orion said, looking around.
Anyways, my dad said there was a gravity flux here at the park. I needed some test subjects to test out my repairs. Besides, it's only an hour until opening time. Orion said cooly.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by CyanShinobi »

No, sir, you're definitely going insane. Said Erik with a smirk. As he walked past the cy-pet cop, he set off a small electromagnetic pulse, just enough to cancel out most types of field energy.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by Legotron123 »

Noah watched in shock as the cats electromagnetic pulse caused his force field to spark and short out. He got mad but calmed himself down quickly. Calm down Noah. He just disabled your force field. That's all. He didn't slice you arm off or anything, he just disabled your force field. Deal with this the calm and rational way. He then turned to face the smirking cat with his stun gun deployed just in case. Sir, you do realize that disabling a police officers equipment is illegal right? I was going to let the trespassing go, but now I have to take you to the police station. He then took out his hand cuffs. Now put your hands behind your back and take your gauntlets off.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by MrNeonShot »

Err, sir... Orion was about to say something, but decided it was best not to.
After your done there, would you mind jumping a couple times? That's all we need left to test. Orion said.
Tresspassing is 1 thing. Messing with a police officer is another. No excuse for that.
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by kurowolfe »

The Moon Base's lobby was as busy as usual, with officials, visitors and potential resident candidates of Apollo City roaming and rushing around, a sea of creatures varying in genders, appearance and more significantly, species. The Serpiente resident candidate application counter had a very long line; apparently Apollo City is their dream city, regardless of reason.

Just exiting the final interview and immigration bio-scanner rooms of the said line, a different lifeform was hovering slowly, its large yellow eyes darting around, an 'arm'-like limb pinning down some paperwork and silicone data sheets onto its pink oval body. When it found what it was looking for, it shivered in excitement and glided across the floor to its target: a cat, and a pure cat at that.

The smoke-coloured cat, who was sitting on a hoverbench, smiled widely when she saw the pink bird-like alien gliding towards her, and jumped out from her seat to meet it halfway. When they finally meet, only the cat can tell that the alien was smiling a happy smile.

"fINALLY dONE wITH aLL tHESE pROCEDURES, i pASSED tHE iNTERVIEW," the alien said, or more correctly, buzzed to the cat. In the process, the stack of papers and sheets slipped from his limb and scattered on the floor under him. On a piece of paper, the name "John Smith" and "Ashe Smith" flashed momentarily.

"Oh Dad, hehe! Need some help with that?" the cat giggled, amused by the flustered look of the alien she referred to as 'Dad'.

"i sEEM tO hAVE fORGOTTEN tO cHANGE bACK, bOTHER," the lifeform responded, and immediately its form melted and congealed into a floating ball. Before long, several limbs grew out from the ball, which was elongating and slimming down in shape, and as the final details finished forming themselves, a tall human man wearing a black sweater and slacks under a white labcoat stood where the alien once was.

"There, much better. I'm getting too used to having hands and fingers, heh," the man said, bending down to help the cat pick up the mess. The cat stood up and hugged the man around his waist, the man reciprocating in turn. "That's great news Dad, by the way. I passed my own immigration interview as well. Finally we can move to our new home!" the cat said, relishing in the warmth of her Dad.

"That's true, Ashe. Now we can live together, just like we always wanted," her dad, named John, replied, scratching behind her ears. "Just need to submit these to the bottom level personnel, and we're good to go!"

"Okay Dad, let's go!" And with that, both of them walked to the elevator, hand in paw.

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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by CyanShinobi »

"Well, see, I would be inclined to go with you, but you may be more concerned with the now clearly visible cy-pet behind you."
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Re: Pet Friendly?: Apollo City

Post by The Moon Howler »

MrNeonShot wrote:Err, sir... Orion was about to say something, but decided it was best not to.
After your done there, would you mind jumping a couple times? That's all we need left to test. Orion said.
Tresspassing is 1 thing. Messing with a police officer is another. No excuse for that.
The cat's electromagnetic pulse caused Polaris' invisibility field to spark for a few second, making the wolf's figure to show for the time, before the computer compensated and the wolf melted completely into the air once more. Just in case, Polaris carefully and silently moved aside and prepared his teleportation mod.
I am The Moon Howler - the being with no exact form. I serve the Moon Goddess and in return, she gives me my muse and my shape.

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