Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

Entry #9
[CAUTION] This post has some violence, and some implicated violence mentioned. You have been warned. [CAUTION]

Beta and Daisy were going on 2 separate flights,
So they decided to walk around for what little time they had. First, they went to the gift shop,
Where Beta got Daisy a coloring book, filled with Dinosaurs. Then they walked over to the planes, where Beta was told not to go to.
Next, they ended up in the luggage packing place,
Where they organize the luggage, and send it to each flight. Like what you would see in Toy Story 2.
Well, while they were down there, Beta and Daisy got into a bit of trouble.
Beta walked along a conveyor belt, with luggage spread across the line. Beta noticed a small disturbance beneath him.
Some suspisious men were loading pets into crates, and sending them to a loading cart.
Some would shout "Mommy!" as they were but into the cart, Others were swearing in anger at their captors.
Beta walked down to where they were loading the dogs.
"This doesn't look right at all. Why are these dogs being put in crates?" Beta asked, not fully grasping the concept.
The men look at Beta, eyeballing him up and down. This dog must be pretty bold to walk up to them and ask what they are doing,
and he looked strong.
2 guys nodded at each other, then one of them pulled out a tranquilizer. He shot a dart into Beta's chest.
They were expecting him to pass out easily, but he wasn't falling down. So, they shot him again.
"I feel like you are trying to hurt me." Beta said, as he walked forward. The men shot one after another, hoping he would pass out soon.
But the dog kept advancing.
"Let these dogs go, please." Beta said as he lightly grabbed the shooters arm.
"Get off of me!" The guy hit Beta in the head with the handle. The handle shattered, leaving an unshaken Beta standing.
"Why did you hit me?" Beta asked.
Then the rest of the men pulled out tranks, firing off all their rounds.
Beta stumbled for a few seconds, looked up, then said "I think I am going to sleep now." Beta said as he fell to the ground.
The men looked around from where Beta came from, and found a small black dog, not entirely sure what was going on.
"Hi, I'm Daisy." Daisy said sheepishly, as the men approached her.

Beta woke up, feeling rather refreshed.
"That was a really nice nap." Beta remarked as he stretched.
"Well, that's probably the last good nap you'll ever get." a strange voice said.
Beta looked up again, then said
"Is that you, Mr. Scientist?"
"No, I'm over here."
Beta looked over in another direction.
"No, over this-- no, this way-- yes, here!" The voice directed Beta.
The scratchy voice came from a beat up old Welsh Corgi.
"Right, as I was saying. That is probably the last good night of sleep you'll ever get."
"Why?" Beta asked, looking in another direction.
"Because you have been dog-napped." The Corgi replied.
"Oh, that happens to me all the time. It's no problem."
"Yeah, I usually have to fight some monster's that kill dinosaurs, but they usually fall asleep afterwards."
Beta replied.
The corgi, not exactly sure how to respond to that, just said
"Well, that's interesting... I'm Cory. I'm going to be your only friend in this business. We have to stick together."
"We are going to be best friends." Beta interrupts.
"What? oh, sure. Anyways, this is a--"
"We can go roller skating, and eat burgers, and--"
"Yes yes, that sounds nice, now let me--"
"And we can go horse back riding! and we can go ride roller coasters--"
"Enough! This is important, because we don't have much time left--" The corgi is interrupted by the cage door opening.
"Just follow me, and do exactly as I say." Cory says as he walks out of the cage, followed by Beta, leaning down low so he matches
Cory's height.
Beta notices a small light at the end of the tiny hall.
"I see heaven."
"No you don't, but you could very well be about to." They both walk out into a fenced in, dirt arena.
Loud, barbaric voices start shouting at the new arrivals.
"Hello!" Beta shouts at the people.
"Crusher is gonna rip your arms off!" shouted a redneck hick.
"Well that's not very nice." Beta says, then walks around the cage. Another opening appears at the other end of the arena,
and a very big looking Doberman Pincer walks out of the end.
"Now, I'm not sure if you know this," Cory puts his hand on Beta's shoulder. "But you are in a fight."
"That sounds fun!" Beta says.
"No, this is a life or death situation, for both of us. Just follow my orders, and we can survive."
The Doberman starts talking to a small dog as well, but always eyeing Beta.
"He can attack at any moment, but for now, just be prepared." Cory says. Beta turns around to talk to Cory.
"So is this dog a nice dog? Or is he really mean?"
"YOU FOOL!" Cory shouts as Crusher, bounds onto Beta's back, latching his teeth around his neck. He shook his head around, hoping to snap Beta's neck instantly, But the only reaction he gets is
"Hello. Would you mind waiting, I'm talking to my friend." Beta says, not bothered by the Doberman. Crusher releases his grip on his neck.
"Fine, you have as long as I'm patient." Crusher says, then walks back to the tiny dog.
"So, what were you saying?" Beta asks Cory.
"You realize that guy is trying to kill you?" Cory asks, completely dumbfounded by Beta's ability to withstand the attack.
"Really? He seems nice, though!" Beta says.
"He isn't! He is going to kill us both unless you stop him!" Cory says, more annoyed than previously,
"Oh, come on, he's not that bad. You can't go around making assumptions about people." Beta walks over to Crusher's side of the arena.
"So, you ready to fight?" Crusher asks, popping his neck.
"No, I'm just trying to settle something. Are you really trying to hurt us? Because you seem like a nice person." Beta says, looking back at an awestruck Cory.
Crusher looks at Cory with a quizzical face.
"Does he not know I'm trying to kill you two?"
"Honestly, I don't know." Cory says as he throws his hands up, then slumps to the floor.
"Listen, kid." Crusher puts his paw on Beta's shoulder. "It's nothing personal, and you seem like a nice boy. But do you know where we are?" Crusher says, putting
"Not a clue." Beta replies.
"Well, you are in a dog fight, and that is where people pay to watch other pets kill each other."
"That doesn't sound very nice." Beta says, looking up at the people.
"It isn't. And now they are expecting me to kill you. As much as I hate it, only one of us can leave, so no hard feelings, okay?"
"Okay." Beta says in a cheery tone.
"Good, now go back to your friend." Crusher says, then starts pacing around.
Beta walks over to Cory, who has completely given up hope.
"What did he say?" Cory asks in a depressed tone.
"Oh, he said something about the people being mean." Beta replies.
"Okay, now listen to me. Do everything you can to stop him." Cory says slowly.
"Okay. Hey, Mister Nice Dog! We can fight now!" Beta shouts. Cory throws his paws in the air as Crusher runs to fight.
Crusher slams his fist into Beta's face. Beta doesn't flinch from the blow.
"Grab him, now!" Cory says, with his hope slowly returning to him. Beta lifts Crusher off the ground.
"Do I rock him to sleep?" Beta asks, holding Crusher as if he were a baby.
"You are a heavy baby." Beta tells Crusher as he smoothly rocks him back and forth.
"No, punch his knights out!" shouts Cory. Beta throws Crusher in the air, then punches him in the side, sending him flying across the arena.
Crusher's Body makes a large dent in the metal bars. Crusher slumps to the floor, bruised horribly in the place where Beta kicked him.
"Do I put him to sleep now?" asks Beta.
"No, you have to finish him!" Cory says, running over to the slumped up Crusher.
"Come on, Cory, that isn't nice. I have to put him to sleep in a nice way!" Beta walks over to Crusher's body, then puts his foot paw on his neck.
He slowly adds pressure, as you hear cracking in his neck.
"Merc--" Crusher sputters out.
"Okay." Beta steps off of Crusher, then lifts his head, and knocks him out with a swift slam.
"Good night, nice doggy!"
Cory watched with hard eyes.
"You idiot. There can only be one who leaves." says Cory.
"Well, since I won, we can go free now."
"No, we have to stay and fight the rest of the opponents, but that depends on the angry mob trying to jump in the ring."
Cory points out the furious redneck who had been betting on Crusher.
"I'm gonna skin ewe and eat your hide!" The screaming man says, jumping over the railing.
"That's impossible, my muscle is to hard to chew." Beta says as the man runs at him with a knife. The man runs and stabs Beta in the chest. Beta stumbles to the floor,
then says "I think I am going to sleep now." Beta slumps to the ground, holding the knife handle. The man cheers in victory, standing over Beta's body.
"This stupid dog couldn't take a real--" The man spun around with a loud crack. Beta's eyes were blood red as he grabbed the mans leg, then snaps the the foot.
"AAAARRRGGG" The man screams in pain as Beta grabs his arms. Cory looks away as a loud *SNAP* sounds off, and the screaming is cut off. Other men jump down to fight the
murderous dog. Each man pulls out his knife, waiting for Beta to attack. Beta runs over, grabs a mans arm, snaps it with one hand, then pries the knife out of his fingers. Beta takes the knife, and stabs it into someones leg, as he dodges another swing. The guy falls to the floor in pain, and Beta grabs his throat, almost crushing his wind pipes. Another kicked Beta in the back while he was ducking, but was met with a rib cracking punch.
Cory closed his eyes as the once very calm dog sank his teeth into another person.

After a long time of listening to screaming, and panicking, and begging, an utter silence fell across the room. Cory heard a knife fall to the floor, then the familiar tone of Beta.
"Sir, are you okay? Is your head supposed to be on like that?" Beta says. Cory opens his eyes to see some injured humans, and some quite possibly dead ones, all scattered across the arena floor.
"Cory! This guy is hurt! We need to put his head on straight!"
Beta tried pressing the head back to it's original form. Cory expected him to be dead, but a loud moaning came from the guy.
"Bit off more than you could chew, eh?" Cory says as he walks over to the man.
"All those times I watched those dogs fight. Your barbaric screaming and cheering. Turning the sweetest of dogs into monsters."
Cory put his foot on his neck.
"I'm going to put you to sleep now. When you wake up in--" Cory was cut off by being lifted in the air.
"I don't understand what these men did to you, making you watch as friends of yours were forced to fight to the death. You have every right to kill them, but not like this." Crusher says as he holds the tiny dog.
Crusher had a make shift splint on his back, from the walking stick the redneck that Beta had beaten to almost certain death.
"All those dogs they made me kill. Just for their entertainment." Crusher looks around at the piles of broken people. He then looks at the fleeting tiny dog that had ran through the gap Crusher made.
"These scum bags aren't worth it." Crusher says as walks over to Beta.
"See that thing in the guys pocket?" Crusher says, still carrying the corgi.
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Take it out of his pocket." Crusher says.
"Is it a medical device?" Beta asks as he passes it to Crusher.
"Sort of." Crusher dials 9-1-1, then waits.
"Hello. I have information about an underground dog fighting arena. We currently took down the ring leaders, and a couple other people...
They are in need of medical attention... No, I don't know where I am... Will do." Crusher puts the phone on speaker.
He walked around, checking the pulses of different people.
"6 casualties, 19 are still alive, but I don't know for how long."
"That's okay. Are there any conscious and threatening people still there?" asked the lady on the other end.
"Not that we know of. I'm also going to need medical attention."
"Sorry about that." Beta chimes out.
"It's okay." Crusher replied.
"Who was that, sir?" the lady asks.
"The person I was scheduled to kill today."
"What's his name?" she asks.
"I'm Beta. It's nice to meet you. Do you have any blankets?"
"Um... probably." She replies.
"Are there any more animals in the arena with you?" The lady asks.
"Just a small Welsh Corgi, and who ever is left in the cages." Crusher replies.
"Go let the animals that you know who are sane out of the cages." She instructs.
Crusher puts Cory on the ground, then both dogs walk over to the passage that is closed.
"Beta, come break this door down."
"Okay." Beta charges into the door, slamming it off it's hinges. But, he doesn't stop charging.
Beta turns the corner. He runs down the aisles of cages, with some barking mad dogs shouting at him, some dogs who were completely silent, and some dogs who were begging with tears in their eyes to let them out. Beta runs and runs until he hears "Hi, I'm Daisy!"
Beta looks at Daisy, tears flowing down her face. Beta rips the lock off the kennel, then pulls her out.
"Sorry about the knife, I can't pull it out."
Daisy looks at the knife protruding from Beta's chest, then sniffs.
"How are you not bleeding right now?" asks a bewildered dog from around the corner.
"I don't know. I think I'm part dinosaur, so yeah..." Beta walks away from the area and back out to the arena,
followed by Daisy.
"Hang on, Beta. We still have to let the rest of the dogs out of the cages." Cory says, stopping Beta from leaving.
"We better handle this ourselves. We don't want him letting a crazy dog out without knowing." Crusher tells Cory.
Crusher doubles over in pain, clutching his back.
"Sorry, you'll have to do this on your own." Crusher says as he falls to the ground.
"Okay." Cory says as he walks down the hall.
"And don't let the other dogs into this arena. The last thing we want is a fight to avenge their lost brothers or sisters."
"Good point." Cory says as he walks down the passage.

Later, after a lot of chatter between the dogs, and a firmly placed Beta guarding the hall, a loud *BOOM* could he heard, and a door flying open.
Police officers came storming in. A police dog came down to the arena, followed by a large squad of police dogs.
"My name is officer Angus, I'm here to-- Woah, you have a knife in your chest." Angus points at the knife protruding from Beta fluffy chest.
"Yeah, I don't really exactly remember how I got that, but I can't get it out. It's very annoying." Beta tries twisting the knife, but it does nothing.
"How about this," Angus says, trying not to puke. "Go out the door, and ask a nice medical officer to help you with the knife."
"Okay." Beta starts walking around the arena, looking for a door along the walls.
"No, you have to climb out." Angus tells Beta.
"Okay. Thank you!" Beta tries to pull himself up the arena bars, but the knife gets stuck on a gap, then flops out.
"Well now you decide to fall out." Beta climbs back down, grabs the knife, then puts it back in the puncture wound.
"Woah, you just got it out, why are you putting it back in?" Angus asks.
"Well, you said I should ask a medical person to get it out, I don't want to make it difficult for them by pulling it out myself." Beta replies.
"You can take it out, it's fine." Angus replies. Beta tries to pull the knife out again, but finds it stuck again. Angus face paws, then tries to approach Beta.
"Okay, I'm leaving now." Beta pulls himself out of the arena, then walks along the rows of seats. He walks to the other side of the building, and flops into a wall.
"The other door!" Shouts Angus.
"I was just testing the wall. It's doing a good job at standing." Beta walks around the building, then out of the actual door.

"No, don't touch the wheel!" shouts the driver, as the emergency vehicle sways in the entrance of the hospital.
"Sorry." Beta replies. Beta gets out of the ambulance before they stop, still holding the knife that was previously in his chest.
He looks up at a window to see twp dogs laying down in a bed.
"That's funny, it looks like Epsilon is in that bed." He walks back to the car.
"That's impossible, Epsilon is never happy."

Beta is still missing from the radar.
Sigma has found her way to the 24 hr. Gas Station and is being directed to the hospital.
Alpha is taking a flight path to Florida and is dangerously close to encountering Epsilon.
Gamma is growing restless, and is furious that we allowed Sigma to go before her.
Delta is casual as ever.
Awaiting further reports.
~Arthur Rake

Ugh, this has been edited because It looked more stupid than my other work.
Hope you like this revised version.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by Legotron123 »

Beta's starting to scare me.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

His dark side has been shown. Now, you know just a hint of what he's capable of.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

Okay, so I am now currently working on a character reference sheet for both Delta and Epsilon!
I just need to color, scan, then add the Bio.
To see reference sheets of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma (I think I've said it before),
And to see future art of Project Gone Rogue, click here:
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

Delta and Epsilon character reference sheets are done. Click the link in the comment above to see them.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by Laxan »

Oooo I likey this. (Do I get a sense of RvB reference? |D Also have to say 'PROTECT ME CONE!')
But yeah I'm really liking this, keep going! ^_^ I wish to read more dear sir.
'Cata acceptio obscuro mea ténebris ego fio totum' ~ Laxan Tanax Enore
'I made ​​all my dark morning by the acceptance of the dark'
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

Finally! Someone gets the Red Vs. Blue reference with out me explaining!
But, I'm saving "Protect me, cone!" for later.
I will keep writing soon, so keep watching for new entries.
Glad to have a new fan!
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

Entry #10
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Beta stood next to the hospital bed he was instructed to stay in.
"Excuse me, ma'am?" Beta asks. The nurse looks at him, raising her eyebrows to show he had her attention.
"Do you know where I am?" Beta asks.
"Your in a Hospital."
"Not where I am standing in, where I am" Beta says, not exactly sure what else to ask. He just wanted her to leave, so he was asking questions until she left.
"Err, your in--" The door opens, and Angus walks in.
"I hate to interrupt, but is he ready to leave?" Angus asks the nurse.
"Well, we were going to hold him over night, in case that knife wound started bleeding, or he got a clot. But it's weird." The nurse looks at Beta and points to the bed. Beta isn't paying attention, so she taps his shoulder.
"I have to give you a check up--"
"Again? Haven't we been over this?" Beta says.
"Yes but it's necessary--"
"Or is it because you like rubbing my belly?" He says, as if he found out something.
"I can't help it if your belly is soft..." The nurse replies while rolling her eyes.
"Okay, fine." Beta lays down and allows the nurse to sift through his fur. The nurse signals for Angus to move closer. She points out where the knife wound was.
"This is where the knife entered, right?" The nurse asks.
"Yeah. He got it out the first time, but stabbed himself again." Angus replies.
"The wound is completely healed up." The nurse said, showing the bare skin. Angus moved backward in surprise.
"We have to get him to the jail. Or the pound, or somewhere we can ask him questions!" Angus says, backing away from the dog.
The nurse nods, then whispers to Angus to wait until she gets him out willingly.
"Beta?" She says, with the tone that doctors use around children.
"I heard. I'm going to leave soon. I would just like to talk to Daisy before I go." Beta replies. The nurse leads Beta out the door. A dog squad was about to pounce on him, but the nurse held up her hand to tell them to wait. She led Beta to a room, where the little black dog sat. The nurse opened the door for Beta.
Beta walked in to the darkish room. "Hello?" Beta says, looking around.
"Hi, I'm Daisy." Daisy says on the bed.
"Daisy, I can't see you. You blend in with the darkness." Beta replies, looking everywhere but the bed standing in the middle of the wall.
"Hi, I'm Daisy!" She shouts from the bed, waving her hands until Beta caught movement in his eye. He looks over at the black dog.
He stares at her for a little bit. "I still can't see you."
"For goodness sake, she's over there!" The nurse said, as she shoves Beta to the dog.
"Oh, Hi Daisy!" Beta says in his triumphant voice. He sits on the bed next to the little black dog. They sit there in awkward silence, because she can't say anything else but her name, and Beta doesn't know what to say. Daisy reaches over and grabs Beta's hand. Beta waves her hand away.
"Well, I think I'm leaving now." Beta says, standing. Daisy reaches over and grabs his arm. Beta didn't move. He just looked at her paw.
"I don't know why... But I don't want to go..." Beta says, looking at Daisy.
"I hope to see you again, Daisy..." Beta says, but still no reply. Just a staring Daisy. Is that a tear on her face, or is that just her natural shine? Beta walks away, and out the door. He looks back one last time. He smiles, then waves. Beta looks at the nurse, then tells her.
"I don't know why, but I just..." He pauses. She puts her hand on his shoulder in comfort. "I just really hate goodbyes..."
Beta lifts the hand and lets it drop beside the nurse. He walks back to the police squad and allows them to handcuff him.
"It's like those metal things are hugging me!" Beta says, back to his cheery tone. A handful of police dogs look at each other, with a pout-y face, some with just a blank face, as they escorted Beta out of the building.

Epsilon is walking back from the cafeteria on the main floor, carrying a couple bags of potato chips. Epsilon bumps into a police dog. Then he watches another police dog run by, then what seemed like an army of police dogs walk out of a hallway. He watches the dogs escort a yellow dog out of the building. Epsilon can only see the back of his head, but can't help but feel like he knows the dog. Epsilon had a quick flash of knowledge, in which he learned that your subconcious can pick up things faster than you could. So, Epsilon took a whiff of the air.
New dog, new dog, new dog... Beta? Epsilon looked forward, as the yellow dog turned around.
"Beta!" Epsilon shouted as the bag of potato chips fell from his mouth. Beta stops, followed by a train wreck of dogs who were walking. Beta looked around. He looked in all directions as the police dogs tried pushing him onward. Then, Beta saw Epsilon.
"Epsilon!" Beta walked past the wall of police dogs and over to Epsilon.
"What are you doing here? I thought you weren't on the roster!" Beta exclaims, as he points his hands up and down.
"Never mind me, why are you being arrested?" Epsilon shouts over the shouting police dogs.
Beta looks at Epsilon for a short moment.
"What's arrested?" Beta asks as a wave of police dogs attempt to tackle him.

Alpha and Blue's plane lands in Pensacola.
"So, what do we do now?" Blue asks as Alpha walks away from the crowd.
"Well, I guess we find the address to the house the Milton's own. Get Beta, and find a good reverend."
The last bit was imagined by Blue, but she got the first 2.
"Sorry, what was that last bit?" Blue asks.
"I said get something to eat." Alpha says, as he walks to a cafe.
"Why didn't you get some peanuts?" Blue asks as she follows him.
"I am allergic to peanuts." Alpha says as he fumbles around in his collar. Alpha rolls his eyes as he walks out of the cafe.
"Where are you going?" Blue asks, stomping after Alpha.
"I don't have any cash." Alpha says as he walks away.
"I used the last of it to get your gift, and pay for the tickets." Alpha fights against the crowd of busy people and pets.
"I could pay for you." Blue says, trying to the fast pacing Alpha.
"I couldn't do that to you. You mean too much to me." Alpha says.
"I'm sorry, didn't quite catch that last part." Blue says.
"I said. You mean too much to me." Alpha turns to Blue. Blue blushes, then says
"You do?"
"Yeah, I can't let friends pay for my meal, that's too rude." Alpha says, patting her shoulders.
"I'm paying for your [Censor] meal." Alpha says, storming back to the cafe.
"About that. Why are you using so much language?" Alpha says, walking as fast as Blue could march.
"Why does it [censor] matter?" she says with a cross tone.
"Self image? What if a pup hears you?" Alpha says, walking cooly beside Blue.
"I don't [Censor] care! if a pup hears me!" Blue shouts. A parent holds a little Pomeranian's ears as they walk away from the steaming dog. Alpha points at the lady walking away.
"Seriously, it's wrong!" Alpha says. Blue takes a deep breath.
"Breathe in, breathe out--"
"I know what to do, okay!" Blue snaps. Alpha walks behind Blue, grabs her shoulders, and walks her over to a bench.
"What are you doing?" Blue says as Alpha sits her down.
"I'm going to give you a treat you won't forget." Alpha says as he rubs her shoulders. Blue's curled up tail straightened out at what Alpha said.
"Here?" She asks.
"Yeah!" Alpha shouts as he spins around to sit next to Blue.
"I'm going to take you on an adventure." He says into Blue's face. Blue's face turns from a happy expression, to a blank face.
Alpha looks around the airport, looking for places to go.
"Well, I was going to take you into the luggage loading place, but it looks like it's being monitored. Something about a dog fighting ring? I wasn't paying attention." Alpha says. He takes a look around again. He looks over at something to his right, then smiles. Blue looks over in that direction, trying to figure out what he's looking for. Alpha stands up, puts Blue over his shoulders, then carries her in that direction.
"A-A-Alpha! Where are we going?" Blue shouts as Alpha runs around, in no discernible direction.
Alpha falls over, as their bodies are concealed through the crowd. Blue laughs as she hits the ground.
"Wow, have you been working out?" Blue says as Alpha crawls over her body. Alpha kisses her nose as he crawls over her.
"Come on, don't stand up. It's a black ops mission." Alpha says as he crawls through the crowd.
Blue lays there, wagging her tail, with an overwhelming sense of happiness. She snaps herself out of it by rolling back over to her paws and knees.
"Why are we crawling? It looks so... Demeaning..."
"We have to remain hidden, now follow me!" Alpha crawled over toward the place he had been looking.

When Blue and Alpha made it to the wall, Blue could see a small hatch. Alpha pulled his collar off. Blue couldn't help but think how naked Alpha looked.
She smiled, and giggled at herself. Alpha used the latch to pick the lock on the hatch. Alpha held the hatch open for Blue.
"Ladies first." Alpha said, as he watched Blue crawl into the hatch. Alpha noticed a smiley face on her rump.
"Nice mark." Alpha says as he follows Blue. Blue kicks toward Alpha, but misses.
"Okay, even I thought that was weak." Alpha says as he crawls beside Blue.
"Well if your so keen on staring at my rump, then why don't you go ahead. Lead the way!" Blue said, in more of a joking tone than harsh.
"Okay, then, but I don't have any pictures for you to look at." Alpha says as he walks ahead. Blue kept her head, down, not wanting to stare.
"Where are we going?" Blue asked, trying not to trip over her paws.
"Well, different places for different air planes. But I'm hoping to get to the Cargo bay." Alpha crawled around a corner. Blue looked up and watched as Alpha turned. She followed him quickly, thinking she saw something. She turned the corner and stared at Alpha's rump, looking for a mark she hadn't seen before.
Alpha turned around to see if Blue was still following him. She was looking upward, trying not to look forward. Alpha looked forward again, and saw another hatch.
"Oooo, another hatch!" Alpha says in a "Pops" voice. Alpha lifts the latch from the inside, and opens a crack in the small doorway. Blue's face turns red when Alpha turns suddenly around. "Hey I think I just found-- Aww, I knew you couldn't look away."
"Shut up! There aren't any pups around, don't make me swear." Blue blurts out, blushing even more, but nothing could take away her smile.
"Follow me, but keep quiet." Alpha crawls out of the hatch, looking right to left. He stands, and reaches in for Blue. He slides her out of the Hatch, and stands her to her feet.
"You stay here, I am going to look around." Alpha tried to move away, but found his hands were still being held. Alpha looks behind Blue, to see her tail was shaking rapidly.
"Right, then." Alpha said, as he let her hands go.
"Sorry." Blue says as he walks away. Blue thought about her actions toward Alpha.
"come on, he only kissed you on the nose, no need to openly flirt with him."
"He's totally trying to flirt with me."
"He does this all the time."
"You know he was checking you out earlier."
"It's not my fault I have a smiley face on my rump."
"And his butt was pretty cute, too"
"Shut up!" Blue says quietly to herself. Blue decided she needed something to occupy her mind, so she went into her mind house.
She does this when she tries to distract herself. Ever since she saw it on sherlock, she did this.
She looked at pictures of houses she's been to, people she's seen. She lifted a picture frame that had a distorted picture.
She focused on it so it would clear up. Then, the picture cleared up to be Alpha's face. She put it down, and walked away.
Blue tried looking at other pictures, but they were still Alpha. Alpha, Alpha, Alpha!
Blue sat down on a couch in her minds house. She stared at the T.V, willing it to show something. Then, she saw Alpha on top of her, just a short kiss to her nose. Just one kiss. She watched as a smile spread across her face. Alpha...
She laid down on the couch, completely love struck.
Blue woke up to Alpha tapping her side. He had coconut cream all over his face.
"The snack bar broke, so I took advantage of the opportunity." Alpha grabbed Blue under her arms, trying to hold her up, but she was just slumping.
"Blue, are you hurt?" Alpha asked, concerned for her. He leaned down, to see if she was fine. Blue reached up, and held his paws. "Help me up, would you?"
"Sure." Alpha lifts Blue off the ground. She flops her back onto the wall.
"Sorry, I just need to..." Blue paused.
"Are you okay?" Alpha says, looking at her face. She lifts her arms, and held Alpha's sides. She pulled him in, until he was up against her.
"Blue?" Alpha says, smiling with a bad poker face.
"You are so cute..." Blue said, as she lifted her hand to grab the back of his head. Blue pulled his head closer. She tried to kiss him, but he pulled away.
"Blue, hold on." Blue tried to kiss him again, but he moved his head.
"Kiss me, Alpha!" she shouted. Alpha slid out from under her arms, sniffing quickly as he slid.
"Ohh crap." Alpha said as he sprung up.
"Blue, your disoriented!" Alpha said, as Blue advanced.
"I've never been more certain of anything before." Blue said, walking up to Alpha.
"Blue! Calm Down!" Alpha said, backing away from her.
"Don't you understand? We are meant to be together!" Blue said, still advancing on Alpha. Alpha kept walking backward, but eventually hit the other side of the room. Blue grabbed his sides, then pulled him to the ground.
"Alpha, just kiss me!" Blue said, trying to hold Alpha down.
"Hey! What are you doing over there?" a security officer came down the hall.
"It's not what it looks like!" Alpha shouted at the guy, as Blue tried to smother him with sweet lovin's.
"Oh, yes it is..." Blue said, still trying to press Alpha's muzzle on hers.
"Get off of that woman, sir!" The security officer warned.
"I would if I could, but she is... disoriented." Alpha said, still trying to pull himself off of Blue.
"What do you mean, disoriented?" the guy replied.
"You know... disoriented." Alpha said slowly. The man looked like he was trying to put it together. Alpha matched the guy's face as it tried to add up what he meant. Then it dawns on the guy.
"You mean she got chocolate?"
"NO!" Alpha snaps
"OOHHH, that happens a lot, but that's usually--"
"Yes, it's a very uncomfortable subject, just get me off of her."
"Right then." The guy reaches down, seeing where he should pull him off.
"Hurry up!" Alpha says, trying to hold himself away from Blue.
"I'm trying!" The guy says as he pulls Alpha off of Blue.
"STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" Blue shouts as she jumps at the guy. Alpha reaches out, grabs Blue in a headlock, and swiftly hits her in the head, knocking her out instantly.
"Sorry." Alpha says.
"What were you two doing in here?"
"We got lost, looking for the pets bathroom." Alpha says in a cool tone.
"There is only one bathroom for each gender, not just one for each race." The guy says.
"Well, now we know, but I can't take her out there with all those people! She would be so embarrassed. I would be embarrassed, for smelling disoriented."
The guy thinks for a while, letting Alpha carry Blue.
"You can shower in the back, she can stay in the break room. I'll show you the way."

"What do you mean, Sigma is more capable for the task at hand?!" Gamma shouts at Arthur Rake.
"Sigma is undergoing a top secret mission. She is more required for the task."
"But she wasn't even on the roster!" Gamma barks at the man.
"I know you were next, but--"
"And now I'm at the Back of the roster!" Gamma barks over the man.
"That's only beca--" Arthur tried to explain.
"Is it something I did?! Did I get a poor score on my last training?!" Gamma interrupted the man.
"That's Enough!" Arthur said as he slammed his fist on the table. Gamma looked at him, with a bemused face.
"We needed you at the back, because that's where Epsilon was. Since he decided to go ahead with out permission, he was shot to some random point in time."
Arthur explains to Gamma.
"So how come Theta couldn't be at the back, or Eta! Even Beta went ahead of me! BETA!" Gamma shouted.
"Calm down, Gamma. We needed the Best for last. You are our back up plan, for when we actually find Babylon Gardens." Arthur explained.
"Fine." Gamma paced the room until she calmed down.
"So," Gamma started again. "What makes Babylon Gardens such a special place?"
"That is classified information, which will be given to you, once you get there."
"Fine. So, I saw Delta was removed from the Roster."
"Yes. His size wasn't capable of being read in the machine." Arthur explains.
"Couldn't you add some sort of sensor to him for the machine to read him?" Gamma asks.
"We are the scientists here. If there was a way of sending him to the other dimension, we would." Arthur says.
"Now, I think we're done here." Arthur motions for Gamma to leave. Gamma opens the door, looks back at Arthur, then leaves.
Arthur picks up the phone, punches in some numbers, then listens to the tone.
"Hey, Marty... Is there a way we could... um, I don't know. Strap a sensor for the machine to read Delta's body? No? I thought so. Good day."
Arthur hangs up the phone to write the next report.
Hey guys! So, I was just stopping to explain what might be a plot whole. When Arthur told Gamma they needed to find Babylon Gardens, you might think back to when he switched the location for Epsilon's jump. Well, when Alpha was jumped, that was where they assumed Babylon Gardens was. Since that wasn't, and they don't know where Beta ended up, they currently don't know where they are.

If you feel iffy about Blue's... disorientation. I got the idea from Twokinds. Keidran go through disorientation, and real life dogs do. In Housepets, there is pregnancy (not how they are made, but it's still there.), so why shouldn't the dogs here go through disorientation? Anyways I'm not going to have anything bad happen, so you can breath now. But this shouldn't last much longer, so Blue will be fine.

Comment below, it keeps me going!
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by Legotron123 »

I prefer betas normal side over his dark side.
His normal side makes be laugh, while his dark side somewhat scared.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

Yeah. I guess I should explain it in the story, but I don't know where I would put it in. So I'll just say it here.
Because Beta is super strong, but super dumb, the scientists of the Rogue Project put in a safe guard.
The safe guard activates when something almost succeeds in killing him. The blood shot eyes are the safe guard being deactivated.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

Hey guys!
So, this is a little awkward, but I got grounded! woopdie doo -.-
It was something about laundry, so now I'm grounded for the rest of the summer! yay! -.-
As you can see, I'm ticked.
So, you won't see me for a while, and since I'll be doing school, updates will be very hard to do.
Sorry, guys.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

Entry #11

Beta was taken into custody, standing in a white interrogation room, staring at his reflection.
Epsilon and Idaho sat in the lobby, Epsilon curious at what Beta did. Epsilon told Idaho to stay in the hospital, but she didn't feel safe with out him.
She sat next to Epsilon, leaning on her head on his arm.
The police were trying to decide whether a dog or human would be more appropriate for the job.
the dog that reminded Epsilon of Snoopy laid on the floor, snoring. It really took the intensity out of Epsilon's anger.

Beta was standing by the mirror, making silly faces at himself.
The police officers tried not to laugh at his antics when suddenly, the door opened.
Beta watched as the police dog Angus walked in.
"Sir, would you take a seat, please." Angus said.
"No thank you, I feel more comfortable standing." Beta replied, turning his attention back to the mirror.
"I must insist you take a seat." Angus replied, indicating to the seat with the folder in his hands. Beta decided to oblige, and sat down,
fumbling with his legs as he did. Angus watched with a blank face as Beta sat awkwardly on the chair.
"Okay. Now, I have a couple questions for you." Angus said calmly.
"4." Beta replied.
"I haven't asked the question's yet." Angus stated as he looked up from the folder.
"But I know the answer is 4." Beta replied in a matter of fact tone.
Angus looked at the folder again, then got a tap on the glass. Angus stood and walked to the door.
"Stay there." Angus said as he walked out of the door.
Angus was met by a human who worked in forensics.
She appeared to be a young girl, but in reality was about as old as the next officer.
She wore a lab coat, green goggles around her neck, and yellow gloves hanging from the pocket of the coat.
"We have some information that we don't understand." The human said.
"Like what?"
"First," The human started as she started walking down the hall "Beta was stabbed directly in the heart. He should have bled out in literally 3 seconds."
"And He's still standing." Angus continued.
"Right, and that's very odd. But there is also his DNA test." the human replied opening a door.
"That came in already? I thought it took a while to get that information." Angus said walking through the door into a busy work station.
"Well, it would have regularly, if it wasn't already in the system." She said, leading Angus to her department.
The Human led Angus to a hallway, and into a room, with the name "Lia" on the door.
"What do you mean, his DNA is already in the database? Was he arrested before?"
"No, the--"
"Or was he taken to the vet clinic as well? Micro chip? Anything?" Angus interrupted.
"I'm getting there!" Lia shouted. Angus stood stock still as she typed on a computer. Suddenly "Beta's" DNA test came in.
The file showed a different picture to the face. Angus looked in disappointment at the face that showed up.
"Epsilon." Angus turned for the door.
"So you know this dog?" Lia asked as he opened the door.
"He is our dog of the month." Angus said as he walked out of the room and down the hall.

Epsilon and Idaho were relaxing in the lobby as an old looking Welsh Corgi was led to the lobby.
"You may speak to him when the interrogation is over." A female police officer said as he struggled to climb into the seat next to Idaho.
Idaho looked at the corgi and smiled.
"Hello. What's your name?" Idaho asked, with a smile on her face.
"Cory." the corgi replied in a stiff voice. There was an awkward silence that followed, both dogs looking around the room to focus on.
"Umm... So, what's your name?" Cory asked, trying to smile as best he could. Idaho watched at the painful look in his eyes.
"Idaho. It's nice to meet you." Idaho replied.
"It's... nice to meet you, too." Cory replied, trying to warm up. Idaho could tell he didn't socialize much. Cory tried to think of something else to say.
"So, umm..." Cory said, looking around. He saw the dog sleeping with his head on the arm of the chair. "Are you here with your brother?"
"No..." Idaho replied.
"Um... Who are you here with, buddy?" Cory said, putting his paw on the back of his neck.
"My friend, Epsilon." Idaho replied, indicating with her muzzle to the sleeping dog.
"You guys... umm..." Cory couldn't think of the next thing to say, so he said what he usually said. "What are you in for?" he said more confidently.
"Well, as much as I know, Epsilon is here waiting for his brother, Beta." Idaho replied. Cory's face grew more intrigued by what this little boy dog had said.
"That's my partners name." Cory said surprised, now focusing on Idaho's face.
"Partner? What did you guys do for a living?" Idaho said, moving so she was facing Cory.
"We were..." Cory flashed to the images of Beta almost ripping a guy's leg off. "Fighting partners. I was his coach, I guess. Although he didn't need one."
"Fighting? Like, recreational? That's dangerous, you know." Idaho said, looking concerned.
"Not for our recreation, I can tell you that." Cory said, looking angrily down at the ground. Idaho looked left and right, seeing if anyone was listening.
She didn't see anyone paying attention to them, so she leaned closer to Cory. Cory smiled awkwardly as she moved closer.
"Gosh, I hope this kid isn't going to ask if I'm his dad." Cory thought. Idaho took quick glances from side to side as she asked
"Did you fight..." She took another look behind her. "Monsters?" she said quietly.
"What the heck are you talking about?" Cory said, backing away from the face that kept moving closer.
"It's okay! I know about you." Idaho explained.
"I still don't know what your--" Cory started to say, before Idaho interrupted
"Your Sigma!" she said quietly so no one would hear. Cory was about to say something, then he remembered something.
"Beta and Epsilon are letters in the Greek Alphabet. Maybe that's what Beta's owners called each of them." Cory thought to himself.
"I see what you mean, kid, but I'm not 'Sigma'. I'm Cory, but I see where you get the thought." Cory said, getting uninterested in the conversation.
"Oh. Okay. Cory." Idaho said as she turned facing forward. She remembered Epsilon saying he was the only one who could remember, so she didn't follow any further in the conversation.
Idaho looked forward as Angus and a couple police dogs walked towards her.
"Angus! Did you find out anything?" Idaho said as she met him. Angus moved her carefully aside and walked over to Epsilon.
Epsilon woke up to the new smell. He saw Angus standing over him.
"Mr. Epsilon." Angus said in a demanding tone.
"Yes?" Epsilon answered cautiously.
"Your now a suspect in our investigation. Come with us quietly please." Angus said, watching as Epsilon stood to his feet.
"Angus, what are you doing?" Idaho said, walking up to Angus.
"Alright." Epsilon said as he stood.
"Angus! Don't do this!" Idaho said, trying to hold Angus back.
"Idaho. It's alright! It's not like I'm going to die or anything. I'll be back before you know it." Epsilon said as he held her shoulders, then kissed her forehead.
Angus rolled his eyes as he put a paw on Epsilon's shoulder.
"Come on. This way." Angus said, steering Epsilon away from the waiting room. Cory stood next to Idaho as the police dogs walked away.
"Well that was weird." Cory said, putting his paws on his hips.

Angus slapped a folder on the tabled Epsilon was sitting at.
"We did a DNA test on Beta for a robbery investigation." Angus said, walking around the table. He noted Epsilon's usually curled tail that was now straight.
"Usually, the process takes a while to get the information logged into the computer." Angus said as he walked back to the front of the table.
"And guess what we found." Angus said, opening the folder. Epsilon stopped Angus from opening the folder any further.
"You found my medical file." Epsilon replied.
"Yes." Angus said, sitting down. "Care to explain?"
"A clerical error?" Epsilon replied.
"I don't think so. How about explaining again." Angus said with a blank face.
"Alright. You got my belongings right?" Epsilon asked Angus.
"What do you need?" Angus asked, looking suspiciously at Epsilon.
"My tags. It'll explain the whole DNA test situation." Epsilon replied clenching his paws as he finished.
Angus looked at Epsilon for a moment, not sure if he should. But, he decided to pull it out.
Epsilon flipped the tag over to reveal his information. He pointed out some small writing.
"Rogue Experiment Number 5? Can you explain what that is?" Angus said, not switching moods.
"The Rogue experiment is a cloning experiment that is very secret. It's project run by Texas A&M University." Epsilon explained.
Angus thought about this for a moment. He wasn't familiar with the cloning project, but he noticed the tag.
"This Tag says S&M." Angus said, pointing out the word.
"That tag also says 'Unaversety' on it." Epsilon replied, spelling out the miss spells. "Typing error. That's the latest tag."
"Oh." Angus said, putting the tags back in the folder. Epsilon sighed with relief. Because of the computer's typo problem, it saved him from being a suspect. Almost. "Let me talk to someone about this, then I'll let you know if your clear." Angus said as he stood.

Angus sat at Lia's phone, contacting Texas A&M University.
"Texas A&M, how can I help you?" a voice said with a nasal strain in it.
"Um, hello, this is the Lilly Alabama Police Department. I'm looking for someone who could... um..." Angus was lost for words as to what to say.
Lia took the phone and started the conversation.

"Good news," Angus said as he walked into the door. "Your... being a clone... explanation checks out. I just have a few more questions before you go."
Angus sat with Epsilon and asked him question's about "Where he was the day Beta stole the Milton's plane tickets", and questions that involved that.
Epsilon finished with the questions, and was allowed to go back to the lobby. Epsilon was about to leave the room when all of a sudden.
"Where were you the night when we were stolen from!" shouted a small ferret, clinging to Epsilon's newly attached collar.
"Duke, get off of the dog, we got the wrong room." Another, more business looking ferret said as he walked down the hall.
Duke put one footpaw on the ground, then the other. He looked looked down the hall, then back at Epsilon.
"I'm watching you, Grape dog." Duke said as he walked down the hall way.

Sigma just finished talking to the police about the Rogue Project.
Of course, it was a revised version that made it completely legitimate, and she wasn't anywhere near Texas.
Nevertheless, she fooled the police.
"Can't let you get arrested so easily, Epsilon." Sigma said as she took a sip of coffee. She immediately spat it back into the cup and threw the cup away.
She took a seat next to a window, watching the planes fly away to whatever location they were going.

Sigma has managed to find where Alpha is, and is watching him closely, making sure he doesn't find Epsilon.
In other news, Beta AND Epsilon has managed to get themselves arrested. That put our Project in a very risky location.
Luckily, Sigma was able to impersonate a Texas A&M staff member and convince them that there was such a project.
If this get's out of hand, this could put the entire project in jeopardy.
Awaiting further reports
~Arthur Rake
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by copper »

Getting interesting, with the seemingly invincible Beta and Epsilon knowing all. Is this Sigma a human then?

You might want to read over your updates a bit better. I saw names switched up and colored texts that were off...

Well, I hope this means you are no longer grounded! Always sucks to be grounded.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

The only time I used color text was when Blue was talking to her hormonal self.
Yeah, I probably do. But I started at 6pm.
Got stuck listening to the Dark Knight Rises music.
And finished at 11pm. I didn't want to read it over.
But, next time, I will do.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

So. What should the Miltons say to Beta?
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

Entry #12

Back in the other dimension, Texas S&M. The scientists accepted and rejected some of the rogues to continue. Delta was one of them.
One by one, the other Rogues were sent to the other dimension, or sent out to do another mission.
Gamma was also left, but was in line. She and Delta decided to go to the lake. It wasn't a big lake, but there were tons of tents.
Delta sat on the beach, wearing beach trunks and what not. He failed to understand it was just a lake.
Gamma splashed in the lake, speedily catching tiny fish that swam close. She carried the fish over to Delta.
"Want one?" she asked, handing him a fish.
"Did you wash them? Gut them? Actually prepare the fish?" Delta asked the questions, eating a hot dog.
"No, but why would you do that?" Gamma said, biting the back of one fish.
"Because, that's fish straight from the lake. Your right next to the beach where children swim in..." Delta replied.
Gamma chewed happily. Still not understanding.
"You know what children do in water. And when fish see it floating around..." Delta explained.
Gamma chewed slower, thinking about it. Then she suddenly chewed to a stop. Delta watched as Gamma turned a darker shade of green. She ran half way across the campsite to the bathrooms, where she disappeared around the corner.

Back at S&M, Arthur sat thinking. He buzzed the phone and called for one of the scientists. Once he came, Arthur asked
"Has Beta activated his tracker?"
"No sir." The scientist replied, looking at a clip board.
"Has he even attempted to contact us?"
"No sir. He probably forgot." he replied, not looking at Arthur.
Arthur thought for a short time, then asked
"What about Epsilon? Does he have any new information?"
"No sir, he seems to just be trolling around." the scientist replied, now looking up from the clip board.
"And Alpha?"
"Nope. He seems to be stuck at an airport." the scientist said, looking back down at the clip board.
"What about the other Rogues? Do they have any more information?" Arthur asked, getting irritated.
"All of them failed to find Babylon Gardens." he replied. Arthur slammed his hands on the desk he sat at, rattling the books and folders.
"Do we have any new information?!" Arthur burst. The scientist shook at the outburst.
"Um... It seems that Beta is a wanted criminal." The scientist dryly replied. Arthur sat down, spinning in the chair in frustration.
Arthur thought for a moment.
"Every single Rogue that got on the other side managed to activate their locators. The locators track where the Rogues have been at some point.
Beta is the only one that hasn't activated his locator..." Arthur thought. He suddenly turned around, then told the scientist
"Get Sigma on the communicator. I have a new mission for her."

"Sir, we haven't had the chance to interrogate him yet." Angus said, chasing the ferret.
"Well, I think we need to talk to him." The ferret replied, still walking down the hall. Angus stopped the ferret in his tracks.
"Sir, you can speak to him after I have the chance to interrogate him. But right now, I can't have you messing it up for us." Angus explained to the ferret.
The ferret wasn't completely convinced, so Angus tried something else.
"But, you can talk to one of the suspects who is related to him." Angus said. "We have his information down, so you can try to speak to him."
Epsilon glared at Angus, obviously trying to use him to stall the ferrets. Angus looked at Epsilon and mouthed "Sorry" to him. The ferret considered this for a moment, then agreed. "Where is the other suspect?" He asked. Epsilon waved at the ferret in reply.
"All right then, let's have a chat." The ferret said, his face read of mystery.
The Ferret lead Epsilon outside, and to the limo that they arrived in. Duke followed, and attempted to join, but was stopped.
"Duke, go wait in the lobby." The obvious leader ordered.
"You can't tell me what to do. If I want to stay, I will." Duke replied rebelliously. The leader opened the door, allowed Epsilon to step in, then followed. Closing and locking the door on Duke. Epsilon gaped at the luxury of the limo. It was as if he was in a mansion on wheels.
"My name is Keene Milton. What is your name?" Keene said calmly. Epsilon was too busy bouncing in the chair. Keene cleared his throat, suddenly grabbing Epsilon's attention.
"Er, what? Oh. My name is Epsilon." Epsilon replied.
"Well, that's a cool name. Want a drink?" He asked, offering Epsilon an Orange Soda. Epsilon raised an eyebrow at the orange soda.
"Sugar is bad for a dogs health." Epsilon replied. Even so, Keene still tossed him a can. Keene opened his own can and sipped it.
Epsilon followed his example, drinking the Soda as well.
"So. How long have you been here? In Alabama." Keene asked.
"Just a few days. Maybe a week?" replied Epsilon. Keene took another drink of Orange soda.
"So, I'm guessing since you had no reaction towards us showing up, either you hate us, or you have no idea who we are." He said, swishing the orange soda around. Epsilon looked at the face, trying to think if he knew him.
"I don't know. I've only just arrived." Epsilon replied, swigging the orange soda.
"Well, we, meaning Me and my brother, Duke, are apart of a very rich family. Have you heard of the Miltons?" asked Keene, finishing his soda.
"That's interesting. And It has come to my attention that my brother has stolen from you?" replied Epsilon.
"Yes, but I actually don't care about that." Keene replied. Epsilon was confused. "We weren't using the tickets anyways. Actually, the tickets were voided since he skipped the flight. And, we looked back at the stuff he purchased, and all he got was a couple cakes and a coloring book." Keene explained.
"Yeah, he doesn't know how to use credit cards." Epsilon commented, taking another swig of orange soda. Keene was looking a bit dizzy.
"I figured. And since they were a bit childish things... I wanted to ask..." Keene asked gingerly. "Is he a bit... Slow?"
"Slow?" Epsilon asked.
"Yes, slow. Slow in the head?" Keene asked, waving his paw around in the air to add emphasis.
"Yes and no. I like to think he's in touch with his inner child." Epsilon replied. Keene chuckled suddenly, which oddly sent Epsilon into chuckling.
Epsilon hasn't had Orange Soda before, so he's getting drunk. Both Keene and Epsilon started laughing uncontrollably. Keene gasped for breath, then continued his "Interrogation".
"But my concern was how easily he was able to take down my security team. They are some of the best wolves I know." Keene continued.
"Then theeeyyy are probably not the best wolves for the job." Epsilon said, laughing. Keene laughed as well. The laughing goes on for a while, so let's head inside.

Idaho sat next to Corey, worried as ever. Her fur shedding on the chair. Duke walked into the police department and sat next to her.
He looked over at Corey, sitting awkwardly on the chair, feet swinging in the air.
"You sure are a funny looking dog." Duke stated. Corey sat up, his eye twitching at the statement.
"So does your little brother here. He almost looks like a girl." Duke continued, stating his mind.
"That's because--" Idaho started but was cut off.
"You even sound like a girl." Duke commented.
"That is no way to speak to a male." Corey said, getting very irritated.
"Actually--" Idaho tried to cut in, but was interrupted.
"How would you know if he was a girl or guy?" Duke asked.
"Well then, ask him." Corey said, then looked at Idaho. "Idaho, your a guy, right?" Corey said, thinking he had a one up on the impudent ferret.
"Actually, I'm a girl." Idaho stated. Corey sat in silence, blushing.
"Wow, then your the most boyish--" Duke tried to state, but was cut off.
"Are you sure you want to anger one of your major stock buyers?" She asked. Duke sat silently. Corey stuck his tongue out at the ferret. The ferret did a raspberry at the dog. Both did childish insults to each other as Idaho smiled triumphantly.
Suddenly, there was a shout down the hall.
"Where is Beta?!" Angus shouted, running around. The police ran frantically back and forth, looking for the escaped suspect.
"Here I am." Beta said, stepping around the corner, right behind Angus. Angus spun around rapidly.
"Where have you been?" Angus said, crossing his arms.
"Well, you see. The door was unlocked, and I had to use the bathroom. I wanted to get some flowers for the nice lady dog who brought me in."
"What lady dog?" Angus asked.
"Well, you." Beta replied, handing him some weeds from the lawn. Angus stared blankly at Beta.
"How do you not know that I'm a guy. We walk around naked all the time." Angus said, not changing expression.
"Well, you see. It's not nice to stare at your neck with out permission, so yeaaahhh. But your legs are very feminine." Beta replied.
Angus face-pawed as he led Beta to the desk.
"Would you mind calling Mr. Milton, there is no way this guy could do anything illegal." Angus said, still with a blank face. Some police officers chuckling at Beta's attempt to give Angus some flowers. The receptionist dialed the number on the phone, her trying to hold in some giggles at Beta.
"Oh, come on, lady dog. You can't trick me." Beta said, still trying to give him the flowers.
"Get those out of my face."
"But these are the best flowers from the yard that I could find."
"I said, get those flowers out of my face." Angus said, still blank faced.
"Oh come on, Angus. Embrace your lady legs!" one of the police dogs shouted from the back ground.

The limo's phone was ringing as Epsilon was comforting Keene, who was going on about his father. Keene looked over at the phone, then declined the call.
"So, as I was saying. I started a program so pets could become their own citizens. Legally, they would be Miltons, but you'd still be your own person. If your interested, I would like you and your brother to join." Keene finished his story. Epsilon thought about this for a moment.
"As much as that sounds awesome, I am still the property of Texas S&M. I can't have you adopt me." Epsilon explained (He told Keene everything.)
"That sucks. Maybe I can talk to your owners about a deal." Keene suggested.
"I don't think that's possible. But I thank you for your kindness." Epsilon replied.

Alpha walked into the break room that Blue was sleeping in.
"Hey. Are you okay?" Alpha asked, shaking her shoulder.
"Mhmm... Yeah. My head hurts a lot, though." Blue said, shaking her head.
"I remember you wanting to take me on an adventure, but nothing else." Blue said, pawing at the bump. "What happened?" Blue asked.
"Um... That's not important. Right now, your not trying to eat me, so that's okay." Alpha said awkwardly.
"Why would I want to eat you? What the heck happened back there?" Blue asked, sitting up from her laying position.
"That is still unimportant. Right now, just eat this ice cream." Alpha said, handing her a Mini Blue Bell pint to her. Blue took this as a joke.
"Ha ha. Very funny." Blue punched Alpha in the arm. Alpha laughed, relieved that she was back to her old self.
So, no long story about them? Your not making it into an ark?
No, I decided to keep this going. Although, I don't know what to do with Alpha and Blue after this...
Okay then. So why did you start putting Blue and Green text dialogue? To speak your mind mid story?
Probably. I thought this could be a nice change to the usual stuff that I do.
... Just stop.

Sigma picked up her ringing communicator. What do they want this time? She thought as she answered the phone.
"Sigma. What do you mean, Alpha is irrelevant right now?... You want me to do what? Oh, ok. I thought you said something else. It's the buggy connection...
Okay, I'll get to it." Sigma hung up, and made her way out of the Air port.

Sorry for the long pause. I just started another project in the RP community. But, I didn't want to leave the story, so this is the latest entry.
Am I ungrounded?
Yes. School is about to start, so yeah. I guess now you know I'm a youngster. :/
Anyways, comment below so I know your still reading. I get lonely here.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

So, I wanted to try a comic of this. This is what came out.
Also being posted on DeviantART
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by copper »

Good update, but you may want to work on not breaking the 4th wall.

Sorry about being off of this. I got caught up myself.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

Me, looking through the "View your posts".
I see Project Gone Rogue get some attention.
ppppfffffttt! People still read this stuff?
the pfffttt was a spit take.

Yeah, I've been getting that. Although, I'm not sure if I can figure out any more story.
I know how I want the end to go, but nothing else in between here and now.
Believe it or not, comments are key to my writing.
Once they stop, the life of the story goes with it.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate the comment, copper.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by Firenze »

Yay! It took several days for me to read this, but looks like I finally got myself up to date with the story! I gotta say though that I am extremely impressed with what I've read so far, especially with this being the first fan-fiction I read on the forums.

I guess I was a bit slow trying to flow along with the story at the beginning, but that soon became less of a problem as the story progressed. But I love the diversity of characters that you've developed. For some reason as you named your main characters, I was thinking of a book that I read in the past, "Brave New World" so I assumed that the characters would resemble more of the classes that were portrayed in that story. Turns out I was completely wrong... to a certain extent, but that's actually a good thing!

So let's see... my thoughts on the characters. Out of all the characters, I find Alpha to be my most favorite. I find his charisma to be rather appealing, plus the way he treats Blue reminds me so much of me and one of my friends. x3 Beta, on the other paw, I questioned a lot of things about him... and I mean A LOT! But he has such a lovable attitude until you get on his bad side. That split personality of his totally threw me off guard. o.o' And then there's Epsilon. Seeing as how he was the first character introduced to the story, I've grown a liking to him. I actually like his way of thinking and how he's able to keep a leveled mind even in the direst of situations. The character sheets you made were useful as well. =3

Ok... other comments on the story! I kinda noticed that the rules state that I need permission to give some constructive criticism, so I'll put that aside (you did an overall good job though, buddy). But I couldn't help but laugh at some parts of the story because they were funny (in a good way of course!). The fourth wall jokes were one of them, although you did kinda got carried away with Alpha and Blue, hehe. It was still pretty cute though. ;3 You certainly know how to develop relationships with each of the characters, which is something that I extremely like about a good story. I can tell you like had fun with your story from all the bits of humor you added. It's always good to have fun as you write; it adds a lot more character. :lol:

You really don't have to respond to this, but I just had some personal questions. Thankfully you were able to answer most of the questions that I had while I read through the story, but I was kinda curious if you had a reason associating certain colors with each of the characters: Epsilon = purple; Beta = yellow; Alpha = blue, and so forth. Also, I noticed that there was a part where Epsilon explained the origin of his name and how he had to change it from Alpha. So does that mean Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon are clones of Alpha with slight mutations? I was sorta confuzzled on that part.

I'm not sure if you're still working on this, but you should definitely continue writing! It'd be a shame to see a story like this die off when there was so much time and effort put into this. Anyways, I'd love to read what happens next; perhaps you can develop Gamma's and Delta's stories since they haven't had a lot of attention yet. I know that it isn't easy coming up with new ideas though, but in given time you'll find the inspiration you need to get that writing mojo going! But you definitely deserve kudos for what you have already done. Good job MrNeonShot. =3

I apologize for having such a long response... I probably should have just commented after reading each entry. :?
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

*gasps* another reader! I thought I was alone!
*throws fake beard off*

I actually WAS just going to let this die, and that made me EXTREMELY depressed, because I put everything into making these characters.

Actually, all of them are clones.
But, Epsilon, Beta, and Sigma are the Rogue 2's.
Alpha, Gamma, and Delta (and everyone else not mentioned) are Rogue 3's.
Actually, Gamma is something else, but I still have to write that.

Some of the story is developed from red vs. blue, and I tried to replicate the spartan project.
turns out, the spartan one's were the original Spartans from the roman times :oops:
But the bright side is, its an original story!

On the fourth wall thing, I know. I've gotten a lot of feedback on it (months ago, and recently copper).
I'm not sure if I'll bust the fourth wall anymore.
Can't break the fourth wall, if its already demolished...

Just know, that because people like you still read this, and give me feedback.
It means sooo much to me.
Thank you.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by copper »

Just write another update silly Neon. You have fans.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by Legotron123 »

*looks up from newspaper*
Hmmm? This still exists? Please update, I hate it when writers just stop their fanfics. I mean, your story is REALLY good. I have so many questions and I don't want them to be never answered.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by Firenze »

Well I'm still just a week old on this forums, so I wouldn't really consider myself a veteran reader... yet, silly. But that can change pretty soon once you get this story up and running again! :lol:

And don't feel so discouraged about the whole breaking the fourth wall issue. You just gotta find the right opportunities to demolish it... if it still even exists, that is. ^^' I really enjoyed some of the fourth wall jokes that they made from Ed Edd n' Eddy. Perhaps you can get a few ideas outta that if you still have any thoughts on breaking that fourth wall. ;3

Sadly I'm not familiar with the Red vs. Blue references nor the Spartan Project (I must really live in a cave or something...), but the originality definitely deserves a two-paws up! Thanks for the clarifications!
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

Good news! I've written an update.
But, it has been awhile since I've posted, so I hope you don't mind a time jump.
Just to the beginning of fall.

I wrote it on a windows xp, so now I have to get it to a notepad.
It might take some time.
But, the update has been written!
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by copper »

Can't wait to read it! :D
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

After a long break, Gamma and Delta went back to the university. It was the beginning of fall, but like usual Texas weather, it was 90 degrees outside.

Gamma and Sigma sat in chairs, waiting patiently for Arthur to bring the results back.
Sigma had completed her mission months ago, and had returned for some R&R.
Gamma sat impatiently, worried over what was happening to Delta.
Sigma sat in her own chair, totally relaxed, with out a care in the world, almost drifting to sleep.
“So, how did you get the communicator so fast?” Gamma asks.
“Almost” Sigma thought, sitting up straight.
“Well,” she began, “After that chick, Epsilon, and Beta got the arcade running, some famous people advertised it as the best arcade in the country, which got tourists from all around to go see it.
Epsilon was busy at the register. He was a whirl of non-slacking fur at his job. He had the line moving rapidly, accepting the cash, slapping the wrist strap on, and then admitting them in. He was like a well oiled machine.
Idaho worked at the concessions, as well as the bowling alley maintenance. She too was a well oiled machine, passing drinks to the crowd of people, stampeding to reserve an alley.
The bowling alley made a “crash” sound, as someone yelled “STE-RIKE!”
Pets tried out the mini-golf course. It wasn’t big, but it was almost never crowded, and whoever liked the course never had to wait.
Sigma crawled quietly in a vent, to where she guessed was the ice rink.
Her instincts were correct. She was looking down at Beta, who had 2 females, admiring Beta’s muscles.
They each gripped an arm, squealing with glee.
“You’re so strong!” They chuckled.
“Well,” Beta awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. “It’s probably because I’m-- I mean, the hot dogs here are great.” He cut himself off animatedly.
“I can tell!” one of them say, leaning against him to maintain balance on the slippery ice. Beta moved away from both of them.
“Siiiiigggghhhh” he said, skating away easily.
“What’s the matter?” They ask, each taking an arm.
“*sigh* I’m just depressed.” He said, still not focusing.
“Oh, well” one of the girls blush as she skates to Beta’s front, “I know how to cheer you up <3”
She says in a cheery voice.
“Really?” Beta asks, focusing on her, which he rarely did to anyone.
“Really.” She replies, as the other female glared icy daggers at the girl.
She merely skated passed her, taking Beta with her. They make their way to the railing, and out the gate.
She leads Beta into a closet, and then closed the door behind them. There was silence for a few minutes, then the door opens, and Beta walks out of the room with a “Siiiiggghhh”.
“So much for taking me on an adventure” He said, leaving the girl blazed in the room.

Beta walked over to the soda bar, on the other side of the building.
Sigma could clearly see the communicator in his collar. Sigma wasn’t the only girl watching Beta.
Female dogs and cats were scattered across the room, watching the sad puppy drown his sorrows in an orange soda, but to no avail.
Sigma climbed out of the vents in a secluded corner, then made sure she didn’t look like a mop head from being in the vents.
Sigma made her way to the bar, after checking herself. She pushed back love-struck ladies so she could make her way to Beta. She saw a cat, attempting to cheer Beta up, sitting next to him. Sigma pulled her out of the chair, and then took the now open seat.
“Hello there, cowboy.” She greets, “Can I buy you a drink?” She asks. All the girls look in shock at Sigma.
“It’s tradition for the guy to buy you a drink!” They all shout in their heads.
“You should try the hot dogs. They taste great.” He says animatedly. Sigma orders 2 orange sodas.
“So what’s troubling you?” she asks, putting a paw close to his.
“Sssiiiiiiiigh” Beta says the word, rather than actually sighing. He caught the drink that slid down the bar.
“She left me. With out. Even. Saying. Goodbye.” He says, each word, he dropped his head lower to the table. He popped the cap, and then drank the soda.
“That’s rough, buddy.” Sigma also takes a drink.
A girl sitting on the other side of Beta attempts to comfort him, but is met with a butter knife, landing inches away from her paw.
“I thought that maybe she liked me. I did save her from some monsters. But, I guess it didn’t matter.” He lifted his head, and again dropped it lower each time the words were spoken. He let out a long sigh.
Another girl, sitting beside Sigma, who had been listening, found it rude that Sigma was doing nothing to help Beta. She attempted to shove past Sigma, but was met with a fork, the prongs resting under her chin, stopping her from any further advancement.
“But once she got better,” He continued, “she just… left.” Beta finishes.
Sigma attempts to pull Beta to her, but can’t budge him. So, she moves closer to him, trying to distract him with a kiss, so she can take the communicator. Beta stops her lips with a finger.
“I understand you probably don’t care. Nobody really pays attention to me.” He says, pushing her gently back to her seat. “You’re only trying to use me… Just like Epsilon.” He states, turning away from her.
Sigma looks away from Beta, focusing on her now interesting drink. Suddenly, she hears a sliding sound, coming towards her. She looks, and finds the communicator, resting close to her paw.
“I don’t know why you want this, but I haven’t gotten this to work. Take it. It’s useless.” He says, resting his head on the table. Sigma looks at the watch-like thing.
She notices Beta’s drink now gone, so she slides him her own drink.
“You look like you need it. Good luck, Beta.” She says, walking away.
Beta looks at the drink, and then sighs. “I thought those were supposed to help me. I don’t feel different at all!”
He says, running off to the un-finished water park.
Sigma then climbs back into the vents.

“So, that’s how it all happened.” Sigma finished relating the story. Arthur had walked in half way through, so he heard most of it. Gamma hadn’t noticed the man, though.
“Epsilon is using Beta? For what?” Gamma asks, now annoyed.
“Beta is used to attract guests to area’s that aren’t normally used. He’s basically the bait for a fish to follow. It’s nothing serious. I think that Beta is just… neglected” Sigma commented. Gamma glared at Sigma, needing further explanation.
“Pets think that he’s a real life “Pridelands” prince.”
“What the howl is a Prideland’s prince?” Gamma asks.
“I don’t know, but apparently they’re muscular.” Sigma explains. “But is that really important?” Sigma asks.
“Right, so how is he being neglected?” Gamma wasn’t sure what to ask, but she wanted to know further more on the matter.
“Well, his “Best Friend” Cory has been working with the k-9 unit, so he hasn’t had the chance to talk much.
Epsilon is so efficient at his missions, he tends to block out anyone not assigned. Idaho… Well, he barely knows her.” Sigma explained. Gamma sat, hot tempered, trying to hold back something.
“Go ahead.” Sigma says, rolling her eyes.
“Sometimes I just wanna pop his ey--”
“Gamma, Sigma!” Arthur interrupts the blood-lusting doggy, which was in the middle of emphasizing her murderous reign.
“Results are back, I’ll debrief you.” Arthur says, leading the way.

“Now that Delta has finished his procedure, we can move on.” Arthur explains while closing the door behind the dogs.
“And, after countless hours of research, we completely scrapped our attempts to look at the communicator, and looked back at our send out history. Our idiot interns forgot to send the paperwork to me, so we could never double check the jumper device. They are now used for scientific testing.” Arthur ranted.
“And what excellent plants they have become, sir.” Gamma nods at the row of potted plants on the desk.
“Since when did you become such a kiss-up?” Sigma asks, surprised at Gamma’s change of attitude.
Gamma cuts a quick glare at Sigma.
“My point is we now know the location of Babylon Gardens.” Arthur cut in, finishing his point.
“Gamma,” Arthur continued, “You and Delta will be staying at Babylon Gardens. We have no back up. No humans to give you a cover. So, you must blend in with the other civilians there. While your there, you must await further instructions. Are we clear?” Arthur barks out the instructions.
“Sir, yes sir!” Gamma shouts enthusiastically.
“Dismissed.” Arthur waves Gamma off.
“And what are my orders?” Sigma asks.
“Find Alpha.” Arthur says calmly.
“You mean Epsilon, or the--”
“I mean the Alpha who has evaded our attempts to track him! Now get to it!” Arthur shouts.
Sigma almost scrambles out the door.
“Oh, and Gamma!” He shouts. Sigma disappears around the corner, bringing Gamma back.
“Don’t. Lose. It.” Arthur orders.
“I promise I won’t.” She replied.
“Just know that I have faith in you. But, should you lose control, Delta has orders to neutralize you. Is that understood?” Arthur asks.
“Yes sir.” Gamma replies.

*grammatically corrected
Last edited by MrNeonShot on Mon Oct 14, 2013 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by Legotron123 »

I'm still wondering why they want Babylon gardens. Unless they're looking for the more "magical" elements, there's nothing of interest there.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

*laughs evilly.*
You'll find out soon enough.
bahahaha. ba haha! hahaha!
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by Firenze »

Yay! New season!
For a three month time jump, this actually turned out pretty nicely. I'm still having trouble defining Gamma's and Delta's character ever since you slowly introduced them in your penultimate entry, but you did render in some pretty good dialogue between the two which was nice. At least Delta is able to control himself a bit more than a certain explicit doggy... *coughBluecough* Also, I never knew that Beta had such a soft side (yet somehow he's still not able to be taken as seriously). Consoling paw, anyone? =<

I wonder what Alpha has been up to that has caused him to be a marksman's target... one dog could do a lot in 3 months... hmm...

Aside from the minor grammar and punctuation errors, you certainly did a a nice job coming back to the story. Can't wait to see what happens next MrNeonShot! :lol:
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by copper »

Interesting update. Seems Beta still retained a bit of his old self... kind of deep there, able to discern what Sigma wanted.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

mwa ha haha *slips into dark corner*
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

I'm working on the next update to the story!
This update, we'll watch Gamma and Delta in Babylon Gardens.

Just a hint... They meet a certain muscular visitor.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by Firenze »

Yay! Can't wait to learn a little more about these two fella's!

And a muscular visitor you say? It's obviously Joey. ;3
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by Legotron123 »

I just realized something about epsilon.
He has to deal with a fake set of memories along side his real ones.
He has to deal with the fact that his friends basically had their minds wiped, and that they'll never truly be the people he became friends with(in his real memories anyways).
And he can't do anything about without having the same thing happen to him.
That or I wasn't paying attention when I was re-reading this.
Probably the second one.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

No, its the first one.
Great observation.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »


Project Gone Rogue: Season 2
Episode 2
Delta awoke from his slumber.
“How are you feeling?” Gamma asks. Delta looked up at the green dog. He was having trouble focusing, because his eyes were watery. He also felt sore, like he had been working out for 9 hours straight.
His sense of smell was also increased.
“I feel funny.” Delta answered. Delta stood from his bed. He was having trouble balancing, but he managed to stand still. He noticed that he was a bit taller than before, and he was now at chest level to Gamma, which was about the same height as Alpha. He also noticed that he felt heavier. He looked over his arms, and noticed that he now had muscle. Delta grabbed a drink of water from the table next to him, and then drank gratefully.
“Delta.” Arthur calls from the door. “Would you kindly walk over to the door?” Arthur asks.
Delta walks to the door, stops, and then looks up. He could now see little hairs on Arthur’s chin.
“Are you ready?” Arthur asks.
“Yes sir.” Delta answers.
Arthur leads Delta to a room, with treadmills and weight lifters, and other exercise equipment.
A female doctor stood in the room, next to a treadmill.
“Before you can leave, we need to run some tests, to see how well you’ve recovered, and your over-all performance.” The lady explains. “Please step on to the treadmill.”

It was getting late when Delta finished his physical.
Gamma and Delta were immediately taken to the dimensional jumper.
Over the speakers, Arthur reminds Gamma about her warning.
“If you lose control, our mission will fail, and you don’t want to know what will happen to Delta.” Arthur warns.
“I understand.” Gamma replied.
“Launching in 30...”
As the seconds tick by, the building becomes like winter, as if Jack Frost decided to take an early visit.
“5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Launching”
Then, the 2 dogs disappear, no trace that they were ever in the room.

On the other side, Gamma and Delta collapse on the ground.
“Gah--! Sonova…” Delta mutters, rubbing his already sore rump.
He gave Gamma a paw, helping her off the ground.
“That was a bumpy ride.” Gamma muses.
“I’ll say.” Delta ads
A large jungle cat, with bulging muscles walk by, wearing nothing but pants.
“Mother of dog! Are all cats that big here?!” Gamma comments while staring at the fancy pants.
“I guess we’ll find out soon enough.” Delta replies. He looks over at Gamma, expecting her to be drooling, but she is looking in hatred at the cat. Delta pats her back to try and calm her down.
Delta looks around their location. They were in front of a fancy restaurant. The smells emanated out of the opening door. A dog, that was about the size of Gamma, and a cat, much smaller than the massive giant that walked by earlier, walk out, carrying a purple bag… or something.
“We could follow them.” Delta voices, “You know, because we don’t exactly know where we are.” He adds. When Delta heard no reply, he looked back at Gamma. Her eyes were fixed on the male dog, which had a bit of muscle on him as well. She was practically drooling. Delta had a spike of electricity go through his head, and then he was able to hear Gamma’s heart, pounding rapidly. Delta shook his head, clearing the enhanced sound from his mind. He snapped his fingers in front of Gamma’s face, trying to get her to respond.
“I could grab those arms and never let go.” She comments, her pupils wide, admiring the shapely figure.
Delta rolls his eyes, and then drags Gamma to the shadows.
“He smells fresh, like he just got out of the bath.” Delta observes. He sniffed the air in the direction of the dog.
“Don’t ruin my fantasies, Delta.” Gamma sighs.
“They both came out of a fancy restaurant, yet he didn’t eat.” He voices. He sniffs again, then adds “They both smell like that jungle cat.”
Again, Delta gets no reply, so he looks back at Gamma. What he finds is an empty space, where Gamma had been just moments ago. Delta looks back at the pair, and sees Gamma, conversing with the 2.
He sees them laughing, and then waving, then Gamma splitting off.
“His muscles are pretty hard.” She informs the waiting dog. Delta was not amused, and he impatiently tapped his foot paw on the ground.
“He’s also a police dog.” She adds.
“Is there anything relevant you’re trying to tell me?” Delta interrupts.
“Oh, and I know their license plate number and scent. I can track them.” Gamma finishes her point.
“Okay, then. Lead the way!” Delta instructs, walking down the parking lot.

After walking for what seemed like ages, Gamma lost track of her knight in shining dog tag.
“Oh, Fidey, where are you?” She sighs, leaning back on a fence. Delta was getting frustrated. His body was shaking, and his fists were clenched in tight balls.
“Well, great job. We’re lost, standing in a dark alley; we have no idea what we’re looking for.” Delta pauses to inhale, then continues. “No food, no water, nothing that could actually help us.” Delta’s arms shake even more.
“What the blarg are we doin--?!”
“Excuse me?” a voice asks. Gamma looks up, and then jumps backward, away from Delta. Delta turns around slowly, expecting something terrible to be there. He finishes turning around, then sighs in relief.
“Are you lost?” A female dog, with white fur, and brown markings, and also wearing a pink collar asks.
Delta examines her body. Noticing a distinctive heart shape on her hip, and a cute gleam in her eye, Delta deduced she was a naturally sweet pet. Gamma decides to reply for Delta.
“Yes and No, We just stopped because Delta here is getting cranky.”
“Oh.” The dog says, with a cute tone in her voice. “Okay. Good luck with your running.” The dog waves, and then walks along. Once Delta saw she had gone, he continued his ranting.
“We have no shelter, no warmth…” Delta said, as well as pointing out the things they don’t have.
Delta slumped down, sitting next to Gamma.
“And I’m extremely sore.” He finishes, passing out, next to Gamma. She slumped down next to Delta, pulling his head onto her chest, likewise falling asleep.

“Good Morning!” A voice wakes the pair up. Gamma bumped her head on the roof of the dog house.
“I hope you like kibble!” Another voice follows. Delta held his head, the sounds screaming into his ears.
Once he felt that he had his senses under control, he looked out the door of the dog house, and saw a mouse, standing next to a dog, holding 4 bowls of kibble along his arms.
“My name is Squeak, and this is my boyfriend, Joey.” The mouse introduces.
“What are your names?” She asks.
“My name is Susan. No! Charlie. No, Lilly! No, wait--”
“Gamma, Delta.” Delta interrupts, pointing his thumb at the owner of the name. Delta stands, his eyes were hooded sleepily, and walks out of the dog house, past the 2 pets, and out into the lawn.
“Is he okay?” Joey asks, looking quizzically at the dog.
“Gamma!” Delta shouts, walking further into the yard. “I can’t stop walking!”
“Pardon me.” Gamma says, politely sliding past the pair, and out to the dog that’s about to get a mouthful of fence. Gamma grabs Delta’s shoulder, spins him around, and then bops him on the nose.
Delta’s body stops moving on its own, so Delta balances himself.
Delta and Gamma walk back to the dog house.
“Sorry, I, uh…” Delta searches for an explanation. “I couldn’t get a hold of myself.” Delta finishes.
“That’s okay.” Squeak replies.
“Would you like to come in?” Joey motions his paw in front of the door-hole.

“So…” Squeak tries to think of a conversation starter.
“We found you in front of our garbage bin.” Joey cautiously brings up.
“Well, it was a long night for us.” Gamma replies. She shoveled the kibble into her mouth, while Delta nibbled on a few pieces of his.
“I haven’t seen you around here before. Are you new?” Squeak asks, sipping from Joey’s cup.
“Yup. We just got here yesterday.” Gamma replies. Squeak’s face brightens up.
“Now we’re getting somewhere” Squeak says to herself.
“Did you move here with your owner?” Squeak asks, hopping into Joey’s lap.
“Actually…” Delta cuts in, trying to think of a cover for the 2 of them. He couldn’t let Gamma give everything to these guys.
“We were given some soup yesterday. It was some pretty tasty soup.” Delta puts on a blank face, not making eye contact. “Suddenly, I felt very sleepy. A bag flies over my head, and the next thing I know, were waking up in the parking lot of a restaurant. No sign of our owner.” Delta finishes, adding shaky hands to his performance. He picked up his cup and drank some water. Most of that story was true. The only difference was that he had been running, he didn’t fall asleep, and he knew exactly how they got there.
Gamma adds her own part by letting 1 tear drip from her eye.
“That’s terrible.” Squeak says. Both she and Joey were almost in tears.
“Did I lay it on too thick?” Delta thinks.
“I’m sorry. Usually I’m not like this, but I landed in something that has me all hormonal.” She explains, rubbing her face on Joey’s paw.
“You’re more than welcome to stay here, until you can figure something out.” Joey offers. Delta and Gamma hold a whispered conversation.
“There’s no way their prepared for visitors.” Delta says.
“What makes you think that?” Gamma asks, looking at Delta with a stern face.
“Joey is covered in dew, and Squeak stayed under the house.” Delta replies while pointing at the dirt on Squeaks tail.
“We’d be overstaying our welcome.” Delta finishes.
A few more whispers, and then they nod. Turning back to Squeak and Joey, Delta replies
“Thank you for the kind offer.” Gamma starts, but stops when she notices Delta still nodding. She bops him on the nose, which stops his involuntary action.
“But we’ll figure something out.” Delta finishes.

And so, Gamma and Delta left their hosts, with a wave and a hug, to wander the streets of Babylon Gardens.

Gamma and Delta have successfully made it to Babylon Gardens.
Delta seems to be having slight set backs, but that is probably a side effect from the soup we gave him.
It should wear off in a matter of minutes.
Beta seems to be hanging out at the police station more than Epsilons little club house.
Alpha is still missing from our sights, but we will continue to search for him.
Awaiting further reports,
Arthur Rake.
Lead scientist of the dimensional jumper project.
This user is probably dead here. You can find me on Skype by the same username to see if I'm not actually dead.
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by Legotron123 »

Okay, they got some agents in Babylon gardens.

Why do they want to go there again?
Also, betas a lot less funny when you realize he acts like that because of brain damage.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Re: Project Gone Rogue: a Housepets Branch off/Fan fiction

Post by MrNeonShot »

And they aren't too thrilled to be there.
This user is probably dead here. You can find me on Skype by the same username to see if I'm not actually dead.