Pet Friendly: Haven

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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by Keeshah »

Sneakers was pacing along the shoreline of the lake, whipping his tail in agitation. staring across the body of water as if he could see the rumbling sounds of the motorcycles off in the distance.. How did they get over there across the lake? There are no tire tracks, no splash marks of where they forged the river, and no sign of that minx of a coyote!
Roarin wrote: North walked closer to the bank, out of the coverage of the trees.

"Hey!" He called out to the thing that looked very much like a cat.

What? Sneakers looks across the river, to see some unknown fool of a dog yelling his head off at him, from across the river.
He runs to the edge of the river, waving his arms to to shut the yappy dog up.
then in a quieter voice.
Who are you? n' why are you making such a racket

caelei wrote:Rachav had been planning to jump off the bike.
Now it was too late.

But first. She needed to answer, now! Her voice came out stammering. It was hard to stay in character. "I-- I'm sorry, s-sir. I-- I-- My Papa-- he didn't, he didn't take me-- Not to a place like this-- W-with all these-- these big buildings. It even-- smells diff'rent." She put her her paw over her nose. The smell of it hurt her nose. It was too complex. Too human. Answer his questions! "My name-- it's-- My name's Danny."
The sheriff looks the dobie over, scowling at her answer.
Danny? looking down at her, then back up.
Are you sure about that m'lass? Sounds like a name that would be given to a male, not a female right? So what might your real name be now?
caelei wrote:She said the first name that came to mind, then winced. She forced her paws from her nose. She was trembling still. She must look pathetic. She was pathetic.
"My-- My Papa's real name?" She tried to make her face blank. Her eyes were big. "My Papa's name is Papa, sir. His name is Papa." Looking at him like she didn't have any idea what he was talking about. That was the best she could do right now.
Doesn't anyone bother to train there pets these days. doesn't know there owners name. doesn't know where they live, and i suspect doesn't know her own real name.

He scowls angrily. as he takes ahold of her hand, leading her inside of the jailhouse.

caelei wrote:"Talking boxes," Grif repeated flatly. "Walkie-talkies. Or perhaps a radio transmitter of some sort." He looked to Kikyo, expression grim. "I'd hate to move us. But I feel we have no choice. The western scouts have been nowhere to be seen. We are unorganized. But I'm afraid we'll have to move west. Take that chance. Two sets of humans, on either side, north and south? Too dangerous. We need to move out of this area. At least for a week or two. Then possibly return when the coast's clear." As he spoke, the camp around went silent. Large eyes watched him. Most were scared. Confused. And a couple... looked angry. Blaming him.
Griffon sighed.

Swiftpaw bows down before Lord Griffon.
My Lord, we couldn't move so many unseen.. I feel it would be best to go to ground and become unseen. Letting the riders go past us as if we were not there.
Kikyo perks up her ears, at Swiftpaw speaking up to the Lord.
Sometimes so proper, brave and correct. and other times, taking risks with thoughtless actions. Guess she is not quite out of the puppy antics stage yet.
My Lord. i believe the scout is correct. bury what we can, and hide let the danger go by.
As you said, we are unorganized. members would stray everywhere, and if one is found, then another would, and another...

Swiftpaws nose twitches, sniffing up in the air..
Stripes is coming.
Kikyo sniffs at the breeze. I don't smell.. oh now i do.
Kikyo turns to Lord Griffon.
It seems one of the western patrol is going to show themselves tonight.
A stripped skunk come waddling up the path.
MeeeLord.. terrible mews! Mee officers says to tells you, Rachav haf betrayed us! She is in league wif the humans! she met wif the humans, after they talk a bit she got on the steelhorses wif them, and road off wif them like it was nuttin'..
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by Roarin »

North stopped at the side of the river, his ears twitched, slightly perplexed by the cat's over cautiousness (at his opinion).
"Why are you being so quiet?" He retorted blatantly... almost, automatically (bad habit). He knew that bikers were around, but as far as he could tell, he couldn't see any in the surrounding area. He shook his head. "But anyways, I'm trying to find this cat...." North paused, trying to remember it. "Err... Sneakers?"
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by razgriz »

caelei wrote: Pavelle turned her eyes away and hurriedly scrubbed at her face. She had not been crying. No. She didn't do that. She was messing everything up. Making herself weaker and weaker and weaker. She had to be strong. She had to be strong for her mother--
Strong for-- for Mag--
Pavelle stared at her paws with blank eyes.
It was a lonely feeling to realize that there was no one else that she had to be strong for, no one that she had to take care of. Only herself.
It was no big deal. She needed... she needed to reel all these dumb clumsy emotions in. She needed to be rid of them. While she was around other people. Maybe when she was alone she could let herself give in--
Or maybe not.
No, probably not.
Well. Either way. It didn't matter as long as these, these crying, weak feelings were tied down now. Maybe. Maybe she didn't have anyone else to be strong for. Maybe she would have to be strong for herself, and maybe that would be hard. Harder than before, when there was a reason to keep moving, keep going, keep doing and helping and being happy.
But. She had to do it. She had to show that she was strong. Or at least appear to be that way.
She rubbed her face once more, and thought, Okay. No more. Never more. No more of this. It won't happen. Not again. Be strong. Seem strong.
She looked up at Felix. And smiled. At least the smile felt natural enough.
"I'm better now. You really don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine. I-- I always have been before." Before when she'd had a family--
Reel it in.
Pavelle's ears flicked back as a new sound pricked her attention. She turned her head, facing away from Felix. Peering through the trees, and... she thought she could someone. No. Multiple someones. "Hey. I think I can see the others." she said. "Conker? That you? We brought some soup." Yes, it definitely was the others.
Pavelle turned her face back towards Felix. Smiling still. The same smile. She wouldn't let it go. No. Strong. Seeming strong. She shouldn't have allowed them to think otherwise. But it had just been so hard--
Don't. Just be strong. Don't think about-- about before.
"Felix. I think you can put me down now. Thanks."
"Down for now" Felix said putting the raccoon down. "I'm gonna show you survival stuff and keep an eye on you." He then turned to the others, "we have some soup... Mainly for our ill wolf, but, there should be enough to go around."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by Keeshah »

Roarin wrote: "Why are you being so quiet?" He retorted blatantly... almost, automatically (bad habit). "But anyways, I'm trying to find this cat...." North paused, trying to remember it. "Err... Sneakers?"

Sneakers was ready to start pulling his fur out.
can't you be quiet? were trying to not be found!
and yes you have found sneakers. now who are you, and why are you looking for me>?
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by caelei »

Danny? looking down at her, then back up.
Are you sure about that m'lass? Sounds like a name that would be given to a male, not a female right? So what might your real name be now?Doesn't anyone bother to train there pets these days. doesn't know there owners name. doesn't know where they live, and i suspect doesn't know her own real name.
Rachav nearly jumped out of her skin when the man suddenly grabbed her paw.
Constriction. Containment.
He had grabbed her.
Her first instinct was to bite him, tear her teeth into him and never let go. Her second was to hit him, maybe in the gut, and then run as fast as she could. Run away. She didn't care where. Just away.

And then she was inside. Inside a human building. A jailhouse.
It had the same smells as that other place where she had been. Not all the same ones, no, never all of those. That place hadn't been for humans, but it was essentially the same. She had thought she would never be in a place like that again. Never.

She felt herself shaking her head, thinking, no, no, no, over and over, and made herself stop. Her tail had slunk between her legs and she trembled, shaking like a leaf even though all the adrenaline had drained out, replaced with a feeling that was a lot colder, a lot more debilitating. She needed to distract herself. She needed to stay Rachav. Before the smell of this place could get in her head even more and turn her into someone else completely. Someone who had once been afraid, and not for herself. And who had lost them all, one by one. Given away like prizes in a game, like they were cheap toys, like they didn't matter.

Even though she had missed her chance at responding to his question, missed it long ago --she'd been quiet too long-- she still answered. Otherwise she would start to shrink back into that other her, and then her eyes woulr start looking for them again, her ears pricked up for their feeble cries, her nose for their soft, sweet, familiar scent. But she knew she would never see them again.
"D-d-danny's the n-name, sir," she jittered through chattering teeth, not even trying to pull out of his grip. She had forgotten he had even gotten a hold of her paw. "M-my Papa, he named me D-d-danny after his boy, s-sir. 'Ceptin' my name was more like D-danny'elle, but D-d-danny's just shorter, y-you know."

MeeeLord.. terrible mews! Mee officers says to tells you, Rachav haf betrayed us! She is in league wif the humans! she met wif the humans, after they talk a bit she got on the steelhorses wif them, and road off wif them like it was nuttin'..
Nothing happened for a moment. Then a horrible rage blossomed across Grif's features. "What did you say?" he asked, and his voice was quiet. Quiet as Rachav's.
In that same, dangerous voice he said, "You're trying to tell me that Rachav betrayed us? All of us? You should know by now that she would die a thousand times in a thousand different ways before ever even thinking of doing something like that. She lives for this camp. Without it, she would be nothing. Absolutely nothing. So don't you tell me that she's in league with those monsters. She can hardly stand to be within a hundred feet of a human. She despises them almost more that I do." His chest shuddered as he took in a deep breath. "So. You just shut your sniveling little face and get out of my sight before I do something that we'll both regret. Though I promise you that you'd regret it a lot more than I would--" His claws poked, sharp as ever and deadly, from his paws and his teeth bared, gleaming with his sudden, overwhelming malice. He shuddered again, drawing his paws down, clenching his fists so that he wouldn't be tempted to slash a new stripe down the skunk's back. A nice deep red one to go with his natural skunk white. Griffon's snarl was a whisper when he spoke again. "Get out, and tell your commanding officers to get to where Rachav was sighted and hunt around for any information. If those humans stopped there, then there might be a reason. And if Rachav stopped there, you know there must've been one."

He dismissed the skunk, turning his face away before he did something really drastic, looking to Swiftpaw and Kikyo. "Lady Kikyo, you are my second. So. I will trust your judgement to stay here and lie low. For now. But you had better both hope--" and now his eyes slid to Swiftpaw for a moment, flashing, "--that we don't lose anyone else tonight. Rachav is gone, now that she has been taken by the humans. And it is likely that she will never find her way back."

((Waiting for others to respond to Pavelle/Felix/Jack, so Daxter and Conker and Jessica should at least say/do something! I mean, THE OTHERS BROUGHT SOUP, FOR GOODNESS SAKE! SOUP! Doesn't anyone want any soup? It's probably a novel experience for forest dwellers, so have a blast!))
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
Felix: S-6 P-7 E-3 C-3 I-8 A-10 L-5
Grif: S-5 P-6 E-5 C-8 I-7 A-5 L-6
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

caelei wrote:"Conker? That you? We brought some soup." Yes, it definitely was the others.
Pavelle turned her face back towards Felix. Smiling still. The same smile. She wouldn't let it go. No. Strong. Seeming strong. She shouldn't have allowed them to think otherwise. But it had just been so hard--
Don't. Just be strong. Don't think about-- about before.
"Felix. I think you can put me down now. Thanks."
Jessica got up from her sitting position to go greet the others. She walked right up to her brother and smacked the back of his head.
"Ow," he said.
"Why will you never listen to me? One of these days you'll get yourself killed."
"I can handle myself, sis. I don't need you to tell me who's a threat."
"And what would you have done if Felix was lying about not eating us. We barely know him, we still can't let our guard down."
Paradigm Shift by me
I do not actually believe any of what I'm saying.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by ~\Rook/~ »

Conker turned at the sound of pavelle shouting.

"Hey Guys!" He shouted gleefully. "I.." He stopped as jessica hopped to her brother and hit him.
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"Ow," he said.
"Why will you never listen to me? One of these days you'll get yourself killed."
"I can handle myself, sis. I don't need you to tell me who's a threat."
"And what would you have done if Felix was lying about not eating us. We barely know him, we still can't let our guard down."
"Well he's not eating us right now, is he? I'd say he a stand-up kind o' lad.." Conker Commented. "Anyway, you said you had soup? What flavor? Vegatable? I LOVE vegatable soup! Although I love this recepie for nut soup.. Well, that's not important. The important this is YOU HAVE SOUP!" He cheered, jumping up and down happily.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by Keeshah »

caelei wrote:Even though she had missed her chance at responding to his question, missed it long ago --she'd been quiet too long-- she still answered. Otherwise she would start to shrink back into that other her, and then her eyes woulr start looking for them again, her ears pricked up for their feeble cries, her nose for their soft, sweet, familiar scent. But she knew she would never see them again.
"D-d-danny's the n-name, sir," she jittered through chattering teeth, not even trying to pull out of his grip. She had forgotten he had even gotten a hold of her paw. "M-my Papa, he named me D-d-danny after his boy, s-sir. 'Ceptin' my name was more like D-danny'elle, but D-d-danny's just shorter, y-you know."
Aaaah, now that thar makes sense m'sweet lass.
he takes Rachav over to a chair next to the dispatcher Mabel. Sit here is you would, I needs to have a talk with the two who dune brought you too me.
The sheriff goes over to a map on the wall, with the two bike riders..
Now where did you two say you fine this fine lass? and in what area might her Papa be in? As the riders point out on the map where they found her, and the area where they think the cabin and her owner might be in..
Thats not too far out into the woods.
The Sheriff says as he looks out of the window as an animal control van pulls up to the curb.
I see he's got you out, doing his dirty work today Bev.
The animal control officer giggles as she comes into the office with her canine partner. Yes he does. Replies the stocky built, redheaded woman. wearing a white uniform blouse under her high visibility green animal control vest with "Beverly" embroiled on it, and brown cargo pants. Her canine partner is a young red female doberman, a year, perhaps two old. Also wearing an green animal control vest with "Sadie" embroiled upon it, an wearing brown cargo shorts. A leash is attached to her red collar, but the other end is stuffed into a vest pocket.
I hear that you have found a stray, that needs looked after?
Yes ma'am, this lovely lass over here seems to have gotten separated from her owner out in the woods. But doesn't seem to know her owners name, or where they live, I was hopping she be chipped so we can get a clue on her, before we go out and have to turn the woods upside down.
Well, we can do that for you. no problem at all.
Bev turns back to the young doberman.
Sadie, would you be a dear, and go fetch the chip scanner, and my laptop from the van for me?
Sadie wags her stubby docked tail excitedly, Right away Ma'am!! Turning and quickly dashing off to get the requested items from the van, with all of her puppy enthusiasm!
Bev turn to Rachev.
Don't worry hon, you wont feel anything at all. All it will do is tell us where to find your owner at.
Sadie comes dashing back in, her claws clicking on the floor as she brings the tools to Bev.
Hi! I'm Sadie!! Who are you??The young doberman excitedly ask Rachev!!


(( their are going to be running laps until their pads are bleeding and their tails fall off! when she gets back. :twisted: ))
caelei wrote:Nothing happened for a moment. Then a horrible rage blossomed across Grif's features. "What did you say?" he asked, and his voice was quiet. Quiet as Rachav's.

Kikyo almost ninja-like, slips quietly several feet away from Lord Griffon and the western groups skunk runner Stripes, most assuredly she hopes out of spray range. Then waves for Swiftpaw to come to her side.
caelei wrote:In that same, dangerous voice he said, "You're trying to tell me that Rachav betrayed us? His chest shuddered as he took in a deep breath. "So. You just shut your sniveling little face and get out of my sight before I do something that we'll both regret. Though I promise you that you'd regret it a lot more than I would--"

heys now, don't shoo da messanger, dat is what mys Lt. tolds me toos tell you! the skunk says as he ducks down cowering, but with his tail stiffly raised up behind him.
caelei wrote: Griffon's snarl was a whisper when he spoke again. "Get out, and tell your commanding officers to get to where Rachav was sighted and hunt around for any information. If those humans stopped there, then there might be a reason. And if Rachav stopped there, you know there must've been one."

He dismissed the skunk, turning his face away before he did something really drastic, looking to Swiftpaw and Kikyo. "Lady Kikyo, you are my second. So. I will trust your judgement to stay here and lie low. For now. But you had better both hope--" and now his eyes slid to Swiftpaw for a moment, flashing, "--that we don't lose anyone else tonight. Rachav is gone, now that she has been taken by the humans. And it is likely that she will never find her way back."

Swiftpaw cowers down and whimpers up at her Lord, as he stares down at her...
As you command my Lord. replies Kikyo..
As she waits for Griffon to get distracted with locking down the camp..
She then grips a hold of Swiftpaw's scruff and pulls her in close.
Go after the skunk. find out what really happened out there, and send their stupid Lt. back to report himself. Then if you can, track down where Rachav was taken too. We will need a detailed report if rescue would be possible. Above all, don't get caught doing it. Now go.
Swiftpaw slips into the shadows, then too the edge of the camp. She slips past the guard, and is off down the trail after the skunk. easily catching up with him.
Come on slow poke.. where was it that your team saw Rachav taken away at? I need you to take me there now.
Whys is takes you there?
Cause Lady Kikyo told me to find out what happened, She also whats your Lt. to report back to the camp in-person.
Wells' it was right up heres in a ways.. You see we were following the humans down from the mountains, when we saw Rachav meet with them, then she get on one of the bikes all my herself and ride off with the humans.. they didn't capture her, she wanted to go with them.
That doesn't sound like her at....? What was your group doing up in the mountains!! that's northern groups territory to watch! Don'cha you know that both biker groups came in from the west?
No (he flatly states) We were just ups at the little pond on the hillside, we cans see far from there. the sun heats the water up in da pond, all kinds of nice to soaks in.
Swiftpaw just flatly stares at him. >.<
I don't think you should mention that part to anyone ever again... At least if you don't want your pelt being used as a door mat.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by Roarin »

Keeshah wrote:Sneakers was ready to start pulling his fur out.
can't you be quiet? were trying to not be found!
and yes you have found sneakers. now who are you, and why are you looking for me>?
With a sigh, North complied to the cat's wishes and lowered his voice.
"Your boss guy wants to know if you found Swiftpaw. And he didn't know where you were." The GSD shrugged.
"Everyone was busy... I offered my assistance." The GSD shrugged.
"So... I'm guessing, you didn't find her." Looking around as he said it, as if she might be in the vicinity.
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by Keeshah »

Roarin wrote: With a sigh, North complied to the cat's wishes and lowered his voice.
"Your boss guy wants to know if you found Swiftpaw. And he didn't know where you were." The GSD shrugged.
"Everyone was busy... I offered my assistance." The GSD shrugged.
"So... I'm guessing, you didn't find her." Looking around as he said it, as if she might be in the vicinity.

Sneakers looks all puzzled and confused..
Lord griffon would send a total stranger out, alone and unescorted? that's not like him, unless he is using you as bait too... ummm he trails off..
Sneakers looks quickly around the area again for anything about to pop up on them.
You don't find Swiftpaw, she finds you.. But she doesn't seem to have been over on this side of the river.. (Sigh) now i gotta back track all the way back to the log bridge, to get back on that side of the river..
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by caelei »

"Down for now" Felix said putting the raccoon down. "I'm gonna show you survival stuff and keep an eye on you." He then turned to the others, "we have some soup... Mainly for our ill wolf, but, there should be enough to go around."
Pavelle kept her smile when her feet hit the ground. But she slid a step sideways when Felix turned to the others, getting out of easy grabbing range in case he decided he had to carry her again.
She was glad for the distraction that the others presented. That way, Felix would focus on them, instead of her. He'd said he was going to keep an eye on her. And she couldn't have that. Luckily for her, it was hard to ignore the two bickering rabbits, and Conker was as rambunctious as earlier, so that was good too. Felix would be plenty distracted. And then, of course, they started talking about the soup...

Her stomach growled. Despite that food bar that she'd eaten earlier. She sighed, putting a hand to her tummy, hoping nobody had heard. The noise hadn't been loud. And she couldn't stay to eat with them, anyways. She had come back to make sure the wolf was alright. But she needed to get back to the dirt circle. It was getting to be evening. The sunlight was slanting through the trees in a different direction from before (she figured it must be from the west), and had a different, yellower quality of light. It would be sunset in a little while. She needed to get back to that rock she'd been sitting on earlier to wait for her own Felix. She knew that lynx Felix had offered her a place in his den for the night. But if she stayed there, her brother might not be able to find her, which would be problematic. And she didn't want to impose on lynx Felix any more. And, despite his anger at her concept of debt repayment, she couldn't give that up. Not now that she'd retreated back again, back to where her head was clear (if also prone to zone-outs). It was just so much easier to do things that way, to count debts and weigh them and measure them. It was better. Fairer. Cleaner. It didn't involve emotions that could tear her up inside, and didn't involve anyone else getting hurt, either.

She figured she would wait until the wolf said he was okay, then try to slip off and retrace her way back to the dirt circle somehow. Though the thought of getting lost in the woods --and she had hated and feared the woods since she was very young-- sent a shiver rolling up her spine, making her fur stand on end. She would just... have to make sure she didn't get lost... and didn't get eaten. She had to remember that it was very possible for her to get eaten out here. Despite how friendly this group seemed, it had to be dangerous here. Otherwise why would her own Felix be the way he was?
"How about we get this picnic started?" she asked, in a normal, flat voice. She looked around at the others. "Is the wolf feeling any better?"

Rachav sat in the chair. Her arms were crossed, her fingers gripping tight around her elbows, making herself look smaller, more vulnerable. She wanted to close her eyes and put her paws to her ears and go 'lalalalalala' until she forgot where she was. But that wasn't practical. She needed her sense. She needed to find a way out of here at the earliest opportunity. She would not let them take her back.
Her only consolation was that she was allowing herself to breathe from her mouth in fast pants, instead of her nose. That way, at least she wouldn't have to smell this place as well.
Bev turn to Rachev.
Don't worry hon, you wont feel anything at all. All it will do is tell us where to find your owner at.
Sadie comes dashing back in, her claws clicking on the floor as she brings the tools to Bev.
Hi! I'm Sadie!! Who are you??The young doberman excitedly ask Rachev!!
Rachav stared at Bev, blinking like someone had just slapped her unexpectedly. Her head spun and she was forced to unfold her arms to reach a hand out and steady herself. Microchipped. Oh, Dog. They were going to scan for a microchip. She had forgotten. Forgotten about the microchip. Under the thicker ruff of fur and skin between her shoulder blades. She couldn't let them scan it. If they did--
No. That wouldn't happen. In response to 'Sadie', Rachav said, "M-mah name's Ra--" Wrong name! She choked the word off, dazedly stumbling back into character, her mouth gone abruptly dry. "D-danny. My name's Danny." She stuttered the words uncertainly, distractedly to the doberman, a younger pup of her own breed. If the humans had been trying to console her by bringing in a dog of the same breed, then they must truly believe her to be an idiot. As it was, she could barely spare attention for the younger dog. Her eyes stayed on the woman, Bev, and try as she might Rachav could not stop herself from trembling.

A flash of heat skittered through the Doberman for a moment. For that instant, Rachav was very, very ashamed of her behavior. She hated it. It was disgusting, sickening. Her mind knew she was useless like this. She was being hardly better than a pup. What would the camp think, what would Griffon think, if they could see her now? So afraid she was shaking. So pathetic. So weak.

And then the woman reached towards her, and the self-contempt died a quick death, leaving her chilled to the bone.
The scanner, she couldn't let it get near her. She couldn't let them scan that chip. She would not go back. She had left that all behind. Years ago. Years. She would not lose this Rachav. She could not lose herself.
Before she knew what she was doing, she flung her arm out and smacked the scanner from the woman's hand. She sprang to her feet, bouncing around in place, eyes wild, reserve gone. She was not snarling, as she might have been in the woods. Her eyes were big and round and utterly terrified, instead, her tongue panting out. She would not go home-- No. Not home. Back. She wouldn't go back. Her home was in the woods. She needed to go there. Now. She needed to get out of here.
"I-I-I need to go outside," she gasped, quivering, bouncing from foot to foot. "C-c-can you just take me out-outside?" In any other situation she would have taken her chances on trying to run out herself. But in here... the quarters were too close, the floor was more slippery than she was used to, and there were many more of her enemies than herself, all too close, within grabbing range. If someone tried to grab her, she'd slither away and run for it, and see how far she could get. But maybe if they thought she really needed to go outside --that she was going to be ill, or that she had to use the bathroom-- they'd take her, and then, outside, she'd certainly be able to get away. Certainly. She'd have to.

Grif watched, paws folded into tight fists at his sides, until the skunk and the coyote were out of sight. Then he sunk down to one knee, placing his back to Kikyo, bowed over with one paw flat to the ground, eyes closed (well, one eye closed). He took a deep breath. Two. Three. Inhaling through his nose, smelling the fear and the acrid skunk odor (he'd been close to being sprayed but he had counted on the skunk's ultimate sense of servitude and submission), smelling the muddy ground and the pines and Kikyo's familiar, cool scent, and the scent of the camp. He knew that some --or all-- of the others were probably watching him, waiting. He did not care. They could wait for a moment until he found his center once more.
He took another two deep breaths, feeling that rage and loathing --yes, loathing-- settle down into his stomach once more, where they always stayed, simmering, controllable unless someone pushed him too far. Then he slowly stood straight again, stretching his aching fingers (from clenching them into fists so hard), and finally reopened his eyes.
"Everyone, listen up. I will only say this once. Stop what you're doing, you have a new order." By this time, nearly all of the camp (save for the scouts out in the woods and a few stragglers) were here. "We're going into lockdown. Everybody hide as many supplies as you can. Bury them. Stash them in trees. Stack them under bushes. Do whatever it takes. Then lay low. If necessary, put your bellies to the ground. There will be no talking, minimal movement, and be ready to get up at a moment's notice. If you hear the unfamiliar whirring of the bikes, the 'metal horses' with their human riders, don't move unless you hear me give the order, or have been directly sighted. Got it?" He didn't wait for an answer, looking coldly around. "Good. Then get going." The camp, already strung out and exhausted, bustled to please their Lord. The thought gave him no satisfaction, as it normally might.
He just kept his eyes, careful, half-lidded, on the 'ordered' chaos as the camp members all struggled to do their part, and sunk down again, going back into the same kneeling position as before. The corners of his mouth twitched as he looked on, his teeth sometimes showing for a moment before disappearing once more.
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
Felix: S-6 P-7 E-3 C-3 I-8 A-10 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by Keeshah »

caelei wrote: Microchipped. Oh, Dog. They were going to scan for a microchip. She had forgotten. Forgotten about the microchip. Under the thicker ruff of fur and skin between her shoulder blades. She couldn't let them scan it. If they did--
No. That wouldn't happen. In response to 'Sadie', Rachav said, "M-mah name's Ra--" Wrong name!
Ra? Sadie replies..
caelei wrote: "D-danny. My name's Danny."
Bev looks up as Sadie echos Rachev's first response.
Ra? So your someones Sun God? the light of there lives?
caelei wrote:Before she knew what she was doing, she flung her arm out and smacked the scanner from the woman's hand. She sprang to her feet, bouncing around in place, eyes wild, reserve gone.
Sadie jumps in to try to catch the smacked away scanner, and gets knocked into a line of chairs As Rachav springs forth in a rage. Yelps.!! Whiiine whiiine whiiine with her puppy cries. hobbling on one leg, as she is now holding one leg up off the floor. Looking wide eyed and hurt at Rachav accusingly.
caelei wrote:"I-I-I need to go outside," she gasped, quivering, bouncing from foot to foot. "C-c-can you just take me out-outside?"

Just what on earth! bad girl! Bev scolds Rachav..
As she looks the crying and hobbling puppy over.. What is wrong with you, hurting a puppy like that..
Thar is a bathroom right behind you miss.
The sheriff says, having taken up position to block the only exit out of the jailhouse. his hand on his tazer pistol holster.

caelei wrote:Do whatever it takes. Then lay low. If necessary, put your bellies to the ground. There will be no talking, minimal movement, and be ready to get up at a moment's notice. If you hear the unfamiliar whirring of the bikes, the 'metal horses' with their human riders, don't move unless you hear me give the order, or have been directly sighted. Got it?"[/color] He didn't wait for an answer, looking coldly around. "Good. Then get going." The camp, already strung out and exhausted, bustled to please their Lord. The thought gave him no satisfaction, as it normally might.
Kikyo comes up to him..
Why don't you go lay down for a few minutes, before your sick with rage and worry. I can keep an eye on things here.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by Daxter »

The wolf sniffed the air from his comfortable position beneath a bush, the leaves cloaking his body like a makeshift blanket then moved slowly from it, yawning. He had been resting his stomach for some time and now the rumbling pain of hunger was coming back greater than ever.

Groaning, he wondered where everyone was, and called out to Conkers, Felix or anyone else, without them running away in fear or kicking him in the shins rather hard, he should know, its happened before. He wondered what the animals would do with a predator in their home, kick him out, give him a home or.... -gulp- worse.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by razgriz »

Felix sat down, though, he kept an eye on the raccoon as he pulled a spoon out of his backpack and started eating... He hadn't thought of grabbing bowls, so.. They'd just have to eat it straight from the pot. Things could've been worse. "Its turkey noodle," Felix said, he reached out to pat the rabbit's head, "if I were going to eat you, I'd have done it by now... Besides, you don't look all that good, you're too skinny." He stuck his tongue out at that last comment.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

"That doesn't make me feel better," Jessica said, pushing away Felix's paw. "I'm not quick to trust others. and We'll pass on the soup. Rabbits don't eat turkey."

"aww, but I'm hungry," Jack whined.

"You know the leaves of these bushes are still edible, right?" she asked. "only the berries are poisonous."

"oh yeah," he said as he went over to the bushes and grabbed some leaves, trying to avoid the ones touching the berries just in case.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by caelei »

Thar is a bathroom right behind you miss.
The sheriff says, having taken up position to block the only exit out of the jailhouse. his hand on his tazer pistol holster.
Rachav couldn't stand it, she couldn't stand it. The puppy's whines, splitting through her head, making her heart beat a double-rhythm against her ribcage, thud-thud thud-thud thud-thud so fast. She was hardly aware that she had pressed the pads of her paws hard on either side of her head, cupping over her ears, trying to drown out that sound. This was not right, this was not right-- she shouldn't be reacting like this. Bad as it sounded, she had heard puppies cry before, out in the woods when their paws ached from walking or their mothers told them to sleep. But this--
She couldn't stand it. Not in this place.
"I-I-I," she stammered, wild eyes glued to the pup, then flicking frantically to the man. She blinked, and saw, startled, his hand on that weapon at his hip and she automatically took a step back. "I-I'm just--- I-I'll be--" What was she saying? Nothing. Just stuttering and stammering. Taking a step back, and then another. And then she whirled and sprung to the bathroom, ripping the door open, slamming it shut behind her with a BANG! She scrabbled at the doorknob, paws skittering and shaking, and finally got the lock to twist, a meager resistance to the trouble she had gotten herself into, waiting on the other side of the thin wooden door. She knew there would be a key somewhere, a key the man with the gun would get to open the door and get her. But for now the lock was enough.

Rachav backed away from the door, paws gone back to clutch at her ears, eyes desperately searching for a way out. There was none. No windows. No more doors. There was a toilet and a sink, and under the sink a small cabinet, probably for holding bathroom supplies. She struggled to the cabinet, pulling the doors open. As she had thought, there were supplies. She reached in with both arms and grabbed them all, clattering them out of their organized rows and across the bathroom floor, their cans and bottles clunking and clanking and their liquid insides sloshing. She knew that the man and the woman and the puppy could probably hear her. She didn't care. Rachav got all the supplies out and then forced herself in, curling into a ball. It was cramped, and the thick pipe leading from the sink pressed into her shoulder, but she didn't care about that, either. She simply got as far in as she could and then reached forward, pulling the doors closed again. Everything was dark. She slid her paws over her eyes and sat in there and waited, panting out her breath, trying to think what to do.

Why don't you go lay down for a few minutes, before your sick with rage and worry. I can keep an eye on things here.
Griffon didn't move for a moment, closing his good eye, deliberating. "I'll be fine as I am," he finally said, voice gruff, lower than usual. There was a long pause, the silence of the camp pervading. Then his eye opened again and he painstakingly took his feet once more, straightening until he stood at full height, shoulders back, eyes still distanced, almost unfocused as he looked at the camp. "Thank you for your concern. But you need not worry. Things... are under... control." He took a deep breath, held it in. Slowly exhaled it out. A little light seemed to come back to his features, a little awareness, and he looked to Kikyo. "I will not lose again," he said, lulling and quiet, expression intent. "You are aware of that, right my Lady?" He looked towards the camp. "Not to anyone, never again. Never again. I will not lose."

Pavelle pretty much ignored the chatter between the lynx and the rabbits, ears perking towards the low sound of a groan from beneath a nearby bush. And then the bush began to call weakly out, and she thought she finally saw the outline of a great animal beneath it, all shadows and light and dark fur-- save for a long stripe running down his wide back. Aha. The wolf.

Ignoring her protesting stomach, she padded quietly over towards the guy, senses all alert, poised on the pads of her feet. Just in case he decided to take a snap. She would not let herself forget, she had to hammer it into her head. No matter how nice they all seemed (especially the predators), they were still dangerous. At least they could be, if they chose. Or if they lost control. It could happen.

"Hey, Wolf," she said softly, hunkering down to peer under the bush's green foliage, staying safely out of reach. "We brought some soup. Turkey and noodle. It's not much. But it'll make you feel better, I'm sure." She tried to keep her voice soothing, sweet. She didn't think she was very good at it. Even though she'd been raised a pet, she'd never considered herself a very good one. Or a particularly 'nice' or 'sweet' person. But in this case... she needed to coax him out. They couldn't take the soup to him without spilling it and wasting it. And as soon as he came out and she was certain he was okay (or at least better), she could say her goodbyes and head back to the dirt circle... barring that they --a certain one of them in particular-- didn't try to stop her.
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by Roarin »

Keeshah wrote:Sneakers looks all puzzled and confused..
Lord griffon would send a total stranger out, alone and unescorted? that's not like him, unless he is using you as bait too... ummm he trails off..
Sneakers looks quickly around the area again for anything about to pop up on them.
You don't find Swiftpaw, she finds you.. But she doesn't seem to have been over on this side of the river.. (Sigh) now i gotta back track all the way back to the log bridge, to get back on that side of the river..
"Then why bother looking for her?" North muttered to himself. If she was so good then there would be no need to track her down.
Well... he did his job, he found cat. But. "Wait wait wait." He followed the cat along the opposite side of the river. "What'd you say about bait?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by Daxter »

Eyeing the little animal with his wide, hungry saucers of eyes, he licked his muzzle as he wondered what she tasted- Two little wolfs appeared on his shoulders, showing he had not eaten for too long or he was just plain loopy. The first tiny wolf spoke, his voice calm and peaceful, like a church choir, and even dressed in a robe and halo, plus a harp!

No, don't eat them, you are their friend!

Not even a little nibble?

This was said by the other wolf, wrapped in a cheesy red latex devil suit with the whole package, horns, tail and even a trident that looked more like a painted fork; he spoke again, cackling now and then evily,

You could eat this whole place, ignore the little wuss, it'd be a buffet of the ag-

Sparks flew as the harp hit the top of the devil-wolf's head, the imagination of his evil side given a right thrashing by the angel wolf.

Sorry 'bout that, gets on my nerves, now just eat the soup and be nice!

He popped out of his mind, and returned him to his current situation which followed with his staring arkwardly at the animal, slightly confused now. Moving slowly towards her from the comfort of his bush, he smiled nervously at her, his voice shaking as he spoke,

"Thank you...urm, where is the soup exactly kind one?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by Keeshah »

caelei wrote: Rachav couldn't stand it, she couldn't stand it. The puppy's whines, splitting through her head, making her heart beat a double-rhythm against her ribcage, thud-thud thud-thud thud-thud so fast."I-I-I," she stammered, "I-I'm just--- I-I'll be--" What was she saying? Nothing. Just stuttering and stammering. Taking a step back, and then another. And then she whirled and sprung to the bathroom, ripping the door open, slamming it shut behind her with a BANG!

Bev went over and attended too the crying and hobbling around on one paw puppy..
There there, lets this where it hurts?
Sadie noddedyea it hurts there.
Bev rubs at the spot.
You just banged your knee on the chair, your just going to have to walk it off, you are all right..
Sadie goes up and down the aisle, walking it off, gingerly at first. She picks the scanner up on her final walk past..
Hey!! there is a number in the screen. look!
Bev takes the scanner and looks it over..
Yes it sure does. it's more sensitive than we thought it was. If you will bring me the laptop, we will find out who are mystery dog is.
Right away!!Sadie barks as she goes and retrieves the laptop.
Bev opens up the laptop, booting it up..
Ok we just input the chip number here and click

An there we go, Her name is Rachav Alexie Weldt.
Her owner's name is Daniel Weldt, of Kane county, Utah. Dang, she is a long way from home..
Reported as a runaway 5 years ago..

The Sheriff turns to the two bikers.
Well i guess that means there is'n no one to go looking for out in the woods, you fellers can go n' take off.. n' thank you for your help.
And the two bikers leave there bikes rumbling and vibrating the walls of the jail as they motor off down the street.

The sheriff comes back as Bev keeps typing away at the laptop.
Hmmm I know this name here, i wonder if....
Ahhh whatcha doing missy?
Oh it's nothing i guess, Just thought a name in are runaway's list of offspring look familiar... Oh my!
An what did you find out?
Hey Sadie, your not going to believe this, but it seems your related to the doberman in the bathroom... If the genealogy records are correct, that wild Doberman in the bathroom, is your mother's mother!
We have found your Grandmother Rachev.

Sadie tilts her head off to the side..
I have a crazy wild grandma? Neeeet!
Sadie scampers over to the bathroom door, thumping her paw on it... thump thump thump
Hey! grandma!! your going to come out??

caelei wrote:"Thank you for your concern. But you need not worry. Things... are under... control." He took a deep breath, held it in. Slowly exhaled it out. A little light seemed to come back to his features, a little awareness, and he looked to Kikyo. "I will not lose again," he said, lulling and quiet, expression intent. "You are aware of that, right my Lady?" He looked towards the camp. "Not to anyone, never again. Never again. I will not lose."
You lost all the color in your face, and looked about to pass-out, or stroke out or whatever it's called
Giving him the look of, i know how you truly are doing.
But as you wish, and i believe we will not lose.

Roarin wrote: "Then why bother looking for her?" North muttered to himself. If she was so good then there would be no need to track her down.
Well... he did his job, he found cat. But. "Wait wait wait." He followed the cat along the opposite side of the river. "What'd you say about bait?"

Sneakers trots along his side of the bank faster, his trademark sneaker shoes leaving an non-animal trail in the sandy shore line.
Nothing really.. shouldn't have said anything..
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by Roarin »

"Okay..." North responded skeptically. There was no use in pressuring the cat when there was a large body of water separating them. And didn't intended his fur wet anytime in the near future. He'd have to ask again later, under better circumstances. He mirrors the cat's steps along the other side of the river. The GSD was silent for few minutes. Before speaking again. "Does this stuff happen a lot?" He asked semi out of the blue, referring to the motorcycle incident. He tried to make it sound like small talk but was more bent on getting information.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by caelei »

Rachav could hear the others muttering in the other room. One phrase in particular rolled under the bathroom door, muffled by the cabinet but still too clear --Rachav Alexie Weldt-- and then she stuck her paws over her ears and hunkered down further. Never. Never. How had they found that-- she hadn't even thought they'd scanned her! And Dog, now they were going to call Danny, they would call him, and she would rather die than go back there. In fact, that Rachav was long dead. She'd thought she'd learned her lesson; thought she'd already killed that Rachav all away. But here she was again, as she had been, young and stupid and scared and--
And then she had met Bren and it had all changed--
No. She could not go back there. Just the thought of it made her feel sick, a fluttering, nauseousness in her stomach and a tingling in the tips of her fingers and ears.
She had to get out of here. But how?
First. First she had to-- to get out of this cabinet. Even if it was safe in here. And dark. And quiet. And close. With no people and no whimpering pups making her skin crawl and taking her back, back, back--

Easy, Rachav. Get a hold. Easy, girl.
Now. Do something. Do something to get out of here. There was no way she was going back. And she was afraid... that the damage had already been done. If they called Danny --and wasn't that the typical procedure? She should know-- he would come out here. To get her. She wouldn't have that. He was one person --the one and only human-- she would never be able to look in the eye again. She wasn't sure she could even look at his feet.

Anything was better than seeing Danny again. Anything was better than that. So-- so she just had to get out of here. But first she had to move. Move. MOVE!
Finally her limbs responded, shaky like they didn't know what they were doing. She fumbled her paws off her ears in time to hear a distinct knocking at the door that almost sent her scurrying like a mouse back into the cabinet. She froze for a long moment, confused when she heard the voice of the pup calling through the door... something about a grandma? Rachav didn't know what that was about, and didn't care (though somewhere deep within a sharp pain rang like a bell). She pressed her lips together, tightly, not saying anything, and slowly crawled from the cabinet. It took a lot of effort to get back to her feet, but once she was standing again... she started feeling better. The initial bone-chilling fear and despair... it seemed she was quickly recovering, becoming immune to it (or at least numb), falling back on all that training she had put herself through in the woods, steeling herself. If she could just become herself again --the self she liked, at least-- she could figure something out. She had to.
But first. She needed to access the situation. She needed time to gather her will around her. So she asked, "W-what do you want?" There was probably going to be a rather obvious response to the question, but that question would do for now. It was the best she could do. As she tried to settle her thundering heartbeat, calm her mind, she idly leaned down and picked up a can off the floor. Disinfectant of some sort. She shook the can, mostly so that she could think that the shaking in her paws was on purpose.

You lost all the color in your face, and looked about to pass-out, or stroke out or whatever it's called
Giving him the look of, i know how you truly are doing.
But as you wish, and i believe we will not lose.
"I'm fine," Griffon said again, monotone. "I'm--"
His words abruptly cut short, his ears pricking up, his eyes snapping wide.
"Everyone down," he hissed. His lips had unconsciously slid back from his teeth, his hackles raising. He dropped back to one knee, crouching low, shoulders hunched. The camp went still and silent, dropping down into similar positions, some more slowly than others, terrified. Griffon looked at them all and could only think of prey animals, hiding in their holes and unable to do anything, and shuddered with something close to rage. He knew that if those humans came here he shouldn't hurt them. He knew that. He knew it.
He also knew he would never lose to one of them. Not ever again. Not since Animal Control had come and taken away his followers, jeopardizing his control on the group, making him look weak, making the others lose faith, lose trust. He had despised humans before that. Now he couldn't be sure he wouldn't go for one of their pale, exposed throats--
He took another shuddering breath, stifling a snarl, and waited like the rest. It would be best if those humans to passed by without noticing anything. And a dark place within almost wished they wouldn't...

"Thank you...urm, where is the soup exactly kind one?"
Pavelle thought she saw something threatening flicker across the wolf's face. And for a second, she imagined him licking his lips like the wolves in the cartoons Mag used to watch, back home--
No. She should stay cool. She couldn't afford to think about Mag now. Not if she wanted to sneak away.
Still, she took a few precautionary steps back as the wolf scooted out from under the bush.
"Right over there," she said, gesturing at the group of woodland animals clustered around Felix and the pot. "I'm sure there's enough for you to, uh. Eat your fill." So you don't feel tempted to eat me, she thought. "It smells really good, too." And it did. It would be a shame that she couldn't stick around to eat any. Her stomach rumbled in protest, and she had to stop herself from casting a disapproving look at her own midsection as if to say shut up! Now if she could just get all of their attention on the wolf, make sure they weren't looking at her...
"Hey. I'm sending Wolfie here over," she said, realizing she didn't know the wolf's name. Had she just forgotten, or had she never been told? She supposed it really didn't matter. "You might want to back away for a moment. He seems a little... hungry." She herself took another couple of steps away from the wolf, as if to demonstrate. Conveniently bringing herself further from the group, drawing back into the woods a bit.
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by razgriz »

Felix didn't move from the soup. He wasn't afraid of a sick wolf and he made the stuff, he was going to at least eat some of it. Though, the raccoon's voice got his attention with the 'sending the wolf over.' That meant she wasn't coming over and he was still in the mood to be protective and helpful... From where he was, he carefully watched her, ready to go and probably wait with her at that circle if she wasn't going to sleep in his den... Besides, it would provide a good opportunity to play a prank and spook her.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by Keeshah »

caelei wrote:Rachav could hear One phrase in particular rolled under the bathroom door, --Rachav Alexie Weldt-- and then she stuck her paws over her ears and hunkered down further. Never. Never. How had they found that-- And then she had met Bren and it had all changed--
But first. She needed to access the situation. She needed time to gather her will around her. So she asked, "W-what do you want?"

I wanna meet my Granddog! the computer says that you are my Granddog! Sadie barks excitedly..
Are you really my mother Crystle's mother?.

Swiftpaw gets to the spot where Rachev was taken away. She sniffs at the scatter of rocks on the ground..
These have Rachev's marking scent on them.. Hmmmm
How did her scent get on those rocks? Stripes replies, looking over her shoulder.
she.. how do you think her scent got on them? Thinking really, doesn't this group do any field training at all??
She was playing with them while talking too the bikers.. then she got on the bile with them, and rode off.
playing with? she had them stacked up?Face pawing. >.<
That was a warning marker.

Swiftpaw looks at the bike tire tracks in the dirt.
At least there going to be easy to follow after.
She turns to the skunk.
you need to get your group back to the camp site.. and Lady Kikyo wishes to see your Lt. as soon as possible.

Swiftpaw sets off at a fast pace, following after the bike tracks. going to have to stay out in the open for now, more important right now to make up ground, than staying stealthy.
As she jogs along at a fast pace..
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by Daxter »

The wolf nodded politely at the animals round the soup, but always kept a stray eye on the Felix guy that seemed like he was the leader of this little group of animals around here. Nervously stepping past them to fetch a bowl of soup, he couldn't help but blush at the arkward situation, a wolf with other creatures he should be hunting down!

A sly rumble erupted from Mt Stomach and he remembered what he actually should be doing, eating. Firmly grabbing the spoon in the pot, he poured the burning soup greedily down his gullet, hunger beating the heat. The delicious liquid was happily received by a sudden burp, echoing through the forest.

Wiping his muzzle with his forearm, he sighed happily and said gratefully,

"Thank you for this...really...I'm just happy you haven't thrown me out," he smiled innocently at Felix, "Can I stay here please. With you all?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by caelei »

I wanna meet my Granddog! the computer says that you are my Granddog! Sadie barks excitedly..
Are you really my mother Crystle's mother?
"T-that's impossible," Rachav said faintly.

She abruptly tightened her fingers around the disinfectant, staring down at it.
Grandpup. It was impossible. Impossible. And even if this pup was really a relative, what did it matter? Didn't change anything at all. Nothing at all.

Rachav felt herself talking through the door, forehead still pressed against it. "That's impossible," she said to the young dog, "I-- I just need to get home, okay?" Then, considering, before saying through clenched teeth, "Why don't you get your-- your humans to let me go? I promise I won't cause any trouble if you just let me go right now. Making me stay here, or-- or calling the man who chipped me, that wouldn't be a good idea. It would--" She paused for a second, trying to come up with something, anything convincing. She gave up after a moment. Anything she came up with would just ring false. She wasn't up to telling a convincing lie right now. "That would just be bad," she finally said, slumping a little. "I can't go back there. I wasn't hurting anyone out in the middle of the woods. Just me by myself like I like it. Surviving. I'm not made to be a pet. I can't do that. I just can't do it." She was mumbling by now. "I'm not coming out of here until you get your humans to promise to let me go. Either that or you have to come in here and get me." She hesitated again, and added in a small, small voice, "You don't think I saw that man out there with his hand on that taser? All humans are the same. They-- they think nothing of h-hurting animals." She tipped her face up, swallowing, blinking at the overhead light.
"Just be a good pup and get them to leave me alone. I'm not coming out of my own free will unless they're gone. I only--" a certain thought struck her, and she said to the pup, "I only want to talk to you, okay? Just you. I'll come out if it's just you out there."

Pavelle just watched as the wolf slurped down the entire pot of soup like it was nothing. Really, it was kind of impressive. It made her stomach growl in protest, even though she hadn't been planning to actually eat any of the food, but whatever. It didn't matter. It was gone now.
"So, uh," she said, glancing at Felix. She could feel his eyes on her. Watching her. He wasn't going to let her just easily slip away. She looked pointedly towards the sky. "Getting kinda dark, isn't it?" Sudden inspiration struck. "And not that I don't trust the wolf," she began, then stopped. Her mouth twisted into a humorless smile. "Okay, I'm with the rabbit, Jessica. I don't trust him. Sorry," she said apologetically to the big guy, "But, uh... not really gonna stick around in case he gets the munchies at night. So I'm-- just-- gonna-- go now." She hooked a thumb over her shoulder towards the woods as a visual. Just like that she'd switched plans. Since Felix seemed like he wasn't going to let her out of his sight, might as well just announce it. "Gotta get back to that dirt circle place too, before the light fades. So, uh. Nice... meeting... you all? Er, yeah." She gave an awkward wiggle of her fingers as a wave. "Yeah I'm just gonna go now. Glad you're okay, though." The last was directed at the wolf.
(Richardson Valley)
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by razgriz »

"You can stay" Felix said to the wolf, "just never think of harming me or anyone I consider a friend. If you do, I will find you and I will ensure you learn to never do that again." He took a last bite of soup and then stood up to look at the raccoon, "do you know your way back to the circle?"

He was going to stick with her. If she didn't come to his den, then he was going with her. At this point, he doubted she'd be able to even FIND the circle and... well, lots of predators were out at night. After giving her the knife and helping, he wasn't to let that go to waste because she walked right into some wolf, bear, coyote or other large animal's hands. Besides, at the least, perhaps he could scare some sense into her?
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by Daxter »

The wolf nodded obediantly at Felix, stroking the back of his head like he was a child as he looked at the ground, blushing under his fur as if he was near a volcano. He muttered at Felix, embarrassed by what he would soon ruin his reputation with all predators,

"I'm...urm...I've never really eaten another animal, I try not to eat meat of pre- I mean fresh meat." A brief glance between Felix and the raccoon, his brain putting the pieces together and behind his embarrassed look even he could see the connection here.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

"I don't believe that for a second," Jessica chimed in. "You'd be dead by now if that were true. You'd have to already know what vegetation is edible, which you clearly don't."

"maybe he came from where there's different vegetation," Jack said with a mouthful of leaves.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

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His eyes flickered frantically between the two rabbits, his heart beating faster than the normal rate and his younger licked his lips, which were strangely dry now. Sighing, he tried to hide the Shane behind his paw but managed to mutter,

"Like I said, I never ate fresh meat but your sister is right little one," crying out, "I never hurt anyone though! I just found dead carcasses on the roads or previously hunted animals, I tried some veg but most of it didn't suit me at all, please don't let this change your views on me!" He was begging now, on his knees and frightened, "I don't want to be alone!"

(Sorry for lack of coloured text, it's hard for phone)
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

"So you've been scavenging?" Jack asked. "Like a raccoon?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by razgriz »

This... worked on Felix. He tried to keep an eye on his quandary raccoon and the wolf. This was easier said than done, but, he did it. He was used to keeping an eye on many things. The wolf's problem was being alone... Something that Felix could easily understand. Predators, depending on species, were either alone or in packs. As a lynx, he was alone except on rare occasions. Other animals however, wolves, were pack animals. A single wolf was a dead wolf. Their instincts demanded that there be others around to cover their backs. Without them, everything would just feel wrong. This same thing, albeit in a different form, is what keeps most animals within their niche in the ecosystem. Without being confined to this mental-need, animals drift into other niches and... chaos ensues.

"You can stay, I said that already" he said, "just, as I said, if you harm anyone I consider a friend... I will use every particular skill I've gained from hunting and surviving out here to look for you, and I will find you, and I will ensure you don't harm anyone again."

With that said, if this wolf had never truly hunted, he wasn't much of a threat to Felix. For that matter, even if he had, he wouldn't be all that much of a threat. Lynxes were in general, a bit bigger than wolves. It was probably to compensate for the lack of a pack. He could... perhaps provide a home for the wolf for a little while.... It needed to only be scared enough to not steal or take more than what was his... Though, this proved a conflict in trying to help the raccoon. If he had the wolf around, she wouldn't be as willing to accept his help, and both were rather in need... The wolf was capable of surviving on his own but in need of help for now... The raccoon.... He doubted she would be okay on her own... She'd probably get eaten by morning...

He turned to the wolf, "now then, you can stay... MAYBE in my den... But first, I need to worry about our little raccoon friend getting off on her own.."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by caelei »

"do you know your way back to the circle?"
That brought Pavelle up short. She looked out into the woods, the shadows from the trees lengthening, a cool night breeze brushing against her face, making the branches sway, almost like they were trying to reach out and grab her...
No. No. She had told herself that she would be fine with this. There were no-- no hunters out here at night. No human hunters. But there were predators. And she was just a tasty morsel to them. A morsel with fur and a heart still beating hard in her chest, but a morsel nonetheless.
She tried to make herself take a step and managed it, but then her other foot was stuck to the ground. She stared out at the trees, shivering a little, and this was bad. Because it wasn't even full night yet. Not even close. She needed to get to the circle before that happened. So she could find a nice place to hide and curl up in a ball and wait. But. But she didn't want to get caught wandering in the woods at night by herself. That wouldn't be the smartest option. Seriously, the one thing wrong with this whole situation... she needed Felix, or at least one of these other critters, to get around. She hated to admit it, but... she did. She wasn't even sure, despite her talk and not wanting to have to depend on any of them, if she could even manage to get herself to go out by herself, now that it was going to be night. She remembered back home when Mag had gotten lost in the woods, and she hadn't been able to go in without Venison helping her, and Lucky, and Balbaroy, and that had been in broad daylight. If she thought she could do it now, by herself, when it was getting dark, and in an unfamiliar forest... she was just fooling herself.

Then she realized she had just been standing there again, just standing and thinking and not doing anything and it was like going blank again --but at least this time there'd been some thought, however this freezing up thing was not conducive to survival and she knew it-- and she blinked and turned back a bit, halfway towards the group of animals, right in time for the littler rabbit to say:
"Like a raccoon?"
She had no idea what they were talking about, but she couldn't bring herself to leave them, even if it meant finding her Felix.
"But first, I need to worry about our little raccoon friend getting off on her own.."
She cast a weary look at Felix, and she hated to say it, but... "I-- I think I need... some... help. I don't think I can do it... on my own." Her voice was very quiet, and she was blushing like an idiot. She almost hoped none of them had heard.
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by Keeshah »

caelei wrote:"T-that's impossible," Rachav said faintly.
It's not impossible, you had my mom, n' my mom had me! that's what the computer database says..
caelei wrote:Rachav felt herself talking through the door, forehead still pressed against it. "That's impossible," she said to the young dog, "I can't go back there. I wasn't hurting anyone out in the middle of the woods. Just me by myself like I like it. Surviving. I'm not made to be a pet. I can't do that. I just can't do it." She was mumbling by now. "I'm not coming out of here until you get your humans to promise to let me go. Either that or you have to come in here and get me." She hesitated again, and added in a small, small voice, "You don't think I saw that man out there with his hand on that taser? All humans are the same. They-- they think nothing of h-hurting animals." She tipped her face up, swallowing, blinking at the overhead light.

You know we can't just let you go, Grandma.
looking back at the sheriff.
He was just being careful, was he suppose to do nuttin' while you attacked us?
caelei wrote:"Just be a good pup and get them to leave me alone. I'm not coming out of my own free will unless they're gone. I only--" a certain thought struck her, and she said to the pup, "I only want to talk to you, okay? Just you. I'll come out if it's just you out there."
I'm sorry hon, that's not going to happen. I can't risk you hurting Sadie, or trying to take her hostage. But there is someone here who really does want to talk with you.
Setting her iPhone to face to face mode, and sliding it under the door..
Hello hello? Rachav? is that really you??

Kikyo, presses up against a tree, as the sounds of the motorcycles get louder and closer, then pass by, there rumbling sounds fading.
She smiles over to Griffon, trying to keep the look of i told you so from her face.
Just then stripes comes sneaking back to the camp, with the rest of his group walking in like they had no care in the world.
Hey ya'll whats you all doing hiding, dem bikers have done rode off.
Shouts the the coonhound Lt. Ye'll git my message? someone needs to git on the other groups about letting dem bikers ride through there areas.
Kikyo hisses. That's it... i'm going to snap that stupid hounds neck!

Swiftpaw has reached the point where the dirt road turns into a gravel road..
that is going to make things harder..
She perks up her ears.....
Uh Oh.... Carp!
looking around fast and furiously...
before climbing over a fence and dashing into the vineyard.. hiding among the grapevines.
Watching as soon, two bikers go roaring past her..
Wooo! glad that wasn't an electrified fence.
Last edited by Keeshah on Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by Daxter »

The Wolf nodded happily and went to hug the lynx as hard as he could, which he hopes that the lynx doesn't mistake it for an attack, tears of joy rolling down his furry cheek as he tried I embrace the lynx gratefull with his hug. His voice was strained but still containing his excitement and sheer joy,

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" Loneliness seems to cause madness as well, you'd think you were being attacked by the wolf if he came leaping towards you with arms outstretched.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by razgriz »

"Calm down now... what is it the humans would say 'heel boy'?" Felix joked, hugging the wolf back. This was a first... And the wolf had a LOT to learn about attacking, he didn't do much to look like he was attacking. Wrong facial expression and all... Plus he was more or less making things easier for the Lynx to hurt him than doing a quite good attack. Anyway, with that problem managed, he got out of the hug and once more picked up the little raccoon. His ears had heard her, Lynx's could hear a field mouse from 100 meters away.

"I can help, if you'll finally let me help you" Felix said, "we can either go get some sleep at my den and find him tomorrow or we can do the riskier thing and sit out all night with pretty low odds of finding him while he happily sleeps in a tree somewhere..."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by caelei »

I'm sorry hon, that's not going to happen. I can't risk you hurting Sadie, or trying to take her hostage. But there is someone here who really does want to talk with you.
Setting her iPhone to face to face mode, and sliding it under the door..
Hello hello? Rachav? is that really you??
Rachav's heart thudded once, contracting so hard that her eyes blacked over with little dots. She put a hand to her chest and pressed her back to the door, staring at the phone that lay on the floor.
"Rachav?" Danny asked again. He sounded the same to her, the very same. That earnest quality to his voice that made him sound so young, even though he had to be in his late twenties by now. She could make out the excitement and worry etched into his tone, and some other emotion, almost like guilt. But she knew that wasn't right. She didn't say anything back.
"Rachav, please. Please. I never meant to hurt you-- I hadn't known that you would be so upset. I just couldn't afford, not back then-- But now the ranch is doing well. Maybe you could-- could try again. And ol' Gus is still here, and-- and Bren! I'll go get him-- just wait--"
"No!" Rachav yelled, panicked. She dove to the phone, scooped it off the floor, held it in front of her mouth. "No, Danny, no! Just-- no. Not him. I'm not coming back, Danny. I--"
"I'm going to come for you Rachav. We've been looking. We never stopped. Bren wouldn't let me. He wouldn't let you go. I tried to tell him that maybe it would be better for you to be on your own for a while, that you'd come home when you were ready, but he wouldn't listen. He couldn't. We'd go out on slow weekends and find a small town and plaster pictures of you everywhere, hoping--"
"Danny, just shut up. Be quiet."
"Hoping to find you! And when we did all the nearby towns, we started going out further and further. I couldn't go sometimes, I had surgery on my leg and I couldn't walk too well, so Bren would take off for days at a time, hitching rides and walking, or on his bike, hoping that if he put up enough pictures, enough posters telling you to just come home, that you'd see and you'd come--"
"I saw them, Danny," Rachav said, closing her eyes. Danny's voice broke off, and so she continued. "I saw them. But-- I'm not coming back. I never planned to come back. Why do you think I moved here? I couldn't stand seeing those-- those posters everywhere. People would recognize me. I was constantly afraid of being taken back. I couldn't live like that. So I left. And I didn't look back."
"No, Danny. Don't."
"Rachav, I'm coming for you. I'll be there in a few days. You don't want to come home, but I think it's time. You don't belong out there--"
"Don't worry. Everything will be okay. I'll see you in a little while. I'll bring Bren."
The line went dead. Rachav stared at the phone in her paws, unbelieving.

Griffon remained still long after the bikers passed. Then finally, slowly, he eased back onto his feet. The rage from before had settled back into a simmer in the pit of his stomach, and he took another deep breath.
Ye'll git my message? someone needs to git on the other groups about letting dem bikers ride through there areas.
Kikyo hisses. That's it... i'm going to snap that stupid hounds neck!
"It's obvious we're going to need to appoint new leaders to the squads. These are incompetent. And we're going to have to rethink our alarm system. Our scouts must have been slacking. We should have known long, long before the humans got near that they were approaching. We should have had more time to organize. It shouldn't have been such a close call. If the bikers had neared the camp midday, they would have probably done a more complete search of the area and discovered us. We're just lucky that they came to this area near nightfall, which cut their mission short." He paused, taking another deep breath. "But that raises the question-- Are they coming back tomorrow? Will they return to run a more thorough search? Or were they here recreationally? As much as I'd like to believe the latter, they seemed to be too organized for that. So what were they here for? They can't have known about the camp. So were they actually after that North GSD or was it something else? We need a more complete description of the bikes. I wonder if they had any sort of identifying markers...?" He looked to Kikyo, then glanced momentarily at the stupid mutt swaying in front of him. If he hadn't known better, he would have thought that the dumb dog had been rolling in anise all day. "Kikyo, deal with these in however manner you see fit."

"I can help, if you'll finally let me help you" Felix said, "we can either go get some sleep at my den and find him tomorrow or we can do the riskier thing and sit out all night with pretty low odds of finding him while he happily sleeps in a tree somewhere..."
"Hey! First of all, I don't need you to carry me. Seriously. I'm feeling... much better. You don't have to worry about me going into a daze again. I can control them well enough," Pavelle said through her teeth. Well. One little white lie wouldn't hurt anybody (well, expect potentially for herself if she really did fall behind), and she'd do anything to get him to put her down. She didn't need to be coddled. She needed-- to breathe. To find a good place to hide for the night, and to get some sleep. She'd be better in the morning.
"I think I should wait for him at the dirt circle. If you don't want him showing up at your den in the middle of the night and causing a ruckus, I advise we take our chances and just wait out in the open. And trust me. He won't be sleeping tonight if he thinks he's lost me. So we can just get to the circle and wait for him there. Just... in trees of our own. You can climb, right?" She couldn't help from sounding skeptical. She had really no idea of the lynx's abilities.
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by razgriz »

"If you want help, we're doing it my way" Felix said continuing to hold her, "otherwise, there's not much point in giving you help as you'll just zone out and get left behind.... Now then about trees..." He held the raccoon with one arm and leapt up at the nearest tree and began to climb. Lynx's were very good climbers, or at least, this one was. He got up to the first branch and hung upside down from it by his knees, keeping the raccoon upside down with him. "HOWEVER, we have a problem... We have a sick wolf to take care of and we can't have him falling out of my trees... And if your brother makes noise outside my den... Things won't be pleasant for him... He's also going to probably try and get to there anyway as, if he tracks you, he *might* find it... after a month of looking....."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by Keeshah »

caelei wrote:"Rachav, I'm coming for you. I'll be there in a few days. You don't want to come home, but I think it's time. You don't belong out there--"
"Don't worry. Everything will be okay. I'll see you in a little while. I'll bring Bren."
The line went dead. Rachav stared at the phone in her paws, unbelieving.

Bev leans in against the door..
How are things going in there, Hon?
Someone sure sounded excited to have heard from you again, couldn't you at least give them a chance?

caelei wrote:Griffon remained still long after the bikers passed. He looked to Kikyo, then glanced momentarily at the stupid mutt swaying in front of him. If he hadn't known better, he would have thought that the dumb dog had been rolling in anise all day. "Kikyo, deal with these in however manner you see fit."

Listen up stupid dog!.. those bikers came in through YOUR territory!
And now it is my pleasure to relieve you of command.. Your reassigned to the labour pool.

She turns to the others.
So just where were you all, when all this was happening?
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by Daxter »

The wolf nodded obediantly and sat beside the fire, watching the pair talk curiously, his head tilted to the side. Sniffing the pot, he tried to see if there was any more soup left, which sadly, there was none left, not even a drop. muffins and cookies he was hungry!

When the wolf heard himself being mentioned, he sighed softly and budged into the conversation quite rudely, unaware of whatever important conversation they could possibly in,

"I'm sorry that I may hinder you, I can sleep at the bottom of your tree if I may?" His chocolate brown gaze just silently watched them, waiting for their answer.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Haven

Post by caelei »

Bev leans in against the door..
How are things going in there, Hon?
Someone sure sounded excited to have heard from you again, couldn't you at least give them a chance?
Rachav leaned her forehead against the door. For a moment her mind had gone marvelously blank. She just continued to stare at the phone in her paws. Then slowly, slowly, she uncurled her fingers from around it and let it drop to the floor. Very calmly and surely she brushed at her face, as if making sure her fur was in place. For the first time she really saw what she'd gotten herself into. She'd misjudged her ability to get away from the humans. She had let the camp down, let Griffon down. She wasn't even sure she should try to escape. If she was this incompetent, maybe she should stay away from the camp. Maybe she would just be a detriment.
But maybe not. And she was too attached to it to let it go. She'd go back to the camp. It was her home.
Just maybe not today. There was only one way she could think to get out of this. And as much as she hated it...

Rachav calmly turned the lock and opened the door. For a second she was shocked to see the human standing so close to the door, practically leaning against it. To correct her proximity, she simply took a step or two away, trying to keep her expression even, her eyes dull, trying to control the slight trembling in her paws.
"So," she said, "What now?"

She turns to the others.
So just where were you all, when all this was happening?
One of the dogs pipped up, a large mixed-breed with a blank stare and a lazy, empty grin.
"Sir, we was just investergatin' a nice new er' a huntin' spot sir!" barked the dog, slapping a salute to his forehead. "Well er'. Really 'twas one'a them "fishin'" spots some'a the younger commanders been talkin' about. One'a them ones with those hot waters that feel so nice in yer fur like you was in one'a them fancy bathtubs the humans got--"
Before he could continue, one of the others elbowed him in the ribs hard enough to make him wince, stepping smoothly forward. The elbower wore a battered hat, hand-sewn, that looked almost like a misshapen baseball cap, and he removed it from his head as a sign of respect. "My apologies, miss Lady," he said in a silky, low voice, "We shouldn't have been, er... slacking off. It won't happen again. Really, it was Brig's idea." The dumb mutt from before started to protest, but his words cut off in a high-pitched eek! as the other stomped on his foot. "He said he had found something interesting, and the rest of us thought it was something urgent. Not just a hot spring. Right boys?" The rest of the guilty group nodded their heads obediently, barely daring to glance at the enraged Akita. "So if you could just please forgive us. We were just trying to do what's right for the camp..."

And if your brother makes noise outside my den... Things won't be pleasant for him... He's also going to probably try and get to there anyway as, if he tracks you, he *might* find it... after a month of looking....."
Pavelle had not been expecting to be carted up the tree and swung upside-down. She tried to hide her discomfort by looking darkly over at Felix, muttering, "Confident, aren't you?" Except, actually this was pretty good. The raccoon suddenly twisted, wrenching hard at Felix's grip around her waist, and swung her legs, making it so that they both swayed precariously from the tree. If he didn't want to lose his legs' grip on the branch above he'd have to go rightside-up or let go of her, and either option was better than this. She swung her body again, trying to wriggle and loosen her way free, and prepared herself should he drop her. She just hoped the wolf wasn't standing directly under them...
"I'm sorry that I may hinder you, I can sleep at the bottom of your tree if I may?"
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
Felix: S-6 P-7 E-3 C-3 I-8 A-10 L-5
Grif: S-5 P-6 E-5 C-8 I-7 A-5 L-6