Pet Friendly: Main OOC

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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by IceKitsune »

Tha Housefox wrote:Can I just say that I really like that idea, D-S?

Also, first post updated.
YsF: Closed.
On to of that, can I get a head count for whether RPs are open or not? This needs to stay current.
Sunset is open and has one slot open at least, but some people maybe gone so it might be like two or three more.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Construction Boots »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:So. YsF is ending, and a bunch of us don't want our characters to end, so we are planning a massive migration to another neighborhood. This group includes me, TMH, Housefox, Mystic, and Simple Things.
What neighborhood that doesn't already have any of us in it can take 5 players with a total of 7 characters?
Seeing as YsF has closed would it be with in the realm of reason to open a new role play area with the characters from YsF filling the first open slots?
Ok so I'm secretly a mouse who lives in a boot. What you have never seen rescue rangers before?

Widget's stats: S- 4, P- 4, E- 8, C- 4, I- 5, A- 10, L- 7

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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Blue Braixen »

Construction Boots wrote:
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:So. YsF is ending, and a bunch of us don't want our characters to end, so we are planning a massive migration to another neighborhood. This group includes me, TMH, Housefox, Mystic, and Simple Things.
What neighborhood that doesn't already have any of us in it can take 5 players with a total of 7 characters?
Seeing as YsF has closed would it be with in the realm of reason to open a new role play area with the characters from YsF filling the first open slots?
Honestly, we should focus on filling the less active RPs than making a new one. Otherwise it creates the same problem because it's the same people, just in a different place. Same problem.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Shirosune »

Don't mind me, just dropping these off here real quick.


Name: Shiro Kiba Miyazaki
("Why does my name have to translate into a movie title?")
(Rough Translation of Name: White Fang)

Species/Breed: Dog, Husky.

Gender: Male.

Age: 15 (4 Human years.).

Neighborhood: Radiant Gardens.

Appearance: Having a snow white coat from head to toe to tail-tip, Shiro stands out even among his own breed thanks to his fur color and his blood red eyes, which together serve to mark his status as an albino. His tag is in the shape of a fang, made from steel and hanging from a crimson collar with black stitching.

Personality: Curious, playful, friendly and maybe just a bit hyper if he spends too long resting, Shiro is what you'd expect of most dogs his age, though he is a little self-conscious of his appearance, he does well to hide it, at least until someone decides to make fun of him for it. Shiro likes to spend his time either playing or reading a good story, and though he get's bored easily with anything that might be considered 'educational', he still has a mind for facts and can pull up the most obscure information seemingly from nowhere, though said information is seldom useful.

Other notes: Despite the draw backs normally suffered by others with his affliction, Shiro has been blessed with two 'gifts' as it were. The first; normal eye sight, he is thankful for. The second; an empathic ability that activates anytime he looks at someone, he considers more of a curse. Especially when paired with his looks, he tends to make those he's around rather uncomfortable, though it's never his intent.

S – 7
“I'm stronger than I look.”
P – 10
“I'm actually kinda sucks.”
E – 5
“Maybe I should train more...”
C – 3
“Ah...wait...did I say that out loud?”
I – 6
“ know weird stuff...?”
A – 5
“I can go fast, just don't expect me to make a turn.”
L – 6
“Ouch...glad that wasn't me.”


Name: Soukou Hana Miyazaki
("Named for my coat and makes me curious.")
(Rough Translation of name: Crimson and Azure Flower)

Character Type: Main.

Species/Breed: Dog, Akita.

Gender: Female.

Age: 35 (10 Human years.).

Neighborhood: Radiant Gardens.

Appearance: Unlike most of her breed Soukou has has very little white fur on her body, her muzzle, stomach, paws and the underside of her tail being the only areas of white, while the rest is her coat is a deep crimson red. She has a set of azure blue eyes, that lack the typical cloudiness that accompanies her condition. Her tag is a metallic red and blue flower symbol which hangs from a dark gray collar.

Personality: Soukou has a calm, thoughtful, focused and unwavering personality that, when combined with her stubborn refusal to accept her supposed 'limits', has allowed her to live a fairly normal life despite having been born blind.

Other notes: Because of the age difference between herself and Shiro, and how young he was when their mother brought him home, Soukou has come to see Shiro almost as if he were her own pup, and tends to treat him as such more often than not. Though you won't often find a complaint from the pup over the affection. Soukou was born blind, and has concern for her status as 'impaired'.

S – 6
“Tug of war is just as much fun blind you know.”
P – 7
“You'd be amazed how much you can see with out your eyes.”
E – 6
“Gotta be able to keep up when your housemate is a pup.”
C – 6
“I'm always happy to just sit and listen to your tale.”
I – 7
“Philosophy dictates: You can not miss that which you have never had.”
A – 5
“Might be blind, but I can still do a bit of jumping and playing.”
L – 5
“Luck is all about balance, keep the scales from tipping and you'll do fine.”


Name: Fenrir “Fen” Hinderson
("You named me after a mythical wolf? Seriously!?")

Character Type: Main.

Species/Breed: Fox, Siberian Domesticated(SibFox).

Gender: Male.

Age: 19. (5.5 Human Years.).

Neighborhood: Richmond Acres.

Appearance: Has charcoal black fur over most of his body, only his lower muzzle stomach and the tips of his tail and ears differ, being a silvery gray. He has a set of molten yellow eyes that are at most impassive, unless he is feeling strong emotion. His tag is made from brass and is in the shape of a wolf's head, hanging from a forest green collar.

Personality: Blunt, truthful to a fault, always one to speak his mind and maybe a little too smart for his own good. Fenrir chases off more friends than he makes with his attitude alone, throw in his love of showing off and it's a miracle he keeps the ones he has. Mostly lost when it comes to the ideals of social tact and proper behavior around new people or pets, Fenrir has learned only just enough to scrape by socially on his own, and more often then not will begin to panic and falter if left in too big a crowd with out his twin sister Valkyrie.

Other notes: Fenrir's tendency for showing off and not holding back mean he tends to burn out quickly when he really gets going, but on the rare occasion he can be convinced to pace himself, he tends to keep up with most others just fine. Another thing that should be noted is his distaste for his name, though he doesn't like his names origin, he also won't accept someone poking fun at it, for the simple sake it was his mother that gave that name to him.

S – 5
“I can pull my own weight, but don't ask for anything more.”
P – 6
“It pays to know where your going and what's around you.”
E – 3 to 5 (Dependent on whether or not he's showing off.)
“I might burn out fast, but that makes me no less intense!”
C – 4
“Kyrie says I'm as tactful as a blunt instrument...”
I – 7
“I may not be an Einstein, but I can come close.”
A – 10
“Vertical is just another dimension for fun.”
L – 5
“So I always get a little bad with my good...could be worse.”


Name: Valkyrie “Kyrie” Hinderson
("Wait, my name comes from a what now?")

Character Type: Main.

Species/Breed: Fox, Siberian Domesticated(SibFox).

Gender: Female.

Age: 19. (5.5 Human years.)[And three minutes older than Fenrir she'd have you know.].

Neighborhood: Richmond Acres.

Appearance: Has a nearly solid silver-gray coat, the only things marring the near uniform color are the tips of Valkyrie's tall and her ears, which are stained the same charcoal black that makes up the majority of her bother's coat. Her eyes, a soft jade green, are as expressive as they come. Her tag is in the shape of spear, and is colored to match her eyes, hanging from a yellow and black collar.

Personality: Valkyrie is a true social flower in almost every respect, she loves to be in the limelight and does her best to keep the peace among her peers, that is at least, when she isn't feeling mischievous. She's slow to anger and quick to play the diplomat; but should she ever get angry, watch out, she can be just as much a demon as a flower. Valkyrie loves to be amidst crowds, and tends to drag Fenrir into the mix simply for the fact she doesn't want to leave him lazing about. She wears her emotions on her sleeve, and tends to be protective of any and everyone she holds dear; though none more than Fenrir, since he is her 'little' brother.

Other notes: Valkyrie is almost the opposite of her bother in every regard, the only thing they really have in common is a high intellect, though she's a touch more tactful in the use of her's. Being the social sort she is, she makes friends easily, but she'll only ever hang on to the ones that are willing to accept her brother as well.

S – 4
“Hey, I'm a fox, not a wolf.”
P – 6
“I want to believe you...but I'm just not sure.”
E – 3
“H-hey, wait...I thou-thought I told you...I wasn't good at running!”
C – 10
“Hehe, bet I can talk you into it.”
I – 8
“Calculating the root of pi is easy...but it always makes me hungry.”
A – 4
“There are times I think my tail is just for show...”
L – 7
“Hey, is that a five dollar bill?”


Name: Sigurd Volland.
(I'll do my best...just don't expect me to slay any dragons, okay?)

Character Type: Main.

Species/Breed: Fox, Siberian Domesticated(SibFox)

Gender: Male.

Age: 19 (5.5 Human years).

Neighborhood: Applegate.

Appearance: Has an unusual fur pattern that almost mimics that of a Husky, both in color and in design and a set of eyes to match, with his left eye being a steely blue while his right eye is a pale jade green. He has a brown leather collar from which hangs a circular gold colored tag, designed to look like an ancient coin.

Personality: Sigurd is a friendly and helpful sort, always ready and willing to help others when asked and quick to take up the defense of anyone he considers a friend. Despite the fact he always gives his all to what he's doing and refuses to give up easily on a task, his own tendency to doubt himself and his own abilities usually keeps him from seeing to full value of the things he does.

Other notes: Sigurd both plays and work with almost the same amount of zeal he puts into helping others, and while this usually isn't an issue it does make it hard for him to hold back, even when he is around those with whom holding back is necessary.

S – 5
“I guess I can handle it.”
P – 7
“Dad says I have good senses.”
E – 5
“I'll do my best to keep up.”
C – 6
“Wanna talk about it?”
I – 6
“I know a bit, I guess...”
A –8
“Climbing always helps me relax.”
L – 5
“I don't really believe in luck, sorry.”
Last edited by Shirosune on Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

Ok, since it came up, I'm going to address it right here and now. If YsF merges characters with BsM, I'm pretty much tossing the rules on characters being in the same city and on character limits per player. There was a question as to whether this was an acceptable policy. Well, I'm going to rules lawyer:
ArgentFlame wrote:-Character/Player caps: Want them gone? Go right ahead. Want less or more players in the 'hood? Sure. Want to axe the restrictions on guest characters? No problem. Want players to ONLY have one character? Make it so.
BAM. No more restriction. You can have an infinite number of characters in BsM, and I don't care if they're main, guest, human, pet, ghost, extra-planar being, or WHATEVER. Just GO WITH IT. I've always been fine with having whatever characters are approvable by the players and me, so it doesn't really matter. Also, all characters transferring from YsF are pre-approved, seeing as that was the initial point of it all.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Hypergenesis »

RockstarRaccoon wrote:Ok, since it came up, I'm going to address it right here and now. If YsF merges characters with BsM, I'm pretty much tossing the rules on characters being in the same city and on character limits per player. There was a question as to whether this was an acceptable policy. Well, I'm going to rules lawyer:
ArgentFlame wrote:-Character/Player caps: Want them gone? Go right ahead. Want less or more players in the 'hood? Sure. Want to axe the restrictions on guest characters? No problem. Want players to ONLY have one character? Make it so.
BAM. No more restriction. You can have an infinite number of characters in BsM, and I don't care if they're main, guest, human, pet, ghost, extra-planar being, or WHATEVER. Just GO WITH IT. I've always been fine with having whatever characters are approvable by the players and me, so it doesn't really matter. Also, all characters transferring from YsF are pre-approved, seeing as that was the initial point of it all.
OR OR Just develop the canon so that BsM and YsF are now "basically connected" with YsF being the Urban area and BsM as the Suburbs. That way there's no real change in the environment of both neighborhoods but characters are now free to travel to and from.

Connection is readily available as well with BsM commercial zone in the East.. Er West?..

I dunno, maybe just formally propose the merger?
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

nah, we're dealing with some amazing plans with time-travel to explain a few changes to characters. But we can leave it so those few stragglers in YsF (who aren't continuing in BsM) cann freely visit or move to BsM at any point without having to be approved.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

Hypergenesis wrote:OR OR Just develop the canon so that BsM and YsF are now "basically connected" with YsF being the Urban area and BsM as the Suburbs.
They are connected. YsF was actually mentioned in BsM before it existed and was made entirely as a connected neighborhood to BsM. There were several characters, like Darin and Wind-Chimes who were based on something in the other. (Darin being from YsF and Wind-Chimes being Frank Holiday's bass player.) That's why I'm so ok with YsF characters just moving to BsM: YsF was designed with this in mind.

I'm currently happy with what we're discussing right now on Skype...
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by valerio »

depression got me.
Gonna be out of the forum for a while. sorry.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Hypergenesis »

Get well soon.

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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Seth »

valerio wrote:depression got me.
Gonna be out of the forum for a while. sorry.
Sorry to hear that

Good luck, think happy thought, and get well soon.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by musclecar326 »

Hey i have created a new neighborhood call Exotic acres which can be found here- ... =12&t=1917. (Yes it was approved by the Mods.) Go check it out, it is very interesting and unique compared to the other neighborhoods. And Please consider joining.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

musclecar326 wrote:it is very interesting and unique compared to the other neighborhoods.
* Except Brookshire Meadows.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

RockstarRaccoon wrote:
musclecar326 wrote:it is very interesting and unique compared to the other neighborhoods.
* Except Brookshire Meadows.
well it's unique in a different way. yes, you'd probably accept exotic pets, but the normal pets would likely find it odd to go hang out with a lion or a tiger, limiting the RP potential.
EA is unburdened by the constraints of pet ownership laws and preconceived notions of other pets, because they're all exotic.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Hypergenesis »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:
RockstarRaccoon wrote:
musclecar326 wrote:it is very interesting and unique compared to the other neighborhoods.
* Except Brookshire Meadows.
well it's unique in a different way. yes, you'd probably accept exotic pets, but the normal pets would likely find it odd to go hang out with a lion or a tiger, limiting the RP potential.
EA is unburdened by the constraints of pet ownership laws and preconceived notions of other pets, because they're all exotic.
Hm? Isn't even more clear to exotic pets themselves that they are not trained in the same way as normal pets and a lot of them come from different backgrounds / traumas as their sale outside of Exotic Acres are restricted?

Wouldn't you say that they themselves would know exactly why they need to fear the other animal as their natural hunt or be hunted instincts are completely intact? To say it's a little known fact to them wouldn't be making random claims.

Also, as I was told, even if a wild animal could be tamed to their owner, the same cannot be said when they are towards others. Just as domesticated pets would react quite defensively/offensively to strangers, what more can be expected of exotic animals?

I'm not saying exotic pets cannot be truly tamed though, but those animals are exceptional. Not to judge the mods' decision but I don't think the neighborhood was very much well thought of. No limiters, no established expert on exotic pets, and most importantly, where is it located that it can have such discriminating laws? Even if I assume it is a completely independent neighborhood, albeit I can only imagine it as a minimal neighborhood for it not to attract protesters and government agencies what not, how do they manage to support commerce and development to attract people other than those who wish to retire with an unusual pet?

-Thanks for your time if you read this.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by musclecar326 »

Hypergenesis: Get your head out of reality! This is fiction! You can do pretty much anything, And all the animals are going to be under user control so, I'm pretty sure they will be able to stay in control and behave themselves.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Hypergenesis »

Expected that answer. = 3=
It was supposed to go with the post but I decided to exclude it for that possibility someone wouldn't say that.

Anyways, washing my hands of this topic. Have fun RPing.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Leafolawl »

I might be a bit slow for a while... The computer I usually use broke down. |D
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Leafolawl »

I had a computer sitting around that still works, and my dad's got it hooked up to the internet!
So I won't be slowing down too much, but I'll have to worry about competition for the computer more.
Name: Tesla Koiel (also known as T.K.) Allen

Species:Fennec Fox (another one so you can see the ear size more clearly.)

Gender: Female

Neighborhood: Exotic Acres

Personality:A quiet enthusiast, She tends to be more reclusive, and not just because of how well she can hear. She's nervous around people because not only do they tend to be to loud for her, but because she's often at a loss for words in a social environment. Despite this, she's actually in public a lot because she thinks it's easiest to find something interesting where people usually are.

History: Tesla is one of few exotic pets legally raised to be a pet. Her name comes from an incident from when she was young, where she toothed on a cord so much it shocked her.

Appearance: Tesla wears a hot pink collar with a dark pink "X" under the buckle, which she keeps at the front. Not being very fashion-inclined, she wears a clashing dark green, sleeveless jacket to keep herself warm. Her tag is that of a feather-quill.

Morality: Neutral/Idealist
Tesla likes to think in big pictures, sometimes convincing herself that her ideals are reality for a moment, but she usually snaps back out of them pretty fast. She tries not to get in on others' plans, for fear she'll mess them up.

Talent: Information gathering. She can listen to and keep perfect track of twenty different conversations at once. She can handle people yelling around her, but she prefers not to listen to it if she doesn't have to. She doesn't remember stuff long term without having been reminded several times, but she can tell you basically anything she'd seen or herd over the last thirty minutes or so.
  • Side Notes
  • She's nonjudgmental, so she won't care what someone is, just so long as she gets along with them.
  • She's very good at selecting what she hears, so if she doesn't seem to hear you, she's ignoring you.
  • She can hold a grudge.
  • When threatened, she's more likely to play a mind game with her assailant than she is anything else.
  • She's been trained not to eat anything but what she's told.
Speech colour: #FF40BF


S - 4
P - 9
E - 5
C - 5
I - 8
A - 6
L - 5
Last edited by Leafolawl on Mon May 14, 2012 4:58 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Seth »

Leafolawl wrote:GOOD NEWS!
I had a computer sitting around that still works, and my dad's got it hooked up to the internet!
So I won't be slowing down too much, but I'll have to worry about competition for the computer more.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

And here's the new version for Brookshire Meadows.
Name - Flash-Gordon
Species - Coyote, awooo!!!
Age - over 21 pet (at least 6 human)
Gender - Male
Neighborhood - Brookshire Meadows

Appearance - Flash is a typical yellow coyote who wears a red collar with a silver Rocket-Ship tag. He also wears an chrome and dark-blue jacket which looks like it's out of a corny old sci-fi film. He looks a bit aged from being a wild animal, but always has a youthful twinkle in his eye, which might also signify either insanity or infinite wisdom, but probably just insanity.
(( PICTURE (Traced from Tiger) ))

Personality - YEAH! IT'S FLASH GORDON! DEFENDER OF THE UNIVERSE! PYEW PYEW PYEW ZAMMO!!! Flash-Gordon is probably one of the wackiest wild animals you will EVER encounter. He's been a BIG fan of sci-fi from a very young age (hence his chosen name). Flash is ridiculous, immature, and goofy enough to make you wonder how he EVER survived in the wildUnderneath it all, he's really a nice person with no sad history or anything like that, he's just a fun guy! That's believable, right? RIGHT?

Other Notes:
- Somehow tied to Yorkshire, though it's not clear how...
- Very hyperactive for a reader.
- Loves Sci-Fi and Fantasy novels, especially goofy old comic books.
- Also loves hanging his entire body out moving car windows to scream things, playing in traffic, eating, running, jumping, screaming, drooling, climbing, falling, and anything else I didn't think of.
- Whee!

SPECIAL - Str = 6; Per = 5; End = 7; Cha = 5; Int = 7; Agl = 7; Luk = 5;
Strengths and Weaknesses:
Strength: Always optimistic, happy, and confident, even when that's a bad idea.
Weakness: Always optimistic, happy, and confident, even when that's a bad idea.
Strength: Secretly, Flash is a Martial Arts Master, who can defeat whole groups of tough guys with his bizarre attacks and tactics.
Weakness: Often percieved as crazy and doesn't fit in to any sort of serious group.
Neutral: Wild Animal, with other, more wacky stuff going on.
His color is #404080
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Blue Braixen »

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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Dissension »

As a courtesy, Hausphox posted that message in this thread. To cut down on needless duplicate messages, in the future, all such announcements should be made in the appropriate (above linked) thread. If you never leave the role playing section, the only person to blame for missing out on things like this is yourself. Thanks, folks!
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Mareks »

Just so everyone knows, I one again have internet and intend to return to my RP's if and where possible.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by D-Singer »

Just to update anyone involved with the Rps I'm in. I'll be away from my computer for the next few days and will be unable to post. I will catch up asap upon returning.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Roarin »

I put characters here right?

Name: Trigger Jackson

Character Type: Main

Species: Greenland Husky

Neighborhood: Edge City

Age: 22 Pet years (6.2 Human Years)

Appearance: About 4ft 8. Bright Green eyes. Muddy brown fur. His muzzle, front of neck and stomach fur is white and his head fur is slightly spiked He has a rugged worn down brown collar and a tag in the shape of a bullseye (the red circle in the white circle in the red circle in the...). He is usually seen wearing large orange headphones around his neck or over his ears.

Personality: Calm, cool, and collected (most of the time). Trigger lives life at his own pace. Adjusting his tempo from time to time to fit his environment. He has a tendency to stick his nose where it shouldn't belong. He finds himself in trouble alot of the time. In tight situations he relies on his improvisation, agility, and silver tongued speech. Around others he acts optimistic and upbeat. Trigger doesn't like showing any weaknesses. He doesn't skip a beat when it comes to helping a friend, but has trouble accepting help from others. His free time is usually spent exploring, and listening to music (ranging from oldies to heavy metal and everything in between). He is sometimes found reading.

Other Notes: Quick Background - Trigger used to live in another town. Him and his dad moved to this city because it was pet friendly. He doesn't spend that much time at home and his dad is usually busy at work.

S- 4 "I could help you move that. I think..."
P- 8 "You need to work on your hiding skills"
E- 5 "Im.. *huff* not... *huff* tired..."
C- 9 "But see, if you look at it from my perspective. We all win."
I- 6 "E = mc what?"
A- 7 "Defying gravity. Kinda..."
L- 4 "I've had better days..."
Name: Flint Gates

Character Type: Main

Species: Male Canaan Dog

Age: 19 dog years (5.4 Human Years)

Neighborhood: Blue Peak Shore

Appearance: Lean and quick he looks like any other Canaan dog. His fur is one flat color of grayish white, with the exception of his left paw, which is black. He has headfur that is that slightly disheveled and spiky. He wears a Yankee's cap. Flint has ice blue eyes, the vision in his right is badly blurred caused by an incident in the past. He wears a rugged, worn down brown collar and a tag in the shape of a swallow that hangs down from a silver chain.

Personality: Do what you want. Where you want. When you want. Those are the words Flint lives by. He has a pretty carefree nature and no respect for authority, always looking for mischief and adventure. He has a propensity to get himself into trouble. He's friendly to most of the people/pets he meets, tries to avoid making enemies as much as possible. Flint doesn't like to talk about himself too much. He won't even give you his name unless he can trust you. He doesn't consider many people/pets to be his friends and is loyal is protective to those who are. He is quick to help others in need, but refuses help in return out of pride. In sticky situations he uses words instead of force. Flint can sometimes be sarcastic and likes to quote lines from movies and books. He has the ability to sing adequately well and can play the trumpet (if one is available). He is also a big Frank Sinatra fan.

History: Flint was born in America but never stayed in the same place for very long. Always moving. His owner died when he was young and he was past from relative to relative until he landed in an animal pound in Colorado. He spent a few months there before he was "saved" by animal activist who dropped him off on the curb a few blocks away. Since then he's been living the life of a stray, living day by day, sometimes resorting to stealing. But he continued to travel across the continent, always seeking excitement and adventure in his life. One day he found himself in Newyork running from the cops after he pilfered some food from a grocer. All he remembered was turning a few corner and ending up at a dock. The next thing he knew he was on a boat headed towards some place called Meriweather Island with his stolen merchandise still in hand.


S - 4 "I don't think i can help you lift that. But I'm pretty sure i could get someone else to."

P - 7 "One less eye, for two better ears."

E - 4 "I think...*huff*... Im gonna take a breather... for a few hours..."

C - 9 "Who am I? Depends on who's asking. But enough about me."

I - 7 " 'No, sir, I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite my thumb, sir.' But seriously... i don't"

A - 8 "Yes, i know there's a giant gate blocking the way. But what the problem?"

L - 3 "I don't find pit holes... pit holes find me..."


Name: Zanna "Zane" Volt

Character Type: Main

Species: Female Siberian Husky

Age: 6 Years (21 Dog years)

Neighborhood: Richmond Acres

Appearance: Zanna looks like your typical Husky, lean, quick aglie. She has lightish gray fur, her stomach and muzzle is white, ice blue eyes. She wears a green beanie cap that has a visor and steampunk themed aviator goggles hang from her neck. She wears a dark blue collar with a tag in the shape of a lightning bolt.

Personality: Brash, bold, and reckless. Zanna's a spontaneous, spur of the moment kind of dog. She continuously looks for excitement and adventure and her "look before you leap" attitude usually lands her in hot water. Zanna does what she wants, regardless of what others think. She is sometimes stubborn and sticks with her opinion (even if its the wrong one). Regardless of this she is the sociable type, friendly around others and likes to hang out with a lively bunch. Though not very knowledgeable in mathematics or history, she has a knack for inventing random stuff (her inventions usually composed of cardboard and duct-tape).

History: Zanna used to live in a large bustling city. Her dad is a mechanic and her mom is an artist. After getting tired of the fast paced life of the metropolis they decided to move somewhere less crowded and pet friendly.


S-6 "I get by"
P-4 "A tornado hit where now?"
E-7 "Lets race again! And again, and again, and again ,and..."
C-8 "You were gonna do it anyways. I just, helped you along."
I-5 "Hey! I read! Sometimes....."
A-5 "Sharp turns kinda suck..."
L-7 "I'd say its gonna be.. tails! Yes! I win again!"
Name: North Dakota

Character Type: Main

Species: German Shepherd

Age: 18 Pet Years

Neighborhood: Haven

Appearance: His fur is overall tan, with the exception of his muzzle and his ears which are a slightly darker brown. His eyes are bright blue and he's in fit condition. He wears a black collar with a compass attached to it (as a tag)

Personality: You wouldn't call North to be the nicest animal you meet (at first). The dog isn't mean but he lacks tact and deep emotion to be considered 'nice' His frosty personality originating from what he calls "life lessons from the past". He can successfully carry out a conversation one on one but if he's put on a stand he has a tendency to panic. North has a propensity to be nosey. His strengths lie in his ability to complete tasks and work. North's mind is wired to shoot for success and accept nothing else, holding himself to a high standard. He has a great sense of what he believes is "the morally right thing to do" and doesn't have a problem with calling someone out. His dream is to someday to become a police dog (but for some reason he sees it as unrealistic). His main drawbacks are his gullibility, and his indecisiveness on personal choices.

Background: North could be considered your usual Christmas present Catastrophe case. One day a young girl told her parents she wanted a dog. So for Christmas, that's exactly what her parents got her. And that dog happened to be North. It was probably one of the happiest days of his life (all of his days previous to this was at a local pound). Their logic was that if they bought an older dog, they'd need to take care of it less (as opposed to a puppy). And it worked out well. For a couple months. After which it became apparent to the parents that their daughters interests started veering away from their new dog, and the cost and time of owning a dog was "too much" for them. So they made the ultimatum to "return" him to his old home. When he overheard this he made the spontaneous decision to leave... and never come back. Abandoning his name and making his own (he's a fan of the Badlands).


S - 9 "I blame genetics..."
P - 5 - "I wasn't startled it was just a... defensive reaction...yup."
E - 7 - "Not tired yet."
C - 5 - "As long as I don't have to speak in front of a podium..."
I - 5 - "I blame lack of books."
A - 7 - "Sharp turns? No problem...mostly"
L - 4 - "I've have better days... but not by much."

- #400080

Name: Frosty Winters

Character Type: Main

Species: Seppala Siberian Sleddog

Age: 18 (Pet Years)

Neighborhood: Radiant Gardens

Appearance: Frost's fur is a pure white shade. His eyes are an ice blue. He wears a red collar with the tag in the shape of a silver snowflake hanging from it. On occasion he may be seen wearing a gray snowboarding jacket.

Personality: 'Just roll with it' is usually Frost's motto. On the surface, Frost is a very simple dog. All he needs to get through life are friends, fun, and a daily dose of carbonated drinks/and or candy (his owners disagree with both of the latter). He's a friendly, kind dog that likes to help others out. He's always on the lookout for adventure and danger (wherever they may lurk). Frost doesn't mind talking in front of people (as long as its not too big of a bunch). The only thing he refuses to talk about is his past. He is a very gullible dog and would probably believe anything you said. He has an irrational fear of snow and heights. He carries some expertise in tracking and first aid.

Background: Born and raised in snowy region of Canada, Frost worked alongside his owner at a ski resort as a search and rescue dog. Being in the search and rescue team was always an exciting job and there was usually never a dull day (excluding the days that were...dull). He was a normal dog for the most of his life. Playing in the snow, doing his job. There was many aday he tried to master the art of snowboarding, but he's never gotten the knack of it. But then the day came... There was an unexpected blizzard sweeping through the region and both him and his owner were at home. Until his owner got called onto duty. Some stranded skiers caught in the storm. His owner said he'd be right back... And he never was. Him and the ones he was trying to find were never found. After refusing the work Frost asked to be put into a local shelter where he hoped he'd be chosen by someone and be able to leave this arctic enclosure he once called home behind. His wish was granted one day by a young couple. And somehow they found their way to Radiant Gardens, leaving Frost's old life drifting away in the rear view mirror. He was planning on see if he could join the volunteer police dogs.


S - 9 "I guess I can thank genetics for that."
P - 7 "I can seee yooou. Well, no I can't... But I know your there."
E - 6 "I can keep up. For awhile(ish)"
C - 5 "So... You'll give me the candy...once we get to your house."
I - 4 "I've found books make good paperweights."
A - 7 "Man...Those turns. Amiright?
L - 4 "Tripped again..."

Name: Alchemy "Chem" Solus

Species: Mexican Gray Wolf

Age: 18 Dog Years

Neighborhood: Exotic Acres

Appearance: Just your regular gray wolf, mixed gray/brown/white fur. White muzzle and stomach He has a runner's build, not too strong. His eyes are bright yellow. Tip of his left ear is torn. Somewhat spiky, disheveled headfur. Wears a brown leather, worn down collar with a tag in the shape of a cardinal. Rectangular glasses rest on his nose, a pencil behind his ear, and a notebook in his hand.
This is the general look, kinda... ... _wolf.jpeg

Personality: Calm and collected (at least he tries to be) Chem is an optimist. He's quiet and doesn't like to be in the spotlight, prefers offering advice in the background. Despite his calm demeanor he is fine talking to others (as long its not too large of a group) and has a sense of humor. Chem is an adventurous type with an unquenchable curiosity (if he was a cat he'd probably be dead). To the general public he is a man of science (mostly medicine), sometimes going on long tangents to explain something simple (he sees this as a bad habit but does it nonetheless). Chem has knowledge of most things but for some reason hasn't grasp the concept of technology. He is sometimes found mumbling to himself. To his close friends he's an artist and musician. In his free time he usually finds a quiet to place to draw or play his guitar. The thing that stands out about him is his speech defect. No one knows really how it came to be but he has a strange habit of talking in shorts phrases and incomplete sentences (refer to "Mordin" from Mass Effect)

House Description: Chem and his owner decided to settle into a modest two story house in the desert sector of the neighborhood. With an ownership on 1.5 acres of land Chem's owner figures it should be enough room for the wolf to meet his accommodations.

Background: Chem was born in Arizona, lived the first half of his youth with his biological mom and dad. But one day his parents disappeared and never came back. He was found by a man a few days later, clinging to life, laying on the side of the freeway. The man (his name was Jack) was a young retired businessman, now traveling the country at his leisure as a musiciam, preforming for small crowds and instantly decided to raise the young wolf as his own. He was delighted to find the wolf had a knack for music, increasing the bond between them. After a year or two of traveling, Jack decided it was time to settle, seeing that Chem wasn't your average pet he turned to Exotic Acres.


S - 4: "Can't carry. Suggests forklift?"

P - 7: "Omniscient. No, kidding."

E - 8: "Like energizer bunny..."

C - 6: "Greetings, Chem Solus."

I - 9: "Diagnosing...Paper cut?"

A - 5: "Sharp turns..."

L -3: "Ack! Pithole..."

Ace Ryder

-Character Type-
Main Character

Sesame Shiba Inu

6.5 Dog Years (23 Human Years)


At a glance Ace looks much like your typical Shiba Inu. He has a runner’s build and is a little taller than most others in his breed, standing at about 4,3’’. His fur is an assortment of colors with a caramel brown stretching from the top half of his face, across his back and down his hind legs. His underside and muzzle is a snowy white. The top of his curly tail is black while the underside of it is white. His eyes are both brown and on his neck lies a gash consisting of three streaks that run across the left side of it.
Ace wears a tan leather collar and hanging off it from a black chain is a small trinket in the shape of a silver fighter jet. Also around his neck (hanging from that one chain thing made of metal beads) is a pair of dog tags. One has his name printed on it in big friendly letters, the other has the names of his owners and their phone number.
In his collar pocket he always has a notepad and pencil.
The first thing you must know about Ace is that he is a mute. Though he wasn’t born mute, he is now, and he has accepted this fact. Despite his condition, Ace is a pretty optimistic dog, and he will do what he can to brighten someone's mood. He’s personality is somewhat spontaneous and bold, and he enjoys the occasional adventure and excitement. Keeping that in mind though it doesn’t help that he tends to be spacey, fidgety and impatient.
His muteness has not kept him from interacting and joining groups and he is quite charismatic for a dog without a voice. To compensate for his lack of sound he is quite adept at playing the trumpet, and is pretty athletic overall.


Strength - 7 “...” *gives a fist pump, then chuckles silently

Perception - 5 “...” *flinches

Endurance - 8 “...” *runs in place

Charisma - 8 “...” *waves hello and sticks out an open paw

Intelligence - 5 “...” *shakes his head and sighs

Agility - 7 “...” *shrugs

Luck - 4 “...” * flips a coin. Drops it. Can’t find it...
Last edited by Roarin on Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:45 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Thouhastbinpwnd »

Alright, here is mah new character

Name: Rover "Sherlock" Canis

Species: Chocolate Lab

Gender: Male

Age: 23 (pet years)

Neighborhood: Edge City

Appearance: Rover has dark brown fur and chocolate brown eyes. He is rather tall for a lab, though it's hard to tell as he slouches most of the time. His colar is a diamond shaped brass tag on a simple leather strap. His tag has a small magnifying glass on the black; this glass is removable. Also, he wears a light brown fedora that usually covers his eyes. The fedora has a small piece of paper secured behind the band.

Personality: Rover is a rather quiet pet who prefers to keep to himself. His sour disposition tends to push other pets away. He has the strangest adictions to mysteries and riddles. He becomes extreamly violent whenever someone insults his hat or his father. When he does talk he always plans what he is about to say based on the situation, he has a way with delicate situations.

History: When Rover was no more than a pup he was taken in by a group of strays who stole what they needed to survive. Eventually the crime caught up to them and they were arrested by dog catchers, but while Rover was in the pound a police detective named Sam Canis came on a lead, saw Rover, and adopted him on the spot. Ever since Sam brought Rover with him on every case; teaching him everything he new about detective work. One day, Sam simply disappeared leaving nothing but his fedora and a blood stained carpet, and Rovers been searching for answers ever since.

Other: In Sam's will Rover was turned over to Sam's sister. Who, ironicly, is named Samantha. They have just recently moved to edge city

Str: 6
Pre: 9
End: 5
Cha: 3
Int: 9
Agil: 7
Luck: 3
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by valerio »

Greetings, gamers.
As of today, March 11 2012, 8:47 pm, at Blue Peak Shore the only players that will be considered active are: The Moon Howler, Thrasherblades, Simple Things, and RandomGeekNamedBrent

The other players are now considered inactive if not retired at all.

This leaves 6 free slots.

Have a nice day.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

valerio wrote:As of today, March 11 2012, 8:47 pm, at Blue Peak Shore the only players that will be considered active are: The Moon Howler, Thrasherblades, Simple Things, and RandomGeekNamedBrent
You're not active then?
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Re: Blue Peak Shore OOC

Post by Roarin »

Hey guys, i dont think im gonna be able to post this weekend. Sorry!
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by valerio »

RockstarRaccoon wrote:
valerio wrote:As of today, March 11 2012, 8:47 pm, at Blue Peak Shore the only players that will be considered active are: The Moon Howler, Thrasherblades, Simple Things, and RandomGeekNamedBrent
You're not active then?
ok, I just called for it, eh? :lol:
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Roarin »

bak! Just out of curiosity, wat goes into the making of an rp thread in terms of format and all that stuff?
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by valerio »

Roarin wrote:bak! Just out of curiosity, wat goes into the making of an rp thread in terms of format and all that stuff?
hm, care to reformulate the question please?
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Roarin »

What requirements must be fulfilled to have an rp thread approved? Sorry for the bad wording.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

at this point I believe it would have to be different enough from the others that it is more than "just another neighborhood" (like Exotic Acres). Otherwise, I'm pretty sure they aren't approving any more right now.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by 44R0NM10 »

yeah, at the moment we're not allowing any more RPs to be made. We already have a wide selection of RPs Hopefully there'll be at least you'd enjoy joining. :D
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Re: Pet Friendly: Main OOC

Post by Roarin »

Ok, different, and yup, all of the current rps that are running are pretty cool. Thanks fer answerin my question! :D
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Re: Pet Friendly: Applegate OOC

Post by TensaZangetsu »

Guess what <3
I'm back and back permanently
So be prepared cause I'm making up for what- wait how long was I gone?
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Re: Pet Friendly: Applegate OOC

Post by Keeshah »

TensaZangetsu wrote:Guess what <3
I'm back and back permanently
So be prepared cause I'm making up for what- wait how long was I gone?

Good to see that your back!!
I'm sure Cole is going to feel a whole lot safer now!. :D
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Re: Pet Friendly: Applegate OOC

Post by Rhyzer »

TensaZangetsu wrote:Guess what <3
I'm back and back permanently
So be prepared cause I'm making up for what- wait how long was I gone?
Good to have you back, bud. C: