Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by 44R0NM10 »

Sly listened intently through, before smiling at the end. It was definitely a peculiar...unique story. Made his own seem completely boring. "No worries, it's a cool tale...I'm glad I didn't live through it honestly though..." He began, before something hit him. "So...can you die? Or, are you already dead?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Rendak »

Aethon smiled and put his paw on Sly's head, resting the kitty's head on his chest, saying "Listen for the beat of my heart if you want an answer~ I'm very much alive kitty"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by QuartzOrren »

(Yes, Zelda)

Mark got lost in songs, playing louder this time.

“I love to play music.”
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by 44R0NM10 »

Sly smiled softly, numb to Aethon's over-the-top romantic ways by now. Still, he could hear the heartbeat, as he closed his eyes. His tail is swaying slowly behind him, almost in rhythm to the heartbeat he was now hearing. "I hear it Aethon, it's almost as bold as you are." Sly joked, although it was obvious he didn't dislike the currant position.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Rendak »

Aethon grinned and wrapped his arms around Sly, resting his head atop the kitties and swaying his tail, chuckling at Sly, then asking "And what do you mean by that? >:3"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Shirosune »

"Ne, Soukou, do you think things will really be better here?" Shiro questioned the akita beside him as he turned and looked at their new home as they began heading off in a random directoin. They had only just finished helping their mom and dad unpack after arriving this morning at their new residence, and now per their mom's insistence, they were heading out to explore a little and 'meet some other pets'.

Soukou nodded in answer before speaking her mind on the subject. "Mom said this was a pet friendly place, so we'll have a lot more freedom here, and the other pets should be friendlier than where we lived before." She said with a smile as she grabbed one of the husky's shoulders and gave it a light squeeze. "And pup, I know your nervous about meeting new pets but just relax and try to enjoy yourself and you'll do fine."

Shiro nodded at that, knowing Soukou would feel the action through the hand she had on his shoulder. He did his best to relax as they continued on, after a few minutes more of walking, he began to hear music playing off in the distance, glancing over to his companion he could see her moving her head in turn with it. "So should we try following it?" He questioned her, getting a nod in response he turned toward where the music seemed to be coming from. Here was hoping the first encounter with be with someone who was friendly.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by QuartzOrren »

Mark put away his flute, taking out a brown violin. He started playing a 7 note tune with a 4 lower then 2 higher notes in between 4 notes and 3 notes.

“Tonight. The stars are right. I will sing, till my vocal cords are sore. Tonight, I will soar!”
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Shirosune »

Soukou came to a stop a little ways back from the source of the music that was playing, not wanting to get any closer until after the one who was playing had stopped. After all, it was rude to interrupt a musician in the midst of a performance. Reaching her hand out she grabbed Shiro's arm and shook her head when she heard him continuing toward the one who was playing. The pup wasn't most adept socially, and she was still teaching him some things, so it wasn't a surprise to her that she need to stop him, she could hear him taking a breath to speak and preempted that by putting a finger to the tip of her muzzle and giving a quite 'shh', knowing he was currently looking at her.

Shiro nodded, more to himself than to Soukou as she shushed him, keeping him from speaking. It was obvious she was enjoying the music, and he wouldn't ruin that for her, even if such things weren't to his tastes. It didn't take long for him to decide he wanted to be elsewhere though, so he reached over and tapped Soukou's shoulder before reaching down and tapping once at the folding cane that was fastened around her waist like a belt. She just gave him an exasperated expression and made a small shooing motion, telling him to go ahead. He knew she disliked using her cane, but he also knew he'd get in trouble with mom and dad if he didn't at least try and get her to use it before leaving. With a shake of his head and a sigh Shiro turned and began heading in a new direction, hoping to find something interesting to do before needing to return home for dinner.

Soukou shook her head, smiling lightly as she heard Shiro move off. Poor pup had no patients for things like this, but he was young yet so it was to be expected. Reaching down to her waist, she undid the clasp on her cane, folding it up in her right paw. She hated the thing, but making use of it was a condition of her freedom to walk about by herself, and she hated the idea of always having to have an escort all the more, so for now she'd do as she'd promised. At least until she learned the neighborhood forwards and back. Then it'd just be for show whenever her parents were near.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by 44R0NM10 »

Rendak wrote:Aethon grinned and wrapped his arms around Sly, resting his head atop the kitties and swaying his tail, chuckling at Sly, then asking "And what do you mean by that? >:3"
"Look at what you're doing," Sly smiled, almost as if he believed he was the one running the conversation. "You know I'm in a relationship, so, only a bold person would do such a deed." Sly's tail was swaying below him though, almost without the cat realizing.
Awesome had left the house now, if only because he finished the book and wasn't sure what else to do. Mostly he'd simply lay in bed and think over things, but that didn't quite meet his liking. The sword lily in his room was slowly dying, so perhaps that had something to do with why he wanted to leave. Either way, it didn't take long for him to notice the music. He didn't do much other then look to see where the sound was coming from. Not being the most confident dog, he slowed down, but continued walking on. His concentration was lacking though, and anybody could easily sneak up on him now.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Shirosune »

Shiro came to a stop after a few minutes of walking and looked around, this was the problem with new places, you just didn't know where any of the interesting stuff was. Turning around, he considered briefly going back and just sitting to listen to the music with Soukou, at least until he saw movement in the corner of his eye. Looking over and seeing a brown furred fox hound, he took in a steadying breath, here was hoping he didn't mess this up. Walking toward the other dog he took in another steadying breath before speaking. "Um...hi?" He greeted, hoping his slight hesitation when beginning to speak would go unnoticed.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by QuartzOrren »

Mark noticed Awesome out of the corner of his eye. He stopped singing, took out his harp. He played the same noted tune.

“Today. The next day. The sun will rise, undisguised. Not behind a cloud, or in a shroud. I will will be there, waiting for youuuuuuuu..... My thousand hearts beat for yooooooouuuuuuuuuu...”

He coughed, then repeated the song.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by 44R0NM10 »

Awesome looked up once he heard the new voice, quickly yet accidently looking over the new dog in front of him. It was obvious from the expression on his face he was a little surprised to find anybody around. "H-hello," He says, quite nervously, unsure who this new pet was. He didn't really want to let this new husky down, but he didn't exactly know what to say either. "S-sorry, I don't think I recognize you..."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by QuartzOrren »

Mark set down his harp.

“Me?” he said.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by 44R0NM10 »

(No offense, but Awesome isn't exactly in talking distance of Mark. Apologies for not making this clear. He is currently speaking to Shiro though)
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Shirosune »

Soukou couldn't keep from flinching lightly at the cough she had heard from the musician. That had sounded vaguely unpleasant, she also couldn't help but wonder what had driven the sudden change in instruments. But she wouldn't complain, the melodies that could be played on a harp were truly beautiful, and were just as pleasing to listen to as those of a violin.

Sighing lightly, she let herself enjoy the rhythm of the music fully content to just listen until such time as the musician stopped, or she had to return home, which ever came first.


Shiro gave a nervous grin at the response he received, he could feel how nervous this guy was, which told him was alone in his uneasiness at least...not that knowing that helped him deal with his own nervousness mind you. "Uh...y-yeah, that's because my family only just moved in today." The husky explained as he scratched at the back of his head sheepishly, trying to remember the steps Soukou had taught him for meeting new people. "Oh...right, introductions..." He muttered quietly to himself before continuing to speak to the fox hound in front of him. "I'm Shiro...Shiro Kiba Miyazaki."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by 44R0NM10 »

Awesome smiled slowly himself, awkwardly as well. He'd lived in Radiant Gardens for a long time, and not once could he remember another pet who acted as nervously as himself on greeting. "A-Ah..It's good to meet you," Awesome began, visibly looking slightly less nervously. "I-I'm Awesome. Awesome Man." He help out his paw to shake at the same time, half expecting Shiro to laugh at his name.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by QuartzOrren »

:ugeek: (Oohh. My bad.)

Mark continued on his flute. He then looked behind him at Soukou. He blushed as he thought if she heard him or not. The harp was then played again.

“My good lady, I am Mark. I just got here, after my embark. Who are you? I'd liike to know. You're beautiful as snowwwwww...”
He sang in singsong voice as he stepped toward Soukou.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Shirosune »

Shiro blinked a few times before reaching out and shaking Awesome's paw, he was torn between finding this dog's name funny and cool. After all, there really weren't many in the world, pets, people or otherwise, that could honestly introduce themselves with the line 'Hi, I'm Awesome!' and mean it. Deciding that he found it cool more than funny Shiro's grin lost a small amount of it's nervous edge, tail wagging lightly. "That's a pretty cool name." He said with a nod. "Better than what mine translates to for sure." He added almost as an after thought, suddenly looking very nervous again. He hadn't meant to say that last part out loud, but what was done was done, now all he could do was hope it didn't turn this first meeting into another in a long line of flopped introductions.


Soukou's perked up slightly at Mark's sudden introduction by song as he continued playing. It was certainly a unique way of going about it. The last line was a bit much in her opinion, but then she could forgive him that given the circumstances. "My name, good musician, is Soukou Hana Miyazaki, and I too have only just arrived here, my family having only just moved in today." She answered with a smile, if this turned into a conversation with him playing and singing all the while, she'd certainly be able to call it the most unique in her life thus far.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by QuartzOrren »

“Japanese, huh? Forgot what that mean't. Knew at one point.” He noticed Paul walking over to him.

“Hey, Mark. I going out. There's someone I'm meeting. Who's your friend?”Paul said.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Rendak »

44R0NM10 wrote:
Rendak wrote:Aethon grinned and wrapped his arms around Sly, resting his head atop the kitties and swaying his tail, chuckling at Sly, then asking "And what do you mean by that? >:3"
"Look at what you're doing," Sly smiled, almost as if he believed he was the one running the conversation. "You know I'm in a relationship, so, only a bold person would do such a deed." Sly's tail was swaying below him though, almost without the cat realizing.
Awesome had left the house now, if only because he finished the book and wasn't sure what else to do. Mostly he'd simply lay in bed and think over things, but that didn't quite meet his liking. The sword lily in his room was slowly dying, so perhaps that had something to do with why he wanted to leave. Either way, it didn't take long for him to notice the music. He didn't do much other then look to see where the sound was coming from. Not being the most confident dog, he slowed down, but continued walking on. His concentration was lacking though, and anybody could easily sneak up on him now.
Aethon smiled and lied down on the couch, still holding Sly atop him and nuzzling the top of his head, giggling "I'm not a bad person, as I'm sure you know~ You silly handsome kitty"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by 44R0NM10 »

"I'll save you the embarrassment," Awesome said, noticing the different look on Shiro's face. He knew first hand how frustrating having a daft name is. Slowly, he began fiddling with his sword tag, it simply being a bad habit to him by now. "So, erm, what brings you to the neighborhood?" He asked gradually, quite obviously showing he wasn't used to this type of thing.


Sly purred softly, before stopping immediately, the dimmest of blushes coming to his face. Eyes closed, as if blanking out the situation, he sighs. "Not a bad person, but you know'd you be creating a problem..." The black cat said, as he slowly hugged Aethon back, for no reason other then to get more comfy.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Shirosune »

QuartzOrren wrote:“Japanese, huh? Forgot what that mean't. Knew at one point.” He noticed Paul walking over to him.

“Hey, Mark. I going out. There's someone I'm meeting. Who's your friend?”Paul said.
"Soukou Hana, it translates to Crimson and Azure Flower, roughly speaking." Soukou explained, both answering the new comers question and telling Mark what her name meant at the same time. "I am told I'm named for the colors of my fur and my eyes, but I wouldn't actually know."

44R0NM10 wrote:"I'll save you the embarrassment," Awesome said, noticing the different look on Shiro's face. He knew first hand how frustrating having a daft name is. Slowly, he began fiddling with his sword tag, it simply being a bad habit to him by now. "So, erm, what brings you to the neighborhood?" He asked gradually, quite obviously showing he wasn't used to this type of thing.
"Th-thanks." Shiro said with a sigh of relief, before thinking about how to answer the question posed to him. "Well, if I'm to go by what Mom said, it's because this place is safer, and nicer for pets than where we lived before." He said after a few moments of thought. "But I get the feeling there was more to it than that...though I'm not sure what." With that he gave a slight shrug before turning his mind to something else, trying to think of something that could make this all less awkward. "Sooo...any chance you'd be willing to show the new guy what there is to do around here?" He questioned, not really sure what else to ask.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Rendak »

44R0NM10 wrote: Sly purred softly, before stoppingimmediately, the dimmest of blushes coming to his face. Eyes closed, as if blanking out the situation, he sighs. "Not a bad person, but you know'd you be creating a problem..." The black cat said, as he slowly hugged Aethon back, for no reason other then to get more comfy.
Aethon stroked down the kitty's back, chuckling and starting to scritch behind the kitty's ears, humming "Ah come now...just having a bit of fun, that's all...hehehe" he then licks and nibbles on Sly's ear, giggling a little
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by QuartzOrren »

“Crimson.. Azure.. Flower? Your name suits you well. I've actually found one on my travels. Very exotic.”

He said, playing a few notes on the harp.

“Do you play music?”
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by 44R0NM10 »

Awesome looked down in thought for just a second, tail still between his legs. "Well...erm...the main gathering place would be the clubhouse..." Awesome began, looking back towards Shiro. "It's not far from here...other then that, there's the park but I've not been there for awhile. The pets here all chipped in to build the clubhouse though, I hear. I was, erm, on a roadtrip when that happened though..." The foxhound seemed to portray mixed emotions with that statement. In truth, he was glad that he didn't have to help alongside all the other pets, but he felt guilty about not helping at all.
Sly purred softly once more, this time not bothering to hide it. It was a guilty pleasure of his to have his fur stroked by anybody other then himself. He had grown not to trust others in this way in the past. He knew even if he wanted to move Aethon would've prevented it, even if it was through the power of persuasion. As his tail sways, he says: "I don't think everyone's so fond with how far your fun goes sometimes." referring to the incident with Honey this morning. It was clear he was more teasing then being malicious, in any case.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Shirosune »

Soukou shook her head in answer before speaking. "While listening to music is something I truly enjoy, I have never found myself interested in the actual aspect of playing it." She explained with a thoughtful tone. "It simply doesn't appeal to me for some reason."


"I'm..." Shiro stopped himself just after beginning to speak, having almost said 'I'm sure no one holds that against you.', in response to the emotions he could sense coming from Awesome with respect to the clubhouse, but he knew from past experience, that what his 'gift' let him sense freaked out most others. At least he caught himself this time, before making it too obvious. "I'm not really good with crowds...not with out Soukou around anyway." He continued after a moment, hoping his change of responses wouldn't be too noticeable. "So I think I'll avoid the clubhouse, for now at least. The park sounds fun's been a really long time since I've been able to play a good game of chase or catch...or well, most anything involving the outside really..." He said, a slight frown on his face at first, but that shifted into an almost hopeful grin as he mention the park and the chance to play.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Rendak »

44R0NM10 wrote:Awesome looked down in thought for just a second, tail still between his legs. "Well...erm...the main gathering place would be the clubhouse..." Awesome began, looking back towards Shiro. "It's not far from here...other then that, there's the park but I've not been there for awhile. The pets here all chipped in to build the clubhouse though, I hear. I was, erm, on a roadtrip when that happened though..." The foxhound seemed to portray mixed emotions with that statement. In truth, he was glad that he didn't have to help alongside all the other pets, but he felt guilty about not helping at all.
Sly purred softly once more, this time not bothering to hide it. It was a guilty pleasure of his to have his fur stroked by anybody other then himself. He had grown not to trust others in this way in the past. He knew even if he wanted to move Aethon would've prevented it, even if it was through the power of persuasion. As his tail sways, he says: "I don't think everyone's so fond with how far your fun goes sometimes." referring to the incident with Honey this morning. It was clear he was more teasing then being malicious, in any case.
Aethon blushed softly, then bonked Sly on the head, nibbling his other ear and growling playfully "Hey! We already know that was just me getting too into Honey forgave me for it, which I appreciate lots! Now..." Aethon then looks into the Kitty's eyes, smiling and licking his nose before pressing his lips to Sly's, kissing lightly at first
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by 44R0NM10 »

A strange relief came to Awesome when he heard Shiro's comment on crowds. Either way, the foxhound couldn't even remember the last time he played any games like that. Strangely, the idea made him smile. "The park's not too far from here." He gestured Shiro to follow him, walking forward himself, as he said: "It's been quite a long time since I've played anything like that myself might have to teach me the rules." He was making a joke, though it was only halfway clear.
Sly's eyes widened at first; he knew Aethon was gonna go here eventually. It wasn't exactly the first time he kissed another person whilst he was with somebody though, so as per usual he didn't feel guilty. He lightly kissed back as well, eyes closing, and accepting this fate.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Shirosune »

Shiro nodded and smiled as he began following Awesome, it seemed he was doing well without needing Soukou's help for once. "Aa, well I do know a few weird versions of both of those games actually, so..." He trailed off at the end, teasing the other dog for his joke to a certain extent, but also meaning to offer it as a real choice as well. "But I know the normal rules too of course, so either way is good."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by QuartzOrren »

Mark nodded.

“I can teach you. Little by little. Piece by piece. It's not easier than it looks, but teaching isn't easy either. So, do you have relatives that play music?”
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Shirosune »

Soukou shook her head at the offer. "As I said, I'm not really interested in learning to play, still I thank you for the offer. As to your question, no, there isn't anyone in my family that plays music, but dad does have great collection of CDs, so I'm never at a loss for something to listen to." She answered with a thoughtful look. "What of you though, where did you learn to play? And what prompted your choice to learn?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Seth »

Conrad turned a corner and saw two dogs talking to each other, I don't recognize that Husky, was he at the clubhouse earlier?
He decided that he was going introduce himself. He didn't need the whole neighborhood thinking he was some kind of recluse.
He approached the two dogs as casually as he could, "Hey guys what's up?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by 44R0NM10 »

Awesome smiled, almost laughing, as Shiro continued the joke. "I can go with anything you prefer." the foxhound began, before looking forward as he saw Conrod. It was obvious he was a little more nervous instantly. "H-hello Conrad," Awesome said, hoping he got the name right desperately from his memory of the morning. "We're just, erm, going to the park..." One could tell Awesome wasn't trying to be rude, but more shy since he didn't know Conrod well at all.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Shirosune »

Shiro's posture stiffed at the sight of the new comer, the anxiety of possible messing up returning at almost full force. "Um...h-hi." The husky greeted, more than happy that Awesome had answered the question that had been asked. For now he'd just wait and see what happened, introduce himself if asked, and do his best to not do anything socially foolish. Here was hoping...again.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Seth »

44R0NM10 wrote:Awesome smiled, almost laughing, as Shiro continued the joke. "I can go with anything you prefer." the foxhound began, before looking forward as he saw Conrod. It was obvious he was a little more nervous instantly. "H-hello Conrad," Awesome said, hoping he got the name right desperately from his memory of the morning. "We're just, erm, going to the park..." One could tell Awesome wasn't trying to be rude, but more shy since he didn't know Conrod well at all.

I mean if you're trying to hang out with each other that's cool. I was just trying to find something to do and I dont really know anyone yet so I figured why not? and uhh.... Conrad blushed a little as he realized he was rambling
Do you guys , mind if I come with? ]
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

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Awesome began to fiddle with his collar tag once more, as he looked down for a second. "I-I don't really mind..." He began, before looking back at Shiro. Noticing Shiro's change in direction, he assumed Conrad was a stranger. Just to be safe, he turned back to Conrad and asked: "..Have you met Shiro?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Seth »

I don't think I have, pleasure to meet you shiro I'm Conrad.
I think in Non-sequiturs

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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Shirosune »

" to meet you too." Shiro responded nervously. "And...I'm okay with you joining us..." He answered Conrad's previously posed question, sounding a little uncertain as he did so, despite trying sound calm. He hoped Conrad didn't take inflection of his voice the wrong way, he really didn't mind him joining them, he was just uncertain around new faces period. The fact that he and Awesome seemed the same in that respect had, oddly enough, helped him to be more comfortable with the foxhound, but Conrad didn't seem to have that issue, and it was bringing back Shiro's worry that he might mess things up.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Seth »

Cool. Thanks a million guys, I was starting to think I wasn't gonna have anything to do tonight.

Conrad's tail began to wag a bit. He was relieved that the other dogs didn't mind his tagging along. The whole porcess of starting over in a new town was nerve wracking and he was eager to make a good impression on his new neighbors.
I think in Non-sequiturs

"I told you not to put metal in the science oven! What'd you do that for?"

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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by 44R0NM10 »

Awesome's tail swayed very slowly. This was about his limit of people he felt comfortable with at once, though tried to not let that show. "We, erm, were going to the park," Awesome began, as he began walking slowly again. "Y-you know how to play chase o-or catch?" Although the dog was still pretty shy, his face appeared slightly more confident. Something in him thought a game would work well for breaking the ice as well.