Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by EmoPeanut »

Helmetzid wrote:yeah it was the green dragon ranger...funny a 15 year old knows this and hes never watched it
I'm 13 and I watched the entire franchise.... Am I a nerd?
Im crazy......WAFFLES!!!
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by Helmetzid »

yes, yes you are, ive only watched ninja storm, dino thunder, SPD, samurai, and mystic force
Peanut has a Facebook!!!
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by JageshemashFTW »

EmoPeanut wrote:
Helmetzid wrote:yeah it was the green dragon ranger...funny a 15 year old knows this and hes never watched it
I'm 13 and I watched the entire franchise.... Am I a nerd?
Yes, but nerds are awesome.
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by copper »

Yay!! My monster got picked. I am so happy! :D

Great update, can't wait to see the rangers win again...
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by JageshemashFTW »

King just wanted this day to be over.

It started off innocently enough; he woke up, had breakfast, got buried up to his neck by the wolf cubs (bless their young hearts), ended up having Miles call Fox to dig him out (Miles would have done it himself but he had to keep up the whole ‘wolves-living-as-humans’ thing by going to this bizarre thing called an ‘occupation’).

Once that was over the two friends went about their daily schedule of being doing anything that crossed their mind. It was Fox who suggested getting a bite to eat at the local mall as the unexpected riot kept Sasha from keeping her word to the two boys.

Not that they blamed her.
No, King didn’t blame Sasha for the blinding pain he felt upon his face.
Nor did he blame Fox for inadvertently choosing the location where King would inevitably get punched in the face by some lizard/wolf creature who laughed maniacally with every bit of destruction it caused to poor populace of the mall.

King was pretty sure he blamed the aforementioned lizard/wolf creature who, not moments ago punched him in the face, for the pain that was spreading through his face.
As Fox helped his diminutive buddy to his feet, the lizard/wolf creature began screaming to the people in the mall who effectively became his audience purely for his bizarre appearance, though the destructive path he left in wake held their attention as well.

“Power Rangers! Come out and face me! You have tested the wrath of Skath and now his agent of destruction, Krot, is here to bring you to your doom!!!” Krot screamed to any spandex-clad superhero who would be willing to listen to him.
Up on a higher floor, staring at Krot raving madly to the poor scared civilians of Babylon Gardens, stood the generals: Youko and Malacoda. Youko could only shake her head at the theatrics of their new ‘partner’. “Maly, if I ever get that melodramatic… kill me.” Youko said to her, much more respected, partner. Malacoda merely nodded.
Fox could only stare at the this ‘Krot’ guy in stunned silence. Did he say… Power Rangers? That’s what this senseless violence was for? Some new evil dude was looking to pick a fight with earth’s defenders… and they weren’t even looking in the right place?!

“Hey! Zedd wannabe!” Fox yelled at Krot causing the monster to turn his menacing eyes to the husky. Fox instantly regretted yelling at the savage and dangerous monster but he could at least be stubborn and defiant to the end… which by the looks of things were in about five seconds.
“If you’re looking for Power Rangers, don’t you think you’re a little wide off the mark? Go to Angel Grove or Reefside. I’m sure one of the Rangers there would be more that happy to kick the crap outta you. Just get your stinkin’ mutant butt out of our town!” Fox yelled.

Krot looked at the defiant husky incredulously. “You mean you don’t know?” he asked. Fox was a little unclear as to the meaning of Krot’s words but his confused face only seemed to entertain Krot as he started laughing. “Oh that’s rich, not only did my master’s upcoming arrival warrant the need for a brand new team of Power Rangers, but you guys aren’t even aware of them.” Krot started laughing even harder… but his laughter abruptly stopped, and was replaced with blinding rage, when a white-hot shot of plasma belted him in the face.

Looking at where the blast originated he saw the smoking barrel of a sleek, futuristic looking gun. But Krot was more interested in the red spandex wearing user of the weapon and her two companions.
“Well, we were trying to keep a low profile but with all your screaming about Power Rangers, that seems like kind of a moot point by now.” The Red Babylon Ranger said to her new adversary.

Needless to say, Grape was quite happy with this new addition to the team’s equipment. Like their individual weapons, this gun seemed to come seemingly from nowhere. As if born from their very power. Max willed his own gun into existence and experimented with it by blasting Krot again. This did not make Krot feel any better. “Nice, I think we’ll call them ‘Babylon Blasters’.” Max said, rather proud of the name. Krot decided he was done playing around and lunged for the three Rangers.

With Krot quickly closing the distance between himself an the three Rangers, Grape and Max holstered their blasters into apparently nothingness before the three called on their individual weapons from the same nothingness.

“Fox Tail Blade!”
“Dragon Scale Spear!”
“Griffon Wing Hammer!”

Grape slashed at the charging monster with her blade only for Krot to leap above the blade, spinning around to kick the surprised Red Ranger in the head. Peanut and Max tried a two-pronged attack at both sides of Krot but he managed to grab hold of both weapons, stopping them in his tracks. Before Krot could take advantage of this, Grape had managed to recover from Krot’s blow and brought a rising kick to his face, knocking him on his back.

Krot brought himself back to his feet before staring daggers into the three Rangers.
Grape pointed the tip of her sword at Krot in a menacing manner. “Why don’t you just give up. If you know what we are, then you know how this is going to end.”

Krot gave a startled look before his unnaturally large mouth became an unnaturally large grin. “Your right Red, I know exactly how this is going to end.” Before Krot could specify what he meant, he reached into his gapping mouth and pulled out two of his own teeth. Gripping them by the root, the teeth elongated into twin blades that Krot brandished with innate skill.

Charging once again at the Rangers, Krot slashed to and fro, this way and that.
He seemed less interested in causing any actual harm to the Rangers and more focused on giving himself a wide berth. When the Rangers were a good distance away from him, Krot sprinted for the door.
The only problem being was that the Yellow Ranger was right between Krot and freedom. Max pulled back a fist and launched it straight for Krot’s face… Only for Krot to launch himself above Max’s head and escape into the outside.

The Rangers were abut to pursue when suddenly they were surrounded by the absolute bane of every superheroes existence: Fans.

All of the civilians within the mall during Krot’s attack suddenly surrounded their new heroes, offering ‘thank-you’s and ‘congratulations’. A small ferret followed by a man with a video camera shoved their way to the middle of the crowd.

“Yes that’s right all you monsters and villains out there.” Keene Milton said to the video camera, slinging an arm over Peanut’s shoulder as if he were a good friend. “In case you ever thought Babylon Gardens was going to be an easy target, we now have our own team of Power Rangers here to protect us. Sponsored by the Milton family of Babylon Gardens itself.” Keene claimed though that was a blatant lie.
“Power Rangers, this town owes a debt to you and I’m sure you will continue to protect this fair community.” Keene said shaking Grape’s hand profusely.

Grape was two seconds away from eating Keene but she stopped herself when she realized that would probably ruin their reputation as protectors of the innocent. (Though the term ‘innocent’ was stretched greatly in Keene’s case). That, and she would have to remove her helmet in order to stuff the annoying ferret down her gullet. Which would effectively ruin any hopes of keeping a secret identity.

“That’s very nice but we need to follow that monster before…” Grape attempted to reason but her words were drowned out by the questions of a growing number of reporters. The Rangers were trapped by the flashing lights of the cameras and the constant thrusting of microphones in their faces. Poor Peanut was actually starting to get frightened by all the attention. If their suits hadn’t hid their tails from the public eye, it would have been between his legs at this point.

Just when the Rangers thought they were going to suffocate within the crowd, a voice rang out. “Look out! Another monster!!” The crowd started looking everywhere for the supposed monster. With this distraction in hand, the Rangers burst through the crowd and began running away as fast as they could. When the paparazzi realized that there next headline was getting away, they ran after them.

Thanks to the enhanced speed their suits granted them, the Rangers managed to break the line of sight quite easily but they knew it was only a matter of time before the reporters caught up. Before they could plan any further, two pairs of hands reached out of a clothing store and pulled them in.
Fox was thankful his fake cry of “Monster!” managed to distract the reporters enough for the Rangers to break free. But they still needed an escape route. Roping his friend King along with his harebrained scheme, the two ran ahead and hid themselves within a clothing store and waited for the Rangers to pass by. When they did, the two grabbed whatever scrap of spandex they could and pulled the Rangers into the store, unceremoniously stuffing the town’s defenders into clothing racks. They preceded to act natural, browsing the stores selection on bandanas, while the reporters rushed past the store, hell bent on being the first news crew to interview this new Power Ranger team.

When the reporters were long gone. Fox and King fished the Rangers from a circle of coats and jackets. The Rangers were dazed but thankful.

“The reporters went towards Kinko’s. Just head towards the opposite direction and you should lose them” Fox informed the Rangers.

Grape shook her ahead, as if to get the craziness of the situation out of mind. “Uh… Thank you citizen. We… uh… appreciate the assistance.” Grape said in her best superhero voice.
Fox fought back a smile. “Don’t worry about it.”
King gave a slight smile. “Just kick that Krot guy in the teeth for us.”
Peanut smiled under helmet. “Shouldn’t be hard, that’s a big target.”
With that, Rangers ran out the mall leaving the two ‘civilians’.
Peanut, being an avid comic book reader, was fairly certain you weren’t supposed to swear like a sailor when you lost a villain.

Nonetheless, Max was feeling quite angry about the whole scenario. “I don’t believe this! It’s only our second fight and were already losing the bad guy?!” Truth be told, Max was feeling worse about the whole thing because he allowed Krot to escape.

“Hang on guys, Sabrina said she would contact us if anything went wrong.” Peanut stated. “So maybe it can work the other way.” Peanut thought back to how Tarot somehow managed to make contact with Sabrina by putting her hand to her head. Peanut did the same and concentrated. He imagined Sabrina was right there in front of them, ready to listen to whatever he had to say. When suddenly his hand glowed blue.

“Sabrina? It’s Peanut.”
Peanut? You managed to figure out how to access our mental link? That’s… impressive. Especially since you never really studied telepathy before.
“Well I wish I could enjoy this newfound power but I’m afraid I have some bad news. Krot escaped.”
Peanut slapped himself. “The monster Skath sent to the mall. He was creating a riot in order to lure us out.”
Weird. Why would he lure you out only to run away in the middle of a fight?
Peanut looked back to their fight with Krot. It wasn’t as though Krot was losing, he actually seemed pretty evenly matched with them. Something he said though.
“Your right Red, I know exactly how this is going to end.”

Something about the way Krot said that made Peanut nervous.
“I don’t know Sabrina, but I don’t intend to find out. Can you find him for us?” There was a slight pause before Sabrina continued.
I’m… I’m sorry Peanut. The viewing globe can only sense Skath’s agents as their causing trouble. I’m afraid we’ll have to wait until Skath makes his next move.

With that Sabrina ended the conversation and Peanut’s hand stopped glowing. He just then remembered his friends right next to him. He gave a sad sigh before powering down, surrounding himself in a blue light and when it faded, a normal brown dog emerged. The other two Rangers followed suit in flashes of red and yellow.
“C’mon, let’s head back to the dojo.” Was all Peanut said before turning away. Grape, understanding the two sides were on a temporary stalemate, followed Peanut towards the dojo.
Max gave one last look at the mall before sighing. “Great.”
Krot was able to use the rooftops to hide himself as he made his way back to Youko and Malacoda’s house. Before he could reach the house’s door handle, a large red hand gripped it tightly. Krot looked to his left to see the significantly more grumpy Malacoda. The door opened to reveal the the pointed tip of Youko’s scimitar.

“You abandoned your mission” Youko said menacingly. Hey eyes barely slits.
With his free hand, Krot calmly pushed the scimitar’s blade away from his throat. “I like to think of it as making a tactical retreat.” When Malacoda didn’t relinquish his grip, Krot continued. “You see, I came up with a certain plan to defeat the Rangers. But in order to do so, I needed to run back home and get some supplies.” Krot said carefully, knowing full well that the wrong word would grant him one less head.

Youko studied Krot carefully before withdrawing her blade, Malacoda took the queue to release Krot from his grip.
“Let’s see what Master Skath thinks of your plan.”
Skath heard the same things as Youko and Malacoda from Krot. “And tell me Krot, just what is this master plan of yours? Oh, and do tell me before I grow bored and decide to obliterate you.”
Krot grimaced in fear for a short second before composing himself. “you see sir, we are dealing with Power Rangers, correct?”

Skath rolled his eyes “Truly Krot, your gift of perception is astounding.”
Krot continued, trying to ignore the sarcastic and *gulp* bored tone in his master’s voice. “And, all things considered, they have followed the usual pattern for your run of the mill Ranger team. Spandex, weapons, blasters, the lot.”

Skath was wishing Krot would get to the point already.
“But what’s the one thing common to a Ranger team we haven’t seen them use yet?”
At that, Skath had to pause and think before the realization hit him. He started to laugh.
“I must say Krot, I’m impressed. You’re showing quite a bit of initiative for a former Formless.”
Krot merely bowed in respect. Skath turned to his favorite general. “Youko, am I right to believe that you and Malacoda emptied my store rooms before coming here?”

Youko wasn’t quite sure what was going on but better to simply go along with whatever Skath was planning. “Of course Master Skath, all your belonging are here for you to use when you arrive.”
Skath nodded. “Good, good. I want you to go through the archives and see if you can’t find a certain artifact. The Goliath Crystal.”
Howdy ho everyone. Man, it’s been a loooooooooooooong time since I uploaded this. Hopefully it hasn’t been forgotten.
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by copper »

FINALLY!!! Been waiting on this gem forever! It was good!

Um, no zorg? Well, we shall just have to see how this one is handled then.
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by loomCAT »

Oh my gosh, you're actually continuing this!! I could hug you right now! *hugs*
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by Legotron123 »

Yet another great comic that just randomly stopped a couple of years ago for no apparent reason.
I just hope the author isn't dead

EDIT: okay I just realized that the dates of the post are on the bottom not the top like the other websites I post on so that threw me off gonna have to edit a bit of my postings it's gonna be a long night

Anyways not sure if your still excepting monster ideas but I have a couple

Virion: (pronounced vi-ree-on)
A virus monster who's main attack involve running straight through any technology at high speed, often causing it to ether short circuit or (if large enough) turn it into a formless sharing its physical properties. Is about 4 feet tall has computer circuit like lines running all over his body, has USBs for feet and upper arms, a laptop screen for a head, mouses for palms, cordlike fingers and always speaks in memes

Hydros (pronounced hi-droos)
A hydra like monster with a demon like trihorned dragon head, mini versions of his head for hands and shoulder mounted flame blasters red leathery wings with sword like ends, half circle blades coming out of the sides of torso (facing forward), and feet that look like a cross between a talon and a paw. It's very easy to brake his arms off but when you do two more take its place. Each head has its own mind the personality often being very different from the rest. The head in charge is very reckless much to the disappointment of the other heads.

Bladtriny (pronounced blade-tree-nee)
A female monster who body is made of different types of blades and swords. Is easily distracted by "cute" boys (I.e. king) and goes crazy when people try to "steal them from her" will appear in the episode where king and fox become rangers (hint hint)

Monsters round 2!!!

Vamprator (pronounced vamp-ra-tor)
A tall humanoid bat like thing. Has short yet pointy claws which can shoot balls of pure dark magic. Can teleport through shadows. Anyone he bite turns into a formless who only turn back if he's beaten in battle. Acts like a cross between Dracula and voldamort. Loathes twilight :D

Drill-a-borg (that's his name and how you pronounce it from now on ill just put all their names like that)
A cyborg moll with a drill on 1 arm and a claw on the other. Has a normal mole face but with 1 robotic eye and metal nose and whiskers. Has metal and wire on random parts of his body. Builds tunnels under buildings and collapses them, bringing the buildings down with them. Sounds and acts like a evil mole version of alpha 5.

A knock off of soundwave from transformers, brought to life from the tv shiw acts and looks just the same

Even more monsters!!!

A humanoid fish monster who spins like a whirl pool send off scales as he does. Shoots a high powered water blast out of his mother. Randomly shouts fish puns and "glub a dub dub"

A humanoid glob of purple goo who can enter people's body's and possess all of it but the victims mouth allowing his victim too cry for help. His victims eyes turn purple.

A blue crab monster with a crown on his head. Shoots lasers out of his claws. Always shouts order at people and gets upset if they don't follow them

Yet more!!!

A gorilla-Minotaur hybrid. Has a gorilla face but with bull horns and nose. Has Minotaur legs and gorilla arms but the torso is where the hybrid shows. It's a gorilla chest but with random bull hide parts mixed in with the hair of the gorilla, making a ugly mess. Horns can generate a energy ball that if it hits somebody causes them to have a spasm, which he laughs at. Uses brute force and nothing but. Speaks in wrestling terms.

A robot humanoid pelican who mouth is a speaker. Records all sorts of annoying sounds and plays them back against her enemy's. such noises include, claws on chalkboard, high pitch squealing and worst of all " Friday". :o

A trash monster with a trash can for a torso, a vacuum for 1 arm and a cannon for the other. Sucks thing up and shoots them out at high speed. Hates clean things and try's to make them dirty. Talks in quotes from trashy tv shows


A monster who start out as a formless but phases through people and gains their strongest physical attributes and personality traits. I.e. if he phased through miles he'd get his strength, if he phased through fox he'd become smart and if he phased through bino he'd become a insecure brat who try's to make himself feel better by belittling others and automatically assume that everyone is trying to beat him at everything. (Yeah this is just a way for me to be lazy and still make a monster with good potential)

Spot superdog
Peanuts creation brought to life and turned evil. Appears in a peanut focused episode.

Evil rangers
Clones of the rangers designed because " you gotta fight fire with fire." (Might as well call this the lazy update)

Keep 'em coming!!!!

A monster who can turn into any pop culture character. His true from is the body and tail of a xenomorph, the arms of lord zedd the legs of darth vader and the head of mewtwo

A flip out cell phone monster with the screen for a head and the keypad for the torso. His upper arms are antennas, his face s a emoticon and his fingers are charger cords. He can type out codes on his chest to summon weapons.

Here's some more moster to celebrate that the writer isn't dead and actually is trying to countinue the story!

A fire red monster that can shot beams that make people super argessive. Can breath fire if the spell is broken. Loves action movies. Has fire bursting off random parts of his body. Has the darkest red eyes and can shot lasers out of them.

The only male siren left in the world. Can use his voice to turn females to his will. Will make girls dump their boyfriends just to watch the buys in pain. However its very obvious when someone is under his controls. When he gets mad scales open up on his skin and all the girls under his control turn into mindless slaves.

A walk radio with speakers for shoulders a record for a face and shoots powerful sound blasts out of his shoulders. Has a nob on his chest that changes the effects of his blasts. If the nob is destroyed the blasts become useless.


An icky hairy spider with four smaller spider legs on each arm. The legs can split in four at the tip to shoot web that covers his enemies. The web slow drains his victims energy and sends it back to him. He's kind of a hunchback and he has a typical spider head. His hands are just three hairy claws and his feet are pretty much the same. Is terrified of birds.

I'm really running out of ideas

I thought of a way the zords should combine!
Naturally grape gets a fox zord, peanut gets a dragon, and max gets a griffon
Here's how I think they should combine: griffon forms legs and wings, dragon forms arms and shoulders, and fox forms the rest

Plot ideas!!
King, fox, and bailey should become rangers.

Kitsunie should have a fight with his daughter.

Bino should try to convince people he's a ranger then when he gets beat up by a monster he winds up revealing he just wanted the attention and start crying like a baby.

Fido should find out who the rangers are.

A monster should suck the rangers into the tv.

There should be episodes focused on each ranger

A peanut EP. Using a evil spot (superdog)

A grape using coper selan the siren

A max one using copper calpren ( seriously he make great monster)
Last edited by Legotron123 on Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:47 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by JageshemashFTW »

Hey guys. I wan't to say sorry for the long wait. I actually was about to sit down and write a new chapter but my computer chose to break down on me (I'm writing this on my phone) so for all... 2 of you waiting for a new chapter. I'm afraid your going to have to wait a little longer. I have the world's greatest team of computer experts (which is code for my cousin) working on it right now. Also, while I appreciate all the ideas, I do have the whole plot thought out in my head so don't worry about that. I just need help coming up with monsters. On that note, great monsters guys! I can't wait to use them! :)
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by copper »

I am just waiting to see what you are going to do with my monster. He is already in the story!!! :D
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by Legotron123 »

JageshemashFTW wrote:Hey guys. I wan't to say sorry for the long wait. I actually was about to sit down and write a new chapter but my computer chose to break down on me (I'm writing this on my phone) so for all... 2 of you waiting for a new chapter. I'm afraid your going to have to wait a little longer. I have the world's greatest team of computer experts (which is code for my cousin) working on it right now. Also, while I appreciate all the ideas, I do have the whole plot thought out in my head so don't worry about that. I just need help coming up with monsters. On that note, great monsters guys! I can't wait to use them! :)
I'm just glad that you told us what's taking so long. My dads computer just got back from the shop 2 weeks ago so I know what it's like. I just have 2 question

1. Did I guess any of the plot idea you already had planed?

2. Which ones of my monsters did you like?

4-8-13 EDIT: also which of my monster don't you like and why? I want to know so that I can make better monster

P.s it's been A MONTH. most repair shops are done in 2 DAYS. I don't think "cheaper is better" still applies.
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by JageshemashFTW »

Hey, guys. Good news! We are just about to finalize the deal on our house. Which means we are almost ready to focus our efforts on getting a new computer. I have not givin up on this fic and it will be be continued.

On that note, I recently got a private message from Legotron asking me to review his monsters and say what are my favorite and least favorite so he could focus on what works. I kinda don't want to since I specifically wrote how Skath creates monsters to work with litterally ANYTHING you guys come up with. He taps into the imagination of humans to create his monsters. Specifically, your guy's imagination. But I can understand where he is coming from so how about i compromise by just saying my top 5 Legotron monsters

Control Freak
Evil Spot (This actually gave me a great idea for a stand alone episode)

Hope that helps Lego.
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by Legotron123 »

JageshemashFTW wrote:Hey, guys. Good news! We are just about to finalize the deal on our house. Which means we are almost ready to focus our efforts on getting a new computer. I have not givin up on this fic and it will be be continued.

On that note, I recently got a private message from Legotron asking me to review his monsters and say what are my favorite and least favorite so he could focus on what works. I kinda don't want to since I specifically wrote how Skath creates monsters to work with litterally ANYTHING you guys come up with. He taps into the imagination of humans to create his monsters. Specifically, your guy's imagination. But I can understand where he is coming from so how about i compromise by just saying my top 5 Legotron monsters

Control Freak
Evil Spot (This actually gave me a great idea for a stand alone episode)

Hope that helps Lego.

Also if he use people's imagination, then he'd have an army if he got to me.
Of corse that's assuming that he could get the cyborg racist zebras and the vampire Jewish lobsters from fighting.
And that the facehuggers didn't get loose and impregnate everyone with chestbursters.
But anyways welcome back.
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by JageshemashFTW »

Jeeze, has it really been a year since I updated this thing?
Well, on the very very very very very slim chance anyone is actually still waiting for an update, please know that I have never forgotten this fic once. We finally signed off on the house and it is officially ours. I'm so so sorry it took so long but their were a lot more hoops to jump through in getting a house than we ever realized. But that is all in the past. We can now focus our efforts on getting a new computer and I promise this will be updated as soon as we get it... I just hope it doesn't take a whole year to do it.
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by Legotron123 »

Welcome back!!!!!
We missed you.
We meaning me and possibly copper.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by copper »

It has been a year... this belongs in the Dead Thread Bed... PM me or obbl with your next update when you write it and we can bring it out of there for you to post in.
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Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians-TT

Post by JageshemashFTW »

It is official. After much too long, Power Ranger: Babylon Guardians is back! Unfortunately, due to the unplanned hiatus, the fic itself was put into the ‘Abandoned Fic’ forum. I have already PM’d Copper about getting it out but, until then, this will have to serve as a temporary place for updates until it’s out. With that said, I hope you enjoy and I am immensely sorry for the wait.
Fido weighed the options of just packing up his equipment and going home. It had been little more than an hour since his students left for no explained reason and the police dog was starting to wonder if they were actually going to come back. Or rather, if Max was going to come back. Fido knew it wasn’t any of his business but he couldn’t help wonder just what it is that was keeping Max from just leaving. Before he could ponder any more, the three students in question walked back into the dojo.

“Sorry about that Fido.” Grape said, rubbing the back of her neck.
Fido simply smiled. "Don't worry about it. I understand what it means to have emergencies. But if you’re all done with... whatever you had to do, we still have a few hours of daylight left so how about we..."

Fido was cut off when the doors of the dojo slammed open revealing what appeared to be a smaller version of the Ranger’s sensei.

“Bro! You need to get out of here!” Joey screamed. Without so much as a word to the three students in the dojo, Joey scrambled behind his older brother and began to shove him out the door.

“Joey? What’s going on?” Max asked. He knew the young dog had a habit of getting excited over small stuff but the kid looked like he had seen a mon…
Oh no.

Joey frantically glanced at the three before returning to his brother-pushing, an activity Fido was beginning to lose patience over. Finally, Fido turned and grabbed Joey by his shoulders, holding him in place and trying in vain to calm his little brother down. “Joey, what is going on?” Fido said in his best stern-but-caring-older-brother voice, a voice that received a great deal of practice from his other brother.

Joey, still wide-eyed with fear, screamed “Kaiju! They’re real! They’re here!”

Fido gave a puzzled look. “What’s a Kaiju?”
Joey scrambled out of his brother’s grip, attempting once again to push the much larger dog out the door before answering. “Giant monsters! Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra! They’re real! They’re attacking the town!”

Fido, to his credit, didn’t immediately bring his palm to his face but the temptation was there. “Joey, if this is one of your Japanese… things then…” But his thoughts were derailed as he saw his three students scrambling towards the door, as if they believed Joey’s warning.

Which they did.

Pushing themselves through the dojo’s door, the three were greeted by the sight of the scaly lupine creature they fought not an hour ago.

“Krot.” Grape said.
“Looks like he’s put on a few pounds.” Max said.
A few moments earlier

Youko prepared the spell silently, Malacoda watching intently as she worked while Krot kept tapping his foot impatiently.

It was a simple two-way door spell. The concept was relatively simple: A sigil is painted in a location the spell caster might want to return to someday, an identical sigil is painted in the caster’s current location. The sigils act as two ends of a bridge which are then connected by mana, the cosmic force behind all magic. With this bridge of mana in place, the laws of reality are temporarily rewritten (as is often the case with magic) to compress miles of distance into a single footstep. And thus, Youko stepped from the basement of a suburban household into the treasure chamber of an ancient ruin that, if discovered by archeologists, would be stumped in guessing which lost civilization built it.

This is exactly how Skath preferred it.

Walking to a stone chest in the middle of the room, which was already opened when she and Malacoda picked up some basic equipment, she reached in and pulled out a black and deep-violet crystal of perfect cut.

“The Goliath Crystal.” With that, Youko turned and re-entered the basement, the ancient ruins behind her going back to being hundreds of miles away.

Krot, suddenly much more excited than before, walked up to the dark vixen. “Well? Did you get it?”

Youko answered by lifting the crystal to where he could clearly see it. Krot practically salivated at the thought of the sheer power this crystal would give him. “With this, the Power Rangers will be little more than stains under my foot.”

Not wanting to wait, Krot stood before Youko. “What are we waiting for? Let’s do it!”

Youko smiled.

“Of course, there is just one last bit of ‘prep work’ first.”
Something about the way she smiled left Krot feeling… unsure about the whole thing now, but his desire for power overridden any sense of foreboding he received from the vixen.

That is until Youko drew her scimitar from her chest.
“Wait… What are you doing?” Krot asked, beginning to back away only to bump into the large frame of Malacoda. Krot looked once again at Youko and realized why her smile unnerved him. It was the same smile a predator gives her prey, right before feasting.

“You see Krot, the Goliath Crystal is meant to give power in the form of a second life. But to receive a second life… the first one must be taken away.”

Krot felt the strong hands of the demon behind him grab hold of him. Krot attempted to escape from the mad demon’s hold but Malacoda held tight.
He looked into Youko’s hungry eyes and realized what was going to come.
“Remember Krot: This was your idea.”
With all his strength and his scary visage, Krot was still just a Formless inside. Thus, like any Formless who ‘expire’, his body dissipated into a gray smoke. The smoke was held in place by a bubble of mana to keep it from spreading too far for the spell to have any effect.

Youko held the Goliath Crystal in her hand, pointing one end to the bubble filled with the essence of Krot.

“Surge, ceciderunt in bello. Titanis confortare in anima. Cresce, et conteret omnia sub pedibus alta, ad seipsum.”

With the incantation complete, a blinding light shot from the crystal into the bubble. The smoke inside crackled with power and a deep bellowing growl could be heard within.
Why was he suddenly a giant? Why did Youko kill him? How would he return to his natural state?

All these questions and more were not going through his mind. The Goliath Crystal, so named because it imbued those who used it with the power of the ancient titan Goliath himself, also gave the user Goliath’s mindless rage. Krot had no thought in his mind now. No joy in his newfound power. No bitter resentment towards Youko for slaying him. He just felt the need to destroy as he had become an avatar of destruction.
The Rangers watched as the giant scaled wolf began tearing apart buildings, the people underneath the creature in constant danger of being flattened.

Fido, needless to say, certainly believed his brother now.

Whatever he said to calm the townspeople after the ‘gang attack’ in the Carnaby District, Fido remembered with perfect clarity what happened. He remembered the monsters he had fought and just barely survived against. And now there was a bigger monster smack-dab in the middle of the town.

Years of police training kicked in as he turned to his younger brother. “Joey, find Dad and get him as far away from the town as possible.”

“B-but…” Joey stammered. “What about you?”
Fido looked back at the creature. “I have a job to do, the K-9 are going to have their hands full evacuating the people. They need my help.” He turned back to his brother. “Whatever happens Joey, you head for the edge of town and don’t look back.”

Joey gave a meek nod before running off. Fido turned his attention to his students. “As for you three… They’re gone already aren’t they?”
“Babylon Guardians Power Up!”
The square where Krot reassembled himself was already in shambles. Gaping holes were in nearly every building surrounding him. Cars were flipped on their backs if not outright crushed, and people and pets alike were running in fear from the insane beast.

Among these mad scrambling civilians was Fido’s other younger brother, the much less respectful Bino. Screaming and hollering at the sight of the thing that simply should not exist.
With a swipe of his claws, Krot hurled a chunk of concrete and metal into the air, where it threatened to land right on top of the screaming Bino.

As he was paralyzed with fear, Bino found he could not move his legs despite his brain telling him to do so in every possible way. He closed his eyes and waited for the impact.


The sound, which surprisingly was not the sound of a dog being squished into a pancake, caused Bino to open his eyes. In front of him was not a hurtling ball of death, but instead a pet in red spandex, holding what appeared to be a sleek futuristic gun in her hand. The red clad pet turned her eyes, which were hidden behind a black visor, towards the visibly shaking Bino.

In a second, Bino was hoisted into the air by the apparent superhero.
“Get out of here and find shelter.” She said. Bino, still shaken from being nearly crushed to death, stood still.
That got Bino moving. With a hearty “Yes Ma’am!” Bino began running away from the rampaging beast.

With that out of the way, Grape rejoined her teammates in blasting the giant-sized Krot with their lasers. The damage they seemed to be doing was minimal to non-existent.
“Okay, if anyone has a way to stop a monster the size of a football stadium I would love to hear it!” Grape said, repeatedly pulling her finger against the trigger of her blaster.

As before, Krot made no indication he was even aware of the Ranger’s existence, remaining just as focused on causing sheer destruction.

Max stopped firing as he realized the futility of the attack. “It’s no use. We need to stay focused on saving civilians.” He said to his teammates.

Peanut stopped firing. “Sooner or later we have to take this thing down.”
Grape ceased her attack as well. “Then keep an eye out for anything we can use while escorting people to safety. A weak point, anything like that.”

With that, the Rangers holstered their blasters and ran off in different directions.
Meanwhile in Tarot’s basement, Sabrina was watching the giant’s onslaught through the viewing globe, feeling helpless as Krot wrecked everything in sight while the Rangers were forced into the defensive.

She turned to the three altars, each one projecting the image of the three Babylonians whose power coursed through the Rangers. “There has to be something we can do!” She pleaded. “Skath must have used some kind of spell to make Krot grow that large. Could we do the same to the Rangers?”

The Spirit Dragon, like her brothers, wore a worried expression. “This is the work of a powerful artifact known as the Goliath Crystal. Even if we were to grow the Rangers to match his size, they would be overwhelmed by the power and ferocity of Goliath himself.”

Sabrina began to panic as she rummaged through Tarot’s supply of artifacts and magical trinkets. “There has to be something. Some book or spell. Anything!”

Her hopes were dashed as each enchantment proved less promising than the last. Tarot and Sabrina, skilled in magic though they were, had only been studying magic for years.
Skath, a god born in the creation of the universe itself, had millennia upon millennia to learn the secrets of mana. And without Tarot to guide her, Sabrina found herself hopelessly outclassed.

Throwing a book of, at the moment, useless spells aside she gripped her head in anger. “Please…” She pleaded to any cosmic force that would listen. “There has to be some way. There has to be.” Her thought were interrupted by a loud humming noise. Turning to the source of the noise, she was reminded of the green crystal in the middle of the room.

The Morphing Grid.

As Sabrina walked closer to the humming crystal, she felt a constant field of energy emanating from it that made her fur stand on end.

“What is it doing?” She asked the gods to her side.
All three Babylonians were as confused as she was. Kitsune was the first to speak. “The Morphing Grid is as old we are. Even we do not know all of its secrets.”

Sabrina felt… drawn to the crystal. As if a voice that could not be heard was calling her name. As she stood in front of the Grid, she raised her hand and touched the crystalline surface.

Immediately, she felt a surge of energy blast into her. Her head rolled back as her eyes saw an image, a premonition. She saw the giant Krot standing amidst ruins. He was joined by an entire army of giants, guided by voice of pure malice and hatred. Sabrina never heard the voice before, but she instantly recognized it. Skath.

Just as the mad god ordered his army of giants to lay waste to the world, Sabrina saw a golden glow in the distance. There she saw the three Rangers standing atop a hill. Sabrina wondered what they could do against such a force, but her question was answered as the three performed the motions and incantations for an old and ancient spell. One Sabrina had never heard before.

The Rangers were glowing in their respective colors before disappearing into nothingness. In their place materialized three gargantuan titans that Sabrina recognized, a dragon, a griffon and a kyuubi.

The golden glow returned as the three titans moved closer and closer to each other. The bodies fusing into… into…

Sabrina was knocked, rather literally, back into reality as the Grid stopped humming.
She panted and felt a cold sweat on her body. “I have to tell them.”
Mere moments ago, King was enjoying a simple time out with his wife. He and Bailey found the time to get out and simply enjoy each other’s company, deciding on a simple dinner date in a simple restaurant.

This was before the monster known as Krot, one King remembered being much smaller, returned.

Knocked unconscious by the initial attack, King willed himself awake as the screams of the denizens of Babylon Gardens roused him from his impromptu nap.
He immediately began to panic as Bailey was nowhere to be seen.
Screaming her name, King heard a weak reply from within the ruins that used to be a restaurant.
Running inside, he saw his wife pinned underneath a steel beam obviously torn from the building’s foundation. Taking into consideration that the remains of the building were most likely very unstable, King rushed to Bailey’s side and began trying to lift the beam off of her.
Bailey shook her head as King tried in vain to free her. “King, I can hear the walls straining. You have to get out before you’re crushed.”
King ignored her pleas, huffing against the weight of the beam. “Not...without… you!”
But it was to no avail. The beam simply would not give.
But before King could resign himself to fate, he heard a voice call from outside.
“Is anyone in there?”

King and Bailey screamed for help in hoarse voices. What they saw shocked them, a pet in yellow spandex and a face-covering helmet in the visage of a griffon.
“Power Ranger…” King recognized the Yellow Ranger from Krot’s rampage in the mall.
“Please…” He said. “Help me!” King started lifting the beam again before being pushed aside by the Yellow Ranger. “Stand Back” the Ranger said before pulling a bizarre looking firearm out of nowhere. He pointed the barrel at the beam and sliced through it with a red-hot laser.

With the added leverage and decreased weight of the beam, as well as the help of an incredibly strong pet, King was able to finally lift the beam off of the nearly crushed husky.

Helping Bailey to her feet, the two rushed out of the restaurant giving a hurried thank-you to the Yellow Ranger.

With King and Bailey safe, Max ran out himself to find more people in danger. He knew that eventually they would have to stop Krot himself. But what could they do? Following Grape’s orders, he had taken experimental shots to different parts of Krot’s body as he was rescuing civilians. Each one had been as ineffective as the last.

“We need a miracle.” Max said.
Will I do for now?
Grape and Peanut had taken to rooftops to see if a higher vantage point could reveal a weak point on Krot. They were having just as much luck as Max when they too heard Sabrina’s voice in there heads.
“Sabrina, please tell me you or Tarot have some kind of magic anti-giant spray?” Grape asked.
Nothing so simple, but I think I do know of a way the three of you can beat him. The Morphing Grid showed me a vision of a spell, an incantation that would give you the power to stop Krot.

Peanut kept shooting at the beast, keeping his eyes peeled for any other civilian in distress.
“Great! How do we do it?”
Listen carefully.
As Sabrina finished detailing the spell, Max made his way to the middle of the square.
He stood directly in front of the still rampaging Krot as he was joined by his teammates.
“Let’s hope this works.” Grape said.
The three Rangers brought their hands together as they began the incantation.
“Air above, earth beneath us, water around us. We call on the power of the cosmos itself. Give us power, give us strength to fight against those who threaten our world.”
As they spoke, their hands began to glow their respective colors.
They felt the same power that flowed through them when they morphed into rangers begin to grow inside them.
Bigger and bigger it grew until they current sizes could no longer contain the sheer power.
They needed to grow.

As they opened their eyes, they saw that Krot had finally taken notice of them thanks to their blinding light.

“We become one with our power! One with our world! We… Become… One!”

With the cosmic power inside them threatening to explode within them, the Rangers released it all at once. Thrusting their hands outwards, their power, the power of the Babylonians themselves was shaped into giant forms the Rangers recognized.

As these forms became more and more solid, the Rangers found themselves becoming less so. But they felt no fear from their disappearing bodies.
They knew they weren’t going anywhere.

The three gargantuan figures suddenly exploded from the energy they were formed from. Their skin was metallic, their bodies were robotic, and their power was immense.

A red kyuubi, a blue dragon and a yellow griffon suddenly stood against the confused Krot.
At first, all was black. Then, as though gently nudged awake, Grape opened her eyes and saw Krot standing before her.
At eye-level.
As she looked around, she saw that the spell had worked. She and her fellow Rangers had indeed changed into metallic versions of their respective Babylonians.
They were Zords.

She could hear Peanut’s excited cheering in her mind as well as Max screaming “Did that really just happen?” She looked to her sides and, instead of her fellow rangers; she saw a mechanized yellow griffon and blue dragon.

But before the three could get used to their newfound stature, Krot decided that these three titans were more of a threat to him than the three tiny Rangers were.

He leaped towards the red kyuubi that was now Grape and brought his claws down on her.
The claws bounced off of the metal skin of the Zord but Grape still felt the impact itself. Max was the first one to react to Krot’s attack as he grabbed the monster and gripped tightly with his new razor sharp talons.

“Get off her!” He screamed, hurling Krot away and taking care not to throw him into any of the buildings.
Grape stared at Max, then herself. “We got a second chance here guys. Let’s not waste it.” Without another word, the three Zords went on the offensive. Peanut flew around Krot, drawing his attention with white-hot blasts of fire from his mouth.

Grape pounced on Krot and returned his clawed strike from earlier, her armored claws leaving a much deeper wound. She pinned the giant monster down with her teeth, letting her instincts take full advantage of her bipedal form.

Krot, now fully realizing the dangers these three machines posed, grabbed Grape by her midsection before hurling her towards Peanut ceasing his onslaught of fire. With Krot facing the two temporarily downed Zords, his back was to the charging yellow griffon. Max gripped his talons into Krot’s shoulders before lifting him high into the air, tossing him downwards after reaching a sufficient altitude.

Krot, feeling his injuries taking their toll on his body, stood up and blindly charged at the yellow griffon. Max clenched his talons into a fist and drew it back before letting it fly straight towards Krot’s face. Whether Krot still had some semblance of his memory or if it was just instinct, the scaled wolf jumped over Max’s fist and sailed over his head just like before in the mall…
It was completely unfair, Max thought. The only reason Fido wanted to demonstrate this move on him was because he was being singled out as ‘the slacker student’. Still, he didn’t want to cause a scene and make the lessons any harder for his teammates. He realized that, despite his complaining, they would need this training to keep up with whatever Skath had planned for them.

“Now if your opponent gets in close to you, one fundamental you need to utilize is shifting your opponent’s weight away from you.” Fido said to Grape and Peanut. The two were sitting cross-legged and paying close attention to the demonstration.

Fido looked towards his less diligent student. “Now Max, I want you to charge at me full-speed. Watch how I use your own weight against you.” Max gave a huff, but got into position for a fast run. With a ‘Now’ from Fido, Max ran towards his sensei as fast as he could. What followed, from Max’s perspective, was a quick glance to the ceiling and then the floor coming to meet him. Due to the floors padding, plus Fido intentionally trying not to hurt him, Max’s pride was hurt more than anything else.

Feeling the larger dog’s hands picking him up, Max got to his feet and joined his teammates. Peanut, trying to get Max to enjoy the lessons, gave the black cat a thumbs up.
Max did not return it.

“Notice how little I used my own strength. Redirect your opponent and let his own weight carry him.” Fido explained to his students.
With these words echoing through his mind, Max turned and grabbed the aerial Krot before turning slightly on his heel. Remembering the demonstration, Max let Krot’s own weight fly through the air like a pendulum. He would not allow Krot to escape again. He threw the gargantuan lupine straight towards the waiting claws of Peanut who proceeded to slam Krot into the ground.

As the three Zords regrouped, they saw Krot simply get up from barrage of attacks. The various cuts and bruises were largely superficial and Krot’s boundless rage was proving to be an effective anesthetic.

Grape started panting as her increased size was starting to take its toll on her stamina. “This isn’t working, we’ve barely dinged him.”
Max looked around and saw that their fight with Krot was causing only slightly less property damage than Krot himself. “We need to hurry up or there won’t be a town left to protect, whatever we do has to hit him fast and hard.”

Peanut turned his metal draconic face to his fellow machines. “Guys, we’re Zords! You know what we have to do.”

Grape nodded her head. “Alright, let’s bring them together!”
As if on instinct alone, the three Zords flew into the air.

Peanut was the first to change, his arms and legs sliding into slots in his body as his serpentine body bent into a V-shape. His head and tail twisted until they both faced away from his body. Max followed suit, his griffon body sitting on its haunches as his clawed arms elongated and became more humanoid. His head folded into a hollow crevice in his chest as his wings spread out. Grape finished the transformation as her arms and legs folded into her chest revealing the same symbol on their belt buckles, the symbol of the Babylonians, a crescent moon surrounding a six-pointed star. The red kyuubi Zord fit into the front of the griffon Zord as its nine tails went underneath it. The joined griffon and kyuubi then sat upon the v-shaped dragon. As the blue dragon Zord formed the mechanical man’s legs, the yellow griffon Zord forming its wings and arms, the red kyuubi Zord’s nine tails spread out into a majestic fan of fire. The vulpine head of the kyuubi Zord opened to reveal a more humanoid face inside.

Inside the still forming machine a field of stars was manifesting as the Rangers, back in their spandex-clad forms, materialized in this cosmic control area. There were no buttons or consoles. The Rangers controlled this mighty machine through will alone.

As their consciousness returned to their bodies, the three rangers opened their eyes and, in unison, screamed the name of their mechanized marvel.


Krot, as a mindless monster fueled only by rage, could not register what had just happened. But sheer instinct told him one thing: This machine was an even greater threat than the other three all at once.

Before it could be allowed to get the first strike, Krot charged at the Megazord and tried to swipe at it with both claws. In the control area, the three Rangers thrust their arms out simultaneously as though to grab something. The Megazord followed these movements and grabbed onto Krot’s swinging claws, holding the monster in place. With a high kick from the Rangers, the Megazord brought its massive foot up to meet Krot’s face sending the giant soaring through the air to land painfully on its back.

Before Krot could recover, the Megazord brought its hands to its back, pulling two of the kyuubi Zord’s tails out. The tails flashed a bright light before suddenly shifting into a pair of razor-sharp, flaming, broadswords. With a mighty slash from both swords, Krot was sliced deeply and burned as well. The damage proved to be too much and, with a final growl, Krot exploded into nothing.

The Megazord stood tall and proud, brandishing its flaming swords like a legend from history. Inside the control area, the Rangers were acting slightly less dignified.

Peanut was whooping like a wrestling fan, constantly screaming “Did you see that! DID YOU SEE THAT!!?” Grape was dumfounded at what they just did. She had acted in the moment, letting instinct take over as she piloted the Megazord. It was only after the adrenaline rush calmed that she realized she was floating in a field of stars telepathically controlling a massive robot.
Max just smiled.

Back on the ground, civilians had taken notice that the monster that was demolishing the town had disappeared. They saw the giant robot and knew that the Power Rangers had saved them. Bino was the first one to cheer.
On a nearby rooftop overlooking the whole scene stood a violet vixen and her demonic companion. “Well… That didn’t work.” She said. Malacoda simply nodded.
The two generals left to return to their home. No doubt Skath would be seething at these turn of events.
The next day, people were already going back to their normal lives. They made no attempt to hide the fact that a giant monster had just attacked the town but they took comfort in knowing that they had a team of Power Rangers to protect them.

In the Good Ol’ Dogs club, one particular admirer was being very vocal about it. “Come and join the Power Rangers Fan Club!” Bino shouted into a megaphone. “Let’s show the heroes of Babylon Gardens that they have the support of the G.O.D.!”

Fox shook his head at his friend’s antics. “Bino, don’t you think you’re taking the hero worship a bit far?” Bino turned away from the small crowd gathering to his megaphone enhanced voice. “Fox, I’d be dead now if it wasn’t for the beautiful Red Ranger. If you ask me, I’m doing a service to the community by giving these guys some much needed PR.”

Fox slapped his head. “They fought a giant monster with a giant robot. How much more PR could they need?”

As the three Rangers themselves, back in their civilian states, passed by Bino’s growing fan club Grape couldn’t help but shudder at the thought of Bino of all people calling her ‘beautiful’. Max certainly didn’t help as his trademark grin crept across his face. “Looks like I have to watch out, wouldn’t want Bino taking you away from me.”
“Shut up Max.”

Peanut, despite himself, couldn’t help but join in the ‘fun’. “It’s practically a storybook romance, the dashing hero saving the helpless damsel.” Grape, to her credit, didn’t grab both giggling boys and hurl them into the stratosphere. She merely sighed and let them laugh it out.

“What is so funny?” A familiar voice said to them. The three looked to where the voice came from and what they saw made them gasp.

“TAROT!” Indeed, there was Tarot. She still had a number of bruises from her fight with Youko but she was, at the very least, standing on her own two feet. Peanut ran towards, scooping her into a gentle hug out of fear of hurting her. Max and Grape followed suit with their own, friendlier hugs.

“I was let out of the hospital earlier today and I thought I should congratulate you three on a job well done.” Tarot explained. “I saw the whole fight on the news, such an amazing power this ‘Megazord’. It will surely come in handy should Skath choose to use the Goliath Crystal again.”

Grape nodded but then a solemn look took her face. “We can’t remain on the defensive forever. Sooner or later we have to find where Skath’s generals are based and take the fight to them.”
Tarot shared Grape’s expression. “Agreed, but for now I suggest that you three take some much needed rest before Skath strikes again.”
Peanut and Grape were quick to agree until Max pointed something out. “We can’t. We have classes today, remember?” Peanut and Grape suddenly did remember but were surprised that it was Max who reminded them. More than that, he seemed all too willing to go.
“Why the change in heart?” Grape asked. Max simply shrugged. “No change, I just thought that if we have to through with it then I’m not gonna make things easier whining about it.” Max started walking towards Fido’s dojo. “Besides, we really do need the training.”

Rather than make a big deal about it, Grape and Peanut shrugged and said goodbye to Tarot before following Max to the dojo.

As they got there, Fido was already waiting by the door for them. Grape winced at the look he was giving them. It was clear he wanted an explanation. Grape began to speak. “Look Fido, about running off…” But she was silenced when Fido held up his hand.

“The fact of the matter is I can’t teach students who aren’t there. I think it would be best if you stopped coming to class.”
Before the three could argue or plead, Fido held up his hand again.
“However.” He said as a smile broke through. “I wouldn’t mind giving some private lessons to the Power Rangers.”

The three practically felt the floor hit their jaws as Fido snickered. “C’mon, it was kinda obvious. The town gets three brand new Power Rangers and suddenly you three appear looking for martial arts lessons. A monster attacks the mall, you go running. A bigger monster attacks the town square, you go running. You really have to work on your stories other than ‘You have something you need to do’.”

Grape looked to Peanut and then to Max and saw that they had the same panicked expressions she no doubt had. “You’re not… gonna tell anyone, are you?”

Fido shook his head. “No, I can recognize that there’s something big coming. Something the town’s police force just won’t be able to handle.” He gave each of them a hard stare. “As of right now, this town NEEDS Power Rangers and the last thing you guys need is a bunch of fans or paparazzi getting in your way.” He smiled. “Don’t worry; your secret is safe with me.”

The three calmed down immensely as Fido went back inside motioning for the three Rangers to join him. As they passed through the doors and went towards their lockers, Fido held Max back to talk to him. “Listen, I get it now why you couldn’t leave before. But you need to understand that you have a huge responsibility now.” He said in a hushed tone. “I’ll teach you and the others all I know, free of charge. But you need to be willing to learn.”

Max looked away from Fido towards his teammates, his friends, as they put on their gis. Grape looked up at him. “C’mon Max, get dressed.”

He looked down at his necklace, holding the griffon shaped charm in his hand before turning back to Fido. “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”
Youko and Malacoda were just finishing up the spell that would allow them to speak to their master. As the window opened into the Void, they prepared themselves for what was sure to be blinding wrath.

Instead, Skath was unnervingly calm as the vision of his subordinates became clearer. “Is Krot dead?” He asked simply. There was no anger in his voice at all.

“Yes sir.” Youko said, refusing to make eye-contact with Skath.

“I see.” He said. “This… was a trial run. Krot was strong to be sure but the human imagination is limitless. There will be an endless supply of warriors for us to throw at the Rangers. It’s simply a matter of wearing their defenses until they break.” At last, a flash of pure malice flashed across his melancholic face. “And break them we will!”

End of Episode 3
And thus, Power Rangers Babylon Guardians is back!
Last edited by JageshemashFTW on Sat Dec 07, 2013 10:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by Obbl »

Aaaaaand merged. ;)

Welcome back! :D
I haven't seen this one in a while. May have to go back and refresh myself
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by Legotron123 »

Aside from the gryphon and dragon switching positions as legs and arms, the megazord is almost exactly the same as my concept. Not sure if you used my idea on purpose or if it was just a coincident, but regardless I'm just delaying my neccessary response.


This is a AWESOME early Christmas present!!
And since Christmas is almost here, expect me to have a winter themed monster idea ready for you soon!

EDIT: Soon meaning now!!

An icy frost monster. His torso is basically an ice version of a snowman. His head is the hero factory frost beast head except with a frosty the snow man head. His shoulder have ice spikes pointing at 65 degree angles. His arms are, well ice tubes with random ice spikes. His right hand is a snow ball blaster and his left arm has three fingers plus the thumb. When someone is hit by one of his snow balls their body starts slowly being covered in ice until they're a Popsicle. Their options are grape, peach, and orange. His personality is kinda bland. His only traits are jerkiness and his hatred of Christmas lights.
If something seems wrong about him let me know I'm kinda off my game.
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by copper »

Grape said, repeatedly pulling his finger against the trigger of his blaster.

Grape, despite appearances, is definitely a girl.

HA! Bino is the fan of a cat! Priceless~ :lol:

I like the monster, though byou didn't really use any of the Crocotta's abilities, nor the fact that their eyes turn into crystals upon their death that can help someone foretell the future.

I cannot wait until the next one! Oooo, maybe use the Krampus in a Christmas themed update!
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by JageshemashFTW »

copper wrote:
Grape said, repeatedly pulling his finger against the trigger of his blaster.

Grape, despite appearances, is definitely a girl.

HA! Bino is the fan of a cat! Priceless~ :lol:

I like the monster, though byou didn't really use any of the Crocotta's abilities, nor the fact that their eyes turn into crystals upon their death that can help someone foretell the future.

I cannot wait until the next one! Oooo, maybe use the Krampus in a Christmas themed update!
Whoops! Heh-heh... aaaaand fixed.

As for the Crocatta powers, the ideas were interesting but I couldn't figure out a way to utilize a future seeing gem without it being an instant-I-win button for the Rangers. Maybe if I was a better writer. :-/
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by JageshemashFTW »

Short chapter, I know. It will be longer next time.
Episode 4: Hero in Blue
In a world where evil reigns supreme, one hero steps up to defend all that is good.
When the ancient evil, Skath, plans evil for the world only one hero can stand against his evil.

And that hero was needed now as Skath’s newest creation, a monster of the vilest of origins, terrorizes the city of Babylon Gardens in the name of his master.

The creature, a half-mechanized menace by the name of Drill-a-Borg, was in the midst of weakening the foundations of a bank full of hostages being held in place by a legion of Formless.

As the cyborg mole drilled his metal nose through each of the support beams, he kept glancing back and forth waiting for his foes to come and attempt to save the day. Unbeknownst to our brave heroes, Drill-a-Borg had set a trap for the Power Rangers should they try to intervene his destruction.

This is why it was such a shock to him when he heard a grand heroic voice call out. “Your vile machinations end here agent of Skath.” Before Drill-a-Borg could trace the source of the voice, several blue flashes of light travelled through the room at high speeds, each finding a home in the triangular faces of the hostage’s captors.

As the platoon of Formless dissipated into smoke, Drill-a-Borg turned to face the door of the bank. Standing there were the three avatars of the godlike Babylonians: The Power Rangers.

The Blue Ranger twirled his still smoking blaster before holstering it. He dramatically pointed his finger to the cyborg monster. “Your reign of terror ends now!”

The Red and Yellow Rangers cheered behind their teammate.
“Get em’ Blue!”
“You’re so cool!”

The Blue Ranger stepped forward to face the monster alone, Red and Yellow offering their praise.

Drill-a-Borg snarled, wondering why his trap failed to destroy the Rangers before they even came into the building. He would have to worry about that later as he charged straight towards the superhero.

The Blue Ranger smirked under his helmet. With a single step to the side, Drill-a-Borg’s wild punch missed completely. Balling his own hand into a fist, the Blue Ranger brought it up to meet the cyborg’s chin. With a loud ‘crack!’ the monster flew into the air from the force of the punch alone.

Drill-a-Borg recovered only to immediately quiver in the corner with fear. “Please, Oh noble hero! I am too weak to face your might.”

The Blue Ranger stood before the blubbering monster, bringing his blaster out and setting its sights straight for its head. “Let this be a lesson to all of Skath’s creations. Babylon Gardens- nay, the world! - is under the protection of the Blue Ranger”

Peanut was about to squeeze the trigger when…
“Stop!” Grape said, holding her palm to her red helmet.
“Aww, I was just about to get to the best part” Peanut whined.
“This is so not how it happened!”
In Tarot’s basement, which also served the purpose of the Ranger’s base of operations, Peanut was ‘recounting’ their most recent victory against one of Skath’s creations.

Almost immediately both Tarot and Sabrina knew that the story was more than a little embellished due to the almost synchronized groans from Grape and Max when Peanut started his tale.
Grape was content to let her friend have his fun but increasingly felt the need to set the record straight.

“First off, there was only three Formless holding those civilians hostage. And all three of us took down one each.” Grape said.
“Well…” Peanut tried to counter.
“Second, why would Max and I just stand to the side? That thing was way too strong for you to handle on your own.” She continued.
“Well gee, you could have sugarcoated that a little” He exclaimed.

“Also, what trap?” Max interjected. “There was no such trap waiting for us when we fought cyber-mole. That whole part just seemed to come outta nowhere.”

Peanut shrugged his shoulders. “I thought it would spice the story up a bit.”
Grape brought her palm to her face yet again. “Peanut, we’re Power Rangers. Our lives have plenty of ‘spice’ as is.”

Peanut dropped the subject, choosing to just sulk. “You guys are no fun.”

Tarot brought her hands up attempting to alleviate the mood. “Regardless of how it happened, you three did a wonderful job stopping Skath’s latest attack.” She put her hand on Peanut’s shoulder, giving him a comforting smile which made him feel somewhat better. “It would probably be best if you three go and get some rest. You deserve it.”

Max stretched his arms above his head, enjoying the satisfying pop of his muscles losing tension. “You heard the boss. I’m clocking out.” Turning on his heel, he made his way for the stairs. Grape turned to follow, stopping for a moment to look back at Peanut. “Listen Peanut, I get that you’re psyched by this whole superhero thing. Just don’t romanticize it too much.”

Peanut didn’t reply, merely staring at the floor. Grape took that as an invitation to continue. “I’m just saying there is a difference between acting like a hero and being a hero.”

Peanut sighed before nodding. “I know Grape, I know. I’ll… try and cool it.”
Grape gave him a quick hug before making her way out of the basement.

Peanut gave a quick glance to his morpher before following her.
In the Lair, as Youko and Malacoda have come to call the basement of their humble abode, Skath was once again speaking to his generals through the dimensional window. The failure of Drill-a-Borg had obviously angered the dark Babylonian but he reminded himself to keep his rage directed to the Power Ranges. His loyal generals still had their use to him.

“These monsters are doing little to vanquish those clowns.” Skath mused. He looked to see the waiting faces of his underlings. “Youko, you were the commander of my forces during the siege of the old cities. Tell me, how did you destroy their defenses?”

Youko gave a quick nod of acknowledgement to her master before replying. “It’s an old mortal adage that hearts and minds win wars. In my experience, the opposite is true as well. During my… your conquest of the Aztec city Cuatetelco, I found that by feeding the soldier’s scouts false information about us capturing their children and elders, their men would hold back when attacking our camps.”

Skath nodded as he considered this tactic. “So you attacked them where their hearts lay?” Youko nodded. “Metal and stone are effective at crushing the body, my lord. But to break a man’s will is to truly destroy him.”

Skath smiled as he contemplated his next move against the Rangers. A wicked thought crossed his mind. Using his cosmic power to will a Formless in existence in front of Youko and Malacoda. “And out of the three Rangers…” Skath began. “Which would you say has the weakest will?”

Malacoda spoke up as the answer came immediately to him. “The Blue Ranger, master. He is young and naive. He is always the first to charge into the fight.” Skath nodded. “Do you know his true name?”

Malacoda nodded. “When we first saw their faces, Youko and I assumed mortal guises to find out where they lived. Sadly, the witch the Babylonian dragon once had as her avatar charmed their houses so as to keep any who bear your mark away. We did find out his name through our reconnaissance: Peanut Sandwich.”

Youko scoffed. “What a ridiculous name.” Skath paid the name no mind. What mortals named their pets were of no concern to him seeing as they would all be called ‘servant’ before long. Focusing his consciousness to the general area of Babylon Gardens, a feat which proved easy considering the immense amount of cosmic power radiating from that place.

Skath went to work, combing through the minds and imaginings of those that inhabited the town. Finally he recognized an all too familiar magic. The magic of his sister, the Spirit Dragon. Skath tread as carefully as he could, he did not want to alert the reptilian goddess to his presence in the young dog’s mind.

He saw a number of interesting things that Skath could no doubt use against him. A love for the witch… And for the Red Ranger it seems! The dog had a conflicted heart, the poor thing. Skath made a mental note to kill both women first to spare the dog from having to choose.

Skath gasped as he found exactly what he was looking for. A mental projection of his ideal self, what he wants to be more than anything. And best of all, he’s already convinced himself that this abstract paragon is an entity separate from him. He’s perfect!

Skath performed the necessary enchantment to bring this imaginary aspect to life, reborn through the blank slate of the Formless.
Dark… Cold… He is nothing. But now he is something. Darkness gives way to light and coldness gives way to warmth. He is… alive.

As the musclebound white dog opened his eyes for the first time, he saw two strange beings: a violet fox and a large red man with horns staring at him with confusion.

He heard a voice behind him. “Greetings Spot the Superdog.”

Spot turned in the air, not even realizing he was flying, as he came to face what appeared to be a hole in the air. Inside the hole was an ethereal blue face that smiled warmly at him.

“My name is Zordon, defender of all that is good.” Skath said, smiling behind his disguise. “And I am in need of a hero.”
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by copper »

So now Peanut will have to fight his ideal self!? Bummer...

Nice update! Cannot wait for the epicness to come! :D
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by Legotron123 »

Oh good, a new chapter. I was starting to worry that this was going to fall back into the abyss of no updates. I have at least 6 monsters in my head but I don't have the time to post any of them.
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by Legotron123 »

Remember a month back when I said I had 6 monsters in my head I kept forgetting to post? Well that 6 is now 10 and that 10 is now 9!

Apperance: think mutagen man from TMNT 2012 and replace the mutagen with brain tissue.
Powers: Shoots lightning from his hands. Incredibly smart. Can drain people's intelligence to increase his own.
Personality: Stuck up and snooty. Brags about his IQ and belittles others he thinks are beneath him. Gets upset if someone knows something he doesn't. Drains people to become the smartest creature in existence.
Notes: When he drains peoples brains, he gets a "flavor" based on how smart they are. I.E. fox would taste like a pastry buffet and bino would taste like an old sock. Would eventually drain so much knowledge that he would see beyond the fourth wall and see how pointless what he's doing is pointless and give all the intelligence he drained back and would sabotage the baddies plan as much as he could before they killed him.

Is this one good? Or is it kinda crappy?
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by ZeroTheFated »

Is it just me or whenever the Rangers power up you get the Dino Thunder feel to it?

But other than that I'm very looking forward to the next update. You caught my attention really fast with this fic and you're doing a magnificent job with it. Keep it up.
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Re: Power Rangers: Babylon Guardians

Post by Legotron123 »

Finally got another monster out. Tell me your opinions.
Appearance: Sploosher is fat. Very fat. Which is because of the 200+ big bubbles covering his body in multiple layers. Underneath it all he's kinda a twig. Above it all he looks like a purple zit-covered stay puff marshmallow man minus the hat.
Powers: Each of the bubbles that cover his body are filled with misc. liquids that have different effects each. Some cause anyone who gets hit by them to get covered by pimples. Some cause severe rashes. Some cause all hair/fur to fall off someone's body. The worst is the one that dissolves all non-organic materials(I.e. Anything that isn't alive). No matter what, if you're hit with one if those liquids, you are in some deep trouble. The bubbles are strong enough that they won't pop if Sploosher falls over, but weak enough that they'll pop explosively if hit with something, like the rangers weapons. The point is do dissuade the rangers from attacking him for fear of causing collateral damage.
Personality: Sploosher is psychotic. Off the walls insane. He takes much glee in the pain his liquids cause his victims. He would probably pop the zits himself if them not being popped wasn't the idea.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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