HPU: Sunset Plateau

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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by The Game »

Destiny waved her hand, as if to wave of Eris. But the question, that was the golden opportunity. If Destiny didn't act now, her plan would be a dud. Trying not smile, Destiny suddenly spun around. She put a hand on Eris' shoulder. "I can only tell you if you can keep a secret. My dad may get mad at me if he knew I told someone..." she said, as if trying to decide whether or not to share her 'secret', and she was pretty convincing.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by Pecan »

"Sure HD, I'll help. I guess two pets are better than one." He stepped over to HD, silently wishing Destiny on Phase one. If he helped convince Eris, it'd probably fail... "So, what's the hole for?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by ctcmjh »

Eris smiled a mildly condescending smile, "Well, Destiny. I may be destructive, chaotic, kinda crazy and joking, but I still have enough honor to respect a secret." She told Destiny, hoping it would convince her. She was actually dying to know the secret.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by Aquablast »

Hm, what's with this uncomfortable atmosphere? Blueberry continued to eavesdrop the conversation. Why do they need a hole anyway...
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by Challenger01 »

"Well Lance, my house is actually right back there" Shamrock pointed to the two story house just behind him, across the street from the park. "I saw Eris in the woods the first time, right over there..." Shamrock then pointed to a patch of forest and leaves just (OOC I'm going to assume Shamrock is facing North) west of his house. "So... yeah, that's the basic gist of it. Are you guys ready to go out and help me find my stuff?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by IceKitsune »

Lance looked back at Shamrock "The Lake shouldn't be that far from here." He said as he continued to follow the path to the lake.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by Attalim »

(ooc: Sorry guys was taking my dad down to oncoology 130 miles away yesterday)

Mu blushed and smiled warmly at Jeff, lifting his hand and wiggling his fingers softly, when the police officer said hello "Hi Sir" he mummbled.

He stood and watched as the group of friends kicked up the insanity a few dozen notches, the dog started digging a hole, the cat started talking to a newcomer. Mu was getting a little confused.

Of course Mur rarely paid full attention to what was going on around him so it often resulted in him struggling to follow what was going on around him, but Mu just about managed to pick up the general gist. He smiled at Eris and waved "I'm Mu" he called softly.

Then looked round, "What's the secret? Can I get to know the secret?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by Psykeout »

"hmm? oh, its for the flowers." HD tugged Paige down closer to his face. "keep an eye on them," he whispered, tilting his head towards destiny and eris. "just try to diffuse some of the tension." HD smiled and happily went back to digging his hole.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by Pecan »

"Alright, I'll try. It is, aster all," he smiled grimly, "a fight between girls. I already might be getting in too far by siding." He turned towards the conversation between Eris and Destiny. "Oh, hello, Eris. How are you?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by rempar11 »

As the sunlight pierced threw Dust's curtains, He awoke to the birds singing...or not. He did not know what time it is or ether he was late to practice his Skateboard moves as a result he just decided to take his half-pipe out back and went to practices some moves.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by QuirktheWerehound »

Jake followed Lance and Shamrock quietly. He grinned, "So are we allowed to swim in this lake?" Jake wagged his tail?
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by The Game »

Destiny couldn't be more relieved that Mu had asked as well. Without warning, her paw shot in front of Eris' face, denying her. "Actually, telling you is probably a bad idea. I shouldn't of brought it up." She sighed, sounding sad- though she was acting. Hiding a smile, she turned to Mu. "But you can know...as long as you keep it on the down-low." She waved him closer, leaning down towards him. "Well," she started, whispering rather loudly. It was a discreet attempt at allowing Eris to hear her. "My dad happened to confiscate a whole suitcase full of fireworks from a dog on the other side of town the other day. I was hoping to dash out a wild card and take them from him, and set them off somewhere in the woods. The problem is, I'm not really sure how to use fireworks..." for effect, Destiny willed herself to blush a little. She sneaked a quick glance at Eris to see if the cat was buying it, then looked back at Mu just as quickly.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by ctcmjh »

Eris, obviously, eavesdropped on their conversation. When they were done, she had an eyebrow raised at Destiny, "Really now? You don't know how to use fireworks? What are you, a kitten?" She asked, sarcastically.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by Aquablast »

What!? A whole suitcase of fireworks!? However, no one witnessed Blueberry's surprised face yet. Since he was still eavesdropping the conversation quietly. I swear I am the only one who couldn't get fireworks... But setting them off in a forest? That sounds dangerous...
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by The Game »

Actually blushing now, Destiny turned to Eris, not noticing Blueberry. "Would you stop calling me a kitten already? And I know how to set off a firework, I just...don't know how to get it in the air..." she said honestly. As odd as it sounded, Destiny wasn't entirely sure how to use a firework; if she threw it in the air after lighting it or let it find its own way up-it was all a mystery to her. "And anyway, I'm pretty sure you weren't supposed to here that." She looked irritatedly at Eris, her eyebrows knit tightly together. After a second, they raised like she'd just had a realization. "But I know you know how. Do you think...you could...you know...help me?" Destiny mumbled, looking down and blushing again. You're doing great! Keep this up, and you'll have revenge in no time!

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by ctcmjh »

Eris smiled, "Of course I'll help you! I'm the queen of fireworks! I've even made my own before." She said. She has made some nice fireworks before, especially her personal favorite, a smoke bomb that explodes when it's done. She couldn't resist the allure of a suitcase full of fireworks, so she didn't suspect a thing. She pulled out her matches and her lighter, "I already have my firestarters, so we don't need to stop by my house. Let's go, come on!" She said, excited.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by xhunterko »

Khun woke up, rubbed his eyes, and yawned really big. Then he looked over at the alarm clock on his desk and checked the time. Oh jeeze, it was 10:30 already? Wow. He got out of bed and went down the hall to the bathroom. After he prepped for the morning, (he showered last night), he went back to his room to gather his things. After making sure everyting was ready, he placed a pair of shades on his head.

Khun was excited today. Even though he'd been in his new home for only a week, he still hadn't got to do any exploring except for in the field out behind his house. So he was overjoyed that he could finally get out and see the place. He knew where the park was (from several trips to the local CVS), and he had been eager to get over there. He had also seen that it was quickly becoming a popular place for the neighborhood pets, so he was slightly eager to make new friends. He had also heard there were a few girls in the neighborhood, so he was slightly nervous about that.

"Phew, ready," Khun said to himself, he headed out to the left and then down the hall, and over to the kitchen on the left side of the house. Khun got himself some breakfast. He then headed out the left doorside and into the garage, where his electric motorcycle waited. His pride and joy, roughly equal to about a year and a half worth of savings from odd jobs, sat there. He packed a few extra things in the motorcycles trunk. He then quickly checked his collar for a house key, which he had remembered. He opened the garage, hopped on his motorcycle, and headed out. Being careful to close the garage on the way out. Khun glided down the road at an easy speed listening to some tunes on from his palm device. The park came quickly came in site, but he noticed a couple of pets standing outside a house.

This ought to make a good entrance, he thought to himself. Judging the distance, he quickly sped up a little. He revved his battery engine as loud as it could go, and made a bee-line for the group closest to the streets. It's not like he wanted to run into them. He just wanted to see them frazzle a bit. He made sure that he was seen, then, after just brushing by them, parked on close to the sidewalk hugging it tightly. Making sure to screech the brakes. After shutting it off and taking the key, he smugly walked up to the two cats and a rabbit. He enjoyed seeing ruffled fur.

"H-Hello there," he said, bowing a little to the ladies, "The name is Khun, Khun Woodsmen. May I have the pleasure of getting to kn-know you fine ladies and your companion?"

(ooc: not sure on the text length for first posts, hope its not too long)
Last edited by xhunterko on Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by The Game »

Destiny allowed herself a small smile, which quickly fell when she saw Khun. "This 'fine lady' is Destiny, and also kind of in a hurry. Can this wait just one second?" she turned back to Eris. "Thanks! But first I'll have to get the fireworks from my dad; but I'd have to come in alone, because he might suspect something if we come in together." She raised her hands reassuringly. "Don't worry though, I can get that suitcase and back out here in under five minutes without breaking a sweat. In fact, time me." She retreated to her house and opened the front door, beginning her slightly risky mission.
Last edited by The Game on Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by ctcmjh »

Eris smiled, "Alright. Make it snappy Kitten." She said, still calling Destiny by the nickname she hated. She saw Khun, "Hello there. I'm Eris, and I'm every bit like the Greek Goddess." She said. She loved introducing herself in new, creative and crazy ways.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by xhunterko »

After hearing Destiny introduce herself, Khun brightened just a little. Fireworks? Oh boy, I love fireworks, he thought. He was about to say something when Destiny slipped off into the house. He sighed then looked at Eriss.
"Hello there. I'm Eris, and I'm every bit like the Greek Goddess." She said. She loved introducing herself in new, creative and crazy ways.
"Oh, a Greek Goddess, heh," he said, "Sounds like somebody kn-knows their myths. Nice to meet you. So, you l-like fireworks t-too huh?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by The Game »

As soon as the door closed firmly behind her, Destiny pulled out her cell phone and quickly dialed the number of a police officer that she knew would be off that day, Austin Crowley. She also knew he was an avid prankster, and would be just the right man for this job. After quickly explaining her plan to him, Destiny waited his reply.
"Does Jeff know you're planning this?"
"Uhm, yes." Which was true. If Austin had asked if Jeff was okay with it, she would've had to lie.
"So if you could get into your police uniform and bring a squad car down here, like your going to arrest her, but just to scare her, I'd really appreciate it..."
"Say no more Des, I'm already halfway there. See you soon!" There was a click, and Destiny snapped her phone shut with a sly grin. Dashing up to her room, she emptied out one of her unpacked suitcases and filled it with books. Note to self, don't let Eris look in this bag. Oh this is going to be soo good! Destiny took the suitcase and slid on it down the stairs, sighing with relief that Jeff hadn't stopped her. She was almost out the door when she felt a hand on her shoulder. "What are you doing?"
Destiny's face flushed. "I was just...just...uhm..." suddenly she wanted to start crying and tell Jeff everything. "Okay, Jeff, I'm in a hurry right now, but if you'll just let me explain later, I swear nothing will go wrong. I know you said not to, but I have to do this! Or at least try!" she gulped, and swung open the door. "Love you..." she muttered, dashing out before Jeff could say anything.

She strode casually up to Eris, trying not to let her emotions write themselves out on her sleeves. "H-how'd I do?" Destiny asked confidently, while she was thinking, I'm so dead.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by xhunterko »

Khun looked behind him to see Destiny holding a large, overly stuffed bag. He then looked at her face and realized that something was up. While not knowing what was really going on, he wanted to make sure that everything was okay.

"A-are y-you allright Destiny?" he asked, concern showing on his face.
Last edited by xhunterko on Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by ctcmjh »

"Yeah, it's really fun to read those old stories. I really like Greek and Norse mythology. Especially Eris and Loki." She told him. As soon as Eris saw Destiny exit the house, she hurried to her, "Oh Goodie!" She said as she knelt down and felt the bag. She felt what seemed books, "Ah, whoever that dog was, he was smart. It's always best to disguise fireworks and stuff as books to lessen suspicion." She said, remembering when she disguised spray-cans as books and vandalized a nearby bridge. She stood back up and smiled, not suspecting anything, "Okay, let's go. I know a good place in the woods to light these off." She said with a smile.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by xhunterko »

"Ohhh, I know s-something w-we could try!" Khun said, forgetting about Destiny for a moment, "Have you e-ever seen an underwater explosion? Those are f-fun. I heard s-something at the CVS about a s-stream in the woods s-somewhere. We c-could light them and then throw them in the w-water c-causing a huge s-plash!" While he was tail wagging, he was actually thinking it'd be safer then to just set them off in the middle of the woods.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by ctcmjh »

Eris's eyes lit up, "Oh my gosh! I once threw a whole stick of dynamite into a lake while we were camping once! We were escorted out of the state park by the Park Ranger." She said, laughing a bit at the memory.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by xhunterko »

"Wow! Dynamite huh? Sigh, what I would do with some dynamite," he said, looking off into the distance for a minute.

"You know, I once thought of d-digging or blasting a h-hole or mine with some explosives one time," he said, "Never got anywhere w-with it. S-so, are we going to g-go with my idea or Eris's?"

(ooc: I have some chores to do, if we go anywhere before the squad car shows up, I just tag along okay? )
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by IceKitsune »

QuirktheWerehound wrote:Jake followed Lance and Shamrock quietly. He grinned, "So are we allowed to swim in this lake?" Jake wagged his tail?
Lance looked back at Jake as he pushed on further to the Lake. "Yeah you can we did it yesterday. There is also a tree that you can jump off of but that is how Shamrock got hurt so I wouldn't do it or at least be very careful if you do." Lance said shuddering a bit at the memory.

(OOC: I'll have us get to the lake after Challenger posts tomorrow since hes gone for the rest of the day.)
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by The Game »

Glad that Khun hadn't been persistent with his question, Destiny strolled behind them with the suitcase. She was getting a little...uncomfortable after hearing them talk about all the bad they'd done, while she had a snow white record. Being the pet of a cop shaped her lifestyle. "Wow, you guys must not be afraid of getting in trouble," Destiny said. "I really don't know which idea to go with you...I mean, I'm not usually the one in trouble, so why don't you guys choose?" Having Khun along could end up bad for her prank...but now she wasn't sure if she even wanted to prank Eris anymore. After hearing them talk about how much fun they had being bad, Destiny wanted to try, to have a taste at what they were describing. I can't think like that. And even if I wanted to, I don't have real fireworks, just books. I can let them open this bag before Austin shows up. Destiny looked around for the squad car, though she didn't see anything. Feeling the need to stall, she played with the lock-picking ring on her finger...and she had an idea. She slowed down ever so slightly as she said, "Okay, well maybe me being good all the time isn't true. Sometimes I do cause a little trouble...but not with anything big like dynamite. It's usually just little things, like tasers or mase." she admitted, slightly happy that she could now relate to the two.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by ctcmjh »

Eris smiled, "That's so cool! I wish I could play around with tasers and mase! It would be kind of fun to see how everyone reacts to them! I'd get everyone in the whole neighborhood!" She joked as she laughed. She noticed that there was one flower still standing in Destiny's garden. She held up a finger, "Hold on a second..." She said as she kicked a rock straight at it, decapitating it. She looked back to Destiny, "I say we just do it in the forest. The explosion isn't as awesome when it's underwater." She said, "So, what are we waiting for?" She asked.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by The Game »

A squad car and a time-challenged cop. Destiny thought, flinching as she watched Eris behead her flower. "Ah...nothing." she said, placing her sunglasses on. With her eyes hidden, they were able to flit back and forth quickly, as well as see behind her without turning her head. Still, there was no sign on the squad car. "Let's go!" she said, feigning enthusiasm. She picked up her pace a little, but not very much.
Last edited by The Game on Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by ctcmjh »

Eris nodded as she followed Destiny, "You know, if you do really want to be bad, we don't have to use all the fireworks in the woods. We can, like, throw firecrackers into open windows and stuff." She offered, completely serious.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by The Game »

Destiny stopped and gasped. "What? No! I could never do that! That could hurt somebody!"

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by ctcmjh »

Eris just kept smiling, "Yeah, I understand. That prank might be a bit too much." She said, "Well, maybe we can throw them into gardens and devastate them?" She offered.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by The Game »

Destiny shook her head. "Also no." she stated flatly, her eyes darting back and forth again, still not seeing the squad car. "Don't you guys ever feel bad when you do something mean?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by ctcmjh »

Eris shook her head with a big grin, "Nope! It's always so fun!" She said, walking a bit faster.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by Aquablast »

As Eris and her group began to leave Destiny's garden, Blueberry quickly went hiding into another corner. Ah crap, I can't stalk this large amount of people... Someone is bound to notice me. He began walking through the other parts of the street. I guess I will take a detour and follow them once they enter the woods...
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by xhunterko »

"Don't you guys ever feel bad when you do something mean?"
"Whoa, w-whoa, there," Khun said, keeping behind Eriss, then he moved beside Destiny, "I n-never said I DID an-anything with dynamite or fireworks. And if you t-think I go around c-causing m-mischief all the time, your s-sadly mistaken. I didn't m-mean to come off as s-someone like that, I a-apologize. As for the f-fireworks, I always set s-some off during the f-fourth of July. And the only thing I'd use d-dynamite for is blasting h-holes in the ground or in a side of a m-mountain to start a mine, heh." He was shook up a little at what Destiny seemed to think of him. Though he didn't let it show.
"Nope! It's always so fun!"
"R-Really? Seriously?" Khun said, thinking for a minute, "W-What does that feel l-like? I mean, with n-nothing over your head like a d-dark cloud waiting to engulf you. Or the n-naseaating feeling in your gut that keeps you awake at n-night over something you said. Or, eh, I digress. I just can't see h-how anyone can be s-so, w-well um, how to say it. Reckless?" He winced a little, hoping not to offend Eriss too much. He looked over at Destiny again to see her reaction.
Last edited by xhunterko on Sun Dec 05, 2010 3:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by ctcmjh »

Eris shrugged, a little offended, but she kept quiet about it. She kept her appearance of being aloof and carefree, "I just love what I do too much to regret anything. It's fun to cause chaos and stuff. I guess it feels kinda fun and free." She said with a smile. She didn't notice Blueberry, "Come ON Destiny! Let's hurry up and get to the forest!" She pleaded, "I wanna blow stuff up!"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by xhunterko »

"I wanna blow stuff up!"
"I wanna blow stuff up too," Khun said, he had noticed her shrug, and hopefully that meant she was bothered by it.

"But that doesn't mean we should do it just whereever," he continued, "I mean, I don't want to start a forest fire and have that catch the whole town on fire. That's a lot of lives that would be on our hands you know." He looked again to Destiny.

"That looks pretty heavy," he said, "Can I carry that for you for a bit?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Sunset Plateau

Post by Pecan »

"You know, Destiny, I believe my dad has some fire-proof material in the garage." Paige looked over at her, and gave a small smile. "If you all go wait in the woods, I could run home and grab it, that way it wouldn't be as much of a fire hazard." Putting a paw to his glasses, as the slipped slightly, he added, "It'd also give you some time to look for a spot to light 'em."
Paige Turner - The Stargazing Polyglot! - S4 P7 E6 C4 I10 A4 L7 (SP)
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