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Post by trekkie »

Maxwell looked out the window of his bedroom at the dark gray sky. The weather forecast called for strong thunderstorms with strong winds for both today and tomorrow. Max shuddered at the thought, he hated thunderstorms and he hated wind. They reminded him of his homeless days as a young kitten and he did not wish to relive those days in any way. He got up, stretched and made his way down the hall to the kitchen. He hoped he would not run into Bino, his canine housemate before breakfast, Max did not want to deal with that kind of irritation on an empty stomach.

Entering the kitchen and finding it mercifully Bino-free, Max went to the refrigerator and decided to reheat some pizza from last night’s double date with his girlfriend Grape, her best friend and housemate Peanut and his girlfriend Tarot. As he poured himself a glass of orange juice and sat to eat the pizza, Bino came in through the back door and walked past Max, muttering about “lousy cat lovers” as he made his way to his own bedroom, slamming the door behind him. Max rolled his eyes not this again he thought as he began to eat. He had just finished eating when Bino came out of his bedroom and spoke to Max.

“Ah, Max, the Good Old Dog Club will finally be free of those lousy cat lovers and all the dogs will respect me. My plan is extremely cunning and brilliant but I don’t want to bore you with the details..”

“Then don’t, “ Max said hoping to avoid hearing about another ill-fated scheme that would land Bino in the hospital or pound. Unfortunately for Max, Bino, contrary to his previous statement began describing the plan in great detail. Max thought about how Bino’s hatred of “cat lovers” had caused the dog to oust his own brother from the club that the co-founded. The popularity and membership had waned since then and the decline continued when Fox, Bino’s former pal, left the club.

“I thought you kicked out all the cat lovers.” Max said hoping Bino would move so the cat could escape to his own bedroom.

“They’re tricky! There are more of them than I originally thought. I’m going to have all members sign an affidavit saying they won’t hang out with cats and report any dog who does.” Bino said rubbing his paws together and getting a crazed look in his eyes , “and once all the cat lovers are driven from our number I will be hailed as the top dog in Babylon Gardens and Fox will beg me to let him into the club.”

“Meaning you’ll be humiliated and Fox will continue to give you a wide berth.” Max predicted

“O ye of little faith! My plan is foolproof!”

“Yeah, but is it Bino-proof?”

“My plans have never failed, I’ve just had bad luck.” Bino said, “Name one of my plans that failed.”

“Should I go alphabetically or chronologically?” Max asked

“Like I said, bad luck. This plan will not fail, though, and I’ll be top dog in Babylon Gardens, as I should be.” Bino said

“So I’ll leave dad the numbers of the hospital and pound again?” Max asked

“Whatever! You’re just jealous that I’m dating Duchess and you’re dating a cat of a common auto mechanic. What’s more you’re sharing her with Peanut.” Bino said

“I love Grape and she loves me, and she is more than awesome enough for me and Peanut.” Max said “and what’s more she doesn’t treat me like a gofer or a servant.” Max said hoping to avoid hearing more of Bino’s take on his relationship with the Sandwich pets. Max remembered when he first found out about the true depth of the love Peanut and Grape had for each other. He had felt insecure and embarrassed at not figuring it out sooner. Fortunately, after talking it over, some snuggling and a saucy RPG session he and Grape emerged with a clearer understanding of not only their own relationship but of Peanut and Grape ‘s relationship as well.

“You just don’t understand Duchess..” Bino said getting a dreamy look on his face

“Oh, I think I do. Look Bino, she treats you pretty shabbily. I don’t think she loves you just your position in the club. She’ll just force you out when she’s done with you. Don’t you think she could accuse you of being a cat lovers because you live here with me?” Max tried to broach a difficult subject with Bino, but the dog just shook his head, although Max thought he saw some fear that he might be right creep into Bino’s green eyes.

“Whatever! Duchess wouldn’t do that and anyway dogs, well, dogs who aren’t cat lovers are superior to cats in every way. “ Bino said and promptly walked into the sliding glass door.

“So I guess your superiority caused you to think you could walk through doors?” Max asked

“Oh, Feh!” was all Bino said as he left the house.

Max watched Bino go and sighed, he didn’t much care for Duchess, the “charming young woman as he had heard her called, rubbed his fur the wrong way. She tormented Bino which was Max’s job, and as Bino’s brother his right. Truth be told, despite his teasing, Max deeply cared for Bino, and he hated to see him mistreated. But Bino wouldn’t listen and his annoying beliefs in canine superiority made it hard for Max to openly admit that he cared for the dog. The doorbell rang, interrupting his thoughts, looking out the window he saw Bino’s former pal, Fox, the grey husky who was on the K-9 squad.

“Hi Fox, Bino isn’t here if you are looking for him.” Max said as he unlocked and opened the door

“He isn’t? Carp. Look I don’t feel like looking for him so could you tell him to stop bothering King and Bailey and to stop calling me bragging about some convoluted plan?” Fox asked

“Oh, that plan, he thinks you’ll beg to be let back in the club.” Max said

“That’s not going to happen. Just tell him to leave us alone because if he causes King, Bailey, or the pups any harm, he should keep in mind what happened last time he picked on King.” Fox said

“I’ll tell him I don’t know what good it’ll do, but I’ll tell him” Max said, “Fox, I’d like to apologize for something. When we were young and kidnapped by that guy with the alligator I said you deserved to be kidnapped. That was wrong, and I’m sorry.”

“What brings this on, Max? That was ages ago.” Fox asked

“I’m going through a twelve-step program to give up catnip and one of the steps is to make amends with those we may have harmed.” Max said, “I’ve felt bad about for a while. If something had happened to you..” Max’s voice trailed off and he looked at the ground

“I see. Good for you for giving up catnip. I don’t consider what you said back then a big deal, but if it helps with your recovery then, you have my forgiveness.” Fox said

“Thanks, I’ll write down your message for Bino, in case comes by when I’m napping. Maybe this is terrible, considering he’s my brother, but I do not like to talk to Bino.” Max said

“I’d say that sounds like common sense. “ Fox said, “You’re a good guy, Max. Anyone who can live with Bino without giving him a concussion on a daily basis has more patience than me. If you’ll excuse me I have to get home to prepare for work.” Fox said he then patted Max’s shoulder comfortingly and headed for his own home.

Max relooked the door, and wrote down Fox’s message, leaving it on the kitchen table. He then turned on a game show wherein the audience shouted wildly unhelpful advice at the contestants, while watching, his cell phone rang and he saw it was Grape.

“Hey Maxie, I’ve got a big favor to ask.” Grape said

“Anything for you Grape, I’d even endure Dance Dogs for you. “ Max said. Dance Dogs was a “reality” show about the goings on at a dog dance academy. The show was extremely popular but strongly disliked by many pets among them Max, Peanut and Grape.

“Maxie, if I ever asked that of you, tell my owners to take me to the vet to be examined for head trauma. Actually I just need to reschedule our Pridelands RPG session, I’m still feeling the after effects of my vet appointment yesterday.” Grape said

“No problem, Grape, I wasn’t looking forward to going out in these storms, plus I know those appointments can be a literal pain in the tail, and some of those meds really knock you out.” Max said

“Thanks, Maxie. I know you hate those storms and I’ll be hugging you when you’re scared.” Grape said

“Thanks. I’ll be hugging you guys back.” Max said. Max then went to his bedroom and read some Pridelands and wrote some fan fiction. He then took a nap. When he awoke he found a message on his cell phone from his father. His dad told him he was proud of Max for seeing the light about catnip, and promised to talk about rewarding the cat with a crawfish boil. Max smiled at the thought, he’d ask to have more than crawfish so that those who were allergic, like Peanut or vegetarians like Marvin’s rabbit housemate Zach, could enjoy the food. After scribbling down those ideas, Max was putting down the shades in the house when the doorbell rang and he went to answer it. At the door was a big black K-9 officer and a human police officer. Max opened the door.

“Hi, Maxwell? I’m K-9 officer Mungo, this is Sergeant Wallace. Can we come in and talk?” the big dog asked

“Yeah, I’m Max. Come on in, do you guys want something to drink?” Max asked

“No thank you, Max, do you have a place where we can sit down?” Mungo asked

“Yes, we can sit on the couch. Why? What’s going on?” Max asked nervously

“Max,” Mungo said taking a deep breath, “I’m afraid we have some bad news for you. “
Last edited by trekkie on Thu Sep 12, 2019 12:42 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I like how this story is being set up! Awesome!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by D-Rock »

Weeeelll, this got concerning really fast. :?
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Oh no... :? You've got my attention and my concern. Looking forward to more.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Buster »

cops coming already? wow, i think Bean-o might have broken his record.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I hope Bino isn't too hurt or in too much trouble since they came that quick.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

"Bad News?" Max asked getting a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach

"Yes, unfortunately there was a very bad car accident near the mall. Your father was struck by an intoxicated driver who hit him head-on. Unfortunately, your father died as a result of the injuries he sustained in the crash I'm so sorry." Wallace said

"No. No. Y-you've got to be mistaken. Dad can't be dead, he just called me not too long ago." Max stood, but then felt like his world was spinning out of control and steadied himself against the couch, and took out his cell phone. " See he called me and left a message on my voicemail."

"I'm sorry, Max, but it is him one of the officers who was there knew him and identified him." Wallace said

Max suddenly felt very weak, he started to fall forward but was caught by Mungo, who helped him back on the couch. While Wallace went to get Max some water, Mungo sat next to the grief-stricken cat. Mungo tried to give some comfort to the now crying cat hugging him gently as the tears began to fall. It was angering to the normally gentle dog to see such grief, when it could have been prevented. People should know better than to drink and drive, Mungo thought, and yet the injuries, accidents, and deaths, just kept happening.

"Officer Mungo?" Maxwell's voice interrupted the dog's thoughts

"Yes Max?" Mungo looked at cat's tear stained face

"Has my brother Bino been told yet?" Max looked into the big dog's gentle face

"Yes, Fido informed him. Is there anyone you want us to contact for you?" Mugo asked as he continued to comfort Max

"Could you call Grape Jelly Sandwich or her parents?" Max asked "I know them and hopefully they'll take me in for a while. I have their number on my phone. My passcode is 629228." Wallace returned with the water and handed it to Max, who thanked him, Mungo then asked Wallace to call the Sandwiches and the officer took Max's phone and went off to do so.

At the Sandwich home, Grape had recovered from the after effects of the vet appointment. She considered calling Max to tell him the RPG session could be done after all, but remembering, Max's anxiety about storms, decided against it. Instead Grape decided to go over some of Peanut's latest Spot(Superdog) comics and help him with the story. While Peanut and Grape were going over the comics, the phone rang and their dad answered it. The cat and dog heard the following:

"Sandwich residence. Yes, this is Earl Sandwich. Oh no. Yes, we'll be there. Tell Max not to try not to worry too much, we'll take good care of him. We'll be there in about 10-20 minutes." They then heard Earl speak to their mother, Jill, before he entered Peanut's room and talked to the animals.

"Guys, that was the police. Max's father was killed by an intoxicated driver in a car crash a little while ago, and as you can imagine, Max is extremely upset. I'm going to go get him do either of you want to come with me?"

"I'll go." Grape said, "Maxie is my boyfriend and I should be with him through this."

"Poor Max." Peanut said, his heart breaking for his cat pal, "I'll go help mom make up the guest room for him. " Peanut headed off to do so but then turned and faced Grape. "We'll bot be there for him. I mean if that is what Max wants."

"Guys, there is something you should know." Earl said "A little while ago, Jeff, Max's dad asked us to take care of Max should anything happen to him. So, Max will be joining you as a pet in this house. i know this news is sudden, but we can't take back that decision now."

"We wouldn't ask you to.” Grape said looking at Peanut who nodded in agreement. "We both care for Max, and we're glad that you guys decided to take him in. Does Maxie know?"

"I don't know. Earl said, "Jeff said he had to find someone to take care of Bino so I don't know if he told Max yet. We'll tell him when we pick him up, hopefully it'll help reassure the poor guy."

Grape nodded, "Do you want to get him now? He feels as we do about storms so if we can get Max before the storms come, he at least won't be alone for them."

"Yes, I said we'd be there in 10-20 minutes so we should go soon." Earl said. While he and Grape went to pick up Max, Peanut went to help Jill prepare the guest room.

Meanwhile, at Max's house, Wallace returned the phone to Max, and relayed Earl's message. Mungo and Max then went to Max's room to pack some items. Max packed his bed, his Pridelands books, his fan fiction notebooks, some pens, his letters from Rufus, and his spare collar. He put everything except for the bed into a duffel bag. While looking at the letter from Rufus, to make sure they were all there, Max felt a fresh surge of guilt at not writing back to the dog. Rufus had taken care of him and had been his first father figure, and although his ghost had reassured Max that he he took no offense, Max still felt guilty. Max then wondered what would happen to him. Both his human father and Rufus were now dead. Thinking about this, tears began to flow down Max's muzzle again.

Seeing Max's distress, Mungo moved over to him. "This isn't your fault, Max. You didn't cause this. I know you are feeling guilty right now, and I wish i could just wipe those guilty feelings away. You are not to blame for what happened. The only person who is to blame is sitting in a holding cell, in the station and will soon be on her way to jail"

"I guess, I just feel so horribly guilty. See, I'm giving up catnip, and dad was going to give me a crawfish boil as a reward. He was working extra hours to make it special. Now, i just can't help thinking if I had been a better cat, dad wouldn't have had to work those extra hours, and he'd still be alive." Max tried to explain his guilty feelings.

"Look Max, in addition to being a K-9 officer I am a certified therapy dog. I've been on the scene for death notifications to dogs, cats, and people and all of them experience the same feelings that you are feeling now. I'll give you the number of some survivor groups as well as the my own number if you'd feel more comfortable talking to me." Mungo handed Max a sheet of paper with the phone numbers of survivors groups as well as his own number.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." Max said as he put the sheet of paper in his wallet under his collar.

"Not a problem." Mungo said as the doorbell rang, "That's probably Mr. Sandwich to pick you up. I'll help you with your things." Mungo hefted the duffel bag and bed and walked with Max into the living room. Mungo talked to Earl, while Grape consoled Max hugging the back and gray cat tightly, his tears dampening her purple fur.

"Maxie, I am so sorry this happened. I wish i could come up with more and better words than this. I spent the trip over trying to come up with something better to say but I just can't."

"Thanks Grape." Max said, wiping at his eyes and returning the hug, " I just can't believe this is real, it feels like such a nightmare."

Max, Grape and Earl walked out of the house, Grape holding Max's hand, while Earl carried Max's bed and bag. Earl was about to load Grape and Max into the car for the ride home, when Max held up his paw.

"Hold on a minute." Max said, and went over to where Mungo and Wallace were standing, " Officer Mungo, Sergeant Wallace, do whether of you know if Bino has a place to stay, and if he doesn't, can you make sure that he does.?"

"Let me check." Wallace said and spoke into his radio, "Headquarters, this is Sergeant Wallace. Does our victim Bino have a place to stay?"

"Affirmative, Sergeant he is staying with Officer Byron." came the reply

"Did you catch that?" Wallace asked

"Yes, thank you." Max said, and headed off to wear Grape and Earl were waiting.

"That was nice of you, Maxie." Grape said as Earl helped them into their car seats

"Dad would've wanted me to make sure he was okay. Besides, i know this may sound crazy , but I do love that dog." Max said and smiled weakly, "Don't spread it around, okay? I mean you can tell Peanut, but I wouldn't want it to become common knowledge."

"After I tell Peanut, my lips are sealed in perpetuity." Grape said, "I'll tell Peanut not to spread it around either. Come to think of it, you can tell him yourself. Peanut is good at keeping secrets and being comforting."

"Yes." Max said, "He's a good guy isn't he?"

"So are you, Maxie, " Grape said, squeezing his paw comfortingly, "So are you."
Last edited by trekkie on Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Legotron123 »

I predict that Bino isn’t going to fully grasp what’s happened, and going to keep going through with his stupid plan and drive everyone nuts til Max snaps at him and gives him the dressing down he’s deserved for years.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by NHWestoN »

Very unexpected dark turn there ... but all the more intriguing for it.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by D-Rock »

That's a feeling that'll gnaw at you for a while.

Also, Bino staying with Fido. It's going to be painful in different ways.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Wow that just hit me right in the feels. Great job!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

This hit hard. Life can change in the blink of an eye, I wonder how Bino will react. Well written, trekkie!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by dr_eirik »

Well, that escalated quickly.

Nice start. Makes me wonder what Bino is planning and if somehow, rationally or not, he'll blame himself.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

If he has guilt of some sort and blames himself for what happens, then that will be a bit of character development for him.

I'm expecting Duchess to just be her own, mean horrible self.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by NHWestoN »

Now that could be interesting, though - what if, under these dreadful circumstances - we get to see a completely unexpected side of Duchess, an empathetic and compassionate dimension totally unexpected. Or not.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

If that happened I would eat this smiley: :mrgreen:
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Before I begin the next chapter in the story, I'd like to thank everyone for reading and for your kind words. It means a lot.

As they drove towards the Sandwich house, Max looked out the window, thinking about a day that had started off like any other, but had ended with his world crashing down around him. Dad was dead and, and while it was true that the Sandwiches had taken him in, he didn't know how long that would last. Hopefully he wouldn't end up at the shelter or the pound, but even if he did he could survive that. Maybe, Max thought, things would be better if he did end up in the shelter or pound. At least then no one would be endangered, having to take care of him. He might have to break up with Grape, if that happened, but Grape would be better off without him anyway. She was the coolest cat in Babylon Gardens and he was just a mangy alley cat. As the car stopped at the Sandwich home , and he was helped from his car seat, Earl knelt and spoke to him. Grape lingered a respectful distance away giving the two some privacy.

"Max, i want to speak to you for a moment." Earl Sandwich said as he looked at the disconsolate cat. Here it comes Max thought as he struggled to meet Earl's friendly face he's going to tell me when I need to leave.

"Max," Earl said, "I don't know if he told you, but before he died, your dad made arrangements with us should anything happen to him. We will take care of you from now on. So don't worry about ending up at the pound or the shelter, you are our cat now. Welcome home."

"H-home? I-I'm living here?" Max asked, stunned

"You most certainly are, don't worry. We're going to take very good care of you. You just focus on grieving and healing okay?' Earl said as he hugged Max

"You're not going to be alone through this, Maxie, " Grape said as she came forward and wrapped her tail comfortingly around the black and grey cat, "you are loved, and we will help you through this."

"I don't deserve-" Max started but Grape cut him off gently

"Yes, you do, Maxie, you are a good guy, and you deserve to be loved and cared for." Grape said "Come on, Maxie, let's get in the house before it starts to rain."

Max was stunned. He had a home, a good home and he would be safe after all. He'd also be living with , in his opinion, two of the most awesome pets in Babylon Gardens. For the first time since he heard the news of his father's death, Max began to think that things might be okay again. Max heard a distant roll of thunder and then, along with Earl Sandwich and Grape he walked into his new home.

Back at Max's former home, Mungo and Sergeant Wallace watched the Sandwich vehicle as it drove away. While Wallace locked the door and logged the death notification, Mungo sat in the car looking out at the darkened neighborhood and thought. He thought again how, despite all the evidence to the contrary, people still believed that it was okay to drink and drive. While she was being handcuffed, the young woman who had killed , not only Max's father, but the other people, whined about not wanting to go to jail. Her reckless decision had killed four people and affected many more but she whined and cried as if she was the victim. When he was going through training to be the death notification officer for the K-9 squad his instructors told him there'd be days when he'd feel anger and frustration, but Mungo didn't know that they'd be this infuriating. Mungo suddenly wished he was somewhere else, doing therapy dog work or continuing his accupuncture certification training; anywhere but sitting in a patrol vehicle thinking about grief stricken victims, and a whining, remorseless drunk driver, who had caused so much pain. He shook his head, hoping to banish the whining girl from his memory and turned to his human partner.

"Do they get any easier?" Mungo asked, "These death notifications, I mean? I've been on scene for several of them, now and I hate seeing the kind of guilt, the kind of pain that the families of the victims suffer. The feelings of sadness for the families and of anger towards the perpetrator are not getting any easier for me to bear. Maybe it's the therapy dog in me, I don't know. But, sometimes, i wonder if i am really cut out for this job."

"Mungo, these notifications are never easy. I've been doing this for over ten years and believe me, each notification I make is hard on me. We all feel anger towards the perpetrators and sympathy for the victims and their families, and sometimes we all feel like we aren't doing enough. But those feelings can drive us forward, and make us work harder for the victims, and to seek justice for them. Believe me, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You've done very well making sure that these victims and their families are consoled." Wallace hoped to reassure the big dog that he was an asset in his current position

"Thank you," Mungo said, "I appreciate you telling me that."

"It's no problem , Mungo. " Wallace said, "I'm glad to help."

"We've got to put her away, Marcus, we've got to, she's got to pay for the kind of pain she's caused, like I said, those families are suffering. That poor cat was blaming himself, saying he should have been better and that if he was better this wouldn't have happened. It is just so heartbreaking. It's not just the families of the people she killed either, although dog knows they're important, there's also that young man whose leg she broke when she struck him, and his family. When I saw his injury and how much pain he was in, and his looks on his parents faces, and then I had to listen that drunk girl whining about being a victim when she caused this. Well, l'm just glad i left then, because you might have needed to take this car into the body shop if we didn't get out of there." Mungo said

"I completely understand, Mungo, believe me." Wallace said, " She might try and claim that she didn't mean and that she didn't set out to cause the pain that the families are suffering, but her lack of intent doesn't diminish the grief and the anger that they are feeling. "

As he began to start the car Wallace's cell phone rang and he answered it.
"Wallace. Oh, dear lord. Yes. Okay, thanks for letting me know." Wallace hung up the phone and turned to Mungo, "That was the officer at the hospital, Mungo, bot of the kids who are in critical condition have died. Looks like we have two more notifications to make." Mungo's heart sank, now there were six dead. Eight families including the drunk driver's own, would be forever changed by the results of one idiotic and fateful decision. As Mungo thought more about these things, Wallace pulled the car away from the now dark and empty house.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Please have mercy on me, this story is breaking my heart :cry: This story may not be a mood-enhancer like other fics, but it's a thoroughly enjoyable read all the same.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Don’t worry. Things get better, slowly but surely.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

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Re: Resurgemus

Post by NHWestoN »

Sad and dark but very well paced and lucidly written.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

You are doing a really great job with this story. It is making me feel all the right emotions.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Thanks again to everyone for reading, and for your encouragement .

Entering the Sandwich home, Max looked at the familiar living room including the couch where he had snuggled with Grape, the TV on which he watched Pridelands movies and other programs, and the fireplace which was so comforting on cold mornings this is my new home the cat thought, this is where I'll be living from now on. On the way into the house Earl had explained that Max would stay in the room that he used when he stayed overnight at the Sandwiches. Max followed Grape and Earl into what would be his bedroom and was immediately embraced by Peanut.

"Max, I am so sorry about your dad." The blue-eyed dog said, as he hugged the cat, "I know words may not be enough, but they're all I have right now. Aside from the hug, of course."

"Thanks, Peanut," Max hugged the dog back, "I appreciate it. Bino is fine by the way."

"How did you know I was going to ask about Bino?" Peanut was astonished

"It's part of who you are." Max said, "You may not care for him but you don't really want to see anything bad to happen to him."

"You two are alike in that respect." Grape said as she joined them. "It's part of what makes you both so awesome and one of the reasons why I love you both."

After making sure that Earl and Jill didn't need their help in setting up Max's things the three animals walked out to the living room. Peanut and Grape on either side of Max. In the bedroom Earl and Jill set Max's bed in place of the guest pet bed, Jill folding the sheets down just as she did for Grape and Peanut's sheets. They put his Pridelands books on the bedside table, along with his fan fiction notebooks and put the letters from Rufus in the table drawer. They took his spare collar to put with the spare collars of Peanut and Grape. After this had been done the Sandwich parents joined their pets in the living room.

"Max" Jill said as she knelt and hugged the cat, " I am so sorry about your father. Has Earl told us that you're staying with us from now on?"

"Yes, and I wanted to thank you guys for that, " Max wiped at his eyes, "It really takes a load off my mind. I thought I'd end up in the shelter or in the pound."

"Oh, hon you're welcome. It was no problem at all. We all care about you sweetie, so don't worry about being a burden or anything because you aren't. " Jill hoped to dispel any fears the cat may have had

"Mrs. Sandwich?" Max asked

"Mom, hon, I want you to call me mom, okay?" Jill said gently

"I've never really had a mother aside from my birth mother and i don't really remember her all that well," Max said "I didn't get to know the barn cats either, so having a mom will be a new experience for me."

"Well, don't worry about it Max, we'll help you through. I hear you're giving up catnip. I'm proud of you, hon." Jill told him

"Thank you Mrs-, mom " Max smiled faintly, " You know, dad said he was proud of me too, he told me that this evening before he left work, It was the last thing he said to me, as a matter of fact. Last thing..." The cat's voice trailed off , and a fresh stream of tears appeared in Max's eyes. Peanut and Grape helped Max over to the couch and sat on either side of , hugging him and trying to comfort the cat as he began to weep. Jill brought over a couple of boxes of tissues for Max, who thanked her, and after telling the cat that he could come to her or Earl at any time, left him on the couch with his new housemates. Rain began to fall outside, slowly at first, but then becoming a more steady rain. The rain streaked down the windows like tears, almost as if the heavens were sharing Max's grief.

"I hope they put whoever killed his father away for a long time," Jill said as she walked to the kitchen with Earl to put the dishes away, "They may say they didn't mean to do it but I doubt that'll be any comfort to Max or Bino right now, or maybe ever."

"I know," Earl agreed, "when i went to Jeff's house to pick up max, Mungo one of the K-9s told me that Max was blaming himself for everything. It's maddening to think that someone could be so reckless as to drive drunk. They just don't think I guess, don't think about the damage and pain that they can cause."

"At least Max has Grape Peanut and us." Jill said as she placed the last of the dished in the cabinet, "You know he made sure to thank me for the tissues, despite how upset he was he made sure to thank me. When i first thought about Max dating Grape I was a little uneasy. Max had the reputation for being annoying. But I learned that under his sarcastic facade he was a genuinely nice cat, just very insecure. When we were making up the room for him, Peanut told me how Max, when he was visiting, would sometimes help him with his Spot comics so he wouldn't have to wake up Grape. Things like that may seem minor but they add up. Now he's giving up catnip. I really am proud of him, you know?"

"I am too," Earl said, "Jeff said that Max was attending a support group meeting at the church, so we'll continue to do that, and whatever else Max needs us to do to support him. We are his parents now, after all."

"Yes," Jill said, "It's odd . Before we adopted Grape I never really met a cat I liked, now I have two cats I love very much."

"He was proud of me, " Max said, as he was comforted by Peanut and Grape, "dad said that. He was going to give me a crawfish boil to celebrate me being off catnip and we were going to talk about it. He was working hard to make the party extra special. It's my fault that he is dead. If I had been a better cat, i wouldn't have done catnip, and he wouldn't have had to work so hard , and maybe he'd still be alive. I don't deserve a good family; I don't deserve love, I deserve to spend my life in the pound."

The cat's voice, instead of getting hysterical, never changed pitch as if everything he said was a given and well-known fact. Grape could hear the misery and guilt in Max's voice and she remembered when she thought some of the same things after being abandoned at the shelter. The shelter workers and volunteers and most of the other animals tried to help her the best they could but sometimes it didn't seem like enough. Grape spent many sleepless nights thinking she should have been a better kitten. Grape was determined to try and prevent Max from suffering the same pain as she did, and although she knew that he'd always grieve for his father, she hoped to reassure and comfort the miserable cat.

"Max, no, " Grape said hugging him and trying to stop Max's stream of self-blame, "Maxie, no, Maxie, this is not your fault . The only person who caused your dad to die was the drunk driver who hit him. You are a good cat Max, you've been good to me and to Peanut. You deserve to be cared for, and you are worthy of love. I hate that you're feeling guilty, Maxie, I hate to see you in this kind of pain. It breaks my heart and makes me want to go down to the jail and hit the drunk driver with a cast-iron skillet."

"Your dad wouldn't want you to blame yourself, Max." Peanut said also hugging and comfoering the cat, " He loved you and he would've wanted you to be cared for . Like Grape said you don't deserve any of the blame for his death."

"I guess," Max wiped at his eyes with a tissue, "but I just feel so responsible in a way, I mean i guess part of me knows that I wasn't reponsible for dad's death but another part of me just continues to think that if I had been better , or if dad hadn't adopted me, then he'd still be alive and at least Bino would still have a father and wouldn't be grieving tonight."

"Well, Max, I don't know about all that, but i do know that if your father hadn't adopted you there might be many animals including me, who would have one less friend and my life would be a lot less fun." Peanut said

"Thanks, Peanut, I just-I guess I'm just kind of scared you know? I mean, i know that guys are going to take care of me and I appreciate it, believe me, but my life will feel so different without dad, and yes, without Bino."

"Bino is still alive, you can have him in your life if you want to." Grape pointed out

"Yeah, I know. But I don't know if he'd want me in his life, especially since he has that belief in canine superiority and he seems to have convinced himself that Duchess really loves him, no matter how much i try and convince him that she just loves him for his position in the club. " Max explained

"Well, if he chooses that ah, charming young woman over you than Bino is even dumber than I thought, " Grape said, "and believe me that is quite an accomplishment."

"Charming young woman?" Max asked

"I'd prefer harsher terms but mom and dad don't like it when I use them. " Grape explained and smiled at Max

"Oh, you've met her." Max said and, in spite of his grief, smiled as well.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

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Re: Resurgemus

Post by dr_eirik »

You're doing really good here. It's a different perspective on the characters.

I almost cringe to think of how Bino is handling things. Something tells be not as well.
"Say, this is only tangentially relevant, but how many rings is your tail supposed to have?"
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

At this point I'm sure that Fido's patience has just about run out and he said something he didn't mean.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

I really want to hug Max, because I need one too. :( A very bittersweet chapter, well done!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Once again, thanks everyone for reading and for your comments. As for Bino, his reaction and his relationship with Fido, might be surprising and encouraging.

"You know," Max said looking at his new housemates, "Dad called her a charming young lady as well. I think he got the name from King, come to think of it."

"Well, he was right on that, " Peanut said, "She is quite uh," he looked over his shoulder at their parents, "Charming."

"I think we met Duchess at a holiday party." Grape said, "she struck me as a dog who wanted power and would use others to get it. Peanut and I kept away from her, and I think that suited her fine. Suited us fine too."

"Yeah." Peanut said, "We only really met her that one time, but that was more than enough."

"I wish I only met her once." " Max gave a slight smile, "but since she is dating Bino, I've encountered her more times than I care to count. She mistreats him, and she is using him, I can sense it."

"She probably is, " Grape agreed, " But Maxie, unfortunately you can't force the ones you love to see the truth."

"I know, " Max sighed, and I don't know why i am going on and on about her and Bino, i mean i really can't control what he does, or what she does."

"You care about him, Max, its only natural to worry about those you care about. I man I worry about mom, dad, and Grape all the time. " Peanut said

"Yeah, I know, also, he is all I have left of dad, aside from memories, yuo know, and yeah, I care about the big lug, and you know, he'd probably be mortified to admit it. but, I think he cares about me too."

"I'm sure he does, Max" Grape smiled at him, and if he doesn't care about you than that is his loss because you are an awesome cat."

"Thanks Grape, coming from you that means a lot." Max said, and then sighed, "I just hope that Bino wakes up to how she treats him soon. He is, well, he was, my brother, and I hate to see him treated like this, no matter how much we fought."

"Like we said Max, you care about him, and it isn't easy to see someone you love being mistreated and you feel powerless to stop it. But in the end, all you can do, is make sure that Bino knows that you care, and try and hope that he'll see that he's being mistreated, and be there for him if and when he wises up." Peanut pointed out

"I know. It's hard though, I mean i want to go over there, grab him by his collar and shout at him, but I don't think that'll do any good. He never listened to me before." Max said, then sighed again, "I'm sorry. you guys have been so good to me, and here I am yammering on about Bino and his so-called girlfriend."

"Max, it's okay you're our housemate now, don't worry about 'yammering on' . If it helps you get through of losing your dad and helps you heal, Peanut and I will listen for as long as you care to talk. " Grape said encouragingly

"Thanks guys, i really appreciate you staying up snf listening to me, " Max was indeed, thankful, " I just feel so lucky and grateful to have been taken in by you guys."

"Like we said Max, it was no problem." Earl said as he and Jill moved over to the couch. He then looked at his watch, "It's about ten o'clock and we're going to head off to bed. You're going to be okay, Max, don't worry. Don't play the TV too loud and turn off the lights before you go to bed."

"Okay, good night, mom, dad, " Grape said, "we'll probably go to bed soon unless a storm comes up."

"Good night, kids." Jill said, "Try not to stay up too late in any case."

"We won't ." Peanut assured them, "good night."

After the Sandwich parents went to bed, the animals watched television. The TV had been playing muted since they had heard the news of the death of Jeff. The show that was currently playing, was chronicling the alleged otherworldly origins of items like shopping carts, steel drums, applesauce and paprika. The show's evidence was presented very earnestly, and this only added to the comedic value as far as the three animals were concerned,, and this was a good thing as all three could use some laughs. As they were watching a rather crazed looking extraterrestrial expert ramble about paprika, there was a flash of lightning and a loud rumble of thunder

".Sounds like the storms are here." Peanut said, as he drew cloer to Max, noting that Grape was also moving closer to the black and grey cat.

"I hate storms, Max said, "Well i know all three of us hate storms, But I hate them because they remand me of my homeless days as a kitten, before i met Rufus when i was living outside and all alone. I would try and hide in a shed, garage, or cave or something, ad that's if I could find shelter. If I couldn't I'd try and dig a hole or, failing that laying as flat as I could on the ground, trying not to be scared but I just remember shaking lie a leaf. Not fun."

"Storms remind me of being alone in the shelter with no one to comfort or pet me, and not getting any sleep because I kept getting woken up by the thunder and lightning. I kept my eyes shut though, because i didn't want anyone to think i was a wimp." Grape said

" They remind me off when i was a puppy, when I was just adopted. I was too timid to try and get comfort from mom and dad, and i didn't want to cry lest they think I was too needy and send me back, but sometimes I was just so scared I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried.'"

The three animals huddled together on the couch , each giving some comfort to the others. As Max sat there sandwiched by his new housemates he realized they would get through this storm. It wasn't quite over yet and the storm may be a rough one, but with the support of his family he'd get through it. There were clearer and better days ahead , he could see them.
Last edited by trekkie on Wed Sep 18, 2019 8:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This is a chapter even better than the last one! Great job!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by NHWestoN »

Animals do like to huddle.
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Re: Resurgemus

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I always liked thunderstorms, even as a kid. It's the tornadoes that are scary. I'm sure our friends will be alright.
Really nice chapter! :)
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I never really experienced a tornado over here or ever had to worry about one coming close to the area I live in but I'm sure that they are really terrifying to be near when the form.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by CunningFox »

Beautifully bittersweet chapter. Great work.
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Thanks everyone for reading and for your encouragement. For those who don't know, kaiju film is a movie featuring creatures like Godzilla.

After the program ended, the three pets the three pets decided to get some sleep. After bidding Grape and Peanut goodnight, Max went into his room and climbed into bed. Laying in his bed, Max looked around his room, it was about the size of his old room and just like his old room, it had a bookshelf, and a bedside table with a drawer, so he would be able to fit all his things inside his new room. That was one less worry taken care of, as minor as it might be. Peanut's room was across the hall, Grape was next door to him, his new parents were at the end off the hall and one of the bathroom was next to Peanut's room. Of course, Max thought, he knew all this, he had stayed here before, but it was reassuring, considering all that happened today, to know that some things were familiar and unchanged. Max then looked out the window there a gentle rain fell, blurring the light from the streetlights and tapping against the roof. According to the last weather forecast, he had seen, the storms were out of the area, so they wouldn't wake him up. If, that is, he ever got to sleep. Max lay his head down on the pillow and shut his eyes, hoping that sleep would come but not holding out much hope.

Across the hall, Peanut, like Max. was struggling to get to sleep. He kept thinking about Max, and the pain the poor cat must be going through. Heaven knows how he'd react if he lost ever lost mom or dad, or heaven forbid, both. Peanut hated seeing anyone in pain, no matter how he felt about them, and Max was his good friend, and now his housemate. Peanut remembered the sick feeling he had when dad told him of Max's father's death and the awful, grief-stricken look on the cat's face when his dad and Grape had brought Max home, and this was after, according to dad, Max had cheered up a little. Part of Peanut felt absolute anger at the fact that someone he cared about by doing something so reckless and stupid. The dog lay in his bed for a while, and after deciding that sleep wouldn't come for a while, he got up to do some art. Peanut decided to make a new hero, The Dark Cat, (based on Max) an ally to Spot (Superdog). Peanut knew that this certainly wouldn't bring back Max's father but it would hopefully help the cat feel better and it would help the dog work through his own anger about what happened.

In his own bedroom, Max opened his eyes and looked at the clock. He had closed his eyes at eleven-thirty and he hoped to have gotten at least a couple hours sleep as it felt like he had been sleeping for a long time. The digits on the clock seemed to taunt him, eleven forty-five, the clock read, Max looked out the window, in case he had gotten over twelve hours sleep but it was still dark outside. For a while he lay there and stared at the ceiling trying to make himself go to sleep but that didn't work. Max kept thinking about his father and all the things he never had a chance to say to him, and now it was too late. Max promised himself then and and there that he wouldn't let that happen to anyone else he cared about, he would tray and make sure that they knew that he cared about them. The cat put his head on the pillow, but sleep still wouldn't come. If he didn't get to sleep by two o'rooster , Max decided, he'd give up and watch TV.

When two o'clock came and he was still awake, Max got out of bed, went to the living room and turned on the TV. Keeping the volume low, he flipped through the channels, hoping to find something to watch, or at least something that could lull him to sleep but nothing did the job. Max flipped past endless infomercials, a show wherein a group of pet parents asked a rather disreputable and seedy looking man to "boot camp their out-of-control gerbils" , a rather unfunny man in a tacky suit hosting a late-night interview program, a show about lamps on the shopping channel, and a couple of bizarre, badly-made children's programs. For a while, Max watched a news report which gave details of the crash which had killed killed six people, including his father and injured one person. There were pictures of the victim, including his father and of the perpetrator, a seventeen year old girl from the local high school. Max stopped watching the report, because the news saddened and angered him, which would not help him sleep. He changed the channel and watched a cheaply made kaiju film until it ended . Switching off the TV , Max sat on the couch looking at the blank screen for a while realizing that he was no closer to sleep than he was when he came out to the living room. Soon after Max, heard footsteps behind him and he turned to see Peanut standing in the doorway.

"How are you doing, Max?" Peanut asked

"I don't know," Max replied i just couldn't get to sleep I tried for two and a half hours but I couldn't. I just kept thinking about my dad, and i hear the cars on the road, and part of me thinks that he is driving one of those cars and is at my old home. But I know that's not true, i know he's dead and he'll never be coming home again. It just makes me so mad and sad that couldn't get to sleep and i don't know what to do. I didn't wake you up, did I? I thought I had the TV's volume on low."

""You didn't wake me up." Peanut assured him, "I couldn't get to sleep either, and it had nothing to do with the TV. Would you like some company, or do you need to be alone?"

"I'll take some company, if you really don't mind." Max said, "I've tried to be alone and it isn't very comforting, actually I was kind of scared to tell you the truth."

"Max, why didn't you come to me or Grape? It wouldn't have been a problem." Peanut was puzzled but sympathetic as he joined Max on the couch

"I know, but you guys were up with me last night until past eleven, and I know this'll probably sound stupid, but I just felt like I would be a burden, and i thought I should get through this by myself." Max explained

"Max, please don't think that way, you are family, you're not a burden, and we care about you." Peanut said gently

"Yeah, i know, but it's hard, I mean, I know you guys care about me, and I know it wouldn't have been a problem to come to you or Grape, but I just couldn't. I felt, I don't know, i guess should get through these feelings by myself I am used to doing that. It'll be new for me to have sympathetic housemates. When i tried to go to Bino, he always panicked about being perceived as a "cat lover" and would refuse to help be so i stopped trying." Max said

"Well, we're not him." A voice came from behind the dog and cat . They both turned to see Grape in the doorway, she entered the room and sat on the other side of Max on the couch. Talk as long as you want, Maxie, " she said, "That's what a family is for, trust me. When mom, dad, and Peanut first adopted me, it took me a while to fully trust them because of being abandoned before. I kept a lot inside that I shouldn't have."

"You were abandoned?" Max was shocked

"Yes, as a kitten, that's how I ended up in the shelter." Grape said, "I thought I told you that."

"I don't remember you doing so. I know you told me that you were in the shelter, and your shelter name, and how you were adopted, but I don't think I ever knew someone abandoned you. I can'r believe someone would abandon an awesome cat like you. Makes me want to claw them." Max said

"Aw, thanks Maxie. Your are an awesome cat too, never forget that. The people who passed up on you when Rufus brought you here, lost out on a great cat." Grape said

"Thanks Grape, " Max said and then he turned to his canine housemate, "and Peanut you are an awesome dog, so don't worry about not being in the Good Old Dogs Club because any club that would kick you out , they don't know what they're missing, and they don't deserve you."

"Thanks, Max, sometimes I do miss being in the club." Peanut said.

"I love you guys, and I will always be here for you." Max said, "Whatever you need, I will try my best to help you."

"We love you too, Max" Grape said, "and we will always be here for you."
Last edited by trekkie on Sun Dec 08, 2019 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I am still loving how this story is actually coming out here! It is really nice and I can't wait to read the next chapter!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Insomnia sucks. I know from experience that being with loved ones is the best solution. What a wholesome chapter <3
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Dayzee, thanks for reading and thanks for the encouragement.

Nathan, yeah, I've dealt with insomnia too, that's how I knew what was on TV at 2 in the morning. Thanks for reading.

I'm might start giving the chapters titles starting next chapter.

"Peanut, I don't think you have to feel too bad about not being in the club," Max said, "From what I hear, Bino and Duchess's leadership is causing it to shed members faster than we shed fur in summer, because all they do is talk about how great they are and try to assert their power over the club members so it really isn't fun anymore."

"How do you know this?" Peanut asked

""The members who have resigned say so when come by and give me their membership cards, saying they don't want to deal with Bino ." Max answered, " Of course, Bino calls each member who leaves a cat-lover, and celebrates their exit, saying the club is better off without them. Dad gave Bino some advice to ease up on the flaunting of his authority and to be more accepting of cat-lovers but Bino being Bino..." The cat's voice trailed off sadly and he dabbed at his eyes with a tissue.

"Maxie, you can't help what others do, and you can't make them take advice." Grape said

"I know, and i don't know why I let it bother me. I guess I just needed to think about something other than my dad being dead and how angry I am that someone took took his life." Max said

"I don't think anyone would blame you for being angry." Peanut said, "In fact I think most people would say that you have a right to being angry. Howl, it makes me angry."

"I know," Max said, " but it kind of reminds me of when i was younger and I was so stupid about dogs. When i was happy that Fox was dognapped. I look back at myself and I never want to be like that again . I don't want anger and hatred to run my life I want to be better than that. Yet, when i think about the girl who drove drunk and killed dad, all i feel is anger and hate toward her. It scares me."

"Maxie, you were a different cat back then ," Grape pointed out, " you've become much more caring, more, open , and in my opinion a better cat since then. Let me tell you, you have every right to dislike this girl who killed your father she did something very reckless and stupid and your father paid the price."

"He and five others, I saw a news story on the crash before Peanut came out to join me. The drunk driver was a student at the local high school and according to the news, in addition to dad, she killed four of her fellow students, and a mall employee. She also injured some kid who was walking to his car after work."

"She killed six people?" Peanut was aghast, "I hope she goes to jail for a very long time."

The two cats nodded in agreement. "It would be a suitable punishment for her" Grape said.

"It is so weird, twelve hours ago, I was sitting in my room, in my house, well, my old house, writing some Pridelands fan fiction and the biggest concern in my life was that dad would come by and open my windows when he turned off the air conditioning. i hated it when he did that because I was always scared that there might be more storms, and I wouldn't have the air conditioning to block the sound of the storms." Now, i'd give anything for him to come by and open my window. I just-. Why did dad have to die? Why? I don't understand." Max began to cry again as Peanut and Grape comforted him

"I don't either, Maxie." Grape said , " I wish i did. i wish i could tell you that there was some reason for your dad to die, but sometimes bad things happen to people who don't deserve it and there is no reason for it."

"I know, but I just keep thinking that there were so many things I wanted to say to him, and so many things I wanted to do with him , and now I'll never have the chance. Just like I never told Rufus, while he was alive, how grateful i was for all he did." Max said as he wiped more tears from his eyes

"Oh, Maxie, Rufus never held that against you, and I am sure that your dad wouldn't hold this against you either." Grape said, "None of this is your fault, Max. You are a good guy, do not have any reason to feel guilty. I completely understand why you do though, believe me, I blamed myself when I was abandoned. Your dad was proud of you , Maxie, and he was so happy that you were giving up catnip. Try and keep the good memories alive and know that your dad loved you, and were he here, he'd tell you that you to not feel guilty, because you are not to blame for his death, not in any way."

"Than why do i feel so guilty?' Max asked, "I mean, part of me knows that you are right and that I am not to blame for dad's death. But, at the same time, i just feel so horrible. I feel that if I had been a better cat, and hadden done catnip, then maybe dad wouldn't have died. I don't know i think i am feeling a little less guilty than I did last night, and I definitely do feel a whole lot better knowing that I'll be living here with you guys and mom and dad."

"You called mom and dad, well, mom and dad." Peanut noticed

"Well, yes, I mean they are my mom and dad, now, so i should call them mom and dad." Max said, "At the same time though, it feels odd to call them that, but I figure the sooner I start the better I'll be at it and the more natural it'll feel. At the same time though, I feel, I don't know I feel like I am disrespecting the memory of Bino's and my dad by calling dad, well, dad. Did you follow all that?" Max asked Grape and Peanut

"I know what you are saying, Max," Grape said, " and I understand. You don't want to disrespect you late father's memory, but you want t be comfortable and respectful here, too, right?"

"Well, yeah, pretty much. " Max said

"I don't think you have to worry too much about stumbling over calling our parents mom and dad, " Peanut said , "they know you aren't used to it, and they're not expecting you to be perfect at it right away."

"I figured that, " Max said but its good to have confirmation. "Also, and maybe I'm worrying over nothing, but I don't want to be treated any differently than how they treat you guys."

"They won't Maxie, they, well, we'll all give you so extra care in the coming days and weeks because of you're dad dying. We know that you are in a bit of pain and we're just going to give you some extra care just so you know you are loved. " Grape said

"Okay, cool, I didn't think I should worry about it, but I just do for some reason." Max said

"If it'll make you feel any better, Maxie, I'll talk to mom about it today. Grape said

"Max-" Peanut began

"Yes, Peanut?" Max turned to face the dog

"Would you mind if I made you a superhero?" Peanut asked

"What do you mean?" Max asked

"I made a character, an ally to Spot and I kind of based it off of you. He's kind of a sarcastic guy, but he's always on the side of good." Peanut said

"I don't mind at all, actually that's very nice of you." Max said, touched by Peanut's thoughtfulness

"Good. I'll continue then." Peanut said, " I'm working on his origin story. I'll give you the first strips by next weekend, if that's okay."

"Fine, I'll look forward to it." Max said

"That is nice of, Peanut. Do you guys mind if i read it too?" Grape asked

"No." said Peanut and Max together

Max sat on the couch with his housemates and looked out the window. Outside the sky was getting brighter. Soon, the sun came up over the houses across the street. A brand new day had come; the sky was clear, the birds sang, and Max could see a nice breeze moving the branches of the trees. The black and gray cat sat with Peanut and Grape as a new day dawned over Babylon Gardens.
Last edited by trekkie on Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

No problem with reading the story. I really enjoy it! It has come out so nicely!
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by NHWestoN »

The dialogues are very smooth and natural. They show a deep appreciation for the characters and the world of Babyylon Gardens. Looking forward to the next installment. ;)
Last edited by NHWestoN on Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Resurgemus

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You're welcome! I admire the heart you put into these chapters. You portray Max's grief in a meaningful and moving way. Thank you for writing a wonderful story. :)
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by trekkie »

Thanks everyone for reading, and thanks Nathan, Dayzee, and Weston for your kind words, and thanks to everyone who has left feedback throughout story.I appreciate your encouragement and kindness, very much.

Chapter 8- Checking on Bino

As Max sat with Peanut and Grape and watched the day dawn over the neighborhood, he reflected on the past twenty-four hours. It was only yesterday, though it felt like a week ago, that was waking up in his old home, looking out the window and dreading the possibility of storms. He had no way of knowing that the day, which stated out like any other would change his live forever. Dad was dead and he was now living with the Sandwiches, the last part didn't nullify his father's death, by any stretch of the imagination, but at least he wouldn't be homeless again. Max looked over at his new housemates, he knew he was lucky to land in such a good home. The Sandwiches had the reputation of being indulgent and loving towards Peanut and Grape and they had treated him well on his visits and overnight stays. They were nice to him even when others regarded him as "the annoying neighbor cat". Of course, Max thought, it helped that he was friends with Peanut and and Grape helped in the Sandwiches' decision to treat him kindly. There was something about the Sandwiches that made him want to improve himself, even before he gave up catnip. The Sandwiches never told him he needed to improve himself, Max thought, in fact they seemed to accept and care for him despite his faults

Thinking about his new family caused Max's thoughts to turn to Bino. He wondered how the dog was holding up, hopefully he was doing okay and had a permanent home. Max wouldn't want Bino wo end up homeless, having experienced homelessness first hand, Max wouldn't wish it on anybody. He decided to call , Mr. Byron, Fido's father, and see if he knew where Bino would be staying from now on. Max carefully extricated himself from the now dozing Peanut and Grape, and headed to the kitchen where his new parents were eating breakfast.

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs-er, mom and dad." Max said as he entered the kitchen, "Can I call Mr. Byron? I want to check on Bino, and see if he has a place to stay, but my cell phone is out of power and I think I left my charger at home, I mean, my old home."

"Sure, hon, as long as the call isn't long distance you don't have to ask permission." Jill said

"Thank you." Max said as he turned to the pahne, and then turned back, "Er, do you guys have Mr. Byron's phone number? I had it in my cell phone but I don't know it by heart."

"Sure, Max its in the address book by the phone. We have the number listed under Fido." Earl informed him

"Oh, okay, thanks." Max said and found the number and dialed

In the Byron house, Fido was tired. He had spent most of the night talking to Bino and trying to comfort Bino. He hadn't been getting along well, with Bino, not for a while, but he couldn't turn his back on his brother in his hour of need. During the night, the two brothers had reconciled somewhat, and repaired a bit of their damaged relationship. In fact, Bino told Fido that he could rejoin the Good Old Dogs Club, but only if the latter kept his cat-loving a secret. Fido, declined the offer, on the grounds that it wouldn't be fair to Sabrina, but it was, in his opinion, a small step in the right direction in improving his and Bino's relationship. Bino had gone off for a walk and a visit to Duchess, and as his father was showering in preparation for work, Fido answered the phone when it rang.

"Hello, Byron residence, Fido speaking." Fido said

"Hi Fido, this is Max. " Max said

"Hi Max, i am so sorry about what happened to your dad," Fido said, "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Thank you, Fido. Is Bino there?' Max asked

"Sorry, Max but he just left to take a walk and then go to his, uh, girlfriends house ." Fido answered and Max could hear a slight chill come over Fido's when he said the word girlfriend, "Do you want me to take a message?"

"Yes, could you tell him to call me at the Sandwiches when he gets in? Also, and I don't know if you know this but does he have a permanent place to stay?" Max inquired

"Yes, to both. Dad and I agreed to take care of Bino so he'll be staying with us from now on. Oh, do you have a place to stay? I told Bino that you were staying with the Sandwiches last night, but I didn't know whether you had a permanent home. He was concerned about you, said he cared for you despite your fights."Fido replied

" Yes, I'm staying with the Sandwiches, they've agreed to take me in and take care of me. You, know, i care a lot about Bino too. Maybe someday we can actually tell each other that. By the way, and I apologize if I am reading you wrong, but you don't care for Duchess do you?" Max asked

"Good. Good. I'll give Bino your message and tell him that you have a good home, and no, I don't like Duchess. She mistreats, Bino, but you probably know that. She refused to comfort him last night, and in fact her family refused to take Bino in. But your dad asked my dad and we agreed to do so. Bino was so distraught over your father's death, as I'm sure you were too. I spent the whole night trying to make him feel better, and help him cope. But hey, what are brothers for? I've told him, he's better off dumping her, but he insists they're in love, despite how she treats him. Like I said, dad and I are taking care of Bino now, and I don't mind, despite all that's happened between us Bino is still my brother, nothing changes that. Sometimes I do feel bad about disliking Duchess when Bino seems in love with her, I feel like I am being an overprotective older brother." Fido said then asked "Is there anything else you want or need Max?"

“No thanks, Fido. I hope Bino wakes up as to how Duchess treats him, and I wouldn't really worry about disliking her, that and dating Sabrina prove that you have good taste. You're a good guy, Fido. You be careful out there and take care of Sabrina for me." Max said

"Thanks Max, will do. You take care of yourself and your family and don't hesitate to call me or Sabrina if you need someone to talk to, okay? Bye." Fido said as he hung up

Thank you. i will. Bye." Max said as he too, hung up and turned to face his parents

"Bino is okay, he's going to be staying with Fido and his dad." Max told them

"Good, hon. Does that put your mind at ease a little?" Jill asked

"Yes, it does. I thought he might end up with Duchess but she and her family refused to take Bino in." Max shook his head, "Hopefully Bino will wake up as to how Duchess treats him, but even if he doesn't I think he'll be fine living with Fido so long as he doesn't give Sabrina or Spo any attitude. "

"Duchess? Is she that saluki? The one whose collar tag is the English pound symbol?" Earl asked

"That's her." Max confirmed

"Well then I'm not surprised that they refused to take in Bino. I did some work on her parents' car and they were snooty and rude to me." Earl said and began to read the newspaper

"So that's where Duchess gets her attitude from, I tried to tell Bino that she is just using him , but he says i don't understand and that I'm jealous." Max sighed, " I don't know, maybe I don't understand their relationship but I hate to see Bino treated the way she treats him." He and I may've fought, like, well, like cats and dogs, and I liked to tease him about his ideas of canine superiority, but I still care for him." The cat tried to explain his feelings about Bino.

"I know that you care about him hon, and I"m glad that you do. " Jill told Max, "Bino is lucky to have a brother like you."

"Thank you. Fido told me that Bino was worried about me last night, just as was worried about him. Bino also said that he cared for me, just as I care about him. " I just wish i could've had a better relationship with him while dad was still alive." Max said

"Well, there is still time to have a good relationship with him, hon. You did reach out to him, hopefully he'll call you back. But sweetie, you can't force him to do so and if Bino doesn't want to have a good relationship with you that's his loss. You are a good cat, Max, you have your faults as everyone does, but you are overall a very good cat." Jill said ruffling his head fur consolingly as she passed by him to put the dishes in the sink

"Thank you. I think he will reach out to me. You know, again, I just feel so lucky to have been taken in by you guys. For a while, while I was riding over here, I thought I might end up at the pound or the shelter and I feel so lucky to be taken into a good home like this." Max said and smiled faintly. The cat then looked at his parents who were drinking coffee, and his housemates who were just rousing themselves off the couch. He and Bino had both landed in good homes, and that, did indeed make him feel better.
Last edited by trekkie on Fri Aug 21, 2020 9:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Resurgemus

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Nice to see that even though their father is dead, that Max is gonna check in on Bino and still sees him as a brother. :)
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