Khagh e junglinerum

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Khagh e junglinerum

Post by dusk »

Grape sighed as she snuggled deeper into her sheets. Maybe now that Peanut was out on a walk, she could finally-

*SLAM* "Grape! Grape!"

Stars above.... The cat cursed, looking up. "What is it- AH! Peanut! Your face!"

Peanut frowned. His face had apparently been hit, as he had a welt upon the side of it. "Bino hit me....he was calling me a 'cat lover'...." But he smiled suddenly. "But you'll never guess what I found out on my walk! I was walking through the woods, and I fell. But I discovered something was buried there! After digging up, and opening the chest it was in, look what I found!!!" Peanut held up a square wooden box, with the word "Jumanji" etched into it. "Wanna play?"

Grape frowned. "We shouldn't be playing mysterious games you found in the woods, Peanut." He gave her a pair of blue, sad puppy dog eyes. "Please, Grape?"

"Alright, fine, but stop giving me that look!" "Yay!!!"

"Uh, Peanut? Why'd we have to play this thing out in the woods? I'd rather just stay inside, and be warm, and safe, and where there's light..." Grape said, looking at a squirrel that passed on a tree.

"Grape, do you know nothing about playing a mysterious game? We have to play in the woods, to increase the creepiness factor! Hm....this should be a good place!" Peanut flopped to the floor, gesturing for Grape to sit. She did so, and Peanut opened the box, immediately grabbing the dice. "Let's play!" He shouted.

"Peanut, wait, we need to-" It was too late, Peanut had thrown the dice, and they landed onto the table. A glass bubble in the center began to read words. Peanut squinted at the bubble. "In the jungle you must wait, until the dice read five or eight. Grape, what does-" Grape screamed. "Peanut!!!" Peanut looked down, to realize his paws were being vaporized into the game. "AAAAH! GRAPE, GRAPE! Help me......!!!!" Peanut was sucked into the bubble, and some weird, flying monsters burst from the game. Grape screamed, and got up, running away as they chased after her.

*3 Years Later....*

"Moooooom! Olive, Ace and I are going out to play in the woods!" A young dog wagged his tail, pushing the door open. A female dog with a blue bandana poked her head around the door, smiling. “Alright, Rook! Just get home before your father gets back, okay? I don’t want him to ring my neck.” Rook smiled. “Okay mom!" The dog ran out side, where his siblings were waiting. "Okay guys! Who wants to play Pirates?" "Me!" "Yeah!"

The three dogs raced around the woods, sniffing, making barking noises, and laughing, having a good time. Olive suddenly tripped and fell. Her siblings raced to her side. "Are you okay?" "Yeah..." She said, brushing herself off. Ace pointed to the ground, sniffing. "Guys? What's that?" The other pups looked. There was some kind of box, with leaves, branches and vines on it. They yanked off all three, only to find a box, with the word "Jumanji" gleaming on the front.

"....We should totally play."


The pups opened up the box. Olive reached out, trying the grab the figures. "They're stuck!" Rook carefully read the instructions. " Guys...the game says once we start, we have to finish, so we'd better really consider if we really want to-" "Dude, Ace just rolled the dice." Olive said dryly. Rook looked over. "ACE!"

Ace shrugged apologetically. "Sorry dude." Words began to form on the clear bubble in the center. "What's it say?" Rook asked. Olive squinted and read the words. "The game has started, the battle begun. Beware of the little goblin ones."

Ace frowned. "Goblins? This game is bogus, goblins ain't real."

Behind the trio, there was a snarling noise. They turned just in time to see a weird green creature leap from the bush, snarling. "GOBLINS!" Rook shrieked. "DuderunrunrunrunRUN!!!!" Olive shrieked, scooping up the game board. They darted away.

"I think we lost them." Rook peeked behind the birch they hid, his siblings clutching his arm. "We should bury this, it's bad news." Ace growled, upset at being wrong. Rook and Olive looked at him, angry. "Remember? We have to finish it, ACE."

Ace sighs again. "Alright. Let's get this over with. Olive, your turn." Olive took the die, and threw it to the game board. "Sweet! I rolled an eight, my favorite number!" "What's the bubble say?" Ace said, now nervous. "A five or eight must be rolled for his dream to come true, a hero is sent to look after you. The kappa are a tricky race. Make sure they know their place."

"A hero? What hero?" "What's a kappa?" Suddenly, something thudded from the trees. A green, slimy creature with a duck bill, and a broken plate on it's head looked at them, giggled incoherently, and called out. Suddenly, more appeared, like monkeys, in the trees. They screamed at the kids. "AAAAAH!" They screamed, clutching one another. "Where's that hero they it was talking about?!" Olive screeched.

Suddenly, there was squealing noises. The pups looked up to see the kappa fleeing, and a growling noise above them. The pups looked up to see a friendly, looking brown dog, with dark brown ears, blue eyes, and a red collar, wearing leaves, looking down at them.

"Which one of you rolled a five or an eight?!"
As I gaze upon the stars, I realize how much I will miss this world.

20-23-5-14-20-25 25-5-1-18-19 8-5 4-9-4 14-15-20 18-5-20-21-18-14,

20-8-5 19-9-24 6-9-14-7-5-18-5-4 13-9-19-6-9-20 23-9-20-8 12-15-20-19 15-6 6-21-18.

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Re: Khagh e junglinerum

Post by D-Rock »

Hm. I remember seeing some of the cartoon series. Don't remember the movie to well at all. The new one looks interesting, at the very least.

And a fan-fic involving the pups? Surprised that it took this long!
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Re: Khagh e junglinerum

Post by dusk »

Author's note: Hey everyone! Welcome back to chapter 2. I am hoping to make this a four part series, but who knows. As for D-Rock's comment (thank you for commenting, by the way. Your feedback helps improve the story.) this is based off the original movie, which is one of my all time favorite movies, since Robin Williams was an amazing actor. May his soul rest in peace.

As for the the pups, yeah, I wanted to give them definite personalities, as so they each have different reactions ad interactions with the other characters. I feel like it gives them more depth. If you want to know what the basis of their personalities are, here you go:

Rook: Scholarly type. Likes to read, write, and do other things like that. Tries to lead his siblings.

Ace: Active, rambunctious, and playful, does things on instinct, not really thinking about it.

Olive: Combination of the two. However, she is more the extremes of her brothers. Tends to be easily excited, and easily frightened. Loves to eat.

This probably won't end up being their canon personalities (If Rick needs some inspiration, he knows where to find it ;) ) But just based upon their names, I tried my best. With that all said, enjoy chapter 2, as things start to get more dramatic, more interesting, and much more weird.

(Also, slight Grape x Peanut ship in this story. What can I say, I am a sucker for the ship. ^^')

The trio of pups backed up, frightened, with Ace out front. "You anotha monster? I'll kick your hiney!"

The brown dog chuckled. "No, I'm not a monster, kiddos. My name is Peanut. Pleasure to meet you, thanks for saving me from the game."

Rook stiffened. "I know who you are! Your our babysitter's best friend! You went missing 3 years ago! I can't believe your alive, everyone thought you had been kidnapped!"

Peanut frowned. "It's been 3 years...." Peanut turned and began to dash away. Ace followed after him. "Where are you going?!" The other pups picked up the game, and followed in suit.

"To find my family!!!"

Peanut dashed out into road, looking wildly. "Where is my house...." He heard a screeching noise, and turned around as a cop car came screeching to a halt just feet from him. The officer got out, looking angry. "What the hell are you thinking dog?! Get out of the road!!!" Peanut growled and dashed away.

Fido sat inside the car, shocked. "Peanut...?"

The pups ran up to the cop car just as Fido scrambled out. "Fido, did you see a brown dog covered in leaves, with a spear?!" Rook asked.

"Yeah! It was Peanut, right?! I saw what's left of his collar!" "Which way did he go?!" Fido gestured towards town. "I bet he's going home!"

Ace nodded. "Thanks Fido!" The trio ran off towards town.

People screamed and animals looked shocked as Peanut dashed through Babylon Gardens. He stopped in front his house. Trembling, he started towards the steps. He paused for a moment, then rang the bell.

Grape got up sighing miserably. "What is it now..." Grape went to the door, expecting to see a mailman, or a telemarketer, or-

Grape looked into those blue eyes, and the whole world went dead silent.

He was a mess. His fur was dirty, he was rapped in leaves, and vines, had a turtle shell on his back, ans was branding some kind of spear on his back. His collar was a wreck, the dog tags missing, and it was falling apart.

Grape kissed him before he could get a chance to talk.

It was funny how distance made the heart grow fonder. Much fonder. Grape released their kiss, but stayed hugging him. Peanut was shocked, completely amazed at what had just occurred. "G-grape...."

Grape slapped him in the nose. "HOW COULD YOU JUST LEAVE ME HERE?! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW LONG I'VE WAITED, YOU BUTT?!" She hugged him, pulling him close. "You idiot...You have no real idea how much it hurt without you...."

Peanut smiled, tears raining down his face. "I'm sorry. I believed I would come home one day, and see you again. I am so sorry Grape. You know I wouldn't intentionally leave. Not now, not ever."

"Oi, lovebirds. Sorry to interrupt the reunion, but may I remind you of the thing that we have to do." "Ace, be quiet, give them their space."

But Peanut shook his head. "No, he's right." He walks over, and takes the game from Ace's paws, staring at it long and hard. "Grape. We have to finish this game...You know we do." He walks over to her, and holds up the game. Her pupils dilate, but she takes deep, slow breaths. "I know. But first, let's get you cleaned up." Grape looks at the pups. "Kids, please give us a few minutes." With that, she dragged Peanut inside, slamming the door.

A few minutes later, they walked outside, both looking fresher, and cleaner. Peanut's collar had been replaced with a red bandanna. "Alright kiddos. Let's play this thing." The pups followed him inside, where they all sat on the couch, staring at the game on the coffee table. Peanut put his paw on Grape's, then reached out, taking the dice. He shook them around in his palm, before throwing them to the game board. They all looked at the bubble in the center, reading the orange words. So you say, love will conquer all? Be careful,
there are things to make you trip and fall...

Grape looked down, feeling something on her paws. A root was digging it's way across the floor...

*End of Chapter 2....*
As I gaze upon the stars, I realize how much I will miss this world.

20-23-5-14-20-25 25-5-1-18-19 8-5 4-9-4 14-15-20 18-5-20-21-18-14,

20-8-5 19-9-24 6-9-14-7-5-18-5-4 13-9-19-6-9-20 23-9-20-8 12-15-20-19 15-6 6-21-18.

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Re: Khagh e junglinerum

Post by Bandit1990 »

Looks good,

Jumanji was one of my favorite movies growing up as well.

Just a thing I noticed, in the movie the game wouldn't work if if it wasn't your turn. (That was why they needed to find Sarah, she went first in the original session before Alan was pulled into the game) So far Rook hasn't taken one yet, (and I don't think Grape has either) and Peanut has just taken his 2nd.

Anyway, I'm fine with artistic liberty, but since you said you were basing this on the movie, I thought I'd point it out and see if I should be paying attention to little details or not. I really do like what you've incorporated so far.

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Re: Khagh e junglinerum

Post by NHWestoN »


But, hey, mystery, occult games, dense adults being rescued by adorable children ...oh, this is gonna be GOOD!!!!! Let's launch!

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Re: Khagh e junglinerum

Post by dusk »

Ah, hello everyone. My sincerest apologies in not updating, I had a fever of 103 over the weekend, and that isn't exactly suitable drawing or writing conditions, now is it? I will update this, and attempt to update "They Way the Stars Shine Tonight", (my other story, which can be viewed here: ... =13&t=4268 ) Don't feel required to read it, but feedback greatly improves both my stories, and knowing what you people want me to improve upon. So, allow me to answer the question asked by Bandit1990 (thanks for commenting!)

The stories general idea, and framework of the plot where based of the movie, and I originally intended for this to be a full rehashing of the classic, with a few HousePet! adjustments to make it a little more interesting. But, as I typed, the more I realized how absolutely dull that was getting. I love the movie, don't get me wrong, but rehashing the exact same story, with the exact same ideas was completely boring. I am an artist and a writer, I enjoy making my own branching paths and stories, you know? So, I have decided that the last 2 (or more, if need be) chapters will have a simmilar structure to that of the movie, however, they will be given more metaphorical meat on their metaphorical bones with new creatures, places, etc. As for the game dice? In the story, the game only recognizes 2 players from when the game started: Peanut, and Grape. No one really remembers, and the game doesn't appear to care about who rolls, so everyone just rolls whenever. I Hope this answers your questions!

Another thanks to NHWestoN! Thanks for commenting, sir! ^^

With that all said, I hope each and every one of you enjoys Chapter 3! Believe me, while I was ill all I did was try to think of ideas for this and The Way The Stars Shine.


Chapter 3

Grape yelped and clung to Peanut as the roots spread across the oak floor, and climb up the furniture. Peanut frantically looks around. "Ohhhhh boy. Mom and Dad are gonna wring our necks. Okay, lets head outside."

"But we just got inside! Why are we walking outside AGAIN?!" Ace moaned as Peanut carried the pup, who had refused to leave the house, despite the danger. Grape and the pups trailed in tow. "The house is in danger, stupid." Rook said, helping hold the board. "Don't call me stupid."

Sitting down, Rook rolled. The pieces moved across the board. "20 spaces....only 20 spaces left..." He heard Peanut mutter. There was a low, groaning, rumbling noise. Out of the trees, a wood giant blew out of the trees, it's massive, rumbling feet pounding, loudly, yet softly across the ground. There was distant screaming in the distance, and Babylon Gardens turned to total chaos.

Olive, thinking quick, pried the die from her brothers shocked fingers, rolling. In the bubble, another swirling appeared, and everyone groaned. "Ugh, what is it this time?!" Grape yelled, looking. There was no words, just a simple design.

That design happened to be a design of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. "Oh *-" Ace said, but was stopped by a glaring Peanut, who had clamped his paw over the dog's mouth. "Language." "Y-yes sir."


"Peanut." Grape grabbed her best friends arm, as she stood, petting a paw protectively around the pups. The great beast burst from the woods, it's jaws coated in it's saliva, and the feral glare in it's eye that of a beast who had one lust, one mission, one goal.


Peanut growled protectively. Looking at the pups, he bent down, and looked them in the eye: "Kids. This thing could seriously hurt people and animals, I have to stop it. Please, I want you to take Grape to your house, and keep playing! This is the ONLY way, understand?"

The pups looked at one another. They didn't always get along. They fought, argued, and didn't always agree, having different beliefs. But, when it came down to it? They cared about one another, and those around them. They would finish this game together, no matter the stakes.

It was Olive who put it best. Wrapping her dogs around the fluffy, surprised dog, she whispered into his ear "We're unstoppable, Mr. Peanut." Peanut smiled, looking at Grape.

Grape would have argued. She would have demanded he come with them, to be safe, but she looked at him, and saw something. She saw her best friend, her lover, the dog she cared oh so much about, but she also saw a dog who had lived through things she may never understand. He was stronger, and she knew when she had to let him fight. So she hugged him, wrapping her arms, and her tail around him, and landed a kiss on his lips. "Stay safe, okay?"

Peanut nodded. With that the pups took their periwinkle-furred babysitter, and took off, running towards their house. Peanut walked onto the back porch, grabbing the spear from his turtle pack. "Come and get me, you overgrown, prehistoric chicken...."

Bailey looked out in shock and terror at the complete and utter chaos surrounding her house, and all of Babylon Gardens. What the heck is going on?! Did something happen with the gods and demigods again?! She thought. Hearing the door slam, she ran in to her husband, fan favorite, King Milton, holding a paper bag full of meat, vegetables, and a single bag of jelly beans, Bailey's favorite snack, in top.

King looked at Bailey. Not sure what to say, he held up the bag of jelly beans, looking at her. "I...I uh....I got groceries. And Jelly beans. I know you like those." Bailey did a classic of hers, tackling him to the ground. "King!!! Oh my gosh, are you okay?! What's going on?!"

King got up, hugging her back. "I'm fine. I really don't know what is happening." He stiffens, overprotective father mode activated. "Where are the pups." Bailey stiffened, her eyes dilating. "They went out into the backyard to play."

There was another well timed slam, as 3 pups, and a purple cat, holding a wooden box stumbled into the room.

"Mom, dad! We have something to show you!"

King and Bailey turned and scooped up their children, squeezing them tight. "Where were you?! We where on the the verge of having a heart attack?!" King shouted, the distress eminent on his face. Bailey turned to Grape, who was shuffling there awkwardly. "Grape? Oh, good, at least you where watching them..." The dog looked at the board game on the ground, sniffing. "What is that?"

The trio of pups wriggled out of their parents iron grips, positioning the Jumanji board on the ground. "It's a board game, that's causing all this weirdness." Rook said, gesturing.

Ace laughed. "Yeah, Grape's BOYFRIEND came out of it!" "He's not my-" "He's a super cool ninja guy! He's fighting a dino!" The voices garbled over each other as they yapped, nothing really being able to be understood. The pup parents looked at one another, and Bailey whistled. "Alright kiddos. We want you to sit us down, and tell us the full story of what happened.....

End of Chapter 3
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As I gaze upon the stars, I realize how much I will miss this world.

20-23-5-14-20-25 25-5-1-18-19 8-5 4-9-4 14-15-20 18-5-20-21-18-14,

20-8-5 19-9-24 6-9-14-7-5-18-5-4 13-9-19-6-9-20 23-9-20-8 12-15-20-19 15-6 6-21-18.

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Re: Khagh e junglinerum

Post by Bandit1990 »

Still looking good.

You're right, I think the game works best as a framing device for fun/interesting scenes.

I see the pups picked up some habits from their father....(Fan Favorite, heh heh)

Check out Lightning Dogs on the Nerdyshow Podcast Network

It's an in-development animated series following a team of Anthro-Dogs trapped in the Wastelands of a ruined Earth.
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Re: Khagh e junglinerum

Post by D-Rock »

Bandit1990 wrote:(Fan Favorite, heh heh)
Yeah, this was kinda good. :D
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Re: Khagh e junglinerum

Post by NHWestoN »

Habits from their father? Yeah, genetics... Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.