[fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

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[fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

So I Recently got a large amount of inspiration for a continuation of my first fan-fic, so I decided to make a second part featuring some characters from book 1:
the characters are the four elementals named after emotions:

the flames of FURY
the wind of FREEDOM
the stone of BRAVERY
and the waters of FAITH

I hope to actually make an intro music video for this, so check back on the next update. It will be done soon...
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Sounds really good! I can't wait to see where this leads!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »


--> https://youtu.be/RcvT5VeE8qQ <--
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I take it you are gonna post it here? That sounds like it will be posted elsewhere.
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:I take it you are gonna post it here? That sounds like it will be posted elsewhere.
yes the story will be posted here, i just said it like that so in the future, when people are just starting this story, they will watch the video before reading the story...sorry for the confusion
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

Chapter 1 : Enter FAITH

In the Courtroom of heaven:

Bahamut stands at a table with four orbs in front of him, all of them different from each other. One orb was blue and surrounded by a wet mist, the next was green and surrounded by a cloud of dust, the next in order was Red and surrounded by flames, and the last was light blue with wisps of wind orbiting it. Bahamut picks the orbs up, two in each hand, with a heartfelt look on his face.

“I'm sorry that I must do this to you four, and I am sure that it was not your fault; but the law is the law, and there is no evidence that proves you all innocent.”

Bahamut carries the glowing orbs out of the courtroom and starts walking over to the Gates of heaven. All of the streets were deserted and there was a heavy atmosphere, suggesting that something sad had just happened. Bahamut opens the gates and looks at the orbs floating just above his hands one final time.

“I am aware of your stories and I personally believe that you are innocent, but there is nothing to prove otherwise. In light of this, I will allow you four to keep most of your powers and allow you to continue with your own investigation on the mortal plane. I want you to know that this hurts me more than it hurts you. Until you can find proof of your innocence, there’s nothing I can do"

Bahamut reels back with the orbs in his hands, preparing to throw them out.

“I hereby cast you out and sentence you to a life of mortality!”

He throws the orbs out the gates and they close right behind them. The orbs fly down beyond the clouds at high speeds through space, all of them growing in size and not burning up in the atmosphere. They keep descending to the earth until the sight of a small town surrounded by a forest comes into view.

The red, green, and light blue orbs land in the surrounding forest, but the dark blue one lands right in the middle of the town.


Meanwhile in Babylon Gardens:

Fox walks home after a long shift at the police department and he is barely able to focus his vision from being so tired. He had been dealing with angry drivers and a non-stop flow of paperwork all day.

“Oh man, that’s the last time I cover Kevin’s shift. I'm exhausted…”

Just then, a strange sound hits Fox’s ears and he is instantly woken up. It sounded like a high-pitched whistle, but it seemed to be coming from every direction. He looked all around him; thinking that someone was trying to play a prank on him, but no-one was there. Fox could still hear the whistle, and it was getting louder.

“Where is that noise comi-*”

Fox finally looks straight up over his head to see a blue orb not three meters from landing on top of him. He jumps back and sees the orb crash right into the concrete sidewalk, forming a small crater with a quiet thud. He takes a minute to get his bearings straight before looking into the crater to see what had nearly fallen on him. He looked over the edge of the hole to see a small female wolf cub.

The cub was no more than half Fox’s height and covered in a coat of grey fur, but she had several decorative stripes of Dark blue on her body. Fox didn’t know how to respond to this situation, so he just waited by the edge of the crater, when he sees the little girl start to open her eyes.


The little girl sat up and rubbed her head before looking in the direction of the voice she was hearing. She catches sight of Fox and her pupils shrink down to the size of dots. Her face falls to a frightened expression and she scurries out of the crater, only to fall down on a lawn when she tried to stand up on two legs. Fox runs over to her to find the little cub clutching her leg in pain, but she also looked very scared of Fox.

“P-please, don’t hurt me.”

“Easy kid, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm a police officer, and you almost landed on my head.”

“Oh…I'm sorry-OW!”

“Are you okay?”

“No, I never was good at landing. I think my leg’s broken.”

Fox walks over to the little girl and looks over a bruise on her ankle. “It's not broken, you just sprained your ankle.”

“Oh…o-okay. Who are you?”

“My name’s Fox. What’s your name?”

“My n-name’s Faith. I...I-I need to find my brothers and sister, they fell into the forest.” She tries to get up and put weight on her ankle, but she just fall over again.

“Whoa-whoa there kid, your not going anywhere on that ankle.” Fox picks up the Cub in his arms and starts walking in the direction of his house "Come on I’ll carry you back to my house do I can patch that up.”

“N-No, is there a place where I can hide?”

“Um…yeah, there’s an abandoned house near here, but why-*”

“Can you take me there instead?”

“S-sure, but why there?”

“O-other people make me nervous.”

“Oh…okay. Lets go.” Fox starts carrying Faith down the street towards the old abandoned house.


A little later, at the house:

Faith sits on the bottom step of the staircase rubbing her sprained ankle. She then hears the front door of the old house open and sees Fox enter with a white box that had a red cross printed on it and the words “First-aid” Printed in bold letters under the cross.

“What’s that?” Faith asks with a worried look on her face.

“It's a first-aid kit, it's got all the things I need to fix your ankle in it.” Fox opens the box and pulls out a thick roll of bandages that he uses to tightly wrap Faith’s injured ankle “Keep off that foot for awhile okay?”


“…so, you mind telling me where you came from?”

“Um…” Faith points a finger up. “I came from up there…”

“If you told that to anyone other than me, they wouldn’t know what that meant; but I’ve been to where you’re talking about before.”

“…y-you’ve been to heaven before?”

“Once…so you’re a heavenly spirit?”

“Y-Yes, I'm a Water Elemental. But now...I'm just a mortal with magic powers…”

But wait, if you’re a water Elemental, then shouldn’t there be one for Earth, Fire, and Air?

“Those are my Brothers and my Sister, the ones I told you about before. I saw them land out in the forest nearby, and that means they saw me land in this town too. I need to tell them that I’m alright.”

Faith stands up on her one good leg and hops her way over to the door, but Fox stops her and sits her down on the bottom step again.

“No, you’re going to make your ankle worse If you do that. Just sit down and I’ll help you any way I can.”

“Are you sure you want to help me Fox, youll be getting yourself involved in something really dangerous. I can’t ask someone I just met to do that for me.”

Fox stands straight up and puts his hands on his hips in an exaggerated heroic pose. “Well I can’t turn my back on a child in need, it’d go against my standards and keep me up at night.”

“Well…alright…if you’re sure.”

“Of course I'm sure, now just tell me what you need me to do Faith.”

“My siblings have my scent, so they’ll be coming by here very soon when they realize that I’m not moving around. Could you just tell them that I’m alright and lead them to this house?”

“No problem. So, what do they look like?”

“They look a lot like me…you’ll know them when you see them...and promise me that you'll come back whenever you can with food?”

"Sure kid..."

Fox walks out the door and closes it behind him, leaving Faith in the abandoned house
the ever-frightened FAITH...
the ever-frightened FAITH...
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Saturn381 »

Nice job, J-Man. Can't wait to see more. :)
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Looks like we might have a new Fox pairing that might be very interesting. Great job!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Looks like we might have a new Fox pairing that might be very interesting. Great job!
Uuuhhhh...you do realize that Faith, Fury, Bravery, and Freedom are all kids in this story right?
if you didnt, don't worry. I'm going to be doing a pairing that's long-overdue. but I think i'll keep it a secret for now... ;)
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I think I might have an idea and in that case, I'm glad I gave you the idea if it is what I'm thinking of!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

Your probably right...
hm hm hm. Yes. Twas my evil plan all along...
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

I was up all night and got really bored, so i started messing around with drawing on my poster paper, trying to draw a version Faith for you all to see how young she really is as a wolf cub in real-life appearances...

The result was....i just...its too...just look, its too cute for words.-->
She's dancing to a sea shanty in the picture; and yes, that is a tiny sailor's hat on her head
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That really looks so adorable and now I do know how young she is actually! Good job!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

Chapter 2 : Enter Bravery

After a night of sneaking out food from his home to the abandoned house Faith was stuck inside; he was finally able to lay down and go to sleep. He couldn’t stop thinking about what Faith had said about her siblings, and worrying about what they were going to be like when they got to Babylon Gardens.

“So I’ve already met Faith, that means her three siblings are still out in the forest. I just hope they aren’t evil twins or something like that.”

Fox thinks for a few minutes about what the other three elementals would look like, but he found himself falling asleep from the long night. His eyes close and he tucks himself into his bed.


The next Morning:


Fox slowly awakens to the sound of someone pounding on his door, from the sound of it, it was his owner: Officer Bill. Fox walks over to the door while still half asleep andopens the door to the sight of his owner. He was clearly angry about something, but Fox didn’t know what it was.

“Hey Dad, whats up with the rude awakening?”

“I wouldn’t be mad if you told me about the party you had last night…”

Fox slowly comes to his senses and realizes what is Dad had just said. “Wait…what party? I didn’t have a party.”

“The fact that the fridge is half-empty and there's a weird-looking wolf eating whatever’s left, tells me otherwise.”

Fox knew that it could be Faith that his Dad was talking about, so it had to be someone else. “Dad, I never had a party, and I certainly never invited a Wolf over to the house.”

“Well can you go and get rid of him, he’s nearly cleaned out the entire fridge.”


“Yes, it's a grey wolf with green markings on it, now go get rid of him!”

Fox does as he is told and walks into the kitchen to see none other than a grey Wolf-pup with a blank expression feasting on the contents of his fridge. This pup was half the height of Fox and covered with intricate green markings that decorated his body.

“Hey Kid! What do you think you’re doing eating our food!”

The Wolf-pup slowly turns around with a left-over taco in his hand, and the same stern expression on his face. “A better question would be; why do you have my sister’s scent on you?”

Fox looks behind him and sees his Dad watching the argument until it was over. He looks back at the Wolf-pup and whispers quickly to him. “Look, I took her to the old abandoned house at the end of the street. I’ll explain more later, just get out of my house…and stop eating my Dad’s taco!”

The wolf-pup shrugs and puts the half-eaten taco on the kitchen counter. “Fine…”

Fox and his Dad watch as the wolf-pup makes his way down the street and eventually disappears from sight. “Fox, you mind explaining who that was?”

“I have no idea who or what that was...”


Later at the abandoned house, after a long shift:

Fox walks up to the front door of the old house, but before he could turn the knob, someone else opens the door from the other side. It was the Wolf-pup that broke into his house early that morning.

Fox looks down at the wolf-pup, raises an eyebrow at him, and crosses his arms. “Do you mind explaining your actions this morning kid?”

“First of all…Officer…, my name is ‘Bravery’.”

“Okay fine ‘Bravery’, why did you break into my house?”

Bravery’s expression was still stern and blank, despite his angry tone. “I was following my sister’s scent and it led me to your house. I went in to see if she was there and I couldn’t find her, but then I picked up another scent…coming from your fridge…”

“Alright fine, I can understand you being hungry. What I can’t understand is why you chose to stay after my dad caught you eating from our fridge.”

“…I was still hungry…”

Bravery moves out of the way of the doorway and lets Fox into the house. He rolls his eyes and walks past Bravery to see Faith up and about on her ankle, but she still had a little bit of a limp. “Hey Faith…you look better.”

“Yeah, it's one of the perks of being a Water Elemental. I heal really fast.”

“Well do you mind explaining Bravery, I'm sure he told you about this morning right?”

“Yeah, he told me all about it, sorry about that. Bravery is an Earth Elemental, my first brother.”

“Okay, so why is he always looking at me with that blank expression on his face. It's kind of unnerving.”

“That’s just his face; it's always like that. You just have to listen to the tone of his voice instead of looking at his face when you want to know what he’s feeling.”

Fox turns around to get another look at Bravery, but he was gone. He looks around the room and finally takes a step forward, only to hit something with his foot and stub his toe. Fox takes a deep breath and clutches his foot when he accidentally kicked Bravery, who had been standing underneath his gaze the entire time.

“OUCH! Was that you I kicked Bravery, or was it an anvil?” Fox falls over onto his back while still holding his stubbed toe in pain.

“No fox, you kicked ME. I’m an Earth Elemental, that means my body is made of stone…even though it may not look or feel like it.”

“I don’t know, it certainly felt like it.”

“Well watch where you’re going, why don’t you?”

Bravery then walks off to another room in the house, leaving his blank attitude lingering in . The pain finally subsides from Fox’s foot and he stands back up and he looks over at Faith again. “He’s got an attitude…”

“No, his attitude pales in comparison to my second brother, ‘Fury’.”

“From that name, I can guess that he’s the Fire Elemental.”

Faith looks down to her feet. “Yep; I just hope that when he traces my scent to you, he won’t be too mad.”


“Just be careful not to let Fury hurt anyone or interrogate them violently. He has a tendency to solve his problems with his fists and it can get pretty intense.”

“It's already my job to keep this town safe, I'm sure that I can handle one little Wolf-pup.”

Faith inhales sharply through her teeth in a concerned expression towards Fox. “I don’t think you understand how dangerous Fury is when he’s determined to do something…”

“I’ll take your word for it. I need to go home before my Dad gets suspicious and sends out a search party for a kidnapper.”

“Well from what Bravery told me about your owner, I wouldn’t want to make him mad either. Just keep a close eye out for the other two and tell them to come to this house."



Deep in the forest, a figure walks through the grass, leaving its footprints burned into the grass. The forest animals back away from the figure in fear as it approaches Babylon Gardens. The figure is shrouded in shadow, so the only visible features on it are two red eyes that are narrowed into an angry look.

Suddenly, the figure is stopped by a skunk with heterochromatic eyes, holding a green collar in his hand

“Hey there sir, could you spare a minute to-*”

The figure reaches out and grabs the skunk by the neck. It brings him closer to its face and widens its red eyes into an intense stare into his soul. After a few seconds, the figure lets the skunk fall onto the ground as he was petrified with fear. The figure looks away from him and then continues on its path without a word.

To be Continued...
Last edited by The-J-Man on Thu May 21, 2015 1:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I look forward to reading more of this! Fabulous job!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Mickey »

Was that Cory at the end? Isn't Cory a guy?
My characters!
I got too many colors to remember. I'll put them here to see. Aren't they nice? Yep! Absolutely!
ImageImageImageImage (There's actually 6 eggs, but I ran out of links)
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

Mickey wrote:Was that Cory at the end? Isn't Cory a guy?
.............DAGNABBIT!........I'll fix it......thank you for saving me from online embarrassment. For that, and your continued support for this fan-fic, I shall give you a gift...but it shall remain a surprise. :D
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Mickey »

*loud excited mouse noises*

*loud excited human noises*
My characters!
I got too many colors to remember. I'll put them here to see. Aren't they nice? Yep! Absolutely!
ImageImageImageImage (There's actually 6 eggs, but I ran out of links)
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Yeah Cori being a guy threw everybody for a loop also as people wanted him and Zach together, but he definitely is a guy! Adorable chapter!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

i finally finished my drawing of FURY for his reveal, but my drawing of Bravery got delayed:
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Invisan »

Aww i wouldve laughed so hard if Fury was the Wind elemental with a mood which can be like a stormy Night or a summer breeze ^^

That wouldve been so great with names not really fitting to the Elementals on the first look ^^

But well anyway great work. Keep it up :)
My Fan-Fic Fox goes to Heaven (again)

Well i have a furaffinity acc now so i can upload my Fanart somewhere else then imgur ^^ Come in and find out.
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Yup he definitely looks like the spawn of Venn and Dragon (if he is that in here). Nice work!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Saturn381 »

Nice update, J-Man. :)
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

Chapter 3 : Enter Fury

Fox again goes through his morning routine of putting on his uniform, brushing out his fur, and then going to the kitchen to get breakfast. He sat down with his Dad at the table and slowly ate his food to the point that he was full and awake, but he soon noticed that his Dad was looking at him with a confused look.

“…What is it Dad?”

“Um…it's Saturday…you don’t have to go to work with me today.”

In Fox’s mind, he was falling into a blissful feeling of relaxation to the Ave Maria playing in the background. He had been waiting for the weekend for a long time and now he could take a long-deserved rest from all the drama that was happening in his life. Between hiding his association with the elemental spirits from his Dad, and balancing it with work; he was exhausted. Fox takes off his uniform and plops himself down on the couch as he watches Officer Bill drive away on his motorcycle, he had the house all to himself.

“Hmm…it's one of those rare, quiet days…perfect.”

Fox nuzzled himself deep into the comfortable couch and drifted back to sleep for a few hours. But he is suddenly awoken by the feeling of his cellphone vibrating in his collar. He opens the phone and answers without even opening his eyes.


On the other end of the line was Peanut. “Hey…Fox, is there any chance that you could come down to the GODC right now?”


“It’s kind of an emergency…you’ll see when you get here.”

Fox really didn’t want to get up, but he had obligations to uphold in the club. If Peanut said there was an Emergency, than it must be important. Fox gets up and starts walking down the street towards the GODC, though he really wasn’t up to dealing with anything physical. He eventually makes it to the front door of the club house to find it wide open. The doorknob had been melted and the latch was turned into a solidified puddle of molten metal on the ground.

“What the…? What could melt a doorknob like that?”

Fox walks inside to see a Wolf-pup with grey fur and red markings walking throughout the house, looking for something. He then catches sight of Peanut, Rex, and Bino standing nearby.

“Hey guys, what’s going on here?”

Bino answers with a very angry tone in his voice. “I’ll tell you what’s going on. That kid over there broke in and started trashing the place!”

Fox looks over to the young wolf to see him overturning heavy objects with little to no effort on his part. “So why don’t you guys just kick him out?”

Rex answers with a nervous look on his face. “Because we can’t touch him. Every time I try, I end up burning my hand on his body.”

Fox squints his eyes shut and holds the bridge of his snout; he really didn’t want to deal with this right now. “I’ll take care of this guys, you just go home and let me deal with this kid.”

The group of three exchange looks, but they eventually leave Fox and the young wolf alone. He walks over to the Wolf-pup and looks him over, he knew that this was one of the elementals, but he was not sure how to approach him. This wolf-pup was covered with grey fur and red decorative patterns all over, so this one was most likely 'Fury'. Fox walks over towards him, only to start feeling an intense wave of heat coming from the wolf.

“Hey kid, you mind turning down the heat?”

The wolf doesn’t answer, but he does turn his attention to Fox. He sniffs in the air and slowly approaches him, revealing a missing ear and a set of scars over his right eye. He then speaks in a slightly deeper voice than Fox was expecting. “You smell…like the others.”

“Yeah, listen; your brother and sister are living in the old house at the end of the street right now. I need you to leave with me right now and try to be…discreet. I'm going to guess that your name is ‘Fury’?”

The wolf crosses his arms and nods. “Yeah, it sounds like you met my sister. I’ll humor you, but only until I get to see the others.”


Later, at the abandoned house:

Fox walks into the house with Fury by his side, ready to leave him there to catch up with his siblings. To Fox’s surprise, Fury is tackled to the floor by both Bravery and Faith as they hug him tightly.

Faith looked really happy to see her brother was safe, but she was saddened again when she saw the scar over his right eye. “Fury, your eye…” She brushes her hand over the scar, but Fury brushes it away with a remorseful look.

“ I’m okay, just hit a tree on my landing.” Fury then smiles for the first time and returned his sibling’s hugs. “I was worried I’d never see you guys again.”

“It might have been if it wasn’t for Fox, he’s been really helpful to me and Bravery.”

Bravery then interrupts. “Not to be blunt Fury, but do you have any word on where Freedom is?”

“Yeah, she and I met up yesterday, but we split up to look around the town. She saw what happened through the mental link and she’s on her way now.”

Fox wasn’t following along with the conversation at all. “Um, who’s Freedom?”

Fury answers without delay. “She’s an Air Elemental. And she’s the only one with mental powers among us.”

“Okay, so do you mind explaining why you’re all here making my life miserable and not in heaven?”

All three of the young wolves look up at Fox with mixed expressions, but they all turn sad after a few seconds, especially Faith. Fury waves his hands at Bravery and Faith, prompting them to leave the room. Bravery leads Faith upstairs as she tries to fight back tears.

“…what did I say?”

Fury then steps up in front of Fox and jabs a finger into his gut. “let me explain something to you Dog; We cant go back to heaven, so dont ever bring that subject up again!”

Fox could see that the moment Fury got angry, the air became hot and heavy. “Okay, enough, I'm sorry. Just tell me why…”

Fury sits down on the bottom step of the staircase and explains. “We can’t return because we were banished from Heaven.”

“Why did you get banished?”

“All we know is that we were framed for a crime, and there was no evidence to prove our innocence. Bahamut wanted to believe us, but even he can’t break the law. He let us keep our powers so that we could continue investigating the crime on our own here in the Mortal plane.”

“What kind of crime are we talking about here?”

“They all think that we cast a spell over our parents…”

“Who are your parents?”

“Venn and Dragon. Everyone in heaven think’s we’re responsible for the spell that they're under, but we know that we’re innocent, we just need something to prove it.

Fox instantly recognizes both names and widens his eyes.

Fury takes notice of how Fox responded to his parents names “You know them?!”


Meanwhile, deep in the forest:

Another young wolf-pup with grey fur and light blue markings treks through the flora and fauna as she traces her brothers scent all the way to town.

“Alright, I just need to go over there and we can get started on our investigation. I just hope that police officer doesn’t rat us out…I really hope.”

Unbeknownst to the small wolf, she was being followed by a shadow that snakes along the trees and jumps from one shady area to the next with lightning speed. It does not attack or anything of the sort, it just follows the young wolf all the way back to Babylon Gardens

To be continued...
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Keep on writing this story! It is really getting very suspenseful!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

Chapter 4: Enter Freedom…and others

Fox awakens from a long sleep and welcomes the sight of Sunday morning having finally shown it's shining face. He gets out of bed and sees that his Dad had already left for work, but he left a note on the fridge:

“Dear Fox:

Please don’t invite any other wolves to the house, because I’ll know. Also, be sure pick up some kibble to replace what that wolf ate yesterday.


Fox takes the paper from underneath the fridge magnet and wads it into a ball. He then sees that the recycling bin in the kitchen was full.

“Well, I might as well do some work around here to make up for yesterday.”
Fox picks up the bin and balances the crumpled paper on top of the plastic items inside. He carefully makes his way to the front door and puts the bin down to open it, but once he did, he was faced with yet another wolf-pup. This one had grey fur like the other three, but she had light blue decorative stripes running across her body

“Aw, not again!”

The wolf pup ignores his rude welcome and raises her hand in a greeting gesture. “Hi there officer, I’m pretty sure that you know my name right?”

Fox looks over the wolf-pup and comes to a conclusion. “I'm going to guess that you’re ‘Freedom’?”

“Correct…” Freedom stares at fox for an awkward second and then continues talking. “I can see that you’ve met my three siblings?”


“I can also see that Faith almost landed on you, Bravery ate all of your food, and Fury trashed your club-house.”

“Ummmm…yeah, how did you know all that?”

Freedom taps the side of her head with a friendly smile on her face. “Oh, I’m psychic, didn’t you know that?”
Fox then remembers the details of his conversation with the other three elementals yesterday. “Oh yeah, I forgot about that.”

“I could see that…”

Fox then picks up the bin of recycling he was taking out in the first place and makes his way over to the large dumpster dedicated to recyclable waste, but he soon notices that Freedom was following his every step. “Um, is there something you need kid?”

“Actually yes. Since you’re a police officer, me and the others were hoping that you would help us with our…investigation?”

“Yeah about that…what is it that you three were banished for? I wanted to ask before, but I got into an argument with Fury.”

“Yeah… I guess I should explain…”

Freedom follows Fox all the way to the abandoned house and after the introductions and greetings; she sits down with Fox to tell him what had happened to them:

“Okay; so a couple of days ago, the four of us were sent on our first mission on the mortal plane to banish your average entity back to their own realm. We did so in record time; but when we got home, we found our parents had been turned into monsters by means of a spell that none of us knew how to cast. I wish everyone in heaven knew that we were innocent, but we were the only ones at the scene of the crime at that time.”

“So your saying that they were turned into…monsters…BEFORE you got to your home in heaven?”

Fury answers. “Yeah, it was like they were waiting for us to get there.”

“Could you please define ‘Monsters’?”

“It was like they were turned into scarier versions of themselves. They both went ballistic and chased after us for some time, then they just up and disappeared.” Bravery answers.

“And that’s the whole story?”

All four of the wolf-pups trade looks and then shrug at Fox, showing that there was nothing left to tell.

“Okay…so what do you expect me to do about this?”

The four trade looks with each other again. “Well, you’re the police officer; we thought that you knew how to conduct investigations like this?” Bravery asks Fox

“Guys I’m sorry that I didn’t make this clear before, but I’m not an ‘Officer’ Per-se…I'm just a Rookie. I’ve never taken part in an investigation before.”

“Well that doesn’t mean you can’t help us. Is there someone you know that has been in an investigation?” Faith asks.

Fox thinks for a minute and plays a scenario over in his mind. “There is one person that can help, and propbably the only one I know who can keep a secret like this under wraps.”

Fury stands up from the group, turns Fox around, and leads him to the front door of the abandoned house. “Well don’t just stand there, go get him!” Fury slams the door closed behind Fox before he could say anything more.

Freedom gives Fury an accusing glare. “Was that really necessary?” She asks her brother.

“What, a little motivation can go a long way…”


An hour later, at the mall café:

Fox looks around from the table he was sitting at and sees that the mall café was currently mostly empty save for, one old lady that was counting her change at the counter, a man wearing camouflage-patterned pants and a black T-shirt sleeping with his head on the table next to his coffee cup, and a grey-striped cat typing something on a small laptop. Fox then catches sight of the dog he was supposed to meet with coming over to his table.

Fox watches as Ralph takes a seat at the opposite end of the table he was sitting at and they exchange greetings. Ralph could obviously tell that Fox was nervous because he seemed to be secluding himself and keeping a close eye on the people few people that were in the café.

“Fox, are you okay? You seem a little distracted.”

Fox immediately changes his posture and looks Ralph in the eye. “Oh yeah, I'm fine. Um…listen, I need to ask a favor from you as a friend.”

Ralph tilts his head and raises an eyebrow in curiosity. “Please don’t tell me that this is something illegal.”

Fox waves his hands in front of him in protest of Ralph’s accusation “No, nothing like that. It's more like an undercover investigation…”

Ralph blinks a few times before opening his mouth again. “…go on…”

“Well, you remember that story about that ghost you saw when you were investigating in that cave. Do you remember what the ghost said to you?”

“Yeah, he told me about his personal problems and them told me how I could help.”

“Well this is kind of the same scenario…only I have FOUR ‘ghosts’ on my hands.”

Fox looks around the café again and then stands up from his chair, motioning for Ralph to do the same. He leads him over to the front door as he talked to him. “It’s a really long story…but I need your help with an investigation that can’t be on record.”

“What kind of investigation are we talking about here?”

“The ‘Divine Intervention’ kind.”

Fox walks out the door with Ralph through the front door; but just as they let the door close behind them, the man in the black T-Shirt and camo-patterned pants had opened his eyes. The man kept his head laid on top of his arms on the table, but his eyes shot open to show their Blood-red color. The man moves his eyes until he catches sight of Fox and Ralph as they walk past the front window of the café.

As soon as Fox and Ralph had left the man’s field of vision, he stood up from his chair, tucked both his hands into his pockets, and walked off in the direction Fox and Ralph were walking in, but not before the cashier called out to him:

“Hey, sir. You gonna pay for your coffee?”

The man stops walking and turns his head to the side to give the cashier a sideways glare and a low growl. His red eyes glowed and the cashier backed up a few steps from the counter out of fear. “Uhhhh…”

Before the cashier could say anything more, the mad had left the café in slow pursuit of Fox and Ralph, so he picked up the nearby phone and called the police.

“I need to report a man who left the mall cafe without paying……Yeah; he was White with jet-black hair, he wore had a black shirt with a grey stripe on it, he had camouflage pants on, and his eyes were red……Yes I know what I saw and I know for a fact that his eyes were RED.”
Last edited by The-J-Man on Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really liking how this chapter has come out! Great job on this!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Saturn381 »

Nice update, J-Man. :)
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

Chapter 5: Enter Venn

Ralph and Fox exit the mall to see Officer Bill with his motorcycle parked out front, waiting for them.

“Hey Fox and Ralph, you guys done having your ‘important conversation’?”

“Oh uh…-”


Before Ralph or Fox could respond, the sound of the Mall’s front security gates went off when the man from the Café walked past them. He wasn’t carrying anything from the stores with him, so the gates must have malfunctioned from some kind of interference. Officer Bill wasn’t about to ignore a call to action even though he was off duty; he put down his motorcycle’s kickstand and started walking over to the man who set off the alarm, armed only with his bare hands.

“Police, stop right there!”

The man does as he is told and stops walking, turning his head towards Officer Bill and giving him a piercing stare with his red eyes. Bill stopped for a second after seeing the man’s red eyes, but he quickly shook it off and approached him.

“Sir, please return whatever it is you stole. I have a low tolerance for thieves.”

The man didn’t answer; he only tilted his head to the side to see Fox and Ralph standing a ways away from him. He widened his eyes and pushed past Bill, intent on confronting the two Dogs. “There you are…”

Fox and Ralph prepared for a fight, not expecting anyone to have the nerve to push past Officer Bill like that, but the man was stopped when Bill grabbed him by the shoulder in an iron grip.

“You gonna go from theft to kidnapping like that in front of a police officer?” Officer bill shouted as he showed the badge in his wallet flap

The man’s expression suddenly changed from interested to angry as he took his hands out of his pockets to show that he was wearing hard-knuckle gloves; the kind issued in the military and SWAT units. He interlaced his fingers and swung his interlocked hands towards Bill with savage ferocity. Officer Bill ducked and the man’s hands flew over his head, hitting a light pole and creating a huge dent in the hardened metal. The man leaped back as Officer bill swung at him, he was pretty light on his feet for such a hard-hitter.

“What the-?” Bill shouted as the man seemed to slide across the asphalt with his backwards leap.

Fox wasn’t about to watch his Dad get beaten to death, so he nudged Ralph and they both sprang into action. The two Dogs jumped onto the man while his back was facing them; Fox covered his eyes while Ralph grabbed both his legs and attempted to trip him. Bill to the opportunity and threw another punch into the man’s gut, but reeled back when it felt like he had just punched a steel wall.

“Ow! What is this guy made out of?!”

The man was about to break free from Fox and Ralph when they both felt the sensation of falling from an extreme height. The next thing they knew, both Ralph and Fox were standing in the abandoned house. They both looked around curiously and finally saw the man fighting with the four elemental wolves. Fury, Freedom, and Bravery wrestled him to the ground and held his limbs down as Faith put her hands over the man’s temples; her hands started to glow, and the man started to calm down.

Fox and Ralph ran over but Freedom stopped them. “Guys stop; let Faith dispel the magic clouding our Dad’s mind.”

Fox could not believe what he just heard. “You mean that man is ‘Venn’?!” He shouted in surprise.

The man finally calmed down and his eyes closed as he seemed to fall asleep, but Faith kept working for a few minutes after. “Yeah, the spell he was put under has some vulnerabilities on the mortal plane, h-his mind is pretty messed up right now.” Faith said as she continued working.

Fury, Freedom, and Bravery let go of the man and sat down on the floor in front of Fox and Ralph; they looked out of breath and exhausted.

“Fox, why did you bring a stranger with you to the house?” Fury asked as he panted.

“No, this is my superior. I thought he could be the one to help you four on your investigation.”

The three wolf-pups looked at Ralph, but he was still surprised to hear Venn’s name again. “Wait, didn’t Venn disappear over a year ago without cause?”

"As a matter of fact, it has actually been 200 years since Venn was last in the mortal plane. I’ll explain the science behind that later; just tell us what you know about our Dad.” Freedom answered

Ralph and Fox sat down before continuing with the conversation. “Your Dad used to work at the police station here in town, but he disappeared without a trace almost a year ago. Now I see it was because you four were born.”

“Actually, me and Faith are adopted.” Bravery says with the same blank expression on his face.

Ralph was about to question how adopting spirits would work, but he chose to leave that question for another time when Faith stopped working and joined the group. “I finished dispelling the magic, his mind will need some time to relax before he wakes up again.” Faith says as she takes a seat on the floor.

Ralph and Fox look at each other, both of them at a loss. “Okay before we do anything else, could you four please tell us what you are capable of?” Ralph asks

Three of the wolf pups look towards Freedom as she stands up with a smile. “Of course, I’ll explain.”

Freedom motions to Fury, the first in the order they were sitting. “This is my brother Fury, The fire elemental. He has the power of flames and heat at his command. He can make his body reach extremely high temperatures and he can withstand them too. He can teleport himself to nearby places and he has an amazing amount of strength.”

She then motions to Bravery, who still had the same blank expression on his face. “This is Bravery, the earth elemental. He can harden the surface of his body, making him quite durable against attacks. He also has influence over his element, so he can control rocks and stuff like that. on top of all that, he is just as strong as Fury.”

Next she motions to Faith, who looked a little embarrassed to be put on the spot. “This is Faith, the water elemental. She has influence over water in all its naturally occurring states and she has some degree of control over weather patterns. She’s not much of a fighter, but she is a great magical healer. She has the ability to dispel any magic and she is immune to dark spells.”

Finally, Freedom points a thumb at herself. “And I’m Freedom, The air elemental. I have influence over wind and control over weather patterns like Faith, and I can fly. I was elected as the leader of our group because I have a presentable personality, and because I am the only one with physic powers. I can link our thoughts together and read minds so long as they don’t resist.”
Ralph and Fox were amazed to hear what each of the elemental were capable of, but they still had a pressing question on their minds.

“So, do you mind telling us why your dad almost killed mine?” Fox asks.

“There was a spell cast over his mind that allowed someone…or something to control him. The spell was only meant to be used in heaven, so here on the mortal plane, I was able to dispel it and free his mind. I hope your ad didn’t get hurt.” Faith answers with a worried look

“No I’m sure he’s fine, but I’m willing to bet that he thinks your Dad kidnapped us and he currently has the entire police department combing the town for us.”

Suddenly, everyone was shocked to see the front door bursting open behind them. Standing in the doorway was none other than Officer Bill, who was holding a large radio in his hands. “Fox…care to explain this?”

Fox was too confused to answer right away. “Wha-Dad? How did you know I was here?

"Well you were acting suspicious and I worried that you got yourself involved in something bad…so…I put a GPS linked bug in your collar.”

“Wait, you what?” Fox reaches into the back of his collar and pulls out a tiny black chip with two wires attached, from the stitching of his collar. “Dad, you bugged my collar?”

“It's not like you gave me a choice. You gave me every reason to believe you were involved in something illegal.”

The four elemental stand up and start walking towards the back of the old house. Freedom talks as they back up: “Okay…I think we should go and let you-*”

“Your four sit back down, I’ve already heard your names, and I know that man who assaulted me is here. I expect you four to have a good reason why I shouldn’t call animal control to take you to the zoo.”

The four elementals immediately take their seats on the floor and Freedom speaks for them: “Listen sir; that man is our dad, believe it or not. He was under the influence of a magical spell, which we took care of and once he wakes up, he-*”

“Let me stop you right there.” Bill interrupts. “You four expect me to believe that all this magic and hoodoo is a ‘good reason’?”
Fox then grabs Bill’s attention with a pleading look in his eyes. “Dad, they are telling the truth, and they can prove it too.”


Freedom, Fury, Bravery, and Faith all stand up with one hand held in front of them. All four of them flex their hands and their elements manifest magically in the palms of their hands. A ball of distorted air appears in Freedom’s hand, a ball of ambient flames appears in Fury’s hand, a cloud of dirt and dust collects into a ball in Bravery’s hand, and the airborne moisture collects into a ball of water in Faith’s hand.

Officer Bill and ralph both dropped their jaws in awe of the elements being influenced before their eyes. “Oh my Dog” Ralph exclaims

“Okay…either I ate some raw meat again…or this is a pretty good light show.” Officer bill stands up and pokes the ball of water in Faith’s hand, finding that is was real. “......or maybe I owe you guys an apology.”

To be continued...
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I like how Ralph and Bill's reactions came out. Nice job!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Saturn381 »

Great update, J-Man!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

hello my readers. im just here to explain why i have been absent so much.
The thing is, i just started a new (unfunded) comic on my FA account and its eating away some of my time that i need for writing. im just letting you know that i am not gone off the face of the earth.
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Oh we understand. Take all the time you need to get everything all settled before continuing!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

Okay my new and old readers. I'm finally back to writing.
I should be done with the next chapter within the week so stay tuned.
I'm also up for any suggestions with the story just PM me
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Glad to see that you are ready to write again! We missed you!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Glad to see that you are ready to write again! We missed you!
Aw. I blush
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Saturn381 »

Welcome back, J-Man! Can't wait to see more.
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by The-J-Man »

(Finally got over my writers block)

Chapter 6: Electric Escapade

Back at the abandoned house:

Fox again joins the four elementals in the abandoned house; but this time, he brings someone he should have brought a long time ago. Fox leads Tarot down the concrete walkway and knocks on the large front door, waiting for one of the elementals to answer the door.

“So Fox, what is the big emergency that you needed me for?” Tarot asks impatiently

“Just wait, you’ll see.”

Suddenly, the door flies open and Fury pulls both Fox and Tarot into the house by their wrists, nearly giving them whiplash in the process. He throws them into the center of the main room and quickly slams the door closed; jamming the doors with a chair he had nearby. Faith helps Fox and Tarot to their feet and they are soon joined by Bravery and Freedom. For some reason, all four of the elementals have distressed looks on their faces.

“Guys what’s going on here?” Fox asks

Fox then looks over to Tarot to see that her jaw was dropped as wide as it could go. “Fox, why didn’t you tell me that the elementals were here?”

Fox was about to reply but he was stopped when Bravery shushes them both harshly. “You two need to be quiet, we are not alone in this house.” Bravery says as he looks around suspiciously with his other three siblings.

“Bravery, what is going on with you four? What do you mean we’re not alone?”

Bravery responds by shushing him again and then starts pacing around the room to make sure that everything electrical was disconnected and/or switched off. Fox also looks around and sees that Venn was gone.

Fox turns to Freedom; who was the closest to him at the moment, and whispers to her. “Hey, what happened to Venn?”

Freedom turns around and holds up a glass jar with a large centipede inside of it. The lid had several small holes poked into it so the bug inside could get air. The most notable thing was that there was an audible snoring sound coming from the insect as it's jaws opened and closed with each snore. Freedom taps the lid and gives Fox and Tarot a friendly grin.

“Dad’s still sleeping off the effects of the spell; He’ll be safe in here for the time being. But right now, you guys should keep your voice down.”

Fox looks over to Tarot and sees that she was still speechless and with her mouth agape.

“Well do you mind explaining what you guys have against electricity?” Fox says while he points over to Fury, who was busy chopping exposed wires into pieces.

Faith walks over; looking more scared than usual, and explains to Fox and Tarot:

“Listen guys, our role in heaven was very specialized. The four of us and our parents are in charge of protecting Heaven from evil spirits. Now that none of us are there to protect it, all of the evil spirits are wither trying to invade Heaven, or they are trying to kill us. Right now, we have an extremely powerful demon to deal with.”

“But what does that have to do with you cutting this old house off the city power grid?” Fox asks

Tarot finally comes to her senses and taps Fox on the shoulder to gain his attention.

“Fox there are thousands of Evil spirits that live in your world; those things are particularly easy to deal with…usually. Demons however, are the most dangerous creatures known to demigods. I’ve never actually seen one before, I only know about them from stories and pictures” Tarot says with a distressed look

“Correct, we are dealing with one demon that you mortals are particularly familiar with. In fact, almost all of you see it and stare at it for days at a time.” Fury adds

“This particular demon resides in what you mortals call your ‘Electrical Grid’.” Bravery adds after

Fox raises an eyebrow in confusion “What kind of demon are we talking about here?”

Suddenly both Fox and Tarot feel something vibrate in their collar. Both of their cellphones were going crazy and arcs of electricity began to fly off of them. The phones start heating up to extreme temperatures, causing Fox and Tarot to drop them onto the floor. The phones open up and from the screens, a large amount of electricity starts coming out of them and begins to take the form of a man.

Fury and Freedom shuffle Fox and Tarot to one side of the room, but the demon had separated them from Bravery and Faith. Finally the electrical demon takes on a physical form as a very tall man with grey skin, black hair, and electric blue eyes. The rest of his body was covered in white armor, including a grate over his mouth. He leans down towards Fox and Tarot with a crazed look in his eyes and speaks:

“Greetings Mortals, I must thank you for letting me in the house.”

The demon spoke in a deep, crackly, and electrically distorted voice that sent shivers up Fox’s spine. “What are you…?” Fox asks, but stops when Fury gives him a menacing glare.

“Gah hah hah hah! You mortals call me many things and make me stronger every day with your endless expansion of what you call ‘The Internet’. I suppose I should be grateful for-” The demon says but is interrupted by Fox again.

“Wait a minute, Are you telling me that you are the internet?” Fox asks, drawing a confused look from everyone but the demon.

“Correct, but you may call me by my name: ‘IGNORANCE’.”

Fury and Freedom stand between Ignorance and their two friends.

“You will not hurt them so long as we are here you monster!” Fury yells as he takes a fighting stance with Freedom.

There was a long pause but the demon soon bursts out in cackling laughter. “Ha ha ha ha ha ha! And what are you going to do about it pipsqueaks?!

Fury’s arm ignites in flames and Freedom summons a ball of wind and dust into her hand. The sight of their power strikes an obvious amount of fear into the demon when he retreats back a few steps. “Wh-What? I thought he would have taken your powers away!”

Fury throws a blast of fire at the demon and sends him flying into the wall. Freedom them throws a blast of wind and sends Igorance through the damaged wall, letting the debris land on top of him. Ignorance pokes his head out of the wreckage with a fearful look on his face as he digs himself out.

“Oh-oh no, the I gotta tell the boss!” Ignorance exclaims as he attempts to flee into the power lines outside, but he is stopped when Bravery grabs him by the ankle and starts pulling him back inside.

“You’re not going anywhere!” Bravery yells as he pulls Ignorance back into the house.

“Gah! Let go!”

Ignorance draws an arc of electricity from the power lines and sends a powerful shock through Bravery.
Bravery uses the surge of energy and throws Ignorance into the far wall, but he collapses onto the floor right after.

Just then, everyone in the house heard the sound of a glass jar shattering and a loud hiss
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really great chapter so far! It came out nice!
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Re: [fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER book 2

Post by Saturn381 »

Great job, J-Man!