Housepets Trivia!

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Housepets Trivia!

Post by GingaDensetsuAleu »

Because I have recently rediscovered the comic after a 5 year break, reread the entire run start to finish 6 times in 3 months, and am going to explode if I don't see new content or chat about old content soon, I have decided to make a trivia game about Housepets. All of the answers are located within the comic itself. Multiple choice!
Excited to see how many of you know the comic inside-out.

Record your answers, then head over to the answer key to see how well you did!

1. At the grand opening of Theme Park Land, who won the go-cart race?
A) Maxwell
B) Mr. Bigglesworth
C) The mysterious Racer B
D) Spo

2. At the beginning of the comic, Peanut was under the impression that Grape was...
A) A boy
B) A dog
C) His girlfriend
D) Imaginary

3. During King's first Christmas Party in Babylon Gardens, Bino surprises him with an explosive box of catnip. Bino had originally planned to use this prank on...
A) Fido
B) Joey
C) Grape
D) Peanut

4. According to Max, what day is garbage pickup in Babylon Gardens?
A) Tuesday
B) Monday
C) Saturday
D) Thursday

5. How did Truck earn his name?
A) He survived being hit by a truck
B) He was born in the back of a truck
C) He arrived on the hood of a truck
D) He stole a truck

6. Itsumi was disqualified from the eating competition because he threw up after trying what food item?
A) Burgers
B) Apple pie
C) Mac and cheese
D) Hot dogs

7. Who is Concord?
A) Grape disguised as a boy
B) Grape from an alternate reality
C) Grape's older brother
D) One of the neighborhood cats

8. What is the name of Spo's next-oldest sibling?
A) Squeak
B) Andrew
D) Pete

9. Where did Lois's family dog, Devo, sit at King's wedding?
A) I made up this character; he doesn't exist
B) Front Row center on the Bride's side
C) Devo did not attend King's wedding
D) Back row, right next to the buffet

10. King fell in love with Bailey the first time he ever saw her. However, it was not the first time the audience ever saw her. When did we see Bailey before her official introduction?
A) On a Valentine card
B) In Grape's dream
C) When Fox visited the farm for Christmas
D) In the background during an earlier strip

11. Bino shares a home with what other character?
A) Joey
B) Mr. Bigglesworth
C) Sabrina
D) Maxwell

12. What is the first name of Fox and Bailey's owner?
A) Bill
B) Tedd
C) Earl
D) Steve

13. According to Rufus, what is the best way to earn a woman's love?
A) Smack her on the rear
B) A romantic boat ride
C) Pull her tail
D) Give her a dead chicken

14. During the squirt gun war, who was Zach's fellow double agent?
A) Joey in his cat costume
B) Maxwell
C) Grape
D) Rock Milton

15. How was Zach's character introduced?
A) He was a Christmas present
B) He showed up at the door begging for food
C) He was caught in a trap and adopted
D) He was an Easter present

16. Bino and the neighborhood dogs were very upset when Grape said she was ________. They even cut down a tree to try and get to her!
A) Dating Peanut
B) Into dogs
C) Not playing The Game
D) Peanut's sister

17. What was Tarot doing the first time we saw her use her psychic powers?
A) Looking for the remote
B) Fighting a frost giant
C) Imagining a volcano
D) Traveling between dimensions

18. When Tarot was first introduced, she wore a green collar with a tag shaped like the All-Seeing Eye; however, she now wears a red collar with a tag shaped like a Tarot card. When did this change occur?
A) After returning Satau to the past
B) After the collapse of the Temple of Pete
C) After the end of the Celestial Game
D) After the Hot Springs arc

19. Who tried to warn King that he was in danger after Pete's trial in heaven?
A) Tarot
B) Cerberus
C) Dragon
D) Kitsune

20. Who did Max play during the Imaginate: Jurassic Park arc?
A) Doctor Malcom
B) Dennis Nedry
C) The T-Rex
D) Timmy

21. During the epilogue of the last arc before the comic went on hiatus, a newscaster interviews a man that the channel mistakenly labels as "The President of the United States." Where have we seen this character before?
A) In the vet's office, right before Grape slaps Peanut
B) In the Gallifrax arc, selling fish
C) Sitting next to Marion in class on his first day back
D) Sitting in the theater waiting to see the Pridelands movie

22. The first time we meet Craig, he requests this for dinner, and is upset when he's told dinner will be beetle stew.
A) Hot Pockets
B) Poptarts
C) Pizza
D) Popcorn

23. What does Peanut do immediately prior to the Hot Springs arc?
A) Draw a Spot(superdog) comic
B) Build an army of snowdogs
C) Miscount King's puppies
D) Get into the "special" treats

24. In order to bolster attendance to the Good Ol' Dogs Club after both Fox and Fido leave, Bino threateningly puts on the marquee that he knows a bear. What is the bear's name?
A) Tug
B) Kenai
C) Bruno
D) Deadeye

25. What event was predicted by Tarot 3 years before it actually happened?
A) Sabrina almost drowning
B) An attempt on Keene Milton's life
C) Fox joining the K-9 squad
D) Karishad playing Cornhole

In the short story, "All the King's Men," included in Housepets! Book 2, Fox and Sasha teach King how to do what?
A) Play fetch
B) Sniff butts
C) Build a snowman
D) Kiss
Last edited by GingaDensetsuAleu on Sun May 12, 2024 8:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Housepets Trivia!

Post by Obbl »

Just did this from memory, so there's a couple I'm not sure of :D
1. C (but also B lol) | 2. A | 3. D | 4. ? | 5. C | 6. D | 7. A (because have you ever seen the two of them in a room together? ;) ) | 8. C | 9. B | 10. C | 11. D | 12. A | 13. D | 14. C | 15. A | 16. C | 17. A | 18. C? | 19. A | 20. A | 21. C | 22. B | 23. D | 24. C | 25. A | Bonus. B

(I'm pretty sure I know what arc the fourth question is from, so if no one else gets it, I'll look it up then ^^ )
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Re: Housepets Trivia!

Post by GingaDensetsuAleu »

I had hoped this would be a LITTLE more popular than this.

Only one player with a less than perfect score so far. :(
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Re: Housepets Trivia!

Post by Obbl »

Let's see if more people participate here
It's actually a pretty interesting mix of difficulty levels, so totally have a crack at it yall :D
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Re: Housepets Trivia!

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I think this could be fun and I will definitely think about the answers before I post but right now I don't have time so I will come back to this later.
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Re: Housepets Trivia!

Post by CunningFox »

1. C
2. A
3. D
4. Pass
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. C
11. D
12. A
13. D
14. C
15. A
16. C
17. A
18. C
19. A
20. A
21. C
22. B
23. D
24. C
25. A

Nice quiz.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Housepets Trivia!

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. C
11. D
12. A
13. D
14. A
15. A
16. C
17. A
18. C
19. B
20. A
21. C
22. C
23. D
24. C
25. A

I probably got some of these wrong since it has been a wrong time but I just decided that I would give it a try to see how much I got right. I will look forward to when the answers are revealed.
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Re: Housepets Trivia!

Post by GingaDensetsuAleu »

I have created a different thread for the answer key to help prevent peeking, either accidentally or on purpose. You can find it here.
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Re: Housepets Trivia!

Post by Chieris »

Okay, trying this out (without the use of the answer key)

1: C
2: A
3: D
4: B
5: C
6: D
7: A
8: C
9: B
10: C
11: D
12: A
13: D
14: C
15: A
16: C
17: A
18: C
19: A
20: A
21: C
22: B
23: D
24: C
25: A
Bonus: A
I dunno, just imagine something funny here

And also just to advertise myself:
Retrospring for my Housepets characters:
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