Ye of little height.

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Ye of little height.

Post by Tricksy »

Hi, before anything i just wanted to say that this is one the first time I've ever written a fanfic and that I started writting this with the goal of trying to improve my writting so I could really use all the advice/criticism you have to give, even the most minor.

Lastly i'll aim to update once every two week but if i don't manage that i'll try update at least once a month.

Anyway without further ado:


Ye of little height.

Chapter 1 :

Some…ok no, pretty much anyone who had ever met him would describe him as a generaly pessimistic and anxious person, and King had to admit that was not necessarly wrong. It was true that he had a tendency to worry about most things and that his mind tended to latch onto all the worst case scenarios, even the more absurds ones.
Although to be fair,while the idea of your children getting sucked inside a interdimentional portal that spontaneously appeared in your living room was absurd, how much more absurd was it than say, the idea of a gryphon appearing in your jail cell and turning you into a corgi so he can use you as an avatar for a game of cosmic DnD ? And given that this episode was far from the only curveball life ever threw at him, King, despite everyone’s advice, King still held fast onto his anxiety.

Which is why, he was quick to adopt the same tense expression that Zach greeted him with when he opened the door.

« Hi. » said Zach.
« …Hi » replied King « How are you ? Did you come to see me ? »
« Oh,uh…I’m good,I’m good »Zach said even though his anxious expression gave another answer, King also noticed that he kept stealing small glances behind him as if looking for someone, even though the street where pretty much empty. « And, uh, yeah i wanted to talk to you about something »
« Oh, okay well come in then »King said retreating in direction of the kitchen.
« Thank you. »Zach said, casting one last look over his shoulder before stepping in and closing the door behind him. « I hope i’m not bothering you, I did come unprompted ».
« Oh no don’t worry about it, Bill and Bailey went into town for the pups’ health checkup and Fox is doing his shift at the station, so I was home alone up until now »King said, making his way into the kitchen and grabbing a step stool « Which honestly feels a bit strange, I mean, even if the wolf’s house is big, with this many people in it you tend to bumb into someone all of the time, and even here in between Bailey,Fox,Bill and the puppies it doesn’t feel any less crowded. But i think i ended up getting used to it so the house being empty feels a little weird. All of that is to say, I appreciate the company »He said while climbing on the step stool to open one of the cupboard « Do you want something to drink ? »King asked as he started reaching for the cups.
« Maybe if you have some tea? »Zach replied
« Oh yeah we have some, Tarot gifted us some lavender tea a while ago but none of us really drink tea so it’s just been sitting there »King replied.

Grabbing two mugs,a bag of coffee and a teabag he made his way down the stepstool before setting his load on the kitchen table and reaching for a kettle.

« Personally i wouldn’t mind a bit of peace and quiet these days, everyone back at Jess’ house can be nice, but it’s a bit hard to be alone with your thoughts when everyone around sings your praises everytime you sneeze. And Jerry’s house isn’t the definition of quiet either » Zach said taking a seat at the table.

« Well i can’t really emphatize with the «singing your praises » part, but i definitely get what you mean, I said i got used to the constant company, but i don’t think i could ever get used to having to wash soil out of my fur, especially because it always got EVERYWHERE »

« Yeesh » Zach grimaced « you know, that reminds me of that one time Keene called me to …
The two continued their conversation for quite a while, sharing annectodes and jokes with one another. King really enjoyed talking with Zach, the two had met by chance one day and immediatly struck a liking to one another, perhaps it was their similar nature, being both the local worrywarts, but there was also something to Zach that made you feel like you could be open to him about what’s on your mind, which King really needed. All of this made Zach and King fast friend, and King genuinely enjoyed spending time with Zach when he swung around Babylon Garden. Still King was pretty sure that Zach was currently spending his time at Jessica’s place and couldn’t help but wonder what he could have come all the way here to tell him. So when their current conversation started to die down, King asked :
« So, you said earlier you wanted to tell me something »
Suddently, the anxiety that had left Zach throughout their conversation came back and King couldn’t help but notice that Zach was suddently making an effort to avoid looking him in the eyes, which certainly wasn’t easing his own rising anxiety.
« Oh yeah, so uhm…you remember that time you told me about how you used to be human and a griffon turned you into a corgi and i realised that was the same griffon that had been trapped into the temple and that i accidentaly released »
« Oh you’re still worried about that ?» he asked, relaxing « Like i told you, I don’t hold you responsible. Like you said it was an accident, you shouldn’t beat yourself up over it, the only one responsible for the actions of that as-er… oversized feather duster is himself »King then took on a thoughtfull expression before adding « and those two doofus that enabled him, but you only were at the wrong place at the wrong time so you shouldn’t blame yourself »
« Oh no it’s not exactly about that » Zach said « I mean, I do still feel kind of bad about it, what I was trying to say was that at the time even after your reassurance that it wasn’t my fault I still felt pretty guilty, and when things like that happen I write about them in my diary, it help my parse through my feeling you know»
« Yeah ? »
« The thing is »Zach said « There was a period where some of the raccoons would steal my diary and copy it to make holy scriptures out of it, and since I wasn’t exactly a fan of my private innermost thoughts being shared to thousands of persons I kept trying to find a hiding spot for it they wouldn’t find and eventually I fond one »
A picture was slowing forming inside King’s head, and he didn’t really like how it looked, still he urged Zach on : « Continue »
« And I guess they must have kind of forgotten about it, and so did I for the most part, and so when I moved in with Jess i didn’t pay extremely close attention to where I hid my diary, and this week it was Ink’s turn the clean around the house and so –»
« PRAISE AVATAR SHORTY, PRAISE HIS STUBBY LEGS ! » Bellowed a chorus of voices interrupting Zach.
Surprised Zach turned to his head in the direction of the voices which were, he realised, clearly comming from the backward.
« …And so…yeah »Zach said, swallowing while slowly turning his head back to face King.
When Zach took a look at King he saw that his face held the most neutral expression he had ever seen on the corgi, it must have been either that he was making a collosal effort to keep it neutral or that the multiple aneurysms he was currently expenriencing had rendered his facial muscles inoperative.
Either ways he wasn’t saying anything and Zach didn’t have it in him to do so either.
After what must have been the longest 3 seconds of Zach entire life King simply said :
« So, do all woodland animal listen to rap ? »
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Ye of little height.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really thought that the way this came out was so awesome! You did some very fabulous work here! Nice start to this story!
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Re: Ye of little height.

Post by heathray »

Great story! Do you plan to update chapter 2?
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Re: Ye of little height.

Post by CunningFox »

Nice start, Tricksy.
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Re: Ye of little height.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

You won't have to worry about me because I am now a total fan! I plan to stay with this story right until it ends!
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Re: Ye of little height.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

Looking forward to the next chapter. A solid beginning could lead to a perfect ending. Let King be the opener of ways.
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Re: Ye of little height.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I'm pretty sure if he did become The Opener of Ways he would become even MORE neurotic than he already is. He has already dealt with enough and I don't think he could cope with the woodland critters worshipping him endlessly. :lol:
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Re: Ye of little height.

Post by Tricksy »

...Well, hello there.
Sorry for the delay from the promised deadline, life got pretty hectic for me especially with classes starting back. Though now things have stabilized a bit and so I think I may be able to actually abide by the deadline form now on.
Ironically for all the time it took this chapter is somewhat short, not only that but I'm not entirely happy with it, but I felt I got it to a state where it was finally good enough to post, and behing so far behind schedule I felt like I had to post it even if I'm not completly satisfied with it. This mean I might one day edit it slightly.
Anyway enough rambling, without further ado:


« I’m sorryyyyyy »Zach said, face burried in his hands.
« It’s…It’s fine, it’s fine »said King, pinching the bridge of his snout.
« Ok, well it’s not fine but sadly it seems feeling sorry for ourself won’t solve anything this time, so let’s put our head together and figure something out. »
« Yeah, you’re right »sighted Zach « still I do feel sorry for having dragged you into this mess »
« It’s alright, I mean, it’s not the end of the world- »
« …I think,… Please don’t tell me i just became the head figure of a doomsday cult »
« No don’t worry »replied Zach « I mean, they will follow you to the end of the Earth, but the most they usually do is annoy you to death »
« Well that’s …Somewhat of a relief. Actually speaking of « head figure » I just realized, can’t you just tell them to stop ? Better yet can’t you just tell them you were wrong about the avatar thing ? I know religious texts are supposed to be always correct even if they tell you that water is dry, but you’re their god so if you tell them you made a mistake or something they should listen to you right ? »
« Oh you’d think so but…Nope »
« Oh »Said King who could already feel his ears dropping.
« Well actually it’s either they don’t listen to me or they ‘ll interpret what I’ll say as a test of faith or something. Which is the exact same thing as not listening to me except they’ll be even more obnoxious about it»
« Well I suppose I should know better than to expect my life to offer me problems with easy solutions. Alright then how a-"
« Oh my Dog, do they ever shut up ! »King asked
« Eh, you learn to tune them out »Zach replied
« Really ? »
Zach didn’t answer that one, although his sudden inability to meet King’s gaze was an answer on it’s own.
King released a sight and felt like it wouldn’t be the last one of the day«You know, even ignoring how unpleasant my previous tango with the divine was listening to you talk about this doesn’t make me feel super ectastatic about this whole being worshiped thing. From the sound of it-»
« Eh »King grinned briefly before returning to a more downcast expression « -It seems really tiring, i don’t know how you deal with it »
« Well,… I feel like I’m making them a diservice by talking so much about how obnoxious they are, which, don’t get me wrong, they are a lot of the time. But when they aren’t making a big deal out of this whole Opener thing they can be fun to hang around »
« Really I –»
« I feel like I would have a easier time believing you if they weren’t currently trying to drill whatever nonsense they’re on into my skull. Seriously I don’t even understand half of what they’re talking about.»
« Sorry, I don’t think I can help you with that»Zach said with a small shrug.
« Really ? I mean, you’re their object of worship so I would have expect you to know everything there is to know about their faith. »
« Well « object of worship » is appropriate because for the most part I just get carried around like luggage to whatever gathering they’re having, that day and when I don’t just kind of sits there receiving praises Custom Ink usually instructs me on what I should do…Hey actually now that I think about it you know how you suggested it tell them they got it wrong ? »
« Yes ? »Said King tilting his head.
« I think trying to reason with the whole group is a lost cause but we might have more of a chance if we speak with Ink »
King furrowed his brows, clearly unconviced « Isn’t she the one who read through your diary and thus started this mess in the first place, even ignoring that given you’re supposed to be a god and all I feel it should be a sin violanting someone’s privacy isn’t exactly what I’d call reasonable »
« Well I never said she was the definition of a sensible person, but you know when she isn’t intensly proletizing, or recording every single one of my words as sacred text or turning my trash into relics or… Erm, point is,she can, sometime, under the right cicumstance, it depends on the day, be reasonable. Which is more than I can say for the rest of the group, and most importantly I know they’ll listen to her ».
« Well,I suppose any plan that contains even the slimest chance of me being able to hear my own thoughts again sounds is at least worth a try » said King hopping down from his seat and walkng toward the door followed by Zach.
Opening the door to the backward they found themselves face-to-back with a raccoon speaking to the crowd of woodland animals.
« Alright everyone great job ! You really gave it your all ! Now one more time from the top. One, two, thr…Oh ».

As alway, I hope you enjoyed and I welcome any critisicm you may have.
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Re: Ye of little height.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

You don't have to apologize for getting too busy to abide by the deadline! We get it that things sometimes happen when you don't plan on them! Anyway I really like what you did with this chapter! Great work!
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Re: Ye of little height.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

Is there more to this fic, or is that it?
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Re: Ye of little height.

Post by NHWestoN »

That's sort of an interesting question, Hira. "How to conclude a fanfic story?" There doesn't seem to be a canonical rule, like you gotta finish with "The End."

Sometimes an author will come back to a story ... even years later. I've seen instances where, after a story "goes silent" for a long time, someone else will pick up where the writer went off and take the plot and characters off on their own. I'm never sure if that's a "creative complement" and a good thing or a sort of literary "hyjacking" and a non-no. Thoughts, anyone?
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Re: Ye of little height.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

If they know for a fact that the author is never coming back and the fanfic is going to remain unfinished then I don't see anything really wrong with trying to finish it. Though in this case since Tricksy was last seen a few weeks ago I think unless they give permission we should just let the fanfic stand untouched. If you have any sort of suspicion that the original owner might be coming back then don't touch the fanfic.
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