Non-HPU: Crater City

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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Sun Sep 11, 2022 6:12 pm "Sir, I'm sorry to bother your meal yet again but there's an emergency." Mark kept his voice to a whisper to avoid confirming it to anyone here before they had a plan ready. "My name is Otogami Hazemaru. I'm with the KDF I was assigned to bodyguard you in light of the breach in security at HQ. However, I've been notified that a Leviathan has been spotted approaching the city. These people need to evacuate to the nearest shelter, but anything I say might incite a stampede. I was hoping you'd help me in this endeavor."

Mordecai looked up from his meal, surprised not by the news but the fact he had a bodyguard. A fact that didn't sit well with him as he took another spoonful of the French onion soup. "Bodyguard? I was never informed I was to have one, Mr. Hazemaru-san." Mordecai replied while wiping his mouth gently, a bit upset over the news. But, instead of lashing out, he instead finished off the last piece of filet mignon and steamed veggies, then moving over to the bowl of chili and onion rings. "I take it...someone will be handling the situation with this creature?" He asked the tiger-dog in-between chili eating. "Or is the dragon still acting like Showjus and being nothing but entertainment for the masses?" Though he didn't want to admit it, Mordecai still had a bit of hatred towards the prior days events with Wildfire and Ryan. He tried to forgive and forget, even after learning that Wildfire did save his grandfather, but some reason? Some reason, he still had hatred towards what those two did earlier that day. Hatred he felt would probably never go away.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Mark lowered his head in apology, he had been warned about Mordecai's temperament but rather than come up with lies or excuses Mark was just going to stick to the facts. "I apologize for bringing this news to you so abruptly, but because the hunters in our custody went missing HQ had to go into lockdown to prevent them from escaping just in case they were still within the building. Since I was off duty at the time, I avoided suspicion but was assigned to bodyguard you just in case the hunters did make it outside. HQ wanted this because they didn't want to soil their relationship with Thunder Bay by not doing anything in light of a hunter escape. I would have told you the moment I stepped into this restaurant but I thought it'd be best to tell you once you finished your meal and was somewhere a bit more private. I deeply apologize for my poor decision-making."

Mark then checked his phone for his notes to make sure he got his facts straight. "As far as I know, Sir Wildfire isn't making a public appearance but he did notify his partner that his fires were getting dangerously hot and needed to cool off. Ms. Heather has yet to hear back from Sir Wildfire. Due to the lockdown, active KDF operatives are down to about a handful. Many of which are at HQ trying to sort out the missing hunters dilemma. As for who is coming to deal with the Leviathan I don't know. HQ hasn't sent out an alarm yet, I don't think they even know about the leviathan yet because they're so preoccupied with the escaped hunters." Mark leaned in closer to lessen the chances of anyone overhearing "I currently don't have a Kaiju partner right now so there's nothing I can do about the incoming leviathan other than getting civilians to safety. However, I fear if I blurt out orders to head to the nearest Kaiju bunker I'll cause a panic which will then lead to a stampede and that wouldn't be efficient. I'm some no-name KDF grunt who doesn't even appear on T.V. once, but you? You're an advocate for Kaiju rights, your face is on any pro-Kaiju news network. The people might be more inclined to listen to you. I beg for your cooperation, the people's safety is top priority."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Deske »

Gregg pulled his phone out of his pocket nearly as soon as it began buzzing, a habit built from working with down to the minute secretaries. He looked at the emergency notification he'd received on it from one of his friends, "They don't usually text me with this code... Ah," he stops as he finishes reading the message. "Well, that's not good news. Ma'am," he flips his phone around to the Colonel, "It looks like we've got a bit of a Leviathan problem coming our way. One from the sea, one from land it seems. I'm assuming there's an evac order going out, but we're a little far away to hear the sirens in the city."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Tue Sep 13, 2022 10:43 pm Mark lowered his head in apology, he had been warned about Mordecai's temperament but rather than come up with lies or excuses Mark was just going to stick to the facts. "I apologize for bringing this news to you so abruptly, but because the hunters in our custody went missing HQ had to go into lockdown to prevent them from escaping just in case they were still within the building. Since I was off duty at the time, I avoided suspicion but was assigned to bodyguard you just in case the hunters did make it outside. HQ wanted this because they didn't want to soil their relationship with Thunder Bay by not doing anything in light of a hunter escape. I would have told you the moment I stepped into this restaurant but I thought it'd be best to tell you once you finished your meal and was somewhere a bit more private. I deeply apologize for my poor decision-making."
Missing? The hunters are missing? Wildfire told him they'd be locked up tight. Did he lie? No wonder he had trouble trusting Wildifre, Mordecai thought, the anger in him now up to a feverish level. He turned towards the tiger-dog, ready to spew his words of anger and resentment. Yet, when he opened his mouth to speak? Nothing came out. Not a sentence, not a word, not even a breath. Nothing. But why, he thought, why could he speak? What was holding him back? Suddenly, his expression went from that of anger to pure shock to disappointment. Though his anger was strong, a certain voice from his past was stronger, able to break through that wall and speak to him. He sighed then placed his head in his face in his hands before looking back at Otogami, a tear seeping from his eye. "I...apologize for what you saw." He began sorrowfully. "What you saw just now? What you were told about me? That is not the real me. It never was. I never tried to be stuck in the old ways of the Tikbalang...I never wanted to at all, believe me. But my grandparents were dead set on the old ways, so much so that they tried to get me to be like them every chance they got. Yes, I loved them and, yes, I still appreciate Wildfire saving my grandfather's life...but they are also the reason why I acted the way I did. My parents, bless them...they did everything they could to prevent me from going down that path and, instead, be part of the new generation of Tikbalang. One who still remembers the old ways but embraces the new ways." Mordecai sipped his wine as he continued. "And yet, as you can see before you, I've been fighting both sides in my head for years now, both voices trying to get me to be one way. Yes, I want to honor my peoples past, but I also know that our views from the past were not the right ways to be. Yet, ever since coming here? With everything I seen? My mind wants me to stick with the past while my heart is fighting for the future. I'm not this stuck-up, temperamental being that you were probably warned of, I'm not. Talk to anyone in Thunder Bay and they'll all say that I'm always putting them first and making sure they are happy and taken care of, non-kaijus and kaijus alike. But...they just don't know that I've been fighting in a war for the past few years. A mental war between two voices in my head; My grandparents and my parents. One wants me to keep the old ways while the other, as I said, wants me to remember the old ways but embraces the new ways of our people." Sighing heavily, he looked over at his plate of onion rings, picking one up in his hand and playing around with it before dropping it back onto the plate.
Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Tue Sep 13, 2022 10:43 pm Mark then checked his phone for his notes to make sure he got his facts straight. "As far as I know, Sir Wildfire isn't making a public appearance but he did notify his partner that his fires were getting dangerously hot and needed to cool off. Ms. Heather has yet to hear back from Sir Wildfire. Due to the lockdown, active KDF operatives are down to about a handful. Many of which are at HQ trying to sort out the missing hunters dilemma. As for who is coming to deal with the Leviathan I don't know. HQ hasn't sent out an alarm yet, I don't think they even know about the leviathan yet because they're so preoccupied with the escaped hunters." Mark leaned in closer to lessen the chances of anyone overhearing "I currently don't have a Kaiju partner right now so there's nothing I can do about the incoming leviathan other than getting civilians to safety. However, I fear if I blurt out orders to head to the nearest Kaiju bunker I'll cause a panic which will then lead to a stampede and that wouldn't be efficient. I'm some no-name KDF grunt who doesn't even appear on T.V. once, but you? You're an advocate for Kaiju rights, your face is on any pro-Kaiju news network. The people might be more inclined to listen to you. I beg for your cooperation, the people's safety is top priority."
It was then when something almost akin to a miracle happened. That voice within him, the one trying to make him be one way? The way he wasn't? It began to crumble within him, becoming nothing but dust to be swept away by the wind. Somehow, even to Mordecai's shock, this tiger-dog managed to tear down the wall his grandparents created within his body and allowed his parent's voice to finally step through and claim their rightful home within both his heart and mind. To Otogami surprise, he would watch Mordecai suddenly and very quickly finish off the remainder of his meal (the onion rings and chili) in record time. "Mr. Hazemaru-san?" He spoke firmly while motioning for the waiter for his bill. "You're right. The people's safety is priority and if I want to show that kaijus are, indeed, a force for good and that people shouldn't fear us, then I need to make sure that these people are safe from this leviathan attack." The waiter arrived with his bill and Mordecai paid in full, along with a nice sized tip for them. He then stood up from his seat and looked at the tiger-dog. "Contact your HQ, tell them to contact my city's council, and say to them that Mordecai has authorized usage of the high school as a temporary refugee center for Crater City. If I know Leviathans, then that kaiju bunker will not be the best place for anyone, so instead? We're gonna send them to my home instead. You got all that?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

SeanWolf wrote: Wed Sep 14, 2022 9:24 am He turned towards the tiger-dog, ready to spew his words of anger and resentment. Yet, when he opened his mouth to speak? Nothing came out. Not a sentence, not a word, not even a breath. Nothing. But why, he thought, why could he speak? What was holding him back? Suddenly, his expression went from that of anger to pure shock to disappointment. Though his anger was strong, a certain voice from his past was stronger, able to break through that wall and speak to him. He sighed then placed his head in his face in his hands before looking back at Otogami, a tear seeping from his eye.
At first, Mark braced himself for a tongue lashing. He was no stranger to it due to his military training. So it was quite the surprise when instead Mordecai began pouring his heart out to him. While he couldn't relate to having his behavior dictated by his grandparents, Mark was empathetic due to similar enough circumstances.

"I think I understand sir. I didn't come from a military family, and when I announced my intent to begin training so that I could eventually transfer into the KDF, my parents were... less than pleased." Mark chuckled "This is a bit embarrassing to admit but the Otogami family is actually a long line of Ramen chefs."
SeanWolf wrote: Wed Sep 14, 2022 9:24 am "Mr. Hazemaru-san?" He spoke firmly while motioning for the waiter for his bill. "You're right. The people's safety is priority and if I want to show that kaijus are, indeed, a force for good and that people shouldn't fear us, then I need to make sure that these people are safe from this leviathan attack." The waiter arrived with his bill and Mordecai paid in full, along with a nice sized tip for them. He then stood up from his seat and looked at the tiger-dog. "Contact your HQ, tell them to contact my city's council, and say to them that Mordecai has authorized usage of the high school as a temporary refugee center for Crater City. If I know Leviathans, then that kaiju bunker will not be the best place for anyone, so instead? We're gonna send them to my home instead. You got all that?"
Mark watched in awe as the onion rings disappeared from his plate and was nearly caught off guard by Mordecai's renewed vigor. "Yes sir." Mark saluted before reaching into his backpack as he sat down.

Taking an earpiece and fastening it to his ear, Mark gave his KDF communicator five presses to indicate a high-priority message to HQ, "HQ. This is agent Otogami calling in from Crater City. I'm not sure if you're aware but a Leviathan has been spotted headed for Crater City, however, I've been in touch with Mayor Mordecai and he has opened Thunder Bay to any and all refugees. He believes the Kaiju Bunkers we have set up will not be able to withstand a Leviathan attack. I request every vehicle we can spare to transport all citizens to a high school in Thunder Bay. Please also call Thunder Bay's council to let them know ahead of time that Mayor Mordecai himself has granted us permission to do this."

Once Mark finished relaying the message he then turned to Mordecai, "That should do it. I can only hope HQ's decision-making is swift enough. Sir, if you don't mind me asking what do you plan to do? As I am still under assignment I'll be following you until this crisis has been averted."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by CyberDragon »

DdeeStar wrote: Sun Sep 11, 2022 10:26 pm She stands silently for a time - an agony of a wait for someone as impatient as her, but she was frozen. She had to be ready for an attack from any direction. In this state, even Mist was dangerous. She hadn't wanted him to have been through a situation as wracking as this, but she'd been left no choice. Finally, vague shapes begin to form. Spotlights pointed at her, backlit by the endless negative space. Bright against brighter, a barely perceptible difference, but the only sign she could use here. Thunderous breaths, thousands of pounds brushing against the sterile tile in deafening silence.
The eagle swallows nervously.
DdeeStar wrote: Sun Sep 11, 2022 10:26 pm Refuge. Something nebulous, something inherently unidentifiable. Something mysterious, something dangerous. The taste of blood on her tongue, the rush of adrenaline in her veins. Shadow, buried in Life. She'd found the nothing she was looking for.

The three other Kaiju glared at the eagle with shock, then with hatred, particularly the hound who seemed to just now noticed something.

"Explain yourself!" the hound barked.
"Raul... Why?" the wolf asked.

The Eagle's eyes didn't move from Tigress. "I don't know what she's talking about."

"Don't you?" the hound snarled again. "You know I'm a Cerberus. I can smell pain and imminent death. I didn't smell anything before, but now it's all over you, so unless you're about to die four times over, you're hiding four people who are."

Raul the Eagle's eyes darted around to the Cerberus, Tigress, and the stethoscope around the doctor's neck. He closed his eyes... Then, in a flash, Raul flung his wings forward, sending hurricane force winds spinning violently around the room. The interrogation table flew straight at Major Ted, and the three other Kaiju flew around the room, bouncing off of the walls, crashing into each other and flying at Tigress and Mist, out of control and unable to catch themselves.

Raul ran for the door, breaking it down with a single blow from his fist, infused with Kaiju strength. The Eagle turned and bolted for the lobby...

Welsh Halfwit wrote: Mon Sep 12, 2022 5:38 am Julian, having just taken the mask off, looked over where the owner was looking and sighed. "Here comes the bad type of publicity," he opined. "Best get over there, I suppose. Normally I do what I can to get people away without exposing myself." He put the mask back on again. "Wonder if this'll make it easier to help?"
"I'll call in to Headquarters first..." the cafe owner said, pulling out his phone and dialing.

- - - - -
Deske wrote: Wed Sep 14, 2022 3:42 am Gregg pulled his phone out of his pocket nearly as soon as it began buzzing, a habit built from working with down to the minute secretaries. He looked at the emergency notification he'd received on it from one of his friends, "They don't usually text me with this code... Ah," he stops as he finishes reading the message. "Well, that's not good news. Ma'am," he flips his phone around to the Colonel, "It looks like we've got a bit of a Leviathan problem coming our way. One from the sea, one from land it seems. I'm assuming there's an evac order going out, but we're a little far away to hear the sirens in the city."
Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Sun Sep 11, 2022 6:12 pm As Richter listened to the earth he felt the vibrations of a good portion of those present in the building. However, something threw him off. When he first came to the city a few days ago, Richter was thrown for a loop at how many things caused vibrations in the city. The people, their strange transportation methods, the loud sounds of the iron snake zooming underground, and even the waves caused vibrations. While staggering the city had its rhythm almost like it was alive. Something had staggered that rhythm. Something massive, and not just one thing either. Two massive sources of Vibrations were rocking the local vicinity.

"Something's wrong!" Richter dropped his happy-go-lucky tone and crouched to place his hand on the ground for a better connection. "Something big is coming. No, not something two somethings! One from the ocean and one from the forest. Judging by these vibrations, they're both definitely Kaiju, bigger than me!"
At that moment, Heather's phone started going absolutely insane. She didn't even need to look in order to know what it meant. She hesitated, not liking what she had to do...

"...I'm lifting the lockdown. The Leviathan takes priority." She turned over to Elder. "Sound the alarm and send the alerts to all KDF operatives, whether they're on duty or not. We cannot let the Leviathan reach landfall." she told him before picking up her phone.

"YOU ANSWERED!!!" Wildfire's voice boomed on the other end of the line.

"I already know about the Leviathan, I'm mobilizing what resources-" Heather started but was inturrupted.

"FORGET THE LEVIATHAN! Well... don't forget it, but still, Pestilence is making it's way through the mountains to the south of you, heading towards Southern Crater City!"

Heather swore loudly. "Can you intercept?" she asked.

"I'm on my way there, but I'm short on firepower. I'll need help from anyone you can spare!" Wildfire answered.

Heather sighed and hung up, only to pick up yet another call. This time, from the Cafe owner. "I know about the Leviathan. Send Julian to Ciudad Del Sur, south side of the bay. Pestilence has been sighted heading there, and given your route you two are likely closest to that location. We need to evacuate as many people into the shelters as possible. Evacuate them into the Kaiju tunnels if you must."

She hung up again and turned to Richter. "It's a lot to ask, especially since you haven't officially been inducted, but-" she stopped at the crashing sound of a disguised Roc barreling down the hall towards their position.

- - - - -

The Cafe owner put away his phone, a look of panic on his face. He turned to Julian. "We ain't going for the Leviathan. I've got to get you to Ciudad Del Sur. Pestilence is on his... it's... way."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Wed Sep 14, 2022 5:50 pm Once Mark finished relaying the message he then turned to Mordecai, "That should do it. I can only hope HQ's decision-making is swift enough. Sir, if you don't mind me asking what do you plan to do? As I am still under assignment I'll be following you until this crisis has been averted."
Mordecai, however, wasn't paying attention to him at the moment as, instead, he was dialing away on his phone to a member of his council; An Ex-Navy SEAL named Matthew. "Matt? It's Mordecai. Listen, we got a Leviathan on our way to Crater City and I've authorized usage of our High School as a make-shift refugee camp. Get the area prepped...How many? Unsure yet, so prepare for all sizes. And Matt? Get a few KHS ready...we may have a few hunters among the refugees." Hanging up, he returned his attention to Mark. "Right now, our focus should be in evacuating the civilians." Mordecai explained as the exited the building. "Once we get them out, we're turn our attention to the approach Leviathan. As for my plan with that creature...our plan there should be to find a way to divert it from its present course and back out into the ocean. How though will be tough as I'm not sure of any kaijus here in this city that can make sonic waves."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

CyberDragon wrote: Wed Sep 14, 2022 8:11 pm The three other Kaiju glared at the eagle with shock, then with hatred, particularly the hound who seemed to just now noticed something.

"Explain yourself!" the hound barked.
"Raul... Why?" the wolf asked.

The Eagle's eyes didn't move from Tigress. "I don't know what she's talking about."
Some part of her is surprised. It had expected the spring of the trap to have been in her success and almost wondered if she'd made the wrong choice. But the mighty Shield wasn't one to question herself, and she sure wasn't going to start here. Her shoulders hunch slightly, the invader's remarks irrelevant as she carefully monitors to see who will make the first move. "Get ready." She repeats to the shell-shocked youth, who swiftly gets his feet back under him, trembling gently under the stress. His hand kneads along the handle, his breathing shaky as he watches every slight movement in the room.
CyberDragon wrote: Wed Sep 14, 2022 8:11 pm "Don't you?" the hound snarled again. "You know I'm a Cerberus. I can smell pain and imminent death. I didn't smell anything before, but now it's all over you, so unless you're about to die four times over, you're hiding four people who are."

Raul the Eagle's eyes darted around to the Cerberus, Tigress, and the stethoscope around the doctor's neck. He closed his eyes... Then, in a flash, Raul flung his wings forward, sending hurricane force winds spinning violently around the room. The interrogation table flew straight at Major Ted, and the three other Kaiju flew around the room, bouncing off of the walls, crashing into each other and flying at Tigress and Mist, out of control and unable to catch themselves.

Raul ran for the door, breaking it down with a single blow from his fist, infused with Kaiju strength. The Eagle turned and bolted for the lobby...
The burst of winds, though invisible to both, is nothing beyond their ability. Already crouched against the far wall, less of the fierce winds buffet the smaller of the cats, not enough to throw him off his feet so much as briefly unbalance him. His moment of recovery is interrupted by a reactive dive into the corner, trying to avoid the careening fox, but the feline grace is not there. With a desperate wrench of his body, he dislodges his ankle and scatters to get back to his feet amid the chaos.

And this is why we don't corner when we hunt. Tigress chides to herself, fangs bared as she lowers into a pounce-ready crouch to buffer the wind. The two other Kaiju thrown her way are forewarned by the sudden slipstream, and she manages to bounce one lightly over her and snatch the talkative Hound by the chest to get to her feet. Taking the briefest of moments to steady herself, she shoves him full-force towards the door, expecting him to either give chase or accidentally clear the Doctor and friends from her path, shouting "NICE <^^|^^> SECURITY!" as she herself lunges to chase - stumbling as her rapidly-building bloodlust parts for a moment. Mist was in there still. She hesitates at the door, thinking. A moment, then another. A useless glance back into the room. She throws herself into the hallways, tearing into pursuit.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Julian leaned back on hearing the news and put his hands behind his head. "Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop hiding," he announced with humour. "So what are we to do when there? I doubt it'll listen to reasoned discourse."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

At first, Richter waited patiently for orders to come his way, however, a strange vibration pattern caught his attention. A commotion was happening where the two cats had gone and judging by how harsh and frequent the vibrations were the exchange wasn't friendly at all. So it was no surprise when the eagle came rushing in his direction. Luckily Richter was ready for the eagle that rushed out.

Richter took a deep breath and exhaled, as he did so steam began to escape from his body as the ambient temperature in the room slowly climbed. Since he had a good look at the building's stability not too long ago Richter knew exactly where to lay his trap, and once the eagle was directly above it Richter sprang into action.

The ground shook with Richter's mighty stomp causing four stone walls in a wide area to erupt from the ground each side three layers thick. Richter then rushed over to a nearby wall and slammed his two fists against it causing a chunk of the second floor to fall on top of the eagle. Rather than squash the eagle the chunk was supported by the four walls Richter created effectively caging the bird.

"I hope that's enough to hold him." Richter sighed as he dusted his hands, "What were you saying, lady? kinda spaced out for a second to catch the... uh... whatever he is."


Rather than bother Mordecai Mark reached into his backpack for his KDF goggles and put them on as he stood vigilant. Hunters were supposedly on the loose after all. If one was going to strike he needed to be ready.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by CyberDragon »

Welsh Halfwit wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 1:56 am Julian leaned back on hearing the news and put his hands behind his head. "Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop hiding," he announced with humour. "So what are we to do when there? I doubt it'll listen to reasoned discourse."
"Pestilence is a walking archive of every plague to have existed. We need to get people into the shelters. There are bunkers designed to be airtight and to protect against attacks. Anyone who can't fit there needs to go into the old Kaiju tunnels with the doors sealed behind them. They were also designed to be airtight. If anyone gets infected, we'll very likely have an epidemic on our hands." the Cafe owner said as he got back into the car and started it up.

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 2:12 am At first, Richter waited patiently for orders to come his way, however, a strange vibration pattern caught his attention. A commotion was happening where the two cats had gone and judging by how harsh and frequent the vibrations were the exchange wasn't friendly at all. So it was no surprise when the eagle came rushing in his direction. Luckily Richter was ready for the eagle that rushed out.

Richter took a deep breath and exhaled, as he did so steam began to escape from his body as the ambient temperature in the room slowly climbed. Since he had a good look at the building's stability not too long ago Richter knew exactly where to lay his trap, and once the eagle was directly above it Richter sprang into action.

The ground shook with Richter's mighty stomp causing four stone walls in a wide area to erupt from the ground each side three layers thick. Richter then rushed over to a nearby wall and slammed his two fists against it causing a chunk of the second floor to fall on top of the eagle. Rather than squash the eagle the chunk was supported by the four walls Richter created effectively caging the bird.

"I hope that's enough to hold him." Richter sighed as he dusted his hands, "What were you saying, lady? kinda spaced out for a second to catch the... uh... whatever he is."
Unfortunately, the Eagle had trained to use his full Kaiju strength in disguised form. He punched clean through the wall in front of him and rushed forward towards the exit. The Colonel stood in his way. He pulled back his fist, ready to strike the human with the strength of a Kaiju...

Heather suddenly ducked out of the way of the fist, grabbed the eagle by the belt and his arm, swept his leg, and suplexed him to the ground. She jabbed him with some strange syringe from her belt. Tigress might see his energy and strength start to dim, though it was still brighter than any non-Kaiju. Heather glared at Richter. "I appreciate the attempt, but that's going to cost a fortune to repair and a chunk of the second floor is now inaccessible because one of the hallways now has a giant hole in it's floor."

The Cerberus from before managed to squeeze his way around the rock walls. "Colonel! He has the hunters! If you're quick, you can get them out and apprehend them."

Heather looked back down at the Roc she had just stunned. She got off his back, lifted him into the air, and slammed him down, her knee going straight into his abdomen. She lifted him again and slammed him down. Again and again, striking him so hard with her knee that the building seemed to shake. She stood him up and started waling on his abdomen with her boulder-like fists. She pulled her right arm back, ready to strike again...
DdeeStar wrote: Wed Sep 14, 2022 9:41 pm And this is why we don't corner when we hunt. Tigress chides to herself, fangs bared as she lowers into a pounce-ready crouch to buffer the wind. The two other Kaiju thrown her way are forewarned by the sudden slipstream, and she manages to bounce one lightly over her and snatch the talkative Hound by the chest to get to her feet. Taking the briefest of moments to steady herself, she shoves him full-force towards the door, expecting him to either give chase or accidentally clear the Doctor and friends from her path, shouting "NICE <^^|^^> SECURITY!" as she herself lunges to chase - stumbling as her rapidly-building bloodlust parts for a moment. Mist was in there still. She hesitates at the door, thinking. A moment, then another. A useless glance back into the room. She throws herself into the hallways, tearing into pursuit.
Something happened. Something only Tigress would be able to fully witness. For less than a second, Heather's life force, her energy, her strength, all of it spiked at once to be comparable to her own for the half second it took for the Colonel's fist to reach the Roc's abdomen. The blow connected with a thunderous BOOOOM!!!! The Roc flew backwards down the hall, causing the Cerberus, Dire Wolf, and Golden Fox to duck out of the way as Raul the Eagle exploded through Richter's walls, sailing past Tigress before smashing straight into the wall at the end of the hall. The Eagle was embedded in the reinforced concrete and steel, out like a light. Four people who weren't there before, two humans and two dingos, lay sprawled out and unconscious on the ground. Tigress would recognize one of them as the hunter who tried to attack them at their interview. The others were the hunters who attempted to attack Mordecai, Ryan, and Wildfire.

Meanwhile, Colonel Heather's expression of shock was overshadowed only by her expression of pain as she gripped her now mangled arm. "FFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!" She fought back screaming. "DOC!!! SERVICES NEEDED!!! NOW!!!!!!"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Hlaoroo »

Ronan waits patiently for instructions from Wildfire, letting the dragon control the situation. He keeps his eyes glued to the table, watching Pestilence and the leviathan approaching.

Taken by surprise, Ted is sent flying and temporarily stunned like the others. Fortubately his helmet takes the worst of the blow and he's soon back on his feet. Although few can match his running speed, the eagle has a head start and so the hare arrives just in time to see the carnage as the bird breaks free of the cage.

Seeing the Colonel down, he snaps into action, taking command as the ranking officer on the base.
"Right! You and you cuff the bird! Leg and wing cuffs! You four secure the hunters then stand by for more orders. You three, get the sirens going and the alarm out. We need the city evacuated and all armed forces and medical personnel movilised immediately! Pestilence and a Leviathan ate coming! Move!" he orders, pointing at eight KDF members at random. He zips back to the holding room and grabs his medical bag before returning to the Colonel.
"Right, Colonel." he says in a more calming tone of voice as he pulls on disposable gloves and begins to inspect the damage to her hand.
"I don't know what the heck just happened but we'll talk about that later. Right now I'm going to heal your hand. Unfortunately I can't heal the shock, just the injury itself. So I'll need you to stick with me for a bit in case you go into full-blown shock, okay? Don't argue. Even experienced soldiers go into shock with massive trauma like this. Not to mention whatever that was that just happened. We don'tknow what other effects that could have had yet... At least I can tell you have no internal injuries." As the doctor speaks, a cool sensation will flow up the mangled arm as the bones and skin knit themselves slowly back together.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

Hlaoroo wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 10:18 pm Taken by surprise, Ted is sent flying and temporarily stunned like the others. Fortubately his helmet takes the worst of the blow and he's soon back on his feet. Although few can match his running speed, the eagle has a head start and so the hare arrives just in time to see the carnage as the bird breaks free of the cage.
Watching the rest of the Kaiju peel out behind his mother/the Doctor, Mist releases a coughing sigh of relief, trying to avoid heaving as he crawls against the wall. His breathing is harsh, his movements rigid as he collapses against the wall, facing the decimated doorway. He wasn't hurt - well, he had no new injuries. But his very mind seemed broken. Every rational thought was clouded in static, and only now that he was alone was it finally, slowly, starting to clear - he needed to go downstairs and be a soldier, right -
Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 2:12 am The ground shook with Richter's mighty stomp causing four stone walls in a wide area to erupt from the ground each side three layers thick. Richter then rushed over to a nearby wall and slammed his two fists against it causing a chunk of the second floor to fall on top of the eagle. Rather than squash the eagle the chunk was supported by the four walls Richter created effectively caging the bird.
The very floor Mist clings to for stability quakes as a sizeable portion collapses. Not anywhere near him, thankfully, but as the tremors shake the very earth he covers his head, the panic returning. I can't I CAN'T I can't do this I CAN'T DO THIS
CyberDragon wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 12:46 pm [...] The blow connected with a thunderous BOOOOM!!!! The Roc flew backwards down the hall, causing the Cerberus, Dire Wolf, and Golden Fox to duck out of the way as Raul the Eagle exploded through Richter's walls, sailing past Tigress before smashing straight into the wall at the end of the hall. The Eagle was embedded in the reinforced concrete and steel, out like a light. [..., plus vaguely audible shouts/screams from downstairs]
Once more the floor beneath him quakes, the weakened structure damaged further. There's nothing further he can do to shield himself. He's perfectly safe. That fact does nothing to stop his own scream of terror, quickly breaking into tears and ragged gasps as any hope of showing a soldier's resolve vanishes completely. His thoughts are scattered beyond comprehension, his awareness filtered through the lens of this all-consuming terror. Even through tears, his struggle is muted, having bit down on his arm to muffle his shouts and breathing.

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 2:12 am [Richter cages the bird]
I'm going to MURDER him. I'm going to PLUCK each and every FEATHER and then RIP- Tigress plots calmly, gliding through the halls after the decided prey, only to be stopped by the roof collapsing on top of him. She turns to face the entrance, assuming that one of the beings out front had done it, and gives a bewildered shrug. ONE MORE <^^|^^> THING I SWEAR-
CyberDragon wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 12:46 pm [The bird uncages the bird]

Something happened. Something only Tigress would be able to fully witness. For less than a second, Heather's life force, her energy, her strength, all of it spiked at once to be comparable to her own for the half second it took for the Colonel's fist to reach the Roc's abdomen. The blow connected with a thunderous BOOOOM!!!! The Roc flew backwards down the hall, causing the Cerberus, Dire Wolf, and Golden Fox to duck out of the way as Raul the Eagle exploded through Richter's walls, sailing past Tigress before smashing straight into the wall at the end of the hall. The Eagle was embedded in the reinforced concrete and steel, out like a light. Four people who weren't there before, two humans and two dingos, lay sprawled out and unconscious on the ground. Tigress would recognize one of them as the hunter who tried to attack them at their interview. The others were the hunters who attempted to attack Mordecai, Ryan, and Wildfire.

Meanwhile, Colonel Heather's expression of shock was overshadowed only by her expression of pain as she gripped her now mangled arm. "FFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!" She fought back screaming. "DOC!!! SERVICES NEEDED!!! NOW!!!!!!"
And there's no world in which she wouldn't be watching a hand-to-hand engagement like this. Especially when one combatant is her 'superior' (supposedly) - and the other is a Kaiju corpse-in-the-making. Her acceleration towards the breakout site stops completely as she watches the fight, growling softly as she notes the Colonel quick-draw something Ruinous... and then go completely silent.

Sure. There was a chance she'd mis-sensed something. Everything she knew said that wasn't possible. Only the Shaman could manipulate Life so directly. But, if nothing else, the uneasy feeling in the back of her mind wouldn't let her believe that. With a casual step to the side, she lets the Eagle fly by, her anger placated by the result. For several seconds she struggles to take her eyes off of Heather's suddenly depleted Aura. An almost childish fascination engulfs her until she finally manages to shake free, running her hands against her face as if she could simply wipe the morning's events off and start over. No such luck.


The Rescue ATV's speakers finally buzz back to life as the Ranger zips out of the tunnel, bouncing along the dilapidated concrete of her usual off-track. Humming along, Cherry pulls her phone from the cupholder, quickly unlocking it and beginning the chain of commands.

"Alright, Siri, take a message! TEXT MARK." The phone dings a confirmation, requesting the message content. She gives a quick glance to confirm it's the right Mark, then begins to speak between leaps alongside the road. "Hey hey Mark! It's Cherry, Comms asked me to check in and see if you and your special guest need a pick-up! The evac van fleet will be a few minutes behind me, but we need to know what you're up to because Pestilence is on his way, and, you haven't told anyone if you've got a ride yet SO-" There's a brief pause as she corrects her course, slipping between a few slight hills before finally ending the curve by reuniting with the road. "-yeah, I'll be in town in like two minutes, but you need to tell Comms where we're going. We can go meet up with Chef and his newbie, or we can get your guy straight to a shelter. I'm in the RAT so I've got five free seats." She finishes a small melody as she reviews what she's supposed to do, finding her communiqué good enough. "Call me back! Bye~" Once more she quickly glances off the road, tapping the SEND button and hoping that it was intelligible.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Richter watched in horror as the earth walls he managed to set up easily crumbled. He hadn't considered that it could've been a Kaiju in its disguised form, but his reflexes were too slow to do anything other than assume a defensive stance. One that was entirely unnecessary as Heather instantly took down the fleeing eagle like a seasoned pro. Richter could only stare at the woman with wide eyes that seemed to sparkle with awe.

"Whoa. Can you teach me how to do that?" he gasped

Sadly that sparkle in his eyes quickly disappeared when Heather turned her gaze to him and scolded him for reasons he wasn't sure he understood. The large alligator almost seemingly shrunk but somehow he managed to squeak out a reply, "I-I think I can fix it... uh... what's a fortune?"
CyberDragon wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 12:46 pm Heather looked back down at the Roc she had just stunned. She got off his back, lifted him into the air, and slammed him down, her knee going straight into his abdomen. She lifted him again and slammed him down. Again and again, striking him so hard with her knee that the building seemed to shake. She stood him up and started waling on his abdomen with her boulder-like fists. She pulled her right arm back, ready to strike again...

Richter backed up at her violent display. He had been through his fair share of sparring matches so he was no stranger to violence but this was on an entirely different level. When Heather eventually sent him flying, Richter felt his jaw drop for the second time in one day. Maybe the scout's info was wrong about humans and zoomorphs. However, when Heather held back her screams, Richter rushed to her side to see if he could help. He was an expert at manipulating the terrain so something like this was beyond him. Luckily a rabbit was able to patch her up but all Richter could do was watch.

Now that the commotion was over, Richter was calm enough to once again feel the crashing footsteps of Pestilence nearby. He could feel it slowly approaching the city where he had seen dozens upon dozens of humans and Zoomorphs. Unaware of Pestilence's miasmic-nature Richter focused more on the damage a Kaiju of that size could do. Without being issued any order Richter ran out of the KDF headquarters and scouted somewhere sturdy enough to shift into his full Kaiju form. Once he found such a place a good enough distance away from the building Richter transformed and began his long trek to meet with Pestilence.


Mark surveyed the scene diligently, taking great care to note anything that seemed odd. Breaking his concentration was the sirens that blared aloud, Mark's hopes for a calm evacuation flew out the window as understandably everyone flew into a panic and vacated the restaurant almost immediately. Luckily for him, nobody was injured in the slightest. Mark's luck however ran out when his earpiece notified him he had a message from Cherry.

"まじかよ?*" Mark nearly swore to himself as he rushed over to Mordecai "Sir, we might need to double our evacuation efforts, things just got exponentially worse. Pestilence has been sighted approaching the city from the forest. We're in the middle of a Kaiju Pincer with a leviathan on one side and an elder Kaiju on the other. Luckily KDF's entire Evac fleet is on its way to harbor as many citizens as it can to safe zones or Thunderbay. I also have an evac specialist on her way to pick us up, just say the word and she can either take us to safety or other KDF operatives so we can bolster their numbers. The choice is yours."

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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Fri Sep 16, 2022 5:56 am Mark surveyed the scene diligently, taking great care to note anything that seemed odd. Breaking his concentration was the sirens that blared aloud, Mark's hopes for a calm evacuation flew out the window as understandably everyone flew into a panic and vacated the restaurant almost immediately. Luckily for him, nobody was injured in the slightest. Mark's luck however ran out when his earpiece notified him he had a message from Cherry.

"まじかよ?*" Mark nearly swore to himself as he rushed over to Mordecai "Sir, we might need to double our evacuation efforts, things just got exponentially worse. Pestilence has been sighted approaching the city from the forest. We're in the middle of a Kaiju Pincer with a leviathan on one side and an elder Kaiju on the other. Luckily KDF's entire Evac fleet is on its way to harbor as many citizens as it can to safe zones or Thunderbay. I also have an evac specialist on her way to pick us up, just say the word and she can either take us to safety or other KDF operatives so we can bolster their numbers. The choice is yours."

(*まじかよ = Seriously?)
Two kaijus? Strange, but not unusual, Mordecai thought while Mark explained the situation. "Get your specialist over here and have her take us to where the Leviathan was spotted." He instructed. "Also, get back in touch with the Thunder Bay Council and tell them to send Tyr and Kronos out to meet the evacuees half-way. They'll provide protection for the evacuees on the way to Thunder Bay."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Mark nodded prioritizing the call to Thunder bay first. Understandably his call didn't go through the first few attempts, but on his third, he finally managed to connect. "This is KDF agent Otogami. I'm currently with Mayor Mordecai, he's told me to tell you to send Tyr and Kronos out to meet the evacuees halfway for additional protection. In addition, because Pestilence is a walking museum of every disease cataloged in the last few centuries I would strongly suggest implementing quarantine protocols just in case someone was exposed to Pestilence's miasma without knowing it."

Once Mark finished explaining the situation to the other end he quickly hung up and redirected his call to Cherry. As it was dialing Mark reached into his backpack and began assembling his sniper rifle. While it may not do any good to a Kaiju, it didn't hurt to be prepared. "Cherry? It's Mark, the mayor has requested pick-up. Meet us at the Silver Dragon restaurant, he says he wants to go where the Leviathan was spotted. We'll meet you outside. What's your ETA?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

The gentle taps against the wheel cease as the cupholder begins to buzz. Swiftly her phone is retrieved and answered.
Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Fri Sep 16, 2022 6:01 pm "Cherry? It's Mark, the mayor has requested pick-up. Meet us at the Silver Dragon restaurant, he says he wants to go where the Leviathan was spotted. We'll meet you outside. What's your ETA?"
Cherry squint pointlessly into the distance as she estimates her distance out of town. The long, straight road into town would likely be the shortest part. If the word was already out there would be mass traffic from citizens trying to get to rally points or gather their belongings and loved ones. "Ahh... Gimme four minutes, I can be there." She replies hesitantly. It was a short estimate, but maybe she'd get lucky. "Is Central gonna be alright with that though? If he needs a photo op, we can just go see Chef. We don't need this guy getting himself killed because he wants to grandstand." Not that she doubted her abilities, but it was hard not to doubt the common sense of someone who asked to be driven towards disaster. That was in no small part due to the fact that she had very little clue who this mayor was. It hadn't been her problem until a minute or two ago, so she was running on what little she knew offhand.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Mark remembered the disdain in Mordecai's voice when he said 'Shoju' "I don't think you need to worry about him grandstanding. Besides Mayor Mordecai might have a plan in mind to create a sonic blast that should hopefully drive the leviathan back out into open waters." Mark fastened the sights and checked its alignment. "How we do that though is still up in the air. Besides, with two Kaiju threatening the city that means our Kaiju operatives are spread thin between evacuation efforts, combat preparations, and damage control. Since the Mayor is a Kaiju himself, we'll need all the help we can get." Once his sniper rifle was fully functional Mark waited by Mordecai's side outside the Silver Dragon for Cherry to pick them up.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

"He's- Oh! Well, if he's got a plan and ability, I'll do my part!" Cherry reassures, tapping the brakes as she coasts into the outer limits of the town. The lighter traffic in these situations needed a gentle touch, as the few cars still on the road by now had a tendency to be extremely reckless and desperate. "I'm nearly there. Just be -" A quick turn into the side roads draws a gasp from her, the phone bouncing off the floor mat as she takes both hands and wrenches the wheel out of the way of the still-smoking three-car pileup. The tires kick grass into the air behind her as she swerves across someone's lawn, cautiously recovering from the maneuver and easing back onto the road. "Jeez. Alright, I'll see you in two!" Cherry announces confidently, sweeping her hair back from her face. Obviously now wasn't a great time to grab for her cell, so it'd have to wait for Mark to hang up - and while her shortcuts included a number of backroads, the point of the odd path was to survey the density on the rally points she could.

Three minutes later, the RAT came to a forceful stop in front of the Silver Dragon, the door locks audibly opening as Cherry rapidly taps out her scouting notes in varied texts. More vans would need to approach the more populous rally points, and they'd need to avoid the many minor roadblocks she'd run around. "Sorry about the wait, gentlemen." She says to her phone, blindly leaning over to push the passenger's side door open for Mark. "Ducks on the road, you know how it is."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

"It's no trouble," Mark breathed a sigh of relief as he took a seat in the rear row and began taking off his disguise, "I just hope the rest of Evac team can handle the mass exodus." Once he was rid of his disguise, Mark drew up his phone to check any active KDF members. "Our numbers are seriously concerning. I'm looking over our KDF roster right now and there aren't any Kaiju with sonic manipulation, so it looks like we're going to have to produce it ourselves. The only thing I can come up with on the top of my head is using depth charges but that might make the leviathan angry instead of driving it off." Mark looked to Mordecai, "I don't mean to doubt your plan but can you please elaborate Sir?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Mon Sep 19, 2022 6:59 am "It's no trouble," Mark breathed a sigh of relief as he took a seat in the rear row and began taking off his disguise, "I just hope the rest of Evac team can handle the mass exodus." Once he was rid of his disguise, Mark drew up his phone to check any active KDF members. "Our numbers are seriously concerning. I'm looking over our KDF roster right now and there aren't any Kaiju with sonic manipulation, so it looks like we're going to have to produce it ourselves. The only thing I can come up with on the top of my head is using depth charges but that might make the leviathan angry instead of driving it off." Mark looked to Mordecai, "I don't mean to doubt your plan but can you please elaborate Sir?"
"Really not much to elaborate." Mayor Mordecai answered as he took a seat next to Mark, ducking as to not hit his head. "We're just going to hit it hard enough to divert it's present course and a sonic blast is the best option, speaking from experience here. But if all you got is depth charges? Well, we're just going to have to get creative." He turned his attention to the driver then. "By the way, please to meet you. I'm Mordecai Tal'Set; The Tikbalang Mayor of Thunder Bay."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

While she'd expected Mark to sit beside her, it's a relief to see him sit in the back. She'd noticed the assembled weapon as soon as she'd pulled up and wasn't particularly excited to have it going off right beside her. The shocks on the RAT were good, but nowhere near good enough to steady a rifle with. Cherry taps impatiently against the phone's side as it interfaces with the car, eventually updating the map on the console to the updated coordinates. Her head flicks up as the Mayor addresses her, leading her to turn in her seat so she can reply "Agent Cherry Saeed! It's an honor, sir." with a bright smile. She drops back into her seat, tossing the phone back in the holder as she continues with a more mischievous tone "I sure hope Mark's been good to you, he had to fend off half our active agents to be chosen for this mission. You've got a lot of fans around our parts!" The flattery comes automatically, a habit gained from working with actors. It's not insincere, and it's probably true, but she herself didn't exactly know this guy by name... Still, a Kaiju Mayor was a big deal. She knew that.

"And don't worry too much about the fleet. We train for this, you know." Cherry adds with undue confidence. No point worrying about something she couldn't change, after all. Her job was to - Right, right, let's move. The car starts to flow forward as she eases off the brake, driving more mindfully for the Mayor's sake.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by CyberDragon »

Hlaoroo wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 10:18 pm Ronan waits patiently for instructions from Wildfire, letting the dragon control the situation. He keeps his eyes glued to the table, watching Pestilence and the leviathan approaching.
Wildfire shifted back up after his phone call. "Alright... I need to focus on Pestilence. It'll do a lot worse than whatever that Leviathan could ever dish out." he said. "But I need you to focus on the leviathan. Pestilence is moving through the forests and mountains, and your mobility would be too restricted to help there. The Leviathan, on the other hand, is in your home turf, the ocean." he explains, making his way back to the meteor's entrance.

Hlaoroo wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 10:18 pm Taken by surprise, Ted is sent flying and temporarily stunned like the others. Fortubately his helmet takes the worst of the blow and he's soon back on his feet. Although few can match his running speed, the eagle has a head start and so the hare arrives just in time to see the carnage as the bird breaks free of the cage.

Seeing the Colonel down, he snaps into action, taking command as the ranking officer on the base.
"Right! You and you cuff the bird! Leg and wing cuffs! You four secure the hunters then stand by for more orders. You three, get the sirens going and the alarm out. We need the city evacuated and all armed forces and medical personnel movilised immediately! Pestilence and a Leviathan ate coming! Move!" he orders, pointing at eight KDF members at random. He zips back to the holding room and grabs his medical bag before returning to the Colonel.
"Right, Colonel." he says in a more calming tone of voice as he pulls on disposable gloves and begins to inspect the damage to her hand.
"I don't know what the heck just happened but we'll talk about that later. Right now I'm going to heal your hand. Unfortunately I can't heal the shock, just the injury itself. So I'll need you to stick with me for a bit in case you go into full-blown shock, okay? Don't argue. Even experienced soldiers go into shock with massive trauma like this. Not to mention whatever that was that just happened. We don'tknow what other effects that could have had yet... At least I can tell you have no internal injuries." As the doctor speaks, a cool sensation will flow up the mangled arm as the bones and skin knit themselves slowly back together.
Heather sighs with relief as the pain begins to subside in her arm. It was still extremely sore, and she couldn't move it much, but it was at least tolerable. "We'll figure out how I did that later. Pestilence is on it's way to the south, and a Leviathan is on it's way to the west. A lot of people will die if we don't stop them, so we need all hands on deck."
DdeeStar wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 11:24 pm And there's no world in which she wouldn't be watching a hand-to-hand engagement like this. Especially when one combatant is her 'superior' (supposedly) - and the other is a Kaiju corpse-in-the-making. Her acceleration towards the breakout site stops completely as she watches the fight, growling softly as she notes the Colonel quick-draw something Ruinous... and then go completely silent.

Sure. There was a chance she'd mis-sensed something. Everything she knew said that wasn't possible. Only the Shaman could manipulate Life so directly. But, if nothing else, the uneasy feeling in the back of her mind wouldn't let her believe that. With a casual step to the side, she lets the Eagle fly by, her anger placated by the result. For several seconds she struggles to take her eyes off of Heather's suddenly depleted Aura. An almost childish fascination engulfs her until she finally manages to shake free, running her hands against her face as if she could simply wipe the morning's events off and start over. No such luck.
"Tigress. As I just told the Doctor here, we've got two targets to deal with. One is an Elder Kaiju filled with death. Everything that gets near it becomes sick or dies, and it feeds on death. You can expect a ton of ruinous energy there, and ranged engagement. The Leviathan is a multi-kilometer long sea serpent. It would be a fight out in the ocean, though the sea is shallow enough on the continental shelf that you should be able to stand in it. You know your abilities better than I do. Which would you be best equipped to fight?"
Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Fri Sep 16, 2022 5:56 am Now that the commotion was over, Richter was calm enough to once again feel the crashing footsteps of Pestilence nearby. He could feel it slowly approaching the city where he had seen dozens upon dozens of humans and Zoomorphs. Unaware of Pestilence's miasmic-nature Richter focused more on the damage a Kaiju of that size could do. Without being issued any order Richter ran out of the KDF headquarters and scouted somewhere sturdy enough to shift into his full Kaiju form. Once he found such a place a good enough distance away from the building Richter transformed and began his long trek to meet with Pestilence.
"Wait-!" Heather called, then sighed because she knew he was already too far to hear her. She sent a text to Wildfire explaining he needed to hurry and get to Richter before Richter did anything he wasn't prepared to handle...

- - - - -

In the meantime, it wouldn't take long for Richter, with his seismic sense and general height, to see signs of the Kaiju, Pestilence. From his position and looking south, he would see a black scar of decaying trees, drowned in a sickening fog of dust and rot. His seismic sense would detect an eerie lack of any movement coming from that scar, as if no animal in the area was even left to twitch. Surrounding the scar were diseased trees, rapidly losing their leaves while wildlife scurried around the forest floor in a mixture of panic and mad rage.

The Culprit was visible in the distance. It looked like the skeleton of some 200 meter tall Kaiju. It's body was rotting, and it's bones were exposed. It's entire body was surrounded in a fog that killed and wilted every plant and animal it touched as the monstrosity moved through the wilderness. Gigantic mushrooms grew from it's exposed vertebrae, the cracks in it's skull, and the cavity in it's chest. Its right eye was missing, a sort of fungal growth pouring from the boney socket. The left eye was grey, sunken, and unresponsive to it's surroundings. The creature's jaw hung open, lacking the muscles to keep it shut, and more of the poisonous miasma poured from it's maw like a lethal waterfall onto the ground below.

DdeeStar wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 11:24 pm Once more the floor beneath him quakes, the weakened structure damaged further. There's nothing further he can do to shield himself. He's perfectly safe. That fact does nothing to stop his own scream of terror, quickly breaking into tears and ragged gasps as any hope of showing a soldier's resolve vanishes completely. His thoughts are scattered beyond comprehension, his awareness filtered through the lens of this all-consuming terror. Even through tears, his struggle is muted, having bit down on his arm to muffle his shouts and breathing.
While the other two Kaiju apprehended the hunters and Elder did something... creepy... to the Roc that rendered the Kaiju immobile, the Cerberus could sense Mist's terror. He quietly moved back into the interrogation room and knelt down next to Mist. "Hey... It's alright. It's over now."

Welsh Halfwit wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 2:23 pm "Why do I get the feeling you're not JUST a café owner," Julian asked, somewhat amused. "I'll do all I can. Honest."
"Heather wasn't always the Colonel. She got the position when the previous Colonel retired. I'll let you put two and two together." The eagle smirked as he drove south.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Richter may be dumb, but he wasn't stupid neither was he cocky. Whatever the dark fog was Richter had enough clues visually and via his seismic sense to realize that it was bad news to even stand in it. He also knew the size difference made it beyond foolish to take the Kaiju on directly without backup. So Richter kept his distance. However, it looked like he was the only one on the scene and if the Kaiju kept going it would definitely hit the city a relatively short walk away.

Taking a deep breath Richter stomped to create a barrier of earth in front of him in case the Kaiju had anything it could hit him with, then he bent over and slammed his two claws into the ground causing the ground beneath him to slowly grow red. Eventually, the ground beneath him became viscous and fluid finally achieving a lava state. The air around Richter in a wide vicinity immediately became blistering hot as the air became distorted from the heat. Even some nearby trees began to spontaneously combust from the intese heat.

Now with a sufficient supply of lava and an earth shield, Richter put his plan into motion. Using his seismic sense as a guide Richter began hurling motes of lava at the skeleton Kaiju. Since he couldn't see his target directly Richter wasn't the most accurate but kept trying getting closer and closer with each shot. If all goes according to plan Richter should attract its attention away from the city and if the Kaiju gets too close Richter he could always burrow away to avoid getting hurt.


Despite not having anything to do Mark was still vigilant in case something happened. Due to his vigilance he noticed the subtle swaying of the buildings. Either it was the early signs of an earthquake happening or another KDF Kaiju was currently engaging Pestilence right now. Mark prayed it was the latter.

"That reminds me." Mark said suddenly as he dug around his back pack, "Its a good thing I always pack a spare. Sir Mordecai, undernormal circumstances I don't think I'm allowed to hand these out to non-KDF members but these aren't normal circumstances." Mark handed Mordecai a KDF communicator earpiece. "If you link this to your phone it should allow you access to KDF com lines. With two Kaiju attacking currently I imagine the cellular traffic is pretty intense. This should let you get around that pretty easily and have a direct line to higher ups if you use the emergency function to contact Ms Heather or Sir Wildfire. It should also let you easily contact me or Sherry if we get separated using the short-range feature. Ours should be on the same frequency."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

DdeeStar wrote: Mon Sep 19, 2022 9:21 am While she'd expected Mark to sit beside her, it's a relief to see him sit in the back. She'd noticed the assembled weapon as soon as she'd pulled up and wasn't particularly excited to have it going off right beside her. The shocks on the RAT were good, but nowhere near good enough to steady a rifle with. Cherry taps impatiently against the phone's side as it interfaces with the car, eventually updating the map on the console to the updated coordinates. Her head flicks up as the Mayor addresses her, leading her to turn in her seat so she can reply "Agent Cherry Saeed! It's an honor, sir." with a bright smile. She drops back into her seat, tossing the phone back in the holder as she continues with a more mischievous tone "I sure hope Mark's been good to you, he had to fend off half our active agents to be chosen for this mission. You've got a lot of fans around our parts!" The flattery comes automatically, a habit gained from working with actors. It's not insincere, and it's probably true, but she herself didn't exactly know this guy by name... Still, a Kaiju Mayor was a big deal. She knew that.
Mordecai chuckled at the agent's quip. "Wouldn't be the first time hearing I got fans!" He smirked.
Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Sun Sep 25, 2022 9:05 pm "That reminds me." Mark said suddenly as he dug around his back pack, "Its a good thing I always pack a spare. Sir Mordecai, undernormal circumstances I don't think I'm allowed to hand these out to non-KDF members but these aren't normal circumstances." Mark handed Mordecai a KDF communicator earpiece. "If you link this to your phone it should allow you access to KDF com lines. With two Kaiju attacking currently I imagine the cellular traffic is pretty intense. This should let you get around that pretty easily and have a direct line to higher ups if you use the emergency function to contact Ms Heather or Sir Wildfire. It should also let you easily contact me or Sherry if we get separated using the short-range feature. Ours should be on the same frequency."

He looked at the device then back at Mark, handing it back to him as he pulled his phone out. "Thank you but I can't accept. My phone's not designed to be paired up with those types of devices." He remarked, showing his phone to Mark. "I know it's weird but when I was shopping for one? I just needed one that can call folks and text, that's it."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

CyberDragon wrote: Sun Sep 25, 2022 8:11 pm "Tigress. As I just told the Doctor here, we've got two targets to deal with. One is an Elder Kaiju filled with death. Everything that gets near it becomes sick or dies, and it feeds on death. You can expect a ton of ruinous energy there, and ranged engagement. The Leviathan is a multi-kilometer long sea serpent. It would be a fight out in the ocean, though the sea is shallow enough on the continental shelf that you should be able to stand in it. You know your abilities better than I do. Which would you be best equipped to fight?"
"Are baap re." Tigress mutters under her breath, equal parts amazement and unease at the fact that Heather was already back to barking orders. She had been taking the brief respite to knead at her palm, trying to soothe some of the nerves and lessen the mass of dead zones in her vision left behind by the repeated disorientations. Everything but Heather and the Doctor was foggy, and not just because of the settling dust and destruction. Her sensitivity was finally starting to feel the effects, the threat having passed, and she couldn't see Mist - or anything past her reach, really. She continues the intermittent pressure, her head turned towards the Colonel to let her words pass completely through the warrior. It really only took the word 'ruinous' to get her answer, but she could wait for Heather to finish speaking. "The snake. I'll make it work."
CyberDragon wrote: Sun Sep 25, 2022 8:11 pm While the other two Kaiju apprehended the hunters and Elder did something... creepy... to the Roc that rendered the Kaiju immobile, the Cerberus could sense Mist's terror. He quietly moved back into the interrogation room and knelt down next to Mist. "Hey... It's alright. It's over now."
The startled youth doesn't even recognize he has company until the Kaiju speaks, throwing him back onto the urgency of an immediate threat. Unable to recognize the figure farther than to assume he's associated with the KDF (and as such, dangerous) he scrambles desperately into the corner, his movements unnaturally silenced as he slams his back against another wall. His legs fold to protect his chest, one arm across his face and head to hide his wide-eyed terror and shield him from another grab at his neck. The other holds the knife, trembling, out towards the invader. His mouth moves, a lame attempt at intimidation, but the forceful Shadow attempting to hide his presence has come too late to be useful. The words vanish, leaving him silent and shaking.
SeanWolf wrote: Mon Sep 26, 2022 7:06 am Mordecai chuckled at the agent's quip. "Wouldn't be the first time hearing I got fans!" He smirked.
He looked at the device then back at Mark, handing it back to him as he pulled his phone out. "Thank you but I can't accept. My phone's not designed to be paired up with those types of devices." He remarked, showing his phone to Mark. "I know it's weird but when I was shopping for one? I just needed one that can call folks and text, that's it."
Cherry smiles back, glancing in the rear-view briefly to check on the two. The smile turns to a more challenging smirk as Mark mixes her name, turning back to the road and consciously resisting taking a turn tighter just to throw him onto the Mayor's lap. No, she had to be professional. Instead, she merely throws in "I don't normally use mine either. But you should probably get Mark's number if we're heading to the front lines. Aaaaand, if you don't have any plans, after you two save the day... Transportation-wise, of course, you might want mine." She grins at the road, holding her own phone backward for him to grab.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Julian laughed with some form of relief. "Can't tell you how happy I am to hear that! Sorry. This is Day one of "Don't hide you're a kaiju" for me AND I'm a pacifist! Someone who can tell me what to do? Brilliant. Because I'm going to be clueless."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

DdeeStar wrote: Mon Sep 26, 2022 8:49 am Cherry smiles back, glancing in the rear-view briefly to check on the two. The smile turns to a more challenging smirk as Mark mixes her name, turning back to the road and consciously resisting taking a turn tighter just to throw him onto the Mayor's lap. No, she had to be professional. Instead, she merely throws in "I don't normally use mine either. But you should probably get Mark's number if we're heading to the front lines. Aaaaand, if you don't have any plans, after you two save the day... Transportation-wise, of course, you might want mine." She grins at the road, holding her own phone backward for him to grab.
Mordecai smirked, gently pushing her phone back towards her. "Let's focus on the task at hand before we make plans for the future, OK? What's the ETA?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

"Oh. Uhhh..." Cherry delays, puzzled by the Mayor's refusal. Maybe she shouldn't have been so casual. Even after the immediate problems were dealt with, it would be quite some time before commercial transport was running again... but Mark had her number. They better stick together then. Her attention drifts skywards as she slips her phone back into the holder, mumbling "Just a sec." Once the recon drone passes by overhead she taps rapidly at the center display, grabbing the live feed to help arrange a more informed drop-off point. She hadn't expected the Leviathan to be at the shore, but that was one of those things that she really needed to know before arriving. The RAT hums along the boardwalk before skidding to a quick stop, doors unlocked before the momentum fully ends. "'Kay! You two stay safe, alright?" She leans into her door to cover her quick gestures, catching Mark's eyes to gesture to her own and giving a hidden point at the Mayor through her seat.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Mark noticed the subtle gesture and gave Cherry a nod. With an incoming Leviathan Kaiju, it's not like he had any other uses to distract him anyway. Still, Mark resolved to perform his duties to the best of his abilities. Once he got out of the RAT Mark breathed in the salty sea air intermixed with the tension and distant chaos of a city evacuation. Taking a knee to stabilize his rifle Mark peeked through his scope to get a better lay of the sea in front of him.

"No signs of the Leviathan yet, but I doubt it'll stay that way." Mark called out to Mordecai, before tapping into his coms device, "HQ update on the situation, Mayor Mordecai and I are at the Boardwalk getting ready to provide aid. It doesn't look like the Leviathan has reached the shore yet. Are there any Kaiju pairs in the vicinity we can coordinate our efforts with?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

Mordecai stepped out next and stood beside Mark. His second time visiting the boardwalk though, admittedly, under better circumstances than last time. "He's still too far out." he said to Mark. "If he was closer, the waves would've been picking up." He looked around the area before catching sight of something in the ocean. He nudged Mark. "What's that boat doing out there?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

As Mark patiently awaited HQ's response he felt Mordecai's nudge. Using his scope Mark scanned the area with his scope looking for the boat in question. Thankfully there was nothing obstructing his view, so it was only a matter of time before Mark spotted the boat.

"見つけた*" When Mark sighed to himself when he spotted the boat.

With trained precision, Mark used his free hand to adjust the dials and settings on his scope to get a better view of the boat and her crew.

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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Fri Oct 07, 2022 5:08 pm As Mark patiently awaited HQ's response he felt Mordecai's nudge. Using his scope Mark scanned the area with his scope looking for the boat in question. Thankfully there was nothing obstructing his view, so it was only a matter of time before Mark spotted the boat.

"見つけた*" When Mark sighed to himself when he spotted the boat.

With trained precision, Mark used his free hand to adjust the dials and settings on his scope to get a better view of the boat and her crew.

*Found you.
"Is it one of yours or someone else?" Mordecai asks, worried it may be a fishing boat that had zero clue about the approaching leviathan.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Hold still, Colonel. I'm not done yet." Ted scolds, taking Heather's hand again and letting the magic continue to flow.

Ronan nods and follows the dragon.
"I'll do what I can." he promises, sliding into the water again and surfacing a few moments later in the bay. He looks around for a few moments and then starts attempting to shepherd any boats back to shore, starting with, completely by chance, the one Mark and Mordecai are watching. He has no clue their eyes are on him, focusing on the task at flipper.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by CyberDragon »

DdeeStar wrote: Mon Sep 26, 2022 8:49 am "Are baap re." Tigress mutters under her breath, equal parts amazement and unease at the fact that Heather was already back to barking orders. She had been taking the brief respite to knead at her palm, trying to soothe some of the nerves and lessen the mass of dead zones in her vision left behind by the repeated disorientations. Everything but Heather and the Doctor was foggy, and not just because of the settling dust and destruction. Her sensitivity was finally starting to feel the effects, the threat having passed, and she couldn't see Mist - or anything past her reach, really. She continues the intermittent pressure, her head turned towards the Colonel to let her words pass completely through the warrior. It really only took the word 'ruinous' to get her answer, but she could wait for Heather to finish speaking. "The snake. I'll make it work."
"Very well." Heather said. "Better get moving then. You've got a city and a bay to cross. If you could go get Fenrir, he's the Wolf Kaiju who came out of the room with you, he can help guide you through the Tunnels. It'll turn an hour long drive into a five minute jog."
Hlaoroo wrote: Wed Oct 19, 2022 7:45 am "Hold still, Colonel. I'm not done yet." Ted scolds, taking Heather's hand again and letting the magic continue to flow.
"I-" Heather flinched as Ted took her hand and continued the healing. "Fine. Just don't forget we've got four idiots doused in Kaiju stomach acid and an unconscious Kaiju embedded in the wall."

Hlaoroo wrote: Wed Oct 19, 2022 7:45 am Ronan nods and follows the dragon.
"I'll do what I can." he promises, sliding into the water again and surfacing a few moments later in the bay. He looks around for a few moments and then starts attempting to shepherd any boats back to shore, starting with, completely by chance, the one Mark and Mordecai are watching. He has no clue their eyes are on him, focusing on the task at flipper.
Wildfire bursts from the surface of the Bay in full dragon form and immediately begins his flight to the South East. From his height, he can see both Richter and Pestilence. Even having seen the Elder Kaiju before, Wildfire was shocked at the state of the creature. It looked in a sort of advanced state of decomposition, more dead than alive.

His flame doused, Wildfire's first thought was to get to Richter. Whether to guide his aim, or ask for some lava to reignite his own fire, he was making it up as he went.

- - - - -
Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Sun Sep 25, 2022 9:05 pm Richter may be dumb, but he wasn't stupid neither was he cocky. Whatever the dark fog was Richter had enough clues visually and via his seismic sense to realize that it was bad news to even stand in it. He also knew the size difference made it beyond foolish to take the Kaiju on directly without backup. So Richter kept his distance. However, it looked like he was the only one on the scene and if the Kaiju kept going it would definitely hit the city a relatively short walk away.

Taking a deep breath Richter stomped to create a barrier of earth in front of him in case the Kaiju had anything it could hit him with, then he bent over and slammed his two claws into the ground causing the ground beneath him to slowly grow red. Eventually, the ground beneath him became viscous and fluid finally achieving a lava state. The air around Richter in a wide vicinity immediately became blistering hot as the air became distorted from the heat. Even some nearby trees began to spontaneously combust from the intese heat.

Now with a sufficient supply of lava and an earth shield, Richter put his plan into motion. Using his seismic sense as a guide Richter began hurling motes of lava at the skeleton Kaiju. Since he couldn't see his target directly Richter wasn't the most accurate but kept trying getting closer and closer with each shot. If all goes according to plan Richter should attract its attention away from the city and if the Kaiju gets too close Richter he could always burrow away to avoid getting hurt.
The walking harbinger of death seemed completely unaware of the lava bombs slamming the mountains and forests around it, seemingly incapable of seeing or hearing any of them. It wasn't until one grazed it's arm and ignited a part of the miasma that the living corpse took notice. The miasma exploded, sending Pestilence reeling as it's arm dangled limply by its side, hanging on only by a long strip of rotten tendons and fungal strands.

Pestilence turned it's vacant, soulless gaze towards Richter. It started to lurch, it's half-exposed guts clenching and pulsing as the Kaiju made a sickening, wet gagging sound. It tilted it's head up high, and vomited forth a gristly, slimy glob of rot and disease straight at Richter. It struck his stone wall with a sickening SPLORCH as the glob splattered against the stone.

Without ensuring whether the projectile hit it's mark, Pestilence turned it's head back and continued it's march to the city.

- - - - -

Wildfire landed next to Richter behind the stone shield. "Heather mentioned you'd be arriving today. I'm Lieutenant colonel Wildfire with the KDF. Have you found anything out about Pestilence or why it might be here?"

Welsh Halfwit wrote: Wed Sep 28, 2022 2:57 pm Julian laughed with some form of relief. "Can't tell you how happy I am to hear that! Sorry. This is Day one of "Don't hide you're a kaiju" for me AND I'm a pacifist! Someone who can tell me what to do? Brilliant. Because I'm going to be clueless."
"I usually make it a point not to get involved in KDF matters. I didn't retire just for everyone to go to me for advice and orders anyway." He responded. "That said, these are special circumstances. I'll guide you how I can, but mostly we just need to herd people into the shelters or the tunnels. I'll tell you where they are and get people into busses and trucks. You can carry those busses to the shelters. It'll be faster and avoid the traffic jams."

The Cafe owner turned off the Rim and started driving down the steep road towards Ciudad Del Sur. A few minutes later, the KDF alarms were blaring throughout the city, and police and fire department were already trying to control the crowd and get them to move towards the shelters in an orderly fashion... and failing miserably. The KDF alarms resulted in confused unease at best. Everyone knew the alarms, they weren't too unusual, but what made this unusual was how the alarms were city wide.

The Former Colonel pulled into the first parking space he could find and stepped out.

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Fri Oct 07, 2022 5:08 pm As Mark patiently awaited HQ's response he felt Mordecai's nudge. Using his scope Mark scanned the area with his scope looking for the boat in question. Thankfully there was nothing obstructing his view, so it was only a matter of time before Mark spotted the boat.

"見つけた*" When Mark sighed to himself when he spotted the boat.

With trained precision, Mark used his free hand to adjust the dials and settings on his scope to get a better view of the boat and her crew.

*Found you.
SeanWolf wrote: Mon Oct 10, 2022 9:41 am "Is it one of yours or someone else?" Mordecai asks, worried it may be a fishing boat that had zero clue about the approaching leviathan.
Hlaoroo wrote: Wed Oct 19, 2022 7:45 am Ronan nods and follows the dragon.
"I'll do what I can." he promises, sliding into the water again and surfacing a few moments later in the bay. He looks around for a few moments and then starts attempting to shepherd any boats back to shore, starting with, completely by chance, the one Mark and Mordecai are watching. He has no clue their eyes are on him, focusing on the task at flipper.
As Ronan swims through the water by the small fishing boat, a fishing boat far further out to sea than a small vessel like itself should be, he would likely smell something in the water. Something that smelled good. Something that smelled like food, or more likely, bait. The fishermen on the boat were dumping barrels of chum and scented fish chunks into the ocean. Upon seeing Ronan, the fisherman starts shouting "Oy! This fish isn't for you! Git!"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Since he was currently focused more on his seismic sense to track Pestilence Richter was caught off guard when Wildfire landed "GAH!"
CyberDragon wrote: Wed Oct 19, 2022 4:22 pm Wildfire landed next to Richter behind the stone shield. "Heather mentioned you'd be arriving today. I'm Lieutenant colonel Wildfire with the KDF. Have you found anything out about Pestilence or why it might be here?"
"Oh? Uh..." Richter performed a poor mimicry of the salute he'd seen others give Heather, using the wrong hand, not standing up straight, putting it down before he was dismissed, everything, "I don't know why it's here but I do know that standing too close is bad. I've been trying to get its attention but once I had it, the thing only attacked me once before going back to ignoring me. I might have an idea on how to slow it down though,"

Just to double check Richter gave the ground a good stomp, "That checks out, I can't believe I'm saying this but if you can give me enough time I can destabilize the ground in the path directly ahead of Pestilence. There's a network of caves deep and long enough that should keep it stuck, maybe give it a lava bath while its down there."

CyberDragon wrote: Wed Oct 19, 2022 4:22 pm As Ronan swims through the water by the small fishing boat, a fishing boat far further out to sea than a small vessel like itself should be, he would likely smell something in the water. Something that smelled good. Something that smelled like food, or more likely, bait. The fishermen on the boat were dumping barrels of chum and scented fish chunks into the ocean. Upon seeing Ronan, the fisherman starts shouting "Oy! This fish isn't for you! Git!"
Mark sighs as he lowers his rifle, "Not ours just a regular fishing boat dumping..." Mark brings his rifle back up to double-check, "That's odd... Why would fishermen be dumping chunks of fish into the ocean? That boat is much too small to be hunting sharks and I thought that was highly restricted in these parts." A look of shock grew on Mark's face at the implication of his discovery, "Please tell me I'm overthinking this but is it possible that they could be luring the Leviathan here?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

CyberDragon wrote: Wed Oct 19, 2022 4:22 pm "Very well." Heather said. "Better get moving then. You've got a city and a bay to cross. If you could go get Fenrir, he's the Wolf Kaiju who came out of the room with you, he can help guide you through the Tunnels. It'll turn an hour long drive into a five minute jog."
Kneeling down to shove aside some of the rubble at her feet, Tigress pulls from the wreckage the hot wire Richter's maneuver had made conveniently easy to access. There were probably safety reasons to secure something like this, but more importantly, it was an easy power boost. Her gaze wanders back to the Colonel as her directions are received, casually biting through the insulation and cutting the remaining power in the building as the circuit breaker trips. She coughs up her response, the sudden steam in her mouth bothering her voice. "Yu-Fhh! Urh. Yeah. I got it." She remarks with a dismissive wave, trying to remember seeing a wolf. There'd been a couple of people in the room, but she hadn't focused on any of them enough to tell what they were physically. There had been a couple of others who ran with her, and then the Doctor sent them off somewhere. They were long past her sight range in her current state, but she had an idea of which way they'd gone. As good a lead as any. Hopping upright with a quick step through the collapsed doorway, she calls "FENRIR!" as she blindly jogs after the busy group.


The sudden snap and wash of darkness brings a chilling effect over the frightened rookie, shocking some degree of sense back into him. He couldn't be scared in the dark, it was his element. That assertion isn't enough to completely cure his terror, but the threat, though present, isn't able to hurt him here. After a few moments taken to steady his shaking breaths, he slowly stands against the wall, allowing the silence to cover his retreat as he strafes around the stranger, moving with the grace and awareness of an experienced sneak. The blade dances along his hand once before it slides back into the sheath, deemed unnecessary now. He waits for a moment between sets of steps, carefully listening for movements from the stranger, but if left alone he makes a break for the emptied hall as quickly as possible.
Last edited by DdeeStar on Wed Oct 19, 2022 9:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Wed Oct 19, 2022 5:54 pm Mark sighs as he lowers his rifle, "Not ours just a regular fishing boat dumping..." Mark brings his rifle back up to double-check, "That's odd... Why would fishermen be dumping chunks of fish into the ocean? That boat is much too small to be hunting sharks and I thought that was highly restricted in these parts." A look of shock grew on Mark's face at the implication of his discovery, "Please tell me I'm overthinking this but is it possible that they could be luring the Leviathan here?"
It could be possible, he thought as he watched the boat for a bit. He had heard of people trying to lure kaijus to areas for a variety of reasons by many different means so this wouldn't be that out of the ordinary. However, another thought soon entered his mind. One that caused him to curse at not only the thought, but at a few individuals, namely the Crater City Mayor, as well. If that thought was true and Mark was right, then this wasn't no ordinary kaiju attack. He turned to Mark, "Whatever's the status on those depth charges are, tell them to triple time it now!" He then pointed at the boat, "And get someone out there to get those idiots out of the water!"
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Welsh Halfwit
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Julian sniffed as he got out of the car and took in the scents of worry and confusion around him. It was strangely intermingled with a little complacency in his nose, he thought as he made sure the mask was correctly affixed. He stepped over to one of the nearest groups and started assisting them towards transport. "I'm afraid we do need to go quickly, ma'am," he told an elderly human he helped towards one of the buses, talking loudly enough that others could hear. "I know you can rely on people to help you but this is a bad one today and we need everyone safe... yes, I am a hero. I was hoping the fact I'm hiding my face behind a mask would prove that?" He grinned as he helped her up into the coach and got to work with others.
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