Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »


It's actually the Wyvern vs Kite fight and the bunker people's reaction to Hawk that I'm having the most trouble with.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

I apologize but I likely won't be writing today. I just flew out to California last night, and I'm going to be spending time with my family today.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

I would like to try writing tomorrow, so if you haven't posted since the last update, please do so soon if you can.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

I was going to write today, but then I realized... For the people in the bunker, there's been a big build up and if I just have the guards surrender and that's it, there won't be a payoff.

We've put a lot of time into this mini-arc. I want it to end with at least a little bit of a kick...

I'm going to spend just a bit longer thinking of how I want the ending of this event to go. I'm really sorry for the wait.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

I plan on writing this weekend since I've got an extra day.

Expect an update either Sunday or Monday. If you can, try to post before then.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Planning on writing tomorrow.

If you haven't posted, please do so before tomorrow evening.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by 88superguy »

hi its me again and i want to join since you said it suits better here

Character Name: Ryce

Codename: none

Color: #FF4080

Type: Main

Species/Breed: Human

Age: 15 human years

Neighborhood: Beacon of Hope

Powers: He is an immortal (not invincible) dimension hopper, being a dimension hopper he has gained multiple powers from different dimensions, however his main powers are: The World, a stand bla bla bla, physical manifestation of the spirit bla bla bla only stand users can see stands that thing capable of stopping time around the universe for 38 seconds, however he tries to hide his time stopping ability from others so they can't gain an edge on him. an Axe that was enchanted to protect him from anything spell or psychic related, and 2 pistols(glocks) with bullets that can pierce anything. He is very smart and his reaction speed is fast enough that he can hear a gunshot and dodge it in time before it hits him

Weakness: Being human, anything that kills a normal human can kill him, plus, being a 15 year old means he's fast, but more squishy and can die faster. While he can stop time for 38 seconds, gaining such an ability severely weakened him, usually taking his full 38 second capacity to injure an opponent, and he wins his battles by whittling down his opponents using his smarts and quick thinking. Lastly, due to being immortal for some time now, whenever he has a breakdown it really gets to him and he can turn on everyone, weather they be allies or enemies.

Appearance: He wears casual clothing, an orange tshirt, shorts and sneakers, and sometimes a cap if he ever feels hot or has the need to hide his eyes so his enemy cant read him

Personality: Ryce is friendly and likes to help people, he's a great judge of character and if he sees that you're a bad person he will not hesitate to end you. The people he really hates are people who look down on others as if they have no purpose and he likes people who support others. He tries to make temporary friends as he knows if he tries to make a permanent one they will eventually leave him and he can't handle that pain again. He is laidback whenever there isn't anything to do and is playful.

Other notes: Ryce originally comes from negative base dimension 5 (i'll explain more about my concept of dimensions if you want me to and how i see the dimension where Beacon of Hope takes place), a universe very similar to our positive base dimension 3, and his only goal is to become the strongest person in the multiverse so he can save everybody

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 1
- Perception: 8
- Endurance: 2
- Charisma: 4
- Intelligence: 10
- Agility: 8
- Luck: 5
- Power: 10

also do people speak the english that we know, or some futuristic advanced version of english or some otherworldly language that he needs a translator to understand
Last edited by 88superguy on Wed Nov 03, 2021 8:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

A few problems:

First is that time manipulation powers are not allowed. Time manipulation was what killed the first superhero RP, and I don't want it in my game.
Second is that a weakness cannot include anything that could turn a character into a villain. This is a co-op game, not pvp.
Third is that "bla bla bla" isn't something that should go into the character sheet. The character sheet is meant to be informative. The information in it should be descriptive of what the character's powers are and should be relevant.
Fourth is that a strength stat of 1 would essentially mean he cannot even lift his own body weight. He'd essentially be crippled.

People do speak the english we know, but most people have translators anyway.
A description of the dimension idea would be helpful, as it might interfere with existing in-game lore.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

I'm going to be writing tomorrow, so best try to get something up before then if you can.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. In addition to the holidays, I recently got PRK surgery done and my eyes have been recovering. It's hard for me to read things.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Completely understandable, get the rest you need and we'll be here when you're ready.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Character Name: Kaleb Dalisay

Codename: Beastiary

Color: Is this free?

Type: Main

Species/Breed: Previously Human. Currently Dog

Age: 25 human years

Neighborhood: Beacon Of Hope

Experienced Biologist & Bioengineer.
Enhanced Senses belonging to that of a dog.

Therian Shift:
Allows Kaleb to modify his new canine body on the fly to incorporate traits from other animals. (I.e. wings of a bird, horns/muscle mass of a bull, etc). However, Kaleb must first consume a sufficient amount of DNA from the creature before he can properly incorporate it into his body.

Kaleb cannot incorporate DNA he is unable to break down. For example: If the species Kaleb is trying to assimilate is made out of living rock, Kaleb is unable to do so because a dog’s anatomy is unable to digest rocks.

Kaleb is unable to incorporate DNA from sentient species because by the time the race had achieved sentience their DNA had become stable enough that Kaleb’s body is unable to break it down.

Kaleb is able to mix and match traits from animals to form combos but for each trait, he mixes together his thinking capabilities are weakened. However, he is unable to deviate too far from his quadruped base. (I.e. become fully serpentine, remove limbs, etc.). He also cannot contradict animal traits. (I.e. cheetah speed + Elephant's bulk.)

For all intents and purposes, Kaleb is a Dog with the mind of a human, which means he is vulnerable to high-pitched sounds, getting distracted, onions, and chocolate. Because of his unique body, it is very hard for him to get any armor other than his Therian shifts. He also no longer has apposable thumbs to handle objects with.

Whenever using Therian Shift Kaleb’s body changes to accommodate the animal he’s mimicking. When using a bird’s wings his bones become hollow to allow flight but in exchange making them brittle and prone to breaking. When mimicking an aquatic species for their gills, he must fully commit and is unable to breathe air until he shifts back. Shifting to a new Therian form does not remove any injuries he has sustained previously.

If for whatever reason Kaleb is unable to use his Therian Shift ability, Kaleb will be unable to speak and is reduced to barking at people and facial expressions to communicate. Kaleb will also be locked into whatever Therian Shift traits he incorporated into his body at the time and is unable to remove them until he can use his ability again.

Kaleb used to be a normal-looking 25-year-old human. Average height and build, tan skin, black hair but that all changed after the incident. Kaleb currently takes on the form of a quadruped white-furred dog with golden eyes and no trace of his humanity left other than his sentience and ability to speak. In order to not be mistaken as a stowaway or an escaped experiment, Kaleb wears a badge secured to his neck by a belt (he refuses to call it a collar).

Kaleb is naturally curious. It doesn’t matter what it is, if it has grabbed Kaleb’s attention then it's something he would study until he’s found his answer… That is until the next question comes along to derail Kaleb’s train of thought and the process begins ad infinitum. There has only been one question Kaleb’s never lost sight of and that was the question his father’s life’s work proposed: Where did life come from?

Due to following tirelessly behind his father during his research. Kaleb never found the time to interact with others. He didn’t need to when he had his father. However when Kaleb needed to be out on his own he just simply doesn’t know how to socialize beyond talking about research. Kaleb wants to talk to people, he wants to tell people about what he’s learned, but he simply doesn’t know how to approach people.

Other notes:
Kaleb is an independent researcher looking to find “The origin.” A creature said to be the beginnings of all biological life. To do so he has been studying the genetic code of any and all creatures he comes across. After a mishap with the decoder machine, an explosion destroyed most of his lab, and when the smoke cleared Kaleb was stuck in his new Canine body unable to change back.

Kaleb is new to his abilities having only attained them five months prior to his introduction.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 7
- Perception: 7
- Endurance: 5
- Charisma: 3
- Intelligence: 8
- Agility: 7
- Luck: 5
- Power: 6

For transparency purposes, Kaleb will always have a hud at the top of my posts so it's easy enough to keep track of what his current body's weaknesses are and what animals he can draw traits from. It will also contain links as to when Kaleb first unlocks the animal trait further down the line.

Kaleb's animal registry
Therian Shift: Cheetah's speed + Falcon's wings(-2) + Clam's shell (-2)
Thinking capacity: 4/8
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Fri Mar 04, 2022 5:19 pm Character Name: Kaleb Dalisay

Codename: Beastiary

Color: Is this free?

Type: Main

Species/Breed: Previously Human. Currently Dog

Age: 25 human years

Neighborhood: Beacon Of Hope

Experienced Biologist & Bioengineer.
Enhanced Senses belonging to that of a dog.

Therian Shift:
Allows Kaleb to modify his new canine body on the fly to incorporate traits from other animals. (I.e. wings of a bird, horns/muscle mass of a bull, etc). However, Kaleb must first consume a sufficient amount of DNA from the creature before he can properly incorporate it into his body.

Kaleb cannot incorporate DNA he is unable to break down. For example: If the species Kaleb is trying to assimilate is made out of living rock, Kaleb is unable to do so because a dog’s anatomy is unable to digest rocks.

Kaleb is unable to incorporate DNA from sentient species because by the time the race had achieved sentience their DNA had become stable enough that Kaleb’s body is unable to break it down.

Kaleb is able to mix and match traits from animals to form combos but for each trait, he mixes together his thinking capabilities are weakened. However, he is unable to deviate too far from his quadruped base. (I.e. become fully serpentine, remove limbs, etc.). He also cannot contradict animal traits. (I.e. cheetah speed + Elephant's bulk.)

For all intents and purposes, Kaleb is a Dog with the mind of a human, which means he is vulnerable to high-pitched sounds, getting distracted, onions, and chocolate. Because of his unique body, it is very hard for him to get any armor other than his Therian shifts. He also no longer has apposable thumbs to handle objects with.

Whenever using Therian Shift Kaleb’s body changes to accommodate the animal he’s mimicking. When using a bird’s wings his bones become hollow to allow flight but in exchange making them brittle and prone to breaking. When mimicking an aquatic species for their gills, he must fully commit and is unable to breathe air until he shifts back. Shifting to a new Therian form does not remove any injuries he has sustained previously.

If for whatever reason Kaleb is unable to use his Therian Shift ability, Kaleb will be unable to speak and is reduced to barking at people and facial expressions to communicate. Kaleb will also be locked into whatever Therian Shift traits he incorporated into his body at the time and is unable to remove them until he can use his ability again.

Kaleb used to be a normal-looking 25-year-old human. Average height and build, tan skin, black hair but that all changed after the incident. Kaleb currently takes on the form of a quadruped white-furred dog with golden eyes and no trace of his humanity left other than his sentience and ability to speak. In order to not be mistaken as a stowaway or an escaped experiment, Kaleb wears a badge secured to his neck by a belt (he refuses to call it a collar).

Kaleb is naturally curious. It doesn’t matter what it is, if it has grabbed Kaleb’s attention then it's something he would study until he’s found his answer… That is until the next question comes along to derail Kaleb’s train of thought and the process begins ad infinitum. There has only been one question Kaleb’s never lost sight of and that was the question his father’s life’s work proposed: Where did life come from?

Due to following tirelessly behind his father during his research. Kaleb never found the time to interact with others. He didn’t need to when he had his father. However when Kaleb needed to be out on his own he just simply doesn’t know how to socialize beyond talking about research. Kaleb wants to talk to people, he wants to tell people about what he’s learned, but he simply doesn’t know how to approach people.

Other notes:
Kaleb is an independent researcher looking to find “The origin.” A creature said to be the beginnings of all biological life. To do so he has been studying the genetic code of any and all creatures he comes across. After a mishap with the decoder machine, an explosion destroyed most of his lab, and when the smoke cleared Kaleb was stuck in his new Canine body unable to change back.

Kaleb is new to his abilities having only attained them five months prior to his introduction.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 7
- Perception: 7
- Endurance: 5
- Charisma: 3
- Intelligence: 8
- Agility: 7
- Luck: 5
- Power: 6

For transparency purposes, Kaleb will always have a hud at the top of my posts so it's easy enough to keep track of what his current body's weaknesses are and what animals he can draw traits from. It will also contain links as to when Kaleb first unlocks the animal trait further down the line.

Kaleb's animal registry
Therian Shift: Cheetah's speed + Falcon's wings(-2) + Clam's shell (-2)
Thinking capacity: 4/8

I know I am supposed to be writing today, but I don't think I'm going to have the time.

I will see if there is a time sometime this week that I can write, but... it might be a while. I'm sorry...
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

It's cool I understand. Do what you gotta do.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by SeanWolf »

Name: Tobias Cruthers
Species: Clydesdale
Type: Secondary (My second character)
Age: 34 Human Years
Birth World: Mydroza (A Tropical Paradise Planet)
Neighborhood: Beacon Of Hope
Text Color: #00BF00

Powers: Using the power of music, Tobias is able to perform various feats such as healing/buffing or damaging/debuffing those around him through the usage of various songs he plays with the help of his guitar. Though not opposed to using firearms as he is good with pistols and rifles, he much rather prefers the usage of music over the messiness of a firearm

Appearance: With a simple light brown fur color and ombre hair that he keeps in a ponytail at all times (and has heard all the jokes), one would be forgiven for not spotting him in a crowd of others of his kind. But there is a reason Tobias has often been called ‘The Mariachi Of Mydroza’ and that is due to his choice of clothing; a simple white button shirt, a black light jacket that sports an embroidered image of a bear’s head on the back and silver cuffs in the shape of Celtic crosses and black suede pants that too have small chains on them at various points. To complete this ensemble, he wears black boots that were hand-made by a leather craftsman in his homeworld with the finest leather and metal studs.

Personality: Though he takes his work very seriously and is a professional in his field, Tobias is very friendly and is easy to get along with (his first job before becoming a musician was working at a daycare center on his homeworld), always smiling and ready to lend an ear or shoulder to those who just needs someone to listen or talk to. A favorite past time of his is to sit down and play what tune comes to him on his guitar, be it out in public or in the comfort of his own home.

Other Notes:
- His reasoning for coming to the Beacon and wanting to join the Champions is not for fame, fortune, or glory, but to be a shining light for those in darkness and to help those in need, something others in his profession look highly upon. To him, The Champions represent everything his believes in and wishes to aid them in their quests.
- The logo on his jacket’s back, a bear’s head, symbolizes power, bravery, understanding, peace, aggressiveness, authority, solitude and majesty.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L Stats:
Strength: 7
Perception: 5
Endurance: 7
Charisma: 7
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 5
Luck : 5
Power: 5
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

So, honestly, I've been thinking about the current arc, as well as the stagnation this game has gone through, and frankly I think they are connected.

The stuff happening planetside wasn't even planned. It was improvised. A time-killer, meant to fill in until the Tournament started. Honestly though, it doesn't seem like there's much, if any, interest in the Tournament. There's been no discussion about it, no ideas about it, even I have no idea how I'm going to do it.

I'm considering just skipping the Tournament. Having it happen off-screen, so to speak. I think once the new characters are all set up and introduced, it would be a good idea to just skip ahead to the next major arc.

I wanted to check with you guys to see what you think about that.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by SeanWolf »

I'm OK with whatever you do. I will admit the planetside stuff is starting to drag a bit and I'm personally ready for the next major arc.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

I'm reminded of a Dilbert comic strip This one which has the punchline appropriate here. Engineers don't and nor, in many ways, do role players. Even though we understand these characters need down time it's not like we know what to do with it(!) It's a bit of a tight-rope, we know and the fact we're all split up sure hasn't eased the pressure on you, Cyber. And it is slowing things - which is partly our faults by actually splitting up. Of the core team, only Jenny and Quint are actually talking to each other!
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

I'm also along for the ride. My character's only been around for a short time so I'm open to seeing how they'd react to everyone else.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Hlaoroo »

Cyber, I'm happy to do whatever you want and whatever makes it easier for you as GM.
As for my characters, they've never even heard of this tournament so it makes no difference to me whether or not the tournament happens. :P
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

As I have only just returned from the void my opinion matters little, but I am fine with whatever you believe is the right course.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »


I think that it would be good to skip ahead.

As soon as the planetside stuff is done (should be soon) and the new characters get settled, I'll move things forward to the next day.

I might not write today, as I just had a long flight and I am very tired, but I will write soon.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Just about wrapped up here. Next post will include a time skip to the start of the next major arc.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

FINALLY got the chance to update.

And bonus points, it's the START of a NEW ARC!

*fweeee* *noisemaker sounds* *happy noises*

Feels like it's been forever since we've had something new and interesting. Maybe a new arc with actual action will get this thing moving again.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

I feel like I should let you guys know that I tested positive for covid yesterday.

I feel really drained and in various degrees of pain. I don't know when I will have the energy to write.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

You'll have it when you have it. Write when you can. (You can always leave the page open so you can continue when you want) There's no pressure.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by TheRook259 »

Get well soon, Cyber! Write when you can, we'll be patiently waiting.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

That's a real bummer dude. Get well soon! I'm sure the champions will find a way to kill time while you're taking a breather, or not who knows?
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Legotron123 »

*Cuts to them having a DDR tournament somewhere on the beacon*
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Hey, so...

I figured I should let you all know what is going on.

I wasn't the only one to get covid in this house. My 90 year old Grandpa got it too. We've been trying to keep him away from it for two years, and on Friday our fears were confirmed.

While I got better, Grandpa didn't. His heart couldn't take the fight against the disease. He passed away Friday night.

I'm not in a very good place. I thought I was doing ok, that I was handling it well, but I'm not. Today, I flew off the handle at my aunts and uncles and parents and ran out of the house.

I know you guys are waiting on me. Maybe I'll pick up writing sometime to distract myself. But I wanted to let you all know what was happening.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Dude I'm so sorry to hear that. Don't worry about the wait, I don't mind. Take as much time as you need.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

I've been thinking about whether I should make a Discord channel for all the RPS I run. Let players meet each other and talk out of character, check take a look at the other games, and keep more in touch with each other.

The games themselves would still be here, as would the OOC page. But the Discord might help folks stay in touch.

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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

I'm down to join it maybe it'd encourage people to interact more too.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Planning out this arc made me think about the phenomenon of the corruptive force power has on those who wield it. In fact, this game has made me think about this a lot. I used to wonder if the Beacon of Hope, run by a single individual who holds essentially all power, would realistically be as dedicated to the people as the Beacon of Hope is. In a real scenario, 90+% of the time, someone with as much power as Hivemind would definitely abuse it, or use it selfishly at least some of the time.

But with Hivemind, it's different. Hivemind is the Genie in the Bottle. He has massive power, ultimate control over every part of the ship, and a military that dwarfs the power of most star systems. But prior to gaining that power, he made one important choice: When he was programming the Hive network, before the Beacon was built or the Champions formed, he put in constraints that stripped him of his ability to think in his own self interest. He *cannot* use his power for himself. He *cannot* use his wealth on himself. He *cannot* use his military to conquer or colonize. Everything he does, everything he spends, everything he builds must be done in the interest of maximizing sapient life, protecting the rights of all people, and providing for their needs because he can no longer even think of using it for anything else. If you were to see the real human behind the hive, you'd see him in a small apartment-style room with bare minimum amenities. He provides himself with only as much as it takes to keep himself healthy.

That's why the Beacon works. Hivemind is a Servant Dictator. A demigod in chains.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

And that's why Corp doesn't completely trust him.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Welsh Halfwit wrote: Mon Sep 12, 2022 2:01 pm And that's why Corp doesn't completely trust him.
Which part? The fact that he's got uncontested power, or Because he willingly stripped himself of a chunk of his own free will in order to avoid abusing that power?
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

The uncontested power bit. He's only got Hive's word for the other bit. But he's new here.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

I apologize for my silence. It's been chaotic. My aunts and uncles were removing furniture from Grandpa's old house to sell, I ended up in a pretty dark place when my cousin came to take Grandpa's cat away, and I eventually had to move to stay with my aunt for the next week until I fly out on Thursday. Once I'm back in Missouri, I'll be traveling to Tennesee for my late Uncle's Celebration of Life.

Unless I manage to work up the motivation to work on it during the weekdays, it is likely going to be another couple of weeks before I post here.

Again, I apologize for the delay.
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Re: Non HPU: Beacon Of Hope OOC

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Hoo boy Kaleb's gonna develop trust issues after this stunt.
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