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Post by Zesortinge »

I remembered something about my dream. Bothe Shouto and Touya were in it and one of them was with the group the Endeavor was looking for and the other was the one that was assigned control of the half of the fleet that didn't go with Endeavor. Also, the soldiers were a darker outfit version of the green clothed soldiers of Arc the Lad: Twilight of Spirits.
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Post by FireworkFox »

Last night I had a dream where I was at a summer camp. This summer camp had a main building, a row of cabins, a pavilion with a bell tower, and a large open field. It was surrounded by a dense forest.
It was Thursday, and I was learning how to fly old jets and WW1-era fighter aircraft(because apparently you could do that at this summer camp). Then I figured out how to fly using only a small paper airplane.(You heard me right; I could fly by holding a paper plane in my hand.)Then I met up with my best friend, and I wanted to do the high five thing from Top Gun with him.(In case you don't remember it, Maverick and Goose do it in the volleyball scene). Since it was now Thursday evening, we all knew it was time for DnD. I panicked because I thought I'd forgot to bring my character sheets. Luckily, I found them just in time.
There was also something about cleaning the roofs of the cabins, but I don't remember much about that.

That was my favorite dream ever!
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Post by Vertigo Fox »

Last night I had a... less of a dream than a vague (yet specific!) impression, on the cusp between being asleep and waking up... of a car crash -- at first it was just a fender-bender. But it kept repeating and revising itself, getting more and more extreme each time, until the third or fourth time the car was knocked into the air so hard it wound up in orbit XD
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Post by Zesortinge »

That is extremely gradual change for the event to have occurred three or four times.
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Post by Vertigo Fox »

lol wasn't. But I never said it was. :D
Maybe it would have gone on longer if my brain wasn't trying to wake up at the same time. But who ever said these things should make sense? :P
They'd be pretty boring.
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Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

I had a neat space dream last night. Witnessed some cool extraterrestrial terrain, spoke with some aliens, had a good time. Here's what I wrote in my dream journal:

I was in space above a large frozen planet. I flew towards the planet and noticed that its entire surface was covered in a web of mountain ranges. As I flew closer I oriented myself to the horizon. The mountain formations took shape as I approached the surface. The mountain ranges, large in their own right, followed an even larger shape on the scale of continents, like ranges of mountain ranges. Still hovering in the air, I chose a random mountain below to land on. I touched down on a snowy ridge and followed it upward until I reached the mountain's peak.

It was a peaceful and inspiring scene. A large crystal of ice, about my size, stood up out of the snow. It looked like pure blue ice, the same kind of ice that formed this planet's mountains. Looking downrange, I saw the mountain decline below. The decline encountered other mountains on the way down, but each peak was lower than the one before, so the decline extended steadily to the horizon. I was at such a high altitude that I could see the planet's curvature. In the distance, thousands of miles away, I saw more continent-sized terrain.

It was daytime but this planet was located so far from its parent star that the surface at midday was as dim as late sunset on Earth. The planet's sun looked like a very bright star about 60 degrees above the horizon and it had minimal glare. It was dark enough that the "night" sky was visible but I couldn't recognize the stars. This was a frozen world, utterly still, trapped in twilight. I felt very calm.

While at the peak I began speaking with the planet's native humanoids. They had a primitive society but they were not fazed by my alien status. They shared their extensive astronomical knowledge with me. They pointed out and spoke about their constellations and their stories. They spoke about celestial bodies, like a great comet, the largest in their history, that appeared once and never again since. As I looked at the "night" sky I noticed that the stars had no galactic backdrop, only blackness. I thought that this was a quiet world in every respect.
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Post by Vertigo Fox »

I have the vague impression of a dream last night where I was some kind of little wildcat, (maybe something with lots of jungle spots?), playing with a pair of otters on what might have been like a small lake... whatever environment it was seemed green and marshy. There may have been some kind of boat involved too, probably on the otters' part :)
I guess my subconscious must have still been thinking about that question about Tarmac and Gambit over in the comic chat, and maybe combining that with bits of concept from a collaborative short story I've been helping work on for about a week.

...if I remembered more than just impressions maybe I could answer the question :P

EDIT April 9th
Adding on to that, I had a very vivid, lengthy dream last night that I was a margay cat running and climbing and leaping through somebody else's city at midnight.
There were no otters involved this time, but the overwhelming sense of the thing was just fun.

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Post by FireworkFox »

Last night I had a really crazy dream where I was hanging out with my grandparents, and then some crazy dude started shooting at us. Later, me and some other dudes used selective breeding to create a 60 foot long jellyfish. And I was like, "What have we done?!"

A few weeks ago, I had a dream where I was hanging out with Grape at a golf course. And Tiger, being Tiger, decided to vandalize said golf course.
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Post by NHWestoN »

I dream a lot lately about being on a lake in a rowboat. `bout time for a change of scenery. ;)
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Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

I had a dream about a book series I was crazy about as a kid. Anyone else read Guardians of Ga'Hoole? I still remember some lore from those books, and I dreamt about the world of Ga'Hoole centuries later. The owls had a proper civilization, but instead of being based on technology they used magic. There were big, powerful empires, but Ga'Hoole was still the most advanced of them all. Apparently Ga'Hoole was at war with "an unknown hostile force from the northwest" (said by someone in the dream, idk). The northwest region referred to the Beyond, which used to be home to the wolves but became uninhabited after natural disasters. In the spinoff books, the wolves left the Beyond, crossed a frozen sea, and started a new society in a lush new continent. But in my dream the wolves returned with hostile intentions.

I watched a battle unfold between the Ga'Hoole army and the wolves. Hundreds of owls with intricate armor and weapons embarked from the great tree and were magically transported to the battlefield in the Beyond. They encountered another owl army in the sky (maybe they were worked for the wolves?) and fought. I don't recall any details thereafter, but I remember it being really cool. If I was a writer I'd make a fanfic about it :P
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Post by JamesTCat »

I had a daydream that I hope I could make into reality. In essence, what if I commissioned Sega a massive bounty to port Sonic The Fighters into the Sega Saturn System? That I pay around several million dollars to make the Sega Saturn port of Sonic The Fighters possible. The game will have a "Copylike year" alongside it's actual release year but it will have a additional roster not including the bosses (which have to accessed through codes in versus mode.)

The two additional character roster are a recursive lot where back in the days of the Sega Saturn the likes of Cream, Gamma, Big, Chaos 0, Jet, Wave, Storm, Shadow, Blaze, Omega, Rouge, Silver and the playable likes of Vector, Charmy, and Modern Sonic didn't exist in this game. Yes, I am keeping Honey's slot in the character roster hers and that's three rows of characters to fight as for the Sega Ages Model 2 Engines. Otherwise, I'd go with the characters who debut within the fifth to sixth generation of consoles without going over.

I'd even have Modern Sonic to be a additional character that can be selected by holding start on the character select screen with the cursor over Sonic. His moveset will even reflect the "Boost Gameplay Style" when it comes to speed but at the cost of attack power.

I'd even go as far as commission a remake style series for the various fighting games of the Model 2 system style. Even as far as a "Fighter's Megamix DX" where Virtua Fighter, Fighting Vipers and Sonic the Fighters are all playable in the same game as well as for modern systems a "Fighter's Megamix DX Definitive Saturn Ages" with all the Virtua Fighter, Tekken, Soulcalibur, Fighting Vipers, Sonic The Fighters and the Guest Fighter roster from the likes of SNK and Capcom.

All the various fighting grooves based off of their respective games, complete with all the moves being able to be pulled off with the respective Punch and Kick Buttons. I'll even split the shares of the Commission so they all can split my Fighter's Megamix Definitive Saturn Ages commission 50/50/50/50. No Ultra Meters to be found however, as it will be purely based on skill if you want to master the fighting games that are released first party long after the end of the Sega Saturn's lifespan.

If Simon Cowell could make the Power Rangers' theme into a full single, maybe my commission to sega will be a reality. Nothing to it~
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Post by Harry Johnathan »

Once, I dreamt that I turned into an old man while brushing my teeth. I was chased by a giant grey brick filled with bugs and I fell down a hole, where the FBI were hiding in our bathroom trying to talk to aliens using a broken air conditioner, but then revealed aliens don't exist and they're just a cover up to hide some sort of mass government drug trade. Then, characters from HALO, throwing around old copies of Nick Magazine burst in and hid under the sink to find some criminal named "Holly", who was making illegal adult films with funding from a home for senior citizens down the street, who were some mass conspiracy to kill me.

Then, I dreamt about an apocalypse set in the world of SpongeBob where black people were persecuted, all pizza was drugged and I had to protect a baby deer from angry hyenas using a magic blanket.

Then, I dreamt that my mom had turned into a monster, hiding me in some labyrinth with The Lion King characters, who had become debauched caricatures of their former selves, throwing wild parties and having lots of children. I asked Batman to help me, but he betrayed me to Freddy Krueger, who had killed my dad by throwing him into a vat of acid. Suddenly, I became a baby version of the Joker, died and went to Heaven, but I fell into a pool and the dream ended. A little while later, I feel back asleep and dream that Alex from Madagascar had become a wanted criminal. Suddenly, the whole world turned monochrome, and my X-Box came alive and tried to kill me. I escaped in a giant LEGO car, but it exploded, though I was still alive. I met the Crypt Keeper, who slapped me with a big book. I was chased by Edgar the Bug from MiB into a dungeon filled with mini Merry-Go-Rounds. I found my now vampiric mom, and I begged her to wake me up before I woke up, crying into my pillow.
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Post by SeanWolf »

Finally had a good dream last night: So the dream began with me at a theme park riding a roller coaster (that had a odd-horror theme to it and I ended up getting stuck on the ride, so I just exited it there) then going over to one awesome looking water slide (Side Note: I actually now recognize this park from two previous dreams). After a bit, I then headed onto a river and, after a "fight" with a gun I recognized from the game Goldeneye 007 (I think this was part of the attraction or something, I don't recall), I came across a man who gave me the ability to transform into various animals and such, including forming hawk wings on my back, which made me happy (I even folded the wings across my chest as a sort of vest). Most of my dreams usually end up either making zero sense or have me either back in school or in a mall, but this one was awesome and sort of ties in with a silly side of me that would LOVE to be able to do that in real life (the TFing into animals and back into human at will along with forming various animal parts like wings).
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Sounds like a really nice dream then! Sometimes I would like to remember my dreams but then I'm worried that they will be incredibly screwed up.
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Post by Vertigo Fox »

Last night had a short dream I was a leopard, and I attacked and mauled a would-be rapist just before he'd have managed to commit the act.

I think this is the first time I've attacked a human in a dream... and if it had been real, I wouldn't regret it. I woke up and I was basically like, "yup". :mrgreen:
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Post by SeanWolf »

I was at an old friends house for a bit and, out of the blue, Digimon Frontiers started to air on TV...except it had the three starring members of the previous Digimon show turning into Digimon (Rika as Renamon was the only one I recognized as everyone else was not a Digimon). This led to me looking for a Motorcycle and, quite frankly? I had no idea where this dream was going >.< The only thing I really remember happening IS the Digimon TF part.
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Post by OdedZeituni98 »

I remember I was dreaming about Five Nights at Freddy's, I was the night guard and for some reason I did terrible and Markiplier's voice appears and says to me about something. they didn't attack me while I didn't wear my glasses, but when I did wear my glasses they bite my hand.
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Better that they just bite your hand rather than try to stuff you in a suit full of sharp objects that will fatally impale you.
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Post by 96N64player »

Lately I have been having a few dreams in which I end up TALKING in my sleep, and the weirdest part is that my brothers and I are actually able to have a conversation WHILE I AM SLEEPING. It is very annoying (probably more so for my two brothers, we share a bedroom).

The other day, I had a dream in which two people were trying to break into my brother's 1960 Volkswagen Beetle. One of them threw a brick into the passenger window, and I yelled "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU IDIOT?!" (something I wouldn't say in real life). Apparently I woke my brother up with the commotion so he asked "Are you OK?" and while I was still dreaming, I answered "". This was more of a nightmare at this point, but I have realized that every time I am talking in my sleep and I have my brothers wake me up, I scream, so I try to not have them wake me up.

Anyways, in the morning, my brother asked me if I had a nightmare so I asked what did he hear me say. So he replied "What are you doing you idiot!" :oops: How embarrassing!
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Post by Chubbo »

So I'm someone who has trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, so when I wake up and go back to bed my dreams tend to get more bizarre and surreal. Two ones I can remember vividly were:

A couple nights ago I had a dream where I had become Grape and my friend was Peanut. However, we were the kitten/puppy version of them. So because of this we had Tarot, as an adult, being our baby sitter and taking us to a park. There was some usual park activates that occurred until there was a swarm of evil(?) bees that attacked people at the park. So me and Peanut ran to Tarot and hugged her, and she kept us safe, but because I was more scared she gave me a plush to calm me down and it was a plush of Tarot.

And now I can't get the idea of kitten Grape with a plush of Tarot out of my head cause it seems too cute

The second dream was last night so I may have a bit more detail here:

So last night I had a dream, that I was turned into my 'sona which is a Leafeon. However it wasn't all good as I was in a post apocalypse, but I wasn't alone thankfully. So I was with a group that was me, Rick and his wife from The Walking Dead, and Zach (from housepets!) for some reason. This apocalypse was more like the movie bird box where you couldn't look outside. However this one was more light based so you couldn't look at sunlit stuff outside for long. The four of us in our group stayed in an old run down house, but then we started to get guests in the house. It was mainly woodland creatures from housepets! mainly Custom Ink, Falstaff and Truck. Then more people started to fill the house, so we needed more supplies. Me and Zach checked out a window at night and saw in the backyard that there was supplies. So Zach and I moved downstairs and were about to go to the backyard, but then it turned day, so the two of us instead of getting blindfolds we just covered our eyes and headed to the supplies. Then there was the group of other people who's supplies it was so we tried to hide in the pile of stuff. Zach grabbed some stuff and ran back to the house. Then I got caught but they seemed fine with talking to me and just..gave me food, mainly nuts and stuff. So I carried it back to the house, which for some reason turned into my irl house and I got chewed out by someone in my family for going out and getting stuff. I just ignored them and went upstairs. Then for some reason my irl family was there mixed with housepets! woodland creatures and it was also Christmas/Openermas...and then I woke up.
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Those dreams do sound really interesting! Must mean you are very creative! :)
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Post by Vertigo Fox »

For a few nights now I've kept getting dreams where I turn into a winged cat, and I go flying, but the wind blows me much higher than I wanted to be and I get very nervous to look down.

It doesn't sound that special to describe, but the idea of a flight dream where the flying is something... scary, but you want to give yourself a chance to like it anyway-- that's interesting and it seems somehow more true to life than my usual dreams about transformations or doing new things. Plus, the feeling of being exposed in midair with nothing around me but the wind, that's never been more vivid.

I think next time I get a couple days off from work I might write a track to try and capture some of those feelings before they go away.
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I always wanted to know about is it true that if you are falling in your dreams you can feel it before you wake up or if you don't feel any sensations. As I said, I wouldn't know because I either don't dream or remember them well enough. :?
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Post by Vertigo Fox »

It's been a long while since I had a dream like that, but I remember a sensation which was... only a little bit like actually falling.
I think it was more like an extreme feeling of "butterflies in the stomach", or a very exaggerated sense of vertigo.
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Post by MikeNelsonMythril »

This may be charged with kinks but I just need to get this out of my system.

Ever since I started taking a vacation, I started having these dreams where I am any number of "Housepets!" Webcomic characters but get this: they are charged with fetishes. (Usually involves the likes of Inflation. I will insist you mark my dreamsonas with the "Digimon Digital Hazard" symbols to avoid confusion.)


Usually, I am "King Milton but mutated with whatever details, usually inflatable" or "Any and all HP Character but the same" trying to survive the dreams as I try to fight the mental battles, I been lucky so far but maybe I shouldn't go too far with the dreams' recaps.

But I maybe I should make a Furaffinity account for those who want the more explicit dreams.
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Post by Harry Johnathan »

MikeNelsonMythril wrote: Sat Jul 10, 2021 9:40 am This may be charged with kinks but I just need to get this out of my system.

Ever since I started taking a vacation, I started having these dreams where I am any number of "Housepets!" Webcomic characters but get this: they are charged with fetishes. (Usually involves the likes of Inflation. I will insist you mark my dreamsonas with the "Digimon Digital Hazard" symbols to avoid confusion.)


Usually, I am "King Milton but mutated with whatever details, usually inflatable" or "Any and all HP Character but the same" trying to survive the dreams as I try to fight the mental battles, I been lucky so far but maybe I shouldn't go too far with the dreams' recaps.

But I maybe I should make a Furaffinity account for those who want the more explicit dreams.
Really. Just... really.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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I've been having leopard dreams again but I don't remember too much about them other than the shapeshifting...
...maybe that means I'm finally starting to feel like normal again.
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Post by Harry Johnathan »

Vertigo Fox wrote: Sun Jul 11, 2021 4:00 pm I've been having leopard dreams again but I don't remember too much about them other than the shapeshifting...
...maybe that means I'm finally starting to feel like normal again.
Huh, that's odd.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Can't be as odd as not having dreams. Or maybe I don't remember them. I just close my eyes and relax and then time somehow passes and its morning when I get up.
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Post by Vertigo Fox »

So here's a strange one.

Last night I dreamed I was a full-on wild cat -- I think I was a clouded leopard, 'cause there was another one there and it felt like we were of the same kind. And, you know, we were doing typical wild cat stuff, like, test-piloting a helicopter. A helicopter which seemed to have just been repaired, and which might have been stolen for us. Or by us.
Weirdest part is this felt like it was part of a larger story where all this stuff would have somehow made sense... but the dream didn't bother to tell me what that story was. Lazy subconscious! :lol:
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Post by The Blue Fox »

Here's one I had a couple of nights ago now.

In this dream, I was exploring some city. But it's not any city I know in real life, it's definitely one my subconcious threw together.

I think I have been visiting this same subconcious city multiple times in multiple dreams. If so, it is a sprawling metropolis complete with a massive train station, a tram system, a church, and just...buildings everywhere.

My subconcious seems to have quite the imagination to come up with this, and the fact that I'm revisiting it multiple times is very interesting.

I wish somebody would invent some kinda dream recording device, one may be able to virtually reconstruct this city from the images it gleams over the multiple dreams about it I'm having.

Anyway, in this particular dream, I'm wandering around...and then I somehow end up inside

This room is sphere shaped, and inside it there's all these typing consoles covered in buttons mounted onto these horizontal floor layers that have been built to follow the contours of the bottom of the sphere. There were people at these consoles, and in one spot of this sphere a video screen is being projected showing this guy talking, doing some kinda presentation, but I don't think I could hear anything he was saying.

What's more, every so often the walls of this sphere room would spin around, it was kinda like being on the inside of a gyroscope that was one solid mass. Each time it spinned, I could hear some faint, low rumble, which I guess is the sound of the mechanism they were using to make it spin around.

I have no idea what purpose making the walls of a spherical room spin around could possibly serve, but it all looked very futuristic.

The room had exits that didn't spin around with the walls. I'm not entirerely sure how that works, I just remember leaving through one and heading back out into the city to explore some more.

Eventually I come to some...park area, I guess? It was mostly concrete, I think, but it had some greenery and It had this big waterfall water feature on one end.

I spend some time there, then I remember returning to the weird sphere room for some reason, and then exiting into the city again, and that's all I remember.
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Post by Vertigo Fox »

I've had dreams about weird cities with consistent layouts too -- but within those dreams I tend to believe it's the city I live in or at least one I've been to.

The other night I had a dream I was some kind of feline creature in some kind of parallel dimension looking for my wings. No, I don't know why I had wings or why they weren't just attached to my body if they were mine.
I was hunting through a forest with at least one other cat companion, also looking for her wings, and some human allies. The forest was very hostile to us and we had the distinct feeling the forest itself was sentient in some way and did not want us to find what we were looking for.
I don't remember most of the specific "scenes" that happened except one where I was keeping watch on the humans' campsite from a tree branch I'd climbed into, and the end where we apparently succeeded.

There was another dream a few weeks ago where I discovered I was a shapeshifter, and it was far too detailed and complex describe in detail, but I spent most of it as a flying snow leopard and that was pretty cool.
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Post by Vertigo Fox »

So, last night I had three entirely distinct dreams that involved me turning into a sea otter.
Even for my imagination that's a bit excessive.

But if anybody wanted proof that I'm not just a cat person, well... :D
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Post by NHWestoN »

Dream about rush baking cookies for the King of Norway. I have no idea what triggers something like THAT. (Maybe it was an update that informed me I've got some Swedish and Dane in the background ..... :? :roll: :D )
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I would personally wonder WHY it was cookies you were baking. :?: :!:
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Post by NHWestoN »

I dreamed Rick relaunched Housepets! and it was wonderful !!!
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I think that EVERYBODY is dreaming that and hope that it happens soon. All we can do is take a wait-and-see approach.
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Post by NHWestoN »

About a month ago, the missus and I had a conversation about otters. I mentioned that, growing up, we had colony of the little scamps along a stream near my home. Don't know why, but since then I've had at least four or five dreams with otters in them.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Do you remember anything specific about them or were jsut just generic otters? I am literally bracing myself for you to say that one was blue. XD
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