is it too dark??

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Re: is it too dark??

Post by NHWestoN »

The moderators for this forum are pretty quick to let you know if you've committed any transgressions, Billy,. They're also very discrete, so if you haven't gotten a private message from them by now, you're doing fine and cleared to go. This is an Impressive amount of creative work, by the way. ;)
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Re: is it too dark??

Post by AldyBilly »

Chapter 17
Sandwich’s house ~~

It was already morning as the sunrise shines through the sandwich home as one of the sandwiches slowly blinked and groaned under the blanket, jill open her eyes as she slowly sits on the bed. She stretched her arms and yawned, she looked to her right and saw her husband is still sleeping as she smile and kissed his foreheand making him blink his eyes as he open and saw his wife smiling face. “ good morning my lovely husband “ she teased him
He chuckled as he slowly stand up “ good morning my beautifull wife “ as he snaked around her waist and begun to kiss her lips. She hummed in delight as she finally get up from the bed, Earl watched her as if he fell in love for the first time “ where are you going? It’s still Sunday morning “ Earl told her
Jill begun to walk to their wardrobe as she open them and begun to search her daily clothed “ I know and what do you think will happened if I stay up late hmm? “ she question him
Earl laughed “ fair point, but it’s still cold don’t you want to stay in this bed with your lovely husband? And nice view by the way “ he whistle at her
She finally found what she wanted as she turn around and put her hands toward her hips as she raised her eyes “ well then my lovely pervert husband maybe you should get up and put a sweater on “ she mocked him
Earl smiled devilishly at her “ make me “ he taunt her as he put his hands behind his head
Jill take a huge sighed as she approach him “ c’mon lazy butt before the kids wake up “ as soon as she tried to pull Earl arm he suddenly pull her towards him making her yelled in surprised “ AH NO!! DON”T YOU DARE YOU… HAHAHAHHA “
Earl begun to hug her and proceed to tickle her sides making her trap bellow her husband “ I wanted to cuddle with you “ he begun to pout as he kept tickling Jill
Jill kept laughing “ EARL… HAHAHAH …. SANDWICH !!! “ she screamed as she kept laughing
Earl finally released her as he kept chukling “ hehehe…. LOVE YOU TOO HONEY ! “ as he finally stand up and grab his shirt and ran towards their bathroom leaving Jill out of breath in their bed
“ seriously *huff* why did I marry him “ jill chuckled then proceed to follow her husband
After the marriage couple finally settled themselves in the kitchen as Jill begun to make breakfast as Earl read today newspaper while humming in happiness, on the sofa Grape smelled something good as her eyes begun to blink as she finally stand up and yawn while stretching her body. Her stomach suddenly when rumbling as the smell making her hungry, she begun to walked towards where the smell is, “ Good morning~~” she said as she still felt sleepy and proceed to sit on the chair
“ morning Grape “ Earl looked at her as he saw her head faceplanted on the table making him chuckled as he caress her head making her purr in delight
“ morning sweetie “ Jill answered too
Then someone peek her head “ wow… it smells amazing “ Luna walked into the kitchen as she smelled Jill cooking
Jill looked towards her “ come join us Luna “ she told her
“ thank you Jill “ she took the chair and sit on it
“ breakfast ready in 15 minutes~~ “ she sing along, she begun to turn off the fire and set the table until she realised something or someone when missing “ uhm…. Where is Peanut? “ she looked around as she tried to search the cinnamon dog
Earl realised that too as he wonder too why the room so quiet usually it when mayhem when the morning comes “ Grape…. Where’s Peanut? “ he asked her
Grape lift her head as she blink her eyes and realised they are correct, one of the family member is still missing “ huh… usually he already woke up before me “
Earl face become horrid “ oh god…. Today the day isn’t it? “ everyone become panic when they saw his face until he finish his statement “ the day when everything when wrong after Grape woke up before Peanut “ his face turn to sly grin
Jill glared at her husband and begun to slap his shoulder making him chuckled “real funny dad “ Grape grumbled at her dad while Luna tried holding her laughter
“ instead making horrible joke why don’t you check where our boy is hmm? “ Jill kept glaring towards her husband making him laugh
“ okay okay hehehe I’m going to call him “ earl begun to stand up until the heard a shuffling entering the kitchen, and then Peanut came with a tired face sticking in his face
“ *yawn* morning… “ he walked to the chair beside Grape as the sound of shuffle foot can be heard from him
All of them went shocked when they saw him, “ what did you do to him? “ Earl said as he accusingly looked towards Grape making Grape look flabbergasted
“ what do you mean what did I do!? “ Grape glared at Earl
Jill slap Earl head making him chuckled “ don’t tease our daughter and what happened to you Peanut? “ Jill asked as she looked at her son as he put his head on top of his arm and lay his head on the table
‘daughter huh?’ whenever her Parent said that it making Grape heart warm and smiled unconsciously, then Grape remembered what happened last night but what make her realised is that the meeting beetwen that horned cat is not the problem for him “ is the kiss really making you awake last night? “
Her parents eyes went wide as they surprised to hear that, making Peanut raised alarmed on what Grape just said “ uhm… what kiss? “ jill asked her
Luna started to chuckled at what Grape said ‘ hehehe does this cat ever pull a punch? “
Peanut suddenly went wide awaked “ wha… wait… that’s not!.... UGH!! “ as he tried to make a words but all of them make no sense as his face went red tomato
“ Grape….. what happened last night? “ Earl tried to asked again but with the voice he said it almost as if he just said ‘ you better tell me or I’ll cut your allowance ‘
Making Grape eyes went wide as she looked at her dad “ RalphKissedPeanutlastnight “ she quickly said making both of their parents confused while Luna finally couldn’t help and laugh out loud
Peanut ears went up in alarmed “ GRAPEEE~~~~ “he whine towards her
“could you repeat that dear? “ Jill asked again nicely
Grape sighed as she open her mouth to say it but suddenly a paw cover her mouth “ don’t “ Peanut became panic making both of their parent became more intrigued
“ Peanut… released her “ Earl said sternly making Peanut whine in defeat as he slowly release his paw
Grape just looked at him with dumbfounded face “ did you just silenced me? “ making Peanut smiled sheepesely at her, she sighed as she looked at his face “ alright… you better tell them yourself then “ she said
Jill and Earl looked at each other “ I’ll prepare the breakfast first “ Jill said as she bringing the plate on the table
Earl just nod his head “ I want the full version Peanut… not the short one “ he said to him
Peanut whine again in defeat as he faceplanted on the table, Grape looked at him as the question pop in her head ‘ what really did happened last night? ‘
Last night~~
Peanut become dumbstruck as if his earing went troubled “ what? “ he sat there as he looked at Ralph face.
Ralph Eyes only show pure sincerity as he opens his mouthed and say that words again “ I think I am deeply fallen for you “ he held Peanut paw very firm as to make sure that his view only him, to show him that his words are very serious, Peanut couldn’t exactly knew how to respond to that statement his mind went blank and he knows for sure this is not something to joke about, after a few minutes of silenced thing started to get awkward as Peanut only looked at Ralph in shocked as Ralph started to show worried face “ is it really hard to believe that? “ he asked Peanut
Peanut finally woke up from his mind blank as his face turns to red tomato “ no… I mean…. I … uhm… “ Peanut began to panic and for some reason, this is the first time someone confessed him like this not even Tarot and they just broke up “ I guess….. thank you? “ he said timidly
Ralph raised his one of his eyebrows “ you have never been to confessed, haven’t you? “ Ralph smile a little when he saw Peanut reaction, Peanut nod his head a little as Ralph take a huge sighed as he looked the way their paw intertwined “ i guess it’s time for me to tell you everything on what happened a couple days ago “ Ralph finally got Peanut full attention as he continued his explanation “ the day i went back to work after I check your condition I started to feel protective over you, I even wanted to get back and stayed with you all day just to make sure you alright and safe “ Peanut face started to feel warmer “ but I decided to finish my report and get on with it, I cast aside that felling “ Ralph took a huge sigh then he began to chuckled “ did you know what happened after I arrived at my work ? my co-worker begun to teased me as they thought I have a crushed on you “ this statement making Peanut went full alert “ oh the name calling they got for me even officer bill called me ‘lover boy’ “ Peanut begun to giggled as he remembered he heard it on the radio “ I really wanted to locked my self in my office just stay there and just stayed there the entire day “ Peanut couldn’t help and laughed at that “ Kevin even suggest that maybe I should lock my self in the hospital room with you in it…. And believed me Peanut.. I tempted to do it… “ Peanut stop his laughed and his face turns crimson red “ but a job is a job… but still… i couldn’t concentre because my mind is always thinking of you “ Ralph looked at Peanut as his eyes showed affection towards him “ when I go to sleep, at work, even on break time I wanted to visit you and just talked… at least I need to see you “ Peanut heart making *thump* sound “ it begun to stressed me until some dog giving me a piece of advice and believe me when I felt grateful for that advice “ Peanut kept hearing his story and the longer he heard it his heart begun to beat crazy “ and this night after I saw you on the danced floor I finally realised what I really feel “ Ralph begun to grinned and Peanut face finally turn red all over “ this is how I really feel towards you Peanut… and you can’t change how I feel towards you, i have fallen in *love* with you “ Ralph finally said the ‘L’ words and Peanut mind finally lose it, his heart is beating very fast everything he said it almost like a blur for him but he clearly heard the ‘L’ word.
Peanut tried to think something, at least something to say to Ralph but his mind is a mess “ are you sure? I mean…. You might be wrong.. “
Peanut knew it’s harsh to say that but when he heard Ralph laugh “ oh believe me pup I certainly got jealous when you called Luna beautiful “
Peanut remembered that when Luna tried to hug him Ralph suddenly pushed him behind or when Kevin at least tried to be friendly he thought Ralph only worried about his condition but it looks liked he was wrong, until he remembered something as his eyes slowly changed into a sad one making Ralph went alert “ what is it Peanut? “
Peanut looked at him “ it’s just that.. “ Ralph began to worried “ I just broke up with Tarot, and after I hear your confession? I really don’t know what to do “ Peanut begun to whimper “ it almost like I betray her “
Ralph understood what he said “ she really is special for you, isn’t she? “Ralph chuckled “ Peanut… when I confessed to you that doesn’t mean we have to become a thing “ Peanut started became confused until Ralph suddenly realised what he just said “ WAIT… I MEAN I WANTED US TO BECAME A THING BUT…. NO.. WHAT I MEAN IS.. “ Peanut face showed a slight blushed as Ralph started to Panic but after a second he took a huge breath “ I just wanted you to hear what I feel towards you, you can take your time and process all of this “ he smiled towards him “ and I don’t think you betray her if you only heard my confession isn’t it? “
Peanut thought for a moment ‘ he got a point Peanut ‘ he heard Eriel voiced in his head
but.... it feels like I’m betraying her ‘ Peanut still complained back
listen to Ralph advice Peanut… ‘take your time’… that is the key until you find what you are looking for ‘ Eriel slowly said
as he nods his head, Ralph began to smile widely as he put his paw on Peanut jaw “ now please turn that sad face into a smiled? It hurts me when I see you sad “ Peanut looked at him as a smile slowly form on his face
“ thank you Ralph “ Peanut gratefully said
Ralph looked at that innocent smiled and he couldn’t help but blushed as his heart make *thump* sound “ that smiled should be a crime “ he couldn’t help but cover his blushed
Peanut heard his comment making him giggled, they looked at each other as they couldn’t help but smiled affectionately towards each other until they heard a hushed sound behind the door “ what did the chief say? “ Ralph knew from the sound it was Kevin “ ssh!.. shut up will ya I “ and that was Terrance.
Peanut and Ralph looked at each other as Ralph finally take a huge sighed and released his and Peanut paw “ maybe we should take this conversation elsewhere just the two of us “ Ralph told him
Peanut face looked shocked “ like a date? “ he couldn’t help but blushed a little
Ralph looked at him as a small smile form “ sure you can call it that “ Ralph then walked to the door as he touches the doorknob when he opens the door the group when tumbling forwards making a ruckus “ so…. How much did you guys listen “ Ralph put both of his hand in front of his chest as he glared towards his fellow officer
Kevin, Terrance, Fox and Mungo looked up and grinned innocently towards him “ I told you guys that we should leave them alone “ Fido said as he approaches the door with his paw on Sabrina side.
“ what!? And miss the face when I win the bet with Ralph? “ Kevin counter back as he dusts his knee and standing up as the other join him.
“ a bet? “ Peanut innocently asked out of nowhere making Ralph looked panic, while Kevin casually put his hand around Ralph shoulder
“ don’t worry Peanut it just the bet about how he feels towards you “ Kevin grinned at him making his face turn red, as Ralph only facepalming hard
‘ how many times did my face change colour… it almost like I lose a lot of blood because of it ‘ Peanut said, ‘ well Ralph did just confessed to you ‘ Eriel said out of nowhere. ‘ can I have a private talk with my own mind? “ Peanut glared at his head, ‘ oops, sorry Peanut ‘ Eriel said.
“ I’ll take it that Grape already told you what happened? “ Ralph asked the others as the group when inside the room
“ well she did but only you are the one who didn’t know, “ Fox told him
Grape walked passed Ralph as she rubs Peanut head affectionately making his tail wagged “ you feeling good now lug? “ Peanut nod his head
Ralph looked at the both of them and then he looked towards their group “ don’t worry no matter what the story is I better hear it from Peanut directly “ as he glanced towards Peanut and smiled at him
Kevin grinned towards him “ well then, I got 3 reports to turn in so good luck chief “ making Ralph glared towards him
Molly looked each pet as she looked at Luna “ so… since when did you know about Peanut? “ Molly looked quite curiously at the white wolf
Luna only smiled towards her “ hmm~~~ I wonder “ she playfully answered
Molly just shrugged at that as she looked at Sasha “ well as much interesting this is we need to go back to work, oh and don’t worry your secret is safe with me Peanut, come on Sasha “ she began to walk out towards the door
Sasha runs towards Kevin as she began to hugged and kiss his cheek “ bye kevie poo and good luck Peanut “ Sasha waved at him making him wonder about what Grape just said to everyone.
we need to head back too or Jill will have my head for this “ Luna said as she began to walk towards Peanut and started to lift Peanut but someone grabs her paw to stop what she was doing
“ I will be the one who carries him “ as Ralph glared towards Luna
Luna only grinned as her paw allow Ralph to passed “ by all means go-ahead
Peanut stared at them very awkwardly “ uhm… I think I can walk by myself “
Grape began to argued “ don’t worry I can piggyback him Ralph “ she glared towards Ralph making a glared contest towards each other
“ uhm guys I can walk “ Peanut wanted to speak but none of them hears him
“ maybe I can help him? “ Mungo asked them both of them just yelled at him “ NO! “ making him whimpered in fear
“ uhm guys? “ Peanut begun to panic as in feared that this will begun another brawl, but Grape and Ralph only argued back and forth ‘ OH MY GOD JUST LEAVE THEM PEANUT ‘ Ares yelled at his head making Peanut stood up quickly and walked passed Grape and Ralph towards the door making them dumbfounded at him ‘ good lord that was hilarious hehehe ‘ Eriel only laughed, ‘ not helping mate ‘ Ares grumbled and begun to sleep again ‘ sorry love just go back to sleep again ‘ Eriel apologized
“ WAIT PEANUT “ Ralph begun to yelled as he run to followed Peanut followed by Grape, the others began to look at each other and laughed at them.
After they went back the group begun to split on the way home Kevin and Terrance said Goodbye first as Kevin begun to yelled ‘ let’s race on the way home ‘ making Terrance groaned in annoyance, Fox and Mungo casually said their farewell as they went home walked side by side, Fido and Sabrina too begun to separate but Grape begun to question on why the two of them went on the same direction making Ralph face turn Red as Sabrina giving her a wicked face for the answered, as only Max, Grape, Luna, Ralph and Peanut as they went on the same direction “ oh yeah… we always meet at GODC party but I never knew your home Ralph “ Peanut innocently asked the question,
Ralph took a glanced at him as a smile form on his face “ well then..” he begun to grab his paw “ if you liked you can come over to my home where you can meet my owner “ he grinned towards Peanut making him blushed a little
“ yeah, we can go there when you have time “ Grape answered Ralph
Ralph glared at the cat “ I invited Peanut “ earning laughed from her
“ hahaha yeah right if I let him go alone to your home “ Grape glared back at him, making them stop at their track as they have a glaring contest
Max began to sidestep “ ah well… would you look at that it’s my home… I’llcallyoubackloveyouGrape “ he quickly said and begun to run faster to his house
Luna shook her head as she giggled “ I don’t blame him for being scared
Grape only stands there and looked shocked on Max reaction as she began to stomp away as she muttered how to deal with her scaredy-cat lover, making Peanut looked at her in worried as he began to walk as he tried to catch up to her as the other followed him.
As they walked Ralph noticed Peanut looking at Grape with worried eyes making Ralph worried as well “ are you alright Peanut? “
Peanut looked at him as he took a deep sighed “ I wish you guys didn’t argue a lot “ Peanut told him
Ralph looked at him then begun to look at Grape as he smiled towards Peanut “ is not like we are fighting Peanut, well we do have different opinion but when we are argued we understand a lot at each other and because of that our mind agreed on one thing whenever we argued “ Ralph told him, Peanut wait for him to finish his sentence as ralph looked affection towards him “ you of course “
Peanut only said ‘oh’ as he smiled towards Grape while Ralph begun to feel jealousy he knew that whatever connection between them it’s very special and he knew whatever Peanut happy his heart feels warmed, Peanut begun to walked faster as he now side by side with Grape as he bumps his side at Grape making her bump back as they laughed and he began to talk about anything.
you really handle this quite well, “ Luna told him
Ralph took a glanced towards her “ if it makes you feel better I almost like a scared puppy “
Luna giggled “ at least you tell him how you feel and now it’s just a matter of time “ Luna looked at the sandwichs as they snicker at one and the other
Ralph looked what Luna saw as a big smiled formed in his face “ I don’t care what answered I got at least if I can still be beside him my heart will calm down “ Ralph looked towards Peanut as his face showed full sincerity
you don’t want him to all yourself? “ she asked him
Ralph took a deep sighed “ the more I looked at him the more I knew that I can’t have him all by myself, he loves everyone and I hope the day he has to choose will never come “
The two of them began to silenced, Luna then looked at Ralph “ then at least try to ease your heart and be near him but he will have to choose, and when the day comes I know you will do the right thing
Ralph eyes still seeing Peanut “ thank you “ he said in gratitude towards her
Finally, they can see the sandwich’s home as they stop and looked towards Ralph “ well then, good luck on the way home cop “ Grape teasingly said towards Ralph
“ I don’t need luck “ he grinned towards her
thank you for being a wonderful host for tonight mr.Ralph “ Luna formally said to him
“ please don’t use that tone it reminds me how many reports I have to write “ Ralph grumbled at her as she only grinned towards him
Peanut only looked towards him, as they both looked at each other they didn’t talk for a full minute until Grape cough making Peanut wake up from his daydreaming “ ah…uhm…. I have a good night thank you Ralph “ Peanut shyly told him
Ralph smiled affectionately towards him “ and I do too Peanut, I hope we can meet soon again “
Peanut face begun to blush as Grape and Luna Begun to walked inside, Peanut looked back and forth as he began to follow them until Ralph suddenly calls him “ Peanut… “
Peanut looked back towards him “ yeah Ralph? “
Ralph began to closed they're distanced making Peanut heart beat faster as he slowly put a paw on his face “ I forgot that there is something that I wanted to do when I see you on the dancefloor “
Peanut face started to warm up as his breath deeply “ what is that? “
Ralph began to near his face towards him “ this… “ Peanut face become full shocked as he felt something on his lips
Grape and Luna shocked at what they're seeing as they mind finally gathering their pieces that Ralph is kissing Peanut.
Even though it was only a short time or chaste kiss, the feeling of electricity when their lips met it’s something new and Peanut heart begun to thump harder, Ralph began to back away from Peanut as they looked at each other “ wow… I’m not going to forget that for a while “ as a grinned formed in his face, Peanut face is full red tomato as he mind begun to scrambled as he couldn’t think anything else “ I’ll be going now, sweet dreams Peanut “ the way he called his name making Peanut body trembled a little as Ralph finally walked away.
Peanut only stands there as he looked at Ralph trail, Grape began to near him as he waved her paw in front of him “ Peanut? You alright? “ she began to move in front of him and looked at his face as she suddenly yelled “ OH YOU HAVE GOT TO BE… “
Luna began to look confused on why Grape suddenly yelled like that as she tried to looked at Peanut but she couldn’t hold her laughter as the face that she saw was Peanut full red face as his eyes are now changing shape into a love shape.
As Peanut finish telling his parents what happened last night minus the fight scene Jill looked at her son with curiosity while earl slowly takes his cup of coffee and sip the cup making Peanut more nervous, Grape and Luna awkwardly looked at each other while sipping their tea. Until Earl put her cup “ so… happened next? “ he asked
The tone on his dad voiced is too calmed for Peanut to like “ I guess I went to bed but it’s hard to sleep when I think about that scene “ Peanut face started to burn again
Earl finally took a deep breath and then with deep-voiced “ does it break a rule when you threaten the k-9?
Jill took a huge slap on his shoulder making him flinched in pain “ don’t you dare think about that “
Peanut and Grape looked shocked on their dad reaction while Earl giving his shoulder a rub “ but that dog crossed the line! “ Earl argued
Jill just scoffed “ yeah right… you know Peanut can take care himself “
Earl just looked dumbfounded at his wive “ name one thing that Peanut did can back up your “scoffing” “ he uses his fingers to quote his words
Jill with confident said “ well for once he….. uh…. He… “ Jill looked at Peanut for a sec and then looked at her husband “ you are correct “ making Peanut offended as he yelled ‘hey’
Grape looked at her dad “ you sure super defensive with all of this and he’s your son and I’m the girl here “ she pointed at herself
Earl just looked at her “ you can defend yourself just fine and even if Max tried to hurt you I bet your paw is faster reaching his neck than my hands “ as earl pointed the obvious
Grape glared at her dad “ that hurt but touche “ as she pointed her finger toward her dad
Jill just take a huge sighed “ your dad is very concern of you too Grape as much as he concern towards Peanut “ as Jill walked to Grape and rub her head
“ thanks mum “ she grumbled a little as she still glaring towards her dad
Luna looked confused “ is this happened when Peanut still dating the pomeranian girl? “ she asked other
Grape just shakes her head “ nope.. as much as I agree for him to threaten Ralph his attitude with this is very silly “
Earl looked offended “ hey! It’s different.. we are talking about some male flirting with Peanut and if I remember correctly this is the first time he was being confessed, so yes I’m going to change my attitude “
Jill shook her head “ you are almost like a father watching his daughter go on a date with some random guy “
Earl looked at everyone “ am I the only one who is worried for Peanut sake? “
All of them only shake their head “you are a good father for Peanut and Grape, but is it not their own business for dealing with this type of situation? “ Luna said
Earl just took a huge sighed “ but aren’t you guys a little worried for him? “
Luna asked back “ are you worried that someone confessing to him or a male dog confessing to him?
Everyone finally understand what Luna meant and Grape started to worried towards Peanut she knew in human world a same-sex couple will always look weird in the eyes of human but Peanut is a pet dog but she knew they are the children of the sandwich’s as in the eyes of their parent that they are their son and daughter, but it looks like she worried for nothing because the next thing Earl said making her heart felt warm “ both! I don’t care it’s male or female who confessed to Peanut especially Grape they are both are my children so I’ll be muffins and cookies when someone wanted to take our children hands “
Peanut and Grape face when red as both of them yelled “ DAD!
Earl just looked at them “ what? “ he asked questioningly
Luna smiled at his answered Jill walked towards her husband and put her hand on to his chest “ yes, we’re worried about them but aren’t you overreacting a little bit? “
Grape looked agreed towards her mom “ yeah dad take it easy you know I keep my eyes on Peanut “
Peanut knew her parents love him and Grape very much but this is the very first time he saw his dad emotion went wired “ dad “ Peanut tried to call Earl, everyone looked towards Peanut even Earl looked surprised to see Peanut tried to talk at him “ you’re right, this is the very first time I was confessed and even Tarot didn’t do anything like that we just mutually agreed at becoming couple, but you always know whenever I’m in trouble I always come to you guys, right? “
Earl looked towards Peanut, he didn’t know what to do but only took another sighed “ when you felt something wrong talk to us okay? or better yet just run to me, I will handle everything “
Peanut nod his head, Luna smiled at this family they knew whenever hardship comes they will bond together to face it, Earl then looked accusingly towards Peanut “ so… what else did he do to you? “
Peanut blushed very hard “ NO!! HE DIDN' T DO ANYTHING ELSE “ he quickly defended
Earl still keeping his eyes at Peanut “ he better be or I swear I will wring his neck “ he stated
Grape looked amused at this ‘ looks like Ralph will have a hard time capturing Peanut heart ‘
Suddenly the phone when ringing as Jill walked towards the phone and answered it “ hello? … oh hey Erick… yeah she is here… Luna? Erick looking for you “
Luna walked towards the phone and answered the call “ hello?.... yeah Erick it’s me… yeah… okay…. why?.... okay but you better answer it when we get there ”
Peanut and Grape looked at each other as to why Erick on the call, Luna put the phone back and looked at Peanut “ who’s ready to come back at the hospital tomorrow? “ she smiled towards Peanut
Peanut grumbled loudly as he knew today is not going to be a good day
Domodedovo Moscow Airport~~
“ PLEASE LET ME STAY! I DON’T WANNA GO! “ as you can see Ash tried to pull Igor away from his mate as he kept clinging into her feet while Anya only rolled her eyes at him
“ LET GO OFF HER.. WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE YOU STUPID DOG “ Ash keep puling Igor but he won’t budge, “ SERIOUSLY HOW IN DAMNED PLACES YOU COULD STAY STILL IN THAT SPOT!? “ Ash yelled towards Anya as she only looked at the both of them with boredom face
“ I DON’T CARE IF WE LATE! I RATHER STAY HOME WITH MY MATE AND PUPS !!“ Igor kept clinging to his mate feet as they went on with it many of the other travellers looked at them with amusement
“ I SWEAR I WILL LET YOU STARVE FOR THE WHOLE MONTHS “ Ash let out a yelled of frustration
“ I DON’T GIVE A muffins and cookies IF THAT WILL LET ME STAY WITH MY FAMILY “ Igor yelled in frustration
“ DEAR LORD ANYA! TELL YOUR MATE TO LET GO “ Ash yelled towards Anya, most of the People who wanted to check in stop to watch the commotion even the guard seems to enjoy their commotion.
“ what do you want me to do? “ Anya just raised her eyebrow to mock Ash
“ANYTHING! “ Ash yelled back in frustration
Anya took a deep sighed “ Igor? “ she called him, Igor raised his head to see his mate face as he felt that his mate have the same idea but imagination has been crushed when he looked what he saw, Anya glared darkly towards Igor as her cold eyes piercing trough his head “ you know I love you right? “ she calmly said making Igor whimper in fear while kept holding her leg, she slowly lowers her body and reach her leg where her mate keep clinging “ so…” she lifts his first finger “ let.. me “ second finger “ go.. “ another finger “ okay? “ she finally pulled his last finger
Igor realised something….. he can’t win against his mate “ NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! “ Igor yelled in tears while Ash finally dragged his feet towards the check-in point
Anya took a huge breath as she shakes her head “ how did I end up mate with him? “
Suddenly another person came to her “ because you love him “ making Anya yelp in surprise as she looked towards the person
“ Dear lord Lorai you scared me “ she told her
Another red head woman just laughed at her “ sorry about that “ the woman apologised,
Anya shake her head as she looked towards where her mate has been drag in, Lorai looked at the dog as a longing face can bee seen on her face “ you know they will come back shortly right? “
Anya just took another sighed “ I’m scared for them “
Lorai smiled at her “ and that is normal….. my sister always comeback whenever the worse come and I bet the same for Igor ”
Anya smiled at her until she realised something “ where you have been? “
Lorai just smiled “ oh, i need to fill my popcorn after I watch that scene “
Anya looked at Lorai and realised she bought a popcorn as she glared towards her “ why didn’t you help? “
Lorai just looked at her “ I’m busy “
Anya glared towards her “ busy with what? “
Lorai grinned towards her “ recording the scene “
Anya eyes begun to twitch as her paw started to moved like it wanted to strangle the woman “ Lorai… “ she sweetly said
Lorai noticed this as she began to sweat so much “ o..okay..lo..looked here I was supposed to watch my sister pet and I wanted to see the little one so bad so please calm yourself “
Anya began to growled in frustration as she grinned towards the woman “ run “
Lorai looked shocked as she dashed the other side as she running away from the pursuer “ AT LEAST LET ME SNUGLED WITH THE LITTLE ONEEEEEE “ the people heard the despaired in her voice while a barking sound can be heard closely towards her
Dark Dweller~~
In the middle of the throne room, a shadow like tentacle finally emerged from the ground as it seems covering something when the tentacle began to disentangle a groaned can be heard “ next time…. Listen to me “ Hel started to voice her opinion towards Virgil, Virgil just grunted in respond Hel took a deep sigh “ now you understand why I didn’t want that pup anymore? “. Vergil finally lay down on the floor as he faced up the ceiling, Hel started to open the bottom floor as she search the medicine for Virgil pain “ it’s surprising that you keep silent after that scene usually you make a tantrum over this “
“ beautiful “ is the only word that left from Virgil voiced making Hel surprised to see him respect his opponent
But Hel become confused about who he’s respecting “ what do you mean? “ she finally took what needed to heal Virgil and sit beside him
Virgil only looked towards the ceiling “ his soul….. so beautiful “
Hel understood what he meant “ one part belongs to my brother Fenrir, the others are his lover Lucifer.. so which one do you meant? “ she asked him while preparing the medicine
“ none of them…. You forgot about the other soul “ Virgil told him while a grinned formed into his face
Hel looked disturbed looking at him “ yeah…. The two of them combine making the soul of the pup himself “
Virgil suddenly laughed out loud surprising Hel even more as he places his paws towards his face “ the third soul…. The one that still sleeping…. How can you not now… Oooohhh soooo beautiful…. “, Hel believed that Virgil finally loosed his mind “ oh my~~~ what will happen if that one finally wake-ups…. The innocent souls of the pup hide a monstrosity of a soul that can even make me submit to him “ Virgil knew this feeling is.
Hel knew this is not going to be good ‘he knows’. Virgil unconsciously unsheathes his claws as his paws dragging down his face leaving a scratch on his face “ how can you keep this from me Hel….. he is PERFECT…. I want him ” he looked towards Hel making her stumbled back as she sees a face that almost identical as Satan itself “ I want him soooo bad….. I want his soul… I want eyes…I want everything about him “ Virgil started to chuckled darkly making Hel sweating really bad
Hel finally stand up and looked at Virgil that still bellow him “ I already told you to leave the pup alone “
Virgil only laughed at her “ i want him to be more…. I want him to make me submit to him… “ the next thing he said making Hel shocked so much “ I want him to be my master “ Virgil finally lost it as he laughed out loud and tried to hold his laughter with his paws but it didn’t work because he couldn’t stop what he feels and he knew what kind of feeling he has and that was….. Euphoria.

Finally~~~~ i finish this chapter.... oh lord how bad i am when telling a romance story but i hope you guys enjoy my fanfic
p.s i ship them because of reason please don't kill me
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Re: is it too dark??

Post by NHWestoN »

Hey, Love's a many splendored thing! (1950s ballad verse - look it up.) ;)
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: is it too dark??

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I love how this whole chapter has come out! Great job!
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