HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

"Why do you need his number again?"---I told you, he emailed me something and I wanted to discuss it with him---""---Thanks....*rings*....Hey, Joey?....I got your email and I'm able to talk about it with you today...Oh really?...Alright I'll be here all day...bye....*click*...Thanks---"What was that about?"---Eh, he'll be running late as he has a Pokemon card tournament to go to---"Ah, forgot there was one this week"---Yeah, so he'll be late. No biggie, by the time he's here, I'll be done with the story---"How many chapters left?"---Not that many, honestly, as I think I know how to do the last chapter as the epilogue is already scripted out---"OK, I'll let you work on that and I'll get back to playing Fallout 4"


As Rex entered the house with the newly acuqired supplies, he couldn't shake the fact that he was being watched and indeed he was as, off in the tree lines near his house, a cloaked figure stood, watching his every step. Once Rex entered the house and locked the door behind him, the figure ran up to the building, being careful not to make any sound or disturb anything, and looks in the one window to see what was going on. Inside, Rex informed the crew that the bikers were there dropping supplies off and nothing more and he handed said supplies over to Marvin to put away in the storage while telling Tiger to give Terrance a call to let him know about the bikers in case they made their way up there. Rick, meanwhile, went back to the living room and continued to watch television, with said program being a news update on the outbreak. The update stated that the military has set up various safe zones near the hardest hit areas while Mexico had announced that they will be accepting any evacuees from the states as they aren't dealing with the infection. The figure smirked at the news while pulling out a small digital camera and taking some snaps of the survivors before scurrying off back into the woods to it's hideout. Inside, the figure prints the pics out and hangs them on his wall labeled SURVIVED which, while not fully filled, still had a good bit of survivor names and pics on them. Opposite to it was the DEAD Wall and this? Well, it contained the names of those who died during this outbreak, with the only pet names being Duchess and Boris. But next to that? A wall marked MISSING, which, as the name implied, contained the names of those still not accounted for...and the list of massive, including a few of the woodland critters. But there was two names that stood out to the figure for some reason they couldn't place. Those names were Craig and Draig. They recalled hearing the name at one point and seeing what they looked like but, for one reason or another, they got the feeling they knew them from somewhere. Shaking their head, the figure removes the weapon they had on them, a compound bow, along with the weapons and places them on the table, followed by the cloak they had on which hid the figure from public eye as they didn't want to be recognize for personal reasons. Looking in the nearby mirror at themselves, they stare in silence before letting out a sigh and heading towards the kitchen for a drink. They knew if they were caught, they would be asked so many questions and, possibly, made to live with them. They made it fine alone this far and they weren't going to give it up that easily.

Some hours away and at a high school, Sergeant Ralph was in his make shift office, trying to get some sleep. He had just spent a good bit of the night with a few K9 Members rescuing a group and he was worn out. Laying there, his mind raced back to the days before the outbreak, before the world went loco. He thought back to days of sunshine, playing in the park, watching the sun set in the distance, BBQs, going to the movies, the works. He also thought about all the friends he knew and all the good times they had together. But like a unwanted relative coming to visit, his mind suddenly went back to the day the epidemic started...The day when the dead walked the Earth. He could still hear the screams of those unlucky along with the gun shots. He could still see the faces of those he had to put down that day. He suddenly woke up with a gasp and covered in a cold sweat. Realizing it was just another nightmare, he goes to freshen himself up in the bathroom via the sink. After a few seconds of freshening up, he looks at himself in the mirror...when he notices something odd: He was starting to bleed out the side of his mouth. Thinking he might've bit himself, he goes to the nearby first aid cabinet and reaches out for it when he gasps in horror. His paw? It was starting to rot and become infected! Running back to the mirror panting, he screams as the bleeding became worst and the rest of his body started to change: He was infected! The virus had somehow got into him and was turning him into an undead nightmare! Making his way out of the bathroom, he knew he had to end himself before he turned, but before he could even make another step, he suddenly falls to the floor screaming and holding himself. The pain was getting worse as the virus worked it's terror in him to the point where he couldn't even stand. The bleeding in his mouth became worse before...*plop*...his eyes looked to the floor and saw...his jaw. He looked to the sky and screamed what he could before the virus took him over and...he woke up. It was just a nightmare. Sweating and looking around, he looks at himself all over. He was still himself and everything was intact. He felt his mouth: No bleeding. He looked at his hand: No rot. He was thankful it was just a nightmare...but it was a nightmare he did not want to live through ever again.

"JEEZ!"---What?---"Talk about your nightmare fuel right there!"---Think I made Stephen King jealous?---"I don't know, but I know that will probably keep me up tonight! I mean, man!"---Well, I needed something to give a good scare!---"True but jeez! That was a bit...much!"---Hey, at least it stayed below PG---"I think you hit PG-13 with that!"---Well, if it's any consolation, that will be the only nightmare scene, OK?---"Good, cause I don't think you need to be giving people here that!"

Back at Daisy's Mansion, Grape, Bruce, Jata, and Lana were prepping to do a supply run to a nearby mall as they heard they would be able to get a bunch of good stuff from it. Making sure they had all the supplies they needed for the trip, which was food, water, and ammo for the weapons they had, they headed towards the cruiser Kevin came in, before Grape was stopped by Terrance who informed her that if they do run across any survivors to let him know. Nodding, Grape got in the car as Jata started it up and they left for the mall in River Ridge. Heading back towards the house, Terrance notices Peanut outside on the porch watching something on his tablet, which made him smile. He knew if Peanut still had his innocence that they still had a chance for survival. Smile still on his face, Terrance headed back inside to grab a bite to eat while Peanut stayed outside watching his tablet as the sun sets on another day...but while it was peaceful at the house, where Grape and her crew was going...they were walking into the worst day of their lives.

"Hey"---What?---"There was no dialogue this time, what's up?"---Tried something different, why?---"It was actually a nice read this time, nightmare fuel aside"---Heh---"By the by, who's the figure from earlier? Anyone we know?"---Well, it's not Karishad as I have no clue how to write him but it is another figure from Housepets past---"Hm, making me think now heh"---Heheh Yep!---"That ending though...OOOOH I can't WAIT to see what you have planned next!"---Trust me, the next chapter might be the best I've done!---"Awesome! Hey, could you help me with this?"---What's up?---"I got the radio on here in Fallout 4 on your Xbox and...when did they include the Guardians Of The Galaxy soundtrack?"---Mod---"You can mod the XBox One version?"---Yeah, you didn't know?---"No...that is awesome!"
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

I'll admit, that was quite spooky :? I like the additional mystery, too. I'm excited for the next installment!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Nathan Kerbonaut wrote:I'll admit, that was quite spooky :? I like the additional mystery, too. I'm excited for the next installment!
Well...let's say some previous chapters hinted at a few things for the future in subtle ways ;)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well I will definitely be on the look out to see everything in the next chapters and how they were hinted at previously!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »


Pandora Mall. One of the premier shopping locations in River Ridge. Housing a vast number of stores for every taste, Griffin Mall sees thousands upon thousands of visitors and shoppers every year. The mall is also home to the famous CINEPLEX'14, which was THE place to see the the world premire of the third entry in the Pridelands film series, Fall Of The Pridelands. But nowadays? The mall's devoid of any energy or life for that matter as, when the outbreak started, it was housing survivors but something happened and now it's just a ghost town. A ghost town that would soon be populated as Grape and company enters the mall, guns at the ready. Looking about, Jata is the first to speak up as he quips that "This place has seen better days...wonder if anyone is alive still..." a statement that Lana agreed with as she looked over to one of the barren stores. Reaching the escalators, Grape faces the group and tells them the plan: She and Bruce will explore the lower parts and Jata and Lana will do the upper portions with the goal of supplies and, if possible, survivors. They had radios but Grape instructed them to keep radio chatter to a minimal in case there are any zombies here or "crazed lunatics", but if they ran into any major trouble, they were to call immediately. With the plan set, all four did a quick ammo check and went on their separate missions, with Lana and Jata heading up the escalators and Grape and Bruce continuing their search in the lower portions, with their first stop being the bookstore.

Inside was a mess: Books strewed across the place, shelves fallen, various traces of attacks. It looked like a war zone. Looking to Grape, Bruce inquires as to why they stopped there first and Grape explains she wanted to find some extra reading for the crew, along with the Pridelands series of books as she left her copies at her house. Nodding, Bruce told her he'll check the east side of the store while Grape could check the west side. While at first hesitant, she agreed and they did just that. Bruce, who was armed with a lever-action rifle, made his way to the east side, carefully scanning his surroundings, while looking at books he thought the crew would like, which ranged from cook books to sci-fi to even some magazines ranging from gaming to sports. Grape, meanwhile, found the Pridelands series and grabbed as many as she can so everyone could have a copy in case they wanted to read it too. While looking about, she suddenly heard the tell-tale sounds of a groan. "Zombie" she thinks to herself as she looks down each aisle in her area before spotting the being, who was just standing there swaying back and forth. Looking down at her firearm (a 9mm MP5), she instinctively knew that if she fired, any zombie in the area would come rushing in and then some. So, thinking back to her training with Deadeye, she holstered her gun and pulled out a knife and snuck up to the freak before jabbing the knife into the brain, dropping it instantly. Making sure the zombie was dead, she cleans the knife off on it's clothing before sheathing it and heading back to the main entrance of the store, where Bruce was waiting. Asking if she found what she was looking for, she nods and tells him she also stumbled across a zombie but killed it before returning the question to him. Bruce replies the same but without the zombie and they both walked out and looked for another store to explore.

Up top, Jata and Lana found themselves walking past a few stores as most of the upper stores were either already looted or not worth their time (or didn't make sense for them to loot, like a lingerie store). Making their way to through the mall, Lana suddenly stops in her tracks and looks to the store on her right. Turning around, Jata notices Lana missing but quickly spots her in said store, which was, surprisingly, a leather store for Bikers. Confused, Jata enters and begins looking around for Lana, shotgun in hand, while looking at the jackets, gloves, hats, and boots available. Suddenly, he hears a door shut behind him and the sound of footsteps. Swinging around to aim, he spots not a zombie, but Lana...dressed in biker gear minus the helmet. Seeing Jata, Lana looks to him with a look of sadness before sighing heavily and explaining why she's dressed like this. She tells Jata that her cutesy demeanor she had when she was with her brothers was all an act as she knew the public would love a cutesy millionaire ferret but, in actuality, she was a wild child at heart and this outfit was how she really wanted to express herself. Her brothers was OK with this as long as she kept it to herself and in their house away from the public eye. But, after the incident at the Temple, something changed in them, in particular Keene. He started to be more demanding and secretive to the point where he threatened to kick her out of the house and onto the streets with no more help from them if she continued to dress like Blackie Lawless. Her brothers tried to defend her actions but, oddly, they slowly started to support Keene to the point where they demanded he kick her out when he got the chance. The only brother that still defended her was Pit but a week after she was kicked out, he disappeared without a trace and no one knows where he went. Noticing the tears in her eyes, Jata walks over and places a his paw on her shoulder, which Lana suddenly jumping into his arms in a huge hug. Calming her down, he tells her that she shouldn't ever try to change to appease the public and that if she never wanted to be the cute one, she shouldn't have given in to peer pressure and just be who she wanted to be and that she should never try to adopt a persona just to please people. Looking her in the eyes, he asks her if he can show her a smile, to which Lana does offer a small one and Jata asks if she's ready to go back exploring. Lana, nodding, jumps off his arms and picks up her firearms and they both made their way to the store's entrance, but not before Lana said Thank You to Jata for the talk and listening to her. Jata, smiling, tells her that she's welcome and then asks her, when they get back to the house, if she would like to join him out on the porch for a late night tea. Lana chuckles and said she would love to join him tonight...*BANG*...but before they could say anything else, a gunshot rings through the mall, followed by a message on the radio...

"JATA! LANA! Where are you guys?!"---"We're at...Bikers R Us...what's going on?"---"IT'S ZOMBIES! BRUCE ACCIDENTALLY KNOCKED A CHAIR OVER IN THE MAIN LOBBY AND NOW A HORDE BROKE THROUGH THE MAIN ENTRANCE AND COMING AFTER US!"----"I see you now! HURRY UP!"---Bruce and Grape, with thousands of zombies on their tail, catches up to Jata and Lana and all four begin to high tail it to a nearby exit...but quickly change direction as more zombies start to pour in! Quickly look around, Jata spies a hunting store in the lower section and suggests they head there and so, with no other options, they rush there and Jata quickly slams the gate down so no zombies could get in the lower area while Bruce rushes upstairs and does the same to the upper section gate. Grape, trying to catch her breath, asks if everyone is OK, to which the three answers that they are, with Bruce returning and saying that he felt sorry that he startled the horde. Grape tells him to not feel bad as they were bound to surprise a zombie or two either way. Looking around, Jata spies something a bit off to him..."Grape...why is there a truck in here?" Looking behind Jata, Grape sees said truck and chuckles. She goes on to explain that this store has a promotion going on with the dealership and this truck was going to be a prize in a raffle. Looking in the truck, Bruce comments that it has a full tank and they could, theoretically, drive it out of the mall, an idea Grape supported but adds that they would have to reinforce the truck in order to get through the zombies. With no other options, the four began to search the store for any supplies they can salvage along with materials for the reinforce operation. Jata, meanwhile, searched about for sleeping bags as, the way it looked, they won't be going anywhere until the following morning...

"Hm, is this the first two-part chapter you're doing?"---Yeah, didn't want this chapter to be too long---"Understandable. I will say I'm noticing some similarities with the Dead Rising games in this chapter. Intentional?"---Yep, especially the third game---"Intriguing."---Yep---"Hey!"---Hey Tarot! Where's Sabrina?---"She went shopping for a bit"---Ah---"By the way, how goes the story?"---Good! We're getting close to the last few chapters plus the epilogue---"Ah cool. Speaking of which, I heard you talking to Joey? Why?"---Surprise I won't spoil---"...OK...."---Sorry, this is one thing I won't be spoiling to anyone---"Alright."
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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The trouble is really building now, I hope our crew makes it out in one piece! I can't wait for more :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Or if they do have to leave a few pieces behind, they aren't essential. XD
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »


"Dude, I LOVE that title!"---Thanks!---"You have the show on DVD anywhere?"---I do not sadly...I do have the songs if you want to listen to them!---"DO I EVER!"

That night, while Bruce and Lana was asleep and Jata stood guard, Grape continued work on the Truck, prepping it for their escape, via the additions of plating and spikes. Leaning against the truck after installing the last of the armor plating, Grape sighs and looks over at her duffel bag. Reaching over, she opens it and digs through some of the books she acquired from the book store she and Bruce was at...however she wasn't looking for a Pridelands book. Instead, after some searching, she pulls out a graphic novel entitled 'Orion Warriors: The White Circle', which was a horror sci-fi book by up and coming author Shaun Wolfe. The book took place on a mysterious derelict ship called The Nostradamus and revolved around a group of people calling themselves The White Circle, lead by the enigmatic Huw. This group, along with Huw, consisted of a tech expert, an alien, a female hunter, and a ex-soldier from Earth, with said soldier having a mysterious past as his time as a soldier was guarded by heavy secrecy. As a team, they fought against an being called Dracorlok along with the nightmares that the ship had in store for them, while dealing with the turmoils within their team as well, including the soldier, who held a dark secret that even Dracorlok would come to fear. Normally, this type of book wouldn't spark Grape's fact she would've usually wrote it off and went back to her favorites. But there was something about this story that captivated her and got her attention that she just could not explain. Maybe it was the story and how it wasn't like a typical sci-fi horror tale she was used to seeing. Maybe it was the artwork that had a realistic side to it but had that otherworldly feeling to it...or maybe it was the fact that she had a secret crush on the soldier wolf. Either way, whenever she had a chance and time for herself, she would read the book at the library or online and was always looking forward to what came next for the Circle (which, before the zombie apocalypse happened, the creator was working on the follow-up entitled Orion Warriors: Rise Of The Warriors which may still come out as the writer has been confirmed as alive and well). Suddenly, Grape gets startled by Bruce as he just came back from the nearby bathroom as he asks her what she's reading. Smiling, she shows him the book and Bruce comments that he didn't know it got a physical release and would like to read it when she's done, to which Grape agreed with.

The next morning, everyone was having a breakfast of peaches and oranges as Grape explains the details of their escape: Once they packed up, they were going to drive the truck out the gate and through the mall and back to the entrance they came in at. Once outside, they would head to the car they came in and both Bruce and Lana would hop in that and follow them back to the mansion (Grape honestly didn't want to leave the car behind). While a good plan, there was one, tiny issue...Where was Jata? He wasn't there when any of them woke up and none of the gates were open so where did he go? Suddenly, an odd sound reverberated through the store.....*brrrrrrrrr* wasn't a zombie, that's for sure. Heck, it was the AC unit either. Turns out the noise? Well, it was Jata...and he was bringing in a large cylinder. As Jata explained, he knew the truck would survive but they needed some more defensive capabilities so he went searching about and found a large steel cylinder, similar to the ones that are found on road rollers, and suggested they hook it up to the front of the truck and go all Stephen King on the zombies. While at first the crew thought this to be a bit over-kill, the agreed that it would give them one huge advantage so Jata went ahead and started wielding the cylinder to the front of the truck. Meanwhile, both Lana and Bruce rushed over to the gun rack and started filling up duffel bag after duffel bag with weapons and ammo while Grape started packing up the campsite and getting all their belongings and scavenged supplies into the truck. It was almost time for their escape...

It was now four O'clock in the afternoon and the truck was ready to go. With Jata at the wheels, Grape riding shotgun, the supplies in the back seat, and both Bruce and Lana in the trunk of the truck, it was time to put their plan in action. Grape looks to Jata and asks if he's ready. He nods. She then radios to both Bruce and Lana and asks if their ready. They are. Grape nods and tells Jata simply to kick it. With a turn of the key, electricity flowed into the mechanical beast, giving it life and power like never before. It howled and roared a thunderous roar, it's heart pumping faster and faster, it's blood flowing through it's veins and burning like the sun, the beast had awaken. With another roar from the engine signaling it's ready, Jata slams the gear into drive and hits the gas, letting the beast give a roar that would make dragons cry as they drive right through the gate and through the hordes of the undead that had gathered there as sacrifice for the newly awakened beast. One by one, the dead fell victim to it as the beast devoured each and everyone of them, leaving nothing but a flattened corpse behind. While it was a messy eater, it had a purpose as it was protecting the lives of the four who awakened it. With a crash, the beast drove through a few kiosks taking out engulfing even more victims for it's appetite. The feeding wouldn't last for long as the beast spotted the exit and crashed on through, with the remains of it's feast flying off it's mouth. Reaching the cruiser, it stopped to let both Bruce and Lana off and they drove behind the beast, following it back home to the mansion, where the beast could once again sleep until it was needed. While the crew almost didn't make it out of the mall, they managed to not only survive and escape, but they got themselves a new weapon for freedom: The DeathRoller.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This came out really wonderful! Nicely done!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Absolutely brutal

Nice job, this chapter was a fun read!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »


In a secluded area of the forest, the figure that was, earlier that week, watching the house of Rex, was prepping some homemade arrows for their bow as they were setting up to return to the house to check up on the survivors there and to see if they had anymore or knew of anyone else. Placing the arrows in the quiver, the figure grabs their bow, along with a machete they found, and puts their cloak on and heads out into the wild for the trek to the house of Rex, though it wasn't long before they heard the distant sounds of gunfire. Leaping into one of the trees to avoid any zombies below, the cloaked being leaps from tree to tree before stopping at the closest tree to their destination...which was currently being besieged by a small zombie hoard. Inside, Rex, Rick, and Marvin were busy trying to fend off the dead via the windows while Tiger made sure they had ammo to spare and kept checking the other windows and front door to make sure no one got in. While the four man crew was surviving and they had already taken a good bit out, there were still many standing with some already banging the windows. While it was at first tempting to leave the survivors alone, the figure knew that, deep down, they would expect help as well if they were in their position. Without hesitation, the figure grabbed their bow and started firing arrow after arrow at the undead, taking each one out with precision. Seeing the dead drop, the four inside are wondering who's doing it when Rick spots the figure in the tree and points them out. They all watch as the being, with accuracy that would make Robin Hood blush, takes on the horde all by themselves before leaping down and continuing the fight with their machete, lobbing the heads off left and right. Then, as quickly as it began, the carnage was over as the only thing left standing was the figure. Rex opens the door and runs to them and thanks them for the help and invites them into his invitation the being denies as they rather stay in the woods for now away from the cities and towns. While at first hesitant, Rex nods and lets the figure return to whence they came as he heads back into the house, but tells them that the offer will always be open. Behind the one tree, however, the figure stands there and sighs heavily before removing the hood of their cloak, which hid their face as they feared that if they were found out, then everything would fall apart for them and they ran the risk of being caught. Quickly pulling their hood up, the figure rushed back to their house for solitary.

It was early morning the next day at the mansion and the crew were either inside or in the back yard as they allowed themselves one day of total relaxation. Daisy was passing some lemonade around for the crew and went to find Jata, who Grape said was out front cleaning the DeathRoller. Arriving to the front of the house, Daisy is about ready to call for Jata...when she stops in her tracks with the biggest red face she had ever had, even redder then the day she saw Terrance's body. For you see, she did find Jata and he was cleaning the DeathRoller...but he had nothing but some swimming trunks on and his muscular body was showing. He was built like Schwarzenegger and the water *thud* on him was showcasing his toned body along with shining in the sun light. Daisy went and sat the drink down and started fanning herself as she had never seen anybody, be it pet or human, built like that up close. It didn't help matters when he turned to face the front of the truck and his six-pack abs started to show which really got to Daisy as she takes a quick step backwards to sit down...but ends up missing the chair and landing on her butt with a yelp. Jata, hearing the noise, turns around to see Daisy on the ground from her fall and rushes over to help her help...which gave Daisy a even better look at his body as, in her eyes, this looked like something out of Baywatch. Helping her up, he asks if she's OK to which she nods and said she is...before placing a paw on his body just to get a feel for his pecs. It didn't take long for Jata to realize that Daisy fell in love with him thanks to his looks so, with a chuckle, he tells her that this is normal for ladies to act like this around him and tells her what happened the first day he arrived in Babylon Gardens...a story that Sabrina over hears while she was heading to the front porch for some light reading and chuckles as she also remembers that day. Seeing how Daisy is acting around Jata, in the meantime, Sabrina smirks and thinks to herself that Daisy might've finally found a love interest for herself as she sits herself down and begins her reading---Ok...what was that thud awhile ago?---"That was Tarot...she fainted from your description of Jata"---She OK?---"I think so. She didn't hit anything but I think she'll be out of it for a while"---Whoops---"Do me a favor: Don't do anymore descriptions like that again"---I won't...uh better put her on my bed a while so she'll be a bit more comfortable---"Right...should I keep the sound down on the TV?"---Up to you, honestly---"Oh, forgot to mention, that last chapter? Great job with the DeathRoller! Though it seemed to have pushed PG-13 at times"---I'll admit it was tricky to stay under PG-13 with that but I think I pulled it off. Anyway, I'm going to finish this chapter then head down and get some water for Tarot here---"And I'll get back to playing Fallout 4 here"---Anyway, Jata proceeds to help Daisy up and is about to head back to cleaning when Daisy offer him a glass of lemonade, to which he happily accepts. Inside the mansion in the living room, Lana was sitting there watching some old cartoons when her phone goes off. It wasn't a phone call, but a text which read "I have the information you requested which is being sent to your e-mail. I do not believe they suspect me but I am still playing it safe" which was followed by said e-mail. Opening it up and reading, Lana shakes her head and mumbles a few things to herself as she texts back "Thank you" before turning her attention to the pictures in the email, one of which showed a folder with the following words: PROJECT RAGNAROK.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Jata in this chapter got me like owo
And who is the mysterious person in the robe?
These are some big developments, let's see how they turn out :D
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by NHWestoN »

Jata and Daisy, huh? That's intriguing as Sabrina (and Tarot) testify.

But then ... a mysterious folder in the hands of ferrets..... Never a reassuring development!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really hope that whatever is in that folder is gonna help out and not make things worse.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:I really hope that whatever is in that folder is gonna help out and not make things worse.
Not spoiling any of my plans...but pay attention to what Lana said in a previous chapter along with what Bino said as well.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I will be sure to keep those in mind.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

(Sorry the last few chapters were short, the next two will be longer)

It was late in the afternoon and Peanut was on the front porch watching a film on his tablet while the others were inside relaxing. They just had a wonderful dinner and Peanut decided to head out for some fresh air, which while typical for some people, it was a bit odd for Peanut as he usually jumps onto his gaming device or heads to his room to work on Spot comics. The front door then opens which gets Peanuts attention and he sees Itsuki walking out, who was in fact looking for Peanut. Sitting down on the chair next to him, Itsuki and Peanut chat for a while just about the dinner and what Peanut was watching when Itsuki asks Peanut if everything is OK with him, to which Peanut replies that he's fine and he shouldn't worry, but Itsuki was worried. Placing a paw on his shoulder, Itsuki asks him again and adds that he should be truthful with him and, if he wants, he can keep any issue that's bothering Peanut private and just between them. Even though Peanut was about to say he's fine, the fact that he added the part about keeping it between them, Peanut sighs very heavily before pausing his film and placing it on the table next to him. Turning to face Itsuki, he makes sure that he was serious about the privacy part (which Itsuki confirms again) and, after thinking it over for a bit, he goes on to tell Itsuki what's going on, which made Itsuki...dump his glass of water on him. Turns out, Peanut was sad because Netflix took off a movie he was going to finish that day.

Over at the Temp K9 HQ, Ralph was sitting with his laptop on the nearby table going over the list of survivors and fallen victims. While the K9's and R&R were doing their best to rescue as many as possible, it seemed that the dead were growing in numbers and thus making it harder to get to the survivors. As such, while the list of living was large, the list of the dead was even larger and, unfortunately, still growing. Sipping a soda he grabbed for himself, Ralph shakes his head and thinks to himself that he hopes Terrance and his survivors are doing better then they are before being interrupted by a knock at the door. It was Fido who was coming in from another Survivor Run. After saluting, Fido goes on to tell Ralph about the survivors they picked up along with how the zombie war's going...which wasn't going well, all things considered. When asked about the survivors, Fido lists off the names and while some were familiar along with some non-familiar ones, there was one name that stood out to Ralph: Gery Kestuna. But why that name? Well, there was no one in either Babylon Gardens or River Ridge with that name, let alone Pavillion, so either this was an alias or someone pulling a prank on them. Standing up from the couch, Ralph asks Fido to take him to this 'Gery Kestuna' and, after a short walk, Fido points him out and all Ralph could do is raise an eyebrow as Gery was a purely white fox...but with multiple tails...

"Hang on, you're bringing in the Celestials?"---Just introducing the one. I have plans for them much later in the story---"So you introduce the one early just as a tease?"---Pretty much---"Right...Um before you finish, how many chapters are left?"---After this one? Two more then it's on to scripting the next one along with the project Joey wants to do---"Ah. Yeah I think mine needs more time as...I need to rework a bunch"---Understandable---"Also, I just noticed that there hasn't been much in the way of dialogue the past few chapters"---Trying something new---"Well it's a nice change of pace, I'll give it that"---Speaking of no dialogue, how's Tarot?---"Still snoozing, though she has a huge smile on her face now"---Probably thinking of Jata still---"Yeah, probably!"

Later that night, while the rest of the crew was asleep, Itsuki was up finishing up a bowl of ramen he made for himself and was heading to his room, when he spotted a light coming from Lana's room. Thinking she was still up, Itsuki headed there to see what she was up too and, being a gentleman, knocks on the the sound of a yelp and the question of Who is It. After saying who it was, there was a silence, followed by the opening of her door as Lana stood there with a smile that said 'I'm not hiding anything!' as she asks him what's up, to which Itsuki said that he was heading to bed but he noticed her light was on and was just curious as to what she was question that she replied with the simple word of nothing followed by her smile. Raising an eyebrow, Itsuki tells her that he already dealt with Peanut's "issue" today and he doesn't need anyone else having any more "stupid issues" so he asks again, but politely, what she was doing up so late. Her smile fading, she invites him in with the rule that he does not reveal what she is about to show him to anyone whatsoever. While hesitant, Itsuki agrees but with the stipulation that said private info isn't anything like Netflix removing a movie or that she fell in love with someone. Lana looks confusedly at him before saying it's none of that and shows him what she was looking at: The email she received a few days ago containing all those pictures, including the one of the folder. Lana explains to Itsuki what's going on and, while a bit confused, Itsuki nods in understanding as Lana adds that she isn't doing what he thinks she's doing but the complete opposite: She's trying to figure out what caused this outbreak and these pics are from a friend who she constantly worries is going to get caught. Seeing that Lana was telling the truth and this wasn't a case of 'Peanut Depressed But Not Really Syndrome', Itsuki agrees that anything that they talked about will not only not leave this room, but won't leave his mouth for any reason as, while he doesn't truly understand what's going on, he does believe Lana is telling the truth. Lana nods and thanks him before Itsuki heads back to his room to go to sleep. Closing the door, Lana returns to her computer to study the pictures when she got another email from her contact, this time containing a few snaps of the contents of the folder...which after reading, made her heart sink lower then ever before...
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

It's OK if they are short. Just as long as they are actually really well-written, it doesn't matter. These chapters are really nice though!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

No worries about the short chapters. I am enjoying this story, and I can't complain :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Nathan Kerbonaut wrote:No worries about the short chapters. I am enjoying this story, and I can't complain :)
Amazee Dayzee wrote:It's OK if they are short. Just as long as they are actually really well-written, it doesn't matter. These chapters are really nice though!
Thanks guys :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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While Rick, Marvin, and Tiger were finishing up lunch, Rex was over in the supply room double checking everything to make sure they are still stocked up...but he couldn't shake the image of the cloaked figure from earlier that week. He wasn't sure why, but for some reason he recognized the voice from somewhere as it was very distinct. Just something about the voice stood out to him, like a rose among a sea thorns. Placing the clipboard down, Rex continues to ponder all the possibilities as to who it could be. He first thought it could be Karishad but the way the being moved and reacted made him dismiss that idea. He then thought it could've been Yeltsin but he doesn't live out in the woods. He also thought it could've been a human that survived and while some of the moves he could see a human doing, the height didn't match up plus he did see a paw of sorts so, unless Deus Ex was coming true, then it wasn't human. While still running names through his head, he goes back to finishing up the supply count before heading back out into the living room, where Tiger, Marvin, and Rick were at currently...along with two other survivors who was sitting on the couch. After checking to make sure they aren't infected or bit, Rex hands each of them a water bottle and asks for their names, to which they respond that their names are Fiddler and Keys, two names that Marvin quickly recognize as the male/female cat duo as the famous musicians. When asked how they got to their house, they explain that they were in a nearby hotel when the outbreak happened and after surviving for sometime in their room, they decided to try to make it to the Safe House that was broadcasted over the radio but by the time they got there, it was completely empty. So they ended up hiking back to Babylon Gardens to find a safe area and they just happened to see a light on in this house and decided to come to it. Rex tells them that they are welcome to stay as long as they want with him but only if they are willing to lend a hand in helping with supplies, a task that Keys quickly volunteers to do as he's been itching for some sort of excitement.

*rings*...*click*..."Hello?...Ralph!...Is something wrong? You sound worried...Well, what's wrong with your new survivors? Is one infected?...Uh-huh....Wait, how many?...Yeeeah I don't know of any with that many tails. You sure he's not infected?...Well why else would he have that many tails?...Ralph I'm not one to question your authority but did you ever think about just asking him?...You have...and what did he say?...He was born with that many tails? Man what is he, Ninetails?...Oh he's a fox...Well what's his name?...Uh...could you repeat that?....Gery Kestuna?...I don't know of anybody with that, let me check with the crew...HEY! ANYONE KNOW A GERY KESTUNA?...NO?...Yeah, no one here does...You sure he's even native to the place?....Right, look he's your issue now...Yeah...Look...Again, if you are so worried about the guy, just interview him again, for your sanity's sake! This isn't rocket science!...UGH....Whatever...Yeah...Yeah, you stay safe too...Tell Bino that Fino said Hi?...right...Bye...*click*....Sometimes I wonder about him..." Terrance mumbles as he hangs up and heads to the kitchen for a drink. While, yes, it was odd for a fox to have that many tails, he decided not to focus on it as he had other stuff to deal with at the "WHO TOOK THE LAST GINGER ALE?!", a question that would answer itself as he spies Joey making a break for it, to which Terrance gives chase and shouts "WHEN I CATCH UP WITH YOU, YOU'RE GONNA BE SORRY!" Of course, this was all in fun with the most he'll do to Joey being playful fight...and maybe followed a drop-kick out the window.

In the weapons room of the house, both Deadeye and Lana were cleaning and doing daily maintenance on the firearms they've acquired, with Deadeye focusing on the two-handed weapons while Lana mainly focused on the smaller ones like the pistols and revolvers. Working on the Desert Eagle, Lana looks over to Deadeye, who was finishing up the M4A1, and tells him thanks for the protection he and the other wolves gave to her and the Miltons for all those years. Looking over to her, Deadeye smiles and replies back, saying that seeing them safe and sound those years they were employed was thanks enough, but her comment also meant a lot to him, which made Lana smile. Putting the rifle away, Deadeye asks if there was anything going on with them when he and the other wolves was told they were no longer employed with them as Keene was acting a bit odd that day over the intercom outside the house. As she still didn't know what is up with Keene, Lana shrugs and tells him that one day he was fine then the next he just started acting all funny...and by funny, she meant meaner and more demanding. As she assembled the Eagle, she then adds that while the rest of the brothers soon started to obey Keene oddly, Pit was the only one who wasn't obeying him, but that's because no one seen him in months. Even before Keene changed, no one has heard from him. Even Deadeye admits that is a bit odd for someone to just vanish like that without telling anyone, not even a close friend or relative, though Lana adds that Pit was always the odd one of the bunch, something that Deadeye agrees with, saying he is a combination of Dr. Frank-N-Further and the Ultimate Warrior from WWE, which made them both just lose it in laughter as the thought of Pit singing a song from Rocky Horror while looking like The Ultimate Warrior was just too much. Outside the room, Sabrina, who was heading out front for some fresh air, hears the laughter and at first wonders what's going on, but decides not to intervene until she runs across either of the occupants of said room later. Passing by Terrance, who just got done laying the smack-down on Joey, Sabrina asks him what the phone call earlier was about when he asked who was Gery Kestuna. Terrance shrugs and tells her that Ralph got a new survivor in at their base and "he's all freaking out over the fact that the guy has multiple tails..I don't doubt him, but I think he might've been suffering from lack of sleep". Sabrina shrugs as Terrance heads over to the living room to relax while she makes her way out to the front porch and plops down to relax...then a thought came to her head. Multiple Tails? Gery Kestuna? While the name didn't ring any bells, the multiple tails part did. Bringing out her phone, Sabrina texts her friend Tarot, who was at the same safe-location that the rest of the K9 squad was at, along with any other survivors from the outbreak, and asks her to look at the mult-tailed fox and send her a pic of it. A few seconds later, her phone goes off signaling the text. Along with the pic, Tarot also replied with "It's him", with 'him' shocking Sabrina after seeing the picture. What was he doing there? Meanwhile, Daisy was doing the laundry and was cleaning some of their collars off to make sure they were nice and clean, when she got to one that she did a double take on. Right inside it there was some dried blood though it was oddly colored. She goes to clean it off but decides not to as she wanted to show Terrance this so she places the collar on the table and goes back to cleaning the other ones. While cleaning the last collar, which was hers, she casually glances over to the collar she placed down...and notices the name on the collar: Peanut Butter Sandwich.

"Looks like the next chapter will be the last one?"---Unless you count the epilogue---"Well, still, I take it this story's done?"---For Book One---"Oh?"---Yeah, due to the surprise success of this, I've started scripting out the sequel---"Oh, awesome!"---Though it won't be a frequently updated one as Joey want's me to do a story based on his idea, too---"Yeah, what does he want, anyway?"---You'll have to wait to find out---"Speaking of waiting, when will you reveal who the cloaked figure is?"---Don't know yet. Either Book Two or the possible Book Three---"Well I THINK I have an idea who it is, but I don't think I'm right"---Well, whisper it to me---"OK...*whisper*...Well?"---You're close, but no---"Darn...though I wonder what you have planned for Peanut, just based on THAT ending"---Well I'm not killing him but I do have a plan for him in later and it's something I think a lot of folks will like---"Well, I'm holding you to that"---Trust me on this.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Oh yay, a sequel! Can't wait :D In the meantime, there's a lot of mysteries building, and we're about to get some answers soon... What an adventure this has been!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Nathan Kerbonaut wrote:Oh yay, a sequel! Can't wait :D In the meantime, there's a lot of mysteries building, and we're about to get some answers soon... What an adventure this has been!
You ain't seen nothing yet ;)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really hoping the sequel is just as entertaining and enjoyable to read as each chapter of this story has been!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by NHWestoN »

Well, if Pit's gonna sing, he's got Keys and Fiddler for backup … Oh, the horror!!

(Okay, a sequel … time to stock up the beer and peanuts. Sooooooooooooo many possibilities!!) ;)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »


Peaking her head out the door, she spots Terrance and motions a bit frantically for him to come over. Entering the room, and shutting the door behind him as requested by Daisy, Terrance asks her if anything is wrong as the look on her face screams trouble. Holding the collar in her paws, but not facing Terrance, she stays silent for a few seconds before telling him that they may have an issue...before showing him the collar. "It's a collar..." he responds looking at it before Daisy hands it to him and tells him to look on the inside ring and to tell her what he sees. Shrugging, he does so and spots the mis-colored blood. His look changing drastically, he looks to Daisy and, at first, asks her if she cut herself, which she answer she never did as that was on there for a good while. He then looks to see who's collar it was and is suddenly shocked when he sees the name. "Oh no..." he utters as he sees who the collar belongs to, "But...but that doesn't make sense...if he was infected, he would've turned when he first got it!" Daisy sighs and tells him that maybe "the virus truly doesn't affect pets, though that still doesn't explain how Duchess and Boris got infected and turned into corpses" before thinking back to all the times she interacted with Peanut when he arrived with the crew as something was a bit off with him..."Terrance, was Peanut always this distant from others? To me it seems that whenever we had that zombie attack or when you guys were on your way over to my house, he never really helped you guys." Terrance, still starring at the blood, looks up at Daisy and nods..."You're right, it is weird. You think he would've tried to at least lend some sort of helping paw in both defenses, especially the last one when we almost were over run. Something is up with Peanut..." he taps the collar while finishing with "and I think what ever happened is affecting him I don't think he'll be turning into a zombie or attack us any time soon as he never shown any signs of zombification...but I'd suggest you and I keep an eye on him, but secretly. When the time is right, we'll talk to the rest of the crew about him, but for now lets keep this between us two, OK?" Daisy agrees but quickly changes her mind when she remember something..."He came with Grape, right? Why not talk to her to see if she noticed anything odd?" something that Terrance, while hesitant, agreed with and said when he sees Grape he'll chat with her, in private of course. With that, he takes the collar as he needs to show Grape and leaves the room while Daisy goes back to finishing the laundry.

Elsewhere in the mansion, Max and Itsuki were playing a game of GO and discussing random topics when the conversation turned to how to properly dispose of a zombie. Itsuki said how a blade is efficient as it's silent and you don't run the risk of alerting anyone, which Max agreed but brought up that blades dull after extended usage and that you need to get very close to a zombie, even if you are an expert knife thrower. Max, on the other hand, brought up a rifle with a scope as you don't have to worry about getting close and, if you suppress it, you also won't have to worry about hordes. Plus, you can stay as far away as you like or you can just climb up a tree or onto a roof and camp out there. Itsuki, thinking that way over, agrees that is more safer, but you'll need a steady supply of ammo, food, and other personal needs. Plus, doing that method, you also run the risk of someone shooting back and they may or may not be friendly. Basically, no matter what idea they came up with, they found plenty of problems to go along with it, so they return their focus to the game (which Max was surprisingly winning for never playing it before) and chatting about their lives before the epidemic. Terrance then walks by and asks if either of them seen Grape around, which Itsuki mentions that she's on the back porch right now, to which he thanks him and heads to her.

Outside, Grape was on the porch swing listening to the birds while reading one of the books she grabbed days ago, in this case the book was 'Masks Of The Shaman' which was about masks that can transform one into various animals. The back door slides open as Terrance walks out and asks if she has a minute, which Grape nods and asks what's up. Leaning up against the wall, Terrance proceeds to ask her "Before this epidemic started, was Peanut OK? Like mentally?" an question that Grape responds with a shrug and that he was just as normal as he ever was, which Terrance followed up with "Well...after the outbreak started...was he still normal-ish?" After thinking it over, Grape was about to say yes...before remembering that he was acting a bit odd when they were leaving to find a safer house to be at. " odd?" He asks, to which Grape explains that he seemed to ignore the whole outbreak and whenever they had to fight off a zombie or two, Peanut would be off somewhere else not paying attention or playing his 3DS. With all the questions, Grape got suspicious and inquires why he's asking all these things about Peanut, which Terrance, after taking a deep breath, shows her his collar with the blood stain on it. Grape gasps as she takes it into her paws to look at it. "Daisy spotted it while she was doing the laundry just now. It looks like it's been on there for a good bit now hence why I was asking you these questions." Grape just stares at the collar...what was Peanut hiding? Was he bit? If so, why hadn't he turned? Looking to Terrance, she tells him she thinks they should speak to Peanut and figure out what is up with him once and for all. Sighing, Terrance realizes that this is the best course as he wants to make sure that Peanut will not be a threat to them if he is infected, so he reluctantly agrees and both he and Grape head in to do just that. Terrance went and gathered the rest of the crew, save Lana as she was occupied, in the living room while Grape went and grabbed Peanut and brought him down to them. When they arrived in the room and Peanut saw everyone, he thought it was going to be another movie night and quickly asked what they were going to be watching...but Daisy goes on to say that this isn't a movie night but an questioning. Peanut tilts his head at that and then asks if they are playing Clue instead, to which Terrance chimes in and tells him that this isn't game night or movie night...but the questioning is about him, which Peanut looks on confused. "Peanut," Terrance goes on to say with a heavy heart, "Daisy here was doing laundry and was going to clean your collar...when she was dried blood on it...she was going to dismiss it but the blood was...oddly colored..." Peanut, still confused, just stands there and simply asks what this was about, and Grape brings up how weirdly he's been acting as of late to the point of him not even acknowledging the whole zombie epidemic. It then came down to Daisy as she asks the one question everyone was still afraid to ask..."Peanut, honey...were you...attacked at all?" Realizing he couldn't hide it anymore and thinking they were going to find out anyway, he lets out a heavy sigh, closes his eyes, and the proceeds to remove the collar he had on and what everyone saw sank their hearts. There, on Peanut's neck...was the infection.

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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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On the outskirts of Babylon Gardens at an estate, a butler was making his rounds before he was suddenly summoned to his master's study. Walking in, he sees the turned chair and hears a voice speak to him...but it didn't sound like his master. "How are you today, Jeeves?" the voice asks, to which he responds that he is fine, all things considered. The voice chuckles and said "That's good...I just haven't seen you all day and I was worried. There was a report that someone was sneaking around where they shouldn't didn't see anyone, did you?" Jeeves, who was starting to sweat as he never heard him speak like this before, replies that he hasn't before asking "Is everything alright with you, Master Keene?"...Silence then filled the room before the voice answers with "Everything is also fine...the plan is on schedule and the world could not be better..." Nodding, Jeeves then goes to excuse himself before the voice adds "Oh, one more thing..." before turning it's chair around to face him...and what Jeeves saw terrified him to no end as he looked on in horror as the employer that he once knew as was gone. In his place stood a someone that looked like him, but who's his face was horribly changed with a smile that could kill and who's eyes blazed with fiery blood. A being who was once had good intentions for Babylon Gardens had now become their worst enemy. What once stood a ferret that went by the name of Keene Milton now stood something worse: "Keene is no longer my name. Please, call me Garmr...Osiris Garmr." the ferret said as he motions Jeeves to join him as he looks out the window overlooking the ruins below before ending with "And thanks to the visions from the Netherworld, it seems pets and humans will never live together in'll make them fight each other for dominance of this world. Welcome, my the new city....of Ragnarok." he proclaims as, behind him on his computer, a message popped up that read the following: CHIMERA IS READY...FIRST TEST SUBJECT?...

"Holy.."---Told you I had something planned! And fans of the Resident Evil series might see where this is going---"...Yeah...but holy cow! Gotta say, I did NOT see that twist coming!"---hehe Hey, thanks for keeping quiet about it, Tarot...Tarot? She asleep still?---"Yep!"---Ah...well since she knew the whole shebang and Sabrina is still out shopping, what did you think of it?---"I thought it was good! Nice change of pace from the usual HPU fare we do!"---Thanks! Hey, speaking of which, what did you want to ask me?---"Don't worry about it now, I decided not to"---Oh? How come?---"Well, I saw how the forum was acting to how I changed in the story and I feel my idea would kinda...ruin it so I'm scrapping it"---Hm...Alright then...---"Yeah sorry about the way, what is your name?"---It's not that important---"Come on! You're letting us into your house and letting me use your Xbox so the least you can do is tell us, well me at the moment, your name!"---Eh I guess that makes sense...Alright, My name is...[THE FOLLOWING HAS BEEN REMOVED BY KITSUNE]
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Looks like Kitsune doesn't want any spoilers to be given out.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Peanut nooo :'( What twist, indeed. This was an excellent story!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Glad you guys enjoyed it! I will be taking a small break (not too long, maybe a couple days or so) before doing the sequel but once it starts up...well, you guys are in for a treat :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I'm sure that we are all gonna be looking forward to it!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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….. and just in time for Valentine's Day. Or not.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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NHWestoN wrote:….. and just in time for Valentine's Day. Or not.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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Ooooooh. Are we about to see a mushy romance in the next installment? :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Ooooooh. Are we about to see a mushy romance in the next installment? :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I guess that answers my question~.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

(The next story arc begins! Time: One Month after the end of the last arc)


Near the woods of The Ruins Of Babylon Garden, a lone figure is standing. Looking over what was once a friendly little town, the figure shakes his head softly before..."You know you are taking a big chance coming out here like this" a voice suddenly speaks up, making the figure spin around to face The Cloaked One (A name given to the cloaked figured that saved Rex and his band of survivors) who was sitting on a nearby fallen tree, bow in hand. Chuckling, the figure responds "So are you...except you run it everyday. Do they have any idea who you are yet?" which the Cloaked One shakes their head and tells them they've been doing everything they can to make sure they aren't caught or seen. Nodding, the figure the asks if they seen the person they've been looking for or knows if they're alive, to which the Cloaked One nods and replies that they are safe with a bigger group of survivors, a response the other figure smiles at. Standing up from the tree, The Cloaked One then said they need to get back to the house as they been outside for a bit longer then they anticipated and said their good-byes. "Hey," the figure shouts, getting the Cloaked One's attention, "Remember, no matter what happens, he must never know about us, got it?" A few moments of silence flew by before the Cloaked One nodded and answers "He won't. Though I think you run the bigger risk, my jackal friend." before disappearing into the woods. The figure chuckles before turning to take one more look at Babylon Gardens as they think to themselves "Hope I'm not too late" before vanishing into the woods as well but he vanished without a trace...

This is the story of a group of Babylon Garden survivors living in a zombie apocalypse. While the cause is unknown to them, what they do know is that they need to stick together and stay alive for as long as possible, all the while gathering supplies and rescuing other survivors they run across. What was once a two manned crew consisting of Terrance and Bino soon grew into a small community of survivors all living in their friend Daisy's Mansion. While it was tough the first few weeks of the outbreak, they soon started to make some progress and, to this day, have not lost anyone yet. Yes, there has been some close calls and they almost lost four members when they were attacked in a mall, but they stayed strong and made it through every encounter to live another day in their small patch of paradise. However, that little patch of paradise was soon to be threatened as Daisy and Terrance would soon find that one of theirs was infected...and it was someone they never thought would be infected. The infected name? Peanut Butter Sandwich...and he's been infected ever since the outbreak started...

"Grimm Souls?...You FINALLY found a use for that title?"---Yep!---"Awesome! Say, Joey texted and said he'll be over in a few minutes"---OK, I can at least get the prologue for this up---"So..with his project he wants to do, how will uploading work?"---One day that and then that project...but spaced out so I don't burn out too quickly---"Ah, smart"---Plus, with how involved this one's going to be, I REALLY need to be slow with this one, Bino---"Mmhmm. By the way, before you woke up, Tarot wanted me to tell you that she won't be able to visit today as she and Peanut are spending the day together"---Ah, that's nice! So, it'll just be you, me, and Joey then?---"Yep. Sabrina staying home, too"---Ok

EDITOR'S NOTE: Due to a mess-up and misunderstanding on my part regarding an event in the mainline HPU, I had to re-do the ending of the prologue and the rest of the story-arc. If you are curious to the original intention, let me know and I'll post the original idea.
Last edited by SeanWolf on Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
Creator of the ongoing fic - HousepetZ: Survivor Tails
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Yay, it's here! I'm eager to see what happens next :D
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Glad to see that you are back to writing! I thought you said when you were taking a break it would be for a few more days.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Glad to see that you are back to writing! I thought you said when you were taking a break it would be for a few more days.
Was my intention but even on my break, I was still thinking of ideas for the sequel and planning it out (Already have the third arc ready) that I ended up working on this...along with another story ;)
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
Creator of the ongoing fic - HousepetZ: Survivor Tails
Game Master of Apollo City
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