HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Ah. Privyet!* I am Dinara and zis is mine brozzer, Aleksandr. Yes, ve perform in circus. You speak good Russian. You have been to Mozzer Country?"
"Privyet!" Sascha waves when his name is mentioned.
"Oh, yes. Being a migrating species helps a lot, landwalkers. I've seen a lot of the world in my life. And I imagine you did too, being circus creatures."
kurowolfe wrote:Haq stayed silent for a bit while the Hunter helped dry his tears, the sobbing continuing despite the pilot change. Even so, he still noted the sudden appearance of the quaint bone hut, and that piqued his interest. Pulling himself out of his reverie, he asked the Hunter in their mind.
[Is.. *sob* this where we're sleeping tonight?]
"This is where I'll paint you. Oh, and it may hurt you a bit: It is more than a physical procedure, and you'll be the first in generations and generations to accept the tattoos of peace, not war. The restless spirits are not going to take it well, heh." The Hunter grinned.
xhunterko wrote:Amber tilted her head one way, then the other, with a skeptical look on her face. Then to the cane. She then walked over to the pirate.
"Good sir, do keep your treasure. I doubt we'd be any worthier than the last person you tried to give it to, nor would we have any use for it, still," she said, then she walked behind him, and scratched away bark on a fallen palm, creating a seat of a sorts.
"As you can see, we are just starting, and this is all I can offer you for the time being, since you have decided to make yourself our guest this evening," she said, "As far as my name, I am Amber Kries de Argon, fiance' to Luke Argon, of the Argon Tribe, of the Kries Tribe, Daughter of the Chieftain of the Kries Tribe, of the greater Montauq Tribe, Granddaughter of the Chieftain of the greater Montauq Tribe, the Argon Tribe's patron god being the god of this island, Hubert. If you'll excuse me a moment, I need to discuss your person with our shaman, Donau of the Ether class. Since, he seems the most familiar with you. Do forgive me if this seems rude. But we have been disturbed by a shape shifter all day. I would like some clarification your matter." She then walked back over to Donau.
"You are familiar with this being Donau? Is he who he says he is? You were fooled by the trickster twice today, is this a third?" She asked Donau. Slightly cross. Only slightly. Arms behind her back. Her tail slightly flickering.
The rabbit nodded. "The Captain speaks the truth, his aetheral...presence is unmistakable. Also, forgive me for pointing it out, but tricksters are specialized just in that: fooling mortals, even magic-dwelling ones. But the Captain belongs to this island. though not a god, he's a...sort of warden, you could say."
xhunterko wrote:Luke thought about it for a moment. The little gesture of affection seemed easy for Raijda now. Perhaps she didn't like showing her affection towards others to groups? He stopped where they were, pulled her closer, and embraced her in a hug, but not too tight, once more.
"Hm, tell me about Raijda. Let's go back a little. You know you are going to be taken to training. It is your, shall we say, last summer, before you are taken for training," he said, "What are you getting the most out of of that last summer?" He held her loosely, inviting her to take action if she wanted. His fiance' had wanted him to learn to love Raijda. Since apparently she wanted to do so as well. Knowing his weakness, that they would be left with another female, she took action, and he fell right into it. Since she thought it a good idea, he would as well. And he would treat Raijda with the same love, affection, and tenderness as he would treat Amber. As he knew Amber would treat Raijda.
The panther caressed his ear with a claw. "Your mind is focused on other ways of living life. Your wife knows, understands, and that is why she's wary of me. I never learnt to cherish a particular period of my life, treasure certain moments. My life has always been a challenge. Training for me never ended, because we never stop learning.
"Perhaps, this island is the first place ever where Rajida found...peace. It's...interesting."
Matteo smiled at the animals in the line. "Bene bene bene, new customers. Say, you do look like a hungry lot...Oh, hi Reggie! Double for you, right?" And without waiting for an answer, he gave the pup a well-filled plate.
"YAY!" said Reginald, before stuffing himself from the plate as if from a bowl.
"You don't have an idea of the mess he does with a fork," Alyse said to Khun while she took her own plate
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote:
Hlaoroo wrote:"Ah. Privyet!* I am Dinara and zis is mine brozzer, Aleksandr. Yes, ve perform in circus. You speak good Russian. You have been to Mozzer Country?"
"Privyet!" Sascha waves when his name is mentioned.
"Oh, yes. Being a migrating species helps a lot, landwalkers. I've seen a lot of the world in my life. And I imagine you did too, being circus creatures."
"Nyet.* Our circus vas not travelling much. Ve just have perform in Moskva* and Sankt-Peterburg*. Zis is our first time outside of Rossiya*."
"You have seen circus, Elmo?"

*No, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Russia
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

valerio wrote:"This is where I'll paint you. Oh, and it may hurt you a bit: It is more than a physical procedure, and you'll be the first in generations and generations to accept the tattoos of peace, not war. The restless spirits are not going to take it well, heh." The Hunter grinned.
Haq winced, but he also smiled. "Ai tink Ai am ready for aniting after de shamans traial, pain or no pain." His sobbing ceased, and his tail wagged slightly behind him. "Ai wont lie, Ai am eksited to bee painted."

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Civilization »

valerio wrote:<Usually, mortals start talking about themselves to...break the ice, as they say. So, what brings a creature like you here so that you would stay apart and silent?>
... And usually things are not this intense. Tutter could only think to himself, this level of normalcy should come with a mental filter. And yet he still went along with it all, pretty sure that his own little grip would eventually give way. Tom must be having such an easier time right about now. He still had to reply to the Dragon thing, if it was being patient or doing or things... Everyone else was seemingly relaxed and focusing on the food. "Business" He said after letting more time go by, even more sure that it would sound odd just randomly saying that after a long pause.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

valerio wrote:Matteo smiled at the animals in the line. "Bene bene bene, new customers. Say, you do look like a hungry lot...Oh, hi Reggie! Double for you, right?" And without waiting for an answer, he gave the pup a well-filled plate.
"YAY!" said Reginald, before stuffing himself from the plate as if from a bowl.
"You don't have an idea of the mess he does with a fork," Alyse said to Khun while she took her own plate
I'll have a triple, please," Levi said to the man behind the counter.
Civilization wrote:"Business" He said after letting more time go by, even more sure that it would sound odd just randomly saying that after a long pause.
Buster looked at the ferret curiously. "that's an odd thing to blurt out. any particular reason?" he asked. "after all it's not like I go around saying... you know, I'm not actually sure if there's a word for a group of rabbits."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

At the question Flint's eyes (or eye) practically lit up and he grinned like door salesman asked to do his pitch. "Ah now that's a story. It's a battle wound really, one I got during my youth working at a secret relief organization. I was tasked with retrieving a package from inside a hostile environment. In and out, it was supposed to be an easy job.".

The canine looked into the distance sternly, as if he were reliving the memory as he spoke. "I mean it was, went off without a hitch, though I had to hide for a bit from the err... Indigenous inhabitants. Then all of a sudden I got blindsided. Bam! A jet of black smoke came out of nowhere. Turned out what I had hidden behind was a trap! Nearly ran me over. Lucky to have gotten out of their with my hide intact. Thankfully the pizza- I mean it was a piece-a-cake for me." The dog motioned for a couple to order before him, wanting to finish his dramatic story before he got to the front, though he accidently bumped into someone else as he stepped to the side.

"Oop, sorry sir. Umm, where was I? Oh, yeah my vision's been blurry since then. I thought it'd go away on its own but it's only gotten worse... I've kinda gotten used to seeing out of one eye though, you should have seen me for the first few days after that. Couldn't even catch a wallet if it was flying right at me. Speaking of..."
The canine pulled his hand from behind his back to reveal a fresh leather wallet that definitely was not his, he then started to shamelessly looking through its contents as he casually stepped back into line.
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Nyet.* Our circus vas not travelling much. Ve just have perform in Moskva* and Sankt-Peterburg*. Zis is our first time outside of Rossiya*."
"You have seen circus, Elmo?"
"Oh, yes! Those attractions leave so much tasteful food around, it's like a R&R for us. And you get to hear the most interesting stories and meet the weirdest characters. One day I will tell you of this Dr. Lao's Circus... But pray tell, what do you perform?"
kurowolfe wrote:Haq winced, but he also smiled. "Ai tink Ai am ready for aniting after de shamans traial, pain or no pain." His sobbing ceased, and his tail wagged slightly behind him. "Ai wont lie, Ai am eksited to bee painted."
The Hunter led Haq inside, and from there to a bone altar. "Every warrior, shaman, all members of the village must get their painting here. Unfortunately, the structure is conceived to work with dark magic. Painting you with the techniques my beloved taught me will be like putting acid on you, such will be the strength of the forces resisting this rite. Let me take control now."
And already the air was stirring, as if a breeze was moving in the enclosed environment. Stirring...and growling...
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:I'll have a triple, please," Levi said to the man behind the counter.
"A triple ready to the charming lad." Matteo then proceeded to serve the rest of the group. Alyse motioned them to sit at a table that had just been vacated.
"Quite the adventorous kind of person we have here," the GSD said to Flint. "You should try our lycaon shamans, they are quite the healers, pup."
Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis's eyes caught sight of the new visitor he stood firm and let out a loose breath "hm? new? or changed?" the fox thought watching him with some curiousity and caution he walked to the figure with Amber. Kritaros watching from a distance at the sight before him "hmmm no weapons....however from how he was he may be supernatural." he thought his own thoughts linking to anubis who stared at the newcomer and kept himself silent in a somewhat protective manner of amber's well being. one eye scanning him the other making his demeanor all too normal
And it was then that the feline ghost...disappeared.
Donau frowned "Hm, perhaps he's decided to better evaluate the situation. It's *been* some time since we had such a concentration of different supernatural talents in one place. But enough distraction, my pupil. How do you feel after this test?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

anubis looked at himself flexing a paw as he turned to face the rabbit "i feel strange....its like ive done this before yet i havent done it yet" The fox said
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

Clever work. Yet you forget you have a ghost on you. Monique thought to him with a grin, disappearing.

"Anybody lose a wallet here? I found it on the ground just a second ago!" Monique said loudly in a high pitched voice.

Khun grinned, though minding to check his collar, finding everything there.

Oh yes, we're related. He thought, digging in his portion.

"I'll be sure and lean a couple feet back then, heh," he said to Alyse.

Amber turned around to see the apparition gone, then back to Donau.

"Good," she said mostly to herself with a sigh. She then turned to where Luke had gone off. She knew she was making the right decision inviting Raijda in sooner rather then later. They could wish and plan and dream all they wanted. But there was one thing you could not conquer, and that was nature. She knew that. She just hoped she would be agreeable and a good fit for the family.

Considering how baseless he grabbed her! She thought with an eye roll. But that had been her fault, for giving license. But, she'd have given license anyway. She shook her head, kicking herself mentally.

Come on nature, kick in. Even with how hard it is. She thought. She hugged herself, then sighed deeply.

This is going to be harder then I thought. She thought. She shook her head. Said a little prayer, then walked over to a palette with camping gear on it. Rummaging for the tarps.

"And hopefully, family," Luke said, hugging her close, "Amber, my fiance', wouldn't let just anyone in with us. It was just us, us, us, us, us, and nobody but us, well, maybe if we both liked someone really well, but, just us, other than that. I don't know if she saw ahead, and saw me falling, or simply saw something in you. I don't know." He sighed.

"Still though, first I ask about you generally, then you ask if I want to learn anything specific," Luke said, "Then you don't describe anything specific. Surely SOMETHING must stand out? Like, the first time you were with a guy? The first time you cast real magic? A lesson that's never left you?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote:
Hlaoroo wrote:"Nyet.* Our circus vas not travelling much. Ve just have perform in Moskva* and Sankt-Peterburg*. Zis is our first time outside of Rossiya*."
"You have seen circus, Elmo?"
"Oh, yes! Those attractions leave so much tasteful food around, it's like a R&R for us. And you get to hear the most interesting stories and meet the weirdest characters. One day I will tell you of this Dr. Lao's Circus... But pray tell, what do you perform?"
"Ve do balancing and juggling." Sacha answers.
"Da. And Sacha also does dancing vis fire and I am doing contortion."
"Da." Aleksandr agrees, demonstrating by doing a handstand on just one paw.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

valerio wrote:The Hunter led Haq inside, and from there to a bone altar. "Every warrior, shaman, all members of the village must get their painting here. Unfortunately, the structure is conceived to work with dark magic. Painting you with the techniques my beloved taught me will be like putting acid on you, such will be the strength of the forces resisting this rite. Let me take control now."
And already the air was stirring, as if a breeze was moving in the enclosed environment. Stirring...and growling...
Acid the wolf understood as the poison that snakes possess, and that did not sound pleasant at all. As such, Haq internally braced himself as the Hunter took over for the ceremony, bracing for intense pain once again.

[I'm ready, we're ready. Let's do this!], he enthused with both anticipation and determination.

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

xhunterko wrote:Clever work. Yet you forget you have a ghost on you. Monique thought to him with a grin, disappearing.

"Anybody lose a wallet here? I found it on the ground just a second ago!" Monique said loudly in a high pitched voice.

Khun grinned, though minding to check his collar, finding everything there.

Oh yes, we're related. He thought, digging in his portion.

"I'll be sure and lean a couple feet back then, heh," he said to Alyse.
"Wait what?" Flint looked up from his search as his ears pricked up. He had to quickly close it as the man he had bumped into earlier walked towards him.
"Did you lose a wallet sir? My friend found it in the ground..." All smiles and puppy eyes.
After begrudgingly handing back the wallet to the thankful man and getting a head pat out of it he walked with the group and sat down at the table.
"You know I took it fair and square right?" The canine asked with a snap of his teeth, looking annoyedly at the ghost floating around him before he started to eat. "Was pretty sure I saw a hundred in there too... Mmh, this pretty good food."
He turned to Alyse at the mention of shamans. "I think I ran into one earlier today. Shoulda asked about that. As long as I don't have to sign any binding contracts or form some sort of magical pact..." She glanced at Monique for a moment, "They wouldn't happen to teach any anti-haunting classes would they?" He asked, half-teasingly.
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hotep the psychic wrote:anubis looked at himself flexing a paw as he turned to face the rabbit "i feel strange....its like ive done this before yet i havent done it yet" The fox said
"Oh, perhaps you did.Or perhaps you're a natural. Who knows? Ready for another simple task?"
xhunterko wrote:"And hopefully, family," Luke said, hugging her close, "Amber, my fiance', wouldn't let just anyone in with us. It was just us, us, us, us, us, and nobody but us, well, maybe if we both liked someone really well, but, just us, other than that. I don't know if she saw ahead, and saw me falling, or simply saw something in you. I don't know." He sighed.
"Still though, first I ask about you generally, then you ask if I want to learn anything specific," Luke said, "Then you don't describe anything specific. Surely SOMETHING must stand out? Like, the first time you were with a guy? The first time you cast real magic? A lesson that's never left you?"
Rajida shook her head. "We are taught to value our whole existence as a gift to treasure, not take out small good moments, for they are passing just like the bad moments. This way, we can always focus on what we're doing rather than losing ourselves in memories...Are you asking because you fear you will have bad memories of this moment?" And with that, with an even stronger pressure of her arms, the panthress kissed him makin their teeth click togeter!
Hlaoroo wrote:"Ve do balancing and juggling." Sacha answers.
"Da. And Sacha also does dancing vis fire and I am doing contortion."
"Da." Aleksandr agrees, demonstrating by doing a handstand on just one paw.
"Ohh, good! And I guess you can do that with your partner standing on your foot while juggling fire, righty-o?"
kurowolfe wrote:Acid the wolf understood as the poison that snakes possess, and that did not sound pleasant at all. As such, Haq internally braced himself as the Hunter took over for the ceremony, bracing for intense pain once again.
[I'm ready, we're ready. Let's do this!], he enthused with both anticipation and determination.
Using Haq's body, first the Hunter approached a vase containing a number of thin woodens sticks, took one stick whose tip was dipped in ash. "Ash of the dead," the wolf said. He then laid himself down onto the altar.
The air was definitely creating a wind, ruffling the wolf's fur.
Other spirits appeared by the altar's side. And they looked angry, furious, eyes crying blood.
The Hunter just grinned. "No, you won't stop me. Won't stop *us*. This time, our sufferance won't be used to nurture your useless hatred..." And with that, he started tracing on Haq's body the very same pattern he had previously traced with Haq's tears.
And he felt the pain! It was like raking his own flesh with sharp claws at each sticktip's stroke. The ashes of those dead wolves were being desecrated for another purpose, and they were inflicting as much punishment as they could to stop the desecration!
<Do not give up, Haq. Do not concede. Stand now for what you believe, or the purpose of this pain will be lost!> Another stroke, more black on fur, more pain...
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

the fox faced donau and bowed to show he was ready. his mind was a swirl of confusion, something he had to solve himself? he wouldnt know now. " yes i am master donau" he said
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote:
Hlaoroo wrote:"Ve do balancing and juggling." Sacha answers.
"Da. And Sacha also does dancing vis fire and I am doing contortion."
"Da." Aleksandr agrees, demonstrating by doing a handstand on just one paw.
"Ohh, good! And I guess you can do that with your partner standing on your foot while juggling fire, righty-o?"
"Da. Is easy." Sasha deadpans. "Also ve are juggling cheeky seagulls sometimes."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

Luke allowed himself to be taken in, relishing every second, he held her a moment longer before pulling back to respond. She simply electrified him. He knew she had it in her to be more passionate than this, he almost couldn't wait to unlock it!

"Oh no, of course not," Luke said, "However, I do need to learn about a partner don't I?"
Khun munched along. Absentmindedly more than a few times, reaching down with his paws to grab some rice, before catching himself, whistling, and using the fork like proper.

Monique reappeared on Flint's nose.

"And on that note, they wouldn't happen to know about anything of fixing lying tongues or taking out eyes?" Monique countered, facing him sticking out her tongue.

Finding a tarp, Amber gathered some more rope, and tent spikes. She then began covering the pallets. One by one. First by laying over the pallet a tarp. Then tying rope sections to the four corners of the tarp. Then tying the rope to stakes she hammered into the ground with a butt of an axe. She thought hard as she worked.

Oh come on, you saw this coming yes? Well. As soon as you let her in on the camp with her magical assistance? Yes, but. But? I honestly thought...you, and your half dozen other sisters before you. And what happens? The man falls. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later. Oh no, see, I could have told her off. But you didn't. YOU invited her, for her help, and thus, knowing your man's weakness, took her in early. YOU were smart. At least now you know with WHOM he's eloping. If you can consider a double wife marriage that. She worked thoughts over in her mind. Frustrated. You could tell by the hammering. She just needed to work it out within herself.

Would you rather her out in the field then? No. She needs to be close to the tribe. Would you, rather based on her color CURSE THAT IN THE NAME OF HUBERT! Or abilities? CURSE THAT TOO! Fine. But either case, somewhere separate, alone, out of the way? Unwanted? She paused working, then continued.

She is not unwanted. She is needed. Is she? Yes. Why? I can't be with Luke all the time. Why not? Let him go hunting and get lost again? No. Of course not. Is that all she is then? A second wife to him? Well, no, I thought her quite attractive too. Ah ha. Well. So the man did not fall then, you did? Well. Sigh. We both did. I just, jumped first. Why? Because....Of her. She felt like she needed family, and love. She felt hard and closed when I hugged her. Then unlock her love and family then. Amber paused. And that was the end of her questioning herself, nodding. She would help unlock her love and new family. She began to hum as she worked on the other three pallets. Accepting Raijda into their relationship.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

valerio wrote:Using Haq's body, first the Hunter approached a vase containing a number of thin woodens sticks, took one stick whose tip was dipped in ash. "Ash of the dead," the wolf said. He then laid himself down onto the altar.
The air was definitely creating a wind, ruffling the wolf's fur.
Other spirits appeared by the altar's side. And they looked angry, furious, eyes crying blood.
The Hunter just grinned. "No, you won't stop me. Won't stop *us*. This time, our sufferance won't be used to nurture your useless hatred..." And with that, he started tracing on Haq's body the very same pattern he had previously traced with Haq's tears.
And he felt the pain! It was like raking his own flesh with sharp claws at each sticktip's stroke. The ashes of those dead wolves were being desecrated for another purpose, and they were inflicting as much punishment as they could to stop the desecration!
<Do not give up, Haq. Do not concede. Stand now for what you believe, or the purpose of this pain will be lost!> Another stroke, more black on fur, more pain...
When the wind howled ferociously inside the room, Haq's heart started pumping harder. When the spirits of angry wolves stood by threatening for blood, its beating elevated slightly, only because he was used to angry ghosts at this point.

When the pain seared through his very being and core though, Haq was almost knocked over inside with the intensity of his adrenaline-fueled heart thumping. He gritted his teeth until the gums turned white, fangs flashing out, his fists clenched so tight that his claws drew blood from his palms.

The wolf still stood inside the space of his mind though. Each brush stroke burned like acid and nails, threatening to make him submit, but that was not an option. He grounded his feet, and even with his body bent forwards, he braced through the pain with ragged breaths.

<Keep going Hunter, we can handle this!> he hissed internally.

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by The Moon Howler »

xhunterko wrote:Finding a tarp, Amber gathered some more rope, and tent spikes. She then began covering the pallets. One by one. First by laying over the pallet a tarp. Then tying rope sections to the four corners of the tarp. Then tying the rope to stakes she hammered into the ground with a butt of an axe. She thought hard as she worked.

Oh come on, you saw this coming yes? Well. As soon as you let her in on the camp with her magical assistance? Yes, but. But? I honestly thought...you, and your half dozen other sisters before you. And what happens? The man falls. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later. Oh no, see, I could have told her off. But you didn't. YOU invited her, for her help, and thus, knowing your man's weakness, took her in early. YOU were smart. At least now you know with WHOM he's eloping. If you can consider a double wife marriage that. She worked thoughts over in her mind. Frustrated. You could tell by the hammering. She just needed to work it out within herself.

Would you rather her out in the field then? No. She needs to be close to the tribe. Would you, rather based on her color CURSE THAT IN THE NAME OF HUBERT! Or abilities? CURSE THAT TOO! Fine. But either case, somewhere separate, alone, out of the way? Unwanted? She paused working, then continued.

She is not unwanted. She is needed. Is she? Yes. Why? I can't be with Luke all the time. Why not? Let him go hunting and get lost again? No. Of course not. Is that all she is then? A second wife to him? Well, no, I thought her quite attractive too. Ah ha. Well. So the man did not fall then, you did? Well. Sigh. We both did. I just, jumped first. Why? Because....Of her. She felt like she needed family, and love. She felt hard and closed when I hugged her. Then unlock her love and family then. Amber paused. And that was the end of her questioning herself, nodding. She would help unlock her love and new family. She began to hum as she worked on the other three pallets. Accepting Raijda into their relationship.
"Ye chose well, y'know." the old pirate captain appeared behind her, speaking just loud enough for her to listen. Within his only visible eye there was a faint green glow. "Ye chose wise. Fer mortals like ye, strength lies in numbers an' strong bonds. Yer lucky ta 'ave 'em." he smiled
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hotep the psychic wrote:the fox faced donau and bowed to show he was ready. his mind was a swirl of confusion, something he had to solve himself? he wouldnt know now. " yes i am master donau" he said
"I would say, that's the spirit, but always remember: It works only if your mind is serene and calm. Now, see that flat rock? Give it a kick. Don't make it just float, give it a good kick and make it fly as high and fast as you can. This will test your willforce versus your serenity...and your aim, for you don't want to hurt anyone. Ready?"
Hlaoroo wrote:"Hehe."
"Da. Is easy." Sasha deadpans. "Also ve are juggling cheeky seagulls sometimes."
"Oh, poor me," the bird said, as if wounded. "Youths these days, not an ounce of respect for their elders. So tell me, landwalkers: What do you know about the circus you're going to join? Did you know what they call it?"
xhunterko wrote:Luke allowed himself to be taken in, relishing every second, he held her a moment longer before pulling back to respond. She simply electrified him. He knew she had it in her to be more passionate than this, he almost couldn't wait to unlock it!
"Oh no, of course not," Luke said, "However, I do need to learn about a partner don't I?"
She showed him a teethy smile that was like a sharp pearly line between her lips.And it spoke volumes. "What comes first, chieftain? Trust or learning?"
kurowolfe wrote:When the wind howled ferociously inside the room, Haq's heart started pumping harder. When the spirits of angry wolves stood by threatening for blood, its beating elevated slightly, only because he was used to angry ghosts at this point.
When the pain seared through his very being and core though, Haq was almost knocked over inside with the intensity of his adrenaline-fueled heart thumping. He gritted his teeth until the gums turned white, fangs flashing out, his fists clenched so tight that his claws drew blood from his palms.
The wolf still stood inside the space of his mind though. Each brush stroke burned like acid and nails, threatening to make him submit, but that was not an option. He grounded his feet, and even with his body bent forwards, he braced through the pain with ragged breaths.
<Keep going Hunter, we can handle this!> he hissed internally.
"Almost done..." the Hunter said. If Haq was suffering this ordeal, the spiritual entity felt like burning, himself. He was doing something that he wasn't even *supposed* to do, his curse kept him away from the higher realms.
But he could it for Haq, for the future of his kind. The curse couldn't prevent him from doing *that*. And he'd help Haq whatever the cost, the dreadful pain, the raking and clawing of the angry shamans of the past...
"YOU WON'T WIN!" He roared with the young wolf's voice. "You won't, you hear me?! Your hatred was useless, it didn't serve you at all! It never served us, it is bringing us to extinction, and this time you. won't. WIN!"
One final stroke of the brush, and the tattoo shone with silvery light, like an elegant wave that covered Haq's chest.
And the pain was gone, it was over.
And the angry voices were silent once and for all...
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Ve know nossing."
"Until ve arrived here ve did not know ve vere joining circus. Ve sought it vould just be our own show."
"You are knowink somesing ve should know?" Sasha queries.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Ve know nossing."
"Until ve arrived here ve did not know ve vere joining circus. Ve sought it vould just be our own show."
"You are knowink somesing ve should know?" Sasha queries.
Elmo puffed up his chest. "Oh, so you never heard of the 'Miracle Arena', eh? Know why it's called so? The artist can perform stunts that would kill anyone else, but they got the god on their side and they survive their best number without a scratch. You may learn a lot between a private show and the other. I can assure you, the media love them, every year there is a special to collect funds online, and we're talking big bucks."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis looked to the mentioned rock his mind repeated the master's words with a sense that he will continue on and in such will succeed. but then his mind began its normal confusion,
valerio wrote: "I would say, that's the spirit, but always remember: It works only if your mind is serene and calm.
Anubis then nodded to Donau, before shaking himself off and taking a moment to collect himself. it took time for him to open his eyes only focusing on the task at hand. "dont just make it float.....high and fast" he mouthed to himself he wasnt fond of hitting rocks but it was what he had to do. he sighed once slowly to calm his senses then looked around spotting a hill far off and readjusted himself to aim in its direction in relation to everyone elses place.

and with one motion took three paces before soccer kicking the stone hard with a loud crack. his own ability used to soften the blow and transfer it to the stone to keep it floating
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis looked to the mentioned rock his mind repeated the master's words with a sense that he will continue on and in such will succeed. but then his mind began its normal confusion,
valerio wrote: "I would say, that's the spirit, but always remember: It works only if your mind is serene and calm.
Anubis then nodded to Donau, before shaking himself off and taking a moment to collect himself. it took time for him to open his eyes only focusing on the task at hand. "dont just make it float.....high and fast" he mouthed to himself he wasnt fond of hitting rocks but it was what he had to do. he sighed once slowly to calm his senses then looked around spotting a hill far off and readjusted himself to aim in its direction in relation to everyone elses place.
and with one motion took three paces before soccer kicking the stone hard with a loud crack. his own ability used to soften the blow and transfer it to the stone to keep it floating
"I should say that I'm impressed, given the results, but no, that wasn't what I asked, my friend: sit down and focus like you did during the first test. When I said 'kick', I meant...an aetheral one, but sometimes I mix modern metaphores. You must propel that thing like you'd give a physical kick to it. Just make it so your stone goes up and up and up."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis rubbed his foot some before walking over to her donau out. before taking a moment to think "so you wish for me to think of myself kicking a stone?" he asked with a mute understanding in the sense. then in hind sight he should have assumed such, considering he is to learn the aether itself.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis rubbed his foot some before walking over to her donau out. before taking a moment to think "so you wish for me to think of myself kicking a stone?" he asked with a mute understanding in the sense. then in hind sight he should have assumed such, considering he is to learn the aether itself.
"Correct. But make it so it flies high, not forward. When the aether will flow, better no one is on the path of that thing, believe me. My master is still a bit upset after I ruined his plates collection. And his portrait. And his room..."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis nodded and stayed in his spot sitting, he kept his mind emty and clear as he understood clearly. however in mind he saw the second stone, he saw the world and the earth but pictured himself inside the ground standing up. he sighed keeping his breathing steady and pictured himself doing the same soccer kick an invisible him running through the earth and striking the second flat stone up into the air like a rocket. when he opened his eyes he looked for the stone he saw then looked at donau
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis nodded and stayed in his spot sitting, he kept his mind emty and clear as he understood clearly. however in mind he saw the second stone, he saw the world and the earth but pictured himself inside the ground standing up. he sighed keeping his breathing steady and pictured himself doing the same soccer kick an invisible him running through the earth and striking the second flat stone up into the air like a rocket. when he opened his eyes he looked for the stone he saw then looked at donau
The stone went up, and up, and up...It rocketed past a flock of birds who, from their 'V' formation, went into a '@#%' formation.
It went up and up...and it hit an ISS module. Over the radio channel, someone said, "Houston, we have a problem!"
It landed, eventually on the Moon's eye, right where a famed rocket landed decades before. "You have it against me, guys!" said the satellite.

Donau looked definitely impressed. His flopped ears looked like they wanted to fall down. "Oookay, we could consider upping the teaching level..."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

valerio wrote:"Almost done..." the Hunter said. If Haq was suffering this ordeal, the spiritual entity felt like burning, himself. He was doing something that he wasn't even *supposed* to do, his curse kept him away from the higher realms.
But he could it for Haq, for the future of his kind. The curse couldn't prevent him from doing *that*. And he'd help Haq whatever the cost, the dreadful pain, the raking and clawing of the angry shamans of the past...
"YOU WON'T WIN!" He roared with the young wolf's voice. "You won't, you hear me?! Your hatred was useless, it didn't serve you at all! It never served us, it is bringing us to extinction, and this time you. won't. WIN!"
One final stroke of the brush, and the tattoo shone with silvery light, like an elegant wave that covered Haq's chest.
And the pain was gone, it was over.
And the angry voices were silent once and for all...
Haq felt them, the Hunter's thoughts and emotions, as he screamed in defiance towards those who oppose them. He felt the pain and the need, resonating strongly within their body. He felt a surge of energy, rising from within his soul.

And he released that energy in a single roar, mirroring the spirit's determination, amplifying their voice to a point where the surrounding trees rustled and the earth beneath them shook. Solidifying their will against those malevolent spirits who was stuck with the fates.

As the final stroke was etched onto their body, the pain, along with the angry spirits, disappeared. Haq collapsed onto the floor on his hands and knees, heaving heavily from the effort of withstanding the torture. The gentle shine of the markings on his body slowly dissipated.

"Is... it... over, Hunter?" the wolf said.

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

kurowolfe wrote:Haq felt them, the Hunter's thoughts and emotions, as he screamed in defiance towards those who oppose them. He felt the pain and the need, resonating strongly within their body. He felt a surge of energy, rising from within his soul.
And he released that energy in a single roar, mirroring the spirit's determination, amplifying their voice to a point where the surrounding trees rustled and the earth beneath them shook. Solidifying their will against those malevolent spirits who was stuck with the fates.
As the final stroke was etched onto their body, the pain, along with the angry spirits, disappeared. Haq collapsed onto the floor on his hands and knees, heaving heavily from the effort of withstanding the torture. The gentle shine of the markings on his body slowly dissipated.
"Is... it... over, Hunter?" the wolf said.
The spirit appeared in front of him, like a ghost made of plasma. He was kneeling down, as if physically weakened by the ordeal. "It...is. We got them, chieftain, so we did.
"You are the first red wolf in countless generation to receive this tattoo. You are now immune from evil influences, you can detect evil in its many manifestations. You have the Sight.
"You can hold the Sign of Command, because the shamans deemed you worthy, they cannot take it back from you."
He grinned. "Fools. Taking hatred for granted, thinking that I was a certainty for sterile, bloody wars...How do *you* feel?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

Amber's ears twitched a little. So did Luke's. Being a tad distracted, they could have thought they heard a roar, or bellow. Amber was more concerned then Luke. Her attention was elsewhere.

"I know, rejecting her for anything would be a detriment," Amber said, "Accepting and loving her is the only course of action." She finished the last tarp, then stood up and looked around.

What was that? She wondered.
Luke smiled.

"I think we're past learning to trust already," he said, grinning, "One rule, I will not try to get you pregnant until we're married. Same thing with Amber. Although Amber is a bit eager she respects that even."
Khun simply finished his meal. Rather quickly he assumed. He went up for seconds. He tilted his head one way, then another, thinking he heard something. Then went back to getting his portion.

Except, he didn't, his body told him otherwise.

Nuts, he thought. He threw his plate in the trash, excused himself from the line, and headed into the trees behind the truck. He walked a few paces away, out until the voices became a mumble, and then ducked into a cluster of bushes to take care of some bathroom business....
Last edited by xhunterko on Thu Jun 23, 2016 12:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by The Moon Howler »

xhunterko wrote:Amber's ears twitched a little. So did Luke's. Being a tad distracted, they could have thought they heard a roar, or bellow. Amber was more concerned then Luke. Her attention was elsewhere.

"I know, rejecting her for anything would be a detriment," Amber said, "Accepting and loving her is the only course of action." She finished the last tarp, then stood up and looked around.

What was that? She wondered.
Shadowclaw materialized next to Amber in a small burst of green flames (which were surprisingly cold). The aging feline shook his head, as if in disbelief, though his expression remained neutral.
"Fergive me, lass!" he said. A faint green glow was emitting from his eyes. "Me powers be wanin' the further Ah'm from 'er. This be new t' me... an' concernin' on it's own. Mayhap t'night is that night?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote:
Hlaoroo wrote:"Ve know nossing."
"Until ve arrived here ve did not know ve vere joining circus. Ve sought it vould just be our own show."
"You are knowink somesing ve should know?" Sasha queries.
Elmo puffed up his chest. "Oh, so you never heard of the 'Miracle Arena', eh? Know why it's called so? The artist can perform stunts that would kill anyone else, but they got the god on their side and they survive their best number without a scratch. You may learn a lot between a private show and the other. I can assure you, the media love them, every year there is a special to collect funds online, and we're talking big bucks."
"Nyet,* never."
"I sink ve vill fit in. Some of our show is very dangerous too." Dinara grins. "Especially vis Sasha's fire-dancing. Vill you be vatching our show tonight, Elmo?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

valerio wrote:
Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis nodded and stayed in his spot sitting, he kept his mind emty and clear as he understood clearly. however in mind he saw the second stone, he saw the world and the earth but pictured himself inside the ground standing up. he sighed keeping his breathing steady and pictured himself doing the same soccer kick an invisible him running through the earth and striking the second flat stone up into the air like a rocket. when he opened his eyes he looked for the stone he saw then looked at donau
The stone went up, and up, and up...It rocketed past a flock of birds who, from their 'V' formation, went into a '@#%' formation.
It went up and up...and it hit an ISS module. Over the radio channel, someone said, "Houston, we have a problem!"
It landed, eventually on the Moon's eye, right where a famed rocket landed decades before. "You have it against me, guys!" said the satellite.

Donau looked definitely impressed. His flopped ears looked like they wanted to fall down. "Oookay, we could consider upping the teaching level..."
Anubis smiled softly and rubbed his foot once more before flexing it some seeing it not in pain it looks like he would be fine. "by your decisions, i will follow"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

valerio wrote:The spirit appeared in front of him, like a ghost made of plasma. He was kneeling down, as if physically weakened by the ordeal. "It...is. We got them, chieftain, so we did.
"You are the first red wolf in countless generation to receive this tattoo. You are now immune from evil influences, you can detect evil in its many manifestations. You have the Sight.
"You can hold the Sign of Command, because the shamans deemed you worthy, they cannot take it back from you."
He grinned. "Fools. Taking hatred for granted, thinking that I was a certainty for sterile, bloody wars...How do *you* feel?"
"Taired. Let me katch mai breath." The lanky wolf sat on the floor with his legs splayed out, one hand reaching out and grasping the Sign, keeping it upright. His tail wagged slowly behind him though; they were victorious, and he got the tribal markings he had admired!

As he was recovering, he noticed that the kneeling Hunter was now bluish-yellow instead of his usual red. "You look difrent. De Sight making me see you in blu now. Wat does dat mean?"

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

xhunterko wrote:Luke smiled.
"I think we're past learning to trust already," he said, grinning, "One rule, I will not try to get you pregnant until we're married. Same thing with Amber. Although Amber is a bit eager she respects that even."
Rajida nodded. "Fair enough, traditions must be respected or this will only lead to a clan war. I belong to you *and* Amber, just as my kittens will belong to her as well."
Hlaoroo wrote:"Nyet,* never."
"I sink ve vill fit in. Some of our show is very dangerous too." Dinara grins. "Especially vis Sasha's fire-dancing. Vill you be vatching our show tonight, Elmo?"
"Count on it!" Elmo said, mimicking a military salute. "In fact, if you needed a couple of wings in your show, just say it. I performed a couple of times with the other guys."
They knocked at the door. A happy girly voice said, "New taleeents? Ready for your reharsals?"
Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis smiled softly and rubbed his foot once more before flexing it some seeing it not in pain it looks like he would be fine. "by your decisions, i will follow"
"Excellent, my pupil...Heh, thught I'd never use that word with *you* of all people. Now, there's one thing you must be well aware of..." he added qith a grim face.
kurowolfe wrote:"Taired. Let me katch mai breath." The lanky wolf sat on the floor with his legs splayed out, one hand reaching out and grasping the Sign, keeping it upright. His tail wagged slowly behind him though; they were victorious, and he got the tribal markings he had admired!
As he was recovering, he noticed that the kneeling Hunter was now bluish-yellow instead of his usual red. "You look difrent. De Sight making me see you in blu now. Wat does dat mean?"
His eyes suddenly open wide in shock, a very, *very* surprised Hunter looked at its paws, its body... "No, it can't be...This...this can only mean..."
The resort's receptionist answered with a kind and professional voice. "Good morning. How can I help you?"
Last edited by valerio on Thu Jun 30, 2016 3:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Roarin wrote:He turned to Alyse at the mention of shamans. "I think I ran into one earlier today. Shoulda asked about that. As long as I don't have to sign any binding contracts or form some sort of magical pact..." She glanced at Monique for a moment, "They wouldn't happen to teach any anti-haunting classes would they?" He asked, half-teasingly.
xhunterko wrote:"And on that note, they wouldn't happen to know about anything of fixing lying tongues or taking out eyes?" Monique countered, facing him sticking out her tongue.
"If they're anything like the rabbit shamans, they could at least transfer your haunting to someone else," Buster told Flint. "As for the lying tongue, well..." he turned to Alyse with a smile and calmly asked, "Hey, Alyse, what's Matteo's policy on lending knives?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote: "Count on it!" Elmo said, mimicking a military salute. "In fact, if you needed a couple of wings in your show, just say it. I performed a couple of times with the other guys."
They knocked at the door. A happy girly voice said, "New taleeents? Ready for your reharsals?"
"Sank you. Ve vill keep zat in mind. Alzough... Maybe do not fly over top of show ven I do my fire part. Zat could be dangerous." Sasha advises as Ilya opens the door to reveal the owner of the voice.
"Da. You are coming, Sasha, Dinara?"
"Da. See you at zee show, Elmo." The cats wave to the bird, Sasha with his footpaw since he's still standing on his handpaws, and they head back into the room to see who's come to greet them, Sasha walking the whole way on his handpaws.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

valerio wrote: "Excellent, my pupil...Heh, thught I'd never use that word with *you* of all people. Now, there's one thing you must be well aware of..." he added qith a grim face.
Anu is tilted his head some at the face donau made, what is that master donau?" anubis asked
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by The Moon Howler »

Hotep the psychic wrote:
valerio wrote: "Excellent, my pupil...Heh, thught I'd never use that word with *you* of all people. Now, there's one thing you must be well aware of..." he added qith a grim face.
Anu is tilted his head some at the face donau made, what is that master donau?" anubis asked
Something curious happened in the ground between Anubis and Donau. Something was trying to dig itself up from the ground (from who knows how long, considering the time it took to make itself noticeable), but was having a hard time doing so. What was even more strange that a faint voice was mumbling something ineligible from down there as well.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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Amber gently put a hand under the pirate's chin.

"Ah my dear, but isn't that a good thing? You'll eventually get your rest, sweet deer," Amber said, "I think you deserve it."

Then she walked over to Anubis and Donau.

"Don't sound so evil Donau, it's not like you," she said, then she pointed to the ground, "I think however, that now may be a good time to collect the resources our patron needs to help with the shield. And he may need help getting out. AFTER of course, you finish your sentence Donau."
"Oooooh, knives sound fun!" Monique said with a grin.


Luke hugged Raijda tightly.

"And at the same token, I and Amber, belong to you now as well. As well does our kittens belong to you, as you belong to the both of us, we belong to you, still," Luke said, taking a step back, taking her paws in his, and kneeling, "Call me a hopeless romantic, but I think this is proper."

"Raijda, you have decided to leave your life, what's familiar, what is comfortable, and routine, to come into something the exact opposite. Uncertain, full of trouble, strife, and almost complete strangers," Luke said, "Who, without question, have offered you love in exchange for nothing but your own love. Raijda. Powerful member of the Sisterhood. Compelling, enthralling, enticing, beautiful almost stranger, will you accept our paws in marriage to both me and Amber?"