HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by The Moon Howler »

Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis was bowing to doanu when time continued to flow his body slowly rising to show Doanu his smile as he removed a lether bound wrap from his bag to set in front of Donau with a few other scrolls with other information he had copyed. HOwever his senses soon came into play when He felt a small tinge of power so very faint only assumed that few may have felt it. he looked to his surroundings seeing nothing having changed or had altered. Kritaros was spotted and as he was rejoined with his life long family freind and spirit he soon with that gaze explained what occured and smiled back at him the two sharing a small freindly gaze into each other seeming to exchange information when a question rose in Anubis that made him turn back to Donau

"master Donau? i know Zilnawa may be gone but you said few things like yourself survived and evolved greatly over time. what can you tell me about the other masters? did they survive?" The fox only wondered but what else worried him was something else

"Also what of the Titan snakes that knew the same magical arts? are any of those grand beasts still alive in the temple ruins?" Anubis asked last before being slammed by Maquiss and catching him in a aetherical web that slowed his approach before standing him in anubis's hands he had only done what he felt right as if he had done so before. he could feel the suden surge as if sensing something was coming then acted accordingly in front of donau then brushed maquiss off some and blinked "whoa you ok?" He asked before looking at himself "how....how did i do that?" he wondered
"Chrono resonance, you may call it." Maquiss said as he stood up "Since you are fond of magic and recently experienced Chronodisplacea, or Time travel, your body was more attuned than those of the other mortals and you were already prepared." he dusted himself off even though he wasn't dirty at all "As for me - I am alright. As for what happened to me - kinetics, though I could also blame Hubey for that."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by hypernovatic »

valerio wrote: Lyla didn't let go of it, though. "I am an enemy ready to pounce at you. You have one attempt to free yourself, what shall you do?"
Shukaku thought for a moment before quickly crouching down, sweeping his foot, trying to knock Lyla off her feet.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Aheh. I like to sink I am. I have special trick prepared for tonight's show. I sink you vill like. I hope." Sasha grins self-conciously yet proud at the same time.
"Ooh! I sink ze baby agreess viz you, Sasha." smiles Arina, putting a hand on her belly as the child kicks. Ilya smiles and squeezes his wife's hand as he walks beside the chair.
"Have you seen show like ours before, sir?" Dinara queries politely.
Spencers nodded. "Bless the smartphone age. I watched several clips and pictures taken by your public. Even Graucus was impressed, right, tovarich?"
The grizzly's ears flickered at that accent. "You will do fine. For tonight, you'll be free to do your fire-dance number on the water. Tomorrow, we'll start training with something more complex, so that you can get acquainted with your new family. Care to meet them now, after you are shown to your quarters?"
"Reginald!" Alyse said, a moment before the little fuzzy missile hit her, almost knocking her down. She wagged as happily as him the moment she could hug him and nuzzle him again. "Where did you guys go?" her nose quivered. "And you smell funny, too. Like...rust?" she ran her fingers through the puppy's fur, drawing some red dust she didn't remember belonging to the island...
"Monique, Flint and I went to Mars, mom! But it was aaaall blue and green like Earth, with a lot of grass and the canyon filled with water like a huuuuge river." Reginald spread his arms as wide as possible. "And then we met the Martians, they are like jellyfishes, and then mister Dragon let us keep a Martian soul inside each of us. I have one here, see?" he pointed at his head, tapping it with his claw.
Of course, nothing could be seen by mortal eye...but Janus saw it. A sparkling dot, like an inner flame burning cold inside the puppy's head. Puzzling as this development was, knowing that Hubert was involved put him at ease...a little. "Heh, when Hubert sent us to Mars, it wasn't green and blue at all. But I didn't mind a whole planet all for us," He said, hugging Buster.
kurowolfe wrote:Haq sneezed once, rubbing his nose and wondering whether it was getting cold. He dismissed it as a random sneeze, as he thought of populating the budding enclave with villagers and warriors, wondering where to find them.
The wolf followed the Hunter's pointing, seeing the rather morbid hut. "Ai hav seen it, but Ai never realy knew its purpose. You know anithing about it, Hunter?"
"That will be your house. As chieftain and shaman, you will find in that place the focus of your power on the spirits of the departed. But what's more important right now is what you will find *inside* it. Go have a look."
hypernovatic wrote:Shukaku thought for a moment before quickly crouching down, sweeping his foot, trying to knock Lyla off her feet.
This time, it didn't work, and the hyena's grip on the cat's tail didn't loose. "In predicaments like this, surprise is your weapon. You have one attempt. Use it well."
Donau turned to the duo, clearing his thrat. "Gentlefurs, please. Right now, our concern is our esteemed settlers." The rabbit turned to Amber and Luke. "Sorry for the interruption, please speak."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

valerio wrote:"The choice has been made. Go fulfil your destiny, Levi. May Fate be favorable to you." A snap of his fingers, and time started flowing again.
"well, I guess I know what I'm doing... some time," Levi said as the world resumed.
valerio wrote:"Reginald!" Alyse said, a moment before the little fuzzy missile hit her, almost knocking her down. She wagged as happily as him the moment she could hug him and nuzzle him again. "Where did you guys go?" her nose quivered. "And you smell funny, too. Like...rust?" she ran her fingers through the puppy's fur, drawing some red dust she didn't remember belonging to the island...
"Monique, Flint and I went to Mars, mom! But it was aaaall blue and green like Earth, with a lot of grass and the canyon filled with water like a huuuuge river." Reginald spread his arms as wide as possible. "And then we met the Martians, they are like jellyfishes, and then mister Dragon let us keep a Martian soul inside each of us. I have one here, see?" he pointed at his head, tapping it with his claw.
Of course, nothing could be seen by mortal eye...but Janus saw it. A sparkling dot, like an inner flame burning cold inside the puppy's head. Puzzling as this development was, knowing that Hubert was involved put him at ease...a little. "Heh, when Hubert sent us to Mars, it wasn't green and blue at all. But I didn't mind a whole planet all for us," He said, hugging Buster.
"If it wasn't red, I wouldn't have believed it was mars," Buster said. "It would just look like some weird empty place on earth."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

Monique flew over to Khun and landed on his nose, letting Reginald do most of the talking.

"Yep, as far as we know it was Mars," Monique said to Khun, "Got to meet a big dragon god. Hajime, Hajiib, Jahiib, Bahiij, something. Confound it, can't quite get it right. Got one of those martians too. But, I suppose you can't see it either, unless it's see through for a ghost, eh heh."

"Ha, well, if Hubert or another dragon had a hand in it it can't be all that bad, so I believe you," Khun said. Monique tilted her head to one side, raising an eyebrow.

"DO you?" She said. Khun looked at her back, focused.

"My dear, I am a science fiction/fantasy/comics nerd, and have been haunted since this morning, " he said, "Yes, I do."

Monique sighed.

"Fine fine," She said, settling on top of his head. Which Khun shook with a sigh.

It was then that Khun noticed the ticket on the ground that wasn't there before. He quickly picked it up, looked at it briefly, and stashed it in his collar.

Must be an amusement or something. Khun thought.
Amber was being quite calm. Luke thought, despite all the interruptions. The earth would tremble, the sky would go black, and the wind would howl with rage as an expression of how angry she could be. He stood there smiling.

Lucky we don't know magic yet. Luke thought.

"Thank you Donau," Amber said, "Now, I drew a line in the sand. Within that line, are bushes to be hacked apart, and a wall that needs to be started. If you don't help us with this chore, you do not get to sleep behind the wall. For today, I would like at least half or all of the trees down and ALL of the brush hacked to bits. AND a log pile needs to be started from the felled trees. There are currently FOUR of us that need to do the work." Amber pointed up to the sun.

"The day is hot but waning fast. And on top of all that, food for those of us staying will need to be collected. Now," Amber said, she then waved a hand over the pallets of tools, "There are a lot of tools. Including every imaginable non powered garden tool. I managed to get 6 of everything cause Luke has, on occasion, broken things to accidents."

Luke scratched his head.

"I wondered why there were so many!" He said.

"Now, again, if you want to stay here and help us, pick a tool, pick a chore, and GET TO WORK. Thank you," she said. Then she turned to Raijda and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Raijda dear, will you hang around here and fish instead of going off into the woods? We may need an extra hand or two just in case, please," Amber said. Luke went to a pallet and fished around. If she was smart, she would have gotten a ah there it is! He pulled out a hacksaw box, opened it, inspected it, and nodded. He then looked at the small group.

"Well, you heard the lady, gents," Luke said, before grabbing some rope, walking towards a tree. He climbed up, attached the rope and let it down, slid back down, tied the rope a bit away to lean the tree, then started with the saw on the trunk.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote:Spencers nodded. "Bless the smartphone age. I watched several clips and pictures taken by your public. Even Graucus was impressed, right, tovarich?"
The grizzly's ears flickered at that accent. "You will do fine. For tonight, you'll be free to do your fire-dance number on the water. Tomorrow, we'll start training with something more complex, so that you can get acquainted with your new family. Care to meet them now, after you are shown to your quarters?"
"Fire dancing. Okay. Vot about our balancing and juggling and Dinara and her contortion act?"
"Vot do you mean by "training"? Is our act not good enough?"
"Family? Who do you mean?" queries Arina.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

valerio wrote:"That will be your house. As chieftain and shaman, you will find in that place the focus of your power on the spirits of the departed. But what's more important right now is what you will find *inside* it. Go have a look."
"Ah, dat is important," Haq commented, recalling a house with a similar function in his old village, though that one was draped in animal hides instead. Leaving the construction work to the spirits, he walked towards the bony building and had a look inside, expecting something interesting there.

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"If it wasn't red, I wouldn't have believed it was mars," Buster said. "It would just look like some weird empty place on earth."
"Believe me, I would too if it weren't for the... Well, Martians!" Flint started to dust off what Mars dirt he had on him, "Actually we could probably give some Sci-fi screenwriters a run for their money. Heh, maybe some scientists too, not that they'd believe us I suppose." After brushing off what he could the dog held out his hand and wiggled his digits again. Strange how his Martian spirit went into his fingers... Welp, it couldn't be helped now. Presently it didn't seem to be having an adverse effects so! Alls well.
Speaking of fingers... Flint looked around the general area. He hadn't used them at all today! At least, in the deviant fashion he was used to. And seeing that his last meal was this morning... Food was on the top of the list!
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis looked at Amber and sighed understanding his next task as he grabbed an axe and set it upon his shoulder and removed his back pack which landed with a heavy thud before fading away as kritaros stored it to his own place. the fox heading to a tree and setting himself 90 degrees with the trunk. "LUMBER!" Anubis yelled before he began swinging the axe with heavy thwaks against the tree's trunk wdge by wedge notching away to its centr untill he would move and soon let the tree fall only to be slowed to a stop as Hotep used his own abilities to set it down easily then remove the large stump and reflatten the land. it was a straining task but he needed it to keep himself string in his own physical and magical abilities.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by hypernovatic »

Shukaku nodded and suddenly jumped at Lyla and wrapped his arms and legs around her arms and torso.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"If it wasn't red, I wouldn't have believed it was mars," Buster said. "It would just look like some weird empty place on earth."
Janus assumed an intrigued expression. "Hmm, what about me and you exploring Venus as it was before the cataclysm that made it how it is today?"
xhunterko wrote:Amber was being quite calm. Luke thought, despite all the interruptions. The earth would tremble, the sky would go black, and the wind would howl with rage as an expression of how angry she could be. He stood there smiling.
Lucky we don't know magic yet. Luke thought.
"Thank you Donau," Amber said, "Now, I drew a line in the sand. Within that line, are bushes to be hacked apart, and a wall that needs to be started. If you don't help us with this chore, you do not get to sleep behind the wall. For today, I would like at least half or all of the trees down and ALL of the brush hacked to bits. AND a log pile needs to be started from the felled trees. There are currently FOUR of us that need to do the work." Amber pointed up to the sun.
"The day is hot but waning fast. And on top of all that, food for those of us staying will need to be collected. Now," Amber said, she then waved a hand over the pallets of tools, "There are a lot of tools. Including every imaginable non powered garden tool. I managed to get 6 of everything cause Luke has, on occasion, broken things to accidents."
Luke scratched his head.
"I wondered why there were so many!" He said.
"Now, again, if you want to stay here and help us, pick a tool, pick a chore, and GET TO WORK. Thank you," she said. Then she turned to Raijda and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Raijda dear, will you hang around here and fish instead of going off into the woods? We may need an extra hand or two just in case, please," Amber said. Luke went to a pallet and fished around. If she was smart, she would have gotten a ah there it is! He pulled out a hacksaw box, opened it, inspected it, and nodded. He then looked at the small group.
"Well, you heard the lady, gents," Luke said, before grabbing some rope, walking towards a tree. He climbed up, attached the rope and let it down, slid back down, tied the rope a bit away to lean the tree, then started with the saw on the trunk.
The panthress nodded. "Can be done. I will dress this food before it gets spoiled, then go look for more in the waters." And with that, she drew her knife and grisly started working on her preys...
Donau just shrugged, then joined his paws in a praying gesture, his face focused. "Divinity, please grant me the favor to use my knowledge to accelerate the construction of the defenses, so that this first night shall be spent without further worries."
The tiny dragon appeared on his shoulder. "A wall shall be granted, but you won't be the one to erect it." he then turned to the black fox. "Anubis."
Hlaoroo wrote:"Fire dancing. Okay. Vot about our balancing and juggling and Dinara and her contortion act?"
"Vot do you mean by "training"? Is our act not good enough?"
"Family? Who do you mean?" queries Arina.
The bear chuckled as the hotel now towered over them. "To answer your many questions, yes, you may add whatever serves to improve the show. By 'training', I mean that now you will work with a new group, furs you don't know and never worked with, so you must convene that there is a lot to start again from.
"And as for the 'family', ain't it true that a circus is a family? I assure you, you will be no strangers here."
"Count on it," Spencers added. "Sometimes I could swear they all belong to the same litter."
kurowolfe wrote:"Ah, dat is important," Haq commented, recalling a house with a similar function in his old village, though that one was draped in animal hides instead. Leaving the construction work to the spirits, he walked towards the bony building and had a look inside, expecting something interesting there.
And interesting it was: It just stood...no, *floated* over an altar of skulls, an elaborate scepter fit for an adult's paw, with a wolf skull carved in blood-red runes so that it seemed to possess a snarling, ferocious expression. The wand was bone, carved with runes as well.
It floated there, in that strange silence, like a predator, waiting...
Even the Hunter looked at it with respect. "That is the Sign of Command of this enclave. Every shaman possesses one, but only the ones whose spirit is strong enough to withstand the pure essence imbibed in these objects. Grab it, without fear and without hatred in your heart. And if you are deemed worth, the Sign of Command will become one with you and no one in any village will stand against you.
"But pay attention, for if you fail now, I will not be able to help you and your existence itself will be painfully crushed over and over again, until not even time will remember you ever lived.
"I would not ask this of you so early, but I sense your potential, and this is a much important step to achieve that peace my mate and I so longed for in out life."

hypernovatic wrote:Shukaku nodded and suddenly jumped at Lyla and wrapped his arms and legs around her arms and torso.
Lyla was puzzled, but she let go of Shukaku's tail. "Well, I guess it is...an answer. But you were supposed to scratch my hand, or bite it. Remember, no matter how well trained your enemy is, his or her body will react to certain reflexes. And if you get the hand's tendons, that will also incapacitate your adversary, got it?" Then she hugged him back. "But this move showed you got guts. Good. In this case you aim for the throat." She nuzzled his own gently, sniffing in the fur.
Alyse put Reginald down. "But I guess we all must be hungry, especially you little moppet. Who's in for a snack?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by The Moon Howler »

valerio wrote:
xhunterko wrote:Amber was being quite calm. Luke thought, despite all the interruptions. The earth would tremble, the sky would go black, and the wind would howl with rage as an expression of how angry she could be. He stood there smiling.
Lucky we don't know magic yet. Luke thought.
"Thank you Donau," Amber said, "Now, I drew a line in the sand. Within that line, are bushes to be hacked apart, and a wall that needs to be started. If you don't help us with this chore, you do not get to sleep behind the wall. For today, I would like at least half or all of the trees down and ALL of the brush hacked to bits. AND a log pile needs to be started from the felled trees. There are currently FOUR of us that need to do the work." Amber pointed up to the sun.
"The day is hot but waning fast. And on top of all that, food for those of us staying will need to be collected. Now," Amber said, she then waved a hand over the pallets of tools, "There are a lot of tools. Including every imaginable non powered garden tool. I managed to get 6 of everything cause Luke has, on occasion, broken things to accidents."
Luke scratched his head.
"I wondered why there were so many!" He said.
"Now, again, if you want to stay here and help us, pick a tool, pick a chore, and GET TO WORK. Thank you," she said. Then she turned to Raijda and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Raijda dear, will you hang around here and fish instead of going off into the woods? We may need an extra hand or two just in case, please," Amber said. Luke went to a pallet and fished around. If she was smart, she would have gotten a ah there it is! He pulled out a hacksaw box, opened it, inspected it, and nodded. He then looked at the small group.
"Well, you heard the lady, gents," Luke said, before grabbing some rope, walking towards a tree. He climbed up, attached the rope and let it down, slid back down, tied the rope a bit away to lean the tree, then started with the saw on the trunk.
The panthress nodded. "Can be done. I will dress this food before it gets spoiled, then go look for more in the waters." And with that, she drew her knife and grisly started working on her preys...
Donau just shrugged, then joined his paws in a praying gesture, his face focused. "Divinity, please grant me the favor to use my knowledge to accelerate the construction of the defenses, so that this first night shall be spent without further worries."
The tiny dragon appeared on his shoulder. "A wall shall be granted, but you won't be the one to erect it." he then turned to the black fox. "Anubis."
Maquiss was not pleased by the sigh of Anubis chopping down wood. The Trickster turned to the small dragon. His Cheshire smile was not gone, replaced by quite a menacing look. Bickwick was silently growling within his grasp, Argon had returned to his side and was awfully quiet. Ma'ra was resting on the Trickster's neck. "This is a butcher's work you allow them to do, Hubey. Just like a human god would. Crude and savage. You claim to know something about life at all, you would know what I am talking about. Stop them and let someone competent to take care of the innocent trees. You may learn a thing or two yourself."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

Amber gently walked over to Maquiss and placed a paw on his shoulder.

"Dear Maquiss and co, I am sorry our primitive methods of starting a new civilization disturb you, but, what did you expect it to look like? We have, not only the humans to worry about explaining things, but also our fellow tribes. While it might be easier to explain to them magic, we can't so easily say that to the humans, eventually, I might be able to snap my fingers and cause a windstorm to knock down trees and blame the lake, but not today," Amber said, "This is what real, hard, work looks like. While it might seem like being helpful, a snap of the fingers is harder to explain then everyone chipping together. I mean, look at Luke. He's practically enjoying himself." As she did though, Luke was cutting through his second tree, not watching how strong he was cutting, Amber closed her eyes, expecting a yelp, but only the sound of a falling tree and a whistled tune. She sighed in relief.

"He takes pride in the work of his hands and the craft. Watch him cut logs later. What would happen if it was suddenly and abruptly taken away? He always wanted to start afresh somewhere and new and build up his own thing. However, you do bring up a point," Amber said. She then grabbed a length of rope and walked over to Anubis as well. She nodded over to Luke.

"Anubis, see what he's doing? It's far less of a strain, and we can always use the stumps later," she said to him, holding out the rope.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis was on his fifth tree when Amber approached the small group of stumps and a small neat pile of logs off to the side as he wiped his brow "Im sorry, ive been used to this method in my travels however in the same time as you see i have done more and the stumps still stay whole just removed" The fox said taking the rope kindly "but if its...." trevor then looked Over at Donau at hearing his name he saw the small dragon and bowed to them both before looking back to Amber "If i may i will continue with my method however limit my use of magic as to not strain myself, I do wish to help to my fullest extent Lady Amber and with time being the exception with so much to do best to do what one knows best" Anubis said moving to his next tree and tieing off its center to help the tree teeter in that same direction as he began swinging the axe with quick thwacks against the bark only leaving a large wedge as he checked if amber stood close by

"TIMBER!" He yelled as the tree fell safely to the ground and soon was lifted and joined with his pile with Anubis's own magic

Kritaros soon joined Donau and the small Dragon as Anubis Worked "Yes Master Donau And Great Deity? Anubis said he heard his name from here how can he help?" The jackal said as a meddiator
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

valerio wrote:
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"If it wasn't red, I wouldn't have believed it was mars," Buster said. "It would just look like some weird empty place on earth."
Janus assumed an intrigued expression. "Hmm, what about me and you exploring Venus as it was before the cataclysm that made it how it is today?"
"It's weird how much of modern science you've proven wrong in the little time I've known you," Buster replied jokingly. "That sounds fun, though."
valerio wrote:Alyse put Reginald down. "But I guess we all must be hungry, especially you little moppet. Who's in for a snack?"
"We actually already ate"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

valerio wrote:And interesting it was: It just stood...no, *floated* over an altar of skulls, an elaborate scepter fit for an adult's paw, with a wolf skull carved in blood-red runes so that it seemed to possess a snarling, ferocious expression. The wand was bone, carved with runes as well.
It floated there, in that strange silence, like a predator, waiting...
Even the Hunter looked at it with respect. "That is the Sign of Command of this enclave. Every shaman possesses one, but only the ones whose spirit is strong enough to withstand the pure essence imbibed in these objects. Grab it, without fear and without hatred in your heart. And if you are deemed worth, the Sign of Command will become one with you and no one in any village will stand against you.
"But pay attention, for if you fail now, I will not be able to help you and your existence itself will be painfully crushed over and over again, until not even time will remember you ever lived.
"I would not ask this of you so early, but I sense your potential, and this is a much important step to achieve that peace my mate and I so longed for in out life."
The gangly lupine's expression became grim and focused as he listened to the Hunter's explanations. He knew what the Sign of Command is, it was drilled into his head by the alphas in the extinct Dzi'ab enclave to further undermine his rank as an omega. It's a mark, an emblem to signify the power and holy status of a village's shaman. Even he had revered the late Dzi'ab shaman for his wisdom and holiness back then. And the Hunter believed that he has what it takes to be among their ranks?

He became hesitant, but remembering what had happened when he let his guard down last time, he tempered that hesitancy with determination. He had faced death countless times in the past, and even today his life had been at stake several times. When the wolf thought about it, death has shaped him to who he was now, and strengthened his resolve to live even further. He had defied extinction that was his tribe's fate, and he stood there at the coronation as a shaman for a new enclave, for his spirit partner, for Qonuun, and for himself. He gripped his fists; if this was how he was to live the rest of his life, then so be it.

"Ai em ready," Haq said, and he stepped closer towards the floating sceptre, gazing into the 'eyes' of the wolf skull, appraising the wand from top to bottom. Then, by instinct, he placed his right hand onto his chest and bowed down once, as an ancient passage was recited from within his heart:

{Anaa Souf Tahmil 'Aul Khaliff Min Dhiaab, Min Hayaat Wa Illa Mauut, Min Hayaat Wa Illa Mauut}

With that, he held out his hand and grasped the centre of the sceptre.

((OOC: Translation for the passage = "I will bear the responsibility to become a leader among wolves, from life until death, from life until death". It's a poor attempt at Arabic, sadly))
Last edited by kurowolfe on Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by hypernovatic »

Shukaku nodded, nuzzling Lyla back. "Okay. That makes sense."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

valerio wrote:Alyse put Reginald down. "But I guess we all must be hungry, especially you little moppet. Who's in for a snack?"
Flint smiles and raised a paw, "I wouldn't mind a light snack. Interplanetary travel can make a dog hungry." The white canine pats his stomach for emphasis.
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

The Moon Howler wrote:Maquiss was not pleased by the sigh of Anubis chopping down wood. The Trickster turned to the small dragon. His Cheshire smile was not gone, replaced by quite a menacing look. Bickwick was silently growling within his grasp, Argon had returned to his side and was awfully quiet. Ma'ra was resting on the Trickster's neck. "This is a butcher's work you allow them to do, Hubey. Just like a human god would. Crude and savage. You claim to know something about life at all, you would know what I am talking about. Stop them and let someone competent to take care of the innocent trees. You may learn a thing or two yourself."
xhunterko wrote:Amber gently walked over to Maquiss and placed a paw on his shoulder.
"Dear Maquiss and co, I am sorry our primitive methods of starting a new civilization disturb you, but, what did you expect it to look like? We have, not only the humans to worry about explaining things, but also our fellow tribes. While it might be easier to explain to them magic, we can't so easily say that to the humans, eventually, I might be able to snap my fingers and cause a windstorm to knock down trees and blame the lake, but not today," Amber said, "This is what real, hard, work looks like. While it might seem like being helpful, a snap of the fingers is harder to explain then everyone chipping together. I mean, look at Luke. He's practically enjoying himself." As she did though, Luke was cutting through his second tree, not watching how strong he was cutting, Amber closed her eyes, expecting a yelp, but only the sound of a falling tree and a whistled tune. She sighed in relief.
"He takes pride in the work of his hands and the craft. Watch him cut logs later. What would happen if it was suddenly and abruptly taken away? He always wanted to start afresh somewhere and new and build up his own thing. However, you do bring up a point," Amber said. She then grabbed a length of rope and walked over to Anubis as well. She nodded over to Luke.
"Anubis, see what he's doing? It's far less of a strain, and we can always use the stumps later," she said to him, holding out the rope.
Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis was on his fifth tree when Amber approached the small group of stumps and a small neat pile of logs off to the side as he wiped his brow "Im sorry, ive been used to this method in my travels however in the same time as you see i have done more and the stumps still stay whole just removed" The fox said taking the rope kindly "but if its...." trevor then looked Over at Donau at hearing his name he saw the small dragon and bowed to them both before looking back to Amber "If i may i will continue with my method however limit my use of magic as to not strain myself, I do wish to help to my fullest extent Lady Amber and with time being the exception with so much to do best to do what one knows best" Anubis said moving to his next tree and tieing off its center to help the tree teeter in that same direction as he began swinging the axe with quick thwacks against the bark only leaving a large wedge as he checked if amber stood close by
"TIMBER!" He yelled as the tree fell safely to the ground and soon was lifted and joined with his pile with Anubis's own magic
Kritaros soon joined Donau and the small Dragon as Anubis Worked "Yes Master Donau And Great Deity? Anubis said he heard his name from here how can he help?" The jackal said as a meddiator
First the dragon addressed Maquiss, in a calm and understanding voice. "Your concern is sound and appreciated, but building a shelter means taking advantage of what nature has to offer. All creatures who can do so, from the ants to the beavers. The real respect lays in using one's resources with wisdom, not with greed.
"Magic is a force not to be relied upon on all single tasks, for it creates an imbalance in the long terms, and as a trickster you should know that well."
Then, to Amber and Luke, "Until today, villages and enclaves were defended by walls, a sad reminder of the wars that plagued this island. And I say, never again: Your village will be the first to be open to its surroundings, and defended by bravery and a bit of magic. And that is where you, Donau and Anubis, come in. Donau, you will teach your pupil to erect a defence. And Maquiss, given your nature I am sure you will cooperate so that said defense will cover certain...forces that may elude Donau's knowledge. Shall this agreement be of your satisfaction?"
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"It's weird how much of modern science you've proven wrong in the little time I've known you," Buster replied jokingly. "That sounds fun, though."
"Yay! Perhaps we too will find a pet to bring back to--"
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"We actually already ate"
At the mere mention of food, though, Janus' stomach growled hard. He blushed. "Well, guess that exorcism took more energies than I thought. What did you have in mind, Alyse?"
"There's a food truck not far from here. An Italian guy who loves to drive around the island and do business with tourists and natives alike."
kurowolfe wrote:The gangly lupine's expression became grim and focused as he listened to the Hunter's explanations. He knew what the Sign of Command is, it was drilled into his head by the alphas in the extinct Dzi'ab enclave to further undermine his rank as an omega. It's a mark, an emblem to signify the power and holy status of a village's shaman. Even he had revered the late Dzi'ab shaman for his wisdom and holiness back then. And the Hunter believed that he has what it takes to be among their ranks?
He became hesitant, but remembering what had happened when he let his guard down last time, he tempered that hesitancy with determination. He had faced death countless times in the past, and even today his life had been at stake several times. When the wolf thought about it, death has shaped him to who he was now, and strengthened his resolve to live even further. He had defied extinction that was his tribe's fate, and he stood there at the coronation as a shaman for a new enclave, for his spirit partner, for Qonuun, and for himself. He gripped his fists; if this was how he was to live the rest of his life, then so be it.
"Ai em ready," Haq said, and he stepped closer towards the floating sceptre, gazing into the 'eyes' of the wolf skull, appraising the wand from top to bottom. Then, by instinct, he placed his right hand onto his chest and bowed down once, as an ancient passage was recited from within his heart:
{Anaa Souf Tahmil 'Aul Khaliff Min Dhiaab, Min Hayaat Wa Illa Mauut, Min Hayaat Wa Illa Mauut}
With that, he held out his hand and grasped the centre of the sceptre.
And the room filled with presences.
Not like the incorporeal ghosts or the fiery presence of the Hunter. it was as if the room had filled with living, breathing wolves.
Shamans, each one of them garbed in the bone-and-skins and tattooes belonging to their rank.
And...had the room actually expanded to accommodate that pack of hundreds?
"You called us," said one of them, looking sternly at the young wolf. "We answer. We ask: Are you worthy?"
Everyone was looking at Haq.
And the Hunter was nowhere to be seen...
hypernovatic wrote:Shukaku nodded, nuzzling Lyla back. "Okay. That makes sense."
"Good. Now let's go home, before my hunger gets the best of me. Any allergies? Preferences? Can you cook, by the way?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote: The bear chuckled as the hotel now towered over them. "To answer your many questions, yes, you may add whatever serves to improve the show. By 'training', I mean that now you will work with a new group, furs you don't know and never worked with, so you must convene that there is a lot to start again from.
"And as for the 'family', ain't it true that a circus is a family? I assure you, you will be no strangers here."
"Count on it," Spencers added. "Sometimes I could swear they all belong to the same litter."
"Ah. I see. Sorry for misunderstanding you."
"Da. Zis is sounding like fun. I vill like to meet zis team." The cats look up at the tall building before following their guide into the lobby. They're impressed by what they see.
"Zis looks better zan ze picture. I like."
"Da. I cannot vait to see ze room. I call dibs on ze bed near ze vindow!"
"No fair! You cannot call dibs before ve are in ze room!"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

"That is acceptable," Amber said, and looking to Luke, who had just heard his name, after felling another tree, looked up with a 'what' on his face. After she filled him in, he agreed as well.

"So long as we have something," he said, "Although, tradition does dictate, there should be some physical marker to distinguish out boundaries. Right? And as history has shown, we do still need to corral our livestock when we get it. Otherwise that alone will devastate the wilderness and would be highly irresponsible," He looked over to Anubis taking down a small section of the forest by himself.

Save some for the rest of us kit. He thought. Then he had an after thought, noticing something.

Gee, I hope I'm not establishing a pattern with Hubert. I'm not trying either, just thinking of other necessary things. NEXT time, no exceptions, or, we'll try at least. He thought.
"Hey, Italian sounds cool any day," Khun said, then he noticed something, "Where'd the art go?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by The Moon Howler »

valerio wrote:First the dragon addressed Maquiss, in a calm and understanding voice. "Your concern is sound and appreciated, but building a shelter means taking advantage of what nature has to offer. All creatures who can do so, from the ants to the beavers. The real respect lays in using one's resources with wisdom, not with greed.
"Magic is a force not to be relied upon on all single tasks, for it creates an imbalance in the long terms, and as a trickster you should know that well."
Then, to Amber and Luke, "Until today, villages and enclaves were defended by walls, a sad reminder of the wars that plagued this island. And I say, never again: Your village will be the first to be open to its surroundings, and defended by bravery and a bit of magic. And that is where you, Donau and Anubis, come in. Donau, you will teach your pupil to erect a defence. And Maquiss, given your nature I am sure you will cooperate so that said defense will cover certain...forces that may elude Donau's knowledge. Shall this agreement be of your satisfaction?"
xhunterko wrote:"That is acceptable," Amber said, and looking to Luke, who had just heard his name, after felling another tree, looked up with a 'what' on his face. After she filled him in, he agreed as well.

"So long as we have something," he said, "Although, tradition does dictate, there should be some physical marker to distinguish out boundaries. Right? And as history has shown, we do still need to corral our livestock when we get it. Otherwise that alone will devastate the wilderness and would be highly irresponsible," He looked over to Anubis taking down a small section of the forest by himself.

Save some for the rest of us kit. He thought. Then he had an after thought, noticing something.

Gee, I hope I'm not establishing a pattern with Hubert. I'm not trying either, just thinking of other necessary things. NEXT time, no exceptions, or, we'll try at least. He thought.
Both Bickwick and Argon calmed down. To some extent, so did Maquiss "I am not happy, but I will not oppose either, not in my state." He looked away from the fallen trees "I will help in my own way. Do what you must and may Amber seek me in my Sanctuary. Argon will stay at the entrance of the portal I raised earlier. I simply can't stand and watch. For what forces I am attuned to... I just need to go..." he started to fade "Oh, one more thing - collect as much sap, fruit and nuts from the fallen trees as possible before you seek me out. I will need them if I am to help defend this place..."
The Trickster simply disappeared, along with Bickwick and Ma'ra. Argon remained for a few more seconds and simply headed towards the portal's entrance.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

valerio wrote: And the room filled with presences.
Not like the incorporeal ghosts or the fiery presence of the Hunter. it was as if the room had filled with living, breathing wolves.
Shamans, each one of them garbed in the bone-and-skins and tattooes belonging to their rank.
And...had the room actually expanded to accommodate that pack of hundreds?
"You called us," said one of them, looking sternly at the young wolf. "We answer. We ask: Are you worthy?"
Everyone was looking at Haq.
And the Hunter was nowhere to be seen...
Haq would've been rooted to the spot and withdrew with the sight of so many people in the same room, given his aversion to large crowds.

Yet, none of the fear associated with so many people being around him reared their ugly heads. No racing of the heart, no locking of the limbs, nothing. The wolf was in fact calm as he faced the wizened faces of the wolf shamans, not even noticing the Hunter disappearing yet again. His hand was still grasping the sceptre as he bowed once more.

"Ai seek kounsel from all of you, O' wais shamans of de past--" He began saying, looking at everyone before settling his gaze on the one that asked him the question. "-- too start a new enklaev on dis ground, and too lead it too prosperity and sucsess. Ai am ready too shoulder de task, in heart and in mind. However, if you arr not convinced by mai conviktions, you may test mai mettle and strengt of soul here." He let go of the sceptre and stood there. "Ai am ready."

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis's rythem soon slowed to a stop when he finished the eighteenth tree leaving 3 piles in a triangle shape of 6 trees each. Three piles sat in 4 different spots for 72 trees cut down. He stuck the axe into a stump and went to his bag to grab a bandana to wipe his sweat filled fur then shook himself off. Kritaros met up with Jim to say of the dragons plan.

Anubis nodded. He understood he needed to continue learning the aether and he was ready for it, he knew to make shields but....for one of a village size he needed to learn. After a small break he approached dona and bowed to the rabbit.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by hypernovatic »

"No, no, and no. I definitely can't cook." Shukaku said.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Civilization »

Tutter paused, after a moment he put his paw back at his side, everything seemed to have moved ever so slightly. And the conversation moved on, maybe he blanked out, that would be bad but it could have happened. There was enough crazy stuff already going on around here. He stayed quiet wondering what the others were going to decide to do.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Ah. I see. Sorry for misunderstanding you."
"Da. Zis is sounding like fun. I vill like to meet zis team." The cats look up at the tall building before following their guide into the lobby. They're impressed by what they see.
"Zis looks better zan ze picture. I like."
"Da. I cannot vait to see ze room. I call dibs on ze bed near ze vindow!"
"No fair! You cannot call dibs before ve are in ze room!"
"I don't think you'll have to worry about that," Spencers said. "Be it single or double, all beds face the windows so that you can enjoy natural light and scenery at their best. And in case you were up to some fancy, our rooms make use of ShoWall Technology." The man led the group to the reception desk, behind which stood a Japanese woman in a fine blue dress. "Michi, will you please give our friends the keys? Apartment 702, thank you."
The woman bowed, tapped the keyboard in front of her, and a few moments later, the printer spat out four plastic cards with a chip and a magnetic band. She handed everything to Spencers, who in turn passed them to his guests. "The cards are your apartment keys and also contain your ID data you emailed me already. Carry them with yourselves, always. And should any of you lose his or her key, worry not: all cards hold all the data and passes. The cards will self-erase if accidentally brought off the island. Any question before we go to your accommodation?"
xhunterko wrote:"That is acceptable," Amber said, and looking to Luke, who had just heard his name, after felling another tree, looked up with a 'what' on his face. After she filled him in, he agreed as well.
"So long as we have something," he said, "Although, tradition does dictate, there should be some physical marker to distinguish out boundaries. Right? And as history has shown, we do still need to corral our livestock when we get it. Otherwise that alone will devastate the wilderness and would be highly irresponsible," He looked over to Anubis taking down a small section of the forest by himself.
Save some for the rest of us kit. He thought. Then he had an after thought, noticing something.
Gee, I hope I'm not establishing a pattern with Hubert. I'm not trying either, just thinking of other necessary things. NEXT time, no exceptions, or, we'll try at least. He thought.
"Strange as it may sound," Hubert said, "You will discover that your protein needs shall be met in many other ways than raising herds. If you want to discover how, talk with the Lycaons. It will also serve as your first exercise in diplomacy. Or I could tell you everythng right now, if you wish so. As for the markers, just use what nature gave you." First he tapped Luke's paw with a claw, and then, much to the cougar's embarrassment, the spirit dragon's tail touched...another body part.
Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis's rythem soon slowed to a stop when he finished the eighteenth tree leaving 3 piles in a triangle shape of 6 trees each. Three piles sat in 4 different spots for 72 trees cut down. He stuck the axe into a stump and went to his bag to grab a bandana to wipe his sweat filled fur then shook himself off. Kritaros met up with Jim to say of the dragons plan.
Anubis nodded. He understood he needed to continue learning the aether and he was ready for it, he knew to make shields but....for one of a village size he needed to learn. After a small break he approached dona and bowed to the rabbit.
Donau just chuckled at the God's antics, though he liked his deity just for that -that ability to be...casual, in a serious and funny way. He turned his attention to Anubis. "It's easy, really. This barrier is supposed to take care only of the forces that could actually destroy the village -cataclysmatic natural events, artiller shells, the stuff. So you won't have to focus on it every day to keep it up. It's more like a tripwire, it triggers the defense only on a need-to basis. Am I being clear so far?"
xhunterko wrote:"Hey, Italian sounds cool any day," Khun said, then he noticed something, "Where'd the art go?"
Janus sighed. "Hubs thought it was dangerous to have it lying around, so he destroyed it." Then he shrugged. "Oh well, not that I lack in fantasy, after all. And I have my own top model right here." He hudged Buster.
kurowolfe wrote:Haq would've been rooted to the spot and withdrew with the sight of so many people in the same room, given his aversion to large crowds.
Yet, none of the fear associated with so many people being around him reared their ugly heads. No racing of the heart, no locking of the limbs, nothing. The wolf was in fact calm as he faced the wizened faces of the wolf shamans, not even noticing the Hunter disappearing yet again. His hand was still grasping the sceptre as he bowed once more.
"Ai seek kounsel from all of you, O' wais shamans of de past--" He began saying, looking at everyone before settling his gaze on the one that asked him the question. "-- too start a new enklaev on dis ground, and too lead it too prosperity and sucsess. Ai am ready too shoulder de task, in heart and in mind. However, if you arr not convinced by mai conviktions, you may test mai mettle and strengt of soul here." He let go of the sceptre and stood there. "Ai am ready."
"You shall know no love. You shall know no rest. You will lead and you will be alone. And when your time comes to join us, you will spend eternity with us, never allowed to walk the other realms. For the Sign of Command is one with its welder. Are you worthy?"
"ARE YOU WORTHY?" asked the hundreds of shamans in a single, thunderous voice.
hypernovatic wrote:"No, no, and no. I definitely can't cook." Shukaku said.
"Well, I'll teach you the basis. Sorry, but that's not an option: It's not just a question of tastes, cooked and dried food and preserves will help you through a time of scarcities, or just in case someone needs food. And our community is about sharing, just like the others at Liberation will share with you in your first days here, hm?"
Civilization wrote:Tutter paused, after a moment he put his paw back at his side, everything seemed to have moved ever so slightly. And the conversation moved on, maybe he blanked out, that would be bad but it could have happened. There was enough crazy stuff already going on around here. He stayed quiet wondering what the others were going to decide to do.
Janus noticed the weasel's attitude. "Sorry for asking, but...can we help you? You look so distant."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

valerio wrote:"You shall know no love. You shall know no rest. You will lead and you will be alone. And when your time comes to join us, you will spend eternity with us, never allowed to walk the other realms. For the Sign of Command is one with its welder. Are you worthy?"
"ARE YOU WORTHY?" asked the hundreds of shamans in a single, thunderous voice.
The red wolf stiffened and took a step back hearing the orotund and booming chorus. Now his heart began thumping so hard that he heard every single beat resonating within himself. Being confronted by such a vocal demand made him want to cower away.

But, even through all this, Haq's resolution never wavered. He gripped the tooth hanging from his collar, and while staring sharply at the lead shaman's eyes, he retook that step forward and spoke slowly.

"I have lost all that I have in this world. My old village, my tribe, my brother, all gone. I only have my life with me, and I have been running away from confronting my fears and loss. Never brave, always avoiding. But now. Now, someone is depending on me. He put his faith into me to become a leader, to start a new life, to advocate peace in our kind who has been ravaged by our own ignorance and fear of the outside world. I have witnessed the disaster of our ignorance first-hand. I no longer wish for that to continue."

The wolf now looked at each of the wolves in the face. "If I were to live the rest of my life alone and unloved, so be it. If I were to be tied to the island and be among your ranks when I were to pass on, never laying to rest for eternity, so be it. Becoming the chief of this enclave is the first step to achieving prosperity from me, the Hunter and the red wolves of Merriweather. I AM worthy of the Sign of Command."

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by hypernovatic »

valerio wrote:"Well, I'll teach you the basis. Sorry, but that's not an option: It's not just a question of tastes, cooked and dried food and preserves will help you through a time of scarcities, or just in case someone needs food. And our community is about sharing, just like the others at Liberation will share with you in your first days here, hm?"
Shukaku nodded. "Okay. I've always wanted to cook, but my owners wouldn't let me." he said, smiling.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

"Italian sounds delicious!" Flin agrees as he pads over to the group. "Though I must ask. Are there other cultural foods on this island too? Are we gonna find a sushi restaurant next to say... A French bistro?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

Hey now! One thing at a time, heh. Unless of course, that had some other purpose. Luke thought to Hubert. Blushing slightly.

Then managing to keep his composure.

"True and true, though right now, I think we should focus on setting up. Diplomacy will actually and eventually happen, but I think we can be forgiven for wanting to build up a little first and get somewhat settled," Luke said, "But I can't have a little ranch?" Then he paused.

"I did it again, didn't I? Sometimes I just think of something, and then I think of something I should have thought of, sorry," Luke said.

Amber did notice as well, but kept her grin small.

"Still though, we do like our meat," Amber said.

"Oh. Why was it dangerous?" Khun asked.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis nodded in understanding "very clear Master. The question that stirs me is will I gather enough power to make such a shield?" the fox asked in some thought then looked at the rabbit. "I'd need to learn how to gather aetheric energy wouldn't i?" Anubis asked
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

valerio wrote:Janus sighed. "Hubs thought it was dangerous to have it lying around, so he destroyed it." Then he shrugged. "Oh well, not that I lack in fantasy, after all. And I have my own top model right here." He hudged Buster.
"Actually, now I'm curious if you could recreate it from memory and it would still be dangerous," Levi wondered aloud.
Roarin wrote:"Italian sounds delicious!" Flin agrees as he pads over to the group. "Though I must ask. Are there other cultural foods on this island too? Are we gonna find a sushi restaurant next to say... A French bistro?"
and then he was distracted from his train of thought. "Ooh, if there's sushi I'd pick that."
"Still the stereotypical cat, huh?" Buster jabbed
"Shut it, carrots."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote: "I don't think you'll have to worry about that," Spencers said. "Be it single or double, all beds face the windows so that you can enjoy natural light and scenery at their best. And in case you were up to some fancy, our rooms make use of ShoWall Technology." The man led the group to the reception desk, behind which stood a Japanese woman in a fine blue dress. "Michi, will you please give our friends the keys? Apartment 702, thank you."
The woman bowed, tapped the keyboard in front of her, and a few moments later, the printer spat out four plastic cards with a chip and a magnetic band. She handed everything to Spencers, who in turn passed them to his guests. "The cards are your apartment keys and also contain your ID data you emailed me already. Carry them with yourselves, always. And should any of you lose his or her key, worry not: all cards hold all the data and passes. The cards will self-erase if accidentally brought off the island. Any question before we go to your accommodation?"
"Your dress is very pretty, Mrs. Michi." Dinara smiles before the two cats take their cards and happily compare them with each other.
"Please, vhat is sho-vall?" Aleksandr queries when invited.

Arina takes her card, feeling a little nervous.
"I have not seen before a hotel keycard vis my ID on. Zis is because we are staff? Or is necessary for travel on ze island? Is safe here, da? Is just, I vant my baby to be born in safe place."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

kurowolfe wrote:The red wolf stiffened and took a step back hearing the orotund and booming chorus. Now his heart began thumping so hard that he heard every single beat resonating within himself. Being confronted by such a vocal demand made him want to cower away.
But, even through all this, Haq's resolution never wavered. He gripped the tooth hanging from his collar, and while staring sharply at the lead shaman's eyes, he retook that step forward and spoke slowly.
"I have lost all that I have in this world. My old village, my tribe, my brother, all gone. I only have my life with me, and I have been running away from confronting my fears and loss. Never brave, always avoiding. But now. Now, someone is depending on me. He put his faith into me to become a leader, to start a new life, to advocate peace in our kind who has been ravaged by our own ignorance and fear of the outside world. I have witnessed the disaster of our ignorance first-hand. I no longer wish for that to continue."
The wolf now looked at each of the wolves in the face. "If I were to live the rest of my life alone and unloved, so be it. If I were to be tied to the island and be among your ranks when I were to pass on, never laying to rest for eternity, so be it. Becoming the chief of this enclave is the first step to achieving prosperity from me, the Hunter and the red wolves of Merriweather. I AM worthy of the Sign of Command."
And as it had started, so it was over: Haq found himself all alone in the hut, his paws still gripping the Sign of Command, only the silence of the dead speaking to him...that is, until the Hunter spoke from behind him. "You have done well, youngling. The disturbed spirits themselves have reacted to your assignment." He was there, standing with a grin of pure pride. He then gestured to Haq to follow him as the fiery wraith walked to the door. "Come, meet your first army."
hypernovatic wrote:Shukaku nodded. "Okay. I've always wanted to cook, but my owners wouldn't let me." he said, smiling.
Lyla chuckled. "Silly humans, still think they got the copyright on fire. Do you know how did they get a hold of it, back in the days?"
Roarin wrote:"Italian sounds delicious!" Flin agrees as he pads over to the group. "Though I must ask. Are there other cultural foods on this island too? Are we gonna find a sushi restaurant next to say... A French bistro?"
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:Flin agrees as he pads over to the group. "Though I must ask. Are there other cultural foods on this island too? Are we gonna find a sushi restaurant next to say... A French bistro?"
and then he was distracted from his train of thought. "Ooh, if there's sushi I'd pick that."
"Still the stereotypical cat, huh?" Buster jabbed
"Shut it, carrots."[/quote]
Alyse nodded. "You will find every sort of country to eat, but the stuff is served in the resort's restaurant. Michele, the truck food's owner, works around here because the people working at the archaeological sites rarely have the time to go to the restaurant. And when they have some free time, they like to relax or explore the place, not cram themselves in a building. Often they come to our village and enjoy the coast life. But one thing I can tell you for sure, luv," she added at Levi, "at Lancaster Village they do know how to cook some *good* cullen sink and smoked mackerel with feta cheese pannini."
xhunterko wrote:Hey now! One thing at a time, heh. Unless of course, that had some other purpose. Luke thought to Hubert. Blushing slightly.
Then managing to keep his composure.
"True and true, though right now, I think we should focus on setting up. Diplomacy will actually and eventually happen, but I think we can be forgiven for wanting to build up a little first and get somewhat settled," Luke said, "But I can't have a little ranch?" Then he paused.
"I did it again, didn't I? Sometimes I just think of something, and then I think of something I should have thought of, sorry," Luke said.
Amber did notice as well, but kept her grin small.
"Still though, we do like our meat," Amber said.
"That is in your right. you can raise your cattle for meat and other uses, but I ask you to do so mainly to cache your food for hard times or to trade it. You will soon discover that, as long as you are fit to hunt, you won't need to raise it for your daily needs. Believe me, your 'ranch' is the whole island, just as it is everyone else's 'ranch'."
xhunterko wrote:"Oh. Why was it dangerous?" Khun asked.
"I had this near-death...experience," Janus said, shuddering a bit at the memory. "Hubert says that since then I can communicate with the otherworld, and that some bad people just tried to use my art to get in touch with me."
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"Actually, now I'm curious if you could recreate it from memory and it would still be dangerous," Levi wondered aloud.
Janus scratched his ear. "Uh, I guess not. I mean, the reason it was dangerous was because I had had a direct contact with..." He looked at the archway gate "with whoever lives behind that place. And I had used my spit to dilute the colors. Hubs says that the painting had a powerful talismanic power because of that." He shrugged "Guess I could give it a try, but why risk?"
Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis nodded in understanding "very clear Master. The question that stirs me is will I gather enough power to make such a shield?" the fox asked in some thought then looked at the rabbit. "I'd need to learn how to gather aetheric energy wouldn't i?" Anubis asked
Donau chuckled. "Ahh, herein lies the error, my pupil. The secret is not 'gathering' a primal force, just bend it according to your skills and willforce. The lions tried just that: To gather aetheric energies. And that was their downfall. Now, just to get started..." he walked toward the horses, and then, with his foot, the rabbit started to draw a circle around them. When he was done, he said to Anubis, "Now don't think power, don't think quantities. Just look at the circle and relax, open your mind, focus it on *one*, single thought, one single concept: Defence. Make that concept the focus of your being, as if there was nothing else in your existence. But don't rush it, don't worry if it takes even hours. Just focus, and when you are done...well, we'll both know it. Ready?"
Hlaoroo wrote:"Your dress is very pretty, Mrs. Michi." Dinara smiles before the two cats take their cards and happily compare them with each other.
"Please, vhat is sho-vall?" Aleksandr queries when invited.
Arina takes her card, feeling a little nervous.
"I have not seen before a hotel keycard vis my ID on. Zis is because we are staff? Or is necessary for travel on ze island? Is safe here, da? Is just, I vant my baby to be born in safe place."
Spencers motioned with his head to the bear, who started pushing the wheelchair as the man led the group toward one of the elevators. Tourists in the lobby took picture with their phones and cameras. A kid, recognising the circus artist, gleefully waved at him, though his mother *did* keep him in place with a firm hand on his shoulder.
"The cards also have inbuilt GPS. The island, madame, is as safe as prudence and a grain of salt go. It is a fine place, the natives are mostly friendly, and those who are not are wary and don't want to mess with humans, not since their ancestors learnt a very hard lesson during World War II. But this island, though mine by the law of men, is not...well, 'tamed'. This resort and its undergrounds are a technological oasis, the only one in the island. By laws of nature, this place does not belong to me, and I want to make sure it stays so.
"You are free to explore, to swim, to dive, to climb...but do it with the opportune cautions, be sure you have your guide with you the first times you get out. Even expert speleologists got lost in our volcanic tunnels and were never found again. I hope you convene it is just common sense. But, and heavens forbid, should something, anything happen, your card will be your only tether to this place and to rescue."
He sighed and was back to his more cheerful mode. "Sorry for the rambling. Your baby will be born with the finest medical assistance, but if you wish you can have it born at the lycaons village. And don't be surprised..." the elevator bell tingled and the doors opened, revealing a more than comfortable space, though covered with some shiny black material that neatly reflected the lights from the ceiling. "...they could be considered worshippers of life. To them, a new life is sacred, and would do wonderful things to ease your birth and give all the protection charms to your baby. And, just to answer your question, Aleksandr..." He added when the door closed...
The cabin came to life! The sensation of movement of the cabin was barely there, but its every side, roof and floor included, literally transformed into a perfect replica of the majestic Blue Peak Mountain.
It was like...well, like flying, like birds free from the earthly constrictions. There was fresh air, the smells from the sea, the temperature... At that moment, every sense was fooled into believing space and time had changed just for them, to show them the rise along the mountain, with majestic eagles passing by, and the sun shining bright and warm, and the occasional low cloud dousing them with a humid whisp...
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

Luke nodded as well as Amber.

"Yeah, no biggie with that, well, back to work then," he said, sizing up the remaining half of the trees on his side of the circle, picked one tree, climbed it, tied a rope, and began slicing at the trunk. Amber made sure to keep one ear on the lessons going on, hoping the horses wouldn't mind, speaking of them though. She walked over to the two of them.

"So, how long have the two of you known each other then?" She asked them. She was well aware of the lesson going on, she figured if he were a good student, Anubis wouldn't be distracted by the idle activity.
Khun looked at the Hubert on his shoulder.

"Is it still dangerous if I can imagine it?" Khun asked.

"I told you he might worry about that," Monique said, "It should be fine."

"Really?" Khun said. Then he looked over to Levi and his girl.

Lucky cat. He thought, drumming his left hand with the ring on it for a few seconds on his thigh, then quickly stopped.

Not the place, OR the time for THAT conversation. He thought again. Though eventually he felt he WOULD have to talk about it sometime. He just didn't like the thought of it.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by kurowolfe »

valerio wrote:And as it had started, so it was over: Haq found himself all alone in the hut, his paws still gripping the Sign of Command, only the silence of the dead speaking to him...that is, until the Hunter spoke from behind him. "You have done well, youngling. The disturbed spirits themselves have reacted to your assignment." He was there, standing with a grin of pure pride. He then gestured to Haq to follow him as the fiery wraith walked to the door. "Come, meet your first army."
The wolf was perplexed seeing everyone vanish, and his paw somehow grasping the bone sceptre. When the Hunter spoke to him, he jumped a bit in surprise. He turned to look at him, and was again surprised, this time seeing the ghastly spirit beaming at him.

"Tank you, Ai am glad Ai was akcepted," he said, a sigh escaping him. One hurdle down in the path of rebuilding the village.

As the Hunter walked back towards the exit and gestured him to follow along, he cocked his head to the right. "Army? Wat arm-- oh."

Outside the hut, awaiting the red wolf, was a sea of apparitions. Wolves of all genders, in full battle gear and adorned with tribal tattoos and markings of warriors, kneeling on the ground with their heads lowered in respect towards him. In front was the wolf shaman who had questioned him before, also on his knees and bowing. These are all the spirits of the former villagers of this enclave, even the ones that had attacked him before

This... was different. Haq had never had anyone give him this much reverence, and having these strong warriors bow down to him in submission was not something he was prepared for. But the heavy weight of the Sign of Command in his hand reminded him. He is now a full-fledged shaman, no longer a lone wolf. The weight sank in his psyche, as he released the wolf tooth on his tattered collar and extended that hand open-palmed towards the crowd.

"Rise," he commanded, his voice as clear as ever. "I am Haq Dzi'ab, and I thank you for your trust in me to lead the village back into peace and success. We'll do this together, and I'll do everything in my power to ensure a bright future for us all."

He glanced at the Hunter again. "Hunter, wat was de name of dis enklave? Ai never knew it."

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Haq Dzi'ab (Blue Peaks Shore) || Mikan Kawabe (Applegate) || Hajime (Apollo City)
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote: Spencers motioned with his head to the bear, who started pushing the wheelchair as the man led the group toward one of the elevators. Tourists in the lobby took picture with their phones and cameras. A kid, recognising the circus artist, gleefully waved at him, though his mother *did* keep him in place with a firm hand on his shoulder.
"The cards also have inbuilt GPS. The island, madame, is as safe as prudence and a grain of salt go. It is a fine place, the natives are mostly friendly, and those who are not are wary and don't want to mess with humans, not since their ancestors learnt a very hard lesson during World War II. But this island, though mine by the law of men, is not...well, 'tamed'. This resort and its undergrounds are a technological oasis, the only one in the island. By laws of nature, this place does not belong to me, and I want to make sure it stays so.
"You are free to explore, to swim, to dive, to climb...but do it with the opportune cautions, be sure you have your guide with you the first times you get out. Even expert speleologists got lost in our volcanic tunnels and were never found again. I hope you convene it is just common sense. But, and heavens forbid, should something, anything happen, your card will be your only tether to this place and to rescue."
He sighed and was back to his more cheerful mode. "Sorry for the rambling. Your baby will be born with the finest medical assistance, but if you wish you can have it born at the lycaons village. And don't be surprised..." the elevator bell tingled and the doors opened, revealing a more than comfortable space, though covered with some shiny black material that neatly reflected the lights from the ceiling. "...they could be considered worshippers of life. To them, a new life is sacred, and would do wonderful things to ease your birth and give all the protection charms to your baby. And, just to answer your question, Aleksandr..." He added when the door closed...
The cabin came to life! The sensation of movement of the cabin was barely there, but its every side, roof and floor included, literally transformed into a perfect replica of the majestic Blue Peak Mountain.
It was like...well, like flying, like birds free from the earthly constrictions. There was fresh air, the smells from the sea, the temperature... At that moment, every sense was fooled into believing space and time had changed just for them, to show them the rise along the mountain, with majestic eagles passing by, and the sun shining bright and warm, and the occasional low cloud dousing them with a humid whisp...
"Zee lycaons are zee vild dogs, da? I sink I am not believing charms... Vhat can zey do to ease ze birs zough?" Arina asks. Then, the entire family gasps as the elevator is transformed.
"Zis is so cool! Is like flying! Zis can show anysing? Or just ze island outside?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by hypernovatic »

Shukaku shook his head. "No. How did they?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis nodded as he sat in the circle sitting in a very medative crosslegged pose. his fingertips touching each other made a circle. "now to focus on a single thought more than others" as he focused his breathing became slow. then his ear flicked at hearing a question "ive known donau for many hours now" he said smiling as he began focusing on the word itself and the thought of defense
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