Canine Agents

What do you call a fic that's not a fic

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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Canine Agents

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Very great job on this story so far! Don’t worry about the absences as we can wait!
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Re: Canine Agents

Post by Czukay »

Chapter 12
Honestly, I feel that I need to go back to small, more manageable parts... Also, yet again sorry.

Czukay walked up to the painting and surveyed the surrounding area. Winston had not returned yet. Czukay thought it strange, as Winston usually made a great effort to be punctual on missions, as timing was quite important. During the time that he waited, Czukay slipped over to the air duct, and discreetly loosened the screws.

Deciding that it would be important to do so, Czukay also discreetly slipped a very small microphone in in his pocket, and put some earbuds in. Over the earbuds, he would be able to hear Burke, should he decide to say anything that was important. Then he headed back to the painting and waited a bit longer.

Winston walked up, looking rather distraught and flustered. Czukay decided not to ask, the most important thing at the moment was the mission, and he was sure that if Winston had information that pertained to it, he would let him know. If it was anything else, Winston would save it for later.

"Czukay, hey, sorry I'm late. I got caught up in something..."
"It's alright" Czukay responded in a hushed voice, "Now, I think the best route that we could take would be the air vents. The elevators and stairs are too well guarded."

Winston quickly agreed. It was decided that someone needed to cause a distraction. The two had a quick round of rock, paper, scissors, and with Czukay using rock, and Winston using scissors, Winston had to go cause the distraction. Not knowing exactly what he ought to do, Winston walked off towards the ventilation system, and then he turned right, into the crowd.

Czukay heard a popular song come on the formerly quiet speakers, and he saw Winston start dancing. It was a chain reaction, which turned into a large flashmob, which became rather unruly, and the guards walked over to intervene.

Now was Czukay's chance. He made a dash through the commotion, and ducked, pulled the grate off the duct, and slipped in...
Feel free to call me Czu for short. The games on this forum are pretty neat.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Canine Agents

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Nice job on this chapter! Very suspenseful!
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Re: Canine Agents

Post by The-J-Man »

real nice job
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Re: Canine Agents

Post by Czukay »

I'm sorry... Just don't have the time for this anymore, I've decided to devote myself to other pursuits, and I am going to message Obbl, and ask him to move this to the "Abandoned Fics" section... Because I've moved past this. Maybe I'll try again someday when I don't have to deal with as much schoolwork and other projects, but I just don't see myself coming back to this one.
Thanks for understanding.
Feel free to call me Czu for short. The games on this forum are pretty neat.