HPU: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

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HPU: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Hotep the psychic »

As a time and place of well being and peace. The town settled upon another day of its continuous flow of life. The people exited there homes and left for there own matters or business, the pets and familys spent time together and everything seems normal.

"GOOOOOOOD MORNING RADIENT VINEYARDS! I am johnny Castelloso live for channel 3 weather report......" the tv droned in a shop. A black figure moved about quickley and with purpose while putting objects into shelves and checking off a list. people went to a nearby cash register to purchase items of food and toys or just talked to each other non chalauntly.

the figure moved outside and looked around after taking a deep breath the tail swaying happily in a slow rythem, she sighed before looking towards the neighborhoods and towards the day itself.

"Ah......its gonna be a wonderful day." horus said with a small giggle
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Mickey »

Yensid picked through the potions on the wall, blowing a raspberry as he went through them all. He already had a potion balanced on his head and shoulder. He reached up and took the potion off his head as his ears began to spin rapidly. Lifting into the air, Yensid continued his search.

Unknown to him, Retlaw was throwing the very potion he needed into the air again and again. The enlarged mouse watched his rabbit boyfriend fly back and forth multiple times before landing and rubbing his ears. Retlaw walked over, the potion behind his back.

"Gosh, you look knackered."

"Well, without a potion I can't find, my mixture is all pear-shape."

Retlaw tossed the potion the Yensid, who yelped and flailed, pushing the bottle out of his lap. It shatter on the floor, Yensid's muzzle hanging open. Retlaw closed out with a chuckle as the black rabbit turned to him, growling. Yensid's paws began to collect lightning, but it dispersed when he face-pawed with a sigh.

"Come on, you bloody idiot!"

Yensid snatched Retlaws wrist into his paw and began dragging him out the door. Before they fully left, Retlaw grabbed his brush and shut the door. He forced his fingers between Yensids, the rabbit softening a little.

"Where are we going?"

"To the store to buy supplies."
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Legotron123 »

As Noah stepped out of his mansions door, his satchel by his side and his amulet around his neck, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before extending his "senses." Over the past year, he had grown very skilled with his mastery over Aura, the basic life force that flowed through out the universe. Which was good, because he would need quite a bit to pull of this next stunt. After making sure he was out of view of his parents and Steph, he began absorbing Aura from the surrounding environment and started the routine. First he enhanced his eyes. Than his leg strength. Than, with one big jump, he launched himself into the air. Using multiple blasts of Aura (think Iron Mans repulsers), he steered himself towards the alley next to one of the local supermarkets.
Even though he slowed himself down, he still landed with a thunderous "CRACK." But not from his legs, oh no. His legs were fine. The crack came from the concrete below him, which had splintered into a little crater where he landed. Even as he panted from exerting his Aura like that, he frowned. He was supposed to have slowed down enough that landed wouldn't have left a sound, let alone a crater. Regardless, he looked around and found a dumpster with a moldy half eaten sandwich on top. He stuck his hand out and siphoned the Aura from the sandwich, the mold withering away until it was nothing but dust. Slightly recharged, he dusted himself off and left the alley to go into the store proper.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"I still don't think much of the place," Kaylee said, opening up the curtains on the road beyond the little front garden.
"Didn't figure you would, Kay," called a voice from the kitchen, where the body it belonged to was doing the washing up. "Ready to do the vet thing today?"
"Nope," Kaylee replied, noting the movement of leaves outside. "Tomorrow I might be. Best arrange it for then." She lifted herself up onto the windowsill and watched things going on outside. Her tag, a sheaf of wheat, clinked on the glass a couple of times. It seemed it wanted to go out. Almost as much as she did. "If I'm gonna live here," she declared, "I'm gonna go look around." She took a spare front door key and slipped it into her jacket pocket, where it nestled amongst coins, cash notes, jelly babies, a piece of string, a yoyo and other scattered objects. Without waiting for a reply from the human, she slid out of the door and shut it behind her. Then she started off towards town.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

a alarm clock rang through the attic of the ranch house only to stop without being touched. A light voice sighed, as the owner of said voice, a rather small white and grey cat, moved down the short stairs of the attic, "Father!" A slightly bearded man proceeded to poke his head out of a door frame in response, "Any plans for today?" Amanda Bellus asked, stretching in the process.

The man smirked, "For you? Probably avoiding mother." Amanda's eyes went wide in shock, "I know, for a painting she still gets around."

Miss Bellus sighed as she made her way towards the front door, "I'm going into town for the day then." A strand of cloth floated down from the attic and tied itself into a bow around her ear. As she opened the door she heard her father from upstairs, "Do try to avoid starting a witch hunt. I'd hate for the people of this town to meet mother."

Amanda rolled her eyes as she walked out the door, shutting it with her telekinesis and making her way down the ranch's road, into town.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Mickey »

The two were humming "Stronger Than You" (check the gems that hold their cloaks together) when a loud CRACK caused both animals to scream, lose their balance, slip, and fall to the ground. They hugged each other, shaking hard and not even looking up at the cat that exited the alley.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Kaylee turned towards the CRACK as though drawn to it. She looked in the general direction and knew it wasn't several things. it wasn't a gunshot, a snapping branch or nature being belligerent. It was something else and that spoke of interest. She waited for the neon Cat on the pole opposite to go green and followed the sound, playing with her yo-yo as she went.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Deske »

Váfuðr, Rig as he was known to the locals, groaned and rolled over, slapping the snooze button on his alarm clock. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, stretching and blearily looking out the window at the city before him. He got up, shifting his tag about and trying to remember the dream he had last night, but it was as fleeting as waking tiredness, "And it's gone." He sighs and rubs a hand down his muzzle, shrugging it off, it would come again. Rig gave one last look at the map of the town, stuffing it between his neck and his collar. He drew an M symbol in the air and stepped towards it, appearing near the town center. His ears twisted in the direction of the crack and he turned about towards it, noticing the interest of others in the sound. He too hurried up to the alley to see what was happening.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Amanda walked down a sidewalk until she heard a faint crack, thinking almost nothing of it until she saw another cat moving, presumably, in the direction of the sound. Thinking it over for a second, she shrugged to herself and decided to follow the cat across the street towards the sound, "Finally, something happens..." She mumbled to herself, keeping a safe distance from the other cat.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Kaylee saw the situation and leaned against a wall to watch. "Houston," she said to no-one in particular, "we have a hugger." She blinked and felt a breeze blow past her. "And one of them's an enormous mouse!" She licked her lips and then slapped herself. "It means he'll be trouble, they're wearing capes. Either comicon's in this village or they're powered somehow," she told herself.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Amanda looked on at the scene, simply confused. She heard what the cat she followed said and walked up next to her, "Rodents of unusual size typically are." She gave a polite wave to the other cat as she gazed at the strange scene.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Kaylee jumped slightly and wind whipped around her as she turned to face the white cat. OK, that usually meant higher class and she was a common tabby but it didn't sound like the other cat was looking to be dangerous so she put the winds away and nodded. "Fascinating world, innit?" She nodded towards the black and white pair. "Wonder what did that Mad science? Magic? Did he rub a lamp and make a wish? I'd ask but, y'know, the whole Cat thing?"
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Civilization »

Furettia and Bianca both stood in their new home, it was unbelievable empty, but it was a new start, and they were doing it on their own. "Well, here we are."
"Yeah." Both ferrets continued to stand there quietly. Furettia looked over at Bianca, "Want to go and see the town."
"No, not really feeling like it today."
"Well, this place needs some stuff. Maybe we can go get some." Bianca just looked at her after that, "Fine, but don't complain if you don't like what I get."
"Okay, let's go." Furettia ran into the kitchen and came back with the house keys, "Great." She locked the door after they left and started to walk down the street in silence.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Legotron123 »

As Noah entered the store, he noticed several animals heading towards the alley, clearly attracted by the noise. He tried to act inconspicuous, and used his aura to keep a faint eye on their thoughts as he headed towards the toy section.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Amanda felt winds blow past her as the cat she addressed jumped a little, "Maybe she has some form of power?" She nodded her head to the questions asked by the cat, "While he is an interesting specimen, he appears to be harmless, and besides, I'm much more interested in what shocked them so and what caused that crash. Oh, and I'd say magic to his size. Science is unlikely and a genie lamp would be a find that would draw too many eyes."
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Not seen you before," Kaylee said, deciding it was best to seem like a local. "You new around here? I'm Kaylee." She kicked a tin to get the attention of the huggers.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Mickey »

Yendid and Retlaw eventually calm down, ears perking to the conversation around them. The two stood up, Retlaws paws on his cocked hips.

"I'll have you know that I am of no danger!"

His eyes squinted for a second.


Yensid sighed and took Retlaw paw, intertwining their fingers.

"He was a normal sized mouse, but I accidentally knocked an enlarging potion into his cage."

It was at this moment that Retlaw realized the species of the two. The mouse yelped and [magic] instinctively grabbed his paintbrush. He pointed it at the two felines as soft, red, aura surrounded him.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Deske »

Rig looked at the other animals, his runic markings glowing while invoking Tiwaz. He looked at the crater and followed a trail of various things, moved rocks, fallen fur, all leading to the supermarket doors. He looked up and watched the cat walk in, Hmm, was it that cat? He turned to follow the cat into the store. He looked back, passively listening to the other conversations going on, before stepping through the doors.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"If we were going to be hostile," Kaylee said, just gesturing up with one hand as she leaned on the wall again, "we'd have been it already, yeah? Sheesh!" Even so, winds were beginning to circle around her, picking up speed and small objects that revolved around her, rolled along the wall when hit it, and rotated in the winds again. "Wanna calm it, guys?"
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Amanda was about to respond to Kaylee before being interrupted by the other two's outburst. Seeing the aura surrounding the mouse, and Kaylee's winds, Amanda sighed and put a paw behind her back, as the air around her became colder, a small ball of ice slowly started to take form in her paw, as a last resort of course. She turned to Kaylee, "The name is Amanda Bellus. Glad to make your acquaintance."
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Can we have your names before pointless fighting," kaylee asked the other two. "Or instead of?"
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Buster »

Some distance away, In the basement of a cottage on the edge of town, a ball of gray fluff curled up atop a pile of cushons, inside a maze of colored plexiglass and mesh compartments sized for five year olds, gradually unrolled and stretched. Hopefully today would be warm and sunny. She liked warm and sunny. Climbing somewhat sluggishly into an adjacent compartment filled with rock dust, rolling around a bit before shaking it off, Sandy finally left her little miniature house. Yawning a bit before retrieving her collar and clipping it on.

Heading upstairs she passed by the workshop, her father had filled half the house with, just in time to pick up his frustration about whatever he was working on.
"Hey dad. Latest project not working out?" Technically, she already knew the answer, but she was still too groggy this early to do a proper reading, so verbal answers worked better.

"It's not, The apple I tested it on came out the other side as an orange... Still not entirely sure how."

"It's just a teleporter. You got the cake ray working," She paused a moment, letting out another yawn before finally starting to speed back up to her normal pace "it can'tBeHarderThanThat."

"True..." He mumbled to himself before getting back to work. There's a surprise in the kitchen.

Thanks dad. It's not really much of a surprise when your thoughts include a mental image, But she wasn't about to complain. Heading to the kitchen, sure enough there was a small bag of dried rose hips, Putting a smile on sandy's face. She was about to munch on a handful of her favorite snack when she was distracted by a large number of curious and alarmed thoughts all focused in one spot nearby.

"What'sThat?" She wondered to herself aloud, heading outside and towards the event. Bringing a few of her treats with her.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Civilization »

The two ferrets walked slowly down the street, looking at everything they could without touching or trying to cause a potential problem. They saw a small group of animals by an alley, both ferrets looked at each other, "No."
"Yes, you want to get stuff for our new home, that's what we are going to do."
"Okay, what about that store." Furettia pointed at the store next to the alley. "That doesn't look like the right kind of store though."
"Well, we'll just be window shopping then until we find the right store." Bianca sighed and walked down their side of the street opposite from the side the small group of animals were on, which now they could see was two cats, a rabbit, and a big mouse, which they both found odd but Bianca lead them on without stopping or acknowledging them. Once they made it far enough down the street so they wouldn't run into that group they crossed the street and walked into the store. "What are we looking for?"
"Anything to make our home a home." Before either of them could continue any further they were both stopped by a dog in their way.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Mickey »

Yensid's fists began to gather lightning, when he remembered his sketch book. Wiping it out quickly, the rabbit skilfully drew a hammer, tore the paper from book, and tossed it in the air. He caught the large hammer in both paws. He gripped it hard as electricity followed through his paws into the hammer. A faint blue glow surrounded him. Retlaw used red paint, shooting it into the air around them and creating fire balls that swirled around his waist.

"We can be hostile too, ladies."
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Excuse me, Mister Mouse, but my stuff's in a defence cycle, yeah? And since when is asking your name aggression?" The winds around Kaylee picked up speed and intensity and she focussed to keep them under control. "Can we try this again?" She fought the winds down to a more managable level and rummaged in her pocket, eventually pulling free a small bag of sweets. She held it out towards the Mouse. "Would you like a jelly baby," she asked.
Last edited by Welsh Halfwit on Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Buster »

The thoughts she was locked onto were definitely feeling more and more on the alarmed side, some of them even aggressive. So Sandy picked up her pace a bit.

Whatever was happening seemed interesting, and she didn't want to miss it.

(She's picking up Mickey's duo.)
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Amanda examined the winds flowing around her and Kaylee, gently throwing her ball of ice up and down, keeping it in a line with her telekinesis, in an attempt to stay calm, "I must say I'm impressed. Though this is growing annoying." She turned to Kaylee, "Not you of course, but rather the imbeciles that you are keeping at bay." She fully glared at pair on the other side of the winds, "Besides, if you two were as smart as you were stupid you may have realized that the thing that went crash in the alley is still around here. And as much as I would love to watch it eat you, I'd rather not have my lunch be ruined due to your ineptitude."
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Mickey »



Yensid smirked and fired a bit of lightning into the flow of wind. His ears began to spin and he lifted off the ground, clutching the hammer. Retlaw was about to attack when he notice she wad offering him a treat. Retlaw gave Yensid a pouty face and the rabbit groaned. His arm turned completely blue and it stretched out to an unnatural length. He grabbed the bag and gave it to Retlaw. He ate one before giving it back to the wind.

Yensid growled at the comments of the other cat. He made a rather cartoony steamboat noise as he glared back and ground his teeth. He flew a bit closer to get so he was out of the range of the wind cat and Retlaw before slamming the hammer down and sending a wave of electricity toward the cat.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Amanda's eyes widened in shock. Thinking quickly she hoped she focused correctly, as she used her telekinesis to pull the dumpster out of the alley, intercepting the electricity. These actions put some strain on her but more than tired, she was enraged at the two fools before her, hardly noticing the frost that had started to form on the ground around her paws, "Kaylee, any ideas on how to stop the over grown children before I blow a gasket? Because, honestly, I am starting to grow impatient with these two."
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Mickey »

Yensid spun, slamming the hammer into the side of the dumpster and sent spiraling off back down the alley. He glanced at the frost and pulled out his sketchbook, the hammer exploding into nothing but paper and blue sparkles. He sketch of something and threw the page into the air. He landed on his feet and held out his hands, catching a flame thrower. He aimed it at the cat.

"I'll show you overgrown."

Yensid pulled the trigger, but nothing came out. He growled and shook the object, but it merely exploded into paper and red sparkles. Retlaw walked over, his own sketch book in his paw. He put up forcefields around both animals, using the gray paint.

"Could you not?! You're both letting pointless anger control you! You're both at fault here." Retlaw turned the cat. "We wouldn't have attacked if you hadn't talked about eating us! Plus you can't eat us, we're your size and just as powerful. It's very unofficial and no way to greet someone." Retlaw turned to Yensid. "And you know better than to retaliate in such a manner!"
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Actually," Kaylee said defensively, struggling to put her winds away, "we were discussing how we couldn't, you know?" She shrugged. "But sorry for my bit I suppose."
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Mickey »

Retlaw turned to the wind cat, watching the winds. He pulled out his sketchbook and walked towards her, skilfully using his clock with and against the winds to get himself to her. He finally did and held his drawing in his hand, which soon morphed into a pair of headphones. He placed then over her ears and tapped them with the end of his paintbrush. Calming music began to play and he could only hope it would help her.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Kaylee watched him very carefully as he approached but he didn't seem to be attacking so she let him in. She liked the music, she supposed. And it was easier to have calming music if you didn't have to think about it. So she let herself be pacified. "I'll have to get a music player," she said, possibly too loudly before handing the headphones back when the wind was merely whispering again. "I think it's peace, Amanda."
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

As Amanda heard Kaylee say it was alright, she had fallen to her knees and was taking deep breaths, a swirl of frost laden air coming out of each breath. She had good reason, as a cat with an affinity to the cold, a flame thrower had scared her half to death. She looked up at Kaylee, brushing a few crystalline shards of ice from her eyes, "I'll forgive and apologize to the mouse. But after what the pyromaniac tried to do? He's not getting one so easily." As she spoke a light sheet of frost covered the bottom of the force field, giving a comforting cold to the slightly traumatized cat.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Mickey »

Retlaw huffed and shoved Yensid toward her, dropping the forcefields. He shoved the rabbit again and pointed to her. Yensid sighed and groaned before pulling out his sketchbook and tossing a sheet into the air above the cat. It exploded into ice, snowflakes, and snow, which slowly began to descend on the cat.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

As the force field dropped Amanda flinched, but as she felt the unmistakable feeling of snow, she jerked her head up to see it falling. The frown she had worn was replaced with a small smile. She manipulated some of the snow downwards and into swirls, finally ending in a tiny snow man with ice eyes and nose that floated before her.

Behind the snowman she saw Yensid, coming to the conclusion he made it happen, her look was a borderline glare. She sighed, her glare vanishing, as she raised a paw and made a gentle flicking motion, causing the tiny snow man to float over to the rabbit, "Fine... I guess, I'm sorry to you as well." She said, eyes still closed in an attempt to enjoy as much of the snow and ice as she could.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Buster »

"WellThatWasAnticlimactic." the four of them would hear from nearby. A quick glance around would reveal a chinchilla sitting atop a newspaper box across the street munching on some kind of snack food.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Legotron123 »

Noah wasn't impressed by the display outside. Only a few sentences and they all tried to kill each other! Is everyone with powers like this? His mood changed when he heard Rigs thoughts. Crapbaskets. He continued his shopping, looking for any new Transformers, Power Rangers, or Lego toys that might have made it to shelves since he was last here, and generally acting like someone who hadn't just dropped out of the sky a minute ago.
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Amanda, slightly annoyed by the small creature treating the nearly terrible altercations so lightly, but stopped when she recalled something. Getting up from the comfy snow she walked to the opening of the alley, "You might not be disappointed for long. Because we still don't know what caused a CRATER on the concrete here." She turned to the four others, "Any ideas?"
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Re: RGV: Radient Gardens Vineyard

Post by Deske »

Pausing to lstare out the window at the fight about to break out, he watched, wondering why people we so quick to be at each other's throats. He shook his head and almost got involved, but watched as it was diffused as quickly as it started. He turned back to the inside of the store and following his nose, Rig found his target and drawing the same symbol in the air he appeared next to the cat, "You are the one who made the crater? Did you see the fight that nearly transpired outside? I think they were looking for you originally, seems I found you first."
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