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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by D3ath_0ps »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:All of that seems just very promising! I cannot wait to see where it leads!
Me too! I'm hoping that I didn't set myself up for a lot of stress though with the inclusion of my college work load... I think I mught be safe but I'm not sure...
FoxRocks wrote:Hope to see it soon! I haven't been active much here, but I drop in from time to time, so I'll wait for it. :)

Good luck!
Thanks, I know I'm going to need it. :)

As for an update in regards to the fic, college is being a pain so I haven't been working on the fic that much as well as the fact that when I try and write I'm going through TONS of writers block. Despite this though I'm getting through it! I'm now 50% through the last chapter! :D

Back to school and writing! :P
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Yeah I know that school really sucks when it comes to writing, but I hope that you will be able to make time for this fanfic.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by D3ath_0ps »

Due to the highly detailed actions in some sections, this Chapter has been rated PG-13. If it is incorrectly rated, please feel free to tell me in the posts bellow. Other than that, enjoy!

-Housepets! Home Stories: Sparks’ Beginning-
=Chapter 7 - Preparations=

-Heaven: Near the Gates - Months Ago-

I wonder how he’s taking his loss… A fox wonders as he walks down the main avenue of heaven, no soul in sight. His hands were behind his back as his mind was filled with the concerned thoughts of his opponent that was defeated by his own hand. I… I just used the rules to my advantage… he would have done the same to me… right? The fox stops walking, the thoughts starting to eat away at his mind, his head hanging low.I wonder if Kitsune’s help will result in cheating or not… If I were to leave my mate at a time like this... He closes his eyes, pushing this thought to the back of his mind. No. I did what I had to do for the sake of winning the game. That's that.

The fox starts strolling down the yellow avenue again his eyes cast towards the sky showing a bright blue sky. Another grim thought about the outcome of the fox's game forms in his mind, the anger starting to build again. I still can’t believe that he would even go as far as killing his avatar’s brother to have her join his side. How pathetic… His fists clench as he stops walking. The fact that I had to be the one to tell her was just... awful… I really hope he learns something from all of this. His head turns behind him, sighing as his frown turns into a smile, the thoughts of his mate coming to mind. I should get back. Laelaps needs all the care she can get until the little one arrives.

Suddenly, the sound of wings flapping through the sky fill the avenue, the fox’s head turning back towards the direction of the sound. His eyes look all around trying to find the source of the sound of wings, curiously focusing on certain points in the sky. Finally, his eyes catch something, or someone as the creature starts to touchdown near the gates at the end of the avenue. Normally the fox would blow this over, being some random stranger, but this was no random deity. It was none other than Apollo, his defeated rival in their game of ‘Universes & Unrealities.’

“Apollo... what is he doing here…” The fox whispers to himself. “Shouldn’t he be in the mortal realm by now?” He walks over to him, questions brewing inside his mind in rapid succession as the bird like creatures talons wrap around the gate. I thought that he was supposed to be gone... those were our terms. Why is he still here?! He begins to walk over to Apollo as the fox’s body shakes uncontrollably. I'm doing it again... The fox takes a moment to breath, calming his mind. Just calm down Cad. He can’t do anything to you. He's already in enough trouble as it is. Just… try and talk to him. That’s all you need to do.

The fox makes it to the side of his former opponent, taking one silent breath before his voice echoes through the street. “Apollo,” he asks the Hippogryph as his head turns towards the fox. “Aren’t you supposed to be in the mortal realm by now?” They exchanged a moment of silence, the Hippogryph’s face unchanged from his angered look. “We had an agreement, you know? ‘Whoever loses has to live out a life in the mortal world at a minimum of 60 years.’ You can’t back away from it either, it’s against celestial policy, you of all deities should know this.”

“Shut up Cadmean, you pest. Leave me be.” Apollo sneers in his low, bass voice.

The fox’s face turns bitter as the irritation inside him grows. Cadmean then answers, “No. I just want to know what you’re doing here and not accepting your defeat. I also want to know the reason why you are at the gates.”

“I said back away you stupid fox!” He screeches.

“No.” The fox says with a hint of confidence. “What are you doing here?” He looks at his talons around the gate, a grim thought coming to mind. “Wait... are you… trying to leave Heaven?” Cadmean pauses waiting for a response from his opponent, but nothing is spoken. “Apollo, please tell me what going on… we can talk this out.” The fox waits for a response, trying to understand the situation. “Please, Apollo. I just want to help.” Cadmean places his paw on his former opponent, Apollo sneering at the deity before him. "Please."

Suddenly, the Hippogryph snickers as his talons move upward and behind him. “As you wish.”

Cadmean tries to move backward before Apollo has a chance to do anything to him, but he was too slow. The razor sharp talons swipe across his chest and face, leaving gashes as his body falls to the ground, his paws and arms trying to cover his wounds. Cadmean's back was against the yellow pavement of the avenue, his breathing quickening as the pain of the wounds hits Cad like a ton of bricks and cries out. The fox then notices his rival coming up next to him crouching down to his level, their eyes connecting as Apollo starts to speak.

“Since you want to know so badly, I guess I’ll tell you.” One of his talons sits on top of the fox’s stomach, causing Cad to press hard against the pavement bellow him. Apollo continues sporting a newly formed evil grin. “To answer your question yes, I’m leaving, but I can’t have any witnesses can I?” Apollo’s talon hits the pavement below the fox causing him to let out a wail and a cough, pain being the only thing felt through his body. The bird like creature's talon twists around, the fox crying out in agony as a tear falls to the ground. "Who says gods can't feel pain?" He chuckles evilly.

His face closes in on Cad's, their muzzle and beak barely touching as the Hippogryph continues. “Here's whats going to happen. I’m going to leave you and this wretched place behind to have a little… ‘fun’ down in the mortal world. After I come back with that place in ruin, I’ll finish off that pesky little nine-tails…” The Hippogryph stands back up, his talon now back by his side, and moves back towards the gate. “Then I will have my revenge…” He stops to look down at his red stained talons and looks up at the gate with a smirk. In a sudden motion his talons swipe at it, the broken shards of metal falling to the ground below.

“Kit… Kitsune had nothing to do with it Apollo, why… why go after him?”

He then turns back to Cad as their eyes lock together. “Because without the information that he supplied to you, you wouldn’t have won. Now, because of him, I’m banished to mortality for a lifetime. Do you even know what it feels like to be humiliated like this?”

The fox lets out another small cough before speaking once more. “Everyday… of my celestial life Apollo… *cough* weren’t you the one who always made fun of me, the one who ALWAYS busted my chops just so you could have a laugh… the others keep on making fun of me because of you… so ask me again if I know what it feels like.” The fox lets out another round of coughs as the Hippogryph stands there in silence. “And what… what about your plan you stupid bird… *cough* It’s suicide! What about your friends here! Don’t they m-mean anything!?”

“What friends…” He pauses to let out a breath and a chuckle.

“What… what do you mean… What about Pholus… Leo… Cerynitis…”

The Hippogryph’s face remains cold with the same smirk. “You know… it’s a shame that you won’t be here to see all the action.”

“An-answer me Apollo. *cough* What happened to them!”

Apollo steps through the gate, his wings sliding through the space in between the bars. “Farewell Cadmean Vixon, I hope our gamemaker doesn’t get too lonely raising your child.” He laughs maniacally as he flies away towards the mortal world, leaving the fox to his own pain and sorrowful thoughts.

A tear falls down the fox’s muzzle as the thoughts of his mate and cousin run through his mind. I’m sorry Laelaps… Kitsune… this is all my fault…

Cad’s head looks towards the other end of the street, his vision starting to grow dark as he notices figures moving towards him. “Lae… Laelaps… Kitsune…” He whispers as his arm extends towards them, trying to reach them as his vision almost fades away. “I’m sorry…” He lets out as his body goes limp, his vision now black.

“CADMEAN!” He hears from his mate before his consciousness falls to darkness.


The black tabby breathes heavily as she comes back to her senses, her dinner staring back at her on the floor. She takes a moment to try and calm her mind to connect back with Tarot, her eyes glowing a bright shade of purple. <S-Sorry… I just…>

<It’s ok Nyx, we know what you’ve been through and we’re trying our best to get to the bottom of this situation.>

<Thank you.> She pauses, reaching for the paper towel on the counter to her left to wipe off the remains of liquid from her face. She takes a breath and continues speaking telepathically to Tarot once more. <Did… did you find anything else out? Do we have any leads?>

<Well… we do have a lead, but he’s been unconscious ever since we were tasked to investigate this situation.>

<Unconscious? What happened?>

<Two other deities named Kitsune and Laelaps found Apollo’s former opponent, Cadmean, near the gates of heaven unconscious. He had four gashes on his chest and face as well as a wound near his stomach and didn’t look to good when they both found him. When he was being moved to the healers, he kept on whispering the word ‘Apollo’ as well leading us to believe that he was the one to attack Cad and the one to leave the heavens. The fox is currently in the process of being healed, but it’s going to take some time before he’ll be back on his feet again. Once he does, he’s going to have to tell us everything that he knows.>

<Cadmean… he’s the one who told me about my brother…>

<We know. The healers are doing the best that they can and as quick as they can so the investigation can move forward, but we believe that something is going on with the fox as well. Ever since he lost consciousness, he’s been stuck in that state and hasn’t even moved a muscle since he was found. We are starting to worry that he might not wake up. It’s almost like his mind is elsewhere.>

<Well, that's just great.> Nyx sarcastically replies.

<Oh wait, it gets better> She replies in the same tone. <Not only that, Dragon and I are starting to fear that something else is going on that neither of us can see, and we are starting to suspect that Apollo may have something planned too. Other than that, that’s really all we know so far.>

<Dragon’s scared? This must be really serious then…> Nyx takes a moment to analyze the situation to try and put all of the pieces together, but fails as she sighs. The thoughts and memories of the Hippogryph begin coming back to her as her fists start to clench. All the visits, the training, the battle, all the memories resurfacing. Nyx sighs at an attempt to hide these thoughts, continuing on. <At least we have some sort lead, unconscious or not. Thanks for the update Tarot.>

<No problem. Me and Dragon will try and find out more about the situation in the next few months, but everything is scattered with her game going on and the higher ups trying to find information with the other deities in heaven. Some of the Hippogryph's good friends are missing too and we're trying to track them down. We just can't lose hope. It’ll get sorted out soon though. It’s just going to take some time. *sigh* Anyways, I have to leave for the night. I promised Peanut that I would watch a movie with him tonight. I’ll talk to you later Nyx. Bye.>

<See you later.> Nyx replies as her eyes return to normal.

Nyx stands there with tears forming in her eyes as the image of her brother forms in her mind. He was so kind… he loved everyone… even our step-sister, Rose. Then that stupid fire… the fire that STUPID bird started! It was either her or him… he saved her. Nyx’s tears hit the basement floor as the old memories resurface. She tries to hold back sobs in an attempt to not draw any attention to herself from her sister and mother upstairs, but failing as a few sip from her muzzle. Then it seemed like everything went downhill… my step-sister volunteered to leave so Mom or Dad wouldn’t have to pay so much for food… she probably thought that our brother’s death was her fault… It wasn’t her fault that he lost his life, it was mine. That… canary wanted me… Hermes was nearly a pawn in that bird’s STUPID GAME.

She picks up the knife from the kitchen counter and throws it at a dart board across the room, the knife hitting dead center of the target, sticking through the board. Nyx stands there in a rage as her breathing deepens, staring at the knife in the wall in front of her. Nyx takes a moment to calm herself down, trying to slow her breathing as her rage starts to dissipate. Her leaving didn’t change anything though… dad still left, mom and I were the only ones remaining… but… we survived. We found an apartment in the city, I continued to be a stupid pawn and… life was grand. Mom found that salon job and now I’m working with her to help out. *sigh* If only Hermes and Rose could see me now. Wherever they are, I hope that they are happy and doing well. Nyx looks down at her dinner on the floor, the mess soaking into the wood. I guess I should clean this up before anyone sees it.


Sparks wakes up groggily from his dream, his eyes still foggy from a good nights rest. Just as he is about to move his arm, he notices his arms around his orange and black furred girlfriend, her breathing still slow as she sleeps soundly against him. Sparks' tired eyes look around the room that he was in, confusion being the first thought to come to his mind. Where… *yawn* where am I...

The room looked nothing like the bedroom that he was used to, his soft bed now the couch, his end table missing as he stares further on noticing a picture of Stevenson's on the wall/ He then gets the sudden realization of his location as his body readjusts itself on the couch. Oh yeah… we must have fallen asleep during that movie. Sparks’ head rests back on the pillow that he and Tera were sharing, another yawn escaping his muzzle before shutting his eyes once more, his body snuggling closer with the cat. I guess a little more sleep couldn’t hurt…

That thought suddenly fades as the calico’s body suddenly shifts and happily sighs. Well… there goes another hour of sleep... Sparks similes as he holds the cat tight. “Good morning my little kitten.” Sparks lets out with a kiss landing on the top of the cat’s head.

“Good morning Sparky.” She replies as she turns her body to face his. “Looks like we missed the ending of our movie.”

Sparks’ paw comes up to Tera’s face, a smile stretching from ear to ear as their eyes lock together. “We can catch it some other time. I’m just happy I got to spend time with you, that’s all that matters.” His eyes close as their heads move towards each other, the thoughts of Tera’s older brother Stanley crossing his mind as the moment of him interrupting the couple’s kiss replays again in his mind. That thought diminishes as both of their muzzles connect, the world slowly fading away from Sparks’ mind as the souls of the cat and dog entwine.

Their heads pull back from each other Sparks opening his eyes to notice Tera’s face, a smile clearly shown with her eyes still closed. Just as Sparks was just about to speak, an ‘aw’ sounded near the stairway, causing both the drowsy couple to look suddenly over in that direction, startled. Tera lets out a sigh as she stands up from the couch, stretching out her body most likely sore from sleeping in the position she was in. “Mom, I know you’re there…”

Her mom pops out from the corner of the stairway with a smile wearing pink colored pajamas and a black ‘Pink Floyd’ t-shirt to match, leaning against the wall with her hand for support. “Good morning you two.”

“Good morning Mrs. Stevenson.” Sparks replies as his body starts to stretch out, his back aching from the sofa.

“G’morning mom.” Tera responds as her paw comes up to rub her eye.

“I saw you two on the couch last night as I was coming home from work. You two looked so cute together and I didn’t want to disturb you, so I just left you two on the couch and went upstairs to bed.” The sound of Sparks’ stomach fills the room as both Tera and Mrs. Stevenson let out a giggle. “Looks like you two missed out on dinner last night. I’ll fix us up some breakfast really quick. I’ll also call your parents Sparks, they’re probably wondering where you are right now.”

“Thanks Mrs. Stevenson.” Sparks happily thanks her as he stands up from the couch, eager for some food. The cat and dog walk towards the kitchen, paw in paw with Mrs. Stevenson not too far behind.

As the pets move to the table, Sparks pulling out a chair for Tera, Mrs. Stevenson moves behind the kitchen island to some of the cupboards in front of her. She pulls out a pan and sets it on the stove in front of her then moves towards the fridge before speaking again. “So Sparks, I know that you and Tera have known each other before we moved here, but I never got a chance to hear the full story. Long before we moved here, when we adopted Tera. James and I saw that her mind was elsewhere sometimes. Now that I think about it… she was probably thinking of you…”

Mrs. Stevenson pauses for a second, her mind looking like it was in a trance of some kind. She then shakes her head and continues talking to the couple. “Anyways, when I always brought it up with Tera to try and talk with her, she’d cry every time she would try and tell it and we’d have to stop and let her calm down. Now that you’re here do you mind telling the story? Maybe she would be more comfortable with you telling it.”

Sparks looks at Tera, “It’s up to you.” It takes the calico a minute, but she nods her head in agreement, Sparks holding her paws as he begins to tell their tale. “It was near the middle of fall when Tera and I first met in the woods the night my old owners literally threw me out of the house for chewing on their furniture, leaving me with this scar above my left eye. The house that we were living in was near some woods and when I was walking over to the corner of the fence to sleep, I saw an opening. It took me a little bit to gain the confidence I needed, thinking of my mom at the time, but after a minute I was through the fence and away from that hole of a house. It was a bit cold and I was stumbling as my rib and my leg were hurting like crazy, I stopped at some trees to catch my breath.

“Suddenly, something drops down from the trees and I jump, fearing that it might be something bad. I drop down, say my last thoughts, and wait for my imminent demise as tears start to come down my fur. I then feel a paw on my shoulder. When I look up, I see a calico, about my age staring back down at me. She asks me if I’m ok and helps pull me up to my feet as my ribs and legs make me wince in pain. She asks me if I’m ok and then starts to ask how I got hurt and where my owners are, and all I do is turn my head away from the house, still in view, and look towards the depths of the forest. I guess she looked down towards the house in the distance and put two and two together. She asked me if I was running away and if my owners were the ones who had hurt me, my silence giving it away.

“I dropped down back to the ground and I was crying a storm at this point and Tera was standing there in disbelief. She then sat down next to me and put her arm around me, promising that she would stay with me for the night to let me rest and to let me think. The next morning, we wake up and it’s just before the crack of dawn. We both get up off of the ground and she helps me get to the fence that I crawled out of the night before. I promised that I would come back when I can and that we would hang out together. The next day, my old owners throw me out again, not like the last night though, and I make sure that the coast was clear before I exit the backyard.

“For the next five days we talk about all sorts of things, our hopes, our dreams, and life with tolerable owners. When we were talking about living with new owners, Tera starts to cry and I ask what wrong. She then explains her whole story to me. Apparently there was money issues with her old parents and her old mom left because she had enough. One day, when her dad was sitting and watching T.V., she stands up to stretch and something hits her hard on the head. Tera screams in pain as a shoe falls in front of her as her owner screams something. The shoe leaves a cut on her head and she goes into the bathroom, locking the door behind her as she tries to clean up the wound. At this point she decides that she has had enough, it was time to move on. It was time to leave her home.

“One day, however, before she could put her plan into action, her dad said that she was going to the vet for her daily check-up. She then goes into the car seat without question, seeing that it was around that time. After a while everything seems normal, it was a nice relaxing drive though the outskirts of the neighborhood, but then they suddenly stop. Her dad gets out of the car and goes to Tera’s door and opens it only to grabs Tera and throw her towards the woods on their right. He then hurries back into the car and drives off before Tera could even get her bearings. To say the least she was devastated. She couldn’t believe that someone would do that to a pet, to her nonetheless. Her story brought tears to my eyes when she first told it to me. That night our cries put us to sleep, so emotionally exhausted from the sobbing and storytelling.

“The next night, Tera wanted to show me something. Me being curious, I followed excited of what she wanted me to see. We go through the forest, spotting a few ferals along the way, and make it to a field. We then walk further into the wide open space, we stop near a tree in the middle of it. She tells me then to look up and what I see makes my eyes grow wide. The night sky was absolutely filled with shooting stars. It was so magical and wonderful, me and Tera laid down on the grass to take in all of the sky. She then snuggled up close to me, I pull her close embracing her and this wonderful moment. I then feel her head move as I look down at her, she then starts to speak.

“She tells me that she doesn’t want this to change, she wants to have this moment for as long as we can remember. So, we made a promise: No matter where we go or end up, we would never forget each other and that we would never change. The next day, we head back to the house and I give her a little kiss goodbye as I get through the fence. I make it through the back door of my owners house and everyone’s freaking out. I get a little freaked out too as things were being moved, the plants that my owners were growing were thrown across the room as the tables were being flipped as barricades as… as they… pulled out their guns…”

Sparks pauses his story, the flashbacks of his mother and the firefight inside the house coming back to him as the words that he was trying to say were lost. His hands were shaking in Tera’s, the cat looking at him with empathy. “It’s ok Sparks. Just let it out.”

Sparks’ body now shakes, the same anxiety that he felt during fist first few days at the Gardens resurfacing. I need to tell them… I can’t just sit with the thoughts… I need to start telling people the truth about my mom… He takes a moment to breathe, trying to calm himself down. “I’ll continue, but I just need your word that you won’t tell anyone else about what I’m going to say, not even to my mom and dad. I’ve been living with the emotional baggage of the end result of the story since this happened and I’m just starting to open up about it. Please, give me your word. Both of you.”

Tera holds his hands tight. “I won’t tell anyone.”

They both look at Mrs. Stevenson as she nods her head in agreement. “I won’t tell anyone Sparks. Please, continue.”

Sparks takes another breath, his body still shaking. “I went to my mom who was in the corner of the house and I asked her what was going on and she told me that ‘Nothing’s wrong. Everything will be alright.’ We all hear loud banging sounds on the door making me and my mom jump as my owners have their guns at the ready. Then the door flies open and men in black helmets and uniforms shout ‘POLICE! DROP THE WEAPONS!’ My mom then grabs me and shields my ears as loud banging noises filled the room. They go on for about ten seconds and then I feel my mom’s body jolt forward. The sounds stop and then I feel my mom start to fall to the side towards the wall.

“I grab her mid fall and help her down with her back against the wall. Her breathing was heavy and a red spot was forming on her chest as I was freaking out, not knowing that she was… she was hit…” Tears start falling down the dogs face as he continues. “She… *sigh* Her hand moved up to my face, moving it to hers as she says quietly to me: ‘I.. I love you Max… Be… be a good boy for me…. O… kay…’ Then… her head went limp… I tried to wake her up… I tried shaking her… but nothing… Then one of the guys in the black uniforms picked me up and started moving me out of the house. I kept resisting and fighting saying, ‘MY MOM’S IN THERE!’ but nothing. He put me in one of the police cars and I just laid there… crying…” The dog pauses to catch his breath, almost panting as the emotions flood his mind.

“I found out by the same officer as he was driving me to the station was that my owners also passed away as well. They were drug dealers and growers, one of their clients tipped them off. I was also told that one of the bullets that hit the officer caused him to jolt back and fire off his gun accidentally, hitting my mom in the back. I… just couldn’t handle it… After I got adopted, I made a promise to be the happiest pup I could be, try to hide all of the stress, anger, and depression. That’s what my mom would want… I suppose…”

Sparks’ head goes onto the table and lay’s quietly in his arms, his back being petted by his girlfriend. The mood in the entire room changed as both the human and cat sit there in total shock. Mrs. Stevenson’s voice then fills the air. “I… I had no idea that you two were so close… and that you two have such… sad stories… Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone Sparks. I’ll let you be the one to tell your story when you want.”

“I second that.” Says a voice around the corner of the archway, leading into the living room. The body that suited the voice came forward through the arch, his ears sideways and his tail motionless. Stanley walks over to the couple, his paw landing on Sparks’ shoulder as he continues to look gloomily at the Bichon Frisé. “You and Tera have a great relationship with such a strong bond that it couldn’t even be broken by anything. Not only that, the fact that you two are so similar from what you’ve experienced, there's no doubt in my mind that you two were meant to be with each other. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. And cheer up, I’m sure that your mom is smiling down on you right now. She did what she could to protect you, even if that caused her to lose her own life. I also agree that she would want you to live a happy life, so don’t dread over the past. Ok?”

Sparks’ head slowly lifts up from his arms, his arms and face soaked with his leftover tears. He lets out a few sniffles as Tera’s paw comes to wipe the remaining tears from his face. Sparks sighs and forms a weak smile on his muzzle. “You’re… you’re right. *sniffle* Thanks.”

“No problem.” Stanley replied, patting Sparks’ shoulder.

Mrs. Stevenson walks over to the table, three plates of eggs and fruit in her arms. “Here you go you three, breakfast is served.”

All of the plates are set in front of the pets as they grab their silverware already placed on the plate. “Thanks.” Sparks says.

“No problem Sparks.”

The three enjoy their meal together as silverware clanked on the plates. He's right. I need to stop dreading over what happened before... I've got a great life, a great girlfriend, a gig at the GODC, and a family that loves me. What more could I ask for. Sparks spears a mouthful of eggs with his fork and takes a bite. I should hang out here more often. That way I can see Tera more… as well as have more of Mrs. Stevenson’s cooking! These eggs are to DIE for!


Sparks stares at his computer screen, looking over the songs he selected one last time. Let’s see… There’s about 32 songs… so that’s about four hours long. With me and Peanut singing as well, we should be done by about 11 at night. Sparks sits back in his leather chair as a smile forms on his muzzle. I can’t believe that I got this chance… I can’t wait to show the neighborhood what I can do!

He hums the tune to The Woods as the whole song plays out in his mind. I can see the stage now… all the dogs and cats in the neighborhood dancing their hearts out… everyone having a good time. Then… A sudden wave of heat rushes over his muzzle as the thought of Tera kissing him on the stage pops up. Tera and I kissing… His smile grows while his eyes move towards the ceiling. This is going to be a great night. I’m glad I’ve got friends who support us and want to help us.

The thought sits for a second as a single word plays over in his mind. Friends… This word brings only one dog to his mind as his smile begins to fade from his face. I wonder if Fox made up his mind… will he even help? Sparks stares at the ceiling for a brief minute, replaying the question again.

Something then comes to his attention as the question fades. Maybe… maybe I should hang out with him… I haven’t even attempted to hang out with him ever since Tera arrived… maybe… it’s ME. His arms go behind his back as he leans back in his chair, sitting on this thought. I should give him a call. We could hang out later on today after me and dad set up the stage… yeah… maybe we can even play catch. Or maybe even play tag! Yeah… Sparks’ tail begins to wag a bit thinking of the games that they could play. That has to be it! I’m sure of it.

Sparks sits up from his black leather chair and takes a moment to stretch his body out. I think that I should at least give him a call to ask him if and when we can meet up… His body relaxes back to its normal state with a sigh as he makes his way to the entrance of his miniature studio. His arm extends to the hinge of the door, about to turn the corner to the hallway when his head suddenly feels lighter. His vison starts to turn dark and his paw comes up to his head, his brain feeling like its throbbing against his skull. Ugh… My… Head... He thinks before his vision completely fades, the feeling of falling the last thing to cross his mind.


Sparks’ eyes open to the sight of a blue sky with the sun beating down on his fur. Where… where am I? He asks himself as he sits up from the ground with his paw rubbing the back of his head. He looks all around, trying to find out where exactly he. A cool and gentle breeze moves through his fur while he searches around. There’s just nothing for miles… what IS this place? Just as his eyes make it to the ground it was then that he noticed what he was sitting on. Am I sitting on… clouds? He gets up to his feet looking down towards the ground below him, trying to comprehend what he was looking at.

The clouds move away from Sparks as he notices the crevices and cracks revealing the green earth below him giving him a slight case of vertigo. He shakes his head, pushing his nausea aside and continues to observe his surroundings. This can’t be real… I MUST be dreaming. Maybe pinching my ear will help me wake up!

“It’s amazing what the mind will come up with, isn’t it?” A voice echoes from behind the dog causing him to turn around revealing an orange and white fox before him. “Yours seems very… peaceful. Almost heavenly at times, minus the occasional thunder storm of course. I guess it’s only natural.” The fox lets out a small chuckle as Sparks takes a small step back. “Oh and don’t worry, you’re fine. Just a little over stretch that’s all. You should be back on your feet soon”

Sparks looks at the being in confusion as he quickly observes him. The fox seemed almost double his height from where he was standing and the beings tail was as fluffy as can be, reminding him of Tera’s tail. “Over stretch?” Sparks sits on this as more and more questions surface. “Am I… unconscious right now? And who are you?”

“Indeed, you are. You passing out gave me the perfect opportunity to get to meet the dog who’s… well… I’d rather not spoil anything for right now, what would be the fun in that? For now, let’s just say that you and I are going to be very good friends for the time being.” The fox says with a smile.

“I don’t understand… and that doesn’t really answer my question either.”

The fox lets out a sigh and a chuckle before continuing. “Don’t worry. All will be explained soon enough.” The sound of lighting echoes through the area as Sparks jumps at the sound. “Looks like I’m out of time. Sorry for the rushed introduction Sparks, and I’m happy that I got to meet you. I’m sure that you’ll be fine once you wake up. Besides, you wouldn’t want to keep anyone waiting, would you?”


“Wait, what?” Sparks asks as the area that he was in transforms into his miniature studio with a blink of his eyes. His eyes were cast to the ceiling with his back on the floor, the ceiling light shining bright as it beats down on him like the sun a few seconds ago. He starts to sit back up again trying to remember what had just happened, but is unable to recall those moments from his memory. “What was with that weird fox? Why was he in my… dream I think? Does that count for being unconscious?”

Just as he gets on his feet, his head begins to feel light once more while the throbbing of his brain causes him to rub that area of his head. “Ugh, this lightheadedness needs to stop.” The lightheadedness slowly starts to subside while he looks around his room one last time to make sure that he was back to reality. He then begins to ponder what the fox was doing in his dream and remembers the moments between Tarot and Nyx. “He could be a psychic like them… that’s definitely a possibility.”

This thought sits with him continuing to ponder the possible answers, finding nothing. “I’ll just ask Nyx when she comes over on Friday. Now… what was I doing before all of this?” The moments before him losing consciousness seem like a blur as the question repeats again in his mind. His eyes travel towards his computer desk, the memories start coming back as he recalls what exactly he was doing before. “Oh yeah… I was calling Fox, wasn’t I…”

Sparks heads towards the door of the studio as his paw rests on the edge of the door. He takes one last look of his studio, sighing at the thoughts of his experience with the fox. Who was that guy… and how did he know me? His body stands there, his mind busy trying to process the whole conversation between him and the orange and white fox. “I wonder… ‘To meet the dog who’s…’ what? What was he going to say… Hmm… I guess I’ll find out in the future won’t I. For now, let’s get back to Fox. I could use a little play time.” Sparks reaches for the light switch and turns the lights off, the room dimly being light solely by the computer monitor on his desk. He leaves the doorway and heads down the stairs once again thinking about his friend Fox and the games that they could play, his tail slightly swaying at the thought.

He makes it down the stairs with ease rounding the corner to the kitchen archway. Just as he makes it into the kitchen, his mind continues to think about the fox again, confused with what he said. It doesn’t make sense… what was he going to say… Sparks stops in front of the kitchen counter looking on the surface for the home phone, the first place he thought it might be. Recognizing the shape and the color out of the corner of his eye he spots the phone. There you are.

Just as Sparks’ arm extends to grab the phone, a voice could be heard from the kitchen table. “Hey sweetie!”

The dog jumps as every inch of fur on his body seemed to stand up all at once. For a minute, he thought that he was alone in the room given the silence, but it seems that he was wrong as he turns around to see his mom reading a book. Sparks lets out a sigh and holds his paw over his heart, still pounding quickly. “Hey mom. You scared me half to death!” He says with a smile as he grabs the phone.

“Did I?” She chuckles back. “Sorry about that hon. So, are you looking to call someone?”

“Yeah. I was going call the Lindberg’s to see if Fox could hang out today after we set up the stage.”

“That sounds like fun! You know, it’s been a while since I’ve seen him around here, and I’m happy that you two are finally catching up now after Tera’s settled in.”

Sparks lets out a sigh. “You know, I am too. It’s about time that we start hanging out again.”

“I’m glad.” Isabelle smiles as beeping sounds come from the telephone Sparks was holding. “If you don’t mind me asking, why did you guys stop hanging out in the first place?”

Sparks opens his mouth to speak, but pauses as he thinks about what to say next. Should I talk about his dislike towards cats… no… I shouldn’t. It wouldn’t be right. I’ve got to say something though… “I guess it was just some miscommunication or something like that. I’m sure it’s wasn’t that big of a deal in the first place. Besides, he’s my friend. I know he’ll understand.” I hope… I hate lying… He thinks while the phone makes one last beep as it come up to his ear.

“Oh, alright then.” Isabelle says.

Sparks see her eyes move back towards the book that she was reading and his attention moves towards the dial tone that was ringing in his ear. Please answer… Please… Please answer… The tone sounds again, then again as the dog starts to worry. Come on! Please? He was just about to make the puppy dog face when the tone suddenly stops.

The line gets a bit fuzzy for a second and clears out before words were heard from the phone. “Hello, Lindberg residence, Bill speaking.”

Sparks was almost jumping up and down for joy hearing an actual voice rather than a blaring note ringing in his ear. “Hello… um.. Mr. Lindberg, this is Sparks, um… from the Carlson residents.”

“Carlson’s?” There were a few awkward seconds of silence between the two as Sparks waits for a response. “Ah yes, the Carlson’s! One of the two residents to move in this month if I do recall, and if I remember correctly this is their boy Sparks, isn’t it?”

“Yes sir.” Sparks says enthusiastically.

“Great. I assume you want to talk to Fox, right?”

“Yes, please Mr. Lindberg.” Sparks says with a smile.

“Well,” A sigh could be heard from the other end of the line. “Unfortunately he’s not here at the moment. I think he’s going to be out until around dinner, but if you need me to leave a message I will most certainly leave one for him.”

Sparks’ smile fades and is replaced by a disappointed look hearing this. “Um… sure. Could you tell him when he gets the chance he should stop by my house or the GODC? I was thinking that we could hang out soon.”

“Sure thing Sparks. I’ll tell him when he gets home.”


“You’re welcome Sparks. Listen, I’ve got to go, so I’ll talk to you later.”

“Alright then, thanks again Mr. Lindberg. Bye.”

“No problem. Bye.”

Sparks lowers the phone from his ear and places it back on the counter. His ears droop as the feeling of sadness rushes over him, depressing thoughts now replacing any hopes of his friend and him hanging out together. I guess he doesn’t want to hang out.

“Everything ok sweetie?” Isabelle asks with sincerity removing her glasses.

He stares at his mom for a second, unable to think of anything to say. I’ll just tell her that he’s busy. “He’s… um… out at the moment. Mr. Lindberg said that he wouldn’t be back until dinner either. *Sigh* I’m just a little disappointed, that’s all.”

“Well… I did hear that you left a message for him for when he gets back, right?”


“Then you should be fine hon, just give it some time. Trust me.” She says with a smile.

Sparks thoughts start to turn positive hearing his mother’s positive reinforcement. She’s right… It’s not like I was told no or that he doesn’t want to be friends anymore. It’s not the end of the world… yet… He smiles back at her, weakly, but genuinely. “You know what, you’re right. I should stay positive and wait for him.” He moves over to Isabelle and wraps his arms around her as she does the same. “Thanks mom.”

“You’re welcome sweetie.” The two release from their hug as Isabelle gives him kiss and a pet on the top of his head, rustling his black and now blue fur. “You should go see if Isaac is done moving around your equipment. He should be--“ Isabelle gets cut off by the sound of the front door opening in the other room as footsteps echo through the hallway. “Speak of the devil.” Isabelle smiles.

Sure enough, Isaac enters the kitchen in a black hoodie and jeans moving towards the two at the table. Isaac’s hand moves to the top of Sparks’ head, rapidly petting him as he continues to mess up his fur. “Hey Sparks.” He says to Sparks as his hand moves away to reveal the dog’s head fur in a wild formation.

“Hey dad.” He replies fixing his head fur.

“Hello honey.” He says to Isabelle with a kiss on the lips.

“Hello Isaac” She smiles.

He then turns towards Sparks again. “Your stuff is in the van and ready to go. Wanna head up now so we can get a head start?”

“Sure.” The dog replies, eager to finally use his equipment after almost half a year of it sitting in storage. “Let me just grab my laptop and I’ll be good to go.”

“Great I’ll meet you back down here in a second.” Isaac says as Sparks nod and runs off upstairs.


Isabelle watches as her son runs towards the hallway, giving off her usual smile. To see what he’s accomplishing at such a young age… for a dog nonetheless… it’s astonishing. Isabelle and Isaac look at each other, no doubt thinking about how proud they are as parents. A sudden thought goes through her mind as her smile fades, another taking its place. Sparks was so happy when we brought him home. He seems like my son to me now… son… This word echoes in her mind a few times, latching onto the bit of hope left in her heart. “Are we ready… should we even consider…[/i] Isabelle marks the page that she was on in her Pridelands book and closes it, her hands coming together as they lay on top of the book. “Isaac…” She asks her husband.

“Yes hon?”

“Can we talk for a second?”

Isaac sits in the chair next to her as his hands cover hers. “Sure. What’s on your mind?”

Isabelle sits there, not knowing what to say as the silence fills the room. What am I supposed to say… We’ve talked about his before… why is it so hard now…

Isaac moves closer to her and tries to comfort her. “What’s up Izzy? Is there something wrong?”

Izzy… he hasn’t called me that in years… not since we took Sparks home… Isabelle lets out a sigh. I need to speak up. He’ll hopefully know what I’m trying to say… “Isaac… I’ve been thinking… I see Sparks all alone in this house with no one to play with other than Tera… and.. I was thinking…” Isabelle stops midsentence, her body starting to shake.

“What are you… wait.” Isaac stares at Isabelle, understanding the situation. “Are you… thinking about us having a child?” Isaac pauses as Isabelle nod her head. He lets out a small sigh and continues. “I’m sorry, but you and I both know that… we can’t. We tried, remember?” Isaac pauses, most likely noticing the tears forming in Isabelle’s eyes. “I’m sorry… I…”

Isabelle looks down with a depressed look, Isaac comforting her the best he can as a tear starts to roll down her face. “I know, it’s ok it’s just... I just…” Isaac’s hand makes its way to her face, resting comfortably on her cheek. “It’s not fair.” She moves into the arms of her husband as she begins to sob quietly.

“I know hon. I know.” He says weakly.

Isabelle continues to sob in his arms, her sad thoughts the only thing other than her husband keeping her company. Why does the world have to be so cruel… The last of her sobs escape her body as she begins to leave Isaacs arms and back up in her chair, regaining her composure just in case her son Sparks comes back. I remember when we wanted a child… we were so excited… but... every time… negative… the doctors say it’s me… why does it have to be me

Isabelle lets out a puff of air in the place of a sob, her tears still running down her face. Isaac’s hand comes over wiping the remaining tears slowly falling down her face. Their eyes connect as he flashes her a smile, causing her to do the same. That’s when we decided to adopt a pet… and here we are with Sparks… Sparks… His name repeats over in her mind, remembering the day that they took Sparks home. “I-Isaac…” She stutters.

“Yes hon?” He replies.

“Remember when we got Sparks and how happy we were… we all were when he came home?”

“Of course I do. How could I forget?”

Isabelle lets out a sigh. Here goes nothing. “Let’s get another pet. I think Sparks could use the company.”

Her husband sits there beside her, his face now sporting a smile stretching from ear to ear. “Are you sure? I’m with you all the way whatever you choose.”

Isabelle thinks about her decision for a minute thinking about a new face in the family. A new Carlson… how great would that be! What if it was a girl… I could have the little girl I always wanted! Isabelle finally comes to her final choice. “I’m sure. Let’s do it.”

Isaac holds her tight as they share a hug together. “Alright then. I’ll start looking for local shelters when I get home, for now, I’ve got to help Sparks with the stage at his little club.” Isaac give Isabelle a kiss goodbye and moves towards the kitchen archway. “I’ll see you when we get back. I can’t wait to start our little search again. Love you hon.”

“Love you too Iyse.” Isaac enters through the archway and out of view from Isabelle. Suddenly, she gets another thought calling for her husbands attention. “Wait, Iyse!”

Within a second, his head pops through the archway. “Yes Izzy?”

“Could you keep this as a surprise for Sparks and could we start looking after Sparks’ little party? I wouldn’t want him to think that we don’t care about his little event…”

Isaac lets out a sigh. “Sure thing. I’ll see you when I get back.”

“Cya…” Isabelle replies with a smile as her husband disappears once more, her book opening to the spot that she left off. The once depressing thoughts from moments ago are now replaced with hope and happiness, the same feelings from almost three years ago.


I wonder what’s taking dad so long… Sparks looks back towards the kitchen, hoping to find Isaac walking down the hallway. Sure enough, Isaac is seen in his black hoodie, walking towards Sparks with his keys in hand. Sparks stands up with his laptop in his arm, his father now in front of him.

“Are you all ready to go? Laptop? USB?”

“Yes and yes.” He replies showing the items to Isaac.

“Good. Let’s go then.” Isaac says with a smile as opens the door for Sparks.


“No problem” Isaac responds, both exiting the house towards the van.


A grey husky dashes down the sidewalk, his body starting to get tired after a long day of play. He’s got to still be there… I hope I’m not too late! The dog rounds the corner of the street, almost tripping on a section of concrete that was slightly raised. Why did Bino insist on playing one more game of catch… I should have went home. Fox lets out a puff, his stamina draining as his legs continue to pick up speed. He should be in the clubhouse like he said. Fox looks ahead of him as he spots the roof of the GODC in the distance. Bingo!

Fox slows to crawl as he nears the door, his breathing turning into panting as his tongue stick out. I need… *pant* to run more… *pant* He takes one more audible breath and stares at the closed doors of the building. His paw reaches for the door of the club when suddenly he pauses, Stopped by his own thoughts. His happiness now draining now taking his actions over the month into account. What… what if he’s mad at me… His arm goes back to his side, the fear of what might happen preventing him from venturing further. We haven’t even talked to each other since that cali… *sigh* Tera got here. I guess avoiding him wasn’t such a good idea after all... The dogs paws clench as his fear is turned to anger. Why did I even let my personal feelings get in the way… why did I even THINK about avoiding him… all because of a stupid cat?

Fox stands in place while his anger lingers for a second in his mind. Why did I do this to myself… He sighs, trying to calm down humming the chorus of ‘Be Calm’ by FUN. I just need to be calm. I know that he doesn’t hate me… yet… I hope… he still called me to hang out. This is my fault and I need to make things right. I’ll say I’m sorry, I’ll tell him that I want to help with the party, I just want him to know that I will still support him… *sigh* despite my feelings towards cats. I also have a job to do. I wouldn’t want to disappoint Fido by leaving Sparks to the dogs alone. Bino would tear him apart… besides, I don’t want to have our new friendship turn sour. His paw goes back towards the handle on the door taking one last moment to calm his mind. Here goes nothing I guess...

His paw pulls the door towards him revealing the clubhouse’s meeting room before him. Woah… The dog walks over to the stage, completely transformed into a DJ’s dream. This looks… amazing! The stage had everything from lights to speakers using up all of the space. On the platforms sits the podium that the club uses during their weekly meetings which usually sits on the edge of the wooden stage. I wonder if Sparks is around. Fox looks around the room for his friend, staying in the same spot in the center of the room. “Sparks?” He calls out, moving towards the front of the platforms. He waits for a response from his friend, but nothing is heard. “Sparks?” He calls again, hoping that Sparks was just behind something on the stage.

“He’s not here Fox.” Answers a familiar voice.

Fox turns around hoping to spot his friend, but finds another leaning against the wall. Not now… *sigh* “Hey Bino.”

“Hey.” He responds coldly.

The two stand in silence for a second as the tension in the room grows. I don’t like this… I think it’s time that I go… “Well, since he isn’t here I guess I’ll just leave…” Fox says as he heads towards the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow--” His sentence is cut off by Bino grabbing his arm tight. Fox takes a step back, shaking off Bino’s paw. What’s got him in a bad mood… “Is there something wrong Bino?

Bino sits in silence, no doubt becoming angrier with each passing minute. “Can I ask you question Fox?”

“Sure…” Fox replies confused.

“Are we even friends anymore…”

Fox stands in front of Bino in shock as he tries to process what he just heard. Why… why would he even ask that… “Of course! Why would you even ask that?” Fox says with a smile, his curiosity building as he searches for answers.

“Well… for one you don’t even join in when we’re having fun, you keep on saying that you have to be somewhere when we ask if you want to join in, and what’s worse you’re helping a… a… cat-lover! I thought you hated cats! Are… are you a cat lover too?!”

Fox’s paws clench as his anger starts sparking. “The reason I never join in when you’re having fun is simply because your idea of ‘fun’ involves you bullying the others into submission! I hate that!”

“But you have joined in before! Remember Peanut! Tiger?! What about those times, eh?”

“As I recall I never did anything in those situations, as a matter of fact I pulled you away from them myself once or twice. Besides, just because I simply join you doesn’t mean I like bullying others! So back off!”

“No.” He says, standing his ground. “I never thought that my own friend… *sigh* would even turn against me…”

“I’m not ‘turning against you’ Bino! I’m simply pointing out the facts!

“Then why are you helping that… that… cat-lover! Is it because of Fido? Is it because you don’t want to disappoint him, or the fact that you might even be--”

Fox grabs Bino’s collar pushing him against the wall, his anger at its breaking point. “Let’s get one thing straight Bino, I’m NOT a cat-lover. I do NOT like cats. I have other friends other than you and I actually LIKE to make friends Bino, not enemies. If that means pushing my own biases aside… so be it. And you know what, I don’t even understand why you would even pick on someone like him. Sparks is the most caring pup I know, AND he even has a STABLE relationship despite his age! Not only that, he even volunteered to help out with the party after JUST moving here! What’s your deal with him?!”

Fox releases Bino from his grasp as he looks down at his paw. I went off again…He looks back at Bino, his “friend” standing in silence in front of him. But I don’t care… he needs to be put in his place. “Are you going to answer my questions? I answered yours.” Again, silence. “You know what, fine, stand there. I’m only telling you this because I don’t want to lose our friendship, and you’re making it really difficult for me. *sigh* You know what, I’m going home. I’ll just leave you to your thoughts. I’ll see you later.”

Fox makes his way to the door of the club house, his rage making his steps sound like stomps as he gets closer and closer. Suddenly, his name is called out from behind. “Fox…” Bino says.

He sighs as he turns around, trying to be as calm as possible. “What.”

“Don’t come to the meeting on Friday. I mean it.”

Fox’s soul shatters as he hears these words. What… “Bino…”

“JUST GO FOX.” Bino screams, a tear rolling down his fur.

Fox stands there in disbelief, unable to believe what his friend just said. Fox starts to tear up as the thought of him losing a close friend fills his conscious. “FINE.” Fox replies as he leaves the GODC building. He quickly heads for the sidewalk, making sure that no one was around before breaking down as he runs back home, his soul shattered.


Bino watches as Fox leaves the GODC, his anger still rising as his thoughts continue to attack at his mind. First he steals my job from me, then Fido takes his side, now… you steal my friend away from me… Bino clenches his paw as his fist hits the wall. Now it’s personal… You’re in for it now, cat-lover. I’ll make sure that you’ll never be able to perform.

Last edited by D3ath_0ps on Wed Feb 11, 2015 12:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by Saturn381 »

Great update, D3ath_0ps! :D
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really like how this is coming along here. Great job on it!
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by D3ath_0ps »

Thanks guys! ^w^
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by FoxRocks »

Sabotage...nothing a little duct-tape can't fix!
(duct-tape being on Bino's mouth)
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Is it wrong for me to want Bino to win out for once?
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by Karl »

Of course not. Don't resist it. Let the Binoshness embrace you.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Its not like I want it to happen all the time. I just want him to win maybe 5 or 6 times WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by D3ath_0ps »

Karl wrote:Of course not. Don't resist it. Let the Binoshness embrace you.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by killerbee102494 »

This took me WAY to long to finish but school suck and projects suck even harder.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by D3ath_0ps »

Wow. :shock: Nice job Bee! I like it! :D
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by killerbee102494 »

I think Sparks looks a bit stiff, and at one point he looked down right animatronic.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I think it came out really nicely. Wonderful job on this!
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by D3ath_0ps »

Alright, so I updated the main page and made it a little bit more tidy by cleaning up the Background and organizing it a bit better so that it's a little bit easier on the eyes. I've also added in a cast section as well! Tell me what you guys think! :D
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I think that the cast page looks a lot better than it was before! Nice job on organizing it!
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by dryideabat »

I'm finally almost caught-up. Remember when I said that this story almost made me cry? (*takes off sunglasses to reveal eyes glazed in tears*) I lied... Great work!
Amazee Dayzee wrote:Is it wrong for me to want Bino to win out for once?
Every dog needs his day... Also, I suppose you can't entirely blame Bino for his strong stance against cat-lovers, being in a long-standing institution that separates cats from dogs... If only he wasn't such a jerk about it.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Bino needs therapy. Not for that cat-loving, but for the inferior complex he has with his older brother.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by D3ath_0ps »

dryideabat wrote:I'm finally almost caught-up. Remember when I said that this story almost made me cry? (*takes off sunglasses to reveal eyes glazed in tears*) I lied... Great work!
Amazee Dayzee wrote:Is it wrong for me to want Bino to win out for once?
Every dog needs his day... Also, I suppose you can't entirely blame Bino for his strong stance against cat-lovers, being in a long-standing institution that separates cats from dogs... If only he wasn't such a jerk about it.
D'aaww! *hugs DIB* Thanks so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Bino can be a bit mean can he...

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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Bino should definitely win a couple of times.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by FoxRocks »

Love the drawing there! Hope to see the next part!
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by D3ath_0ps »

I’m… *huff… huff…* done… with the next Chapter… sorry it took a month! Hope you guys like it! :D

(I also got rid of the 'Part' thing, so this is officially Chapter Eight of this story! x3)


-Housepets! Home Stories: Sparks’ Beginning-
=Chapter 8 - Check, Check 1, 2, 3...=

Sparks looks up to the night sky, the light of the moon and the stars shining back at him as his body lay on the blanket below him. He sits up and looks around the wooded area for any movement, but finds nothing. Still nothing… I wonder where she is…*sigh* oh well. I bet she’s on her way anyway. His body lays back down on the blanket as his eyes are cast back at the night sky. Sparks lets out a peaceful sigh, relaxing as his eyes look all over the darkness. How long has it been… over one and a half years since that party?... Yeah… it has. Wow time flies. Sparks catches a shooting star, racing across the night sky as his thought continues. So much has changed… first Tera, then the party, *chuckle* Thanksgiving, that was such a great moment, not to mention Christmas. I still have that scar… Sparks lifts his left leg to reveal a scar, stretching from the left to the right on his shadowy fur. Joey still owes me big for that though.

Sparks’ leg drops back down while his eyes look around once more for Tera, seeing nothing through the trees. His head rests back on the blanket and his eyes shut, his mind at ease as the summer wind blows through his fur. This is the most relaxed I’ve been since… *sigh* I thought I told myself that I wouldn’t worry about that anymore. What’s done is done. Sparks opens his eyes to see a black and orange face hovering above him smiling like she normally does. “Well if it isn’t my little kitten. Fashionably late as usual.” He says with a smile.

“You know it.” She replies as they both exchange a kiss.

They both breakaway from their kiss and Sparks moves a bit to the side, creating a spot for Tera as she lays down next to him. Their bodies come close together as the two cuddle with each other, enjoying the night sky together. Another breeze rolls through the area as she moves closer to Sparks with a shiver. Just like old times…He looks back up at the sky with a smile, Tera’s head laying right over Sparks’ chest rising and falling with each inhale and exhale. I wonder why she wanted to meet tonight, here of all places… The silence of the night continues to echo through the woods while the stars in the sky continue to shed their light on the couple.

Suddenly, a voice breaks the silence of the night, making the dog’s chest vibrate. “You got taller.” She smiles.

“Really? Everyone keeps saying that, but I don’t feel any taller…”

“You’re almost a head taller than me! Aren’t you taller than Fox now too?”

“Am I?” Sparks thinks about him and Fox side by side, him being about an inch taller than his husky friend. “I guess I am.” Sparks smiles.

“You are.” Tera says, her body readjusting itself against Sparks now hugging him. “So much has changed since then… first Fox, then your friend, then… the um…” Tera stops as he stares back at her with a frown. “Sorry… I didn’t mean to bring it up…”

“It’s fine Tera. I’m just not at the point where I can talk about it yet… even almost two years later…”

“It’ll take time. Don’t worry. You’re scars haven’t even full healed yet…” Tera rubs the patchy spot of fur near the middle of his torso. He holds back the feeling of pain from her, her paw moving away from the scar and on his chest. “I know it will get better for us. I know it will… I promise.”

“I hope so…” Sparks rests his head back on the surface of the blanket, the view of the stars calming his mind as he scans the vast dark areas of space. It still hurts… I still have those thoughts… those… visions… I keep seeing that moment, over and over again… *Sigh* I have to trust her. It will get better.

“You know…” She starts, changing the subject, “I’ve been thinking… we’ve been together for almost two years and I’m about to turn five, and I’ve been thinking about us a lot and… um…

Sparks notices her muzzle start to turn crimson as she falters. “What is it? What’s got your tongue?” He asks lovingly.

“I was wondering if…” She pauses, her voice cracking. She clears her throat and starts again shakily. “H-how would you feel if… uh…” Her muzzle turns a bright shade of red now unable to continue her sentence.

“How would I feel if what?” He chuckles. “Heh, you’ve never been this nervous before. Is something wrong?”

“How… um… *sigh* would you feel if we we’re to… uh… have… kittens?”

Sparks’ eyes grow wide as his body sits upward looking at Tera with a dazed look. “Kittens?”

Tera nods her head as her body shakes slightly. His eyes look away from her, his mind thinking about this opportunity. Kit…kittens? … Am… Am I ready? Are we ready? His mind goes off, thinking about what he would have to do, all of his responsibilities, the commitment… How would I even fare… what would Mom or Dad say… would I even be a good dad?...

“I’m sorry…” Tera frowns, Sparks’ thought vanishing as he listens. “I knew it was too soon… I… I didn’t mean to rush… I’m--”

Sparks takes the Calico’s paws and looks deeply into her eyes. Anything for you my little kitten. Taking one last breath, he seals his fate.


“Yes.” He answers to no one as his eyes open, his eyes cast towards the ceiling in his bedroom. His body sits up while his paws come up to rub his groggy eyes. Sparks looks around his soundings, making sure that he was in the same old room he was always in. Just a dream… It was just a dream. But… why did it seem so real though? How could I hear my own thoughts? His mind then drifts towards his own questions from his dream, rubbing the exact place of the patch of fur in his dream. Would… would I have been ready? All of the responsibilities… the work… being a family… Could I have been a good dad? He shakes his head rapidly, pushing away this thought from his mind. What am I even thinking?! I’m only 3 and a half years old! What am I doing thinking about being a father?!

Suddenly, a loud beeping sound could be heard from his end table causing the dog to jump. The dog reaches over to his alarm clock and harshly hits the alarm button with a slam of his paw, silencing the machine. Stupid alarm clock… Sparks lets out a sigh and hops out of bed with a stretch. Let’s just focus on today. I shouldn’t even worry about what will happen in the future. Remember what Tarot said… Sparks gets a flashback of the dream when Tarot came and helped him out of his little bind. “Today’s a new day. And today, I’ve got a speech for the GODC to prepare for!” Sparks reaches for his collar and puts it on, checking the insides for his MP3 player and mini wallet within the pockets. Got’em He smiles and heads out of his room, shutting off his lights before heading down the stairs to eat breakfast.


The bitter fall air rushes through the streets of Babylon as a few groups of dogs play around with toys of varying shapes and colors. Sparks lets out a sigh as he readjusts the side bag strap in his shoulder. Maybe I’ll get to play like that when I’m done with this party. Sound check is SO tedious… Flashbacks of the past two days fill his mind remembering all of the adjustments that were made to the mix and the set. I’m glad that Peanut has his songs set for the party as well. He sounded pretty good with Angel during sound check, now all that’s left is the final check on the morning of the party and then we’ll be all set. That’ll give me enough time to do some practice of my own before I perform…

Sparks stops at the crosswalk of the three-way intersection, looking down all three sides of the street before crossing. Sparks continues his trek with his bag, walking slow as he takes in the fall air. There’s something about fall that’s just so calming… or maybe it’s the outside… oh well… Sparks looks around himself once more, taking in his surroundings. He then gets another thought as he gets closer to his destination. I wonder if Fox is doing ok… He hasn’t called since I tried to get a hold of him… I wonder if he ever got my message.

He stops at the GODC building, looking at it questioning whether or not he should stop by early to practice once more for the party. Should I go in now… He shakes his head, his body moving forward down the sidewalk. I told myself that I would try and hang out with him more. That’s exactly what I’m going to do. He stops at the next intersection, waiting for the car in front of him to give him the right of way. The driver of the car lets him cross while Sparks gives the driver a courtesy wave, Sparks making it to the other side of the street. Maybe we can play some catch! Maybe even some tag! Yeah… That would be great!

The Shepsky then looks up to see the Lindberg house to his left, his excitement going to his tail as it gives off a few wags. There it is! As Sparks gets closer to the house, something in his mind slows him down as a sad vibe travels through him. Woah… why do I feel… so depressed all of a sudden? Sparks looks at the house with curiosity, thinking about these sudden thoughts. Suddenly, something sparks in his mind as he quickly makes it to the front door of the house. He brings up his paw, making a rhythmic pattern as he knocks on the door. He waits for a response, still getting the same vibe as his curiosity grows. I hope I’m not right with my little theory…

The door opens to reveal a human standing behind it, a smile on his face. “Hello there, what can I help you with?”

“Hey Mr. Lindberg! I’m Sparks, I called about two days ago, remember?”

He puts his hand up to his chin, the two sharing a moment of silence. He then snaps his fingers and smiles as he continues. “Yeah, I remember, the Carlson’s boy! I take it that you want to see Fox?”

“Yeah, is he here right now?”

Bill looks back at the house towards the hallway, letting out a sigh. “Yeah he’s here, but he’s been a little under the weather lately. He hasn’t come out of his room except to eat and he won’t talk to me about what’s wrong… I’m starting to get a little worried. Maybe you can talk to him?”

Well… I was right… I wonder how I was able to feel that all the way outside, or at all for that matter… “Sure, I can try to talk with him.”

“Great! Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome Mr. Lindberg.” He replies with a smile as he enters the house. His feet rub against the rug at the front door, removing any dirt and grime that might be on his paws. “So, you said that he was in his room?”

“Yes.” His arm lifts up and points towards the hallway. “Last door on the right.”


Sparks travels through the hall slowly, hoping that his friend was alright. I wonder what’s wrong… I hope it’s not too serious… He makes it to the door Mr. Lindberg mentioned and takes a moment to breathe. Here goes nothing. In a swift motion, his paw softly knocks on the door and comes back to his side. He waits for a response, the door, a voice, a sound, but nothing was heard. He brings his paw back up, but stops just as his paw is about to hit the door. I can’t just knock again… he knows I’m here… but does he know that it’s me “Fox?” he calls out. “It’s me, Sparks. Is everything alright? Your dad said that you seemed a little under the weather, and I just wanted to make sure that you’re ok.” Sparks stands at the door for what seems like an eternity waiting for his friend, but to no avail. I can’t just sit here… “I’m coming in Fox.” Sparks announces, his paw twisting the doorknob in front of him.

He pushes the door open revealing the room before him. Geez, he sure likes a tidy room… He looks around the clean room, searching for his grey furred friend. He glances over towards the bed. Next to it laid a yellow bandana and a brown collar with the silver dog tags that usually hang from it. Sparks lets out a sigh and sets his side bag against the wall by the door, turning around to the puffed out blanket. Fox… He walks over to the bed and kneels down near the side, looking at the blanket with curiosity. “Fox… please come out...” The blanket remains motionless, not a sound uttered as Sparks’ paw moves near the edge of the blanket hoping to move it off of his friend. His paw freezes in place just as it is about to grab onto the blanket. I shouldn’t force him to talk… if he wants to talk, he will. I won’t force him to, even though I know that he really needs this right now… His paw comes back to his side and thinks about something else to say to his friend.

“Please Fox,” He starts in a sincere tone, “I won’t know what going on if you don’t tell me. So… could you tell me? Please? I only want to help…” He waits again for a response from his husky friend, but gets nothing as he continues to sit there. Sparks then lets out a sigh as he stands back up, his spirit taken a jab to the heart. I guess he doesn’t want to talk… He moves over to his bag leaning against the wall and throws the strap over his sunken shoulder. He turns once more to the bed staring at the blown up portion with a saddened look as his paw latches onto the front side of the strap. “So I guess I’ll see you at the party?” Trying one last time to get a response out of his friend, but gets nothing as a sigh escapes his muzzle. I guess not…

Sparks heads towards the doorway, his disappointment still lingering in his mind. He looks a final time at the bed, hoping that his friend would at least move slightly, but again nothing. His head turns back forward as his body starts to move towards the hallway. Suddenly, his body hits something soft, his face buried in fur. His eyes grow wide as his mind tries to process what’s going on. Soft fur… Wait… soft grey fur... Sparks’ eyes travel upward, his eyes locking with the husky’s, their faces now a bright shade of red. GET OFF OF HIM. FAST. Sparks quickly moves away from his friend, Fox doing the same as the silence fuels the awkwardness in the hall with both of their faces looking almost crimson. Um… maybe I should say something… Just as Sparks was about to speak, Fox beats him to the punch. “Uh… hey… Sparks…”

“H-hey.” His voice falters. They both stand in silence for a second, his friend scratching the back of his head. “W-why don’t we head into your room?” Sparks asks as he looks away, embarrassed.

“Sure.” He agrees, hurrying inside the bedroom towards his bandana and collar. Sparks heads back into the room with his friend, making sure not to make eye contact until he heard the collar and bandana go on as he puts the side pouch that contained his computer back against the wall. Sparks waits with his eyes cast towards the wall for his friend to put his collar on, the moment replaying in his mind. That was so embarrassing… I can’t believe that happened… His creeks burn up once more as he thinks further. How could I have not even seen him… That has got to be one of the most embarrassing moments of my life… *sigh* Though… I have to admit that his fur was almost as soft as Tera’s… it almost felt like I was standing next to her… He shakes his head wildly, abandoning this thought quickly. NO. STOP IT. Don’t you EVEN think about it. Sparks looks back behind him to see if his friend was ready, but quickly moves his head back towards the wall when he sees that he’s just about to put on his collar.

The moment plays once more in his mind, the thought sparking uncertainty within the pup as another wave of warmth hits him. I just… *sigh* I cannot believe that that happened. What… what If he thinks I’m weird… or… or what if he thinks that… A paw lands on his shoulder as his whole body jumps. A small yelp escapes his muzzle simultaneously as his body turns around to see his friend. His posture and face seemed shallow and down, unusual for his joyful friend. Fox…

“You ok?” He says in an unusually monotone voice.

Sparks takes a moment to recollect his thoughts and breath, trying to think of something to say. “I should ask you the same thing. Your dad said that you’ve been a little under the weather lately, so I came in here to come and see what’s wrong, but I noticed you weren’t here so I decided to leave and… then…” His head moves away and he sighs, trying to forget the past few minutes. “So… what’s up?” Fox looks down as his ears start to drop, his body heading towards the bed. He sits on the edge of the bed, his friend sporting a frown as his ears seem glued to his skull. “Fox?” His friend remains silent, Sparks now confused as he nears him. “Are you ok? Did… did something happen?”

Fox sits there, his frown still apparent on his face. Back to square one I guess… Sparks opens his mouth to speak, but is cut off by the sound of Fox’s voice.

“It’s… it’s about Bino…”

The mention of the dog’s name makes Sparks cringe, reminding him of his first encounter with him at the GODC at the beginning of the month. Not him again… “What about Bino, Fox? What did he do?”

Fox stares off into space as he appears lost in thought. Gosh… he must be really irked… What did he even do? His question sits in his mind, but is soon answered as his friend continues.

“He just… *sigh* he questioned our friendship, saying that I was a cat-lover… all because I was helping you…” Fox pauses taking a moment to wipe away a tear from his fur. “We, well… sort of got into a fight when I tried to see you at the clubhouse, and he said that I was ‘turning against him’ or something… I kept on insisting that I wasn’t, that I was still with him despite my feelings towards the way he does things, but he’s just so stubborn…” His tears fall down into the dogs lap, Sparks’ paw resting on the shoulder of his friend. “Thanks…” He again wipes his eyes, and continues his explanation.

“I kept trying to tell him. Eventually I lost it, I had to get out of there. I didn’t want to get too angry that I go off… like I did before you came along… *growl* my dog he can be so irritating!” He slams his paw down on the bed in a teary rage, Sparks’ paw rubbing the shoulder of his friend, trying to calm him back down.


“He picks on all of the pets that he finds… inferior to him… *sigh* He likes to especially pick on one dog in particular, a dog by the name of Tiger.”

“Tiger? Sounds mighty to me…”

“Heh, not to Bino. What he does is twist it in his favor. He takes his name and treats it like he’s some sort of cat, making fun of it any chance he gets. Tiger, as you can imagine, doesn’t like this one bit. Every time his name is made fun of, the more of a laugh that Bino gets. He even has gone to the point of even labeling him a cat… To be honest… I can’t stand that. I can’t believe that someone would bully someone so harshly. I try to stay clear of his bullying as much as I can, but sometimes I can’t even avoid it.”

“Then why stay friends with him? If you hate him bullying so much, why continue?”

His friend’s body collapses on the bed, his feet dangling from the side as a sigh escapes him. “It’s… it’s mostly because I’m the only true friend that he has. Other than Rex, I’m really the only one who knows him. Because of the way he is, well… you can imagine how many people would willing want to line up to be his friend, right?” He says jokingly, but starts to choke up.


“It’s just that… we’ve been friends since we were pups, and… I just… I just…” Fox’s words are consumed by his quiet sobs, his tears starting to roll off of his face and onto his bed. His arm comes up to his eyes, blocking his vision as he continues. “I just don’t… want to lose our friendship… I don’t know what to do and it’s eating away at me!”

Sparks sits beside his sobbing friend, his mouth wide open, unable to think of a solution to his problem. I… I don’t know what to say… Is there any possible way that Fox and Bino can still be friends if Fox just tells him outright… Sparks sighs, unable to come up with an answer. All I can do is reassure him… that’s all I can do… it’s better than nothing. “Listen, Fox… I say just wait until after the party and let this whole thing blow over. I’m positive that everything will play out in a way that everyone wins, so don’t lose faith.”

*Sniffle* “Are… are you sure?”

Sparks sits in silence for a second, thinking about it again. To be honest… I’m not even sure myself… but it’s worth a shot. He shoots his friend a smile. “I’m sure. Trust me.”

Fox sits back up beside his friend and wipes the tears from his fur, letting out a few more sniffles before speaking. His body turns to Sparks, his puffy and teary eyes looking at him. “T-thanks Sparks.” Fox’s arms wrap around Sparks, his arms coming around his friend as his head is once again buried in fur. His cheeks start to feel warm again, recalling the moment before, but pushes this thought away once more.

“No problem.” Sparks replies in a tone that seemed familiar to him. It’s almost how I was talking to that Border Collie… what was her name… oh yeah! How could I forget Emerald! Heh, it’s almost the same situation… in a way…

The two release from their hug, Fox again wiping his eyes as Sparks flashes a smile. “Sorry… I kind of went off there… thanks again for listening.”

“It’s fine Fox.”

“You know, I almost keep forgetting that you’re actually younger than me. How old are you exactly? Four?”

Sparks shakes his head. “Three and a half.”

“Really?” Fox says in shock. “Wow… almost three years younger than me and your acting twice your age… incredible.”

“Thanks.” Sparks smiles. They sit in silence for a second, Sparks thinking of something to say. He then gets an idea as his fingers snap together. “Hey Fox, why don’t you come with me to the clubhouse? We can hang out there and play until the meeting. I’ve got this little announcement that I’ve got to make and I want to get there and practice a little bit before I go on. It’ll be fun!” Fox starts to speak, but stops as the apparent smile on his face starts to fade. “Fox, what wrong?”

Fox sighs and starts to explain. “When I was leaving the clubhouse, Bino told me to not come to the meeting today…”

Sparks’ paw moves to his friends shoulder. “Fox. Forget about Bino. I’ll tell him that I brought you and that you’re just doing your job. I don’t think that he can do anything about it because of Fido, so you should be safe.”


“But nothing. Please Fox, trust me on this.”

Fox’s fists clench, his face looking as if he is holding back his words. “Ok, fine.” He relaxes, “I’ll trust you. It doesn’t mean that I have to like the idea…”

“That’s fine.” Sparks jumps off of the bed and towards the bag leaning against the wall. “Come on, let’s get to the clubhouse.”

Fox jumps off as well, slowly heading towards the door towards the hall. “If you say so… I hope your right.”

I hope so too… Sparks puts the strap of his side bag over his shoulder, following Fox out of the bedroom and down the hallway. I can’t explain how I know this will work, but… I just… know in my heart that this can’t fail. Fox’s friendship with Bino will stay the way it is. I just… know, but I can’t explain... How do I know for sure? *sigh* You know what, forget it. Let’s just get to the clubhouse. I’m starting to get a headache from thinking to hard…


“I *pant* told you that we would make it!” Fox says breathily, running through the doors of the GODC clubhouse with a red ball in hand.

Sparks runs up from behind, his body almost collapsing onto the floor as his side bag hits the floor with a soft thud. “Yeah *pant* with only five minutes till the start of the meeting.” Sparks wheezes.

The room was filled with different breeds of canines from the neighborhood, all waiting for the start of the meeting. “You should go set up the stage, looks like Fido’s waiting.” His Husky friend says, pointing to Fido standing at the front of the stage behind the wooden podium.

Sparks lets out another breath. “I guess so. I’ll see you after the meeting.”

“Cya Sparks.” Fox waves with a smile.

That was so much fun. I can’t believe we played for almost 3 hours. We would have been late if we didn’t run. Heh, I almost won… He got a head start… Sparks lets out a smile. He turns towards the stage and starts making his way over. He gets halfway to the stage when suddenly, a familiar voice echoes through the building.

“Fox…” A voice booms from behind.

Oh no… Sparks looks behind him to see the one dog that he hoped to not run into. Not him…

“I thought that I we had an… agreement.” Bino says with a hint of irritation, still retaining the usual smirk he shows.

Fox’s paws clench. “Agreement? You call that an agreement!”

“Well you did say that you wouldn’t come, right?” He says, sneering at the Husky.

Fox takes a step forward, his fist coming up to his side as his teeth start to show. Sparks rushes over and stops between the two before either one of them could decide to attempt anything. That was close… Sparks readjusts his side bag that was on his shoulder, letting out a sigh knowing that no harm would come to either of them. He first stares at Fox, giving him stern a look. He backs off, crossing his arms as a growling sound leaves his muzzle. Now for him… Sparks’ head moves in Bino’s direction. “I brought him here Bino. He’s with me.” He says with a smile.

Bino’s face flashes the opposite expression. He crosses his arms, almost gritting his teeth as he continues. “Didn’t you get the memo you pup…”

“What memo?” A voice says, the group turning their heads towards the sound. Sparks flashes a smile. “What’s going on here guys? I hope that you’re all getting along.” Fido says, crossing his arms.

Looks like Fido caught wind of our little conversation… I don’t want anyone to get in trouble, so… I guess I’ll just play it safe for now. “Oh, nothing. We were just…” Sparks looks to Bino, only to find him stomping away. “Well… we were just talking.”

Fido lets out a chuckle as Sparks turns back towards him. “Just talking? I could hear you from the stage. And from what I could hear, knowing my brother and all, talking with him seems a little farfetched.” Fido lets out a sigh, a smile growing on his face. “But, if you say that you guys were just talking, then I’ll just leave it at that. Come on, let’s get to the stage. Hope you’re ready for your announcement.”

“You bet.” Sparks replies, turning to Fox. “Come on Fox. You can stand in the back while I give my announcement. After, we can raid the treat table.”

Fox looks back at Bino, letting out a sigh. “If you say so. Sure, I’ll come up with you.” He mutters in an almost distressed tone, Sparks taking notice.

“Let’s go then.” Fido says, Sparks and Fox following behind.

The thought of Bino fills the Shepsky’s mind as the group starts making their way towards the stage.Why does Bino have to be so mean… It’s not like we were doing anything wrong… Hmm… Sparks, Fido, Fox head up the side stairs of the stage. The thought thickens, Sparks stating to piece together the facts. What if … what if Bino has an actual reason for acting this way… Sparks places his sidebag in the open space on table with his DJ equipment and returns quickly to the group. There has to be. I don’t believe that someone could be this mean. Not like that bully Charles… He has to have a reason.

The two are stopped in front of Fido, bringing both of them right in front of the podium. “I’ll start off the meeting and then I’ll introduce you. Once I’ve made my little introduction, you can make your announcement. After that, you guys can hang out for the rest of the meeting. That sound ok?”

“Sure!” Sparks agrees.

“I’m fine with that.” The Husky replies.

“Alright then, hope you’re ready!” He replies with his usual smile. Fido turns around to the crowd before him, bringing his paw to his muzzle. He takes a second to clear his throat, the dogs in the room starting to fall silent for him. Once the room is quiet, Fido starts to address them. “Hello everyone, welcome to pre-Halloween meeting! I know a lot of you are very excited for this Sunday and Monday, but before Halloween comes, let’s go over some of the basic things to know before you all go out Trick-or-Treating! But first,” Fido turns towards Sparks, his arm extending towards him. “We’ve got a special guest with us tonight. Here to make an announcement, everyone give a warm welcome to our DJ for this year’s Halloween party, Sparks!”

The room fills with the claps of the almost all of the canines in the neighborhood as Fido steps aside for Sparks. He takes his first steps towards the podium, his body starting to shake uncontrollably. Sparks takes a moment to breathe, his paws clenching. Stay relaxed. You’ll be fine. Just do what Dad taught me. Sparks loosens his grip, a smile forming on his muzzle as he comes to the podium. Smile for the crowd… He looks at the podium in front of him, almost above his head. Well, isn’t this great… Sparks looks back at Fido with a concerned look on his face. Fido points back at him towards the podium, causing him to look back at it. Oh! I see… Sparks grabs the plastic footstool from the hallow inside of the podium and places it in front of it. There we go…

Sparks takes a step onto the footstool, his view becoming clearer as his head comes over the podium. Wow… this is an awesome view! I can see everyone! Sparks’ paws come up to the desk portion of the podium and his eyes travel amongst the crowd. I guess I should start… “Hey guys,” Sparks announces, “Nice to meet you all tonight. I’m here to tell all of you that I’m taking last minute song requests if any of you have a song or songs that you would like to recommend to me. If you do have any songs, I’ll be over by the treat table after this announcement, so don’t be shy!” Sparks pauses, looking over to the treat table. Suddenly, his eyes catch a familiar face, or faces. His mind starts to go into a panic as a thought stirs in his mind. What is Tera doing here with Grape… Sparks puts on a weak smile and begins speaking once more. “I… think that’s it… so I guess I’m going to hand it back over to Fido.” Sparks steps down from the stool and puts it back inside the podium, stepping back so Fido can continue.

Fido walks beside Sparks as a whisper fills the air. “Nice job!” He says as he passes him, taking the podium once again. Sparks leaves the stage, going down the side stairs with Fox as the thought of Tera crosses his mind.

“Sparks?” Fox asks in a hushed tone as they both get to the bottom of the stairs. “Is something wrong? Just a second ago you seemed all fine, now you look like you’ve seen a ghost. Who did you see?”

Sparks leans against a wall, trying to think of what to do. “I… I saw Tera.” Fox’s mouth drops at the mention of her name. “I saw her standing at the treat table with Grape. She must have brought her here with Peanut.”

Fox’s paw comes up to his muzzle, rubbing his chin. “This isn’t good... she could mess up your plan if anyone catches you with her…”

“Yeah…” Sparks responds, his mind attempting to think of something. I can’t just walk over there… other dogs may suspect something if I’m caught with the both of them. I want to just be able to talk with them, but I can’t compromise myself just yet… Hmm… What if… Sparks’ head come up, a plan formulated in his mind. “Fox,” He starts, the Husky’s head now staring at him. “I need you to help me out with this one.”

“What?” Fox barely breaking his whisper. “Why me?”

“Because if I go over there I could accidentally compromise the whole plan! *Sigh* Just hear me out. Alright… first, I need you to signal Grape over to you. Once she comes over, I need you to tell her this: ‘Have Tera come behind the GODC. Someone’s waiting for her.’ If she asks who it is, just tell her that it’s someone special. Then, make sure that Tera gets there safely. Once she’s behind the clubhouse, I need you to keep watch so that no one spots either of us. If anyone sees us, who knows what could happen.”

Fox stands there in silence for a second, his paw on his muzzle. He then lets out a sigh and his paw drops back down to his side. “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.” Sparks starts to walk towards the door. “Sparks…” He turns back around to his friend. “How do you know this will work?”

He looks down towards the floor. “Well… to be honest, I don’t.”

“Wait… What?!” Fox whispers, catching himself before yelling out loud.

“Sorry! Gotta’ go!” Sparks grins as he quickly walks out of the clubhouse.


“Sparks!” Fox lets out, his paws coming up to his muzzle. Great, juuust… great… Fox looks over at the back of the clubhouse, letting out a sigh. Well… better get moving. Wouldn’t want to keep him waiting. Fox starts to weave through the outskirts of the crowd, trying to get to the treat table in the back of the room. Why does it seem that there’s more dogs than usual… He glances at some of the faces, mostly new as he continues to advance. Huh… I wonder if they’ve been a part of the club this whole time… I’m not really the most observant dog in the world.

He makes the final push towards the table before him, weaving through a group of dogs as he politely says, “Excuse me, sorry!” Alright, now where are they… Fox looks around the vicinity of the table, the image of Tera’s and Grape’s face in his mind as he scans the area. Where are they… He stands on the edges of his paw pads, allowing him to get a better view of the crowd. Ah-ha! “There they are…” He whispers to himself.

Fox’s feet return to their flat state on the ground as he moves towards Grape’s and Tera’s direction. Alright… all that you need to do is get Grape’s attention. That should be easy… Fox stops for a second. Wait a minute… Why don’t I just talk to both of them directly… that seems easier… Fox continues his march towards the two cats. If I’m going to accomplish anything, I’m going to have to take a risk. I don’t care if anyone sees me talking with a couple of cats. It’s for my friend. I would do anything to see him happy. Fox stops in front of the two felines, a forced but genuine smile stretching from ear to ear. “Hey you two!” He says in a cheery tone.

Both Grape and Tera stare back at the Husky with a confused look. “Hey… Fox…” Grape mutters as her paw rests on her hip. “What are you doing here?”

“And where’s Sp--” Tera starts, but catches Fox’s finger quickly moving to his lips. Tera stops speaking suddenly, understanding his action. Whew… that was close. His paws move to his hips, resting there as a grin forms on his muzzle.

“I’ve got a message for you specifically, Tera. Someone is waiting for you around the back. Heh, I think you’ll like who you see.” Fox turns to Grape. “I need you to take her outside after I leave the clubhouse, wouldn’t want the others to think anything, would we?”

Grape nods. “I understand.” She quietly says. “We’ll be out there in a second.”

“Great! I’ll see you two outside I guess.” Fox smiles as he walks away towards the door. Alright… that went well… Let’s just hope that no one saw any of that… The Husky breathes a sigh of relief. Just as he is about to leave, something else catches his ear. He turns around to investigate. “Guys?” He asks, but spots no one. I thought I heard… *Sigh* Don’t worry about it. He couldn’t even do anything to me or even Sparks now. Fox walks out of the clubhouse, his spirit light knowing everything is going according to plan.


The canine lets out a plethora of chuckles as the Husky leaves the room. Perfect… just perfect! I could pass on a rumor that Fox is a cat-lover and he’ll be ruined! With everyone here to witness his little conversation with Grape… It’s… it’s… He stops thinking for a second, the thought of his former friend coming back to him. Why did he have to start hanging out with him… He clenches his fists. Fox chose his side… and… He looks away from the entrance, his muzzle pointing towards the floor. I’ve chose mine.

He walks over towards the crowd, weaving through several groups of dog listening to Fido’s speech. Perfect! He stops in his tracks, standing in front of a girl with a pink collar. The dog brings up his paw and lightly taps the girl’s shoulder. She swings around to face him, only to gasp and smile at his presence. “Binny-bon!” She goes in for a hug, Bino hugging her back.

“Hey Sasha.” He says with a smile.

The two release from their hug, their paws together as they continue to talk. “What’s up?”

“Oh… nothing. I just wanted to tell you about something that I found… strange.”

“What is it Bino?” Her head tilting to the side.

“Well…” Here goes nothing. “I saw Fox hanging out with a couple of cats…”

“Is that it?” She giggles.

He nods. “Yeah, but he shouldn’t be hanging out with a bunch of… cats! He’s a dog for Dog’s sake!”

“Bino,” She starts, bringing their paws close to her chest. “It’s ok to hang out with cats every once and a while. I hung out with cats before, well… Grape to be more specific. Even if it was only a few times…”

Bino’s head lowers to the floor. It didn’t work… His ears lower, Bino holding back the frustration.

“So don’t worry about Foxxie, Bino. You guys will still hang out like you guys normally do!” She explains with a smile.

He looks back up at Sasha, thinking about her words. Maybe… maybe she’s right… am I getting worked up over so something so silly?... No. I have every reason to act this way. Sparkles took him away from me and made him into a… a… cat-lover! It’s his fault... *Sigh* I’ll deal with him the day of the party. Bino lets out a sigh. “You’re… right.” He lies.

Sasha hugs him. “I’m glad you feel that way now.” She takes his paw. “Come on! Let’s go get some treats from the table before there all gone!” Sasha says, pulling Bino.

Forget about Fox. He’s a lost cause. Sparks… watch out. He lets out a few silent chuckles.

(Continues in the next post!)
Last edited by D3ath_0ps on Sun Aug 09, 2015 7:28 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by D3ath_0ps »

(Chapter 8 ‘II’)

Where is she… Sparks looks over towards the opening between the fence, hoping to spot his girlfriend heading towards him. It’s been about five minutes… What’s taking them so long… Sparks continues to pace, his arms behind his back. Did something go wrong? Is the whole plan compromised? Is Tera-- The sound of footsteps cuts off the Shepsky’s thought as his body tenses up. He turns towards the direction of the sound, staring at the entrance. Sparks’ breathing quickens as his heart beats faster, fearing who might be heading in his direction. The sound gets louder, getting closer and closer with each passing second. Sparks’ mind didn’t dare to think or move, the fear controlling his entire being.

His heart stops as a hand comes around the corner, grabbing the corner of the building. Sparks didn’t dare to breathe. First an ear rounds the corner, then a head as the figure reveals itself. Sparks’ eyes hone in on the figure, squinting as he tries to make out the shadowy pet. “Sparks?” A familiar female voice chimes.

His body relaxes as it falls towards the clubhouse, his paw against the building to break his fall. Sparks sighs. “Hey Tera.”

She moves towards him as he gets closer to her eventually leading them into each other’s arms. Sparks’ paw pets the back of her head, a series of purrs to follow. Her face turns red and rests against him. “You know I can’t stand the top of my head being petted like that…” She playfully whines.

He lets out a few short chuckles. “I know… that’s why I did it.” He plants a kiss on the top of her head.

Tera lets out a sigh as they break their hug. Both pets paw in paw in front of each other. “You know… you seem a little bit taller…”

Sparks’ face turns crimson, the thoughts of his dream popping back up. “R-really?”

“Well, yeah!” She smiles. “Why so blushey all of a sudden? All I said was that you’re getting taller silly!” The Calico sticks her tongue out.

“N-nothing! I just…” Come up with something… fast! “I uh… I’m just a little nervous with us meeting out in the open, that’s all…”

Tera looks around, letting out a small giggle. “I can see why with everyone around us.” She says sarcastically.

“Oh haha.” Sparks grins, Tera smirking at him.

“So why did you want to be out here? The clubhouse is warmer…” She asks.

Sparks’ grin fades quickly, thinking about them in the clubhouse. “Well… I, uh… It’s just the, um… the other dogs… I just…”

Tera lets out a sigh, her disappointed expression catching his eye. “I’m sorry…” She frowns with her paws leaving Sparks’ as she grabs her arm. “I’m probably moving way too fast. I… I’m sorry… I don’t mean too… If you want to wait a while before we come out to everyo--”

Sparks turns her around and takes her paws. “It’s ok Ter. You’re fine. I already said that I want to come out with our relationship, I just…” Spark pauses, unable to say his next sentence. I can’t give her any hints about the party… otherwise the surprise is ruined! Think… think Sparks, think! “I… just want to wait until after my little party, you know? That way we can hold hands when we go trick or treating!” Perfect… Sparks smiles at her, but stops when he sees her apparent frown. Maybe not… “I… *Sigh* I’m sorry Ter. I’m just… afraid. I’m not ready yet…”

Tera lets out a sigh. “When will you be? I don’t want to live in hiding because our relationship. I don’t care what the other pets think. I just wanna be with you…” She nestles against his chest fur.

His paw pets the back of the Calicos head. “I know…” He says as his head rests against hers.

“And you will.” Says a voice behind the dog, causing him to jump in place as his eyes grow wide. Sparks releases Tera from his hug and looks behind him to find none other than a white Husky with a locket around her collar.

“Alright,” Tera starts with her face redder than a fire truck, unsheathing her claws, “If someone else breaks our romantic moments, they’re coming home in pieces!”

Sparks gently pushes her paws back to her side and gives her one last pet on the back of her head, hoping that it calmed her a bit. “Tera, this is--”

“Angel.” The Husky finishes. “You must be Tera. Oh, and don’t worry. I’m a friend. Lover-boy here loves to talk about you after sound check.” She smirks.

“Angel…” He pouts, crossing his arms.

Tera lets out a small laugh. Coming up to the dog, extending her paw to her. “Nice to meet you.”

She takes Tera’s paw, shaking it up and down. “Likewise.”

Their paws disconnect from each other as Tera returns to Sparks’ side, holding his arm. “So, what are you doing here Angel, and uh…” Sparks’ ears lower a bit, his voice getting softer. “How much did you hear?”

“I’ve been here for a while, I was listening to music before the start of the meeting and kind of sat down against the fence there.” She points towards the end of the fence behind her, the section next to the start of the woods. “I saw something move in the shadows of the building and I almost picked up my music and left. But then I looked closer at the figure pacing around and I saw you. I was about to come over, but then Tera popped around the corner and I decided to wait. You sounded like you were having a bit of trouble, so I decided to come in.”

She turns to the Calico. “You’re lucky to have him. You’re definitely in for a treat at the party.”

Sparks’ eyes grow wide. NO. WHY DID SHE SAY THAT!?

“What?” Tera questions as she turns toward him. “What does she mean?”

“I… er… um…”

Angel lets out a frustrated grunt. “I’m talking about your little surprise for Tera, Sparks! You know, for the party?”

Angel! Why are you doing this! You’re going to mess up--

Sparks’ thought is cut off by the sound of Tera jumping up and down with a smile stretching from ear to ear. “A Surprise? Aww, Sparky!” She comes in for a hug, Sparks smiling as his arms wrap around her. “You’re so sweet! Is that why you weren’t comfortable yet?”

“Yeah…” He admits, starting to frown. “Looks like there was no avoiding telling you about it…”

“Not necessarily” Angel replies. She turns to Tera “Do you know what the surprise is?”

“Nope.” She smiles, looking at Sparks.

“Then it looks like Sparks can still pull it off. I suggest waiting until the party though Tera. Trust me.” She smiles.

“Sure.” The Calico replies, then turns to Sparks. “Why don’t we go back to my place and watch a movie or a TV show?” She puts a finger on his chest. “You still owe me for all of these sound checks mister.”

Sparks nervously scratches the back of his head. “Well… I… can’t. Sorry Tera. I’ve got to get back into the clubhouse so I can get those last minute song requests and so that I can do the last sound check before the party.” Tera looks down at the ground, a frown appearing on her face. Sparks’ paw, comes to her chin, moving her head so that her eyes met with his. “Don’t worry. Just hang out with Grape for a little bit and I’ll meet you at your house. Don’t worry, how could I not spend time with my little kitten? I’ll make up for lost cuddle time, don’t worry.”

Tera blushes a bit as Sparks kisses the top of her head once more. “*Sigh* Ok, I’ll wait… but you owe me.” She smiles as she sticks her tongue out.

“I know…” He grins back.

“I’ll see you later at my house then.” She says as her muzzle connects with Sparks’, causing his face to turn all red as he relaxes into the kiss, his paw now around her waist pulling her closer towards him.

The two break away, the tops of their heads softly colliding as they enjoy the presence of each other for one last minute. Tera then breaks away from the hug as she moves towards the alleyway. “I’ll… I’ll see you later.” Sparks replies in a flustery tone.

The two wave good bye and Tera exits the area. Sparks closes his eyes, letting out a sigh. The sound of chuckles filling the air. His eyes quickly open and look over to Angel, giving her an aggravated look. “What?” She says innocently with a smirk. “All I did was chuckle… besides, I think you and your ‘little kitten’ make a cute couple.” She grins.

Sparks crosses his arms while his face sports a pout. “Oh, shush…”

Angel pats his back. “Aw, I meant nothing by it Sparks. If anything you two are adorable!”


“Come on, let’s get back in the clubhouse. Didn’t I overhear that you were taking last minute requests?”

Sparks tilts his head. “I thought you were outside during the start of the meeting? How could you hear it?”

“These walls aren’t the thickest you know.” She mentions, both making their way towards the alleyway.

Sparks listens in as he walks with Angel, hearing Fido continue on with his meeting. “True.”

The two walk down the alleyway, Sparks now noticing his tail wagging rapidly from side to side.


Sparks hit the ‘record’ button on his laptop, stopping the input of sound going to his computer. Perfect… that makes… six total songs on the CD, including the two he’s going to sing…

Angel turns around on her stool, her feet resting on the beam across the middle of the chair parallel to the table. A smile could be seen on her face as well. “So what did you think? Is he ready for the party?”

Sparks nod his head. “He’s ready. From what I can see, he’ll definitely own that stage.”

Peanut flashes a smile at Sparks, holding onto the microphone stand. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” He replies, nodding his head. Sparks looks back at his laptop, scrolling back all the way to the beginning of his new recording, looking over the length and the look of the recording. Doesn’t look like the mic peaked in volume at all…Spark moves the cursor over play button on his laptop. Now to see if the audio actually saved… Sparks presses down on the touchpad on his laptop starting the playback, Peanut’s voice as well as Angel’s guitar going through his ears..

Breathe and I'll carry you away into the velvet sky
And we'll stir the stars around
And watch them fall away into the Hudson Bay
And plummet out of sight and sound…

Sparks removes the headphones on his ears and wears it around his neck, his smile still present on his face. Perfect. The audio is crystal clear and picked up Peanut, Angel, and her guitar... With a few key strokes and pounds of his touchpad, Sparks saves the recording onto his laptop. That makes six perfect recordings. Sparks looks up at the two dogs staring back at him with a smile. “Looks like you sound really good Peanut. You too Angel. You guys are going to rock it at the party.”

“Heh, please.” She looks in the Pointier’s direction. “Peanut’s singing is what’s going to rock the party. I know that he’ll be great on that stage on Sunday.”

Their friend’s face turns a slight shade of crimson, his paw coming up to scratch the back of his head. “Thanks guys…”

“No problem.” Sparks replies.

“Anytime.” Angel adds.

The Husky stands up from her stool, her guitar in hand as she comes up to the table. “Well, I’ve got to get going. Mom and dad wanted me back by dinner and it seems like it’s about that time.”

“Same.” Peanut follows, jumping off of the stage.

Sparks reaches out in his direction, thinking “Be careful!” almost blurting it out for everyone to hear. He looks at his arm, unaware of what to do. He takes a sigh. Put your arm down… You look like a crazy dog… He puts his arm down, looking down at his laptop. I guess I can pack up my laptop. I still need to listen to all of the recordings again. I can’t waste any time.

Just as Sparks is about to announce his leave, Peanuts voice fills the room. “I guess I should go. Wouldn’t want to keep anyone waiting…”

“Right you are…” Sparks says as his mind thinks about Tera waiting for him back at her house. He disconnects a couple more of the cables from his laptop and looks back up at his friend.

“I’ll see you at the party guys!”

“Wait!” Sparks yells to the door, “Don’t forget about before the party! We still have to test out the mics before you go on!”

“Don’t worry, I won’t.” He replies, almost mumbling. “I’ll see you later!” He repeats, waving.

“Cya!” Angel replies, waving back.

Sparks joins her, continuing until his friend leaves the room. I can’t believe how far he’s come… and he sounds phenomenal… The Cinnamon colored dog walks through the archway of the clubhouse, leaving Angel and Sparks to pack their things. This party will be the talk of the neighborhood. Sparks looks over at the Husky as another wire pops out of the laptop, the sound of a *thud* following it, seeing her acoustic guitar slip into a portable cloth case. Hmm… I wonder… “Hey Angel?” The Shepsky starts.

“Yeah Sparks?” She responds as she continues to fit the guitar fully inside its case.

“You mind if I ask a question?”

She zips up the rest of her guitar, placing it on an open space on the table. “I don’t mind. Sure.” She says with a smile, crossing her arms.

“When did you learn to play guitar? You’re so good at it.”

Sparks looks as the smile disappears from her face, her body stone as it remains motionless in front of him. Sparks’ mind goes awry as his heart suddenly feels heavy, his emotions running wild as his friend stares off into space. What… what’s going on… It’s almost the same way that I felt with Fox… Angel turns around as her back faces Sparks. Her muzzle then points to the ground as a frown could be seen on her face. “Is… Is something wrong Angel?” No response comes from his friend. I shouldn’t have asked her… “Listen Angel… I… I didn’t mean too--”

“No… it’s ok Sparks. It isn’t your fault. I… *sigh* It’s… it’s nothing… don’t worry about it.” She mutters, as a smile comes back to her face.

Sparks feels the heaviness of his heart again, his mind still wondering why he was acting this way. Then, his mind clicks. Is it… Angel? “Angel…” he starts, his paw resting on her shoulder as his body leans over the table. “If there’s something wrong, you can tell me. I’m all ears.”

The room fills with silence, Angel still staring at the ground with a frown. She needs to talk… I… I can feel it… She brings her paw up to her eye, wiping it softly back and forth. Sparks waits patiently for her to finish wiping away the tears from her eyes. “I learned how to play in Chicago… with my sister Anna…”

Sparks sits there with his head tilted, “I didn’t know you have a sister. How come I haven’t seen her before?” Angel again sits in silence, but now with a tear starting to fall from her face. “Angel?”

She lets out another sigh. “When I was adopted by mom and dad, they thought that I could use some company, so some time after they adopted another dog, my sister Anna. Heh, we used to get into all sorts of trouble together… we were called ‘The Terrible Twosome’. When we got a little bit older, we all moved to Chicago. The day we moved in, some cats decided to greet us and talk to us to get us more acquainted with the neighborhood. After that, some of the local dogs made fun of us for talking with those cats… so…” Angel’s paw comes up to her face then clenches as it comes back down. “I punched one of them… it felt so good. They must have noticed that she was the scared one... they kept on making fun of her about anything, even her appearance. I tried to tell her that it wasn’t true… I tried my best to bring her spirits up. It seemed to work.

“Then… about a year later… she… she went missing…” Angel wipes her eyes one more time, her breathing starting to quicken as she continues. “Mom and dad called the cops… we were all scared. But, when the cops finished up their investigation… they found that… that it was suicide… it was too much for her tender heart.” Her head falls into her paws as she starts to let out a few sobs. “I can’t stand bullies… because of them, my sister is gone. When… when I come into the neighborhood, I saw Bino making fun of a dog named Tiger and I couldn’t just let it slide. I just…” Angel stops suddenly. “Sorry. I went off…”

“It’s ok Angel. I’m… I’m sorry… I didn’t know that you had such a great sister… I’m so sorry.” Sparks comes over the table, his arm coming over her back and onto her shoulder. “When… when I was in New York, I met someone who was on the brink. A Border Collie named Emerald. When I first met her, she seemed almost dead… so lifeless… Then, when she was just about to bring her leg up to the balcony, I grabbed her arm and almost yanked her away from the 9-story drop. She told me how every time she tries to go and try to make friends, every dog tries to bully her around telling her that she’s a feline freak and all of that. She told me that these dogs torture her like this every single day with no end.

“And you know what the cause was? She just wanted to be happy with another cat, the only friend she had. Then the dogs got to her friend too, driving her away as well. They… actually liked each other too… She told me that she just wanted it to end. She was tired of all of the bullying… I told her that she wasn’t alone, that if she ever needed to talk at all, she could give me a call. I gave her a hug and she cried on my shoulder. After, she apologized about getting my fur all wet and we talked a little bit more together. I even got to know her a bit, we got to go sit down and talk about video games and stuff like that and even talked about our favorite music. She’s a lot like me now that I think about it…

“After the party, she told her mom and dad about her plans that night and how I helped her out of that situation. She also told her parents how great of a dog I was and how quickly we became friends. Her parents didn’t even know what to say… I… don’t know how or why, but I can make friends so easily and I just can’t think about how I would have felt if I would have never met that night.” Sparks pauses as a tear falls from his fur. “I can’t think about it. I think that I picked up that little trait because of my mom… she was such a kind dog… but I just honestly want to be the nicest pup I can be, for her.”

Angel clutches her locket, twisting it around in her paw. “Does that locket remind you of her?”

“Her picture is inside…” She opens the locket, revealing a picture of her sister. “It’s the one thing I have to keep her memory alive.”

Sparks couldn’t help but smile. “You’re lucky… at least you have your locket…”

Angel looks down again and closes her eyes. “I’m sorry Sparks… I didn’t--”

Sparks steps in front of Angel, his paws on her shoulders. “Please, don’t worry about it. At least you have your locket to keep the memory of her alive. And do me this favor…” He moves the paw holding the locket and move it towards her chest. “Keep her in your heart. Always. I’m slowly starting to forget my own mothers face and voice and I have nothing to remember her by except for the memories of when I was little. You have your locket. You’re lucky. Promise me that you will keep this with you forever and don’t be sad. Be happy that you got to know her, too and just remember that she loved you. Ok?”

Angel starts to tear up as she clutches the locket tighter, holding it tight against her chest. “I… I won’t. Thank you so much Sparks…” She wraps her arms around him, the locket returning to her chest as he does the same.

“You’re welcome Angel. And if you ever need to talk, I’ll be here.”

She lets out a sniffle. “You know, you’re too kind. Thanks again… *sigh* I keep forgetting that you’re only… what three? And you’re acting like you’re already an adult. It’s amazing.”

“Geeze… everyone keeps saying that… but thanks, I guess…”

“Heh, you’re welcome Sparks.” Angel sits back up and gets back on her feet. “I guess I should get going. It’s almost time for dinner. And you should too, don’t you have someone waiting?” She says as she puts on the straps of her guitar case with a smug smile.

“Yeah, I guess I should get going…” He packs up his computer into his side bag and rests it on his shoulder. The two head for the door of the club, making sure to hit the lights on the side of the wall before leaving. What a long night… I can’t wait to see Tera… Sparks lets Angel leave the building and closes the clubhouse doors behind him. “So, I guess I’ll see you Sunday?”

“I’ll see you Sunday.” She says softly.

Sparks gives Angel a hug goodbye and turns around to leave. I hope Angel feels better soon. I can still feel the sad vibes in the air… but not as strong. It’s almost as if--

“Sparks…” Angel calls out, Sparks turning back to her with a smile. “Thanks again…”

Sparks holds back a giggle. She’s so thankful… I guess I must’ve really helped her out. “You’re welcome Angel. Have a great night.”

“You too.” She says in a softer tone, turning away from Sparks with a wave.

He turns back around towards his house and begins his journey back to meet his girlfriend, his spirit happy knowing that he helped a good friend today.


I think I might bring a scarf next time… It’s starting to get cold out… Sparks lets out a small shiver as he approaches the door. At least I’m back home. I can say hi to Mom and Dad and talk with them for a sec, then I can make my way over to Tera’s. He puts his paw on the door, remaining motionless as his mind continues to ponder what happened today. How was I able to feel how both Fox and Angel felt… when they didn’t even say anything? How is that even possible… Sparks twists the door knob and pushes the door open revealing the hallway and the stairway before him. Maybe Tarot or Nyx will know whats up with me… “Hey Mom! Hey Dad! I’m home!” He yells towards the kitchen.

“Sparky!” A familiar voice sounds, a plethora of chuckles to follow.

Sparks stops in his tracks as he looks around, trying to find the source of the sound. *Owf!* He lets out as his body is pushed backwards, the feeling of a tight hug running through his mind. Orange and black fur… Heh, I wonder who this could be… He smiles as his arms wrap around the calico in front of him. “Hey Tera.”

The two break away slightly, their bodies still close as their muzzles come together for a kiss. The sound of *Aww’s* then fill the room as Sparks’ face turns a bright shade of red. They were not alone. The two break away from their moment, revealing the living room and two animals sitting on the ground and couch with a bowl of popcorn. He lets out a sigh, smiling as he recognizes one of the pets. “Hey Nyx.”

“Hello, ‘Sparky’.” She says with a smirk, sticking her tongue out.

Sparks walk over to the couch, Tera's paw wrapped in his as they stop. “So, I’m guessing that this is Hemera?” He points to the white furred dog in front of him.

“Mhmm.” The black Tabby stands up off of the floor and puts her paws on her hips. “Sparks, meet Hemera, Hemera, this is Sparks.”

“Nice to meet you.” Says the Pyrenees as she stands up off of the couch with a smile, giving a slight nod.

She’s as tall as Fox! Sparks smiles as he nods back. He and Tera sit down on the end of the couch, cuddling together as the animation of a metal submarine is shown on the TV going deeper into the ocean. Why does this scene seem so familiar… “Hey, guys… what movie is this? I think I know it from somewhere…”

“It’s Atlantis: The Lost Empire. It’s one of my favorites.” Tera chimes, hugging the Shepsky’s body tightly.

“Oh yeah… I remember! I loved that movie!”

“Yeah, it’s actually pretty good so far.” Hemera grins.

“Meh, its ok… but this popcorn is to die for though.” Nyx munches.

The group laughs as they dig in as well, watching the movie together as they get comfortable. I’ll talk with Nyx later, I love this movie… Nyx turns to Sparks, nodding her head. She must’ve heard me… Heh, gotta love telepathy.


The door slowly opens to reveal the large room in front of the brown colored dog. His fists and growling the only thing that could be heard in the darkness. Let’s shed some light on this little plan… He flicks the switch on the side of the wall, lighting up the entire area. The dog sneers as his body starts to move with his fists still clenching tightly. It’s time that I show Sparkles here that he’s not the only one who can take over… The sound of maniacal laughing fills the air as the floppy eared dog make his way to the stage, his own plan starting to unravel.


A/N: Hey guys! This chapter is the longest chapter to date scaling in at a whopping 62,040 characters! WOW. Maybe that’s why it took a month to make. x3

I would like to thank the people who kept my spirits up during the creation of this chapter, because without their support or help, I fear that I may have stopped the fic altogether. I hope you guys have enjoyed the fic so far and I hope that you guys have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! ^w^

As always, check out FoxRock’s fic, The Girl right here
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Yes please let Bino get his way just once.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by D3ath_0ps »

I don't know... His arrogance may get in the way... we'll wait and see though.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well every dog does deserve to have his day. That includes Bino.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by D3ath_0ps »

Indeed! Every dog should have their day, but right now, it doesn't seem like Bino will in the current position he's in... it's possible though.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I know I'm gonna sound a bit mean for saying that, but while I wanna see Bino get his day, I wanna see Fido take a giant fall also.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by FoxRocks »

Bino may get his way, but today is not the day! This plan is too awesome for him to destroy!
Buy a goat today!
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well can he get it in the near future then?
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by D3ath_0ps »

That depends if he can put aside his differences or not with the other pets in the Gardens.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That sort of takes away the whole point of why I want him to win if he accepts cats and cat lovers. Ignorance sometimes wins out in real life over common sense.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by D3ath_0ps »

I didn't say he HAS to accept them. All I mean is that if he can at least talk with Sparks and just put aside his biases for two seconds, maybe the two can understand each other and just come to a mutual agreement. After that, he can just go back to being Bino. ^^

He doesn't have to change, he just has to listen. Same with Sparks. Maybe they can learn something from each other!
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

And then he can kick Sparks out of the GODG? xD
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

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I'm not making any promises Dayzee. x3
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Think of it as a late Christmas present. To me! xD

Yeah I know. I'm joking.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by D3ath_0ps »

-Housepets! Home Stories-
=Chapter 8.5 - A Heavenly Interlude=

Why won’t you wake up… A brown furred dog thinks, holding the hand of the fox laying down next to her. She wipes away the excess tears from her face and looks at the fox with grief. It’s been months… I’m starting to worry… please… wake up. She clutches his hand tighter as she lets out a whine, unable to create anymore of the tears that have soaked into her fur. She moves his paw from the bed to her puffed out belly, the feeling of a slight kick disrupting her train of thought for a brief moment. We’re both waiting for you hon… please… just wake up. The dog moves both of their paws slowly up and down her stomach, her eyes fixated on his face. Please…

“Laelaps?” A familiar voice calls out from behind her, making her already flattened ears twitch slightly.

She moves the fox’s paw slowly from her belly and onto the bed as she looks behind her, recognizing the deity before her. “Oh… hello Kitsune…”

“Hey.” He says in a soft tone, showing a weak smile. She looks away as her eyes stare back at the fox laying before her, the sound of a chair filling the quiet room. “You ok?” Her eyes move towards the paw entwined in the fox's as she lets out a sigh. She shakes her head as a paw could be felt patting her back. The nine-tails sits beside her, letting out an almost silent sigh. “I’m sorry Lae… I can’t imagine how you’re feeling right now… Don’t worry… I know Cad will wake up. It’ll just take some time.”

Her free paw clenches tighter as another puff of air comes out of her. “Why did this have to happen… It doesn’t even make sense… Why would Apollo hurt him like this?! What is the little… that… CANARY up to!” She winces as another kick could be felt from her stomach area, Kitsune’s paws rubbing her back.

“Don’t worry Lae, we’ve got some of our best on the case. We’ll find him. The healers have done everything they can for Cadmean so far, now all there is to do is just wait. You should just take it easy, especially with the cargo you’re carrying.”

She looks at Kitsune, his face sporting a weak smile. “Are you sure?”

“I’m positive.” He smiles as he stands up out of his chair. “Come on, let’s get some fresh air. My cousin will be right here waiting for you when you get back. He’s not going anywhere in his condition.”

She frowns, letting out a sigh. “I guess.”

She stands up from her chair slowly, trying not to disturb the baby inside of her. The nine-tails lets her pass first, heading towards the door. The dog stops at the entrance of the room, looking back at Cadmean. Please… please wake up soon…

The two leave the room, a tear coming down her face as the thought of her mate continue to flood her mind.


A/N: Sorry for the short update today guys! I’ve just started school again and It’s been taking up most of my time. I’ll get to work on the next major update soon! Don’t worry, Sparks’ big moment’s coming soon! ^w^
Last edited by D3ath_0ps on Wed Jan 21, 2015 7:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Great addition to the story! I just really like how every really came out! Its nice put together! Wonderful job.
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Re: Houespets! Home Story: Sparks’ Beginning

Post by FoxRocks »

I look forward to the big moment... 8-)
Buy a goat today!