SRP: Terra Ridge - OOC

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SRP: Terra Ridge - OOC

Post by Roarin »

Character Stats:

Aliah Vasques
Health: 100
Hunger: 5
Thirst: 5
Stamina: 25
Status: None
Matches (10)
Strange Fruit (5)
18[ ]'s remaining
Robin Kailo
Health: 95
Hunger: 5
Thirst: 5
Stamina: 25
Status: None
Strange Fruit (5)
19[ ]'s remaining
Flynn Fram
Health: 100
Hunger: 5
Thirst: 5
Stamina: 25
Status: None
Strange Fruit (5)
19[ ]'s remaining
Mitchel “Scraps” Callahan
Health: 100
Hunger: 0
Thirst: 0
Stamina: 25
Status: None
Complimentary Beach Bag
[Complimentary water bottle (2)
Complementary sunscreen
Complementary granola bar (3)
Complementary towel]
Strange Fruit (5)
30 [ ]'s remaining
Health: 100
Hunger: 0
Thirst: 0
Stamina: 25
Status: None
Strange Fruit (5)
19[ ]'s remaining
Conrad “Wrench” Tenno
Health: 50
Hunger: 0
Thirst: 0
Stamina: 75
Status: None
Strange Fruit (5)
30[ ]'s remaining
Last edited by Roarin on Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:04 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by Roarin »

NPC List:
From the Cruise Ship:
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by Roarin »

(Thank you to Zander and Hyper for all the setup stuff and to the mods that let me...set up)

Are we all set? Yes? Then without further adieu. Ladies and gents, welcome to The Game. Lemme just run through the basic rules...
Please, do we really? Its only been a century since the last one.
I hope itsss not somewhere sssandy again...
Lets go already
Alright alright. I guess we can skip to character selection... Ok so, take your pick, ya got a whole cruise ship to choose from.

So far its been a relaxing cruise. Its your third day out of seven now, traveling around the Gulf of Mexico. On board with you are a whole slew of tourists, a bunch of businessmen, a few pets, and possibly a stowaway or two. Even though it was somewhat crowded it was all in all, a great ride. That movie you watched last night in the theater was pretty cool and the food was adequate (hey, you can't complain when its all you can eat, open 24/7). Your sitting or standing somewhere on the deck, playing in the pool, looking out at the sea, or just chilling on a lawn chair under one of those over sized umbrellas. It was basically picture perfect. Well, there was that kid who keeps squirting you with with a water gun every time he passes by but besides that, perfect.

A hour passed and the sky grew darker (which was weird because it was only eleven), Clouds passed over the sun, even the air seemed to get chillier. Drops of rain started pelting the people on deck. Murmurs of annoyance spread through the crowd as some took that as a signal to go back inside. But not you. What's a little rain gonna do to dampen your day? Suddenly the ship started rocking back and forth atop the undulating sea (and that kids, is why the railing is there). A high pitch screech came out of one of the speakers near you as it turned on. "Attention passengers. Please stay calm and quickly return to your rooms. We will inform you when the storm has passed." Some of the waves were now sweeping onto the deck. This would be where you run to safety. Despite the captain's insistent message to "Stay calm", not surprisingly, people weren't, pushing past you, trying to get inside. "Again, I repeat, please stay calm and return to your rooms in an orderly fashion. Stay, ca-" And that was it. The world seemed to disappear around you. All you remember was feeling something that resembled a hard slap in the face. Except a lot colder...and to your whole body (not just your face). The infinite blackness seemed to swallow you up as you drifted into nothingness.


Welcome to Terra Ridge, an old steampunk(ish) themed society inhabited by various animals that resemble the anatomy of those in the HP universe (where you guys came from). For some strange reason it always seems to be dark, a world illuminated by electric lights and torches (yay for watches). If you look up you can see the pitless abyss of black that always hangs above those who reside in this world. Hardened dirt and stone always seem to be under your pads and various towns and places are all strangely connectd by long natural tunnels. Its a moderately cool climate, one of the only indications of time (excluding clocks and watches) was that it got warmer in the morning and progressively colder as the evening swung by.


Win Conditions: Survive Terra Ridge and find a way back to your world

Everyone will have a “Health”, “Hunger”, “Thirst” and “Stamina” meter, the status of these meters will be reflected through a number ranging from 1 to 100 (100 for stamina and health is good, 100 for hunger and thirst is...not so good)

Health Meter - Refers to the wellness of your character. Health is replenished by resting when the Hunger and Thrist meters are not in the Danger level (75-100 = Danger level). It is actively decreased when any other meters enter negative levels, when the character is harmed and various other health detrimental effects such as chills, sickness and poison. When your health reaches 0, you collapse and if not rescued by 2 hours, you lose the game. After being rescued, if care is not given within 2 hours of the rescue, you lose the game. After 6 hours of care, you are restored to 25% health.

Hunger Meter - Refers to the fullness of the character. Hunger is decreased by eating and it increases by time.

Thirst Meter - Refers to the hydration of the character. Hydration is replenished by drinking water, juices, soup and some other forms of liquids. Thrist increases with time.

Stamina Meter - Refers to the available energy of the character. Stamina is replenished by resting when the Hunger and thirst meters are not in the Danger level (75-100) And replenishes slower in the Caution level (50-75). It is actively decreased by performing actions, with the decrease varying with the action performed.

Social Status: Fame and infamy will be scored based on certain actions a player takes. It will begin at neutral 0 and will move up or down from then on. This is how the general public of the game will see the character and will determine events and NPC interactions further in the game
---------------(These meters will be adjusted loosely every 3-5 turns)-------------------

Moving on to Action Modifiers

Most actions performed during the RP are directly influenced by the stat points allocated to their corresponding stats. These actions are rolled with a 20 sided die and the result is added to the success modifier provided by your stat allocation as given by the following table:

|Points | Modifier
|5____|__±0_ |
|6 -7__|__+1_ |
|8 - 9_ |__+3_ |
|10___|__+5_ |

The total is then compared to the next table denoting the result of your character’s action.

1 ≥ - Catastrophic Failure
2 - 4 - Complete Failure
5 - 9 - Salvageable Mistake
10 - Nothing Happens
11- 15 - Minimally Successful
16-19 - Expected Result
20 ≤ - Overly Successful

Do note however that there are certain actions that will be fulfilled no matter how unsuccessful the roll is, it’s the overall effect that the “success” denotes. There are also actions that will be impossible to fulfill (trying to fly and such) , the dice roll determining the consequence of the action

Mass Effect
(Wonder where i got that idea from... hmm...)

Over the course of the RP players will be faced with a bunch of choices, some seeming inconsequential, some that are pretty major. But all of those small choices (even ones that seem really meaningless and small, carries some weight in the overall gameplay of this RP.
Err... ok, here's an example. Your trying to get into some kinda building right? But there's a guard in your way (for some reason Skyrim pops into my mind when i think of this). There's an infinite amount of options. Sneaking around him, attacking him, bribe, persuasion. Lets say you attacked him. You won, got the stuff you needed and left. And say you just knocked him out right? If you were to go back to that place you'd find it more guarded, people around the vicinity will talk about it for a few days and if the guy catches your face you might see it plastered on a wanted posterboard( etc etc etc).
Each choice a player makes in the game will have ripple effects. So yeah...Careful wat yeh do( and hopefully i can keep up with all this stuff...)


Characters will be able to carry 20 item [ ]'s on their person and an additional item per hand while certain “container items” like backpacks would increase the player’s total carrying capacity. The clothes currently worn by the character and personal items do not count towards the inventory.
Item Block: An item block is a standard unit of measure used to define how much space/capacity a certain item takes. Small items take up few blocks while large items take up more
Small items: Will be grouped in 10's. (10) of an item will fill up a single block.
Large Items: A single large item will fill up a single block
Key Items: Key items will not take up any blocks. Key items include personal effects as well as obtained unique items.
Having an item “on hand” penalizes the character on reflex checks that involves the use of the hands although he/she may choose to drop the item in the course of the action, the dropped item may suffer consequences that result from it being dropped.
Passing items from one character to another involves offering the item to the other character. The recipient must then accept the item in his/her post before the item is legally passed.
Weight of items will also be a factor, decreasing the players stats and increasing stamina depletion

Posting Rules and In-Game Time

With the above said (Action Modifiers), please leave your posts open ended in events where an action (such as moving a rock, checking under a rock, catching a flying rock) is performed such as with the following example.
Wondering what it was headed his way, the plusvier opened its maw and readied to chomp.
A post of at least once a day is requested but not required. However, if you fall behind in posting, time will continue to run its course and being absent from the RP for a long period of time will cause your character to be at a disadvantage. Take note that time will run by how time is spent and not by the number of posts. Conversations will take very little time while traveling would eat up time very quickly.

While there is no post rotation, not posting for 72 hours while it's your turn would put you in an "inactive" status.
The player is them regarded as missing and may be replaced by another player who is willing to control the character.

There will be a limit of 5 posts per individual in a group of character before they must wait for others to catch up / post

Rests will always take up one (1) hour and groupings will be split if a member does not agree to resting when another member proposes it.

In-game Daytime is 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM.


There will be a number of NPCs that players can interact with. All will be controlled by me. NPCs won't have visible meters but each will have unique personalities and histories. As time moves along and based on players progress through the game, NPCs locations will change throughout the day. (If the NPCs is not affected by an event his/her scheduled locations will not change. For example if he/she is outside a house at 3:00 P.M. and at a tavern at 6;00, they will keep within their routine until something changes it.) Progress in the story can determine the viewpoint of certain NPCs towards a character.

And Finally! Character Creation

Its highly advised that your party be as diverse as possible (it would make for the most success in the game) so if say someone has lots o strength, itd be best to stray from that...

Name: <Your character’s name>
Species: <Your character’s species, this will slightly affect the RP>
Specialization: <Your character’s specialized field of interest,if any (can range from medicine to cooking and anything in between)>
Appearance: <What does your character look like? This includes your starting clothes. Pics are acceptable too>
Personality: <Your character's general view towards life, likes dislikes, the usual attitude stuff>
History/Background <Your character's past and any notable info of the character's background>
Strengths and Weaknesses <Stuff your character is good at handling (fishing, speaking, etc etc) and stuff your character does not handle well (spiders, water, lifting heavy objects)>
Morality(moar ME stuff): <Paragon, Neutral, Renegade. Just to get an idea of where you stand. Their not meant to be extremes. Renegade would just mean your more prone to be alittle more rebellious or somewhat self centered. In the end, interpretation is all up to you
Color <All that cool dialogue stuff>
The SPECIAL system would be used in this SRP and players are given 42 points in making their characters. The minimum allocation for a stat is 1 and the maximum is 10 with 5 being the “average” character capability.

A shallow explanation for the stats ~
Strength - Determines the capability of the character in performing physical tasks. Strength affects the checks on physical tasks.
Perception - Determines the prowess of the character in observation. Perception affects the checks on search or detection.
Endurance - Determines the fitness of the character. Capacities of Health, Hunger, Hydration and Energy meters are affected by this stat.
Charisma - Determines the charm of the character. The charisma stat would determine the results of interactions with NPCs.
Intelligence - Determines the cunning of the character. Depending on the allocation to this stat, certain inventions/innovations would be available, and crafting an object that would require intelligences higher than you possess would result in the creation being defective.
Agility - Determines the quickness of the character. Agility affects the checks that involves reflexes.
Luck - Determines how lucky the character is. Has various effects throughout the course of the RP

Other Notes

So, yeah... What else...

The player cap on this here SRP is gonna be 6 as the max and we need at least four to start

Note that there will be moderate violence and possible deaths but descriptions and graphics will be kept under the PG-13 rating

Questions, Comments, Concern, Clarifications or Typos? Please post or PM and I will try to clear things up.

So thats it...basically. If your interested, reserve a spot and if I get enough people I can get this SRP up and running. Thanks :D

Spots so Far:
serence ice fox

Max of 0 spot(s)left
Last edited by Roarin on Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by Roarin »


I will make the IC once everyone has posted their characters here! ^_^

7/5: Inventory update! - Information in the "Inventory" section of the main post has been changed concerning the way items that are stored will be handled. Please check it out. If you have any questions, comments, or complaints plz do not hesitate to ask ^_^
Last edited by Roarin on Tue Aug 05, 2014 4:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by ~\Rook/~ »

Alrighty then, here's my character:
Character sheet wrote: Name: Aliah Vasques
Species: Persian Longhair (Cat)
Specialization: Acrobatics
Appearance: Long fur, light grey with slightly darker tabby stripes along slender built body and tail. Eyes are a pale mint green. instead of a collar, wears a leather strap around wrist with a rising sun as the tag hanging from it.

Personality: Calm, confident yet very soft spoken, Aliah tends to be a follower rather than a leader. She enjoys gymnastics, and sometimes even takes up some dancing. Although quiet, she can sing very well, and most people enjoy her singing.
When you get to know her, she can be a joy to be around, and she never forgets her friends.

Background: Born in Iran, yet shipped at a young age to France, Aliah was adopted by Sylvia Vasques, a locally well-known gymnastics teacher. Sylvia would bring along Aliah to her classes, which inspired her to learn also. After a few years of practice, Aliah was well on her way to becoming an amateur gymnast, if she were allowed to compete.. When she was told she would be unable to become a professional, she was heartbroken.. Sad to see Aliah like this, Sylvia thought it'd be nice to have a vacation..

- Educated in advanced Gymnastics
- Very Athletic
- Easily scared by loud noises
- Is Claustrophobic

Morality: Neutral

S - 4 "H-help me move this, s'il vous plaît!"
P - 7 "Nono, that is just a spin, not a pirouette.."
E - 5 "I will not run for long, Monsieur..
C - 3 "U-um, Bonjour.. My name is Aliah..
I - 6 "Savoir, c'est pouvoir, as madame Sylvia would say.."
A - 10 ".. Repli avant de rouler, arc de retour.."
L - 7 "I once found an old coin.. That is lucky, oui?"

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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by hypernovatic »

Name: Robin Kailo
Species: Toyger (Cat)
Specialty: Stealth
Appearance: Robin is shorter than most cats. He has brown fur covered with black stripes. Robin wears a black bandana over his eyes and an orange collar with a shuriken tag around his neck. His left eye is ice blue and his right eye is amber. He also wears a black hoodie.

Personality: Because he grew up by himself, Robin has a habit where he speaks to himself, even when he's around other people. He is generally nice, unless you try to hurt him or his friends. He is also very hyper and bounces around a lot. He uses his hearing and smell to locate things since he wears a bandana over his eyes.

Background: Robin was abandoned as a kitten. He was the runt of the litter, and his mother decided he wasn't worth the time and effort. He's spent just about all of his life by himself. He found his bandana and hoodie in an alleyway one day and decided to keep them. Ever since, Robin has worn the bandana over his eyes and now mainly relies on hearing. He has also worn his hoodie ever since. One day, he saved up enough money and decided to go on a vacation.

Strengths and Weaknesses:
-Can blend into the shadows really well.
-Is very handy with a knife.
-Is very claustrophobic
-Relies mainly on hearing and smell.

Morality: Neutral

S-5 "Eh, I don't do a lot of lifting, but I'm not weak either."
P-5 "Hearing and smell do just about as much for me as sight would."
E-7 "I run around a lot." ^w^
C-6 "People like me a bit more than most."
I-5 "I'm average when it comes to knowing things."
A-8 "I can run very fast."
L-6 "I once found a 5 dollar bill lying around."

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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:Name: Flynn Fram
Species: cat
Specialization: persuasion. he can use his charisma to bring people to help him in almost any endeavor.

appearance: His fur is black with white fur in the shape of a V from his shoulders until about half way down his chest. his eyes are blue. He's fairly small. He likes to wear a grey fedora like the old time mobsters. he also has a red collar with a tag shaped like a diamond. He often puts on a large smile like Max's and he can usually be seen chewing a toothpick.

Personality: His personality is that of an old time scam artist- fast talking and complimentary. He knows just what to say to get someone on his side, and uses this skill without prejudice. If he's talking to you, chances are you have something he wants. If you're a female and he's talking to you, chances are you are something he wants. He's a real jerk, but most people don't realize this until he gets what he wants.

History/background: His first owner was a small time scam artist in the streets of the city, and Flynn learned the tricks of the trade. Eventually, he was on his own in the streets when his owner got arrested. He used his skills to avoid getting thrown in the pound for about a year before he got caught. He then used his skills to get into the home of the first well-off looking family that came in looking for a pet. Since then, he's been living on easy street with Mr. and Mrs. Fram.

Morality: renegade. He only cares about others when it's convenient to him.


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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by Roarin »

Lots of felines in this one :P
Everything looks good, accepted!
Once serence posts a character we'll be good to go!
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by Serence Frostbite »

I actually still thinking about my character for a bit , and kind of busy the last few days as well ^^' , sorry guys , will post a CS as soon as possible
I'm tempting to use Muiva here , but that would create some really confusing time-traveling stuff :lol:
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by Roarin »

No problem, take your time ^_^
Could always throw Nadia in here ;) wonder how she'd fair compared to her wolf-counterpart.
But either way, I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by Seth »

Let me know if I missed anything or my math is off. But I think this should be good.
Post Re: SRP: Terra Ridge OOC
Name: Mitchel “Scraps” Callahan
Age:6 in pet years (about 21 in human years)
Species: Bull terrier
color:this work?
Specialization: Fighter

Appearance: An all white Bull terrier. Wears a gray hoodie dominated by a Distillers Back patch. He wears a black flag patch on his right shoulder and a Nails patch on his left. One can easily see that he is a dog that has spent his life fighting. He has a large scar on his muzzle, is missing one of his front teeth and a couple other teeth, and he has a nasty scar on his right front paw.

Personality: Scraps has spent a good chunk if his life living on the streets and as a result is a bit rough around the edges. He is very blunt in his manner of speaking and while he remains open to making new friends trust is harder for him. However when he finds a group to his liking he can be fiercely loyal almost to a fault. Has a quick temper. Is weary of authority figures and does not take kindly to those who take advantage of others.

History/Background : Scraps was adopted at a young age by a nice elderly woman he simply refers to as mom. The first couple years of his life were great but when she died Scraps was sent to live with her son Eric. Eric was abusive towards scraps and treated him more like a butler than a pet. When he was about 4 he decided to run away from home and settled in the first big city he came across. He debated turning himself in to animal control but didn’t want to risk being returned to Eric. About a month after running away he met a pair of homeless dogs, Sid and Jon. They offered him a place to sleep for the night, he was taken in by the group of squatters that owned Jon and Sid and lived with them in various abandoned buildings throughout the city. Along the way he developed his own code of ethics and a love of punk rock. He was always willing to stand up for his friends and ended up in a lot of fights. At first he didn’t really know how to handle himself and took a lot of lumps. But as the Years went on he became more and more adept at fighting to the point where he was known throughout the homeless community as one of the toughest dogs around. He quickly earned the nickname scraps (a reference to his scrappiness and his ability to scrounge for food). When times were particularly bad he turned to stealing. One day he was caught shoplifting and ended up getting chased by the police, he was having trouble losing them so when he saw a boat being loaded he hid in an open crate. As he waited for the coast to clear the crate was closed and loaded onto the boat. By the time he broke out he found himself in the store room on the cruise ship. He did his best to blend in during the day and slept in the store room at night, he was on the deck enjoying his lunch when the ship disappeared.

Fearless fighter, he’ll literally fight anyone if he needs to.
High pain tolerance
Can turn anything into a joke
Good at scrounging and improvising in urban environments
He’ll fight anyone even if he knows he’ll be beaten badly
Not very educated

Morality: Not particularly fond of rules and/or laws. But he does have a strict personal code. Once he’s decided where he stands on an issue it can be near impossible to persuade him to think differently.

Strength : 8
Perception : 8
Endurance: 7
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 4
Agility: 6
NAILS_BACKPATCH.jpg (107.68 KiB) Viewed 37895 times
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distillers_back_patch_by_pigscale-d6p7t7h.jpg (134.03 KiB) Viewed 37895 times
Last edited by Seth on Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

serence ice fox wrote:I'm tempting to use Muiva here , but that would create some really confusing time-traveling stuff :lol:
You mean Flynn not recognizing her?
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by Serence Frostbite »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:You mean Flynn not recognizing her?
kind of like that yeah , since Flynn was here before he came to Snow tunnels , and remembers being here , he would've recognized Muiva if they met here first right? But he didn't . on the other hand , if Muiva came from Snow tunnel , and duel to that whole time suspending thing , appear here later , she would've remembered Flynn , but he wouldn't because in his timeline , they haven't met yet , effectively make it looks like Muiva just traveled back in time :lol:

I could take Nadia in here like Roarin suggested though , since she does have a kind of mystical-ish background as well
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by Roarin »

Nadia would have some interesting tales to tell the gang if she got sucked into TR ;p (or would that be before she lived in Richmond Acres?)
Either way, it's up to you to pick a person ^_^
Earlier I posted in the Main OCC that'd I'd be gone from the 10-11th to the 13-14th. And sadly the woods doesn't have any wifi... So based on that the RP should officially be on target to begin the 14th of August!
And Seth! Your character is accepted! Your stats count is 41 though, so (if I added correctly) you're welcome to put another point into your S.P.E.C.I.A.L!
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Sorry for the delay , this is kind of my character sheet for now , will add and fix it up later on ^^"

Name : Nadia
Species : arctic fox
Gender : female
Age : 7 human years (24 pet year)
Specialization : fighter

Appearance :
a normal white fox , with a scar at her right rib , dark brown eyes . She wears a brown collar with a snowdrop as the tag . She's rather tall and thin , but not physically weak , having more of a slender body type , and even though having fought a lot in her wild days , looking at her everyone would think she had more of an easy life with no hard working at all . She also wield a dark green crytal double spear

Personality : Nadia is a ,stubborn ,short-tempered kind of fox , easily irritated , and prone to violence , yet behind these shortcoming is a caring fox who only wants people around her to be able to have a happy life , well , the innocent ones anyway . Though she’s not actively against rules , laws and the sorts , Nadia will not hesistate to break any and all the rules if following them means her friends or anyone else would suffer a consequence they didn’t deserve . She’s also the kind willing to risk her life for others , but would get mad instead if anyone else does the same for her . On the other hand , Nadia’s also the kind to hold grudges , if she feels like someone’s betrayed her , they better have a good explaination for her when she meet them again , or they will be spending the next few weeks in a hospital , if they’re extremely lucky , and no she’s not gonna forgive them after that.

Back story:
Leaving her homeland 4 years ago to search for her sister after a disastrous event , Nadia eventually succeed in her search in some way and decided to settle down in a small town with her human partner , waiting for the day she can reunite with her sister . One day , she sudden found herself waking up on a cruise ship , and had to either hide or blend in with the other passager , since stowing away is already a crime , not to mention carrying a weapon . Soon her luck turned for the worse when a storm hit the ship , and everything is just a blur after that.

Strength :
-good in combat
-can take quite a bit of pain
-can detect enemies/attacks most of the time
- not that sensitive
- stubborn
- Have something against all kind of laws , rules , and hate being told what to do

Morality : renegade , because of her way of valuing life more than order , she would willingly go against the law and everyone who's standing in her way .

S : 7
P : 7
E : 8
C : 3
I : 6
A : 8
L :3

soooo what do you guys think ? :P
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by Roarin »

Awesome! Approved!
Wooh we're clear to start! I'll post a topic in the IC sometime today. Please make an intro post and wait for a response (this will establish your location, your situation, etc.). There is no posting order but to ensure we're all running in the same timeline no more than three posts per 'group' of peeps if someone hasn't posted recently.
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by Seth »

I think in Non-sequiturs

"I told you not to put metal in the science oven! What'd you do that for?"

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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by Serence Frostbite »

yay :D
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by Roarin »

During this short introductory period rolls will not be used (mostly because it will consist do dialogue...)
As I'm sure you've noticed already posts are separated into separate quote boxes with respective character names on it. You are discouraged from reading the responses for other players (don't destroy the illusion guys >_<) and responses for groups will have a quote box titled with all the recipients names.

Questions, comments, concerns?
And yay!
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

as the mod covering this RP, I need to destroy the illusion. Sorry Roarin :P
I can keep my knowledge separate from the character's though.
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by Serence Frostbite »

seems good so far ^^ , I'll try not to read other character's responses.....but , ya know :lol:
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by Seth »

Hey, I realize my post is in them wrong color. But that's a pain to fix on my phone. So I'll fix it tonight when I'm home. Sorry it's kinda hard to read.
I think in Non-sequiturs

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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by Roarin »

Once you guys start moving around the intro phase will end and I'll be more hands on. ^_^
Be sure to leave your posts open ended for dice rolls.
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by Serence Frostbite »

ok then , gotcha ^^
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OCC

Post by Roarin »

Hey guys! I do apologize for the lateness of the post few posts, settling into college has been preoccupying most of my days but slowly it's been settling down. Anyways I have some announcements/suggestions to make.

- Characters stats pages will be filled in at the top of the forum and stats and items will be updated

- To make it easier to access this info I'll put a link in my signature so you can kinda just *click* to it

- And finally I was wondering: I know the format for posting has changed for me, partly because it is easier doing the bold title instead of drag n quote on my phone but would just like to know if you guys like the old way better? Or is it okay if I stick with what I'm doing right now?

All updates are planned to be done by the end of this day PST.

Thanks ^_^
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OOC

Post by Serence Frostbite »

I think it's OK to stick to this one , if it's more convenient for you ^^
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OOC

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

I just corrected the title of the OOC since for a while it said OCC. It was bothering me :P
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OOC

Post by Roarin »

Wah it was ?! >///< Thank you very much for the fix.
I got the stats sheet and the sig down!. A bit late I know... My relationship with due dates are horrible *headdesk*
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OOC

Post by Roarin »

Hello hello guys! Sorry again for my absence(s) again, but with college out of the way and 24 hours of free time I am officially back!

In other news I have gotten around to updating the inventory of each character. I'll add in the [block] inventory system tomorrow and get a visual map down too as well as add a "known NPCs" list as well! ^w^
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OOC

Post by Serence Frostbite »

heh , welcome back XD , and don't worry too much about it , I know how horrible college life can be :P
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OOC

Post by Roarin »

Heyo guys! ^w^
Blocks: I added the blocks system to the Player's status menu. And here the blurb I inserted into the Main post to update the info
Characters will be able to carry 20 item [ ]'s on their person and an additional item per hand while certain “container items” like backpacks would increase the player’s total carrying capacity. The clothes currently worn by the character and personal items do not count towards the inventory.
Item Block: An item block is a standard unit of measure used to define how much space/capacity a certain item takes. Small items take up few blocks while large items take up more
Small items: Will be grouped in 10's. (10) of an item will fill up a single block.
Large Items: A single large item will fill up a single block
Key Items: Key items will not take up any blocks. Key items include personal effects as well as obtained unique items.

Having an item “on hand” penalizes the character on reflex checks that involves the use of the hands although he/she may choose to drop the item in the course of the action, the dropped item may suffer consequences that result from it being dropped.
Passing items from one character to another involves offering the item to the other character. The recipient must then accept the item in his/her post before the item is legally passed.
Weight of items will also be a factor, decreasing the players stats and increasing stamina depletion
NPC List: I also added an NPC list. As of now there is only one... But rest assured the list will grow!

If anyone has any questions or tips to improve the current system please comment >w<
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OOC

Post by The Moon Howler »

Which incarnation of TR is this and is there even a remote chance for this SRP to accept a late-comer?
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OOC

Post by Serence Frostbite »

The Moon Howler wrote:Hello!
Which incarnation of TR is this and is there even a remote chance for this SRP to accept a late-comer?
well if I'm correct then this is the 2nd incarnation of this RP , and it just got started , everyone just woke up and met each other for the night , soooo I hope there's still room , you might wanna poke Roarin about that though
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OOC

Post by The Moon Howler »

Well, I'm gonna listen to your advice and pm Roarin. Hopefully, there might be room for another.

Edit: Talked to Roarin and prepped a character.

Name: Conrad “Wrench” Tenno

Species: European Wolf

Gender: male

Age: 7 human (25 pet years)

Specialization: Tech-savvy

Appearance: Lean and tall. His fur color is white. Amber eyes. He wears ID tags (on a chain) around his neck. Usually wears black tank top and urban camo pants that don’t restrict his movement. He usually uses black leg-wraps for his feet and black fingerless gloves. Sometimes he wears black sail-cloth jacket with a hood (that was later added to it) with a good amount of pockets on it.
He always carries a Wrench and two screwdrivers in a pocket on his pants (right hip).

Personality: Conrad may sometimes be overly-dedicated to his work, but aside from that he’s calm, centered and incredibly patient. He likes to think things through and prefers to stay open minded about almost everything.
His heart is as big as his brains and he can easily forgive others if there’s no harm done in the end, though he won’t hold a grudge otherwise.

History/Background: Thanks to the large human family that took him in, he was surrounded his entire life by all kinds of mechanical, engineering and other technological wonders a young pup could ever see at his age.
With years, the family stood together, never breaking apart, they shared everything, which helped Conrad become what he is now.
However, the family’s business started to fall with time and they were forced to switch places several times, but shortly after everything became stable once again and more – they were hired as maintenance crew on a cruise ship…

Loyal, determined, handy with instruments, good (and usually quite careful) at tinkering with tech

Sometimes too stubborn to listen to reason
Too honest at times

Morality: Neutral

Color 8000FF


Strength – 6
Perception – 7
Endurance – 5
Charisma – 5
Intelligence – 8
Agility – 6
Luck – 5
I am The Moon Howler - the being with no exact form. I serve the Moon Goddess and in return, she gives me my muse and my shape.

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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OOC

Post by Serence Frostbite »

I wonder what happened to Roarin....
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OOC

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

he may have real life issues in his way.
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OOC

Post by Roarin »

Hey guys! Seems like I dropped off the radar again... I thought this semester would be lighter but it seems to be the opposite. Nowadays i find myself going to school at 10 and coming home 12 hours later >w< feeling a bit drained from the day... The fact of the matter is, coupled with work and a kind of hectic family life, I cannot promise regularly scheduled updates, but I will whenever I can find the time. And I have a great time playing with you guys so I will keep on doing this as long as you guys reply and respond in the thread ^w^

And in regards to the RP.
Moonhowler: Your character is accepted, welcome to Terra Ridge! I'll have an introductory post up for your character soon!
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OOC

Post by Serence Frostbite »

don't worry Roarin , I know that feeling , hang in there buddy ^^"
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OOC

Post by Civilization »

Is there room for one more player?
Currently traveling across the United States. Still up for any conversations though.
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Re: SRP: Terra Ridge - OOC

Post by Roarin »

Sure thing! Hop on in and create a character!
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